The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 73 No 4, Nov 14, 1996

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s e htinel

The rarely explored artform of tat1oos.

See Page 12

The Student Newspaper of North Idaho College

Thursday.Nov. 14, 1996

Volume 73, Number 4

Election fills board of trustee positions Chamberlain, Widmyer discuss goals by Debora Tice Sentinel Reporler

Local politicians weren't the only changes during the national election Nov. 5. The Lide also swept through NlC. Sieve Wtdmycr nnd Barbara Clwnbcrlain were elected a~ the new NIC Boord of Trustee members. They will fiU the scats vocatcd by Betty Mclain nnd Nonn ~ L The new lruSICeS wiU take offtre in Janua,y of ·en.

Widmyer~a 34-year resident of Coeur d' Alene, and Chnmbcrlain. who has li ved in Coeur d' Alene since 1985. will remain on the board for six years. During that time they will have a voiing say in all mailers of the college. They join Bob Ely, Jeane Givens nnd Sue Thilo. who are prescnily bonrd members. Widmyer has been married for 10 years, ru1d he and his wife. Marie, have

four children, boys ngcs 8 and 9 and I !month-old twin girls. Widmyer works at the Coeur d' Alene Resort, where he is the chief financial officer and controller. He hM been wi th the resort since it opened nnd has worked for the Hagadone Corp. for 14 years. He and his wife also own and operale Cougar Bay Trading Co. and Marie's Boutique. He graduated from Coeur d'Alene High School in 1978 nnd anended NIC for two years. He Lhcn

:mended the U of I, where he received his bachelor's degree in accounting. He received his MBA in Coeur d'Al ene through the UI. Widmyer served 11 ve years on the board of directors for United Way of Kootenai County. including a year as president. He was on the Citizen ·s Advisory Comminee for Athletics nt NIC, and is a staunch supporter of the Booster Club. Chamberlain is n native of Idaho. She

See Trustees, Page 2

Proposition 1 defeated; schools continue as usual by Shannon Horwood News Editor The failure of the One Percent Initiative did not start in Kootenai Count y. In fact, 5 1 perceni of voters approved tl1c mit iativc, but in the end it wa,) defcaied by 127.000 votes statewide. Rolly Jurgen~. dean of admini,tnuion nt NIC, called his reaction "ecsrn1ic." "Cuning programs 10 lower property 1:1x is fine until it's your program thm's gcning cut,'' Jurgen, said. Ron author of the iniLintive. beat out Democratic candidate Chuck Sheroke for Kootenai County Comm1ssioncr. Rankin stated that he would be back in January with o revised version of the One Percent. In other proposition results. Initiative 2 (bear hunting) failed by nearly I00.000 votes. The "Stop the Shipments" proposition (Initiative 3) was shot down by 123,779 votes and Proposition 4 (term limits) was npproved by 55,000 votes.

photo by Kat Yockey

Bowl• of,,_,... Entries are closely compared by photography Instructor Phil Cortis during the annual Chili Coolcoff In the Kootenai Room. Jerry Gee and the Offic6 of Instruction won with their -Blazing Saddles· chi/I.




Alaska trip highlights auction.

'Glass Menagerie' opens to favorable reviews.

Cross country team is headed ior national competition.



Page 14

Did you know?...

Page 2

The Sentinel is on the Internet.

Thursday, Nov. 14, 1996

The NIC Sentinel

Campus News

People Auction a success


Alumni raise $3,500 toward student book scholarships


and c,1 izen~ donu1ed goods :ind services for 1he auclion. S1udcn1~ who lind 1hc1mclvc~ For S20. an auc1ion-a1tcndcr ,1ruggling 10 pay for books will purchased gardening advice from have .1 chnncc 10 rccc, vc u book English lns1ructor Len Ma1tci and ,cholar~h ,p for 1hc ,pring lunch wi1h her al T i1o·s. ~OU!,tC( Prc~idcm Benncu purchui,cd 111c NIC Alumni As)OCialion 1hree dinner packages. including held ,is .,nnunl People·, Auc1ion n fivo-cou r~c llnlinn nouvelle cui,111c dinner for four prcpured Oct 25. 11,c apprm.irnah! S3.S0Cl by Kiri.. Koenig. chef. cookbook r.11,cd will be u,cd 1oward lhc wri1cr and dircc1or of ndmis~ions. ""ocia1ion', houl.. fund. Book S1udc111 lvnnka Suvcg ,c:holar,h,p, of $100 will be con1 nbu1cd a homemade s1uffcd given 10 4uulifying ,1ullonis 111 cabbnge dinner for four. Jan uary. mcluding porn1ocs wuh herb Mary Jo Whuc .111d Jule h1111cr and lemon bar~. Mueller. co,ehoirper,on, of 1hc Bcnncu also purcha,cd 1hi~ a\\ocia11011·, ,ocial com11111tec. meal for S40, $15 mon.: 1hun said lhc: idea for selling ,crv,cc, whu1 ii wa, valued. ''l know lvnnkn. :ind sh.:\ a 10 ra"c money for bool.. ,cholur-:hip, ha~ never been done. 1crrilic cook."' Benneu snid. "S1udcn1, c:111 gc1 ~cholar,.hip~ Ouwn Atwater. 1he NIC for 1u11io11, bu1 1101 for book, ," Alumni and Annu al Fund Mueller ,a,d coordinn1or. 1101only provided NIC in,1ruc1or~. leaden.hip 10 1hc auc1ion, she also nd mi111,1ra10I'>. )ludcnl$, alumni dona1cd her as~is1ancc in b)' Jeannelte Goh l

S1'11l111t'I R<•111,r1e,

Trustees; from Page 1 1, 1wcnll) divon:-1.-d nnd ha, 1wo children. 5-yt•ar·old K.11ic nnd 2-yenr-old Laura. When ,he i, 1101 bu~y wi1h her children. ,he opcr:11cs her bu\lnc,s, Page Works Public.111<111, She gr:idua1cd 111 1980 from Umvcrs11y Hi1Jh School and front WSU wi1h b.1chclors· degrees tn Engli,h and lingui,1ic,. She ,~ purwmg a mn~tcr. in puhlic ndn11nts1r:11ion .u EWU. She ha, served on lht.' board of direc1ors for Coun-Appom1cd Special Advoca1cs .md on 1hc board of 1hc Nonh Idaho Mu-.eum. The board l)f 1ru~1cc, ha, 1hc power 10 chungc polidc~. prc"dc111s. procedure~ and b\1dgct, and ;1ppoi111 or di~mi.._, employees •md detcn111nc employee con1p,msa1 i,,n nnd ,.1l:1ric,, ll i, 1hcir duty 10 .tcqmrc. hold and di,po~ of personal propeny. 10 engage 111 and 1111plcmcn1 long mnge plnnning for NIC.10 add. enhance or dcle1c classes. and lo require ruid consider presidc111ial rcpons on 1he condilion of the

cons1ruc1ing a personal resume. Curi Nelson, srnr-gazcr and physics and engineering mMruc1or. brough1 In $45 wi1h his dona1cd service of an evening cx plora1ion of 1hc srnrs. Dinner for six prepared by A1wa1cr was also a piece of 1h1s package. The mos1expensive 11cm up for bid was a lhree-day fishing 1rip for two 10 Si1ka, Alaska, which incl uded food. lodging and ull 1ram,por1a1ion wlu lc in Sitku. The trip was donated by Norm Soward,, foundniion bonrd member and Coeur d ·Alene Wcsl Compnny. Sue Pis1oriu,, alumna. paid SSO{l for 1hc 1rip. which wn, valued m $ 1,500. "I 1hough1 ii wa~ u very good dea l." Pi~1oriu, said. She purchnscd 1hc m p as u surprise anniversary prcsenl for her husband.

college and the program~ i1 offers. 111e board is rc~ponsible for many budgc1 dcc1~1ons, including bu1 no1limt1ed 10: proper disbu!'l>emcn1 or dis1ric11 funds and 1hosc of siudcm orgunw11ions, 1hc ncccpinncc of gmnis or gifl, of money, ma1crials and propeny. II is also i1s re~pon, ibilily 10 solici1gif1s for the b<:neli1 of 1hc college. IVl,a, m·c? ym,r q11a/ificmio11s 10 sen-e 011 tit,• NIC Board ufTmSlc'L'S?

CHAMBER LAIN: Chicny. I speni four ycnr~ in 1hc Idaho lcgisla1urc. While 1here, I wa~ an advoc.ue for NIC. Wnh 1hc funding challenges 1he college faces as ii grow~. we will be going to Boise and asking 1hc legishuure for funding. So. I would conrmue 10 be an advocme for 1he college. WIDMY ER: I've worked n1 1hc ll!SOrt and l"vc helped guide i1 linnncially and projccl i1 11110 1hc fulure. I will be able 10 help w11h NIC"s budge1 and financial planning. I am very well cduca1ed in 1ha1 aspcc1 and prepare very complex derniled



t h e h e a

r t

photo by Shannon Harwood

Maxine Byers donates during the fall blood drive.

budgc1s. I also have a pcr1on111cl depnnment 1hu1 repons 10 me and 1h01 will help me in with 1hc 01her rru~tecs n managing the nffoirs of 1hc college. I have the work e1hic ii lake~ 10 dedicate 1he lime and cffon

Whal url! yo11r sltor1-1a m goaiJ for NIC'

CHAM BERLAIN: Expanding lhe partnership 1hc college already ha, with 1he business communuy WlDMYER: The property ttu issue needs addressed. How much 1:1xcs do you use 10 fund 1hc collcg.:'1 I'd also like 10 see beuer on campus housing. Ho"' do yo11 f eel abo111 winnmg //1<• elt'ction. 111111 whm (1ft yo11 lookingforward 1o mas1?

CHAMBERLA IN: I'm really dcligh1ed 10 have won and honored to have won. I'm looking forward to 1hc elec1ion being over, and gening to know wha1 is fully expecred of n board member. and gening 10 play an active roll in 1he college. I plan on making myselfavailablc-<o

1he Mudcms. staff. and cornmuni1y members. I encourage calls and ideas. No1only i~ my door open. bu1 I will be charging ou1 of ii to find people 10 discuss 1hc college ruid ideas concerning 11

WIOMYER: l feel real good abom jus1 gcuing 10 work. I'm anxious 10 work wilh the remaining 1rus1ees on plnnmng the fu1urc of 1hc college. I'm ruso ready IO work on 1he grow1h is.~uc. I believe 1ha1 1here was a five year plnn, bul wi1h the recent grow1h. projections may have 10 change. I'm 3J1 accounting 1ype person. and I'm ready for 1he budgc1ing process-for a line by line analysis of the budgc1 and line by line quesuons of each i1ern. I'm anxious to ge1 sinned: I have great respec1 for Pres1den1 Benncll. nil the deans ruid 1he remaining board members. I'm looking forward 10 working w,lh Barbara Chamberlam as she is a hard worker and really cares aboul the college. Questions for or abo1111hr board of mistet!s may be dire<'ted 10 ASNIC 1n 1/te lower /t1·e/ of 1//e SUB.

Campus News

Thursday. Nov. 14. 1996

Johnson voted 'Boss of Year' by llrondi Reasor

,•icc-prc,idcm of PSI. said 1hc

S,·,11111('/ R~p"rter

contc,t i, hdd nnnunlly on Bo,;.cs

,\ fnruhy member brings pride nnd excellence to NIC by achieving the Exccu1 ivc of lhc Year Awanl On Oct. 16. Dr. Vi rgin iu Tin, ley John~on wns named fu.ecutive of the Year. Johnson i, 1hc chmrperson for 1he division of fine :tn). communic:111011 nn~. hum.11111ies. English and fon:ign language~. The Coeur d'Alene-Millwood chnp1cr of Profos.<.ionnl s..-creiaries lr11cma1ionnl prescn1cd 1he uwnrd 10 her n1their Bos~cl> Dny brcakfos1 a11hc Coeur d'Alene Inn and Conference Ccmcr. The e,•enl was co-sponson:d by the Coeur d'Alene Press. which provided advcnising, published emry fonns. listed criteria for cnndida1es nnd con1ribu1cd one of lhe prizes (a frnmed "mock" front· pngc aniclc with a large pic1ure of the winner). Each candida1c is anonymously judged by a panel of 1hrcc fonner cxecu1ivcs of 1hc year. Judging 1s done on a pom1 sys1em 1hn1nm only 1akes in10 con<idcr:ition 1hc "boss qunh11cs" of 1hc pel'\On. bul also Iheir communny service. their suppon of co-workers and 1heir communica1ion skills. Nominu1ion deadline wa) Oct. I. Doris Aynn.. NIC secrc1nry and

Day. ''The come~, was previously linutcd 10 profcss1011nl sccrclnrics belonging IO PS1:· Aynr, said, ··Bui in the Inst fow years u has bee n open 10 1he gcnernl public." Johnson wns nominated by bolh ort1cr secrcinrici.. bu1 1he winning lcncr came from Engli~h division secretary Linda Erickson. Erick~on said. "No1only do I think my boss should be · Bo~~ of the Year,· I think she should be "Boss of 1hc Cemury" because or her positive cffcc1on her ~pousc and children, her fol low workers. her cliem~. her communi1y and. mos1imponamly to me, on me and my life." Johnson s:.lid of 1he award. "I feel really Onncrcd nnd honored." She snid she 1hinks it's renlly an honor when 1hc people who work 1he closest with you 1hink highly enough to nominate you. "'She's n grca1boss,'' said NIC sccrc1ary and PSI member Dianne Hargrove. "No mnncr how many · people come m here or how many 1hings she has 10 do. she·~ righ1 on 1op of things. Everyone look~ up 10 her." Johnson said mos1of her job consis1s of problem 5olving. "'I II)' 10 nrnkc decisions based on n~ much evidence:" I can find." Johnson ~aid. "I need 10 look nt

bo1h side,." Johnson said being the boss. yCI being a fricn.d is ''really a hard one:· "The golden mlc seems 10 work really well:· Johnson said. "A1 some poim I hnvc 10 draw 1hc line and say The buck stops here.' TI1cy joke wi1h me and say 1ha1·s why I gel paid 1hc hig bucks." Johnson said she Irems people with respec1and digni1y and thm n sense of humor docsn't hun. Along wi1h anri burmg h~r sense of humor 10 her father. Johnson anribu1es n lor of her success 10 her parcms. She said 1hl!y ins1illcd in her good work c1hics. rc~ponsi bility, und 1hc abi li1y to give her word and keep ii. Johnson suid she would also like 10 1hunk her boss, Ka1hy Christie. M)ocin1e of ins1ruc1ion. for her encouragement ond her model as a really wonderful bos~. "The other p<:oplc 1ha1support me arc my fnmily." Johnson )aid. "My husband and children arc very 1olcrnn1, encouraging and supponivc of me." PSI would li ke 10 rccrui1 more member\ 10 1heir orgn ni1a1ion. If you arc a \ccrcrnry or nn office worker you can obrn1n more infomrn1ion on PSI membership from 1hcir e-mail ~crvicc@, or look them up in 1hcir wch , 11c nt Home page hnp://www .gvi.nel/p,i •

by Murad Khallie1·

Lewis-Clark S1a1c College h:is an information de,k for NIC \IUdcnl \ in the S1udcn1 Union Building. Providing mfonnntion :1bou1 LCSC. 1he dc,k i, manned on Tue'itlnys and Wedn~sdnys from 11 a.m. 10 I p.m. Christie Gucbcr,\iuden1 31 NIC, i\ employed by LCSC 10 work nl the infonnu1ion dc,k. She adv1,;es and provides rhc infom101ion abou1 LCSC for NIC )ludenl5. LCSC offers nine programs of ,1udicl: 8U) IOCSS Administra1ion, Managcmcm Accoun1ing, Mn.nagcmem, Communication Ans, lnierdisciplinnry Studies, Justice Studies. BSN Nursing, BSW

Social Work. Chemic:11 Dependency Counseling. "In order 10 rcgi~1~r for LCSC. s1uden1s should huvc WI a.sociotc dcgn.>c: high )(hoot grndumcs can't upply:· Kristine Roby, lhc studcm services specialist ni 1he LCSC exlt n)ion office, said. " It is imponant for students 10 get lhe information abou1rcgi~1m1ion early so they would know whot ch1S-<;cs they ~hould be r.lking n1 NIC in order 10 get the bachelor's dcgn:e a1 LCSC." 1l1e regi\tra1ion fee for a fu ll. time (ludent (cigln or mon: cn:diL~) i.s SS 13, pnn-1imc fee is S8 l p.:r credit co~, (one to seven cn."<liis). non-n:siden1 1ui1ion is S2.363 plus fees (eight or mon: credits). per class program fcc is S25.

Page 3

NEWS BRIEFS Spring registration approaching Spring class schedules will be avai lable Nov. 18. Advising dny is Nov. 19. E:1rly regis1rn1ion for spring semester is Dec. '.\. .'.i. Make a lime to meet wi1h your adviser as soon as possihlc. Adviser a~signmen1s are nvnilnble in every cemrnl office t1cros~ campus.

WWP donates $80,000 to NIC President Robcn Bcnncll received, on behalf of 1he school, a check for 1hc sum of $80,000 from Wnshmgron Water Power rcprcscn1a1ives on Thursday. Nov. 7. Paul Anderson, 1he Coeur d' Alcncbran,h manager, and Roben Fukai. 1hc vice prcsidenr of ciucmnl affairs. presented the check 10 lhc college. WWP donated SI million to school~ for higher education within 1hc di~tric1of 1he cu,1omer.. tha1 they serve, and NIC wa~ one of 1hc recipient~of lhc donation. The $80.000 ched. wu, dc~ignated to be used n~ $75,000 for an unrcsmc1cd fund and $5,000 10 be used n.~ nn annual ~cholnrship. Fou11dn1ion Director Steve SchcnJ.. ~aid thal there would be an announcement in 1wo to 1hre11 monihs on how 1hc gif1 wilt be used. ·nie school htL~ received gtfl~ from WWP in Lhc p:ISt. bul Schenk said, "Thi, i~ 1hc smg lc largc,1eorpom1c don1111on 10 t-ftC."

Allied Health offers advising Group ndv ising for Allied Hcal1 h Program, will be held Tuesday, Nov. 19, a1 lhc following 1iJT1e for one hour: physical 1hcrnpis1 n~~i~tnnt~ ut 9 11.m., phnrmncy 1echnology :11 IOn.m., mcnml heal th technology and human services at 11 a.111.• rcgi~1crcd nursing at I p.m. and licensed prncticru nursing nt :? p.m. These advising '!Cminar:s are for prepnration for spnng rcgistra1 io11 and clarilica1ion of program requ1rcmerus.

Support group offers assistance The Jomesuc violcnc.: support group mcc1~ Mondays ai noon in 1he Benewah Room in the SUB. Any student wbo is a currc:111or fonner v1c1lm of domestic violence is encouraged 10 share feelings. heller understand rhe d1n,1011e~ of domesuc violence, problem solve and experience c3ring and \ uppon in a safe selling.

LSCS holds registration St11t111rl Rt>pOrtl'r

The NIC Sentinel

Sentinel nominated for award

the Sentinel is on-line! Check us out at: http :// ""'mmartz/sentinel/

'llie As,ocin1ed Collegiate Press and Ho1Wircd have named sh finuli)b m 1he 1996 Best of the Net competition: Stare News, M1ch1gnn S1n1e Universi1y: NIC Sentinel, Nonh Idaho College: Digi tal Collegian. Penn State Umvcrsi1y: Anzona Daily Wildca1, University of Ariz.ona: Bronco Buzz. University of Clora and the Daily Trojan, Univmity of Southern CaJifom1a. There were 47 emrie.-;. Winner~ will bi! announced at the closing awards c.:remony of the ACP/CMA National Convention. Nov. 24, in Orlando. AB. Amanda Tomme. Scntinel A&E editor, said she would like 10 congratulau: Online Editor Melody Manz for wort.. on this ground-breaking project. "Melody deserve~ all of uu1 thanl.s fur her co11uibu1iui1) IO ll1e staff," Tomme said.

Campus blood drive a success The Inland Nonhwest Blood Center will relliffil on Feb. 26 for !he spring blood drive.

Just a thought...


Thursday, Nov. 14, 1996

The NIC Sentinel

I do not pretend to know what ignorant men are sure of.

-Clarence Darrow-


I To question sy~t~m '.s 'social respons1b1/1ty



row,ing 1hruugh 1hc Scn11.nd a couple of i\\uc, ago. I ""' JPPJlled wuh rhc pcrv.idmg 1hcmi"

1hc kg1111n11Jt1on or poh11,al prop.ig;mdJ PmpJgJnda lhJI -..1111 lhmg, hl.t' .. You mu,r vole 10 prc~rve 1hc Jcmo,;r,111c procc":· .. You can·r co11111lnm unk" you vo1e:· und voung I\ ) our .. ,oc1al rc,pon,1b1hl). ·· You can·r comph1111 unlcs, you vorc'' You lcgmn, or 1hc poli11c,1lly com.'Ct would dcltne me our of rhc d1\Coursc merely bccau,c I cxpro:" Jl\,Cnl 10 an archaic sy,1crn'I Ilow convc111cn1. Doc, that mean we ough1 10 vo1c lor 1hc sole purpo,c or lcg111mi11ng our complam1s? Dan Yeager Seem, very follociou, Opinion 1hinking, 1hmking 1hnt is ocnuully more opnthctic rhun not voung ar JII. h would be hl.c \!lying that I ~hould dmc m) car 111111 a bncl. w,111 .md mol.e no cffon 10 ,top 11 ..o 1h01 I can complain aboul how bummed I om lhJI my car no longer worl.,. Or perhup,. I ,hould grab 1hc ,1cering wheel of my cJr and 1um 11 111 nno1hcr d1rcc11011 by qucsliomng nn Jrcha1r ,y-rcm 1ha1 C3pllu'3tc, to rhc 1ntere,1, of clue,. What 11 JII come, down to. foll.,. 1, propaganda proJccted by elcclcd official~. propngundn thnl cquntcs w11h job wcurity for 1hem. tr 1hcrc I\ low vo1cr 1um-ou1 1hcn ,ooncr or la1cr \On\Conc "gomg 10 say... W:111 o n11nu1c. There 111u,1 he o;omc1h111g "rong with 1hc ') ,1cm .1s, a "hole' .. Pan of the ,uccc" of 1hc the ch11,1,· scheme tic, m 1h:11 ,1ale Cold War din1ribc 1h01 ,.1y, thn1 you urc 1he mo,, lonunatc pcr,.on ever. b..:mg ham into the United S1J1c, and hcmg 1hc luck) mhcntor or ..dcmocraq .. ond .111 ot the blc"ing, tnlrin\lC 10 II TI1cre arc prob,1bly \\Of'C place~ 10 he ham. gran1cd. but the Un11cd Staie, ccnainly ha, 11\ problem~ (,clhng cocaine mto 1111nority llheno, 10 )UpJlon th.: ContrJ'>. Jnyonc'!). And 11 " by no mean, J democ:rnq. but r.uhcr a n:pubhc Th" dl\l1111.t11>n may ..ccm ,upcr1ic1J1. but there" a maJor d1rlcrcncc. A republic 1, on rcprc\Cnt.111on. ..Our.. rcpublk I\ even fanhcr from n democracy bo!c,1u..c 1hcrc ure only l"-O panic, from which 10 \Ckct .111 oflici31 rrom And the~ p.innc,.., uh, I p.inic,. \Ccm '° 111d1,tmct II almo,1 mal.c, one wonder 11 the United Srntc, l'ln 't :i "hole lot to a dic101or\h1p 1h;m we woulc1 lit..c 10 ,uppo,c. II i, your re,pon,ibility to thmt... to cducarc your,,clf aboo1 polic). to cxpre,, your opinions and 1deib h i) 001 )our re,pon,1biht) 10 comprom1~ w11h an .irchaic ,y,tcm 1h01 w.i., con,1ructcd when rcpn:scn1ation was the only prnchcal fom1 of government.


E ditorial

Card coaches concerned with more than wins Winning 01 all cosb h:b become ,11hcme among many college progr.1111, aero.., the coun1ry. 11 ..eem, 1h01 every day y011 open the p.ipcr. coJches are on 1hc choppmg bloct.. bc,,,u\C they culler hn\'cn 't won or won the" rong way Al NIC wc'\'c been fonunn1e 10 hove coaches 1h01 win w11hou1 1hc rub. The clo~, of 1hc conchc, on campu, h:b bt:come very evidenl m the pasl few wceb. Wrc,rhng coach John Owen ha, built one of the 111~1 WW.!'>Sful program, m the nauon through hard won- and dcd1c;uion. De,p11c the ~ucccs,. Owen has ne\'cr lcfl for the greener (money that is) pasrure, or Divi,1on I . A1 some ...:hoof\, crcdtnt1al, lit..e hi, would mean O"cn 1, above any rule, that the college could 1mpo..e on him. Nol ool) doe, O"cn :idherc to the rule~ of NIC. he recent.I) made some rule, of h1, own. 11tc wn:stlef\ wen: drug-1~1ed early in the :.eawn by Q\,cn·, rcque.t. There was no 111,1ndJtC from thc Na1iorutl Junior College Athlc11c A~1n11on or from NIC Owen saJd he JU\I to m:ikc ,ure tha1 1f hi\ tcan, g01 a n.111onal t1lle. 11 would b.: drug-rn.-c. 11·~ been 1hree year; since the lo,1 natioonl chnmp1011ship for O"'cn. nnd he ha:. the: talent thl\ year 10 do II When u m1gh1 have been ca..y to tum hi, m the 1nte~t of getting t,Jcl. to the top of 1he heap. Owen made sure he wa~ winning rhe right way. Ahhough junior college wrestling,, extremely competitive. ~erb:ill ru this level 1s even morc competitive. Many

school~ act as a tmmmg ground for Oiv1~ion I w11hou1 giving a ~ond thought 10 the cduc-,nion of their pla)Cf\. I !ugh Wat!>On replaced NIC lhturc Rolly Wilham, a, the t-o.1ch of the men·, bJ,ketball tcam and 1mmcdia1cly brought in big-ume player\ who have b.:en ,ucccs,ful 1hroughou1 their prep career;. 111:11 ,uccess ran lead 10 a player feeling 1har thc college owes hun wmclhing for conung here Wa1..on qu1cUy toot.. charge of his 1eam and weeded out pla)CI"> h.: fell could pos,1bl) be drlrimcnwl to the 1cam. One of 1ho..c plo)c~. NJ CAA prc..eason second-1eam All· Amencan Shawn Myrick. found 0111 that he had nowhere 10 go nflcr being kicked ofl the ream. H1, teamm:ue~ got 1ogc1her and asl.ed WnMO 1fhe W'Ould allow the tale111ed Mynrl. a ~-cond chance WaL\On ,-aid tha1 what the learn fceh " be.,t is what he i, comfonoble with. he allowed Myrie~ back with a two-game suspension WabOO could have made an example of M)ncl. a, :i warning to h1~ pl:i)Cr-$, but decided m\tcad to "'on. wuh hb tcJ01 to come up" 1th t1 ">Oluuon. Don '1 think for a ~ond. though. thnt 1f Myncl. blow~ th1, chance W3Mn won ·1 send him down the road. Both cooche\ have found success. one by l3ying down lhe 13'4 :ind the othcr by <hawing compassion. The athlcuc prognun ru NIC Mrks bcclusc II has a group of C03Che; and nn athletic director that ma.kc good decisions. In a umc when so mnny things are negatively nssociB1ed with college ruhletiC$. 1r' s nice to see it done the right way.


O p inion-Editorial

Thursday, Nov.1 4.1996

The NIC Sentinel

Page 5

Fres h from th e e lec tion ; four more ye ars of ch eezy 'w e ca ught c hu z' o ·· ~••inn. under Bnrbic... Why is ii so 1011gh 10 overcome the outside perception 1h111 everyone from Nonn 1u.,1,.... ~ hie.01? 1l1ink i1', more because of the association with d1c Aryan compound in our buck yard or the cc11ncid0,111~1 events like the one 111 a locul "wc-carry-:1-bi1-of-cvcry1hing" store. Ethnically divcr..c Barbie dolb wen: Ml.lling :u a clcarnnce pnc.: of99 cents and lighter ~kinned dolls wen: full-price. lt'5 just n coinddcnce! It ·s JUM a co111cidcnce! • ever ha, there been such n deal on a theater performance m Boswell Iloll. Patrons showed up 1hc second night for "The Glass Menagerie" and ended up benefactors of a wmdow clerk who didn '1show up for work. Everyone ju$! walked on m and 100k :1 seal. Encore! • We must commend our student govcmmem for orgnni?.ing n pro1cs110 1hc One Pcoccni ini1ia1i,•e. We're sure all of1he 70 orso aucndecs for the not-so-well organized student walkout were dwarfed by the SIUdents who opted for the extm long lunch. • Speaking of walkouts. couldn ·1 ASNIC have done something con,1ruc11ve 10 pro1cs1. hkc going door-to-door handing ou1niers or something rmhcr than skipping out on most ofn school day. Careful whm message you're really sending. • Yes. another hit on the new generation hippies. In rc~pon~e 10 one of our writer'~ columns, those offended organized a "Hippies don't ~uck rnlley Isic)" in the SUB. We 'n:: not sun:: wh,11 their point was. but !hen we 're not sure they knew eit her. • OK. we were about 10 lei 1J1c parking thing go, and. POW. it hits us. 11,ere's n •

the S entinel

1000WestGardenAveoue. Coeurd'Alene, ldaho8381 4 • (208) 700-3388 As~intcd Collegm1c Press Five-Slur All-American Newspaper. Na1ionnl Pacemaker and Newspaper of Ilic Year · Robcn F. Kennedy Award • Society of Professional Jounrnli\t~ General Excellence Awo.rd • National Hal.I of Pamc • Los Angeles Times Nntional Leadership Award • Rocky Mountain Collcgio1e Prc..s General Exccll~ncc Award

Edil2di\l Sli\ff Kibbee Walton Managing Editor Shannon Harwood News Tn Nguyen News Amanda Tomme A&E

Jonathan Hay Sports Richard Le Francis Photography Shelley Jerome Business Manager Melody Martz On-hne

Reeorters, Photograehers and Artists Stephanie Rowe Brock Alexander Kenneth Harrison Adde Russell Sue Jurgens Mike Ba1adall Di Braun Chris Kelm Ian Sudlck Bill Canepa Murad Khalliev Debora Tice Summer Lindenberg Jason Tomme Kelly Dengel Rosie Vogel Ed Dunphy Ryan MacClanathan Barry Whitney Alysha Du ran J acob Marcinek Ed Francis Joan Neils Jonathan Wiley Steven Foxx Noppadol Paothong Wes Woods Jeanette Gohl Brad Preston Dan Yeager Dan Grisham Bra ndl Reasor Kat Yockey letters Policy-The Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor. Those who submit letters must

limit them 10 300 words, sign them legibly and provide a phone number in order 10 verify au1henticity. Some letters may not be printed because ol space limitations, or because they 1) are similar to a number of letters already received on the same subject, 2) are possibly libelous, or 3) a,e illegible. The Sentinel reserves the right 10 edi1 leners. Leners may be mailed to the Sentinel or brought to Room 53 of t~e Siebert Building.

plcthom of ~rnff spaces :ivoilnble and some ins1ructor had the nerve 10 park both his fullsize pick-up and 1he boat tmilcr behind it in 5tmlcn1 parking!!! Om: more time: II JUSI isn't foir! Mommy, mt1kc them ~IOfl parking in our spots! • One of our dutiful staffers went 10 rlnce his vote Nov. 5 in the SUB. He the unendcc If he coui.t vole for the bored of 1rus1c..: cnndicla1e~ here or if he had 10 go tu hi~ own precinct. I lcr reply? Tl11s •~a good one "Oh, 1ha1 election hri., already h<:cn held." Where do they find these people'! • More on election day-- Our faculty :1dvi,cr went 10 ca,1 111~ vo1.: and w(lndcrccl • where·~ 1hc rest of the ballot? Ile d1dn'1,c,· 1hc other , ,de! The cmcl.-up "that i1 wa,11·1 ju'I him; the volunteer wasn·11dl ing voter- ,1bou1 both ,idc, of the ballot! Mo,1 wcrc ju,1 filling ou1 one side :tnd leaving 1 • llch, heh ... In lust issue', Scntmcl. did anyone 11011cc the net for Na1ur.ll High71lw chcerlc.tdcrs nre posed on top uf each other'\ ~houldel'i 111 J pyramid. Do you se,· the guy on the bouom that's looking up? Mc must be ~mihng hcc;mst· it', ~o much fun 111 be o cheerleader. • Maybe the Dole-Kemp ticket wou ld have hnd II bcucr chance if their campaign ~ign~ had been misprinted "Role-Hemp." • A faculty rcpon reveal~ mnybc n bit of a Freud inn slip by 1hc new governor or Washington. Al his accep1anct speech he auributcd ~rent sex, oops!. a liulc more carefully enunciated, success, wi th his wife 10 his recent victory.

Letters: New generation hippies are just living life To the editor. Today I wa, strolling around campus and picked up a Sentinel. Reuding through it, I sow the headline. "New generation hippies arc u problem." "Hmm, 1his ~ound, intereMmg." I thought. "I'll read whn11h1s guy hn, 10 ,uy." By the end of the column. I was laughing ,o hard I could have fallen over. My fir,1 11ue~1ion wns. "Where 1, thi~ guy from'?" You don't read in the Sentinel how people like Ryan (MacClan.uhttn) ",uck." The "new genemrion luppic," what he likes 10 call that group of p.:oplc. perhaps -..:c things in a diffenmt way and don't con,ume !heir time fri"olously thinking of 01her people's hves. bu1 accept people as people. I don't think MacCluno1hnn "sucks." I JU,t thmk he needs 10 open his eye~ and real it.: that there arc bcucr things 10 worry about than oiher people's lives. Maybe he need~ 10 ~,an living and thinking about his own. When I walk around campus. I don't lool. or 1hink about whnl people arc weanng. I see people. People of all different backgrounds and identities. Everyone is different. Yes. people who shan: the ~ me int.:rests hang out together and often exprei.'5 1hemsclve,1, similarly by the clothes they wear or the music thi:y listen 10. Perhaps these "new gencr:uion lupp1cs" have bcucr

nnd more productive things 10 spend their mon.:y un than the hllc\l fashion. Music i~ n personal thing. Whnt :ippc:11, 10 the car 1s s1ric1ly opinion. Hu, MncClnnn1han ever uctually li~1encd and opened hi, eun, 10 the many diffcrem typ;:, of musie in 1hc world? rm \Ure the "new gencra11on hippie\" don'1only h\len to Blmd Melon and Phi~h. There i, much more 10 hear 1hun the popular ~ong\ on the radio. Did MucClanathnn ever g(l on tour ,md experience what he calls "cro,~-coumry reefer tOul'\'!" I think 1101; he ha, no idea wha1he i, about. A, for a~ 1.ik ing ~howcr;: I myM>lf 'it'l' 11 a~ a waste of our d1mm1~hmg clean waicr \upply 10 tal.c n ~howcr every day. Good hygiene and ch:,111l111c" aru 1mponan1 and a pcr;on can achieve them without wn,1ing the prec1ou~ re,ou rcc of the canh. The "new gcncra11on hippiu<;" ure not a problem. They are people trying 1ho f!CI through life and be happy j u,1 like everyone else. It would be a 101easier if people like MacClanathan kepi their prejudi<.'cd, unexperienced opinions 10 1hcmsclvc~ and we arc all one group of people living life on Eanh. Sincerely. Micheal Sullivan

Page 6

The NIC Senlinel


Thursday, Nov. 14, 1996

Affirmative Action: the discrimination never intended


wrnng nnd ti 1~ n truly pnmrul nspect which gc1into your O\\O lx.od. h~ lxlcn tonurou) and cnt~trophic 1n many Skcp wilh rm: ttin1ght.Ju~t th1~ people's hvcs. on.:c.'' plca<k.-<l my 7-year-old In desperate anempts 10 rn:c the workplace ,,,1cr li"I night and ~hool~ from thi, ,cnsclcss nnimosity, "Well 1'11,tay fur 10 more 1111nu1cs," I fll!Oplc hove turned to the government nnd rcplrcd. said. "S0mc1hing must oo done!'' She heft.I my cy,·s ,hut w1lh AOirma11vc Acllon ts what we her 1h,n tinge~. and I could hear got: mmunty quotas ortcn must her" hl\pcring ,w~oet ch1lt.l-hl.c he fulfilled m the workploce m mc.1nrntwn., ..a ,f11!11 lu put me hopes of eliminating pn:Judicc. 10 ,kcp. /\, I lay thm, try,ng In one office, Aftirma1,vc not tu ,m,tc. I tll(lughl tu Action is pince. A young "'> ,cir Ifen: t) a lrule girl w11h blnck man hru: pc=vt:rcd the ..amc gcnc1t,· ha,l.ground .is through the hnnlslups or the my,clf. half A,iun :111d half mncr-cny with a college degree Cau,iJ."un We an: the ,.,me. yet und impeccable skills. Despite m h,:r eye., her race hott.l, no his qunlificntions. lus nuempts 10 \lgntfieancc c~ccpl that ur pndc. find a JOb ha,·c been countlc~ly In my lrfc. hu"evcr. I am forced Amanda Tomme denied for one bogus reason or 11, 111:11.c dcc1,1on, on how the other: doors slum for no ,1g111ti.:,m1 I \\111 kl my mce be Opinion other reason but hi~ race Aftimrnu,c Action, 1111, tcnn Eventually the mon finds n job mean, fn.-cdum 11nd because Arlirmauvc Action forces even the 11npmunrncn110 people all over the country mo\l h1go1cd employers to lure quohficd :ind crxntl!!. thnnl.rulnc.,> and rc:.entmcn1 m 11100) hve,. Our MlC IClYJS rn II pcrpctunl SIAlC 111mori11cs. Affim1011vc Acllon ha.s worked in this ~ccnnrio. ul t.liscrimmn11on. whether 11 he ~xual. racml In nnothcr orlice. o young Hispa'nic woman or relrg1ou,. B,-cau;.e ti never end,, ii ,ccm, with mnrginnl skills is instnntly offered nJob 1ha1 ti 1, nlmo,1 a p;1r1 of human nn1urc--1hc 111 nn environment 1hm c:1lls for cx1cns1ve need 10 reel ;upcnnr to another group or skills A highly qunlificd whue mole who pcnplc. Ycl. n, 11 whole. we know 1hn111 1,

The Sentinel is now online! Check out our web site @

npplies for the job is 1oss.:d aside for no other reason thnn his r:icc. Affirmnuve Acuon has nol worked in th,~ scenario. I nm a woman or Asian descent. Do i think Aflimint1vc Action can help me or hun me? 11,e problem with Mtinnative Ac1ion is that it mis~ 1hc 1hough1 m the bnck or people· s rmnds thnt the person awarded probably got the particular job or ncodcm,c scholarship simply because hcM1c is n minority. How completely awful nnd msuhing it is 10 d 1scrod i1 n person·, chormacr• ..rrn,to dllU cc!Jrc"tion t,y nssuming that 1hcy couldn't have done II without Affim1ntive 1\ c11on! In /\flirmauvc Ac11on's hopes 10 clirninaic discrimination. it hru. given binh 10 anoth.:r type or prejudice; this horrid prejudice of discrediting people's cnpnbili11c, is hurting qualified minorities. In fact, this type of preJudice was the lir:;t rncinl discrrn11na1ion that I ever experienced. L'ISI semester I received n scholursh1p from NIC. When I Wld :, fri.:nd ormmc thnt I couldn·1remember applying for 11, she assumed thot I was awarded ti bccau$C I nm considered n minority. She stoled (hat my grades couldn't have been considered for an academic scholarship, even though I maint:tin ai3.6 GPA. I was rcolly caught off guard and very hun t,n rear 1h01she wn\ right. I immcdin1cly

con111ctcd Financial Aid 10 find out why I wns awarded the S250. I was relieved to lind out tlmt I had applied the semester before and 11 was for my academic record. My concern for what Arlimmtivc Ac11on hns done was fired up once agam when 1 received a journalism internship application which wns only applrcable to minorities. h's goal was related 10: " ...(hc d.:sire or the newspaper bu~mcss to cmplov "'"- -~ v,· the A1111•,;=fl J"'tiumnon that urc undcrrl!prcscntcd." Right then I saw a racinl division as huge ..1 the d1sair111na11on we·w been fighting all ttlong. Although the mtcrn,hip 1s sclcc111c rllf thO\C who h:ivc the ~kills, I c:mno11mag1ne bcrng placed tn a Joh through somclhmg lh.3t held my race .1, .my crucria. Ahhoutth Affirmoltvc Acllon ha:, been bcnclic,al to some snunuon~ where people really de!.Crve help. I JUSI don ·1 know 1f the tradc•off of d1)cn:d111ng people wa., wonh it I think I' II apply to nn tntern,lup 1h31 won't opplaud me for my unchosen and mcvt1able g.:nc riool. I !,.now I can get to the top w11hou1 the color of my ~1.,n p.11 tng lhc way and without Aflirmauvc Acuon\ "hdp.'' And ifl am fnc~-<l with .in unclnny s11un11on where i 0111 discrimmnlcd ugamst. I will fight Jl by my..clr. I'd rnthcr 001haw the guvcrnmcnl do it for me.

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Page 7 The NIC Sentin_e_l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T _ h_u_rsday. Nov. 14. 1996

"Let there be spaces in togetherness." --Kahllf Gibran

Arts and Entertainment

'Glass Menagerie' entertains with dynamic characters b) Fd l)unph) S, 111111< I Hrpml<'r lw 1hc.11crdcpanml"lll op.:nccl th


Laur.a will have ,r ,he" nor mnrricd 10 a man for her ~uppon Amnndu 1alh her ~on Tom into in,· 11111g J flollnw frt1m worl. home tor dmncr 10 mccl Laum 111c gcn1lenmn caller. Jim O'Connor." ,1 boy 1ha1 I.aura l\'111cmbcr,. she h3<1 a cnish on 111 hagh ,chool. Emb:1rr.1~,cd 10 1hc po1111 of being Mel. bccitu\C of her

produc11011 orTcnnc, \\ 1111nm, · '"The Gld" 1\lcnagcn~· l\m I 111 Bomtll llJ.11 Schuler Auduonum. II wa, t·n.1c1cd for .,uJicn,-..·, 111 ,i, p.:rformnncc,. D1rec1cd b) Manl:,,n - - - - - - - - -- - ~ ,hync,,, Laura cxcu,~, uangb.:hn. 11 \ :i mem(I') pla), \\hach mean~ 1ha1 ti a, hrr,clf from dinn<.'r. The reaction of the 10kt from Wilham\ 1lowcvcr. aflcr dinn~r. entire audience can be memo!). The u~ ol Amnnda 1cll~ Laur:a 10 summed up In the ,ubducd hgh1 Jnd colurkeep Jim company tn 1hc words of Hedy Beinhart: wnh dirk bac~ground\ nnd living room. Laura i, :u was great!" ium1,h1ng, funher lir-1 ..cared of 1hc enhanced 1he foci mg of n pro~pec1. bu1 ,0<1n 1hcy 1ale rold trom memory. ialk about old ltmc_.. in n,c music of 1hc high school. The) pu1 on pcnod gn."t!tcd 1ho,c in .111cnduncc while some mu~ic and began dancing. Jim,c, everyone 1001,. 1h~ir place,. ·1he ~rngc wo, ,c1 Laum. l:>111 oho infonn, her 1h01he is IP dtp1~1 o parlor, dtnmg an:a and entry-way. 10 ano1hcr woman and mus1 lca\lC. cornplell.! w11h fumuure from 1h1: cm m which Amandn lhank\ 1hrt1 1he wholll thing ",1 lh~ ,1ory lake, plare. On 1hc fnr kfl of lhc sc1up by Tom JUSI 10 milkc 1h~m all loo!. ,1Jgc \\iJ'I u remJ111011 of a dark :tllcy, in which foolish. Tom leave~ 1hc hou~c. ju,1 ~' hi\ fn1hcr hnd many year; bcfon:. He hu, hecn our namuor. Willinim. began~ hi\ \lory. The ,1ory 1, of four people; Lnum. 1hc planning his departure for ,umc lime. howcwr. ond even ha~ u~cd 1hc .:lcciri, bill dnughlcr played by Kalynn R:1ugh: Amundn, 1hc mo1hcr. pln)'cd by TrM1 Gl icnna: Tom. 1hc monc) for due, into 1hc mcrchanl mnrinc In 1hc li nnl momclll~ of 1hc piny. Ton\ n:ali,c, pl,1}cJ b) Joe Buffalo and 1hc gcn1lc111nn c.1llcr, played by Gcot lrcy l\lcL1chlu.n. 1ha1he will nc,•cr be able 10 forgc1Im '1Slcr Sci 111 19-15 wi1h na,hbad.,, 10 19'.\9. 1h.: Tho: rc;iction of 1hc cmire audience can ho: ,ummcd up in 1hc word~ of Ilcdy Bcinhan: "II charaltCr\. Amnnda, Tom nnd Lnur.a livc m :a ,rnall apanmcnl m S1. Loui,. Amanda i, wa~ grcm " 13ci nhan. 1hc.11cr major. pcrfom11ld con,untly quc,1io111ng Tom·~ ln1c-nigl11 an Nre ·~ "111e Chalk Gurdcn." The ploy i, \Villh1m, · li~t gre,11 ,1:ige :11>\Cnc,:, every cvcnmg when he ""going 10 ~uccc~,. Produced in New York Cily. 1945. i1 lht mo\•ic,." She al,o remind, Lnum 10 l.ccp won 1hc New Yori. Critic\· Cirelc her.elf "frc,h and prc11y" 1hcn: will Pri1e as t,c,1 piny ol the year. The charac1cr; be many "gcnikmnn c.1llcr-." and si1un1ion, of the- play are mod,•lcd nfler Soon Amand.1 learn, 1ha1 Laura hn~ been ~1.,pping hl•r bu~ine,, college: cla,,e,. ,md William,· own life. Willinms died in New York Caty on Feb. 24. 1983. Amanda pamc, aboul wha1 kmd of fuiurc shy




of 'Events

Exhibit or oil paintings by Rober! Gilmore Di~playcd until Dec. 6 111 the Union Gallery. Gallery hours. noon7 p.m. .. An Eveni ng of .lul.7." NIC Ja7.7 Ensemble, foZ7 Co. '96 :ind Ann Fcnnc,i.y Nov. 16 7:30 p.m. ·ncl.el mfo. 769-7780

pholo by Steve Foxx Flashback-Trisha Glienna and Joe Buffalo play a molher and son m lhe play.

Music to Munch

By Nov. 20 SUB ll :30a.m.

Writing Aloud Local C..Sl>tl)' coniclot \\ inner~ Dl"<.'. 10 7p.m. Koo1en111 Room SUB

"T he Gathering of the Bands: Ma~ters or the Fut ure Meet Master of th e

Past" NIC Symphonic Band welcome, 200 eighth grJdc band \ludents. NO\' 21 7:30p.m Bo.,-Schul cr Auditorium Free :idmi"-'10n

Acting Class Performance Thca1cr Dept. Nov. 25-26 7:30 p.m. SUll Mage "The Nu lcrackcr·' Theater dept . Nov. :!6 8p.m. Bo~-Schulcr Auditorium Ticl.c1 info. 769-


Poller) Suh: Holida) poucry ,ale ,pon,orcd by , 1urh:n1, D.!c. 5 9 a .m.-6p.m. Boundary Room SUll

Arts and Entertainmen t

Page 8 The NIC Senlinel

Thursday, Nov. 14, 199S

Colorful flames light up Union Gallery walls pairuings 1hni were mode back 1hcn. nnd 1hey were mw. Gilmore. an art professor 01Gor1zngu Universi1y. is displaying a vurie1y of large nnd small oil painlings favoring rough- i111ui1ivc s1n1ements, and I left ii jus1 like 1ha1." S1•ntim•I R<'f1t"tt•r From n 1957 suin in Bos1on. Gilmore's career included ~ubjcc1s in ci1her 1hc landscape mo1if or ca1aclysmic evcn1s. on!, like .. ~,1m11rdinary" and "n~10nishing" sludying the grea1 traditional anists-Rembmnd1, Manei, such ns volcano~. sunsc1s or fire. punl' lua1ed co11vcn,;n11ons u11hc New. -1 opcnmg Cezanne and Degas. Abstract exprcs~ioniMs, ~uch as In hi~ M:mn Gulch Series, "Young Men and Firc," 1hc of Rolx'n Gilmore·s "P.1in1ings" cxhib11 111 1hc Jackson Pollock. Willinm DcKooning. Fmm>. Kline and 11rti~t used yellow and name colors 1hm lap 111 a background Union Gallery. Philip Guston also influenced his work. of forcsl green 10 capture Gilmore hn~ been pnin1ing for 35 year<;, bm finds 11 whal he said were "1hc difficuh 10 define his work wi1h mere words. ~rnokc jumpers 1949 " h's 1101 smnn 10 give out meinphorical s1a1cmcn1~ aboui who got nil burned up." wha1 you do," he said. "II iakcs away from it Let 1hem Color dominaics his figure ii ou1." pain1ings-shadcs of Kim Juarez and her friend Emily Ri1zmnn were pcrfcc1ly mngc111a, yellow. green happy 10 figure ii oul. Juare1. was n studem of Gilmore's al and name. One pai111ing Goni.nga Univcrsi1y. Ritzman had seen the anis1·~ work a1 a ha.s hol ember., burning 1hrough black. "Cr11hcdml" pizza parlor once. When she heard of the Union Gallery showing, Ri11.mon ~aid >he jus1 hod 10 sec 1hese new uses delica1c lavenders 10 paiming~ by 1hc ani~1 portray an abundnncc or "Whni I do is ~on of stream of con,;ciou$ 1ypc of irises. pain1ing." Gilmore ~.aid. Wilh "Gold.:n S1rykl'r II" he \aid he 01hcr pai111ings leave didn '1have anythmg en mmd v. hen he ~1ar1cd off. large expanse~ of while " II smrted ns n land..c.ipc mo1ir. but i1 ch,mged as I v.o~l!d canvas-almost like 1hey arc work in progress rmhcr lhe pain1111g: 11 bcc~mc wmc1h111g cl-.e:· Gilmore What ii became wa., a bnghl work ,, i1h bold yellow ,trokl"I than complc1ed pnimings. TI1c anis1 said thn1 to him, covering a large. 3- or ..J...foo1 cwwo,. II tokes 1hc anist up 10 -.:vcn monih., to comple1c n a paiming wa\ finished paiming. Th.: ~mnllcr one,. lil.c 1hc "Young Men and Fin:" when ii said wha1 he ,;cries, migl11 111kc 111111 only one day to comple1c. Gilmore ~ id, W.(llllCd 10 \ay. 1h01 he ho, 35 year.; experience behind him 1hn1 nllow~ him 1~ "In 'Cave Painung. '" photo by Sue Jergens s1>ecd and crcativny cxhibiled in th.:..c ,mall .ind Gilmore said, "I'm Paint pause - Robert Gilmore stands in front of his painting ·cathedral.· powerlul pieces. alluding 10 1hc firsl by Sue Ju rgens



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Arts and Ente rtainme nt

Thursday. Nov. 14, 1996

Tice's Spices stuffs turkey, tops pie - - -- -- - - , 1..e,·~1olk TURKEY!! II 1, once aga111 that time of year. and nrnny college SlUd1!nh 1\00°1 be going home for Mom·, niank~g1v111g dinner. Whut'1 Swon,onTV Debora Tice dinner ag:1111'! Sentinel Staff Not if I can help ,1, and I cnn. If one will follow 1hc~e d1rt."t'1ton,. one can prepare a fobulou, 1urkcy dinner ,1 i1h homcmode \luffing. and ,infully ca,y purnrkin pie 1'1om won'1 ha~e 10 prepare II in onler for it 10 bl' edible. I know 11 would help. bu1 YOU C'AN DO IT!! I'll al,o give y1lu a courk of 1dt:ll, on "luu 10 do with those lcftovcr;-other 1hnn throwing them at tho~e pc,ky neighbor..!

Turkey with Stuffing One fo1l ma,1ing pan nnd I box of aluminum foal. 1-10-lb turkey. If fm,.cn. will need to thn" m refriger:uor for two days. or in cold water (chnnging water often ) for nppmxamotely eight houri.. 1-loal ol brc:1d. 1nn~1cd in 250-dcgree oven for 10 mmulc\, cooled ;tnd then cru,hcd llllll a lnrg.: bowl. 1\dd one or more of the followmg: 1 C. diced celery. 8 01 sliced mushroom~. I med. onion-pcch:d and

chopped, I C. chopped JlCCan~. I tipple. peeled, cored nnd ~hreddcd. I C. cooked v1·nison snu~ugc--drnmcd .and crumbled. Add 1/2 C. mchcd mnrgurinc or bullcr. 4 C. wa1cr, l/2 tsp. gnrlic powder. I 1sp. pouhry ,ea~onmg. I t<.p. sail. 1/2 isp. pepper. Mi, all ingrcdicnl\ exccp1 mrkey thoroughly. Rinw thc in,idc of 1hc wi1h cold w:ucr.

remove the p:1cke1 of gible1~. (1hcy nre 111 11 bag. and the bng doc~n ·1 roast well! !!) may roa,t with turkey or throw away. Plucc the turkey in the roming pmt 10 stuff. Lift one end and ~1111 f 1hc cuvitae, ru11. (I pack minc down. but not too tight.) S1ufl the other en~. There wall be lefhl\'N s1ufling; pbcc 11 in n loaf pun 10 bake I01cr. (13akc for

30 mmu1cs when baking 1hc 1urkey.) Cover 1urkc)' with foil, bnkc at 350 degree, for ;1ppro,1m,u1:ly 3 1/2 hours. Basic (remove foal. spread with mnrgarinc or dripping, from pan) of1en. m least 2x per hour. (For an 8 t<l 12-lb turkey. bake J 1/2 hours. 12- 14 lb turkey. bake 4 hours. 14-18 lb turkc). bnkc 4 1/2 hours11mc~ arc npproxamate.) Remove foi l during the Inst I5 minute~ of bakmg 10 brown skin. allow m stand :io minu1e, before carving. 11,c stuffing needs to be removed m1111edi:11~ly upon complc11011 uf cook111g. Aller dumcr. rcmow n11:a1 from 1hc bone, to prevent poi5omng. W11h the leftovers, mnkc turkey mch,-gnllcd chccsc with mrkcy added before grilling-or m:ikc ,oup-1urkcy. noodle,. (a one lb p:,ckngc will clo).wn1cr, you wi ll need to add wa1er during and ;1 c.::ut or 1wo of vegetable, (I u...: com :md green bcnn,. not dr11111cd}-<:ook it :all 1ogc1hcr.•ind call it good.

Impossible Pumpkin Pie 3/4 C. Sugar; 1/2 C. "Bi1qmck;" 2 TBSP. b1111cr: 1-12 ot c:111 c111111cd milk: 2 ,lightly beaten eggs: 1-16 01. ca n 2 1/2 1,p. pumpkin pie ,pace, 2 l!,p. vanilla. M1:>. all inprcdicnh very wt'll- pour inm .1 grca,.:d pia: pan. B,1kc SO 10 55 minu11:,, or until kni fe 111,crtcd in center come, m11 dean. Sci on md to coul. sen a: w11h whipped 111ppmg or vanilla ice cream.

Photo Fair offers free camera check hy Sue J ergens Se111i11rl Re(Jorter

Pho1ogmphy Club as ,1ion,oring Photo Fnir '96 on Nov. 16 from 1--1 p.m. in the Kootcn:ti Room of 1hc SUB. TI1rec mim -,cminar, "ill be given on pho1ograph1c compo,ition. ~ lecting ;ippropriate lilm and t:ikang care of your camera Club mcmbcr. will da,play !>Onte ol 1he1r photo, in a slide pre~enrntion bctwtcn the mmi seminars. Al'conlmg to Sue Spreen. dub ,ccrcrnry. 1hc foir is :111 ouu~ach progmm imcndcd 10 bring people together "to cnJoy the world of photography " A- 1 Camcm Repair will there 10 offer ,1 free camcrn checkup to anyone who come\ to the foir. Camero Corrnl will dasplny a vo.nc1y of photography equipment .. new. and unique. Both vendors will be available before nnd after the seminars 10 answer questions CoM for nucnding the fair IS S2 for non-s1udcn1s nnd S 1

wi1h s1udc111 ID. Th.: fledgling Pho1ography Club 1~ u, ing thb fuar ;" .1 fundmiser 10 linance trips to scenic location, for club pho1ogrnphy ~hoob. Kcrm11 facob,on. thc club\ "First Shot.'' i~ compiling memberi. • loca11on idea, before makmg nrrnngement\ for the lirst club shooting 1our. The club meet~ nt 4 p.m. on 1he r,,.,,1 amt 1hird Wcdnc,days of e:ich month m the Shoshone Room of 1he SUB. All student, or faculty member. 1111crc~ted m

pho1ogrnphy arc mvucd tojom. Quc,i ion, concerning the club or Pho10 Fair '96 should be directed 10 Phil Corhs. the club's facul1y adviser. at 769-3419.

The NIC Sentinel

Page 9

Drunk driving leaves lasting effect OnJune27.1995 I received u late call from n friend in hysteric,. She had p~sed II wreck after leaving my h<lusc and thought 1he silver RX7 resembled n friend of our:.. We impmicnily tried to recall if Ryan's J eanette Gohl car wa~ parked at hi, Opinion house. It wn,n ·,. She nnd I )lUycd on the hne. wai11ng 10 hc;ir ,omcthing that would case ou1 mind,. Aller hour;; of su,pcn~cful \ilcncc. nhuu,tinn forced u, to hang up Not mor.: than .111 hour uftcr we hung up. 1he phone mng once ag:1in. R>Jn wu, dead Being from u high ,choul "11h only nround 100 \ludcnt~. I hnd ti~ chuncc only few had- I had the chance to l..1101\ Ryan Luncn before a drunl dnvcr dro\'c on the M<'ng stdc of 1hr fn."Cway, himng him head on. Ryun', dc,11h left me fmgilc. I w11-,11·1grl'Ut l} ncquaantcd wnh ham, b111 I knew him I knew he wa, nn c\lrcmc:ly f1mny guy. 11,.ncw he rluycd u mcun guirnr,\\ he didn '1deserve what he got: an undhcovcred life. Ryan's life wru,n't thc only one left undt~ovcred 1h111 yc:ar. On Dec. 2. ha~ high ~chool ,wce1hcnn was :,tso fortcd to give her life to a drunk driver. Diana Chri,1ophc~on wn., my friend. D,:uling with the dc:nh, of friend~ who just grnduutcd from high ~ hool wa, deva,tuting. 10 cverycnc. Even people who hadn 't known Ryan or Diana were 11.111cltcd, and ~ccing 1hc,c people :11 lhcir funcrnb made me reali1e whu1 cnmes hnd rc,11Jy been committed. I then d1.>cidcd I would never comm11 such n crime. I nc1•cr 1hough1 I'd losa: any of my fri~nd, to drunk driving-· reality i~ now known 10 me. I wonder why 111001. the dt:ath, of two gnial p.:ople to open my eye~. No mouer how much we want to believe it, no one is lnvanciblc. 'lltc trulh is, lhcse death~ could huvc l>l'l'n prevcn11·d. Th,: fault lie<; with I.he choice•muker. And only you have 1h.: power to makl' your own deci\ion\ So when you plan on dnnking try 10 round up ,1 dt"sign~icd dnvtr. Or plan on gomg ,omewhcre and staymg put. If )'Our Mill living wuh your p.1rcnh and are afn1id to a,k to suay over ot n pany- who care,!! Asl. them 1111yway 1 foci that mo\! parents rcali,.e drinkmg and driving b .i problem. Hey. they m1gh1 ,urprise you nnd say yes. Beller to help U) be safe than allowing u, 10 drive home. probably intoxicated. Remember, whc:n you dnve drunk the life ol n str.mgcr-or a friend--could be in your hand,.

Page 10

The NIC Sentinel

Thursday, Nov. 14, 1996

Arts and Entertainment

Children's literature grows on stage Writing Aloud features storybook reading, 9-year-old uplifts audience bJ' Bill Canepu Semi11rl Rtportrr hildren and li1cra1ure \\WC the focus n1the ln1.:st Writing Aloud =~ion Tu.:sdny, Oc1. 2!.


Vllrious speakers 100k 1ums rending 1hc1r fovori1e children ·s \tOrits 10 a ~mall audience in 1hc Koo1cna1 Room of 1he Student Union Building. The evcnmg bcgnn wi1h an irurod11c1ion by NIC Ac1ivi11cs Oirec1or Dean Bcnncll. who was 1hc facilitntor of 1he mc:c1ing Md or[!nnius the program. II 1hen moved 10 lhc readings. The first rending was by Linda Bennett. n fifth gr.ide teacher. As she read the story of"Tncky the Pcn1,ruin," one

c()uld r a.,ily 1cl11hn1 , he wos a grndc school 1cachor. She read with emhusia~,n and held the book ou1 so 1hot nil could see 1hc illustrnlions. as only u teacher can. Smiles covered the foccs of everyone in 1he room. including her husband. Oean Bennell. ·nie m:x1reading was by Bcnncn. He read "Stellaluna," the s1ory of n young bat and her friendship wi1h :i fttmily of birds. Though no1qui1e the s1ory1cller as hi\ wife. his love for 1hc s1ory w,~s easily vi~iblc. Once again. parents smiled and 1he children were captiva1ed. 111c highligh1 of lhc evening was when 9-ycar-old Kc~y Stiles read 1hc book "The Mouse's P:un1ing." Her parent~ looked on with pride llS 5hc read wi1h dc1crminn1ion, showing every p1c1ure. lier reading skills

were impressive, but she s1ill needed to ask her mother about n couple big words. This was II sligh1ly different approach to the Wri1ing Aloud program. which usually features local members of lhc community and students rending lhe1r own work Dean Bcnnen said that 1he progrnm is intended to appcnl 10 mnny diff.:re111 1as1cs, no1just trendy coffee shop pocls. Wri1ing Aloud wus s1ancd 1hrcc yea~ ago a~ an ou1lc1 for campus und community writers. Every monlhly session has a diffcrcnl focus from shon Morics 10 poe1ry 10 children·~ books. The nex1mccLing, onginally scheduled ror Nov. 19, was rc~cheduled for O<!c. 10 31 7 p.111. and will feature local cssny con1c\l wmncr..

So you think you want a tattoo, here are a few things to keep in mind: 1) Listen to the "word of mouth " that is

5) Look for sterilization equipment, being sprea d around . Good work gets autoclaves, dry heat sterilizers, ultrasonic talked about. cleaners. 2) Size up all the a rea competition. Visit 6) Watc h to see if the artist w ears g loves the shops; the a rtist should have a and what they do with d irty needles. portfolio to show off Ca photo collection 7) NEVER GET A TATIOO WHILE UNDER THE of his work). INFLUENCE OF ANYTHING! (You bleed 3) Compare your budget w ith the prices more a nd it hurts more.) being quoted. If the prices seem high, try 8) To those illustrated persons that are someplace else. already familar with these tips, are you 4) Ask questions .. .. the a rtist's background, ready to revive your o ld skin? the methods of sterilization, their aseptic This Ad Courtesy or Sandpoint Tattoo and Body Piercing technique, etc. Remember this is a * Over 20 years Exp. • 1OOOs of Designs • Professionally Sterile permanent modification to your body; • Over 75 Colors Blackwork, Freehand Fineline ' Makeovers and don't let it be scarred by someone who Coverups. • All Body Piercing $25-$30 ' Custom Work $20 an hour • $20 min. on all Tattoos just wants your money! 206 N. 1st Ave. (in rear) Sdpt,ID 83864 (208) 265-5212

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The NIC Sentinel

tVl3,ARiH£ r. r< E~I-\MA~ i,J

1i ;,

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(\ J\

Page 11

Thursday. Nov. 14, 1996

Page 12

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cp .


Gtffing under t/rt skin- (fop} Clint Riley. profmio,J GNl managtr of I.Ake Ciry Tatfoo. colors in Tammy 'ing 10 Mon1a11ye, trying 10 take breaks 10 reduce dis· Mo111<111ye·s arm. Riley is 111te111pti11g 10 improve tht comfort 011/y intensifies the pain 1ha1 w11ooi11g im'OiitJ

photo• b!I A,unda Tomme

The pain and

r.:i of tattooing f

/lip /r11gger- (fop and lift) Sena L1111d. ed11r111um. r1•1·1•11l.1" wmM wuoo. L1111d has had 1/w l<l/1(}11 Jiir fo11r 11u111thf The de1ig11 tll(lt u,ke City Tauoo ~i, hours to r(}m · plete "It's my g11rira11tl'e that/' II be st11111y f"r the rest of Ill\' life;· Lund smd.

by Amundn Ton.u m• ii DO legal ocrtlli~res or stcnll1.nti~ equipment urc mMdntory in und R) 1111 MucClnnnthnn t.labo. llolAc,cr, o1C11on by the APT rs being !al.en 10 enact ~uch Jaw,, s~n11nrl A«onhngto Rdey.11 is ,mponant to \14) 3"'.IY from "\Cr.lt1:hel"i" A boll le or ammono, "~cpt under rile table ot l, Cit)' To ,e..r ~tio t.'UlOOS without follo,..,ng Wlll3l1on mcasu~). rite csrn:mc case<. those who pas< out fmm rhc pain or ,hod.. RllcySlltSs(d the ,mponancc of saruuu,on and sn1d t.hnt ,ryou do nOt 'O,c d1\COmfon mJy only be tcrnpomry. bur rhc l\:m:uningiltf lCrlllllJU>Clavc •tcriliziuion urnl (a hosp1111l < which uses prcssurlast J ltfcume md11tam 111 273 degrees) u, the t1Utoo P3f)or. then one would IC3vc Tattooing. once v,c"'cd by nwn,treJSII <OC><IY .u"" oblt1ll'I -S..I). reserved for \OCial 001ca<t.. is c~pencncmg • gm..,th in popilltl> ~ of receiving a 1111100 through unstcrili.tcd equipment among college studcm, . "" 11118C from contracting Hcp:uitis B. severe scarring and even the posThc ~,noomg procc,~ "cll-pl:u111ed from Step l. Accordill' CC<ltnc11ng HIV. 3CCOR!ing to NIC Nurse Practu.ioocr Llnda R,ley. mMagcr or Lake C,ty T•noo. after a CUS1omer has d«llol design. tl,c mnoos can be crc.ltcd m fr.-ehnnd by the 1ottoo3111!1" healthy tanoo, Riley said that u 1s best to apply Ncosponn 111 through II printed tmnsJXtren<:y of d1c chosen ru1wo1~. • ~ ""'" for two to 1hrce days. Following thiJ initinl hcnJmg 1 Before 1auooing process begins. R,lcy dismfeclS the skin •ii i>ts Riley S3Jd that Lubcrocmt Looon is the best moisruri= because soap. contammg 30 pcn,cnl :ilcohol. Any h:ur i~ st,a,cd olf.eol IIOIUtntct the 1111.'.. cd vnscltnc ,s applied. TI11s eruiblcs <mootlt Mild n,o,'Cf!ICd 11 • ~ the ~mg period, -.h,ch l:1S1S about rwo weeks. Rile) sugworks and helps keep tl,c ink conccntmtcd. . IO~ should llOl soak Inn bath. dwell in th sun or nposc the 1111 • A nccdlo bar w1d a line tanoo ne¢dlc is auaehed to c1th<II oe. hnct, wh,ch i< <lipped into the desired color b<fote pcncltllin& ~ tanoos arc ptmtancnt. the qualuy of the am.on: t"OCls IO fade the skin. 'CU,g the lkin. In these cases. Riley said t1131 a p:uticul;,r ·11,e taltoo needle punctures the s~,n nbout 500 tune.( porS(<Oli -n,. call<,I ~tine 1s used to enhance whnt has been lost ~ Riley wid. "With thi< morion. the ink I• forced benc~th the slllf>' ~ d lllltoo looks powdery. yet bnutd new." Riley 1kin." ~~ c:unpus, ghmpses of tlus l>C""3nffll lV1 fom, According to Sena Lund. "'ho 1w UlttOO<, lhc dTc-:t ol lht for acquiring 1Att00$ often ~ f r o m ~ •':ID t, odd thmg< to the body. • w,i ~'1:tw,g IO rcnnan.ntty Cllgl1lvc,. chcmhcd de..-.. "When tl,c needle tuts n bone. it mnkcs your1oc,,J1ggle, Fort1it • ~ 11ac proc<.-durcs thot mu,t be followed during 1hc tartOO P"""' ,,.,., llrtists who cneatc !Au~ ex.,...... ....... ,_ _ _, ""'"' ..-·~1n -~ ... "''<'fur lb., "-IJ raiu,re • ,tnct •ttentton to .anilllli<"• IO<lO"'' · t111ooui--=,ul w,,,t. · · '"' Riley.mcmbcrol Al7 l"(Asso<<>tlOOOf Prof~K...iT &IS tn)oursou1. flOI )1>Urlnm, " R.tle) ~









Ankle ink- (!'op left) Emily Ro/Jinson. art, reveals 11 3-year-olrl 1a1100. "The healing process is quick, /J111 it itched," Ro/Ji11so11 sa/J1. (Top right) Brook Atchi,uon, psychology. had her 1111100 donf' in the Philippines. "/ /oire my WI· toos," A1cl1i11so11 said.


Page 13

The NIC Sentinel

Paint pallets- (Above left) Meaghan Rice, pre-veterinarian medicine, reveals a tattoo that symbolizes her asrro/ogical symbol, Scorpio. Rice said that she received the tattoo two years ago in Minneapolis. "I think it's coot:· Rice said. (Above right) S111denr Camilo Lopez shows a tattoo that he said he has had for 15 years. "They grow 011 you;' Lopez said. "Getting a tattoo isn' t painful; it puts you in the zone."

Forever back- (Top left. photo by Richard LeFrancis) Danny Vega, wrestler, reveals the intricate names of his wife and daughter. (Top right) Frank Kowenlieris, law enforcemenr, lifts a pam leg to show his 2-year-old tattoo. Komenlieris said that he was drunk and bored when he got the tattoo. (Bottom left) John Hartma.n, law enforcement, peels back clothes to reveal ·'Speedy Gonzalas." He said that during the process the vibration "gittered in his gw ." (Bottom right) Leticia Edwards, biology. says she got her tattoo as soon as she turned 18. "/ hare needles, bw after IO minutes it doesn't even hurt,'' Edwards said.


Did you know?...

Page 14

The last cross country 0 •••

Thursday, Nov. 14, 1996

The NIC Senlinel

Campus Sports


Cr6ss county team ready for nationals hy Wes Woods S<'11ti11d Rrf)tJrtc't The men·, cro" roun1ry 1c;m1. kd by fom1cr Nonh ld.1110 !ugh ,chool ,rnndou1,. iook 1lmd pl::icc m 1he NJC,\ A Region IX Cro,, Coun1ry Ch,unpinn,tup, 10 cam :i bcnh 10 11a1ionals. TI1c women·, 1c:1111 100k founh and " headed 10 na1ionah ar1cr gelling :1 wild card bcnh The men we re led by 1wo locn l nmncrs, fom1er Sandpoint ,iondou1 Prcqon t- lanm (26: 10) and Lnkc land's Todd Bn.1cc (26: 17). who earned a trip 10 11a1iona l~ by finishing ninth and 101h. rcspcc1tvc ly. The women. led by Spoka ne·, I-l eather llarrnon·~ I Ith place fini,h ( 19:26) and Brooke Mclachlan\ l01h c20:06J. had n 1oughcr 1ime 1h:m lht• men for 1hc w1ldcard with their overall founh-placc ti111,h. Other men Cardmul\ 111 the mp .!O were Pnc\l River'\ Lane..- Cl:irl.. CI(,, 2'1:~0). Coeur d'Alene·, Chri, fa,,,cM ( l<l, ~(i:.'.i7l and Po,t l·all ~· Ja,on Ck1uw I W. 27:0 I) P11m 10 the mcl'I, \l,tr1111 , auJ, "I believe wc'vr caml' J l<>n)! w;1y \Ince la<l yc:1r. Wc'rc go111g lo ,In 1cJII)' ,H·ll 1n 1h" ro.lCt.''

"I ,,·c u, dcl mllcl} go111g 10 n.11m11.11\," Bruce ~.ud. ··rm 1rvmg 10 hr..-::il.. 26 m111u1c, for this mCt'I " Top women fin1,hef\ for 1ht cardm.11\ wcrc Veromt·a Mcnd1c11, (23. 2():20). llolly Gabben c2.5. 20:-16). Ab>by Pm11 (26. 20:.'.i I ) and Po,1 ra il\· Shannon 01,on (27. photo by Richard Le Francis Ready for tho big time- Practicing for nationals (from left) are Holly Gabbert, Shannon Olson and Hearher Harmon.

20:53). "We' ll do rcolly well bccau~t' ,, e·rc really good: wc·r.:: u clo<~ 1eam," ll crrnon ~aid. " My goal is 10 mul.c 11 10 nauonals a,

Sports Nates

Final Natural High for the semester

Basketball player booted, reinstated

semester's last High 9 p.m. 10

Men's basketball player Sha\111 Myrick wa~ kicked off the team, but brought b,1ck 1wo days later when head conch Hugh Wa1~on ruid 1hc rc~1 of the 1cam voted 10 bnng him back. Myrick wn.s dismissed for di~iplinory problems and missing a p111c1ice after a recruiting ,,isi1 10 James Madison University. However, Myrick was reinstated when

Watson found out th111 Myrie!. hnd nowhere ti~ 10 go. The players also vo1~-d to lei Myrick piny 11g111n. but made ii dllar that this 1s his 111.,1 chruicc. "Whn1evl'r t11e team feds ts bc~1 is what I'm comfortable Wllh." Watson :.aid. In other new, concerning 1hc men's basketb.111 team, point guard Todd Myles said 1hat he e~pec1s lo ~ign with Mississippi S1a1e on the early-~igning dendline, Nov.

13. The only center on the team. Stephen Ryan is playing ogain after suffering a leg injury early in prucricc that coaches feared could keep him out for the season.

The intramural will ho~11hi, m1dnigh1 Frid:1y. Nov. 22. in Chrisuanson Gymnasium. All student\ ~ welcome 10 an~nd the event. imcnded to offer an altema.uve 10 gening high on alcohol Md drug,. Organized activities include volleyooll. basketball. floor hockey, card game~ .111d fun, fun, fun. Drinks and light refre<hmenL~ offered 111 no charge. No entry fte is required and random door prizes will be awarded. Ques11ons about Natural High :should be directed to PauJ Manzardo.769,3299.

an individual a, well·" for 1hc whole 1c:1m." "I 1hml. our running p,1cl.. "really ,1rong." Mclachl:m ,a11I. "h ~hould be a clow rucc hc1wccn 11, and Rici.,. "Once .1gain, our region lor both men and women 1, prnh;1hl} 1hc ,ironge\l m 1he colulll') ," coach. 1'111..c Bundy ,.1111. "h'\ concc1vablc 1h:11 we could end up third pl:1cc 1n our region. Both men and women ,1111 hove a good chance to place 111 1he lop four or five in the nauonal mcc1. The ,core, fr(l111 1h1< year', mcc1 ,houltl also be somewha t closer 1h:m 1,1'1 ycur',." For lhc men. S0u1h~m ldnho 100k first in 1hc Rexburg mce1 w11h 27 po1111~ over Urnh Valley (45): NIC tini,hed ur 72. For 1hc wo111c11, Rici., tool. tir,1 (23) o,•cr S0u1hcm ld.1ho (40> "11h Urnh Valley (IJ2J and NIC w11h 1)3 po1111, The lop· rnn~cd lc,1111, cumcd .111 JUto111.11ic bcnh Ill na1mno l, ,110111? w11h 1hc 1op 10 inl1111du;1 I,. ·1h~ prcv1011, 111..-cr lor lhl' C.1rJ111al\ 'h" 1ht: (kl 19 F,1\11.'rn w ,l\htng11111 lrw11:111onal ,ll Finch Arlx1rc111111, "h1ch h,1ll ,1r11ng 11111,hl·, by t>olh 1ca111, Bru~c p;i.·cd 1hc men w11h ,1 n1111h plncl' lin1,h in the -I :,. mile couf\c JI :?(> 16. M,1r1111 w.1, m·,1 w11h .1 !.7 I II. got>d lor 18th.

111c 110111c11 ,,er.: kd b>· Mcl..1chla11·, 21J1h at 22· 22 on 1he .l-nulc cour,e as I lar111011 '"" OUI w11h 11 lllld OvcrJII, 1he men 11crc ~crnnd place Jmong non-D1v1,m11 I ,ctmol, wt1h 43 pom1, Spokane wa, f1N w11h 28. Th(' women were third among non dl\·1~1on ~chool\ wirh 57 poml\ behind Whi1wonh (-11) ;md Spokane (23).

Intramural activities fill the semester EvcnL~10 be offered by 1hc intn1mural office: Ping pong tournament • Nov. 20. noon. SUB game room Turkey Bo~ling • Nov 25. noon. cafeteria Turkey Trot • Nov. 26, noon, Fon Sh.irrnllll P'MI. Ping pong 1oumamen1 • Dec. 2. noon. SUB game room Pool tournament· Dec. 4. noon SUB game room Quoin ping pong tournament. Dec. 9, noon. SUB game room For information on any of events lisred above, co111ae1 Paul Manurdo. 769-3299.


ThUrsdaY, Nov. 14. 1996

Pin drop can be heard at games Thtrt I "~ enjoying a nice quicl game of

womtn's volleyball when I asked myself. ''Why on God's green Easth 1s itquic1?!"Thcn it hit me; I was 1he only one 1hen:.

All right. 1.1ml mny be a linlc bit of a s11e1ch, but i1's close enough. II gol to the poinr duriog 1h01 game that I 1hough1 sure the guys from Sprinl were going 10 busr through the doors and do one of l11cir pin drop commcrcinl,. I'm Dan Grisham hoping for crowd Opinio n suppon and they give me Candllcc Bergen. I'm sure rhe reasons for non-aucnduncc ore among rhc classic, "Duuudcl I was 100 busy hangin' ou1with my friends 'Red Dog' and ' Bud' n11he lcehouse. Huh. huh, huh." I cun easily understand why hovering over 1hcir porcelain "god'' is more enjoyable 1han corning to an sponing event that requires more

~kill !hon merely rorming rhc words "Chug! Chug! Chug!" 0111111ed 1111~ isn 't the only allcma1e pastime that is enjoyed by 1ho~ in "unoucndnnce'' but the poml hM been mnde. I do, however. find it lwtl 10 bchcvc that :i campus with more than 3,000 srudems can ·1 have more 1han 50 or so 1um out for an athletic evcn1. And you cnn't tell me thnl the other 2.950 an: doing homework. The plain and ~imple 1nnh is tlmt most siudcms and focuhy have nbsolmcly no school 1piriL 11·~ :,ad. reruly, lhnt 1he only spon 1ha1·~ probably going 10 have con"s1cn1suppon 1s 1he one 1hn1 co~1S the school the most money. Of coo~. I'm talking about b:lskctball. Lei's :lllaly,c 1h1, shall we. Our tui1ion goes into 11 budget that , along with taX doUnn;. goos 10 pay ror. nmong mnny other thing~. scholarships for the athletes. The ba.•kelbrul players receive far more than the volleyball players. b:1..eball players, and Wrt'Sllers, nud yet Mudtn1$ rt'fuo;c 10 go and watoh the true bargains in athletic,. I mu<1~ay my high school hnd more ~p1rit than NIC (No 111,piration:11 Crowd~! and we had to actually pay 10 get 11110 our g,U11cs. I do sec hope on the horizon though. 1licrc is a chance that the beer-swilling micro-brew brains. 1hc "1101'\. i< prfori1y in my patheuc exis1cnct" people. and the "l n~'Cd 14 hours of slccp-amght people" will be w pi\Scd-off at what I've said that they'll come and take advantage of all the free enicnainment ju.,1 to prove me wrong. T~ those misguided, y,1 brave soub I just sa.y this: ''I'll believe ii when I (and llll lhe athletes) can hear it."

The NIC Sentinel

Page 15

Oregon climbing excursion broadens students' horizons by Daniel Yeager Se111i11el Reporter

anend. but thnt number dwindled to seven by the Friday they were to toke off. TI1e area had recently been devasuucd by a fire 1ha1 hnd much of the park still closed to climbing out of conccm for erosion. TI1c rive r rolled through the park with static charred death on one side and oblivious li fo on the other. "Wow! h looks like a smnll ~trcnm of hell rolled through!'' sa id panic1pant Kilcy Keiben O\ ~he ~aw the park for the first time. The weather wa~ wonderful nncl the warm sun shone down on 1hc clam bers. making ~omc a linle pink before the cl imbing was done. with tempcrnlllrcs

that stretched into 1hc lower 70s. The nights were a different story. The Deep in the hean of Oregon lies a high ahi1udc desert rndi nted the day's gigamic series of rock formati ons th:11 wanlllh back imo space and the shoot like flames from 1he nether regions ternpcrnture plummeted into 1he 20s. of the canh into the brilliam azure sky of There :ire two types of climbing al 1hc grassl:mds. Smilh Rock 1ha1 the group participated Eight hou~ southwest of Coeur d' m: sport climbing (the pro1cc1ion A lcnc near Bend, On!.. is the home of consists of boll~ pcm1anc111ly drilled - no Smith Rock State Park. cliffhanger "bolt guns" hcrc--into Ghe 111c heavil)• pocketed volcanic tuff rock 1hu1 lhc climber clips into us ~ti1c runs the entire spectrum of reds and n~ccnds) and 1radi11onal climbing (the browns, providing a spectacular and climber places removable wedges and internationall y recognized climbing area. camping dev ices into crack~ and other Last weekend part1d pun1, 111 an rock feat ure~·" ~he n~ccnd,). Outdoor Pursuil) trip traveled 10 Smith Pan of the group focu~cd on spon Rock 10 test lheir cl imbing prowes~. cl imbing, finding ~omc ove rhung 5. 12s Originall y. al least 11 had planned to (the difficulty of n chm b •~ rated from 5.0· 5. 14 wuh 5. 14 hemg the hardc~t) to worl on. which included ~cvcrnl 1hrn,hi ng n11cmp1 ~ a t the noionou~ly 1eehnn:nl uvc rhnng111g :arc1e Chain R.:ac1ion. Will Ne~~.: , .11d he w:1, very pleased with ha~ on~1gh1 (he r limbcd II un his fi rst u11cmp1 wi1hou1 foiling) of the S. 11 Skinny Swc.11y Mnn on the second dny. The majority of the group did a lilllc spon climbing but focused mainly on m1d111onnl climbing, l1ck111g off n few mu hi-pitch route, 111cl uding the fun nnd classic two- 10 three- pitch route. Sp1derman. "It was awe,ome, I fell fonunatc 10 be there," Elilabcth Tw1dt srud of her fin.t multi-pitch c~pcricnce a, , he hung from the bclny ,1a11on halfway up the wall. " It's addictive!" Once the sun went down and they hnd c,hau)ted the climbing light for the day. the group drove 10 the Crooked Ri ver Campground where they made 3 warm fire and ate heaping helpings or ,pagheui and 1al:ad that Jason Luker, Outdoor Pursuits coordmatt>r. prepared for them. With full ~tomach~. they n~tled down into their mummy bag5 to 1he di s1ani t:horu~ or howling coyote) while meteor:. plummeted into the Earth', photo by Daniel Yeager atmosphere from high in th<! sky. Hang In there- NIC student Joe Lind scales the cliffs of Go Dog Go, a 5. 12 difficulty rating at Smith Rock State Park in Oregon.

Page 16

Thursday, Nov, 14, 1996


The NIC Sentinel

Volleyball team winds up season with improvement


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by Kelly Dengel Stnti11rl ReJJ(irrer As 1he '96 volleyball season winds down. 1hc Cards are still preparing for lhcirJasl couple of games, During 1he weekend of Nov, I nnd 2. NlC played host 10 Treasure Valley Community College. Ricks Communny College and College of S0u1hem Idaho dunng 1he round robin Cm!inal Clnssk "'I wnnt them 10 play wi1h the smne intensity they've had for the l~t few matches," Head Cooch Carly Cunis said concerning the tourney. The C:~ 1001. 1hc 1ir;t grune from Ricks 15· l L but loM the match IS-7. 15-5, 16-15. During 1he 1wo mnlch-ups again5t Treasure Valley. NIC snagged only one win at 15-12. 15· 12. 7-15 :uid 15-4, In 1hc one match ngainst CSI, the Cards to,t Cunis ~aid ~he felt the team played well. despi1e scores und the foci 1he team placed last. CSI, National JumorCollcgc chrunp1ons, 100k first place nt the tourney. Setter Lori Coover was lhe only Card named 10 1he Canlinal Cltl.'>~ic League Team. The coachc., -clec1cd lhe players named 10 1he team. who received Big Dog

T-shirts. As Cunis looked b:1ck on this season. s~ said it was a building year in which the ICM! improved n lot. Throughoul the scn.wn, Cunis ha.~ focused on building strength. confidence and consis1ency, Cunis a11ribu1ed some of the team\ weakneso; 10 lack of sophomore guidnncc. With n vas1 majority of freshmen on lhe team, Curtis said 1hcy'vc 5trugglcd wilh 1imc manngemenl, proper ea1ing and gcning enough ~lecp on their own. Cunis said 1his -.:awn will provide 1hc b.'\SC for ncx1 year·~ 1o:am 10 ~tcp up and w ou1i,1a11ding. Cur1J\ wd ~he has already Wll 0111 do,.en~ of .couung lc11cr; in prep;iratioo for nc:<I sca...on nnd i, hopdul nit fmhm:in will return, , Kelly O' Brien, n<,i,t:mt coach. ,:ud rerummg playcn, will be dcci&.'<I m th;: ~pring. W11h n league rect>nl of 2-.\, lhe Card~ c:amed a ticket to regionah. l.nocking off Treasure- Vnllcy. O'Bnen !<llid it\ re~lly hard 10 ~ay how they'll du, "I think wc·rc peaking at the end of the season, which b what every coach wanb," Cuni~smd,





The NIC Sentinel


Thursday, Nov. 14, 1996

Page 17

Pair of point guards ready to begin season Myles brings big-time play Healthy Dickson puts to small college in Idaho the hurt on competition by Jonathan Hoy Sports &1110,

Freshman b,1sl-e1ball traru.fcr Todd Myles grtw up pl11ying some of lhc 1oughes1 competition !he counrry hBS 10 offer. Playing high school baske1ball an Brooklyn. Myles wen1 he!ld-10-hcnd with Sttphon Mnrbury an the NYC championship his ~ nior year. Mrubury ,~ now plnymg for !he M10neso1n Timberwolves in the NBA. ··When you play again\t potcn1ial pros. ii 11101ivatcs you to play bener:· Myles said. After gr!lduating from high school, Mylc~ signed with West V1rg1ma University but dido 't play after suffering kidney stones. '"It ~ n real frustrating year. w I decided to ~um all over agam with n.'Cruiting nnd everylhmg;· Myles said. New men's basketball coach Hugh Watson found out Myl~ wns available and immediately began recruiting him. Myles said he was impru5Cd by Watson as a man and decided to simplify lus tifo in Idaho. ··1t's really laid back hen: and I needed thn1." Myle-~ < "l"m really focussing m on

academic.~ because I lost the good acndemic foundation I hnd coming ou1of high school when I went 10 West Virginin... Myles is going 10 be o key 10 any success 1hnt 1hc physically snmll Cnrdim1l's will hnve. He said 1h01 1hc 1cmn is going 10 focus on up1empo offense and prc.~ urc defense. ··My goal on offense i~ 10 make ~ure 1hoi we ge1 1hc highes1 pcrccn1agc shols possible." Myles said. The key 10 the up-tempo offense is cffcc1ivc ball hundling and smnrt decisionmaking. Myles dcmo11~1ra1cd both 1ho...e


aspccLS in the first game of 1he ~cason a, 1he Cardinals defeated Silu1c of Lithuania. '"Since we·re small. if we lel 1cams ~ , up their offense, we're 111 iroublc. ·· Myles snid. '"If we can gel an up-tempo game going and play 1ough defense. the ad,•an1agc is 10 us.'" Wi1h the early signing period beginmng Fnday, Myles plan, 10 ~ign with Mi,)i,sip1>1 State and gc1his degree. ··ou, of 5.000 college players each year. only 40 make it 10 the NBA."' Mylc, \aid. ··Everybody can·1 make 1110 1hc 1>ros. so I"111 focusing more on geuing my degree and worl..111g back in New York." Myles 1sn'1,o focu,cd on 1he ru111n: lhnl he""·, concemrJ1ing on the present He \!lid thi, " one of the onl) 1c.1m, lhflt he", c,,cr played on where he gch .,long ,, ith all hi, teammate, Ht " ,1h,o happ) wuh 1hc \ 0.1,hmg , ,tu,uion. '"Co.1d1 I\ a great n1.1n ' M) k, <,nd. '"I pin, l~,rd tor hnn uncl rc~p..·, I him •· !): pile th.: l,ICl lh,11 h<.: 1, ml\\ pl3) mg in ld.lho 111,tcJll of 1hc lic.i,) o>mpe1111on 111 :-.;e" \ nil, Myk~ ,md i,omc thmgs t100·1 dtlUlgc. ··111111<' "'!(},. p.:uplc ,.m pluy ball "hcrcwr you gu.~ photo by Richard Le Francis Mylc, ,,ud. It might not be !he NBA. Big timer- TOdd Myles has brought his city style of playtoNIC bu1 Myle, m.,y have found hi, niche n long way from home. 0

by Kelly Dengel Sentinel Reporter Wi1h a minute and o half left in the first qu(Uler, sophomore s1aner Angie Dickson. took control on a fust break against Big Bend Community College and fired n layup 1hat ended her ·94 baske1ball season. ''I fell undescribnble pain," Dickson said. " I was just sobbing ... Dickson said 1he lay-up changed her life forever. When she went for lhc lay-up, she heard a painful pop. followed by her len knee locking. Randy Boswell, a1hlc1ic

Profiles trainer. ~-aid Dickson ripped her an1crior cruciate ligruncn1. Boswell said the orthoscopic surgery. pcrfonned by Dr. Richard Zom of Scaule, who works wi1h the Senhnwk~. replaced

1he ligan1ent in her knee with the scmi1endinosus and gracilis tendons of her leg. Dick.son said her surgery was followed by lhc U.'IC crutches for a month nnd a half. which was pretty slippery on 1he ice. Women's baskc:tball conch. Greg Crimp petitioned the National Junior College Athletic M sociolion for the medical hordship, which ullowed her cligibili1y in the siA lh game of the '96 season. "One 1hing 1ha1 really imprcs:.ed me uboul Angie is her grcnt auitudt," Boswell! !>aid. "She was never dcp~ about the injury:· With nll thut behind her, Dick~n ~id she's really excited for 1his year's team. Voted as one of 1wo cup1ains on the team, Dickson is trying 10 sustain the role of leadership. She said she feels her ability 10 make smn.rt decisions and her positive nllitude nn: her gn:lllest assets 10 the team. ·'Angie's got b:1~kc1ball snvvy," Crimp said. "She h M ll knack for whm needs 10 be done; she Im.~ a grcni '(Cll<;e of 1he game." Crimp ,aid Dickwn' s accident w.ts a huge lo~s in leadership nnd ~I.ill lt1s1 sea\on. In h~r 1hird scioon ut NIC, Dicltwn said ~he', rc.idy for na1ion.1I compe1111on. Crimp <;aid the ro.,d 10 nu1ional, i, alway, 1oul!-h, hut the 1cam , hould be compeuuve at reg,onak O icl(.,011 ~;,id ,he antic1pa1e~ a future with Pcppenl,nc. h,,pin 10 pl,y h:zskctball ,H the ~hhbu 11111,crsu~ on ~chola,,,h p In the 11 1 g:i,ne of 1hc aum. the, -d IJ'UVI.' tu wl:c

19 Tbt' C1mb fin.I ht11nc game.ttnd .i chm,-c h> °ll()'I

photo by Richard Le Francis Ready lo play- Attar sil/ing out last season because of an inJury. Angie Dickson is back.

"lltch 01ckson pl.iv i, Fnd.!y. Nuv :!2 agJmsl 11<111-leaioe Columbia B~in. ut 5 30 p.m

Page 18


Thursday, Nov. 14 , 1996


The NIC Sentinel

Ho.rsing around encouraged in this class Equestrian class lets students ride high

photo by Edward Francis High In the saddle- Tiffany Mellon works on her riding form in Marion Crunb's equestrfan class.

by Ed,,ord Fruncls Sentinel Rrpm ter The cool nuiumn air and lhe musky ~cent of horse~ made :1 dcligh1f11I nftemoon at lhc riding arena where some students arc gelling 1he chance 10 Jcarn cquc~lrian nding. 11,c ms1ruc1or. M11rion Crumb. hn~ lx:cn ,caching lhc course for 1he college ~incc 1980 al her pcrsonnl propcny in Hayden Lake with all of her own animals and equipment. Uecausc she has l>ccn tcn~hing for the college for Lhc lt!Sl 16 years, giving lessons for 33 years and just plain been riding horses for over 60, she's able 10 bring wi1h her a great amoum of knowlt'dge 10 1hc clnss. Crumb allow\ 16 s1udcn1s 10 enter 1hc cln\S each semc(tcr, but right now only has siit Mudent~ in her Tuesday cla~, and five m her Thursday doss. One of lhc s1udems. Tiffany Mellon, snid. "Whm keeps mos1 of 1he pcoph: from 1he clo~, i\



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1hc $ 70 lnb fee. 8111 when you 11tink whnl ii cost~ 10 earl· for n horse on n full-lime basis, 1hnl'~ prelly cheap.". The class is comcred around 1hc 1wo mos1 popular Myles of rtdmg, wcs1crn am! English. Crumb soid the biggcs1 difference~ between 1hc 1wo nre 1lm1 English, 1hc ~addle hns no horn, 1hc rider use~ n 1wo-hn11d s1yh: of con1rol wi1h 1hc rein~ and sirs up ~1rnigh1cr in 1hc ~addle and, of cour~e. the English s1yle is also o mor.: elcgnn1-looking wny 10 ride. In nddi1ion 10 1encl11ng ndmg. the course nlso covers 01hcr aspcc1s of horsemon~hip: like how 10 propcrl y approach a horse, how 10 succc~sfully cu1ch a hor!ic and put a haller on 11, proper saddling 1cchniqucs and lhc best way 10 moun1 a horse wi1hou1 making it nervous. Thi~ ~cmcs1cr, besides 1hc riding 1hc s1udcn1s arc lcnrninp. nbou1 proper care of lite horses, and. according 10 lhc people in 1he eln~s. 1her.: is no belier

person to learn 1his from lhnn Crumb. "Marion is real particular about her horses. Everything has 10 be done in a rennin way," said J.P. Mellon. "8111 1ha1·s undemandnblc. con~idcring 1ha1 each hor~.: has to dent wi1h close 10 10 dlffcrenl ndc~ each week; 1hcy need a linlc co11s1$1cnc>·."' Po11y Rullick said, "She JU\l cares so much for lhcsc ho~s." In 1hc ~pring \e~,ion of 1hc etas~. Crumb 1cachc~ more nbou1 lhc proper nu1n1ion ot hori.c,. Thi\ includes how 10 picJ.. ou1 1hc right hny 10 Iced Lhc :uum31~ and how much 10 feed based on ho\\ hard a horse i~ lx:mg worked. Crumb al~o leaches abou11hc h:g11li1ic, concerning hori.<' owncn.hip and 1r.:m~por1011on law~. ·me s1uden1~ hnvc no1hing bm rc~pccl for Crumb. " II is a real pnvih:gc gelling 10 h:arn from someone like Morion," J.P. Mellon ~nid. "Sh( JUSI knows so much nbout horses nnd i~ able 10 pa~~ 1hn1 on 10 u~."






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S ports

Thursday.Nov. 14, 1996

The NIC Sentinel

Page 19

Janke overcomes injuries to find success Sc1bal. who lasl yc:1r

Defending national champion w.,~ nnmed conch of the year for high has scars to show for hard work $Chools in the l lniml .)lnlCS.

b) Chris Keim Se111i11tl Rtl}(lru•

ror some a1hlctcs on rnJury .:an mcnn 1hc end of the season. or c,cn the end or nn allllctir career. This 1s nol 1he cnsc for wrestler Mnrl.. fanl..,· Dunng h1, Junior year of high ,chool Jnnl c broke ht, collar bone in a wrcs11ing 1oumament. Incred ibly. he conunucd Mesthng for two more matche!> in the 1ournamcnt. Janke was named an All· Amcncan that year. Dunng Janke's "rcstling career he hns had three ~urgerie, on h1, righl km:e, "" ankle inJury. bolh "mis broken, problems w1lh his b11ck and il broken collnr bone. He tins banled 1hrough 1hcse difficuh lllJuncs w11h hard work and dclcrminniion to become a nntionnl champion for 1hc Cardinal.. )ankc's wrcslhng career began al a very early age. His father took over the wrestling program in Most:5 Lake:. and encouraged Janke and Im two older bro1hcrs to get involved. Al age 3. Jonke and his 1wo older brothers. 5 nnd 7, began 10 learn wrestling from their fn1hcr Janke grew up and nuended high school tn Mo!IC, L.1kc. He wn~ coached hy Ron

Jnnke :mended Oklahomn Universily hi s firs1 yenr of college. Af1cr ;i year nnd a half. he dec ided for pcr~onnl reasons II w~n·t lhc pince for him. Janke worked at a foc1ory for a ycnr when he realucd 1hcrc was more 10 h re and decided 10 go hack lo school. When he rccc1vcu o c:111 from wrcs1ling t·o:ich fohn Owen rcgnrd ins school nncl wrcs1hng. Jonke figured ii wa, his bcsl chance to gel 111s life h,·adcd back in lhc righl dircc1ion He rciurncd to 1he Nonhwe,1 10 aucnd NIC. Janke sn1d he likes NIC bccau,c 11's lhc oppos11c of OU He snid 1h01 111 a big school ~uch ns OU !here nre so many kids you become jus1 a number. Al NIC he receives more pcrsofl31aucn11on Jonke 1, finishing ur his 13.Sl year al NIC and has very high hopes for him,elf und 1he 1cam. "The pressure of being a nouonal dmmpion is, you arc cxpcclcd lo be a leader ond to w111 agni n.'' Janke said. Jnnkc said he fccb he will s1cp U() n, a leader 1h1s ycnr wuh some of 1he 01hcr re1urncrs from lasl sca,on. "I nm not a verbal leader, but :t leader by my everyday pcrformnncc.'' fanke snid ·n,c Cardinals lrn1shcd second 111 1hc

Cheer squad ready to get students involved at games findmg ~p3ce 10 procltce. "If I were 10 draft a wish list for this program, a troimng fac1h1y would hend the ti's halftime. S1udcn1s nrc rcsling lis1:· Rh1nchan snid. "h's diffio:uh 10 find comfortably m thetr hard plasuc ea.,y cn()ugh lime 10 practice in o gym that 1s chairs when $Uddcnl)' they arc propelled from lhe sam:llly of lhetr mncr 1x-.1cc inlo n shared with 1wo 01hcr sporls." The tcnm s1ancd pmc1icing lasl May, team supporiing, crowd-pumping. school spmtcd frenzy beginning wuh one procuce n week Or :11 lcas1 lhat's 1hc idea in theory. 1hroughou1 1hc summer ,ind moving up 10 TI1cre :u lhe renicr of the 1ransp1ring molny lhcir cumml schcduk of lhrce prncuccs a arc 1hc cheerleaders. week. Seven women and five men comprise "h', a 101 of hard-work bul i1's olso o this y<!llr's squad. Only two of the women. 101 of run." Rhinehart ,aid. Don FoMcr and Jnnnica Durand. rciurncd 1i1c 11roccss starlL-d with 1hc 1ryou1s l~t from la,1 yenr· s 1cam. The team has been year. consisling of o sidclin,i (shorl chnnt "orking 10 fulfill thctr uncnvrnblc 1nsi.. of done wllh arm motions). a dance and arous111g solemn crowds. ~lunting for the women and sidchne 'Tvc been coaching chccrlcading (or )IUnling anJ lumbhng for 1hc men. TI1osc five yurs and this team hos the mos1 skill chosen for 1he squad aucndcd Universal and tnlcnt lhat I've seen" Hcod Cooch Erna Chcllrleadmg Associnuon camp where Rhmcha!l said. they worked with conchcs from across 1hc Despite 1hc1r tnlcnt, thi) 1cam hasn'l nauon. gone wi1hou1 11~ uoubles. Two of the six To asstsl 1hc cheerleaders 1n 1hc11 quest. men lhat sinned oul lhc year left 1he learn Rhinehart ~aid. "We need crowd supporl. due 10 injuries. And, they face difficuh1cs loud, exubcran1, ,,,vacious crowd ~uppon " by Dan Grisham

Senti11tl Reporter


NJCAA lns1 season. TI11~ Jonke sec~ lhc Un,vcr,;uy of Nchrosko. Jnnkc will weigh his options nl lhc end of Cardinals as the lenm lo bcnl. ·ni" include, 1hc year and mnkc lhc bes1 cho11.:c lhnl will rivnl l..a~~cn Collugc. lead 1nm to ~ucccss. For now he is going 10 Jonke described 1his year's team ns very conccnmuc on wrestli ng nod help bring NIC compc1i11vc and close friends. This b whni nnolhcr na1ional chnmpionship. mnkcs u champion caliber 1cnm. Jonke said. Janke has never been on a 1eum 1hn1 h~ won the naiionnl clmmpionsh1p. He ~md 1hi, 1s the ycnr of 1hc Cardinals' hcsl chance of gellllli! 11 done. Janke wrest led in lhc 158-pound wc1gh1 class las1 sc:t~on. 11m season he i~ ~l11io1ing for ihc 150 we1gh1 cl.1S!>. J:inkc said he 1s confidl'nl he wi ll have Oil probk111 droppmg the weight Jnnkc 1, planning to fur1hcr lus cducauon after NIC He hasn' t picked ou1 a school, bu1 would like 10 ~lay close 10 home. Owen has hccn photo by Richard Le Francis ronlactcd .ihout Janl..e The face of a champion· National champion Mark Janke ,s from nalmnal ready to de/end his //tie if he gets healthy. powerhouse. the

This is your last chance to pick up Book Swap checks in Siebert Hall Room 53. Pub Club ·will keep them if they aren't claimed.

Page 20

The NIC Sentinel


Thursday, Nov. 14, 1996

Campus N ews

Students live and learn in Korea ..



Continental differences bring culture shock·to foreign exchange students cxch:tngcs between our colleges have allowed for a grca1 amoun1of culturnl 1rnnsfc r and a greater undemanding of how much diffcren1 things arc acros~ the ocean. II was worth the cffon 10 keep from mrngining whnt Korea was like because when we landed. my hean leaped al every sight 1 beheld. My first impression was tha1 our c~cons on 1he 110· kil ometer 1rip sou1h to 1hc college spoke English nmnzmgly well. Dcspi1e the lute hour of our 3rrival, we were given a most gracious welcome. At the college. we mcl our .. homes1ays" (the s1uden1s who would be providing our lodging and meals during our visit). With prelimi nary introductions over. we wcm our separate ways for n night of rccuper.nion. My home-~1ay wn~ Pnk Ycong-Scon and his girlfriend Kim Sun Hyoung. Their apartmont was very coiy and 1hc relief I felt 10 find a "western 1oile1.. wa~ unimaginable. (Wc·d been warned 10 expect something similar to a honzontal urinal that you squat over on the floor). My firs1 morning was unbelievable. Ycong Senn wa~ dctcnnincd 10 immerse me in Korean cultu re, and 1hc cagcmcs~ I c:1.prCS!>ed in ricne111g it ~el the foundmion for :1 wonderful friendship. After cntmg at a pas1ry shop downtown, we caught a bu, and headed 10 the college. The politeness of Korean people never ceased 10 ama1,e me. Total s1rangers offered me 1he1r ~ea1, door:. were held open. everyone wan1cd 10 say hello. and be.<.t of all. I was met wi1h smiles everywhere I went. Nowhere in the United States have I been treated so kindly. The week was filled wi1h Ssy Cheese- Miehe/le Claflin with her homestay numerous acuvi ues due to parents and homestay sister.

photos & story by l>i Broun SMtim'I Rcpcmt!r How doe~ one ~a} thanl., for the combined cffon~of indh•iduals who gave me the opponuni1y of a life111nc. There arc no word, 10 cxprt~ my grn1i1ude 10 Prcsidenl Benneu. lhe ASNIC board. and Todd Snyder. I arrived m Spokane Sep. 22. after 1he best week of my life. My henn wa, lilled wi1h memorie, of my visit to Chung Cheong College in the city of Chung Ju, Korea. No one was :11the airpon 10 mcc1 me, so il hardly fell like a homecoming. I had 1ruly lcf1my hcan in Korea. I found ou1 I wa~ to replace the singer who'd been slo1cd for the trip when I got a phone call from 1hc prcsidenl's office saying. ..Gel your pnsspon and pack your bags. You·rc going 10 Korc.i.·· Needless 10 say, I was ecstatic. Exccp1 for Canndn, 1·vc never been out of 1hc United Stales. Chuni Cheong College nnd NIC have been si\ler colleges for over :t ycnr now. and during that umc many visi1ors from Korea ha\'e honored our campu~ w11h 1hcir presence. TI1i, pa,t spring i.cmc,1er, Kim Mogcn. ESL 1n,1ructor for NIC', Leaming Center. 1nught Engll,h 31 CCC. The

The exchanges between our colleges have allowed for a greater understanding of how much different things are across the ocean.

Oh, pagoda· Students visited Songnisan National Park in Korea where many locals also frequent.

lhc Wolgnng Festival the college was hos1ing in celcbrmion of 50 years of freedom from Japan. We toured the college museum (filled wi1h anifacts dug by students). panicipated in a couple of 1h..: a1hle11c games, auended many concens and ceremonies, bu1 perhaps the highlight of the trip wns 1he n:nl reason I went... singing. Michelle ClaOtn. Melody He~i. nnd I collaborated 10 perfonn White Glove affair- Donna Bennett at a ribbon ~omo examples of cutting ceremony with Pres. Oh, Chung Cheong .. American Mu~ic." I sang College (left), and Chairman Oh, of Chung Cheong n go~pel song called College "Broken and Spilled Ou!'· and although mo~t of 1he Friendships 1hn1 sprang up in only one audience probably didn·1 understand all the week will last for 1he rest of my life. I lyrics, I go1 the feeling that they felt don't know how or even when. but exactly whnt the song meant 10 me. someday I will go back 10 Korea. and nexl Communicating on that higher plateau is time I'm going 10 make sure I have mort what singing is oil about. 1ime to spend. Ifit were possible 10 mrt1 1 As I stated e?rlier. I loved every pan of every ci1izen of 1hc entire country. I thinl the trip. The food was fabulous ( I can would have that many friends by the 1inlt finally handle chop sticks). the campus is I'd finished. gorgeous, and the people 1rcn1ed me like an Di Broun ii a /n1/awour jlslurilJ -,,, honored gue~t throughout the visit. Ill NIC fro,,. Tlulmpo11 Folll Molfl.

The NIC Sentinel

Campus N ew s

Thurdsay, Nov. 14, 1996

Page 21

Career Market offers students peek at future ·-· '"-


Uope. "I think the , chool ,~ doing u grco1 job.'' Mory Ramsrud. a nurse for Koo1cnai As hundreds of curiou~ student~ poured Medical Ccn1er, ~aid, "I enjoy being ou1 in into the 1996 Curcor Market held in the Bonner Room, infornmuon nbolll careers the comm11n11y giving out information." 'Tm having .i gn:nl lime.'' said Duve gushed out. S1cwun. a mamtcnunce electnemn at NIC. The Cnrccr Markel is nn nnnunl cvenl ..I'm 111ec1ing a 101 of people " 1hn1wn~ initiated by Gail Loffonere, director of the Career The curee~ 1h01 were reprcscn1ed ranged from Center. optomc1ry to The purpose i~ to "I'm having a great .:ntrcpr~nt ur, hip. give studcnh an time and meeting a opponunity 10 i:llk 10 Mosl said lhey would some professionals in come 10 the C areer Mnrkcl lot of people!" nga1n 11 1hcy wen: n,f.. ed. 1hc licld they are -Dave Stewart ..,, g.ivc me prCII} much 1111cres1.:d in. As , 1udc111, wcn1 evcry1l11ng I y, .1n11:d." , .1id m10 the market. 1hcy Jenna fcr Jenkin,. ,1 lrcshm.m were equipped with a 111k111g gcncr.11 ,1ud1c, liM of 1he cnrcer prufc\sionals 01 the ·-rm her.: to scc ur.: a future 111 m11rkc1, a las1 of po,,ible quc~tion, 10 a)k eng111ccring m~1c.1d of JU\t going tn the profo~sionol, and a bag of popcorn. school, ge tting out and f111d1ng J Job:· 111c Career Murkel wu, :1 , ucce,s w1th .iudcn1 Pum Dw1gh: ,aid over 80 profcs~ionnb nml liicmlly hund red~ There were JU, t .1 coupk ol .:omp1Jiniof , tudcn1s, 1he best turnout in 1hrce years. abou1 1hc Career Markel. .., didn '11hink lhere would be this many The first wn\ 1ha1 nol enough t·aree r, people here... said Cra ig Wisc. 1he were being reprc~onted. and the second of the crowd." being 1hn1 it didn ·1 la~t long enough for "It 's n grea1 crowd," soid Dennis Adair. s1ude11ts with late clos~cs 10 huv.: n chance a rcsidcntinl tcchnician for the Port of 10 gc11hc inforn101ion 1h1:y n~edcd. by Urnd Preston SP11ti11et Rl'p o1tl'f

·~ '

photo by Kat Yockey Looking to the future- students tour the displays of career opportunities at the Career Market.

Children's Center celebrates 10th anniversary reunion by Ken Horrison Sentmtl Rtflllrlt:r

lc:e cn:am, cookie) and punch were on hw,d and on some fac.:\ and finge~ at the Cluldrcn's Cemcr when it cckbratcd :1 reunion Oct 14. 1l1e social included familic~ and children who had auendcd the center since it opened. Shelley Thoma~. supervisor. ~aid. "I enjoyed \ccing the kid~ come back. and l enjoyed seeing them remember 1he 1hings lhcy had \Ccn or 1hing, 1h01 were here years ago. The kid, a~k if w.: ,till have 3 paniculnr book, and they reminisce about taking nap~ on the cot~. 1t·~ nice 10 know we did make n differcnce ... wc made an impact on their lives." Lauren Vogt. 15. the oldest alumna al the social. aucnded the center 1wo ,;cmc~ters. "One of the things I remember wa~ baking banana bread." Vogt ~aid. "I didn't like banana bread, but I did well baking 11. I think the center i~ cute. and it makes me wish I was n kid again." Vogt is now a ~ophomorc at Coeur d'Alene High school. . Lauren's mother, Allie Vogt, is an an 1iu1ruc1or at NIC. "Both of my kids have fond memories

of 1he children's ccn1cr... Vogt snid. ·•t enjoyed watching the children moke compnri~on,. be1wccn 1he pic1urcs 1h01 were on the wall and thcmsclve, and how they came 10 rccogni1.c how lhey hove matured." Andie Lind,ay, 12. said, "I remember tok ing field tnp~ on lhc red NIC bus and playing ou1side on 1hc swings:· On one ~idc of the room. a pho1ogrnph collection 1akcn yc1m ngo of children, parents and teachers drew n large nmoun1 of intcrcM and inqu1,i11on. The words "That wa~ me?" could be heard coming from many people a} 1he same children. pnrcnh nnd teacher,; sludicd and compared the pictures. Kristm Par·ker 1s n 1cncher and lnb assi\tnnt at the center. "Many of 1hc children didn't remember u, until they looked ot 1hc picture,," Parker said. "I was n prncucum student when tho)e fin.1-11me s1udcn1, were here. , o it's neat to sec how much they have grown." Carol Lindsay. Children's Center director, said, "It's nice to ,cc all the people who have been in the center over the years. This is really, really fun. and I 1hink 11's n success."

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Thursday, Nov. 14, 199S

Campus News

T.he NIC Sentinel


Physical therapy program arrives This is your by Mike 8aj.t1dali Se111111rl R,,po;ter TIie wheels are turning NIC with all 1he action involved with the new phy 1c;1I 1hcrapi<1 ass,s1nn1 program. RMdall Edward5 is 1hc physical therapist assis1a.111 instructor and feet, he is taking a 101 of n$~ with other individunb 01 helping 10 gel this program approved. Randy Edll'ards. physical Edwards s1ancd the therapy assisw111 i11s1rnc1or accreditation process in July 10 get the PTA Allred Hcnhh. 1ntroduc1ion to program $taned here. The program won't open until next lab. infection prcv.:ntion. mcdkal 1crm111ology/ana1omy. fall semester. Edwanls snid NIC needs many people 10 pull intcrpcrmnnl communic111io1n. English composi11on. together 10 ,how that this composi tion for Allied Heall h. progrrun will work. After the 1mroduc1ion 10 psychology. program 1s approved it will and 1wo human anatomy & hove "sekctivc entry,'' which p~ychology course,. S1uclcn1~ means only 10 -14 Muden1s need these cla<scs. a 10101 of will be in each cla,,s. There 27 crediis. IO be aclmi11cd into arc prcrcqu,si1es 10 enter 1his Edwards' program. das.\ such a,: introduction 10


" It's like being given n clcur cnnvn~ nnd being told 'do what you want,' .. Edwnrds said. Edwnrd~ grnduu1ed from Loma Linda College in Calif. He said he always knew he wanted 10 teach college ~1uden1s. so he went 10 teaching school. L.11 er he was an ncackmic clinical engineer, second in line 10 progrnms director. Edwards :md the program director of Nevada Un1vcrsi1y s1ancd a PT A program 1n Nevada. Al NIC Edwards 1s the program clircc1or :ind is abl.: 10 do things 1ha1 he wi,hcd he could have in Nevada. Edwards' previous job dealt with a 101 of travel :ind scpar:ition from his l>cst fnend. hi s wife of 25 yc.u,. He heard from the program director in Ncvacla 1hn1 there wa~ a position open in Coeur d'Alene. the ,amc place his fo1hcr's funeral w(1s be111g held. Edwards ~clll in an

application. called NIC. set up An interview nnd found ou t about three weeks ln11.:r thnt he wns hired. Room 20 1 in the Hedlund Building should have most of the ec1uip111ent sci up by the encl of this comi ng spring scme~1er. Mier NlC gels the accredi1n1ion papers lillcd 0111. then a reading con~ulrnnt will ny out 10 sec how everything i~ nowing. If the reading consuhnnl likes what he secs. the PTA program 1s en tered into candidacy for the accrcdirn1ion process and can ,tan accepting students for fall SClllCMCr.

They then do :1 self-study 10 be sure cvery1hing is going according 10 plan. Swdc111, will be enrolled in 1hi~ cl:ts~ before it i, accredited: TI1crc 1s :i ~ligh t possibility 1ha111 won·1 gel accredited aml 1hc,c ~,udcnh :ind faculty will tnkc a great lo,,. Edward, ,aul


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Cam p us New s

Thursday. Nov. 14. 1996

The NIC Sentinel

Page 23

Board makes transfers easier Violence victims share stories b> Jon Wiley Sc111inel Rrporter The Idaho S1a1e Bo:ird of Education made a decision in an effon 10 make it ensier for ,rudcnr< 10 transfer between srnrc college., ond umvcmric,. 1111~ board decided rhnt all courses which are considered L-qui,•:llen1, will hove rhc sanw cour;e number. Currently. cour<,e, such as Engli,h IOJ will trJ11,fcr 10 orhcr state school,. however. rh<y are given diffrrt•nt cour<c number<. For cxumpk. rhc cou"c 1ha1 NIC calls Engli,h 103 may be cnlkd Engli,h 100 at another college. Under rh,· new ~ystem. English 103 will have thl' ,umc 1i1le ar all Idaho campusc,. The dean Clf \ludcnr,. David Lmd<ny. <:ud thar b} ,randmlmng ull cour,c numb.!rs. Idaho ,chool, w1ll 111inimi1.,· student<' confo,mn about which cou"cs wi ll rmn,for and ho" rhey will rran,fcr. Lind,n) announced rhc ch:mgc at ASNIC' < Ocr 29 111ee11ng. Also at the mcc11ng. Ac11,·111c, Director Rene< Sc!lll announc.:d 1hn1 1\SN IC i\ encouraging ,rndems 10 volunteer 10 1" " rhc cider!) al LaCro,,c Nur,,mg Il!lmc on Nov. 16. The llu mane Soc1el) \I 111 pro, 1dc trained ,rudcnr, "11h a111mJh 10 ra~c wirh them. Scull c,plamed thar conrnct 11 11h

ru1imols 1s 1hough110 be 1herapcu1k. Besides reaching our 10 the communiry. ASNIC voted 10 name one of scholarships in rhe social science~ divi~ion rhc Ken Kohli Scholnrsl11p in honor of rhc late Ken Kohli. Kohli attended NIC and served u~ studcnr body prc~1clc111. He recentl y died in o. plane crash. A reacher from Fernan Elemcnrary broughr 17 children 10 observe how ASNIC conduct~ ii~ business. rile children serve us ~rudcnr body rcprescnra1ivcs nl !heir ~chool. Prcs1dc111 Roben Bcnncu, who wus a member of rite audience. a~kcd them. "\Vhnt i, the mosr enJO}':tblc 1h111g you hove done .ti your ~chool so for rhis year?" One boy re~pondcd rhar hi <fnvorire pan of rhc ,chool year wa, rhc fie ld rrip he rook 10 NIC.

J\SN IC ol,o spon,orcd a hlllod drive. ASNIC pmmi~cd the cl ub who,c mcmhcr, llonarcd rhc 1110,1 blClod S5Cl. Frc,hm;m ,cnaior 1\mlnn Han,cn ,aid 1h1111hc lUm· out wa, 1101 :" gooll :,, cxpecrcd. Fift)' eight people clunarcd hl1Jod. and ,1bou1 20 clubs 1wrc rcprc~cnrcd in rhc d11vc. Phi Thcra Kappa won rhc money. Finally. /\SNIC grnnrco th,· Soccer Cluh 11s rcqucM tor S50(1. 111c n10nc} will go 11>ward pun:ha,rng tea m Jcnq~ and paying league fl'c" m1<I n:: fcrec,.

by Summer Lindenberg Sentinel Reporter Rising reports of domesric violence on campus set off "red lights" for NIC counselors. enrol ~lnughl. director of New Directions. nnd studcnr counselor Donna Runge. unfolded a new Domeslic Violence Suppon Group on campus after hearing of I.he reported incidcnrs. The two counselors urged 1hc newly founded group members to express their feelings and hurt. This suppon group is structured through a helpful hand and believing cars, Be11y Hendricks is one woman who said she is hoping 1ha11hc support group will help her get slrong enough 10 rc..,ist gelling involved in a violenr relmionship again. Hendricks suffers from Pos1-1'rnumn1ic Sl!Css Syndrome as a resu lt of her violcnr rclnrionship wirh rhc father of one of her three girls. "I feel rcrror. disgust and I lack sclfwonh." Ilcndricks said. " I hnvc aucmptcd to leave my spou~c mnny times. but he mnkc~ me feel guilty and cons his wny righr back into my life and home." "Abusive spouse, will rnke anyrhing rhcy cnn and tum ii nround in away 1h01 will dcncct !heir mponsibiliric.~ and give

someone else the blame," Haught said. "Some spouses will even bear you and then ask you where you got rhc bruises, in order to confuse you." Haught said that rhe suppon group was sraned because of the rise in domcsric violence reported on campus. "This type of violence is a big, big problem thal won ·1 go nway by irself.'' Haught snid. "I am hoping that the group will gnin irs own identity nnd thnt we will be nblc to look at rhc group and not the individunl persons." Cnmpus safety has hod n few incidcnrs rcpon~ on campu~. h111 urges swdcnr~ 10 cnll rhc police tf them arc any mRJOr problems. Cnmpu~ \afcry i, not equipped to deal wuh this type of crime. Haught urges $tudcn1s. borh male and female. to :111cnd the domc~ric violent'!' group. Haught said 1hn1 ~he hope~10 get o good group going nnd eventually uccomplish the goals the group will sci. "My fnrhcr alway, rold me 1hn1 ' I nmk my be<!. now sleep in ir.' .. Hendricks said " I don·1 bcltc,•c 1ha1 1hi~1110110" correct. My 1110110 is' I mny hove made my bed. bur I can olwuys clmngc the ~heers.' ·• The meetings are Mondays al 110011. in the Benewah Room in rhe SUB.

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Page 24

Campus News

The NIC Sentinel

Monday, Oct. 21, 1996

Hunters take shot at wild Idaho Bow season offers challenges for outdoor enthusiasists by Rosie Vogel

Se11ti11el Reportrr Splin1ering rays of sunligh1 fihered 1hrough lowering pines. frosted with fall's frozen dew. A man with heavy foo1s1eps n11cmp1ed to trend lhe fores1 floor without dis1urbing lhe gentle peace of dawn's waking. The man. in his bright orange vest, wool pantS and layered underclothes, was trekking a hun1er's paradise wi1h his bow and arrow. This scene is common to the forests of Nonh Ldaho 's panhandle. Each year. 1housands of hun1ers hike 1he panhandle. Boundary. Bonner. Koo1enai , Benewah and Shoshone

coun1ies. 10 hum elk, deer. benr nod mounrnin lion. According 10 srntistics from 1hc ldnho Oepanmen1 or Fish and Gnme. archery permi1s in 1he panhandle sold last year numbered 7,274 for deer hunts and 7,677 pennits ror elk. Roger Brockhoff. di.rector of Physical Plant, said he has been hunting since his dad 1augh1 him 50 years ago. This year, Brock.hoff has deer. elk, bear and moun1ain lion 1ags. Although he hunts with a rine and muzzleloader, Brockhoff said he mos1ly enjoys bow hunting. A friend of his taught him how 10 hunt wi1h a bow 35 years ago; Brockhoff had an

G photo by Nappodol Paothong razing tin»- A bull elk forages In Jasper National Parl<.

archery shop in his basement for 15 years. Me has sho1 bear, elk. deer and antelope with his bow. "My biggest challenge was hunting antelope wi1h a bow," Brockhoff said, pointing 10 a mounted an1clope head behind his desk. " It's as tough as it can get. Maybe 10 hunt moun1ain goat or sheep wi1h a bow would be 10ugh, but my (biggest challenge) is antelope." But Brockhoff cherishes other values of hunting besides the challenge. "My greatest thrill," Brockhoff said, "was teaching my kids (three sons) to hunt and sec them become successful al ii and like i1." In Nonh ldaho, deer and elk season for archery Iasis from Aug. 30 to Sepl. 24, except in Kootenai Coun1y, which is open Dec. 5-30. Damon Severson. mechanics major and bow hunter. said he had been wa1ching a five-point buck oil summer long in his parents' field in Bonners Ferry. One night when he ~howcd it to his mom. she said she'd moun t ii for him wi1h his bow if he shot i1. Severson said in Sep1cmber he sho1 the buck, the biggest one he's ever gouen. " I get it scored in a couple of days," Severson said. " I 1ook it 10.11 taxidermist, and he scored i1 and said 11 would be, maybe third, bu1 most likely fourth (biggest) in the sia1e." Severson said he 's been hunting for 11 years bu1 go1 into bow hunting six or seven years ago. Me has harvested (shot) a black bear and eiglu deer, two wi1h his bow. He said he secs a lot more deer 1han when he rifle huntS since archery season occurs before rifle season. " I like archery hun1ing more 1han rifle hunting because you go up in the woods and there's hardly anybody tha1 docs it,'' Severson said. For Rolly Jurgens, dean of adminis1ra1ion, people are the very reason he prefers rifle hunting. "It's the camaraderie and shared experiences tha1 are valuable to me," Jurgens said. "I used to hunt with a bow and arrow and it's typically more of an individual sport." Jurgens learned to hunt during his teenage years living in Iowa. He now hunts with Brockhoff and Tun

Chris1ic, speech and wildlife pho1ography teacher. 1\velve years ago, Jurgens was drawn for a moose rng. He went wi1h Christie and 1heir two sons backpacking in Elk Summi1. Jurgens harvested a bull moose on 1hat trip. In 1989, Jurgens and Brockhoff were drawn for a bighorn sheep permit and humed the middle fork of 1he Salmon River. but Jurgens said 1hey didn'1 sec any1hing 1hey could shoo1. He said hunting bighorn sheep was !he hardesl hunt he's ever been on. " It's a bit frus1ra1ing for me here in nonhem Idaho because the mountains are so heavily limbered and brushed 1ha1 you don ' t see big game 1ha1 oflen," Jurgens said. "The terrain here is about as rough as it ·s going 10 ge1.·• Dcspi1c 1his, while hunting wi1h Brockhoff in 1994, Jurgens sho1 an 8x7-point bull elk. a record for 1ha1 season. This year. Jurgens has not yc1 fill ed his deer and elk 1ags. Jurgens views hunting us a social spon. no1 necessarily as a means of food. I le does keep and enjoy 1he wi ld mea1 he obtains, but he said hunting is more expensive than buying mem a1 the supem1arke1. " If 1 couldn't hunt wi1h other people 10 wi1h them and jus1 have fun," Jurgens said, "I probably wou ldn '1 do it.'' No1 so for Dennis Linigcr. physical therapy major. Liniger looks at hunting as a means or food as well as a 1ime to enjoy !he outdoors alont: or with friends or family. "Most people 1hese days have enough to get by without hun1ing," Linigcr said. "Bu1 hun1ing really helps." To Jurgens, Severson, BrockhoIT and Liniger, hunting is a spon enjoyed because of the challenge i1 poses and the valuable memories it creates. "A lot of people 1hink of a trophy with big horns," Brockhoff said. " I don't look at it that way. I think it's what I accomplished to ge1 that animal." Severson said wha1 he likes best about hunting are the quie1 times it provides. He said his biggest thrill would be too "someday show my son everything I know and see him have as much fun as I did."

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