The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 18 No 5, Nov 27, 1963

Page 1

1»ep Rally Friday Will Kick Off New "aasketball Season • Fnday cs"'. 29 1~ lh,. d'' for lb,. bl c Cardi nlll pep rall1. B<'ctnnlnc lh<' rallJ will be an assenblJ to be beld a1 e ca >11Y P<'nod In lh<' gym. Olht'r acll>111eli will be held In tht' f'Vt'lllD(. Tho•<' •ho plan II> pattld· -s>alt' In lh•· 'Illa.lie claoct' art' to mfl'Pt nn I ht• t".ntnPr n! Fourth and Shenn&n a 1 8:00. The a1rtl't11 will be blocked of! • rrom lhla i>olnl 10 lhe campus. Aller lhe allll<e dance reaches 1h.. campus, the 1<'111:1 plarem will be IDtl'DCIUced ar.1und a -i.on ft re In the fteld acr-..1S11 1be 1111Pet tro::i lbe Ade::Jru • 1ra1Jon build! ng. • As a climax 10 the e•enlcg acth1Ut's, 811ldt'nl.5 are In· Vltl'd 19 au"nd a dance to be held In lhe SUB at 9:00. • :'ilJC ' a Cardinals •111 mef't £, In lhP JC om on Salu rdll,)' (So•·. 30) for th<> ...,en! nc baskt'lball it am" or • the s111110n. Studenl.5 are admitted to the game on lh('!r acllvl 1.1 cards. After the came a d&ict', IOjponM>rl'd b)' the Circle K, wlll be ht>ld In lhf' SUB.

Varsity Basketball Squad

Assassination Of President Stuns All On Campus Disbelief "•• l: " 1111\t rtacnon on the :; IJC campus as word spread that Presldcnl KennedJ bad been sho1 b1 uo assassin In Dill la&, Te.xas. •.\CU Viti PS •1 nuall)' Cl.'itlll!d as the stu:ined students and faculty I eaml"d tha1 the Pr~dent •11s dl.'ad. ClllSa('S ..ere cancelled rollowlna a gmeMI assembly called rollo the lunch hou1. Student Body Presldt!nl Rus& Tho111>son opened th~ a.~ ­ sernbly with these remarks: "The tmgeds Iha! hwi be· fallen our country cannot br measured nor e~pr... sed here In •'l>rcls. C'ur Presldl'Dt was a couraaeous man follov.tiu; bis con<1cuons to the Md. v.e a:; a •tudent body muM moum his loss, for hc was to each of us as he wu lo till" counlf) a great man, un~·· en·· Inc and loyal. Takt' note or our Oai: al ha.If cr.ast-the saddt I l<llhl


.Varieties Of '64 Raises $900 For -Scholarship Fund

Our Greatest Cardinal Boosters

we wUl ever seP."

Th<' " Vorll'll<.. of ' 64 " waL :Jl.ICCMB for the l'llJC scholomhlp lllnd. Well OVl!'I

CoL John ll'cF'arl11nd .pokl' ror the faculty and stall: " I tuive been asked by Mr. Thompson lo rt0resmt the

,p. arl'al

thousnnd persons attended tht> r•vruln11 pPrfonnonce.


Th~ uccountlnc aa


faculty and the acniccmen on this sad occa.~lon. TudilY a cood and brave man 1ave bis Ille tor his country, Ju t as surt'ly lls thouch he had lost It on the battlrfteld. :-;o acllon or our" can bnni; him back. But we can offer our P111Y"fll· I v.ould Ilk<" you no• to offer s!I tntl) an Ir · dh1dual Prl\'Cr that G d will rranl repose to the soul or our departed prealdent , lhat Hu wlll comfort hls bNMn r.d family, and that he will l:\\'P courui;e and \\isdom to Pre • 1dcn1 Johnson. "

last $000. All or lh1s mon<'I will be placed In a 11ehol11cshlp fund for the ~~n1 or the A Cappella Ch1111, Cardinal P<'I> Band and lh<' athlrtlc prucram. Th• " Prankle and Johnn•" • .lit ••• " rou Ina aucc"' ~. and lh!! Cro\\cb wmt wUd ab1ut lht· Mrn' Quartet and Girl ' Sl'll<'l. In lhr area of , ,,cllllfitS, JOICC llallaco took th<' bouQUNS with hN •11l~11dld r<>ndtllon or " Moon ~tlndll) WU,

JUwr." Th~

CU<'llt ~uir, Milo Harri&. 1llf' crowd, "lich d"mand<•d an 1·ncorl'. Th" .!'and n• brilliant and Gro11e l :qm •11s trmll'nck>us •• M.C. Thi t11undrnn1 of th!! drums b) Tunl Paul . Kuni • ••n a11d Oan \l<•lllck thrilled tb<i cro•d. Altoc< thcr I ht' proc?'llll •a an nclllna and colorful C\"Cllt. <f.lall) coni;nllulatloas wl'nt to ti•rnnnt• 1n1vhed In the





Th<' SIJC>l:md bfllld "Ill 01a•n lbe !>f'c. 1 radio ~------prosra1n on l\\'SI 1<lth "A Good Man 1s Hard to f'I nd." Coach "Rollie" II ll!lll!ll" A drdleultnn plaque In and t•o ~layer •111 bt' lntfr· • m.un of North Idaho Junior \1ewcd bT BNIY Se:igr:itl°'> CollPar.'a late prt:<ldenl, Or. and Jaclt Jrnldns. Gt•>rc<' Oll»tr KJldo\\, t:a" A i;uHar aol of "E:\ dis" b<'1·n PlilCcd on the •all of •Ill ht' pllJed by Racer ~~ cpmd>r lcadlni: to the Senff rd. Thr new •ill be llhnuy bulldlng. annuunc"..i b Pat Powers. Dr. Kilo>• .. as prf!Sldent The Obie! nd b21ld 11111 also of !'; IJC hum 19H to I 96:::. pl&) •Ticer Rai;." The .scnp: 1\-h<' n..,. Ubran and connecied Is •nltrn by Florenec Pea, Go1doaco Stoll Vn1h Classrooms """' COlllP1"tcd Ba.•bam sr•c!ford, and Wa:- PTA Al Sondpo101 la,1 year and dt>d.icatPd to ren I\. r. Mrs. CUil c, fo!r. l>• ~n. lllld ~ Im ln a c tremon) on Mr. l>bscr •ent to SAndpo nt -Co.po•• 'Woni.d llov. :?7, 1963. n :-; '"· 23 to attend t'1 An\ 11f hu get;-. Bet'' Crock ' un n:> 11nd d "" not di :net PT:\ mr hot:. Th<-s Book E.chon gt Wl.'re n ed l pre mt dJ • "11inl thrm 111 a kl'd to bnng The Cardinal spn·tc~ Club 10 ~II a Ounn!Glln. Th<'~<' plays of dJ ltrteot occup,.tl n11I t 111 bl' bpon50r1nc a book tb roatenal and to an ,.c-r ques· CU~fl!lllS will b u cd b~ Phi l"lthana~ bMY..t•f'n .... em~tf'~. rci;urdini;: ed au I btatn :i ne,.. t n Books '*Ill be sold fo r ~tu· T~ta li:DJlpa t :&.'ld ' catl al ppor. puocltbo• for u11e DI tudt?nl .,:!mt~ at a amall :.N<lCI' :ii :-01JC. Cha lgl', IUnctl rus.

NIJC Pre:.ldent P. ,.\. Chrtbl· llnson released the follo•I ng statt>ment on the shoeklnc ne'A-s: "It h almost lrro&lm · i;lble f<>r Amencans any>'h~re to undeIS 1snd bo\\ 1utv I ndl • \'!~al or ~roup could i.toc:i so lo'A' llS to atlmipt the assassl nation or our Pres !dent and the Go•·emor of the !ilalll




"Thi' loss or our PC<•sldenl at an.' timr Is SPDOU5 bUI nt thl" time Vihl"n "<' urt· bl'Rl'l with so mall) lntcmolional end donesuc problems of u mapr nnwre. It Is tr11l11c. "The enu re 11tud<'nl bo<l\ and 5taff of the :'ilJC utcnds 11, heartfelt •).,,,Plllil• 10 the K•'tlDt'<l\ f&r.11}}. "

DANCE SATURDAY IS A CIRCLE K PROJECT rgc n. Tbe tndent bod will ' te t : lb" king :ind qu en can· <.J1li .ndlhe'A'tnnrr 11111 ~· n~ :ed nt thl· dance. ~o


Pio Sal•

H me & Club \\OUld ltke to ano ...uncl.' thut th<') 1'111 Mt 'll•C a ThankSgll'lnC Pie Hie lhlS yc'Or. This bas be<'r an annual proJ..Ct ID the IJCSl ye111s.

The Clrcl Ii. Ci11b roon· 1rln' a dane<> 1n SatJrday, So>. 30 1n 1he SludC'nt Union nght alt"r tht' fir.t home i:am" of the year. The danCt will

Bl!U't about JO:OO p.m. llrrl run untll 12:00 p. m. Th~re wlll bC' a dnnco band , und refreshment" "111 b"

ser<'ed dunn~ lntermls..Son. The dance I~ In conMctton With au or the llCll,IUes of the fir:;t homl' pm<' •





Tapped For Phi Theta Kappa

rwbli•h•d Se,..i·Mo,.,tMy Ou,in9 t .. • Co •9• v .., ly JowrN '"' Stvcl•oth et t~• 1



tr:>' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


S.c\:y K· ..,s.•

Pt.c.1orQIPh"t' ••••••• • •••• • •• R•c• AO ..N:IOl'I. ? 11 a.,,, ,..,,~nae•' ........................ Raeicno 5i!a ...

... -.

Cucvlat Ot'I Monogi1 .... 8od:icrt Sc:roff•c!. R.O!'l 0 $b.:.rt:lf'I ~Jf R•POtfcrtt Lor,., Bogortfrr, Cbw d lilcC.-g,..,.., it':O~r (or:"°"•



Ela n• 5*P not,,,., 8oM • Lrt •• -..,, • •• Kf'. 1r-: H tfd'I-•• Fk ritnu P ...... Cl•10 Robbi 1 , 8tt')' f tchntr, Milt~ "k.eTO, Mo,, LCN Kor,.,, P•nny (ioo'• "• R hortl f. Dew • Pey ~rf• Boil D,,fr•1"4',

~a: Mis.~

Edit r

side 1.s. • feel tb;t JOG at!' 111 7 : anti el.r plnl Ill!' l.n the 'a do11:1. As oc=iltccy

-.•.cam• Mwnoa •

\•Oii S:IUed In yo::: edl rial, lbar till',. alt' :"0 rules t l:O"ern lb!! aCUODll f the r~ld!!nla 111 rl:c.- cen ·s d r,..~ 'Ille cusi point out that 111 r to I.he or;a.nlzat co t th" dorm! wry i;o.-ernm..111 , ex t·


t-. •



IJll rules .. .,,... looeeb'

flf 41 n•.... 11on. " ht>d NOndcrf I ~·u:lcn• coo~a· OI' and •ti boc~ •"'9 ond wggc · onJ. of iocu ty ho• s•~•s end

e~ ­

fon:ed. lJPon rm>' inc In, •• were fnct'd Vlilb al:n 1 Im· POsslble h•lng cond1ll n.: • Tbt' bulk!Jn1 Is so conarruct<'d tbat rho sllchtest n 151• on thl' Sl'cond Doer ls audlb!r to those Oil the I wrr n or. Tht're .s only 3 ~ or an Inch o ! Pl"'•ilod end s 8 or 1111 lneb or abct :: ck panclln&: sep1.ratl011: lhi' two n rs. Bef re 1-Ylnc tbc> carp t, th<" SOU!ld f l Lliteps ecb t'd tt:o~ lhe bulld1nc. G:anted , lbf' acts of •andJ • ••re uncalled r •f'\ :. •b : "' : ne- Uv t e: lb>D lb b I bo br .-ill find c Id.lab btoh:n r~ard! cf placr. qe Stalll •

Debate Tournament Held Here Nov.16 For High Schools

As Dl' wbo bas not t'XPN· 1enced lbe a>ndlUana In tbe do: rr, .-e fret ~lilt you ln•ell1>bas ... r ry ur p n. fies:a•ml>rr ...Jadi;<' not, I "' be •deed ... Clo beh:t!I of the oor student





l\arren Alltr



Fnulll Fl~1t II i::u <'dlllmal coacn111•11 '"" dare ira uau el:I, I apo/ogi~< - TJJ.111 1 one o/ lhc drJ/11:alttt1~ lo b<' /""nd h, n P1Jblld1nu c bt· oatAlll paperdcadhlk s :iu ! be cl u·c11 for Ill<" cd1tonals. I iroald hie<' to lr::pr.: upon 11ou t /lat a l?<!t'I ~dlto•. I /eel I.I: al a: IS •If d•l'IT 10 horr it.liar 1 g011:0 o: al'l1tl.1d \/JC aad to b.Jorm C1U ·ead~ · aboa! 1111 /w!Utg • II / llJ!l

" '""U 1a

:itec. c


all!/ rn/or

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• " 10 c:onccl

llfl(RSTAT£ Trl'CwllllPI CO

- · - £d1t0t


tors ia.-e been plnced en the shelves 111 ll!e llbnlry. Th!s .- i"1· »et90oeirb0oks.

Disc Jockq

le i:lvtn; adn~ to belp, oot to please.


417 ~.~ ,.. .....


.. ,...... 4161 1



OR. NI( IT ~~osr COU>



F. ....,, '•pp.•-Upo.r•

FISHER'S CLOTH/ ERS 1217 Nori~ Fourth

"Keep A RecorJ 01 It" ~ U()t..-v1 4 .S§-91






Woodcock's Drug Stere C..•cs" - S"no • p,,. c.r p• O"



aJtru:,, ~s~'"! s~~~~




100 N 4iT .. 51'•Cl1'

Cocu• o·"'"'"''"

I0• 1110


o r n --botn. d1,,tlrii_ , .... .lcrlt.'!1e•



'°' end ~JOtJo- rn~cu .....r1 •


":> rl~·:

'""• o• ° FrO"iie or></ o"'•• Rv J _."'omotO". bort~r, Dutra,,., !...y"" ,.. on?• .,.,l,;fe Bob LPFtorcl a Fron I ; R s Eltlott 01: oi'I,.,,.., end ..... boc "" wit• a ,..,d P •er.r.or-.


on ir

DORM NEWS WOMEN • Sy Mary Lew Karror

l!oell , lhr&<> pas1 two wePks /"f!ryonc ha,. brl'n s1ucl,1na: fo r ml d·.sl'ml'SIN finals, ao lhtir~ hnsn 't br<·n t"o muc:h happl'nlna n round he r,.•

II T hi' fad nl I hf'



Myrvang Is New Dames Club Prexy Maxine Ncl ion, oat·goln11 prni;ldrnt or the Oum~ Club, pr ..sld1~ at thfl 1;ovembe1 mreuni;. A report thnt thl' Domes Club purcha$ed and placed In the library Ci\ e books (Or the dPplllll' COLS Inst yenr was ll;iven by Lor· ralnt' Simkins. who was In chargr· ol th., b:>ok proJect. Th<> ln~truct.or In cl111111e of each chosPR <k'panment made Ille cbalcc or the book pur· chased. This pioJl!Cl wlll be cvnu nued tbruuRIJout I.he t•nl!IUlng year •·llh 111!• depan· ments with Orac:t' John...,n tn

ar<·ms to br ~horLr>h<'cll nJ beds, L8plna pcoplr Into their roomn, and not gut n~ Lo boo -.inlll riv.. 1hl rts Sa1111day momlnita. \\ • hll\'<' flna.lh• rt•cNvpd our dll,V room ru rnlturt·. All or us .,re vrn· htUJPY to hnvr It. It i1Vl'8 US 0 fot•llnll Of completP• ntl'IS, lor we hnrn bc1·n v.nlt· C'hlUJl'. Ing: for It to nrrtv" for months . Elt-c:uon or offlcer:< "aa • F rtdu.y nlt:hlll around th1• conducll'd Y.lth the foll owl"' dorm b<'COrn<' h11lr· .111ylln1 resullq: 1>-1den1, Lois nlllhls. You mni· IH"' an) cun· M> rv1U1~. Pnt>St kJ v~r. 1 let'· eocllon wulkln1t out or lhl' pre•ldent, Ka' \'<'Jtne. Corur orm. ~l am· or us enJoy d'Alcno. and s..cretarr. Clam Oxlnr. oth•·r P1<01•lo"s hulr. W1 Rubblns. P.:J~I F'Alli.. '" to make It look Pll'st•nl· Thr chanm or mecunc date bl ... to the llut F'nd&\ ol the Tio• llll"" b•·••n \'t'IY month ul noon 0\11.S ma~. eo~1d: ~ · · do not h11\t' nnv prndJnp appro1·A1 by Mr. Rl<'br. rrquo••t tn rnnk•• of lht>m nt his llnw, T l11nk you, rrllas. AUTO MECH. HAO B' th~ wos, Mhs P!•nrson, d•in ' l lhtnk lhnl you hn.d TUNE UP SCHOOL brt t .. r ~\ nthmnl,<' Y\IUI 1«nlch Th" auP r1t>c1l11JUC» depan· Ith th•• dock In till' lobby? mcnt hoi.; 11 "'"' cl11..~o. wb1c:b MEN startrd ,.,.1·cral Y.l'eJ...-. ago. In lhl" class the llr.;t >'"'" •u ' ll r\I , uf\cr th• t"o "t'llrlns; slud~nts 11re lt•amlnc D use ut!clC« 11bou1 lht• bo\'6 ' dorm the i:llb torch and thr arc F'lo1 d Freehand •~ tn lhl• lMt 1<81J(I or lht• Rt'\ IC\\ . \11 ldrr. lhln.:,s ha \ L" bLCOmt• moh the 1nsuudo1. An '" rn1nr lune-up school .,rgontzPd. rro"' 7:00 to I 0:30 The bl\S h&\'c d•·ctcd Inn run run held N ,,.. 18 to ~~. HuntN as prc!lldent of th,• The c-ans th81 \\eflt lllO th<' d rm. J\1'90 <'l•'C:lcd "Ne: shop for nn _,, erhaul JOb are ll!l Scoll. 11<'• prl'Sldt>nt: Bruce Whr"lt'I, •l'CrrtAn.: 11bout II n1 shed. i'll r h.,. I Andt•rson , hn;t 0001 eon1rupuons ~ltUna oown in Pfl'51dl'l\l; Untl Stu "1mllllll, the llllt:le tu<>rn but th.,~ •l~ond QoCH Ph>Sltlent. raUIN nlco IQ ba'e an>and. At tho Jost mt•!'Unir:. II y,3,. The~ 're callt'd Coku and p_,,:;J d1•n d•'<I to rrnt a T\' 5el fol mo.chines. eho lob~ Bl th!' OO:;t O( 20C About th•• most l~rt:uH Ptr b; 1 ln lh~ dunr.. Tllc T\ nt'v.S t" th al thr turr IOI la bt•lna "UPt>lh>d b' Fourlll I.he lobb' has r1nall) llnl\'t.'CI. Stlt'N Appllunct1 ,\. T\'. Ho>11. • '\o im.>r•· sltuni: on the hea1 ..r, .,1 1•1, u h•" troublP§ hftH ~' urslck cbv.n t!n caps. iaJr,.ad\ an t•n' Ilk<', '" • .r th rt 1· T\' 1 ~ on onL• ant~na Smt• Highwoy Crt w Ju M d<>r~n ' I " r~ \ l'I) "ell, Gi¥C' l o~-on ,tro hO ft t na th" ft•lha" ur,• llnd1ni:: I \Ir. J'l,rc, ~hlll'r, dtsinct raitwr hard 10 v. 111ch Tar.~r.. Sl>ac.. K11!:1 , and olhN ni<"f' I M'lr11; "" i:1n <I lor :hr ld:aho Ocpa:Dn<'nt f HIJ:h""-'" · i!"•rums. But "hot IPUll) br~ui:ht ht' ct<"A 10 ~IJC on t~ks " up l hl" ti•lt-\ h;lon ih S«l>t'>ne ul\lni; his dt'<'tnc .'.'\ , • J 4 to gl\ t• a d~onstm · •ho"cr. l br. bw T\" plctur<. 11 n '" the ~ul'H\1ni; d11o;.s Oh , Well , 1hnt ' hi~. 11 Ill., " " 01 1~ SUbLmse Also thNc :. a~ r.o 01 ... Snr.





Thanksgiving -Day Set By Co~ress To SolveConfusion

· h Cl ub Sees Spants Slides On Spain

bi1'11 Indian culture. n wa,; a 1•en· •uccessllll and eotertnJnlnG el'cnl nii. and the club hopes to have more like The Spanish Club held o get· It throughout the year. Com· 8 8arboro Scro rftND 3Cqutunted meetln1t on Monday mlttee mrm~rs were Bob Tomoriow 1s Thanksat •Inc evening, Nov. 18. at 7:30. In Keeler. Mntt Erickson. Bob and tt seems a.s tl!ou(lll rveQ' the SUB. The fl rst suest Tosh and Phil E.rl Ckson. masazlno, nl'w,.paper, and ~pellker, Mrs. Ruby Jacques, ~Pl'~ch for the pasl month ha:; showed thl' club slides or her PRESTON, KELLNER boen u'llng Ub to "count our trip In 196 l LO Spnln. and blesslncs". Of COUI"'~. we ~a•e n bight)· 1n1ereslln1t talk GET SCHOLARSHIPS should bf' :bankful ra r all lh<' on the b:tc:ksrounds of a few SCbolarshlps ha1·11 recenU.r thlnu we baYe todl,J'. but w Spnnl:;h nc:ottu;. been presented to two nllt'I· •hould k row a lttll<' o l lhl' After hot c:hocolate, coffee. notes nt NTJC. The First and donul$ w111e sen•ed. history ol th" da '· U> • Natlon!U Bank schllarshlp 8!1ldblry I.old lbe Eugenio "ent to Kenneth Prc..ton ol "" All km• that thl' 11"'1 ThllDkB1tl vi n ~ Oa v wa.s C<'l f- members and their (lllests or Libby , Montana, DM n Rot111Y bnaled b• Ille P1lcnm.o; ln h!tt nn11 ve Colombia. nnd sc:h>lnrshlp w~t to Judy 1621. lbe;y "" e1J'llt't'IAll) du;played 4It1111Cb ol Colom· Kellner of Coeur d 'Alene. Uuankrul ror their ooantrous lus1Vl'51, and the.r u .....ise bountt'OUS fare Of pumpkln pil', cran~rnr•. aDd or oours•·. turl<el wh!dl became the With Foot Stirrup 1nu!illonal foods or i.~e boll-

Stretch Pants



nn.1 prestdenual­

pnrc proclamauon ns I,.. sued In I 789 b1 PrttSldent Goorse II aslll1:1:ton. Tbb •as In honor or lbt' new oonsU· tu lion. The botidn r became .. popu 1111 one and on OcU>b<'r 3. 1863 PreSldent AbmhMt Uneoln lssut.'d a presldenual proel4matlcn fl>r l';:ivtr lo be held on llll' last T!.ul'-· Ht• pr daY 1c :\o\embe:. ~mat100 waa uid to be du LO tbe t'lfons or Mrs. Sa.rah J. fl.I Ir, rdlt r or "Cl r.dl'J"a U.ds's Book" . After this. It becamr trndlt!oml tot nc:h :>uC:CeediD& p1e11dent to do Ult' same. La 1939, F'rtu1lllin Delano Roose>clt declar,..i the lhltd Thur&day In :\ \embt-r as

'ibanks'" Ing. Rls rl'ason ""' to i:ive retail stores a lon~er

"Chn:>umas buying but some atate emors contlr.uf'd U> obsen e the la~: Thursdar. In OtoeembN 19-11. Concress 111;:,sed :i Joint re:>alutlon. appron~d tJr the p1~s1den1. •hleb ,;et the lounh Tburscby tn Sn\Pmb<'r as the oauonal pu bllc ho Ud:i.Y. Thanlu>a:i \iPll-

O.oos• From tl• w GABFLEX or DEHIM in rolls or 1e 9ular len9rlu. Soouliful Now Shat/es o l S lue, S1own, Green, Cranberr y,

Tan anJ Blaclr.. Sizes 8 to 20.



$5.95 to $12.99 LADIES BASEMENT DEPT.


The ct ru~ r~ C· ntl~ elected ffic• I!! t asR1" 'Jr. Kell' :ind10c:.rt1 n In hi:. cbt;ence. Jnry Olson vras ~l,.c1cd pr<>»ldent. B<•b OahlbN' "as l'll'cti'd \iC! ....PICSld<'!ll und Sllororo Parrtot• is secretary· ttt-aSUt•-r.

I. X. L T0 GGERY 3 11 Sh• •...•

>-••· • COEUR D'ALENE.


'"°•• MOhoW'i .µ~

N.l.J.C. llEVlE'*. c....,, &'J. ....



•...,be, 27, t96)

Werltl K-ta•••

World Knowledge Series

Gt{a dt R sntr

Thursda y, April 30, 1964

:Jaiwan :JoJa'I Margar('( Baker

17orlh ~Jafio /Junior Cof£g,,

Wednesday, March 11, 1964

COlUlt D 'AW.I. ll>AHO

The omozlng 1tory of FrH China today- a nd the mlraculoue formation that ho1 occurred on the beautiful lalond of ~-19-1 roiling 111 standard of living to the highest level In A.lo, con11ontly endangered by Communltt Red China. Toi -n, the leap hos been forward, preMnted in perMn by Mo Baker, noted lecturer and authority on the Orlen!.



CJ.angirtg JJ.arl

o/ .A/,i-

A rtbur C Twomey

Thursda y, April 9, 1964 A new worfd emergn in Africo .•• changin51 t+.ought, e<OnOffty, way of life ••• young ga•emmenh take t+te;r place in t+.e family of nations. Artflur C. Tw..... ey, of t+.e Cora.,1e lnstmne, ha.1 Nhlmed from Africa witf\ a flnt-hand view of what n happen· in51 to its heart. In color film1 he contrasts pnmm•e Africa wttfl what is going on today.

Gene Wiancko Tuesday, January 14, 1964 From Ath.ns lo the Rlver Oonube, a fascinating - rid In il9elf Gene Wlondco presenll In color film G!'M<e a nd the m llallton1 from the Acropoll. and the Oracle of Delphi to lhe T of Diano and Rhodes; Macedonio, Montenegro, the l loclc Mov- n Albania, perhaps the -•Id's mOtt difficult country fer American to enter.

Ideal for o truly lo111n9

CHRISTI.IAS GIFT &y them by rne book

All Programs: 8:00 P. M. HUC Gy111noaiu 111

Telford H. Work

Tuesday, February 18, 1964

s..- r.....,, s s..,.~ -

TelfGrd H. Wort. prewnll a beoutit"I film doairnefttOry eif Egypt's ancient oplendon, and Ill people cu they ore today. For aver a year Dr. Wort. liV9d omat19 the narive Evfpriona, CN feUaha, P'"'9•aphed them a• - other American eve.r hos, co- bod! w ith a fllm of the Egypt of delta, valley, and d...<t.

NOft-Nl.IC S•



- - ·- - ·-·- __ ..sue

""9lo .............. "'""''' NUC 5-.,,. Ad-._,°""""""'~


Tdet - - - - - - - t..00

-NIJC - . . . 5'fto'- -

----:Tieken may be obtolnecl at HIJC office


Re,ording Session






/ o• /l '?a,,.

Let's Think "''.JO'

tdlng '"" •ho 'llJC r~ o Pf.-0~ o ...rr KV' t. Cordl<"tOI Kuffbo/ ord 11.ory P. • '" 1.h. boc ... gr~ oro Sob >M• L • • 1reombtr of rM 01.,..,,,tanJ Bo1'd.

Debaters Argue 4Govt. Guarantee Of Higher Education

rnd"avora to havr professional to ..11smen lO be evaluatois !or the d~bllles . Deball'r& Dick Davis and Penn; Goodwin, wl're llrst and second nnall v e. "hi 1e Jim Brooks nnd Bob L.clihlJ>' "C~ fir~t and <&c:ond ne~a· U vtt 11prak<'rs !or lht> No•. 20 do•blll<.> meNlnl!The Rev. Stnnlev ..\lien sNvl!d as Judge and critic. Th~ subj-ct of th .. debates this YClll Is Re,;oh Ml: Tin! the F'l'C!eral Govemmen1 Should Clunrantee An Opportunll\ !or llJ1ther Education To All ~uDl Uled Hl11h school Grudu11tcs. Re'. Allen itinc ench dl'bntor a l<•nr:th.v crtllqu~ :Ghlch thr student' appreciated HI)' much and th,.,. cxpre&sfd a drslH• to ha«• him back. Others pr<•sent at tile meet· 1111 wl'r<" F'l\\nk F'loRlto, Juhn Brand,old (clllllrman 01 tbc m••'llng'. Judd Reed (llmek•~Per). Ma1;1· Lou Karrcr. !In; t>l ODllahN. llunt S\\llll, Skip Clnebe, Phil Ertc1tson nnd DI. Prtdd.\. Tht' onlv eun for ~rl< r l.S action.


• VHllor 1111•;~ v.elcomr al Uie 0Pbutr Club mrrllnl!S HNl l\1•dnt••do nltrmoon al .;i:zo p .m. In roum 30. To bj> a mo>rnbN ot tile Orbatr Club, a sllHl"nl mru.1 11n hi!\ duc,s nnd lh•'n will d••rlVl 1111' l •I lo" In~ b<'l1cfit1<: Ell i:tble Ill hold ofnC<'. USP lh" COJll• muntlr dtobo~ c.-nrd Ilk, usl! mntrtbo t1•d ruom urlicl1•11, • ll•lblt• to d1•b11tt• \'IBlllnK 1 DJO• , tro1 rl 10 lh•balt•

1'Jurnamt•nta. Th~ prlml' purpo 1 of tin rbnl" Club ll! to tmtn dr·h111t r.1. Conchlni; lt1 gtn•n b' Dr. Prtd<l.l and '>Lh"r Thr C'lub tmln••d dcl'1lt•n;,

THE PIN CUSHION Exchalve Yordo91 Shop

t1eryr/11n9For TlieSearnsrross 310 Lokos•do Ave. Coeur d'Alene, ldoho


1207 N. Founh


9 .... T\ t While v.e endt'a \'D r l(l reach the ma.ilmum attai nment or our ultunnte i;oal here, by no means should we be considered educated stmpl; bN:aU>e "e ~Pllt' from OOlle~t' aCtN (our >~11.JS or reJoldn1 Md moumln1 about our A's and F' ' s. II Is high llme we reallz~d thaL educ a lion 1a not .., hal we reclt e from :i book for the sllke or •Ntlna an ... In n tes L Tbe re ls o. 101 mo re that n <IUdent should know ou1.11lde the nss!1111l'd 1111ses. Those dm 1 fnend:; or mine that 1 have talked to or else have t:Llked lO me drove me Into wnU:nc this alticle. r hnl"P alt.'llys been lntutiated 'll'hen a pPrson t0alks up to me es thoush d11"en by some unknown splnt and asks mt' about hot. true Robert Rnark' s books are He asks !his because he enjoys reading them because they Ille di!· !<:tent from wlUlt he Is used ID. Such enjoyment Is 1~ ­ norance passed from such books 1111d It on!.)' makes the render doubly I1111orruu. JI a peison 1s ~eauineand sincerely wants to find out something a bout "ldau Mau " I would be most •Ulln~ to e-xplaln but not "'hen a person Is merell trylnc ID mllke fun. We cannoi roraet the fact that this Is or no Importance ID )'OU. some· Ume back Amerlcn was )u!<t a nebulous 1ma1e In ~ mind and today I t.lsh I had tned 10 leum about this count"'· One dn.y you a re !:')inc lO ll~d yoursell In south America. SOulh Asia, or Afrtca. This day you wlll ne\ er for~eL \ou will !ecl llkt' ll 5mall l1:noran1, s<'ml-'.l~mt" bov or ldrl due.> 10 tht' dL~torted and unfounded bt>hets. This 1'norance Is moollJ dl!Sl)layed b~ thow "ho u1ue and other ~•:.terns or l:!>'·ernment without e•·en 18\'in~ tbe ..ui;Jue,,1 notion ..11a1 the) are about. F'lnd OUI before sarinc n lhlnt> about them. The lter or C• mmua1 sm I:; h}"Hen r:i. manta t<l most or u..-. \\ h.• do .. e nurse this rear o! tbe unl<no"'ll. r am dellbenuel) clnllenc· Ing !his tdea Lhst most Of )OU ha,.,., lbat what yoc hue Is tht' 'll'orld nerds. An:r pea;on wbo is 11>tni: Lo .choo! "'tth the Idea tha.t the .>\:n~dtan aJlturr la all that maltPrs, I dlllE' s11.> does not what •t> ls dltng to hlmsel!. \'ou ha1e ID gro,. Ill) and ore your 1:1'1.lldJ>arenu' Idea,. Amt'llca bll~ been sbo.ped !or you. You don'I have to S"'t'llt slaPllll It - but )'Our prob!~ I~ ev<'a sr<>att'r. Bow a re you coins ID k<'ep 11 In thnt BhCPt' - a oount.r) tbst you lo~e. 1 Jove my oountcy and It burts when any per.<o n" run of 11 In ~pltf' of tts po\'ertr and thN Ulll"<'D·


S.ver y Sovghron -o ~· ol the bat,.,., rw1rlo-r< Ira ''Tn. Strlt>P•.,.··, on oct I~ r r'le \orle1l•t oi '6.:, OM ol tM -,oro succefi /,,/ mus:icof show· In ,"JI JC ~la !'D~ .

\lrs. strannh:ui Ms four llonables. kltl<'llS that Any P<'l'SOn wbo foels Ilk\' ho.H· Slamese commenlina about this nrticle she wlll gll'e lO 411yone prom· \sing them (tOOd hom.,s. Is welex>me. It IS onl.r the root who 11!'ver !alls. ARCTIC C/RCLc


c Fo ~ ~r

1724 She•rnon A.vort'1o




&oo ,,., OPEN 9:00 AM. lO S:lO P. M.



Choose Out

Coeur d'Alene



Coeur d'Alene Laundry & Dry Cleaners Fr- Piclrup and OeGvery I07 F.oot

MOh• w\ 4-)516

<omb r9ers

S .,..,.,co In To;r.n

The Lively Crowd cheers with





718 M>ll•t -MO 4-8218 Coeut d' Al•"•• Idaho

Four Lettermen On Cord Squad

NIJC]ud<J Experts

In the Cardinals Orst CIU!IC , tbl're will be a suod deal ot tall!!llt shown, •hlcll, su rp li slnp;r rnoush. largely CDmtoS Crom local players. Retumln~ lettet:lleo lbr this >eu:oon numbt'r four. Terry Carlben;. llayn" Du,.t, 11111 ffunll'r, and GalY JoratPnson. T<'r(l Cllt!br" v.eicb~ lo at

Cords Open Season Saturday Br M. Errckson Th• Cord' •Ill meet •


hO't':c o-;m on N;v.

18i, Is a. 6 ' 2" ruard , and hails rrom our olll·n coear d ' A!l'lle. 'll"ayne Dust will be In bis .. econd year at ronrud slot, ... eisb' 180 aid ls lroci ae1£hbortai: Poi;t Falls. lao Huruer l!I a lal<-ntl'd 6 ' 3" I 70 p0uod fontard froe VanCXIUTl!r.



Garr J.:>raenson. !rom Co.-ur d ' AI ene , Is also a fomard,

•e!sb• 170, and la 6 ' J ".

A tWmber ot NrJC uudonu J,g...., bflor


two rroH"'"'W rhco


••v•roJ yec:.r-c from Codi l<•Jly .ir. ol'd Ced K.<11/y .. 1. ti"\ o ;,.."""I)• tfk- If nom•. ht-r• ore- •NO who roce-nt y c~rcd In O" AA • -"'mcrit"ru Of IMuO&llo. The C-JOShl, r '"' I I r r , &. c:fe-.or'"' ir a'· d by CeeJI K•lly .,,., /'ltla-'f<J bctdy • B v f"19f1wl • 8 wlllnt) lof'W'Orl on Mt apoonanr. aqvo•H"!J ona • ,., '"9 '' bar ! hJ o.OOQn<Otlt, the throw t'I pttrlCI' ed b) ,.-.,., ,. • ~~~~~~~~~~

Two NIJC stud1•nts, Cl'Cll Kellv ttnd Bob Reb,\\I~. PU r· UC!lpated ln the Judo c.-on!L'st held on NU\'('l!lbN 23 Pl lUssouln, \lontllnn. This contc:>l ww; held !or all " Judo D<>Jo:i "In lht> surtuund· Mca. Cecil nnd Bub "'N<' sponsored by lhc SPoknnt Judo DuJo and wl'rl' compl'llnt for od\'anccment In belt rank. wa:, nn AAU ~-.merta.n Alhleuc Unlonr.;ponwred tou rnament. The local Judo or~oruzaUon Is compo,.cd mainly of !'IIJC sludcnt:1 and ls t11ugh1 by Cecil Kl'l~v. Jr. \lM"tln~~ CU'l' C\' l'IY SllurdQJ ond llll,\Olle lnll'restcd ln Joinln~ should contoct Cecil Kell.v or Bob


MISSOURI LUNCH :'01 S"'errnon Av•. Coe-ut cl >J""'"

RC!lswl.«. Th<' STJUP Is no ... ncct>pUn1 addlllono.I mernbtors from ~1JC. Belt mnl.lnr:"' •rl!s In In' <rse numbers: the lower the number lh« mow 1>d1anccd the runr.. Cl'<:! l Mid.' a ft>urth dciree ronkln' <Rrt'l'n beltl "'hile Bob hold:- a sixth dt';re.rooklnF wb1 te b•' \,


The remalnd" of lb I· ..m Will be •ee!nc thcu nrsl actlon fur the Cardinals. The.r are: Bud Beck, a 6' 1111ard w~1chln1 170 from St. llari•'S: \'ernou Benit•ton , a 6 ' 2" fora ard v. ri ilhlna I 92 fro~. Post Falls; 5t<'Vl' Brt ten. a 6'3 " center "ei'hlnc 190 from Sandpoint: Jim Drt'C hsel , a 6 ' 2" i:uard "e11h1na 170 from Coeur d'Al rn<': I.ester Gardner. a 5 ' 11 " auntd v.~ti:Ji · 1111 173 !mm Post FaJls : Denni,; Ruber, 5 ' 7", a auud from Post Fol ls, wclllltlnJ 101'>. JMJes Jo.,, 6'4 " , wei1hlnC 170, from Portland, Oregon, PILY.•s ,.ard or forward: D11n M•.<ldocll. a 6' I " forward •et11ru ' 190 from Bonner" Fen.: 11..,.lcJ Nordgonrden, a S ' i " guard welchlng 170 from S&odpotot; Bill smith a 6 '3" torwo.rd or oen tet wetabln11: 165 trom ~larton, Ohio and BNCI!' Wheeler. a 5'4" cufiltl weJahlns 1~0 from Notl, Ore1>0n.

On 1>01·cmber I 31ld :?. NIJC Ot'bnte Club sent four ml'l'Abers held. Bob L!!t g)tty, who to pa r\I cipn te ID tbe Centrlllia entered men's oratory, "'" Junior Dl\'ls1on Cullt'J;e cei \'ed a becD nd and thl rd Tournament. place m his t"'o rounds. JC wo.s reprcsentl'<I b) the Penny Goodwin . who entN...S tt'ams of Jim Brooks :ind In extemporaneous speaking. Penn; Goodwin, and Mn rccet,·ed one thud place ou1 BrllllSon and Bob Lei lhlY. of 1wo rounds. This was the e:v~ thouah all or th~se Orst attempt ai entennc on sludenis e~cep t one are Jlr,.l· lndivldual event at B coue,e v.:ar debllers. lbe teams had levPI (o: botb member • e total r~cord or five llltn.& and Did you hear the story or Ql'e losses. the t•o red er riiu el.., ... be lndi \!dual ~p ...,kln~ •• ents loved-in \'elr.? thet than d•'bllte \\er" u.lso


r 11 •

, • .,


Chorus Sings For CDA K1wan1s Club Tbo choru& marl• ll11 fl r111 public 11ppl'orunce NO\'. 20 when they 114nll fo r th•' Klwo.nl11 Club al the Ea11le'11 Hill!. The choir beaan the proemm "llth 11 rellgloua clu~~lc .

.. Blessing . Olon. Volisdom and Thank o, " folio" cd b.v " Beauurul Savior." Th•·Y th~n 11wltcb~od thit l<'mpo und sans " Sea" spiritual , ·· urn~



Th<' pro1rom was concludM!

1\llba seloctlon or folk 60nC . Including " Black Is The COior Of ~ly True l..Qve ' a Hair," .. Thr1•" Hun~tian Folk SOnaa " t10d '• II lllo" \\Ind. " Alter slnr!nc. the chorus we.. '"'1ted to lunch as 11uesl11 of the club. BOUQUETS





SPORT/HG GOODS lOS Shormen Av••• MOf.:• .,,, .C...5721

Del Gittel

Suppor I Yout Adverlt urs

See us tor







-YPH1 P**

Fo'" o~• :ty .,.cl 1c:. ,.;r 1 '4 Jlo4S o· ' '4 21) Slrii•rm.11 A•• • Co•wr d'AI•"• P

- _ . . . . , _ _ . ........ ...... . ...... ._. . . ............ _


Comnounlry Th..,tte Ploy Thurbor Fooll>o// Satire Th•· C' ,, ur d'AI n C· m· munl l y Th•'Oltl<· l ln>1tln& ~II NIJC 11lu~knt "nd fnrult1 ni!'!11b"rs to lh,.l r upcoml n1 PIOOUCllOll, "'fho ·.1alt Anlmnl. " Thi ti f~>thy comt>!I) will be h<'ld o. t thei r Plo) huuao l n lh• P l nr\'l 1•\\ ~ tat • Thi' Pln)hOUllQ In loCDINI on thL' hlghwuy .ib11ut unr-1!1111 mile beyond ll•Y•l<n l.oke (b~)TJOd l lte Ill 111on lurn-1rr. " Thi! Mille Ant ti»l" ! a 11at1 re on cnl!" ae l•Jul ball ...rltt<n by thll Int. Jomm Thurber. It ·.. n Jolly i:;:;od comedy! Ticktt 5 .. Ill bP. Id at tM door fo r $1.00. I t bus beta 1t1111 some :>IJC Nmo r<'d 111ud1"11t u •In u •· p r~duc tlo11.

2111 N •lb Street . . ~~ ....


• • ,, ..... . .Ii~ ..-

exam .•• pencil ••• paper proctor . ••time ••• begin


think ... blank ... tick tick

1 17 Herrison A••· • Coe1.1 r d'AI•"•


Mo•• fun


~~ /:

~-I 1

1 t~


~r· ~

': Y i

For a lifetime of

PLEASUR E Learn to

BOWL While You Are Young

-1. '\' t_ - \ R


guess •••tick tick •••write tick tick ... hurry•.•finish time ••. pause ••• go things




lake City lanes, Inc. 1414 N .. Fou~ St•• Coowr


llolllod undor 1•. .ulhot1r, ot Th• C.....Coto Co,....,.,



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