The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 19 No 4 Nov 11, 1964

Page 1

Student Democrat Unimpressed By 1 Republican Talks Son'o Co'11011

T hu rsday' :s Republican rail.I' out IO be a great dtU> for tht' Democrats. thanks to the roe In Missoula, but an eQu ally i rea t dlsoppo!ntment ror the Republican Central Comm1tte1> and the ha! f dozen s tud enti. who workftl hard to get Mr. Miller here. Althou gh word was recef\•ftl by nidio :stallon 1\-VNI bet ween 9: 10 and 9: 15, the crowd wu not told that Mr, didn't come unUI Miller 9:35. By show or bands. about ninety percent or those p resent were Republicans. but If the slna:lnc or • 'l.lY Country, 1'18 Of Thee " la B tru c showing or Republican spirit . the Democrats won't be hard put to top It. Frr.ed nm didn' t even resound rrom the walls, mucb less the mountainsides. ' T be lnvocaUon given by ru>yal Shields was really worth listening IO - a prayer for str ength Cot our country and 'A15dom ror ou r voters. Going by audience response, Mr. Wiier mlJht well have been a minor attraction. Spl' aklng from his crounded plane via lona-<llstance telephone, M bh1s1ed the aoco.Jl cd aDpeascmt11t poUcy or th!? present administration, but ofrcr ed very little In the way or an alternative oourse or acUon. He squeezed scverul ••lclous sloms against L.B. J. Into his l8'11llnulA! speech. but he didn 't add what he 'd do so differently. The basis or John M11timll ler's plll t fonn seems to be , In thot gcmUcmon ' s words, •'lo bring back honor and ll'spcct to the word 'poUtlclan•." If his Jokes were any exn111Pl<' , I t wlll be a l ong " al t Ull tbnl do.y. He labe led Compton White a "apcndM" und ti:y ed to make him ludicrous, but drew • •·cry Ut lle lau¢i tcr from llO large o lll'OUll or R.PpubUcans. llavtnR spoken for It mlnut<'S Mr. Mattm lllN came lh<' closes! or any or the main •Pl':lkcrs to dl'Scl\·lns lbe 11lllndlns ovu lion he sot. 5'-nato r Jordan used lots or big \\Ords to pod vel') clo6<' tu no thing. He favor& medlCftrt', n dcOnlll' stt•p toward l>OCinllsm, and the "maklDS the hlrtn11 or t<'fln~ profit· able," iust anothN w11,y of 'oylna " sub~ld). " \'olunca " · drall was the onb point which d rpw applause \\Orth menbonlna. bot he c·ave no l'>plana Uon of hO'A such an tlandtsh !lchcmc would \\urk. He did concede uncomtortabb that not all D••mocrut.., aze rott~n p0Ulclan". Dunna hh 1 mln1M ll1lk . he c~pre,sl'd a •l3nd onl,\' ror fiscal ln-

r:u med


'Modern' Shakespeare Play Scheduled Nov. 16 The Orst student direct~ play of the semester, ··Shakes peare Strenmllned" by £\·angeUne L.rnch, will bl> pre o<'nlcd Nov. 16 lli actlvtty perlod In tile gym . litUOent director is Tom Thol!IPsoo. 11 19 the Stoey or a class who.upon desecmt1nc Shakespeare's gpeeches. finds him retu min & from the dead .. to show them how ll should be done". In the role or the Sl:>lat or Sbe.kespeare ls Pl1t Powers. Otbere In the are Jo Ellen Holzer In the t01es of Mlaa Melody and the Enclhh teacher. Jolin Bomp.mer as Marshall. Jeny S&Unc as Andr. Charles Alkins as Joe, Joe Fletcher as Bob, Pam Staltord as Dons. Joyce Wllllace as Jean, Dave Anderson as Sbenrln and John Hilby as RJch<ud. Producllon manasem are i..J'DD LeFrancls and Judy Ressler. Tile play ls open to the public w1lbout cllarse.

NIJC Will Host Area High School Debaters Twenty hi llh schools fro \\ash In tJOn and Idaho have been Invited to the lblld annual NIJC Rl&h SCho >l!onal Debate Tournament schl'dulftl for No'" H. The topic conC'-'ms lnt~ma­ tfonal control or nuclear ar:ns. Students wlll be dolDI most or th<> Judc!ns and ume· kell'PCIS .. u 1 be ml.'llllll"rs or o r. Ea.rl Prlddy's spet'Ch c la.!lses. "\\o have been forced t make a rew chances In the debate rules lbr the tournament. \\hlch sbOuld 4l low tor lbr procttdlncs to run much smoother. I am Joolunc forward to a \'l'IY cood turnout and an lotere•tlnc tournament. " "aid Franlt F'lo Rlto. man810er. Co-mana&C'C 11' Bob Ll'lib!V. Voloatetrs H..ded Volunt~rs 10 staple pai;cs of the Rene" orl' al•ll. appreciated.

Evolution Was Sub1ect For Assembly Speaker or. M:int~ll. n<>kd lt"Clurer and •Hiie · ID lboo Oeld er ~enc-lies. •a• tile nrst sptake: In a cu!luml lecture ,,erJes scheOlled lo: SJ.JC. Oct. ~& 111' srou. m evolution . or. M:inte!I recent!• retumed rrom GN~llll.V to accept the po511lon of instructor at th<' t;ol•·entll,J c.I Dallas. HI. rKe!Tftl his dociora! dei:rce lrol" S&anf :d CnlHrttlty.

Students' Blue Cross cards Now Available .o\Jl full·Ut'lP ,rudrnls aze asked l.O p!ek up lbel: Blue Cross cards tror.:i the 1ei:1 • trar's cfOce as soon as pos1ubl<'. Each sub9Cnber musl Pff"' !CDt bl& card to Ute p ta: when lie ts admitted and to the doctor when r~u uni: covNect ttrdica!-auri:lcal ser\ ICt'b.

Student Board Allots Funds To Paint Bus

Th• 1'!Ulnk5111 •1nR dance, :;pon110red by the Social ,.\cuvlties Commlllee, will br. held Nov. 21 rro111 9:30 p. m. to 12:30 a.m. In the Sludent Union. BevNls Bou&hton, dunce comm! ttee cha.I rm an. said 1t t~ lo be a drei;s 11ffulr reQulnni;: sulla for boys and cocluall dre,,ses for 11o1rlo. Thrre is no char~·· but th• u!rlllr I$ Hmllcd to couples

Appl\rently th~ tact that the RrpubUcan pnr!;) \\On lhe 'tud"n\ ballo11rng by the .,11ur1110 .r tour votes \\as 'uppo,.rd lo br so~ so rt or d"''P da rk st'c rt>t. The turnout ha.' Ix-en tcmiul o mumph ' or th~ Rl'pubUcons . In ternu; numbt•r.- , but It ,., as more ne~ rlv n 'ictu r~ for th<' Ot>mo· <" rn1.:< . 1n term:> or enthusla,.m.


onl " · - - - - - - - Vacati on Comi ng

Note Front Cafet~rio

ca fNNl11 sto rr al>ks all 1.tudent<i remov" , '4tr t) dt:;ht·~ lrom thr tab\•·~ ·•h<'n lro• 1n~ th<• cnt.•tetlll.


J , I> Thlrty-t1<o students raked leaves. 111Rss and Pine needlPS lrom Rosenb1!m· On ve to the football field from 1:00 p.m. Sat.. Oc~ 2~ IO 4 :00 p.m.. when LAllY Bozarth, Belt' Johnson nnd Phil Erickson cool! m hambu raers for the Jl'OUP- \lot!t then conunued unu I 6.00 p.m. Mr. ThOl?ll.!I Brophy, NIJC custodla.", also hdped with th,. campui; cl.,an'\lp,


Goldwater Edges Johnson In Mock Election At NIJC

PoUtlcal h&>tory was made this wol'k Ill NlJC when Sen. Baro· ~L Ooldo. oter defeatl'li Pn'Sld•,nt l.)'ndon B. John:;on -.1th • \OI<. of 157 to 153. This ''I'll>' the llnst um., In the pollucal hls1on or the collci;e that the •·ote w~nl to a RP.publican cnndldate ror President . accordlna to Dr. Eva S. F'elZ . hl':ld or the school 's pollllcal science depattment. Goldwater Republican John ~bttmlllN was defeated b' Inc um be n I Reprt>Sectal1"c Compton 1. llhtte by a •ote TOd• q le"' """~ of trash ct ·~<' of I Si lo I ~2Incumbent Stu te Senat0r Republican Jomes MacDonald lost lO CormN Democrotlc SUlle Reprt':;ed alive Bill llebsler. \'Oles totn.!Ung 153 to 136. Republican. Roy Shields led The ro1n1lnr meeting of the the su man Oeld ror Stnte Sludf'l1t Board wns ht'ld "e with a voi.. ~t. 2i wlth al I no<>mbers or 167. Democrat Art Manley ran second with 161 ,·01cs. present. Veteran Democrat le!ll!<lutor speakln~ Larry Bozo.rib, ror the Public Relollon:; Com- John Mol.l'neaux trailed wHh HS vol<'s to become the mitt~. 11Sk«I ror sso to be u!l<'d for pictures. "'!Ulpment. third "lnnN. Demacrat c .w. and l'l'lated <'•Plln,.e.; by thl' Nelder recel\'cd a ,·ote or CQmrrutl••r. The board ap- 139, followed by Republican Paul Ammon. 133 . and Claude proved thl• amount. Phil Encksun, soohomor~ BameB, 130. Kontenlll county fol lowed cla:;s prra!dent. a~ked on behalf or the 9ophamore aln9$ Its trndlllonal stand by elect· mC'mbers that S 14.80 b~ 111- Inti thrt>e OemocniUc Councy In th,. !SI l«<XI thl'lll to reimburse the CommlS<>IOnNs. lncumbcnL Ralph Studrnl \Inion !or lhe cost or Di!llrict, refrt-shmen1.:; 1e rved to ~lu­ Co po. defeated GOP candl dent..q 'Aho parUclputed In lhe date. Sadie John"10n. 163 lo 127. i;«:ond District IncumSophomore Cleun-Up 011\' , bent Paul Ba.Ulle 10$1 to Don Oct. :?4. This was approved. Adams bl' a •·Ou! or 168 to Russel Brown, "1udent bod..v 115. O!'lllOcmUc Incumbent president, a:sk{'d th111 the Henn Mey er defeated OScar Sludent Board appro\'I' the use ot Cund~ rrom the AS · Nwsl:ll In th•· third di strict soclated Sludent Board re- rac. v. Ith a vote or 162 to ,,erve fund for paJntln~ the 115. oemocrauc cnndldnte ror school bu:>. Thl' cost, he :ittomey, Pat add{'d, would b~ between prosecuting $200 and S275. The "'Pt>ndl- Amey, defeated Republlc<Ut Silencer Nelson with a 1·oie ture wos appmved and the deelsl,n Is p~ndlnR lnvrsui:i - o ! I 82 to I Oi. Dl'rllocra.l tncumbent Harold llco or detlllls br th•· school nuomey, Jamt!ll Knudson. <Utd Peterson defeated Ken Dunlop with a \'Ole ur 151 10 131 Onal deeI &Ion b1· the Board In the Cl erk race. r Tru IP~a. probate Judg~ LPnrui; Me Tbe atnMnt bod! op!J)lntl!d a railf co 1Uel' to make Lrod. Shrrlf! John Bender. ASS•'•SOt Earl Anderson. , Oil!• for n '"•ekmd soc11lf a!fal r which "ll 1 br announced Treuuror Lauretta SChmelder. CoronN \\UUorn T. \\ood , MD . lat r. The commllL"C Includes B b D4hlb~1~. Lam· Bozarth and C"n~lAble Enrl \tarsh w"re pvl'n largil •"Oll'!I or con aftd lhe nvr dlr•'tl•·ud.-r . ftdenc~ In theu unopp0scd

Thanksgivmg Dance Slated For Nov. 21


Th~ t~t

o/t~~ Strong bac· s orw:l olernv cf dec,_p h.ld Sor de , Oc '·

Fold It Again!


Clean-Up Crew

TbonksllHJnr 'uc111ton ftl N fJC beQ)n" NO\. 26 "'Ith school resumtn' N(')\'. 30.


The mock Pll'cllon1> were the ebb~ pmlect ot NLJC's two American Oov('rnment cl uses. Slud<'nl3 !II I ed po51t1ons on rea;t~tratlon boardi>, poll workt>rs. and cnnva.ssln~ commlt1~s.



A pll,) telephone bns b<'l'n Jn the Ad!Dlni~tmllon Butldin~ for th<' COQ\'en1ence of lh<' ~tUdl'nl>i • 11 1~ !o(utnd behind lb~ tnstnll~d





R<'i:t>tltlr'» >Inc~ . Sludt•nt> "111 nol bl' al !olH'<i tu u~· thl~ lt"'lt,'Phonu~ tn the mcaJ.n




pt-rsona l

Veeder Collection Of Northwest Books Is Being Catalogued

THE N.LJ. C. REVIEW o.,;.,

, • ..,;.i-i•thly the CoU.9• • fy JOlil,'M lftlft StvdHh et the



Co·Ed·tou •••••••••••••.• Lotto•~

~~ ... Bodmra Scra.ffetd S90111 fd 1 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rusi ~

Acf¥«r•1•1ng Jliono;i-r ••••••••••••• • •••••••• 'T~ Gilbst• (1,c1o1li1H1on Manae-u ••••••••••• 4f,••o Rou, Gle., ~1c,.••Oft Photopop"" Ed•tlJt ••••••••••••••••••••• Ric• Ac~

Repot•t'-' · S·~ !< mbolr, fra ., F10R1r,. Po1e'!!lory hans.e:O'\. Bo.•t> McfCar. K•ttf J.Hr •s. M Ltfranc.b. Tom Arlii "'• Jo Ann


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reco.>n1 ldoho Spe<>el- Ar •s Toocht-f' Assocro• an Slate Conver · 1 on held 01 1flo college Oc:•. 30 ond 31. C<. Ecrl P• J.:l , Hood. Human · es cc:r.e•ho i;raup an:l gcne<oll •upe<v sod C •uder• ' CO< · rr 1bu, 1ons. Th Ccrdrno So•vtce Club ....,, ac1 vo o ve< e · dcrt ol we-k . Ti,c Cor el., ~ Clut:-, under the !!><Ce menr • DcN1d Pe rr, pros1dan•, 11.'SPQnS Di •oom ond oll 1 s for the convon••on ond pr se<v1co for och •ho vis expr ssed tho r Oppri!C a• ~'t. L 11c+>l1ela' n.,...swro •onsi clo s prov dOO •epro 10 co.ia• oroos of lhe r-i01i· om for the Coour d ' A Ne 0te p•:iu:l chot our scr1ool ace t:' od • r

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1 1s cvorit 1n s~h o


·· o r·

'Our Hearts Were Young And Gay' Liked By Audience Thr NIJC 11>m was the scene or nn cxcttln11 mceo· morphosls at 8: 15 p,m. Inst Thurs. nnd F'rl. nights. Tnl~nted ~tudcnts Y.l'rl' trans· ronned Into n roannc meto· drol!ll liC father and stagt' star. two scatterbrained younc Innocents abroad, budd.lns youns doctors. a mcrclnan· knobby·kneed F'renchman. a dli;tlni;ul~hed ship'\; purser and many more dt>U Chlful character>; ,.ho form the cast o f Cornella Otis Skinner and Emil~ Klrnbrouch 'r; "OUr Heart~ 11\'rt• Young and Ga)'', thl' ston o r C o mella Skinner and her rnend Emll~"s adveoturts tibrosd and their rust taste o f lndepl'ndenee and parental freedom. Under the dynamic dlr~tlon of ~rs. nucaret Gale, drama 1n..tructor. the play bubbles and :,pazklrs rrom one youth· ful ud.rnture l'> thr n~L Characters \\NC pla-ed b) Ccnell• Slmncr as Co mella Ou Sklnn•r. l ;nn l..<'F'ranc1s ., Emih Kimbrouah. Paul \lomor as Olis Sktnnt'I, Jud; Resslt>r as Mrs. Skinner. Frt•d Mc'.!urmy 11~ Dick Wlnt!•n,, Tom Atkins os l..t'O McE\'uy. Olln ll11nst•n tis Mnn~trur Dl' Ln Cruh. Pnt Nr~•N u the !\hip'~ Burbnrn Scrnflord 1111 ~1Bdume ~Jhf'. Tina Tha\·o r 11~ ThN•·~r• •Iv E:ll•·n llnlzrr u~ lh•• 1>1e·•tlld<'•8. Albert \l•·•·r. •• tho• "'''"Urd. Th<>m Thomp· ~1.n






lhf" ·.i.inrl \\ c:ku.nN.

Stu Ktmbmll as thr Mmlrnl,

PennY Bodine as Barn et SI. John. Joyce Vial Lace ~ Winifred and Kathenn e Jef· rne:1 u the 1nspecto1. .As· alstllll director ..-as Robert Keeler. TbJs was a play well...,.'Orth seelna. Especially "orthy were tbc performances of L.ynn L.ef'mncls. Pred Mc Murray, Dan Hansen and the two "ripping" Engllshwomen playt!d by Penny Bodine and Joyce 11111tace.

Good Idec Georie \\ashlogton ell)oyed te!Unc this story about :on O\'erzslous candidate campaigning ror orl!ce. • 'F'ell01J·atlzeos." sBld the candidue, "I h8.\'e fought asalm.t the llldlans. I ba»e o~n bad no bed but the battlefield, and no canop' but the sky. I ba~e man:bed OHi the frozen ground 1111 ever• step bas beeo marked bJ blood ... His story told well, anti! 3 dned·up l ooklru:: ,.ote1 cam<> to the rronL "01d •ou saJ 1011 ·d rou1:ht the "ar·" "Yes, .. rt"pbed the .cnnd1· dQI~ • "And agln' tbe Indian.:;•" "Yes. mall,)' II Ulllt' ...

"And that \ '!IU slept or. the cround ,.llb onty the sks re1 a klnr?" "Certain!,." "And that you r fePI bled 1n marvhln' over the rrozen

r.round., ..

"'Thal the; did. " cnt'd the ••ultant cand1da1e. "\\al thrn, I'll be dumed II )'OU hwn'I don., enou~h rur vour counu '· Gowan home and 11•s1. I'll "ti' br thf' fJlht r r,..11 ·"· ••

tacl11d•,d I" a 37:? ,. lur collectton of buu..,. "' h«I to lhe K.1 ldo• ~monal Ubrar) b) lbe late l..l'Onard \'cedtr, ue mll!I)' books tbat •Ill ..en·.- u a backa;:-..,und nuc· leus ror tbe Sortb•Ktl'm Col!fetlon. Tiley deal •Ith hl~too o r the no rtb•Pst. n.d.Y seulemt'llt o r till' 11t:-t, Indians l'lnclccina se' e!lll .-ohm:c; o n the sn Pen:~ i:i.i.cin' In tbe Bunter HU I Area and a collt'Ction on Gene ra1 Custf'r, one or the best and moat complete In this ara. se,·eral or the buoks 0111 nluable, earty 1800 print· 111,s and !lrst edition"' On,. o f the most Vllluablr In the collf'cb on ls a Orst edition o f "The ~r.sonal \ll'm<>lrs ut P. 11. SheodM". \Ir. \'elder, a forest 11t'l'\'IC<' employee In thl' M<llt'<" 0 t~· trtct and a cu &loci an at ll'lnton Grad"' school, Coeur d'Alene, •as aetlvr In So~ Scouunc lo r over 20 vl'ar.i. Hl.s hobby, •e:stf'm lo ru, pro•·ed LO Ila o f tr1>mendOUS eaJo.v111mt and •alue to many local Scouts. .Accordioc to Raymond L. SU>nl', social ecleot'" dl'l)art· 111ent.. •Ix> brlped arcure thfl collet'tloo !>r ~IJC':s llbralY. '.\!:. \'e~l'r could ~ calli>d ao expert o n So rthwest b.J sto~ and lbe Indians o f l hi:> Ul'L .At this ti me the books are 1>t>1nc ca1A10 111~ and tbe majonl' o r them will be placed in a special oolll'cllon e nuUed "Thl' \'Peder Col· lrcu on•· lo the reference ~cuon o r the library. Those books of er eat monetary 'alu c wUI be kept In Ille l ocked case on the eut llbraey Wal!. Richard Champoux. who bu read ,,e•eral o f lhl' books In the c o Uecuon. said that the U.S. Hl 11toi::r cla.sses will be USID~ them. u will Ille Uni· verslty or Idaho summN classes. In hls '•ords: · 'Thl11 Is a fortunate ncqulslU on for us and many •Ill find It or Interest."

Night Classes Are Underway The ftr•.t -eml'Ater of SJJC evening cla.5.. , l 96-Hi5 , ol!ers flvl' couoses: Pnnctples o f .Accountlnc. meeting Thursday from i:OO to 9:00 p.m. ro r 14 weeks. ClasSES bl'can ()cl. 15. O!l'lce llacbloes, t:ll'etlnc Yort111 aod Thursday frl)m o:OO to 8:00 p.r.:. !or I:: vreeks. Classes bt'&an CX:t. 5, llmltul to :?0 studmts. T111evrntill#, meet!~ 1'10::day aod Thursday !loo 8:00 to 9:00 for I:? weeks. Classes bepn OCt. 5, Uml!ed to 20 stud en IS. Beclnnlllll Sewtn:. mectln& ~!onday from i:OOto IO:OOp.m. for I 0 vrto:ks. Classes bei:nn OCt. 5 . Umlted lo I:? Sllldt31ts. T:illortns . ml!t'tlhl: 11oon~· d~· rrom i:OO to 10:00 o.m. for 10 weeks. Clas6eS bepn OCt. 7.Umtted to I:? 111uderu.

umcr11 to thP edtto 111 arr :ih•aya welcom~ . so let us know "hill )ou're tb!nklnc or what 1ou 'd like to fi<'e In your school paper. Ill! 'llt'lcomP all constructive crt11ctsm and sur.t•..•llon· "'' loni: us I llN are :;IJD• d.

Meet The Prof

R•~. l\ eorley The Rrverend \\hcntl<'V, rt'llpous l'ducallon tnstruc · tor, cnme to NtJC lrom the D~laware rnrmt nc community 'l<ht-ro:- he had alY.twa U\'l'd. olumnu~ or Pllgnm An llDllni:s~ Cullrll"· All.,ntown, P~nn., tht' Rr .. Nend whratlt•y hllll co""lt'lrd 129 semestN hnu r s townru n dr11rN• In thoolol)·. li t' bu trnlatl"c plaM ro r mrol Una In !hr oo rrcapondmce· d!'pnrtrnrnt or tho University of ldnl» for a cuursc In Or~c·k. Tb.> Rrn•rend llhrotle\ "rivf<I four and onr·ho.H v11ar11 In the Europron theater duri~ llorld llar II us a mllltan po Uc,.man. ma family 1n<"ludt?S a d111111htt•r and t'MI llOM. "y.,,u have a naht to call t 11 rl'I the crrat norlll · "' t, " h" said, and ,,. ~n aslco:I his opinion or teach· I ng, add~. "l'IJC Mudl"f'll aro as nice a 1roup or :.tudmts a ll I huu been aasodated "1th on IUIV campu .• T• llChlll& I S vrry lnlPrf' .tin, ard I hn,·e J•30d "udPDt .• "

SUBversion QUESTIO.''i "llhul dtJ I/OU con rdo I/I<; 1110;.I o cnttal




n.RRY KIE:f'f'ER. sophornOJl' , Rathdrum , Idaho: .. ~!Otlvauon by the tl'uchN. lntNrucUon-not only brtwe<•n aludl'nt Wld 111udrnt but In· tructor nnd r;tud,.nt. I also bl'llevr It I~ Important that WP rcQulre hl&hl'I r;tandards o r education for teachln1t In Idaho. I refer to the twQ· Yt.'IU l'ducallonal PNlfam for Idaho t"ach~rs. I re"I it 1' Inadequate prl'l)nratlon." THULIE RODGERS. 8Ql>ho· m re, 11104 E. 216!. s .. Six>kal1<'. Wuhlnctun ''Desire to leam. " JO £1..1..ES HOLZER. sOllhomore, Coeur d' Al~n~. Idaho· "A clll sroo· 11ua11on •1th an Instructor who can tta.oster knowledge to the &tudeots. " JEFF BURDICK., Co eur d'Alene: "Sincere. tboughtfcl anllly· sla of our geneiatton and 1t •., problema. lntei:nts combined with an OPm mind necessary to achlevl' lhl" be&t passlble degree or educaUon. One i::ust rollo" the conaclence." F'R.ASK FJO RITO, Coeur d' Alcnr, Idaho· "Fr~•dnm ! t~ougbt."

Contribu1tons Woftt«d Contnbullons are oUcltt!d by thr Re»IC\\ ror a lltcrury col u mn-.i t rl c 11) amat.,ur. Thesl' muot ~ l'i11ned, how· t•v ..r. w1• "Ill not print the n11.m.. or lhl' nulhnr '11 llhoul his <'XPr"" s prnnla.~Jon. Comr. on. vou la.tC>nt Jt\•niuses 011d• n Nash. lo ntimi> onr. "Ith his collrce atan!'d pap('r •

lilt Members Meet With Cantidales For • The State Legislfte Th.•· .A '.l'll'rtcan A ..,clau..n • of t:lll\Pr 11..• Prot..,,..,.,. m<t Oct. 2i in th<' Studf'.nt 0011111 Build1n11 for a PCll tuck dillnor 1 Gu..,.t s a1 tbc 111e.iinc ••r · ldsho"" p1osp•ct1• r lci:lsl&~ toni accontin~ to Frank i;:, 1111 bloloi;y lnMructo r. "• Mr. E\ ans said mcmbora prvposed a plan, •hlch If ad pted b• lht> l•chlaturt \\'!!Uld prnnlt moru adoquar; • funds !or lht' Junio r con,,., lo-.. N Jun I r coll•t1<' tox u,.i'Ssmcnls !Qr ta\ P"J"Plll or thl' d1~trtl't. and would nt.t rnontrs from th" require Mate 's aenNlll rund. H~ added that morn dNal IB will b1• avull1>bl1• In lht futul<'. i\ccordlna In Mr. F:•an a th• folio\\ In~ Instructor• wrr~ rlected "' ht•11d the> A.A.U.P. tit th1• Junior collurr· Pit'&\· d1·n t Mr. !::• una. vice· prt'Rldrnt Jume Burn• bloluro· IMtruct<>r, •rr.rl'tan: trl'Mur.•r - Rob•n 11rt1hl, PhY•IC.. Instructor. Prr~ldrnt E.vBn •aid that ln~l 1·••ar the lll(lUI> wn hoat to th•· facult; al lh<' Spokane Comrrainlb' Collr~ft and that ll WOii Id b1 ho&t tu lilt' racultr of lh" COt'UI d'Alrnc Hieb sdlool at Its !'lo•~mbtr meellni.

It Could OnP


l\' lhc ··ca.r·



poor i;llld• " p1Hblr111 baa bren de111orn tr11led by a Ktc· tuck) molltM. In an arUd• app{'Q nng In the Trnnl'Ptt T"achl'I th .. problem •U lhlll •ulvcd. A studrnt . · •groull, new owner or a car." brouchl boa:• a r~port card wuh a "C" la chemls11.-. The mothl'I wallrd until he wns aslrrp, took bis cor key~. <!rote th" car 1nt11 lhP fronl vard a.nd chaln•d and lockl><l It to n tr~r. Thl'll she taped a bli lain on tll• car " didn 't a•t 111 B '>1 ." Tb" boy tnkr• lh• KClll)Ql bus V1 ,,chuol-h1" wav of tr11v••I until hi Jmd.. up, 'iO S3Yk his molhfol,


Ser w for





218 N. 4tll



Tou caa cleaa

H'erytldaC safel~





• Americanism Aw• d Contest Of VFW ls •

Open To JC Students

An Amedcanllm awllltl competition. announced by 1he Ladles Auxiliary to the Veterans or Forel ID Wars, la open to hlch acbool aod collece students. Tbe contest . SPOnaored b.J lhe auxilla11 orcantzatloo, • orrers a total or $2000 lo cub and tbree Cold medals IO top national Wlnorra. c11allons wt ll be elven 10 ten • other partlcl pants. Any student bel ween 16 and J 9 years or age who auends a 'Private, parochial, public ~ hi eh school or collece may enter. Eacb entrant must nu out an appllcalloo to be obtained lhrouch lhe local • Aiu:!Uary and submit lo wrltloc not more than 300 words on tbe subject, "In Education Reals the FuturP or America." The recipient o r llll award wlll be selected on the hula , of bis o r her keen sense of pwpose and worUllneas as an Individual. Applicants must sbo• cenulne Interest , In ramJly, community, oal1on11.I and world atfalra, dl&Pla.7 a sense of respanalbl Uty, truth· ruin ess and loyalty and abUlty IO present new Ideas >rllh sincerity. All appllcatlons arc IO be returned compleled to the • local Auxlllary by March 15, 1965. Tbe local •Inner will be entered In district comp~ llUon, the district Winner In • stale competition. The appllca.tlon wlnnlnc first place In each Sate will be entered In the national contcaL. National awards rut': F'trst, $1,250 caah and 111Dld mCldal. 6l'COnd, $500 caah and p:>ld ,.molal. tblrd, S250 t'aah and cold medal, and Io cltaUona ror honorable mention. Slav• and local &•'8111 wlnn~ra re· a celve addltlonal Auxiliary pr lzes v.blch vary with tbe •

community. Rules rolders on the 19&1 • 1965 Americanism Awnro con · tea t mny bt' obtained rrom local Auxiliary units, or by •dttn1 IO the Amedcanli;m Award Department, V.F'.W. Auxiliary, 4 06 \\est 34tb Street, Kanau Clly, Mo.

llSports Car Journal Is Seeking Writers Competition Pre:.s . the tlonal sports cnr Journal, la lnltlnlln1 a collr11e par· tlolpat Ion procram to e1pand Its coverai:e and ctrer practl· cal e1~1encc In JOurnalbm. RepresentaU,·u. cb06ea from caaiiu:ses tbtouihul& the

nltl'd Sates. will have an OPPOttunlt) to contribute rl'cularly to CP. lhe l• ICt'· monthly newspaper of auto·

Sloblle sports. The Protrom, which 111 also

dcef«ned to supplem,.nt student Income , 1S still rect'h'lnc Piii lea lions. Slud"nt.s with a bacqround tn Jourrallsm and apmts car actMt:r are urced to lit'Dll a '-ter resume 1111111ed1ateb to Compeuuon Press, JS Boalll· man Place, San Franct~co. f-Utorntn.

T'honh The Re\'lew stair extend~ thanka IO our ad\f'rtlser.1 '-tio ha'" lallt'n us Into lbl! l hlt'e page catcaol). \la,) our expand«! bua.anc.. a be


New arrival: seeks long-term lease Thi.. ne-..·-bom (awn and all hi:. kind will pmiper. Thanb IO the Fedl!ral Wilderness Law, millions of beautiful ac:re9 will be a.side as a perpetual wild.,,.,,_ and home for wildlife. Standard Oil welcomes it. Our drilling crews work in clo.e cooperation with fish and game and wildlife ollic:iala. Our helicopter crews cooperate in forest fire patrol St.11.11da.rd men have even gone out of their way to enlarge a breeding pound, or truck water to drougllWtricken

If oil is found operations are planned with a minimum of disturbance. areti are fenced to prowet the animll1s •.. wildlife returns, often increases. Standard Oil men are good neighbors to the wilderueu.

The ClreoronSign ofexcellence


i...:--- ~

Tapped For PTK



In o brt er ceremony No\. :?O. Phi Theta Kappa tapped lhr~e nc" s tudents fo r mem· ber~hlp. The..e swdenls re· crhl'd a.·Nai;<'s o! 90K or onr to achieve ellgibillly. T hese O\'erai:cs \\ere for last M!m e-o ler 's grades. IJll u 11t100 for \II ke Platter. Barbam H11ll and Karen ~Uddleton will bl Nov. 20.

HOME EC CLUB HEAR S RE PORTS At a dinner meertn11 held OCI. :?G In the student union by the hem<' cc club repons wr rr given b~· gi rls who nt· tended the &m Volley con· 1•enUon OCI. 10·•1. acco n!ln; to \Ir~. Florence Stmnnhnn, hom~ ~c Inst rue tor. Ma. Stranahan said lhl' ml'mber.. also made plan:> for th~ record hop the~ sponsor~'(( No1·. 6 In the "ub. Adv•rtiurl H•lp Poper Pauonl%1ni; our adl'ertber:. 1~ good bustness. It Is ad· 1·en1sers who make your paper possible.


i H.lRO TO LEAVE Rtd Roben1on. You1 Ho" 2306 front Aw.

College Enrollment In U.S. Up Aga 1n Abo" ~.9 "'llllon uude Ill -· re than a q mner cl lht.' mllo:i .,, PC•PUlatloD-"'lll be enrolled In acbo Is er collect'S lhl.s fall. accvrdUll 10 esumucs c1 tbe c.s. otflcl.' o! Edu«:atl?o. Tbl! St'I$ a Detll rea td for the :?Olb consectiuve ~ear. FICUrt'S Include eorolllr.em• In both public and nonpublic schoob and Ille 2.;, percent hie her than the SI . 6 million 101111 or ID.111 raJt. The number or studenll> In colle&cs Is exp~ted to re11ch 4 .8 mll llon. up 6.1 percent from lhP ~ .S mllllon of last ra.1 I. Speech Co oc~ llo<I Bill Miller, Repobhc>.n \'ICeprei;ldenUal ,"SndJdah. 'll'llS fon:ed lo canct'I his schednled apix arance at s I.JC Tbursda" Oct. :?!I. dut' 10 heavy re, in Montana. A taped recoding of bb addre"s wa:; p:eseoted as an all• mau1·e.


Pf'e\cript.on\ 176 N Fovnh St • Co.1in cf·Afeae




MODERN DRUG CENTER 5P<JC1oluing rn Co1/, g101 N


lor H<>0ltn and Hoprirne

0 • Plo:a R •a .. arir

Pea • Pc





been me rilonL'd ~ Don 't despair. 11 may &1111 be here park"d In 0"""' lncongplcuous c mN "'the field.

Drama Discussed At Woodcock's Drug Store Speech Convention Cond•e -

Coe-ur d•At~~. 1doho

T' · •I p rklng lot rt'1'"8 l · \11.rled Pt"r.wln&llUe~ and lnteretus of :\I.JC siu dents. l\hlchE" er 1;)1>c or car one prefets. ht' Is bound 10 find II some11 hN<' around the lot ~oonl'r or 14tfr. Sport~ car and fresh alr enthu~lt.518 will nC>t1ce ~!Gs , sunsrars. oldM Cu1ct1c~ . and Volks•ncon con,rrtlbl(". For lhose lrtsb air !OHi" trbo f!ll)oY ba\iOC l'llOUS:b lune r.iom to appreciate that sucsulau.,. oxy;eo. there a:e also 11111~ lzt'd ronvcrt· i.bles In man.r sbaiie. and colors. For lbe coaUn .. nlnl set lbl'rt' la mJ rtad of forrlgn cars. Kllrmann Cilll&s. \'ol• vos. \h•rct'd~ Ben:i:. and RenDUlla al\' 1111 a:< popular •• t>VM this year. People who bellr\I• "lht>~· jus.t don 'I muc : !>< n: IH~ tbll! all)' more " \\Ill be plesst'd to n te ll<'Yl'l&I or Heim F't>rd • oris:lnal pndrand · • on th., campus. Tbc per.ions •!lo al" l[bd tbr1 <Ln'I - k • lht'lll like th:lt •II) C'IOr" c:an also rtnd &f'lellll 196-1 r;p t'<'lmeni;. z.Jolog1&1s will thrill to tbe Mus1a11:s. Fa Icons, ll lld· cai... ~s. Hawk11, 1mpa.tu. Thunderbirds . and Ja111ani. The outdoor type I& here "'1th lls Jeei>11 and ScoUtb, ,.hill' •me ar" drlvln& talion wagon o r Dadd.v 'i. Pick-up. S°'\'l'Illl Cadtl lllca . and even a Grand Prl ~ . aent'rously add Ull'lr lu•un iand cl""6 to lbe rank and nle of the pll11lna lot.


a>d P •se

1107 N. Fouoi.


S•1vin9 Your Srua•nt Union

Drama, 11 posMblllues and llmitb ln high ..chool nnd

collcce produclluns, was the 1op1c or di acusslon led by Profe<sor Edmund Chal'P:t, Dmma Department. Unlver· •llll o! Idaho. Saturday at 9:30 LI!!. The dtaaiu!on sas presented u • feature or lbe Idaho speech Arts Teacbt'ra •.\ssoclallou conv~llon brld Oct. 30 3 I at ~o rth Jdlbo Junior Collei;f'. Proft>ssor Oia11~z ld•nUflt'd the lllll 116 or hl till achoo! and coU•·i:e pruducllons aa p ro blems or budget llmllatton1>. St>ltln c the pby11lcnl atai:e , nnd lack of pcroonnel . He cHrd sl'I and stat1n1 as 1.. 0 major cons1drra1u;n11 In ad3ptlnc • play for 11chool PNduc11on. The k~r to any tn>c mllI<lcal p~sentattoo Is kecplns; It "clean. simple, and ...11 d "le." accordinc Pr t• ~ r C'.a'"

P1cU• Sol• H•ld Cardinal SNVICt Club hPld a ptckl• ,..Jr In the D"3lrr bu1 Id! ''· lledneaday.


~ l\" 0






Pressuw Pried Chlck1·n I 0 Minute \lu1mum Cook1nR Ii


• •lO ·1181

a'o\&:I' from hom1• for 11c•l' ent1 • four collrge 11tud1•nt11. The d?nnllol), locatl'<I at SIS Col· ll'S" Ort\ l', adlacf'nl to lhe ~IJC admlnletnillon bul hllna and etud.. nl union, ha11 fifty rooms and can 1&ccommoda1t one hundred 111111ten1 s . Thl' bulldmc la a divld<'d f.lructure, hair sr•nlng th!! mm and half the wom '""· E:11ch room h npp11nlmnt~ly 10' bv 12' In s lzr. l•'umJ 11h· tng,, Include two ~nch of desk>!. i.tud>· lnmP•. book· ahel ve~ and c hol ra, two bunk beet- and 11 bullt-tn-wardrobr. Two comfo rtabh• loun1rs with tt'le1·l slon ond ullrllcllvt• fur· nlshlncs br.cnme the "1Jv1n11 room " In the donn ll!Ud('nL~ UfP . \\ashera and dryers .,.. avallabl" 10 s1ud1•nu. resident s eat Oo:irmltory their meals 111 the F..dmlnMer Student Union Bulldlns. A form o f Mtudrnt i:ov.,mrnenl ls used 10 ass1a1 the two proctor.<, \Ir ~ . Morie Dahlmen nnd Mr. Brue!' Rold, In mwnt'1lnln1 dh.clptln(' and coordlnotln 11 'IOClal nett •Illes. The dorm! tory \\a & prt 1·a1rly financed bi· 1hr O<Jrmltory BouS1n1 Comml1111lon thrJugh the HHFA. The proceed$ are expected to m••·I tb" bond obllcalioos and tr.> pay op· et'ltional COSIB. Sudf'nt o!Qcen1 elect<'!! bv dor:nltory rPsldt-nts are·. ),Jen. Ron And~rson. p~Sldr.nt. Boise, Idaho Bill T oraeaon , ." il'w por 1. • 1ce11n:aldent, 1111shlni.:ton. Larry Smith, &!!C· retor;·treL~utN, Harn aon . Idaho. II omf!n, 1>1011 Rlllnlo , pre.,ldcnt, ROM' Lake, Idaho, Jan Parsc•ns, v1cr11reHldent. SI. Man es . Idaho, Annr Clark, ecretary-trl'asurer. KPlloA, Idaho.


Coeur d'Alene


Dorm Is A Home Music Department Away From Home Provides Ads For The Nonh Idaho Junior Shrine-Nile Benefit Collei:e dormtton ls tt homl'

r all 1 c /atn STEAKS - PRAWNS - SAHOWICHE S


•• ,_ . ·I

Thi' annual l:ihrtnt-Sllt• twn<.

Ot for lhr Shrtnr' Chlldrrn·~ H >l'>Pl tal In Spoknn WU hrld Sulurda) 8:00 p.m. DI NI.IC. The de<l1ralion o r 11 czand pinno, • g1n from Wt. 11. :;. Ros•nlx'rry Sr., 10 SIJC.". "H ll h1ghhRht n f the atralr. The plnno was 111·~n by "116. Rr>Mt'nbNI"\ In ml'lllOry or her lat•' "'In, John. Participant• In the p ro11rum WP w o. 11. Edmondii. P. A. C:hrt~llnnsan, preHid1•n1. NI.IC, .... A. 8'•111'1, chnlnnan, NIJC truHtt•r•a. Brown, prl'sldrnl, RuMsull 6tu drnl budv. \Jr •. Maror••I F<tundN OU, Spokant concert planlat, ploHd lbe dl!dlcat.orv ••l!'cll'ln on the nrw Bald•ln Plano. The SIJC A Capelli Choir cl'l ~ thP ct1<1noo1 •lib two nntht'lU. An lnT,,. cuuon "011 ch<·n by Th• Re1·erend l..i mun \\. lllnklr. F ollowln s; thf' d<-dlcailr•n, lhe SIJC rholr jn1ntd the Ch IC Choir for 11 con tr rt. Entrn:unm•nt r,,r thl' ben•nt waM dlrr.ctPd bv l.ou Kl'llY, NIJC muRic depnrUTrmt head. A numb<•r or vartrty oci. contrt bUIPd II) the 1nu1rom. These lncludt>d en ont:lnal p1aoo co11111os111on b1 Pm111 Bodine K:Uhy \lllson, Slim, Or•·s::.n ei:to rtalned a 1ocal 11:1d a violin aolo. Toni Paul. .S".lRh•est c:hamp1 n druome:. plnre<i a drum solo• Carr I O)s(in i:o1 e a tap da.oce. P lamenco dnnceu Judith and 011wn Th=pson entrrtatnrd ~ilh a dancP , tnrmer )111& C< eur d'Alf'ne, Janlt<' Comp· ton. san11 "Tiii Th!'r<· llU You" thP. NWC Girl 's tno, comPo~cd of Cbrryl Marryou. Ntcho... and Jackie Eth~non 1:111~ thf'lr Initial pNfo rmance. Joyce \\ttllacio p~ smuod • sen:i ~lasslcal 10C'lll numb<'r, "A H<':in That' Fre~." Ru • s ..11 Bruwr.. Sh<'ldon \ lk. Jerry Pnll lips. and Bill" Sim n. con:pos1n1 lbr .'ilJC ~~·, ~uanet. nni: .wra. Fr;inc1s Col. C<rar d'Al<'n~. sani "I Len ~11 H••1ut In Son FrandsC'o" oc:c0111p11111"'1 II\' h~r husband . J . Ra) CO>. on th<' piano. CllplAin John Denn closed the proirlllTI •llh thP """~ "You 'll Ne1N llalk J\lonr. " EU •rt"' and monrv wrtt" dnnalt•d lo th" Shnnr Child· r«'n· II• ..P__ 11_a_1._ __


.. Thf'r~·


no I \'e 1'0 ht•l

l!latr a.i;c•

cani cool 1L •• • Afncan Pr< nrb

K elly's Camels

COEDS' CORNER e.-. ,,,. ; 11, . "ll'bu Ur o. orld 1 at it t or~ I. Woaea .,. t ' at thc 11 bt I . ..

U•ho.-a WHAT'S SEXY?

from MoJomoue lle Hi>te is '*ho' me ·

Bog bJ ky r • " " bo'weor you <rtd th:. swealet 1s what M!IS you off • Sig flannel nigh!go.m t

•lw:! swea1<:rs . ) S.1?1110 ho>r ! ' los

work n

o!Nt "°'!


"Y'ro oas"' 10 r n I '9<1'

through). $pogh1111 ! ' rCJP5 (ITll!n """P hop1"'J •11ey 'll loll . Pretty hands (b;>couse •10y rouch) .

Faded eon• (1h:iy arc modo fe><

_...,nl .

Svr!1ons (rnoy ccinnc.'<111! worm sk.on~. Dor~ sunglasses (~hoy cut o!t mo la'9J090 c


"y<!S). Wom the holuioy s:eason coning. new go.-.ns oro going ro bo rrakong '""" debut and boN:> otms w1 II once 0901n be m l1mel1ifir. II you hove ony doubt. 10 whar rhc rccoproon .viii be ro yOJt otms · -e5P c10//y d rhey ore spmdly or clivb~·· osk o frtend ro help you wolh on exercrse ior shop/oer or= . The lrrMd 1s tl4«1ed 10 hold rho chorr >YM1Ch you,.,,// use lo p rl01m your !.'•ere•so . W1rh your bock 10 me cha"• hold an 10 rhe seor ed91J. «:<ipmg yOJ< onns srro1ifir ond your f .. r I/or on rlMt f100t . Your body sliould bo susPended wirh rhe "nees bem. Tako o deep bream, bend your arms and lo.vt>r yav< boc/y !:.Jr don "r •ouch rho lloor. Navo, strouji:en arm' os you pull your body > 0<19onal rotsf!d pasr11on. Do 1/1rs or /oosr 1WO more r.rne~. In rwo •..-ks you •houla bP rnody ra !oc yo.Jr ovd1M .. b >0ur fully -Jiat><I nrnr .

rm worlr, dt,.,.. orsd d•wlop Thr vocal en ~bl P. met for , lhn tin.I time Oct. 5 . T~ aro 1111 will worl< on many no. nuntH·r• . othl'I t han those beln~ performrd by thl' rcsu · l as c tiolr. i..ou Kl'll.Y . emi r dl rocto r, I• al so the dlrPctor and o r1&Jnator of the vocal ei&f'mble. The ensemble , 1 11 P"rfo rm for vat1ou11

School P11nc1pals Meet At College

• " 6Cbo I

pn nclpals 11hould be lr adP lll In thei r resptt· uve &ehools • ••• • shOuld ,. promot l' and fo:.tN tbf' tal.,.nts and c11·aUvrncss of lhP Inell· vldual l~ch<'111. " Thi s messa&" was i::lven b) Dr. Ro1111 Cox... lla.shlnston oc. ropn.11<•ntln1 too National Dl'l'O rtrir nt of ~-1 ..mentary pllnc lpal n F nday, Oct. 23 at ' Ille Sorlh ldnho Junior Col· lot. Dr. Cox" was th<' l t>sturt'll sptrnkl'r lhrouchoul Ulr two day convrnllon. 1 On f ndnv. t he principals 1u~r1 t11kl'n on a lOur ol th«> campu'T hnt rv1•nlnr a , banQul't \\U K Al v1·n ut the Sourdouah C lu b \\Ith Dr. John Snld1•r. untH11lt1 o r Idaho •. p1·itk n.




"••'b•ll'y - ....,,,. 'O'd.,, o drop of""°'"' to q. t>nc~ ,,.,.,, H''' 1. gro141s and o rp.nJzarlons Sl4tting work at a 111pld around thP area. pace. the ensemble m ed out There are 8')proximate!J many d lll'erent numbtrs In 31 members lo tbe ensemble the two bouts tMy had ID al th" moment but the number work . Two numbe111 select ed m1,y Inell!~ In the next two by tbe croup are . ..Sb Folk or three weeks. Members So~s" ard " G<h>slp, 00~ · conslll of " lnteresud choir ,;tp", an orislnal novelty membe111 wbo ,..ant to perform calypso b) Jeattr oldd!Uoral literature." Ralrsten.


Afghanistan Subject Of First Travelogue Tb •b• allended lbe UaYPlo11Ue on Ot:Wber 28 '""' wltnts11 to a "'' or life quite unknown to us In America. The oatl9tor, Rare Green. IOOk the audlencl' oo a auldPd tour or Afi:anlMao. tbP onb poll Ucally n.-.1ra1 count!) oo lht' Communist bordrr. Looklna at tbt' country one can """ that allhouch the pecople of Al· aaolatan are qullP pnmJu.-e. th«>• are a •'l'IY happy people. and l'XUl!lll el' Crlendh. accordj n s: to ~t r. Green. F.tcl'llM>t photosraph.Y. a kno,.ll'dpbl<' narration and fa~clnaun1 aubJect matter mndc tht' e•·cntn1 a "'"' rv('flt.

Four morr of the5e tm· vt•locues are schedulPd In thf' comtnc month11o. Tbei>e tra\cloaues &tP lree to J .J.C. studvnlll wilb actl, llY cards and only 50c ror adults. Till& senei> 15 brou1ht IO us by tbe :.I.JC ,lumnt AssoclaUon to co· opcraUon "1th SIJC and :he Co.ur d'Aknr Pre>""


Off S..... ~ 1'90A M ...., A•

UY'l D(.,. ...

. .... " w . ..... 1000 .. . .. .... , llUIUU.US ...._ . . ...Jtl



TYPEWRITERS ROYAL REMT $AlE$ RE.PAIR tt ... , & l Y••"t M f h u t '1c~u1c T•PC ... Attu Co


4 1) s~. ,

... .,

Ao •


4..)4 11






Cleon in9

Fot Your

L mf~PQfSS



P .. o.. c '40 •••• • • St6


Core lul

co"'" 4" .. c; , . , ,. t. o c u • o •"'c ... < 10 ,. .. 0

SCHOOL CLOTHES Coeur d 'Alene Laundry & Dry Cleaners

m• Pickup .nd Oe6wry



MOh••I 4-)Sl 6

This insutuuon or blcbN edocat!on has a n.-w addition . a Pacoda or ~nd. U Is under the supenlslon of one J8'>an·






:no .. •'*'

........ ... . ---·-·· ,.....


on ck. onck oarllt' to !Ile t•o 1ear.i ~ "bllr t •as recline In a drl.'a:• m0td. HP amazed me bP<:au&e be talked to me In a

1n1elU1ible •-oice. oncl eipla!ned lllat be had


e:.capt'd tram a shipmt'nt ot suppOO!edly dtad fro& du· :l""d tor a Spokane blch scl>Ool b1ol01Y laboratory. Onck runber t'1plalnfld that he had lived to Uie cardrn of a J11>&11esr poet and bad bt!Comt' •tr!t'd In the art or composln1 ta !'onn o f poetr) PmploJ!nc 11 syl· labl es In three lines . Ove syllables 1n the- llrst line. seven 1n tbe second. and nn 10 tbc third. ) He Is a •ert obsP"ant !roe and tells mr bl Ii 'l'lews or st.admt Ule. Oll.4!11 ()eek •ntes a RaJku to CODYr;J hi• Tlc1'11. To sia n tbe column. onct and I decided tbal •e sboald co::melll on tbe Sadml Cn! Qll lifr. S'>ise and con!aalon f'elple iauc:itni: <rrUJ •

wbtte !'lllocble



· On Ck· onck sttmtd Tel1 pla s...S wtth I.he cim al ~ !JC. ~ s&1d tblll Cil al 1 lbe places be 11.,. b~ . and of all tbe p rls be ba:> setn. tM- &1 rls o f this :;chool 11ave some or the nicest 1ocalnc lep because tbe) wur "1lons . L e i " swa.r in the breez.t! All 11 rle nlcel,r dr1!llsed for school swcltlDl5 not on aom•. -Oric k· \\ Ith that we c lOb<' the dooll> o f the pa.i;odll "l~h this thl)Ulhl: One who h4'(' " criu c!sm ,.JI! prosP,!:!!_

S8.99 TO



ir you k""P an open m1 nd SOl!lethinc will dtoP in.

407 ShertftO" Cocvr d'A~,... ldoho

Meet The Car<h

Look.Joi: o>er tbe

" 4-(i5

scb edule-, II ts i;oln a ID be


S.ngs r~ p<M'S vp •!)( '~0 00' SophomorP Vern BPngston. the c1Udlna.1·.s "w11dcan:t" last \Pill, rttum .. for his nnaJ \'Clll In It'd and ¥fC). BPni:lllOn ( 6-1 ), Pl 8l l'd h Is hi ch s<'hool ball v. Ith thl' Po~t F'alls Trojans. lit' "a>selcctcd 10 lht' All-Stat!' honorabh· rnrnllon lht' A-3 All-ConfN,.nce tt'll!ll, and won the Tru1an '& Most ¥aluablP Piil) or Award ror his prep plll). \'ern had his btc nll:ht aptnsl lhP l\eSll'm \IOnlAnD J.V.'a trhl'n hr tallied IS point.~ and h'<I the Cardinal's 10 ll 84-S!l \'ICIO~. Tht' btA Card Con.ard "'Ill bt• called on onen this •Par occordln~ to Conch Roi b lltlllams. "\"•m IS touch on dt>f1•nM' and rrbounclng and pos;,CSN('' 11 <hall' bhOt," commt•nt1..S Coach llllllom:.. Roi:er Beck, frPshman bov. 1rolled thl• Yt'J\l's hlAhest gamP and lil'Mes of lht' Thursda,)· night Covp Bowl 1...1.-nllUl' us he recordrd 224 nnd G04 ll'SPC'Ctl\'l'IY. l l'l)Oned thC' lt'DllUf' 'ec lt'U\I\',






' t


Cross-Country Runners Are Working Out Daily

H<'ad Track c .ell Bruc" Reid has ht . . . o: ...,-cx..iM1) proi:ram lo !wl • "' ...1. thou fill the Card llel't·• :s ba'"' not ,.clJeduled an.r meeis !or the """"'!'. the athletrs au.- running dalh· &lid sP\ era! lnuamu ral t't'ls ::.l~l bl' In the plannlnc. "Our cros,·<:ouatn pr this Y<'AI h Just a beilllaln;:. I hop" to ha'< a m :~ extcost n• and coi:pltte proi:ram nut ,·ear. The puQO~e o! this ) !'or's cru,.o.·oountr.o Is a aenernl condlllontnl: ac1h tty for sprlns track and basketbal I.'• Reid reportl'd. Coach Reid addl'd that he Is uritna al I "pong track pc op le ~> enter the crosscountr) proetam so he can ecqualnl hlmi;elr with their capablUt!l!!i and plan !or the c oml n ~ track sea.son. "There arc quite a re" runners who ha,·e been nri;lcconi: dalb ruonln" I •trunely ad\ be thl.'m to sho" up for earb' condlt!ontnc." Coach Reid commented. The lll~llest srore ever recorded bl a Cardinal baskelba ll team "as a I 01-'i~ on•r the Le•1s 300 B'!n111ls.






For a lifetime of

PLEA SURE learn to

BOWL While You Are Young

a lone blcPT road to tile :>JC.-\... Tournament. Tbe Oujs open aj;ll!nst thn touch Bu llpops Ci nui:a thtn enttr a 111'0 c:u:ie f'cnes wt th the Yaldm11 \•alley Chat1:"5. •• £\Cl) i:ame •Ill be touch. Tbls ) t'llr's scl:led· ulr does not ha\ c llll) soil 5pot1<. It 11'1 ll be llard to llllllclt Inst year-.~ '" n·lo•t r"Cc,rd :?1-1 l." commcoh'd H"ad Coach R I b' \\ llllam1<. Dlsculll\lnc lhe scht<falc twther, Coach \\llU111111< nddt'CI, ..s1me11 Vallcv la one or the be't 11.'llall colln1cs la \\ashlncto.~. llC' play thC'lll once and follow up w1tb a double Uckl't 8Plnsl Bola(' Junior coll~Ct'. You can n 'l'l It'll '"hill Lbt'&~ trama will com~ up •Ith, bu! you can al"'ll) 11 be sure Jl wUI DOI bl! n "puah· onr" rei:ardl"" of bow •e play. I do not •nnl 10 pr«llct a:tJ'thloc; It ta c laa to b4' rl."lllly toudl." Coach ll1llt111:u1 :iltit.> Polnt«!d ou: thal In onler to P11rtlclpa1~ in tbe sJC.\A. the Cardlnals "UI h1ue 1o ba•·e a bl!AIUIJ' •o:i-lost martin. An eu•n snsOD ..-111 not oo. nor will s close on<'. II hllB to br i;ood. llDd •4' can llC'IP tbe RMt.trds bv a!Lr11dJn~ the 1wehe home cames. It h• POSS ble that thr CardlnAIS •11.1 not io to the SJC M unJt'SS they 0nt6h lht! ,Yt!U •1th 1U1 Impressive ·•in-lost record. Let 'a boost the Cardinals all tile '11JlJ this


year' Oon_ A_r_lb_u_r_,-N-IJC'i:iud"1!t who represl'tltt!d the ca rd ln:i ls in the 1962 Junior Colle1e Satlonal B<l'llllnc Champlonsbills. carr.e close to his ,,;econd 300 came Thursday en be roll•!d ~89. H<' rollt!d 17 >;tl'lltgbt tnke n the four Jilli\" en

BOWLING NEWS C'OVE BOii l TllURSDAY NIOHT lllt:h Otll1U!' Prank F'lo Rllo ~19.

lllch Sn It••. F'rnnk F'tu Rt to

563. lll&h Tc-wn Oam<': Rat F'lnk• 80~. lllch Trnm sPn l'S, Rat Pinke 2361. Tenrn standlntts Won Lmt 1\o Sand·b11t1er11 II 16 4 B·Bal Is 16 I Bulldop 15 5 Rat Pinks 15 S Acts 13 i COVE BO\IL v.i::os~DAY SICillT Men'& Hlch Game• Frwlk Hubol :?17. Frank Meo'& Hlah S.:rles Hubof 56:!. II >men's High Oame. Mary Lou KnrrN 2:?4. \\omen's IUch Senes: Marr Lou Karrer 523.

Don't forget that thc- Thanksclnna dance la one or the maJor doncea of your 1chool year.

ARCHERY CL.ASSES BUSY SHOOTlllC UP THE DI KE Robin Hood nnd Wll Uum Tl'll ''ould prnbnbh· ltwgh, to thr •IUdPnlll t11klnJ 11 rch <'!\ !rum Ml'<. Sc 1111•• (who~« rt•lll U111• I' F.nKllnhl II I~ nnL to b<' tak••n llghtl), All<'t l~amln' 11buut lh• hl&ton of 11rrh1 I\ lllld It~ follmo.l ni: n n ~pon, th• 'OU nR bo\\ mt•n ttnd -womttn all' Ah0<.tln1 UP th• di k< rood hlll•lde ,.1th pltnt) or an<l'A'tL .As I •nK as non~ of th•• bovs think 111111 h" ta 1 upd, 1n1unM .. 111 b•• nil.


Ski Club Holds Equipment Swap Th• Skl Club, undrr lhtd1m:11on or Bill Cum ... chair· man . held n &kl sv.ap ~nv. IS and I G In the Stud•nt Union btrArt'n I 0'.00 1.m. ll4d S:OO p.m. Thoar ha\ln& akl equ1pmf'lll -.h1ch thrv wrahl'd to trlld" or "rll and tho&• WISblng lo bu) '"'h' ltlVt•n an opporturul) to do llO. Plug your ~rhool. 5'-nd 1 copy of the Cnrdlnal RPvlrw ton frl~nd o r relartvc. IOUQUETS. CORSAGES & GIFTS

A.rh/ ..11e on1


Hunlrn, E: w1pm<ml

THE LIGHTHOUSE SPORT/HG GOODS lOS Sh•tm•11 An - MOh•" • 4.571 j

EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP .. Fot Ow.• lity .,.d S.tvk." pt.O"'• tw'Qt... ... io 4 .)f4S 0# 4 6o'1• 11) Sfit•t~ft A.. •. • d•AJ.H


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exam ..• pencil ••• paper proctor •.. time ••• begin think ... blank ...tick tick guess .••tick tick •••write tick tick ... hurry.••finish time ... pause ••• tbJngsgCJ b~~th

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St • Co.o1t cf•AI•"'•

11ottt•d und•r ,,.. ••'"°"'Y ot T,.. eoc.cN c ...._



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