Structured Word InquirY Hyperdoc
< flamingo >
1. Meaning? Can you use the word flamingo in a sentence?
2. Relatives? )
Etymological Relatives? Consult a Word Origin Reference or Etymology Online
Find the word origin and Etymology Online Latin flammula "small flame"
Morphological Relatives? Brainstorm or visit Word
Searcher Or, put the latin etymon flammula into the search Box of ETYMONLINE, What words are in the <flamingo> family? flame, flames, flammable, inflame, inflammation
3. Built? Can you box the base and circle the graphemes? Can you tap-spell the word?
flamingo A word sum shows how a word is built. Hypothesize word sums and/or make a word matrix:
(Remember to spell out and say "is rewritten as" when you come to the rewrite arrow →.) flamingo → flamingo inflame -> in + flame flames -> flame/ + es inflammation → in + flamm + ate +ion
4. Pronunciation? ● -Text to IPA
How many sounds do you feel? In a word, phonemes represent one or more sounds or phones. Phonemes have no meaning but are "meaning-makers." (Real Spelling, Toolbox 2, 1999-2022, Phonemes are represented by graphemes. A grapheme can be a single letter or a string of letters. toPhonetics will show you the word represented in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) representation. In <flamingo>, which has 8 graphemes representing 8 phonemes, it might be informative to contrast the pronunciation of the lax vowel <a> and the tense vowel <o>. Is the <i> in <flamingo> a lax or tense vowel>?