3 minute read
The Stardust Crusaders by Logan (Age 13
I am a priest and minor canon at Sheffield Cathedral. My last post prior to retirement from stipendiary ministry was as the Multifaith Chaplaincy Co-ordinator and Anglican Chaplain at Sheffield Hallam University, where I worked for 12 years.
Twitter @IanMaher7
The Stardust Crusaders
Submitted by Poppy Flynn
Written by Logan Age 13
This is a story about Jotaro Kujo, Joseph Joestar, Noriaki Kakyoin, Muhammad Avdol and Jean Pierre Polnareff and how they saved the world from an evil vampire called Dio. It all starts with Jotaro going to prison. He says he is possessed by an evil spirit and won’t come out of his cell.
Later his grandpa named Joseph comes and tells him he has a Stand. Joseph tells him a Stand is the physical manifestation of the fighting spirit. Joseph also has a stand called Hermit purple. Joseph brought his friend named Avdol who also has a Stand to show Jotaro many people have Stands. Avdols Stand was named Magician’s red. Avdol also had cards to name Stands he says to Jotaro you have to trust your Stand will choose the right card. Jotaro picks up a card Avdol looks at it and says your Stands name will be Star platinum.
After that Jotaro go’s home and the next day he goes to school and meets a man called Kakyoin he seemed nice at first but later he attacks Jotaro with his Stand called Hierophant Green but with Jotaro’s Star platinum he beats Kakyoin. He leaves school and brings him home to question him and so Jotaro, Joseph and Avdol find out he was being controlled by a brain wasp. Jotaro pulls it out with his Stand and Kakyoin was safe and joins them to stop Dio.
Then Joseph books tickets to Egypt to find Dio. The next day they all get to the airport to get on their flight. But a Stand user who is being controlled by Dio was also on the plane with them. With his Stand he attacked them but as Jotaro tried to hit him, his Stand punched a hole the side of the plane. Everyone was panicking and the pilots didn’t know what to do, later the plane crashed into the ocean. No one was killed but people were hurt including Joseph. And then Kakyoin found the Stand user who attacked them. He was released from Dio’s mind control but send to prison for crashing the plane.
Jotaro and the gang eventually made it to land and decided to get some food. So they went to a fancy restaurant and ordered but a man asked if he could sit by them Joseph said yes but Avdol had a strange feeling about him. Then Kakyoin saw he had one of Dio’s brain wasps! He told the others and they all ran outside to avoid breaking the restaurant.
Avdol said he would take him on. This man then revealed his Stand, it was silver and had a sword. Avdol and this guy fought and Avdol was losing until the man had thought he won and that’s where Avdol got up off the ground and hit him. He was knocked out and while he was Jotaro used Star Platinum to pull out the wasp. 20 minutes later he woke up he explained everything. His name was Polnareff he was French, 23 years old and had a Stand called Silver Chariot. He ask everyone if he could join them to stop Dio. because Dio killed his little sister 2 years ago. They all agreed he could and so Polnareff joined the team.