Enrollment decrease drops $70,000 budget ax by Ril• Holling5wonh All I 1.6 percent reduction in full-11me academic
on the assumpuon that enrollment wouJd remain con-
enrollment will require a S70,000 reduction in nCllt scmes1er's spending, according to Owen Cargo!, dean or instruction. Speaking 10 the NIC Board ofTrustees at itS regularly scheduled meeting on Sep1. 1.0, Cargo) said that 1,987 full-time academic students enrolled at NJC this semester compared 10 2,249 1ha1 we-re enrolled la.s1 year, a decrease of 262 ~•udents.
stant this )'ear. Si net fuU-tirnc instructors are under
The voca1ional-1echnical school also showed a reduc1ion in enrollment. There arc 270 students enrolled in 1ha1 program, down 3.5 percen1 from 1he 280 who were in regis1cred in 1hc 1983-84 semester. Cargo!, who sa1 in for NIC Prcsiclen1 Barry Schuler. 10Jd 1he board 1hat 1hc 1984--85 budget was prepared
contract for nm semester, 1he Si0.000 shonagc created by the eoroUmem drop will ha\ c to be made up nc:x1 semester v..ith a reduction in salaries for part· 1ime instructors. Cargo! poimed out tba1 althouith the actual head count had decreased 11.6 percent. full-time cqujvalen1 (FTE) showed a 7.2 percent decrease. FTE is arrived a1 by dividing the total number of credits b, the total number of students. The board also appropiated SS0.000 to S60.000 to purchase a 47-pa.sscnger bus to be used 10 transport the NIC athletes and choir. Cargol 1old the board 1hat Schuler asked tum 10 recommend 1he purchase of the bus because it was unponant for the safet~ of the naff,
facuJry and studentS. Cargo) said that Empire Lines had bid S65.000 to transpon the NIC students the 37.000 miles that the scheduled tra~el required this year. The yearly cost of maintaining and operating the bus is estunated at SJS.000. and the annual estimate of insurance is S8i0. The cost of hinng a driver is no1 included in the maintellllnce and operation estimate. Cargo! said. Board member Robcn Ely said that after two years of operation the bus would provide an annual savings of SJ0.000 and tha1 it was false economy 10 have to u.\e a chaner scn-1cc conti nued on page 2
North Idaho College
Coeur d 'Alene. Id aho
Priming lhe pump unc, Plall and Margie HIil walch Urtfu ll) b 11nn1hcr dtnt pr11r1kc) her CPR tccbnl11uc on a dumm) durinlJ • nrst aid cla~ In 1hc I!) m fo) er.
Student's work goes on display A ccramu;) !>Clllpture e,hib11 b) an 'IIC )tuJent i, curttnLt, on dJ~la) m 1hc u~t3Jr;. gaiter)' of the C-A Building ,\ ccordtng to art ln\tructor L1!>11 Daboll. the \\Ork of L:!\Cme \\'hcatlcv 1> ..,,. ubcrant and 1,mclc~ " · "B) looking at her worl. you would thml. that \he w:u a ,h .iciofil ~ou~ woman." Daboll said, adding that Whc:uley is in her )i\t1es and still going ,1roag Daboll \31d that mnnv of the pil'l.-es done b, \\ hc;ittt, U)cd the "rol.u pr-<" "L .h,ch Daboll d~Cl'l'beJ as dipping the -culpturc · tn cold' wa1t>r :, half hour atter it . .... n,u """'" placed in the kiln.
J -----
( inside the sentinel
Columnist crunches callou eartoons ..........•.... . .. . p. 8 Milking the mo nster m)th ................... . . . .... . p. IO \lun.ing tereot1 pe d o"n the tube ........ .. ... . . .... .. p. 16 Bil..ing marathoner moves north ... .. .. .. .... .. ... . .. . p. 17
~pl. 28. 1984
:-.re Stnlinel-2-
Ten percent of voters elects frosh senators b) Ed McDonald Three fr~hman -ena1ors "'err elected Sept. 2A to ,cr,e on the AS'IC St ucknl Board Beth Kuper , Em Phllh~ and Joa.:: Kliniihetm ,.c,e che>Sffl in an election th.It dr~ 10 9 i>('r" nl or aw.o, 1ma·ely 2.184 chi)bk NIC ~OICU According 10 ASNIC Vice Prcudcnt \I rl e Gagliano. 237 "udma ,med m tlx election.
the bunch.••
:o:np111er progr.unnu"S tll&J(lf •bo ,..._~ u:lOf'POIC'd UI M' bid fot the \OCalli)naJ Ka!, rccc,, cd z· \ 01~ Ph ~. V. ho IS IMJOnng n btl'<IM"<S, •1'1l the aadmlk po5,IUO!l • 1th I()'.' \-Otes Ch."U !I.II) •«t,\ed (,J •'OI~. and M e Grocndi prr.~ed J! ,ores Kh~hclffl. a tdtt01'l?ll'luru.:iit1on, IIllljl)f. o..: ~'Ii:~ three ~ I I ! . , 10 p n llx o;,m ,a• o:J the board s~ •cca,cd a otal or 101 ~oto cornp.ved 10 HcidJ 'C"\mson •ho 113d iU Bob Stu v.bo rcccncd 23 and Gant R ,1) fonc,..cd .. lh !:'. 1
and b,ub(,cu(',
1, one oi her gt--al, Ph11lip.s 'latd 1h11 " ll" 11\j! lhe ~ I rtt-r ~1a11on p('l•~•blc a.nd sc111ng pcrw ~ h in,-ohN" "111 ~ hi\ forcm<XI
concern u a fr~hm:in senator He added that hr "ould hke 10 act invohcd wHh the Idaho ln1en:olleg1a1e Lq)slature mcc11ng m Bo11c ap,n this
\tar PhlUi~ particl1111tcd in las1 ycar'i ~,on as a Jclcgatc from NIC. Ph11hP5 also wd that he would u..c to get more \ludcnu tnvolvcd 10 iehoot 111:lh 1111:, >--ling,heim !>ll1J thn1 ,he 111,o " C\• cued about the 1)("'1bllt1y of aolna it, BoN· .:i~ n mcmllc, of the ~IC dclc11.111,,n. She said that 11l11nnmr ",1 IC11 or fun ,1,11, 11lc, rm everyone" ,, onr or her rnt1Jt'r .1ml>111w1, "luh: In om,c. Bnd ~he odtkJ 1h111 , he "ould 11.. t' 10 ,ec mllrr ,1udcn1, 1n,ot,cd "College I\ j1m like h111h ,chool," t..h111~hc1m ,aid. "11 ·, n 101 rn(lrc run 1! you ac1 mvotvtd." Goalinno <aid 1h111 one of the i,,uc, 1he new 1cnotor\ wlll be concerned whl1 1, ,1 propo)al tor 11 new road In back or th<' , ·o 1cd1 building Al,o, 1he ldilho l111crcollc11ta1c Legi\loturc comina up in November mun be dealt wllh lmmcdlntcly because rcprC'te11ta11"e• 10 make the trip 10 Boi1e must be ,clc"c:d. Onsllono ,aid. One student 1u:1i"IIY 1h01 must be immcdiatdy con,idcrcd by the boord in elude, o planned I tolloween dance In October, Onallono odded.
Beth Kasll(r Voter 1umout " 'llS higher IM year than ii was during last yw\ freshman elecuon when less than 9 percent or the qualified s1udcnu case ballots. Gagliano said he 1<an1cd 10 thank I.hose who \'Oted in the elccuon and commend those who ran Co, office. " I think e,·eryonr who ran for office i5 fan1as1ic," Gagliano said. "There arc
Jou KllopJadm >--&Sl)Cf ~ IA.It "s,:ncrally getting tn· voh'Cd" ll her awn obJcctivc "bile t.n office. \\ otll:IDJ to•rard mon campus aru,i tics, such as Ille cnu.ses, ~
Enrollment forces budget cut continued from page 1 " We can buy ooe hecl( of a. drhcr for sue the possiblility of an cxdush c conSJ0,000." Ely said. "I can't sec why tract wilh KCDA. 1bcrc would be much opposition t0 The board rejected a request by the this ... Uni"VcrsJty of Idaho to crec:t a And citing auditorium safct}', the 3-by-3.S-rOOl lighlcd sign in from of the board also approved Sl.048 for t.hc purSherman BuildiDa because. acam1i.ng tO chase and insulllltion of custom made the the board, the sign -.-as not specific brass hand rails at 1bc four cxiu to the enough, and it might lead oas.senby t0 bakoo} or the C-A Auditorium. assume that NIC tS a branch of Ul. The board also \'Oted to appn)\'t a call The board agreed to request that the Ul for bids on the purchase of a DC'\\ sign speofical.ly name Lbc program they I 5-passnigcr \'an a. well as spend S4,S00 ~ offering at "IIC. for mnodcliog the bUSlness office, the The proposed site of the IJ I sign tS rn registrar's office and the dean of adfront of the bushes on the cast side of ministration's office. the front entrance 10 the Sherman NJC Athletic Director Rollie Williams Building. Cargo! said that Schuler "''alllS told the board be had tailed -.i tb 10 erect an idmucaJ Sign for -.; JC on the rcprcscnlilli\'CS of KCDA, a local radio lcf1 )tde of the entrance. Sl.lltion. w h1ch hiu e~pressed in1crcs1 m Rollie Jurgens. adminisuaxi,e ,,cc an "clumc contract 10 broadcast ,1c baskc1ball games prcs1dcm. told the ooard :hat the cs· mated cos: o' lhc Hubba.re Street "K\"\J has DOI been too 3D\IOU\ 10 pa,mi pro;cc: 1<.u s1 •.000 but tha: :he CO\Cr , port~ and an,,111cs." \\ ilharru '41d J.'uaJ COsl lS S;Q • 5• '.hU\ S<l'"L'JS !be coucgc o,c; S60C'. According LO \\ 111,am\, radio to\ crage " ould rn.:rcasc attend.1n.."t and The l>Oard :ilio ,wo•e in Dr James he 1<ould like 10 enter into iurthe; &:ton and Donald S..\l~-.cr ,.ho ,,.ere discussiotU With the radio stauon. The re~lcctcd Sq,: 4 1 ~eon :he '-IC board agreed tha; \\ ilh:uns ~bould purBo;uc of Trustees
PastQ faces Alter thr ~1mi11tnnd Fami11 \\tcldiAg on Sept J9 Jennifer"~· Srart, f.J'icbml and , orm Zrikt )luH cscb olhcr .. ,1b c:aJ..r.
Sep1 . 18, 1984/ .\JC Sentin~l- 3-
ASNIC Cruise behavior praised b) Ina Brttdtn
Praise for rhc \fah-an· "iod:: cru1<1e and a Halloween Dance complete wnh a hvc band "'ere the headlining iuues of rhe las! two \tudenr board mce11ng., Outdoor recrcauon D1rec1or Dean Bcnncu and srudent board acu, lilt! dirccror Denna Gorringe had norhing bur praise for rhe board and the NIC studcnr body in ttcneral for rhc way rhe; handled rhem\Clves on rhe cruise Sep1. 14
Bcnncll \a1d rhe cru1\C: .. wen! ex• cellcnr .. and wa, "one of rhe quie1cs1 ones rhcy'vc had in a long 11me " Gorringe echoed Bennc11, view\ and \aid the SIOO damage dep<>\11 wa, rerurned un\Calhcd. and rhe people of rhc Mish-an.Nock ,a1d rhey would wclcomt NIC bac~ anytime. On Oct 26 rhc ASNJ<. will sponsor a Halloween dance in rhc Subway Game Room. Whire Tigcr will be the band per· forming, and money pr11.e, will be given for the be\1 1wo CO'llume-.. NIC 11udenu will be admnted free wh1lc guesrs w,11 be charged SI On Wednc«lay, Ocr 10. Wlldcrnc.u Moun1al ncermg wi ll show a Warren MIiier mm 111 7;30 p. m. m rhe C-A Auditorium The C051 for NJC uudcnt\ will be bc1wccn 50 ccnn 10 SI . and any pron, the movie rnaku over the S400 Ogurc will be splh wuh the ASNIC . The board allocated SI ,375 for diacoun1 movie 1ic:kc1s for 1hc Sho wbo111 Thearcr. Tk kcu wlll cos, NI C ,i udcnta S2 each, and studcni s will be ollowed 10 buy sill 1icke1S per 1tmc, 1cr. The tk kct4 arc availoblc In rhe Subway The board voted 10 chonge Arucle 2, Scc11on J, Ch1usc 2 of rhc srudcnr bylo'""
Students grading teachers b) O.n Brttdcn
allowmg for the rormauon of r-.o asm· tant acu,111e, cha1rpeaons Darla Coburn. "'ho v.as 1hc a\<l5tant la I year and Tim Bushfield v.ere ai> pointed 10 the pom1ons b> ..;.s,rc Pre\rdcn: Chuck V. hulocl. "Darla'-. av.wme at making: posters, but her an classes hmn her \0 she can't go 10 all the acm111es." Gomngc i.aid. .. But Tim 1sn·1 'CT} good at poster\, but he an auend all inc acm uic\." The board rencv,c,d the: contract of the college's anorne)< Ray G,"eru and "lorman Gmcl Accordm& 10 board adv1\Cr Ton) Stewart, the a11omcy1 have no1 chantt· cd their conrrac1 over the pa.sr fe,,. years and their rate, ha•c rcmamed the same. · 'They give you an mcrcd1bly good deal,'' Stewart said "These rv.o a11orncys ha,c. I think, sm,ed you "'ell .. Benncll mformcd the board 1ha1 bccalUC of weather. the intramural golf 1ournamen1 ,..as r~heduled for Thu~ day, Oct 4 at 3 30 p.m Bcnncu said the co-rec mushball scuon hu also been rnchedulcd because of a lack or mter~1 or a lack or knowledge u 10 wha1 mushbaU 11. Bcnnc11 described 1hc spon as softball
played wnh a softtr.1ype ball ASNIC Vi~ President "11kc Gag.bano asked the board where the microw'i,c oven wu for which La.s1 ytar's student board allocated SJOO. h was sur~ 10 be put in the Hedlund ,·ocauonal Bulldtng, bu1 Gagliano 1a1d he could not 11no 11 " I didn'1 kno"' 1r ... c had, )pcqal m1crow1,·c storage r.«"Uon or nOI," Gaahano ~1d
Ticketing trainee or IM
In the forutt. studcnu 11 'IC ma, p1a, a btacr role m the "aluauon pr~, ol their collqc 1mtr11.:too A~..:ordtn, 10 !xan ol ln,iru.."UOn 0...cn CarJ(II, the NIC' Cumt"ulum Ci:\uncll ha.• ~ up a ,ulxomm111tt undcr 1hr d1="11on of Dt-nnu t onnor, d1re\."lOr or pl11nnina The pul'"J'<l'C 01 tht' comm111tt •tU ~ to rc, icv.. 1he cnure pr~, ol tcadlct C'\~ua1ior11 dune b, ,1udcni, "A) or nl'"' there ,, oo ..andardi:tJ form ol 1&:hl'l e, .ituauon\. ·• <araol ~ . :iddtna that 1hc" ~ n11ht no"' arc rrcm mu,h up to tht department hcadi. lfov.c,cr, (.'&rJCII I\ to.,~i"' 10 lhc ,ub.:OffllilJ?ttt 10 mal-c rC'\:ommcn~non, on the 11,.iC' t arg(II \aid ,ome ol the 1"u~ m.••cred .. ouJo i"'-'tbh tndudc 'l'l,•ulJ the C\.::tlua!lon, be left up 10 the dcflAMmem h<ad, ,,r ,hoold the md , dwil tn• mw1,,r, Jc,:iJc• Ho"' mu.:h cmph£>1) ,hould be pct on ,1uJcn1 C\ ~uauom' hould l.hctt bes s1andardized ,,\tcm 1·or all ~men,, and ... 11a, ron "'lll the e\o'llua11on, plu in the tenure l"f-'• Cargo! wd s1udem C1al1DllOII} b.a,c both pros :uid cons h> 11 ;is do a.II the C'\-aluau<>n ~ .. ',utlent e,1lua11on,." Cariol s.11d ·,l)Jo"'s \tudenb 3n opl')l1um11 10 point out 10 the w:ructor \\Ml he, or ,he. ,, d0111$ ~bt or ,.Tong · Cargo! said the tnSUU:ton ..:an &bo bencfo 1rom udem C1ahu1101U 10 '-« ar trends dc,clop o,cr :t .:er-
SmiOt plx-K I parking citation on a truck Illegally p11rkcd .\d111uus11111ioa BOJ'ldlag.
Sop~omOrT o4«1 ID rroat
Mike Scroggie photo
pmod of :mat There arc I" o t)pes of t"'&lua1ions possible . Cargo I said. :and the :,.o can be used SJngl) or in combina11on •,th one a.notllcr A /ormaIDc C'\'1luznon is Jl'CD somC1l!JlC in the mid· die of 1hr icmc,:ttt a!:a a ~1udcn1 1w had the instructor for :a period o( tm1e aDd has come 10 know his l.\le\lS ai • di u his fflOr1 conunp These n aluauons ,c tbe instructor ~ cr~c to :IY.nec '°metlung if it ts :.he ~ a ,onsnnt."I o! tM cl.au. Cargo! \aid. UJl1
A ,wnm.imc C"llluatJO(l u p,cn 111 1he end or 1hc scmntcr. Ca.:1ol added, and can ~ ulCd as furnrc rdc:cna for the ll'.Jtructor Clugol .aid each of th< e> a uai.on, c~n be ugncd Of M:lS b~
u ... ,
\\uh fon:nl'l'\C ~n~ e>Alu.auoM, Cargol \31d, "~1.-denu fer! that thq arc ape,,c of an tnmuctor for the re,t of the l<fflnlcr Therefore. rhcy arc mu,h mon can,h:! about r..'lr ncptnc .upccU of 1helr amrru.:· ion" One or I.be .:om of pu1un1 too much empha:. on midcnt C\alu.auons u 11nl nudcnu ha\Cn't ncces$8ri· h bttn tramcd tn C\3lua11ons. Cargo! )<lJd
··1 ha,c no part)..,ilar mcunc one wa> or the oilier." C:ugol S3!d, 3ddang tb3t ... hat II would probabi> borl do•n 10 "'ould ~ a debate b 10 "'ho 1s the bc\1 10 C1alu11t.
Sepl. 28. 1984 ilC Sentint l--4-
dan breeden Please, leggo of my ego 1 ran imo a door the other da) - and II was grea:. The bloody nose. the black eye and r.bc bruisa:l lcntt v.crCJ't so great. but lhe expcri«:nct it.self was. I was trying to catch the eye of this attracti,-e member of the female persuasion, and I was muling 1n her d11cction v.hile v.alkmg Ill a d1f· fercnt one. And, somehow. the door 5eeffled tD rmwn open longer 1han it should ha vc. My hand didn't find the edge of 11, and by the ume m)· face did, 11
was too late. The damage "'u dooc. The girf stArted laughlug bymricall). and I turned a prctt) shade of red while I franticall) looked for a d.oonu! to cra•1 undc-r. I won't be able to look her tt1 r.bc eye apjn. and ihe'U probably 1urn away from me and chuckle ~ -crytime I see ha, but tbe cxpenena v.a.s rewarding just the same. You sec, there comes a time meo.-eryonc's life v.hc:n ~"OU tend 10 outgrO" your shoes. You start feeling that you're a littJc better than ~cryol'lt' else and 1ha1 you 're on little higher IC\>'d than the mnses That's when the door comes into play. I'm not sure bow it works exactly, but II seems t.h.ac eo.erytime )OUr ego stans to loom larger than life, you hit a door But, it's not always a door, door. Sometimes it's that crack in che sidew-alk 1ba1 reaches up and trips you or that pop machine that steals your money. Perhaps ic's a girl who reruses to daooe v.ith you Just •hen you feel you arc lhe holiest thing since Atomic BaJm III a Jock strap. Or one or my favorites is when your car dies io tbc 1I1Jddle of a busy intersection. But, It's btto my experience that more than 50 percen1 of the ume, i1 docs involve a door. You 1akc a girl out for the first 1ime, and you lock both the car doors as the keys laugruogly dangle from the lgruuon. Or you pull on a door when the sign tha1 reads "PUSH" is scraping along your contact lenses. Then, of course, whenever you walk up to a big department store or gymnasium which has no less than 14 doors to enter through, why ts it only one is unlocked and it lakes you 13 tries to find it. Have you ever pulled on a restaurant door at 7:20 a.m. before you notice the sign that says they don't open uotil 7:30? I have. The waitresses within arc trying 10 keep a straight face while you and your dislocated shoulder limp back 10 the car. But even though I've done this more than once, I never seem to learn. As soon as I notice somebody waccbing, I tug on r.bc door two or three more times- just to make sure, I guess. Or maybe I'm betting lha1 if I can pull lb.at door down when it's locked. everybody will be so impressed that they'll.I forget what a jerk I was for not reading the sign in the fim place. All of these linle instances are what I call cgo-<lcflal.CfS, and most of them arc quite effective. That introduction or door to face can turn a weight lifcer into a puppy and a Don Juan into pwcy. it's beyond the point now where I can't bate these ego-obs1.acles, and there's no way to avoid them or predict them. Anymore I just look forward 10 them just 10 sec v,hat nev. one will be thrown my way. wm1 drop my food tray in the SUB? Will I fan oulloud in a cro11odcd classroom? Or will I give a speech 11oilh my pams unzipped? Nobody knows for sure, but everyone 11,ilJ care. Most people love to sec olhcrs walk into doors. And while they go into hysterical laughter on the outside, inside the-)·'rc praying that the, don't do the same thing- at least .,,,;thin this century. So the next time you start getting too big for your britches, don't try to take on a door. They v.in every time.
(.____0_11_in_io_n_p_a_g_e __) Gym floor use eclipsed Wc11 it cenainl> figures! Last year the adminisuation '"ouldn't let students use the gym b..'Cnusc the lloor 11, as in such bad shape. and this year the big wigs won't let studenb use ti because it's brand new. '\\ hv didn't the} replace it " ith a three year old noor that people could play on., Or ma}be that's a slight cxnggerntion. Student, can use the gym 1f they arc on cnmpus Fridny, and ,r 1hey don't ha,.e a cla ~ or anything better to do between the hours of noon and ~ p.m . and 1f thcv bring clean gym shoes \\ ell. the dean gym \hoe~ arc a good idea, but the hour, are for the birds. But 11 1..ould be wor,c, the re,t of the college could be run that way. Reg1ma11on could be from 6:45 a. m. to 7: 10 a. m. on I he first Saturday of C\Cry ,;ummer month tha t ha, 30 days in it. Or perhaps the onl y u me to check out books at the library would
be from noon until I p.m. on Mondays, Wednc.~do y\ and Friday<i unlcss lands on an even num bered day. Students should thank God that the computer terminals are open and not rC)tricted to use from 4 p. m. until 4:40 p.m. on days which a solar eclipse occurs. tt
Even the typewriter rooms have a few o pen time slots, and student~ don't have to bnng their own typewriters. Students were probably shocked that they could drive to school through the new entrance after it was repaved. NIC students should be panicularly pleased that the services to them are not spon s oriented . Perhaps the onl y time they could use the SUB was in the years when the Chicago Cubs won the pennant. Or the only time studenLS could walk on the sidewalks is when the Seahawks won the Super Bowl- providing, of course, 1ha1 the students wore clean shoes.
[_____s_en_u_·ne_l_st_ajj_r_J The North Idaho CoDege Sentlnd Is publl.shed semi-monthly by the Publlcatioos Workshop ctw Ill North ld1tho ColJege. Members or the SentJnel staff will strive to pre::Knt the news raJrly, accurately and without prejudice. Opln• ions expres.1ed on the editorial pages and In various news analyses do not necessarily renect the views of the NlC administra tion or the ASNIC. The Sentinel is entered as lhird-d.us postal material at Coeur d ' AJeoe, Idaho 83814. Associated CoUegiate Prus fin.Star All-American 'iewspaptr
ediLor ..... . .............. . .......................... . Dao Breeden managing editor .... .. ............................ Rlta Holllngsworlb news/ sports editor ......•.............................. . . Don Sautr arts/eolcrt.ainmtol editor ................................. Kurtis HaJJ photography editor ....................... . ...... . .... Mike ScrogJlt usisu.at sports editor .................. . ... . .... . .... Slulri Aldermao a.dvertisiog manager . .... . .................... . ... Barbie Van0en.8erl cartoooisu .........•...... . .. . ........ Trot Jollltr and Eric Pedersen adviser ................................................ Tim Pilgrim ~porten aJld photographers . .......................... Laurie Bristo" Chris Butler. Sten Fenton, Rlch Haimaon. Joho JenstD. RJcki John lust, Brian Leah), Ed McDonald, Leasa Moo~ , Scott Parrish. and Sand, Stambaugh
~pl. 28, 1984/!li1C ~ntind-5-
M. N,O. -r,~
Hey, Mr. Grumbles: Students are people too Student~ are people. They are not mice in ma,es or pigeons in cages, and ins1ruc1on ought lO know 1ha1. Student~ are people who go to college because they want to be: educated. They want to know 1he world, its hi~tOr)' and us people. They want to learn, but they also want 10 earn a degree. So they worry ab?u1 quizze~. exams and grades. They study, cram, memorize and recite. They survive today while they worry about tomorro"', and someho" they endure the four-year gnnd one ~emes1er at at ume. And professors ought 10 know that. They should not make the business of surviving an education and earning a degree harder for students by trying to condition them to study as if the \\,Cfe mice or pigeons. Experimenters can condition mice to e).h1b11 a des.ired bc:ha, 1or by rewarding that behavior with a tiuty morsel of chec-ic. And 11 -.orls well enough as long as 1he desired behavior is reinforced \\ith food C\er) time 1hn1 it is exhibited . Out if the experimenter slacks off nnd neglect 10 offer the food reinforcement a few times. the wee mouse \\ill usunll}' forget to ptrform his trick. So scientists soon ren.lized that the desired bcha"ior -. ould be emibitcd for a longer period of time if the behavior was rew:udcd at random. So now they stick o stupid pigeon in a cage, get him 10 peel.. a red button, and if they give him a 1..erncl of corn every third, fifth, 20th. or 70th time that he beaks the button, the pigeon" ill stand in bis cage and peck, peck, peel. at that red button until he pecks his brains out. And of course, every college instructor was once a psycholog) stu· dent who sot in a lab and got a l.1cl. out of watching some stupid pigeon peel.. his bird brains out. So now teachers auempt to condition their students to :.cud) b) gi\ • ing rnndom quiues, and they ought to be more humane than that. Students who run around campus like crazy birdbrains pecking all da) make their classmates nervous. Breakdo" ns are ne\ er fun 10 sec. NIC students have more 10 worry about than "hen their next qwz will be given. Some students work· for a living. Someho" they must sandwich together a chcdule of stud) time, lecture time and lab time that meshes into their off-hours.
S111l other ,tudent, are parents. They ha\'e to squeeze time into their da1I) .:hcdul~ 10 go to ball games, ferry kids, wash clothes and mow lawns And there are students who do it all. They work. care for children, auend class and study. The onl} way that they can survive the grind \\,i1hou1 wofT)ing themselves into a total nervous collapse is to know what 1s e:.~pcctcd of them and when it is expected. lnsltllctors who announce that weekly quizzes will be given on Fridays should never sneak in a quiz on Wednesdays. Those who practice such random conditioning should not get away unscathed. They ought 10 be: shot. Education is more than learning to "psych out" old Mr. Grumbles. And old \'Ir Grumbles ought to remember that he is being paid to educate adults, not to condition mke. \1r. Grumbles and his sneaky cohorts will be more effective as teachers 1f they forget v.hat they learned about conditioning and remember what they were taught about the benefits of open, honest communicauon.
(___n_e_w_s_c_o_n_n_e_ct_io_n_s_) Trusty trustees are safe ones Safct) is imponant. ILS cost must be paid, and 1hose who make decisions for the public should !lC'er sacrifice safety a1 the ahar of 1he dollar. But trustees should be wary of arguments made in 1he name of safety. :--1c Prcsidem Barr)· Schuler's request in the name of safet> for S2,048 custom brass band rails for the C-A Auditorium was not questioned by the 1'1C Board of Trustees. Neither '4as bis request for the purchase ofa 560,000 .f'-passenger bll5. In the mtercs1 of safegu:miin,g the public's money, the board sho~ld re· quest tha1 such admmis1rathe safety argumenLS be supported by venliable
~pt. 28, 1984 ' "IC Sftitlntl~
(- -m - o-,e- o_ ']J_in_i_on _ _ _)i--- -------National defense spending: Undercover overpricing Much of the debate in any elecuon year concerns nauonal defense funding. and this year follows true to form'. But v.nil~ the Democrar, blast the GOP for their endorsement of m1lmm, monies. man) of the funds are spent unnecessarily due 10 greed>. O\erpncrng deten e contractors. A recent investigation b) Reader's D1gest magazJne rC'\ealed that one defense contractor charged the U.S. Air Force SI J m1lhon for "(pare parts," the retail value of v.h,~h totaled S.531,000 Wh) \\a.$ 11 not reponed7 Because S900,000 shuu a lot of mouths. Some of the part.s listed v;ere a one-inch nut and bolt a sembh pn~· ed at $128 each, and a ~peoalty sc:e,1rd•1\er reta1hng for SJ,. ,olu to the military for $780 each . The ·otal marl-up Co: J.1 pare pan-. m one year came to Sl40 million. And these prices come from 1m,e<.;t1gauon or onl~ tv.o dw~n,e con tractors from among the sc,erai thou~nd that pro,1de v.eapon and pans 10 the milita!) . The same investigation v.a.s stooped v. hen the go\c:mment offi~1al who uncovered the overpncmg raclcc:t v.~ pro,ured b, both ides 10 cease his probing. The man e, entuall) reared. In May of this year. the Inspector General of the ~len,e ~partment reported that 36 ~rcent of all spare p:im bought b) the mthtar) are overpriced. And the politican~ argue about "h\ de1en~ ,pending is so high? Instcad of debating O\'er ,, hose stand 1~ bcim, n~ Ju,t generalh indulging in peuy arguments. v. h) don't our poht1::-al .:and1da1es ofter to conduct hard-core investigaUOI\$ into the u~enu""' •\erprrcang
rad.et bcmg conducted b~ the deferu.e contractor\? Ii the o,erpricang v.ere ,topped. the dcfen~e budget could be cut "11hou1 iear l'f lo,mg ce,:hnok,iu:al advnnccmcnt or miluan· rcndmc~~. ,\II that ,,ould t>e 10,1 ,,ould be ome job, that arc currently held t,, tho,e v. ho tunnel g\'•Hrnment monc't into their own pocl...et~ And in ·erm, of t,uJgcc and ,matte. bt)th ,1de, could do ,,11hout tho,e per,onnel t-cucr th.in the, can do ,,ith them
press ethics
• No name 1s our name
Rt":ider often v.\1ndl·r ,, h\ ,ome "entuwl cd1111r1,1h h,tH' nu author\ name h tro "h,k ,,thl·r, h.,,e the wrncr\ 111111.tl, ,11 lhl.' end ol the ilrlldc \ v.11h mo~t ne,"paJwr,. ,ud111 dcc,,1011 ",, 111111ter ol c,tahli,hcd p he) nJ not onl· 111 tontu,1\111 or lll kar ol rt',llkr re,1ct1011 In the ::x:1111ncl', c:1w, thl.' cd11ur, ,ute un c,11:h c<l11or1ul [luhh,hcd II a maJOrll\ ot cc.l1111r, (the dud l'lhtor\ Hite cou,11, Iv.ire) vote tor the ed11or1.1l. 111s publ"hc<l ,,11hn111 11111ml, thu, "~n1ly111l( that 11 1\ the opinion 01 the p,1J')Cr (hut not of the ,tudcnt povernment or ol NI(). It the ed11on:il th.>c, not 11ct J 111a1or11v ol thc vote\ ca\l, 111, publi\h t"J :.in)V.3). but II Jppcar, in print w,th the wruer\ 111111al, ut the end of the arttdc.
We 'pea brains': Lost in the math maze I enJOY 8 o'clocl classo. I hate m1"mg le.."tures, and I don't mind Monday mornings. I like s1udy10g ill r-.JC. but I ~till paruc v.hen I rcaJ1u that four math credits stand be111.een me and a degree. When I chose a course of stud}. I 11.as careful to sh> a11.a> from an} major 1hat required lots ofunns m e11her math or science. \1} intention was 10 gee started. get smart and get out. I Oguml lhat If I spent enough ume ge1ung bcuer at the things I 11.as already good a1, thac ~omeho11. I would v.ind up smart enough to crack 1he subJects tha1 I'm noc so good ac. This semcs1er I finally bra,ed che ommous door"'a~ 01 Seller HaU of Science. I'm not comfortable in the sterilil> of the biolog) lab, and the duller of the minerals m the geology lab males me nenous But the inmuctors arc helpful and suppom,e. and I'm going to sur.1~e. I wuh that I v.erc as confident about math. I 1A11l admn tha1 I dett$t mach, 1ha1 I never read math books, and 1ha1 I don·c Lrust mach mstructors. Frankly, I never have. And ~e older I get, the more I loathe. distrust and avoid an;thmg 10 do "A1th the saencc of numbers. I 100k a nibble at ibe iceberg of ma1hcmatics in \ 1alh 100. and I though1 that I had the )UOJect hclced until I took a bile of Ma1h J 11. I couldn't get my teeth 111to mtermediale algebra, and of course. I blamed che instructor and the textbook. That "'as O\tr a year ago, and I',e been tl)ing to work up the courage 10 include a math class in m} menu ever since. Nov. I've done a lot of bellyaching about the quality of the Math l I 1 1cxt. I still would like to sec J\JC op1 for a workbook for that class lilce che one tha1 is used for Math 100, but when I mentioned that to Robert Kabler, chairman of the physic.a.I science dhmon, he cold me thar college students need 10 get used 10 using college-type tatbooks. Kabler also said tha1 people who have never learned 10 think arc not good at math bcca~ math requires good thinking skills. And he may be rig~11. My childrens' father is a whiz kid at rugh-lC\el
hollingsworth 1,
mathematics. He said tha1 1here a rhythm 10 numbers and that 5omc people can hear it and \Omc: people can '1 Wtll, he may be righ1, bur if he ts, I've never caughc the beat. I admh that I don't want 10 learn ma1h well enough 10 sing hkc a star: I JtJ51 Y.ant co get good enough 10 hum a few bars, and J don'1 believe 1ha1 the math melody ,~ impossible 10 ceach. It ~ms to me that the "'IC math department has decided that rhey are a pr~ugious, highbrow club that some kids arc not 1ntelhgcn1 enough to JOJO And J',c met other student\ who feel the same way. A "A Oman student, who asked to remain unnamed , said thar an NIC math 1n.c.tructor told his Math 100 class that if they couldn't gc1 che hang of basic algebra that they might as well hang II up (meaning a college education), and find somethmg else 10 do. The knowledgeable mathematician supported hu sta1emen1, according 10 the student, ~nh his belief chat the ability to grasp math concepts is a measure of a person's intelligence. Well, I btUc"e that any instructor\ capacity to 1each 1s limned by his inability to understand that while learning ma1h is harder for some students than others, 11 is not impossible for any It's time for an attitude change in the NIC mathemaucs dcpartmenl, and it ·s time for the administra1ion to help that pr~s along. Somco~e needs to open the door so that a lm1e of the music of math can dnfl out allo"Aing more of us pea brains to pick up the beac.
Sept. 28, 1984F.1iIC Seutinel-7-
( arts!entertainment J Groundskeeping Caring for the roses by Ed McDonald Esrher Webb donn'r consider her Job 10 be a bed of rO\n all of rhc ume. bu1 a\ a g1ound\person here at 1'IC that', exactly where ,he can be found \ome11mc· - 1n a bed of rose\. ~cranium, or 'oOme 01her nowcn. fl become\ aJ)p:.rcnr when ralhng 10 father 1hal ,he'\ one of tho-.c rare JO· d1v1dua1, encountered t",cry once 1n a wlulc who find 1hc11 occupa11on to be almo,r a form of cntcriarnmcnt "I thml.. 1'vc pc,t rhe 1>c,1 JOb 1n the whole place, .. ,he cheerfully confrdei. Bt- forc comlna 10 work fo NJ( stven year\ ago, I •ther wo1l..cd a, a ~rctary fur o comJ)any ,.h1ch manufactured rle,1r1cul component,. lk\1dc, 1he lad ol etcrci\c and being confined 10 an ofl1ce. ,he lch rhar be mg a ,e'1clary wa, JU\I too routine to ,uu her, ,o ,he dcc1ded to do rnmerhrng abou1 n by lookrn1t for 01hc1 work, and \he found II a NI(. When ~he bef(an working ar NI(, she wurl.ed n, o 1nnnor for the fin. 18 monrh, Ahhou11h ,he round i:i111torii1I wo1 k bc11e1 IhBn SCCrctQllal. l-:.,1her c,111crly accep1cd the oppm1uni11y lo work OUl\ldc O\ a 111ound1per\on ,. hen 11 wo, orre1cd to J1c1 Dully duuc, lo, l;\thcr urc vaned. Many n,e menial, ,uch u, p1eking up 111 ter, deaning ourdoor nmroom,. mo, 111!( rqu1pmcn1 and keeping Che (Ollc11e\ reader bnurd up<.1111«1 ll owcve1, o pcHon get, the leehn¥ when toll ing to hthrr 1h01 it 1, plan11
\he enJOY\ v.orlmg ... nb the most. £.schtt taktS nouceable pride ,. hrn referring to the rosebushC\ decorating the mam entrance to the C-A Bu1ld·ng They're temperament.al he nplamcd. and hard 10 1ramplan1 bccau\C c~·rcmc care mu,t be ialen to pre-.ent <hoc. She oli. es thar ,. her. .\he· on her hand and Ii.nee< .1.ori int ~ ·he no..... crbcd\ on campu\ , "tht) lhcr coworli.er,1 don·1 "'ant to \CC m, face·· Another benerit of 1he Job, fqhcr claims, , 1hc people ihe worh -...11h Her ,upt'n-l'IOr, Al V. orthmgton. 11 a .. p,ct1> good bO\<, .. according to C:\1her And (hark> Holccel, her lcllo,. 1tround1pcnon. " ca.<} to get alon1:1 wuh Wuh an area the \ILC of 1h11 campu, u m11.1h1 be rhought 1h,i the Job'~ pace 111111hr bc relentle<<. bu1 [s1hcr ~}' that ti '1 rt'al11cd b) e,et)Onc, mclud1n11 her boH, that ti "'ould be almcxr 1mpo<\1 ble ror on!) three l)Ctlplc 10 get all rhe worli. done .. , du iu much a• I can ,.hen ,.orl;1na on ,omcthina. bur somethtna d~ ,ome up and I hil•c to lave ti, .. I .>lhl'r sa\\, "I 1u•1 '" 10 iiet back 10 11 when I can .. W11h II lull 11me ,.o,li. "hedule. I ,1hcr ho\ amanngh ,omrlc1NJ re• qu11cment\ for and re,e1,cd an A\\OCUlle Of I 1bc1al An1 de~tt hen lll
"Ir onl~ 10c.11. me :!~ ,cu,." ,he lnugh, of htt an:omph<hmcnr
( hr!, Butler photo
Job breal.---Groanlhprnoa father "rbb JCHDJ to lllff 11n1 • un. atn .
fa:.hcr h.J.,n'1 n her 3,;ru~nncn1 of d<grtt dc:11:1.., b(or from ,onll· nums her Nlo:auon. She u ;:urrcntl} 1:11.1~ , ... o night ~ ) < l a1 :-;JC,.tlhr.raph, :i.nJ ,op. :i .oU~e
Working the ~oil- -utht r pulls •ttds rro111 btt"'ttn tbc ~ tnlUlb ia rro11 or the mustum on tht 'IIC campu.,.
Oitt of 11w mosr memorable l ~ 10 happen h:> E>thcr ,,n..:e .:om1ni to"' ork 31 '\IC oc-:urrcd a fc,,. ,can ago ,.hen ,he "':b nomuwcd for 1hc Coffee Con\umpt1on md Lounge uwd A"'.ud ~!though she chdn't "'lD the award, she
tau, a brnk In• Cu, hman bdorc
cnJO)\ 1he mc:mor~ bc,ause n ,.~, the (1N time she .. a, ;u:lno... lc:dged for rhe ..,.ork w pct'forms. 3nd u made her feel appreciated Altbouab Estbu cnJO>> her work. 11 d0t111.l•c one dra,.back which rC"Veals Iler true nature . too busy." she apologizes. "One thing I u.scd to 1ry 10 do for people "'as ,umng them a bouqucc of nov.as 10 put m the offK:CS, bur r , e ju5t been too bus) ibis year ...
.. ,.m
Piano practice f m hman Tina fun!. l'l'bnnN ror H upc:omlng •olct ~ oa •• orw of •- ( • A Bulldlol'J pruttct rooan
I uurlr 1Jrl,111 w pho1u
kurtis hall
Saturday's booby blues Saiurday morning. Lil..e the a\erage college s1uden1. I .:ra\l. led out of bed sometime bet· \l.een breakfast and lun.:h, scratching m) head and ,..ondcnng '"h> the '-'Orld tasted lil..e something that cra,..lcd out from under a rock For ~omething to do. and since nothmg 1n tbe refrigerator looked C"en remote!> in\iting, I S\\1tched on the ol' boob tube and .:oUapsed on the couch, ,.. here I remamed for appro:urnatel> SC\Cn >C-COnds. unul I got a good loo!.. at "hat "as occurring on the screen. Some arumated, m~lebound hulk "'as conferring "llh his demon familiar about the best ,..a> to defeat another equall> muscular badd1e \I.Ith a skull for a face -\II this in thing color, and 21 inches .,.,de. That's eottn.ainment? I remember being a kid and "arching thing) like ·Bugs Bunn)' before child psychologms came out '"1th studies that concluded lhal Sa!urda) morrung canooru "ere detnmema! 10 the minds of children. If Wile E. Coyote "ere harmful 10 m> ~)Che, \\hat 1\ Heman doing 10 the minds of today's child.rm? I sat staring in wonder at medi~al banles, sorcer: and death all unfolding before m) eyes under the gutse of children ·s entcnamment. \\ hat happened 10 the idea that cartoons .,.ere supposed 10 make you laugh? Personally. I find nothing amusmg in the spectacle of arumatcd demons and ghoulies battling it out with the forces of '"good" before an auilience of millions of spellbound children. Such things should be left to Stephen King and his contemporaries. At least the) do a realistic job of prescoling their characters. As I witcbl'd off the set in the midst oi a scene and stumbled. no longer sleepy, toward the ,..indo.,., to catch a glimpse of realicy, I v.oodered nervously what my grandchildren will be ....-atdung for entertainment on weekends-providing the world laSLS thal long. Maybe I'm old-fashioned. but I'd rather laugh than fight, and I fervently hope that today's children aren't learning to feel differently.
'Snoopy' N IC play debuts 1n November ,.,fl pre the plJ', "Snoopy" on l',o\l 9, 10. 15 16 JJ1J 17 at ll p.m an 1hc C A Aud11onum The per for men v.crc chosen Sc:p1. 25 and 16 our ol "group ol appro,omarcly lift> ,tudcnu and ar~ resident\ ''>noop)" w.u "'flllen by Charle, '>huh, . .and II t\ a .c:qucl 10 lhe play ··'tou·rc A Good "fan Chatlu: 13rown" The pia) .. ,u be dircc1cd b> Robcn The: 1'1C JrJma t.lepanmcn1
\1oc , IC dram.i an\lrUctor The ,h.aracten arc from the comic
mp 'Peanuti" and indudc ')noopy, Charlu: Brov.n, LuC'j. Pcppcrmin1 Patly. L,nu \l.oodilock and a small choru~. A.:cordmg 10 'llloc 1hc lisl of character• include \fkhacl Ground\ ,.ho "'ill pla> Charlie Brov.n, Brandon Emcr, ,1,11l p0r1ra:, Linus, S1cphani
IJoghetra will he Sully Urown, and M,ma !'Jrt"lltcau w11J pl.iy I ucy l\clly Jolly will pe, lorm 1hc role ,I\ l'cppcrm1n1 P.iuy, Mike hcl\,1n1111111 IX' <;noopy and Andy Day ,.,11 play 1hc p.in of Wo0<h1od I he kith in I he produwon arc Mike "1cNc1I, Valley Ahcnedcn, K,m llailcy and <itcphanic fmcry According 10 ltch111cal d1m.111r l.c, Baird. the ,;rcw 1h:.1 will hdp wllh lighung. prop\ and other rc,hn"JI d\J)CCI\ ol the prnducuon "'111 be: ~ho\Cn from 1he \tage crafl clas\c\ oflcred ar NfC C,er;,ld <,preen ha, ahu volunicered to help a\ part or 1hc lcchn"al crew ~oc \aid 1ha1 he v,am\ the play io be: -.omclh1ng 1hc concgc and the comm uni li' .-111 COJOY,
'Krakatoa' series begins Sept. 30 '"Krakatoa: The Da)" That Shook the World," an av.ard-w1nn1ng. IJ.v,eclc \enc, on the famous 191h-O:ntur) ,c,lcano blast. prcm1crn Scpr JQ on PBS !channel 7J at - p.m The ~ncs dctaJls the cxplcmon of Krakatoa in the Strall or Sundra in 1833. The ,olcamc eruption almO!>t completely demoh\hed the 1slarul, lolled rhou\3nd.\. and cau1· cd mass,,e '"2'C\ that s-...ampcd se-.craJ ship\. The bla11 "'li so mai.,,,c 1h.1111 co,crcd the atmosphere of the earth wuh a fa)cr of ash and caused a chan11c in 1hc cn\lron ment. The c:tplos1on 1t1clf "'as heard J,000 miles a,.a, Ah.o on PBS. Journalist Ed11,1n -.C\l,man will hO'lt a commcntat) on 1hc bc:ha~tor3.I, poh11cal and linanctal 1mphca11ons of violence on tclevi11on, .... h,.:h " an e,1rcmcl\ contrO\crnal subJCC'l. "On Tcl~mon The Violence Factor" airs Scp1 30 at 10 p.m "The Corumuuoo. Thal Dchcare Balance," a 13-v.~k forum of pancbm d1sc1M· mg the Coosutuuon began Sept 18' and a.us Tu~y mshrs at 10 p.m.
Movies, concerts scheduled as main area entertainment by Leasa Moor~
musical feast, fit lO appeal t.o anyone's appelllC, is slated for the area in the ncm few weeb. Lowell Lund5trom and the New Lundstrom Singcn will finish their si;c day stint with a performanct tonight, Saturday and Sunday in the C·A aud11ori um. Music begins ar 7;30 p.m. and admission is fret. There are a variety of events taking place in Spoka ne with a llule something for everyone. For jazz fans . the Wayne Johnson Trio will b~ ar the Sheraton Grand Ballroom 1onigh1 for 1wo shows at 7:30 and 10 p.m. "La C.cncrcntola." prc:,.emcd by the San francls<:o WC'tcrn Opera Theatre, will be performed tomorrow a1 8 p.m. in the Opera Hou..c. Recording \tar Sheena F..o\ton will al ,o be pcrform,nt m rhe Opera House th11 5undoy, '-tpt 30, 111 I! p .m 0th I t'YCIII' ,II 1he ()pcra House ,n. dudr 1hr. 'lpo~nne \ ymphon} <Jr. A
che:stra', presentation of 1930's music. wirh gu~1 conductor 'lorman Leyden, scheduled for Oct. 6, at S p.m. "The F'ua" ,.;u be 111 conccn on Oa. 14 •
Heavy mew fam "'ill get their chance when "Quiet Riot'' rocks the Coliseum on Oct. 8. Locally, " X-S1a1ic.. is playing at tbt Hoijday lnn. " JGclcs" is currently at the North Shore, and starting Oct. S. "Mr. Clean" will fill the North Sllore's musical lineup. If movie1 arc your choosing, the Coeur d' Alene Cinemas IS shov.ing "Untrl September." "The Evil That Men Do, " "1ighirope," " Red Da•-n," and "The Karate Kid.'' For mforma11on on ume, and raungs caU 66 • •)SS9.
The Showboat IS oCfmng "Al, or Mc,'' "Nan1a Ill: The D0m1na11on." "Gho~tbu~tcn," "Purpk Ram,'' and " The Re,,engr or the 1'erds." For more lnformallon call ··;.$696.
Beginnings ot' 11r1
c;cutptan I srlldtal I • LtTo) r«r.-r, 11.c"hran,r rrum ln,truch1r Jo, Jon1t, on hov. ,,. -•pt (b, IHll!j: a ,:tQJDtlnr Jttbnlqur.
'Devil Boys' to be presented
' Ninja' : kick for viewers
The mtl!.>:al, "The Go Dt-,11 s..,~,. v.111 p!.1~ in the C·A Audllonum 0.:1 4- S The pbv b ~ on ti:<' h,·c\ oi thC' Bl.11..c brother~ of Sunshine Mine fame. Bone ofa·s'encs of pla,'\ aN>u! '-onhv.l'lit ch3ra,1cr) 1n htstory wnucn by Tim Ram~ R11d ,irrotc both t.hc boo\. 311d the lyric> for " The Go Devil Boys." and hls other 11.or1r,. s mcludr .. ,ll)," b3sed on \IJ\ A1k"T1gh1 Huuon, which played a1 ~ IC las: Jar The m!Wc f« ··nr Go l)c."11 Bo)"l.• v.;u "riucn by Tom Cooper. Admission 10 tht 5ho" u SS for 1duJu :ind S4 for children, senior c1uicns and stuJcnu lhrOQJh bigh school.
bi lwrtls Hall
The Nlnjll, the un, 1c111 le.1,11ue of prorc,,1onal Jopan~ a1,11.ntn), con11n11C on from ~cnerution to 11cnr11111on, r,cn 111 thc mt11ie,. \\hnt') ,ur1111Mnl! b tha1 their m<>,in 1ccm ti) be n, well tuned O\ thr11 11henomrno.l mar11al aru 11b1hht'\ "NinJn 111. 1 he Oo11111llluon" bc:'gm, "llh the de.1th or a " blaci. " 01 ~,1 ~1nja. nnd 1hc pa,"ng <ll hi~ ,piru .md l')\'\wcr, 11110 n )Ouna "om.in, Chmut R~dn, llla)'td 1 b) I udndo Did.it The NmJa gunned do11n by II group of p(lhcc ofllcer>, and R)·dcr ,, driven 10 uvcn@r h" death \\'hen po,,o,cJ b> tM :-:,n,:a\ $r im. $he 1tsn 1rad111on11I Jaranelt "capon, 10 ehm111.11c the ,,111cc" rn quC\uon-oM b} one Mcam,h1lc, Ryder b«ornc, m101\t'J \\Ith a polkc oHker, 811h ~u.rd, ri4)ed b)• Jordnn lknncu Unn"nrc of her 01hc-r ldrn111, . R,Jcr .:i.nJ Sc-tiourd, v.ho 11o1i also p1c,cn1 nt rhe death Ol thc NmJu. ~cMch fl'.'lr an c,plnnauon ot R,Jer'i "hlad.out,." l he fllm Is hllcd 11ith Jo.Z1hng tnarlltll am :icuon and ,pc,;,.il tltC\.~ • .iltbou.;;b It M't parnculnrly dC'l'p \\'hen Rydt'r 11nd :kt\ourd con\uh a Japan- 'C'l'T, the 1pin1 or the NinJn po"C).,c~ R)Jc, 1n ,1 \,Cll<' rem1m1cent ol thc btl.1 ~"t"l"> o r " The E\o,. (1,t .. The )Ct't reveal\ 1h111 "onl) 1 '1n.,a ,'3n dNro, a J\1n111 " Enicr , ama.a, pb, ~ b) Sho l\osu111 Ynmadn JUSI h:iprrn, to be 11 ' ini:i hun,ell. one " ho hu ao old grudge o.g:un~t the cv1l 1.1ss11wn TI1cn b.:gin\ 11 scric!> of sood-chnst,.bad, sood•f1ghts-bad, sood-t;et..·3!'rCSlcd "-cno 1h111 \pa ride " 1th 11c11011 .1nd danl'\il ,1unh, bc\1dc:') enough bidden intellect 10 lttp a )hnrp Ob)cr,cr 111 "Orl, interpreting th~ c,cnt, The film partrays n hnl<' ol c, m,1hll'\il, mdudmg ~r~ , a.semi travel :ind tbl' mur· rcct1on of the dead " m1a 111" 1~ a "ell-done. "cll-d1rtt1cd action rum 1.<11h = r laulu " h1rh "ere fo.r outnumbered b) the 11.\~b Olr~ted b) S11m hrstcnt>crg, 11 ho did a ,-ommencublc iob ml «plJIS thc a~no n hot and the plo1 me-.1ningful. and productd ror Cannon Ftlms b, \letwtern Gown and Yoram Citobu}, "Ninj:i 111" 1\ 111if)t-r:11c martial a.ns film in. most rcspttts. The ac11on and ~tums thcm~ches, 1nc.lud1ng the marrnll ans, become qu~tiooab!e at ume., but what film htU actk,n tha1 h toulll> beht', :ibtc? So ,r you ',c got }Our nunchal u in )Our po.:lct :ind arc out loolmg for a tiulc cntcrt~mmcm, i.cc "Nil\)11 111 ." It'~ "Orth the price. "NmJa 111- The Domination" is eurrcmly sbo" ing :u the Shov. boat Thcttcrs io CO(u.r d'Alene.
Sho\< ume
. . . .................. . .... .. ... . .... .............. .... . . ................ ........ . ! ,
T-sh irt fash ions for t he entire fam ily DANSK.INA . sports jerseys - decals custom screenprinting nylon jackets · caps : quantity discounts
Shirley & Mart in Petersen 2()8.664-837 4
416 Sherman Ave. Coeur d' Alene
Franklin Park Mall Spokane
.. . ............................................... _
:, ,,
Sept. 28. 1934 '41C ~cntlnt l-10-
Pursuing the 'Perr] One docsn •1 ~ ' e 1,, tTa\tl tO 5..'()!land 10 ,e;u,h for umdcn11f1td aqu,lll.:' ,1.r'l1 ltl.ll, of 1n,rcd1blt ,i.:c ·\, aquau, mann,: mon,tcr, aflc:-:· r0'"31C1' duht-(d ••rcr.J, .•• 1, 3h\C ,md hcall.b• n PenJ Ort1lle L;il.e, :i-.1,rdina to 1"0 '-IC. 1r,1ru.:1or~ \\h,, he:idtJ 1111 ~~~ ,on o Sandro1n1 th" ,ummcr Richard ' Oul.t · ~n)dcr, an• , ,,,rolog,· in,1ru,tor. JnJ J11mc, \kl<:'OJ. E.nah\h in,tru.i,,r. !cit <.'.xur <. \,enc \.tt Jul\ (.\ \\Ith I~ member, ot the '-IC CnrtN<Wlog, Club. fh,: ,,ui, rr.i, dcd 1;., l l,11"(. IJJho, 1,1 micr • , cw Pf\1rk "h" d,um 10 ha,c ,i11h1cJ the Pend Omlle .. Paddkr," anJ HI f.umhanu them th~ "11h Pend Oreille
Lale Cryp101oolo~,.11..o>rdmg Ill n,Jcr, u 1hc ~n:h f,•r animal\ 1hat ,uc nut curmlll) rc,;ogn11N to, ~1cn,e or" ho,c
Lookout po t- -Jamn 11.k Ltocl Orelllt for an) signs of 1hr "P1dd~r:·
lhl' •~ten of Prod
pmcn,c m a p.irtt,ul.ir hah1tn1 ,, 1m· plied but not ~onhrmcd flltrefon. the 'i I<. club h.i\ under· t.ucn the v.orl. or Lrad1.1n11 dov. n rcp<>rh either from people v. ho ha, c ,ccn a ,c.i JStrpcnt an the Mrthcro lc.luh1> lo kc or lrom tho,c v.ho h.nc heard somcthina about the un1dcn11fteJ deni1en or the deep Repom i::athcrcd b>· club member, \uppon numerous cn,ountcr, between fohcrmcn and a larae marine animal in the lake. \fclcod Ytd "Somc1hm1_1 is out there that break polC't and ,nap) ,tcd hn~." Snyder ,.11d.
Thuc are num,rou, ,1w iC'\ about usher men "h,, u,t'd mu k, to pull fbh fr,,m the Pend Oreille Ri, er c.lurin1 ihf ho>nc and bugg, c.l,1},, McLeod <JrJ nnJ he uddcl.l lhjt ,~1111c <'I I thC\( rt1b "ere w,1 luac tor 1hc mule, 1,, rull 1nio \horc 1"d•c \c.U) ugo h,hcrmcn rcpomd thilt the, h~~cd 11110 a n,h 10 til11hai 11 rullN 1hcir Ill lo.H hoot rorv.arJ "h1k II ,, 1, at lull throltle in rC\mc Sn, Jcr ,,uc.l · tiftrrn ,uch rcporl\ were 1n,c, 111t11td b~ 1hc dub. 1111d ,nvc.lcr \illd thBt the m.i1orll\ uf th~ ,1,111e, come !rom or dmJn peor k 0111 he added th~t thnc 1, nl"•"' u J'IO•<ihlllty thn1 Q 1101) 111,kc or 1ha11hc ricork hnvc u 1m,pt'r(tp11on 1.)1 11hJl the\ \II\\ Snyder ,,ud 1h111 he peno11allv btl~ the " monster," .ire 11Urgcon, that tn, hahu the l,1kc. " \ ,,orc.linij to the I 1~h und C,amc t)(partmcnt, ,111rge11n, have no nlaccto ,puwn in lhl' htl.c," Snyder ,a,J •• 11 owcvcr, there urc report\ of ,turgcon\ In the m en coming anJ 101111110 11nd lrom the lnl.c," he nddcd "nt dcr htllt.r, 1h01 n I• likely 1hc \tur11eon, ml'IVcd 1111 0 the lnl..c bcrorc 1lw dam\ were crec;1c<l on the then and 1h11 ,ome of the " urgeons 11-crc trapped 1n Pend C)rcillc l tlkc. " I here m.iy 1101be uny new 11uracon, 1n the lake, but , 1ur11con, can live rnc•· lC\I ol a hund red ycnr1," Snyder s.i1d n,c 1arge11 ,turgeon e~er caught \All
" 0
photos by Michael J. ~1iller
text by Rich Haimann
M)'lleriou't lake-- TbrdttP.-n, ls the loc1tloo of 11111, el..,.,
&ht 1ret1
Boa l
fa i r) - -Tbt
mhCOI aboud the " Tooth fl'l"r} •• pt"rcbes oo top or the
Fish finder- -Brock Meuod and DIii Acree "'11th
son:u ouil do its stuff.
Oreille Paddler' 111111( So• ie1 Uruon and • as reported 10 ~ abo1II 26 r«1 long. " A nd 1ha1'u lot of •eight." Sn>de• ~,d. " Enough 10 pull a bo;Jt forward or drag a coup~ of mules m 1111: water ·' hrdlffWIOft, s., dtr ,aid reporu rrom Pend Orcille ukc arc s1m1w to a lake m Cahrorma. in •h1ch a 6-and· a-half roo1 ~•uraeon •as found a/lCT the lake had bttn dramtd Snyder 1a1d there n no problem ell· thmg a uurgcon, but the people on Pend Oreille Lake don't e>tpccl 10 run 1n10 one. and 1hcrcrorc 1hey arc no1 equipped 10 hold one •hen 1hcy ha,c 11 on 1har hne1 "Ocean nsbtrmH deal wnh fish 1ha1 we. but tht)' have rar belier lint\ and boat\ 10 deal w11h lhi\ lmd or •c,ah• and p<>•tr." Snyder u1d According 10 Snyder, rherc have not bctn any obscrvauons or huml)l or long nt"Cks on the "mlln\ler," which ktnd of ~upporu 1he ,1ur1con theory Jhcrc arc aho rcporo or manic hap pcnma, m orhcr lake, ,n rhc area. \<lei cod ,aid, bul rhc club ha,n't had 11mc 10 look tnro rhcm ycr Another po,,1bk explana11on tor 1hc ,1gh11n11,1 could be the Navy $111100 at IJa~v1e•, Snyder ,aid I ht 'Ill"> \11llon " 1n1111p unmanned ,ubmannc m rhc 1.1~c r he, arc r.llhcr ,mall and equipped •nh camcr.u or other pe.ir l' tM1bl). a ,ub ,ould grt 1.i1111led up Mth ff ll'hl111c,'· 'in\dcr ~Id.
" Bm that could o-. account for 1 small poruon or the , ~hungs," Snrde: added. "slllCC the ~IVY 11 o:il) opcnu.ng m the sou1h pan of 1hc lake." ~ c l~od ,aid 1ha1 a lex of 2hungs a:c made arouod 1he Cb.rk Fork cr.:.ra= 10 the 1a;..e near \\ hi! C) rat• a.:id B,iyv~, and he added :hat he Im hard Iha! the d1,crs >A ori:ing on the railroad bndge by Sandp01n1 arc ~'Otll abot:: M>mC \ cry lar ie fi\h m the W. c TI1trc 1s a lo« of turmoil m the la.kc, Mdcod -iid, and according 101hc Idaho foh and Game Dcpartmcm, 1hc cr.eygm reac~ 111 1hc v.-a} to 1he bottom of tbc la.kc. " The Navy found shrimp lmng 800 10 'lllO fttl bclo,. the •11erhnc," \kl.cod said. " Thll "fot•ld a,,, c,cn I large sturgeon enough space 10 h•c aod most or the: umc 111y undetected," Snyder added Snyder ruled out I he possib1lil) lhz1 lhe$C 111h11ngs arc merely a means of d,1,.ing 1oumts to the area because allhoush che stone) h&,c b«n around for a long umc.1hcy ha,c no< been •1dcly pubhwcd. " The club 11&, a 1enous in1m1 as ..en 11 lun," Mel ('od sa1d."and "' don't lccl 11•, a lot of nonSffl!c "Ont ot our pur~ 1s 10 5hov, people- that c,cr)'lh ng 1\ not n«csunly I no•n. There: arc 11111 somc m) 1cr1n ou 1 1here:," 11.k I.cod added
\ fon !tr taJl, - -\1cLtod cbab 'llitb Paul Cro,. • loc:al Hopt mld,nt. 1bou1 1h, pos lbllll) of tht crnturT') ,u,,1,n~.
ll oPC' art dou,d •llh ,,.oIJ1nd,. ind
,.••, ,l1b111111,.
C2pta.in Du'-t'--~dtr tales rotlltol of tht b021 ', coum dut· ta: lk Jal> n)tNLlio>a .
c.ep1. 28. 1984
Gerryman dering: Voters can raise 'dead' bill b) Rk ki John Kut
Gcrrymandmns in Idaho h dead. A1 lea.st Nonh Idaho Democrats sa~ ii is. II died when First D1stm:t Coun Judge Dar Cog.s11,cJI a~eed 11,11h a group of North Idaho plalnuffs .,.ho ;ucd 1hc sta1c, chorgmg 1h.11 the 198? rcappor· Lionmcnl plan waJ uncomutuuooal. Cogs,,.ell declared the plan un· coruli1ulional b«au~ n did not follov. coun1y bounda110 He !hen gave lbe lowmllkcn almos1 on_e )car 10 corTK up wi1h an acceptable rcd1s1ncunz plall, warning tha1 1f thlr wu not done, he (Cogswell) would choose one of lili own. Well, Ibey dldn' t, and he did. When vo1ers go 10 the pol1> 111 November, that coun-ordercd pl.an, Reapponionmcm Plan 1-lB, ",II go in· 10 effect, the result of 11,llJch ,r.iIJ IJ'C Idaho a poli1ical fac:clift. .\lld :bat facelift could give 1'onh Idaho a Democratic complexion There is '"'" talk be111,ren !-Orne of the Democratic candidat~ of a :-.onh Idaho sweep in No\•ember- no" wt gerrymandering 15 dead. Bui is II rcall~· dead? Ru) Gh·cns 1hinks II probabh i,. G1vem, a Cocur d' Alene anorne) , rcprc;en1cd 1he plaintiff, 1n "luir 'llrl·
cd out 10 be a tv. o-ytar, bmerl) fough1 b:mk O\'Cr Idaho', ,oin:g disi..-,ru Tbc decision favored the plainuffs all the •ay up to. and m.:luding. the Idaho Supreme Court "j \\OUld be \er) surprised if the Lcgisbttn spen~ 1 lol of time on rcarportJOIUDCDI in 19 S... Gt\'CllS ~ "Ir •as rucl: a bmcr and costly lmtlc tbal ~ , -cu.Id ralllcr •11.1• until 1m to brulg II up ~D.
p n ~ pro,1.kd a mu.:h brondrr ba..<('
'1lOfC "-\Id
rC't"-'R\lbk people,''
Plan 148 prO\iJ~ ld.lho 11,ith ,e\tn .add111,,ra1 ~enato~ and l-1 addiuonal rcpr~mt2lt\ (S. Gi\ ens s.iid th:11 1f the ~mo.:r.11, do sv.ccp 'orth Idaho. a stronger Democr:nk ,01~ 11,ill C'Omt from the: '-orth Idaho arta. and residents ht>rc 1hould get beucr rep~l'ntntion in
(__n_e_w_s_a_n_al_ys_is__) AAd JcsAK Ch-nl5. Dcmocrauc c&n· Of a .1a1 in the Idaho Houl-C of R ~ \ C S thinii reapporoonmcn1 11 a dad lm!C, She said that un<kr Pbit
l.!B. mere rCilJClll,1blc people ..m be elected The adopted redis1nrun,g plan con· wns "r.oteri.al d.iltnru," .. bidl llfe large d1m1cts lbal ~erLly sc,cnil ~:nailer totlll& dntncu G1,cn5 wd that ~ of the floicri;ih, more qo, tied 111d rcspomi• blc pcoi:lc ,.1IJ be ~ung elected-that. and ~um; r d of RcpubUCllll 8111 Moore, lhe added
r &O \f00rt
Bo1-.c " \\ hen t ht) come up "llh .inc,\ 10) for Bo~ State." (mens ~d. "you're goinJ to \CC ll bis 'no. no. no' from ~orth Idaho ra" maJ..er, " "The squca~, \\ hctl 111.11 ,qucak, the: loudest gc1, ,,11rJ." (u~en, ,n,d. "\\c: nn go J01" n there L1nJ ,qca~ ,ind ,qu.ik and cc,mc: 11\0:\) "uh our t;ur ,hare " \Ian l 011 Recd , 1unnm1110111 ,cnatc scat on 1hc Ocmo..·uuc 11d.c1, a11r~ ,,11th GI\~ 'Rc.ippomonmcnr? That qur,uon 1s Kll~d." R«t! cmpha\11td "Cicr 11lnalllkrtng b dead, the 1-"l!Jslaturc h:u • d ,i tcd an mormo1u 11mount of
lime and monc) on rc.ipporuonmcnidead.·· But 1~ 1t, Tony S1cwan. NIC poh11cal science 1Mtructor and author of the court. ordered Pinn t 48, said he couldn't ons" cr 1ha1 ques11on yet. Ourlntt la.st ) car·, legislative session llwmn.,crs passed n rc:solutlon 10 be pu; 10 the \ Otcn in No,·cmbtr that would change the state's consthllllon. Accortling 10 House Joint R~lution No ~. county boundcrlc\ could be dm-cgatdcd w~n dmwlng vouns dimict lme•. Sttwon <nid thOI If thi5 rc:solu1lon piw~. " lcgi$la1or\ could go back 10 gcr. rymandcr111g whrnC\'Cr they "nnt. " But I don ' t htllc,r the pcuple will \Ott to nrrro\ c thi s: I don't btillC\e the voter, wnnt acrr ymo ndcrina,'' Stewart ,aid " 1311111crr~mondcrin11 i} nor really dead un1II 1h01 rc\olullon rn11' In NO\Cmber .. I ook, ltluho ha, ,1 lcg1~lat11rt !hot hns bJttlt:J 1h1, rc.1nroruon111t111 Muc to the Jl\11nl ul hlMh klO\ICIV 11 11011,c Dill No.S luih ti, 111rn rh~ tabl~. vuu can bet that the I'll\\ k11i•l,11urc \\otll ,111am be bock Ill thl' ,lra\\tnll, buord '.'.ttll rhmk ,1crry111undm11~ i• de.id, <,rt our of rowu' 11 '<
Cotton Cl ub Live Music 7 Nights a Week
Sunday thru Tuesday
$1.50 pitchers 8 to 9 NO cover charge
$1 for a pitcher $2 cover charge
Friday and Saturday
2 for the price of 1 FREE DRINKS 8 to 9 $2 cover charge $3 cover charge
Grading New policy a plus by Ed MeDoaald
Grading a1 'liorth Ida.ho College 1w been wngc:d 10 a more accurate plu• and minus system beginning 1h11 scme11er AS-.IC Pre,idcnt Chud, Whnlocl.:, who too~ the 1nittall\C to ll1$lltue the plan. said that instead of r~lflng the customary le11cr grades only. s1udenu cnn now expccl 10 find a plus or minus ,,an accompan)'tng iomc of their .emcster arades. The following tc.1le •111 be u~ to determine Jr.1de pom1 , . ,u,·e< A A·
( - 2.0
B plu, ).3 8 ).0 B· 2.7 ( plu \ 2.)
plu, - 1.3 0 1.0 I)
I>• - .7 I 0
Whulo.~ .•ud 1he nc"' method will be bener1cial 10 both 11udcm• and m,rructor• 1 he pa,1,y,tcm was unfair. \\h11lo,;k said, udd,nr lluu s1udcnl\ "ormg u 11rade fl<lllll average ol IS9 percent in a cl:m "'ere ee11mg the ,ame 1radc a. the itudenh ~ho w:ored an liO percent overage "fho1'• qu,1c o difference," Wh11lod \Old.
rogct hcr wnh A'iNI( Student Board Ad•llcr 1 ony S1c~a11. \I. h11lod brou11ht 111cn11on to 1hc problem and ulumotely pined appro,.1! lto111 thc cur riculum coun"I, 1hc \ludcn1 board and 1hc collc11c ,enutc. Acrnrd1111 10 Whnlod. the ne~ method be much more D.:curate :ind rcncc11,e ol \ludc,m • cflor1,. In odd111on, nutruuor) \I tll henrf11 b> hn~mg grcatc1 nc,1bi111y 111 drtcrminln11 o s1udcn1 ·~ ~1111de Dean ol ll1,1ru,uon (}\\en C.iraol )<)1J the nt~ rro..edurc ... ,11 10.rca\c an 1n, \tru,101 \ oh1hl) 10 il\\C\\ a itudcnl \ J)Crl 0JJJ1'1nCl' b) 2 ,I IIIIIC\ C'o111ol 11ddcJ 1hc new ,,,1cm "'ould
bcnefi• aJ students and ~ ould be a greai help in programs "''lh admusioo requirements. Cargol ~d as thu lime '11C 1s onl) one of a fe9, colleges urin& the piu, and minus grad, ng S) uem Eastern Wa,lungton Unl\ersny a similar ,y,tem for 11adJng. One reason other 5ehools are ~1tan1 10 adopt this type of grading 1s becauJ.C: it• not '1rad1uc.:w." Cattol ~ - Bat the main reason 1s becauK 111mohC\ a lot of cxira ~or~ and some expense •·we thml it's going 10 .i.orl..," C.rgol said. "\.1r. Stc~anand \.Ir \l.'bitlod. llould be pral'led ro: their dforu." he added Orig•nally, a di:omal 1rading sys:cm ~ ... ~uggcstcd as the amwcr 10 the m· adequacy of 1hc put sy\lcm Thi\ idea pro•c:cl 100 ,o,.th and umc consuming to be ream,1c. C:argol said Chan11n, 10 :he dcamal system ~ould h&H'. 111.en 30 ~orlin11 d3)~ to rcproaram the school's compu1cr1hrcc time\ longer than con,cnmg to the plu, and mmus syucm In add111on, the pou1biht> of crroi and the amount of umc n«ded 10 enter 11radt"' 1n the rC1Pstrar's office "'ould ID· erea~ tf the de.:1nul ~ystem had bttn
Rend) to peck
Thh boodNI \.l rrpa~r docl. h ont or ~,tnil 1a,lderm1 mounh on di~pl11~ In ">titer H,U S.ol~ lalnldor Diel. Ra,mond said 1ll ,1udtnh art ¥>tlcomt to t,plorr 1hc nwi, utoni.l ~ dhpb,, to be found an cbe bulldin1t,
The main rca)On for deciding on the plus and m1nu\ syucm was bca_UK' 11 ~a.s d1w:ovcrcd that the Coll~c lnlormauon !:,y,tem ,oft•arc had been drngned to handle rlu, and mmu, 1rad1np 1h11 sohc:cl the rrob ml.\ of time. monc) and an tncrclll< ,q mor D11c.:1or 01 Comru1cr Ser• C'C" S """ Ruppel i.a1d 1he pr~-n, of rC'prOIJ'II"' nung the .:ollr1c'1 computer 10 handle the nc~ '> ttm tool. arrro,11na1d, t•o \\tel. , Th, ~0\1 or thl' pro1a1 , a.rordllli: 10 Ruprcl, was roughl, SI .< ~. and 11 ,1oulJ h11,c ,O\I Joublc 1h:at or m,,rc if 1hr de. 1111al \) tern haJ btocn dl'\.idcd on
Ld \ ll'Donold photo
Nurses plan year's second meeting The ',IC , ..a "3 S1..Jent) Assoc1auon ~.11 m«l O" 18 31 S·JO p.m m the R om of the SLB. and Robm Yori. .,.,II be the: ltatured speal.cr. 3ddrcss· 1na the IOJ>IC, "\\ ard Ckrl.ln :a• !...\tC" The SJOllP hlls indicated that 11 1s illll ~1lhng 10 mnl.c bu11ons for SI each. All that tntcrcs:ed persons n«d do 1\ to bnng a design. and the nurse) "ill do 1hc l.001Ma>
The dc1i;m sbocld :.,c takro to L'lc n1m1n~ bu..dmg on 1:ampus. The nar11r:s :lc;,an=: ts :a so pbruuni; a usc:cl .lothmg d11,e o,cr thl' nc~, ,~o '"tth Ooth r. for ad.dis. a sues and foi all ~ n , 1., needed and will be given to wtrrn V.a;J11r.;ioa Hospm1l Bo,n for lbc dmc: ,.ii) be plxed in lbc SUB b) the bookstore. in the vocational blliJdin& &nd in P.»i Hall
,---------------------IHlt.mt tmHOll l iUIUt.HUm Tiny's FORE & AFT Happy Hour--
From 5 to 7 p.m.
You've tried the res t now try the Best.
664-6829 18th & Sherman
Bag of Burgers (4) $1 .99
located by Penney's · downtown CDA -
- -..·-------IDDWIPfflMIWIM.tft .._ . _ , .... oJlURIUNUIIRt...,.,............uuuuu...at11111.....
String: fit to be tied h's prom night 'row- u.ndcrum 11nupenr1ran1 roll~ on O:iwlrul). Your shm is prn.scd and your si;:l has JU<t come b3c from the c:leancn , ou <h<k thr ,ad.rt on. tug on~ or t11o1Cl' on the laprl, run )our hand, cautiously O\t'r ~our hair. and then (S011'11u.ll~ turn to fact 1hr full length muTor. \ our e~~ ((ltk c,n ,our <h<'C, and then t>c111n to drift up11o111d< ;u vour mind itlb \OU hov. lud., thr girl" 10 bt go111.g out l'llh you tonigh1 But " all Something c:11.:he~ ,our g.ue .:ind mterrup" 1he con11nul1y of the flo'fr. , o..r t}~ daf· b.i.: 10 a hoe Jlbt t>clov. the ,boulder and vou gasp m hom'f. Thtrr 11 1,- a. ,mns' Thi• ha., no ooubt hart'('ned tCI )<>Um 1he pa\l and "•II undoubted!) happen again II', a rrobkm m111ioru CII pcortc lo,c cn.:h 11'1). ah hough 111, not ah"ay,
111 the funirc. 1)0 :& •1111
I\e had lht~ ,mn,, on ne11o do1he, .anJ ,lid clo1hc,. colored clo1h~ or •hue , <''he's The, arc no mpc\:t<•t CII d<>1h~. 1ha1·, tor ,urc I Jc,11'1 I.no>' ,.... • .:a.re "here 1hc, C('mc lr(lm The rr<1bkrn. 1, "'hat ICI d11 w11h 1hmi. Sure. the mC1,t 1(1!11,al ,(IIUll(ln ,, to r1,k them ort, but I'm not con,111"d tht\ 1, ~ .. ~' ,C1luuon , ou ha,c no1 ,ohed the rroblem, y,,u hu,c merch uh crtd It. For •lull do }OU Jo .. 11h 1he ming "hen II is m ,our honJ Let's u, you do p1,l 11 <>II anJ 11 1~ m ,.,ur h3nd ,o... I don't kno"' v.hat the lalt'fl G,Uup poll v.oulJ ,1"'"'· but l'J bt "1llm111,, btt 7S f'('r(cnl of 1hc ropul.111on v.ould roll 11 1n1,, a bi,11 you a,e hl..c me you u,ualh lmd thc,c ,111ng, nhcr you hu,c \Ill down und have bc\."Ofllt quire comronable. m,1 1,h1k )ou'rt lool.11111 m 1hc mirror Therefore, lht bu rhing )vu l'Jnt 10 Jo -.uh th1, ball ol ,t11nl!l 1\ ac1 ur and ru1111n 1hr aarbasccan. I med 101hro• thcm- llm"' here Preferably m10 11 corner. bu1 no11alwa)\. l 101 out or 1h1i habll bt.:.iu,t' m> mom c.iughl mt' on ,c~rral 01:,MtOn\ and lowered 1hr ,u1II mp on me So. I nartcd pu111na 1htsc balh an my podc1. Bui . or cour\e, I would find tha1 Ame piece of \Inna .i "'ed l:utr on a difft'ren1 aruclc of do1hina It w11, a 11it1ou,
arde. Let's go bad. for a minute 10 the other H pcrcrnl who prefer no1 to roll lheu ,1nna.
These proplr -..,,11 tal,:c an end of 1hc mmg be1wccn 1hdr 1humb and inde- fi n1er. hold u al arm's length. and drop 11 . I .. now I u~cd to be one. °'O"'" 1.hl, lS 1111 very 1ood in throry but not 1n ac1u11hty There b a ll11te-known1bou1 for" 111 '"ork here CAiied su111c cltt1ricicy tha1 maku the above 111rmp1 futile. The nnna •111 faJI at a dirttl d1agon11I un11l II comes 10 rest 11aa1n on your cloclia approiumaicly 1'"0 or three (cet below where II f1rs1 rcs1cd A \ccond a11cmp1 Will yield tbr ,ame rcsull.5. So. for me, the answer is qu11e simple. Don'1 takc that mma off or your clothe, and roll i1 ma ball or drop h. As a mat· 1rr of fact, don'11al,:e II off All you have 10 do 1s leave II on lherc, no mailer Wrherc 11 is. unul \Omcone else ~ 11 and 1akrs II off for you Then 11's their problem.
lkttdu pboco
Rainy day games A fatbtr ud son teAm ,.,,ch inttnll). liltldcd from lbt rltmnits b) u o,rrsizcd lllDbrdla. Tbr no·o •rn, 1r•1ng I gi:rls rit) Ingar s«ttr pmt ,.A~b tool.. pla« lbt Sculda> despltr tbe prTStnct or II continual drinlr.
Computer fair begins today A compum fair v.ill bt held on the ~IC campus toni~t from 6 p.m. 10 9 p.m and Saturda) from 10 a.m. to S p.m in 1hr KoolC'll3J Room of the Sl,B According 10 mic:rocomputtr larbor.uOr} supcn'l.l,Or Sur Grimlll th1} is lhe flN computer falf held in the Coeur d'Alene are3 3.Dd is organized b) the Coeur d' Akne Compu1er Club. " !l's a sho,. and tell t)l)C fair," Grinius said "There 11,ilJ bt no displayuig of fan· wtic sof111o":1rt packages or an)'lhing tile thal. "Tius fatr is for C'\tr)Ont v.bo has done something on a COCJputer and they want 10 say 'he). I did this, ... Gnnius added. There IS no charie for the faJr and an) s1uden1 or staff interested 111 paruopating may con1att Sue Griruus a1 E:ct. 319 or the microa>mputcr lab. " It' s no1 11 selling fair," Grin.ius said, "it's ju.s1 a place 10 coogrcg;u.e and gt'! together."
Debate scheduled on Sept. 30; addresses church-state conflict Thr pnnaple of scparauon of church and 11a1c will be deba1td Sept. 30 11 11 1he l utheran Church or 1bc Ma,tcr, 4800 R:im~ Rood . Charlrs Glock, pror~r emcri1us or 1hc Uns\ef'\1ly of Cahforn1a al Berkley, ""ill ipeak in fa\Or of 1he rcwlution, "The church ihould mck to rellg1on and out or pohuc:s." Pastor Richard Hcrmuad of the Trinity Lutheran Church v.1!1 speak against 1he rc..oluuon Glock. "ho 113.) a doctorare m soc1oloay, 113.) been •1dcly published ID the fickl or reh11on and be as bar kno,.n for hi\ book. "Chm1wi Btlw:(\ and Anll·
.; J>.JD .
Scmui.sm." According 10 Glock, the IOl)IC 10 be debated is \Cry much ID 1hc new\ thae days. "Bo1h Prt"lidcnt Rcapn and Mondale brougl11 religion into 1hecampau111.'' Gloclc )3jd "I don'1 lh1nl. lhe church as an msmuuon can (uncuon if they 1r1 1010 poliucs," Glock added "If the church gets into polittl, poh1cs tend 101owcrn lhe church." While he takes a conscrva1ivc approach 10 the invol\tmcn1 of polilcs and religion, Glock said t.hal !us opponen1 1s morr of an acta\lSt. Glock added tha1 the pnmary focus of the debate will center on the Uniced Slates, but v. orkl-• 1dc ,11ua11ons v.i ll bt bnrOy addrcsJed as well. Glock •.u a proftsloOr of sociolog) of religion at 1hc UC for 21 years before his rewrmcn1. and he also instructed a1 Columbia UnivtrJilY, The public is in\1tcd to attend the debala, and no admiSlioa wiU be cblrpd.
Drugs or what? ~o. 1hls was no11 clow encounter nor was II u1ken from • mo" ing ,ehlclc. The S<cnc, downrown Coeur d' Alene, wu taken from lrlpod by keeping rhe camera In r'"'=::::;;:::;;;;= rocu1 and toomlnit In wi1b lhe len\.
Pie up for the pickins': Idaho budget director b) l)an Orwlen Almo,1 everyone lo~c\ fliC brccinlly when ii\ n S549. I million pie. And 11', 1h111 pie umc nl the year 11110111 Y.hcn Idaho (.)01 John I , am \tllm 10 Y.OrJ.. on 1hc IQ85 \lolc b11d11e1 And 10 gel input trom ldoho\ c111,rm, l.\'OO\ ,ends hr\ budtJcl dirtctor, 1nrhn Peter \On, aruund to commumtic\ 10 11e1 11n ldeil on Y.herc the JlCUJ)lc \\illll the mnncy spent Pctcr\on mr1 Y.llh obou1 JS bUdE?CI· mtnllcd people Sept 18 m the ll:oottna1 Room at the Sl.,11 1 ht' area rc"dcnb IN1f1cd one h> one a\ 10 ,, here the~ trh the \IOtC'\ fund\ \\trc needed mc>-1 . " \\ e nre \Cf) IDICTC\IN '" hearing lrom people ,,ut\ldc of l!oi,e.'' retcr)On )llld "People bc:Hc, c I hr ,un mt"!. and ~l) on the Statchou,c m Bot\C " But tha1'1 not ncce-"1ril) true, Peterson ,01d, .lddmg that "11', 1uu;1lh 1hr lanhcr oY.ay from Oo,sc 1ou ttci the do,cr you arc 10 rcaht1 " Lost year the 11at; opr rorria1Nl S400,000 ror merit P3> for \late h11hw:1, pl'r~onnel, and 1he \(lOJ..c)man for tht' local h1&hY. ay dtp1artmcnt said th.ti &ht', "aun boy money" Y. U areal bu11ha1a more equal "II)' lo db1nbu1e lht monc) " 35 nttded. 01hcr s1ntc cmployces, health and welfare worl.crs and the local PBS TV SIJltion all took a 1um :it CXl'l'CS$ing lhc,r nffi! for a lnrgtt chunl. of 1hc pie.
NIC «onom1cs lm1ruc1or \Ith MIiler rcprt)tntcd lhc racuh) and told Pctcr,on or the "m~Jcqua!C ~urport from lhc go\ernor") ofh.:c " /\c"•rdmg 10 \hllrr, 1' IC m,1ru lOl'l hB\C lo,1 l!i.J pcrc:cm ol rhc,r pur,h;uln11 J>OY.Cf \in.:c 1969 bc,:au\C w:ii;n tu,~ 1101 J..cpt up Y. llh anlla11on o,er lht >C.tr\ M1llr11olcl 1hr srcup that an insuuc1or ""ha milter) Jcgrtt anJ 1: ,cau of 1r.1ch1ng r,rcncn,c 1> gctung p& d more l(lr 1ca.:hm1 .al ll.cll,,U] Hll,h S,hool 1h,111 .u I\ I( Petcr-...>n agrccd " 1h \tiller :ind ~1d 1h:11 the \I.II<' hob bctn 1ar 100 ,"On~cr, all\ t 01cr the )Car\ \\Uh f'C\~'l 10 <"Ommuml\ <"Olleto :inJ 11!.11 there luu bc:cn "a rt.11 la,I. ot :in, ,kilned pohc-. \\Uh m~1 m commumt, .:ollqcs " ,te Board or Tru.,1CC'!. mrmbcr Ek, Bcnm reltrrcd 10 the rroblMD u a "br:un dram" on tht' ;'I.IC=~S1udcnu ~ lt3\ mg b«:lusc lhC) att not gcumg the tdu,"at.aOO the) arc pa)· mg for. and 1cachm an- lc:1\lng b(oll)C lht) .:-an grl lugher "3'CS leaching ebc" here, Bcnu~ \aid 1 1C rol11ic:il ~~m:c l.n,ll'\k."10r Ton) '"' art put in a plug for tbt bad!) needrd librat) comru1"' socn.c building and said 1h01 tbc present libnu) WllS " 1mpou:n1" 11S fnr u mtttJng lhc needs of ' IC srudem~.
\s lht' 1-:ootCJW Room cmp11cd, Peterson iiiid, ":-.o... ,omn :be umc: tn our rro;:ram •h~ I uk, 'Hov. arc: "c going 10 p.i, for II a.I.I'"'
Board of Trust= me:nbc: Bob El> \IIJd the St:IIC twl 10.0 o;monS-<llW uusc tu e1 o: rauc I.be I I.\ !:.ue
.ord :ii to El). hov.!:'c·, r~1ng I.be u.1 ~k' " a 'lnOtll , • ••c Io raac the ba~. '-tr.I.Ii ld.zho must a ua.-i mo.;eux!ul.tr). El> s.a.-d Bw ore
thing 1ndumy looks at is the quali1y of tduca1ion in the area. Ji thC' qualuy of cduca1ion 1s down, mdus1r~ docsn '1 move 10 the area. therefore, the s1a1c can'1 raise the 1ax b~ 10 adcqua1cl)· rund the schools. :O,, o other plans for boos1ing the s1a1c budget "'ere mc:nuoned except one b>· AS:-.IC Pr~dcn1 Chucl.. Whi1locJ.. who .a.C! "Ho" about a s1a1c louery." The proposal went retauvely .. Mot:,cd
Sept. 28. 1984 'IIC Seotioel- 16-
Male nursing students going with the flow bJ
l:ictn l:ibclcd m the pa~t He ,.lid a nur\C mu\t aho denl \\llh the 1r11uma a ho<,p11.1I ,1.i, \.'lln create for .l pa111:n1 bc,;.iu\c of the unfnm1h,\r en, 1ornmen1 '-urrt•rt nnd inmacuon " uh the ra11en1\ lam1t, 11re ah,, 1mpor1an1. \I01.1rC' added \loon• ,;ud •ome paurm, arc mll trouhlcd ut the th,,uih1 of male nur,c-, " \ couple or ,rmN citi,cn, or older people ,ull thml- men urc dl'~tor, 11nJ "''mt'n art' nur<(".,"' \<loorc \11J "I',,: had •omc older P.,"(•plc ,,1) 'f \(U\c mt', doc
J\lC's oursmg program L' with the times-less emphas1i. on stereon pes. and more m1phasis on CreedOff! of choice.
Tradiuonall). nuumr ,us reguded u a v.oman·s
Job, but roday more and more men are mtmng !he prolemon Out o! the S6 people 111 SIC's nurnng ~·c,. gram. t•'O men arc c:omplC"tmg ·heir fun )eat .... 1:~ !c,cn are to thrir M:COnd )ea: ··There 1s a real place !or menu curso," said Ken Bibee, a fiui )Cllr nur g st dent "fcrna e m.i.rics ackno.,.lcdgc a real~ fo• m2k =M:'\" ~1dei. Khoo!. B bet al "AOrk u an cmi::r.m., medical r«hm,Wl rn Bonner fen) and :I\-Ol•cd m the ambulanet ~ntce I ere a rewlt of •,. pcnence. he became 1.tUercccd thr mcdi:al field and dwdcd upon nuuini as a a:ea According 10 B1b«, 1~ n a r:~ne s rnpo 10 dcrcnnine the greatest oced of a ~ A dact dcili w11h 1he medical 11lDCS• of a patien:, •!:Jc tbe IUK must deal with not onl~ a pauc:it's ~ oecch but "11h his spmtual ::ind fam:. ··dated Dttds :u •-c ··1 feel. male or female, ,-ou cNn )OUf rnpcct," Bibe<' ~1d 01 our~ paucn: re a•toas Terry \loon~. a ~"Ond year l,:udcr1 "ho will rcce,,. an associate degree m nurnng thi, fall, dncn~ DIil' sing as a "caring profcmon. ·· \loorc r«h th:it nurs ing i\ mort' thnn doung out medi,,nc, al tM job 1-.iu
''P.irdon me. I'm., nur,c," \loorc \dv, m tc<ifl()nlc "I thin~ .11 lht' initial 1mprc,,1on, ,ornc p(opk ,11c u11..l•n ba~~ t-, male nui,c,,'· \l,x11e ,ud. "but once h•u tart rcrlo1m1ng the ,.,me ,,rcr,111011, .1, 11.cll, the) 1cah1c there 1s nu d11lcrcn,·r " \, lar a, 1hcu !<'\ l>t'ing II dcinmcnt 10 thcu rnrcrr ,, t,.,th \toorc- JnJ R1bc:c 111rrcJ 1hat 111 ~Olllt' ,uuation, cI i m,1k or ,, tcmak nur,c n1111h1 t,~ brnc-r ,uu,"11 1 h:11 t\ h.• ~\ s,,mr pallcnl< m111h1 lccl 11w1r Cl•mlnr1ahle "-llh n fcmall' nur,c- and t>lhcr~ wuh nlillt nur ,c
'\u.rs10~ ,wdtol Ptm PtlT)
Fort Ground Tavern Lunch Spec ials Daily
First draft beer free
We feature Wine, Cocktails, Pool Tables, and Music.
Students welcome!
i: •
BNh men ,11'0 ai,:rctd 1ha1 \,1mc J11:<IOk mdud1nf ,tder ho,r1t,1l ,tJI I. ,1111 ou,· 110n rhe 1de.1 of mule nur,C\. Ho.>Yoc~cr, 1n time the vnlu.1 blt ,crv,.:r prov,d cJ b> mule nur ,t"I "'Ill rro~c 11\cll to lhc mo~t , kcp 111:;il ,m1,,
ASN IC Activities Showboat Cinemas Discount Tickets are available in the Subway (Bring your student ID)
Co-rec Golf - Rescheduled fo r Oct. 4 at 3:30 p.m. Frisbee Golf Begins Oct. 10 thru 17 Course description Oct. 1 Co-rec Volleyball Entri es Open Oct. 8 Ent ries Due Oct. 17
Sept. 28, 1984/ ~ IC Sentinel- 17-
[__s_en_t_in_e_l_sp_o_r_ts_...J Chemistry prof pedals to North Idaho by Rldd John Kut
NIC can now knock on Wood, or 1s 1ha1 bike on Wood? When NIC officials hired Fred Wood, they knew they were gc111ng a quality chcm1my 1nmuc1or. Wood, afrcr all, did graduate from the Univcr\Uy of CaJ,forrua, Davis, w11h n doc1ora1c in chem1wy, has had experience 1cachlng under rhc commuml)' college concept and came highl y recommended What 1hcy didn'r Lnow was that .,.hen Wood moved to Coeur d' Alene, the North Idaho area wu 11aimng a sca~on· cd marathon cycli\t . Wood, a native of Martine,. Caltfornlo, grew up ridin£ bicycle~ through the hilly terrain of hu, homc10.,.n orea. and he said that 11 ~ecmcd natural 10 miff competing He entered hi~ lir\t 200-rnile cycle rnn rnrhon In 1979, and he hM competed m the annual "Dav.. Ouublc Century" every year ,mcc. He in,m, . hoy.ever. that he 1s not a •cnou~ cycll~t: hi~ best lime for the 200-mile rwo-whcclcr I~ 11 hours, and he ~oid 1h01 rhc be~r cycllm arc gelling ii done in abour 10 houn Wood ha\ complered nve ·• On,•is Double Century" inorarhon\ in the area that he dc~crlbe\ 01 the "bicycle cnp1taJ of America." " h erybody 1n D01h owns 31 leMt one b1cyclc." Wood said, "but 10 1ro_in for 1hc 200-milc manu hon l~n·1 ea\y " He )Oid ii 1nkcs II cyd1\t Y.hO h 111 avcrngc condiuon, one who cnn handle
a 2S-mile ride •.1,1tJiou1 any problems, about S1X weeks to train for the 2:00-mile ride. A scriO\Js contender mou ride at least 300 mile\ per weel:. and one of those jaunts must be at least 100 miles long, he uid. Carbohydrates and fruns arc good food wur,cs for the nowlihmem 1ha: mu t be supplied 10 1he body when that man) hours arc ~pent ruling. " I real!~ hkc graham crad.cn. some people hkc:: bread,'' Wood YJd, "but 1hc most popular food item " the banana bccalile 1t '\ high tn sugar content for energy and high in po1au1um. 11.hicb helps 10 a,o,d muscle cramps." Wood added that dunng the 200-mile uel.. riders. normally consume about one quart of ~ater for ~er)· 20-2S miles. But \I,' ood \3Jd his rust love IS 1cachmg. " I '" IDied 10 leach. so I ma,orcJ in chemhtr) bccau\C I (ch 1111.ould be the mO)t d1 fricult 10 le3ch. " Wood s,ud. "I really like the commurut1 college con-
Ricki John Kut photo Chemistry imtruc1or Frtd Wood ~ because the n uden1s· backgrounds are w, di•ernfied-1ha1 makes it more of a challenge." I.\ ood said 1ha1 he,~ really impressed 11,11b 1hc quaJuy of education at NIC, cspecially 1hc mcn11h 01 the physical ~ depat1mc:n1. The lle'J[l aMual "Dam Double Century'' rnar.uhon 11,111 take place- next May, but Wood ~id that he won't be going back 10 compete, He added th.It he hkcs the people here and io•es Nonh Idaho\ beau11ful natural surroundings. "'hich alloy, him 10 panicipatc in his other hobbies that include 1enn1s. canoeing, hiking, backpacking and cross<ountry skiing. In hlS spare ume, V. ood ~1d he m3) be interested in SUIJ'tmg .:i bicycle club 1f there LS enough loc:aJ m1cres1 m the idea "No1hi11i scriou..." Wood said, " jlbl something "'here a fe11o friend) c?n gel togCJhcr and take a mce. leiswely bic)· de ride-<:iy bc111oc:en 20 and 25 miles, or more ,cnous rider} c3n do "eckend ccnturi~."
Sep1. 28. 198-S/ ~l C Sentinel- IS-
Volleyball squad heads for tournament action b> .Brillo Lnh, The Cardinal volleyball team travels 10 \\'aJ.la \\ alla. Wa,luDgton Sc.it :.s and 29 10 compete in an e1gb1-tcam 1ournamem. The field will include \1t. Hood. Clacu~. Columbi.a ~m. \\&I.la\\ :ula. Blue Mountain, Yat1ma and Treasure \'alle). • According 10 coach Len \la11e1. probabl~ the m~t unportant ~;h for ,he Car;!> will be against Treasure \alk~. a:. ','fC. Trea5urc \alk) and Rrcl< CoUc~ ma,c up their O"'n league. . Coach \1a11e1 1aid she Rid;\ as ~!C's roughei.: rompcutJOD Ill :be kaGut bccau,c II has three to four itmcs the cnroUmen• of 'ilC &D~ a b111er p.."01 of talen: 10 dra" from d f M:mci \a,d 1h111 ,r she ~d done her Job correct•>, ncubcr a ~h.'"101'\ nor a c 1!111 against rrc.nurc \'all~ v.10 affect 1he 1cam mcn:aD) du.nng the rrnwndcr or the sea.son The 1eam ruu performed prelt> •cD up to no,,., \l.at1c wd, bat lhcrc arc <t11\ romc basic thing) that need 1mpr0\e~1 C.O!Xmlllll team flcr... blocl.11:g and <emog She added 1ho.t the te:.m also nttd1 to ,.crl on mental :®glu>tn Ma11ei said that standout Chris Calzaroru ,.,II be I qaes1J011Jblc player after she suffered a se\erc sprain to her n&ll' foot dunng a pra..-u~e
Back to basebal I basics reason for fall practice b) ~lwi AldumH
Early fall scrimmage games a.re ~tial lO the Ca.rdi.a.i1 baseball team, acxordmg to head coach Jack Bloxom. He said that this is the time thlll lhc 1e.am =bcrs are able to familiarize thcmsthcs with his playing philosophies. . Bloxom said 1hat the team " 'ill c:onunue laimm&g.lllg until appro'U111.alcly Oct I); after which they will begin a weight tnurung program and "hit tM stud} table The Cards ha\'C six returrung leuermen, but Bloxom said tha1 the team 1s bas1ca!ly a first year squad. " Righi now we nre somewhat "·eak as far as our pi1ch1QJ squ;id," Blo,om Slid. "We have had tremendous control problrms lhJS ran. anchc rull) Deed 10 ccnualize on our ability to throw stri kes." Blo:itom said it 1s very 1mponant to ha,e as man) as !Ulle or 10 ritchcn. five of which should be starters and one rdie,cr He said the Cardinw •ill be playing as many as si~ games per week next spring and there ts al"'~'s lhc po1,S1bilit) of losmg an athlete because of injury or academic problems Bloxom added lhat he plans to ht1\'e trimmed hu 33-mcmbn' $Quad to 2S b) the end of the f:111 pre-season. "We ha, ea lot or 11,orl: to do bet\\eeen no" and March," Bloxom uid. " We need 10 work on e, en· aspect of the spon. "ilh no e:"<ceptioo 10 the rule."
Dan Btttdtn plloco
M ine or ) ours- -NIC lad) volleyball cCKaptal n l.ynn Lauer 1nllclp11a • ~cum as polst'd tnmmate Rhonda llohn ,.,alts for the ru uJts.
Post-Howard era a time of trauma We ha,e just entered a nev. era. It is no"' 1984 A.H (After Howard). Monday Night Football "'ill never be the same no,. that the mouth has departed. No longer will Frank and Don ha,c 10 contend "itb the ,icious ,crbal ,ollic:s and ponderous praulings of Mr. Cose!J. But jus1 bct,.ecn you, me a.nd the goal posu, I'm kindn sonoa miss the gu). I always looked forv.ard to Monday oights because l could ,cn1 a wccl ·s \\< Onh of frustration on good old Ho"'ard. ~ty triclc Wl!S 10 keep a Nerf football beside my chair and thro"'' it at lhc screen "'hen I had had enough of Howard's r:unblings. This w·ould lea,c me feeling bet· ter and the screen uadam3ged. After three bo11rs of this I no longer felt the aced 10 te3J' m) hair out, punch a v.3.ll or go out and kick the dog. For me Hov.ard was a person I ·•10,ed 10 hate." H1< cr:uories. c,en though th~ "ould often srnd me
scrambling to my Webster's lo understand them, were harrr,less. I could alwa)'l put them MJde after lhe ,ame. Boy hcv.d}, b3\e things changed. V.'ilh Ho"IC'$ departure we a.re left wilh t"'o SUpC'T· egos competing for air UJDc. After ool) , few games it is easy to see why O.J. Simpson had to qwt playing and start broadcasting. He is so bUS} patung lumself oa the back .,..,th both bands that he could IIC\icr hang on to the ball. Most running pbys v.e have 1een on \1onday nights could h.3,c been taken all the "'llY by lhc "Juice." according LO Simpson. He Wlli great, just ask bim. Dandy Don has always had an cio, but be "as able to keep it fairly "'eU under control. Now he is in there competing ,.;Lb 0.J. 10 see who has a greater love of self. XO". most qua.ncrbaclcs don't h,a,.e ··enough on the ball." or if they arc sacked it wasn't the offensive lmc's fault it was lad: or mobility on the quarterback's pan, as Dandy sees 11.
don sauer Hot air and big words I could put up wilh. But the sclf-adrnirauon B.S. 1ha.t goes on now is 100 much 10 handle. I think I'll replace my Nerf foorball wuh a brick. I no longer look forward to my Monday night therapy ses!ioos. My former post-game calm 1s gone. The dog has already started making h1msdf scarce on "1onda) nightS. HO\\ard come back. I need your razor tongue 10 pop a couple of o,·er-1nflated heads. M y nerves need it and I know the dog "ould appreciate 11.
IC Sentinel-19-
Harriers on road again by tt, e Fenton
The IC cro» country teams are dashing off 10 Yakima. Wash .• Sa1urda, for an 1nn1ation:il mM 3.l Yakim:i C~mmuni:> Colfege. According 10 Coach :.lii.e Bund~. rhc competition there v.ill be (Ut:ed ior the 'l;JC squad bc::au~ fUMCt'S v.ill be ,Om• peting agamsl o,hcr t"o-ycar .:ollcgt'< .. We should be :ible 10 placr \\Cit Saturda)." Bund~ ~aid. In orde• to be read~ fo: 1:ie rey1ono.l meet m T" m Falls at CSI on No, 3. 1e:1111 members are onl) gomg 10 .:ompcle ~tr) 01hcr "ttl. Bund) said lhl' ~, gi,e thrm one "tt~ of dall) hard naming. follo"cd b) an ca<•cr v.ttk "tth a r3ce on Saturda) Bundy said he clCJ]Ctts good performances from a mo of harriers from Dublin, Ireland. Alan Bra_ckcn. John Bentham and Scan Fox are citpcclcd 10 s.c1 the pace for lhe I · -member men's squad " ho. along ...;th their female counter-para, ha,e been 1raining hard. "The men run ·omiles per \\ttk and the ,.omen somev.hae around 50. ·· Bundy said ''The) Y.Ort.. ,cry hard and put 1n eight 10 12 hou~ per Y.eet..." Bund) S3ld that as LM season pro11csses Ihe ttm1111 diffcmi.."t bc1 ... ccn the rop runnen and 1he rot oi the pJd, ,hould begin to do.c up
Another six points
It• t
Futon photo
Qu1rtub1ck Rich Hawkins ~corts I happy touchdown for t he H o~rs durini an lnLramwa_t rootball gamt Stpl 19. Thr ll ostrs wcnl on 10 dt ft111 lht Oucl.tn 23-9. Tht nag foo1b1II auson ¥1'111 tnd wi th • rh1mplo nshlp t•mc Oct J .
Chin ook
Locals land the big ones b)
l)on 'aucr
A new fever 1s running rnmpan1 in 1he Coeur d' Alene area. Thi\ nf0ic1ion CllU)IC\ othcrw,~e ~one pco1>k 10 ~pend htrgc 11_mount'> of lime, money Md cncr&)• 1n pursu11 of one of the 1rophy-si1cd Ch1nool s:ilmon 1h01 mhobi1 1he l'ntcrs of Lolc Coeur d' Alene. According 10 the ldoha l·t~h and Game llep:ll'mcnt. the foh "ere IIN introduced 1n10 the lnlc m Juh . 1os2 At 1ha111mc ,11tk mh weft' no1\ 1;rc wh011hc ou11.-omc tll 1hc plantlllS 11ould be. Lllllc "o.' ln(I\\I\ ol 1hc iate ot 1he 1t1h until 1e.-c1uh "hen the thh ,1.1rteJ llt'mg .:au11lu m larp.c numbch. In the pim le" m11nth1, 1n area, ,uch 3 ) \\ oil l ,'klac Oa, 11 ha1 ntll t>«n 11n un,ommo11 \l~hl ltl ....~ t,,,a1 do11111e, 1hc 1,41~1} ,11 thid. a\ n,l"- on .i .:o" pie m mtJ.Jul) l he h,h that h111e b..~n ,-aughl r:inse m , ,,c lrom ~ mea,h c18hl r-,unds 10 "lunl cr," tn c,cc,, l'II ~~ pound, I '-'"8th, h111e 1pann,-d th~ 13p.- nw~urc lrom IQ 1,, morr than lO 1n,hc, 1t,hcnn~n repon 1hat 1hr most pro
ducm c method oC cat clung a Clunool h 10 troll a. lure attached 10 a downnggcr. The do.. nngget IS II 11,Ctgh\ IIW:htd 10 a cabk 1ha1 "hm affi\cd 10 1he foh1oa hnc, lo111•rs the lure to a Jc,ired dcp1h and keeps II then• The do11,nr1ggcr rckn(~ " hen 3 rl\h mil ~ 1he lure. Thi\ lea, ~ onh I he hne ~v.mi the fi•hcrman lnd hi~ ~on. A majorm of the foh ca.ugh! ha1t been 1.ilen lr<>m II depth 01 tttt. I i\hermen rcpon 1~1 1hc bc,1 IUttS ba1 e been large "" er Sp('<)~ th.\1 inutatc the 1-ol...ancc <:lhnon, :1 fa,on1e food .)flhe c·hm,x,I.. The Ch1Mol ha,c come 3 Ion$ V.'3} ,tn,e the) fiN 11.arpcd 3 ltn In the \\atcr, l'II l.~l,.e CO<"Ur J ' .\lent. The rar,J gro\\th ratr th3t th.- :s,h ha,c e,pcnen.:cd lead, fi,'h and l.'3Jl!C 0111cial, to bchc,e th.\l tht"" Chm.;,_~ IJ hcrt" 10
SEAGULL INN Buy One Super Deluxe Cheeseburger Get One More for $1
Food Games Pool
Brew Open 7 a.m. to 1 a.m.
\\ 1th the J.no ... !cd~c that lhc-sc luru.er1 arc furling in C..icur d' \lme \\:llt"h , there \\Cln't be a fi,henn3n on the !Jl.c "h,,,c rui,c "'on·1 quid.en \\hen :i fhh h:1, h1, lure :ui.:I h s J'l'lk doublC"> o,cr
··The "omen had se, en runners that iim<hcd "tthm 3 minute and a half or ea.:h other,'· Bundy Slid. "If "e had 11,e gu)s fintsh under ~5 minutes "e'd be a tough team to beat." Sund) slrt'IC<cd 1h31 the l t') 10 a ,1rong team 1, 10 get all the runner, to .:ompcte do,el} "ilh those at 1he front oi the group. In the Garne Franl.hn ln,u:monal m Eugene 0:e.. on Sept :2. three :-IIC runner, "ere in ,ome I eq fast comp.1n). The meet 1'3, \\On b) 1ntema11onal star Alberto S:tl:uar , 1c got\·~ mong sho1, in.gs b) Alan Braden. John Btn1ham and Da1e Shrum." ho plac...d 30th. 4Sth and 48th res~11,I). On thc same "eel.end, NIC had a fi,e.man <quad at \\ alla Walla, Wash. Sean Fox. \\ho 1s rtto, ering from n recent tnJUT) . k ad 1hc IC contingent \11th a 19th place finish. Overall, the group fimshcd nin th out or 11 teams. Tbe "omen's team was also busy on the !2nd competing in the University of Montana lmi11111onal. The squad ran into some rough going since 11 "as compeung against mo~II)' four .year schools. NIC 11,35 also without i1s top runner. Sandra Moone) . who was out with an 1njur).
81 6 N. 4th St.
Sept. 28. 1984 'l,,IC entinel-20-
(____n_ic_no_t_ic_es_ _J lo spilt or 1hr coonructlon In lhc Sherman Building. 1hr tutoring prog:n.m 11 'II IC 11 optrallona l. 1udrnl.S ,.bo •ish 10 bt tulortd should USt lbc rttr t nlranrt of lbt build1ng nrirl to lbt microcomputer lab and go lo Room 3 ror more inform11ion. Chrck5 11nd uniOld ltxlt from lht p11b club book swa p mu51 be pl..kl'd 11p U1 MA 2 b) Ocl. 15. Afttr that dalt. 111} money and lt.\lJ not dalmNI become tbt propeM) of pub dub.
Studcnl.S who ba,e bttn 1•ardtd financial aid and ha\e nol cbecl.td ,. itll the Business Orri« should do so w·rekdays bt-t,.ern 9 a.m. 10d J p.m.
PtU Grants and Guarsotttd S1udcn1
The \IC Cryptcuoole>g,) dull mttts
~·u) lh.ird Tbul'sd•) In the
t..oaas art tiU 1\-ailablt. If thl'rt are RIil
qutSlion:s. pl~ conll<'I tht flnaoCJa.l id Omct for more Information.
room in tbc l 8. Ir an)One bJS qnes· uoa.s contKl Riwnl ~D)dtr or Jim \1c.uod.
<\ n~ rudrnl c~init 1,n or mort crtdib is co,,rrd b) <chool lnwranct. and claim forms can bf plcl..td up from lht q:bool oo~c.
Tbt \IC ~OUJld.s dtpu1~DI "'" Q!M'",lS that tll~ ridi111t bi.k~ 1101 cllaio lbem to trn5, po<b or other objecu on campas. 80.t racl..s arr co0Yfllin11) IOC'll~ nnr most bo1ldillr, .
Tht "'hool nuN i_, a,allablt for all <tudtnb \londllJ through Frida) from 7:JO 11.m. 10 J:JO p.m.
Tilf a.mpm d0<tor •iU be iD bi office ,.blda b loattd 11 \tudeDI W-f'\~ "iaadiJ lhroalb Frida, rrom 7:JO a.m. LO :S: IS 1.m
'\D)Oot th.it h11 ~hcd rotlt11t -.orl. \tud, fund., and hll.~ not bcen pl~rt'd In a ,.or!. po<lrion ~bo uld con111c1 Warnn Oucott. t'I. :611. If ao,ont ha, dttldtd 1(1 drcline l'Orl. \tud,· fund~. ron111rt tbt ftn.ioc11I Id OHier.
,,c·s \mOl.inst policJ ~tall'S 1h11 DO of ID) J..iDd IS permitted I.I (I clusToom.s. l.1bonatorit"< ud tbt lib~ 12 gtlltt'II offitt am, IJ and fo} tl'S (4 racuJry ud ua.rT offm -.lgJI· td maluplt OC'Cll~ 111al~s au tht puuts as lj!atd acrrt to allo• smokiD~l. Spttifu: ~lioiu Ill ~ poUc, Lb· dude tffWJI dtsitmttd smol.in IITti la the CB ud m tllt CommunicationArts 8u1ld111i fo!tt till tnl!'ll dur• Ing 1bt111n pcorfonllUC'tS 0111' ). 91101.J~
Thrtt SIOOO ~bolarships arr ball!! offered 10 )IUdeois "ho qualir~. for more lnform111ion and an application "rite to th e Schoh1rshlp Researth lnstitutt, P.O. Box 50157, W115hlng1on, D.C. 2000-'. The dtadllnt fo r applk11tions Is Dec. 10, 1984. ludents "ho ha,r not pkktd up lbdr ID cards ma) ob1aln them in tht Sub,.O).
(_ _c_la_ss__;i.fi ;___ie_d_a_ds_ Hrlp! Sillrr ftttdtd Mondo) or Tonda) 9 1.m . 1a S p.m. Mini b••~ 0•11 1r1115poru11Joo. Conr d'Altnt Goll Courw ar.1 luur-monlb-old aod lltl'tf•)tar-old bo . "m <'On,ld,r lh~-ln to f\• tb••i• bab)1l11i11J and Hibl bou~LttJ>i1tC l11r
\ rttnin, 111cndln1t ~oc111lon11I \C'hool art rtmfodcd lhJll lht month·b)-mo nlh rtrtlfir111lon proan1m Is no" In tffrct. l poo l"ttfi,inJl lht ,nrollmrnt ctrtlnca· two rorm ltlltr from lht V • ~111 n 1he form and Jurn II in to 1hr rr~htnr 's
"nnlio• , ...,.. 1-1 UI nool a .- GI BIil
n.~ \
'pn,,,da ,...., ,., Pfl""lt ""'' lnlou. I au Kip f"" "'1111 Eac!IM Ya!KIIJO•. Coll<t< S11,d• Tttlolll~•n. Rc-ilW RndJ01. or U - . Cal BIiai ~ l l ~ or &J 1k 'ilC UJIM dtpll1UM10L
bolnl and n>am. 765,fl.l.2.
t:.nur. 1hlnl Ot>Or or olclff homr a•,ihblr tor m,. dr111 boo:.101. Tbrtt lst1tt. room.. plu; sb•....S l.lt· <brc, and balb. lnquitT al SUI Sbtra1n A•r. aD 411 Mud-, 0< Tff'da• t.ltn,"(b f ~ ah« 6:JO p.m. t.6-1-0656. Sltaml room> SISO. - ng)n SIOO.
\ \ i l l - • plcur tdl Rolll, a oonilis Rlldttn. 1h11 l.tt t'll)O)rd ffltt~Of ~ 111if lb.I ~ •-.aU lO all btr. blll lbl 1w l<KI btr P"°"" aulllbrf. ~ Roal 10 CID Lft II 667-9S6l bc1 ........ S ••• ud
Thi:t liaulftl rh»>f'l«CI ad•t11$fll l«lJOO •In lpptV 00 Ult bxt ~ of ad, ScsllMI 81H • loai a.i • dtand cxllb. lb1a ror cbulf!<d 1th an SI po, •d • 1111 ~ or r... tr " 0ffi. l:.lclo addUloal " N'd b 10 aat>. All Ith lhoald be broailn 10 ~ J \ r U Room l 11 ln11 oot ,.td; P""' lo p,ibllaJ!oo. PaTmmt _ .. 1w . . . . "' t<hua. Tbc, Sft.liDd R'1<'f' a IK nt1111D cdll fo, 1J:N1 _,,
- ,udtnt,, fat ult) and staff art tt• qutsttd to park t~lr ,,hie~ In tmptJ ~P•<'~ b) pulllng s tntlgh1 lo and not by ba('king lo. Bacl..td•ln , ,hklt, binder gu llt r and sld, .. 111k clnnlna and m11ln1tn1nct' . Thtrc arc opt n.lnjl( In lht womea's dorm rl11ht no\\. ("ontaet Bttk) Corr. m1111, dorm dlrtrtor, nt. 317.
It I~ not too latt 10 appl) for a Ptll Grant for the 198.4-85 acadtmlt )Hr. ,1udrn1 m11) gr l fur ther lnform, 11011 an d 1hc pro ptr form In lht , tudtnl llff· ~Ice-, nrrk, up.ialn In rht M IR.
,,n,o nc lnlfrestetl In Jol nlna a ruab, cl ub h ln,11rd 10 pr11c1kr\, whleh "Ill bt hchl on 1hr ~orcrr rleld Mondll) 11nd \hdnc,<111) 111 5:J(). '10 nptrltntt nrcr<slll'). Anyont lnlrrts led In II bal'ltpa('k trip 1ho11ld 11111·nd an or11.11 nJ,.111lonal mtttlna on J 111 noon , In tht ~ubw11) . •·or more lnform111lon .con111c1 Ottn Btnnell In 1hr Sub¥111y, n r. 267.
Meet your friends at our place! Show us your student ID card and receive a 10 percent discount!
10 l!'C'llll< o b ~ or fllUUll't • ds.
7 p.m.
REFLECTIONS IN GOLD Charles & Bonita Bartlett Jewelry designing & stone cutting
'lf I I
505 Sherman Avenue Coeur d'Alene, Idaho (208) 667 -5873
Salad Bar
400 Notlhwetl Blvd
Coeur cfAlent &87-7311