The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 18 No 4, Nov 13, 1963

Page 1

Yan efl es Of '64 Program niese are the act In rdtr of the r •PP• ranee In lh«> " VBrit'llftl of '6~ " (E:venlni: Performance I· The


tHl NWC llVlll

taod wtll play " Rlff!n' the Blue.11." )llsll Jan.tee co:::p ton bu a t'Ocal solo. "!lore" accomp- VOLUME anied by the :ot IJC band. MI SS )larpret EldPr "111 do an loterprethe dance to "Peter ounn" • hlch will be b)' tllf' :'>IJC bind. siao Felsnan Is sotn;: to play an accordion aolo. A rrouP paoromlr:ie to Lile aoric " Frankie and Johnn," will bl' dontt ID' Rusa Elliott. Ru• TbOmpson. Lynn Le Francis and Ardis Petem n. sact1n1 lhc sroup •111 be Dufresne, Milo HarnR nd Bob Dahl bf! rs. Mill!! Toni Paul v.111 play a. l111ary dNlll solo followed ra mll11arr drum duN pla1ed byRunt s-11nandOan )ICIUcli:. Ro&N scrstrord •111 plar a ru1Lar aolo or "Exodus. " carol Ol~Pn wlll P"rrorm a 1ap dance. )lllo Harr111. the cue t Pl't· rJ1111er. wll: <In a several folk n~.

Th" Dixieland &nd ,.1JI lo "A Oood Man Is Hard o Find." 'Thi' Otrl '11 Sex IN wll 1 Ing 'Blue Moon " and "Love l A Man)' Splendored Thlnr." mac &1rl11 In the r:roup &rl' l!i'len Newton, Janice Oomp'"· MarthD Brown, JO\'Cf! ·1111c1cc, Ch!'r.)'I \1nr.)'lott, nd Shr11on ParrioU. \USS Pl'nny Bodlne "Ill la:r a Honky Tonk piano 110lo f "Challanoop Shoe Shine


.l<>YC•• \\ al Ince will DI 11 \'OCDI ;;olo of "Moon



\II Sharon Pamoll and • sa !k\'Nly Bou1thton wlll

1.. 1r1 baton11 to


A c:hoNa llnl" will dancr. the

" Can-Cun. " A Mrn ' s QuorH•t composl'd <it Jrrry 01 ,,.n, nu· Bf!l,.11, Ukr Platttr, and aarrv Simon Ill 11Jn11: "Je-acho" and 'Banana Boat Sons." Tom lJ4'n and Bnan Hr •

UI mnkn "MounUlln Music. " A combo comprt!led or Stan


!lam Simon and Hunt s.. an .. 111 pl&) "Yt'll""' ltd ... FINALF. '' Bill Blllh•)" UI II<' •uni by t'nUr<' c:a&t Ith th1• b:.:D:.:;n::;d.;___ __

that U.c


xvm, NO. 4

Nooce: Decdi ne For Arrum Pictures udPnt11 are '""' nd• d tbat they · a.J st!e th .r .,.cture ,n I f' llbmcy Wltll Sov. IS. Vle•1ni; hours are. acti11ty pertod. from noon to 1.30 p. - • and ffJm 3:00 p. ~ :OO p.rr:. These p1ctorcs will be used In Lhr annual. If any student wants a picture oilier than bis re111atra11on picture to appear In the annual, he cust wm In a picture b7 Dec. 2. Otbl',,.1111!, lhe re;:latraUon picture ...111 bl' us~ Pictures me.y be wmtd 1n to annulll st.aft members In th!! Ubrar1 or ma1 be i;l\l'fl to the II bml'lans. Pictures Clll5t nt aped f!cauona, howe\ er. Th• y must be :? ." 101111 by I ·5 8" "'ldl', a!ld the head i;l:r:o 1111st bl! l·I 8" lon11:. So 11rlnklr.d, cracked, or b('llt plcturCll will be accrptfd. A \i>ld tu ml Ill: In sr;ila or brov.n-Untcd plcwrca. Do not ,.ntc on the plctull'& Uir stalf memtx-rs wUI ldl'nt· It} lhrrn. The annual start .. 111 appreclattl awdcnt COOP<'llldon IA mttUllll lhr ~ l't". ' r t'.1111>.

M1d·Terms Coming Up ~Id-SC t· r '.Ull:la trill &tart on :-"'· • • l\o reti0:t cards •Ill b<l &mt ut. b!Jll· eHr "amine slips "111 be sent 0111 U> th l!I' 6ttld ts D or F' wotl.: In sn1

er. nr

cla· '.


COEu? D'ALENE, ltwiO

Dixie Music

Varieties Of '64 To Be Presented In Gym Tonight


Many Perf lllll Yit~ Behind-the-Scenes TClient Show Tasks


n d " oUld !1 as to put on .. \'arletles c! '6~." Bcsldu the performers wb hu·e NCrlficed hour.1 ror pracitdnc and public appearances the:e A

.,_: deal





are the people bf'hlnd the scenes. II • UI!! heroes behind lhe l\ll ns . llcbt.s. and i:I rr tbat ke a sho" IL llU"CCSS.

Tbe cullor PIAanlnc com· "115 beadPd b)' Sbaro~ Parr! ll. Sba: wu uslstftl b7 Carletta Jac:ir :>an Clark and Ro Btarl'l D. The racultr t:nb ra 11h ald<'d In e•·ery fo.~t or tbls proir:u:: ,. e:e '.!r. Kelly, Mr. eums, M:s. Scall'3 and l!rs. Oale. Those •Ila t:>olt care o! the &tote r;:roble:::s were beaded b1 ;}race A ndc111 11. Bnlce 's c:ornmlttee com1t1ted of Jon Kins:. Ron Scllb. BobScbmebl, Terry Ll'l'icptonc-. T o ruce1ns. a:id Tbm Ba:".t> • 1bese 'bo15 wot care of 1111 tbe t('dln!cal probl'"-=S 8'JCb u the lllbt.11. curtaln. piops and scenerJ. Another part of the stas ~am toot cue f a 1:1 rr leminlJHt Une - tbe cosn: es aad c::ik"'llP. Jud1 K, JoJ<:tl Slll!e1. sarllla S!t.?rt and sue !Ani;ston de up thl • JmporlAlll coauca:. Ria Acken:ian tool: care f lhe mtc:ap • and •ad syst r : the pe·f ::uices. Last. bet bvdl.r lus:. ts the publld!Y committee. 111.s lt?OUP'S rhponsll:illtles were au:nc:JU~. ne1 were ln clmri:e of newspape: rela!io.r:s, pcbllc a;ipecu:111ces, tele'l'!slon and radio spots. and ttcl:ei sa1 es. This cornml tie<! coni; I sted o! L:utY Bozanb. PauJ Plantl!', sand.T oonaldson, Barbll'2 Sc:aCiord. Jim Mc rnn:rtf 11nd /.like T1;1Yfs. ,,pr:oxlmaiely one hundred pl'rso:is sere dJrecU1 in· \'01\od ID the Ultt.l sbo•. AbOut ooe fourth of thf!>t' people were ne\'er seen on atac~. Let'J c1.e them a cheer.

ml ltee

A i;enes of traYel ;ue,. will be prull<'nled be;tn."llng Jan. I~. Ticicets ... "'on rsal<' sbOrUy.


NO\IEWBER: ·, 1 >6J

" rudr •llll<!n by John McFarland. SIJC £ndlsh Instructor. 1'119 recenll)' pnr.<ed 1n the £ng/J Ii .\ trrs· lrtur. ~r. Mcf'arland' arUcle is enUUed ":Uor· About Th·• Research Paper At Hll:h Sc bl I Lr\ el." The £agll 'h 'it lt'.!11 tkr I • publl shPd qua rterl )' by thr ~artmenl of Humanluc nt the University of fdabo and la dlrectt'd to bllh school Ensllsh teacben; throustiout thl' Mall'. In tbl!:l pubha1· Uon, maU<'f\\ of general 1 ·rt t w Enitll sh :eachN11 dl•cussed.

LOS Hoottaoony Is PlonMd For Doc. 6 Th L.O.S. club Is ltOtnC to put on a HootenBnnY ,;ho,. Fndrl) nlt:hl, Ot-ct•mber 6th at 8:30 p. m. The slX>w pro· ceeds wtll Co Into a scholarsbip fund. The pnces ve: $.:?5 f r dllldrm and $1.00 for adulus. More lnlormatlonon till' sho" W1ll be given In the next ls e of :hi' Revte ...


oorm Is "518 DOn:i sW· to uae this

11 '"tum

"The Varit'tl<> of '6~" . a talent sho" 1Uranaed and coaiiosed of · <'mbers or lhe !'.1JC student body, ls II> be prt'$ented to~. The 16-act &ho" '" for the nUJDose of rablng moneJ far a schol az· i:hlp hind. AcU \it)' penod ls the time scbedul... d fo r tbe nrs1 perfomiaoct>. A second per6:>rmance .. 111 be held tonlsht for tbe public at 8:00 In t~e c,rmoa:ih;.::i. APPearlnc \\llh the other atudl!nt performers ..111 be ~lllo Bair!"' ~Ulo Is a pro· resslonlll 51narr thl s year. Actl'rlt~ cants wlll be used at the mom1n1 perfoanancc onh. 'nckl't> for lht e\•entnc perfomumce art' $1.00 for adult& nnd 50¢ for studenta. nc•ets can b• purcba.'led at ~'le door.

Ccrdird Courier Brooocasts N<W. 17 Cardinal Courter " <l'kl7 radjo h)w prl!'lil.'lll~d


by lhe i;tudcnts of SIJC •Ill be presl!'nll'd n radio »tallon K\'~I So•. 17. SW Kimball and Mary Ross , co · 1110den1torP. will open thl' piocmm and lntmduce Joyce'ace, who will slnr: "SW11111erUme," accompanied on the piano b)' Conni" Lien. Hl'r i;elecllon will be followed b~· an lnte111 r" of Mr. Chtlnt· IBnson. president of the college. Man. Brelth1111pt 3nd BNt~ seur11\'e... ,.Ill concilc: this lntef\le"· Jo£11en Holter wlll then play a piano 8010 "I \PiblMI" 11 RllPP> Tune." School ne..s, con:1lstin11 of club meeUngi;, acn v!tles. etc. \\lll be p vcn by Baibaia Sc:iatford, follt111ed by "Ore en Lea' cs of Simmer,'' >UOC b) Janice Conll)ton. accomparued on the guitar b) Rotter scm rtord. s~rtpl writeni are Betty Sncrues. Betty Fltchn..r, and Adene socJe. The rad:. class would like to t!nllk Don ON1J'.ll0nte for helping the:n prep1ue for the show.

Will Sing T onight

Business Groos Have

Wide Vmety Of Jobs

THE N. LJ.C. REVIEW ,.,W-.......


0.,"'9 the Coll09• y .., ii..

\!ans bo:11nes

,,..r.- Slvd••" ••

• 1y J ...


Ed• to<

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Bockr """"..

Spottt Ed•tot •••••••• • ••••••••••••••••• Motl Ericli.JG"I.


Pho'OO'OIP"'•r ••• • •• • •••••••••••• • ••••• R cl-!'!IO.,

&>''""•• Mof'lopr •••• • •••••••••••••••••• R'ci:"Ofto

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"EVIEW, Coout d' AI..,• •


w. d., No....,bo• 13, 1963

Engineers Select Officers For Club -


auccessfull.r at1a1ned iota upon paduadon fr.111 N LJC. JNJ:teUe CUddr Is woritlD' as a macl:ine opf'rator at lb<' ~urtb Street Branch or tt:e tdabo "'est :-:auo:ial Bank In

C..eur d 'Alene.

Dan Zlmme:-

man Is r.nployed at tbr Mme bank u a bank t:aln~. Doi::ia Ko~pen Is t'l:IPIOVt'd at tbe Dla::io11d );aUoml Collll'•lt" at Huettt: In tbe busloess Q!Ilct'. 1.Jnn Prosur apenl \he sur:cet TOOr&l.nJ: for the Coeur d'Ale11e R<!C~atlon Depart· ::rent dolnJ o!flce •Ork. She

Ctrculo1ton Maloloe•u •• 8o'boro Xtoflotd. ROft s.i """·$h0l"Gft Sdl.rff R• ponwo: lorry 8o1111tf• , Dow 4 M<:Collfhno, J(o...., ~ Elaine S.p1n9tof", Bottn .. ,,1., M,,1. Wolloc•, TCft til09 "'"FlOf"'"ce P .... , Cloto Rol.v • S,.oy f tdtn«•, Mot • J(cro,,. ., ....a Hou.chtld, Moiry Lou ~ Ottet, -ler,.ne Lvc.oi. Penny Goodwir.., Richard f, Do ...h . Roy ~-.~. , Bob O,,f,....,., r.,,,.., L ..ct, MbuNM.oog<"·

Editorial ..

Is oo• lbt molb': ot a 011e SOME JC STUDEHTS ARE CHILDREH r:»alb old son. Jern. '"' c..1 ,, · u rial I "'Qt f ~ t ' the t?ev1ew, Gall F'lelds will soon tw•o•Ci rho•, t , t N ..C •..., ' .. , 1• a• o• c ldrer. co::re a b1lde and make hN Well , rhos ssuo I must odmot - Ml'llO of ·he oc• ko children bo;:ie ln Falrbanlts, Ala.ska. Delores Coolr.sey Is emplo1ed Fcrturcitely, 1"'1SO do nci • moko up o crge per cen• c.! tro JC student bod~. Ho ... eYCr, 1M)' do make up o C<IJ!! enoog> at Grtdle,. MPn ' a SIO~ In Coeur d 'Alene. number for us 10 bo concerned. Dianne Muraro ls wor1tlna as •.C e",,.....,.• Clvb olflc"t ""' (loll IJ rlgl. •J W..h Those children I om reforrong ro a<e residents of me re a medJcal aecretary at • , r, ~ R... d, c•..,..<- '"'"''"• c;.,~ ..,.ro~ ·. clinic In her ho11u1 to"n In ,,,. ____ ;_ _ _ _ _ __:.__,_•0_rv_._ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ NIJC dorm11or1. Again ler me clorlly my sro1emen• . I do no moon rno enlore dcrm population - only •hose "cottol' p1clon' CanadL Twyla Shultz ~11150n &Ill high school kids who don' t know ..-hot o co loge os yeti " Theron Laril' am worlltnc 1n Th" "omen' s socio of tho dorm doc• nc.• :.oern 10 creoie o Coeur d 'Alene for Pendar. ptoblem, but 1hen rho woman hove I xcd r les mode up for Mrs. Rudlla Dolan, a busl· 11ess era.eluate or NIJC and 1hem. On rhe 01h«!r hond, Ito men's (or should I soy boys') s de the Un1versl~ or Idaho, where she earned ber B ..a... and does no1 ~ rules. And do those boys show how ·~ ;.:.e w_a... Is an IMtrucuir la about tne trust gown rnem? They sure do secretarial sdence al Skaclt Among tho dosm.croon 01 •he dorm ore such th :-gs o• Valle.r Junior C<>lleae. Mt. brol<en l19h1s and morroo up walls {ca sec! during ·he 1oo•bc Vernon, •asbloc1011. ).lzs. Janice Cramp, d8ll&htN and soccer gcmes plO)'Od '" tho halls). There wos also a coS<' of cement be ng pouted on thD co-pe• on •rie g1tls side. Ho-- ot President Chris11an11on. Is also a JunJor collece ln~truc· ever, thos was not dol1n t ly trocod 10 a dorm s•udon·. i.:.: 111 busln~. Sbe Is A• far as srud)' tome goos •hare should be qv • ''°"' a! 1ncb1D1 at Peninsula Junior least 7:00 uni I 10:00. Thc>.lgh sM>e of you may fond • s hot CollegP, Poi: Aaceles, ~asb. r1> bel eve, $0mc shxlen•s go •a colleg<i v. th •ho 1deo f l\s~ Slrttttr Is employed r ouau• omce at ob101•11ng o degree. But rns•ood c• the quiet needed le: VY,le" in U: srucl,- cond111on , treso sruden•s ore loceod w1•h noise w" c NIJC_·~~~~~~los1' ~mo11mcs unhl 1:00 •n 1hc mo-n "g. Thi" noo•e •ong< DRAMA GROUP IS from •he runn1np, yellinp, and oong•"Q on doo.- during • FORMED ON CAMPUS "•ports mocr" 1n •ho 1,ol 15 to tho ncwes1 fad ol turning on • ~l!!<. Gale held a mttllna lore olorm sysiem. for studl'n~ lnterllSled ln G<onrod, 1h1s may al •o..nd l1ko th fun doys of rhe roonno drama on Ociober 29. The 1x11"'s wl>on you 1.,11 11 ro yrur grondcholdron, bu• surely you plasers will be Genelle con l1nd yo..·r fun efse,.,her . Thero' s a bog opon i1eld across Dwser. Flo Peek, Lesllt from rho dorm 1hot would moko on e><eellon! sporrs field - '"" Levendorske. Clara Robbin,, Becky Kmu11e, Barbera 11 our. As for os tho broken lights and such, that o<n'r fun; Scra!ford, Paul WarnPr, David ot'> chdd1:Ji do•trucrov" mlsbohav1or. McCougbna, Jane McMlllan, Ir 1s obvious 10 see 1..01 rhoso children oren' r old enough 11nd Dick Davis. S..ppotl Your AJverrls.,s ~In;. Gale auue~ led one or Btudenl.5 ar• lntere~ted In ro povcrn rhcmsellres. I .... onder if 1roy Niii be ch1ld1sh enovgh act, one scene pltlJ'S which drama a clus ma1 be &tarted ro rry """" tk.,y f1nolly O"I tr " I ngf"S sopped. Or ...111 v.lll be held durtnc acth·tty nell se.'llester. TYPEW R I TERS '""' .. , ad - grOA - B.~. period. Tbe play& will con· The Pl&Ji s .. 111 b<' nnnounce(j ROY AL HEW SERIES OF ARTICLES BE/HG RUH slst or farce and satl". lits. 600rll). RENT SALES · REPAIR P v1 w is runnl1>9 a < ri· • of sp..ciol guest columns Gale welcomes all ~------1t..., & Freedom h:l a tnousand t It • ~u I '9"> Q od ... ,,,.,,rsot ,n,, .-rby ore-o. lnteresled ID &Cling and IN'TDISTATE TYPCWlllTP CO cbartn11 to show, stage deslgnln&. 417 SI-•~• A•• . - ,..._ ...... These columns oro for rt. purpose of ocqvom• ng •he JC s:c That &l&'re!I, bowe'er cc· • ~. Cbdsdanson. stal.('s teaed. ne'ret know. don•5 w r t e tracht on•, ocr.v1• e!., c rr1culo. and o•rM!f lbat If a sumcten1 number Wllllao Co"Pet 1· m of '"'ilfes• con:e• 1ng •ne schools. r rs hoped •hot articles w con goon o be-er unders:ond1nc o' • rouV' •he "IC••p A Recod Ol It" MINK T fPOSTY and Interest rn r schools ... ch we 1gh1 be considering -... Moi..wt ~ss'1 COLD f01 • compler cn of our lughcr oduc:o• 0t1. 216 s i - - ,__ DR. PEPPER A gue~· ort cle from Gomogo Un1vets1ry oppeo.....d on ·ho COEUR o·AlfflE. IDAHO n •• f. ••d ' lo .. Issue of r e Rov•e«. Th s ssue corroes 0:1 artic e pOgc 6 from Con•rol Was 1nc;:cn S·~·e Co lego: on E ·lnSburg. .'. -,pgrocroto hearing you• oprn on coocem1og •t., •





r,,,., s....I••




#, .•

NIJC Coed Wins State Office At Home Ee Convention

lnstrucior er bocie economics and 'Liss Mildred Babedy, r>tate extenslon leader lbr

T bt: SIJC collei e ch11> tl.'f or th e Amert can Home Economtca Assoctallon •pent la&t weo·k end on lllt" No rtbwM t Naza r<'nf.' Campua o.t N11mpa o.ll endina llle Idaho Home Economi c• ConvPnlton fo r 1963. Th e NIJC Chlll)t ..r members WNt: 1Q1est11 on co.mpu a or the No.iart'ne hom e economic~ ma)Ora. A repon o n thP lnt«'mauona.I Home Economlca Aaaod auon conventio n In Paris lut Junr was &!Yen by Ml•• MDfSllll'I Rltchll", a Unlvcralty o f 10.ho

Betty$Popa\'es -selected historian for tbe st> le college section. Members who attended were Carol Da"1s, Tltnllie Rogers, Anna Mae Hill. BettJ F'lt.chner. Jan et Montan don. Betty Sell.· cmvea, Ann ...111ne, Ronnie Conklln and Lau ra L ee Ycoumana. Mr11. Alice Kildow llnd Mrs. Slt11na!Uln drove the del ega· u an clown.


l nJuatlce I s 1elath-el.r eas.r to b4!1.1 . what s lings I s Jus Uce.

DrPepper ,



Woodcock's Ong Store C,,nd.e> -

Sund• • •


126 N F_,. St • C.-


Darlene Skirts, Sweaters Blouses, Capris, Coats,


Car Coats, Sui ts, Accessories

'li e·ddtng /nvi 1:1tr0" r:nd Announcem""' s


p ..o•c

... a ..•••

• ·• •••

tOD N ,,,. Sr•Clf COC.U• g'ALCIWC. IDAM0

Home Ee Club Officers Chosen

N,l,J.C. ~EVIE~. Coev• d'AI•••, Idaho, Wod., No••"'bo• 13, 1963

Quartet Will Sing


lc,1 1hla >'"°' are (leh to Lot1ro 1 Y ovmo,.,,,. r~porr r~ )alt9t 'lor· ,,., o. r '• D r 'll"ll<I,,..,. .,/ca ~-:s1,;.nt;

~ fc Cl1.11> i0tflc~r 1t/i1

~ ... a..~111'1,



nterpretation Class reparing Recording


Band Officers


NlJC' lnterprfot.. tioll CIWIB , bl"'n busy tl\ls "Cm<'ster preparing a rccordlng In be ~cnt co Columbia HI gh Sclwol MaPl<'"ood · Ne><" Je1acy. fhe purposf> or thl >I u•cordln1 ·a• to al•c the casttm stu· ~nts an t>xnmph• or "eslem p.-ech. loc:ludln 11 local ex· rC$Slons, dialect • and th" l kt'. Similar rc•oordlnllS were btalnod from varlou" othN Uegl'S tllroullbout the U.S. As a nmple or voices, the 1a1111 mt>mbrrs KBVe cxcl'fptK om thP rcadl n11s being Pre· red ns clnsi> nsslgnmcntS. discuss.Ion conc1•mlnv th<' ort hcornln 11 hoott>non nJ w oa "o lt'Co rded. Stud~nti; po.rtlclpollnll In I~ project wt>rc P<'llll>' Good· In. Ann l31<•t>dl'11, Loralee rklns, Pot Knu!Jnon , Jim clntu rrr. Milo llnrris. Terr)' .mc:h a!ll Chorl~ En11lman. Supporr Your Ad vorlisor•

0"9 O' • .,. •.ortJtes or ':anl~r·.s sllow wlll be thla boys ' qurottot•. l•ft 10 ri~r: Ruu s.r.,... .... Sort\' 5, .,,.~ J tfrtt 01 0 1 • 'r\l~ Pla 11 r.


DORM NEWS WOMEN 8y .\\cry Lou Kol'ftr



Of• ,,,. bo"'1 onlc u t!'tls .-er. ... •. • , Livn, lltro1 O"'• Sob OoHl>tt19. vlC~::-''-'ldef'I~. 1 r .,,.,, Povl, soc r rory, end >her1 ('! Pou __r•. t;:°::;r • 1..... f d ...- t ' .oc- • Sher,,.... .... "'

"· FOUR TAPPED FOR PHI THETA KAPPA If vou 'I"" "0ndNln.: 3 lt•w dn•·s ar:o "hat lhc "'bite



• 1..n Y ir o y tl11n9 ror


110 La


,.i., ' " ' .

~ !'.\lu



Seo u. for •. Underwood Salo• & Service

eader 216 N. 4th Street

ros1.,; lndicat<'<I, the} \\ere worn b~ lour sludrnts who "ere top1wd for membership in Phi Tbl'l11. Ka.ppa, the Junior C(lll••s<' hon r sode~'. Thev \\1•1<•: \lari;:atet Elder,

d' Al"""

cducul I :.n

Lorrulne Simkins. Pnl'llt RtrN, 11rlucallon, T1•11.r Cad· b1•rs. C 1 ur d'All'ne, Pr<-med. and .Jam..,_ Eh·tni:t n, Jr•• <.;o('Ur d' All'ne. cdu<"ation. Eli¢1.lilH) ls bilsed Oll


cumulaltH' i:rade pulnt &\erage, a thre,. 1 uln• '' V'"f bl'I n1 lb(' r"qUI n'l"r


Wu1 Coosr Airl1nu

Oll•rs S1vd•nt Foru \IP. 1

C u t



going ID college. Bednolng f:a.11 QWillN, lt •Ill be !till~ St't!lfd on the ca:rpu:>es of elc\en westem unh·erstUe~ b> upp<>r·elas:> Maden'-> v.lth an apmude ~r .s&les and public rtlatlons. Tbe tn»tl lUUODS are Brisbam Youni. G.>nui:a. Orei;:on State, Oregon. Stanlord. wuhlncton. v.uhl:JetcJn State, sac Jose s:alt', Ca!Homla. sntUe ll. ond ldalw.

Tbc men trll! a55lst the dfstnct aupe:· tealdent wes r•'IHl'M'Dtall\CS .. :kl.!1£ w1:b tudent rmups and l'aculllcs, '1f<llllO!ll: iou: uip • L~d a:;slsUni; tn alrpon Ucket oornpllll.}'11



'\\\Jra. .. One 01 tbelr 11111jor Cllnetforui :1 or V.cst coast Airline~' new Y uni: •.\It.lit Fare~. 11 IIalHate !&«! for collel:t! ,tudeDL.~ ;ind

11Jll be lbe pr moll

other;; po!n!.!;

bO't\\~etl II~·'::. Sh-5!ale

traveltiw Ul


MO· 4-8123

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Clioou Our


Coeur d'Alene CREAMERY




Oomn El•CI Ollicus At Hov. 8 M•oti ng

For Your




Coeur d'Alene Laundry & Dry Cleaner s m. Pickup end o.nv.ry 307 fr.oat

MEN r.,.,, Hl991n1

SlowI) but sureI,. the 1tlrls ll'hnl 's nc" In the boJ'sdorm• or the donn h:l\'c been geltln11 On llll' i:ood !ilde or dorm settled. newtt there rcnlly lsn ' l mucii The offtccrs l'lected ore: lo say. Exc~t that the OO)'S Andi l'\el\ton, presJdl•nt. Pot are finnlly 11elUng orllllnlied \lt.>eker, •i c~presldPnL l\Jlthy and rlectcd Ian Hunter presl· Oise~. SE>Cretary. nnd Knrl'll dent or thl' men's dorm. Also Kru<'~N. ,;oclnl chill nnan. tbt' bo)'S on the ct rl 's st du ol &lncb Pearson, co·chrunnnn. lhe doun hnv~ moved down to lie hupp)· lo lla•·e one the boy' s sldt', except ror two of the che.,rlrnders lhing In POOi lt\IYS: Frank F'lo Rllo the lklnn. \larilvn Arnold ts and Bob Wheeler. who werl' a !lhnrp, <'lithle<'n Y<':ll old. lclt ouL I hoPe thel' get n 5'6.. brunNtc from Stuulpolnt room soon. Thr nli:hts are Md ~ro.duo ted from CO{'Ur d' ro lher cold. Alene Hlith SClnol. Some of unrortunai..>ly, most or the her ln ierests 1 nclude music. news Li< on the bnd i;lde. psycboloi:~-. basketball, and NIJC bns a new dorml lot). maalll r to anspl re sclx>ol \\'hat new <brmttory1? Al the SJ>lrtt. Oh ye,, 1111d sleep! rote t!Un11:> are 11>lni;. the Marilyn•:; pet Pl!<'Vt', Bt the dom1 ls Gain& lo be a wreck ll:Olllt'nt !,;•1n~ cream out· before the flan ,;cmcslt'r ends. s1d" her "indo" nnd the wee It 's 11bout Ume thnt we bol'l< PuPPles dell vered enrly In the st11rted ncUn~ like mntu1r t:>Om.iDI! b) an unknown cnrrter. college srudents. l nstead or Amoni; the Klllloweeo ex· Immature Uttle grade schooler!<. c:ttem.,nt around the donn. 1re The noise , bo.11 pmes in tbe r~ehed 3 c:ontrtbuoon of hnll, goofln~ off, and playing powdered Cl!ment on llu.• hall with th!' ft re alarm 1s stupid. ca111et :tnd Ila• nre nlnrm Just absurd, nnd childish. couldn't :um o!f. But why tea.1 the dorm opn rt? Rooci 101 t hnnks a certain Thi' marked up halls. damoized PllltJ' !c r th" nndeserved dona· door, windows, nnd rug~. nnd tlOo t sh:lvtoi:: c~am out.>tde dirt) rooms and shower rooms their w1odow. B~ld~s th•"»<' ure not i:oln" to look •·ery oet lllwallona t!lnga Wl'lt• ntce ror opl'n housl'. Tearln~ riurty cal • up th" dorm doesn ' t make I! e r;-que l could bO' 1ruu1" ~t'nsl', Md for an) dnmage co from our rr:,.nd ~bove us, the d<lnn, WE nre pnyln~. In 1t ..-oc:d b" lo Pi•:a&e cul thP ract some or thl' 00.\'S hB\~ n ae resulting lrom th• all a.Jrt•ndv lost thd rS 10 depoi;lL 1r;;;'IO~nt cnrd pm It Even tlx>ugh the dormlloo· becomes r.. ther dWlc:ult lo 1&n'l our mal home. It ls »Ull .leeiic.rstu~ fftht'I<' happens a home o.nd should be trented to be a card cam,. ia>lni: on like one• If we continue ID above you. Plt>use !t'llo" ~' tear It 11 pnrt. th<' 11dmlnlstra· He ls ll!ele ,,. "'ho 1s tault· uon .,.Ill take over and CO\ Pm th" donn anrl we will lose n less. lot of our po,ileae•. Let 's not IN Utls happen. lnele:>.d. ARCTIC CIRCLE let' s b:n·e n dormltnry that we ourseh•es can 1tovem. DDd ...t;. ... be proud or.

Fas" ,




~)5 1 6





21e 1.1.11.. -MO !..,,--i1e (OC'-!f d' Al..n., ldoho

The Dam"" Club postponrd thel r resular Monchy mr<>ttn1 until Frida) noon , N.,,·cm b<>r 8 when an elecuon of offlc<'rs loOk pince. oesscn ,. n:s ~ervl'd by che p 1IC0>I RI wr women studen ts: Mrs. Lois Msn·n1111. Mrl>. Virl!lru<l Brown . nnd Mrs. Lol'TDlne Stmkln,..

BO" Ll'\G :\ E" V.EOS ESDA"i SIGH':'

Ta/en t Com ho


: AK E CTT"i L.A:-O ES T eam Standiop· You s ame It, GreeohQrns, Lancers, Gut · te: dusters, 300',;, Th~ 4 ' '.i, SchlCIB, 11 Pl'OUt:I. Undcrdccs.

N.tJ.C. R~

( ...


t"4 .. •· ~ "'

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•..J~. N0

.,..t.., · J. 196

Halloween Dance Com•ittee



:.ten ' s Hii;h.Oer.i~es· Hobo!, Ruu ThOll:PSOll. 16'.?. MclDturtr. 15-;. Hel ccsoo, 156: I ';0 ,

Ou e s:ooc. 149. lien 's Hh:b Game -

10. 30:

Russ Tham1>110D, 199, 11 6: Russ Thomp<0n, ~ 11 •

.\len 'a Hlah ser1e11 - 10 30: Frank Hubor. 521. It s: Russ Tb>mplQn, 5S i . Women'& High AH•rai:r~: Parnott. 11-;. T otten . 111: ~n. 105. 'A'llcbter. IOt. 0-1e:, I 01. Y,-omei' &HJi:hGame-10/30: sta:c:i P111doU. 13:?: 11 6: Pat MarUn. us. Womai'a Hieb s'aes IQ/30 . Sha:on Pa:ciott. 36~. JI 6: PAI Manln. 419. THUl\SDAV SIGHT LF.AGUE

CO\'E: BO'?i L Team SlaDdlnlfi : Tappa· K'Cp · Da.>". Bould~rs, !\llsftt . F'OUI Hi ch Balb. Ballskellu .. l\noclr.out • cq r' • Ellht Lo" Sp•c1ol Croups Wiii Balli· ' ur, T 1'• FBI ' , YSB's , B• Sito.. Br-Product Plan1eM1, ?>I • nach' • Trt quartf't • and •n· LI ttle Lea&ut'lll. 11.I rvohc !mm the Ken's lilch An-races : M. o ml>I tllmt sbow, II Mr. K• lly 's 5,.anl;, 16:?. S. Eoi:llsb. 161 , plDllB CIAlertallZI! , J., 151. Atthepl't'llent tlmo thn choi r Me:i'11 Hli;h Gaclt!' L.. !'\acla p~partnc a Cbrlatmas cara:.>. ~3Z. f r aomellml'I In lien·., Hieb Senes: B. coocut'r. The liOnSS they Eni:llsb. 555. are leamlni; n ro or a vrry Women ' s Hieb ...HlllCl"S: dilOcull caliber and arl! \er :v P. G.>oda In, 13';, J, 0&\t'D" ad\"anced. Th• e 11on1s lul• e pc.n, 1:?3. R. Smltb, Iii. v. :nen'a Hllh Game: P. be<>n 'IUD!: bv rr:anv rumous chol rs throullh ut th•· "' nrld. Good• ln, 16i.

Big Do in' s

ll omrn•a Hllh Serie": Slnl " ~ ..?HDL APPLICA TIOHS


DUE FOR U OF I t.> attend ld.lho are re:itoded that llOPllca lion 5 tor Sational Defense l oans al the U o r I n:ust be mad• o ne semester ahead ol time. February o r 196~ la a tenta· ttvc dl'11dllne ror loan appUcau•)o t r tue Cal' .e- te· or 196~.




<• I

attl•nd• d Spe


th e Alls

Teachers' Auoclallon S tate convention u n d~ll'llatn rrom :o;IJC. He ?.HD memlH! r o r a panel '«blcb talkl!d about. ..Teachlnc or Public ~eall · Ing." The CX>n\c:illon was held In ?'a.c:pa, Idaho on So>. I and 2. Seu · • ur ' •n ·till n 41.. be b•!ld at SIJC.

WOMEH EHJOYIHC PHY ED CLASSES ti nder thr •bl<' d11ert1on ol \lr.i. Salle,, th• " omon'e

PhYBlcal education aroup Is eojo rt1111 ll ~ell lmmenaelJ. " Serve", "rotaU on "," plkln1 the ball", "nrt foul" - ar" thl!lllC M'Cl\•I code 'O Or<id ? COUriJe no t, th~e are familiar word.• to the same ot voll e)1>all. Have ) OU rver been cau&ht 111e allnll'? '1111 11 aro up 11!4kf!ll It n habit, lh~y ai.·al blllH rl11hl o ut rrom und~r r•ach other. Thl • 111 lh~ urnn ~roup thot ht!S been 1ull ty ol C'lltchlnc all lh•· " fiv•" on th• cam1>Llli. Bes ides Che samea


ot volleyball and ao n !»II. thPJ participate In thP Otnftl o f kic k bal 1 and badminton. :Jm. Scates provldm thl1 group wit b a r:ood auo rtmt'at or lf!creatlon. J.lanv tl 11.-e wi re 11 ould bf! a d ad one iC It ~ · r•·n 't fll hla oonnecu Jlll-.. IOUQUETS


FOUR ED. MAJORS STUDENT TEACH ING T_ . • 1 ··ster there are rour C'Clc:i&i1m Jon> stUdl'tlt tl'llchlnc. Carol Buche: Is tudcnl trachi ni: tbP ~.~ i:rad'" at Sh~rman. under the




11 - F..


suprl\11\lon o f \!rs. Ovnicelt . Penn' Good..-tn ls sllldent 1eachlna: under the siiiervlsbo ot Mrs. Pllklns:U>o at the Junior Hish. Ollney lle!Uck Is studcot teachlnc lht' ro~nb imute under Ille supemslo:i ol Mrs. Tate at Burah. Maxine s Ison 111 student tacbinc at C •ntral. the 5th grade. imde: the aupel\'lslon of lolIS. Buckll'J. Perl""u_m_e_11_al-,-es_d__,d,...-s-bo"'lDS Dl!'ll'cst brand IO a Clbtomer: " To be frank , I c:onsidN thh brand unsp '"""'a:tl lk4!-sort II~· dvt11u•.,tn1 fl-h ."

For a Lifetime of

PLEA SU RE Leam to

BOWL While You Are Young



MO~ ·



"Fw O••lity • •d s.,..i.. .



MV ., .,, 4 J

14.S. o• •


-.. __...... --•.•• gym .••• tumble •••• flip .••flop .• .lug•••tug push ••• jump •• .leap ••• ••• chin ••. lift .•• pull ••• ... run ••• puffgo puff••• l05 Sh""'•" Aw• • MOh•..,t 4...57JI

ltl Sh•""""" A••· • C..•r I~



lake City lanes, Inc. 1414 N. ,._... St•• C..or 4'Aloeo




IQ rr:in .,,





,,,orThe c-c~ c..._, "''

lo11"4 ••.,., .........

__ _ .



JMay I Quote / You?



New Library Books



• Bo careful •bat you 1111

r•e bffn cl ven lheo sneaky )Ob o r ra1•0Kdroppln~ on t'l'trJ'body' s con•eraallon and UecllnJ all the pearls or wllldom I bear. I SU5Pttt lhal our dear edllor has condfll!nod mo to a II re or Ion... ~ lntsS. so ploaKe, when 1ou 11!1 me comtn•. aian tblnklnc fast Instead or clammlns IJJ), and tbe> may~ I'll hav• •.,methlnc to put In thla


Qince cl1.sat'B t:lt'<'l e•·ery Monday and V.edne.sda) oJ1ht at 7 p.m. ID the EY::l undN the dl:ectl na o! Mr. and '\Ir • Ornn l.t,.. One hundr<·d and 111oe tudcnt are f'Dl'lllt'd In th!'! classes. Stud,.nts art' llw1ht !olk dallce.i a :>d basic dancf' atri>s. On Ocl. 3 I bltl: cla•st'3 i::e1 toi;rtl:er and were •trwd rl'frabment<. This >eu r \Ir. Slid \ll!I. L•"' are Planrina the dance ft>s:t· •al "Ith bopts or adding oostu::ic.


d llls ,. Ith e' crrthlnc lrom 1. .: p Bradford Snub. An Lnforma)IUUon to life afl~r dPQlh. uve and mlorlul tltoty or our llbmri hlls cro1<n b) an 3. rra1·ch u:llh Charlcv rnod~m tllly India. amazlnG onr-hundr"i! nod by John St•lnbec~. Thia ~. Tbe I'll ~he Scbool 11 ! l\y book • i• st or l'e.<t> lamous author displays a b:;ob a:t' n n·Octtoo. H•:I' complrtel, lltll type or .. nuo1 ..\10~1tcGJt ColO.'llvnitp bi Grae., Graba1:1. Thia boolL .,,. a ' " or lb~ oodis. In :tib 1n1e:esan, 1 lume, "" I. Renoir. Mu Fa:ll" by think or Sldnbeck aa11 no•~llst 1'hOuld be O( tnlNeJ;t to fllu• ft uplo rea Jt'llll Ren)ll. The •OD or the but h•'lt' hr lllkt'S us on a cation mlllo rs. arent ltJ'l.St has •niten a 1e1v 111p around the country \\Ith lht public !iehool's tuncuon• PUfT'OSt'S, and dulft'S l~ P<>li:n:>nl bl '!:>Ph_\ ! bis his F·~nch peotfle, Clllrle~. Am~11c:a todl\. lathe:, :ui1 re~: ducli " acco::i;:all)'lni bun. Strlnbeck ! the i:ir~st • • rk.s. bnni:s out some 1•rr. ahockinc "I think I C'4ll t•Plaln whv ~. T~ l•trc· and lou al'll 5Cntlmenllll llhPeci,; of m1 husband reels do,. n In the b\ Helen :-;ea!. Thi~ book I• American ltre In this book mouth," sllld the housl'\\ if••. b:. <od n m&mlsc:Jpt b• Tiiis s lhf' one Slclnb.,di "f toraot to takr lhl' !tath•ni H•rbt'l" S!'al, w d1"'1 be! i:t>t tht> :o; ~! PtlZ" (or. oil the dude "" hd for t' c ald fin .:. The ,, p •rci• o/ /ndii:-'-b_~T_d_•_n_n~_r_._ .._ _ _ _ _ _ __

re ...



Since f can' t very W<'ll mak" •""mprehenslve, \\Orldh-, ln1ellt1l'llt literature out or anatch"" or oon1 ..-raatfon, 1 musl ask o•t'ryone no1 to ,veil at me for wn tine a loo&rly construcwd column. f do my besl, tilt you show

mt' Ix hundrf'd lllud~nl5 "ho rt' all talklna :i.bout lhc amo lhlng, and I'll Silo,. y0u a en>uP dfSCUllSlon In IWO psychology classes a1 thP nJveo1111ty of V.ashington. So. realb. you people ..,., eoinc lo to br thfnk1n1 i'' cute lhlnsa to ay wht'11 1 walk by - Ilk•• my l'NY own. "F'ro•n. and J"l credl1 for 1hlnkln1." Th~. tn t"ad or p..gfna you to ay someth1n~ brl aht. I can hollP r, "May 1 quotr you?" and when you say, "Yes," thrn all your "r!aht ldeu wfll be rl'Cord,.d tor posterity. sPeakln& o f thlnklni; rut, f okrd an anonymou.~ mal•• tu dent, " V. hy don 'l you Rav somelhfng brl ltht, so f can quoit' ~ ? " And lilts anom· moua male tudrnt rl'pllod, f 'Huh?" And all f aot rmm anolhN malr 11tud('nl "•~ "Sorry I'' Becky Krau11~ WM talk111~



a Conner •tudt•nt. Elalnr

Frtdrlckeon, rt•aardlng laat Bea rd Ol'lntl', and Elaine stated, "I think Of·orc•• ~Vjf•n look11 bNtl'I wl11»u1 hie braid!" Nn11, ..1·enbod1· •atcb 1br pro1111·• ~ on Or a beard' \\hllf' snooplnJ aiuund m1 BrlUah llll'IUtUll' cllhlft, f chancrd to h1'11r Mrs. Sea 11• e'P<'aklnR ol rf'll~lun In m1•d1r1·al Ens! and. • •T" m •nk < ci>tntd a Osh •n· chip Jolnl. dn1, "°m'"'"' {lime In and 1111krd om• o f lhl'ltlr holJ m1>11, •At~ you th• nah rt)N?' and ht• repli1'd, 'So, I'm 1111· chit monk.·". J"hh Is c:ulturt'~ She mad1• a CUil' ttmark abc>ul i.prln1rUmt. when, "E1·rn In mt'n, tit> 1111D la •UPf'OSl'd "' rl ''".. Dou llU ""'an that r·.1•n ar<' :.Ill>>? Judi Herman. •ho ll1t's tn tht dorm, sa 1 , that lit''' &11-nt&ht pokt•r aame" an \olna IO ha•·l' to slA:lp. Shi''> Ured or betn1 a"a~encd b1 lht i.ound of poker chip:. 'Pllllna all 0 1 er the Qoor mhhNe on the stffnd atorr. So cut It out. fella~. Gosh• I 11ons 111ht! Peoplt• Ult'l.y are quh•t no11 11he11'l'r I come "I thin ears:. t. I l>:>pe on!) thal I don'toH«nd al\,Vbod.1 "Ith 11 lnl I say: tilt ~If do, It's no1 tntmtio~a.11 1: o~caut;.e I ne\·cr "'rile an,... thine 11ttbou1 t!M' on or lbt Ptrson •ho said 11. J By tht • ._,., I'll te!i IOU •bit most Pt'Ople say but I won' t tell you 11 hai M1m ltoaa b&.ld aboul Ult> rain. · •" Tbat'a mt all OHi ," llclalmed the nt'nou:. paia· cllik' Jumper as he pullt'd hla belt buckle lnslead ol ,..,,, r1nc. 1ea1·~




Engine trouble, and not a service station in sight It l('(I~ ,.urli ti 1i1t.\ 1>fJP<"k 1111 ' " ' ' O«P<lll tlillt our tnnki·r almo$t mi.~'"'' it! 1-'nr out 111 th, ~ulu ::; .

bc)ond th dm:n h1., nn tiouuk •• ,hatten·d crnnk~hllft The c:11 t.un and om• of th< crt>wmen ldt 111 'mall b t- for ht>h -but hdp nc-\ ~r c.'lme. Ian,,, th" hill•

r '·

St.'\'cn da)> had got:" b' Th<r<' 11.1 110 ra1ho, iust • white tfait ullermi: from th< m.'1.-t =-:ot a ,hip had pa:."od. Su •rh•, "'re nmn And hope. ~oo

Abolrr<l our t.:rnkcr, outoou11 tu Sum •tra. n lookout thought he ,..111 n tla»h of "I 11~ on th fa1· horizon. Thi.' Cl\ptain

lt<N-<l hi' COUl"I'\ to 111\ci>Ug.


Tm, found 'even ahockert, llred men, took them aboard, irnw them m~Jical care, and towed their •tncken ve»el to thl Philippmcs. sa,·ing their ml:':lns of In dihoo<l.

It'> onl) one oi m.111) time.s our t:1nker men IU\ve m.1<lr fn••nd, for our Company by g"•ing nid nt sea. On Inn<!. St11ndarrl m .. n and women i;eek to make ~-qu .•11) good fri··nd.~ for our Company-by th~ char:icter of our publrc ol'rv1ces. the 111"-'Jll'lt~ or our prortuct..~. nnd our heh 1 or ••~ a c1tizf.'11


CWSC Motto: .A Cclkge Education With Purpose

., ... ,



T.k Plaq• bv Al b.-rt camu:i ELLJ::l;SBURG, (S11cetal co Tl/£ c.~RDISAL R£\'IE:lr) A collegl' education \\Ith purposi. Is the mo110 or Cen110.I ll'ashlnllt<>n State Coller;-, Ellensbur&Lucated 111 the root or Lile beauU rul Co.scadP \lounlains, Central Is a mulb-purp0se collf!i:e--v.tlh propams 1n teachi•r e<lucollon, ans and sci ~ncl~. as well as premedical and pre-law. Both lxlchelon. and masters dei;ree' are orrered In edumUon and a nev. muter or aria and master or science proitmm '" bloomlni; lO r;> alon11 wt th Lile B.A. and S.S. dParees. The C11rollment of central is 3.173 this year "llh mo~ than 60 per cent of the swden 111 LI\ Ing on cllmPus In Pllleen residence halls. rei;ldence halls and two beautltul dining hall!! (called the Commons) provide One lMnc faohues. Plan~ ll>r a 50<H>tudent coeducational r<sldencr ball compln hu·e been completed and con11trucUon will bepn soon. Central '" !acuity numbers 188 dra"n from unlversilles or note throughout the United State~ and abro:id. sPn1ce to SlUdt'nts is the aim of lhe Central Cacull.I' and admin1stratt•1• ,1aa. Or. James E. Brooks. Cll'SC president ~incl' 1961, Is th<.' youni;est president or an lnsuiuuoo r hlcher education In llashineton. He Is 3i and •'llmed hla bGcciJaureat1> doi:ree at Ct'ntral. Central Lt..'\elr \\&S cstabll •hed by th• first

slate lelllslature 10 1890. The Student Go>enu::e:it Associauon taltcs a11 act1'e part In all llha>es of colle,.e ure. but esprclally the GCU\'lties program •lllcb centers about the modem COllei;l' Union Ba!ldlnit. Thi' Central Collt"Se Bo•1. patterned aner tht' G.E. Colltse sow!. I• a wtdelr att!'ndt'd actl \ity "Ith competition betwel'n rl'sldence llalls and orr-c&l"PU' croups. The "Spl'<Uer 1n th- t:nlon" propam reanm.•s 11ucb natlooalh known spf'akl'lll as ffllll~ conrl'ld. Jl\1n1t dram au c readln~s. to ''l slt1n1 tb111llllrles rrom rorcisn lands and reJ1ons rrom throu&hOut tt Unllrd 513 tes. Our students r~ntly erJoyrd a Pet~r. Pao!, aod MarI concert In !'11cholson Pavlllon~ur 11ymnaslum. rteldhouse. autbtortum, combtnau "Another ur:i~ ll "'5 the 5"' •ther.i Brothers. sUll anolher Dute Ellloi:trut. Our nc." $1.1 mllllon music bulldJni; just optncd to mlse the catQlus rac!llU I'S w 56 butldlnss on 112 acres worth SI i .6 mllltoo. Specl:lllzauon or study can be made !n 30 dJ rreren1 :nan . T\JIUoo for non-resident students 15 $~5 a quarter or $130 a vear. Resident tu1uon 15 only SI 5.00 per quarleL Junior Co!leir:e tudec:s should send a coo.r of thP!r transcnpt as soon lL5 the) h:l\e decided lO enroll 111 Central. N~t more Uwl 96 hour5 or cretbl "Ill be accepted.

School Supplies New Shipment of Sweat Shirts Study Aids - College Outline Se11es Schaum's Outlines and Others NIJC Stationery 111 ... c p

C •I




'GI 0


I '• .,,;,/. ~· -



lnQutoes r : app111n11 sbouldbe a:a~ to the tbrl'Ctor of Dd lsllcns. CViSC. EIJe115bur1t. Viastini;tor.. Yei<. a combln11uon o r rnendlr at.moE!lhere. strnns acadc:nlc tradlllon5. wld<"sprelld •Ulde:it panidpntlon Ill acU\itle.s lncludlns nrl!ln aUllctics and a ..1ronc lntrL':IUaU and women's rf'.'Ct(>tlUon pNarazr., make Cl'ntral \lashll!lllOn Statt.> Cl>lle;I' "-" ln\ttlnc place In "' ,., t:> alr1 a collei:e

Uof I Profs Do Help Students Tho Classes Are Lcrge Qucsnoa. I har1 heard so l!luch about IOr(le cl49~es are ac Ile L'alt er uv a•d t.Aat ca"sc o/ tli.s, OllC is wt abk co obtma !Ac sane Ad11 110= t~sen<clors thct ire (ICC hu.:. Is lhs t111c• One or the tn&iruclOrs or a business cla~s at the ol L "H !seed with gomethloc of a problem this fall when tiltclass met ror the nrst It seems tlia: the class consisted o! approxitnatelr 22~ students. To prevent ll11huni: over the 11vtulablc chairs. tbe lnstnJCIOr prompt!>. and \'Hy cooll.r. dl:omlued the Class, w!tcb ·~ later bC1 keo up Into '"'°separate c:lll&5esThls ls a demonEtratlon of the con<liDons "hlch mist In some classes at tbe U. of L lo othe: • condltlons arl' 'l'ef)' wt-crowded. A" a rul" Ille deC'ldlni: racior as to UH• size or a clua 111 what tnie or clua II ii'. The rroat CfD"ded classes sct'!ll ID be the business COUfDes. •Hb the PllYCblllos;r cluscs an rxa p!e or snall classes. l ~ve claas!'S ranc!nc in numb" from abJ; t :!O up IO apprnxlmatelr 60. The ln&tructors arc happ) to talk ID IUU'One when tb• b:i'e tile timt'. The Idea · simply bcinc ro• 5, seat 3 ls cine •hlcb Otluld be done awn.rwtlh as laraa a maionty of classu pr. .\n 1nstrue1or Cllnnot remt'l!lbrr .,,·rr~-011• ' 11 twn<>, bot he or she ..1u be •Ullns to help u stud"1lt "hcnt!Vet POSSibl".



If a r::an could bave baJr hie ,.l&h~ b• Y.Ould doubltt his troubles.

bas brl'D balll'd as the most lr::pon1111t rl to come out ot PD•~"ar Europe. and while r~dina this short, cnthra.!Un1 book one wlll soon dlscovl't



The novP! dCalb "Ith a pla;ue tbal broke out in Oran. Alc1ma. wnnc th•· 1~0· •• The cown la clo-cd. and prac11cally all Ut.'ti with lhf' ou1<1ldP. world ore st.It of!. men and Camus takes up lollo,.5 them throuch the oou rse ot the p lasue. A ooccor. a JoumaU&t, a minor covemmt'Dt otnctal. a criminal. and a prll!i;t- thl!!le aro• the subjccts. II' I th great skll I Camus tells or thl'lr reactlon11. and bow they vary according to the cbaracter and philosophy or each. He eiplors Ille minds of lht'se O•e men to discover thl'lr thoucht11. atruUll'S. and Just10cnUon11Con1tant explorallon of th" II.Iman consdenc:e. problnl. sentchlnsmen'a minds - the- · Camus do('S wl lh the talt:it of a master ,. rtlN, and thl' ,. factors dlslioaulah Th• Plariut as one or the arelll novel o! llmr.


Alben Camas was born arxl rallied In Alr;cria. He ,;pent th~ earl.r part or his life 1111 a )oumallsl and • orlllns In th11 tbcatre. Dunn& the Second V.orld War be ns Lile edaor O ( the Ur;de:iroor.d nPW&paper Combt:L He autbared numerous pl.,and csaa)"5, Illa othN novels Jnclud,. Th~ Fall and E:nle and th~ Xtngdom. Cu:us "llS awarded tile !'iobl'! Prize Cor UW!ra111:e tn 19!>7. Tbe c:llaUoo Si.led that be was aelectf'd becau. or: "his Important l1terar·.

ORCLE K CLUB WAHTS MEMBERS On Nov. J Z lhr Clrcl~ K Club att~nd<'d thP Co•:vr d' Al ene K!Narus Club luncheon at thP Boots and Sadllle re&taur.aaL Circle K 11lso hdd a worlt da7 l\'O\. I , and Onlsbed one or thft collece sl111s and 01rd a paper brll fo r the vocaUonal bulldJng. The club ntedt new m~mb<'ni. Aay boJll !Jltersl~ a re asked to cuntaet To1D Hlsi:tna or Mr. Rl t~production, which with clw11!11hted earnestness Ilium nates tht" problrms o r human conaclence In our t Im~~ ." Alben Camua' brllh&11I lll<'rary caiec: ,.u de5t:o1<d ''"II h~ died ,r. " Pan aa •U!t.> accld"flt In : 960.

Eat At The Student Union Regvlor Meo/ s Serv~ E.,.ry Dor

Breakfast . Lunch .. Dinner . ..

60 cents 70 cents 85 cents

S•rvea Doily

7 -


S•rv•a Doily 11 :30 - I :30 Serv•a Dody

Sunday Dinner 1.00


5 :30 - 6 .30

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