• llew 6rlld Pi• Decklfed Dlrilg Slri1er Benefit A cio•d of appioxlm•tt-11 ~ pt~ns enjoyed a 1• 00 tl!t tor tbe Sbnaer·a :SPl tal tor cnppledCbildren IJlODiOled bi" the loca.1 511notr'• ortanlzaaon. Tilt P IOJlllll ,. u preceded bJ 1 drdicaUon ceremony ro r the nett stand piano In ihe IJ"'Dulum. Pre51dln& at the d~catol1 aervlce ,.as SI.IC p~dent. P.A. Cbnsti•nson. ' Tbt 1a•ocat1on ••• Cl"en by the Rt'\. LJman 11-. 111nkle and tbe drdicator.Y address w:u1 oven by Mr. 0. ~. Edmonds on bl'ha.11 o r hi s close fnend and former nei &hbor. wrs. \\alter S. Ro5enbeny wbo donaltd the piano CO the ' COUtSf' la llH.,..0 11 Of bet late so.~. >lbn. Mr. E.A. Seiter. chairman o f tbe :-; I.IC Board of Truster,, ac cepted the ptano for the collece. i.irs. Mar1t•rtl Saunders Ott pla:rPd the tnlUal number on tbf' ae• piano. Po Uowlne ' tbt piano 'IOlo the North 1dah0 Junio r Co llece A Ca.p P<"lla Ch >Ir <CIC rwo miar .,..,,.. "Yt Are S o t Of The ~ f'l"Sh" and "O DllY Pull o r orace." To close the pr~ 1111111 S1uden1 Body President ~ Roaa Brown presented Mrs . RosenbNt7 wtlh a bouquet o f red ro11"1 from th e Student Bottr to Hpre' their a.pPt«'lallo n to r a ll of the 11fls tht Roat'nl><-rry r.mny bas 111nn to lh f' colle ce. After the Introdu ctions o r thr ShrlnP and NII " dl cnl tarle• thP brn el!t piogm m btpn with a Joi nt concert by th• Sorlh Idaho JUnlor Col• l•s• A c apprlla C hoir a.nd lb• Civi c Choi r who P ' 't' aumbtra. U.ca.1 attom t'Y J. Rey C ox . 'pre•ldrnl o f th!! Civi c Music AsaocleUon. ac trd o& rnasIN of CNrmonl er. fo r the vtrlt!J Ibo• Which WA 1 11 ad• up larcelr or s ue tud~nu and c1 ~1c )lualc Al.OiCX'l aUon mt'mbrrs. , All lhr proc rl'd ' 11re to go Lo tho Shrlnrr' llo•vl tnl fo r Crippled Chlldrrn In $>Ok ttnr •hlch p1•r lall7.es In the • CDlf' and COrtl'CllOn or chi I· drrn wllh all 1ypr11 o f Ill.. a.nd dlsr a .•es.
. Christmas Formal Dec. 12 The Chrlatmu ro rmal. sponaort'd bl th1• A \I'S, 1!1 sch<'<!· uol'd for 01'Cl'lllbrr 12 a l :30 p.m. lo 1:?· 30 11.m. Th• lht If f •r dl•C'Of&UOC "Ill be "Sno•na~" f 'Anta11y " . f'urlhcr drta1l1 • Ill b<• &\ a.llablr U 9000 as all COlllCIJ ll ~ t haimitn ha '" compl1•ll'd ftnal ~m_ i_ ~_ __
DEADLINE FOR PICS &:b.<utulr tndht dual ptrlur!h> for th1 annua I mu,;1 lk• lum,d In lo the lt bran b' 'l>tt. 11. a coo rd1ni; lo Rick At•'1.,.n. school phvt1>c1111 htr. 11l t>ar mu ,.1 be ~..d •lzr I - I 8" alOSS\
Social Activities Committee
Choir And Band Christmas Concert Scheduled Dec. 15 T Cvll~C"
N rtb !di.. o t•n1o r A Cappetla Cblltr
a.nd the Cardinal P<11 Band will pr e~enr thrl r 11t1nual Joint Chrtslmos conceit In lht> SIJC cYmna;,lum O<'C. IS. APPfllDDC ""'' on the pr~~r3111 "Ill be Ua· Cardinal Slnsor • . Tbrtr pre!lt'ntatlons 'A tl I Include Blllhm 's 10\ e sons. ''I'll EntN Your Gardt·n " a b r1~hl madrlftttl , "Come Let Your ll t•a rts Be Stnt11nJ " . a.nd two unusual ChrlAlmas son~>. ·•va \'lcnne
The Socio .:. • cOl"fue • or Luelle l:nQr' ,
Th" Social ACll\ll1<1> C
mltter who recrntl l 111tended the Re11on I~ C n!Nencr >I
the A.•soclallon f C llei:r Unions lnlMnatlonal IU ihe Unl•l'rslty of lda.h lr.doded studr.nt d<'lei:ates B"'er!v B<>uahton. Charlotte llrlz, Ethrl \Ill<' Brlshl, Tom Cll· brrt, Bnb Lrl11ht\ and Ra\ n nnsrn. Th•'\· weu• ncc,.mpa.nled b) ad•lser Mr • 1.JJc1 le Langr, Mr. ttnd Mr._ c. llcton Halch and tudenl bod,\ pr" ldml, Ru I Brn •r. Earl Jor i:rn n a•t••ndPCI a altcmat<' br B<. t Bra Ina rd.
SAC Meets With Club Committees
Ua \'IP)ll " , lilld "Pal-a-Pan. " Pollo"ini: the "DS<!mble will be the tull ~o \'Otce chotr. Tl\ey \\tll b~'1n lht>tr progrt: wnh Boeh ·, tu1N•. "\'r Ar< Not 01 The Plrsh ". and Mnrtln LUlhN'' Relonnnllon 11,•·mn. "A \ll ahl.l F'orlrt'I'!" Is OH God. •• Chrh.t · mo number:; to bt! suna are "Dl' Gloiy llan1N " , "Thr T"l'ln• Oil'- of Chn1tmu" , "H~ Is Som " . the Ukra.nlan "Carol or the Bt>lh1 ", 11t1d "LP.I A IJ Thr 1'3 llona Pmtse The Lord ." \Ir. LW K<'lh or th• mu~lc do'panment I> lhe dltf'CIOI or both choltll groups. Following a short lnl<'rmlaslon thr Cardinal PP9 Band undN thr dtr•'Ctlon of Mr. Jnml's Bum" will P •<'s~nt 11 \'llrl<'d 111o~ram »I lnstru· n111ntnl mu slc. Included arl' "Bc11>in<' for Bond, " "Barnum and Bal h'Y ' s Pa,ont<• " . "Typleal Twplcal " . "Scvlll ~h f'o lk SUl!e " . a drum tnc. "Braas Aflame", and "SlldP KJck8 " foa1unn1 tht• trombone rcllon or lhr bund. The concert h lrt•r and Is op•n 10 the public. f'<>llo» · IDL the mu:Jcal proi;ram , aul'llt> n:td the SIJC mustdans •111 be feted "' 11 rect'Ptlon 10 the Edm10sier SIUdl"nt Union Buildlnc.
Student Board Correds Allotments Th• Student Boa rd r North lcLtho Juruor Coll• Cf l'lf'I So\. 10. -..11h all mt·mbt>rs Pft <"nl .
A oorrectton
:nmcft• in
Ute minutes of thr IOdt meel ln~. II was prt'\t WNly Bn·
nounct'd by Rus~•·ll Biown. prt· ld••nt . th"1 fund" b r pa1nUng thl" school bu• 1'ould br tllllt·n from the Msoc1a1"'2 Sludrnt Body rcser.-c fund. Bro•n corwctod th<' Nror . ,, In• the} v.ou Id br aaken ln•tf'od rrom the sprciol reot•l\'P !und. The bug Is bdn~ pBJntl!d red and 1111.Y anrl Mii soon be n•adv !or sludrnt boc\)· US(", aecordmi: to Broo;n. Another corrtctlon concNnt'd the ammdmcn\ Of the llPPIC>J!Olllion !or NIU, to br isesentl'd to \Hs. flO~en b1•m-. 1n npp rrcluUon to r tht• ptano which sht• rt'C~ntll dUnatt'd to the s~huol. The on11n:il appropnauon of SS W'118 chttng•>d to $7.50. rhe actual cost or the no•ers.
Business Education THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW
Confab At EWSC Draws NIJC Staff
eon... y ..,
,,..,,-......, s-.;.M...thly 0..hot ti.. • ly JMt•Mrlllft ShMJe fth at t!JM
Co·Edlton ••••••••••••••• Lotrolno Otto. Borboro Scro ff~~ SPot1• Ed1to, , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• R1o11s Jc '6dvcths1n9 Monogie:t ••••••• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • Tor:t Gtlbe:tt
(tfc 119ot1on Monogcu ••••••••••• A"tdrc-o Ron, Glen t4°clr•non Pf,oto.91op1'iy Elfltor ••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Rtclt
Stu Kitnboll, Fronlc floRtto. Roten'!Ory HolUfl"I, 8orb
Mc.Koy, 1<111y Jefftfei, Monho. L•fronc11, Tom AAuw., Jo Mn Q,..nb)o .. Roger Scroff0td, Bob Lt• ·tr. C.t .... JQI ~ H c.
&litorial ... SLACK RULE SHOULD BE REVISED •ha· th> 10 Ir 'j w Oii r, ' t;.._ 1 bro n ,.r b11• tr r the ovon1ng nocd• rov1••tlrl. Wo of the CARDINAL REVIE"Vi feel 1ho1 1 s 1s net o usl rvlo. In the aV1m1no, sivdan'> o"ond · d"croroon. T'>c l1brory s a q • room w re • s•ud), do rescorc w«k, 0< r!!Od per :xi . nece,.ary po" r me,. Sk111s f0< women ~:ude I 1)-
noCTh! fJ~r
r"<lt the tempcro•~ru IS SO low 00 r · "'l• ond rhot o Nlnd b .,.. · r mo lo o cnd orr.:> +., campus ent:1Uf/I to 1us11f~ me . . q1ng cf locks by fO!'>O e s•uden'S ro protect rhe1r logs from 1he cold. A clossrOCll' by dof1n 11on, is o room n a >Chool c< col oga clo~s rec1·vr .in ond Ice tu<es; l1'e ' ldo.. lie · building 0<101 Library is no· o cla«room. Thereroro, ··ude . , shoo. d not b<> h1nckr. d lrOll' d"'~s1ng as tiiet ploose on rheir ow 1imo ond fat th. ir own comfort .
SHOCK WA VE CROSSES U.S. <:. ndoy om1ng now .aper readers ,,ere ~.ed n• WO• ful"4. s by ti electrifying nows of rho deorn o! 1'1 nn1c .V1nkl The U.S. '' 1hroa1enono o f1nonc1ol boyco•t oooons1 •ht- U.'l., Ford rs planning •no !oyolf c' 3c;,OOO wc-kers, ye• o IX' by comparison 10 ·ho doom oi 1he only female we I..: " w olNoys monogos to como vP looking good. fat American worn~. the lo'> of dooo-r1gh•er W.'11. is • loss I hopo tr.o• NI! sholl ave< ge1 •'-.e bo>' or t-.o "' I - • alono •lie men"" 1•. The sheet m 1he nocol htdeoNOY hos boon lofted. ' lomoly have b<>r.n t<rnnd ro gro.-i; o notion mourns. All •hat' lelr 10 do is NOii '!!I a ong obour Thonhg1v1ng Do~. ~he ' pc• paragon 1s c rra 1n 10 come ovt from .,,hcfover she s ro oo• t111key w11h /l<Jw and Po,.., ond th<! kids. Thon Arrer ~o w con once ffll:>n on1oy rtu 1r v1conous ex1s ronce
"FOR NUTTY CONSERVATNES" l!'hal ktnd o/ nul
is he? lie u-ants to rvn his OW71 busmc$s. He wants to select his oam doctor. He u-mits to make /us ou• bargauis lie treats lo bur hi.< oar 1 mstrraact. 11c wants to select hts OW71 rcadtng matt<>r. He u•anls to prol'idc for /tt.< own old aoc. He 1rants to 111ak<' his ou-n contracts. He u·ants to select has OIMI cOlllracL.<. /le acanls to •elect his OINI chartLtes. lie u'<lnls to aducatc hL' children as he rrtshcs. lie u-ants to 11ake hts 011'11 mvcst1".cnts. lie u-mits to sclt·ct AL< on /Tl.l!ads. He u'011ts lo 11rovtde hr. otn1 recr~altOll. lie IN?llts to compete /reel~ 111 tk market place. /le u-an/$ to grow bJI his own efforts. lie traats to p10/1t fro• hl' o= errors. Ht 1rants to talu part ta the co.,pettlun: of tdcas. 11r UVlnls u, be a a:.an of good 1r1ll. \\hat kind or nut Is be• Re ' >i an American, lhat·s y,•bnl kind' Aren ' t you i;tad \"OU are. toa• And don't ~ou wonder v.h\ so man,· or our rellovr -.Amerlcans are ti:yinc so ruud to destrol the ktnd or 11rc t1111t h1U1 made us the aim and envy of C\'etY other people on cnrth? The quesuon Is: \\hat ktnd or nuts are they•
rrom the Gazeue Telecmpb prlnted In The Co.ldwcll NC\\S-Trlbunc SHORTHAHD STUDEHTS PASS 100 WPM MARK Stud1•nt» who have renched th<> 100 ""rd per minute man. tn b ,nhand "Ith e ai.d• ol at le11st 95" are Conn1r ElchNI and Barbaro SChurt. Stud<'nts who htl\ t tPaChl'd AO " 1rds p4 r ~ tnuh• 11o 1th n iradr or at ll•ast !l!I 1111'
Lmrulnc SUlll\•un Md Judy GPhlM. Tho Chrl ll!lai; fomial, ~~~~~~~-
'" •n •' 1<.'d ~ lhP A ssoc1alt-d I\ ""'"' Studt•n1... will b<' Ot c 12.
N • •J.C. REV1EW. '""' d"41•"•· ldol\o, ... d., Now,.,bu 2S, 196.t
Over Half Million Got Degrees In June More than half a mUllon •tudeot..-371.900 c n and omen-recr.l\'ed deo,rtts froc co lleges and urunr~111es ll1st June. And thl! o.s. Offlc~ of Educauon '""hl'!'!U:~ t : the 1973-14 ac..dcmlc )' ar - IO , .... ,,. hence - rowca.•t nelllb double lh<• nurnl>l't-<l<l!l.500. TM brc:ikdo-. n showed Gb,ul H6,800 Madrnts •Ith BA dri11·• 11. 'l~.400 \IA d<'llt•P~, nnd about 12.900 doctornt• •
The: · rst Co?!" .. Jtw Col· lt'Ce Confer~Ct' OD ba!<inClill eclucauon 1n the :-Oortb.. est vnu; held 111 EAStcm 11,shln~ ton State Colles;r. Chl'tley. 11as111aason. on SlllUrda.J. :-;.,.-s:ibt'l 1-1. Or. \'u5!1 M1Urr, Oialrman or the DepartmC'OI or Bul'olness and his ~ff. planned and bo'<ted L!ils ccreUnc. or. oon S. PaUerson. Pre11ldent. EllSC. \\Clcomed Lht' cuests and left Ihm ,.lt.'l the follo'Wlns thoos;I&. "Y,e sboald dt'Telop the total coll•ce with the maximum obllptlon to the Individuals to be served.·· •.\.'IOlhtr fact bro11~t oat at tills raeeUns; v.-as that the communllY coll<>GCS nr• i:olo& to take on much mor• 1r.UnJnc bt-e11Use thl" srnl< r colleccs ate UmlUnc lhl" r first t-C·-year enrollmmt . Tbe LJnllertll IY of Washln&t.on ba.<l I ted It 11> 40 per c 1 of the uual enrollcimt, ar.w the otht'r scbools to :.0 PN cent of tht' tolAl •nrollm•nt !bus mlkln~ th• coll!munlt1 coll•i:•s 10 \la.&blnctcn a&sume a:xrl" usl>On!ilbillt,r. Toechers 3te char&l.'d "!Ill R<'IPln; btlld•nts to !ram basic M~s : pnnc.ples lro::i the unous dr11e1phn"" (lltobl~ soh1ns~ H~lp the students to de>"elop and co::iblnl' l<k":l!> c.;i l!OITt.' t>Nblerr:s. Ace untlnc b th• di "'''llor to sup~h tht' l!lllln pnncJple; ro1 bus1ncs~ !ltu· dents. The triichers are to Mlttl tht' sppruprlate prin· aph.• b" used to ht'IP the tud.,.nt"- It Is thl.' prucl1ce1< that chllll11P--not the prlnclplt's. llt!!l the tudPnl to dl~Unculsh bt't-.ee:. prrnct· pl~s and prscucl'& so that he can ad8"t them til and cope •11.ll dlo..•i:iac drcurnstanceii. Those llltendlnrr: lrom :>orth ldllho Jur.10' Col l<>ge v.c1e Mb:> l.AtNta Dunnlpn, Miss Genrudl'Ctlbe:t, M: • Chatlt's Mcl.A!n. o.~d ~t;ois Stelb 'io.tes and Mr • Michael Bombino, buslnl'SS teacher, Co<'lll d'Alene lllch School. Miss Ounnlian ,.IUI appolntrd to r~rd and S11n:manze the panel th• topic be! n~. lmprOVPd Business Proi:ram
C1>eur d'Alene H.S. Again Wins Debate Tourney At NUC
Co•~ r d 'Alrnt Ri J;h SChool ..... thr Wlnnet ur thr third annual ~ o rth ldahO Junior collece Hi£t. school Ill\ 11a11onnl Do>bnt• Toumammt. This Is the third Hilt In 11 N\\ that thr· Coeur d •Alene tum bu "on the tournament. The r coach IR ~It- Richard Hyneman. The wtnnlna l<'am compl<'led four rounds ol debot<' With a four \\In-no IOtl record and •on over SL G<'Org~s llillh School of SpOkane In th!' ftnlll mund With a close 3-2 spilt dt'd· slon. 1'be third place winner wus another team from Coeur d A lcnr HI ~h School. F llt) -<lDe IPams reprP•entlns: 16 schools in the Inland Empire partl<"lpated in tht' toumammt- Olhcr 11chools In the toumamPnt \\Ct<• Lakeland, ~!oscow. Clear·.. ater \alley. K•llou. Post Falls . cr1111~Pv1llc, Lewl6ton. Central \'alley. \Vest Valle), Shadle Par11, Le•111 and Clark. Gonzat:a Prep, Unlrersltr. and M111ycltrft'. Chalnnan of tht' evt•nt ror lht! ;>;IJC debute club \\US Bob LC'!Chty of Coeur d'Alene and F'ran• F'lo Rlto of S>okanc v;as the tournament mwiager. Judges and um .... ~r Re~pcnslbllll\. ke'1)ns con51Med lat1Ph or ~UC sn.adents and !llcult) A.C. T. Test Will Be mem~rs who volunteered their ume. ReQulfed For Frosh Debaters from W&llace Hiib School came to the tournaG.udanc o .ir 11.:r~ :roci ment to obsen·e and they Coetir d ':\Jen" HJ ch SClno I. n.ul&ted l\i th the llmt'kl't'Pnm Acadenn-. Post F'allfi. 1nc respons1 bi llU es. Lakeland !ilgh SChoOI, \\ot!Py Or. Earl Priddy, !\I.JC Rli:ll Sdlool lUld !'!JC ::iet at apeech and debate professor. the collerr:• !\o,. 10 !1;r Nund Is the facull) advisor to tho table dlscu~alon or the D bate Club and the ponso1 American colh•t:t' tel'llmc U,. debatt t um~• ;it. pr.:ir:ram and ne,. de~clor rnents In Tanous occupaUoniu BUSINESS PROFS AT llelds. CHEHEY COHFEREHCE It 11as 1111nounct'd at th• Bu ~,.. n tructor \lrs. session that thl! test pnvldod S Vcl.-. \IJ~. Gertrud<' by I.ht' AllleJlQ:I C lll'i;c G ll>f'n. ~!las Stella ¥at•s. TesUns PltlRrL..,. Is :o bt' nnd ~llss Loreun ounnli:nn r<>Qulrrd or al I rr.-shmen recl'nth attended thP II rst e1\11>!1ni; the ac11d~lc dlTlbusiness education conferlon .,r !\lJC. bednnlnc ence at E';\S:: at Cbenei. Septe<r.~r. 1965. llD6hlnt:ton. O. R. M<>str. dirttwr of Or. \"lrgil •.111 ler. d1Llrm:in coun •line tU ;>;IJC, uoweti of the E\IS:: tllslness dP, d• lll::i d<1nc lnl n::o.p11runen1 and his Mart ,.~,,. tlon ~b ut tbe t t. In dlat£C ( plannlnc the ThP ,>,.C.T. t~l alrea<b Is meet1n11The lhetn•• was iequarrd by m'>n' tl\1111 1,000 ··1m11~1»ed Bosrness Procol!• ;es lllld uni\ .. rsiue>i n Etll AIC OH R• Sl>(>nsithe Cnl tl'd Sta I • blUr.y ••• B1 \\-Drf' r th• man -.h F:lr' en Jun! r collects A el• 1 t•refirntrd-10 from ll115h· con t In you '.\111PJ""I In 11 IDClllD and ne lro:n Idaho. !b~.-Ec:er< n
April Evans Wins State Club Office APrll l:.\'alll>, NUC llorie Economic ma)Or, ,.. . . . . cenUy rlPCl4'd trl'a,urN of lh<' ldnllu COlll'RI' Club, a ~<'cUon of the Atnt•rlcan Hom• Economic As,.,c11t1on. Mias El'ans. a fre..hman fr<•m Corur d·All'nl', Dll•ndl'd a cnnventlon In Sun Vllll•Y with thl' NlJC dclcs11Unn and \ln1. F'lorl'tlce Stranahan. the local cbaptN adnsN. '!'he NIJC j;IOUP m1~ with d<' leaauon• from lh•· Uni ver· ltY of Idaho, Rick Collea•. Idaho Stal<' Unlve1"1tY, and Northw<-Nl Nnznr<'nl• Colle&<'· Lecture t1l'!lslon$ nnd studt>nt exchange< or ldo-as "~'" the main actlvlUeb at th<' convl'nt!on.
.. us ror
Weddin9 1.-it•lions
e ad.er
) t 7 H• m M& A••· •
Co•"' 4'At.••
LOOK! You can clean everytblaC safely Ina
Christmas Play To Be Presented
N.l..J.C. RE !IE • Coe
4•,ir. .,... •cloh ,
••d., No...-ibtt 25, •
'.\ IC' Cbn tna play llns ar ..-!II be preacntod Dec. H l:i Ui~ audlconum. Entitled '"A 5'&r In tbe D"" "rt.• • ti L~
es&rntlally n irod~mlzed Pr ea~ntauon or the old. old &L.'lry of tht' l! rat Cbn •llnaa. Pla11ns tb~ pans or lolaJ)' and ~M'Pb, called Marta and Jon, •Ul be PiMUU Bodloe and Bub Kttl•r. :-;1ci., tb• owner or a bo1..1 restaurant ls PlllJ'ed by Frank F'lo Rlro and tbe pan or :-lick 's wir~. Ron, Ill Played by Kitty J•rtrte. J.lltn Cooo .. r. Cudr Joe Bedlz. Jobnn7, and Dick l\AJU, Burt. pla7 tbe parts or the •lae men , bnn1Png girt.; •blah Ibey i,:i•e 10 th• Babt' because Ibey IY.in 't r•all.r kao• •bat •lae to d• .., tb tbe:i. A.,., attrut"'1 by Ill• hu1te star •hlch :>ilclt bas Plaeul abo..-e tbe but ldln1. &A! SIU Kim ball u Dusty, and Pat Kau!Itnan as Doc. II develops tbat even thoulb ).1clt urs be cbesn't belle<e In Cl:.r1M:nas, he d~es SDQd dMd9 a.vway. Geot'ilP Shnnrr I:> stacc manai;er and Barbara SCratronl Is In cha.ll!e or CO•tuaunc. ThP play Is to be ~tuden1-i111tttt'd , and pr .,IEr.s ll> "rr~r 3S minutes I II.DI dra.· L
• 9/"morou 1or
The •o//o.v1ng s,.
• '"' rrov -:u o··w,-, slocl.. • b OU"Se , ..ors. To boo. c/o•nes rhor con'• 'O~e ovenr , recora hop: ·~rosse , siurt , 1umpers. Taboo· saun .. , v v • , rhmc · 1c lr.'l'lfls w1rh h ul:urbs --1our ""es• dre
Shakespeare Play Was Well Received nc-a • ~d). PCUt' St:elUnlJnt'd... •as pr~nted • '· 18. and drr~ VN) i:;ood rt> p OSe rrortht' t laUHI I°" .\h•> at· tmdML Y.hat a :ni cal h i:h cbo I En "" • • John Bl Ja:dn • \t:.rMiall
ihinqs o 9"' con oo is •o nor
•or th occasion"
I • Taboo: , blouses
'otrrh:J'· ";).,
T "Shalt
S4l '
T · :-. ru, Id unlor • c I• "' /I C&l)p Ila c:t Ir hu many rn1acrm1·n1 p lanntd In lht' ht•sl t\\u month • Th• NIJC OJrl Tn and
O:Jn '1 Jndr:sU"tl J yce Y.alla e a~ J"an th~ cooprraUu• lit'~ l!Jld /\Jltl· r n nnd J< 1111 II lb' :is Sllrraln and Rleb:l:d the
•._ h
r e" t.ck-snlt::5 Jo Elim H lze: eip•nrnred lhe :i.mr crocns, plu• a !ew
added on~ , 11:01 we Jl&Te our teadltr:s a: tbP cnuori of 11t1YU11nc to d •lUl Master Sllalt npra:t'. Tbr emtf'l..=ce I Ulr Bard
Lou11nowu1 GUfNHOUSf FUSH .-.Wll'UIS &ROlll. UllllDOT$ tl$TOll llUJCIO
11WllUl90$ U'flllOt • Ill' .....
~,;;:=::;:,.:... :::-~·~o~o~.a~1;1;•~~~
Otat•.-.t & lu1•1111o s.,,,,1, .. • •"-"l~!.r ur TYPC••nrt: co
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""""'9 ~ F or Your
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Sl.tiOOL CLO TH ES P .. . .. ._
"' C- .. .... • ''- b
ti ... ·--
••• ,.
Thr Dam•• Club •Ill hold a uJnchron mt: "Una at noon on the serond f rtday or each month 1n tht' l;ludrnl Union Butldin1. 11crordln1 to Vemn llokAnMn, mcmbt•r. Mrtnbeis "t II provldr th••Jr o"n lunche. "'erpt des_.n, "hlch will be fuml<hed t'&eh Um~ b) 01•o · ~te~r
A collecnon Will be taken at rach meetln11- lltlh money coll~cted tn thl' past , the club ha~ pu zebar.l.'d books for tbe collegl' library. Tbe 1eneral tunctlon or the ckJb In the PL<I, •hlch It plana co ronttnue, hb been to sc!Te the collt'Cl'. This ha• 1n~luded checklna wrnps
Coeur d'Alene Laundry & Dry Cleaners
m• p;dup • ...i D•!i•.-y
~Qt.••• 4-JS 4
• d
at ronntll dnnces and baktn~ cookies needed on oc:coslons. Ofrlcrrs w Ill br 6t'lccted al th• next mcl'UnJ. Member·hlP Is opf'n 10 marrlt'd atudrnt.s or instructors or tboa" who bave bt't'll mamed. Ellldble womPn are ln•11ed 10 nttend th<' n Pxt mPNI n11Tht• club '" od,·l~ed by \Ir•. t.uctll' Lan&!', Enalish O<-partrnmt.
UNUSUAL FIRE I DREAMED I \\ENT TO THE F'IRE .• •••• told or lhe PY&euollon o( a women •s donn "h~n acrid ~moke lllled the ball-. Tbr cause was a foam-lllled bm tn the clothes dryer.-Ball Stale News Colle&iate Joumollsl
f /t.T D bJ:U<' f Pal f'l:;T;e:> ,
and bl UM' ( m 111 cr.iottt lrom hb 1m°"rtal pla]11, rnll d!L'IC~ lht' qi nl DS I the 111ud~t as •cl! u pr TIDI tbSI "'t ~ a all aces", as b~ u1s. The wt:ol<' n taie a::xu•Ph<'r •as one ol refresh· n1 5PQntantecy. •htrh dr~w dl>Pr aatJ•e l&111t11ter trom be c:idtr:tct'. lbe r 6lUdents naT sbow:t u~ •lllll lltl:denu C&ll do If lb<'$ '&Ill, Md Tl:o::l
Oft 41tf••t 'o•lt1f19 Ofll ,__,1 •. Aw T.-1111 w•'lt ot tOOO II• 01111 ,.,._
l e "•I'll t' kay" f' , J ~ F1"tC~l Ill Bob ... I'll::> siar-
J l
Dames Club Will Selecl Officers
58.99 TO
..oc bas proved tbal •
r- - '•
" :
b 1lt'f'
"'"d"f. D .
o the
t. rs 401 Sh4-""'°"
'°'""'' d"Al~M Idaho
Radio R epair
H.t.J.C. REVIE1t, Coo.n ,.,.,..., 14otoo, • od., Ho..-
T. • Pa.,.-da opened It.a doors on a new scene lhl .. "" -lrcn:lo £ lemperaiu res. Orlc:k and I decided U1al lhts was lhe year lO tnke up ,;kiln,. lie vcnlured lO the Sk I SWiii> a plan bl" Ille &kl clab to allo-.. lhoM" who are lotetl'sted to lhe siiort lO esc!la.na:e aqulpmeot. Onell couldni Ond a.m-ui1ns I.hat would tit .and I decided that 'tl'orld War I al'lllr ~kl bOOt; 1'QU ldn 't quite do. Orick wr;te;: Tiu.• &no" piles up N~• clolhlnK and t-qulpment llhl'fe Is some money. - Ortc:k-
"' II tu med oal the s" ap dld~'l co lOO well. Too bad.
The Tba.nksihins Is comtns.
Crtek and I ar
coins: to Denver filr 11 wed· dine- ""'Ve neHr been th er and Orick Is quite excited about the trip. II<' hope that all or you will han• .. happy holld'' and return to school ..-1th n!ll'rlences thal Y'DU nil m'' abare trtlb one another.
:-;a 110rk t r 1111mt-Ume Tb:L.'lkach1ni DIJ' .-acauon Relam •lib atones.
-Orick· on cit has np resud a desue lO help !hose who b1n1 problt>ms In faclts al school llfl'. He aatd a lt\tct wrtllen lo - 011ck'a Orucles ~ 9.u KJmtal I 1n1 E. l.llkeshore Dr. C"o~r d'Alene, Idaho ,.111 tit! a.nnett'd In this column. "" wtll close wtlh this lb u ch' Probl('ms can tit! & I\ d ti a1rfd to anolber.
E.A.qu.~ ~LUB
~ow 1t ... tunt• to umkt• th1• 'u1tmll '''''ll•.__,.nd wt'v" got nf'-. f ~·an 1 ~nt "'. Crtr ~" ''Yliui:«.• '11m•••r1wd-your natural aboutcltt.u~ with 11' 11h11u. plt•l\lh•,, trou~·" 1' \"f"ry mnrh amoua th• Pft'llint,
\·r n llr\\ ' ' " ' nu \'anr tlJ,tt"llda, .. Thr Thrtt \\<>rtl1 in,·.--tr~ttlini: Tho»·,... lhr<'e nt" •lllhnp Yoall b.. ""'"": "" and ntf ~•mrm' - llra1111d• Twill, ...i h rrrn11 Hurn L.·r '1.1kr 1111 nHl•rth luok &I th~m 1( _\'OU
l111"hl r111111rnl
h nth• r nuXllll'\'
BONES ARE THE BACKBONE nr1h1·('01. fu ..)11m1'"1'4' r ltou.:c Tlw , ..,,,11 l'lu~-.1r h.-rrin11l10n•• """'"" i• 11111·1 ... ulorly lkll'll· l11r.111 hlnrk-111111-whll•· 01· hltll'k n11rl-11r11~· 001111111111 1101". hut <11111 t O\'t•rlook tho• 111or•• 111111•11111 ·Hun• ·- ill lrhrr. r1•rh1tp\, \\ llh 11 tu11rh n( jtrl•t•JI
THE BOLDER THE BETTER I• lh• .,,. It\ a qU1 ... tlQll O( ftf'N".Wrl'°" • SI ronj!••r, 111or1· t•nlortnl '1rrp.-. nn1I t h•·•I" '\H•r \\ h1•U
"'"'°" ·, .
ul1•111if~· th" •hirh Thr rn111t•' 1 rnn"' fro m ft con~r\'atn·t rhowr like• wulr 11r11~·
ruru Inn •I riri11g 011 whu.- oxford 10 r111rr<m, lmithl·rtd 'tril'f"I for 1111irr •J· vtn111rou1 t~·pe-. - anrl •h<'<'k• nrn 1b.' gamut froru pinthrclo Ill lllnllh•m• lo Tallrr'8ll• E\'en thr pt'rrnn11l oxford •hrr111111 111111" '"'"' pom•r by <"tJmbinm~ two nnrl lhrtt eolont 111 the wrnt, u do th• llM\1•r 1wi11 anrl h~rrnrtcbont wra•~ •
Z. adcr, bad bu• sc:•cdul.:d lo .sprat on Ilk- S/JC coUcac
Woodcock's Drug Store
EASY TO 1"11,, & HARD r _ LI • L R.-d Ro~rt,on, Yo1ii11 Hott 2306 frot1t A...... Coe-"' d •Al~ • ldohc
Cond c1 0
12' N
DrPepper --
S·t •
fQO .,. COlO
MODERN DRUG CENTER f!'9 ' for Hco Ith and rlapp.
.Jpcr; 0 1.·
Q.,, P o:o ;;'
P o
Polut av.I Pur5e MO· •.a223
1207 N. Fount.
MIKE PUTTER. sopho· m re, 1 6~~ Lakes! de;
... AND BOLDER AND BOLDER. in ti.....
"I think II'• a shame thal llke lhat v.ho ue so averse 10 our demoeraUc form I covcmment abould be alJ'llfl!d to U ve lo lhe t;nlled pe~le
~ 1~ ~crib Bale<', Spokane, \'\'ash.· "I lhl.Dk II "'Ould be very lnteresung to heaI such a speaker on our campus. I don 't lblnk lhat we should shul our mlnd.s to tbe out· aldl' •odd. Our siudent.s &hould know •bLI is ColDI oo In oilier ~as.." STA.'> KA TCH E~. fresb·
can, Calcory. Al>er-.a: "I h:\•~ no cse lor a rad1· cal I wuuld not car<' IO hea1 hl rn spPak on thJ< caaiiua. I agt"e that •t' ha,·e frf'edom ot spM>ch, bul don't like s pollctes ... MRS. E\'A DEITZ. :?011 "It ,.ould be lnt,.u.-:.un, to him; It would alert us w his lactlca and belp us know what lo cb to pre•enl :Jl" i;preoad of Ills pa.rty her... "
omorc. Orinda. Callfr m1a "I wouldn 't mind havlns the
rro11n weak con 111.. eumpu '• but (
lbl" r•'11ClJOn Of 5 IUdPal8
l'lllb" to l<lmlw •pl'ak•r~ ,.h h I hue beard , I would a lhcl II 'A uld be a po r d uni th• r could b .. rrb ti I."
ou foulard and ··halli• ela.,,w 111 d,..ign - but th~y tt b11uc,.r, brrflhtrr-boldcr! Enn btlta t.d:rl on " Tl1~ Bold Look, " •'llh brg. bumW...d lirn"' huckl,... on hi1thly poli•hl'tl Jratbrr Ill'» • ..,.
KEN REHFELD. freshman,
r ..tcrnu•ntal~ and diagonal •l rrlJ<'S In' l1r11i:ht~r. broader and •1,.,...d fartb«
s:ac.es ...
Coeur d'Alene
,,., l\••1\ fur 'n11, "'l~nrt Jlh kt'l" auul ,1,1rk' It ·~ 11 "m11•whn1 •lllllll>'r. I i11lll•'t "''"Hm 11111.n ~for,·. w11h n fhw-~ruitt••d "look ot lh1 holNH'k 'l"nnlt'I color •Onu-.. nn "trcm~ 1n J\u,ktt\\~"''''· u" do mutrd
••hat ould lit" ;ro11r uacllo• 1/ rou lu:ard I.lat Ccor11c l,111 coin Rock·
Uri1101I• anrl
..month 11111 ... b ful•ril""' c,\11 t1tkt.• nn 1unu. mi: Amount of Jllltlhhnu•nt \\ ulwut IONiUJ! tbtrr ,1~~1· Yon 'II lh1tl thrrn Ill •r"fllY 1n1lon~l lrU<titw11nl -1111' mnn~· "iJh wirlr " Ir van.1111: .., an 11<"1.-rl l'l'Rnrmrnt ~ ~
SUBverswn ,\~1
'°"''' of
T,1111 'l'h1·w hnru -wt'l1ri11i;.
Qt f, TIO.\
Supootl Your Adver1uen
U, 19M
1)1••·.1,iuu tJrnt do........ 11 "t r;tll fur \\11th• wvol l't\\'t•HI MM"k" 1 t"ttrtAinb· 1lu"M· .,,..,.r.th.....·!tlf ...,,,,.-".. 1.... 1011~ \\ith u ,11i1-1h""ir .. r,... k ,.,"Kkl lookli UbUr"" thf" trim "l*JN"4ttUm-r thttl t"Clutplt'111,.nh• tatlofflJ applrl"'I lfl d "ht-rt"•"' llV IUt"wTlllf.\ 1•\.l"~llM' o( l1uir~· ,Jun\\ IJt'U >'ml "II do'1lD ~ d ,.oJu,.... iu •fitrk ...fool"' •"OCJr.lmnktl tu ~·our .. ,,., au llf" fuuu an rih.t1:111t 1utl•11 fll111 pol~· ... trr h1t·111l...
THE WING · AROUND GETS AROUND ,,.tu)._,., \\ill
in fhj,
tit•\\ 11d10t• \\Ith H
J"'·'u ·1 kuu\\ wlwu to quit 1 fo,tPIHI ur ~ui11z 10 ,....,.uuutl at 1hr iw•ttp.
\\ UIJ:·IJp 1luu
11 ' '' IUL."' •• d••nr an•urul lh•• liclJC'l~· of thr' .. ho•• for a 'tn·.uolmrd lou&ii, haalHttet"fl h~· 11 h ... r1,. .Jooknt ~ ••\.fl•11el•·•I aol.Th,. ••\\"11~-.. \rounel ·•-urn•, 111 Lla··k aud thf" th•\\rr d•rk l•ro\\11r"".111:.:~1h111 hlrntl \\1fh \'CJllr
THE NEW SLANT IN HATS ",...11 r.1 •Ir•· run-ti ........, •. .. , , 1t ....
-.1 e·nm u , ... hi;:h•·r lu lh·· IMrk "ml ..101.. .._ ror\\•r• I Slesrhd
tti1•r1 1111 ,.l1•r.tl1• ,., ... ,, .. •rtlull .. mark th·· 'IUtp-ltrim.. of th,...,.'"" lut uo r11ur1• 11( rl1·--· l"1t11fom Jiruu,, 1•1•·•""'·' C:rn.'· an•I ,,,,,.,,,...rut (rJh \\Ill hi UJn.f\ 11Jltt \Ollf' ..11tlU1:: t"•l•tf' .,..-11111....., • 1lh "'""" '\\ 11hl1 lwuuh 111 1l:tr11·r ;,.,,,... ~ IN-I b' •~l IHY.. I
N.l.J.C. REVIEW, C0t• · d' Alcno, ldoho, W.d., No..,. be, H, 196'
MEET THE CARDS: Squad Loaded With Ex-High School St• Cagers
B7 lbe UmP <.Us 1asue of
the Cardl.oal Revtew blUI 1be stands, the Cardinal Pres.-
College Ski Club Will Teach Beginners;
Plans Regular Trips To Area Ski Resorts T'le rtc•'lll'-orpnlnd SU Chlb ca.- a ~~:rber or actl'Of· Illes und .. rwlU 11'\lh ae»t'ral core plann..C. Plans center 1 round prt>parlnc srudt'nta IO ikl and wm•nd ski 111PL Tbe r«r<!•Uonal departr:ltnl
will ban frl'e service for and pu· ehaelnc , td l'qulpmt'nt. A ride ser·
• 11 planned which wUl .p dhtn but~ co~ti< or ski 1np•. A nouc" ... u1 bl' por;ted u·aularl1 on the Student Union bJIJt'Un board , Inform· '' klt1 •""re the club wUJ bf! r' .n&. Ao7one plannln1 IO IP IMr~ who could take puarnaN•, Is reciur1t11d to • n1~ his name and !ht' num-
l><!r of PL' t'nKt" ht could .-.ale ~"•th the nouct. The club Wiii takr no IP!ll>OMI· bllltr !o r threr arranaMnenu1. 1111. RIChDrd Champoux, ad· l'~lsc.r, alro ...~d. The• will b• ptr it.I uran1en rnt . 11 boprd. hi' 68ld, lhDl by 1hann1 rldra, akl~ra will •nnd an oµportunlty ror makln1 ln•~d •Ith olhN 1tle111, p tmap1 rro•·Jd1n1 mutual 1u1nu. and Ondlna ndes
•hen nr1'Clnd.
1'-e clJb will '!leet at 7;30 p.m. 111 tbe allldrnt union tb1a SalZl rd.,- nl Kht and every wel'.ltend at the
ume ume. The club also la provtdtnc to lt'am to Aki tor tboae •ho mar wtSb to. Meettnas have btPn ar· ran1e'CI t.or tills PU!POllt'. In th!' tumre lhQ plan to
an opporwnlt7
Champoa1. adv!aer. The Catdloal basketball 11•am bas ~oorl'd over th~ I 00 mane twice. Both !Allllos came In thP I ~3 lt'UOD when the
Card. bandt'd Uw11 and Clark :-ionnal a I Oi·77 d~feat and dumpI'd the Uni vet6ll' or ldalrl Frosh, I 02·85. 11n
CHARLIE BROWN'S , s,c.. Fried Cl\lcha I 0 Minute Maximum O>okln1 " lT ' FINI >CR LI f{.ING C. lQ'l" PlhrlUrt!
Call 1• tmln
Curtlt? and Dick Rull. Ml.
money to make a '!>llnc trip paulble. &icaesled d~su nauooa have bees; Banrt or 9Jn Vallq, but pernaos• .c cord! n1 i., Mr. Cb11:1:1>oux, mftllbelll "111 take a "ski · bum trip" JnM!'ld . Slt I Club officers •~ Terrr Hurlbull, prealdeot: Tina ThllJ'er, secl1'ta0' 8111 CUr· tie, publlcll> chalr'TWl. aocl al ooordlnotor., Bill
- P1d !Ac
•P aaaatc
STEAKS - PRAW"HS - SAHOWIOfES 10~ Rh4t A.-..-ue1 Co.vr d "Alen•, ldoho
MOho-1c .&·9'.tll
SI &bl WUI bf' hlstory. llha1 Cardinal PTe.> ·SI s:!it? The Cardinal Pres!·~·acht that -.a beld tbr lbe varsity bukl'lball team laSl Thurs· dar. or oour.se. Tbe Preu-!1111!11 wu an 1nnta11011 :., lbe members of Ille •arlou• local newspapl'l:I and mdlo atatlons IO auend a ane&lt pre\'le• or lhls 1ear's Cardinals. Tbe PUIP0!-1! or u.e preaa &f't~ielher was rvr Pictures and ftrat-lland lnt>mallon about lhls 1car's Carda. II la bopm tbai ~ b<'tt~r aopreclatlon or the Caidlnal'a ta.lent &Jld ouUook tor Ille comlnc sP&SOn '•'1lb ren~rated b'.I the Informal "ooove.nuon." After lodtlnc at lbe frcsb· man run-<lown, I C&DDOt help but lhln~ or the actJon lnd caliber or buketbaU maey Of UB Will be mlsSlDC Jr we h-t "'O<lr" Cardinals down by not aueatlna the bome pmes. :>;orth Idaho ls no dHferrnt rrom lll.l o ther co lies~. the al hletics nl!t'd th• SUPPC.CI of e•ert suade&l It lbQ are IO S.:TIYt'. Slppcrt our Cardlmls. They are thl' brst. Let's carry thf' Card· lnll r!'d and i;r~ bann~r all lb" -r I tbe );JCAA '\:a.t na ..
Track Squad Will Continue Workouts 1\oddn• r " ni Jll. !ht' Cardinal tracL trL':> 1s JNUn' c:ondll!c;ne<I ,..r:,.. rfl)(l r;s I d Coach Bruce Rl'ld. ::O'lcb Reid bopes lo Lah a lt'$pt'<"lful conUncent to th• NJCM uack me.I. "I can not i..1 rrq bo1a be 011tdo11e by tbe bultrtball pla7us," OOl:l::>eated coach RPld. Dlawsalni; the tractaters J\rrtber, Coacb Reid rpPOrud tlla1 If tbe coodllle:itoc pays o!? u It appn.-. to be, NOnl: ldal!D wt.II deUol~l:r be repruented Jn Ibo reclooal and p tlrapa tbe no.uonal tract eats. ··All o r tbe bo.7• a.re rlla& bard. "1th 11:11 i:>al lo c:1nd, lb• tlll"5 and cl1111DCl'S 111 II ICIP rove ~ meet the quwOatJ01111 or the :-OJC.o\A." added Cascb Reid. Coacb Reid rrported tt:I rl:e trachle:s 11111 ccnUnue lo wor11 out Jn the Q1ll lbrouct>· out the cold months. Fresllmall Wall7 sc:a11eu. at ts 'U:ds rea:'a t.a!?est
DICK Silt; l.TZ. a fr< ~ - an rrom I.Alt.eland lltlh SchooL Dick 5l&nds 6°1 ••• pl91a forward and prd. 1\blle with the Hawks, Dick was selectl'd lo th• ftrst team ot tbe A-3 dlaU\CI AU-t. ·•au• hoop tam and al 90 '" · berth 011 thr A ·3 Panhandle All-Star team In l\ls s~'lllor
rear. MIKE CAREY. ftesbt'.llln trom O'ieur d'Alene. M.lkP bold &n ID"l!lnatlon Player award and a Hono111ble Mtn· tlon All-!iitllll' placque for hi action 'llitb tbe Vlkl.ncs. Slandlnc 6'3". Mike will add to the cardinals stren~ under lbe basket. reponcd Coach WllUam•. FRANK DARl.IN'GTOS, freshman from Coeur d' Alflle f'nank stretches to 6'3 ••, plays Cf'nter and br,..ard. Frank displayed moments or btllllance during bis \1k111c !ter.s. •lnnlns the Jn91>1ta.1tonal award. Hon· orable Mention A· I All· Panhandle Team and hon· orable mention on tbe A·I All State team. BOBBY BRAl~ARD. l)esh· man. ballb from Kellon llllh School. Bobby won recosnltlon for hls front-cou11 pl'1 wtth tbe \flldcai.... lie •u selected lo the A·I All· Panhandle THm and the A·l S14te Toum1U11<'n! second Tum !or hi• eftolla In
Boise. ~ BRYAJ\"T, fteshlllan from Grant lllsb Sdinol , Portland. Or<'. Sam slAnd•
6'3" and plla'' ron.anl. sam won hon<lno on Portland's A.. <"llY Tearr, the All·Slatt' T•am. and recel\'ed Oran! Hl!lh's Most Valuable Pla.Yl'r Award. DA\"EGARDNER. freshman, played bis hllh school bal I tor Lord Byron lllsh School, Vaneouver, Br111Rh Columbia: Davi' won hi~ school 's \1011 \"aluabl" Player A ward and was sPlrctcd \!oat Valuable Pl&\ rr Award and wns select· ed \tost \'aluable Piii.Yer or Ule All-Slnr SnowbGll Touma· meD( Tea:n. oave stand,; 6'1" and Pia.TS 111atd.
R0:-0 BOYER. rr.,Jlhman. Haccrc:an H•lh Sdiool. HAIN· man, Idaho. Ron stands S"7'' and perhaps la the smal l•·~t cud.In al. Ron wa a stalwart Jn hlilh school buk<tball. Coach Roll7 WllUa=s calls Ron "the tl'lllll woniborse" and added, "Ron hos th~ des! ti' and hustl ~ to bl' a SoOd colloo bal l11l&yor. I do not know of ~vth1n1 tbal Will !>lop him." Bll.l. TORGERSON, frt'9h· man trom Sewpon, Wash. Bill •lands 6'6" and ploya cent<'r and forward. Bl 11 led the Gnzz17 auacll to mat\1 a •·tctorr In l\ashtn,ton •s Borderline t.eoi;u<" "Bill will be bl& In helplna out our reboundlnc problei::. He has tbe size and wetcbt that Is perfect lor coUec~ bal I," rl!Porlt>d COClcb Roi b' 11.IUama. \IA U' ER SMAl.l.ETS is tbe ta! lw ttesbman hoops1ei at 6'8". llallJ pll)ed hi• bls;tl schoo I ball for Fr..mont Ross of Ohio. Re •as ~elected ID the All-Buckeye Conference T~am .mile at Fremont ror his ablhue. at tbe c..nter p°"JUon. STANLEY OBERGH. fresh· man frolTI llatef\·llle lla:h SchOol, \latervl llt'. \\Uh. $laD u"('S hls 6'2" trame to One order al 1111ord 11nd tor· wnrd. 1\lhlle al \\lllN•IUe 111 llh. Stan It'd the attack and "00 himself o Honoiable \l~nlion Al I·Am en can plaqu~ for hi• t>H1111 •• II i. ob•1oua wl\Y Cc.ch
about hi' talmtO!CI fresnm<n crew aa lx>lnc "loadl'd with ablllt>-" Matched with re· tum1n1 ve1orun" Biii Snllh, J&mllS
Jo~ .
Sir\" Brhl'D and l.P5 Gard·
nrr. lhls 1ear"• C&rdlrala look 10 be lbe bc&t.
Coach Rally lllllloms a!DJs ln bhai>e pl.,-ln1 on a men's Cl 11 t.eacu<' tam 111><>nsore'CI b7 t.ucky Lacn. Coach 1111Uama plays c~ntcr. NOi· <Lble t<'am-mate are roanl'r Jdal Vandal tar Kfll 'l:&rcn and RI ch Poll• r
Cardinal •Ille S'I" treslm::i.n Ron Boyer Is tbe smt.lle&t 'loop t t 01I lb '04~S
\'at ial.)
0.1, ~ - "
"°"" c.........
A M. TO SolO P. M.
button co11
ot 100 ,{, Fine Alp1a
Solid color links mesh t:lllch Rib t>ottom. with Poekttl
I. X. L. T0 GGERY "'°"'
s~..... A••·
MOt..wl 4-4546
~EVIE•, C ~ • "''4.l"I'\~. ldo,,~. Wed •• No~~be• 4!~. '96..S
JIarsity Basketball Squad
Two College Teams Open City League Season On Dec. 4 ~
Rhythmettes Will Perform At Game The Rhythmetll' Qri;l drtll of thl' srnson ts 10 be Dl'C. 4. the rt t>ii i:aml' nt ~t. The team lncludt>s :?5 1:1t1s and D' e allematl's. Thrlr h•ader Is Morsha Le Francis. "1th Karl'n M1ddlrton osslr.tant, \1&riarc1 Beri. !ll'cre1ao1reasurer, and Pam Stafford, chairman of the ,·ear book. PeaiD StckN:son Is campali:n manai:er and ~trs. Cathenne Scales 16 faC:Ulll 3d\1St•r. F'lllure pinna tncludr ~pc- clal drtlls fa1 Chd tmas, Vall'nllne'.il Oil\, and Apnnc pciformanco•s. In addition 10 half-1tm1• Hilt'rtatnm<'nl, the strls pllln to murch tn the U tac F<'"U niJ Torchll ich l paradt• und the Fourth ol Juh pan1de In Coeur d 'Alen<'. Th1•y ha,·e takt•n part in both ol tht•se ncunues 1n the past, p lactni: r.econd In the Fourth o l July parude. l\ r<'C••nt Sludt'nl Board decision w11' made to allot SI 00 lo thP tram for uni farms nnd ncct'S:>Ones. Jn the pnst, the t<•um cnml'd o\·er SI 00 which tht'\ u ··t"<I to hl'lP tn meelln~ tho:>lr "'Pl'nKl'S.
.t, ..
FORMER CARDS STILL PLAYING BASKETBALL \IA. . Co.rd.n&J ...,,1~1v co on 10 pliu In othe: colll'treS after :'\onh Idaho i;niduatlan. Bob f):lehlser, Ciudinal hoOI)· ster tor the 1951~3 st-11.SOn . Is no" a: tilt' t;ru Hrslt,r of Idaho ,.here be- Is playlnc \llr:.!ll ball r r t!lP \'a.cdals. Bill B~ri;, al 11 Ca.:dlr::t1l bllsltt'lball l'laJ'c· In the
1962·63 ~asoo. no• 11t llt'Sltr.1 lb!ltana, IS pla,rinJ first stnoJ bolbaD f r tht' Bulldoi:,.. Ted •.\ndPrson. anothrr Co.rdloal st • n 1!16:?-t>J. I' aJ at OU Tt'd 15 a seDI : stal•ut the Bulloos baskt!<l>:i;l a11:>. ,o\rchle Russell, :. C11:dlr.n hoopstcr In 196-0-., I. Is n< " an llS~!stanl coach f : lbe \lo~co,.. Bl'11r.. lftgh SC!too l football team. \Uk~ McGullt', II CudJnal c&IN rn.:n 196'.:·63, took bb talent to E11stem \\aslllnJIQn State C<>lleae nt Chen~,. to pla~ fo r the S8'111:e,.. IJ Y\JU kno" of a Cardinal 11U!lete who has i;one on ~ play sports for 11nother school . drop the ~port edl tu r oflhe Re,·te" a. ltne. Biii SJ,lth. Cardloal center, holds the record for the mo ..1 point" sco rl'd In on~ season .,·11h .; ZI. Smith 1s also the ll'acl ng pcints-11er-game cant ..1111 16.6. oauc Pt>ters. 1961-6:?. Is second .. 1th 16.0 and Jim Jo)e tblrd .., th " 15.5 a>erage.
For a Lifetime of
BOWL While You Are Young
Ploy Pool A t Co .. B .I
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lake City Lanes, Inc. 24 1<4 M
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C~ • i..t ~·A•"'•
BOWLING C•WF. BOIH TU i'IHiOAY NIGHT lllch Gamio frank ~Io Rlt Z?4 . Hti:;b St'rt ll ~ l:lnk Pio Rlt
589. Hli:h Tl'a..,, Gam<'
B -..l<'rs
Rki:h Telll:l ~n i:t.11P11a :?118. Tt11111 Standrnp; v.on Lo I so SaDCl-baci:;ers l\l'
8-Ba.lls Bulldogs /\r:elllsF1ts
20 19 18
..8 9 10
LAKE CITY USES lll:D:>o ESDAY :O:IOllT tui;!I G3me· SIAD l\lltr:hen :?00. Hli:h
n l\atcho.-n
Hlch Tenm Gaml'. XL's 78<1. llli:h Te4l!I Sen" SJ pin ' :-;uty 2181. Teum Slandlni:s Won L.o t Poon1anae"' 19 5 Sum111n' SllSIY 5 l!l XL'5 16 8 R<· tt>r> AJJPt C'll~
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aud '""' rd basK!'lbllll t('tllllr. lilt' r dy I r their fi:st ctl n In th(' c It Men · L<'D.i::it • rep rt.~ llcad C uch Jim Eh1nct o. The J.\·. • and R dblrds, co sed r sf'cood • n l' rut rial .. II plu a 12·15 ~ e s bechlle. The J.\'.'s Q hl'd s nd In the leai::ue ca e l!C'hl'duk. The J. \. '.s ,.Ill pl~ ~kaM Communlt.r C llece Inn four ca e srnl'l!, rrp rted co:ich Ehln~ton. Thr t..-o ltems tnr\ their fl"a on~ D"'· l. Coach ~:l \'lnGton comment•d on his J. \•.' ns ha,lna n ~C<I C'hru1c11 or tnkln11 thl' Cltv I c •KUt!llllr. The .1. , •.'fl nnlshl'll 1.1rr.on d In thr lt>n~ue last y r or Ill 9 "ln!l·3 IOSfl"'I. Conch ~:hlnato o r:111•d 1·Nunn11 oun \I• drlock. Bud 81'C'k, Jim Drl'Mht•I, Dick Dunsmore, Onn Nipp, Md D• 11nl11 lluber as lnnwuts In th<' J.\'. altnrk. "Our t uchr11t cnm"" "'II be with Sl>Okane C mun1t1 Colh•1t" anrl the !x>tter Cll\ LeallUl' team~.'' addl-d Coach El· vlncton. The J,\' .'a \\Ill rm} preollmlnury 1mm~ to all of lhr Cardi nlll vuni1t:r hom• C Ii t'lCe1>t lhc O<'C'. S t>rllnc •IU1 Yakima Valle). announcl'd Athletic Dlrrct.or ta nd H•od Coach H ol ly If D11111111;. The :" LJC Redbird • led by Don 11nmer and Jack Jenkins. s1 II ''hold thd r own In thP ~en ' 6 Lear;uf'," said Cm<'h Elvlnswn. "J\lthoullh last fcnt ' ae.ison wns not the best. b•llN o raanlzutl on 11nd some ne-.. llllt'nt make thln&11 look 'uod for thl a aeu.son . " c•mUnued Coach Eh lnaton. "The J. \'. 's nnd Redblrds sin• their br t I r SI.JC, Ju t aa the '"r •I:· ~ 1 , th""
Th• 196~·6S Cardino! • 'I debltt on De<:. 1 rn ~1.ao~:. Collsai "hen th~.y lab on the Bulll>ups IN v>DZ:lp , Unh~r:;lty. ~!•lion P•ncln the Bullpups CQach. .-111 hn~ his "11.cers out ror r"m 1 ,. after bt'lns d~I eated t •Ice °II)" th•• Cardinals lot 'ear bY Ir.?-~~ l&ftd 19-68. The Cardinals ..m !>-. sportlni: nrw rnd and cr•y unHorms in lhe aeuon openl'r. Coach Ro>I b 11\ltiams r"l>oM that lh1• Card~ art> r""dY for the Bui Ill ups and add oil, "Goo~nl(ll al .. 11.vi• h"" a 10·11th 1r1&1n. Our Op•nlna aum<' 'Alli tell an•thln1 "" o.re "ellk on. " Aft,•r the Bui l11up~. th ff CamlMIR \\Ill b1• DI horna Ort'. 4 Wld 5 , PIUYllll ho I to Yuklmu \'nllo• Knltrht•. Laftl ) enr, th~ Cnrd wou two lrom the KnlahlG, 87·U!l uud 80-69. "Ynkl mn "n on~ at our tuuahrst comprtltnr lul yN1r. \le \\Ill hll"' ll) 11la.v ~harp ball 10 n11ru1 a doubl~ ""'""·" rommt•nl•d Coach llllllam~.
Th•• Cards wlll takl' on a t\\;J•llllIAI' srtll',s with \\rnat· C'hl!c \'all~ In llenatchrr, Ort'. 11·1~. A h·cumr homo arh 1!()ulo !oll~w11 belor" th" Cardinals •Ill lak" to the road 11~n on Jan. fl 10 mctl the s.i,·aa~'ll ol EHi£ m nllblncton Slate Collect In Chf'lll'.Y, \'.ash. 11\0 tram& need Inn suppoil 11 much 11s lhP vnrsll). hope rll I thre~ lt•nm& l:t'l llOC:A this year," sdd.,.j Cmch Roll.I llllUcas.
Th•• llrst )ear the Card• p la1f'd undtr couch Ro Ur 11llUwn~. 1~6()-c;I, lht1 Qnl"lbed thf" ea on n If) ••r, ,..Ith " f> •1 n-8 I ' rtcord. IOUQUf!S
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6 6 1A'S
MOh••• '4-&72 1 ............. -
EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP "Fot Ou•fity •"d S.rwlce•• PhO'I• MOft··· .. : 14S Of 4 6'41f• ill Sh•rnwt1t Av• • Coe11r d '.Ale-.e ......•4"'"t:·•-f'•
................ ...........
•••• gym •••• tumble •••• flip ••• flop •• .lug•••tug push ••• jump •• .leap ••• ••• chin ••. lift ••• pull ••• ••• run ••• puffgo puff ••• pause h~Wfth • things
ao• td undtr l"w l\ltMt tt of Th• Coct·Cola CO"'Pl"1 br;