Varieties Of '64 To Be Presented On November 13 Tbr !ltudt-nt
19 prnmtlnc vart•li•s ot nn••1 ah<>• tor a 6Cbolar lllp brnrOL Tbr 16 '°act .. odr•111•~!'P• abo• sU br prnmtrd on ll:to momln < r s"embrr 13 In a cullll:al aurmblJ. Acol~r prt!o:::i· ance ,. II I><' Mid tll&t clct.: In lb• u=naalum. Sharan Patnoll I a hnd!DC lhe s1Ud01it-run o::immlltee ID c!Jari;f!ofpl&rullnc &Dd •••cut· IDt 1be propot:. Placs 1ncludr '1>Cal aoloa. vocal ttoUP6. lnsuumental eolos and eroup6. mod•m In l!'rprrtlv" dloc1nc. paniollllmlnr. • Dl:tlrland Band and a auper rhorua line. nckf'ta are on aal• and .,,. available thn:iu~h mcmb•,. ot lht bend and chOru~. T•&ma ol ticket ••Iler .. 111 ateo can•'&llll CoMJr d"Alrnf! and the sunoundln1 arra. The darns ol thra" canva,8ea will be announcod. Adull Uckrl8 uron~dollar, .s1Uden1 t1ckel8, n11y c•nt.1. The acU•ll7 card wllJ bl' USPd for lhe Clll rnlnc prrtorrnancr only. In prrpa ratJon tor lh1t pro· 1r11r.. vatloua •cl& or lh• lboW havr been 1111prartnc at local &f'rvlce orpnl1.11Uons lo 0\"C a anl'alt pre>lew Of lhr tal•nt ln•ol v~ and to ...11 adnnce 1lcke1J1. 1 A &llti:lal iural alar la ac:h~l!!d io apprar with lhe ol!K'r wd•nl P•rfoaaus In lb• pro11..m. Thia prrlonur '•Ill b<i announcrd at a lal.A'r
•5•··. •
10riginal Halloween Was Celebrated As Religious Festival r rll ~ 111-11. llall o\\r•1•n la upon ua ur1t't' 1rJiln, und mo ' of u1 ha"~ .. bit:. plwus" for tomorrow nlcht. But do you know th<' rral ~l~lftrRncr of llt.llo· itb,,
Uuwt \'OU et\'flr hf\ard
of l'umonn. Swnlwln, or th<' abl»l uf Clun)·, for l1111tancr• 1'<4lular lmnldnaUon aaclat•'11 tlallu>1 t•rn wllh lht• ~n·1Ult'f1<1 or euprmalural lnflurnrrR. Aclllally, II Is a trll1111u1 lt'llllval. ~Pl'tU ln lolklor• b1•lle•r that lh• PG!>ulat eu•loma or llallow ..•n ~a>t1 1111r1•s or lh•• ROma~ l~au •al ol l'amona and Orutd· um. l"\ td•~('(I lhal th<' da) "'nftla 1nnucnc..a of Pamona 1can1.y, l>ul II em"a a clr.u oonn....-1 n •1 lh Ill• r.Urton o! lh Druids in N"" ClutsllaD Ir~ nd aDd Scot· .and. Tho C't I car md('d Ot!Qbtr 31. I \4.' f :;ainbec. and , c:rl<'bntlcd •ub rcllcloua t 1 lbf Druid • too tb the ··,.nd and lho r.. th al I lhl' dmd. n .. 1'!1lrhs ol !hr ~parliod •ut bellr> I'd to '1&11 kin • rn In 6t'atth or •al'l!llh and r d for lhn 1'tntrr. The ~.qical lll•tllr"a ol t'Amhf'ln ' nc.. n••d thr qurallons or •ho "llllld dlr durtna tho nnt \\'U. lht• ldtnUI\ of •futur~ marnact! 51ann,•r& And th~ <hanc, of ~ood IJttunt'. ,\l1'Q (alrlt"ll, wa ic '"'1< and
C bllns V.t•H• u.ld IO tNrif} 'th• P<>1>ul •lion un t111s da), In 998 A.D .. Odilo, abbot I C'lun.1, modo an r!lurl 10 , C"bn~11an1, • lhe occa.lon b) •n t11u11n1 In Cluntac moDa·
Studen/$ Select SB, Class Officers
""" '""" """·Il :.uc Is 1riunlnc aoie pr.n;iKtlvl'
Enrollment Of 616 Comes From A Wide Area
teacbu llan .,, er. There are 170 U& u:is educat. n u • maJcr, 108 ta.klni:a bachelor
'-'f!l'a.hi some
170 Enrolled In Education Dept. F.r~
i r.JT"
! r · Jte
A bll!akdown of cnrollm~nt 11.,,re:; tor !be ran ter.n ,,,. ll~Ucs
or an.a .n e-c:h:::ca u o cumC°ll'"'
thtM! In prr-•f'l~rioary, IW In phanz:acy. one In acrtcn.·
11e11ea tbe rras1 or All S..ul'
Dar. );o•cmb f'r :?. Thl ltonorl!d all who died Ill lh<' lallb and wbo bad &oml' aucceaa In n<'lltrallzln& lhf andf'nl pa1:1>11 111..,.. The tendNlC) lo ralltri lhan ~l~1111e folk IC'aUval 11 la cha,.ctertsuc or !hr IWf'nUelh cf'ntur). It rl'OeCla a crowln1 lnflurnce ol tbl' iatlorw.I outlook on 1111 and lht' lou or lnleresl In lmaldnauon and !anla5>TIMI af'Cular characttr1&1ic of contl'!TIPolUY eulturo• Is al!!<) "'nec1t'd In publlc n<'de<:t or thl' rl'll,ioua slsntllcancC' u w,11 .. pmcr. J .. 11 or
rolk 111t.11~. CAHDY SALE TOMORROW Th<' Homt ~ Club II pon or a cand• al• aL CIU Hallov.ern.
about where NIJC's come from. or lbe 616 registered, 513 come rrom Idaho. or lheae, 369 come from the Junior oolleie dlaulcl; 8 from Kootenai County bul oulslde th<' dtstnct; t 36 !ram olher counlies. or lhe 103 ou1-or-s1ate a1u· dent.s, 71 come from II ashln~ ton; 53 rrom Spokane and most or the others rrom the SPOktlne Valle» or Sl>Okane vtcinily. eo.Ur d•AJeoc supplies al»ut ~st., per cent or the district studenlS. Other home addresses: Post Falls 34. Hayden Lalle 21. Rathdrum 13. Cataldo 8. Harrison 5. Ba1· >iew 2, WotleJ I. Rockford Bay I. f'Or out-oC-dlsU!ct Idaho studmts: Kellogg 2:?. Sandpoint 19. \\"all ace I 0, Bonne"" FerrJ I 0, SL ~!&lies 9. Plnl'hursl 9. Priest Rh·er 9. Osburn 8, Splril Lake 6. Lewtsion 5. Sllellen11le 4. Plummer 3. Alhol 2. Pondel'll~ :!. \\ardnN :?. Hope 2. K1n1s100 2, SllverIOn 2. There &re one each from Copeland, ColtoD,,.ood, Coolin, Clari< f'Orll. Samuels, Mosco". Mullan. Naples. Tensed. ~lUdenlS
tum and 62 :.akin& lbe uso· dates o! an.s In educallo~ ·~ umc<'. Thia cc..:ipuu wtlb 160 In educauon In !be tall or 1962. Next l"llJlllltlon 1s lor a bachrlor or ans. w\lh 10 a year •CD· Bu.slnes• admtnlsllation l'llnl<S Utlrd. with 71 v. 61 1•81 fall. EnrollmeDl In otbt'r cu,.. wllh las I yen r's ti cu la. Oeutl!S In paP:ntbe.oes, hi low. £nC1httrtnc .JS 158 •, Bachelor of Selene" 33 130 • Aum Mechanics 32124. Ell!'Ctronlcs 30 (36>. lndusl?\al Art.~ 29 136 , F'Orl!S Ir1 28 1:?4\. Secrtlartal $Cll'nce :?; (25 • HomP Eeonoolca :?I (:?~ • Body and f'frdff I I 8), Bus· Inoa• Education S (61. nuue are lht' pr...denl&I •IDdenta, O•e Ill pr--edlcai.
Club. qs !'t'ld Octob<_'f :?5 111 tb" st:a. ID k"~ s • th lhe Hall we nt. lb• tbmi" ..Hall 11 ~ &:!>1" •u lollo•ed t!l u'll Ill lhe <l ttc· nollon • 1'! ~ c """ P~ •id•d by tbrSbado•&. Those :i. ll: .:=c com · r.:lH<'" wrr Ttnf Oarlberc t.nd. Ptl<' Dunbar - ad>trtl • tna· Pat ~J,...,ker. Kum Krueger. Jud,r Herman, Rlla Hultncr and Judi ll•nza deC10111Uon11; and BNIJ F'tlth· nti, Sharon Scharf, andClautlla 01xon - rtheshml'Dl5. Th• chal r la scbrduled lO •Inc belo:t !be Kl wu1s Club .n ?inmber. wan.:r membelti ac• n
First Ticket Sale
lbt music room Um• 10 p:actlct.
el re lion d&.Y al :'\ uc. Th• polls """' ()1)4'D all day and aluck!nts t'UI lh<'lr t.ltots In pr1•iall' boolh.s. Two l)'!lh Of ba!IOUI w~r~ used: on< 1'1lh thl' nomm al nomlne... tor lruhmrn class omces, and ont >'llh the names or nomint'eA ror llOPhomore cla•H olllcH. Bath t)t>M had lhe nam••• or noml· nf'e5 for toludent body Vice pr.,.ldl'nl. The bttllots were dhlrtbutl'd to the sludenu acoordln1 to th:• cl11s1< Ibey were In. ~•ulla ot the <'lectlon wer~ &ft follows a1udont bndy vice prmldont - Terry Cnrlberg. SOPhOlllOn! president Oeor&t' E\'jtm; vice prellidl'ntRon Bnu1..on. secremry-Judy Hrnz:i.. f'r.,,.hmen Class: prf!Slrk'nt-Russ srov. n: vice pre.<ldent - Barbaro McKay. aeeteiary-Krt Harbauab. Stu~e::i body president ror lbe 7CA: la Run Thompson, •bo wu elecled by the alD· de ta tut apn11i:. body ace retary. &::idmt ecied last 1Pdnc by the Board I Control, la Joan
Fl ...
DC ..... •• rDllowa:
6 tknt bodJ TICl'I prt$ldentTerry C.rlbetC I a., Paul Pl1:11r l:?S. Tom Hanson 109. Prnl=ro pr ld~nt - Ruar< Brosn 113. Btlb LtlChlJ SO. Fred McMurrv 37, Dan Med· dock 21. Yianen All••r 13. f'resb1D4'11 Ylce presld•'llt Barbal'll MCK&J 91. ~111 Bor.ortb 56. Tom LI.,, ~6. Bob Dclhlbtra :?~. f'rc>hmen secretary - Kna Harbaugh 81, Sylvia Utn 78. •1ar1 Rosa 55.
5<.1plllmol'I! presld~nt Cleot'lle Ev Jen 103, Brian Hess 51. $0phomore vlCt' pre.,. 1d~n1 Ron Bront10n 80, Connie Lien 48. Sharon Richardson 16, Jl'rry Sllllnl It, Sophomore &ACtellll)' Jud,)< H~nza 65, Anita \lay 60. ClCll Or<•chsel 31.
saale. Enavllle. Pnnceton.
Troy, Elk CllJ'. Pollatcb. careywood. Lap ..1\J, Poae. students rrom wasblngion: Spokane 53. Opportunlly 4, Newman Lake 2. Rosnlln :?. NC"l>Olt 2. one each frail'. Elk. clarksion . Rockford. Bellevue, ClreenBCre§. Liberty Lake, ~Ullwood . Chewelah. Prom Mon111na: Llbby 3. Heron I. Lolo t. Prom Br11lsh Columbia. Canada: Nelson 3. Vancouver I , Tlllll I. Prom Oregon: salem 2. Myrlie Pont l. Noli 1. Portland I. Prom Callromla: Hunlioiton Park I, Laltewood I, 53nlee I. From Oblo: Marion I, ~larletia l. f'rom Neva.cb: Fallon I. Las Vegas I . From \llnnesoia: Park Rapids I, $1. Cloud I. There are two students from lndla. On• eecb Crom Calgary. Al~lla, csnada; Kel\Ya. Africa; Coolldce. Ar1zom: C&111p Hlll, Pennsyh"&nla: Clllebroolt. Ne" llAmp:;hlre.
CHANGES MADE IN HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Bec.ause ol Ille !ale Mart or lhl& ynr. some changes ha1·e been made In lhe holiday schedule. Slu· ; ot- wlll bave vacation Tbanksll vtn1 Das. No•·. 28. bul Ill rrc "Ill bo classe" on Pllda.Y. Nov. 29. Christmas hollc:b~ n1e rrom December 21 throu&h January I. Srudenkl !I.le also askrd IO note that mlcisemesier exams statt Nov. 19. Further ch:lnies will be prlnti!d In lhe Re\•le•·.
THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW Pobl'..r...I
CGll•9• Y..,
• ly JourNlfvft Stude nh • t the
( Ed. Na •e.
....he R-.v ,,..,... •• .. ·o ,..,. •o--- ,,,,
Ol'ty s ubj e c ts •• ~:M l"lts fe et sttotWJfy enou.qft oborJ ' to 1 gn
Edlt°' ••••• • • • • •. • • • •• · • • • • · · • • • · • • • llecJ.y K•ou•• Sporl• EdllOt •• • •• • ••••••••••••••••• • •• 'Mtt Euc.ia son
Pho10ffcpher1 ••••••••••••• • • Rlclic Ackerman. Ruu Osborn Bu5l no•s. Mono9ct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . ROl'."'IOnO Stn1 th
rltel't •ff• !'S de no• relie<t .,,, ~·• o ' t"'- • d •o,. 1ince #ft r.e a co c~ pooe·
Cl1culorlon Mono...... Bo1bc:ro Sc.roflorcl. Ron Smlrlo, Shofmt Scho· ff R-rter&: Lor'\' 1lo9orth, Oi vld McC.u;hno, Koiliy C0<>r-.
s houfd be ool
Elofne SopPingtOtfl, 8onn1e Lytl•, My,le Wolloce, TOfft Hlggins. Florcoc. PM'-., Clo10 Robbins, Betty Fltchner, Mo1ie Kero, Xort>n Ha\.lschlld, Mory Lou Korre t, Vttg4:f'lt Lwc.n, Pe nny Goodw1~,
ca "/ tvvttal.J
OetlI Editor. Ounng th~ '*5 t few ,.. celUI I tun e occaslcn:dl.1 ~tttn'd ulD the Sludcnt Union Build· ns. o nl y co be orr<':x!Cd by he foul s und.& <>=ii llAilnc Crom the loudspNkrr>;. An er Uucnln co n nr 011& occaalo:>.!i . !o r as 1 ns as I could b-ar I.I , I came to t ht! conclcslon that l.hne •·al !Clt aalses wer~ one of two tbl ni:s . The first wu a mdlo st.Uon, 1 Udnt local . • ll>St! pr i;rtll!IS ..-~:e belnc ae 111 Into t he student Union 10 sicken lhe lnh1bl •
Richard f. Oovu.., Pof!'I Mo111n «;ruatl )( ,,...boll Roy O.'"'"r ., , Bo Ovfto•n•, Terry Lyrtch. M"'"'" M1 rlQ"I,
Editorial . .. THE WALLS L OOK SO BARE The halls o f 'lUC loo 1 • "' wall , floor to c l mg (ond ,.. .d d ooT ~op 1 postors. I roth<>r m1ss the colorful, the omu serious posters. Bu1 I do hope •lia1 wo did nc.•
oo vibrant energy end ITemendous school spir • when • v.-ere removed.
Now that the of'1cors ore elec tod •hey •1 I~ pon. So often the o fficer 1incb •ho1 '1e (or >he) is o c r•ee of one. The follO'~rs? Well , with all 1hose c asses one doe• Qlll foirly busy . Ho""'""" the freshmen class 'oaks really olive 1n1> yoor end may run sophomor" clo« a good rocE' 1n !IE'" 1ng • mgs dono-. Kr ep 11 , fr <hmon. - 9 . K. STUDENTS' ATT/RE TOO CASUAL Recently I owr-h !Ord o 1ok~ (which did"'" poss · ~ censot for printi ,g 11 1n thl edl!orio) whicl, used •ho manner of dress 0 1 thn J Cos 1he pvnchl1ric. This really d1srvrb<!d ""' - bttcouse 11 socr.d<id so trve. To bog1n wi th, sloc~s !0< wo.>m«n s t ud<!flts and bermudo~ tor both man and ,..omen aro cott r-1ly out ol ploce a t dance clos$, •n focr, sud• 011iro should bo rostr1c1ad to P. E. cl< 0 courso, th JS type clo thing is P'""''"od in r o SUB because as I unders tand It we pride our SUB on boing a r"!)Osct pork< br lndiv1duol1 sr1 c indivlduol-. If rumor holds rrvo, the couc O$ oro oven somelwes v•od for nop 1ak1ng. I-low rrucf. mor lndividuolhtic con we~, , During o cOfTl/e~otion I wo~ t-ngo91og 1r1 (I odm1 • 11 - 1n ' h& SUB) with a g roup, one mal" <tudent remarked " 01 t c w;s hosirom about asking a JC girl 10 a dance becou•c >.., was aftotd she wauld ,.car sloe~ s . Nhy no•' H thi< lype of ~lorr
ing Is good e nough fo• tho ltbror ) , the JC halls , 1N! dance clo~ ws. and the SUB. "" might os well odd another po1n • 10 rho female v"r sv• male superoonty cor.tesl and -~or · ~e SOll'e to the dances . On rhe 01hor hon:!, the girl may ,,,,. be so sure " "' do h is not going to appear in blue1eons and o s " ocl! shri. Afte< all, unless. tho occasion •s special , mos: of the JC oances spec !y " school c lothes." Studon1" I seriously dovot •ha1 o h1gl> s.chool NOUld perm11 thi• '•co suol" of casual w<JCr. ~ " "-should bot c 1 least a lmlc abo·.e ign ,c11001 standards . v.e should be 1n ·ho 1uni~ college looavo and lhor means c~1ng N11h tne s•cnd01ds of o i n« 1um or collogl.'s. We or~ logging behind because of a ch1 ldisn sen11 men1ol o rtochment for our ploy clothes. LI: " s roke the firs I s lop 10 go1' ng NIJC off ·ho loots· ool on:! up ·IY> "<ld<<. Lodi P< ond Gcr il..-en •• IOOk •I. pen . .\l'loO let'
Bet,.een <'lenrll!$s
I waa u.,,.ted the tu1uon su ~poM'<I to be Sponish Clu b Elech With e.itr=el1 1:1 St<'less us~d lbr .studont a ctlv l tle ,• ir.astc. On other acculw:s I'm sur• uuu ome o f thl6 Flo P..l lo Pr.. y rec:o td.s were ~Ing plafl!d . Ttw Spanis h Club mrl no t J;Ood rt'tords . but same 11ctl vll money could be epeot on ~cttlnc some dec~ nt records Ocl. I I t.o cl1•c l lts orn c~ni a trocious rock n' roll slaCl! rS. ror 11\ts year. Flo P~~k ,... for th"' Stud••nt Union. In a collece ce:it~ · ne l hope tllst there arc somr el~ctfd p rl.'oll d~nt, Bob Keeler, wo uld t'1llt."C\ cush: al a lhe: NUC ~tud,.l\ls who hUP vtce-prosld~ nt, Judy De Vtn· Unle hl~her c:zallb<:or. Some ~•t" In must(', and w ho will port, secrc11u y·trobs urer, and JOod JO.ZZ, folk sln1t1nc. or Iden . Sob T osh . social c hfllnnan. recon!Jncs f:-= Brood•111 RUPP rt tins t..u111bno ....1y yours , The fl tBI ~llvlly tho club muslcals-..owd s~rrl• urnce . David McC'aaahna pl""" ls on l nlo rml\J Ket· llun' t i:an of tile ci ney In IOCMhN ror c lub membN11, tl'n lnll vely sel for Nov. 18. Las t 1e11r' a Spanis h Club bou&hL l hc clock lhBI la now on the woJt or t he SUB. all! spon110red a cos11111e ball )olnll y wltll the French Club. Thi• year's c lub hopes to be marP active than any previous cpe>e•• ~ o 1o-i-n1.i>ers.on .r-.JJe , h.G •o '• '• ~·, ,...... •o .:· 'Tlle 10Wft1man lftVI t "''"" thot Spanish Club. •• ho ... Jgua7, 1•U• -~ f\IJc 1 h.,.., All ~tude nt.11 'Nho ure tallln1 We c unb 1""'19 b,.,~ bton~h of O<Jr .,.. briio ocupt "9 1"'4 s11tr.ndet condt• Spanis h now o r have taken , on• g rtn ua :-y '""' co 1019 bones. ~ told th.;it there J no . .n • u leasl one year or Sl>anlsh l•d°'t "O ii n;s 1fta• CCI'!"'~' be hCf'lgird. Sornc-wh.r• I read o ph.t~u I would aucceS&(ull y In college o r 11\~ ro uy 10 qvotto. I~ p s 10met n9 IAe a+i11 - ''*Mot one DOl.'I con thtnlt, hi llh school. and au s tudent& 0 1her1 can d0." Perhop1 I tool ~ s. tliovght 'DO .., 01111,. but I 11-t 111" not. T1wf9 ore 10 ~r trtprOveflloenla the JC n.ed aurely some ho• 1he 1• of Sl>unlsh ~xuactlon a re wet oomP t.o a tlcnd the ne1 t thin~ ccxi be done. Tho'• 1 the lnal'~' of t'ho bond ond chou rooet1 bein; r1-;ht "• •1 :"Q the M:rorr. ~e pe09le _ , bt ud to t t "''"'Ii to inu1 c. mot.t meeUna at the Spanish Club, ;Jtc 1101. Tn. <wfl1 • :rd Lbrao 9 ores ~ dw mpr•t.11~ c l o plou fo.r which will be held Nov. 11, q..,+et r*'Ol.lgfH. boOill. l.,ornu\g.. (Q~ )OV l'l"'!O; "9 11 h • f t.yat•m n O t 1buuy? acllvll,y period, ln room 25. Well, th.ct ~fd b. NJ mor• d 1.1 bing ~t~ '• 01 onc th~ e • Ol'T\p le, rhe Foct thor ,._ P1.1b +(. Gddfc&a sys 1cm d~n n<>r ••'~~ 10 th4 ...ocot onoi \.I ldAn ememble C o nned bJ some rtgs. 1'1'11, mctr t:Je01" f\orn l"lg ' 0 -.who'll~ not ho . t c bue• O•• r th.rt, a l t he choir membera meets h&.i.1 those , , ~nu do l1S.., to lM ca f they be-Ion; tor~ JC tco. every ldond ll)' e vening from And s t rNt •hot ~h n9 co .. ~ dQM obcftft ~. . ctrod moo., other th 6 lo i . co:t1111erclaJs
C04'ntcrutncu :Jt •"'a co1&e;c'1 • r ,,,... ' h'°' a co •F t ho t cdd.d new closMOOT1 , electron•u ~ :n.Cbo-'1 cs b.i: lcf r.;s, o library, o"CI o do rm • ·•kin 1h. Po.t• t +viec yecr 1 conl'IOt ;tovule fCf •14 r bGn.d e nd r.,, o tl"ltt"• P-.d:itu; oddrcn systri' Ltt t b.- l..hown •1'1at l do. "14t cone!-:~ '~"' ""''" uu4ent boct-,f faa,,t,.1, ,,on. else Cartft.Cttod .,..,,e th. co epir. If yo" con1 d•' th is e d•1orto\ o s lcn 09 :unsr ycv, Pf'l'kQC11 yov •hould analrs.o 1\.-ir whe"r yo<.r d o \.tood
°' .....
con com "9 NIJC.
Wfl le rou o•• th. nl.11\9 t"*91bor thia. - ~ DtO~> OO' 1 m.ol •' 'O'-.'~td the ' ~of the ,, .... W" C~ O!lly cf b SO for :If r •'°\• I b bll"O• .. l.•t l cl l""b c!own. - 8.K..
=----- - --
.arc" r11os~ 10 • - B. I<.. WHO SAYS CHANGES CAN'T BE MADE?
th:lt "'°1: should bt ob1cctive. w. s hould t0n1ide1 borh s1de1 ond ocl in th.- t111 ddl~. I've tr1td; l'vt r.•t10\lt ly tr ed, ond 1•-n C1XN' to this d.c l 1•on - I , gn rfun\ obt• C11 vely t:a,,1 ~ oct1on1
Orrw ol "'Y 11'1 tructou toid
c.onnot I:. neutral. The'• 11 o saying UHd by o h1•t1d ol '"1ne wh ..n.evcc I do I Off'trh1n ; d1ffcrc n1 O• • • Ptus lhouigtlrt wf'l lch or• diffor•n' others. My h ••nd toya, .. You"t• °"''of yoor uet.. - ~on1n9 I' m nva. 'llfllell, I th1111.: ,•., good 10 bo ovr o f '91J tr~•· I th1nlc we 1ohould oll pt 6owo out ol ow tttts. nsi.od o f f0tncr 1w1ng-ing frON limb to l1'"'b oaHn g bonanca. h ' t. 11,., .. NUC Mttou.tly 1h 1nlcs abcait lco-inv ltt tree. The JC <OMOI ptOgrcu olong w ith rhe ret.I of 1ht college WOtld os lon9 e , -."re ofro1d of chonge. lh1 r ...ovldn' 1 ~ 1.0 bod 11 we could 01 l•ott 11oy on on. bOl\ch, Wt roPl'I01n1no rwwtrol h Ol"I impouibll1ty f.of the mo1n one! sii=ip1e reo1on tho1 ...,ol l, rieutrol tocfoy ta o high.r bronch ,n th. uu of t0m0now. Perhcip1 I 0"' atone Jn "'Y opl n1on1. concctl"ling th. JC. bu1 I thin\.. no1 - I ~toy not! l hcte ote at U• who fHI 1ho1 ..,. ore betng homper•d bit"d°'a odd,. Til.e• e odda ore h\ 1ht form of mi;hty v•c nh who pr~.,.,H uJ PHlor"uno cny oc11on they leel It 100 dlffentnt, to0 big o t1sk. roo hotd 10 oc complhli, tOO od\.lh lor O\lr poot rTtindt. to corry thtwgh. To h.g•n W9 or• on th• fua r broncf-i - •iid•c1•ln of which cbrect1on to f0· This la ovr ftr• t tncount\"t w11h colleoo. Aftd co we c:lu'fth ~1 1 No - 1n1t•od ._. OH fotc:od vp to the HCClll"ld branch br th. od•••Ot• who bladt·boll • .,.,., •d.o 1ho1 h not o foBow·tlirouoJ'i of 1h. r•g\llor pollem. :.:,ud•nh lftc~• 9'•0t PfOg,e n a t 'IOl'ne of O\IC club rM•tings - un11I rho: d vlson "'P - th.n sit ,,...1.1, b,. end follow otdeu bo:couie + .oa o'• no1 th•h !deot.. The • t,,.d.nt i ore l'Nre P...Pfl'•"I
' °"'
' °""
• •tfi
" K..p A Rec«J Ol It" l'hooe M()t..... o!-SS'2
Fr• ...11y
" Peppo..U ppor"
FISHER'S CLOTH/ ERS 1217 Nortl. Fourlb
~ '-- " --
•<' 01 we foll oN I'"" l e od of SO,_
NORTH IDAHO'S MOST COMPLETE SHOE DEPARTMENT ,1:! ..______________ ..;;....______...
achoo! ...... ..!>) O •O 0.( I I\, 8e(OUt• 11\J tf\ICfOfl W~ hOW9 01 1"- JC who u•m ••CO•• nor lo•'"" wholt coii ... •h ·•-c.oneier"ed •nu•u<to"onl7 • •uth theu .. 'Pftall <.otMr, Tlu1 1n pott1('Ulor I ;
ROYA L REHT • S~LES • REPAIR ONht.o1 & l'fJ'lnt s.r,,liM IHTCRSTATt TvnwRITll co. " '7 ShertMl!I A••· • ,.._ t..Jtll
d '"'-, "'t\lwonch " ououwd bocOMI• ol ..... 1
Sloenno• ......
Woodcock's Drug Stare C..nd1es -
Prett:rip tioM 126 N. F....~ St. • Coe"' ,.,.,._
and Anno,nc&menrs P •O•C.
100 H . ,.. ST•Cl(T
Co r. u •
NDEA: $800 Million Loaned To 700,000 In 8,000 Schools
Dr. EY':I ~ rz Dr. Evo Fetz 1• historl and vemmcnt ln:structQr for thP U1-ge acatn thl• yPnr. ShP been teochlnc at NIJC ~mos t 20 Y<'ars. hD vln& started fa 19i4. Besides hN 1nstructlnR. she 1 al so Dean o r women and ponsor o r th<• /\.11.S. Club. Associated Wom"n SIUdenl6). During the summer Dr. Fetz sp<'nl a we1>k In Reno. Ne ,11dn, a1tcndln1t a llOV<'mmrnt seminu sponso rf:'d by !.he American Political science Assoclatlon. Wbcnaskcd what she thought r !.he students thltl year. ahe slat~d tho.I. "they •C<·m VNY recepUve and quite scrlou~ about tht>lr sludle~... She pes this trend will oooUnue. Jn hor lc.lsure hours she •nJoys n vad cty or sports. wrllins nruales. gard.,nlna. nd kcepln1 house.
SllEA COMPLETES OFFICER ROSTER Ofncl'l'I< we rc chosen for lbr l!'IG3• fl4 IMm o f the Lokl'Sldt chaptN or Student NE:A . Th<'Y ar~: vlc1· pre~ldrnt. Carolyn
.wc rclllr.v.
tn asu re r, Bonni• t.ytJp; pnrltnmoninrlnn. Lornitn• Si mkins. S.Uppor1 Yout Advt'flluin
Jiii I
?1 8 Millor - MO J·8218 c"' or 4'111..,., ldoho
k Fo
r rS
l 724 Sh•mion Avec'l\.lf
He:scbcl l Rieb<! Is the dean or a:»n at N UC. He teache-s "!lath, enl!I neeo og i:m.pbic:s and woodwor1tlng. Be attended c:.>I: -ce at ~!ontana &ate college, •h»re he earned his B.A . 1n Industrial ans and blo M.A. in t'ducat1on. Mr. RiPbe lives In COeor d ' Alene with his wife, Jo, and their two boys. a~es 11 and 15. Hts favome pasumes Include huntl n~ and nshl ng. His role ns dean is to assist the mnle students "!th pc1> sonal and dlsclp!Jnary probl ems: t.o CO-OPl'rute wUh the college president and the dean or womPn In serious disciplinary casl!ll. lllld 1n CO'()pl'IU tinn wt th the dl'Dn Of women. make a vohlOton· In· !!Pl!CUOn or Student hous10g, nnd list a•'&Jlable &nd recom· mended placl">. In hi• C&P11Cltv ad d.lrl'Ctor or UUdPnt affairs. ~Ir. Riebe coordinat~ lh•• col!Pae-wld» ~lUdPnt actt v1ty proarams INhlch aw detennlnl'd by the Htudent board or control. ll 111 his rco,l>Onslblhty to m:unlaln 11 mal\l"r calendar or all the sc 00<>1 acthi U es and 1·vt'nts. HP also 111 rt>spor>11lblt> ror the !'lllPl'n·tslon or al I Htud1•nl body <'kcUons and he mlLlntllln~ n current file or r.mpln)m<'nl op(")Ortunilll'S for &Wdrnts.
r1nll ,.pan<l€>S from
Su• somM ' 1..r1 l:llnd third Oni:N. Su 's homt' I ln co1•ur d' Alenr and sh•• I• enroll<'d at sue in be .nt'& ...iucaUun. lll'r nance. ooua P"t'''"· U\cs al Or:-onunla. wa !'h. and an•·.ods Si>Oklllll' Technical School .,. here h~ i;tudh:s d.11.4 prucessln•· Th \\t'<ldin da~ ~ ...~ b-tn nu· tl\t'h ,. I 1r "'" t :· ,.ar.
IOoho, Wed., Oc1obe, 30, 1963
Piano In Ragtime
df.'ml c bnckpound ,.ho Intend to teach in rlemenl3ry or seco ndary :«:boo !s and ID tho se wit.'1 s uperior ali.lllS or pr p~nlllo n In science, mathl'mutJc~. o: a :::odem foreign lan!llla~I'.
The Federal capital contribution t.:> the Student Loan Fund represents al mo&t 90 The percent or the tol31. r..-mairder la contnbuted from
colle;:e:; and uruHrslttes. The '" ero.ce loruJ bas hl'en about S-178. or less than baH mal.lmum pemuss1ble lO an 1odl\'1dual ln any one year. Apprn:tlmB1<'1> onl'"founb or tb. oe now loans have become public sc~I ll'llChPrs and have recel <ed a partial •Ille-< rr or their loan.4, a• pr~\idt'd !n tbe act. T?le l&w All'>W!I studenis 11 1eais In Jich t.a pay. The1 arl! paJ1ni: mck so much fastrr than !his !hat the i.m~nmt rcde"ll!ed to dale ·' &lll!Oi>I twice the 5Ulll due. Thl' projUllm has st1mulli1ed nor-P~ral loan aco,1ly and encoumgc.1 a change In approach ID student financial
;;o percent or the lnstHuUons participating In the 11roRrnm bad ne,•er Included long-tcnn loo.ns 1n their i1tudent llnan· dal aid programs prior ID
Exclusive Ycrdoge Shop f ""'Y rlunq Frx The Seams rress 310 Lake.side Ave. Coe.... d'Alene, Idaho
Only Four Bloch From C.'"pv• OPEN 9.00 A. M. TO S:JO P. M.
Pepsi -- for those who think young
MO. 4-8n3
Our Corwlul
Coeur d'Alene CREAMERY
Sin ' th• SaUonaJ Defense Education Act .,.,,_~ limed lnlD )1111" (1ve \'l!ll.IS S&<J - on September ::. 19"8 - aome SSOO milllon has bo!en Po.Id out underthe Bet to strengthen Am er1 cn.o educnuon at nil lHels and to llugment the Sat!on 's supply or hl«hl~ tnun...i monpo,.er, the U.S. otncp ot Educauan dt~· closes. )lorf' thl1D 700.000 1ndMduals and schools lllld colle"es ha •e been 111\"0h"•d In thl' progmm. The &Ct authorizes P~eral :uslstance tor student IOlllll> and i:ruduat e Cello ..-slllps, ror tecnnlo! education. for the •XJ>nnsion or GUldance. counseling, and resttnl? or students . tor the stroni:tbenlng of educatJon In scl<'nce, 1111lthemnucs . and modem ror'-'lgn lan1?1J11ges, for the Improvementor comrnonleations ml'dla for educational pu!J)oses. and for streiq:tbenlng educattonal siausticnl services. Enacted ort1rlnally ror a fou r-vear period. th" NDEA was l'Xlended by tbeConi;ress last .rear for :m addl tional l\\o years. As the prognuns i:o Into their SIXth year of Jperauon, the ornce or Edu· cauon reports these ngures: Studmt Loans- About 490.000 :>tudents in t ,53.i. colleges and universities borrowed approximately $330 million under the Student Lo&n Program. Ntnetv percent of the ~tuderu borrowers reported that they could not ha,·e be1t11n or conUnued thl'! r college "tud!es 14lthout thi..' asslstancP. Se•en11 ptorcent or th«' loans ha"' b<>m made lo
.,.,,.. ,iance. 1207 H.
Cleonin9 For
Coeur d'Alene Laundry & Dry Cleaners
Ff99 Pid:up and Oelmry
MOh••\ 4-1516
Archers Form Four-Mon Team s The archery clnsses &Id ort to 11 llO<>d start lhls yeur according to Mis. SCntcs. instructor. Aller bnslc fn~tructlon !o r thl' CundAmtmWS or nrclwrr were cfvm, teams of rout Including the C&J>lBln \\ore Conned Cor the ti r.1t clo.s~; 1e11mt< o! three fnr the second clnss. C81>lalns chosen arc. Jim Routh, Lei!'" GrnnbN11. PhUllp B••nnNt, Dnvid Duthie. nnd John Clarlro r th!! n rat cl ass 11nd sancll" Allen , Randy Ed~r. Pel~ Dunbu and Qlry PowN r r the second c111.&s. AJtrmatc captain~ are HBzel Glllltbe,, Eln1ne S@fllnltlDn, und John Erickson. Shooters are rated nccordlng to their ability IUI revealed b~ que.ll!ytng scores. In tom matches, one learn shoot• o.i:nlnst another not on! y for totnl team scores. but also fo r indn•ldual rankJngs by matching shooters o! equal nblllty. Larse Granberit's team is top scorer In tb" first cl1'Ss. So.ndle Allen' s team, which includes Bonnie Lytle nnd 5andlC 00nald$0n, IS top Scorer Cor the second clnt;S. High over-a.II score,.. Gory Powers, 276; Pete Dunbnr. 267; Elnlne Snpplngton, 26~ . ~~~~~~~~
FRIENDSHIP TEA PRESENTED BY AWS The 11nnual Ir! cndshlp tea prescntod by th~ J\bsoc111ted Women S\uden~ wns held Oct. 16 In the Student Union Building. EntertnJnment wos pro\1dcd by Snndy Donnldson and Penn,)' Bodine, solos , and sue Hall and ~Ulo Hards who sang n number o! Colk tunes. RefresllmcntS were pn:l\lded by o.lJ members or AWS and punch wns sef\•ro by Nancy Patterson, Judy Hertzn, Severi) Pl8l0rlu6, Betty Seagraves and Karen Kruc~cr.
New Life In Sports Coverage
FIVE CHEERLEADERS ELECTED; ONE MORE THAN LAST YEAR T!IP """ cb"edeadrr- !or NIJC •ere elPCtt!d Oct. '.!3 dunng acu'111; pedod. Tbe guls elected ..-ere Maolyo Arnold, Deanna Ender1>. Barbara Hall. Ksnen Hau-<ehlld and Lynn Lef'rancti;. This yea: thNt' Is an In crease or one cheetl~er rroo the previous year. Deanna Ender:> wa~ one ol the cheerll>ade rs last year. The cheerleader& help to lncrcai;e school spirit and student allenmnce at Ille bnsketbnll p.mes. A i;real a.mount ol e>Cfort 1s chsplnyed b~· these girls who lead the NIJC bllsketball Can:; In the cheer:. ror the :-: !JC C:udinal:..
PEP RALLY PLAHHED BEFORE FIRST CA.ME A pep rall) "ill bl· brld on NO\'. 29 co open the SIJC busketball se~n. There "I II be a "DAke d anct' and bon ti re fol lov. ed b) a dance In tile SU a. FUrther detalb "Ill be Ill \'CD In tbe oell Issue oC the Review. Ackcrmaa Hamed
Y.. rbook Photog Rlck Aderman was appointed pholDC111Pller br this Yl'111'S annual o.t a meeting of the editorial staff held Oc:t. 25. A yearbook theme was discussed by the sta.rr. Tbe anounl star! wtll meet Oct. 31 at ectf\ity peood 10 room 33.
BO\\ Ll'\G
N.IJ.c. REv•e.... c .....
.r..1.... Idaho, '*ed., o.••i... 30, 1963
THURSDAY l\IGHT CO\'E 801\L Tam saand1ni::;.: TappaK•gca-Oay, 1'Us0 Is, KnockoulB 69£R '&, &>tild Ballskll lf'n>, YaBs. UtUe ..... im.,.r.; £h:bt Lo>•Ball& F'Oar. Fin~h·~. Foor tilcb &11~. F".a.1.· •
\lf'n • • Plantl'ns. Men·~ His/I Tesm. 3 games. Sallsll!l!Pl'S, 230~. \lt'n'& Hlch St'rtt',. !>I.Swank. 510. )!Co's Hlch Ind. GIU!ll', ~.swank. :? II. Ifomen•,, Ht ch Ind.'. J. Dll\CDP'Jrt, 166. llEO:\"ESDA Y SIGHT L.~KE CITY LANES Team ~<andJngs· U oC I, You Same It, J.C. er'>, Lan~.. r • 300'•. Gr..,.nbomh. GUll•r-Du<:>ters, Stomoers.. undenlo i:>. The ~~·s, 11tpeouts, SC-h: •ms. lien '" H11h A' emges: Hubol, 16~. •.te lrturrr. 160: Atl&"60n, l59 Russ Th"mpaon. 155, Oll\"eStone.1~7.
~en'" H.llh Gwne-J O 16: HuboC, :?03. Men's hli;h pme10 :?3: Rus~ Thompson. 193. '.I en's Hlch Sert es-I 0, 16: RuboC, 536. I 0. 23: Thomp:soo, 5'.!6. \\'omeo 's Rich Averageb: Pamou. I 19: Tottl!'fl, 109; \\achter, 107; Anita ~lay, 100. Dwyer, 99.
\\"omen's IU~h C:Cme-10 16 Pattlort. 153. Womm's llitdl Game-10 23: Parrlou.. HO. 1romen's Hiid! Serl.,s-1'0 16 Parnou. 495. Women•, blgh
,;.\ •ocot q 0
&u •
Lei' • " Pl•w "
rr•' Is shown iroctt of Jef ~ho .. t•r
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rho "•&"\O"° Soot Son9 .. an
votiet, •ti w COl'!"lng "
Br'-J"'""• Sortr ~t
~..,rt)' 01
°"• erd Mf"'
Vor ry o' Coeu1 d'Alene, 8:00 O.c. 7 - Sot1.1tdoy - Nouom Moruol"o Collea• J. V." • 01 Cofvt d'Afen•,o:U• O.c. 10 - T"udoy - Colurnb•o Bosll\ CoH•o- OI .ir d'Alene, 8:00 JiJf\IOf
~: :~: t,~:19; ~°v~~c:,.~~~ir;~~U:o:'..~c¢~~.~~:r>oo
O.c. 11 Du-. 18 O.c. 20 DK. 21 Ja"" 3 J.,n. J )a11... 11 Jan. 17 -
Jon. 'I Ji.VI. 2.a JGI". 'Z7 -, -Col""'b•o llo1•• Col~~ 01 P .. c ., 8:00 °'l''• - 81; Bend Comrnvnny Collep 01 Mo Ht Lolt•, 1:)0 Ft1do, - Wot101che• Volle., Coll·~ OJ c~ur d'At.,..., 8!00 S.Or"tdot - Wenorch•• Voll.., Collage Of Coeur d' Altf!e, 1:00 Fr dG'r - BolH J1.1nlor Coll•9• 01 8olu, 8:00 $o•.J•dot - Boiu J1,tn1(1r Coll•ge ot Bo11e 0 ~hOO Sorurdov - Gonioga Ur<o..,.,1lty fr01h al Coewr d'Alen•, 6:ls• 'Fr1d:iy - Un•v•"tly ol ldo"1o Fro1h GI Coeur d'Alene-, e~ Sotc.1rdoy - L..w••·Clot~ N0ttnol School 01 Coe1o11 d'AI..,,., 8:00 fudoy - """91t't\10trfot )c.1t1101 Vort1ty ot Cc:..ur d'Alen•, E:OO lkndol' - ,.'h•twcfth J.:.in10f Vot•ttr 01 Spoltone, S:,U•
Jo•. 31 - F• eoy - M°"'""" SIO!e U•1,, F1.. k 01 M• 1101Jlo, 6:00' f•b. 6 - TI11.1odoy - Go,,ro90 Un"'· froth 01 Spoken•, O:OO• F.t. 1 - fr1:Jt>y - '#a•h1ru;1g.n S1ott Uni..,, f1,1h 01 Pullmon, 6;00 feob. U - F, dot - L..... •Cbr• tlocl'f\ol School or lew1•l0t, 8:00 Feb. 1S - Sot.,rd<1'f ~Un ·• fl•ty ot Idaho F101f\ 01 Mo•cow, lt:OO• ' Feb. 21 - f"dor - E'N5C Junior Vor11ry 01 Co•v' d'Atent, e~
F.b.. 22 - Sat""doy - Montono S'ot• U"tv. Fro1h 01 Coe"'' d' Al•n•. 8:00 Feb. 28 - Fr 0-a'I - B•g S.,,d CetnftJn•ty Col'-'1' oJ C.o•t.• d'Al•n•, B:OO f•b. 2? - So1llfc!or - ilo~hfrt~'°" S'ot• U-.1..-. Co."' cf'Af-"•• 8:00 ·Pr• 'ltr Go,..
sede. -I 0, 23: PlltMartln, 369.
See 111
; °"
"'-lt+S ...r 4,0o4 O
-PIH1 E**
. _. _. .__. _. . _.,. . . . -... . '" "._. . . . . . . 8 a.m.calculus... late 21 l Sh•tJ'!'•n Ave. •
216 N. 4th Strfft
A1n • ._ on<1 Hvrrrn,.. =0111r;mr.n•
THE LIGHTHOUSE SPORT/HG GOODS )05 Sitotm•n A•t. · MOhewl 4-5721
For a Lifetime of
PLE ASUR E Learn to
BOWL W hile You Are Young
lake City lanes, Inc. 1414 N. Fourth St.. Co• ur d"Al•n•
rush ... arrive... quiz... Eng... read ...write... ... correct ... Psych ... psychotic... neurotic Pavlov... bell ... lunch whew... pause ~~
'lbP Nauonal Pvf'try Pt~
AIU't rcad1cc TrJZ::lUI t.."11-
baa announced tllal lh<' a.~nual
POl.e"a OIAt• \ OIC<" , O:ur Roo• . I can l'o. IJ sec b:>w
cloalnc dal<' for ltlP submlsa1on of )ISS. by collei:e sto dPnts for 11s Coll r e" S1<1den1's PO<'ltJ Anlboloc.• Is .SO\ Cllll>rr 5th. Atl> s&udP.tJt aucndtnc eH!le-t Junior or SPnlor oollPi;e Is
ellclblt ~• 11Uba:11 bis ' c:
:----"--";..,"=•=d,,;.•:Cl<,;;;•..:3.:.:C''-1'-'96.:;l:_-::= S
this DOTel c.rcated a llterar1 sensation wbl>n ll was firil publl•bed In J9n. This co•el tclla of a 10un1: bly. Jot-I Knox who lpaves his aunt's home In .Sc..- Crleam and got'S Into 1be dl.'Solate beck country to lh" "'''h his fiitoor. Tht no\ cl O,als malnlv v.11h Joel" up~n ences a1 SCUil) • Liu:~ Inc . ..-hero bla fatlwr rcslcle.!. C&po~·a tbt~e In 1 plerctnc, s~:p 1ra,edy 1 Joel's st'u~h for lll.s falher. :\lltlou;:b be does meet bb !a1be:. •bo ls an lo..-alld. unable 10 speak. Joel !bes oot accei>1 Ibis can as his fatbfr. Joel· rcJeclion ot bis latbrt leatk Into an ur.· teal. (A111Astlc world. \Ir. CapOle c:nplors a '~ ..moua1 or &)"!:lbollsm In ll •oH•I. and lhus expand:> 1.. U1emt>. The rnny lnc1drrc... Joel i:ors thtou«h lead1n him 1~ lhe traclc end.!n he accei>ts his cousin Rand<>lph u b!s f&lbc.-.,substltule . are all rich "Ith mt"llllln110ne euople or ibis 1:&e ct S,Jmbollsn Ill Ille Incident
'?brr<' ,, no llmltaUon IUi to ellbPr form or lhP.111<'. Shorter .. orkK are preferred because of apac11 llmllil li ons. e;ach poem must be TYP ED or wrlllt'n on a a.lndc sheet and must bear lbe name and address o f ltle student. as •<'ll as I~ naoe o! :be collrce auended. Tt'&cbets aa1 llbranans ue 1n'1ted to suba:ll POctr7 css. for c:oruddPratlon !D: possible Inclusion In tbr A.SS UAL ASTHOLOGY OF' TEACHER'S POETRY . '!'hr clo11ni: date tor tlle subml• slon o f \ISS. tor 1eachpr5 111 JANUARY fuM. Thrtr arr no tees or cbat~'-"' for the accrii1ance or tbt' submbdlon o f mas. AU work Is Judc,.d on 11'Prlt. All •6S. should be 11~1 to tb,. ort1cr11 of .SATIO.SAt. PO~"TRY
ABook Review ..
PRESS. 3210 Selby
Ula Ar.grltl 34. Calif. TM man 1. Ith tnt ttthe crClllnd can't fall far.
Hallowee n Dance ff'"Qturlng T "'
Ive J•O-"•
Thursday, Oct. 31 8:30 10 12 P.M. - HIJC Cir• Aclm/llonce SI .00 or SI SO A Couple Eocli adoi111aoc• olt fl'" d f., In fut Pond - p.,,., ''""' 10, SI0.00 Donu • - Hor~
A""'",-,.,' -
ESQUIRE'S fashion Director s of hie her learn1n1t' .And here "c 110. r«"t dre and groom nc 11 red to r< tt •• the we -dr M man...bout-
uit to ''c:..r
a!te: Joel atrlns at the Landlnc. Miss Acr. t~ bou&Hl'fPCr. kills a blU<U&:i who Is OuttNln,madl) lli;;llnst t~ wlodo.... uytoc to rscapl'. The blue!:!>' & \"&In all..:u> to escniic aymboll7" Joel a ht- uruul es 10 shake of! Ill Influence or tbr depress!\· house and communltr. "'Th poket cauchl the bird aero" the ll!lct. and plnlont'd It t r th" rra ctl n t 11 mom• t. bre11tln1: IOO!ll', II flew wlldh t t be wind " and ccwt'd NI , ppl'd acai t thr p:uie. ... -. t dropplnc I the floor t acn bled along -zt'<l T. :ap 11; thr rue tb ua i.sp:ead •tni;:s. "as Mr4 trapped ll In a CIO!DCI. and scooprd . ' llP a1:11nst her treuL Joel ~ze=;std h111 f11Ce I Oto the pUICllll". knowla; ahtl ,.ould took his •ar. 1r onlJ :o see be"' tbe racket had affect"<! him.·· Otht:r I oicr • Other RoosJ la a puissant. tra;!c oo\"el. Telllnc tlx> OHY f a roi:nc boJ wlr> lea~s tbr rc:al world o! '1rs. popcc.::i. and snnmr Sebo l. to ~:ei a dl.J':!rl'll • t d wbe:e t!: :e:are lb r " C"5• • • • whlcb oo::i.. t:o t •
Thio mh. mrd1um brown ~hade colnr in )'Ottr wnrd1·0~0 look t·nrdl(fnn•. pullo,,•ra and :ippt'I' Yo..1 nnrn it-ynu"ll finri it 1n cnmt•l'
THE CAMELS ARE COMING o1ton1I f .. r c.. m•'
1 :.
m n
' th
\ r
•r In p. r J irket h
11 n1r
.ull the _mnonata)" of the , h n th newer. wtdPr·\\ale \\CA\f::I , 1~·1 _ .. t. lh< pop 1lar leatht•r patch<'3 thnt kttp \OU ff"C'm corr.lnll' t· t·dbow while add1n1T a emnrt touch n I b ks ' II ti., In d•mand In tM neutral. naturnl •ill <>r ,ou m111ht try the la1t• t
lon1 ... t ho \"llf!Ol)"''• ,J C .11 nm an~ u11><'rrd. pkat" • ••nd "it} a P- . t 1rl n,, .ti mnt•r ~1rc. wont•!<! "1th ,, t1mooth fim~h or \\ l-t111d·pnl) lei bltml• Wllh a llnnntl fini•h Tnk• 11 l""k nt !><>th d>rker .>nrl inkrm•.<fl11te tones--ox!ord frl'l<)"•· oli"e•. dark bro1m. AA "rll n th~ middle mi:durc•-lh•n mnke your com· mand dC"i•101 on th• haai• ••f tho b!end or contrn..•t with your ac:ket.t.
>n camru•e11 throusrhout the 1-ri•or •hoc. r.o" au1l:able 1n like cordo\"nn. H ... e11 u br hed thcn .-\ srood choice for nil but the most formal occaJ1o~r the football ticld-i• th p lar hp-on Th• 1nd1t10!1lll moccasin I• tb m and IU nriat1ons are 'cry nrii rl) m t d' Gnuni'd leather •hJ>o<>n• ere n~ r r fall and wnlcb p:irt1cularl)' for 11rn1n1..J I th In black. Equally •mnrt lJ lhc wing·
«" . t"ln"t ft.~\'l\llls
$1 J.95
I. X. L. T0 GGERY 111 si..,_,. A•• • COEUR 0 AlENl. IOAHO • -
MOM~l '"'4544
Tll• ba1d .,. mt.,... ha e r ent1' l~ I '!Cl ,,, •' (ftc• r · The.> are Tom Hanson. prillll • deDI aad atudent dln.-c:vr: Bob oat1t1>e11:. \"lc:e-Prtsld~t: Tool Paul. acct<'LUY: a.rd s~1•ia Uct:. llbranan.
lo mrlv QcLObcr. Mt. ' pe~ch •; 1mned tho ToastmutNll Club !or dlnn~t. ..-blc:h V.'U foll 11t"d by II pNg::an: of spe.che • lo the ab6enc• of a ..., tmn ter n m<111bcr or lbe &tie" b cl11 •
toaslml5Uf'59 . Pre,1005 "' 1h1• \'1611 w1 lh lhe Toaslmas1ru Club, lh<' 11 pt't'Ch class '"nl to K\'Sl • whNe the m1•mbcrs ..-ntchl'd Don crnmonte at .. rk ond r.•cc rded L'irl t m ices.
Gonzogo Impress es Once A 'Dark' DORM NEWS MEN
C.Ontinent B.- \.\b.,
Tb" ""hlCh
By TClll""
El11"0pe.n orlenta llon
li•CUons ot A!nca undrrpine hu 10 a lar1• ntenl rob~ us ot our common undenJtandtnc of one anothN. OUI or t?as cl.her<lt)" •r learned \'&flOUS
a les..'IOn - th" common brothorbood and ltH! deep. patnouc !eell,. !or Africa. On a conllnml whoae Pt.SI has bttn beamlrcht'fl wl th the mos1 blll<-r turmoll11 ol human despair. 1•vN7 A!nca.i In Wh&IP\l!I •alk ol Ille b aeeklnc kno-..1"'1cr. raced w Ith tho ruponalbllll1 ol pre.-nni hlmnl r !or mu I mun: &rrvtce In tht> rapidly ad· '·anclna Africa. Out ol thll blttl'I ... arenrss or tilt! still exlstlna prubl•ma or t&· nonlllce. PO\l'rlY. dlseatol', lmpcnallsm, the ooniemporary emNgenc<' or noo-colonlallsm and 10 o dcst« the oonntellnc tendencies of Alrlcan nallomltt\m; thl' youna Alr1· cons aro c:ompell<'d IQ gnc· nficl' that little hlll>Plnl.'lls of a ! ly. Tht•Y end uP In alnut«c countries or sironae P"OPletor 1he hope ofllablln~ a candle In the "dark" conunenL The loin cloth and th~ spear hunK loose upon him. lnst,•ad a burnlna dl'Slrl' for th<' de,·elopment of thl' African peraonallty. The l'llmlllauon, th~ aback· Jes of sla•N), tht' once flnn gnp of th"' thorru "•bot tht 8r1Usb tmpNlal crown are all mellint: away - tlll'n It ls tlm~ to demonatratl" to th<" ,,.odd that we can and .. 111 irake our con1r1buUon 10 buroa:Uty. V.<• r~allze that ..., are b<'hlnd but this does not erase the on., fact. 11.hlcb bislOr) f~r Cl'ntun~ has bt!<'J\ dctennlned IO hldl". but •htcb ha• bunc clutchln11h w thtlrrevcr~bl• pendulum of l'\'Olutlon: .. " haw l!Omt" thll1lt to otter and "e will. You 118 a youns Arr.. ·nc:an are ,...,1ni: IQ be the next In thl" U.N. Ho,. ,.111 you drat with th~I' " uvaces " from the conunent. once a " dark" conllnl'nt.
H. Ee Club Has Oinn•r The Home Ee Club orncefll for uus v~r are· prt'llldent. Beuy f'ltchner. secretary. Ann Laine treasurer. Janet Mon1andon, vice prellldent. Ronnie COnkhn. rt'poncr. Ronnte Conklin . rt'porter. Laura Lee Yeoumans, hi&· todan. Carol 0&\1S. Mrs. Sttanalan I~ the ad,1aor. The club e&\t a "Get Acquainted" dinner lor tbf'
the 1.,,1 ISSUt ot the I said If •t? were lucky we would be mo~ed 1 nll> t~ dormitory, otbe.,.1se It would It "~uld be about aootber •ef'k of •alUn1. "'Pll. we were lud:7 P<IOlls.b IO set moved la oo Sunday. oa. 13. .All "" bave to do no• ls ..alt for tM dor.:i ID ~ fials~ ed. whlcb•Ul beabout aml!ier th:N'! or mor,. wttts. For the most pan. hl'!111 In an anOnls~ dorr:i bu bee pr 111 i:ood lkeeplnc. ln ci:ld all tht we.Ill !llat las ta ~ don" Lid ..Sbu l'wulJ 1n eome caaes. AclU&lly t.~r flat i..o nlr;bi. •~..., aboQI th" "or L i;.>ct' or lbP more unlucli:y l'!llaa had 10 sl""P OD tht! Ooor Until tbdr bunka could be put tocether. !:al then there are tbose DOil· con!ormlats, lite Ray l)t'mpse7 and Russ Tbocp !IOO . •ho didn't "&Ill to sleep OD tht' Ooor. so lheJ put up th•l r own bunk$. Also the noms '"'re mts.slna otht-r thlnca like desks. cabtoet•. closets, prlb. shelvrs. dra,. ers and llchtl>. But mc,,;1 ot these th1ncs hue been prelt' •Pll suppllt'd by now, except for thl' females •.. hrc:ll:. Tht' bo.'S 1111 on the St'COnd noor. south end. are tanng a bit of 1roubl<' 5UCb as. lb<' bedh ase too shon. and the ahov. ere 11bould be abollt a foot hlaher, but I ll'Je5$ that'" •hat .... Ct't for lh'lnC OD the cir1~· aid<'. V.t h&\"<' an uPcomlna boar sta>1ns In room 126. ms nL'ne IS .. Pancho", alias :.Sark Broncheau. i.tart hu been bo7Jnc for tour yean; and has rousbt 55 mn1cbes. an'1 ..'OD 50 of them. 30 uf wblcb ha\I! bun koocl<uu~ Last HU he ,.on the Spokane Inland Eml>1,.. loumament. "tticb ciuahfled bur for !Ile AAU nauonals. and be Is planning IOaltt'nd the nauonals this year. Should he •ia tbe natlorals, be ••ould ciuallfy ror the 196~ Olympics la Tokylo. Japan. Marie has fought throushout the western U.S. and In Coru>.e!L [ ' S Wish blm a lot of luck. members on OcL 28. Gueslb at the monthly dinner meeana "ere Sharon Scharff. Beck1 Krause. Be•~dy Plstonus. Sharon Patnou. Kath; Conrow. Barbara \lcKay, Murne Se!· son. Mr.;. Pal l.IC Kt'•itt. Wbo ts the whloo coonh.Dator !or The Cr..5C@llt, was the cues1 spt'llker. Betty sea· 'If&\ Wb IM .. chairman of t dinner. In
School Supplies New Shipment of Sweat Shirts c..-1
- ! 'z•t , .. ,..
Study Aids - College Outline Series Schaum's Outlines and Others NIJC Stationery 1,, c p
f J
lora -
- V't
N.IJ.c. REv1e•. , .....
Former NIH Coed &,
ldoho, . .d..
o...t... J(), 1963
Ph i Theta Kappa Off icers
:Sot l~ni' aro I "lll> •a.ftiC•-d a sLrallce atl&Cll. of nosials:la. SIWr.J la the COG al Gor:izaaa. 1:1edltaliai OTe: • CUP o t cotfee. I ralJ zed II•t I ml" ed J.C. Ck>ly one U:lm: 1''0Uld esse Ibis puc ol boma1lcl · aess. So I clC!l'ld~ IO tut classes onl! da7 and ooc" IO J.C. ID try ID t..c&PIUI the pasL J chanced IO pick a da)' wbea all was In wlld acth1tT. I happe::ed ""'1R a 11tud~t· facalty tea. alld the cac:;iali:ns !;>r class of'Dce .-Ne ~ at a :nad 1ecpa. Tbc,.. •Ne poste:s aad lrallat'· all O•<' r, and llCl:lt' r:ur named Goorcc. I recember, 11tood up 011 a :a.bit In the SIJB and •fall1 abOuted UP a stor.:i abo>ul belnc t>lec1ed. It rully Celt i:ood. Just to all aro1.11d tbc SUB and so r. ot •allow In ~nummt. and lalk to pf'Ollle. and drink Wanda's cortee. But the wal.lowtna and talklna and dr1nltlos didn't lot too lonit. Peoplt' around J.C. just can ' t td!Pnl"ss, and all of a suddrn I found myaelt WI th an asslaommt tor thr papor. Beck.1 wan1Pd a l'\lf!'SI rncur .. about Gon:z:aJL So. . .Ila ataUsUc:a C'D eom•lhlnt: like this: lt '.s a co-ed wtlVt't>llY ot llPPllll " lr:ialelr ::ooo s1udmu. op · emted b• the Jl'Sult f"athtrs, aod locattd OD £&51 Boollt' A .-enue 111 Spokllllr. Its caa:pus Is Sll>&ll. but wrll· tmdrd and uHdooks lhr SPOtane RI S.." era! new bnlldl.~s. notably dor.:ilion"". t the c:a::ipua' C'redlt. aod a new sports pavllllon Is on Its ,.. ar up • Goczap otters the u&Ual cbO.ce In lls curcculur:i (Otlls ta..i ch ru: are t be law school and phllosoph' Pllr cnun\ and a wtde ranee or uttacurocul111 acUrillu. !'\of' uemendously enJov!!d my classe~. Tht'y'"' not only challenclns. but ciulle sumu· la\in'- The cla.;sroom Is upon lccturtntt rather than textbooks, and diu· t.o-dny busy work ls replact'd b) outside readlns. And there a re club& and acllvtUfll "\hilt -..on' t ciuJt." or all social clubs, SPrvtce orp.nlzatlon6. athletics. l like tbe volunttX'r croups that brlp out In local c:ltldu:n's homt'S and h03p(· 1a1... But all or Ulla can be read ln one ot tht' cal&lou la tbt' olOce. "bat c:an ., be "'ad an.rwhtre but htre are 1111 pr1celeu pel"S(inal I"'· preqlo11&. GollZ3p la a rneodl111Ch>ol. Stnu11ers speak t;J stmnetrs In the balls: Ule pr,;!s ase obllsinc and r:ih readlb "1 lh the student.a uou:d tbe cu:pus; and debs •dcome new cumbers. Tbt' dor.::s ase nice. TbeJ' re ne.... for the mos: part. and c..:::r •rtable and ad!.'Quate. And lb<' ;rDrml &p!Ut ot tbe reslderu ar;:xte11111 la one or coope talion. Ounpus rule&-t!SPedallT !or the resldaits-arcn't oppress I\ e. and .10u SN the Ceellns Iba! y0u 're 011 ~~r own and diaclpllof' ts .10ur own responslbll11y. The over·all academic at· mospbe re Is wlat I'd call thou ldltful. Ma Jlk phlloso· phtcal 15 a better word. Tht' point Is that at Oon:usa Jou can think. and speak, and fe~I. and quosllon. and doubt, und reJect or accl!l)l, and a.uccPed
"• Pf• ;1r. t f P ; T"-fa ~a~. and C.,ry '• ,_ p .:J nq G ...Ct ••t of O ''-"'''" for "°"'°"~ t " y..or.
,, lltll<' blondn
'°'""•'· "°'• JOI'
)'OU Gary Shlllml'k. •lce-i>r•aldtnt d th h 11 o f PTK. can al"° be ob•trred c • ~ hurrY1111 aK1und tht JC hall of :SlJC Is Shan>n Parr1ott. •· Phi Thnta l\appa pre11td~n1. Gary, an ac~v.. mt'mber of Shan;n la al•O prt•ldrnt o f the Enclnt'rr~ Club. l'nJnyo tho Cardinal S<>nlc" Club and bowling. t•nnls, boallna. and various othN acuve •PDrta. asst11ant·~rcrNary of the AlthouRh he has a tlttty col· BOwllnc LPar.ur. b•~ld~• ll•ac •chl'dulc, Gary 1tlll ~1n11 acth~ In AWS. \lomrn • Dnds umc !or his hobb nf R~r~auon Allaoclallnn. Oriti construcllna lhln111. 1 Tram, Chorua. and Band. Althou1h his ru1urr Plan• Bf'l••m thc3e actlvltles ahP &Ull Ond5 llmt! IO be a majo r- 111• no t definite, Gary haa ett~ and hrlp In tile Vart~IY constdert>d conllnulna for a Sbo B. S. dear re In rl ecunnl rat c0w.:Cerntna ber rutur" plane en&1ncertn1 at either Idaho a r Sba roo la con111der1nc attt'nd· • aoutht'm unlvemlty and I the U of I whNe aha will plans to epeclallze In auto· ns • mallon. maJor 1n •lementary educauon Commentins about PTK. 11nd minor Ill hl1tor1. Ouy said "I •ould like IQ i;b11f':ln bl<! this 10 aay • about PTK "lahall b<l dlap· s ee tbP PTK promote 10010 I I d If 'ibis P&t isn't the lntert'sts which lbe preatnl po n e Y membera and nf'W Dlfm.,.,,. bluest and ~t tht' JC has wlab. I.Ast year 1iw. orpnl· ' ' " known. v.e have some muon ,.11 ~ vtrJ aCU••· ,.tie amll!Uous plana for PTK and scbOlaatlc lntf're9ts of tb• are anUc1palln£ a larse. aiudents slYJUld be forear;iat •ntbu.~tasUc new member- In the alms of this'a atup. meaJbrrs." lll:n
llN' r.111h Ins an>un
or tall. 'Ntthoul evu being bnllld"'1 tutallJ wronit. Thert''d a clallenein& frt>edom !or "bua7 lltUe rntnel•. " SChoCll spirit around GonZasa Is blc. Most people he~ ba' e a rt!lll , po;,1 uve, actl ve Uklni; for th••lr echool , and It 8ho"'1 up in over-1111 enthusiasm. Kld.s really set In and pitch !or their college and cver1thln~ It trlM IQ do. Gonzap 111 an P&ay school to tmnsfer into. The fr1endly, •Plcoiruna aptrlt helps. And. too, all my credtte fro m J.C. wert' accepted. The philosophy requl,..menla (bJ which eve" Gonzap 11raduatf' flnll>hes witb an &11tomauc phU?aophy Dllnor. asldP flQm hie ctna~ n rids llr concen111111on) are l!UY enousb t.o make up, and cao be squel!%ed lJlto two yrass. Tbea. there' ll ene lloal dmwlnc card: Goozap ls clo e to Co<'llr d'Alene. s • lllr nor:iadswhollke to '<'ll!UI
tar a•ar trom homt, lhl• -..1:1uldn't m~an a thlna- Bui Cor anybody 1111.t' me. •ho II i;ubJ<'CI IO periodic attac:ll:a of homesickness for J.C., tli• thins ot belos only a half an hour'• do VP away bu 11at at RDlficaoce.
Circl• K Wor~s The Circle K Club bt'ld a work day OcL 18. They put up • new coJdlnal dJreca on bl&n by tbc entmncf' to tilt coUeae neBI Roa~betrJ Drive, and<O clt'aned uP the c:amt1us pounds In badl of th<' Fort Shtrman OllL The club ;~ aJITentlJ Dil~ and repalnUns the atcna ...,.. welcome people to the c:o!llP-
PEEIC AHHUAL EDITOR At a recent aJt'e tlna ol lilt SWdenl Board It wat . . . that f'lo Peelt would be lllt ne.. edttor-ln·chlel of tllt :SIJC amual. Conni• Eldlell and Bruce AndelllOn att ID 111 co-edl IOIS.
Eat At The St udenf Union Breakfast ....... 60 cents Lunch . •• ..•... 70 cents Dinner ......... 85 cents
s.,v.J Daily s.,v.J Dally II :JO - 1' Serv•J Daily
Sunday Dinner 1.00
5:30 - , .