Leno, Shramek Have 4.0 Average At Mid-Semester Tso full um I' atudPnts (t.boae cart!IDI 12 o: more houri) we re doltll • "stralcht A" wo rt and 4'i Wet" do:lnc ··s" or btlttr worlc at m!d11tmes~r accordlnc to tnCor· m.Uon recc-ntb released fro:n tllr ora ce of the reclatnu. DulnJ •• Mral1thl A " work werr Robt-rt ll•no and Gary
VOllJ!,cE XVII , NO. 6
Winter-Christmas Concert Scheduled For December 18
btam.tl .
Those ha•ln& a 3.5 or bettrr •cr•ae we re JoJan Ellls, Kenneth Hemmelman . Ronald . Joh1111on. Susan Lan1511>n. Al!lta Ma7, Vlrclnla Oden· bauch . Glenn 'Oller. BettJ acra•rs, :;anc7 Olae::. baron P arriott. and JudJ OIUJll . Slud~nts bulng l>e:ween .o .nd 3.5 •' c:::A11e were David Atch1..,-.n , Marcaret aerc, AdeUnr Boehne. Bonnie Brown. Tl'rtY Carlber1 . Kath· teen Conrow , BlllY Davenport, All l'n Oavtdson, Richard ounamorl'. Joaeph Ely. Law· rrnce Frybl'rS, Richard Gll· man. P•nn1 Oood•ln, Gary Grnfl. Barbara Hall , Jud1 HN17.I, Chari ea ltnU • Oa Vld • Johnson, !rlar1aret Kamlln. :Jamea McinturCI, Lorie McRae. Frank Mathea, Larry II~ . Maxine Nelson, Sandra Nielson. Jl'U7 Olson, Tool Paul. Patrick Powl'ts. Judd Rl't•d. RobNI Rf'lawlg, Chua Robbins. f:l•lnP SappJnaion, Barry Simon and Rose Wilson .
Christmas Formal On December 19
.U. Committee Sends Three To
Tlkr notl' - ttlt annual AWS
~ponsc•r<>d Chri&llllllft Formal. "M~onll gbt and \llsllt'IOt'. ••
an Francisco
Is on a Thursda,J nt&ht Dec. 19 - this J't'llr tnfitl'ad of the usual F'nd,v. ne Oirtstma.1 Formal ts a uadJUoaall)' semHormal aft.Ir. however. whNhN or not tile bo) 11 buy cors•KCS !or tlle!r datl'5 Is left to thrtr O•D d!»cretlon. From 9:00 p.m. to I ~:00 p.m. 111 tile Sl:B, the- Stan F'elsm:in Co11bo will provide i;mooth dllllce muslc. This ls a bo) ·ask· II rl a!falr. and tlll!' otncer~ or Alls haoe I.bat tbe boys •Ill 11:$1< tbel r dates ln time for thf' ctrls ID We all t 111!'1 r plans.
11 you havl' a probll'I".• Juat nta cl all)
of thr.
luck-nl union cornnlllP" e •Ill h I'll> you to a happy llttlon. 6••rlou"ly, that I• the purO•P of thl' commttter. It 111 110und1na boa rd to coordinate lhP arU 1·IU1 a ol achoo! clubs d o r111J1l7.atlon11 ond to lwlp a tud1•n111 wt th problcm11 concrmln11 1111' nt collr•t'· hr commllll'I' cha! nnan th la ear la David 8. Johntl<}n, OthN mrmbt'l'll 5Prve on a 11>luntary buts. Area dl· ecto rs arl": art, Ptte Dunbar. r , Ocr1 Drcchsrl: Clim~. ohn Kine: loNm. Jim Sedl· lllt.Yet. hor4>1tallh. Barbam Ka). publtclly. l'ar••a Pollltcal Science Club ltN•'«N. and st.•reo, ~Ii. Starts Afte1 Vacation llam a and 8111 Arnhold. Altt•ndlni:: a national con· s clenl5 lnt~:ested o 1;nuon of 11tudent union Jolnlni; lbe P llUcal Science commlt k'r m..mbC'l3 Jn San Club rnu sli;n up In Mr. Francl ~co on Dt•cl'mb« 5 , 8, sione'11 office. The nist 11nd 7 " "'" Oa vld Johnson. ml't-llni; or the club !& to ~ Qror~e i;:,·Jen, lltld Mr. Hatch. held a!ler the CbcslmlLS llrrr thl') 11ttendt'd a,; man.> dl1cu1111lon.. as possible In \&Calion. t.l:!cUni:i;, at •hlch c:iest thf trl'llll •hlch -..111 be moist SPeali.ers are fcsturcd. ar llf •ful at ~ IJC. held ode• a m h. Addl • The comauttt'e mtt1:. at UOlllll l11!orm11tion maJ" tor lrut oncci a "'eek - mort! cbtalned lrom tile calle~ O l\fll •hen pte~1ln1 problem& b&nd book or !?om one of llle lfl M• roqulrln& lhdr a11enUon. club ad\ lsors. Mrs. S..""ates Sine~ this la a com1111ttee af ur \Ir. St· Di". lludents •orklnr; for the lm· CHRISTMAS TEA ~ ro,·rment of all the collur IS DECEMBER IS ..,th1tl~a. and It COOSISIS alrnoat enurcl) of volunteers. Luc ou odors ftUtnr the lhl' sen 1cl'S and/or 811 l\Ce:.· hall dalll are a pre\11."1 tlOn~ ot a ll stud~ts a re of dell(lhts rar tbe a'l'w..,.s sl•db accepted. studl!tlt bad.I and tacull:Y Oii \\Nln.,sday, Dec-. 18. Fro t1r0 Cllooa• Vice p,., ldent until four In Ille toods lab a'\nt ia lrla,y was r~t'nlls (Room thlll dtQ tbe club cT.osen vtc~restdml of wtll ba'c 31 Its Htll llmlUal lb• NI.JC Chapter of the Cllrtstmas Tell t r 1>tudents A111tn can Home EJconomlcs
tbl'~ ta.~lo
Lui Yt'IU the !'ilJC bDn d and chorus c:ombtn~ to 1:1 •e a Chrtstmas concert. This year tbt'fe •Ill be no Chnaunas concert. Instead. the music department present a \\lnter<hnstma.:; concert to the college and the public on Dec. 18. Tbe change In the name ot the concert Is the result of expressions ot dlslll)potntrnent made by too m11111 people - lncludlne; N!J C students and tnculty - be· C:lUSe tbe band did not play any Cbrtstmas selections and seemed lo have lei the cho IUS put forth the e!!ort. The NlJC Cardinal Pep Band 1s formed on the same buts as all pep bands - and that Is versatility. II ls pre· oared at all times to pla,r at pep rallles. basketball 1amr11. and i;ports banquets. but It Is quite capable ot playlnc hea"l classical music. !l Is tell. howe,•rr. that the public will be saturated wlttl C~rlstmas mus.le by the time tho concert Is presented. nnd that tbe nudlence will bC' more responsive to a chanll' or pace dunns the el!Cond bait ot the proll'lllll· So. durioc lhe second ball ot the propa.m. tile band. directed by Jim Bums. will present a procram that contal..os a wide vartet.Y or si.yles - lnclud1nc swtn1. popular son•" · folk soncs. cbachas. marches. a mln:;Uel number. and selec· lions that hi&hll&ht the \'llrious sections of tho band. The NIJC A CappellaCho! r, directed by L.ou Kelly, will pe rtorm tne serious. or Christmas. part ot the procram. which will Include cl1U>11lc 11.Ymns. folk co.rots, and Necro spl.druals. In addition. a lew Chnstmas selections are being prepued tu" the mixed •i>cal ensemble. The SlJC music deiiartmenl extends an lnvltallon IO evel)'one to attend the ll'toterChrt tmas Concert on Dec. IS.
Or. Barclay To Speak 0:- 'Good Ship Hope' UMmb
•al held
lo llle C1ll d::.r c a Uvi1,y pert d. The bed p11Jetl the t1p1 llC:I s: while Cle cbttt eadeta led the aiudmta 10 clrce:s. Dunni: Ille aaae:11bl1 llle tin dlecrlead r t1u:cht the &mdents acw cheers ahlcll •lll be vsed durtng the basbtb:ll season. Tiie ba1Jr.etball Pl&Jets were latrod:lced by Coach Rolly 'l'llllama. who co:· eatfd oo the le&.!::. the sc!ied-.llc of r;a:aes. and tl:e 1n .-rills: altcndaace of sa:· dmts at the pep assecb!y. Tiie cU u of lhe pep lllll1 was a snake e1cce fro 4th 11 d S!le:man to tbe cot· le:e with canr i;tudents cheennc along thi" 1<11Y. Tbc b11:1d mullic dunnc the snake and also OD am\'lll al the campus. y;heD tbe studealll reacbed the campus. t Ir bonftrc • U atartcd and tbe crol<ll cheered as EWS::: •II.II burned In e!Lla. A dance In tbc SUB
~rortde-d ~cl!
Ol Dec be: 11 I.Ile assm· bly :bf.~ will pr ent ID tl:e l&t d l mdJ Dr. Gedney 8a:cllu". • I cal Id. D.. who ..UI apeak IO 11 on tile !Opie "'Gm Shl1> H pe." or. Ba:diu pcit 1w mcnth. the bf:s!nnlnc ol Ull11 year on a boepll.al boaL of! tile coaet of Chile. He wlll rel&le hi exi;erl mces. bOlh m di cal and pesonal, cone ra1ac thfl p«":lle and tllclr ya of hr.ns- F'c:Ylsual us.1tance. !le will hue IM.'Veral 1lld~.
Co•• y.,., Bolloll siude::ts c:1.1 casi votes at sc:1'1Q' pe:iod and at noon on Dec. 16 In the imln b:lll o! Ille lldminlstratlon balldlnK for klnll and queen ot the Cbr1st:=s Formal. "'M~onllcbl and M»lleto... "
SINGERS WANTED /\.II .tudenl" le Jolnlnl U;r Nurth Idaho J~nlor Collt'ce A aippelba Choir should sec w. Kell> bdore Cbnstrna.s ncatlon.
Mrs. Lange Attends National Convention Of English Teachers Mrs. L.nnce rccenUy 111· 1endl'd the 53rd annual con· venUon for the National Council of Teachers ot E:ncllllb witch wu held In San Francisco. Calllomla. Modem 1each1n& techniques were tlle ioplcs ot dlscuulon. llrs. Lance stated that the most e!tecdve adclreu siven to the more thsn ~ .000 de le· rates &t the con,·entton "as that by John Fischer. edlior of Harper's MBJllZlne. In "hlch he a .;tron1 plea that studentA be lllU&h t to write clearly and ef!ecU•eJs. Secuon meetln1s were held at San Francisco State Colle1e 11.lld social mttUnUI> at the FllJrmont Hotel. convention ran Crom Nov. :?8
II THE N.I.J.C. REVIEW , .. eon .,. ly St1i1dt f\h the w-~ S.m1·Mot1thly Ourit19 .~.
Spec1ol luuo
YH !
Edh0< • • ••••• ••••••• ••• • •• •• • • ••• • ••
S,.Or11 fdltof . .... • .... • • • ••••••••••••••• ~tt
Kr.one Eockaon
Photo;ropl\•u ••• • ••••••••••• R clii Adi• MICll'I• Rv1s
a.,,, .... ,,,_,,..,., ........................
q~ ~
Cbnsimu columns 111d otbeI bolldav anleles "Ill be r...awred .n a sp~al Issue of tbe l?~rlt':. •blch W'lll ~ In drmlaUon on Dec. 19.
CuculehOfli MclneO"'n •• BotM~ S.ueffllfl.. Qc."t Reporte r'~
flt.., d
$.a ~ . $hotQft ~f l'~u~. IC'.c~y CO!'!.ror-,
Eloint Sopp n;•)l'l, Bonn• lrtl., &Arrr • • • DC•• Tor= .,. g,.,,c.,. Flo,•l\C• Pu". C1oro RoW:itt•, &.1,-, F '~'• Mo•• Krro,. Mory lo... KorNt, Penny Gc°'9-"', R diiard F. 0.• 1, 0.-0.n, Bob
().ifre1n•, "9lbuf\I M'Wnto •
'4'\ot h t+ie ,..., • I wrhl"; on dh~lol, Whot h '~ lilto• I t OCCO""'Ol ld\td Thue qu.1tlon1 o"4 IYIOl"IJ ot~ r 1 lih ,htM ho-.e bMn. odicd o~ io. 1w !he po11 H'lt tal wnh. ()i..oy, ot\td for 1 In no PGf'' cvlet crO.t of
lmpor1a.,ce,,..,. JH.lrpout art: tomoltt "'' Rtv1.-w ,.od~s ~war• of s tvcir Gnl good ot bad - ot NUCf 10 Hpru1 rrrr op1nlon1 Ot'I ~U\g1 I J••i '"'°"9 y obou1, 10 pre•~' tht foc-IJi obovt tvbi•<U '"9l)U!Wo brr- olft•n end ....., lch tht't' ore ~ulnely ln1erHted In, ond louly, on ed1to11al la 'fffde4 o ory other and I hovo to w'lt• •~thlngl Ed11e>rlolJ In Ttte po11 ho~ oll folto...ed 1he 1ome poouna.. Sdtool •P*"' h hoogled over; ch•otln9 h cried obout; 9orba;ir ond po~ts ~peod Oft t"'41 Ccmp1n Q'fOlr.lf'ldl, '#tOlking Of\ lhe QfOU, driwlng t4'1e .. ond PGr'tlnQ re;u1orton& all ho.,. bun 4mpho".zecf Ot'ld , ...~phuh•dul\lll ~ becornu 10 bond w.ttt ~""' tho1 one don not bOtl-ler reodlt'lg post t~e ed.Jtoriol 1'ieodluws 1f type of 1Nter1ol h '"H.,tecf. 01 coi,,n•. I ho.,. ••e'llllltt on then old iltvo - to But I c:o..t'ldn't COt• len If you acho~ 1pmt - ING •novgh yov dllth' t t.•;n 0"\1 OQtff• ment upOt\ ent•ung JC thor &aid ho ... 10 yell "°""•II hoorM 01 tiotl or thti IUr.t. Th11 11 "P 10 As 'or 01 chnu"g is conc:e•"'Cd, 1·~ o l"'o•t 01 ta•cf of l'ttc111ng obour 1 u I om alcl.. ol IH•no Jt. Old ptobleoe:a1 11\e thh do not t0l\I• t...,_itlvu o,.mJ~t ond on editorial on 1vb,e<' won"t hetp. We •ill hov• w<h childl1h ~0•10t 01 I~ u .. « 01 a co 1.p oroup, •~d.ftl ,,.4 •"•trvcto11 ol.&if', pi.it vp w.t+i It. A·uf ""°"lo nry t.11 ng 0 1°"' don' t y1 t cltotttle t...01 Oft tht a d•-01,,-· .. ._ • • ~. f.., oft 11\e ora1 .. .. " 4 •t hor 1Ncf n9 n ~+I• porill•n1 lo," ••• ....wfcf :nr tel int yow t"11 . _ . y ~ , the rvlH? Good 9tttf iw! AM I ,..ouldn·~ -0~1 • to. 111 yOtl .... oduhs. "''"l fO« yOl.fn•l .... 11 P•rttnollr •Pff~l"9o 1f I ho .... l'IO' 1"9 to soy n on ed tor ol l sh.ol.; d!'l'r ...,, •• on.. 8.J1 t i1 net l111ceJ,. thot ''-11 will • ..,., hoppen becouM I e0 oy •f'ltU,, 01 ,..,cf, •• I ... ' •91~ ,,.,. •nd •• .., ft1..-.d1 CO:l"ll ,. I t .. Ol.lld tor• 10 ••rift "" ••,. 01"1 loo.• •• 8ef0te tttu1n9 from ~ '"4k lotohO"I of I •ould f ... to poo on to you ,.._ .... ,., cf 1t.irl:M"t I~ .,.... or lit011 Uotl1t•c.s I ~ ocrou an 1'f rtod1n9 1-.. oft\er do,. Ptr• >41 tJ.ih •"dtcore1 ,,.., me obo ... •r•t ng
ABook Review
"°"" "'°'"·
By 0..•ld ,.._cCou']lono
.\r~e Stor•~•
n. "''•• .,. _..,"'
'°" '°"'
was 1en1eitu. Ah"°"'gh 78.9$ of • PoP•r"• '"d•n glonc• ot t~
•«!"CK ol
"'°' ot thto cottoon.
18... r.a4 r • tAttol, 67.7 Tho,J. yo • Pott f th• I '· - 8.K.
PLEASE, WE'D RATHER DO IT OURSELVES ' Pre ld•nh, ,..."'be"• odYUOh, o,.. o Ptobl•f!'l to th• R... 1...,.. I fha,,I.. JOU for ya..tr cueonpu
th• Rtv1tw
pop, onl1
pc,,bHco•ton of
cppotfttin9 Yo.J' nwtfiloch of operotl.on. .,.,..,, repotterJ.; ho<vrtwr. 1hl1 ts not ho'"'on1ou1 whh Th•Jt ore mo,..., ••o&ot11 ,,..h, thla plan doe1 not woA. "Jli.eu Ot•: 1. Tho ¥ilf'fC popet 10lftel11M1 *Onll o cf11fet&1nt loyout of '"'• ,,e..,, 1n on orticl• then the club moy .....-ont. 2. The "'llllOtlty of your reporttn •lfh•t do nor "-now who 10 give tht oulcl• to ond &O forget It 01 Ott no1 a....o•• of the- d•odl1"e ond """' Fast Th inke r the a ttic.I• 1n too lor.. J. Mo11 of tk• article• hove 10 be ,..._tlften by o Ills secretary b4d Just COlttn troU '"•flLbe-1 becauu r•poo" h no1 lomil1or wit+. foyo"t ond th• otttr;le I• •llhu 100 long Of 100 ihott, 1pec1ol ''"""1uobl•m1 ote no1 conlld«red on hls lap ,. hen lbe Jobber looked op to see his .. ue '" th. w111ln;. 01 won• 'J•I '" the 0111cle 11 pootly •t1Htf\. W• on rhe poptt :atoll do not cfo ptof•ufonol 1ob1 a1t1cl•• either, enterioc the office. and rhu•lt I 019 .n•uhing yOi.lt rt'P(lfter•, COCl'l;Mtenc, . I cpclog1u. But, " AU as Fumlture Com!latU'," •• do ho .... , • .,~01 Meet1n91 ond ho.. • oPp<:wt1.11Ul1ts ro dilC'Un pro.hie~• he dlclated rai>ldl~. "Cenu~ conc•m•n9 pOHr Ott•cltt, '~ua .,.. ore m0t• O'Wllft of ony 1pec1ol h.oclachu. men: Sl>:m:aces or no ahor:· We tty to C0• 4t oll of tftt orgon•iohon• 01 1~ JC ond . . ttollr a-ppt"l'dOfr a~. bow 10111: do 10u think rour htlp 1n n f0r,..n9 \11 t>f oc11w111u. B..tt, ~ not 1-1 ua try •o do ffie • r•Lttg? Th.at"' wfity ,..•,.. h.... In foci. •e do OU•Wl cny '~'who I can nm mY oll!ce •!lb only 1 n • dvb 1"'9 ,.,._,ent 011 "'""9nt of CO••ong tho1 club'• If • • Dt. Cta.U""' Ill u •ftyr" "9 - o' f yw t"'I n&.. •• l!lloht - wfr!i,. 001 coll the "-"'"' •tem to ttwo S..pport Your AJ.,,.rti se<s 01t•n1 on of o po:p., si off ~bttP Youir o"'" pvbf1c ty fM""be" c.ou'4 • ._,..., ou.niblt o ahtt, of foe.ti on Ofty • ..,..,, cand g r •o ore of c..;.t ,.PQr19ts ~o •1 I• wp. YOJt coopuat en - t\o -,u., ,... II be ePOfedo,..d ol'WJ'. .. II ~o.)blc "''" to 14 01d
°"' °'"'
by J . D. Snllncer could poe!dbly be callod "The l...a)'man ' a H1ndbook to Pllycboanslysls. " In tbls collecaon 1DOro malad)ulled peqile are covered than would seem possible. Yel this rolume Is bolh 1n1erest1n1 at>d en1erwn1n, • S4lln1e1 had the srea1 abl I· Jt,- or bl-Ins able to .,.,...1 a vast amount about a person le a nry short 1111act. In each or bis stories S&lluer deals ·•Hb people who mla:h t seec out of place lo most 1:111 reader.i. He d~ve!l)p& his cba ..cter8, and ai111a1lona In aucb DD astonlshlnc mann~r that one surely cets the reel· Inc lbal Salln1f1 knew eech of his ctoracte11 lnUma1ely• It would be Impossible to decide ... hlch or these stories Is tbe best. Each has !ta O"'n rema11<able l~DIUrCll. I eepectalb liked one called ''Tel E: !!'<' - II lib Lo\' e and S:iualor , " In this one Salln1e1 tell or a >ldter who r•'Call a lrlencli<t.lp he made In E.osland dut1n1 the -..ar. It la a bM1Utitul story.
For purn shock one "' WUDI lo rud " Tedd1 ", an
odd. l>Ol~tlllnt s:ory •Ith i.r endlni: as sbarp as the blad•
~ o ....... , .
t"-r pi-~
. •
New Library Books
F I ,,. .nc •r "'• r 1 t.,.,..,. ..dd"'1 IO ;..;>< .. bllln du'1nc Iha PtUll •eeks: I . )IGdtnt F'rnclt Palattaa by S&l!I HUllN. A olud' of Ill\)' Jr<•&I F" '.tlCh palnkr , fNm 1330 lo LOda,y , lnctudtnc: P1caal!O, Cou1uln , \'an Co"1. M4a ssc, Ulrlllo. Ne. Thia \ '3lumP
color Plates. ;?. Th•· Sl4(1c \/aMacr'" lllDldbook by Bert Oru•·~1 • E••IY facet or pu1UnJ on a Plll1. *Ith t<l>«ltll r mph&ala on tf'hearsal s. J, Rom~o and J•lu1 by
\\llllam Shalt<••p"'"'· A nrw cdlUon o f lhn old play, 4. Ma. A Grorral p ~doloau by Clarenc<' Lauba.
A lnlbook, 10t1h a co1nplM~
,.,..... - B.11:..
IUdr or au1n. bls cle"elop'!11, lllocUo:i s aad assoc1 a· Ilona •Ith otber.i.
Esscrs o:
Ol lN(
OR. PEPPER n.._ ,..,_Uppe., F. • "' , r.,
Foundation on Econo1111c £ell catloo. Fl 'l'e 'l'Olomea of book a con lalnln' HMS s oo hundreds or r.oplcs by ex· P«IS. Searl,y evcrylhln1 that mikes ou r nation run la co-e1ed in this sr:.. s. Pllto ng Fu t Tltraas F1r I 11)' AdlAI Ste•t!Osoo . A collec uon or lhe st ues· man' s 1ecen 1 spe«bes lllld PAPe rs on such loPICll as Sa•1 et Russia. lht' responsl · btUtles o f pr! "ate c ai>ltlll. and •ducauon Md boustn, . Th<' mil.Ion\)' o r hish ...:hoot alrls sutve7ed recenUy •Ith lh•• QUt'5tlon : "Do YOU plan to •<·main slnlle? " ~ ald they would llltber knot.
on a bUI< h If knl le. U you rcod a nd mJ yed Sa11na e1's o lh•r • orlta A Calcht1 /nlh"Rue,and fraaq and Zooe11. rou wlll certalnlJ wanl IQ read \in~ S lor~i. It rw hav e not Y• I beta Introduced 10 the •ntrr •b ls undoubtedl ) the 1r~a1H1 to appear on 111., Amtrtcu lltelll ry &Cl'De In aanv a 1ear Ihm M a.: Stcm fa would PK>· Tldt' an 1'1cP.lhmt 1t"'plncton•~·'--~~~~~~~ Juoio1 Colleges Ho .. Enroll. .ot lncreoso \• •le lllld r <" 1:1gh·JCb>ol graduatt nu • t>ei;ln their hlshN Pdu C:ltlOn ID hr ·real Junior coll ri:es lo at<-d ln or neas thei r bomf' w •ns. A :mrver by lhe Amencan AISSOcluuon o f Junio r c oll•CN lnd!Cllles 1hl11 l bla 1nz'1 enrollml'n t s at some ;oo Junio r coll es<'• ros e b,; 20 Plf cent over laot vetu'a total ol 820 ,000. About 15,000 ata• denia l'ltlOlled In more lb• 20 ne" Juni or collesea tbll <JC>!'n<'d tbla autumn.
TYPEWRITERS ROYAL llENT • SALES · REPAIR 0Nftlnt & Tr'4e1 s..,ltot
SOUVENIR RECORDS " Keep A Recottl Ol If" ,.,,_ "4oi.-i .,SS'7
n•--.-. COEUR O'AUNl. ION«>
Woodcock's Ong Stire Cand ~\ -
p,.e-"...Gf'.D' .0"1
116 N
Fo.rilo St · C - ~-
Darlene Skirts, Sweaters Blouses, Capris, Coats,
Car Coats, Suits, Accessories
INTCllSTATC TTP'EWllTtll CO. 4 t7 SM1""41111 A•• .. ...... ~)Ill
PMOllC HQ ..• • • . .. . . .
10 0 N . ,.. ST•CCT
C ocu• o'ALC"C. ID
Snake Dancers Pause
N,IJ.C. ltEYlEW, (...,, d'41W1•, ld ...o, W•d., 0..:..,,i.., II, 1963
Joe Scores
~ :1r-
• IsIam In Afnca
8 00 Thtrl! arc 200,000 loluallms Ill East Atrtca alone. The Nortb Is almoat entirely lalamlc. \Vblle most European ronns "Of Cbrl&Uanl!J barely keep PACI' with population ml&Klon. JtOWtb, Islam ltl'OWI. It, too, Ci rcle K prestdt'nt Tom Is a theolo sic al rell ipon. HI 11:11111 said ht' was very PIHled wltb tbe lllmout Cor •bat explalns Its 1111cceaa• Pt-rb11> 1 nr.s1 or all tbe fact tbe dance, and tbe •&J the that lslaa:. toO la a hlcber students liked It. reltcion. a llteratc rl'Us:ton The comm! ucc Cor tbe danc,. • rellllon or th• book - bat conlllated of Tom HISl!lna, Monk> Fender, Frank Math"" . not ldentlned •Ith SJropean In Pill! WaJcb. Allan Wa re. culture and colonlall5m. pnople can MYron RlchardllOn, and Jim consequence. accept Islam Without compro~Ilio n. mlslna lhf'lt nal.lonaJ ui>lra· Chlj}erons Cor lh,. dance Uon11 111d lnteitr!t)'. Secondl1. were Mr. and Mrs. FUebf'. Mr. lalamlc la&UtuUona art' Ill and !.!rs. Keallnit, Mr. and w~. E- Hlulna, ~tr. and brtte accord than ar" manr CbrtsU111 ln&tttuuons With Mr&. VI. llll"IOn and Mr. and African lltt>. 1>1,:i111 African !i4ra. II. ~lllamson. aodetJes ate polYpmou,., All II brary books on loan and !Rlam dn"" not lnlf'df'l'f' mu 1 t be cllN·kud Into till with these culls which ac· Ubrary by Dl•C. I 8. Tht'•e company bl rth and pube rl>. mll,)" be rechrckrd nn Ott. 19 The bol1 days, pantouw nd 20 II WfRhf'd. 8'J ok A rei:tona. and 110 on can all bt' talrm out ov1·r tho Chrblmaa aaeoclll•d either with tbe holJdt..n wlll bf' duf' Jan • .;. central doctrint'.! or l1lam or tts partlculat obsenances ot some M.11Um saint. Cbnst· THE PIN CUSHION laruty pro'1dr.s no counttr ' •C • v. tr ma&1c asaJnat Witches. !slam L.• rytlunyf OJI, '" does. and In addlUon teu rrom the Koran 11nd tbe tra· 310 Lo~e · do A"1>. dlttone or lh1• Propht.'t pro•idt' C<><'ur d <'I.I,,,'• ld<il ~ nl'\\ m11terit.I lot amulets 1111d penional Ct'Uabes. ~ua for Apln. the c:mtral rites o' ChrtsUanlty can be perfot:ll~ W .Od in9 Invita tion• ooh b) a pror...salonall.1 quailfiN prtl'lll. Tbt'.! tdcu er such priesthood ls t.amlllar f'l'IOU~h In ma:u tradttloaa! Alrlcan ra.:1111 rell1>1· n • bat Th" Cucl• K Club 'ponsor1!d tbe dance No•·. 30 aflt'r tbe i...kctbaU C&nll!. Stan Fel&man 's Combo SJPPlted tht! mualc and rt>lrao1hm1•nte wf!rc st'rTed durtn1 thn Inter·
ea cl er
a1 •·
•no... do""'c• c:tn:J ~" rollv. ,..,. o,oe-: o danc• It.Id ... ~e SUB.
advanui1c Ill the ease with which l&J:nen ca= tlie 011 a QcuH1acerdota! role. Cor.Sl!QuenU1, the crt'ed tram the Sorth spreads steadily south· •u:ls tbrouah Yiest ACrtcL At the aame ti rne. rno•1 nc ln.,.ards Crom the COast 19 tbe mort' iolerant and sc:len· t:ll!c l&lsllm heresy - no• some rishtr rears old - Jt the "Ahmlldle.l)"a". This Is p&rUculad.f Slllted to the mo re adTan~ ecol'Omlc and social s11uc1Ure or tbe coUl&I areas •here Islam .s 011e cr1!ed amona man;. It may 1et Pro•idt' the mt..1or di\idlns Une of the Atrtc:an pollUcs. Cert&Jnl,y those Chrtstlan mlaslonallea wbn profess to despls• Islam - ;ud1111c 1t as It Is. and Judc:ini Cbrtsuaruty as the, Ct-f'I It oagbt to b<' are P&llle>UC'allJ •=1 about rella:tous PfOll>t'Cta or thl'lr crl't'd. f'or tbe Alneaa. r.llcloa has btt11 not oal1 a social Dond or srut 1111111rtcance but alllO the ch rt of w11rmtll and colour to bis life. It the vanlsbln; taltll la not rf'l)lacf'd bJ' I IJeW aod btUtr one. a danc.r.ms ba:Pn<'Ss looms abf'ad !o: the Atncan. I dD not know •brtbe: lUIJ'lhiDs beuer la belns pct t:i 1a place. but I d, ltoo• tl:al wa,.,,111 and coloc~ ~ Car
Jo'"" J~ ~ f) '111>1 o, n.. Ort ob (IOI of EWSC fa1 o Cord1nol bas'-• "' •OSOt'I 01» tflr. 1 .,Y,,. O.., 1 (43) I r.ody for o po. lblr 1. r.i... Cordi"°" won. 1b· S1.
COEDS' CORNER By Botl.ara Scro(/orJ Thlt I&•
r 1, at ,..
o' ar• c cs OJ' •11io•w • '•"" o 1 •,.,r,;.. Idaho Jun OI Colleg..
co""•''"9 t f"
W11 • oonnt.ol Qy,.tmo• Formal coo>O?s :he aY
d• vi rnl"\l 1he :ldfr.rence bet 1<1'.!en formal and . f r 11 The geote'' d11t11rorce docs nor lio on 1~ wa n ' ) ~'"~ , !:\JI on t~e moo,. Propo1 Jre~~ 01 o formol done de · mor>ds 1 •cd;)s 1Dr the men and long !ormol droues for the r. ;.1 a s""1 ·•:wrno dMce 1he mon should ..eor s rs wcnen c · , .:ing r sh rl dre ses.
Putt~ yC>.Jr re·.,m oddr ss on Chrrs°"l'ICI~ a:ird• doos nor y trot you o•pac• o c:ord in re'4rn. ,.\ pec10/ r turn • ~'<tit or r«l On:i gnien •nl< OI typewrttel ril;t.on Is a Jeo lot ·~e nol1doy seo~~:
Cr~ di"-IPP<'arinc.
Cat . .,. Mo11ol}'oplts Are Availal.I• 1n Llbrory Tbe Ubran- ba bwu!r'!d.s of Ca~<U ).! 11<.smi>b& OD Job lnCor.:iaUa:i 111d Pro~esslons. Tbt'se are llll: cn:t b1 me l:lltlmte t : f<l'lleu::b at Cblcqp. !ll11lols and are k~I up to dat1o tbrnich tbe llbrl%1 511bllcrtptlo:: to that
tew etudl!lll3 bSle themselves ot tills sel\·tce. tlltrefore. the I!· branan1 'll'Dllld like Ule .. r.iden:.a to know II hi anJ.1ahlt!. lbtrt a:e ....-era! boota I.JI the atacta 011 p"'1lt'r?a:>t-,... !!Oda! r.irli. r~ -.ii~. and E"•ld.ance. \"•O"
a.:o Res•o.rew>t Pointe a'CI ?.,so
1207 H. f.,..rth
Supporl YO<Jr AJvtrrisers MO· 4-82?3
C/i oou
v. c Ow~ '"ior"C ""9'°' Fos·es: Service In Town
Core IvI
172J s,r...f'l"llQ,. A•fttw.•
For Yor1r
Coeur d'A.IH• LaHdry •Dry Clea••" r.....Pldup...d~
)01 ,,_.
Prospec:lve bQlae bu1• r It doesn'I look vtlY suoi:; ·o me. Coatracior: Don't ,.ony. We ba\'f'o' t put the -.allpaper on yr<.
Coeur d'Alene
, cs ore red!, brown , and
Mot...l 4-JSI•
LOUIS GREENHOUSE AND FLOWER SHOP 8,.,qu IS 8 CCY*O 211 M lie• - MO 4.a218 Ca.ur tr Al.,, • • ldoho
O.legolfon All•nds SHEA Conv•nrlon
Kath.Y Conrow, Elaine Snpplngton, Bonnie t.yUc. Made Kero, Bev BoualllOn, More Kamlln. Genelle Dwyer. Mra. Coon and Mrs. CullOn attended tbe mld-wlnt.er conrerencl.' ot tht' Sludent Nallonal EducaUon ASsodatlon at Moscow. The meetlnss were held In tbe Borah Tbeuer 11 the student ulllon llulldl ns. The speakers were Dr. Green, Dean Samuelson and the president or the Nallonal Education Assocta tlon. Mr. "7011_.~~~~~~~ A specl0Us1 ts one whO kno•:. more and mo1e al>ol& less and less.
Hunt er Fires
Cards Open With Win Over EWCE JY
Cards Impressive In Two Wins .,. '"°"'
The 78-57 win over Eaa~m Eric ... ll'ashlncton produced onl.Y a T....o Co,d nol • uor o.,..t E.W'.S.C. on.I *••,.,,.. Yolli ..... f\owe 0 parcel or stausucs, but, of leo .. "t ""' ~,... ueL The Cords l"Ch• •cote4 ....,. on bcnh of ..:: ,....,_,,. 011d WO!'\ ho•llt ~·by or l•ost 20 poonis. nonetbele». the.r'ro worth 1n '"- op.•twt, r~ Cordi loo&i•d NI"' fer oboot the f nt holf. b,t ~ laldnc a loot at. • M "t ~• ,.,, of ""• ;o-.. CS\d ~"'°"".d ~. 11'"'"' -4 ~"""' • 1111 ~ Ian Runter proved to ~ tbe be<oail~ oleiost ttod1tklr!~I • "" HUC 'buiwtboll. 0.~d .. 111c.t1icwt t,-. "bis ~n". as well aa the Cor bett .,_4 Go••r n fron• WO• ''"1>' S•ng1., good.. Hot aMc.t;a 1 \{ ludlnc rebounder. soortng bo•lt 'hur~r o-nd Jo• N~d """' t~• t 0.. S.. obtet.,.u to d ·~ ~ 24 points and pulllnc down Co1tl ul •" -01 iu• to the ••ul en• PGl•tton tiO undet bon cMJtna "'ilL!!lil 11 rebounds. ofMnt ... bootdt by H""'"'• J... 8r Utt, ond Sn!tri<i. Portland's James Joe wu I W0\11tl U'-e to cOl!llmetlt ,.,o• ~. otttn6otlce for me EliSC ~ . ., ..,... also a hlch point man, ard eoo4 but 1 Hf!!U rl'!o• '~ che-ttl•ocleu o on• ore f'f:Jpoc\1•bl• for ll'lett ti succeeded lo putllnc the ""- f'lC"'•'· Why ti. n ~ ucrd1 I )'OW cott"' be h+otd? ball tbroucb tbe net ror 19 lot• $o~r0o·ra • n •wt 1ieuern Mof,tano left •Ol'tledung "O b. 4t '"potnts. ~,;. f!'lro.ir no fovh of ~ .. Gud n.a1a. The '"'' hotf •01 Nu4 fou;v. t... Next In line for scorln& •ct Qt!; wen fo"~o"d ,.l'teu woUt"t l'IVch tc:o,.bootd Ot halhl-. Th• ,..,. cUcla n9, S.ngator. 8ruM', ond Jo. filled n for 11del "ff honors are Vemon Benaaton and Bill Sm Ith, both "'1th Ion H..ntt,. Ho_.....,. -"o• hoip~•d •l"I r~• Hcond holl •ot not """ • .,tteofdtncuy. 'b..t •~•wltcit vnfo.f'l.rf"o••. Br •fly. oi '"'• 1 • O"Q n.ot pte,.-, 8 polnls. °" rh• AAOl\to'\o bre"ch. rwo wert feh ployin~ 01 fh• cloa« of tl'lt ~· Q. 1 In oomparlaon , the Cards ol '"• Fo.,,r 1flto1 ,.,,, on• woi In ur.d. and ti,,. . foul~ Hod tht ~ held Eas1em'11 leadlnc scorer pr09N"tt.., 1'0~0U1. ,.,. v1uo,..- d•fi,,Hely wo,,ldn•1 h4"W• bfff\ •vc.h, lo fourteen points. IM'fft•· Bencston, Brlxen, Drccbsel In t!Mae n.o 110~1, I reotly clon t ,+,,nJ. th.. Cord•noh ho.,. be.,, '••"'' Gardner, Huber. Joe, Meddock, 10 me h.11, bu1 from what ho1 be•", .. ,. of the ploy.,~ tliiu• hu, f. l\i,.. 7T"'•• Norgaaroen, and Smllh 1111 a.k01ii1ld b. octio.,..pochd. saw their 0 rst o.atlon · ro r the Cardinalli In the opene r. LIBRARY RULES Leave Emblems The aeme aot otr lo a slow To Lettetmen A student sl(llls a card wh1 n s tart, but early ln the second rrom lbe borrow1ns book The 111hrn1 or sport• halt. the cams bad lllllcd llbrar1. This ml'an~ hr 11 emblems. othtr than the ahead by about 20 points - n respooSlbl!' ror that book Cardinal embleom , to lbe lead they ma!nl&lned unUI the while 11 Is oui. no matter how campus, Is cau~loc some end when they llnlshed with lontt. and he Is rewonllibl~ oonsternauon In lbe Lt'ltt'ra 21 point 1eaa over Eastern. tor the book bl>lna u'lurn..i man's Club. Good speed enabled tbe Cards at the duk. The excho.nrt Tll• ltllermt'n llSk that to make use o r the ru1 break. or books between two &llJd('nla Jacktts and n eaters Othe r contrtbutors to the In no wa) absolvei the or1r:I· beannc lll.ae emblems be Cardinal victory, potnt·wlse, nal borrower. iucted a...,- In tlMle da.rll were. Steve Brtxen. 2; Terry A shot From ,,.,.. co,..,eir la o'toe-.01.ci br le.!"! ...,uinter t.:S'. Ccf'dll'IOI oc. When re1umlnc a boolc, tb• closet, or perbaps, that Carlberc. 2. Wayne Duet, 6. who l.d acor•n; lor rite open np ~· w rM 2~ paln•.1. Rtta<Jy ' ' librarians V.'Ould &PPll'clate the niblet:ia be re:no•·ed Les GardnN, 4 Dennis Huber, tol><-...,., o,. Jo ...1 , ~ r.:1 o/ .;,• M •• (SO) and Go"I the atuden111 walunc ror thm al tosethe r. 2; Danny •leddock. 2: and Do• 3' · ',. E11SC I ' . to check Ibo date In the lnolc Tbe rPUOo• - a lou In Wesley Norcaardl'n, I. point lf'ad. 33-25. and II In case there may be a nnt ~lalUre !Dr JC athle:es. looked lite a close same. due. tr books asu ovemue, HoweTer, b)" 1be end or th A11 Diaploy lo SU please return them as soc.n u Llodo Jot9oa1011'a ~econd bsll. c ur or th" al• THURSDAY NIGHT posalble, even thourh the Rnt The NIJC Cardinals scored pJavelS on :lie l\e3lem :.i nCOVE BOWL The pa1MI 111d clllicoaJ cannot be paid, as thl' llbrar• hollo,. \1ctory O'l'er the a tana bencti had f'llbrr been drawlnp on display In lbe tans would bke to keep lht Team Standlnp - Dec. 5; Montana Oolle.:e Injured or roult>d out, lt&\in1 SUB dudn1 tbl! past week books to clrculauon. No book\ ~Usflts, Tappa-Kecca-Day, llestem Four Rieb Balla, Ball· seoonO-stnn1 »antlt• last Just t•o pl&•f'r.< to Unlt1h the are those or Llnda Jorcenson. nay be taken out If a nne )'ou can the All a19 or a modemlat!c 111 owing. skellers, Elabt Lo,. .Balls- Salllrday e•·erunc \\Ith an aame. rest' l.YJ)e. Students are cauuon.ct to rour, Boulders. PlantNS, 8~58 \\tn. James Joe Qlled In preru Unda la a freshman ma)Orln1 remember 1ba1 lh<' y cannot 69er' a, YSB'a, Knockout'l. GAMES COMING UP well Cor Ian Hunter out for In talle semester tlnaJ eums home economics. Rer Finch's, The FBl's, Ml'n'a, a COuPle of Games with a D~. 13: \'U!ma \"al!Py-Tbere future lntenUons are to unlea" IUI l!nea owlnc aro Little L.caa:uers. Dec. 14 Yakima Valley-There and came up broken hand specialize In In ~rlo' decora- paid or until book borrowed M. Men's High Averace: Dec. 11· Col. Basin -There have been rrtumrd. tion. Swank, 160; B. Enallsh, US. with 23 points and 8 rebounds. Dec. 18: Big BtondCall-Tberl' Joe v.a.« hlcb point man ror E. Pica.do. 150. the pme. SOUQUETS, CORSAGES ' GIFT'S Men's HI ah Individual Oamc: A1hle11c ond COEUR D'ALEHE"S Sten• Bdxen, center. scored WILSOH PHARMACY L. Naccarato , 232. M. Swank, Hunrmq Equipment 16 points and was lop reEVERGREEN FLORAL 211: T. Fisher. 209. bounder with 9 reboimds. AND GIFT SHOP THE LIGHTHOUSE Men ' s Rlcb Serles• B. Vernon Bcopton, rorwa.nl, ..Fot 0Hlity end S."'lce Enallsb. 555. M. Swank, 536. SPORTING GOODS helped the Cards alont? by "'°"'• MOtoie-w' 4--ll•S or '4-o.416 M. Hu1Cb1 son, 507. >OS Sh.•ftft•" Av•. - MOfi.• w• 4.Snl 21) Sh.,t1W111 A••· • Co•vr d4Ale.. scoring 15 points and r;rabbini: Women's High Average: 5 rd>ounds. P. ooodwln, 139; J, DnvcnWayne Dusi and Bill Smllb porl, 121, R. Smtih, I 03. both :>e0red seven points. \\omen's Rich Game· R. Dusi pulled do11n 5 rt'bounds, Smith, 18:?. P. Goodwin, 181. and Smith 2. J. Davenport, 166. Dan Meddock sant 6 poln:s \\omen's HJlh ~rles: P. Goodwin, ~68, R. Slnllb, ~27. for the Canis. and Ju:i Drechsel, in tbe short ttllle be played. scot.cl 4 points. FOR THE BEST HAMBURGElt Les Gazdner and Dennls Rube: put two potnts ap!eee IN TOWN, GO TO THE .JD the scoreboard. Tbe pme opened with ~ MISSOURI LUNCH ddens11·e and bell.er oUensf.-e At hal !t1me tbe acUon. Cardinals ol,y !teld an etgb1
'••""°"' Oft''°'•
West. Montono JV 2nd Cord Victim
'IU'"'" -------
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