Food safety in the kitchen Good food safety involves knowing where bacteria are likely to thrive and not giving them a chance to get comfortable. Stay safe by following these simple guidelines on the how, when and where of food storage. Regular cleaning of worktops, chopping boards and any surfaces that come into contact with food is important in preventing the spread of bacteria.
When storing food Store refrigerated and frozen foods as soon as possible after buying, taking care not to overload your fridge or freezer. Store raw meat in sealed packaging/containers on the bottom shelf of the fridge to ensure juices do not come into contact with other foods. ›› When you have cooked food and you are not going to eat it straight away or if there are leftovers after serving, place on a clean plate, cover and refrigerate within 2 hours. ›› Eat leftovers within 3 days.
Freezing Freezing is a great way to store food. If food is properly frozen there are no food safety concerns and the maximum length of time for storage of food in the freezer is a quality and not a food safety issue. There are however a number of steps that you can take to make sure that frozen food is stored safely: ›› Don’t put food in the freezer when it’s still hot. Cool it as quickly as possible (within 2 hours), cover and put in the freezer. It makes good sense to divide foods to be frozen into usable amounts and this speeds up the cooling process. ›› Remember to keep the freezer door properly closed and only open when necessary.
›› Do not freeze any foods after their "use by" date, because they might not be safe to eat. ›› Your freezer should be at –18° Celsius.
Defrosting Most foods need to be defrosted before they can be eaten or cooked and there are a number of golden rules to make sure that the food is thawed safely: ›› Pre-packed foods that tell you on the label to cook from frozen should not be defrosted. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions. ›› Defrost food in the fridge – it is the safest way. Allow at least 24 hours for every 2–2.5 kg. ›› Make sure that food has thawed completely before cooking. You can check whether the meat feels frozen by using a fork or skewer. When defrosting a whole bird, make sure there are no ice crystals in the cavity. If poultry is still partially frozen when you start to cook, it will cook more slowly and might not reach a high enough temperature to kill harmful bacteria. ›› Cook or eat defrosted food within 24 hours. ›› Don’t refreeze thawed food. ›› Don’t defrost food in the microwave unless you are going to cook and eat it straight away. 6