The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 69 No 3, Oct 9, 1992

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Friday, October 9, 1992

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Volume 69, Number 3

Raise your voice make a choice and vole on November 3: lake a look al 1hc Presidemial candida1es and graph on Page20 AIDS Awarencss--Page 3

Check our 1hc ho1 rollcrblnding

ac1ion and Ong foo1ball follies in lhl' ccn1cr spread!

RECREATION, Pages 10· 11


North Idaho College's Student Newspaper

A quick look at 1 Percent by Lori Vivia n Smtitlt'I Nell'< Ed11t>r

photo by Rfch Duggan FISH OUT OF WATER··This unusual shot of an NIC scull boat was taken on /he early-evening NIC beach. The unique quat,ry of the light can be captured for only a few minutes each day. at both sunnse and sunset.

The I Pcn:em initiath c is a mcJ~ure 11101 \\ ill t,c on lhl' No,. 3. g.:neral clcc11on ballot. If ii,, p.i,~d. rl \\Ill hm11 property 1n,c, 10 I pcrccn1 of 1hc pmren}\ "aluc .ind require 1hu1 I\\O-third, of all rrgisturd vmer, ,tpprO\ e ,1,cc1al h:, ,c, ,u,h ,,, bond 1'-UC' ld.1ho\ currenl IJ\\ iu,1 require, JppmvJ I by 1wo1hmJ, nf 1hc p<11pk ,utmi.: It lhl' 1mt1Ull\c p,t\\C\ !he clll!l.'1 nn NIC "ill he ,J <.1 5 11111111111 hullg<'I ,ul.( Th,11 I\ ,1ppro\lmJld) 10 p,·rc.:nl ol NIC\ hudgc1.1 h \HlUld .11',1 111,l~C 111111 fkuh for 1,....11 HIier\ Ill apprm c ,pe,ml le, 1c, m prundc ,,hno1' money lor bu,IJing, ,ind other 1mpr."cn1.:nl\. n,·curdmg to l11cr.11urc provided h) 1hc Ocp.1nmcn1 of hl11,.11iun ,\ ccorJmi.: 11, Rolly Jurgcn,.1k,1n ol ,1Jnurm1rJt1ur1, ,r 1hc 111111ull\C p,1"c' NIC 11111 ha\C 10 con,11kr l.t) off,. d11111n.111<1n of community ,crv,,e progr,1111, .111d cnrollmenl CUI\. 130 110 111 hnc I\ '. It the ir111i,III\C P·•"e,. NIC: canno1 offer 1hc -nmc ,crvice, or cllcc1hely ~ervc 1hc \ludcnl\ ,ind cornmunuy Th, Se111i11el will bf' ,loi11g" rptci11l ft11111rr 011 /ht pros and co11s uf tire I /Jtfftml fttitiatfre i11 tire next lss11e.

Fines reduced without due process by Jeff Selle Assirtnm New5 EditQr fifleen 10 1wen1y ~1udcn1s. including several n1hle1e.~. were allowed 10 succe~fully appcnl 1heir parking 1icke1s last summer ofler un adminis1rmive de<'ision wa\ made 10 byp.1.\s 1he normal nppcals process set by 1he board of lrustces. This nega1ed an earlier ruling 1h01 1ho:.e who didn'1 appeal line, within tht 10-duy gmcc period would no, be able 10 rcgisier the following :.emes1er. Accordini 10 Bill Mc Keen, chn,nnnn of 1he nppe:ils comminee. Dean of Adminis1ra1ion Rolland Jurgen~ gave him lhe au1hori1y 10 dra.~1ically reduce Lhc fine~ of some wresllcrs. bascbnll players and one female ba~kc1ball pluycr. many of which 101aled hundreds of dollars. and were pa~11hc 10-dny grace period allowed 10 appeal 1he 1ickc1s. Jurgens said he 1old Mc Keen 10 ma~e 1hc final decision on the ticket, becau\e 1he rcs1 of the members of the appeals commiuee were not on campus and were una,•ailablc 10 perform their du1ies during 1he summer

session. nnd he fell 1hn1 wailing for lhe members 10 respond 1hrough the muil was no1 a feasible op1ion. "If our impression is 1hn11hcy are gone. 1 am no1 going 10 sit in fron1 of their house in a car and ~ay 'Whoop. whoop. l'~c got an appeal. Can you hundle !his now?'" Jurgens said. llowc\'er, a Scniinel inves1iga1ion revealed 1ha1 all the members of the appeals board were on campus during 1he summer wi1h 1he C\cep1ion of Doug Whi1ney. s1udcn1 represen1a1ive, and 1he normal appeals process la.s1 scme~tcr wns primo.rily done through the intra-campu.~ moil sys1em. Darrin Cheney ond Chad Klinger. both vo1ing members of 1he oppenls board, snid they were 01ulloble and willing 10 rullill 1heir appeal du1ie\ 1he ~ame way they were laking care or them during 1he spring scmes1cr. Neilhcr rttcived appeals requcsl5 during 1hc \ummer session or can rec.ill being con1ac1cd 10 discuss whether or noi 1hcy were going 10 be available 10 perfom11heir duties. they s:iid. "If 1hcy were on comp us- I don· 1~ow- I didn · 1go

around and knock on door\ and say. ' Excu,c me. h somebody in there?'" Jurgens said "We did noi won1 10 wail ror the response. We chose 10 do it 1hc way we did ii. l am no1 going 10 defend whn1 we did." Jurgens said laM semester 1ha1 1he Muden1s. m~, or whom were a1hlc1es. who had oumandinl,? line~ and were enrolled in 1he 1992 spring seme~1er \\Ould no1 be allowed 10 appeal 1he lines pa.,11h? alloned 10-day time period. He said 1ha1 the Mudent, \\Ould have 10 come up wi1h a way 10 pay them before they could regis1er this semc~1cr. The Seniinel learned 1ha1 one of 1he appeals was filed lns1 summer by Nick Velazquez. He had accumulnied 01 lea.~, S330 in parking lin~~ for failing 10 purchase o penni1. parking in handicap parking spaces, parking in yellow zones and parking in cross-walks. Accord111g 10 records Mckeen reduced his line 10 >!O. Valezquez was one or 1he s1udcnts Jurgens referred 10 los1 spring when he ~aid s1uden1s would hove 10 pay 1heir fines in fu ll.

see FINES Page 5

Pngc: 2

The NIC Sentinel

,\ IDS and )'OU S1rec1 t>cat Pres1den11al ranadates Sp.:c1nl [!r.lph

Page 3 Pa!!" 19 Page 20 Paj?e 20

CAMPUS NEWS The NIC campus watchdog Edited and designed by Lori Vivian

Board of trustees appoints first female chairman ever by Leigh Rulnes Stmmel Reporter This year Reny McLain "as named chairman of Nie·~ Board ofTrus1ees. the first female to ever hold that position. McLain wus born 3nd raised in Coeur d'Alene. She 11ent 10 Universi1y of Idaho and received a mas1er"s degree in educn1ion from Whitwonh Collej!e. From 1hcre she was offered a 1eaching job with the Coeur d'Alene School Oiwict in 194.'i. She mnmed in 1948. and in 1950 she retired from the i.chool dimic1to be with her fomily. In 1964. McLJin cnmc out relircmem and began working for NIC in busim.•ss adminis1rmion, where she became depnnment chairman. She worked for NIC for 21 years until she re1ircd Jgain in 1985. In 1987. McLain was appointed 10 fill an unt~pircd position on t~ Bo.ITT! or Trustee, at NlC When 1hn1 posi1ion expired. she successfully mn for the se~t 111is year. the 01hcr board members vo1ed for her 10 become cha1m1an. The chairman of the borud Sc!rves many purpo1e~. For cxumplc. tl1c chnirman presides o,cr the board meetings Jnd secs thn1 all point~ of the agenda :11'1! discussed When it come~ to NIC, Mcl-1in worries whn1 will happen ,r 1he I Pcrcem lni1in1ive pusses. "The bi!! concern I hn,e righ1 now i~ the

funding (of NIC). We will have 10 work ns hard as we cnn 10 get our fair shnre from 1he state for funding" 1f 1he I Pcrcem lnitiati,•c passes, McLain said. When McLnin isn't busy with 1hc mauers of NIC, she does volunteer work wilh the Cancer Soc1c1y an~ 1he Museum of North Idaho. " I renlly have felt that I grew up at a 1ime that was really mt'e to be young in Coeur d'Alene nnd il's a nice place to raise n family ... when I re1ired I mode up my mind I wamed 10 give something back to the community," Mcil..nin said. "My heart belongs in North Idaho." McLain isn't the only one in her family to give 10 her community. In 1933. when Coeur d'Alene Junior College (now NlC) first began. McLain's grnndmo1hcr went from merchant to mcrchnn1 in Coeur d'Alene 10 rnisc enough money to pay the teachers. For six ycnrs. men:hnnts funded Coeur d'Alene Junior College, then located on the 1hird floor of the old City Hall. 1ha11ks 10\ gnmdmother. 111cn m 1939. the State of Idaho began funding the colle[!c. Mcl.:1in wonder. if 1odny·s merchants would be willing to fund 1he college like lhc merchants did back 1hen. McLain said she live, by on~ rule: "Learn ns if you were 11, live forever und live u, if you were 10 die tomorrow.''

Friday. September 25, 1992 Accordiing to those who know, WIN FREE nnd SEX arc the three word\ guar11nteed to draw reader attention. Did it make you look?

LCSC business speaker addresses NIC audience by Pntricia Snyder Exec111ive £di1or

Noted nu1hor nnd iniernotional marketing consullanl Chin•Ning Chu presenied an Asian view of business Tuesday in NI C's Bonner Room. Chu. president of Asian Marketing Consullnnts. Inc .. hns nppenred on CNN's "Larry King Live," "Sonya Live" and "Crier and Company." She is the au1hor of ''111e Chinese Mind Game," "The A~ian Mind Game" and "'Thick Face. Black Heart." "Anything 1ha1 is 'the tru1h' is no1 new," she said. "Somebody has figured it out thousands of years ago and ,aid it.'' One of these ancient under,1andings. she suid. is the need to follow a ,peciol 1nlcnt to lind ,ucces, "II you wuni money. don't go nftcr money: go Mtcr rnlent," she suid. In conira~t to the Western companmcntalit.ed view of the unil crsc, she said. 1\sian\ see the

universe and life ns n whole. All knowledge comes from one place, snc said. so tnc1ics learn 01her places can be applied in business. Asians see 1he business place as a bn11lcfield. she said. "Deception is a very imponant nspecl or bnulc." she said. "When ever your opponent •~ tolkmg peace, they arc going to onack." She stressed the concep1 of deccp1ion without deceit: business people do 001 have 10 be complc1cly open about their plnn,. but people should be 1ruc 10 their personal Clhic,. An imponan1 dirfrtcnce b.!twecn 1hc A\ian and 1he We,tcrn ,111itudc i, thut AsinM rccogni,cd 1he imponnncc ol dealing with ddca1 and sacrificing the short -term for a long-term goul. ~he snid. Chu\ prcsentnlion wa~ the fiN of n ~erie, prcscnted by Lew1s-Clnrl. Staie College for the 12th lntcrna1ional fachongc Conference. Additional speaker. will prc~c111 1opics al the Lewi\·Clark State College campu, in L.:wi,ton.

Critters, catfish discovered in library's pond by Kalh)' Hostetter Se111111tl Rtp11rttr DUN DUN...dun dun. DUN DUN...dun dun ... DUN OUN ...dun dun. No. n·s no1 Jows sw1mmin[! in NIC's newly acqun\!d pond-ju,1 n ca1fish and a few other htt lc nitters. Dunn~ Schnffncr. a [!COIOl!) major, recently noticed fish swimnung in a minfilltd lnndsc.ipe bn~ln loca1cd in the library\ eaq parking Im. How the fish go1 in 1he lnrgc pu.ldlc is a m)'Mery. "1~awn catfish about n foo1 long and ei!Jht perch about 3-5 inchc\ long." ~n1d Schaffner. "I fell bad bccau~e I knew they would noi sul'•ivc and would frcti.t when 1he weather chan~es." Schaltner dccu.lcd to buy a foh net end go fishin{? durini hi~ class hre.:tk. n spon NIC d1~s not prc,cntl)' offor on campu\.

With his bare legs and net nt hnnd, Schaffner comlx.-d 1hc oily mudhole and caught the catfish. '111c catfish wus barely alive:· Schaffner ~oid. "The foh were probably put in there as n joke, bu1it\ really not funny," He said the eight perch we-re fus1er than he could cntch 1hem with the hoop·ne1. But h<' husn·1given up yet. He ~aid he plans to return with n diffcrcnl kind or net tha1 he cnn drc<l!!C the 50-callcd pond and have a better chunce of cn1chmg them. Although he originally kiddl'd ihat he WO( going 10 cntch the fi<h for his aquarium, he said really all he wanted 10 do b return 1hcm ton hobitnt thnit would ~I\C 1hcm n chance 10 li\'c. He pu1 1hc catli~h in a plU<'C he though! would be a sofc environment. As far a., the eight perch. they ,1111,wim the w31er. of NIC.

·r I


Friday. October 9. 1992

The NIC Sentinel

Page 3

Campus survey says: 1

Students sick to death of AIDS 1

by Christin e LnBang ond Lori Vh•ia n

sruff Oc1e>bcr is Al OS A wnrenes< Monlh. In u recent survey amoni NIC <1uden1s, many exprt?\\Cd 1hc opinion that they were sick of heuring about A IOS und 1he dongN c,f SI.'\ in 1he '90, Many of 1he<c same stul)cnl\ ,1111 r.11110 prvtect thcmsches and 1hc1r pnnners by using ;1 condom. according 10 1he survey. According 10 1he Dcpar1mcn1 of Mea l1 h Educaiion. <1uden1s for the mosl pan. Jo know 1he foch nbout 1hc transmission and prcvcn11011 of Al OS Ho" ever. some studenl5 had uncerrninty abou1 the risk of romantic l.i~sing. iiving hlood or being bitten by a mosquito. In fact. there is no rhk of infoction from any of these. Students 1hc risk of sex wi1hou1 condoms. bu1 usu.illy did 1101 pro1ec1 themselves. lhcy said. Surveys have found 1hn1 ~1uden1s als() may no1 be u\ing condoms because: S1udcn1< didn't plan 10 ha,•c sex. they lacked self-confidence. they were sc~ually nssuultcd, they believed it would be hard to discu~s condoms with n sexual partner. either partner wns unable to assert themselves. people believed they could dc1ec1 who might be a potenuolly risky partner. AIDS was not go ing to happen 10 them, they were helpless or lacked control of a sexual si1uo1ion. or 1hey were either drunk or high. NlC tries 10 help give studen ts an awareness St•111111d

ab()ul AIDS throut?h lectures. post~r<. new~pnper, article~ and pcrsonul "one-on-one" help 1hrough the Health Center. located in the S1uden1 Union Building. Linda Michal. director of student health scr\'iccs at NIC <aid of AIDS and AIDS awarene\s: "Gel 111formo1ion. gc1 educated: undcrsrnnd Ihm 11 could happen 10 you. Open your heart to 01hcr hurndn beings 1h:tt are affected nnd get beyond the Judgments of their behavior and .111emp110 de,clop ,omc empmhy for 1he people 1h:i1 are impacted by this ,•iru\. In 1he nc111 few years, everyone will know <omeone or family 1hn1 ha~ been impnctcd by this virus. Now is the time 10 find ou1 :ind learn what you a~ an individual cnn do 10 pre, c111 1hc gellinf! and ~prcnding of AIDS." In o <urvey done by the Rutgers University Student Mealth Sen•ice Dcpanmem. ca.~uul sex still exist~. Almo~1 27 percent of 1hosc surveyed said 1hn1 they lmve gone out ,vith friends looking ror sex. J\l~o. 38 percent of those surveyed rcponcd ha,•ing sex whi le under 1he inOucncc of alcohol or other drug~ durini the pa\t 60 days. The survey suggem 1ha1 fem11lcs more 1hnn moles believed that s1udents were supponivc of practicing s.ifer sex. In fnc1. 61.2 percent of1he ,1udcn1s agreed 1hn1 ninny women on campus keep condoms a\'allable. In addition, females reponed n greater ability to ncgo1in1c safer sc>. with n first or new ,;exunl panner. Basically, s1uden1s "'ho practice \nfcr sC>, bl:lic,ed fol low s1uden1s wen: nho prac11c11111 ,nfer ,ex Students who practiced safer fell more comfonnblc in doing so.


"Anybody al risk ~hould be practicing so.fc sc,.' MichJl said "Anybody who, want~ 10 s111y alive will take step; 10 pro1ec1 them<clves and their lo, ed ones fr11m this deadly virus. The way 10 pro1cc1 yoursclr i. through tnfornrn1ion and 1hc action\ 1h.11 rc\uh from 1hu1 kno,11lcdge." The Rutger's SUf\•cy a~~e~,cd ~tud~nts' knowltd[!e. a11 11udes, ond personal beha\lor related to ALDS. S1udcnl\ know 1hc foci~ .,oout AIDS nnd wmc nrc proiectin!? 1hcm,cl,cs .iga111,1 ;c,ually transmitted di,ea.w~ by prnc1icinf! ~arcr "~' ,r 1he) choo~e 10 have sex. Bui 1he students "'ho reponcJ not u.~111~ condoms didn'1 hccml\e: They bcl1c,c that condoms do 001 kd good (30.3 percent), 1hcy bchc\ed c\lndum< brcal. the mood (25 percent), or 1he~ u~d some other form or birth con1rul (22 7 percent) Nearly 40 percent of ,1udcn1' ,ur~eyed would find i1 hard 10 ~top SC\llnl JCII\ II) in urtler 10 gel a condom if none were R\'niloble 0( s1uden1, <un·cycd. 97.5 pm:cnt knew thnt .in,11. "agln,11 or or.ii ,c~ wi1hou1 a condom wtlh on infected person was hkcly lo 1rnnsm11 HIV however. -17 pcn:cnt felt 1hc need for a condom did nm opply 10 their ~cxuul ncuvity. Condoms should apply 10 nny and oil student~ considering or panicip.iung in uny scxuol uctivily. Mi ch11 I said. Condom~ are ,J\•oi Iable for free in 1hc S1udcn1 Health Center. locntcd 10 the Finnncinl Aid office. along with free conriden tinl MIV 1es1ing. For more informa11on call M1chnl 111 Ext. 374.

Death has a list; he is checking it twice Editorial Commentar y by Lori Vh>lun S,•111111rl Ntll'S Ed11,,r

Her once full mane of brown hu,r. although clean ond ne~tly 1,cd back. i:, th,n and dull. Her body. one~ youni and firni. rt,embles German concentration camp ~fugccs. Her C)'e\, once sparl.l ing whh enthusia~m for life. are now hollo". empt) and ringed with darl. circle~. She stares out 01 the "Orld like a l\l\l un"elcomc soul. She b no1l>t'gging for your plly··tlnly an undcr,1.111d1ng 1ouch. Shr cnrrlc, the ltlO~ 01death like the 5carlc1 l~ncr "A.' People "ho ,ee her ,·eu awoy. afrn11l of the Grim Reaper\ gate being wrenched from her 1ownrd them Mother~ snn1ch bubic, clo,e 10 thei r hrcasts when )he "alk, by. Older chiltlrcn frankly stnro:. point untl wh"per whcne, er she \'enturc~ out into 1he world. Friends ghe )hallow excuses 1f cc,mc,ed and as~ed for lunch--the few 1h01 ackno" ledge they eYen know her that " · She no longer pick~ up the phone 10 reach out 10 old friends and thereby save them the embarrassment of lying. Oltl lovers cri nge with d1~gus1. or perhaps ii b ju~t shome, when they hear her nome in polite company. Al the

local store she once bumped 11110 n mnn. "11h "ho ~he hnd ~hared her ~ou l and body "I though1 )'OU were dead," he snid and then \\Jll.ed uwny us if \he were. She spends three dny) a week a1 1he clinic sharing her pent up grief with other sirnngers cJst oui by society. Since ,he loM her Job. she spend~ the rest or her time lonely wandc:ring 1hroug.h her life. tl os pitnl s tays are bccoming morc frequent and the duration) longcr for her Tht doctor\ and nurses .ire clinical 1n 1heir sympathy The touch of human sl.1n ,, ub,cnt from her life:. ~kd ical profcs)iunn1' dr,J\\ on the ahcn fttling g.lo,e, before the) touch her There 1, no one else III her ltfo 10 rt"nch out a hJnd ttl touch. Her ltf~ ,s !illcd "uh needle,. p:un and ,,s She I.nows the no:,1 time <he get~ sid "111 be the la<t Her bod) ,, "eak nnd urcd or the s1rugi;le 10 )un ,,c. She kno"s " here she will be buried. She too~ or the derntls herself ,honly after the doc tor 1old her she te sted MlV po~IIJ\I!. A tear cour~c\ down her hollow, gaunt chceh as she wonders \\ ho. if anyone. will place no\\trs on her grave. She und death are old friends now. Ht is her con~1an1

companion, Many 1imc, lately. \he ha, felt hi, b1ca1h on the back of her neck Death has been wh1\pe11ni to her whil~ ~he dreams ... prom,sing her ~anctuury Hts ru,1> voice shps into her mind • mort pa111...1w mare ln11('/i11rs1... co111t wi1/t 1111', • he \JY\ She "'akes up feeling ,educed, bu t rcohl.Cs thut her la\l lo,e r will not be gentle "i1h her dc\pitc hi\ prom,w,. "S11 /cidt is always an opti1111.' her mind hi\\C\ or maybe 11 1s hi\ voice 111, adrng her wal.1ng world. She con,itlers the ,o,ce') ,ugge~tion for a moment, bul ,he\,, she will wall 11 out until 1he end After all. the on ly 1hin1? left in her life 1\ the \vJit Bc,ide\, 1he ~no" s the "oit won't be long. Who,~ she? She coultl be so many people She could be your M,1cr or mother Maybe ~1\11 11 you, be\l friend or e~-g1rlfncnd. She could be your sexual pnnner's ex-lover She t:ould be young. old or moybc your age. She could ~ someone you h11,c slcpt with Bonom hnc is: She could be }OU Ir somtont you know ha~ AIDS. ,ho" your hcan by gh ing them u hug If you are sexually acti\C:, U)e a condom so that person \\On't be )OU.


Friday, October 9, 1992

The NIC Sentinel

Writing Center offers wide diversity of help by Kelli Austin Smtl/lel Rtf>"r/U

,\ student doc,n ·1 have 10 b<· referred bv on anqructor to u,c the writing c;nter; he can simply drop in for assl'tnnre an a variety of college \UbJCCt,. t\ccording 10 Jeanne Emcr~on. Wr11ing Center director. three categories of help arc availublt for ~1udcn1~ that use the wri11n11 facility: the "drop.ins:· the "referrals... and students 1h01 need help w,1h the Competency faam. "We'" h,td diverse student~:· said Emerson. l::.mer;on C\pldined that a ,1udcn1 can drop by the Writing Center without an opporntmem for h~lp 1n any clnss thnl requires 1Hiting skills. Help will be J!tven on the same day for different ~ubJcc1, rncludrng art, mechanics. political science. or moth. In the Writing Center a \ludent con improve in the areas or time m,magcm~n1. punctunuon, 1rnn$i1tons.

de\•doping and ~upporting topics. word choice and other grammatical ~kills. she said. Instructors con refer studcnh to the Writing Center for help by filling out a referral form and gi,•ing ii to Emerson. She said 1ha1 the decision i\ made by teacher whether it i~ a requirement or the student's choice to go to the center. Emerson explained that students having problems passing the competency cxum can also go 10 the center for specific help on the exam. According 10 Emer~on the sessions last ns long as needed to improve the s1udcnt"~ ,,,riling ability. ..Sessions can be quick and ca~y. the length varies with the complcAiry of the problem:· Emerson said. The Wri1ing Center i\ \lllffed by NIC English in~tructors. It i( located an the Kildow Learning Center and is open nine hour; 11 week: /\londny I-J:30: Tue;dny 12-2: Wednesday 1·.l:30: Thursday 1-2: oml Friday 1-2.

NIC Symphony receives anonymous donation by Ounie l.c,1 is Sr111111d 1t•pnrtu

work with ~ul'11 .1 fine mu,k ensemble. Thi~ l!ift represent, in a A S2.000 gift II a, gi\'en way. the ~trong ,uppon thni we hnw nnoll)'OJOu,I~ to the North ldnho hod in our audiences. And the foct that thi, i~ financial ,upporr 1s \ "Cf) symphuny on:hc!,tr.1. In .1 leuer 10 1hc college. the donor< ,aid... We encourogmg for u~ 10 continue 10 rccogn11c the lim1rn1nin, of collelJe ,n impro\e nod develop in1eres1ing providing nn opcra1ing budget 1h01 programs:· encourage~ the pursuit of c,cellence. The college hos been wonderful in h is ~o m1ponnnt 10 a grow111g \'itnl its support 1oward~ the orchcm.1.. h i~ orgam1a1ion:· The donor~ said they not known for ~urc what all the money are a\\ ore or the tremendous suppon is ~ming to used for, but mnst likely it 1ha1 NIC lms pro\ idcd for the Nonh will go lO\\ards put\· hasing expen,i,•e ldnhCl ,ymphony orche~tm. musk. guest soloists. and produc1ioM ll1e donor~ hope 1h01 other c11i2en, 1ho1 the college alone con·1 afford, in the community will be willing 10 Snyder snid ~tep rnrward in ,uppon or this The donol"'i are planning 10 donate imponant cndca\or. S2,000 every )CM. sinning this ycnr. TI1c Nonh Idaho Foundation .1ct\ in hope, "to initiate n Jund 1hu1 as the d,·po\ilOI) ror these funds 1h01 pro,•1des the extra measures of support will bl' u~ed to incrcote quality and in oddilion 10 1h01 olrcndy pro\·idcd by direction llf the on:heMro. the college:· Todd Snyder. director of 1hc A~ John F. Kennedy once said. orchc,1ra ~incc I9S I said ... In the post "Society is judged by its' culture.." decade. the on:hcstra hos improved by Contac1 Snyder in Boswell Hnll for leaps nnd bounds, it Is very e1ci11ng 10 Symphony schedule of conccns.

NEWS NOTES 'Positive anarchy' mysteriously invades campus 13usiness-likc cards have my,tcriously appeared 01 NIC promoting "positive am11d1y" and "scn~clcs.\ 11c1s of kindness:· The cards arc: a rc~ult of II discussion in Len Ma11ei's Humanitie~ da.,s. The discu'iSiOn prompted a studc nt 10 bring in nn anicle that promote~ 1he beginning of anonymous kindness groups. Because of the anicle. "Try Positive Annrchy." by Agnes Pnuro. Mauci decided to print up the cards with the saying "Join the guerrillas or goodness. the underground movement of senwlcss .tcts of beauty." The same saying has inspired many people 10 do ",ensdc,s" nice thing~ for others. One woman paid for herself and the next six people ma 1011 brillgc A teenage boy anonymously slnovcld his neighbor', driveway. Another mnn who was rear.ended by a young woman told her. "It's just a scratch. Don·, worry" The anicle predicts that doing a single kind thing for someone will probably encourage that person to do the same for someone else. Who ~nows ...ont: "senseless act of beauty" may Man a chain reaction.

Student Health Advisory board needs students to volunteer time, participate in activities, give input The Student Health Advi:;ory b looking for volunteers. S1uden1s .,n: nc~-dcd to help coordinate and plnn campus health priorities. "'Scvcrnl projecb nre in the planning srnge. "Chrb11nc Lal3ung. ,1udcn1 health advbory liaison. said. "We urc planning a health foir and would mi//\< apprccrntc student input and help with this. 'The Student llealth Advhury is u panel of ,1ud~nb who 11re in1crc,1cd m campu~ hCilllh i"uc<. The problem we nre facing i~ lnck of ~tudcnt punicipation. We need \tuden ts 10 join in 10 give their inpul and voice their concern~. It can be n 11rc111 way to become involved. "Suon \\C \\ill be handing out "Ho1 Dote" kit\ on cnmpus. The "ill contain .i condom. breath 111on1, and mlormauon on hcnlrh i,,uc,. We rould u~c volurn~er, 10 help pus, ou t the kll~ 100." l.nBanl) ,aid. 11,tudcnh Jr~ ontcrc,tcd in lhf Student Mcalth Ad\ i,or) or have any general heJlth quc\tion,. thay ,hould con1,1c1 Linda M,ch,11. director of \ludcnl health services !II bt. 374

Coeur d'Alene growth forum scheduled for Oct. 23 TI1e Id aho Pres, Club'~ Nonh idnho Chapter will prc:,,:nt "Gm\\lh - 1\ Community Forum" on Frtd,1y, Oc1. 23 at noon al the Iron llor..e Restaurant. TI1c forum will offer a chance to qurnion u panel on growth-related i,suc, from how bets IO provide the ,er, ices 1hu1 new growth requires 10 jw,1 how much growth is right for our communny. Panel members will intlude: We, Hanson of Friends ofCougnr Ba). Oub Poner of Jobs Plu~. stote Rep. Barbaro Chamberlaon. forn11.:r county commi~ioner and Post Falls mayor Frank Henderson. count} commission cnnd1da1e and rormer Legal Aid nuomey Chuck Sheroke and Kootenai County Commissioner Oob MncDonold. The Inner four paneli~ts art facing off m the November ekction. Wrcnen questons from the audience will be sumi11~-d 10 the panelists through a moderator. TI1e publis is encouraged to anend the event Lunch "111 be available from the Iron Horse's regular menu.

Science dept. baby boomers deserve congradulations Science depanment s.:cretary Jean Schmid1 found out "biker.." cllO be grandmas too She :ind her husband troveled 4.600 miles across the United States thi, summer via motOrc)cle Schmid1 returned to school this Fall~ a Grandmother 10 her first grandson. (Second grondch1ld.) Science building boby boomer, also include biology instructor Da\ id Foster and his wife ThNesn "'ho had their first child this summer, son Branden. Foster mu,1 be practicing what he teaches.

Flu shots available now from 7:30 to 11 :30 a.m. in the Student Health Services located upstairs In the SUB. For Information, contact Linda Michals Ext 374


Friday. October 9. 1992 nn In interview Inst semester. Vatczquez told the Sentinel 1h01 he wos not going 10 rttum 10 NIC in •92. '93. nnd he did not need his 1ran«crip~ because the college he planned 10 aucnd "ould not 1rnnsfer his credits; therefore. he said. he was not going 10 pay his fines and was going 10 continue 10 park wherever he chose 10 par!.. McKeen said he would no1 discuss ihe names or the 01hcr s1uden1s who were able 10 appeal their tickets l11S1 summer. He said he hod a sci of rules 10 go by and the sume considcrn1ion was given 10 reduce Cl'crybody's 1icke1. but he could not produce a list of the rules. He then said he used the ~nmc: rules that were publiShl'd in the new student hand-book. The new hand-book still $nys students have IO doy~ 10 appeal their ticket!.. "El'en if 11 {tht 10-day limit) was clear. I'm against it nnyway," McKeen said, "If ii come~ do"- n to a f>('r\On not being able to go 10 school, or, in foct. keep them clear out. then I wou ld vote in favor of a waiver of the rule~. so thnt proplc rould av:1il themselves to the academic process," The former ,ecrctnry for lhc security depnnmcnt. Joelle Storey, ,aid in the pnsl when students who were pn,t the 10-day limit asked for on appeal form. 1hc)' were told they could not appeal and were not given a fomt. McKccn ,aid he didn'1 grant appeals to all the out\tonding tickets. He only rcdul·cd the tickets 1h01 came wnh the proper appeals form. but he ,aid no rl!Cords of the form~ were kcpl

FINES from Page 1

He explained 1hnt he fell the adminis1ru1ive policy wus nawcd because the verbiage wo~n·t clear in the judicial section or the student handbook explaining the S50 mnximum fine. and 1h01 was the main reason he considered appealing the 11~kc1, He (aid 1he handbook didn't specify whether the maximum fine w:l~ allowed for each ticket. or if the S50 maximum applied to the 10ml amount a student could be fined . Under the Student Code of Conduct section. Page 39 of the student handbook. Article 11. Sec1ion D.• defines a fine a.s, "Fine- Assessment or o sum of money not to exceed S50 to be paid for each individual violation of a rule or infrnr1ion. This sanction shall be applied only to librnry. dormitory. drh·ing and parking infractions." "The way the system is put together it is vinuollv unenfor.::cobk anyway." he \aiJ "The people 1h~1 do enforcement around here are paid S4 an hour. rm nol saying they are stupid. but 1hev are not necess:·rily endowed of any great amount or potcminl either. and to a ccr1.1in degree 11 becomes a vende11a- TII get them. l'I! gei them.' They write :1 ticket for any !i:11: infraction. lt becomes an obsession with some of the\e people." Michelle BlackMone. porki~g &ttenJant. said ~he didn' t discriminate at all ,,hen it came 10 11cke1ing. "It wa~ not o vcndcua nt all. These ,1udcn1, were blntantly "iolating the parking lnw~ on thi~ campus." Blackstone ~aid. "I don·1 go around looking for panicular car.. to ticket I ju\l ticket nnybody thal i~ violating the parking In"'·"



131nckstone said how she hnd once ticketed the president of the college for parking in his own spot without the proper permit, but she said the president came out and explained that he had juM bought 1he cor and that he wou ld be over to purchase his permit as soon as possible. She said the president kepi his word. so she voided 1he ticket. She said, "I just do my job. 11nd if thm means ti r keting the same car everyday for the same offense. rm 11oing to do it." McKecn said. "Some were blatant violations. I agree. but were tolking about some people 1h01 under appeal still pnid S100 fines." McKccn said if someone could have produced testimony to the fncl that 1he tickets were legitimate. ht! would not have granted the appeills: yet he did not ask the parking attendant~ who wrote the tickets because. he said. they could not recall the individu;il tickets. and bccau~e they were not on campus during the time of the appeal~. Both lllackstone and Cathy Fredekind. pMking allendnnt. said they were on campus during the time the ticket~ were appealed. Black\tonc said. "When you ticket the ,amc \'Chide O\'Cr ond over for the same ,,iolat111n th<' car and the violation tend~ 10 suck in your mind .. ''Ther.-: probably i~ an element 01 untuirne,,. but I keep coming buck 10 'nobod) ,a,d lifo wn, lair.'" McKeen said, "Whnl b lmponnnt m me ,~ 1hnt 1he good Mudcnt. the model c1t1l~n client 1hn1 <we have here.and th:11 i~ hy f.1r nnd UWil) the bulk of th em. do 1101 become di,nppointl·d or di,enfrnnchi~ed because or \ome untn,rncs~. ~rec, vcd or othcrw1~e."

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Page 5

The NIC Sentinel





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The NlC Scnrin.:I

P:tg.: 6

Mail letter 10 lhc editor or drop by lhc office. Include a

0PINION•ED1TORIAL "An exchange of ideas for the edification of humankind."

phone number or address.

Friday. October 9. IQ92

Work on the things you can do something about.

Edited by Patricia Snyder

Athletic dollars well deserved If you an: one of 1ho..e people who WH INE abou11hc 01hlc11c tkp.ll1men1 gcuing more monc)' lhan anyone cli.c, \VEJ..L. SI llJT UP' Amp1i1. No mana ho" much illl}Onc complains abou1 ii. 1hc alhletic dePJ[lmenl will ~1ill gc1 I.he money tx.>euu..e athle1ics brings monc) into the college, "hilc nn English e<.,ay does not Ju<;t think how boring it \\Ould be 10 go 10 u school wi1hou1 a1hlctics. The game, and ma1chcs :ire one of lhe few place<; thm we can go and hove n great deal of fun for free. II COM~ S20 10 go 10 a movie and ha\'C pop and popcorn for 1wo. I However. 115 free 10 do 1he ~ .;.imc n1 11 b.1ske1ball game or sec the best wrestling 1cmn in Dominic Howard 1he coun1ry. And 1hc pop and popcorn .ire noi go,ng 10 break Opinion your wullet lil.e lhe rhc:n~r conce<;~ions can. When ou1~idc p,.'Oplc ,1,k NIC 10 'ICnd n sp,.,ctk<r about our roll~!!<, we !lend an NlC co.'lCh most of lhc time. When 111<:y go •peak. they do not speak only about 1hc athletic dcp.111mcn1 llicy ,peak ubou1 1hc greJI \\Cldinl,!. carpentry und ioumalisrn depanmcn1~ \\C ha\C, In tum, they open th(• mind\ of ,1udcnl\-to-he abou: 1111cnding NIC 10 Man 1heir college cdu,·a11on The NIC BotNt·r Club also m,<.e, nround $50,(XX) n year to hdp ,uppon 1he a1hlc1c,' room and bonrd e,p.:n-.cs You do no1 \<.'Cother dcp.11101,nt, and dub~ doing that for 1ht1r ~IUilcnl\, do )OU? They ,llC UI l'\Cl)' !!JOI,! ,dling .50/50 ll<let, and C\cn announcrnp 1hc pumc,. In 1hc p.1.s1, "h,ch ",: «<11110 forgc1, Athlt1ic D,nx-tor/Mcn's na,kc1bJlt c{~ich Rally Williams got the "hole pmni-in-uid thing ,rnned I le did thi\ :, king time ago m fac1, lhn.-c pre;.idcnl\ ago. I le did thi, to mn~c NIC compc1i1iw "uh M.',t college,. lie alw io1 lhe dornh buil1. Hehn., done more for 1hi~ carnpu\ than anyoll\! in hi,tol) ha,. You do not tind him GRIPING about other dep.-u,mcnis gelling moMy. and "hen he n~'Ctl~ money he s~~ our and raise, the money b) h,wini; \H>od $.1le.\ golf toumnmcnL~. c1c No 01hcr dcp.utmcnt doc~ Ihm 10 the c'1ent of the alhlt'tic dcp.U1mcn1. When II comes 10 a school'~ repuwrion, mo,1 often it rcllrt'.L~ 1ha1 of the.• ,pon, progr:11n~. For c~ample. Notre Dnmc·~ repu1a1ion is for the l,!r<'al \IXll'l~ 11 h~ h;xl over 1hc years, and NIC 1~ really no diffcreni. The NIC w~tling progrn.rn luls lx.~n so ,uc.i:cssful 1ha1 qll.llil}' wre.-tlm choo!,c NIC owr four·)C:ir univer.ili,-s. l11C '-"n!Slling learn has won na1ionnh appro,immely 10 umes nnd runner-up <,e,·crul ume,. 111e b.1Sl.c1b.11l program. men\ and "Omen·~. ha.~nl'iO tx--cn VCI)' \Ul'l:<',,ful O\cr the )C<II' a., w.:11 h) winning ~\era! regionol 1i1le~ and p.u1icip.111np in nauonul,.



Policy handling biased E.quali1y under 1he low i, one of 1111: mo,t lxi.\ic (1f American principle,. 111\ 111<: fundamcn1nl concept ot I.ii~">\. HO\\' cru, a college n.'qurre acudcmic ho~ty Md fuim~ from i1, ~tudcm\ - dnim 10 1cach nny ...:mbloncc of trulh and onb- if the ndnuni,tration that run~ it blmMII)' ignores and undcm1int..... 1hc ,cry policies ii dc1cnninei.? h,an'1! A hou..e divided nguin~I iL...:lf cnnnot Mmld. :ind a l'Oll~g~ Ihm breaks,~ own nrlr" 10 provide perk, for u ,;elect group of MudcnL~ i, doomed 10 corrup1io11 aild the runi-educauon or 1L\ Mudent\. llie present fnvm. wch ,l\ ,gnonng lhc parking 1ickt'I :,~al (ll'CX\"11\ tor some m1denb, is only a sign of n ~Mier dunger ~lll',llh 1hc ndministr.ttht' surfac:e. If ccnnin mcmbo:rs of lhc admmisuntion believe a nrte. welt as 1hc park mg Jppeal, pnX'l'S.->, 1s unfair, 11 i~ not righl to simpl)' ignore the olloul!'d p~~. Admini~tr.11or., MalT and stutknb J!ike hn,e a righ1 to d,..ngrec "ilh n polKy and 10 woo.10 chnng.: iL Noone hns the right 10 ignore ii. To do so prop;tgmcs c~. Whill' a par~ng tint may no1 ~m 10 be a big deal. an unpaid ticket wlueh plac..'\!S a hold on grades can sel'en:ly intp.l('t u pcr.,on·~ lifo and can.~r. S1ud.:nt, ck:!;er.,: equal :icre.s 10 p..'lttion the grie\-:tnce. Th~. the appeals board. D.!..1n Ju~en., claimoo it would be 100 difficult 10 conta.:1 memb..'1'$ of 1hc app.'JI, boon! during thc ~um mer. Pemaps thcy "ere O\Jiluble, pcrhap!, not; admmL,trotion memlx!rs and opp.:.11, board mcm~r. offer diamctric-Jlly opposed stol"k!:>. Ho"c,-cr. 1fOI.-Jn Jurgens had bothered to follow the C'Oltl't!C· SCI 10-d.i) a~Jh dt':ldline. which CX'Cllrred the end of May. he wouldn'1h.wc had su.:h U'Ollblt' contocting the npp,..'al, boanl. 111a1 i!. "hat due proct">I> i, for.

Due proc~, is a nece"""Y 10 protect ,1udcnt, .utd ndmini\1m1ion nlikc. Hud Mr. ~lcKt~n bod~red tocon1.ic1 hi\ parlung aucndanl!., who claim 1hcy ,,en: U\'illlJblc, he would h.tvc discovered legitimnte t~timony 10J~llfy the ticket\. Why botl1er 10 ha\c parking a11end11n1~ and on appeal, board if their use i\ going to I>.! tcl\SOO ou1 the wil'klow? lfthc parking anendnnL~ arc "not nccNlllily el'klo"ed of nny great amount or po1cn1ial" and "thcy wnte a ticket for any liulc infruction" and "11 becom«; :in <X!'ic!S.\IOn w,lh ',()ffii) of thc,;c p.>ople," a) Mr. McK~n <;«en:. 10 bl!lie\e, ho" d~ 11 reflect of thc hiring abili1y of the Jdminiw.uion? If the ()JJ'lang Ulltndnnb ate doing a good Job, USC them Re<iJ)CCI thcir judg n1tn1 and gl\C thetr JOb at least a semblaric.: of ackno"' ledgcmcm. Ir thcy aren't doing a good JQb. fix 11. Don't cucum\cnt thc parking appeals~ and bad,moulh the people "'ho are on the lo\,~ ran~. The ultimate respo~ibility of how a college is run hes "'ilh the adminiscmuon. \\111Cn the admim~trotion ,iself c:inno1 follow the nrle.\, how can they ~nably exp.:ct the employees and e\-en thc )tu~ntS 10 do so? The fault of thc SIIUiJtion does not lie 'wilh thc nlhleu::. or. necessarily, the othlel.JC department. lflhe adminisvallon i} going to pro,ide perks, wch us p.irking. any normal out-for· me pc= is going 10 wl(e them The fault Ii<!,, wi1h thc poliC) break-<lown iUld those "'ho have allowed i1 to happen. The adminrstra1ion ,JC.Cd~ 10 deal with thc cancer of fa\'oriti~i trult i\ threatening the ocademic he.Ill or the coll<'1!t, "ho~ education prmides thc lifeblood of the fu1urc of Amnico and the world.

Fndny. Octoh<:r 9. 1992

·nwNIC Sen11nel


Pngc 7

Open appreciation of other sex good





Vote NO on 1 Percent Initiative r.:ducuon in the currcnl NIC budgcl 1s 1he ren lily 1h01 would be fac.:d. This Kappa Chap1cr on 1he Nonh Idaho amounts 10 a S2.5 million los~. The Collcg~ ca mpu,. I mu~I muke known college would ha,•e 10 mokc drn~1ic our s1n nd againsl 1hc I Pcrcen1 chnnges - a mere 1tgh1enmg of an l ni1io1h·e. already bound ndminiwa1ion will 001 In a ume when educn1ion deems do i1. NIC will hove 10 rnnsidcr the lt<elf e~~cn1ial. why in 1he world would following op1ions a~ well - up IO a 100 ony coumry 10 any srnte wish 10 hurt percem increase in tuition and fees. a 1h~ ~p1cm 1ha1 provides for such loss of 75 ful l-lime po~i1ions (1c:1chcr:; promise? Why in 1he world would any noi excluded). and the turning aw;1y of cuun1ry in ;m) \ IOIC "ish 10 reduce 1hc approximaiely 600 s1udcn1~. These nrc tu~ dollnr, thni support their local ci1y "cry scary predic1ions, nod i r left 10 come 1ruc, North ldnho rc,idcnt\ will nnd counlry ~cf\•iccs? People in gcnerol ore fed up with lose touch wi1h the oppor1u1111y of 1nxe~. bu1 we relieve 1hn1 1hc I Percent cducaiion - along with the chuncc of ln11t a1h•e is not the answer 10 the success 1h01 is offered inside i1s doors. As ~tudcnts, Della Kappa member\ problem. Wi1ho u1 nllcrnu1e bncku11 ~y,iem~ for the lo~~ or funds 1hat will ask you 10 keep 1he door.. of educa1ion occu·r. thi~ ini1in1i"e will ncgaii,•cly open. We ask you to get informed on offc~I the quali1y llf life wi1hin the the issue. We asl. you 10 note 1he ct11e\ and coumic~ of our gre.11 ~1a1c of change m ,·01in!! procedures wi1hin 1hc ini1ia1ive - 1hc change from a 2/3 Idaho. Edura1ion;1I opponunity nt NIC "ill majority of 1hosc who vote on a bond be grca1ly affected. Ten1n1h•c planning or levy b,ue 10 a 2/3 majority of all rtir a possible pas.,ngc of 1hc ini1ia1ive regi~tcred vo1cr~ in order 10 pass soid revcJI~ dra,tic rc~ul!'. A 20 pcrccn1 bond or levy. Since when do 2/3's of al l Editor:

As n rcpre~entn1i,•e o r 1he Dehn

rcgis1ercd vo1crs sho\\ up al lhe polls? This is another a,pcc1 buill in10 the ini11at1vc aimed :1t hurting education. l:Jond and levy bsucs arc whu1 builds and keeps our schools up 10 code. Whal tiln 1hc lawm~kers he 1hinking? Fin.illy. as Dehn Koppa members. "e asl. you 10 vo1r on Nu,•. 3. Vo1e in an effon 10 voice your opin ion. Vote in an cffon 10 ,hnw 1hc ,1rcng1h 1hn1 c,m be had in numbers. Anti for 1hc sake of NIC and ,111 the 01hcr ,chooh in 1hi\ 11rcu1 siu1c. vole NO on 1hc I Pcrccnl lnit l.uivc S:nc your cilic, and your ,chool,. They lie 1hc clo,csi 10 hon11:. Phyllb Klein

Racism permanent Editor: In rcspon,e 10 Chris1tnc LaBang's aniclc on rnci~m in the Sept. 11 edition of the NIC Scniinel. I mu\! pom1 ou1 1ha1 prejudice is here 10 ~lay. People need i1 and like it 100 much. Gcorgt Wenzel

The Sentinel • 1000 West Garden Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, ldaho83814 • Telephone (208) 769·3388 or 769·3389 A<<OCiJtcd C'olle~1a1c PII!<< Fl\c·StQJ' AII-An~rlcan Ne"~P•l'Cr and Na1ionnl • 1992 Robcn F Kenned) A".i.rd S(l('ict)' of Profc<sionol Joumahm General faccllcn« Award • National llnll or bmc LO\ An~lc, Timr, Nntil1nnl C;ditl)ri31 u-,1dcrship A,..,ml • RIX'k) M<>untnin Collc~1a1r Pre« General E,cdtrn,c A\\atd E DITORIAL $TAFF


Patricia Snyder Execu11ve Ed,tor

Kevin J. Brown Production Manager Lori Vivian News Editor Mark A. Jerome Arts & Entertainment Edllor Dominic Howard Recreation Editor Ryan Bronson Spons Editor Rich Duggan Pholo Ed,lor Bo Meckel Advenis,ng Editor NIis Rosdahl Adviser

Ma,cy Ankrum Kelli Austin Chris Clancy Cryslal Currie Alex Evans Jeff Green Kathy Hos1e11er

Daren Johnson Chrisllne LaBang Ka11n Lau Dani lewis DeAnna McDonald ApnlMuhs John Myers Bryon O'Hara

Mary Ohv1en Leigh Raines Jeff Selle Erin Siemers Justin Smith Debbie Wllhams Rachel Williams

l.flltl'$ Polk): The Scnt,nct " ' ''"'"""' um" 1,, the F.J,10< Tho<., 11 h(, ,ul>mu kttc" mu,; hmit th.:m tl' 300 .;Ofll-. ,;¥• them lc~ihly , nd P'""'"' t tclcphoor numt,n all<I ~ < ,11 that , uthcnu,~t} C1J1 be >'tnlied. AIIIIO\lfh mu.,1 lc11<n , re Wed "'""' IT\3y n,~ bt p,1n1~ lx,"Dv-c or,,,....,, hnutatl(>ft< Of t.:c>IN' they Il >re ... ,u.,. ,n t numh<r ,,n.,..... rc, ci>td Qn th< umc ,uhJ«l. l) arc pcNIM) hbtlau\, 31 ""' lllcgibk Wt l'<ICM tht riabt to edi1 k11en L<nm rn.t) he brooghc 10 Room I of tht Sherman School BulldlnJ"' m.11lcd to tt.- SrntiD<I.

" he's gol such !x--Jutiful eyes" my friend say, 10 me with a sarc11.,1ic grin. We both kno,1 what he mean\ and it ha.~ nolhing 10 do with eyes. He i~ referring 10 :1 pan or her body (1hn1. of cour.c. should be covered) 1ha1 he is enjoying ogling. Is 1his nn undc~irablc hctmvi(,r? Ori\ it o hcahhy. burl}, O\i)r(undcr}\C\l'O mn!.: cxpresMng 1hc fact 1ha1 he \\Ould n.:\t.'r hu~1le n big qunncrb.,ck e,cn ii the !!UY pul I\\O inchc, oi mnJ..cup on. We hcnr 11 hnt some women think about thi, 11.!havior. The~· don'1 like ii, no ~ir. The~ \\Omen ,;ecm 10 have 'Qmc 'IOn oro,:c in their bonnc1~ abou1 ho" people ~hould nci. and for ~omc rca,on 1hcy !teem Ill 1hinl.. 1hu1 1hcy. in 1hcir ul1tn1.111: w1\dom uboul politkal com>c1nc,s, ha,c the righ1 10 dict,llc 10 me how I ,hould treat a Playboy nt.1guLine. or the i;ci1111ily<lo1ht.'d "omen I ~ on 1hc shores of 1h~ great Coeur d'Alene We in 1he ~urnmcr.. There arc e,cn mm (l',c hecn one) 1h.11 hll\c been ..o whir1ied into ~hnpc by 1hc~c onti -enJoymen1, ,uppre~,ive, 1igh1-hr.1incd. ,elf~ ,crvins, righ1.:ous, 1l11nk -1hcy'r,: liben,I people 1hn1 they du11·1 know Alex Evans whn1 10 do when confronted wi1h 1hc ~i1untion of a well-rroponioned Opinion woman in n pinl. bikini in from of 1l1em. Some men ha\C lJOllcn IO the point where they fc,,I 1he neoo 10 look ut '-Omcthmg clM!, lil.c I.he din, t,..,,uu~c the btt~( cmwling around down th<re will never 111.skc them nc,'tl o cold (howcr. T his kind or 1111!1-scx 1111iludr 1s u, horriblt it not more pcrwn,'tl 1h:tn 1hc 1um111g of into a sin hy our chun:hc, 1h:11 JI\! \uppoM!d lo .:ncourallt.' good. One or 1hc major contribu1ing fa,1or~ 10 the o, er-abundance of \cxuol '""conduc1 i~ 1hi\ ,upprc-,ion or ti 1ha1 "e continue 10 re-invent inm .1 modem fonn of ,,c:Jf.h.11e whenever the old one ' 10 rail. Since our -«1cty hn.~ gonen beyond churches and church leader.. deciding how our live, should be li,oo. "c·,e invcmed 1his poli1ically<nm:.:1 code of behavior thai mustn' 1offend any group of p.:.-oplc whether 1hcy dc~f\c 10 be \Cf\ed some of 1he1r own 13S or nm. 1ne suppression or ony f<'tlin~. desire~. or thoughL~ i, one or 11!.! mo~1 maJOr hJlt:-cnmes tha1 I c:un m0ic1 on fll)-.elr When I wa, !)rowing up I wa.\ 1augh1 by my wcll-meanmg mu1hcr 1n ,upprt!~s my se,-ual explor.i1ion with rny C)e.,. I wu, told 1hJ1 making women mto ~x obJt.'CIS wa, not fair Ill myself or 10 th.:m bt!cause 1hcn a real rclauon,hip \\ill be ,cry hard income b) Shc "as absolu1dy com:c1. Bui, she d1dn'1 go on 10 m.tke it clear tlwt I ~houldn'1 fed guih) about wanung 10 1()01. JI "omen for 1hcir sl.m and nothing el....-. The guill 1ha1 wa~ crl'atcd b) feeling lil.e I wu, doing <;0me1hing wrong when I w1tl~"'"'tl u "oman m my nund gJ\'e me le~ confidence when I wa., around \\Omen - ')(lmc1hm111Jw I run qiJI trymg 10 change Becau..c I thought th.ii 1hcy ~ne"' 1ha1 I 1,a~ 1hm~ing se,-ual 1hou!!h1, aoou1 1hem und thot 1hcy h,1d a le.ser opinion of m.: becaus.: of ti. h wa., almo-i a.\ if I "ere b<!ing di,hone,1 wilh 1hem becuu~ I h,Kl the lh<>ught, bul didn ·1 C\Jlf'('>-\ them ltl.c a "chJU\ ims1ic A-hole." Al lc.t.'1 1hc Jeri..\ th.ii wh1\tlc at "omen and shout cat-calls or ju,1 rctld "d1ny rag.~" are e,pres\mg whm the) wom nod ti i, clear 10 the women "ho kno\\' 1hem wha1 10 e , pt.'CI "here, with someone like me, they d1dn·1 undc~rnnd "when: 1h1, guy is coming rrom" bec~u~ I <etrned so differtnL


The NIC Sentinel

Friday. October 9, 1992



C~okEc~ ERRi ES "They've been bombing for years." Rumors Oy around 1m: campus ill> 10 "here the cu1, \\Quid be if the I Percent lniliu1iw p.1sse,. Some <U) 1hc college would lose the upproidmntely 20 percent of ii, budget in Jcross-1hc-boanl cutbJcl.,: other. ~ny 1ho11hc ,oca1ional progr:1m \\ould be eliminu1et.1 bccau-.e <imilnr ctn,,c, nrc offered n1 Spokane Community Collc~e Ye1 nnoihcr rumor is 1ha11he u1hle1k~ progr:1m~ will be eliminated. Too bJd only 25 out of 7J student rc<ponders to a recent Sentinel survq said they frh 1hc} c:nough abou1 the i~<ue 10 make un inforn1cd choice. Who's the customer. <1uden1s or employee<? If the employee< didn't have their wouldn't be any need for parking permits on campus. Why do "'e ne~'<l 1he s1nff ~pace<? TI1e ,mff usually gets here earlier. anyw:1y. On the 01her hand. parking fees do misc funds for the college and incrcw.c the employmen1. O" n parking spaces. there

Speaking or parking. neighboring mill employees park in back of the \Vinion Buildinl! free. If 1hcy ge1 a, who\ going 10 hold their !!rade? It ha( been suggested 1ha1 Sp,.!ed hump\ be plnccd on Garden Avenue. between Bos"'cll Holl and the library. 111 Or\kr 10 cinch nmx1mum utr before s1riking a pcdc,tnan On the sou th ern tcnn l\ court, two ph1ycrs III the middle llf a gnme w~r.: ln1crrup1tJ by ,1udcn1s who had decided 10 1nkc a ~honc111 11trou!!h the coun. When the 11-.1 plJ}Cr'\ rc,1l1ud the trc,pw.,ch were 1cnnh du.,~ ~,udcnt~ who hud fim,~ Ihm d.iJ,,, the plJyer. e11mpluincd 10 the in,1ruc1or. who Ju,1 shnt!!gcd. Norn1nlly, 11 i, nurm,1l 1cnni, c1iquenc 10 "an uni ii the poin1 or the pomc i, o,er 10 cro~~ the coun Ma)·bc in,1ruc1ors ~hou ltl teach 1hc counc,y ot 1hc gumc .llso.

Adviser wins honors Nib Rosdahl. NIC journnllsm instructor nod Scn1incl adviser. is winne,r of the t992 Noel Ross Strader Awnrd from College Media Ad\Oise~ (CMA). CM A is a nntionol organization of mure than 600 ~1uden1 med in advisers. The S1mdcr awned honors meritorious service 10 Mudent media ~pccilically with , - - - - - - - - , the exercises of press freedom with some risk 10 personal and profcssionnl welfare. In 1986. when 1he Sentinel reported on alleged excesses of former NIC .__......__ _~-~ president Burry Schuler. Rosdnhl and 1wo deans Nils Rosdahl who ~upponcd him were !ired. The si1ua1ion led 10 nn overwhelming no-confidence voic against the president by NIC r.1cuhy and ~mrr. After Ii ve years of temporary conlmc1s, 1990-9 1 w.1s the lir.t year Rmdahl received u pcrnmm:m contmcl. Ro\d,1hl ~.tid he felt both hnnurcd and


Bumper Sticker; "Cnuuon: In ca,c llf Rapture. 1hi!t car will be unmanned."

Five easy steps to close your mind. 1. If you don't agree with what It soys, don't read It. 2. If you don't like what you hear, don't listen. 3. If you don't agree with what another person soys, don't let them get a word In edgewise. 4. If you meet a person whose opinions differ from yours, Ignore him. 5. If something, anything, annoys you, destroy it.

" On th~ ln~lde,or the door 10 the Hedlund Vocatillnnl Building. o sign instructs Open Tots Stde. No other door on campus bears such directions. What docs this soy about vocauonnt people?

ASNlC ~ i:-ouch o f

Wouldn't II be nkc ii people would take the fow ,cc-o~~ nct·c"3ry t\l rick u1> c.impus liner when they ,cc it? Wouldn't II be nicer 1f, inqcatl of hoving 10 pick u11 t111er on the campu\. rcoplc "Ould find n bcncr plucc to put 1hcir gmhagc. like maybe a garbage can} Curl} Killen. co-captain or NIC, vollcyb.lll team., 1hc team m kill~ bpikc<I. Maybe we ,hould C'JII her 'Killtn' Carly "

owkwnrd ot rccicving 1hc nwnrd, since his ~uuo1ion 100k place npproximn1ety six ago. "Anything I would get would be u reOcction of the 11ccomplishmen1 of my s1uden1s." Rosdnhl said. Rosdahl. who hns been in the new~papcr busine.s~ full time since 1963. smd he d1dn'1rcaliLe how much he loved journalism unti l he stancd teaching it. "It's jusl very rewording 10 ~ee 1he light bulb come on in a student's head and to sec them be excited abou1 who, they're learning." he ~aid. Rosdahl received II bachelor> in journalism from 1he Univc~il) of Monrnno in t'J67 and a master~ in communication from the Univc"il) of Washington m 1979, Rosdahl worked for the Mi\\oulinn 1963-68, was a joumolist with 1hc U.S. Coast Guard 1968-72 and worked for Valley Publishing company in Kent. Wash .. 1972-80 before movm!:! to Coeur d'Alene. Ile worked for thr Coeur d'Alene Press 1980-85. lie begun h1Holumn with the Spokc,mnn Re, 1cw in 198!\. Ro\d:thl \\ Ill be honored ,II the bll Nmional College Medin Con\\'.ntion Oct. 29-Nm I in Chic,igo.


1?1?©1F?B ,Blizzard of BucksOct. 19 Mon. at 8 p.m. Join the fun m the Bonner Rm. Adopt,A,Highway Oct . 17 9 a.m.-noon C;) $50 /)rize for club with most participants.


(Transponation provided)

Dance! Dance! Dance! Oct. l O in the cafeteria, Starts: after game,

Ends: midnight General admission,$3 Students,$2 Comedy Night! Tonight in the Auditorium at 8 p.m. General admission,$5 Students,$3

Friday. October 9. 1992 Rollerblnd ing lnlrnmurnls


pages JO-JJ pages 10-11

The Sentinel's Intramural and Recreational Activities Section

The NIC Sentinel

Page 9

People who regularly exercise only have one thing to look forward to - DYING TIRED.

Edited and Designed by Domi nic Howard

Poor sports ruin it for the rest of us My pe~nal policy has always been "If you can't physically ~at them-verbally

knock them dQwn." So I'm as surpri sed as you 10 be here among the spons scores. But I don 't choose where inju~ticc and s1up1dl1y show 1heir U{!ly pockmarked faces. I ju~l chase after 1hem, brandishing my sword wilh Don Lori Vivian Quixote-like Opinion dctcrmi nuuon in an a11cmp110 banish them 10 the ne1her-worlds. Today the merry chase led me 10 1hc spons section. Picture lhis...

Summer is 111king a I.ISi stond and 1humbing its nose 01 fnll. The sun has not quite yet begun its descent on the horizon. Two foo1boll 1cams arc playing ou1 1hc final moments of the game on the field of green 1ha1, unknown 10 the playe~. will soon become a field or boulc. It is the final ploy. l11e Sentinel Bombc~ are exubemni with victory. The score is 18 10 6. Congratulations, hand slapping, high lives and "good ploys" are nying nround nmongsr the Sentinel ream. DOOM' Along comes this bonchcnd from the other team running full speed into one or our team-members. Our unsuspecting guy goes down hard, and the blow dislocates his shoulder. Sentinel team members rush him 10 the hospital where his shoulder is tnpcd. wmpped nnd put in a binding sling. Meanwhile. Mr. Bonehead is heard bragging about whut a tough guy he i~.

What would you rather be doing?

"Playing softball." Charity Lickfold Education

"Be on the lake.• Doug Brown Physical Therapy

Now ir this was a full-contncl gume nnd someone was hun during a tackle. I'd sin1ply o;ay "Bummer days. man." But 1his was not o full-conmct football. This game was o co-ed nog football gnme played between NIC students. 11 was supposed 10 be a friendly, compc1i1h·c. no-pain g.1rne of FLAG football. Now I know 1h01 I have no understanding of sports. but I do know that a player who deliberately hurts ano1hcr because they lost is called o "poor spon." I coll 1hem "slimMli1hcringjcrks." mysclr. Mr. 13onehcnd planned 10 hun our guy. He even thought it wns worth bragging about. I'm sorry guys. but thnt s1cps nway from being n "poor spon" nnd into "bouom dwclhng slime-sucker." Picture this, people... Toe mnn sits nt the computer on Sentinel lny-out-night 1yping hi~ column, editing

stories, printing ond waxing his pugcs and laying them out with his right nrm immobilized. He docs his Joli without complaint or excuse, even though the p;itn can be seen in the narrowing of hiHycs nnd the tightening or his jaw. He ha~n' I taken the prescribed poin medicauon because he has a job 10 do. Thii man, a na1uml athlete. joined in the game of nag football with an understanding of fair piny lie wns hun because of a blind-\ided injustice. It cost him preciou~ time. needed money and unnecessary pain for trusting everyone d~e 10 pl,1y 11 nh the intended ~p,rit or the game. These student-made team~ put together on 11gcnd,1 for game~ in the true spirit or spom. i\11 11 tokes i\ one roucn. worm· ridden, pu,~-001in{! apple 10 spoil 1he barrel. It looks 10 me as if 01 lea~, one of the teams neeih 10 check their barrel and gel rid of what i~ making it imell.



Comp iled by Erin

Siemers "Parasailing.• Carly Killen


"Al Cactus Parrot." Duncan Hedges Law Enforcement

photo by Dominic Howard STUFF- Dean Bennett shows off his goalie skills m a game of floor hockey verses a group of East Kootenai C.C., our sister college, students who came down from Cranbrook. B.C. They came down here tor the yearly exchange that happens every year. In February Bennett will take a group of NIC students up there for the weekend.

P<1ge 10

The IC Sentinel



b) l)ominlr ll tl"urd Rta1•a11,m Edi11ir Speaj.Jumpmg. , l.11n1 tricl.< Jnd a good form of trJn1ponJ1ion Jrc rolkrhl.idmg's beuer a1,eL<. "The ,pon (rollcrblJdmgl rc3ll) 1111 lhl\ ilfN 1h11 )CJT. NJC S1udtn1 krt'nt) 133ucl. said " I 11.ined in June (lhi< ~cause all of m) friend, <13ned Jning it. :md I um h.1,mi .1 grtJI time d11mg 11 <n .. The onl) Ihm!! nc,·tkd for mllcrhladmg " 3 rCJ\Onnbl) hard ,urfacc. prcfcr,1hl) ,moo1h. and a pair of rollerbl:11Jc, .1nJ pad1 fur \Omc pc,•ple "Roll ·rhlaJmi "C,1') 10 lc,1rn ii )()U Jrc a rolltf\l.,ncr or un i,c,k_atcr." R.iud s.1id NlC ,1ulkn1 TrJ,·c~ "Nl'•oJk·" lruJcll e1 the 'Jl<ll1 t>cc:iu'(' he Jo,.-, hnde). anJ wlkrM.idmg "1hr ,ummer "J) 1•l 1cc 11.Jllng. he <aid Trudell pl.i)cd ho.: l.c, !or n >•·ar, m Al.111.J "her<" h.- ~r.-... up lie h.1J thr,-.: ..cholJf\hip ottef\ for hocl.c). one lrom the Um,tNIY of ronne~11ru1, hut d1u1c u, go close 10 home JI PJlmcr College \\ hlle pl.I) '"l! there. he goi both 1houlde" 1ep.11,1tcd .ind renhN<l lhJI he"·'' mo 1mall tu pla) mwllegc. he ,.11J He then came 10 NIC 10 compete on 1hc 1r.1cl. am.I uo11 COUnll') ICJm<. "I reall) enJOY plu)ing hockey on rollcrbladc< becJU'(' 11 rcmmd1 me of the gooJ,(IJd dJ)1," Trudell ~,J "I 1ht) hJJ ,omc I.and of tc.1puc1 around here 10 pla, m" Bau.: I.. ,, ho J\ Jn a\ld <L 1cr. ,.11d he hlc, rullcrbl.idmp lic.;Ju,c he c.1n Jo mo,1 of the tml., he doc, on ~l.1e, llu\\c,cr. if he "rech the pJ, ·mc111 i, .1 hulc h,1rdcr than the'"''" Both Trudell .111J ll,md, said thJI the) hJ\C h,11.l 1hcir 1.11r ,h,lfl' lll \\TC,I., · \I) """' ,.,,., k "·" (t1mmg ,hmn ~h



Friday. October 9. 1992

McKinley (1\1:isl.o).'' Trudell said. " I wa, going down th.: ro:1cJ und at the end of 1hc rood there \\.IS 3 h1gh ..ay. and I did not" ho" I "a., gomg 10 11op. I "J\ slolom111t: un 1hc ,el')' rough ro.1d. tl')'lll!! to 110" down, but u ""' 1101\\Ori.inf!. I wa< going 10-45 ~IPI I and I dl-cidcd 10 Jump off the ro.1d 10 ,a,c m)iclf from nmr11nf! tnlll ,1 car I ''"' ,cared 10 de.uh bcrnu,c I thought I ".1.' i;om~ 10 die. I ended up" 1th .1 f,:w bl.1cl. and Nuc marl,. but I ,uf\1,cd ·· ''The \'Ill\! ,-,ed. I ever hruJ and the b<:\I mo"e I h,l\e c"crdunc wcrc .111hc Coeur J',\Jenc UCJ,h.'' Raucl. <aid J,!lllll!! do" n the ,e.1"all "hen all ,,f thl' ,udden I fd1 m)wlf ,1,pping off the ,1all ll1cn I Jel l. .md h11 nm· nf the l":nd1c, and r.•,111\ ,,r,11,hcd JJJ},cll up I hJd a hJJ ,111 un th,· in\ldc ul my arm 1,..111 hnting lhl' l>cnd, ,\I> bl',1 mm1• e•cr "'" ., ,omplctc \f,O (Cumpkh.' I" ,,11 on thl' 'CJ"·'" Truddl \\,1, 1el) 11nprc"cd \\llh H.m,L' ,


)6() 11111\C

"'Thal 1, .in ,l\\c,nmc 1110,c on .1 1,foul "1de wrf.Kc:· Trudell ,.11d Trudell u,c~ h11 rnllcrbladc, C\Cl)d:I) 1>hilc ll:1ud u1c1 them ,U'ound 1w1cc ., ,.,-cl. Trudell ,aid thJI he U'<'' h11 for re.:rcauon .md for 1r.m,por1a11un Ila, rollcrbl.1dc, urc h11 1rn111porrn1111n tu nnd from school. and he ul\o enjoy, Jll'I ·sere" lllf .tround" 1111 them. h 1, .1 grcJI rurm ul c,crd~r. he uddcd. Rollc1hl.1dc, co,1bc1,1ccn S'IO 500 :ind pJ<b \(,().1\0 llk' J\Cr,lfC COIi of wllcrb!Jdc,. for a quuhl) pw.1, Sl50.200. The) ,md II cu,1, $50 75 n ycJr III n~" "heel, fur the rolkrhlndc, The} both \Jitl lh,11 ClC')OIIC ,h,,uld gi,,· thl\ gr,•.11 ,p.,n J II), ,,r 1hc} J11n ·1 ~no\\ \\ 1ml 1hc1r 1111\\llll! Ill COJllymcm ,Hid C:\(f(l't"

photos by Erin Siemers

OUTRAGEOUS AIR- (Above) Jeremy Bouc/.. shoivs off a daffy/spread eagle comb1na1ton fr,ck (Beloiv loft) Tracy Trudell goos for a nde as he leaps off the curb and sk,es over Bauck (Beloiv r,ght) Bauck leaps follo1.1ng a powerful acceleration into this aenal maneuver on the Dike Road behind NIC. his lavonte place to rollerblade.

Friday, Oc1ober 9. 1992


The NIC Sentinel

Page 11

Packers win NICFFL eAplnincd 1hot the season i1 going prcny good so for and it's gcuing better as it goes . Mc also said the pcuplc arc gcning u~d 10 1hc rule., nntl the oflicin1ing is gelling bcuer. The game 1hm were roincd imrnmurnl spons program is in it~ founh wccl. of gridiron play with one more week out on Sept. 14 have been rescheduled for Oct. 13 a1 the same time~. 10 go. 111c wom1. summer-l ike wca1hcr According 10 Taylor. floor hockey and ha.~ blc~~cd the :irca with grent plnying ~occcr might be pos5ible' spons condiuon~. ne,1 foll besides football. In league play Tuc~day, the Bump. Set SPIKE! Co-cd volh:ybnll um.Jcfcn1cd P,tekcr~ edged the Pimp is 1hc ncx1 intramural spon on the agenda. Pnlocc in \udden-dcmh ovcnunc to Rcgi~1ro1ion packet~ can be picked up in remain undefeated ond in sole possession 1hc recreation orlice m the ba,cmcnt of of lir~1 pince. 1hc SUll II i, due by Oct. l.l. and play When nskcd about how the ..:a,nn i~ gmng ~o for. 13rigid of the\. begin~ Oct 15. V,triou, 'P',n~ toum,ml\'nt, arc Jl,u "ho caugl11 .1 clutch ·Hl-yarcl pa." ,lCfO\\ the middle in o,crtimc. ,1.11cd e,:,1.111cally, around 1hc comer Pm, w1ll l>c ,ru,hcJ "h,·n the l><m hng 111um,1m~n1 1.11.,, plJcc ··11·, .1 l.1cl. m the .1,,!" ,11 the S1m,1·1 B1>\\ hng Center 0.:t I l ,1t •J C.1p1,11n of the P1111p 1'.1l.1cc. S"111 Sugg. pm ic~n" "111 cn11,i-1 ol h•ur mcml:>:r,, re,pondcd Ii> '"> 1ng. "It ,hould llC lull .mtl 11 "111,11,1 ,1 ')5 per f)lf\On. Ihere nm1.1c1. bu111·, ,1111,1 good 11mc" "111 Ix 1tri1c, h1r h1~he,11hr~ n,1m1· ,\sol Wcdnc,d,1). the NIC'H-1 ,un·, .ind h1l!hc,1,m11lc iumc fur men\ ,i.mtling, Jr.: :1, lulhmcd: Pu, (5-1 ). S.:n11ncl llnmhcrs ( l 2). Ure" Crc\\ 1·1-.!). ,md \\11mcn, 1.h, l\nm,. the hirhc,11c.1m ,core "111 al\o bl: rewJt,kd Regi,1r.111on Pimp 13 .!J. ll1n -n-J1X.I., H ?l. Wild 13.mchci·, (~~I ). Inquiring ~hnJ, (0- 111 Jue h)' Ckt I:! J\ pmg-pnng wum.11n~nt 1, "ht.-dukd 51 .111,J SOIT) tO· 7) l'or (kl. 2Q ,II ·l p 111. Ill the SUO J:!JnlC I he th.1111p11111, 11l 1h1• k,tguc "111 l>c room Th<:l~ inh:r~,h!J urc cm:our .,i;cd to cr(m11ed ne\l "ed.: they \\nn' t <l'\:CI\C ,,gn up in the fl'trl'ati1m ollicc, the the Vince l.01111l:irtl1 .111.ird. but the) will \\IOOCf\ r«Cl~C ,111 intr.unurJI receive l111r.1mural champio11 T .,111m. ch,1mpn,n,h1p T-~lun. llrcl T.tylttr. direclllr of 1ntr,11numl ,port,,

by JclT Green Sc111i11f/ R,·pflrter 111c rugged NICFFl.. or Nonh Idaho College Flng Footbnll lcaguc of the

photos by Erin Siemers barely gets olf the throw by a leaping Jerry Burke of The Wild Banchees. (Below r,ght) Gary Peters scrambles from ASNIC Vice-President Maureen Slichter, center, and Kayley McCarthy, fight, to get off a pass. (Below left) Two members of the Brew Crew, Jeremy Pasco and Josh Garcia (facmg) the wrestling team, wam1-up for their game. BOMBS A WAY- (Abovo) Pimp Palaco quartortx:ick Seo/I Sugg

The NIC Sc111in~l

Page 12 ·1( there\

bu~dc m i•our hl•dgcl\JW don't be alarmcJ now. it'~ JU>l ;1 sprinl? cl.,.m for 1hc Mai• Queen." Roberr Pkmr .1

INSTANT CULTURE The Sentinel's Arts and Entertainment Section

Friday. October 9. 1992

"The prayer of the chickenltawk does not get him the chicken." Swahili Proverb

Edited and Designed by Mark A. Jerome

NIC Art Faculty Sh ow displays strength, ve~satility and variety by Rich Duggnn Photo Eduor & Speciul Corrtspondu111 One 111igh1 "ondcr how often o student looks m his or her inmuc1or and thinks "Well, whal abou1 you'."' - e~pedally in the case of an sludents, where they are asked 10 produce n finished piece ond arc piven only specilica1ions and guideline..< lo stnn from. "Here - pour out your hcan and <oul or 01 lea~t bmm on this page:. con, a~. computer. etc," it might seem to the beginning an 51udcn1S. And after u do~e or good of' conmucuvc criticism on cntique day.1hey migh1 wonder again (with more dctcrminmion this lime), "Well. what aboul )OU?"

Finally. the "wha( about the NIC ,u, rn~uuc1ol'!. is hanging in Union Gallery The NIC An f'ncuhy Show gi\c~ nm only an s1udcn1s. but 1he ~ntire campu~ a !!limpse of e~actly "hot the credibility of the nn 1nstruct<>r. look~ like. One might not guc<s before a vi<il lo the gallery JU<l how varied the 111lem of the

Visitors a/lending the North lda/10 College Faculty Art Show are treated to a variety of art styles including computer images, airbrushed Illustrations, photographs, paintings, handwoven ceramic baskets and Intricate drawings. The show will be In Union Gallery through Oct. 29.

Spokane Symph ony opens new season with Viennese violinist by !\lark A. Jcronll' during the 198-1·85 /111rn111 C11/r11r, frliwr ,cn,un. again handled The Spokane the condul' lrn!? chorl'\. S> mphon)' ha, returned Ml'chr111 kfl Spokane ro 1he Lake Cit} for the tu become M~u,1:1, liNl pcrfurmnncc 1n n Ro<tropo,•ich·, J\\i<tunt ,erres llf four concerts 10 at the Na11onnl S) mphony take place 1h1~ ,enson. rn wa~hing1on. D.C. He The ~ymphOII) · s Coeur " no" music director of d'Alene ~cric~ Op,!ned 1hc Virt?ini.i Chamber Thu~dny in the North Orche,1ro ond a~~ociotc Idaho College Art~ and conductor of the Syrocu~c l!ntenainmem (N. Y IS> mphony Auditorium. 'rhe concert The JS-year-old feJturcd lhc )Oung Br:11ilian ,·onductor V1ennc,c , 1C11ini,1 Kartn began nn rn1crnn1ional Adam pla)'tng Fd\\Jrd career by winning the Lalo's "Symrhonic 1989 Mnlko Conduc11ng E,pagnolc .. Compc1111on in Dcnmar~. The symphony He made h1~ f'ir,1 pcrformtd t1rchc,1ral l· urt1pc:u1 ,1ppenr:incc p1c.:c< 1h01 included " Hh the D,mi~h Radio Samuel Dnrher's Orchc,tra and the "Mede.i's Dunce or t\alborg Symphony. He Yen!?cancc" nnd Igor al~o ,pcnl la,1 <c.,~on S1r:1,•i n<ky'< "Pe1ru,khn.'' conducting three Fabio Mechc111. the Jo panc<c orchc~tra< in Spobnc S) mphony' < Tokyo. Osaka and n,<i<inn1 conductor Sapporo.

Since: making her del:'ut JI ;rgc 8. Adam appeared "Hh on:hc<tra, 1hro11gho111 Europl' :ind rn fapun . In 19S I ,he won ho1h the Joach im Compc111ion nnd the Mo,nn lntcrprc1a11on Pri,e 01 Vienna·~ 1'1onrt· geme1ndc. The ~ymphony will rc1urn 10 North lduho Colle)lc for clns,ic\ concen~ on March 25 und 6 and a S) mfunn1es children, concert March 19 Rc,~rvcd ,cat 1icl..e1, ore u,ailublc at 1hc NIC' bo, office lor the upcoming \ho,u for S 14 nnd Sl6 for 1hc gcncrol public. ($7 ond S8 for NIC sruden1s w11h l.D ) As alWO)'S, I01,•comcr~ will not be ,e:ued until an npproprrote pou~c in the program.

an focuhy is. Sharp. colorful computer image,. airbrushed illustnuions, photographs. hundwoven ceramic baskets, imrica1e drawings. p11in1ings and many other striking imnges show 1he viewer 1hcse varied 1olen1s. In foci, 1hcy nlso hint 1ha1 these instructors ore sharing "big school" quality leaching ai a junior college level. An and pho1ogrnphy in~1ruc1or Phil Corlis points ou1 thnl this show displays "the strength and ver.;i11ili1y of 1hc nn depnnmen1." He jokingly adds. "Just sec ii; i1 really is bcncr 1hon "CaL\," (1he Broadway musical). Pnin1ing in,1ruc1or Allie Vogr de.,cnlles the show IL~ "a visual convcrsauon with the college fmm the nn dcpanmtnt," and how "it\ o real cros~ section, a ,•nricty of art." She soy~ 1hot all 10 of the iinisl, represented arc very plcnM"d with the show The NIC An f'ncuhy show run~ 1hrough Oct 29 with gallery hours noon,6 p.m.. wcckdnys.

A.LENDA C'ompilcd by M nr k A. J rromc /11s1<1111 C11/111re l:.t/iror

Fridny, Oct. 9 8 p.m.-Comcdy Nile '92 $3 gcnc,,11 admission rec for NIC studcnb with ID. S5 for 1hc gencr,.11 public. Mond a), Oct. 19 8 p.m. -"The Bliuard <>f Buck>" cro1y game ,how. S1udcn1 Union Building in Bonner Room. Open 10 the public Soturd uy, 0<'1. 10 9-12 -Dnnce after Volleyball game SUB in Bonner room S2 admi"ion for NIC students wuh ID. $3 lor gue,b. Snturd oy.Oct.1 7 S p.m.• North Idaho Symphony Or<:hc,1ra in concl'n in Boswell Hull. Student~ admilled free wnh student LO. Sundu y, Oc t. 18 4 p.m.-Tomm) Dorsey Orchestra condurtcd b) Budd) Morro~ in C'ommunicauon-Finc An Building ThursdD )', Oct. 29. JO. J I 8 pm · NIC Theater Department pre,en1, "The Effec1, of Gamma R;iys on Man- In-The-Moon Marigolds." by Paul Zindel Sund ay, No,•. 8 7 p.m.- The Grejl Escape presents Worrcn Miller's "Steeper and Deeper" ski film .. Reserved se:m ore $8 adult~

and S6 children 12 ond under, l•rldny, Nov. U 8 p.m.-Loosc Tics rn Concert Communicu1ions-Fine Arts Building in Boswell Hull S3 udm1"1on for NIC ~1uden1~. S7 for the 1,1cncral public Ticl..l'h ii' J1lablc 01 the donr Suturd n)', o, . 14 8 p.m • North Idaho Jau En\emble. Terry Jone~. director; the Ja11, Compan) directed by Jon Brownell General Admission SS. $3, SI. Sunda y. Nov. 15 4 p.m • Choir Festival hO)l<!d by North lduho College Concert Choir. Open to the public. Tuesday, Nov. 17 10 a.m. and I p.m.· Sellicc Elemcntory pn.>,en1, Pau I O" en Le1•,r\, Juthor of · oa"t')'\ Dream·· in Ju1hor rc,idencic~. Frida ~, o,·. 20 S p.m . Bill Evan~ DJnce Company 1n Bos"dl Hall Audi1orium. S0turdu1•, No, . 21 8 p.m. -Norih Idaho S) mphonic SJnd pre~cni- "..The Finul Fronucr· conducted b) Tery Jones. Gcneral Admission S5. $3 and SI Tuesday, Dec. 8 7 p.m .• "A Chrisunas Carol.. by Dickens and performed by the Nebraska Theatre Caravan in Bos well Hall Audi torium.


Friday. October 9. 1992

[ ALBUM REVIEW$] by Kevin J . Brown Jennifer Bollen·· "A bo,•c, Brlow nnd Beyond" Girls cun'c piny gui1nr. Their hands are coo smnll. TI1ey .iren·1 :iggm,si"e enough. They hnven't che ncce$Sary hnnd-ey.: coordinacion and mo10Mcn~ory s~ills and nre less ndcpc Ill ubscracc thought. Th.:y .1rCn·1 <trong enough to hold the dnmn ching up. Thcydon'c have the hair for it. They can't look se~) ..earing a guilnr. The> don't look good in leachcr. Hmm. Mn)bc we should rethink this. huh? An 1L,~ocia1e of mine mnmmm, that girl~con cenainly play guilor, as long as it'~ acoustic nnd prefcrrJbly low-key. I haven't played it for him ycc, but pcrhnps my new frnniftr Batten CD may change his mind. ·n,;s bleJched-blond "chick" looks like your basic Holl)'IH>Od vamp (or nn CA·mcmti.:r of ViAcn). ho.< a !!u11nr bearing the likeness of King Tut. and ~pent the l!!.,t couple of albums wi•h one Michael Jackson. Jackson's music doe~n't allow for his other muiic1ans to <how off very much. hence. Ihis $Olo album. Jcnnifor Botten·~ ploying Is fluid. llnwkss. rcmini!iCenc of Steve V:1i. Like nll Guicnr lnMitu1c pla}crs. she plays wi1h precision nntl sure1y: hov.e~er, unlike much of che recent GIT-crnincd fodder inundating the music world lately. Oottcn is as able to say ~ much wi1h four nocc, a, ,he cun wilh fony. Her playing style range, from hcunfeh acou~1ic and blues ba.,,ed piece) wuh a grenc deal of Midcnsl mnucncc Ill milc-a·minut~ \peed-picking runs. Iler l'(l(!kcrs tire ob,•1ou(ly laden wiU1 cl feels, bul she d.X\n't seem 10 depend on them for her unil1uc cone. lier plO)'ing isn'1 ju,c fuM; it\ often quilt heavy And she manogc~ 10 p.1y homage 10 grca1~ like Vai 1"Ca1 Fighc") or Mnl1mte.:n /''Flighc of che Bumblebee") whhouc cop)•ing 1hcm.

Tl ! NJC Sentinel

Page 13

NIC Symphony readies to play 'Magic Flute' by Chri.\ lophcr Cheney Se111iJrr l R~fJCJrtt'f

·nie p!\'micr conccn of the North ltfoho Symphony Orchestra will be held m lhe Perfom1ing Art.~ Audi1orium in Ro\1vell llul l Oct 17 nt S p.m.. ThJ> sea~on is e~p,.'.:h:J to be one of 1he m~I promi~ing ones yet. Conductor Todd Snydt'f snid. And for upcncr... 11 concen thacis 10 bi: one ol lhc mo~• engaging pcrfom1ill10:~ in 1hc hi5tory of 1h~ NIC Symphony fc:,1ure.\ worl..s by ccl<.'br:ucd compo~ such ;i., Mollln. Hadyn and Tchaikov<.ky. ·'An example i< 1hc Magic Flu1e by Mozart.,'' ~id Snydcr." TI1is isn·11he kind of nmsiC' one wooltl e~pe,;1 to h~ar :u a performance. n,~ :tn:n't mu:.cum pit!e~\. ~ pkcc.~ an:, in comraM co many ocher work& from the same penod. vibmnl, living and hrc.achinl! " 'The Magic Rut~.• whi,h open~ lhe concert. i$ a !)l'Ore Lhol Snyder know, on an

meim:11c level from his c,pcricnccs in Ilic Vienna Woods of Auslrin. "As I walk,'<! though lhc Vienna W~ . il become very clear 10 me what Mozart wos 11ying 10 convey • 1hc sound of th\: wirKl Mlling lhrough chc uces and an cnv 1ronmcn1 unique co 1hi~ pltKc. It v.a., incr.,J1hl~ 10 wolk in the foo~<cep)ofthc music' , cre:clor." he snit!. "h's a unique'C1h,: when you can be in 1he i.ame place lhal in<pircd ti work like thm " Of oou~ ch<! "Magic Fluce" is not 1hc only work covcn.'CI in 1h~ upcoming pcrformnnt-e. nor is ic the only one for which Snyder hn:. 11 specinl knowledge. "f II)' 10 convey the music os the composer inccndcd it" Whether ic be t>r Monti, Snyder SU)'~ he tries lt1 cut1ivo1c a deep under;u1nding for th,• mu.,ic. 'If I don't feel c11rnfort11bk I.hat l\c ~.1plun:d !he ~ompcN•r'\ ~oicc, I 11(111'1 do c~picce.''

NIC Symphony Conductor Todd Snyder Howcv~r. lhis~n't l.C\'m co indicacc 1ha11he ~ymph,.my will be rtMricr..'1.1 in :iny v.ay from n,-shmg-out or n:ddinmg, iL, mu~lc. ~id Snyder. .. TI cc musiC' v. orlJ i~ 11 conlinuol rcjuvcn,111ng procc.,,,_ whereby works :u,: l'C-Cn:Jlcd :md on~n re-emphiL,IINI or highlighlcd witl1c.on~idcnui1111 10 how 11 conductor .ippro.ic~~ the mu~k." Ho" cvcr, ,11,I Snydc, "I 11m ,t !'C-(.'fl!.Chlr nQt 11 cre11t1>r. '1'hc....: :111! oil piCCt.",, that

for chc S} mphony. rcpcc~nt a real chall~.ii.:~ for lhc group In lcnns 01relineni'cnc 1111d quulity." Snyder \llid ''lni~ p:u,icular prt!.\Cllllllion i, n re.ii $lep forwanf' in WMI Snyder culls •·o;cnsi1ive mu,ic" Apparently, the group hns t>ren improving ,;teadily over the }~ilJ'\ and chi, i:onc:cn should be the one Ihm deli~ 111,:ir new found nbilhie.,;. "To play compo~icions of thi~ wn1ph:.\icy. v.e·vc h,ld to .:ome a long way: 1hi., music h 11f II Wry ild1~-Jc:11it,cr,'' ),ud Snyder. There is no ch:u-gc for Mudcnt:, di,plJyin[! a ,cudent body card'ed tickets for the i;cu,:ml public nrc 5J and S2 and c.m be purdw.-...-d in ud,-:inc;c or 111 1hc door th,: d.1y (Ir the ,how at lhl' North lwlhO C',,llcg,• bo~ office in Rns,~ell Ifall. Funlc...'f 11u....,11on\ ,hould be tlirecll'd to 11w hox llCfic~ ut 769 34 I5wt-ekda)", noon ll' 5 p.m

'Phantom of the Barbersh op' gets rave review

by R11chel Williams Queen •• "A Nlghl 111 the Opcn1" S,•millt'I R,•p<1rtu Well, now who doe~n·c chink of Wayne .ind Ganh Loughccr shook che NIC audhorium Sncurday a, chc Lake headbang111g in a cuMom pinto when "Bohemian Cicy Harmoni,c~ puc on cheir 121h annual ,how. TI1is ycur', RhJ[l'iody" pl3), ~ Queen defini1ely dc)crvc:d .., th~mc, "The Phnmom of the Bnrbcr~hop." f~n,uretl many re,urrc,:cion, bul no1with che add111onnl ba1rnogc of barbc~hop groups from Coeur d' 1\lenc. Spo~ane anti Senule. 1he cndle-s deluge of cacchphra,e, and dude humor "The Phantom," played by Harvey Zion. in1errup1ed the of"Wayne·~ World: performances throughouc 1he produccion by spewing chrcal\ While 1he rcl'en1ly rclcn,cd "Clnssic Queen" al~o concnm\ chc \Ong m qucmon (as well o, over n dozen anti promising the end of the produc1ion along "11h its barbershop singing. Ma~m of Ccremonie$ Tony Lincoln ~cpl more 1op-no1ch cul\, go buy ic) "Bohemian Rhapsody" i, besc heard in che concext of the 1he crowd roaring w11h hb sarcasuc.- remarks 10 the mock· plrnntom 01 er the P.A. system. The phantom conunuctl landmark 1975 nlbum. Thouph remarkable in iis mflodic conshccncy and de~Lrou~ hnndling or ,evcrnl making a complc1e fool of himself. The Harmonizers 1hcmsclvc~ performed ,c,eral ~On!!~. musical genre<, "Rhapsody" i< ,1c1ually one of che more pedestrian cuts on "Nighc111 che Opera." Other includi ng the peppy opcncr."One of Those Songs." and 1he song, like "La,i ng on o Sunday Afternoon" end pre-closer, a parotlc-~tylc marching piece." Sevcnly·Six You're my BcM Friend" 1.ike nn e,cn more sweeping Trombones." and 311-encomp:is.\mg embrace of the whole of The onl) other Jorge group prtsC'nl was che Sweet Adeline,. music. a local group direccc?d by Sally Wallace. The Swcec Adeh nes And noc only cs 1hc music hundkd admirably. but performed two songi;."Jn,·a Jive" and "I Don·c Wanna Walk the production scilt rivol~ any of today·~ big-budgec Wi1hou1 You." albums. Songs segue effonlessly into the next and When asked what she best about 1he group, Wollace layers of instrumcncs are intCrt\\cned 10 form n said. "It's a lot of fun: we lo"e 10 sing." bcaucifully Mruc1ured worl... The actual barbershop qunnets incl uded Upbeac, The This is the true clns~ic Qu~-en. They deserve belier Fourth of July Pas< Touring Co.. Top Fti1c, Chords d' L:ids, than co be sandwiched bc1ween clips or Illinois and chc s111rs of che show, Seatth: Sound. wnscoids m donuc shops. Their newfound no1orie1y Scottie Sound, consi~cing of four Scanl e men. l..ept the and re-reco1mi1ion is a sh!l.mcful substicute for show hopping wich 1hcir both humorous and seriou\ songs. r~pec1, They were unmiscaknbt y 1he highlight of the show. The

audience wo, hurled into luughccr " 11h a humomu, cunc abouc chc peril~ of mam.1gc and chcn hu\hl·d in11, ,ilence w11h che couching ,cracn\ of, "I'm Glad God Made I iccle Girl,,'' v.h1ch ch~e of che four dedicaced co their young daugh1c" bcry piece wa, chunderously uppl.iudcd by che enchu,1.i111c cro"tl. m:,king Scan hi Sound the ob, iou, focu, of the cwning One of che oth~r favorites ol chc n1gh1 wa~ a fa,c, tl111ii:ult ~ong performed b) Upbeat. a female qu.irtec affiliaccd \\ich lhe Harmom.:e~. ''Deed I Do" cons1s1ctl of fu,t. ,harp phra,c\ chat nma,ingly came ouc the ,inger\ mouch, llnwlt"ly "Do I lo\'e you'? Oh my. do I honey. 'Dec:d I do! You know i1·, true'" Try ,ayin~ chat IJ~l 10 11mcs. Bobby Gray Jr .. baritone singer and ,poke\man lor Sea11le Sound. adamantly \lated hi~ "barbcr,hop" op1mons. "Barbershop harmony is u m1~under.cood art furm, ct', a friendl) t)pe of music and I' m proud 10 ,.i) 11·\ American.'' The group has been 1ogc1her for almos t a year. "We enjoy meeting peopk," Bobby said a.~ he ;hook my hand and inviu:d me "'ormly co 1he af1erglow ac che Elks Club. The Phoncom returned JU>I before che closing of 1he ~how 10 admit his failure 10 s1op che performance. He happily joined all chc barben,hop si ngers colleccively in 1he finale. "Keep the Whole World Singing " He cook Harmonizer direccor l:d Jeffers pi nce tlirec1ing chc final song. Al 1he final strains of che pleasant harmoni ous music. one singer ,houced. "It' s great to be a borber~hopper 1" l 1hink "If you can ' c beoc 'tm, join ·cm:· would have been appropriate. 100.

Page 14

Wanted: 'Single White Female • 01·n ien· b) ,. 1an Sollmti Rq1<1rtt'r ll'(fl s,Ji• Swq/e 11 ·h,1<· Ftmnlr ",•J.JJr11111/r rn 1/lurC' 11

, ..

tnwwtinh.,· /

p .r.esmnw · I . pro .... 1 This 15 the cla\Mficd d,enisement thJI woultl ~msucully change 1hc lhe, of maM in the mo,1e Sinple Whuc FcmJle II all b.:gin ""h Alli'IOn (pln)i.'d by Bridee1 F1>ndJ), ne" 1n Ne" York Cit). "ho ha, n light "i1h her t,oyfricnd Sam (Stc,en Weber) and nsk.s him 1o rno,e ou1of1heir ,ipJI1mcn1 :is she painfully call, off their "•'tldmg. Allte's only friend. Grahnm (Peter Friedman I. "ho liv~ up,1oi~ m 1he

sam,• ~,1mple, , ·,uggc,t\ that roommmc. The ~.irch bcpm,. Allie place, the adwrhscmcnt in 1he cla,$ilicd of thll New York Times. Ju,t ns the rru\lro1ions of finding th,11 perfect roommu1c,seLS 1n, Mcdro (Jennifer Ji!!,On Lee). oppe:i,<. m 1hc docy for an inter, ie" . 111e li")ing was perfect. E,cn 1houph they were very much the oppo~i1c of l'ach other - i\tlio: very upbeat and selkonfidcn1 nnd Hedk. very shy and insecure •• an insrnnl friend~hip fom1s and Medic mo"e~ in. Li11lc did Allie kno" whal tragedy lay ahead..... The movie gels off 10 a ~~ F~t a


,Ill", unc,cntrul.. ,inn . ,.. ho"evcr. when p,ycho11c Mc~ic begin~ obws,tng o~cr Alhc to tlw point of drc,,mp in the ~nm~ clothe< and c~e? d~eing nnd cunmg her • , htur m the ~amc \tylc a\ Alhc. TI1cn )'OU know thnt you are abou t to be lend into nn ··unknown" world of mcntnl incompetency 1h01 only few can imagine. Few will <urvivc! A movie less than perfect in plo1. ac1ing nnd conclusion. it is a "must see" movie an~ portruy, an important messaj!C to not only "single white females." but 10 nn)'One considmng "monunl!·· with a stron!!er. Don't!


'Captain Ron' tickles funny bone as well as providing le sso n s on family values by l>ebl)ie Wlllla111s Stnimrl RC'portcr Try 10 imagine your <'I" n rar

.:oas11ng off" doc~ 11110 the ocean, your child spillinr milk on your juM-lini~h,'d blue-prints 1h01 were ~uppo)td ll' be turned in to your bos~ lomorrow l,r your 16·)C8Mlltl doui,:htcr coming home with an cngagemcn1 ring from n high ),hool punk rl'ICkrr II you·rc alre.1dy ,toning to fed animosity. then may bl' YllU )hould qu11 rcndinp thh amcle. Out tf lClbHC~) mu11va1c you or 11d.k' )'Our runny bone. "Cap1ain Ron" i\ the mo"1c tl' wa11:h. The mnin rhnrnc1t:rs arc the fatht'r, lht' mother, the 8-ycnr-ohl son. thl• I(,. ycar-<1ld d,tuj?htt'r and the Captain Ron. The Mory hnt Is about agl1a1ion and how 1hc Har,ey famtl)' ovcrome, i1. The Ja111.1icon Rcgguc Mu. or mu,ir tnhanc~~ th" ,en~c of dc~pnir ,Ind

lmpell!.!>SnC\\. Tor underlying theme in thi, movie is ,call> about the lbd The dad. (playcil by Marlin Shortl after rccciv111s a ltllcr that he had inhcntcd a boat supposedly wonh half o milllon dollars. 11lon~ n )JlOntuncou~ ,·uratilln throu~h the Carihli<:an hland~ 10 pie!.. 11 up, 1111..e ii bncl.. Jnd sell ii. Thh poor fom1ly is prone 10 disa.~tcr ofter db.mer. The kcv mi,for1unc " Jcquiring Capmin R~n l played by Kun Russtll) a\ their ~nptain. He cau~e~

..------------------------ ...

hiday. October 9, 1992

hs·rA!\'f C.'llL1'UH E

The I\ IC Sen tu •I



most <If 1he cu1a~1roph,.., whlk the family it out on poor ol' dad. A few of 1he obMnch.'s the Maf\•ey family Im< 10 overcome arc: The bom ha,n't hl'cn cleuncd since 1960 (h's now 1992J: Captain Ron loses 1hr boni ·$ ladder: C11p1ain Ron loses the ho:11·, unchor; Captain Ron gel\ 1hc IIMvey family IMt: Captnin Ron 11c1, the llar11cy family stuc~ in 11 ~lorm and th,• b-Oat run, out of fuel. Th~r.! i< much much more trouble 1hroughou1 the lrip. The dad has n hnrd time dealini; with Jll lhe 1roubltl because everyone blame~ him for 1hcm go on lhc mp in 1hc liN pla~c. '"Dad. hl· tries, but h~ really ~cr,·ws up:· 1hc ~on 1old Captmn Ron Hi, id,m1i1y n~ a huher 1< crushed 3nd lhC'n ,tol<'n b)' Captain Ron. "lk', cu1ins my brain, he', !!! over our h,e,:· th<.> dad 1s 111 fru,trJllon a~ h,• n111ire\ Captain Ron hovering over his wife, 1t•aching her 10 ~oil 1ht: bl'al, hnndinJ? his )On n bter ond lcnchtng his dough1~r 10 dnnrc. In the end. this \'&cation tt.'oche) the Harn•y family 10 appreriutt their fo1hcr f~,r who he re:111> h • .ind 1h1: 1ruc meaning of the movie 1s revealed Thi> mo\'il' on the ou1~ide reveals rru,1n11ion ond disllSler, bu1 on lh,: in,idc tea.:hc, u ICS\On on rumil)' Vdluc~ .

N IC Theater Depart1nent asks what are 'The Effects of Gamma Rays on Man--ln--The-- Moon Marigo lds 1 ? by l\lnry Olivieri Se111i11el llrpnrll'f

1~11h1s evcr-'<I odd 1i1lc he your first clue us 10 an :ibsolu1ely oull.tandi ng play thilt will soon Ill! coming to North ldnho College. Con~idercd to be one of off-Broadway's ircn1es1succc,~. P.1ul Z.mdel's "'Ille Effect of Gamma Rays On Mnn-ln·Thc· Moon MarigolM' hn.s won numerous aw:ird,. including the Pulimr P1i1.c. the Obie Award nnd the New York Drama Critics Circle A,Hird ns Best American Pluy of 1he scn.\On. The director of NIC' s Thea1cr dcpnnmeni, 1im Rarick, dc'Cided 10 imroducc 1he play 10 NIC after '111c Rivnls" wa.~ cancclll'd duc 10 a lack or much needed male nudi1ioncrs. Roriek's cnthu,ia,m ,, apparcm as he spcal..s of tm,•ing u11endcd the ploy over 10 ycnn. ago nnd 1s excited obout its production here ;11 NIC. Maur..'Cn Gri will be du"Ccting the ploy with nine pcrfommncc, -chcdulcd, b.lgiuning Oct. 29 It L~ the ,tory ol a biucr, drunken widow named O~Jlicc Hun!>d11rfer

(plnycd by NIC speech iMtruc1or Mona Klinger). who tries to suppon her 1wo dau~lucrs, Ruth (Sarah Montgomery) and Mn1ilda (Cory Rosdnhl} by taking into lheir home. an old senile woman 10 care for. Seomed by her own li11es mhgivings und failure,. Or:urice seems determined 10 mukc 1he lives of everyone around her miserable Migh-,1run11 Ruth. who i, prone 10 con\/Ulsion~. seem, 10 ,urvhc 1h1, dysfunctional fomily lif.: by the foci that ,hi: i~ prcny and a b11 manipuluuvc. Tillie. on the olhcr hand. 1s \Cl} um1d and aw~1vard. with a love for sc1cnc,• h wrL, this love for science ~ts the VCI'} found,11ion of 1hi< pla) 1hm11th .in c~perimcnl with rnd1ci.,c1i, ily und m;111gold "'-'t'dS. As the seed, hl~,om and nuun,h in th1< c~pcrimen1. \l> 100 "ill TIiiie II\ .1 pl.1} that i< ,ure to \Im your heart,! Production dn1c, an: Oct. 2':I. JO and ) I n1 8 p.m... No,·. I 31 2 p 111 nnd NO\. 4, S, 6, und 7 n1 8 p.m. m NIC\ Bo,\\cll llJII. Ticket< Mi' O\Jilnhle m lhc NIC hox office. Quc\lion,? Call 769·:\-115.

MtCro Heal It's healthy. It gives a whole new look to fast food. Call now.

Carol Parker 667-0318


Friday. Oc1ober 9. 1992

F L A !i K E R B A T






D N N 5

st,ip fs s till con~id.:,.i1,9 not

wf lf 1,,. jlllcd with ,,o:t:frtg ""d tnlc:.dltf'C:llf a '"9h nh.!.nto I loo that n,t,y !> \Vrt )' vishnl Alex lo give. ~~ou ot J,, .. ~t

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ttiioo l<a:wi ~rr ~

The NIC Sentinel

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Page 15


r\lcx, you"'~ :;nc::h "" in9cnio11~, i1\t.-..lli9cnt o ,,d c;.-cnl,,w ,ndh,iduf'\I, ::J fo,tl II fuvJ tD l,vllvw lhnl )'Jn l\1l\lC suc:h Q c.loscd•,n1nd ..:d opm,on of ,nr slhu'.\tlo1,, :Jt ~L-'C111!f to n,c tlu:.t tl\l fin~ 0

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Page 16

Friday, October 9, 1992

The NIC Sentinel

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<1• . . . .

· · ~ · · ..

Friday. October 9. 1992

Fall Basebnll

The NIC Sentinel

SPORTS Page 18

Page 17

Cro\s country hn.~ n home meet on Oc1ob.!r 24 :n /\ vondule Golf Course in Hayden L.tkc. Mnybc you'll ~ec something different 1f you go.

The Sentinel's Competitive Sports Section Edited and Oesigl)ed by Ryan Bronson

Spikers building confidence by DomlnJc Honu rd

Rr,•r.-u1ion Edirnr In the words of a not-so-fomous actor who played n coach m some ba~eball m1wie. " h s Starlin· to come togcthd' for the NIC vollcyb311 tcum. TI1c Indy spiker.;. who wcr.: plagued wi1h incon)i~tcncy eorly on, nre playing very well now. Hcud Coach Bret Taylor said. "We are coming around to where we should be now." Toyll1r ~ald. "Howc\'cr. lllcre arc o few lhmgs we need 10 work on berore koguc really geLs going again~, CSI (College of Southern ldnho)." NJC has won IO of iLs lnM I l matches. including the W:illn W11J111 Toumumcnt champion~hip. lls ovcmll record is 19-14 nnd 0-1 in le.iguc. "My mo\l consistent plnye,s continue 10 be Carl} (Kilknl, Kri~lll (Ellion) and Jennifer (Je11l'll).' Tnylor ~.tid. "(':,rly h~d 15 kilh and 17 Nocks, Jennifer hod 53 :isshl~ und Kristu had 23 digs agninsl )\tkirna Valley C.C." NIC won the Wall.t Wullu Tournament r,,r 1hc third yc~r in a mw .i., a ro.,1111 of losing only one nrn1ch in pool piny ond ~\le~ping th.: hrnckc1 play. TI,.: C'onh lost 10 Colurnbia Uo,in Community College in pool play. bul came bock 10 bent them 1n bmckt'I play for the chumpionshtp. In 1hnt 1oum11mem, Killen wa~ nnm..'tl lhc Most V3fuablc Player and 0


scncr Jennifer Jewell wns named to lhc all1oumament 11:am. Lengue piny continue$ S31urday. here, agoln~t arch,rivol CSI. '"This region ,., going 10 be very tough." Taylor said. .. II will be one of 1hc toughest in the ..:ounlry. Our league is usually one of lhc top lcaguc~ every year.'' Th< Lndy Card~ nre currcn1ly on an cight-gnme winning SH.:nk and playing the best volleyball of the year. Taylor $!lid. "Tom very plcnsl'd wull our piny a1 1his time,'' T:iylor ~aid. ''! om conlidcni that we will con1lnuc to play 01 tho1 level." In their lost four mo1chcs, the Card~ have los1 only one sci agnimt W~lla W11llt1 C.C.. and they swept Columbia Dnsin C.C., Yakima Volley C.C. ond Centrnl Wushing1on tJnivcrsi1 y J. V.' ~. NIC team co-capinin Kill~n said the tcnm is doing exceptionally well 1hi\ yi:ar. "We ore playing good now compared lo cnrlicr in lht scabun," Kilhm said. ··we arc pinyin& much more consis1cn1 1han we were: curlier, and •.vc urc playi1111 whh rnorc confidence. co111inuity uncl we lmve a bencr a11i111tle.'· Tayll'.lr smd 1ha1 he would like a big crowd 10 conic chci:r 1hc Co.rd, on Saturday nigh1 v~r;u~ CSI. "If everyone came out and cheered u& on, ii would be a big boo~t 10 our 1cam," T:1ylor su1d.

010 y om n c owar ON YOUR HEELS-Walla Walla CC players blocks Nalat,e Start/ spike with Krista Elliot and Lynn He,mgartner ready to receive.

Cross country runners on rebound by Morey Ankru m Se111111tl Re1ior1u

The NIC Cardinal, cross-country teams will compete at 1he Idaho ln,•i1011onal Cross-Country mccl in Moscow on Oct. 17, and then prep.ire for 1hc annual NIC meet '11,e main thing abou1 Moscow," osmrnm conch Audrey Davids said. "is no1 !>O much 1he course or 1hc compc1ilion. but the wind. II olwa)'S seems 10 be: blowing and il°s cold." "Of course, the compe1ilion will be tough. It always is. bu1 if they slon ou1 hard like we have told them 10 do all year. they con run wl1h everyone else,'' Davi~ commented. ··B01h teams (womcn·s and men's) should hove good performances at Moscow. This weekend they don 't hove a meet; they JUM have hard. inien~c. fast 1rnln1ng, and so next week lhcy should be rested up and ready for the Idaho mee1." "As far as 1he m~n·s and women's 1eoms arc concerned," David.\ ~aid, "they s1ill need 10 be more aggressive. The women have closed lhc gap between their first and fifth

runner.. by cuning off almos1 one minute: be1 ...een !hem. ,o University. we arc: c"remely pleased about 1ha1." Davids commented about the race \U}ing , ..Christie (Da1•id\: head coach) and I were both ver') pleJ,cd with the On 1hc men 's team. things :i.rc: also improv111g. ··Jose Gonzales is gening used 10 the longer run becau~ performJnce, of 1he teams. We are killing e,eryone on the he ha~ bc:en training for the: 3.000 meter s1c:eplcC'ha~e nll hills and now I think our kids am finally realizing they can run wilh lhe bigger ,choots:· summer. but he is lending 1he mcn·s 1cam. They are all Oa, ids praised the effom of 1hc women·\ t.:am. impro1•mi; each wc:ck and are looking very good: Da,•id~ "Kathy Fuch\ had thl! be~t roce of the doy She ha~n·1 s:tid. raced 10 her polential yet. bul she is S1cad1ly impro, ing on The last two weekends have proved to be a rollercoasier her own... Dal'ids ~old. ride for the Cardmol eross<ountry team~. Do, ids ,aid the: women ·s team, are going 10 be tough They competed 01 1he Moun tain We~I Cross Country "We compe1~d again~, c~ntral Oregon m Senule and rhey Clu~sic ,n Missoula ond the: Finch Arboretum meet in are dclin11ely going 10 be .omcone to look out for, a~ will Spolone. Al l\11&soulo, the men lini~htd 13th out of 14 1eam\ Rick's College. Utah Valley"s women's tcam 1s muking and lhe women fini,hcd in Inst place. ~om~ impressive showings o~ well. but you can't coun1 our On 1he other hand, al the Spolanc compe1i1ion. 1hey both girls ou1. They are tough aho.'· Davids said. rinished in fifth place. which \\':IS ,·cry impressive, The Cardinnls' home mecl will be held 01 the Avondule considering the compe1i11on included univer,i tics such as Golf Course and may be a different, yet exciting, change for Washington Slate. Uni,crsity of Montana and Gontagn Cardinal spon:. fans.

Friday. October 9, 1992


The NJC Sentinel


Wouldn 't you like to be a wrestler?


Volleyball October 1O College of Southern Idaho 7 p.m. 12 Walla Walla C.C.

2 p.m.

12 Columbia Basin C.C.


16 Treasure Valley C.C.

5 p.m.

17 Yakima Valley C.C.

1 p.m.

23 Mount Hood Classic


26 Columbia Basin C.C


27 C.C. of Spokane

7 p.m.

29 College of Southern Idaho

7 p.m.

Cross Country October photo by Erin Selmers HEADS DOWNII-NIC looks toward the,r alumni match on Nov. 7 and the opening match vs. Big Bend, Nov. 12.


New Hours Beginning November!

11:30-2:30 Dinner 5:30-9:00

. the A./1,f. " ''Catch us ,n 7a.m.-12 Noon Coffee, Espresso & Pastries ~:- ---------------

HAPPY HOUR DISCOUNTS on Lunch Specials, Pastries and Drinks* 3p.m. to Sp.m. • beer and wine excluded

17 1daho lnvite

Moscow, ID

24 North Idaho X-C

Hayden, 10

Baseball team prepares for long spring, winter by Jeff Green Smti111'/ rrporrrr

While /\lnjor League Bo,cball is in 1he n111h1or crowning a World Smes champion. the NI( buscb,1ll 1o!,1m i, olreaJy pmc11cing for ncxi ,ea~on. 1 he Cardinal full r lub is back 10 rundunwn1al,. drill, and b..umg pra~1ice. It aegularl) pla>, inier,;qund gume,. " hich arc ,in imponum .1-pcc1 of full ball. uccon.ling 10 Head Coach Jack Blo,oan. Prac11ces nnd scrimmage~ in 1he fall arc kmm n 11' "fall ball." Thc 1enm ,crimm3gcd wi1h the P1.aul Pizza summer ball club lrom Spokane earlier thi, foll. T11e Pz;1ue team. ,,hich is compo,ed of collei;c ball player.; (mainly from Whi1,, onh C11llegel. 1001. three ou1 of the four game, from 1he Cardinal>. NI C ,-.111m.-l 10 Le" blon. Oct 10. 10 nm i1up "i1h , Jnou, reg1onul tc,1rns Blo,om I\ cn1cnng hi<26th sea.<on. Hi<&IJff indude~ J'-S1,ian1 coaches An Brumer and WJ) ne Wenrnom. Brumer and Wensirom arc imponanl for im.trucung, ob~er, ing and lr)'ing 10

formulaic ,ome idea~ for the ,pring, according to Bloxom. Bloxom will al\O conccn1ra11.¡ on ,prcading ,omc phalo,ophy abou1 the game 10 his te-am Bll1M1m said the truvclin!! learn "ill con,1,1of 20 ball plnyc", nnd he ,dad he will red,han from 1wo 10 fhc plnya<. Bloxom ,aid ha~ p11chmti ,1af1 ha, reul dcp1h and po1en1ial. "\Ve hJve a number of prell} l.!ood arm,," Blo,om ..aid He al,o ,a,d thal 1he , ophomorcs and re1uming player.. ha,e done well. Once the ~now blnnl..c1, the playing field and 1he foll <ea\On comes to an end. Blo~om plan< 10 ,tan a \\ l!1gh1-hf11ng program for hi, pluycr.;. He nl,o sire,\Cd 1hat .icadt'mll"\ '"II be 1ht primal} foc:u~ during the l,1,11"0 momh, ol 1hc , eme, ter ,\ ,1ud)' table de,igned for 1he playe~ 10 l.ecp thc:ir grades up i, .ilt<'Jtl)' an effect The Cardinnh will s1un ~pring pmcucc!S as ,oon as tht spring Sc!meMer begins, and they will open their ~ason an early March.

The NIC Sentinel


Friday. October 9. 1992

Page 19

This Is the firs t Installment of a rog ulsr feature. "Meet the faculty" needs csmf)_us

Who are you going to vote for? Compiled by Erin Siemers

"Clinton. because Bush is a lying pu1z." Cory Dnv1s Undecided

"Perot. he's really Jouded and doe~ no1 need the job. JuM WMIS 10 help ou1." M.iu

McCullough Undct'lded

"I'm noi

vo1ing ror 13ush ror ~ure because I do no111gree wilh nny1hing he~ys." Krism Elliou Secondnry Educalion

input.Send names of NIC empfoyees you 'd like to see featured to the Sentinel.

by Bryon O' Horo Se111i11~/ Reporti,r , Deep inside 1he cool. spaccshir-like compu1cr conirol ccn1cr 1hcre is a large closet s1uffod with compu1cr gizmos, books. binders and loose bils of imponant papers. Tropical fish :ind d1i11c,c proverbs Oom around on compu1cr ~crcens and 1he only open space is a dry erase board nt eye level. This is Michael's office. Lasher has been Michael Lasher 1he compuier opcrJtions supervisor here at Nonh Idaho College for 1hree y<•ar.;. During I.his 1ime. he has been ins1rumcn1nl in ~citing up new $YSlcrm 10 con1rol scver,rl college runc1ions like admis~ions. payrolls nnd 1he huge amoun1 of records 1ha1 mu,1 he kepi. He hns nl\O helped the colh!gc mcrcuse the nu111b,:r of pc:r~onal cnmpu1er. by I () 1imc,. According 10111, co-worker., he i," Dcfinili!I)' ti rule\\" in hi, job and 11" key per.on m compu1cr.. on campu~... Ln\her h,1\

Library participates in Banned books Week


"Bush because he's 3011·

nbonion." Dawn Angele Music Education

•FOR SALE• FOR SA I. E· Men's 18· speed moun1ain bike. facellcnt condi1ion S100. Cull 765-0599. •PERSONELS• TO SU E. 1han~ you for sh:iring your hu~band with h1~ new~ edi1or and your patience wi1h his long hour~. T O RI CK, )OU arc 1he love of my life and I miss

"Clin1on he smoked dope nnd avoided lhC draft." Snnh Adnms Genentl lx.'COUSC

you. Let's make n du1e for Sunday Just } ou. me and clean sh<->c1s.u>,c. baby-girl TINA I'm looking for you. Ke,m. MOLLY, lei'~ 1n~e a dnve in10 1hc wildernc~s 1his weekend. EXTREME I. Y 1alkn11\c male ~eek~ nice sligh1ly duanged fom.ile. Sense of humor and nbih1y 10 undemnnd a1 ka,1 a few

four-sylable -..ord~ a mus1. Reply Senlinel Box .J. GARY SYTII, 1 like ynur ~mile but um 100 shy to show my 0" n Sentinel Box 2 YOUNG MALE looking for hol young llung thul loves coumry music. Repl) Scn1 inel Box 15 INTREPID Mon~ey wont\ one good rca,on for Bush '92.


by Leigh Rain~ Senti11el Rep11rt11r The NIC Library i~ punicipa1ing in Banned 800~5 Weck, a nn1ionw1de e,cn1 1hn1 highligh1~ book\ 1h01 are or hnve been banned or challenged m the toumry. In cckbrating Banned Book, Weck, 1he library ho, a d1,pluy of 1he pn,1 year'\ books 1h01 have been bunned or challenged. Some or 1he books the di,play foatures nrc "S01anic Verse$'' by Salmon Rushdie, "Gro[)<!s of Wrath" by John Steinbeck, and "Alice·5 Adventures 1n Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll. Books ,uch ns 1hese have been banned or challenged because of language or 01hcr quesuonable eon1en1. Libraries who participat~ 111 Banned Books Weck believe 1ha1 while 1hosc who ban books are 1rylng 10 pro1ec1 thdr family and communi1y, they are .11 the same 1ime ~upre\,ing I.he fin.I amend111cn1 nghis of all ciuzen, Las1 year 1he Coeur d'Alene School Di~tric1 banned the Impressions lC)(tbook Serie\ from 1he elementnn ~hool, ~au,e or iis dep1c1ion~ or the rthgion W1ca and nihers ~tone, 1ha1 people felt "ere immoral and muppropia1c for young children. For !hose "ho art 1mercsted, 1hc library " 'ill be handing ou1 bookrnilfh for Banned Book, Week. TI1e NIC LibrJ.ry ~ncuurages lhe public 10 \'1ew the display of banned book~. For funher informa1ion contact Deni\e Clark al the NIC L1braf) .

OI\O been un esscniinl pan of the new Local Areil N.:1work here ni NIC La~her wcni to colleg.: ,It Ea.,1cm Washington Umversi1y ,vher.: he c~p;:rimcnted with sevcml majors in~luding Engh,h nn<I chemistry before deciding 10 Ounk ou1. He sinned work a1 Holy Family Hospnnl in Spokane ofter op1imis1ically rcponing his ~cypad ,kill, un h1~ rc~umc. "I w~ sure I could figure i1 ou1." he said wilh a smile. From 1hcre he moved 10 Walla Walla where he worked as a progmmrner al Whi1mun College. He moved 10 Coeur d'Alene ulx'ul 1hree yl'ars ago with his wire, Cheryl ond wcn1 :o ,,ork for NIC. H~ now has a 3-yenr-old son and a 10.monlh-old d,1ugh1cr. He prefers the Nonhwes1 wuh h's small ci1ies 10 larger mc1mpolimn nreas, he enjoys cnmpmg. hiking nnd golfing, he said, ",\11hough I "i,h I hml nu1rl! lime." Ac,.-11rding 10 hi, "ik " H.:\ a M.1cm kindn guy," which Iii~ 1igh1 in10 his line of work She i, \try demil -oriem(d so 1hey "make a good 1enm." I u,hcr enJnys h1) wor~ immcn,cly. Ho.: <Jy, the people he works wi01 arc "1opno,~h." and .illh\1ugh frus1m1io11, and problems are e,crydny occurrences: on the "h<1lc hi, job i.. vef} rew,1rding lx-caust of 1he progn.•,s bemg made.

Robby's Family Restaurant

We Gladly offer I 0%off all meals for students with student I.D. cards Open 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. 612 Sherman Ave. Coeur d'Alene

Page 20

Friday, October 9. 1992


The NIC Sentinel

Presidential candidates share education goals P11.>siden1Gcorj!<' Bush. Republican. says if he • ,s rc-clcc1cd he will spear-head a na1ional voucher program 10 will allow pnrcn1s 10 choose which school system \\Ould sui11heir children besi. The voucher sys1cm will allow parenls 10 choose bc1wecn parochial schools, privaic schools und public ~ hools. Purposed ··Federul Granis for S1a1c ond Local G.I. Bills for Children" wi ll provide a S1,000 scholarship paid direc1ly to parcn1~ 10 help

cover the co~1 of cducaling 1hcir children. He fu,·ors notional achicvcmen1 1c~I\ 10 help paren1s hold schools accouninblc for rcsuhs. Bu<h wan1s greater ncxihility in 1hc u~ of federal nnd sin1c funds if local school authori1ics can demonstrmc improved resuhs. llush's "Lifelong Learning Acl'' provides u $25.000 "linc-of-crcdil'' for workc~ 10 pay for cduca1ion and 1raining 1ha1 leads 10 a college de11rec. His new "America 2000" plan ~ay\ lhfll. by 1hc yenr 2000, 1hc Republicans will have a11ained six na1ionnl rduc:uion goals.

George Bush Dcm0<TJIIC pre\ldcnual hopeful llill Clinllln dc,ij!n,'tl hi, educ.ii ion plmform 10 aur.,c1 middle-cla.,, pJrtnl< "ho ,tr<' nov. pny,nj! fonhcir children's collegt cduc.11100 11y mJl.inj! or unlimi1~ Jmou111 01 money a,:1il.1blc to burrow lrom Clin1on·, pla1fom1 ,1), he ~uppon< freedom of choice in public schooh. hu1 he doc,n ·, ,uppon givinl.! ,ouchcl"\ 1hm "ould suppon parochial \Chool,. lie ~aid 1ha1. if cki:1cd. he \\11Uld pro\ldc c,cryh<1d) who pels ou1 of 111{!.h ..chool and docsn · , go m college nn opponunily 10 gc1 '"" yc,1rs of voca1ionul 1mininp ~o 1hey con gc1 good job~ - 1101 tlcadend job, Clin1on Sllid everyone


-Every child will srnrt school ready 10 learn. -The high school gradun1ion rate will be over 90 percent -S1udcn1s will be compe1cn1 in English. science. mn1h, his1ory and geography. Every school in America will ensure 1hat s1udcnts are prepared ror re<ponsible ci1i1.cnship. funher learning nod produc1ive employ111en1. -U.S. siudcms will be firsl in 1he world in science and ma1h. -Every adult wil l be lilcra1c ond able to compe1c in 1he global ccnnombc free of drugs nnd violence.

Ross Perot

should gel a ch,m~c 10 go 10 culll·gc. ,lnd hi\ pion I\ Ill !-Cl ur O 0:111011.11 ln1'1 lund ,o anyhod) whc• 1\;1111, 10 go 10 college can horrow 1h,: money reg11rd Jc,.., or f,11nily income. 111' offer<, 1wo nc" idea, m rcpa) 1hc ~wdcni lonn, b,:rnu,c of 1hc ;1111011111 or pcopk thu1 huvc dcfoullcd on 1h~ir loaM in 1hc 1111,1. F1rs1. he ~aid. s1udcnt~ could pa} ii back by having n pcrcenwgc of 1hcir paychccJ.. wi1hheld aflcr 1hcy begin{!, or he said. after gr.1dua1inn 1hc \ludcnt could ~crvc 1hc country for two ycnrs in lhc Peace Corp~ or a\ a p;llicc officer or n 1cnchcr. "Think aboul it." ClinlOn ~aid. "million~ of Amcricnns for 1wo ycuns to rebuild 1his coun1 ry and c-duca1ing n whole genern1ion of our people. It would be 1hc besl money lhis c:oun1ry ever spent"

Arc you registered lo vote?


Ro<, Perot. 111dcpcnde111 candidmc for prc,idcm. !rel, 1l1.1t cducauon reform ,h,>uld

people can· 1\l!I.' whn1 ;, "rong ,md th 11. "Our ,clmol, ~re11 '1or11an11.:<l 10 meet ,ocie1y·, need~ ... Pcro1 ,:,id ,\c,orlhng 10 Perm. 1hc Dcpanmcm nf l,dut.11inn ,pend< S14X million on "rc,carch, ,11111\lk, ,ind u,,e\,mcnt l'>lu,1 of 1hc,c \lmlic, end up 1n

,rnn m


preschool. 1hu1 ,chool\ ~hould ha,e lhl'lr rcwh, co,npared .ind 1hcn lie hl'ld acc11u111ahlc. and 1h:11 par,·n1, ,l111uld lw 1rcmcd a\ c11,1umcr, 10,,l•ad nf the burc:1ucrat, running our schbQI\ Acc:ording to Pcro1. man> ,1udic, h:ivc been done 1lm1 ,a) u uollur spent in pre,chool l·ducmion will save m lens1 S5 Inter on 111 1hc educm1onal pn>CCS\. Pero1 s:1id, "We'll never fix 1lus (educmionnl) sys1cm until pnrcnls, as con511mcrs, con plainly see how \chools measure up .... Perot said 1hnt schools nre "opcr:11ing in 1he dnrJ..," 1h01 wi1hou1 good 1cs1i ng and comparison mother schools, llow do you plnn to vote on thr I Percent lniliotive?

I ,..

A ~un-ey'or NIC politirnl science students re,·cnled allilid ~ l<l\1t1rd and opinions nboul lhe upcoming election.

Pcro1 ndvocutc, 1rying nc11 itleJ, 11u1 on n "pilo1b:1,i-," and 1hcn. alt~r <ccing 1hc

prnpr:101\ worl.. implcmcn11ng 1hcm 1hrm1{!hou11he coun1ry. "We ,hould cncouragl.' ,111 school tlh1ricl\ to allow pnrcms 10 cho,e which srhool wi1h1n 1hn1dh1r1c11hcir child v.ill u11cnd.'' Perot suid. ''Thi\ mo,·e alone will pu1 prc,sure nn dhirici, tu pr<widc cquimblc choice,:· Perm said 1ha1 learning ,hould be 1he "firs, priorily" in our sy,1em. 1hat extracurricul;u nc11vi1ie~ in Junior hil!h ;ind high school \hould come nner a full day of learning nnd only for s1udent~ who h.ivc comple1cd their academic goal\.

Do you know who your stole repr~ n1111h•e ore?


D ,_

o ...

o ...



Ir you had lo ,•ote today, who would you vote for? Do you regularly 1•01e In locnl cle<'.lions?


,.o ..

Do you feel you know enough nbout the iniliotive to make an Informed choice?




Do you think Perol entered the nice to swing the vote?

..,. ...

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