Feel More Alive - Media Pack (Jan 23)

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“Your local one-stop shop to feeling good, getting active & staying healthy” Issue one Your local guide to Feeling good Getting active & Staying healthy Winter edition WELWYN AND HATFIELD www.feelmorealive.co.uk See what exciting events are happening in your community WHAT’S ON IN WELWYN & HATFIELD THE FAMILY THAT PLAYS TOGETHER STAYS TOGETHER! • 1.8 million Global Users • Enjoy Over 700 Virtual Classes • 24/7 On Demand Access • Something for the whole family THESCANCODE Competition closing date to 31st March 2023 WELWYN AND HATFIELD Winter edition Your local guide to Feeling good Getting active& Staying healthy Your local guide to Feeling good Getting active& Staying healthy SCAN THE QR CODE TO GET STARTED Sign up to Feel More Alive for your chance to WIN ENTER OUR FREE PRIZE DRAW Feel More Alive is passionate about helping local people live healthier, happier lives by focusing on Exercise, Mental Wellbeing, Healthy Eating, Physical Wellbeing and the local Community. We aim to provide easy-to-use resources to get fitter, get more active, keep well and feel better. £500!

What is Feel More Alive?

“Feel More Alive is the ultimate resource for the local community to find everything they need to live happier, healthier lives. Whether it’s getting more active, improving their wellbeing or just having more fun with their family & friends".

“The portal for anyone and everyone who wants to find out more about what's going on in their town around health, fitness, sport, beauty, therapy, dining and more”.

“Your local one-stop shop to feeling good, getting active & staying healthy”

Feel More Alive is passionate about helping local people live healthier, happier lives by focusing on Exercise, Mental Wellbeing, Healthy Eating, Physical Wellbeing and the local Community.

We aim to provide easy-to-use resources to get fitter, get more active, keep well and feel better.

“Your local one-stop shop to feeling good, getting active & staying healthy”
Why You Should Sign Up? “BECOME A PART OF FEEL MORE ALIVE" By being a proud advertiser of Feel More Alive, you can expect to: • Get advertised to THOUSANDS of people and households in your area • Give your business a powerful new marketing channel over your local competitors • Reach a brand-new audience to help grow your customer base • One time set up, all done for you fast and efficiently – we do all the work • Be promoted online for as long as you like, until you tell us otherwise! PLUS, it all comes with a 60-Day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE So if you decide during your first 60 days that your business isn’t benefitting from being on Feel More Alive, we’ll simply return your fees, no questions asked! *Excludes a small initiation fee of £99 MON E Y BACK GUAR A NTEE “Your local one-stop shop to feeling good, getting active & staying healthy”



Get advertised to EVERY HOUSEHOLD in your local area

How It Works?

Your business will be accessed through the following ways:



Advertising coverage of your business to the entire Feel More Alive community, with adverts designed to your specification.


HUGE EXPOSURE to tens of thousands of people through Facebook, Instagram, directing them to the Feel More Alive website where your business will be featured in various ways.


Your own Business Listing featuring all the information, imagery, videos and web links you want, all day every day


Helps your business stand out and captures attention of every website visitor


A Facebook page for the community in your local area, where your business will be featured and advertised as a Feel More Alive sponsor. The Page will be showcased through the Feel More Alive email database, town website and online quarterly magazine adding even more exposure to your company’s presence!

Be promoted as one of 3 featured sponsors of a Special Reader Offer and reach the eyes of tens of thousands of people. Be Specially featured on the promotion landing page, thank you page and advert.


Get featured as a Feel More Alive Sponsor on EVERY email sent to the whole Feel More Alive community. PLUS, have your business promoted in a SPOTLIGHT

Doesn’t that all sound great?!
More Alive will send leaflets to EVERY HOUSEHOLD your local area, where your business will be featured as 1 of 6 co-sponsors that month.
EMAIL, once a quarter DOOR 2 DOOR FLYER
That’s literally TENS OF THOUSANDS of people!
SLIDING BANNER On the homepage of the town website, you have the opportunity to be specially featured on a scrolling banner that displays your logo and clicks through to your website. EMAIL COVERAGE You will also be featured on emails that Feel More Alive send out to its entire database with your logo and link to your website. Emails will be sent out every 2-3 days to the Feel More Alive database, that’s up to 30,000 subscribers who would see your company! Issue one Your local guide to Feeling good Getting active & Staying healthy Winter edition WELWYN AND HATFIELD www.feelmorealive.co.uk “Your local one-stop shop to feeling good, getting active & staying healthy”

local one-stop



Feel More Alive will send leaflets to EVERY HOUSEHOLD in your local area, where your business will be featured as 1 of 6 featured sponsors per quarter.

Feel More Alive will send leaflets to EVERY HOUSEHOLD in your local area, where your business will be featured as 1 of our 6 co-sponsors that month.

That’s literally TENS OF THOUSANDS of people!
shop to feeling good, getting active & staying healthy”

Town Centre

White Lion Square, AL10 OLD 11.15 1.00 pm Ages 2 5 Spooky stories 11.15 11.45 and spooky crafts 12 1. Fancy dress is optional. 0300 123 4049

CALENDAR GIRLS THE MUSICAL Thalian Hall, 64-68 Bridge Road East, Welwyn Garden City. 25th Saturday 29th October 7.30pm (Saturday at 2.30pm) Tickets: www.welwynthalians. com or call 0333 666 4466.


CLICK HERE TO SEE FMA MAGAZINE QUARTERLY ONLINE MAGAZINE 12 Out and about near you... WHAT'’S ON OCTOBER THEATRE SHOW ‘FROZEN’ AT THE THEATRE ROYAL Theatre Royal, Dutch nursery, Great North Rd., Brookmans Park, Hatfield Thursday 6th October at 15:30 Superb sets, special effects, costumes and innovative stagecraft feature in this magical experience. Celebrate the story that melted hearts across the world. Go on ‘let it go!’ Tickets now available. COMMUNITY CHESS CLUB Mill Green Golf Club Gypsy Ln, Hatfield, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 4TY Monday 17th, 24th October 18:00 19:30 Free Community chess club open to all ages or any ability welcome. Contact Shaun O'Neill on shaun@ getgolfing.org to book your place. WELWYN GARDEN CITY FOOD AND CRAFT MARKET Stonehills, Welwyn Garden City Saturday 15th October 9am till 3pm Local & national traders selling a wide range of produce, gifts, crafts and much more. This market takes place on the first and third Saturday of the month. AMY WINEHOUSE TRIBUTE WITH LIVE BACKING BAND Welwyn Civic Centre Prospect Pl, Welwyn Saturday 22nd October 19:00 till 21:45 Amy Winehouse tribute with live backing band. HALLOWEEN AT HATFIELD LIBRARY Hatfield library 26-22,
First Garden Cities Homes, Pioneer House, Norton Way S, Letchworth Garden City SG6 1NY 2nd, 9th, 16th November 10 15.00pm £18.00 Club providing a positive, environment for local people experiencing memory impairment, loneliness or social isolation. Activities, refreshments and two course lunch are included. ADVANCED BUSHCRAFT AND SURVIVAL WEEKEND Polaris Wilderness Adventure Ltd 33 The Swallows, Welwyn Garden City Friday 4th till Sunday 6th November Starting at 16:00 This outdoor course is aimed at people who are already proficient at fire lighting with a flame, and are ready to develop and take their skills further in fire, water and shelter. www.polarisbushcraft.co.uk HATFIELD TOWN COUNCIL'S FIREWORK EVENT Angerland University of Hertfordshire Park & Ride, Southway, AL10 8HS 5th November 16:30 20:00 (Firework Display 18:30) This fun-filled event for the family is the perfect way to celebrate the age-old tradition of Guy Fawkes Night. Hot food and drinks will be available all throughout the night to keep you warm for the show too. WELCOMING WINTER RETREAT The Oak House Studio & Therapies Studio & Therapies, The Oak House, Church St, Hatfield Sun, 20 Nov, 09:30–14.30 Full-day yoga retreat with Louise Neicho. Welcome warming tea and includes homemade, nutritional lunch. Mindful walking and studio yoga sessions to develop techniques that you can integrate into your life. No experience necessary. www.theoak-house.co.uk PARENT DROP IN Family Centre, De Havilland Family Centre, Hatfield, AL10 8TQ Monday 21st November 1300 1400 Free (For under 5s) Parents/Adults For families expecting a baby or have a child under 2 years old. Help with sleep, infant feeding, introducing solids, speech and language, behaviour and toilet training. SOLEM QUARTET Welwyn Garden Concert club, St Francis Church, Church Rd, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6QJ Saturday 26th November at 7:30pm Innovative musical quartet who are passionate about collaborating with living composers and known for their thoughtfully curated programmes frequently combining the works of old masters with new. WHAT'’S ON decEMBER KEEPING PEOPLE SAFE Birchwood Leisure Centre (Hatfield) December 8th, 13:00 15:00 Light lunch 1pm and meeting 1.30pm A meeting for people providing unpaid care to relative or someone close to them with a learning and/ or physical disability. Safeguarding discussion and questions.
GATSBY CHRISTMAS PARTY Mill Green Golf Club Gypsy Ln, Hatfield, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 4TY Friday 16th Saturday 17th December 19.00 23.30 Tickets from £50 Bring on the Christmas cheer by celebrating the festive season in style of the Great Gatsby. With black & gold theme, the starts with arrival drinks, followed by a three-course meal and dancing to Christmas disco. WELWYN CRAFT AND FARMERS MARKET Welwyn village, Caldecote Road, Welwyn Garden City Sun, 13 Nov, 09:00–12:00 Come and join your local producers and crafters. CHRISTMAS AT HATFIELD PARK Hatfield Park, Hatfield, AL9 5NB 25 November to A brand new after-dark illuminated trail through the perfectly festive Hatfield Park. Twinkling lights and seasonal sounds bring festive fun. CHRISTMAS FAMILY DISCO Welwyn Sports & Social Club ,The Playing Fields, Ottway Walk, Welwyn Friday 16th December at 18:00 Come for a boogie and some fun with the family. MATILDA JR The Barn Theatre Club Barn Theatre, Barn Cl, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6ST 15th – 27th December or 7.30pm Matinees 17th, 18th, 27th at 2:30pm Perfect for all ages and based on Roald Dahl’s timeless tale. NEWS See the Feel More Alive website for more what's on click here Issue one Your local guide to Feeling good Getting active & Staying healthy Winter edition WELWYN AND HATFIELD www.feelmorealive.co.uk “Your local one-stop shop to feeling good, getting active & staying healthy” Your company will be featured on it's own 1-page advertisement in our Feel More Alive Quarterly Magazine, accessed by the entire email subscribers list.


HUGE EXPOSURE to tens of thousands of people through Facebook, Instagram, directing them to the Feel More Alive website where your business will be featured in various ways.

local one-stop shop
to feeling good, getting active & staying healthy”



Your own Business Listing featuring all the information, imagery, videos and web links you want, all day every day.

“Your local one-stop shop to feeling good, getting active & staying healthy”



On the homepage of the town website, you have the opportunity to be specially featured on a scrolling banner that displays your logo and clicks through to your website.

On the homepage of the town website, you have the opportunity to be specially featured on a scrolling banner that displays your logo and clicks through to your website.

“Your local one-stop shop to feeling good, getting active & staying healthy”


A Facebook page for the community in your local area, where your business will be featured and advertised as a Feel More Alive sponsor. The Page will be showcased through the Feel More Alive email database, town website and online quarterly magazine, adding even more exposure to your company’s presence!

“Your local one-stop shop to feeling good, getting active & staying healthy”


Be promoted as one of 3 featured sponsors of a Special Reader Offer and reach the eyes of tens of thousands of people. Get featured on the promotion landing page, thank you page and advert.

“Your local one-stop shop to feeling good, getting active & staying healthy”



Emails will be sent out every 2-3 days to the Feel More Alive database, that’s potentially up to 30,000 subscribers who would see your company!

You will also be featured on emails that Feel More Alive send out to its entire database with your logo and link to your website. Emails will be sent out every 2-3 days to the Feel More Alive database, that’s up to 30,000 subscribers who would see your company!

“Your local one-stop shop to feeling good, getting active & staying healthy”
MON E Y BACK GUAR A NTEE So, if during your first 60 days you don’t feel like the service is delivering as hoped, we’ll simply refund the costs, no questions asked (* minus £99 design fees) Our Feel More Alive Scheme comes with a 100% no risk, 60-day money back guarantee! “Your local one-stop shop to feeling good, getting active & staying healthy”
Advertising package QUARTERLY DOOR-TO-DOOR FLYER GOLD Single issue Annual x4 issues Annual monthly contract x12 payments FULL PAGE 148 x 210mm £1500 £1200 (per issue) £425 (per month) HALF PAGE 135 x 92mm £750 £650 £250 THIRD PAGE 135 x 60mm £500 £400 £150 All advertising options below include: EDITOR's LETTER HELLO, AND WELCOME TO OUR FIRST ISSUE OF FEEL MORE ALIVE! Anna Harrison and when was asked help create Feel More Alive jumped the chance. busy, working mum I'm always keen find ways maintain myself and my family's wellbeing. Whether what we're eating time out family, this what Feel More Alive's all about. SInce Covid and lockdown think we've become more mindful of our wellbeing needs and now, with increasing living costs and energy bills, time evolve again. We need become more resourceful and use our money effectively look after ourselves and the people care about. great find so many activities and services, many which are free, that can enhance our lives day-to-day. We want share this information with you you can understand what's available, access these resources and connect with your local community. this first issue we meet Personal trainer your area and find out what's the Mental health benefits Yoga and where go cycling near you. Lucy Eggleton, our Nutritionionalist, tells us about fish and why important our health, and we visit exciting local Turkish and Mediterranean resturant. Hope you enjoy our first issue happy reading! Anna Harrison BECOME THE BEST VERSION OF YOU A scientifically proven, evidence-based Body Transformation Programme LOSE 3 INCHES AROUND THE WAIST OR DROP A DRESS SIZE IN 6 WEEKS GUARANTEED! Improve Body Composition Higher metabolic rate (Burn more calories rest) Improve cardio-metabolic health Increase bone mineral density Prevent muscle atrophy, age-related wasting of muscle known as sarcopenia Enhance athletic performance Sleep better Feel more energised Improve your self-esteem And much more GET STARTED • Quarterly Magazine Advert. • Quarterly Spotlight Email with hyperlinks to your website or promotional page. • Quarterly Spotlight Post on Feel More Alive Facebook page. interested leads. • Sliding Banner graphic on the Feel More Alive website (24/7) HOMEPAGE SLIDING BANNER On the homepage of the town website, you have the opportunity to be specially featured on a scrolling banner that displays your logo and clicks through to your website. • Embedded QR Code link on advert that links to your website or promotional page. • Population of catchment = 122,746 • Potential Social Media Reach (+10 miles) = 150,000 • Households = 30,000 All prices quoted are subject to VAT
Issue one Your local guide to Feeling good Getting active & Staying healthy Winter edition WELWYN AND HATFIELD www.feelmorealive.co.uk 12 Out and about near you... WHAT'’S ON OCTOBER THEATRE SHOW ‘FROZEN’ AT THE THEATRE ROYAL Theatre Royal, Dutch nursery, Great North Rd., Brookmans Park, Hatfield Thursday 6th October at 15:30 Superb sets, special effects, costumes and innovative stagecraft feature in this magical experience. Celebrate the story that melted hearts across the world. Go on ‘let go!’ Tickets now available. COMMUNITY CHESS CLUB Mill Green Golf Club Gypsy Ln, Hatfield, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 4TY Monday 17th, 24th October 18:00 19:30 Free Community chess club open to all ages or any ability welcome. Contact Shaun O'Neill on shaun@ getgolfing.org to book your place. WELWYN GARDEN CITY FOOD AND CRAFT MARKET Stonehills, Welwyn Garden City Saturday 15th October 9am till 3pm Local national traders selling wide range of produce, gifts, crafts and much more. This market takes place on the first and third Saturday of the month. AMY WINEHOUSE TRIBUTE WITH LIVE BACKING BAND Welwyn Civic Centre Prospect Pl, Welwyn Saturday 22nd October 19:00 till 21:45 Amy Winehouse tribute with live backing band. HALLOWEEN AT HATFIELD LIBRARY Hatfield library 26-22, Town Centre White Lion Square, AL10 OLD 11.15 1.00 pm Ages Spooky stories 11.15 11.45 and spooky crafts 12 1. Fancy dress is optional. 0300 123 4049 CALENDAR GIRLS THE MUSICAL Thalian Hall, 64-68 Bridge Road East, Welwyn Garden City. 25th Saturday 29th October 7.30pm (Saturday at 2.30pm) Tickets: www.welwynthalians. com or call 0333 666 4466. WHAT'’S ON NOVEMBER KINGFISHER CLUBS First Garden Cities Homes, Pioneer House, Norton Way S, Letchworth Garden City SG6 1NY 2nd, 9th, 16th November 10 15.00pm £18.00 Club providing positive, environment for local people experiencing memory impairment, loneliness social isolation. Activities, refreshments and two course lunch are included. ADVANCED BUSHCRAFT AND SURVIVAL WEEKEND Polaris Wilderness Adventure Ltd 33 The Swallows, Welwyn Garden City Friday 4th till Sunday 6th November Starting 16:00 This outdoor course aimed people who are already proficient at fire lighting with flame, and are ready develop and take their skills further in fire, water and shelter. www.polarisbushcraft.co.uk HATFIELD TOWN COUNCIL'S FIREWORK EVENT Angerland University of Hertfordshire Park Ride, Southway, AL10 8HS 5th November 16:30 20:00 (Firework Display 18:30) This fun-filled event for the family the perfect way to celebrate the age-old tradition of Guy Fawkes Night. Hot food and drinks will be available throughout the night to keep you warm for the show too. WELCOMING WINTER RETREAT The Oak House Studio Therapies Studio Therapies, The Oak House, Church St, Hatfield Sun, 20 Nov, 09:30–14.30 Full-day yoga retreat with Louise Neicho. Welcome warming tea and includes homemade, nutritional lunch. Mindful walking and studio yoga sessions to develop techniques that you can integrate into your life. No experience necessary. www.theoak-house.co.uk Family Centre, De Havilland Family Centre, Hatfield, AL10 8TQ Monday 21st November 1300 1400 Free (For under 5s) Parents/Adults For families expecting baby have child under years old. Help with sleep, infant feeding, introducing solids, speech and language, behaviour and toilet training. SOLEM QUARTET Welwyn Garden Concert club, St Francis Church, Church Rd, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6QJ Saturday 26th November at 7:30pm Innovative musical quartet who are passionate about collaborating with living composers and known for their thoughtfully curated programmes frequently combining the works of old masters with new. WHAT'’S ON decEMBER KEEPING PEOPLE SAFE Birchwood Leisure Centre (Hatfield) December 8th, 13:00 15:00 Light lunch 1pm and meeting 1.30pm meeting for people providing unpaid care to relative someone close to them with learning and/ or physical disability. Safeguarding discussion and questions. GREAT GATSBY CHRISTMAS PARTY Mill Green Golf Club Gypsy Ln, Hatfield, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 4TY Friday 16th & Saturday 17th December 19.00 23.30 Tickets from £50 Bring on the Christmas cheer by celebrating the festive season in style of the Great Gatsby. With black gold theme, the starts with arrival drinks, followed by three-course meal and dancing to a Christmas disco. WELWYN CRAFT AND FARMERS MARKET Welwyn village, Caldecote Road, Welwyn Garden City Sun, 13 Nov, 09:00–12:00 Come and join your local producers and crafters. CHRISTMAS AT HATFIELD PARK Hatfield Park, Hatfield, AL9 5NB 25 November to brand new after-dark illuminated trail through the perfectly festive Hatfield Park. Twinkling lights and seasonal sounds bring festive fun. CHRISTMAS FAMILY DISCO Welwyn Sports Social Club ,The Playing Fields, Ottway Walk, Welwyn Friday 16th December 18:00 Come for boogie and some fun with the family. MATILDA JR The Barn Theatre Club Barn Theatre, Barn Cl, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6ST 15th 27th December or 7.30pm Matinees 17th, 18th, 27th at 2:30pm Perfect for all ages and based on Roald Dahl’s timeless tale. NEWS See the Feel More Alive website for more what's on click here QUARTERLY MAGAZINE ADVERT Full and half page advertising options include: Single issue Annual x4 issues Annual monthly contract x12 payments FULL PAGE 148 x 210mm £499 £399 £150 HALF PAGE 135 x 92mm £299 £199 £83.33 THIRD PAGE 135 x 60mm £199 £99 £49.67 MON E Y BACK GUAR A NTEE Advertising package SILVER • Quarterly Magazine Advert. • Quarterly Spotlight Post on Feel More Alive Facebook page. • Population of catchment = 122,746 • Potential Social Media Reach (+10 miles) = 150,000 • Households = 30,000 • Embedded QR Code link on advert that links to your website or promotional page. • Data capture system that stores all of your interested leads. • Quarterly Spotlight Email with hyperlinks to your website or promotional page. All prices quoted are subject to VAT EDITOR's LETTER HELLO, AND WELCOME TO OUR FIRST ISSUE OF FEEL MORE ALIVE! jumped at the chance. As busy, working mum I'm always keen find ways to maintain myself and my family's wellbeing. Whether it's what we're eating dinner, keeping oursleves and active, learning new skill simply enjoying time out family, this what Feel More Alive's about. wellbeing needs and now, with increasing living costs and energy bills, it's time to evolve again. We need become more resourceful and use our money effectively look after ourselves and the people we care about. It's great find so many activities and services, many which are free, that can enhance our lives day-to-day. We want share this information with you so you can understand what's available, access these resources and connect with your local community. In this first issue we meet Personal trainer your area and find out what's going on near us this season. We look xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, some the Mental health benefits Yoga and where to go cycling near you. Lucy Eggleton, our Nutritionionalist, tells us about fish and why important our health, and we visit exciting local Turkish and Mediterranean resturant. Hope you enjoy our first issue happy reading! Anna Harrison BECOME THE BEST VERSION OF YOU scientifically proven, evidence-based Body Transformation Programme LOSE 3 INCHES AROUND THE WAIST OR DROP A DRESS SIZE IN 6 WEEKS GUARANTEED! ► Improve Body Composition ► Higher metabolic rate (Burn more calories rest) ► Improve cardio-metabolic health ► Increase bone mineral density ► Prevent muscle atrophy, age-related wasting of muscle known as sarcopenia ► Enhance athletic performance ► Sleep better ► Feel more energised ► Improve your self-esteem ► And much more ► GET STARTED
Sponsor Package Social Media Campaign Full and half page advertising options include: • Facebook advert artwork • Promotion landing page coverage • Thank You page coverage • Winner's Announcement page coverage READER OFFER SPONSOR Feel More Alive will run a Special Reader Offer Every Month, where you will be promoted as a featured sponsor. Promoted through Facebook ads to the town of up to 30,000 of people as well town-wide leaflet , emails to the entire Feel More Alive subscriber list and accessed through the website. THINK OF THAT EXPOSURE! LANDING PAGE Single issue Annual x12 payments One of three sponsors £250 £150 Exclusive sponsor package £750 MEMBERSHIP (ADDITIONAL COST FOR ALL) DIRECTORY ANNUAL LISTING LOCATION: POPULATION OF CATCHMENT: POTENTIAL SOCIAL MEDIA REACH (+10 MILES): HOUSEHOLDS: All prices quoted are subject to VAT GOLD
Sponsor Package Supporter's Package £99 PER YEAR FEEL MORE ALIVE BUSINESS DIRECTORY LISTING INCLUDES: All prices quoted are subject to VAT • Website link • Contact details • Business Logo • Images/Photos • Video SILVER
Advertising rates AD SPECIFICATIONS FULL PAGE 148mm wide by 210mm deep (Add 3mm bleed to all sides) HALF PAGE 135mm wide by 92mm deep THIRD PAGE 135mm wide by 60mm deep QUARTER PAGE 135mm wide x 45mm deep Further advertising sizing options available. Please contact us: info@feelmorealive.co.uk or 07789 220070 All prices quoted are subject to VAT “Your local one-stop shop to feeling good, getting active & staying healthy”
info@feelmorealive.co.uk Or call 07789 220070 to get involved... www.feelmorealive.co.uk Interested? “Your local one-stop shop to feeling good, getting active & staying healthy”

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