Champneys - 21 Days of Mindfulness

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21 days of Mindfulness

Turn over a new leaf for the next 21 days Choose 2 of the mindfulness leaves to do each day Choose 2 of the roots of the tree to give up Celebrate every time you start or stop the habit Being mindful in your everyday life increases calm, focus and happiness as well as improving your memory and creativity.

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Meat Chocolate Stop eating while watching TV or using a device

Take aways Crisps Dairy

Re ned carbs Talking negatively about others

Biting your nails Being hard on yourself


Processed foods Alcohol

Stop looking at your phone when friends and family are talking to you

Replace zzy drinks with water

It takes an average of 2 months to make or break a habit depending on the person and the ambitious nature of the habit. Based on Phillipa Lally of UCL's study, it can take as little as 18 days and up to 8 months. This study proved to be successful even if you missed a day. So even if you aren't perfect all the time you are still going to succeed. Give yourself credit and celebrate your successes. You are doing a great job!

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