Chocolate Times Junio 2017

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CHOCOLATE TIMES READERS! We wanted to let you know that The Chocolate Times is changing it’s regular monthly edition to a quarterly edition. We have taken this step in order to bring you sweeter treats for your eyes that we hope are better than Oreos! However as Oreos taste better with a glass of milk, The Chocolate Times will be even better with your feedback. So please take a few minutes to fill out the 5-question survey linked to the TCT email body.

There are great things to come and we are very excited for you to read about them! MBS Communications Committee


a tight ship.

MBS has a new leader R&B singer Gina Carey, once said “a strong woman looks a challenge dead in the eye and gives it a wink”, implying that fear and hesitation won’t stop them until they conquer their goals. That is exactly Yojana Hidalgo, our new MBS Costa Rica Site Lead, had when she was faced with the challenge of taking over the project. Being a passionate professional, proud of who she is and about her values and beliefs, Yojana knew she was the right person to continue the path that MBS has been following since the operation started on 2015. Besides being an outstanding lawyer and HR specialist, with experience establishing shared service centers, Yojana has an undeniable passion and love for her family, and despite having a successful career that goes back almost 20 years, her husband and three children are her biggest accomplishments.



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As any human being, some things make her sad or angry, such as kids suffering or injustices. If she had the chance to be doing something different than being our site lead, Yojana admits she would like to be working with a nonprofit organization helping kids all over the world and fighting injustice. Yojana confessed to The Chocolate Times her two main goals as director of MBS: "becoming the best Service Center within the Mondelez world" and "bring Irene Rosenfeld to MBS by 2020". In her own words, we can hold her accountable for that! The MDLZ value Yojana relates the most with is Lead From the Head and the Heart. She hopes to be a source of leadership and growth for her team and the MDLZ site by always listening to her heart and what she believes is right for the organization. No wondering she sees herself shaping MBS into the world's best Mondelez Service Center in 5 years. She has no regrets in her professional or personal career. Everything she has done in the past has taught her a lesson that molded the way she is and took her to where she stands today. The success she has today has come from always being truthful to who she is and to her values.

TCT Writer: Mauricio Monge


FOR WELL-BEING The Community Outreach pillar of the Joy Team works on promoting The Call for Well-Being, our Corporate social responsibility platform. This platform helps us to 'Grow our Impact': one of the three global strategies.

WHAT IS THE CALL FOR WELL-BEING? It's a call to action to work together with our suppliers and partners to drive growth by developing new approaches that have a positive impact where we live, work and play.

As Irene Rosenfeld, Chairman and CEO, said: Our growth is directly linked to enhancing the well-being of our planet, the lives of the people who make and enjoy our products, and the communities we serve.

At Mondelez International our Call for Well-being focuses on four areas where we believe we can make the greatest difference:



Unlocking snack choices that nourish the body and the soul. As the world's largest snack company, we try to empower our consumers to snack mindfully.



Catalyzing environmental and social change by securing sustainable agriculture supplies and reducing our environmental footprint.



Keeping our employees and consumers safe.



Partnering with communities to create healthier lifestyles and contribute identifying their needs.

In each of these areas, the organization outlined specific goals aiming to be the leader in well-being snacks by 2020. We continue to make progress toward these goals and scale our efforts with our partners and suppliers to achieve our commitments to make impactful change. Locally we can directly contribute to the improvement of Sustainability, Safety, and Community KPIs. In terms of Sustainability, we can support all the initiatives related to saving energy and water, and classify the waste be recycled correctly. Regarding safety, we all play a key role to guarantee the well-being of our people and avoid accidents or near misses. Additionally, we get involved in our Community through activities that have a meaningful impact, promoting a healthy lifestyle wherever we go.




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TCT writer:Jerson Alvarez

MBS Costa Rica began its journey with a successful Go Live for the North America transition back in January of 2016. The center continued the milestones by initiating the transition of the Latin America operations on December 2016, starting with Mexico and Brazil. This formed what we know today as the LA wave 1. With another successful Go Live under its belt, the MBS operation was prepared to open its doors to the LA wave 2 on March 27th. Bringing a lot of joy and excitement to the different work streams as we welcomed the WACAM and Southern Cone regions into MBS. All the involved in wave 2 entered Hyper Care mode in order to guarantee a flawless Go Live without losing the focus of keeping top level customer satisfaction. This Hyper Care strategy was empowered by the participation of Daliana Hegg from Recruiting and Santiago Hernandez from HR Ops. Who had the opportunity to work directly with our stakeholders in Argentina for 2 weeks. They traveled in order to make a smooth transition by improving and assisting in the creation of different processes while keeping the 212° mindset and providing great customer experience. Since the Go Live, the LA Wave 2 has received over 1588 cases and around 1451 cases have been closed successfully, maintaining a 90% of cases closed within SLA in all our work streams during the Hyper Care period. This was achieved by the great support given by the leadership team members, and the fruitful visit of the HR experts from the different regions which provided a very solid additional support and knowledge transfer, to whom we take the opportunity to say thank you! The LA transition finished with this second wave on April 21st, delivering great results. Our new Delivery Center lead Yojana Hidalgo, encourages the MBS population to think outside the box, to build connections with other teams through networking, to be creative, daring and to not be afraid to question processes and always remember to enjoy and have fun in what we do. The entire Leadership Team feels very positive and excited with the results. So keep up the great work WACAM and South Cone teams and Let the Joy Begin.


S E T A G L TOL ards w o t d a o r r u o g in Continu (IL6S) a m ig S ig S n a e L d Integrate heco Vallarino

ando Pac TCT Writer: Arm

sy stematic and ea jects? sy a is re e th t a ro Did you know th ontinuous Improvement (CI) p C p way to develo y improvement a Kaizen idea is an e know that es we have Quick Fix iliar with Kaizen, w Being already fam team. For example, ur yo on ct pa im e a positive idea that can mak P. SO and Changes in impact a bigger scope and ith w s ea id n ize Ka , the CI Projects are per management. On the other hand and visibility to up t en em ag an m d e detaile and require a mor t ea of improvemen ect/Activity is an id oj Pr CI a at th c. is et s t, ec the Kaizen idea ent, Six Sigma Proj The difference with ample, a Kaizen ev ex r Fo . am te e on than that involves more (TG) using the Tollgate ects are performed oj pr e es th at th is difference However, the main reporting. e governance and methodology for th

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It is important to know that ever Kaizen idea and project executed will be using the TG framework and communicated to our leader on a monthly basis, to share the hard work and the benefits that comes with it.

In order to successfully develop a Kaizen idea into a CI project, we will have to follow 4 EASY STEPS:






Idea Capture & Assessment


Project Execution

Benefits Linkage to Outcomes




DMS Model



Kaizen Ideas Program

Center Staff Meeting (Weekly)

Projects Bi Weekly Governance

Global MBS ES Process & Technology Review Board (Monthly)

Projects Bi Weekly Meeting (status reporting) CI Dashboard/ Tracker


Finance Support CI Dashboard

we have the tools to generate better and bigger ideas that can continue to impact the business in many positive ways. And who knows, maybe your Kaizen idea can bloom through the 4 tollgates and become a beautiful CI Project! If you are curious about this new methodology and you would like to get involved, or just want more information, please engage our Continuous Improvement Lead Mariana Torres.

TOWN HALL REVAMPED TCT writer: Armando Pacheco


We heard lots of feedback that resulted in the shift of our MBS LA & NA Town Halls. On May 3rd, we experienced the new HR-MBS Town Hall with Yojana Hidalgo, our new MBS Costa Rica Site Lead Yojana started the meeting by introducing us into her life, beliefs, background and the most expected of all, her "vision for MBS" to be the best Service Center.


We heard Yojana provide insights to her experience through the onboarding into MBS, she shared the stories of her 2-week trip to meet with our key stakeholders.


Yojana engulfed the room in laughter with her charisma while sharing her life experiences and how she will steer the MBS boat with her leadership style which she identifies as a "Rocking Chair" approach. If you missed it, ask Yojana about the Rocking Chair!


After getting to know our new leadership, the Town Hall agenda continued to present the MBS Costa Rica Excellence awards to afterward introduce our newest MBS family members which received a warm welcome, followed by a round of applause. Again, welcome to everyone who is new to the team!


From a more data-driven perspective, quite different from the previous Town Halls, the Operation numbers were presented in a more simple way in order to honor our value of the month: "Keep it Simple". The metrics were divided by region NA / LA, focusing on Cases Handled, Closed within SLA and Customer Satisfaction.


The site IL6S culture was highlighted by the Kaizen ideas program which continues to have a great engagement from the different work streams, finishing with the awarding of the Top Ideas generator, Top Ideas Implemented and Best idea for March awards.


The Town Hall closed leaving the audience inspired by how the HR MBS we will shift to a 212 degrees mindset, which begins with the premise that "at 211 degrees, water is hot, at 212 degrees, it boils. And with boiling water, comes steam. And with steam, you can power a train. Just one extra degree makes all the difference".


The new Town Hall format received a lot of positive feedback throughout the survey, which confirmed that this new way of presenting is more dynamic and engaging for the MBS Costa Rica Site population, who appreciated the change in pace and enthusiasm.


So it seems our Town Hall is already boiling and generating steam, and it is always open for your contribution to become even better to maintain a 212° temperature.

2017 MBS AND

NOMINATIONS Join us in congratulating once again our Town Hall

Nicolas Liger (HR Ops), MBS Excellence Award for Service Carolina Pérez (WFA), MBS Excellence Award for Il6S José Rojas (WFA), MBS Excellence Award for Great Place to Work Diego Carballo (Payroll LA), Top Ideas Generator Esteban Valverde (Sales) and Izcande Mena (ISC), Top Ideas Implemented Jerson Álvarez (WFA), Best Idea for March.

MBS Mondelez International Business Services Powering Profitable Growth


•Mauricio Monge Torres •Jerson Álvarez •Vivian Cordero •Armando Pacheco Vallarino

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