
”Stanley really thought his story would win the writing contest." -from Stanley and the Wild Words
Meaning? contest: an event in which people compete.

contest: call to witness detest: "execrate, hate, dislike intensely," also "to curse, to call God to witness and abhor” protest: bear witness publicly intestate: without a duly witnessed will testimony: evidence of a witness Morphological relatives will share the same base element and meaning.
Source: Online Etymology Dictionary
con + test con Latin testis “with, together” “witness”
Morphological Relatives: Meet the family…

contest à con + test

A grapheme is a written symbol (letter or string of letters) One of its jobs may be to represent a sound (phoneme). What phoneme, if any, does each grapheme represent?
Say the word, “contest.” How many phonemes do you hear?
What phoneme, if any, does each represent?grapheme c o n bt e s t prefix base element
Explain what the following quote mean to you:
“Life is not a popularity contest.” -A. D. Parker
Word Quest completed! Whatnew questions do you have?

What was surprising about the“contest” investigation?
Now, share what you’velearned, as well as your stories and ideas, with others.

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Problem Solving to Develop Students' Language Skills & Engagement with the Written Word. WordWorks Literacy Centre, 2006/2009/2013.
Adoniou, Misty. (2019) “Literacy Leadership Brief: Teaching and Assessing Spelling.” International Literacy Association, a-teaching-and-assessing-spelling.pdf.
Bowers, Pete. “Handouts for Spelling out Word Structure Real Spellers.”, Retrieved June 24, 2022
Ramsden, N. (2011 2013). Mini matrix maker home page. Retrieved December 18, 2021, from Real 18, 2021, from Real Spelling SuffixChecker © Real Spelling & Pascal Mira 2009 : 2009.pdf
****I also recommend highly Patti Bottino Bravo's "Fun with Phonetics" and advanced phonetics classes. Contact her for further information at
Bowers, P. . “SWI Online Classes and Free Weekly Drop ins (Various Dates 2018 2021), Bowers,
Templeton, S. (2020, October 19). International Literacy Association Hub. International Literacy Association (ILA). Retrieved January 6, 2022, from Venable, Spelling. Venezky, Richard L. The American Way of Spelling: The Structure and Origins of American English Orthography. Guilford Press, 1999.
Cooke, G.. (2018). LEX Grapheme Cards, Third Edition.
Ehri, L.C. The science of learning to read words: A case for systematic phonics instruction. Reading Research Quarterly, 55(1), S45 S60. Special Issue: The Science of Reading: Supports, Critiques, and Questions.
Hegland, S. S. (2021). Beneath the Surface of Words. Learning About Spelling.
Loveless, Rebecca blog and “SWI for Early Readers (Online Class)”. (Oct, 2020). Retrieved December 18, 2021, from Mrs.'sclassroomblog and “Intro to SWI Online Class (Feb. 2018)”. Retrieved December 18, 2021, from class/
Harper, D. (2001 2022). Etymonline Online Etymology Dictionary. Etymology dictionary: Definition, meaning and word origins. Retrieved December 18, 2021, from