The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 19 No 2 Oct 14, 1964

Page 1

• lftJC's 7'4 Students •Come From Wide Area; .8 Come From Atroad A brealldo•n or f<'&I 1ra1.o" &atl:>UC fl'\ :II Iha! 636 or thl' 7.W :-;1.JC students 111111 9'&11 oome from Idaho. S1111 pu Cl'nl. or 447. are residents of the rolll'&e dlstnct. Of the 108 out1lf-sta:e l>todent • • ; s comc rrom 11uhlr.&:ton and l'llht rrom othf'f courtnes. coNr d'Alen,., aupplles about 43 pl'r Cl'Dt or the dla· • tnet i.1Udt'!ll6. Rellllranla tlom at her di Ill net communl· Iles: Po6t f'alla 52, Haydl'o .J..ake 25. Rathdrum :?2, Cata!· do 16, Harl18otl 5, \\ Orll'7 3. Bayvll'• 3. F'rom Kool<'n&I Coun11 out· de tbe OOllf'&l' dlautct: so1r11 Lake 9. Athol ?. From Shollhone Coun11: KPUOH 24 . \\al lace 18. Oa· 9bu m 9, Plnehura t 8. Smelter· VI lie 5. Kingston 3. Sllvert0n 3, Mullan 2. Ena•·llte 2 . Paae I, Calder t. • F'rom BOnnPr count)" Sahel· point 25, Prtt"<t Rlvf'r 7, Hope 3. samuf'ls 2 . Sall"' 2. Cool· Int. • F'rom 80undary County: BOnnNa F'f'rry 11. Naples 2. Copeland 1. From Be~wah Coun17: ~. Martes IS. Plurr.inf'f 2. Tmsed 2. Fernwood 2. F'rom Lalah County: Mos· ~" 6. Kendrick 2. Tro• 2. 1>at latch 1. Jull.,.tta I. F'rom ~z Perce County: Le•IBlon 2 . LaP"al 1. • F'rom Ada County; Bol&e 2. '· Star 1. Prom Lewi County N<'7 Perce 2. Kamiah I. • F'rom Good Inc Count) Haaernnn I. Ru "l &>Cl• rlln . hbmnan, F'rom Minidoka Countr. rl'!><>rta lnat thf' restncted RupNl I. area of tbr llbrar:r wlll br • Prom Twtn F'AI l!I County f'nlar11<'d to acc:ommodate 25 Buhl 1. pcop 1.. IA &00n aa addJuonat From ld11 lo Count> Grane"· tables orl' a\11tlablt'. vUll' 1. Tht' arra "Ill conll\ln all • Prom Blatnr Counl>" Krl· rPrrrrnre books and !DUI! clum I. more accC1J!l lblf' llUCh books stud••nls from \\11 hlnaton u "\\ ho'8 \\ho .. and ··Per· Spok11nc 4 5. N1•wport 7. Rock· lodlC&lb Gulde \0 UINalUn'." , ord 2. OU11 Orchord!I 2. Rt'"ltlcllnc this area ... 111 Rll.7.vtlle 2. R08alla 2 . 5(•atllt' kct'P mall'rtals consolldllted. 2; on\! Nich from Orrrnacrt•R. SOdrrllna &lres~rs thtU .,1\ llllwood. Ch1>1\1•loh. Ot1kN1· n<•llhcr bo<oks nor loo!lll ll'Df 'tlalP, f'u.lrfll'ld. CoMllt>. noll'books .. 111 br allo"ed In 81!1 l<'VUI', llllbur. ltArnn•ton, this af\'L Student.~ .. tshlr~ Gold<'ndolt'. Oraham. 1111110 to takr n:>tP.11 mill do &0 lo a ,ll alla. llUll'f\' 1111', Pon An· ~plral n<>C rbook or on a sht'e t JIPlt!-. or paper. F'rom CaJ lfornla. Loni: He "'P"'s& l'd b1s bt>P<" Bl'ach :?. ont! roch lrum lhal this lnno•-.r.i n will j!ur&I ncton Pul., Orlndn. accommodate titudcct" In T>lllln, Burlxlnk, Orn\1 llr, tbf'ir .,. ~ research Slall'llnl', and F.nctno. ,.orL:.....---:-:-~-From " 1n1ana: one CAl'.h Colendar Of E,..ou 4ror:i St•f!IM tak<', Anacond:I. 0 Bell. &l k Lolo , !\o• nn , and Libby. ~ JI<', 1n •llC SUB f Nm Ow~on Ponla.nd 3 on1 r11ch from Sa lcm and Oct. ~I - Cbt..·rl<'ader 1~1· wt:;. 11cth1tv period io • •lh. the i:y f"rom Qilo· one t'ilCh nom 0:1. :?5 - Clx>tr P:ut_r, i;,-m. C1non11111. Glb!lonbUr;. and S OOp•• Manon. • F'Nm ~n(l('SOll" Pl>rk Rapid! 1. f'mm Ollnol:; HLChland Park t. • OnP 1ilud1 01 comes lfl>m l'aCb of thr lollo,.\nG pl~Cl'!I abroad Guanlnnr1mo. Cuba J'rtn1uanu, Mnln,n , Cal11ar,, Xlbl'rt~. Canada \ 'nncou\N, Bntl'h Culumt:h. Cllllada. Cr11nbmtlk , Br tl6h Columbia.

W"ElltlE~OAY. OCTOBER U , 1964

Nominees For Class OJ.fices

Reference Section Of Library Is Planned

Stu dent Board Cages Snake At Routine Meeting

Enrollment Is 21% Above 1963 Record and sop


c .as es. •u

tbe 2ll <':=ialb f an mlflllll M use b1J h d sept. 30. Candid tt'S end<' &peoc:hes 1n the Sudent Union dun ni: actl\ It• ~n d la.~1 Y.ednl':'lday ~nd Tbu"'dl!J. CAnchdal~ for s phomorc prv~1deJJt Y.ere Bob Ollhl· ber; and Phil Enck110n. Ton.r Edwards ran un 'PPOlled for 'tcr llf••sldenl ,.h 1h• }!Arcia. Anlonton. T11nl Paul, n:nd \la.n LYn PU<>l \It'd tor sccretary·trf'G.Sarer. The frestrnan clus noml • DlUed Old IA!!:=. F.arl Jor,eosm and Jer.1 Gr~ 'l1 !ur rresl.denL Bob Twluer and Betn Johnson nan r r 'lce-pl'l'SIClmt. Judr Rt'Ssler. h:lmi Brue~ and Karen Sa.'ld • rr Oll t!IP bat l I : HC :eta::> o{:eas~r •• Tl:e fe>Ults r lhr cltcll D wue too late r tb & •r I DC mt d sill bt- a> tttd D l DOI SS::!!.

:\ ua.-eloi;ue ...111 br wn ill tl:f' 1."1t:1c!AY, Oc~


llhf'n ret:lslrallon cloaed fur thr fall term on Septrm· be: :?8. 744 Wt'tt' enrolll.'d In d 1y cl as•"" 11L NIJC. Thlll rt'<:Ord enrollmml 111 an In· cr~a.<l' ot 128 O\'er last raJI. or a ZI per cml rtse. Freshmen outnumber ,;opho· mort>S H S lo W7 and two ~Ptetal »tudcnts are Included ln th•• total. There arc 302 m~n In the frosh cluss and 143 women. The sophomore clu• ls composed or 204 mrn and !\3 ,.omen• tn \ht' cntuc student body . th~re au• 507 men lhl s !1111 and 23': "' imt~n. T'" •ocauono.J deparlmcnts l i5 enrolled, al I men.

Orcle -;



Offl on Ha 01od r o lht Circle K

Dav · Port, pre81· dent Alan Perr). vlct--1>res&I"

ldent Bnan .\t:llf'r, secretary. a:id BruceAndenmo.1rruurPr. Thi! club la off 10 an active 111n-rti>:11 ntlnc the college aelc me a.tens. muln;: new ul call tor tbr dlr<elion •tens and rt:13lntlnc tbe old nea and m.etlnc •Ith the !\ Club once a month.

A WS Officers


New Stationery Is Now In Bookstore • Tht nt•\\ :->I.JC •lltllonPf\ 1-- a1·01labh at lhl' book 5\0fl 1~ fildPm or :? l ~hcl't5 or bO\l't\ Of aboul 38 i;hct~, ~i<·r .is F.\"l~n Brr,, book t• r• llN>iN.



The first prob!~ handled b1 the Student Board at their mttlinc October 6. Wb ca111~ a Cri elldl> snalte ,..ho wanted 10 Join the party. The snake was the pet ot James Buml>. blotoc» In· slructor. LarlJ' Boz&rlh, public rela· lions cha! rmo.n, reported 1ha1 the Public Relauons Commit · tee has made proaress with publicity through the Coeur d ' Alene Prl'Ss nnd station KVN I. Plans were to establish a sei pattern for news releases regardlna NI.JC acth'ities. Russell Brown, cha.lrman of the Board . announced that be would handle the remaJnlnc deuils for class elections. The Rome Elconomlcs Club requested $100 10 be used b)· the eroup to attend a con•·enUon In SID Valley. Idaho. Tlmllle Rogers made the request ror tbe eroup. II ,.as ai;reed tba1 they would be permllted to attend Oct. 10 and 11. Tt.... mtttlnc wb actJoumed tollowtnc a brtet discussion or remalrung details. Gu ests were Robert ll'rlahl. ph,yslcs Instructor, Timllle Rogers and Sany Simon.

'Our Hearts Were Young And Gay' Is Will Run Oct. 29-30 " Hearts Were Young and Qo.y " wlll be lhc tlrst presentation by the NIJC lhenler group Ibis ycor, Morgaret Ga.le, dmm11 director. 11nnounced. The play. based on the early experiences ot actress Cornella OUs Skinner and her wnter sidekick. Emlly Klmbrouch. \\-111 co-st11r aenell<' Sbnner as !.tiss Sunner and Rond!I Lobm11.nn as \Uss Kimbroucb. Others In tbe include Tl n:i Thayer as Therl'se. \llrll Young as the stt!'>ard · ess, Stu Kimball as tbe Admiral. n>m :\lkiDS llS Leo. Kitt\' Jetrrtes as th<' lnspf'C• tor, · Barbaro Scrattord as )ladamc £115<', Dan Hansl'n a& A*>nsteur De La Croix . Tt.:>m Thompson as t be ,.tn· do• cleaner. Bert Meyen. ..,, lhC' stt!Ward, Jud.)· Ressler as Mra. &Inner, Pat Nesstr IA the purs"r QDd f'red ~lcMUff9.)' as Dtck. The pllly ts in rehror11al wtth tbe final performance.. 10 be given on Oct. 29 and 30 In the NIJC Cl'mnastum. Robert Keeler will 11Sslst \lf:;. Onie in the dlrect1n1 role. with studentli titling all respanslbllillch, lncludtni: st:tce manai;ement . make-<1P Md prompt.lni:. Watch Bvllerin Boord StUd~nlS QIC fl'mlOlfrd lo waich the bulletin board In the front ot the bulldlnl! tor notices from the othce.

Applications For NROTC Test Must Be Filed With Navy By Nov. 20

THE N. L J. C. REVIEW Pubf;u..d S.mi-Mori1My Outing tit• Colle9• Y..1 • ly JourMliun Students • • tfte


Co-Edhou •••••• .. •. . •... Lorrolno D-eu,. Sotboro SctaUord Sports Editor • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ruu Jolol Ad"erthln9 Monogers . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom Gllber1, Andr~o Ross

Circ...,lor1on Monogtir .•.•.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gl~


Photogtophy Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Rick Acii•rmon

Roportrrs: Sru Kimball, Fron\: F10 Rito, Tom A"'uu., Rotctl'l'lory Honun, Borb McKay, Klny .HffnH, Oton• RO"doll, Porn StoffCYd, MofJho Lc-Frond•, Borbciro Rtley, Jo Ann O..,.r•b,. Bob Le1&f'iry

Editorial ...

HEW COMMITTEE DESERVES SUPPORT 0.... Of th< t>f'W Q'QOnl/Q f n U • Is the Public RelOll.;)O Con •• •


' ;A_ •emes"r'!' 1·~ cons ,. of fovr sophomor"~ ond rwo r,..,,.1-i,,.,n who~ ol: • s • ·eleose col lcpe news to local newspa~rs. mcto-,.. ':'I<! 1moge ol •he NUC student body and publictZe school orqa~ zo'J<>1u and oct1v1t1es. These g::>ol~ or» beong occ:omp • • ff' da1 news stories p¥to1ning 10 ·~uC on 1f.e Coo r d' A " Pr ,. , ortick!s senr to venous orher papers 1n ~~ ~,. ~ ,.. ccMin students from 1rio1 comrnvn.ty p<ewntl o':end•ng i, JC. 0'10 o weekly f1ve...,,1nu1e newscast oxir radio s•a•1on KV'<I . We of the REVIEN urge yov to g ve r"e Pub c De at eris Commitree Ol'ld •IS oclvrscr, Povmond '"·'>tter' <I support and co-opero11on.


Drama CT.ass At Work

"''•rnbors ol th• drama doss ore se-f!'n stud) Ing their pottz ior the

· •0vr Heor's Nt:re YOi.lng ortd Goy... L•f' ro F,..d ,\1cA,11rro)'. RoncJo Lohmann. Serr ··-•)"""• G.r>e-l/e

/ol'Ost pl"9~cnrotlon



Applications are now avail· able for the Navy's nineteenth a.nnual :-!ROTC qual · Ulcatioo test. accordlog to McFarland. The nationwide examination wll I be given December 12. 19&1. and all eligible male high school seniors and graduates mil.)· apply. On the basis or this test. pemonal lnten1ews . phys!• cal examinations. and other factors. Mr. MCF'arland ex· plained. over 2000 youni; men will be gl\'eO college educa tions as midshipmen ID NRC1I'C unlts In ~ Wt'll · known colleges and uni v<'r~ &!ties throui;hout the count!)' . Reglstmllons ror thl' test wlU close November 20. 111rormat1onal buUel!ns and appllcalloos arl' a•allablt> t1L the U.S. Na-., Rccru1uni: Station , Posi O€fict> Bulldlni;. A success rut appllc1111t receives nnanctal atd fo r four years or college. ThlS Includes lullion, books. uni forms. mlscellanl!Ot!s ex· penses . !Ind a $50.00 per month retainer fee. After successfull.Y completing college degree requirements and naval science lralJU na. :more midshipmen become commissioned oCflcers In lhl' U.S. Navy or M!lr1nl' Cotpb. During their training, regular NROI'C midshipmen en;oy three summer cruises ,..Ith vartau 5 naval units, Including ••lslts to forelr,:n These cruises help lhEm learn more nbout the vaneiy or 1111.erestini; nnd cho.llengJng opportunities a\'ol lable t o them as na••o.l officers. Male citizens or the United Stales who ..111 be over L7 but not yet 21 on June 30 , 1965, !lDd who are now high school seniors o r graduates, ue eligible to apply for the December 12, 196~. NROTC qualifying tes L Those who attain qua.llfy1ng scores will be u1ten•1ewed and glven PhYSlcal examlnnUoos next F'ebruary.

tor •. . UndOf'Wood Sales

N.t.J.C. REVIEW, c...,, o'Alene, ldoho, Wed., Octob"' 14, 1964

Meet The Prof

E . T. LITCHFIELD wardlni:. " tor the new journalism clas s "Joumllilflm IH a compl ex rl'Cenr.J.y retired from n career 11ubJt1cl," said Mr. Ll~h· covering 40 years. field. "Many petsons have He hos worked ror the the n cUon that Joumallam Is IArgl'I newspapers in New an ca&y sub)('Cl, whrr<>M York. Sl'atUe. and San F'mn· quite the contrary Is true. dsco. !ls last execullve Clns:i sessions covc1 basic poslllon was news edito r rules Joumollllm by cl ass· to r The Spokesman-Rcvll'W. wo rk , the reading and study• Mr. LltchOeld hllll covered Ins; o r nrwapapNs ond pracoJl tn o rl'Ru lnr beats and Li clll w o1k ln wrlllni: news." assignments. tram cr1me 1111d EHGIHEER'S CLU B PLAN S poUce reports to drarnn nnd TWO DINNER MEE TINGS business, and was at one ume city and Sunda,y editor Th() E:!l¢nl>er 's Club !.& for The Spokesman-Review. plnnnlng nn active term , ac· Mr. Litchfield hall trovoled cording to D. II. Moser, ad· extensively In Europe and v!ser. TM board of dl rec:torn recently retu med rrom a (president, Barr y Simon. tou r of Greece und Its ls· 1•lcc1)rClllden1, Kl'n uemmel· lands. ltllly, France, and mnn; secretory, Ma rg Be rg; Switzerland. treasurer. Roy Chat.rleld\ elected last spring, have He Ii; mnn1 ed and ha..s one daughter who ls an al rll ne planned two dinner ml"'llngs host ess. She Is marr1 ed to a scheduled o n Oct. 17 and pUot and lives In Lona NO\' . 20. lSl!lD d. New York . Last Thursdo.y Barry Simon Of teaching. Mr. UtchCleld e xplo.lne1 lbe Engineer's say i;, "All er wo rkl nK as a Club and Its purpose to o professional newspaperman. group or engineering. ror cs try the c:J11mge In opproo.cb tO and I ndusufal arts moJon;. Joumallsm which one ~ets Members must be enrollr.d In throu&h leo.cbln& Is not only o ne these three fl elds In , refresh! ng but mos! rPorder to be ellalblc.


T. Utchn eld. Instructor




2306 F"'"' A.,., C:C..ur d'Alene, ldoho

Woodcock's Drug Store Cond,e> - Sundr•es Pre;cription\ 126 N. fo \lrtk St.


Co.ur d._Af• "•

See us

& Service

e a d. e.r

LOOK ! You can c l ;:;;ze verytblng saf ely in a





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New Mwic Makers

'Hamlet' Leaves Student Wtth Mixed Emotions

N,l.J,C. RE llEW,



aro .,..,,, •I• •.,/ ali/cors of rn. NIJC pe bo..J "pl>• &b OaM1>o1., K"'' L'•" 0..-PCl<rrlo.. Po,, Of', Sylvia Ll•"· 5oll -no • • Th<' ~IJC PPP band t!ICC tl'd o rttco"' on Oct. :?. Bob Dahlbf'IS wos Plt'Clt!d Pll'SI· ll<hat 1ngle OUeST/Oli dt!nt, KPlth Ltt>n, \ice-prealdt!nt, Kau·n PatnoLt, &t'Crt'· chaaat do uo• lhl~k MOVld 1u,.1rrasurer, and SAiiy r.iosl bc~J•t the sl:idcal bodu? Spa In. band llbrartan. A HARR JET BIG GERST AF'F. !ipf!Clal app(ll nlmenl or bU&I• sapbomo~. Col'Ur d' Ale:ie, ne11a mana&Pr was atn•n to Idaho: Dav" Clllrk by Mr. 8urnw. "~re classroom space. ThP. Pl'P band Is learning "llPecl&llJ for cbemlstr1 and many oow numbNa In addl · the othet 1C1enCP labOratorles 1lon to tlw&t: playrd lar.t and classroorus.. 111 th our yea r. Pr•panitlons art' brine rn lldr for tbe winter concen . npandlni: collP.Ce ~ net'd II. Too larae cla.sse11 c1111se , · ch I l "' t" bl' scheduled. confusion a.nd r,.111111 In rnan:r students not 1e:tln1 •ha1 Cardinal Service Club they could rn;m cllt:sM•s ... Seeking More Members SANDY ALLEN. sopbomo:P. ~ Cataldo, Idaho. Tl1l Cazdlra I S.-rvlc:t! Club "Put Shor.honr and Bo:i."lt'r I stt.kln& l!lf'lllbNS. Tholll' counllt'S Into the dtstnC't Int Nest I'd i;hould c:ontnc t Wllh P,..1JC' to PID\1d• •vet)• Luelle Lanlll', ad•1i;er, or one with an eQual op~rturuty Ptnny &)dlnr, proeldt>nt. ror education. The l'IUdent Tho· club pr ml&P"8 to ti) lo could ca:npalsn for th!> c ".blne ,.ork with Pll'osure lhemselves thwu&h lltuature • for 1 ta mr.mbt'rs. and vanous mPans... Tht! lln<t m•'l'lln& wan held ARDITH JOllJ"SON. sophoOc t. ~ II w1111 callf!d to more. Sarr:lpolnt, Idaho· ord N by ~~as Sodini', anf'I ··Jr at Dll possible. some or • \\hlch flhn lntroduc1•d thr the classes &hould bl:· m:idr club ortlc••lll Lo the new am al ler to 11llQ,. m re tlm..11wnibt·r11. Knthy 111laon WIL~ ror claas dlscul\alon. ThM<' rll'Clt'<I <"hDlnnan ul thr 11l11n i<hould b<' morn p~ rl'Sslonal 9 <"ommlll1•r. Jwrnals In the library . 8UC'~ l·'Uturo• but<lnl'&I\ lnt'ludua &8 t hos~ pul out b' the 11l11n ror 11 111ckl•• al•. p11ycholoalcal and medical UllO(;latlon~. not only as an ald ln rcsealC'h "orll bu1 also 10 Clt'lll! lntMl'SI." BOB LEIGHT\'. aopbOmorc. Ila \'dr.n Lak<'. Jdall>· "Th<' de,elopmenl of o r campus ar. . to a er airr <'l· ICDI. Tbl5 c:balll:I! "ould be ror 111e i;ood or our r.UJdl'lltS LOUISROWDS aod lh-OtiC o: th !w~u?\!. •• GHINHOUSE nESH -





; 01111t




T11<1 n •• a sou1 contrail to m1 Cl'lnlon or John Glet.ud • Pl'lduclin:i DI lbt:ll t. The Picture '"H bh::t}' cb of tbe t:111r. and lb• aound ,. ..,. tx;nendous. Ha:nlet•a crem:a· •:id t~ i:h:>st • apej'Ch beca.-,ie hlcb~llchm sibbe:· lr.h aod rucbllnc L •nd 1• Tbe stacinc n11· spenao ln that H:J few pr !:Ii and no curtains bet•~n act• •e~ used. A tabl«". 1 r • cb11.1n1, and s!Jdtnc pan~i. ~re tbe onb props t:Md bes.des lhe biue bll.5.cs. J •onder If It •un•t ratbtr cont:51n& at the IJ\e per· ramiance. The cameramlln •as earetul to prrs<'nt only the pertinent pans or lhf' stac~.

Costumlnc was ntL Th< aci.ors •ore ordinary strecl

ma.Ile up and •Ne dressed tn e\en1n1 clothe$. TMre wa. no chan&e of costume. e\'en though the llme or lilt! pla) la Ovt!r t•o montruo. Th• fact ttnu thtr<' no co • tume cbanc<'s hl'lptd ldentl!) Lil~ charac1era. ;et I found It :ather dlsconcert!nc to find i:11ards di i;ro In 5Utls lllld :he kine drl.'saed "'en more 1nror:nllr. II reminded me or tbe rebeiusal ber re tbe dress rebearsal. btlt as lb!! ac!lon uni Id~ I nt'at Y fa lltl)! atxlut c:osiu es. lack or pQps ""d blurrt'd ' •1 n. Pl>! al. was p r•11 ed 11 L1 Id can ,..~ d d a dd!Jht• ru• b f blendJnc h n t.l and non..,.n e, am nc•~: dld




Roster Of SHEA Officers Complete

committee . ~Uss :stchols said that SXE:A mt>mbe111htp cards will be on sale next week.

Th• Sud<'nt :Sall nal Edu· Home Ee Girls Al cc.uun ..1.: c.aclatlun. b~11er Sun Valley Meeting known a.~ SSE:A. electl"d Accordlnr tu Mrs. Florence ofOCN& Oct. tl. Cnroh n Slranahnn. bome ~ llllilruCLor. ~lcbols. presldrni. to po:•ro". Chn)I )!liryOll v. a.. Pl cted tht' followlni i:uls attonded 'lct'1H~ldmt; Jcrr Phllbpo;, tbe Rome EX:onom11>ts Asso· secrctal). Ann Reid, uea•ur· c1a11on moeU11t tn sun \'al~y er. and Bart>ara Rllev. h19· Oct. 10: Tunllle Rodcer!, p<f'sldPnt Of the :SIJC chapll'l, torian. ~Uss hryott, a aophomore. Laura L<"' Yeouman•. seer<" ltl a EladUalt' or Cot!Ur d' 181). sue 1...a,...1on. Janet Alene Hldl School and an }l niantbn: APDI ~ans, <ducatlon major. She s;ild lloloroen ""Donel!. vlct'· 8emlta oxrord . her plans •Pie to tttich prnldei:t tlP.llSurrr Allee Donat, Tl'rri ('ll'IDC'tllolr1 school. w. Phillip • !ram Posl Dl'Cbss. and Ruth Sh~rwtn. Timlll e Rodgers ll"d the Fall!!. la a freshm:in nnd ..bull" ~octlon of tbe l!let'I• ..iurtna In fducallon. 11~ la a araduate of l\f'llo~~ I,.; and B<'llY ~cnives , foll!lcr NIJC student. waa Hlgl: school. MIU R<ld IS D cradu •le ol toastmtstress at thf' I un· cbeon. Coeur d'Akn<' H1&h S<:hOol. Other college clut. were \Ua11 Rt Id, a !,.,~bman. said IK-r amb1Uons 11re to tc-ceave Crom the U or I, Idaho State Untn•r&lt.l'. Boisl' Junior a ma~ter.i d~l:tC(' In f'ducnlion and t"arh phYsl~al eduC'allon Collec". :Sortb,.est Nunrrnt' Collo~r nnd Ricks Collea<'. at th•' a:>lh•ar. l~'·,•1. To make mone)· ror th11 tnp )Uss Rtlt-1. rn>m Sandpoint. to SUn Vallry, I.Aura Lee i~ a areduntt• or N11•um. Mont •• Hllh School. lier a.mbtUon Yeoumans. Anna \toe Riii. Mt1'. Barbaro Perkins. and ls t•) 11."llch 1p('cch. dmma ud En~ll8h at th< high Mureln Antonson prepared and 11cn·ed a brunch at 11 HChool l~\'el. PenMy ...ork shop The roup nbo appointed a J. c ror home economists. ~ < r commtttre and D sk1L

great moccasin!


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19+1 to 19t;:?. Thr 'olu:n h b ted n h 5 mcm n.


n rrr· 407Shefmon C0tt.1t d' A.tens. 1doho

N.IJ.C. REVIEW, Coovt d' A.l<no, ldoho, W•d., Oc1ob.1 1.1, 1964

Meet The Cards

Meet ~

On pnper. tltls year'3 Card i nnls look great' I can almo>H reel lbe NJCAA naltonals. t i;atnc throusb some or last year'S basketball photographs when l enme across a team picture. V.ell, more or less or a team PlClurE'. The Cardi ml bench and Cooch Wll IJnms were posed t n watcbln11 Jimmy Joe ~oinr up ror a Jump ~hot tlg01nSt Big Bend Coll e11e. The reason II looked hke a ten.m picture becG1Jse there was not anyonl' In the gym. If there bad been 500 screaming studen~s be tilnd the Cardinals. I would have tm1111'dlat1>Jy reall zed r.hat It ,. as a p mf' ac tlon photo. Seriously, a colleae thlll sends • te:un to a nallon:t.l tournament cenatnh should ba,·e the fulle.>t support ot Its home games. The Cardinals hnve I~ of them lllll< year, and your Sl.IPPOrt l" needed lo help them i;et to the nallollllls.. LaSI Tuesdu.1, at the lnv1 1"Ltion of Conch llUbwns, I llltendl'd n luncheon of North Idaho Junior College BoostNS •t Frttz •, Comt>r. Thest> ,.entl"men desel\·e o 1·01c thnnlt~ rrom all of us. They ll!llru?.e and sponsor JC dan.ce~. hrlp \\llh the athJcUc fund. and makl' the communlt~ more coni;clou:> of Cardin~ tllltlctlc events. In foet, they work harder than mosl or us at promollng NIJC. The student bod.l· iu NIJC has been getting something ror nolltlng from these busi ness men for too lonti. ll Is high lime we c:i.rrtl.'d our :;hare nf the load by attendini: and checrtng ou r team .. on. ft wss the only note o r crrnc1sm l heard from the BoOblNS, und ll embtHrassed ml' to bP asked why



,..,. Bill Smith oil o'Ot"e •o food r1'eo Cords ·o o


,\o hln9ton ond C"O'h"'r :. ff'D' tQwt.Jrd lo r , -10r • ··~J.._

One o( l he Cl ghl \'cl crans "ho will carry the lead ror lhP Ccudlnals this yeor "lU be Bill Snilh , lust year's lrodlng scor<?r. Smith, n 6'·4" sophomon> , played his htgh school bnll n l Ma11onH11rdln1t IH ~h School in Morton , Ohio. He wns st'lCCl <'<I to l h(' Ohl o A ll-Stntt' Lea~ue ror his hoap abllllf es. He ls prcsenlly enrolled in the B.A. Education department. The record books show thnl Smtih averaged 44 percent ct his shol» from the floor nnd 64 percent !rom the chnril) line . Smith n1•crnged IG.6 pmnis per gnme. Bill 's big mghL was npi1ns1 thl' Uni· VNslty of Idaho F'rosh when he 101lled 36 pol nls IO lend the Ccudtnnl:, to o J 02-85 nctorv Ol'er the Vondnts. 8111 seems 10 hn1·e the hnb11 or be1 ng 1n the righl spot n t the n ltht ume. nil 10 lhe advnntnge of the Curdl nnts. Al I the~ need h; sup· port to mnkc the season a >meet!<uccess In nil Quarters.


ror~· ·


o or Eo ,..,

REDDY SAYS . . . II' )DU ran track whtle In hlgh sehool, your expenence ls needed at :-; !JC. Coach Reid ls looking for trockm.-n or ull events 10 help beef up the Cllldlnal fleelfools. Wllether you placed last or first in your prt-vlous compeUllon makes little d!Ht'rence. Collei:e track requires desJ rt>. and If you hn\'e th<' desire. Conch RNd 'Mil PtlhN nnd or rrnke your tnl~nt . Thi! Cuttlllllll alhl~Llc :.laH ha> onb the besl. lake adlllntaR• or workln~ "Ith lh<m and \\in o NJJC letter. A word lo Ille bowllnR leai:ue s<>cretsrie:,. Prei; eNs for bowhng results are n1·alloble at both the Co\' e Bowl Wld Lllke Citv Lane:;. Plense flll them out nnd return 10 the CardionJ Re\'le" starr for complete bo"'llni:co"~ru.,. Thank 1·ou. I would apprec1n1e letters or cn11c1sm on !1\,)' spons i:ngu and nny ideas you mlghl hn1·e nboul >ports l am neglectlni;. \\tlh \'Our help, l will have the best sports co1·erage of NJJC possible . Tile JC Booster Club wll l SllOnsor n dance tn the gym 5atuttla}, Oct. I 7.





For a Lifetime of

I• M0t< Fun



learn to

BOWL W hile You Are Young


Jimmy Joo (1f1 I c/nJ.1 two tor th• Cordlnol& aqoln ' 1'f'o~1'i1riqron


'" lo ' y~r' t ltr



ol ,,,

th,, Eo tttrn >0

on for tit.

Ca•d" 18- 1 llh<'n tt 1 ,. not Bill Snith , ll ls rMn> lhnn likely Jimmy Joe. At 6 •• 4 ... Jim llkes to

~:~nnl. ond the All·Slnte

play ult lhc po~tltons, bul Conell WU Uams 1,. the master o! lhl' Cardinals nnd he wnnti; Joi' nl Onl' of lh(' llllllrd $POlll. Jim 1,, also 11 sophomorP letletmnn. He pltt.)'l'd his h111h school bnll nt .rof{oraon High tn Portland Ore. where - -- - - - -· - - - · - - our teams were not being fully suppated by the 11tudent body. Ap&hy on our pnrt wtll choke orr thr Cardinal athletic program . There IS NO need for crltlclsm o f this kind.

Jlm wns last yrar'l1 H'C nd lead! ng sco rN. Joe hl>l~ed l etul the Cardlnnl" 10 n 8·1·59 , win o"rr lhf' l\est ern Monta~o 8ulld0l!S by dumping In . 6 bljj points . Scor1n& Is not the onl y pnrl or the gumc Joi' does well. Defense nnd ploymaking nw Included In hi spec:lnllli es. Comblnlnk lhr lollPr\\llh his ~corlna nblll ty , .Joe w11" selectC'd to lhP NJCAA Al l •Rl'R!onal Lr•am ror his ncllon In the NJCAA re11tonnl pla..voUs.

he wuH selected lo th•• Port·

land All-CH~· leom, lh~ Al 1-


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