Since 2002 we’ve done more than just manufacture lights. We’ve consistently created beautiful projects with comforting and memorable light experiences! We are the original trailblazers in architectural LED lighting. After all, we were the very first company to develop and launch a successful high-power architectural LED range.
We now have more than 7,500 operational projects spanning every corner of the globe, with individual project values up to 5 million and still growing.
We have triumphed in nearly every sector, including leisure and hospitality, retail, workplace, the public realm, heritage sites, transport hubs, commercial facilities, educational institutions, and many, many more.
Where will you take Tryka to next?
The £45m Carnegie School of Sport at Leeds Beckett University unites all teaching and research for undergraduate, postgraduate and research sports programs as well as providing a hub for elite athletes who use the university’s athletics performance expertise. The building houses highly specialist teaching and research laboratories, including an
The main feature of the Carnegie building is the impressive 60 meter long covered rooftop track. By cleverly using continuous lines of uninterrupted uniform lighting as lane identifiers, Infinitas ® building has been equipped with a range of architectural luminaires of superior quality and class leading performance, all proudly designed and manufactured in the UK by Hacel.
028 Austria / 030 Belgium... Luxembourg / 032 Eastern Europe Albania ... Armenia ... Belarus ... Bosnia & Herzegovenia ... Bulgaria ... Croatia ... Czech Republic ... Estonia ... Hungary ... Latvia ... Lithuania ... Kosovo ... Macedonia ... Moldova ... Romania ... Serbia ... Slovakia ... Slovenia ... Ukraine / 040 France / 046 Germany / 054 Greece... Cyprus / 056 Ireland / 058 Italy ... Malta / 064 Netherlands / 068 Nordic Denmark ... Finland ... Iceland ... Norway ... Sweden / 074 Poland / 076 Portugal / 078 Russia / 080 Spain / 084 Switzerland ... Liechtenstein / 086 Turkey / 088 United Kingdom
108 Canada / 112 Caribbean & Latin America Argentina ... Barbados ... Bolivia ... Brazil ... Cayman Islands ... Chile ... Colombia ... Costa Rica ... Dominican Republic .... Ecuador ... El Salvador ... Honduras ... Jamaica ... Martinique ... Mexico ... Panama ... Peru ... Puerto Rico ... Trinidad & Tobago ... Uruguay ... Venezuala / 118 USA
136 China / 142 Hong Kong ... Macau / 146 Indian Sub Continent Bangladesh ... India ... Pakistan ... Sri Lanka / 150 Japan / 154 Korea / 156 Middle East Azerbaijan ... Bahrain ... Georgia ... Iran ... Iraq ... Israel ... Jordan ... Kazakhstan ... Kuwait ... Lebanon ... Oman ... Qatar ... Saudi Arabia ... Syria ... Turkmenistan ... United Arab Emirates / 164 South East Asia Indonesia ... Malaysia ... Philippines ... Singapore ... Taiwan ... Thailand ... Vietnam
172 Australia / 176 New Zealand Africa
170 Algeria ... Egypt ... Ghana ... Ivory Coast... Kenya ... Mauritius ... Morocco ... Nigeria ... Reunion Island... Senegal... South Africa ...Tanzania... Tunisia Legend
Manufacturer of interior lighting luminaires
Manufacturer of lightsources, lamps & gear (including LED components, filters, drivers etc)
Manufacturer of exterior lighting luminaires (including projectors)
Manufacturer of emergency lighting luminaires
Manufacturer of street/amenity lighting luminaires (including bollards, poles etc)
Manufacturer of lighting control (including lighting control software)
Manufacturer of lighting design software
Manufacturer of equipment and technology for control or manipulation of daylight
Note: Distributors are not given icons unless they also manufacture. Subsidiaries are given the same icons as the HQ company.
One or more designer at the practice is a member of the IALD
One or more designer at the practice has CLD certification
Note: In the event of multiple office practices, only the head office per country is listed, unless an Enhanced Entry is published.
Many thanks to the IALD for their help in compiling the directory.
Albania 032 Algeria 170 Argentina 112 Armenia 032 Australia 172 Austria 028 Azerbaijan 156 Bahrain 156 Bangladesh 146 Barbados 112 Belarus 032 Belgium 030 Bolivia 112 Bosnia & Herzegovina 032 Brazil 112 Bulgaria 032 Canada 108 Chile 113 China 136 Colombia 114 Costa Rica 114 Croatia 032 Cyprus 055 Czech Republic 033 Denmark 068 Dominican Republic 114 Ecuador 114 Egypt 170 El Salvador 115 Estonia 034 Finland 069 France 040 French Guyana 115 Georgia 156 Germany 046 Ghana 170 Greece 054 Guadeloupe 115 Guatamala 115 Honduras 115 Hong Kong 142 Hungary 034 Iceland 070 India 146 Indonesia 164 Iran 156 Iraq 156 Ireland 056 Israel 156 Italy 058 Jamaica 115 Japan 150 Jordan 157 Kazakhstan 157 Kenya 170 Korea 154 Kosovo 035
Kuwait 157 Latvia 035 Lebanon 158 Liechtenstein 085 Lithuania 035 Luxembourg 031 Macau 145 Macedonia 036 Malaysia 164 Malta 063 Martinique 115 Mauritius 170 Mexico 115 Moldova 036 Morocco 170 Netherlands 064 New Zealand 176 Nigeria 170 Norway 071 Oman 158 Pakistan 148 Panama 116 Peru 117 Philippines 165 Poland 074 Portugal 076 Puerto Rico 117 Qatar 158 Reunion Island 171 Romania 036 Russia 078 Saudi Arabia 159 Senegal 171 Serbia 037 Singapore 165 Slovakia 037 Slovenia 037 South Africa 171 Spain 080 Sri Lanka 148 Sweden 072 Switzerland 084 Syria 159 Taiwan 167 Tanzania 171 Thailand 168 Trinidad & Tobago 117 Tunisia 171 Turkey 086 Turkmenistan 160 UAE 160 UK 088 Ukraine 037 Uruguay 117 USA 118 Venezuela 117 Vietnam 169
Studio 14 is open.
rbb rearranged their studio in the 14th oor of the rbb-Fernsehzentrum in the city center of Berlin, Germany. Intended to be a studio as well as a club, a restaurant, an eventlocation and a large scale meeting room, the Studio 14 invites people to be closer to heaven.
Depending on the purpose of the room furniture the lighting can be changed between fun and functional.
Our rgbw-tiles D50 are used in clusters to lighten the room with an outstanding lightquality and to connect the ceiling to the sky.
#LEDmadeinGermany #LEDplayedinBerlin Photo by KOY + WINKEL FotografieInternational Lighting Design Survey 2022
Managing Director
Paul James p.james@mondiale.co.uk
Managing Editor
Helen Ankers h.ankers@mondiale.co.uk
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Whilst most of us endured a horrible 2020, the results from our survey on page 24 suggest that the Lighting Design community started to recover in 2021 and, on the face of it, there are high hopes for 2022. There are still big problems ahead though... Supply chain issues, easing of COVID-19 restrictions unravelling at a different pace around the world, international travel anxiety, the imminent climate change disaster, massive increases in energy prices and the looming cost of living crisis... I could go on but I would only get depressed. All these factors (and more) have resulted in a nervousness about what 2022 will bring. The survey makes for interesting reading. More Lighting Design practices have emerged - smaller, focused, nimble, less overheads... less turnover. This could also be an analogy of the event circuit. With Light + Building postponed again and many of the major manufacturers deciding to spend their money in other ways, the question has to be asked: is the age of the behemoth trade show over? Do people really want to travel half way round the world to attend a mega event with limited resources to pay for extortionate hotel rooms and limited time to see what an increasingly smaller cross-section of the world’s suppliers have to offer?
Confession time - we have launched a range of boutique events to counter this argument - [d]arc sessions, our networking event for specifiers and suppliers of international lighting projects and LiGHT 22, our high-end lighting specification exhibition in London. These new events are in addition to our established [d]arc awards, now in its eighth year, itself a very different way to ‘do awards’. Is this smaller, safer, less expensive model a new template to ‘do events’? I don’t know for sure but it certainly looks appealing right now. Now to the ILDS, our annual snapshot of the lighting specification sector. The list of independent lighting design practices, major architectural lighting manufacturers and their global distributors grows ever bigger, which is great to see.
As ever, I’d like to give a note of thanks to everyone who contacted us with additions and amendments to our listings. If, during your searches, you spot anything that isn’t as it should be, please get in touch. Your feedback helps ensure the ILDS remains an essential resource for the whole architectural lighting design industry. To start your search turn to the Quick Reference list on page 18.
Paul James Managing Director, [d]arc mediaWelcome to 2022! It is my pleasure to begin the year and my new role as president of the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD). While it has been a challenging two years for all of us, there is a great opportunity on our hands. We have the tools, the knowledge, the passion and creativity to imagine and design this new and better world.
Over the last twelve months, the IALD Board has had to find a balance in our work as an association between significantly reduced revenue due to the impacts of COVID-19 and an approach that will continue to support our members and our community, which includes global presence, community engagement and leadership in the lighting design profession.
The IALD leadership is positive about the future and the evolution of the association. The IALD has represented the profession of lighting design for over 50 years and will continue to do so. We have overcome many challenges and obstacles to get to where we are now with 1,500 members strong in more than 60 countries around the world. We are resilient as individuals, as professionals and as an organization. We are adept problem-solvers, innovators, and we are ready for these and other challenges.
As we move into the new year with new opportunities, I am inspired by the Golden Circle thought model developed by Simon Sinek, where the three essential questions are what, how, and why and how we as an association can answer these questions. The ‘what’ is IALD’s vision: to create a better world through leadership and excellence in lighting design; to cultivate the universal acknowledgment and appreciation of the Power of Light in human life. Our ‘how’ is inspired by our core values: community, collaboration, innovation, integrity and leadership, which capture what is at the heart of the IALD and will guide us into our future. And the ‘why’, often the hardest for organisations to answer, is the passion of our members and our mission: to advance the global profession of lighting design through leadership and advocacy, and serve members by promoting education, community, and engagement. Using this thought process, I look to the future of my presidency and the IALD through two positive and powerful words: Refresh and Reinforce.
This year we look forward to continuing many of our favorite programs and activities including: celebrating the IALD International Lighting Design Awards online this June; IALD Chase the Dark on 24 March; LightFair 2022 in Las Vegas, NV USA 19-23 June; online and (when possible) in-person IALD Region + Chapter events; IALD Instagram Story takeovers; and later this year IALD will host our first in-person conference since 2019—IALD Enlighten Americas will be
29 September – 1 October in sunny Palm Springs, CA USA.
We are also developing and introducing some new programs that will promote education, community and engagement. In January, we re-launched our members only LinkedIn group as the IALD+LIRC Cooperative, an exciting new way for the dialogue between designers and manufacturers to expand. This is an IALD and LIRC member exclusive platform delivering instant, results-driven communication between lighting designers and LIRC manufacturers. We are also very excited to launch IALD Designer by Designer, a new virtual bi-weekly series of one-on-one interviews with and by lighting designers around the world. Join us for intimate conversations and get an indepth look into the minds and lives of your fellow lighting designers. Learn what challenges, guides and inspires your global peers and have the chance to ask them questions about all things lighting design.
I am incredibly lucky to be surrounded by incredible volunteers within the IALD and its partner organisations who are dedicated to our mission. There is not enough space here to thank each person who makes IALD’s work possible, but I would like to thank a few who have accepted the responsibility of leadership. I would like to extend my thanks to Douglas Leonard, IALD, who continues to work with IALD as immediate past president, for his incredible leadership through the last two challenging years and to Christopher Knowlton, IALD, who continues as our treasurer, for his amazing strategic skills. I would like to thank and congratulate Anne Bureau, IALD, Rachel Fitzgerald, IALD, CLD, Mariel Fuentes, IALD, and Ana Spina, IALD for their re-election to the IALD Board of Directors and to Brandon Thrasher, Associate IALD who is joining the board as the President’s Selected Director; I am also grateful to Susanna Antico, IALD, Andrea Hartranft, FIALD, and Jered Widmer, IALD for their continued service on the IALD Board. I would also like to congratulate Aram Ebben, IALD, CLD, on his re-election as chair of the membership committee and to Qini Huang, IALD, CLD and Archit Jain, IALD being elected to join the committee this year. But these leaders are not ‘the IALD’—the association is made up of every member at every level, and each of you is important to the success and the future of the IALD. The IALD relies on members to volunteer their time and knowledge to guide the association. Committee and leadership positions are filled 100% by our volunteer members. If you are interested in shaping the future of the IALD or just want to spend an afternoon helping us spread the word about quality lighting design, consider volunteering with the IALD in roles varying with one-time, short-term, or long-term commitments. Again, I am honoured to represent you for the next two years as IALD President and look forward to the future we build together. Happy New Year!
The lighting profession is unique in its sincere passion for the work of the profession and the congenial rapport between colleagues. This is evidenced by the increasing quality of lighting in the built environment and the growth of lighting organizations across the globe. While the pandemic has brought a wide variety of struggles, it has also brought about new opportunities for lighting organizations. The shift to a more virtual world provides the ability to engage with and learn from peers across the globe, while also making these virtual events and educational resources more accessible for students.
I grew up in a very small town, many would say in the middle of nowhere, with my primary understanding of the world beyond my small town based on what I learned in school. While I had an interest in design, it was not until I was studying architectural engineering that I was exposed to the lighting profession. Thanks in large part to the support of the IALD Education Trust, I kept studying and obtained my doctorate, allowing me to have a career in lighting research that keeps me engaged in the lighting industry.
Over the past seven years, I have served on the IALD Education Trust’s Board of Directors, giving a bit back to the profession that has given me so much. While plenty of aspects have changed during my tenure, the Trust remains focused on increasing opportunities for students to learn about the lighting profession and to connect students with lighting design professionals through stipends that support participation in lighting conferences and through the distribution of scholarships.
Now, the Trust faces a familiar challenge to many: continuing to meet our mission with a leaner budget. Board members and supporters persist in giving their time and financial resources despite the additional challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought them personally and professionally. Why they continue to give in these trying times is something I constantly wonder, but the consistent response is that volunteers and donors feel they get back more than they give. It is this attitude that allows the Trust to continue to move forward and leverage the opportunity to change. While it is easy to get inspired by the thought of change, the energy required to actually make large changes is often greater than expected, in part due to affection for tradition and real concerns related to the unknown. The pandemic forced change, both personally and professionally. Just as individuals are finding new rhythms in daily life, organizations like the Trust are also finding new rhythms and we hope to hit our stride in 2022 to further opportunities for students interested in lighting. In 2016, I was asked where I thought the lighting design profession was headed, and my answer remains the same in 2022: we will continue to be a diverse group of professionals from a wide range of backgrounds and the profession will increase in complexity as research and technology advance. The post-pandemic hybrid world of virtual and in-person events expands the possibility to reach people who are unaware of the opportunities the lighting profession provides, increasing the diversity of the next generation of lighting professionals. This next generation will be tasked with continuing to advance the lighting profession, and the quality and value of light in the built environment.
2021 continued to be difficult for all of us but there are signs of recovery. The easing of COVID-19 restrictions, at least for some of the time in some but not all regions, has meant good news for most lighting designers. But how does this translate in our survey?
Editor-in-Chief of [d]arc media, Paul James, tries to make sense of it all.
n 2020 we hoped that “Things can only get better!” in 2021. Well, I’m pleased to say they have... sort of. There are more lighting design practices and revenue is up (but also down). Let me explain...
The practices that participated in the survey stated that their revenue had risen this year compared to 2020 and the amount of projects secured or completed in 2021 also dramatically increased. A sign that the lighting design profession, like other sectors, has benefited from COVID-19 restrictions being eased. For the 2021 survey we calculated that there has been a further increase in lighting design practices worldwide with 1733 compared to 1684 in 2020. It is reasonable to surmise, based on the average amount of employees, that the increase is made up of many smaller practices. Due to smaller practices taking part this year, despite average revenue being down compared to last year, revenue for the participating practices has gone up by an average of 35% with only two practices stating a reduction in revenue. Here’s how the global number of practices is distributed...
We discovered that 439 (up from 436) are operating in the USA. 222 practices now trade in the UK (up from 217). Germany is the next highest with 101 (up from 99) and France comes in fourth with 87 practices (up from 86). Japan comes in at fifth with 58 practices (down from 59) with China on 55 (up from 47, although, as before, the difficulties of finding out and confirming the existence of bona fide lighting design firms in China has probably underestimated the true figure). Australia is on 52 (no change). Spain has further
increased to 50 (from 46 last year) thanks to the assistance of the Asociación Profesional de Diseñadores de Iluminación (APDI). Italy leapfrogs Canada (44), India (43) with 47 practices, all up from 42 practices each last year. Switzerland has 39 practices (up from 36) with Hong Kong at 35 and Netherlands at 34. The UAE has 31 (down from 32), whilst Singapore has 28 (27), Brazil and Mexico have 25 (both up from 24) and Sweden also has 25 (up from 23, the other Nordic countries of Norway, Denmark and Finland have an even number of 11-13 practices each). Greece (20), Thailand (18), Taiwan (15), Turkey (15), Israel (14), Indonesia (14) Korea (10), New Zealand (10) and Russia (10) are the other countries in double figures. Tokyo has the highest amount of lighting designers per capita with 40 practices (down from 42) out of Japan’s 58. London accounts for more than half (115, down from 116) of the practices in Britain. New York City comes a distant second with 81 practices (up from 76) although there are 90 practices in New York state. Most of the other countries have a much more even split of cities with, for example,
Berlin having 28 of Germany’s 101 practices, Paris 27 practices out of 87, Beijing 19 out of 55 and Sydney 17 out of 52 (although 29 from the wider Sydney area in NSW).
To drill down on some figures we contacted 50 lighting design practices from across the globe ranging from sole traders to a practice with fourteen employees. We asked them some pertinent questions about their performance in 2021.
The average annual revenue for a company taking part in the survey was $427,000 (down from $573,250 in 2020 and $876,656 in 2019) representing a huge decline. However, last year some larger practices participated in the survey (one with 53 employees). Revenue per head is also down coming in at $74,846 per employee ($94,362 in 2020, $103,529 in 2019).
This year, the average amount of employees has reduced further to just under five (from just over six in 2020 and just under eleven in 2019). There is still good news for gender equality in the Lighting Design profession - out of the 50 practices we received information
from, the amount of female employees is, I kid you not, exactly 50% (down from 57% in 2020 and up from 48% in 2019).
More good news is that the average amount of projects secured in 2021 among the 50 companies has recovered, rising to 37 per practice (22 in 2020 and 34 in 2019). However, the amount of those being overseas from the practice’s head office is way down to just over two (down from nine in 2020 and four in 2019), perhaps an indication of practices winning more domestic projects as their economies are recovering. Out of the five US companies that participated in the survey, just one practice secured any projects overseas (six out of 100). Only one UK company participated in the survey and they had six overseas projects out of 22. The average amount of projects completed in 2021 was 28, a huge rise from eleven in 2020 and above 2019 (25) but still below 34 in 2018.
So the recovery is there but, based on these results, there is a long way to go before any sense of normality returns.
Industry events to note in your diary for 2022.
15-16 March New York, USA www.leducation.org
31 March London, UK www.darcawards.com
13-14 April London, UK www.architect-at-work.com
[D]ARC SESSIONS MEA 25-27 April Ras Al Khaimah, UAE www.darcsessions.com
10-13 May Barcelona, Spain www.iseurope.org
26-28 May Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam www.ledtecasia.co
9-12 June Guangzhou, China www.guangzhou-international-lightingexhibition.hk.messefrankfurt.com
21-23 June Las Vegas, USA www.lightfair.com
LEDFORUM.22 18-19 August São Paulo, Brazil www.ledforum.com.br
15-16 September Dallas, USA www.archlightsummit.com
29 September - 1 October Palm Springs, USA www.iald.org
LIGHT + BUILDING 2-6 October Frankfurt, Germany www.light-building.messefrankfurt.com
27-30 October Hong Kong, China www.hktdc.com
18-20 October Mykonos, Greece www.darcsessions.com
LiGHT 22 22-23 November London, UK www.lightexpo.london
ALLES ODER LICHT Schottenfeldgasse 72/2/8 1070 Vienna tel: +43 6503020881 www.allesoderlicht.com
BARTENBACH Rinner Strasse 14 6071 Aldrans / Tyrol tel: +43 51233380 www.bartenbach.com
ILLUMINATOR Argentinierstrasse 49 1040 Vienna tel: +43 69918888828 www.illuminator.at
NORBERT CHMEL Nobilegasse 56/5 1150 Vienna tel: +43 6644127011 www.norbertchmel.com
PETER ANDRES LICHTPLANUNG Wildschonauerstrasse Niederau 133 6314 Wildschonau tel: +49 15122963483 www.andres-lichtplanung.de
PODPOD DESIGN Ferrogasse 10/4 1180 Vienna tel: +43 14791212 www.podpoddesign.com
THE PARANORMAL UNICORN Kauergasse 10/6 1150 Vienna tel: +43 6503058632 www.theparanormalunicorn.com
VOGTPARTNER Wendelinsgasse 4 6835 Zwischenwasser tel: +43 552243150 www.vogtpartner.eu
ARROW ELECTRONICS 97-101/1/4A Landstrasser Hauptstrasse 1030 Vienna tel: +43 13604610
Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung
Gonzagagasse 1 / Morzinplatz 1010 Vienna tel: +43 18032182 www.artemide.com
e dAVNET SILICA Schonbrunner Strasse 297 - 307 1120 Vienna tel: +43 186642300
Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments
Rinner Strasse 14 6071 Aldrans / Tyrol tel: +43 51233380 www.bartenbach.com
BILTON INTERNATIONAL Industriestrasse 3 5760 Saalfelden tel: +43 658271164 www.biltongroup.com
DECO & LIGHTS Ludersdorf 202 8200 Gleisdorf tel: +43 311238111 www.deco-lights.at Distributor for: AEC, Lunux, Ragni
gEBV ELEKTRONIK Grünbergstrasse 15 Stiege 1 / 7 OG 1120 Vienna tel: +43 1891520 www.ebv.com Distributor for: Avago, Bridgelux, Everlight, Luminus, Osram, Samsung
Obere Tiebelgasse 7 9560 Feldkirchen tel: +43 42765507 www.eggerlicht.com
EGLO Heiligkreuz 22 6136 Pill tel: +43 524269960 www.eglo.com
ELECTROPLAST Ganghofergasse 29 1110 Vienna tel: +43 176969640 www.electroplast.at Distributor for: Albert, Collingwood, Ghidini
ERCO Engerthstrasse 151/Loft e.6 1020 Vienna tel: +43 179884940 www.erco.com
EURO UNITECH Floridsdorfer Hauptstrasse 1 1210 Vienna tel: +43 16627250 www.eurounitech.at Distributor for: Jung, Lichtwerk, Regiolux
EWO Grabenweg 3 6020 Innsbruck tel: +43 6503064799 www.ewo.com
Rinner Strasse 570 6073 Sistrans tel: +43 6767804868 www.exceedation.com Distributor for: AAG Stucchi, Casambi, Cooledge, EldoLED, Entity, Eulum Design, Luminus, Stoane Lighting, VS Lighting Solutions, Xicato
GEORG BECHTER LICHT Bach 201/2 6941 Langenegg tel: +43 551341072 www.georgbechterlicht.at
eGRUBER ELECTRIC Industriestrasse 4 2542 Kottingbrunn tel: +43 22522510800 www.gruber-electric.com Distributor for: Mean Well
HOLDERS TECHNOLOGY Europastrasse 4 6170 Zirl tel: +43 6765707800 www.holderstechnology.com Distributor for: Bertronic, Casambi, Dalcnet, Danlers, DMX Engineering, Enocean, Harvard, McWong, Olfer, Vadsbo
KREON Karntner Ring 4 1010 Vienna tel: +43 17154425 www.kreon.com
LDDE VERTRIEBS Dreherstrasse 64 1110 Vienna tel: +43 17671811 www.ldde.com
LED LINEAR Technologiepark 10 8380 Jennersdorf tel: +43 33299090070 www.led-linear.com
LEDVANCE Leonard-Bernstein-Strasse 10 1220 Vienna tel: +43 168068 www.ledvance.com
LEMAN Spiesshammergasse 1 1120 Vienna tel: +43 18135990 www.leman.at Distributor for: Ayrton, Coemar, Hungaroflash
LICHT ART Riedlstrasse 8 5303 Thalgau tel: +43 623550200 www.lichtart.com Distributor for: ArchilumO, Base LED, Espada, Intra Lighting, LED’s Go On, LEDFlex, TAL
LICHT-LAGER Aumühlweg 17-19 Halle 3E 2544 Leobersdorf tel: +43 6648210233 www.lichtlager.at Distributor for: G-Lec, GLP, Selecon
LICHTPARTNER Schmiedl strasse 1 8042 Graz tel: +43 316296009 www.lichtpartner.at Distributor for: Glamox, Leccor Leuchten
LICHTSTUDIO EISENKEIL Hoferweg 8 6134 Vomp tel: +43 524264348 www.lichtstudio.com Distributor for: Artemide, Flos, Reggiani, Viabizzuno, Wever & Ducré
LICHTSYSTEME KETTER Schwarzenbach 4A 4921 Hohenzell tel: +43 898197752 www.lichtsysteme.co.at Distributor for: Artemide, ES-System, Flos
LIGHTPOWER Banhofstrasse 17-19 4050 Traun tel: +43 69910616670 www.lightpower.de Distributor for: Clay Paky, Doughty, MA Lighting, Rosco, Wireless Solution
LIPRO Bayernstrasse 381 5071 Salzburg tel: +43 662853090 www.lipro-online.at Distributor for: Abacus
LKD - LICHT KOMMUNAL DIGITAL Münchner Bundesstrasse 144 5020 Salzburg tel: +43 6624325140 email: office@lkd.at www.lkd.at Distributor for: Ghm-Eclatec, JLC Tech, Lenneper Leuchten, Lighting, Lunoo, Norka, Planet, Thorlux, Wibre
LKD - Licht Kommunal Digital GmbH is based in Salzburg. Managing high quality lighting solutions for industrial applications as well as public lighting and emergency lighting is the main focus of the company. With T-BAR by JLC - LKD offers a unique luminaire, designed for grid ceilings, for the complete European market.
LTV Industriestrasse B-4 2345 Brunn/Gebirge tel: +43 22369003 www.ltv.at Distributor for: BJB, GE, Helvar, LTS, Megaman, Osram, Philips, Siteco, Tridonic, Wever & Ducré
LUMITECH Technologiepark 10 8380 Jennersdorf tel: +43 332990108300 www.lumitech.ca f
MOLTO LUCE Europastrasse 45 4600 Wels tel: +43 72426980 www.moltoluce.com Distributor for: Disano, Intra Lighting, Multiline, Prisma, Simes
MTEC Linzer Strasse 76 4600 Wels tel: +43 724260860 www.mtec.at Distributor for: LumenRadio, Neo-Neon
NANO80 Donaufelder Strasse 247 1220 Vienna tel: +43 12037901 www.nano80.at
ND BELEUCHTUNGSTECHNIK Hörzingerstrasse 62 4020 Linz tel: +43 720303702 www.nd-leuchten.at Distributor for: Alteme, Baulmann, Castaldi, Delta Light, Ghisamestieri, Norlight, Novalist, Oty
OSRAM Leonard-Bernstein-Strasse 10 1220 Vienna tel: +43 1680680 www.osram.com/ds
PLANLICHT Au 25 6134 Vomp tel: +43 524271608 www.planlicht.com Distributor for: B.lux, L&L Luce&Light
PROLICHT Gewerbepark 9 6091 Götzens tel: +43 523433499 www.prolicht.at
Murbangasse 1 1100 Vienna tel: +43 168022241 www.rexel.at Distributor for: B.E.G., Bilton, Eaton, Ledvance, Osram, RZB, Thorlux, Thorn, Trilux, Zumtobel
RIDI GROUP Industriepark Nord Rudolf-Hausner-Gasse 16 1220 Vienna tel: +43 17344210 www.ridi-group.com
RTC Butzestrasse 20 6922 Wolfurt tel: +43 557482829 www.rtc.at Distributor for: Griven, Prolyte, Zero 88
SCHRÉDER Oberlaaer Strasse 253 1230 Vienna tel: +43 1614330 www.schreder.com
SELUX Deutschstrasse 4 1230 Vienna tel: +43 16154690 www.selux.com
SIBLIK ELEKTRIK Murbangasse 6 1108 Vienna tel: +43 1680060 www.siblik.com Distributor for: Insta
SIGNIFY Triester Strasse 64 A 1101 Vienna tel: +43 810001098 www.signify.com
SITECO Leonard-Bernstein-Strasse 10 1220 Vienna tel: +43 1250240 www.siteco.com
SYLVANIA Twin Tower, Wienerbergstrasse 11/12b 1100 Vienna tel: +43 16174480 www.sylvania-lighting.com
TECHNIK DESIGN Walererstrasse 49 4605 Wels tel: +43 724266633 www.technikdesign.com Distributor for: Electron, Lee Filters, Studio Due
THORN LIGHTING Wagramer Strasse 19 1220 Vienna tel: +43 125826010 www.thornlighting.com
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES Leonard-Bernstein-Strasse 10 1220 Vienna tel: +43 1680680 www.traxontechnologies.com
TRIDONIC Farbergasse 15 6851 Dornbirn tel: +43 55723950 www.tridonic.com
TRILUX Modecenterstrasse 17 Business Park Marximum/Unit 2/4. OG 1110 Vienna tel: +43 186935380 www.trilux.com
VIENNA LIGHT Salstorgasse 1 1010 Vienna tel: +43 153386700 www.wienlicht.at Distributor for: Ansorg, Artemide, Bega, Delta Light, Erco, Flos, iGuzzini, Kreon, Simes, Targetti
WALDMANN Gewerbepark Wagram 7 4061 Pasching/Linz tel: +43 722967400 www.waldmann.com
XAL Auer-Welsbach-Gasse 36 8055 Graz tel: +43 3163170 www.xal.com
ZUMTOBEL Schweizer Strasse 30 6851 Dornbirn tel: +43 55723900 z.lighting
ACTLD Av. Wielemans Ceuppens 45/1 1190 Brussels tel: +32 23406030 www.actld.com
BARBARA HEDIGER Rue de Velaine 98 5060 Tamines/Sambreville tel: +32 71742082 www.hediger.be
CHRIS PYPE LICHT Cornet de Grezstraat 13 1030 Brussels tel: +32 477320833 www.chrispype.be
ELECTRIC & ARTS CELINE DECEUNINCK Bogaertstraat 15 9830 St Martens Latem tel: +32 51747195 www.electric-and-arts.com
GILADI ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Vlasmarkt 1C 9000 Ghent tel: +32 489550795
INGENIUM Nieuwe St-Annadreef 23 8200 Bruges tel: +32 50404530 www.ingenium.be
MAGIC MONKEY 179 Franz Merjay Street 1050 Brussels tel: +32 477222800 www.magicmonkey.net
RADIANCE 35 7 rue de la Boucherie 4000 Liège tel: +32 42859965 www.radiance35.eu
100%LIGHT Krommebeekpark 41 8800 Roeselare tel: +32 51406650 www.100percentlight.be
e dACE LIGHTING Kammenstraat 78 2000 Antwerp tel: +32 32252778 www.aceweb.be Distributor for: Bega, Flos, Louis Poulsen, Occhio, Tecnolumen, Verlichting
AED DISTRIBUTION Bedrijvenpark De Veert 13/004 2830 Willebroek tel: +32 38607650 www.aeddistribution.be Distributor for: GDS, GLP
Raf Vleugels Singel 3 2550 Kontich tel: +32 34583033 www.alcom.nl Distributor for: Cooledge
ALUCI Handboogstraat 20 8500 Kortrijk tel: +32 56306141 www.aluci.be
Woluwedal 30 A 1932 Sint Stevens Woluwe tel: +32 27254660 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
ART & LIGHT Rue de la Victoire 122 1060 Brussels tel: +32 24101810 www.artandlight.be Distributor for: Aluci
ARTEMIDE Beemdstraat 25 1601 Ruisbroek tel: +32 25340367 www.artemide.com
ARTRADA DESIGN Groenestraat 76 8691 Leisele tel: +32 475850817 www.artrada.be Distributor for: Simlux
AUDIO VISUAL LIGHTING D’ Helst 21 9280 Lebbeke tel: +32 52412924 www.avl.be Distributor for: Abstract AVR, Beacon, Colours, Derksen, DTS, LumenRadio, Schnick-SchnackSystems, Spotlight, Visual Productions
AVNET SILICA Axxes Business Park Guldensporenpark 17 Building B - 3rd Floor 9820 Merelbeke tel: +32 92102470 www.avnet-silica.com Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments f
AXIOMA Mannebeekstraat 31 8790 Waregem tel: +32 56622130 www.axioma.be Distributor for: Fagerhult, Flux, Helvar, LTS, Norka, Regent, Ridi Group, Simes, WE-EF
AXIS 71 Altenaken 11B 3320 Hoegaarden tel: +32 475322970 www.axis71.com
eBARCO Noordlaan 5 Industriezone 8520 Kuurne tel: +32 56368211 www.barco.com
BEGA Rijksweg 5 2870 Puurs tel: +32 38906050 www.bega.com
BIS LIGHTING Jetsesteenweg 409 1090 Brussels tel: +32 24213970 www.bislighting.be
BRAHY Rue Edith Cavell 107 1180 Brussels tel: +32 23472434 www.brahy.be Distributor for: Agabekov
BRICK IN THE WALL E. Bekaertlaan 53 8790 Waregem tel: +32 56604090 www.brickinthewall.eu
CONTROLLUX Ambachtsstraat 2B 2450 Meerhout tel: +32 13480600 www.controllux.nl Distributor for: Artistic License, ETC, Robe
CRESTRON Oude Keerbergsebaan 2 2820 Rijmenam tel: +32 15509950 www.crestron.eu
DANVER Tabakvest 63 2000 Antwerp tel: +32 32319517 www.danver.be Distributor for: Ribag
DARK Vliegplein 43 9991 Adegem tel: +32 50718140 www.dark.be Distributor for: Prolicht, Wibre
DELTA LIGHT Muizelstraat 2 Moorsele 8560 Wevelgem tel: +32 56435735 www.deltalight.com
DELUCI Kerrebroek 52 9850 Nevele tel: +32 93804344 www.deluci.be Distributor for: f-sign
DOXIS Horizonlaan 30 3600 Genk tel: +32 89621511 www.doxis.be
EBV ELEKTRONIK De Kleetlaan 3 1831 Diegem tel: +32 27160010 www.ebv.com Distributor for: Everlight, Ledil, Luminus, Osram, Samsung f
ECO LEDLIGHT 154 Rue Jean Jaurès 4430 Ans tel: +32 42473636 www.ecoleddlight.com Distributor for: Cree, Epistar, Nichia, Toshiba
ECOCONCEPT Avenue de la Reine Koninginnelaan 357 1020 Brussels tel: +32 27632094 www.ecoconceptsolutions.be Distributor for: Alto, Dongbu Lightec, formalighting, Ledea Light, Luxintec, Nordeon, O/M, Raat, Soraa, Verde LED
EDEN DESIGN Woudstraat 5A 3600 Genk tel: +32 89386036 www.edendesign.be
ELECTROCAM Rue Golden Hope Straat 35 B 1620 Drogenbos tel: +32 23755419 www.electrocam.be Distributor for: Meyer
EMJ LIGHTING Steenweg op Zevendonk 28b 2300 Turnhout tel: +32 14622460 www.emjlighting.be Distributor for: Holophane
ERCO Leuvensesteenweg 369 Bus 7 1932 Zaventem tel: +32 23407220 www.erco.com
ETAP Antwerpsesteenweg 130 2390 Malle tel: +32 33100211 www.etaplighting.com
EURO TENLIGHT Rue Zwartebeek, 9 1180 Brussels tel: +32 23761420 www.eurotenlight.be Distributor for: ELT
EUROKA Rue Bollinckx 15C 1070 Brussels tel: +32 25440400 www.euroka.be Distributor for: Flux Lighting, Ghm-Eclatec, GVA, Internova, Lednlux, Lenzi, Powergear Europe, Procedes Hallier, Schiefer Lighting, Tungsram
FOSFARI Oude Keerbergsebaan 2B 2820 Rijmenam tel: +32 15518534 www.fosfari.be Distributor for: AEC, Daisalux, Dexter, Hoffmeister, Insta, Roxo, Sill
FRAMAZ VERLICHTING Oudestraat 10 2630 Aartselaar tel: +32 38709698 www.framaz.be Distributor for: ATP, Boluce, Fael Luce, Francesconi, Glamox, Halla, Lamp, Luxo, Simon Lighting
FRANK DE NYS Mechelbaan 361 Unit 4 2580 Putte tel: +32 498444223 www.fdn-lighting.be Distributor for: Abacus d
FUTURE ELECTRONICS Scheringgasse 2 1800 Vilvoorde tel: +32 22570200 www.futureelectronics.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Carclo, Eaton, Ledil, Lumileds, Mean Well, Osram, Recom, Samsung LED, Signify f
GEWISS Wiedauwkaai 80C 9000 Gent tel: +32 92322730 www.gewiss.com d g
GOBOLAND Coremansstraat 8 2600 Antwerp tel: +32 32343739 www.goboland.com f
HENRI BRANT FLUX STUDIO Bisschoppenhoflaan 431-437 2100 Antwerp tel: +32 33257985 www.fluxstudio.be Distributor for: Wila
HESS Kerkstraat 68 8340 Damme tel: +32 473894263 www.hess.eu d g
HUGO NEUMANN 5 Parc Industriel Zone A 1440 Wauthier-Braine tel: +32 23678600 www.hugo-neumann.com Distributor for: ArchilumO, Casambi, Coelux, Griven, Linea Light Group, Louis Poulsen, Lumenpulse, Sattler, Soraa, Targetti
HUPPERTZ Chaussée de Louvain 88 1380 Lasne tel: +32 23343436 www.huppertz.be Distributor for: Meyer
IGUZZINI Residentie Het Museum II Museumstraat 11 Bus A 2000 Antwerp tel: +32 32411400 www.iguzzini.com
KINETURA Stationsstraat 198 8340 Sijsele – Damme tel: +32 475318408 www.kinetura.com
KLETZ Cesar Meeusstraat 1 9240 Zele tel: +32 52446160 www.kletz.be
e KREON Industrieweg-Noord 1152 3660 Oudsbergen tel: +32 89519631 email: mailbox@kreon.com www.kreon.com
Kreon is a Belgium-based company represented all over the world that has been developing producing architectural interior lighting (tools of light) and metal ceiling systems (ceiling solutions) since 1982. The basis for Kreons design is a very clear characteristic visualisation of the company’s philosophy: purity and simplicity.
LEDLAB De Bruwaan 73/A2 9700 Oudenaarde tel: +32 55330433 www.ledlab.be
LEDNLUX Slamstraat 1 3600 Genk tel: +32 89254455 www.lednlux.be
LEDSGO Drieslaan 6 8560 Wevelgem tel: +32 56424992 www.ledsgo.eu Distributor for: Casambi
LEDTECHNIC Vliegplein 55F 9991 Maldegem tel: +32 50688952 www.ledtechnic.be
LIGHT FACTORY Diestersteenweg 127 3510 Kermt tel: +32 11725004 www.lightfactory.be Distributor for: Bolichwerke
LIP Groenstraat 8 9840 De Pinte tel: +32 92826932 www.lipbelux.com Distributor for: Aura, BLV, L&L Luce&Light, Lumatec, Soraa
LITHOSS Moortelmeers 23 8740 Pittem tel: +32 56481598 www.lithoss.be
LIXERO Wingepark 27a 3110 Rotselaar tel: +32 16573415 www.lixero.be
LLINELL Lostraat 31 9920 Lovendegem tel: +32 475479524 www.llinell.li
LUMCO Brugsesteenweg 64 8740 Pittem tel: +32 51431414 www.lumco.eu
eLUMINEX LIGHTING CONTROL EQUIPMENT Berkenlaan 8a 3940 Hechtel-Eksel tel: +32 11812189 www.luminex.be
aLUNAR SOCIETY Schoonderbeukenweg 290 3202 Rillaar tel: +32 485567121 www.lunarsociety.be Distributor for: Zero
LUNOO Wantestraat 14 8780 Oostrozebeke tel: +32 56676100 www.lunoo.eu
LUX LUMEN Kernenergiestraat 53/A 2610 Wilrijk tel: +32 32933550 www.lux-lumen.com Distributor for: Pharos
LUXENDI Bisschoppenhoflaan 255 2100 Antwerp tel: +32 37460500 www.luxendi.com Distributor for: Adura LED Solutions, Dalcnet, Edison Opto, Khatod, LEDiL, Lumitech, Mean Well, Optoga, Self Electronics, Xicato
LUXILLAG Houtweg 54-56 1140 Brussels tel: +32 22427660 www.luxillag.be Distributor for: Creamsource, De Sisti, Dedo Light, Ianiro, Key Lite, Light Panels, Selecon, Tecpro
M-PRO Bedrijvenstraat 5775 3800 Sint-Truiden tel: +32 11684297 www.m-pro.be Distributor for: KScape
MGX BY MATERIALISE Technologielaan 15 3001 Leuven tel: +32 16396611 www.mgxbymaterialise.com
MODULAR Armoedestraat 71 8800 Roeselare tel: +32 51265656 www.supermodular.com
MULTILINE LICHT Europaweg 1 3560 Lummen tel: +32 011450260 www.multiline-licht.com
NEXT GENERATION LED Bergemeersenstraat 137 9300 Alst tel: +32 53710942 www.nextgenerationled.be Distributor for: Soraa
NIKO Industriepark West 40 9100 Sint-Niklaas tel: +32 37789000 www.niko.be
ORBIT Gelaagstraat 53A 9150 Rupelmonde tel: +32 38444533 www.orbit-lighting.com
PAINTING WITH LIGHT C-MINE 127 3600 Genk tel: +32 13313011 www.paintingwithlight.be Distributor for: Gantom
PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING Chaussée de Haecht 1880 1130 Brussels tel: +32 27055151 www.performanceinlighting.com
PHLIPPO SHOWLIGHTS Antwerpsesteenweg 334 2500 Lier tel: +32 34919170 www.phlippo.com
Distributor for: Electron, OPTI Kinetics, Spotlight
PIXLED John Cordierlaan 11 8400 Ostend tel: +32 59339910 www.pixled.com
PSM LIGHTING Groendreef 60 9880 Aalter tel: +32 93741951 www.psm-lighting.com
REXEL Zuiderlaan 91 1731 Zellik tel: +32 24824848 www.rexel.be Distributor for: Artemide, Delta Light, iGuzzini, Ledvance, Modular, Osram, Philips, RZB, TAL, XAL
ROYAL Elsendonkstraat 146 2560 Nijlen tel: +32 34112285 www.royalbotania.com
RUTRONIK Keppekouter 1 Ninovesteenweg 198 9320 Erembodegem-Aalst tel: +32 53606590 www.rutronik.com
Distributor for: Everlight, Recom, Samsung LED, Sharp
SCHILTZ Ch. De Gand 1034 1082 Brussels tel: +32 24644830 www.schiltz-norms.be Distributor for: Waldmann
SCHITTEKAT Ijzerenweglei 2E 2640 Mortsel tel: +32 34480898 www.schittekatlighting.be Distributor for: Arcluce, Cree, EEE, El Rico, ETL, LED 4 All, NDF, Regiolux
SCHRÉDER Rue de Lusambo 67 1190 Brussels tel: +32 81249500 www.schreder.com
SELUX Grote Steenweg 50 2550 Kontich-Waarloos tel: +32 34483037 www.selux.com
SG LIGHTING Blokhuisstraat 47 2800 Mechelen Noord Zone B tel: +32 15207271 www.sg-as.com e d
SIGNIFY Rue des Deux Stations 80 1070 Brussels tel: +32 25257575 www.signify.com
STAMO Weebroekweg 10 3071 Kortenberg tel: +32 27580404 www.stamo.be Distributor for: Sill
SYLVANIA Noorderlaan 105c 2030 Antwerp tel: +32 36104444 www.sylvania-lighting.com
TAL Moortelmeers 23 8740 Pittem tel: +32 51464341 www.tal.be
TEKNA Industriepark E17/3205 Stokkelaar 13 9160 Lokeren tel: +32 93480802 www.tekna.be
TELEREX Bisschoppenhoflaan 255 2100 Antwerp tel: +32 3326400 www.telerex-europe.com Distributor for: Dalcnet, Inventronics, Khatod, Mean Well
TERTIUM 124 Rue Beeckman 1180 Brussels tel: +32 3614858 www.tertium-group.com Distributor for: AAG Stucchi, Entity, TCI
THORN LIGHTING Rijksweg 47 KMO-Zone Pullaar 428 2870 Puurs tel: +32 38601660 www.thornlighting.com
TOSSB Karveelstraat 2 8380 Zeebrugge tel: +32 50543549 www.tossb.com
TRILUX Generaal de Wittelaan 9/18 2800 Mechelen tel: +32 15409010 www.trilux.com
TRIZO21 Kerrebroek 52 9850 Nevele tel: +32 93804343 www.trizo21.com
TRONIXX BELGIUM Oostensebaan 20 8470 Gistel tel: +32 59290995 www.tronixxbelgium.com Distributor for: feno, Force 7, Lumitech, Tridonic, Xinix
UNI-BRIGHT Belcrownlaan 13-Q 2100 Antwerp tel: +32 36416140 www.unibright.be
VALMONT Bosdel 61 3600 Genk tel: +32 89680234 email: info.be@valmont.com www.valmont.be g
Valmont® Structures supports our customers with a proven legacy of engineering leadership, manufacturing expertise and the most complete offering of infrastructure products and solutions available globally. Quality, integrity and innovation define Valmont Structures. Our portfolio of customengineered and exquisitely designed products includes an array of lighting, transportation, and smart solutions that help create bright, beautiful, and sustainable communities.
VANTAGE Binnendijk 40 9130 Beveren tel: +32 37733106 www.vantageemea.com a
WACO Hundelgemsesteenweg 80 9890 Baaigem-Gavere tel: +32 93624494 www.waco.be Distributor for: Fagerhult
WEVER & DUCRÉ Kwadestraat 153 – Bus 2.1 8800 Roeselare tel: +32 51622650 www.weverducre.com
XILLO Ten Briele 18.4 8200 Brugge West-Vlaanderen tel: +32 50946994 xillo.webs.com
Z-LINE Chaussee de Hal 156 1640 Sint Genesius Rode tel: +32 23812197 www.z-line.be
ZANGRA Rue Victor Pochet 14 5570 Vonèche tel: +32 23183783 www.zangra.com f
ZUMI Oostendse baan 22 8470 Gistel tel: +32 59290995 www.zumi.be
ZUMTOBEL Rijksweg 47 Industriezone Puurs Nr. 442 2870 Puurs tel: +32 38609393 z.lighting
ARCHITECTURALLIGHTING 29 Boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte 1331 Luxembourg City tel: +352 691610389 www.architecturallighting.lu
ILIGHT 54 Rue de la Forêt 1534 Luxembourg City tel: +352 661428721 www.ilight.eu.com
AEM Industrial Park Allée J.W. Leonard LU 7526 Mersch tel: +352 2600271 www.aem.lu Distributor for: Delta Light, Lithoss, Meyer, Prolicht, Selux, TAL
CONTROLLUX Wisswee 10a 5440 Schengen-Remerschen tel: +352 661491177 www.controllux.nl
Distributor for: Artistic License, ETC, Robe
CVR CONCEPT 74 route de Longwy 8080 Bertrange tel: +352 26259001 www.cvr.lu Distributor for: Artemide
ERS 18 rue Robert Stümper 2557 Gasperich tel: +352 290070 www.ers.lu Distributor for: Hess
FILAMENT STYLE 22 Avenue de la liberte BP 1057 1010 Luxembourg City tel: +352 20211503 www.filamentstyle.com
LUX INOTEC Zone Industrielle Rolach, Hall 4 5280 Sandweiler tel: +352 26665588 www.inotec.lu Distributor for: Siteco
MARCO ZENNER Z.I. Zare Est 4385 Ehlerange tel: +352 44154448 www.zenner.lu Distributor for: Hoffmeister, Intra Lighting, Kreon, Philips Lighting, Selux, Sill, SLV
MINUSINES 8 rue Hogenberg 1022 Luxembourg City tel: +352 495858 www.minusines.lu Distributor for: Bega, Erco, Modular, Norka, Osram, Regiolux, RZB
MODULAR 5 rue de l’église 1458 Hollerich tel: +352 4825681 www.supermodular.com
SENSLIGHT 19 Rue Eugène Ruppert 2453 Luxembourg City tel: +35 2621222378 www.senslight.lu Distributor for: Artemide, Bel, Franklite, GhmEclatec, iGizzini, Kreon, Philips, RZB, Vimar, Zumtobel
SIGNIFY 19 rue Eugene Ruppert 2453 Luxembourg City tel: +352 404061300 www.signify.com
SIPEL 42, ZAE Le Triangle Vert 5691 Ellange - Mondorf tel: +352 3166601 www.sipel.lu Distributor for: Ares, Erco, Flos, GVA, Regent, Schreder, Sill, Wibre, Wila, XAL
ZUMTOBEL Rue de Luxembourg 177 8077 Bertrange tel: +352 26440350 z.lighting
A BI ESSE PO Box 8307 1051 Tirana tel: +355 42407290 www.abiesse.al Distributor for: Artemide, Disano, Egoluce, Exenia, Flos, iGuzzini, Ivela, Linea Light Group, Osram, Panzeri
Tirana-Durres highway, km 8 Tirana tel: +355 42406633 www.albaelettrica.al Distributor for: Biffi Luce, goccia, iGuzzini, Ledvance, Wever & Ducré, XAL
Old Tirana Building 21/C Floor IX 1001 Tirana tel: +355 42261288 www.osram.com/ds
PROSOUND Rruga Bilal Golemi Ndertesa 28 Hyrja 1 Kodi postar 1019 Tirana tel: +355 694073773 www.prosound.al Distributor for: Martin
BOFFO Vardananc Street 18/2 0010 Yerevan tel: +374 10523532
www.boffo.am Distributor for: XAL
EUROLUCE INTERIORS 1 Leo Street 0002 Yerevan tel: +374 10536797 www.euroluceinteriors.com Distributor for: Arcluce, iGuzzini, Simes
SKYFOX 55 Komitas Street 0014 Yerevan tel: +374 93639883 www.skyfox.am Distributor for: Martin, Rosco
BELCULTPROJECT Kommunisticheskaya str. 10 220029 Minsk tel: +375 172909944
www.bcp.by Distributor for: Griven, MA Lighting, Prolyte, Selecon
GVA LIGHTING 6 Pervomayskaya Street 220030 Minsk tel: +375 172102909 www.gvalighting.by e d a
INTERLAMP Radial’naya, 11a-11 220070 Minsk tel: +375 172626622
www.interlamp.by Distributor for: Arte, Massive, Philips, Searchlight
LUXPOL 52, Franciska Scoriny street, off. 13-a 220141 Minsk tel: +375 172859383
www.luxpol.by Distributor for: Lighting Technologies, Philips
OSRAM ul. Voronianskogo 7a k48 220039 Minsk tel: +375 172723836 www.osram.com/ds
VECHE SVETOTECHNIKA ul. Sovetskich Pogranitschnikov, 114 1230027 Grodno tel: +375 152530008
www.veche.by Distributor for: LUG, Martin, Martini, Siteco, Thorn
Dzamijska 2 71000 Sarajevo tel: +387 33712840 www.epiee.ba Distributor for: Bega, Moonlight, Norka, Philips, SLV
INTRA LIGHTING Hasana Brkic´a 30 71000 Sarajevo tel: +387 33642841 www.intra-lighting.com
MANEDRA COMPANY Bisce polje b.b 88000 Mostar tel: +387 36350147 www.manedra.com
Distributor for: Ilti Luce, LEDS C4, Modular, Philips, Prolicht, Trilux
OSRAM Kraljice Katarine 51 88000 Mostar tel: +387 36449740 www.osram.com/ds
THORN LIGHTING Topal Osman Pase 18 71000 Sarajevo tel: +387 61172240 www.thornlighting.com
Topal Osman Pase 18 71000 Sarajevo tel: +387 61172240 z.lighting
LICHTKOMPETENZ 10-12 Ami Boue Street 1606 Sofia tel: +43 15223790 www.lichtkompetenz.ch
ALTRONICS LIGHT 13 6th September Str 1000 Sofia tel: +359 29809061 www.altronicslight.com
Distributor for: acdc, Dark, Erco, Meyer, Schréder
AMBITIO 60 Bulgaria Boulevard 1680 Sofia tel: +359 28598334 www.ambitio.bg
Distributor for: Brick In The Wall, Eden Design, Flos, Macrolux, Sattler, Wever & Ducré, XAL
EBV ELEKTRONIK 48 Sitnyakovo Blvd 10th floor Unit 1006 1505 Sofia tel: +359 29264337 www.ebv.com Distributor for: Everlight, Ledil, Luminus, Osram, Samsung f
ESPICA 66 Vitosha Blvd., 4th floor 1463 Sofia tel: +35 9895003647 www.espica.lighting
GAMMA DESIGN 49? Parchevich Street 1000 Sofia tel: +359 29879155 www.gammadesign-bg.com Distributor for: Kreon, Modular, Viabizzuno
GEII-BULGARIA Str. Dragan Tzankov 36 1040 Sofia tel: +359 29733148 www.gelighting.com.eu
HIT Vasil Levski Street, No 20 5139 Parvomaitsi tel: +359 61864909 www.hitlighting.com Distributor for: Concord, Ivela, Vossloh-Schwabe
KM&D 25 Tzar Simeon street office 401 9000 Varna tel: +359 52686080 www.kmandd.com Distributor for: Intra Lighting, Wila
LEDVANCE Bul. Shipka Passage 9 Grand Rent Offices Floor 4 Office 10 1111 Sofia tel: +359 29712262 www.ledvance.com
LUMEX 9 Arsenalski boulevard - Office 4 PO Box 91 1407 Sofia tel: +359 28624246 www.lumex.com.tw Distributor for: Almeco f
LUMINA Tzarigradsko Shouse Boulevard #91 bl. 113 1113 Sofia tel: +359 28700009 www.luminaltd.com Distributor for: Fagerhult, Modular, Regent
MAGNUM 7 82 Nikola Petkov Street 1618 Sofia tel: +359 29555770 www.magnum7.bg Distributor for: Zumtobel
1 Aviatsionna Street 4000 Plovdiv tel: +359 32620910 www.megaluxbg.com Distributor for: Agabekov
Mladost 146 ent. 1 floor 3 ap. 5 9000 Varna tel: +359 52985485 www.intra-lighting.com Distributor for: Intra Lighting
102 Bulgaria Boulevard Business Centre “Bellissimo” bl. B, fl2, office 22 1680 Sofia tel: +359 29835183 www.octa-light.com f
OMEGA LIGHT 22 Atanas Ishirkov Strasse Sofia tel: +359 8942442244 www.meanwell-bg.com Distributor for: Mean Well f
OSRAM Sitnyakovo Blvd. 48 Floor 6 Office 604 1505 Sofia tel: +359 29712262 www.osram.com/ds
PRISMA 47 Vasil Drumev Street 9002 Varna tel: +359 52684848 www.prisma-es.bg Distributor for: Fumagalli, LEDS C4, RZB
PROTECHNICA Trade Center Europe Boul. Iskarsko Shaussee 7 1528 Sofia tel: +359 29782025 www.pro-technica.com Distributor for: Martin
TELETEK 35 Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov Boulevard 1592 Sofia tel: +359 29694774 www.teletek-electronics.com Distributor for: Trilux
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES Sitnyakovo Boulevard 48 Floor 6, Office 604 1505 Sofia tel: +359 29712262 www.traxontechnologies.com
UNITEL-BANISHKI No. 51 Shipchenski prohod Boulevard 1111 Sofia tel: +359 29200666 www.unitel.bg Distributor for: Mean Well
V-TAC 1, Illiansko Shanssee Boulevard 1220 Sofia tel: +359 290566 www.v-tac.eu
VALTRONIC Bratia Miladinovi Street 16 1301 Sofia tel: +359 29881057 www.valtronic.bg
VSD MERKUR Office 31, entr 4 2 Nikolai Haitov street 1113 Sofia tel: +359 28705586 www.vsdmerkur.com.mk Distributor for: GE Lighting
NOVA-LUX Gundulic´eva 36B 31000 Osijek tel: +385 98409989 www.nova-lux.hr
SKIRA Veruda 60B 52100 Pula tel: +385 52535940 www.skira.hr
DEGA Medimurska 28 42000 Varazdin tel: +385 42290422 www.dega.hr Distributor for: Louis Poulsen, Targetti ELLABO Kamenarka 24 10010 Zagreb tel: +385 16611111 www.ellabo.hr Distributor for: Area Lite, Fael, GE, Legrand
ELTOR Stari Pazin bb 52000 Pazin tel: +385 52622832 www.eltor.hr
FILIX Stancija Pataj 52A 52000 Pazin tel: +385 52616658 email: info@filixlighting.com www.filixlighting.com
FILIX Lighting is an evolving and production oriented company whose major focuses are development and production of LED Lighting Fixtures. The FILIX Lighting product range is based on high quality outdoor and underwater lighting fixtures whose main purpose is to decorate and illuminate outdoor spaces and areas.
GUAPA Jarun 50 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 915019181 www.elr-group.com Distributor for: ELR
IBF GROUP Zavrtnica 17 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 16055735 www.ibf.hr Distributor for: acdc, Damla, Hoffmeister, Trilux
INTRA LIGHTING Ulica grada Vukovara 269 d 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 16389141 www.intra-lighting.com
JET OSIJEK Stjepana Radica 42/2 31000 Osijek tel: +385 31211690 www.jet.hr Distributor for: Ledzworld
LEDVANCE Visnjevac 3 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 13032000 www.ledvance.com
LOST Krese Golika 7 (Jankomir) 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 18000710 www.meanwell-napajanja.hr Distributor for: Mean Well f
LUKS Marseti 16d 52000 Pazin tel: +385 52619130 www.luks.hr Distributor for: Exenis, Louis Poulsen, Lucifero’s, Neri, Simes, Targetti, Vimar
LUMA ENERGY Miramarska 24 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 14657705
Distributor for: Artemide, Dialight, Erco, Flos, L&L Luce&Light, Linea Light Group, Norka, Osram, Prolicht, SLV
LUMENART Veruda 60/B Hrvatska 52100 Pula tel: +385 52535939
Distributor for: Artemide, Delta Light, Flos, GVA, iGuzzini, Lutron, Pharos, Viabizzuno, XAL
NEON CENTAR Lukoranska 2a 10020 Zagreb tel: +385 14553901 www.neoncentar.hr Distributor for: Mean Well f
NOX Zagrebacka 13/1 42000 Varazdin tel: +385 42290475 www.nox.com.hr Distributor for: Civic, Dark, Osram, Prolicht, SLV, Wever & Ducré, XAL
ORTOFORMA Kamenita 2 01000 Zagreb tel: +385 14851489 www.ortoforma.hr Distributor for: Agabekov, Belux, Erco, Louis Poulsen
OSRAM Visnjevac 3 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 13032000 www.osram.com/ds
OZONE PLUS Horvacanska 21 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 13688070 www.ozoneplus.hr Distributor for: Ares, Artemide, atelier Sedap, Cariboni, Castaldi, ES-System, formalighting, Lival, Lucente, Wever & Ducré
PRO-LUX II Vranducka 1 41000 Zagreb tel: +385 13095269 www.amai.hr Distributor for: GLP, Griven
RIBARIC Zaharova 9 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 16065480 www.ribaric.hr Distributor for: Flos, Modular, Novalux
SPEKTO Bijenieka 35 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 14628220 www.spekto.hr Distributor for: Bega, Glashütte Limburg, Meyer, Zumtobel
TELEKTRA Industrijska cesta 15 Sesvete 10360 Zagreb tel: +385 12050666 www.telektra.hr Distributor for: Fagerhult, iLight, Multiline, Prisma, Regiolux, TAL, XAL, Zumtobel
THORN LIGHTING Petra Hektorovica 2 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 16404080 www.thornlighting.com
X LIGHT Medimurska 28 42000 Varazdin tel: +385 42290423 www.xlight.dk Distributor for: Prolicht
ZUMTOBEL Radnicka cesta 80 Zagrebtower 10000 Zagreb tel: +385 16404080
BEL CANDOR Pavelkova 3389/15 14300 Prague 4 tel: +420 222941812
A.M.O.S. DESIGN Beethovenova 9 60105 Brno tel: +420 542212898 www.amosdesign.cz Distributor for: Artemide
ABATEC Hrncírská 896/31 60200 Brno tel: +420 545211886 www.abatec.cz Distributor for: Abacus
ALMIO Dobronickà 1257 14800 Prague 4 - Kunratice tel: +420 261112270 www.almio.cz Distributor for: Almeco ANOLIS Palackeho 416/20 75701 Valasske Meziric tel: +420 571751500 email: info@robe.cz www.robe.cz
Robe is among the world’s leading moving light manufacturers, recognised for its innovation, quality and engineering. Robe’s moving and LED lights are working and installed on stages, in concert halls, theatres and all types of other venues as well as at theme park attractions and entering the specialist worlds of architectural and environmental illumination.
APRO LUX Plovdivská 3426/7 14300 Prague 4 tel: +420 244400400 www.aprolux.cz Distributor for: Glamox, Lithoss, TAL
ARCHILIGHT Ke Zvoli 783 Dolni Brezany 25241 Prague West tel: +420 731172018 www.archilight.eu
ARROW ELECTRONICS Hvêzdova 1716/2b 14078 Prague 4 tel: +420 222755480 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung
ARTLITE STUDIO Prazska 142 50004 Hradec Králové tel: +420 602242972 www.artlite.cz Distributor for: Regiolux
ASIS IMPORT 5. kvetna 1779 Úvaly 25082 Prague tel: +420 602305553 www.ledpoint.cz Distributor for: Singbee
AUDIOMASTER Ocelárská 937/39 19000 Prague 9 tel: +420 800131134 www.audiomaster.cz Distributor for: LDDE, Spotlight
AULIX LIGHTING Namesti Na Sadkach 705 Dolní Brˇezˇany 25241 Prague tel: +420 246083152 www.aulix.cz Distributor for: Ligman
AVNET SILICA Amazon Court, Karolinska 661/4 18600 Prague tel: +420 234091031 www.avnet-silica.com Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments f
BERNDORF BÄDERBAU Bystrice 1312 73995 Bystrice nad Olsˇi tel: +420 800331173 www.berndorf-bazeny.cz Distributor for: Wibre
BLOMUS Krizikova 209/51 18600 Prague 8 tel: +420 222316990 www.blomus.cz Distributor for: TAL
BULB Jankovcova 1037/49 17000 Prague 7 tel: +420 220805410 www.bulb.cz Distributor for: Ansorg, Flos, Modular
DATMOLUX Novacek 27 61400 Brno tel: +420 602511650 www.datmolux.cz Distributor for: Harvard Engineering DELTA LIGHT Vlastislavova 11 14000 Prague tel: +420 241740775 www.deltalight.com
EKOSVETLO Ripov 7 67401 Trebíc tel: +420 778009966 www.ekosvetlo.cz Distributor for: Ghm-Eclatec, OMS, Spectrasol, Sylvania, Trevos, Tungsram
ELEKTROLICHT Masná 27/9 60200 Brno tel: +420 545321284 www.elektrolicht.cz Distributor for: Ghidini, Holophane, Meyer, Molto Luce, Norka, Regent, Wila, XAL ENIKA.CZ Vlkov 33 509 01 Nová Paka tel: +420 493773311 email: enika@enika.cz www.enika.eu Distributor for: Castaldi, ESSE-CI, Performance iN Lighting, Regiolux, Waldmann
ENIKA.CZ is a major manufacturer of installation electronics and wireless control systems with its own research, development and testing centre. The company’s product portfolio includes the intelligent lighting and shading control system POSEIDON®, which was developed to achieve significant energy savings, flexibility for future modifications and maximum user comfort.
ERCO Jana Masaryka 3/456 12000 Prague 2 tel: +420 222511116 www.erco.com
ESAGONO Korunni 65 12000 Prague tel: +420 222521122 www.esagono.cz Distributor for: AEC, Lucifero’s, Quattrobi, Targetti
ETNA Mecislavova 2 14000 Prague 4 tel: +420 257320595 www.etna.cz Distributor for: Gitronica, iGuzzini, Ludwig Leuchten, NERI, SAAS, VLM
eEXX Karlovarská 1104/14 16300 Prague 6 tel: +420 235097611
www.exx.cz Distributor for: Intra Lighting
GE LIGHTING Lidická 965 / 31 60200 Brno tel: +420 541321015 www.gelighting.com
GM ELECTRONIC U Trati 223 25261 Dobroviz tel: +420 226535215 www.gme.cz Distributor for: Mean Well
HALLA Litvínovská 288/11 190 00 Prague 9 tel: +420 286884205 www.halla.eu
HORMEN Na dolinach 168/6 Podoli 147000 Prague 4 tel: +420 244470408 www.hormen.cz Distributor for: Ligman
ILUMIX LIGHT Holecˇkova 368/4 36017 Karlovy Vary tel: +420 773900590 www.ilumix.cz Distributor for: Modular, Powergear, SLV
IMI LIGHTING Evropska 129/372 16200 Prague 6 tel: +420 234139035 www.imilighting.cz Distributor for: LED Linear
INGE LIGHTING SYSTEMS Stará silnice 3 74601 Opava tel: +420 553602133 www.inge.cz
IQS NANOPTIQS Hlavní 130 25068 Husinec – Rez tel: +420 725461541 www.nanoptiqs.com f
KRATOCHVIL Bienerova 1532 27401 Slany tel: +420 312500611 www.kratochvil-elektro.cz Distributor for: Fozz f
LEDVANCE U Slavie 1540/2a 10000 Prague tel: +420 272118855 www.ledvance.com
The Burghers’ Brewery 6 17000 Prague 7 tel: +420 775381677 www.lightneq-cz.cz Distributor for: MA Lighting, Prolyte
LIGMAN VGP Park Ustínad Labem P2 120 40317 Prestanov tel: +420 477071500 email: sales.cz@ligman.com www.ligman.com
LIGMAN is committed to producing worldclass, high efficiency and top quality outdoor and indoor lighting products. Utilising state of the art advanced modern technology, the highest level of techincal expertise and innovative design, LIGMAN has an impressioned focus for offering customers total lighting solutions.
LUMIDEE Svornosti 12 15000 Prague tel: +420 547212150 www.lumidee.cz Distributor for: Astro, Halla, L&L Luce&Light, Lamp, LEDS C4, Ledvance, Ridi Group, RZB, Sylvania
LUMINEX Petra Rezka 10/1203 14000 Prague 4 tel: +420 261215872 www.luminex.cz Distributor for: Artemide, Bruck, Luminex, Oligo, Paulmann
MYLIGHT Trnitá 491/3 60200 Brno tel: +420 538704111 www.mylight.cz Distributor for: Artemide, Bega, Delta Light, Flos, L&L Luce&Light, Molto Luce, Occhio, Prolicht, Sattler, Zumtobel
OBRAZ A ZVUK Na baste sv. Jiri 15 / 262 16000 Prague 6 Hradcany tel: +420 233344231 www.obrazazvuk.cz Distributor for: iLight
OSRAM U Slavie 1540/2a 10000 Prague tel: +420 272118850 www.osram.com/ds
PANASONIC Centrála v Praze Thámova 13 18600 Prague 8 tel: +420 236032511 www.panasonic.com
fPANLUX Kladruby 108 41501 Teplice tel: +420 417536816 www.panlux.cz
PRODANCE Osadni 799/26 17000 Prague 7 tel: +420 220806054 www.prodance.cz Distributor for: GLP, OPTI Kinetics
PROFILUX Bauerova 491/10 60200 Brno tel: +420 543215566 www.profilux.cz Distributor for: Ares, Civic, formalighting, Loxone, Lucis, MoltoLuce, Selux, Targetti, Viabizzuno, Vibia
PROLICHT Plzenˇská 545/42 15000 Prague tel: +420 604104534 www.prolicht.at
RUTRONIK Papirenska 1 16000 Prague 6 tel: +420 233343120 www.rutronik.com Distributor for: Everlight, Recom, Rohm, Samsung LED, Sharp SCHRÉDER Vinohradskà 74 130000 Prague tel: +420 222522930 www.artechnic-schreder.cz
SIGNIFY Safrankova 1238 / 1 15500 Prague 5 tel: +420 233099111 www.signify.com
THORN LIGHTING Jankovcova 2 17000 Prague 7 tel: +420 266782200 www.thornlighting.com
TREVOS Masov 34 51101 Turnov tel: +420 737225058 www.trevos.eu
TRILUX Prumyslova 7 10200 Prague 10 - Hostivar tel: +420 272706350 www.trilux.com
TRON ELEKTRONICKE SOUCASTKY Karasek 1 62100 Brno - Reckovice tel: +420 541420720 www.tron.cz Distributor for: Mean Well f
U1 LIGHTING Nejedlého 373/1 63800 Brno tel: +420 543255033 www.u1.cz Distributor for: Artemide, Bega, Belux, Ewo, Thorn, Wever & Ducré, XAL, Zumtobel
UNI LIGHT Hermanova 2 17000 Prague 7 tel: +420 266712709 www.unilight.cz Distributor for: acdc, Artemide, Lumino, Lutron, Nord Light, Prolicht, Reggiani
VERNO LIGHT Radougnova 2681/24 15500 Prague 5 tel: +420 608702651 www.vernolight.cz Distributor for: DGA, Ivela, LTS
ZUMTOBEL Jankovcova 2 17000 Prague 7 tel: +420 266782200 z.lighting
TIPRIIT VALGUSDISAIN Tatari 64 10134 Tallinn tel: +372 6611991 www.tipriit.ee
eARPEN ELEKTER Pärnu mnt. 139/H 11317 Tallinn tel: +372 6506347 Distributor for: Zumtobel
ARROW ELECTRONICS Sopruse Pst 145, Section A Floor 5 13417 Tallinn tel: +372 6774250 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
AS VOLTA Industrial 47 10416 Tallinn tel: +372 6120673 www.voltalumen.com
AVNET SILICA Aida 5 80011 Parnu tel: +372 5637737 www.avnet-silica.com Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments f
FAGERHULT Artelli 10c 10621 Tallinn tel: +372 6507901 www.fagerhult.com
GLAMOX LUXONIC Keki 2 76606 Keila tel: +372 6712300 www.glamox.com
HEDENGREN Tartu Road 173/1 Peetri küla, Rae vald 75301 Harjumaa tel: +372 6275070 www.hedengren.ee Distributor for: Bega, Boom, Glashütte Limburg, Zumtobel
HEKTOR LIGHT Ringtee 26 51013 Tartu tel: +372 6154511 www.hektor.ee Distributor for: Flos, Intra Lighting, Linea Light Group, Meyer, Regiolux, RZB, SLV
KUU STUUDIO Sõle 23 10614 Tallinn tel: +372 5533368 www.kuustuudio.ee Distributor for: Ares, i-Led, iLight, Intra Lighting, Trizo21
LAMPARD Raua tn 10 10124 Tallinn tel: +372 5519001 www.lampard.ee Distributor for: AQform, Flos, Intra Lighting, Onok
LATERNA MAGICA Kreutzwaldi 8 10124 Tallin tel: +372 6466994 www.laterna.ee Distributor for: Artemide, Augenti, B.lux, Bega, Dark, Eden Design, Linea Light Group, Platek, SLV, Trizo21
LICHT Tartu mnt 80d 10621 Tallinn tel: +372 6051806 www.licht.ee Distributor for: Ansorg, Belux, Castaldi, Hess, Martini, Regent
LIGHTVISION Kadaka tee 50-10B 12915 Tallinn tel: +372 5346809 www.lightvision.ee Distributor for: Ligman
MOODNE VALGUSTUS Rävala pst 7 10143 Tallinn tel: +372 6676670 www.valgustus.ee Distributor for: Astro, ES-System, Halla, iGuzzini, Ivela, Lamp, Modular, Reggiani, TAL, XAL
NITT Masina 22 10144 Tallinn tel: +372 6418189 www.valgusmaania.ee Distributor for: Molto Luce, Multiline, SLV
OSRAM Väike-Paala 1 11415 Tallinn tel: +372 6308807 www.osram.com/ds
PROLICHT Veerenni 24 2410135 Tallinn tel: +372 6098402 www.prolicht.at
eSALONG VALGUSMAANIA Pärnu mnt 80 10131 Tallinn tel: +372 6418189 www.valgusmaania.ee Distributor for: Ghidini, Wever & Ducré
SAROS DESIGN Oru 18A 20205 Narva tel: +372 3566322 www.sarosest.com
SILMANI ELEKTER Kadaka Tee 56 12915 Tallinn tel: +372 6711220 www.silman.ee Distributor for: Arcluce, Casambi, Insta, Martinelli Luce, Mizar, Multiline, Serien, Tre Ci Luce, Trilux, Viabizzuno
TALGER-ELEKTROTEHNIKA Betooni 14 11415 Tallinn tel: +372 6838814 www.talger.ee Distributor for: Zumtobel
ARTE Bimbó út 79 1022 Budapest tel: +36 205398718 www.arte.co.hu
MADEBYLIGHT Bajnok utca 1 1063 Budapest tel: +36 302038639 www.madebylight.eu
ALL LIGHT Csorbai út 5 1119 Budapest tel: +36 17821641 www.alllight.hu
Distributor for: iGuzzini, Regiolux
Andrássy út 99 1062 Budapest tel: +36 708823680 www.ambilight.hu Distributor for: Prolicht
ARROW ELECTRONICS Vácí ut 140 1138 Budapest tel: +36 12887300 www.arrow.com
Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
AURORA Sziv utca 9 1063 Budapest tel: +36 309190081
AVL TRADE Budafoki út 187-189 1117 Budapest tel: +36 12360560 www.avltrade.hu Distributor for: Robe, Visual Productions
AVNET SILICA Budafoki ut 91-93 IP WEST / Building B 1117 Budapest tel: +36 14367215 www.avnet-silica.com
Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments f
BE LIGHT Szépvölgyi út 146 1025 Budapest tel: +36 14380748 www.belight.hu Distributor for: Astro, Casambi, Delta Light, ESSystem, Flos, Imperial, Lamp, Regiolux, Simes, Zumtobel
CANDELA 58 Huszti Road 1033 Budapest tel: +36 12505118 www.candela.co.uk Distributor for: Bruck, Plexiform, Waldmann, Wila
ERCO Kereskedelmi Képviselet, Irányi u. 1. mfsz. 2 1056 Budapest tel: +36 12660006 www.erco.com
GE LIGHTING Váci út 77 1044 Budapest tel: +36 12315280 www.gelighting.com
GEWISS Ceglédi út. 2 1107 Budapest tel: +36 19511496 www.gewiss.com
HELVAR Lomb u. 31/b 1139 Budapest tel: +36 12393136 www.helvar.com
HOFEKA Gyömröi ut 51 1103 Budapest, tel: +36 209594072 www.hofeka.hu Distributor for: Ghm-Eclatec, Mitas
HOLUX LIGHTING SYSTEMS Béke u. 51-55 1135 Budapest tel: +36 14502700 www.holux.hu Distributor for: Havells-Sylvania, Ridi Group, Tridonic, VLM
HUNGAROFLASH Bécsi u. 244 C Epulet 1037 Budapest tel: +36 13681446 www.hungaroflash.com
K-LIGHT Andor u. 47-49 1119 Budapest tel: +36 14635023 www.klight.hu Distributor for: Castaldi, iGuzzini, Mareco Luce, Norlight, Platek, PUK, RZB
LAMP 83 Terez, Korut 11 1067 Budapest tel: +36 706148036 www.lamp83.com
LEDVANCE Nagyszo˝lo˝s utca 11-15 1113 Budapest tel: +36 12017781 www.ledvance.com
LISYS-PROJECT Mogyoród útja 12-14 1151 Budapest tel: +36 309641364 www.lisys.hu Distributor for: Barrisol, Intra Lighting, Lutron, Wibre
OSRAM Fehérvári út 84/A 1119 Budapest tel: +36 12253055 www.osram.com/ds
PANASONIC Neumann János u. 1 1117 Budapest tel: +36 40201006 www.panasonic.com f
PARAFIX Vegyész u. 17-25 1116 Budapest tel: +36 12032925 www.parafix.com Distributor for: Furukawa
PROMIKA Szentendrei út 89-93 1033 Budapest tel: +36 13700353 www.promika.hu Distributor for: Intra Lighting
REFLECT LIGHTING AND TRADING Kazinczy u. 124/b 2045 Törökbálint tel: +36 23335555 www.reflect.hu Distributor for: Fagerhult, iLight, Prisma
RUTRONIK Magyarorszag Kft, Fehévári ut. 89-95 1119 Budapest tel: +36 13710666 www.rutronik.com Distributor for: Everlight, Recom, Rohm, Samsung LED, Sharp
SCHRÉDER Topart 2 2084 Pilisszentivan tel: +36 26568000 www.schreder.com
SIGNIFY Alice Street First 1117 Budapest tel: +36 13821852 www.signify.com
T LIGHTING 2nd Street Works 2040 Budapest tel: +36 23501570 www.t-lighting.hu Distributor for: Thorn
TRILUX BudaPlaza Irodaház Budafoki u. 111 1117 Budapest tel: +36 14810469 www.trilux.com
TUNGSRAM 77 Váci Street 1044 Budapest tel: +36 704386399 www.tungsram.com
ZAJ Jókai utca 9-11 1066 Budapest tel: +36 13327105 www.zaj.hu Distributor for: Griven, SGM
ZUMTOBEL Váci út 49 1134 Budapest tel: +36 14502490 z.lighting
ARCHLIGHTING Str.Kalbria p.n. 1000 Prisˇtina tel: +377 44239753 www.archlighting-ks.com Distributor for: iGuzzini, Kolarz, LEDS C4, Linea Light Group, Martini, Thorn
A.R. ELEKTRO Noliktavas Street 5 1010 Riga tel: +371 7222220 www.apgaismojums.lv Distributor for: Martini, SLV, Trilux
AKZU Juurkalnes iela 1 1046 Riga tel: +371 25155078 www.akzu.com
ATLANTIC STAR Dzelzavas 117-404 1021 Riga tel: +371 29519649 www.atlanticstar.lv
ELEKTROSTUDIJA Ieriku iela 67a 1084 Riga tel: +371 67550777 www.elektrostudija.lv Distributor for: Bega, Jung, RZB, Schmitz Leuchten, Zumtobel
GAISMAS STILS Maskavas iela 12 1050 Riga tel: +371 67276760 www.gaismasstils.lv Distributor for: iGuzzini, Intra Lighting, Marset, Prisma, Reggiani
ILUMA Brivibas Iela 137 1012 Riga tel: +371 67290090 www.iluma.lv Distributor for: Ghm-Eclatec, Glamox, Sill, Spectral
ILUMINATORS Rupniecibas 22-47 1010 Riga tel: +371 67501715 www.iluminators.lv Distributor for: Flos, Metalarte
MISURA Unijas Street 8A 1084 Riga tel: +371 67412727 www.misura.lv Distributor for: Delta Light, Regiolux, RZB
MODULS INTERIEUR K. Ulmana gatve 140 1029 Riga tel: +371 67813661 www.moduls.lv Distributor for: Insta, Lighta Lighting, Wever & Ducré, XAL
OSRAM Oy Osram Ab parstavnieciba Vienibas gatve 109, 6.6.1 1058 Riga tel: +371 66117596 www.osram.com/ds
PRO1 STAGE Str. Melluzu 1 1067 Riga tel: +371 67441331 www.stage.lv Distributor for: CLS, Martin, Spotlight
SGS SISTEMAS Plenes Iela 4 1046 Riga tel: +371 7607133 www.sgssistemas.lv Distributor for: Clay Paky, MA Lighting, Pulsar, SGM
SIA G-ELEKTRO Noliktavas iela 5 1010 Riga tel: +371 67222220 www.apgaismojums.lv Distributor for: acdc, Martini, SLV, Trilux
AKTOLED Mituvos str. 4 LT-50130 Kaunas tel: +370 6203411 www.aktoled.com
ARDENA Vytenio g. 20 03229 Vilnius tel: +370 52160717 www.ardena.lt Distributor for: AQform, Ares, Disano, Fagerhult, Fosnova, Lival, Osram, Philips, Regiolux, Simes
AREVITA Baltu Avenue 145 47125 Kaunas tel: +370 37334074 www.arevita.com
ECOLIGHT Moletu str. 13 PC Moletu Link Didzioji Riese 14260 Vilnius tel: +370 52328207 www.ecolight.lt
ELEKTROBALT Latviu˛ Street 15/2-53 08113 Vilnius tel: +370 52124508 www.elektrobalt.lt Distributor for: Zumtobel
ELMO LIGHT Kreves 49 49438 Kaunas tel: +370 67132401 www.elmo.lt Distributor for: Norka
GAUDRE Ateities Street 10 2057 Vilnius tel: +370 52796162
www.gaudre.lt Distributor for: Ansorg, Glamox, Martini, Metalarte, Modular
HOLECTRON Salininku Street 84 02223 Vilnius tel: +370 61242446 www.holectron.com
e dKORGAS P. Luksio Street 19 09132 Vilnius tel: +370 52741500 www.korgas.lt Distributor for: B.Lux, BetaLED, Flos, iGuzzini, Prolicht, Ruud Lighting, Trilux
LAMP Satiju km., Abrikosu 14 54432 Kauno raj tel: +370 61698739 www.lamp.es
LEMONA Volunteer Avenue 271 Mituvos G. 2 50131 Kaunas tel: +370 37337711 www.lemona.lt Distributor for: Mean Well
LIGHT CONSULTING GROUP Vilkepedes Street 22 3151 Vilnius tel: +370 52754766 www.lcgroup.lt Distributor for: Abacus
MAZGAS Uosio street 8b 50132 Kaunas tel: +370 37330872 www.mazgas.lt Distributor for: Griven, Tre Ci Luce
MEX R. Jankausko street 6 2050 Vilnius tel: +370 52402404 www.mex.lt Distributor for: Iluminarc, Martin
OSRAM Verslo centras (Orange office) Senasis Ukmerges kel. 4 Uzubaliu km 14013 Vilniaus rajonas tel: +370 52195368 www.osram.com/ds
PROMODUS Kuzmos str. 4-1 44280 Kaunas tel: +370 37207596 www.promodus.lt Distributor for: Eden Design, Intra Lighting, Marset
REDZIUS Kalvariju g. 125, 11 korp. 604 kab 08221 Vilnius tel: +370 34370704 www.redzius.lt Distributor for: ETC, MA Lighting
SOSTINES SVIESOS Didzioji 25-6 2001 Vilnius tel: +370 52120417 www.sviesos.lt Distributor for: Zumtobel
SˇVIESOS TECHNOLOGIJOS Latviu˛ str 15/2-53 LT-08123 Vilnius tel: +370 61499900 www.svt.lt Distributor for: Ligman
THINK LIGHT T. Sevcenkos g. 16A 03111 Vilnius tel: +370 52395910 www.thinklight.lt Distributor for: Arcluce, Erco, Insta, Kreon, Ledvance, LTS, Meyer, One A, Regiolux, Tal
UAB KORGAS J. Kubiliaus g. 6 08234 Vilnius tel: +370 52741500 www.korgas.lt Distributor for: ares, Flos, Ghidini, Griven, iGuzzini, Intra Lighting, L&L Luce&Light, Lightnet, Prolicht, Trilux
ELECKTRO DIZAJN Kole Nedelkovski 24a
1000 Skopje tel: +389 23217535
www.elektrodizajn.com Distributor for: acdc
LUX Majka Tereza 2, lok. 2 (Vodnjanska 2, lok. 2)
1000 Skopje tel: +389 23116735 www.lux.com.mk Distributor for: Artemide, Flos
MIKONG Vostanicka 41 1000 Skopje tel: +389 22734119 Distributor for: Trilux
DC Kuzman Skopje, Mitropolit Teodosij Gologanov 28/II-18 2nd Floor Office 18 1000 Skopje tel: +389 23296224 www.osram.com/ds
STETRA St. Nikola Tesla No.2 1/1 1000 Skopje tel: +389 23066640 www.stetra.com.mk
eVSD MERKUR Vasil Glavinov 7B/3 1000 Skopje tel: +389 23244790 www.vsdmerkur.com.mk Distributor for: GE Lighting
ELECTROSERVICE Str. Bolgarskaia 9 of 6 2001 Kishinev tel: +373 22274427 www.electro.md Distributor for: Zumtobel
IVASART Calea E°ilor Street 29 Chisinau tel: +373 22291899 www.ivasart.md Distributor for: MA Lighting
OSRAM Str. Sfatul Tarii 27 2012 Chisinau tel: +373 22237306 www.osram.com/ds
HEBLU LIGHTING DESIGN Doctor Contantin Caracas nr. 4 Sector 1 011155 Bucharest tel: +40 754386628 www.heblu.ro
ATRIUM DESIGN str. Balciului 1 021501 Bucharest tel: +40 212524653 www.atrium.ro Distributor for: Aldabra, B.lux, GKD, Halla, Insolit, Molto Luce, Sattler, The Light Group, XAL
AVNET SILICA Calea Floreasca 175 - 8th Floor - 1st District 014472 Bucharest tel: +40 215281632 www.avnet-silica.com Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments f
BLASER 40 Livezilor Street 300600 Timisoara tel: +40 356005035 www.blasertm.ro Distributor for: Performance in Lighting DB TECHNOLIGHT 109bis, Zizinului Street 500407 Brasov tel: +40 268885519 www.dbt.ro Distributor for: Coemar, LDDE
DEMCO Str. Matei Elina Voievod nr. 14A, Sector 2 021462 Bucharest tel: +40 212505088 www.demco.ro Distributor for: Bega, Fagerhult, Gira, Glasshütte Limburg
DIETAL Strada Campul Alb Nr.50 505100 Codlea tel: +40 268254050 www.dietal.com
ENERGOLUX Street Taietura Turcului nr.47/11 / Parcul Industrial Tetarom I 400221 Cluj-Napoca tel: +40 264207500
Distributor for: Zumtobel
ENLIGHT SOLUTIONS Street General Petre Popovat Nr. 58, Ap. 3 Sector 6 060314 Bucharest tel: +40 316201995 www.enlight.ro Distributor for: Lucent, Mode, Oldham Lighting, Universal Fibre Optics
GEWISS Sos. Pipera Nr. 46D-46E-48 Oregon Park Cladirea B, Etajul 4, Unitatea B.4.3.2., Sector 2 014255 Bucharest tel: +40 314370650 www.gewiss.com
GRAFFITTI’94 RBI PRODCOM Sos. Pantelimon Nr° 300 4th floor Sector 2 02 1655 Bucharest tel: +40 212556781 www.surssa.ro Distributor for: Martinelli Luce, TAL
GREENTEK 2-4, Ing George Constantinescu Street 2nd District 020339 Bucharest tel: +40 212302464 www.greentek.eu
HELIOS Street Heliade intre Vii, nr. 8, Etaj 2 Bucharest tel: +40 213200334 www.heliospls.ro Distributor for: Artemide, Astro, Disano, Erco, Osram, Prolicht, SLV
ICCO ELECTRIC Street Scolii no 8 500059 Brasov tel: +40 268401260 www.icco.ro Distributor for: Trilux
INTERIORS DATA TRADE Sphera Building Center Street Sergent Nutu Ion nr. 44 Sector 5 Bucharest tel: +40 213190845 www.idt.ro Distributor for: iGuzzini
LICHT EQURAM Street Batistei NR. 37 A 5, Sector 2 020935 Bucharest tel: +40 212241925 www.equram.ro Distributor for: Lutron
LUXTEN LIGHTING Parangului Street 76 Sector 1 012328 Bucharest tel: +40 216688819 www.luxten.com Distributor for: CU Phosco, Mareco Luce
ODRA Street Street Agnes, No 206 Popesti Leordeni 77160 Bucharest tel: +40 213698521 www.odra.ro Distributor for: Arcluce, LTS, Modus, Norka, Oktalite, Regiolux, Sylvania, Trilux, Vossloh Schwabe
OSRAM Soseaua Bucuresti Nord 10 Global City Business Park O21 etaj 10 077190 Cladirea tel: +40 212328561 www.osram.com/ds
REDO Al. Tolstoi Street 12 600093 Bacau tel: +40 234546620 www.redogroup.com
ROMLIGHT Justitiei Street No.1 040116 Bucharest tel: +40 212502788 www.romlight.ro Distributor for: Lamp, Wever & Ducré, Wila
167A Corneliu Coposu Street 400228 Cluj Napoca tel: +40 264507500 www.schreder.com
SIGNIFY Fabrica de Glucoza No. 17 Sector 2 020331 Bucharest tel: +40 212032060 www.signify.com
THORN LIGHTING Str. Radu Greceanu 2 Sector 1 012225 Bucharest tel: +40 312253801 www.thornlighting.com
UNILUX 4 Libertatii Boulevard 761041 Bucharest tel: +40 213177801 www.uniluxgroup.com Distributor for: Bega, Intra Lighting, Regent, Sill, Zumtobel
VSD LIGHTING GROUP Luncsoara 14 021323 Bucharest tel: +40 314378630 www.vsdmerkur.com.mk Distributor for: GE Lighting
ZUMTOBEL Street Radu Greceanu 2 Sector 1 Ground floor 012225 Bucharest tel: +40 312253801 z.lighting
BUCK Milorada Jovanovica 9 11147 Belgrade tel: +381 112052400
BUDEC Milorada Jovanovica 9 11147 Belgrade tel: +381 112052400
INTRA LIGHTING Otona Zupancica 32b 11070 Novi Beograd tel: +381 112698476
Misarska 8 11000 Belgrade tel: +381 113220490
Distributor for: Artemide, Belux, Castaldi, Erco, Flos, Kreon, LEDS C4, Louis Poulsen, Viabizzuno
NIMAX Autoput Beograd Novi Sad br.83 11080 Belgrade tel: +381 113774172 www.nimax.rs
Distributor for: Artemide, Bega, LED Linear, Linea Light Group, LUG, Onok, Valmont, WE-EF, Wibre
OSRAM Djordja Stanojevica 14 11070 Belgrade tel: +381 112281717 www.osram.com/ds
Tosin Bunar 51 11080 Belgrade tel: +381 112614477 www.schreder.com
STUDIO BERAR Batinska 2 21000 Novi Sad tel: +381 21420354 www.studioberar.com
Distributor for: GLP, Green-Hippo, LumenRadio
THORN LIGHTING Rudnicka 14 11000 Belgrade tel: +381 695444802 www.thornlighting.com
VOSSLOH-SCHWABE Danila Lekica 1 11000 Belgrade tel: +381 63286330 www.vossloh-schwabe.com
fVSD MERKUR Bul. Mihajla Pupina 10D/105 11070 Novi Beograd tel: +381 113119256 www.vsdmerkur.com.mk Distributor for: GE
ZUMTOBEL Karadjordjeva 2-4 Beton Hala 11000 Belgrade tel: +381 695444802 z.lighting
HAZ LIGHTING DESIGN Chalupkova 48 08005 Presov tel: +421 940840529 www.hazlighting.com
AKL Vietnamská 45 82104 Bratislava tel: +421 907767008 www.aklsro.sk
Distributor for: Artemide, Modoluce ARROW ELECTRONICS Roznavska 24 10100 Bratislava tel: +421 232604300 www.arrow.com
Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung
ARTICA Sportová 11 92901 Dunajska Streda tel: +421 315511133 www.artica.sk
Distributor for: el torrent, Lamp 83, Modiss BELLATRIX Popradska 80 04011 Kosice tel: +421 556325315 www.bellatrix.sk
Distributor for: donghia, iGuzzini, Leucos
CITYLIGHT Suchy Jarok 18 06601 Humenne tel: +421 574861151 www.citylight.sk
Distributor for: CLS, Dot-Spot, DTS, Lee Filters, Osram, Robe, SGM, Signify, Studio Due
COMLUX Kopanice, 5 82104 Bratislava tel: +421 243424832 www.comlux.sk
Distributor for: Cariboni, Disano, goccia, Griven, Terza Luci, Tridonic
EMISSION Majerikova 44 84105 Bratislava tel: +421 904610416 www.emission.sk Distributor for: Casambi
ENLIT Priemyselna 18 90501 Senica tel: +421 905556800 www.enlit.sk
ERILUM Tovarenska 14 81109 Bratislava tel: +421 252636831 www.erilum.sk
Distributor for: Ansorg, Delta Light, Flos, Regiolux, RXB, Serien, Spittler, Tobia Grau
EUROLUX LIGHTING Zámocká 20 81101 Bratislava tel: +421 254630509 www.eurolux.sk Distributor for: Artemide, Lucis, Regent, Swarovski, Targetti
FUTURO LIGHTING N. Teslu 5 92101 Piestany tel: +421 948388317 www.fulit.eu
HITECO Továrenská 10 81109 Bratislava tel: +421 252631161 www.hiteco.sk Distributor for: Bega, Louis Poulsen, Modular, Zumtobel
ILUMA Bárdosova 33 83312 Bratislava tel: +421 254789193 www.iluma.sk Distributor for: Ares, Erco, Flos, iLight, L&L Luce&Light, Louis Poulsen, Prolicht, Targetti, Wever & Ducré, XAL
ILUMTECH Dojc 419 90602 Dojc tel: +421 908748882 www.ilumtech.eu
JDC Mierová 14 03852 Sucany tel: +421 434238510 www.jdc.sk Distributor for: Mean Well
LEADER LIGHT M. Gorkeho 33 05201 Spisska Nova Ves tel: +421 534188811 www.leaderlight.sk
LED STRIP STUDIO Dargovska 47 85101 Bratislava tel: +421 220283002 www.ledstripstudio.com
LEDVANCE Stúrova 22 94901 Nitra tel: +421 372308201 www.ledvance.com
NIKO Kancelária Údernícka 9 85101 Bratislava tel: +421 263825155 www.niko.be
OMS Dojc 419 90602 Dojc tel: +421 346940811 www.omslighting.com
ORGECO Besˇenˇovská cesta 7 94064 Nové Zámky tel: +421 356426046 www.orgeco.sk Distributor for: Intra Lighting
OSRAM Komárnanská cesta 7 94093 Nové Zámky tel: +421 356464001 www.osram.com/ds
PANASONIC Stúrova 11 13 81102 Bratislava tel: +421 220622211 www.panasonic.com
PRO JGS Elektrárenská 1/12361 83104 Bratislava tel: +421 244457511 www.projgs.sk Distributor for: Avolites, Clay Paky, ETC, Traxon e:cue
PROLUX Ulica svornosti 41 82106 Bratislava tel: +421 245641245 www.svietidlaprolux.sk Distributor for: TAL
S.K. FOTOS Rosinska Cesta 8386/17B 01008 Zilinia tel: +421 415075020 www.sk-fotos.sk Distributor for: Mareco Luce
SIGNIFY Plynarenska 7/B 82109 Bratislava tel: +421 220666101 www.signify.com
SLOS us. Stúr 24 97405 Banska Bystrica tel: +421 484700474 www.slos.sk Distributor for: Erco, Halla, Landa, Lival, Molto Luce, Niko, Osram, Performance in Lighting, Tivoli
SMART LIGHT Pestovatelska 8A 82104 Bratislava tel: +421 254791138 www.smartlight.sk Distributor for: Flos, formalighting, Helio, Intra Lighting, Ivela, Ledvance, Ligman, Prolicht
SRS LIGHT DESIGN Rybnicna 36/D 83106 Bratislava tel: +421 244681417 www.srslight.com
TRICOM Galvaniho 12/B administrativna budova Matton v areali 82104 Bratislava tel: +421 244646056 www.tricom.sk Distributor for: Casambi
TRILUX Galvaniho 7 82104 Bratislava tel: +421 243422611 www.trilux.com
UNI LIGHT Drienova 1/C 82101 Bratislava tel: +421 252733304 www.unilight.cz
Distributor for: Ares, Artemide, Baulmann, Flos, LEDS C4, Lumino
XAL Varsavska 5 84103 Bratislava tel: +421 232660280 www.xal.com
SONCESENCA OF 1 8210 Trebnje tel: +386 41344475 www.soncesenca.si
THE INVISIBLE Slomskova 23 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 30362454 www.invisible.si
ARCADIA LIGHTWEAR Smartinska 152 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 12562174 www.arcadialightwear.com
Distributor for: Artemide, Delta Light, esse-ci, Exenia, Flos, Fobmark, iGuzzini, Simes
AVNET SILICA Dunajska 167 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 15609750 www.avnet-silica.com
Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments f
DE BAAR Ales Kersevan Ulica Lojzeta Spacala 40 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 15174248 www.debaar.si Distributor for: Flos
ELBI C. 1. Maja 75 4000 Kranj tel: +386 42802523 www.elbi.si
Distributor for: Fagerhult
Jamova 39 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 14776693 www.elsis.si
Distributor for: Coemar, dedo light, ETC, Lee Filters
ES Ob Zeleni jami 9 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 15401650 www.es-svetila.com
Distributor for: Erco, Hoffmeister, Norka, Osram, OtyLight, Regiolux, TZ-Schmitz, Wever & Ducré
Dobrna 7 3204 Dobrna tel: +386 37801072 www.ett-lighting.com
Distributor for: Cleoni, ETT, Ledon, PXF, Tridonic
GRAH LIGHTING Zadruzna ulica 6 2310 Slovenska Bistrica tel: +386 82801424 www.grahlighting.si
INDATA Zabrv 61 1292 IG tel: +386 12862237 www.indata.si
Mestni log IV/3 1330 Kocevje tel: +386 18950744 www.interteam.si
Distributor for: Waldmann INTRA LIGHTING Vrtojbenska cesta 50 5290 Sempeter pri Gorici tel: +386 53984400 email: info@intra-lighting.com www.intra-lighting.com
e dIn its 30 years, Intra lighting has established itself as a global provider of architectural lighting. Our wide product range offers smart solutions to projects ranging from office, retail, hospitality, education, exposition, health and care, industry, to residential spaces. All with a constant goal to benefit user’s wellbeing with light and support architects and lighting designers in their projects.
LE TEHNIKA Kranj äuceva ulica 27 4000 Kranj tel: +386 42020200 www.le-tehnika.com
Vrtojba, Mednarodni prehod 6 5290 Sˇempeter pri Gorici tel: +386 53932475 www.ledluks.com
eMEDIA LIGHT Cesta na Brdo 109 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 15304366 Distributor for: GE Lighting
MK LIGHT SOUND Hotic 2b above 1270 Ljubljana tel: +386 18963112 www.mklight-sound.si Distributor for: Crestron, LumenRadio, MA Lighting, Spotlight
MODERNA Periceva 23 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 59020095 www.moderna.si Distributor for: Occhio, XAL
MTS INTERNATIONAL Perhavceva ulica 15c 2000 Maribor tel: +386 26690810 www.mtsi.si
Distributor for: Beghelli, Halla, Lival, Martini, Performance in Lighting, Switchmade, Theben
PRELOG Cesta XIV. Divizije 4 2000 Maribor tel: +386 23324810 www.prelog.si
Distributor for: Ilti Luce, Jung, Wever & Ducré
STRLE SVETILA Lgruaka ulica 3 Ljubljana tel: +386 15654744 www.strlesvetila.com
Distributor for: Belux, DGA, Flos, Louis Poulsen
THORN LIGHTING Stukljeva cesta 46 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 15609820 www.thornlighting.com
ZUMTOBEL Stukljeva cesta 46 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 15609820 z.lighting
DMYTRO ZUBKOV Tobolska 45a, apartment 13 61045 Kharkiv tel: +389 71332556 www.z-ldc.com.ua
V-ART STUDIO Poltavskij Shljah 35 61000 Kharkiv tel: +386 77079539 www.v-artlighting.com
ARROW ELECTRONICS Garmatna Street 21/30 03067 Kiev tel: +384 44564726 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
BB&F AGENCY Gvardeyska str.80A 03118 Kiev tel: +385 04183692 www.bbfagency.com Distributor for: Intra Lighting, SLV, Vibia
CORTMI Sobinova Street 2a 83121 Donetsk tel: +386 23826464 www.cortmi.ua Distributor for: Griven
DEK-ART 12 Naberegnaya Zdorovya 6 61055 Kharkov tel: +385 77602714 www.dekart-studio.com Distributor for: Wila
GALEREJA SWETA 7 Nekrasova line 65082 Odessa tel: +384 87385402 Distributor for: Zumtobel
GALI-LEO Kudryavskaya street 8A suite 2 Kiev tel: +384 42722276 www.gali-leo.com Distributor for: Martin
GE LIGHTING Horizon Tower 42/44 Shovkovichna Street, 8 Floor 1004 Kiev tel: +384 44906983 www.gelighting.com
KARMA DIGITAL 53 Boryslavska Street 03061 Kiev tel: +384 44066515 www.karma-digital.com Distributor for: Zumtobel
+KOUPLE st.Saksaganskogo 89A 01032 Kiev tel: +380 976676227 www.pluskouple.com e
LEDVANCE Business Center “Renome” Dimitrova Str. 5 03150 Kiev tel: +38 445835900 www.ledvance.com
OSRAM Business Center “Renome” Dimitrova Street 5 Office 201 03150 Kiev tel: +384 45835900 www.osram.com/ds
Vul. Mykulynetska 46B 46000 Ternopil tel: +383 52250613 www.schreder.com
SEA ELECTRONICS ul.Krakovskaya 13-B 02094 Kiev tel: +384 42962400 www.sea.com.ua Distributor for: Ledil, Mean Well
St. Nicholas Grinchenko 4, Building 2, 4th Floor Horizon Park Business Center 03038 Kiev tel: +38 444909848 www.signify.com
TEKNOLIGHT Baseina Street No:15 Office:3 Kreschatik Kiev tel: +386 75538003 www.teknolight.com
TEKO INTERFACE ul. Lomonosova 73 g 3022 Kiev tel: +384 43740640 www.tekointerface.com.ua Distributor for: Ghidini, Lichtwerk, Regiolux, SLV
V.E.S. GROUP Yaroslava Mudrogo 66/13 09107 Bila Tserkva tel: +384 44579379 www.vesgroup.com.ua Distributor for: Zumtobel
VD MAIS PO Box 942 Zhylyanska Strasse 29 01033 Kiev tel: +380 442200101 www.vdmais.kiev.ua Distributor for: Cree, Ledil, Mean Well, Recom
8’18” 53 boulevard de Strasbourg 75010 Paris tel: +33 149490793 www.8-18lumiere.com
AARTILL 12 Rue de la Foret 95160 Montmorency tel: +33 139895723 www.aartill.com
ACERE 5 quartier de la Magdelaine 88000 Epinal tel: +33 329392336 www.acere-concept.com
ACL 58 rue des Grands Champs 75020 Paris tel: +33 153421116 www.acl.fr
5 route de Baudin 39230 Sellieres tel: +33 684997265 www.acte-lumiere.com
AGENCE COBALT 9 Place Colbert 69001 Lyon tel: +33 478393605 www.cobalt-lumiere.com
AGENCE STÉPHANIE DANIEL 94 rue des Haies 75020 Paris tel: +33 144939912 www.agencestephaniedaniel.com
AGENCE TIMOTHÉ TOURY 70 rue Pouchet 75017 Paris tel: +33 140002575 www.timothetoury.com
AJ-LIGHTDESIGN “La Chaumière” 187 route de Lahargue 40250 Larbey tel: +33 611733908 www.aj-lightdesign.com
ALC 19 rue Montgolfier 69006 Lyon tel: +33 478288602 www.architecture-lumiere.com
ATELIER DADA 59 Rue Stephensen 75018 Paris tel: +33 175509682 www.atelierdada.com
7 allées de Tourny 33000 Bordeaux tel: +33 556790903 www.geraudperiole.com
1 Quai Gabriel Peri 94340 Joinville le Pont tel: +33 155966680 www.atelierherveaudibert.com
ATELIER KANDELA La Ville Renaud 44410 Hérbignac tel: +33 953383383 www.kandela.free.fr
32 Cours Aristide Briand 69300 Caluire tel: +33 478232971
ATELIER S2 16 rue Arago 94370 Sucy en Brie tel: +33 175439383 www.s2-lumiere.com
ATTENTION MOUVEMENT 145 chemin de Magali 84270 Vedene tel: +33 680660090 www.concepteur-lumiere.org
BASELINE LIGHTING DESIGN STUDIO 1 rue Pierre Le Grand 75008 Paris tel: +33 619743424 www.baselinehk.com
BERTHON+KRAVTSOVA 32 rue Yves Toudic 75010 Paris tel: +33 952672826 www.berthonkravtsova.com
BOA LIGHT STUDIO 76 rue de Fontenay 94300 Vincennes tel: +33 143982020 www.boa.fr
CARIBOU CONCEPT 455 Promenade des Anglais Arénas Hall C 06200 Nice tel: +33 603483231 www.caribouconcept.com
CITELUM 37 rue de Lyon 75012 Paris tel: +33 144678650 www.citelum.com
CLARITY 55-57 rue de Montreuil 75011 Paris tel: +33 177221030 www.clarity-studio.fr
CONCEPT LUMIERE 13 rue du Lavoir 77970 Pecy tel: +33 970406779 www.concept-lumiere.com
CONCEPTO 17 avenue Jeanne d’Arc 94110 Arcueil tel: +33 147350674 www.concepto.fr
COSIL PEUTZ LIGHTING DESIGN 10B rue des Messageries 75010 Paris tel: +33 143142604 www.cosilpeutz.eu
CÔTE LUMIERE 58 boulevard Voltaire La Penne sur Huveaune 13821 Provence tel: +33 491441873 www.cotelumiere.com
COUP D’ÉCLAT 19 rue Claude Tillier 75012 Paris tel: +33 143718583 www.coupdeclat.fr
CREATMOSPHERE 39 Felix Faure 69003 Lyon tel: +33 752531356 www.creatmosphere.com
DANHEAP Metairie Neuve Route De Najac 34210 Siran tel: +33 468492576 www.danheap.com
DAR LA LUZ 126 rue des Fontaines 74210 Doussard tel: +33 450090727 www.darlaluz.com
DE COUR A JARDIN 11 avenue des Saules 91800 Brunoy tel: +33 169393524 www.de-cour-a-jardin.com
DISTYLIGHT 142 rue du Faubourg St Denis 75010 Paris tel: +33 140051944 www.distylight.com
DOMINIQUE DOULAIN 55 Rue de la Vanne 92120 Montrouge tel: +33 142534900 www.doulaindominique.com
DUMAS LUMIERE 83 rue de la Santé 75013 Paris tel: +33 143637987 www.dumaslumiere.com
DYNALIGHTING 57 boulevard de la République Espace Lumière – Bâtiment 8 78400 Chatou tel: +33 139141099 www.dynalighting.fr
ECA2 178 Rue De Courcelles 75017 Paris tel: +33 183758080 www.eca2.com
ECL STUDIO 3bis rue Luzy Dufeillant 38270 Beaurepaire tel: +33 651019497 www.ecl-studio.com
FABRICE KEBOUR 20 Rue Saint Nicolas 75012 Paris tel: +33 608716432 www.fabricekebour.com
FRANCK FRANJOU PLASTICIEN DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT NOCTURNE 7 rue du Pont Rouge 77140 Nemours tel: +33 164294257 www.franckfranjou.com
FRANÇOIS GSCHWIND 2 rue Bancel 69007 Lyon tel: +33 437280947
GILBERT MOITY LIGHTING DESIGN 29 rue des maisons brulées 77135 Pontcarré tel: +33 975330469 www.gilbertmoity.com
GRÉGOIRE CLERICI 5 rue Benoît Bunico 06300 Nice tel: +33 489986345
HI LIGHTING DESIGN 66 Boulevard Jean Jaurès 92110 Clichy tel: +33 983226333 www.hilightingdesign.com
42 avenue de Wagram 75008 Paris tel: +33 144709550 www.icon-lighting.com
1 Chemin Francis Carco 69120 Vaulx-en-Velin tel: +33 437452929 www.ingelux.com
JEAN SABATIER 59 rue du Marechal Foch 78000 Versailles tel: +33 130241266
La Blache 38470 Vinay tel: +33 476366860 www.agence-lumiere.fr
67 A rue Ferrari 13005 Marseille tel: +33 614912974 www.laterale.fr
1 rue du Grand Charmont 25000 Besançon tel: +33 381526095 www.lepointlumineaux.com
10 rue de Trétaigne 75018 Paris tel: +33 146062056 www.learnillum.com
LES ATELIERS DE L’ECLAIRAGE 1325 Route Départementale 113 13170 Les Pennes Mirabeau tel: +33 662046513 www.speeg-michel.com
LES ECLAIRAGISTES ASSOCIÉS 7 rue Alsace Lorraine 69001 Lyon tel: +33 472106253 www.leseclairagistesassocies.com
LES ECLAIREURS 4 rue Terraille 69001 Lyon tel: +33 478083857 www.leseclaireurs.net
LIGHT CIBLES 16 Passage Charles Dallery 75011 Paris tel: +33 153276030 www.light-cibles.com
LIGHT IS MORE 48 Avenue Parmentier 75011 Paris tel: +33 983626464 www.light-is-more.com
LIGHTECONCEPT Immeuble Le Chanzy 18 Avenue Winston Churchill 94220 Charenton-le-Pont tel: +33 143758000 www.groupe-pingat.fr
LIGHTMAKERS 34 rue Baron 75017 Paris tel: +33 667666933 www.lightmakersatelier.com
LUMESENS 24 rue Gabrielle Josserand 93500 Pantin tel: +33 157423315 www.lumesens.com
LUMIÈRES STUDIO 14 Boulevard de la Chapelle 75018 Paris tel: +33 158624011 www.lumieres-studio.com
LUMIÈRES UTILES La Gannerais 44520 La Meilleraye de Bretagne tel: +33 240552859 www.lumieresutiles.com
LUMINESCENCE 18 boulevard Joliot Curie 44200 Nantes tel: +33 672018070 www.luminescence.me
M&M ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING DESIGN STUDIO rue du Jura 01630 Challex tel: +33 603812069 www.mm-alds.com
MOMENT FACTORY 79 Boulevard Richard Lenoir 75011 Paris tel: +33 972553671 www.momentfactory.com
NEO LIGHT 29 rue du Comte de Mons 37300 Joué-lès-Tours tel: +33 247252205 www.neolight.fr
NICOLAS HOUEL 2 avenue de la Côte d’Or 44300 Nantes tel: +33 645577431 www.nicolashouel.fr
NOCTABENE 1 rue de la Briaudière 37510 Ballan-Miré tel: +33 247679357 www.noctabene.com
NOCTILUCA 35 rue des Olivettes 44000 Nantes tel: +33 663093695 www.noctiluca.fr
79 rue du Dessous des Berges 75013 Paris tel: +33 183813141 www.agence-on.com
ORIGINALE LUMIÈRE INGÉNIERIE Hameau de le Laye 04300 Mane en Provence tel: +33 951885161
PIERRE BACHY LIGHTING DESIGN 15 Avenue Emile Bodin 13260 Cassis tel: +33 619585676 www.pierre-bachy.com
PIERRE BIDEAU 106 rue de la Chanterie 37540 Saint Cyr-sur-Loire tel: +33 247373824
PIERRE NÈGRE L’ATELIER LUMIERE 2 rue des Beaux-Tailleurs 38000 Grenoble tel: +33 476540839 www.pierrenegre.com
PITAYA 19 Rue de la Gare 69009 Lyon tel: +33 478285499 www.pitaya.fr
2 bis rue Georges Lardennois 75019 Paris tel: +33 143383307 www.ponctuelle.fr
QUARTIERS LUMIERES Avenue Edouard Herriot Les Ormes II Bat H4 31320 Castanet Tolosan tel: +33 582743940 www.quartierslumieres.com
RICH LIGHTING DESIGN 13 rue Monteil 44000 Nantes tel: +33 240481887 www.rich-designers.com
SCENE PUBLIQUE 47 rue Sainte 13001 Marseille tel: +33 143791324 www.scenepublique.fr
4 rue de Nantes 75019 Paris tel: +33 140324040 www.seulsoleil.fr
STUDIO BY NIGHT 14 Rue Pailleron 69004 Lyon tel: +33 953247004 www.studiobynight.com
STUDIO CHARLES VICARINI 10 ter rue Bisson 75020 Paris tel: +33 148009230 www.vicarini.com
4 rue Savaron 63000 Clermont-Ferrand tel: +33 981130788 www.studio-deschamps.com
19 avenue de Toulouse Espace The Island 34070 Montpellier tel: +33 962599666 www.sylviesieg.com
8 rue Titon 75011 Paris tel: +33 184165073 www.voyons-voir.com
WILD INTERNATIONAL LIGHTING DESIGN 5 rue Alcius Ledieu 80110 Demuin tel: +33 680139259 www.geff-wild.eu
2 rue de Trois Conils 33000 Bordeaux tel: +33 556012971 www.wonderfulight.com
YONN ANTON-OLANO 190 cours de la Somme 33800 Bordeaux tel: +33 556942710 www.anton-olano.com
ABEL ECLAIRAGE 10 bis rue François Labrousse ZI Cana Est 19317 Brive Cedex tel: +33 555871831 www.abeleclairage.com Distributor for: Candela
AE&T LIGHTING 4, impasse Joliot-Curie 64110 Jurançon tel: +33 559060600 www.aet-lighting.com
AEI Avenue de la Mauldre 6 village d’entreprises 78680 Epône tel: +33 972462700 www.aeitech.com
AGENCE ALGO MAS 320 rue Saint-Honoré 75001 Paris tel: +33 614477763 www.algomas.fr Distributor for: Intra Lighting
ALLIANCE LED 16 allée Henry Purcell 42000 Saint Etienne tel: +33 964002159 www.alliance-led.com
AMBIANCE LUMIERE 65 Quai Blanqui Alfortville 94146 Cedex tel: +33 143684522 www.ambiance-lumiere.com Distributor for: Robe e ANOLIS ZI Paris Nord 2 Bâtiment Euler, 33 rue des Vanesses 93420 Paris tel: +33 148638481 email: info@robelighting.fr www.robelighting.fr
Robe is among the world’s leading moving light manufacturers, recognised for its innovation, quality and engineering. Robe’s moving and LED lights are working and installed on stages, in concert halls, theatres and all types of other venues as well as at theme park attractions and entering the specialist worlds of architectural and environmental illumination.
ANSORG 3 Square de l’Opéra-Louis Jouvet 75009 Paris tel: +33 144699510 www.ansorg.com
Batiment Strategic Orly 13-15 rue du Pont des Halles 94656 Rungis Cedex tel: +33 149784900 www.arrow.com
Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung
ARTEMIDE 52 avenue Daumesnil 75012 Paris tel: +33 143444444 www.artemide.com
ATEA LIGHTING 138 Avenue Aristide Briand 92220 Bagneux tel: +33 141360770 email: sales@atea.fr www.atea.fr Distributor for: Cooledge, Folio, GVA, Lucent, Stoane Lighting
With over 30 years of experience, ATEA illuminates the work of lighting designers, engineers and architects. Our experience, understanding and knowledge have made us a first choice lighting partner for a wide variety of prestigious projects. Based in Paris, France, ATEA design and manufacture high-quality LED luminaires for more than 10 years.
ATELIER SEDAP 3, Avenue du Professeur Jean Rouxel 44481 Loire-Atlantique tel: +33 240998525 www.sedap.com
AUBRILAM 83 rue Fontgieve 63057 Clermont-Ferrand tel: +33 473318686 www.aubrilam.com
AURA LIGHT 52 rue des Francs Bourgeois 75003 Paris tel: +33 175779535 www.auralight.com
AURORA Zac Entrée Sud de Gonesse 1 rue Jean Mermoz 95500 Gonesse tel: +33 130111188 www.auroralighting.com
AVAB TRANSTECHNIK 62-64 rue Danielle Casanova 93206 Saint-Denis Cedex tel: +33 142433535 www.avab.fr Distributor for: Dynalite, Leader Light, LumenRadio
AVNET SILICA Immeuble Carnot Plaza, 14 Avenue Carnot 91349 Massy Cedex tel: +33 164472929 www.avnet-silica.com Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments f
AXENTE 1 Allee d’Effiat Le parc de l’Evenement- Bat. H 91160 Longjumeau tel: +33 169105070 www.axente.fr Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Philips
AYRTON 2 rue Vitruve 91140 Villebon-Sur-Yvette tel: +33 169103390 www.ayrton.eu
AZIMUT INDUSTRIES 15, Passage St Anne Popincourt 75011 Paris tel: +33 142964278 www.azimut-industries.fr
B.M. ENERGIE 9 avenue du canda za de courtaboeuf 91940 Les Ulis tel: +33 164463333 www.bm-energie.com Distributor for: Mean Well, Self f
rue Jules Delcenserie 155 59700 Marcq en Baroeul tel: +33 320721224 www.baero.com
BARRISOL Route du Sipes 68680 Kembs tel: +33 389832020 www.barrisol.com
BEGA 21–23, Rue Aristide Briand 94340 Joinville-le-Pont tel: +33 148869393 www.bega.fr
BILTON INTERNATIONAL 24 Rue de l‘Orangerie Versailles tel: +33 139683920 www.biltongroup.com
BLACKBODY 35 rue Pasteur Z.I. Toulon Est BP 320 - La Farlede 83077 Toulon Cedex 9 tel: +33 494617290 www.blackbody-oled.com
BOTEX INTERNATIONAL 25 avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie 75116 Paris tel: +33 626844870 www.botex-international.com Distributor for: Intra Lighting
BUREAU CRÉQUI 131 rue de Créqui 69006 Lyon tel: +33 671998595 www.opulent-group.com
f a
CARRÉ PRODUCTS Piquerouge, route de Toulouse 81600 Gaillac tel: +33 563339773 www.carreproducts.com
CATS 19, Avenue de Norvege Immeuble Oslo - BP 342 91958 Courtaboeuf Cedex tel: +33 169070824 www.cats-france.fr Distributor for: Mean Well
CEOTIS 23 rue Lavoisier 75008 Paris tel: +33 0143875204 www.ceotis.fr Distributor for: Megaman CHROMATEQ 191 allee de Lauzard 34980 Saint Gely du Fesc tel: +33 952210755 email: info@chromateq.com www.chromateq.com
Chromateq develops Lighting control software and interfaces that are easily programmed to create custom RGB-Amber-White lighting looks and effects. Headquartered in France, with operations in Asia and the US, Chromateq is an experienced team always available with technical support and insight on projects large and small anywhere in the world.
CIDELEC 94 rue Rouget de Lisle 92150 Suresnes tel: +33 146250020 www.cidelec.fr Distributor for: Fozz, Megaman, Novi Light, Seven
CITEOS 11, Rue Chant des Oiseaux 78360 Montesson tel: +33 139154955 www.citeos.fr Distributor for: Color Kinetics
7 rue Nicolas Flamel 75004 Paris tel: +33 149966868 www.citiled.com
19 Route du Pont d’Arthaud 69510 Messimy tel: +33 478456565 www.citylone.com
COLLINGWOOD LIGHTING 2 bis Rue Tete D’or 69009 Lyon tel: +33 561179729 www.collingwoodlighting.com
CONCEPT LIGHT Zone D’Activite Rue Des Alpes 68127 Niederhergheim tel: +33 389210915 www.conceptlight.fr
2 mail Hélène Brion 93500 Pantin tel: +33 972251476 www.cotejour.com
Distributor for: ArchilumO, Bilton, Dot Spot, Lucifero’s, O/M, Orluna, Pan
CRESTRON 31 Rue Des Hautes Patures 92000 Nanterre Paris tel: +33 147910000 www.crestron.eu
CRYSTAL EQUIPEMENT 25 rue de l’Étain 77176 Savigny-le-Temple tel: +33 146804883 www.crystal-equipement.com Distributor for: LDDE
CSI Parc Médicis 30, Avenue des Pépinières 94832 Fresnes CEDEX tel: +33 146154715 www.csi-france.com Distributor for: Green-Hippo, Griven, PR Lighting, Selecon, Wireless Solution
DASLIGHT 23 rue de Clairvaux 95160 Montmorency tel: +33 616427588 www.daslight.com a
DEBBAS INTERNATIONAL 2 rue des Petits Pères 75002 Paris tel: +33 155041000 www.debbas.com Distributor for: Arlus, Bega, Buzzi & Buzzi, Coelux, Lucent, RobLight, Vice
DELTA LIGHT 81 rue Saint Lazare 75009 Paris tel: +33 970735242 www.deltalight.com
DIETAL Route de Queuille 63780 Saint-Georges De Mons tel: +33 473863500 www.dietal.com
DISANO ILLUMINAZIONE Park d’activite de la Caille 1443 Route de l’Arny 74350 Allonzier la Caille tel: +33 450330810 www.disano.it
DOMO LIGHTING 148 avenue de la Roubine 6150 Cannes la Bocca tel: +33 493991073 www.domo-lighting.com Distributor for: Intra Lighting DURANGO 69 Rue Victor Hugo 93100 Montreuil tel: +33 148181100 www.durango.fr Distributor for: iLight, RCL
EBV ELEKTRONIK 3 rue de la Renaissance Antony 92184 Paris tel: +33 140963000 www.ebv.com Distributor for: Everlight, Ledil, Luminus, Osram, Samsung f
ECCE’LECTRO 75 Route de la gare BP 20 69630 Chaponost tel: +33 478566262 www.eccelectro.com
51 rue Jacques Montigny-les-cormeilles 95370 Verniol tel: +33 134504474 www.eclairage-conseil.fr
Parc Saint Gilles 13 rue de l’aubette 76000 Rouen tel: +33 232958888 eclipse-diffusion.fr Distributor for: Luminous Carpets, Philips Color Kinetics
ENGITECHS 19 Rue des Alouettes 49450 St Macaire En Mauges tel: +33 982313365 www.engitechs.fr Distributor for: Casambi
e fERCO 6ter rue des Saints-Pères 75007 Paris tel: +33 144778471 www.erco.com
ESL 982 avenue des Platanes Boirargues 34970 Lattes tel: +33 499132828 www.esl-france.com Distributor for: Archwork, Artistic Licence, Cariboni, Chroma Q, DTS, Enttec, ETC, Madrix, Visual Productions
ETAP Avenue Abel Bardin et Charles Benoit Z.I. de Rouvroy 02100 Saint-Quentin tel: +33 323678000 www.etaplighting.com
EURL DEUS 234 rue du Calvaire 59553 Esquerchin tel: +33 327905517 www.deus-eclairage.fr Distributor for: Thorlux
FAEBER LIGHTING SYSTEM Bât. Antarès Espace St.Germain 28/32 Avenue Général Leclerc 38200 Vienne tel: +33 474482550 www.faeberfrance.fr Distributor for: Danlers
FAGERHULT 105 avenue Jean Jaures, Batiment B5 69600 Oullins tel: +33 437226410 www.fagerhult.com
FEELUX Zac Les Perriers 4-6 Rue Des Petits Champs 78500 Sartrouville tel: +33 0147452420 www.feelux.com
FEUKA LUMINAIRES 156 Boulevard de Plombieres 13014 Marseille tel: +33 491027147 www.feuka.fr
FIRELUX 80, rue André Karman 93300 Aubervilliers tel: +33 148333636 www.firelux.fr Distributor for: Agabekov
FLEXLEDLIGHT 43 rue de Trévise 75009 Paris tel: +33 140270924 www.flexledlight.com
FLOS ARCHITECTURAL 15 Avenue de segur 75007 Paris tel: +33 153595888 www.flos.com
FLUX LIGHTING ZAC de Chesnes Nord 6 rue de Brisson 38290 Satolas-et-bonce tel: +33 426389191 www.flux-lighting.com
Le Crystalys 1er etage 6 Avenue Morane Saulnier 78941 Velizy Villacoublay tel: +33 139451520 www.futureelectronics.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Carclo, Eaton, Ledil, Lumileds, Mean Well, Osram, Recom, Samsung LED, Signify f
GAL ECLAIRAGE 17 bis Avenue de la République 92400 Courbevoie tel: +33 143330637 www.galeclairage.fr Distributor for: ATEH Lighting
ZAC Paris Nord II 13 rue de la Perdrix 95947 Roissy CDG tel: +33 148636800 www.gelighting.com
GEWISS Rue du Rio Salado 1 ZA de Courtaboeuf - B.P. 113 91944 Les Ulis Cedex tel: +33 164868163 www.gewiss.com
GHM-ECLATEC Rue Antoine Durenne 52220 Sommevoire tel: +33 325552303 email: frederic.minck@ghm-eclatec.fr www.ghm-eclatec.com
GHM and ECLATEC make their contribution to the City with an original signature, born from the successful association of Material and Light. Our proposal is a unique combination of two competences: - the transformation of materials by GHM - the mastery of lighting by ECLATEC
GKD Zac du Grand Pont Rue Gutenberg 13640 La Roque d’Anthéron tel: +33 442507029 www.gkd.de
11, avenue A. Einstein -BP7 93151 Le Blanc-Mesnil Cedex tel: +33 149395959 www.hella.com
12 Allée Joséphine de Beauharnais 95320 Saint-Leu-la-Forêt tel: +33 134181281 www.helvar.com
HITEC ECLAIRAGE 7 rue Antoine Becquerel – Triasis 31140 Launaguet. Toulouse tel: +33 561749300 www.hitec31.fr Distributor for: Intra Lighting
HOLDERS TECHNOLOGY 40a rue de Mi-Forêt 35340 Liffré tel: +33 642873801 www.holderstechnology.com Distributor for: Casambi, Dalcnet, Danlers, DMX Engineering, Edison Opto, Harvard, Ledlink, Olfer, Vadsbo
IDEE CONCEPT 5 rue de la Retardais 35000 Rennes tel: +33 299330538 www.idee-concept.com Distributor for: anok, Flos, GE Lighting, Havells, Intra Lighting, Luce & Light, TAL, Zumtobel
IDELUM Rhône-Alpes; 3, rue de la Dombes ZA Porte du Grand Lyon. 01700 Neyron tel: +33 478341014 www.idelum.com Distributor for: ALS, O/M, Reggiani, Selux
IGUZZINI 10 Boulevard de la Bastille 75012 Paris tel: +33 140528181 www.iguzzini.com
ILLUM&DESIGN 16-18 rue Maréchal Foch 54140 Jarville la Malgrange tel: +33 383567363 www.multiline-licht.com Distributor for: Delta Light, Flos, Multiline
INCIDENCE ECLAIRAGE 65 Avenue du General de Gaulle 77420 Champ sur Marne tel: +33 160059005 www.incidence-eclairage.fr Distributor for: Precision, RCL
INCONEL TECHNOLOGIES 2 rue de la Corse 66000 Perpignan tel: +33 434295448 www.inconel-technologies.com
INEDIT 25, rue de Cléry 75002 Paris tel: +33 147007676 www.inedit-lighting.com Distributor for: Brick In The Wall, Molto Luce, Whitegoods
INNLED 360 Avenue des Compagnons 34170 Castelnau-le-Lez tel: +33 950050878 www.innled.fr
JCL LIGHTING 70 rue Louis Armand Aix-en-Provence Cedex 3 13794 Frankreich tel: +33 442244241 www.jcllighting.com Distributor for: Carandini, Holophane, Siteco
JOHN CULLEN LIGHTING 34 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Martin 75010 Paris tel: +33 749189503 www.johncullenlighting.com
KAER & SPLANN 1 Avenue d’Ester 87069 Limoges tel: +33 981447875 www.kaer-splann.com
KLARSENS 40 Blvd. Solférino 92500 Rueil Malmaison tel: +33 155470444 www.klarsens.com Distributor for: Salvi
KREON 5 Rue d’Abourkir 75002 Paris tel: +33 144505354 www.kreon.com
LAMP 124 rue Réaumur 75002 Paris tel: +33 562139114 www.lamp.es
LEC LYON 24 avenue Joannès Masset 69009 Lyon tel: +33 437480409 www.lec-lyon.com
LED BOX 12 rue de la Procession 93210 La Plaine Saint-Denis tel: +33 149211010 www.ledbox.fr Distributor for: Enttec, Hera LED, Ledner, Ligeo, Mozaik, Proled, Schnik-Schnak-Systems, Uni-Bright
LED LINEAR 4 rue de Bâle Horbourg Wihr 68180 Horbourg Wihr tel: +33 967055309 www.led-linear.com
LED N LUX 125, impasse Furgole ZI Trixe 82710 Bressols tel: +33 563305288 www.led-nlux.com
LEDS-CHAT 107 rue consolat 13001 Marseille tel: +33 6160151664 www.leds-chat.com
LEDVANCE Immeuble Estreo 1-3 rue d’Aurion 93110 Rosny sous Bois tel: +33 388497599 www.ledvance.com
LEVITON 120 Rue Jean Jaurès 92300 Levallois Perret tel: +33 979031302 www.leviton.com
LIGHT IN MOOV 1 rue de Bourgogne 77410 Claye Souilly tel: +33 660663720 Distributor for: ADO Lights
3 Rue De La Sance 54600 Villers Les Nancy tel: +33 383449015 Distributor for: Philips LIGMAN 59 Allée Jean Jaurès CS 21531 31015 Toulouse tel: +33 679192776 email: sales.fr@ligman.com www.ligman.com/fr/
LIGMAN is committed to producing worldclass, high efficiency and top quality outdoor and indoor lighting products. Utilising state of the art advanced modern technology, the highest level of techincal expertise and innovative design, LIGMAN has an impressioned focus for offering customers total lighting solutions.
LINEA LIGHT GROUP Z.A. Heiden Est 12 rue des Pays-bas 68310 Wittelsheim tel: +33 389755223 www.linealight.com
LLEDO 1, Allee Des Pierres Mayettes 92230 Gennevilliers tel: +33 156837135 www.lledogrupo.com
LOUPI 57/59 rue Denis Papin 93500 Pantin www.loupi-lighting.fr
3 Rue de Courtalin, Magny Le Hongre 77700 Paris tel: +991 61101035 www.luceco.com
9, avenue Edouard Belin Rueil-Malmaison 92500 Paris tel: +33 180041225 www.lucibel.com
LUG LIGHTING Rue d’Estienne d’Orves 10-12 78500 Sartrouville tel: +33 973693141 www.luglightfactory.com
LUMAIX 2305 Route des Milles 13290 Aix-En-Provence tel: +33 442263226 www.lumaix-luminaires.com Distributor for: Axolight, Flos, Lucente
LUMENSCIA 6 rue d’Armaillé 75017 Paris tel: +33 140610361 www.lumenscia.com Distributor for: Exenia, LightGraphix, Lumenpulse, Vexica
LUMI INTER 260 Boulevard of BAB 64600 Anglet tel: +33 559522362 www.lumi-inter.fr Distributor for: Flos, iGuzzini
LUMIERE SERVICES 3 Rue Paul Bert 75011 Paris tel: +33 143710223 www.lumiere-service.com Distributor for: Encapsulite
LUMILUM Hameau Le VAL 14260 Courvaudon tel: +33 620595541 www.lumilum.com Distributor for: Intra Lighting
LUMINEST 3 Rue Denis Papin 68000 Colmar tel: +33 389291310 Distributor for: Salvi
2 Rue Louis Armand 92600 Asnieres sur Seine tel: +33 147910413 www.lumiven.com
LUMTEAM Route des Lamberts Zone des 3 Moulins 06600 Antibes tel: +33 497239663 www.lumteam.com
LUTRON 10 Rue du Colisee 75008 Paris tel: +33 156591664 www.lutron.com/europe
LUXIONA 2 Rue Clément Ader 69740 Genas tel: +33 472146666 www.luxiona.com
LUXMAX 37, rue de Fontenay 92220 Bagneux tel: +33 157191820 www.luxmax.eu
LUXX LIGHT TECHNOLOGY 12 Place Saint Hubert 59000 Lille tel: +33 359560684 www.luxx.com
LUZ NEGRA 113 Avenue Joffre 77450 Esbly tel: +33 618983343 www.luznegra.net
MAN ECLAIRAGE 295 route des Futaies 74370 Villaz tel: +33 450273076 www.maneclairage.com Distributor for: Doxis, Dura Lamp, Intra Lighting, Mantra
MARVALWAY 1 rue centrale 69960 Corbas tel: +33 478587735 www.mw-marvalway.fr Distributor for: Wibre
MCD 65 Rue de la Croix 92000 Nanterre tel: +33 140990777 www.mcdproduction.com Distributor for: RCL
MODULAR 31 rue du Mail 75002 Paris tel: +33 145422425 www.supermodular.com
NANOLEAF Tour Maine Montparnasse 52eme étage 33 avenue du Maine 75015 Paris www.nanoleaf.me
NAOTEK 5 rue Antares 44470 Carquefou tel: +33 240506161 www.naotek.com Distributor for: Ledzworld
NEKO LIGHTING 8 rue du Sentier 75002 Paris tel: +33 144502030 email: sales.fr@nekolighting.com www.nekolighting.com
NEKO Lighting combines European thinking with Asian efficiency – creating our company philosophy “Think Design“. Fast-growing manufacturer of high quality architectural LED lighting Indoor and Outdoor for competitive prices since 2013.
NEMO 44 Rue du Bac 75007 Paris tel: +33 148630077 www.nemolighting.com
NEWMAT 22 rue du Général Dame 59482 Haubourdin tel: +33 320507006 www.newmat.com
NICOLAUDIE 838 rue de l‘Aiguelongue 34090 Montpellier tel: +33 467661041 www.nicolaudie.com
NIKO Le Soleil Levant. Bâtiment Kyoto 11 chemin des Anciennes Vignes 69410 Champagne au Mont d’Or tel: +33 820206625 www.niko.be a
NOWATT LIGHTING 1 rue Guy Moquet 13001 Marseille tel: +33 49171021706 www.nowatt-lighting.com
NRA- MACLARY 8 rue Dominique Paez 6200 Nice tel: +33 492297171 www.nralighting.sonepar.fr Distributor for: Agabekov, Artemide, Bega, Concord, Delta Light, Erco, Intra Lighting, Nimbus, Osram, Philips
OPTELMA LIGHTING 28 rue Charles Baudelaire 75012 Paris tel: +33 153466363 www.optelma.com
OPTIS Zone d’Entreprises de La Farlède 60 Rue Parmentier 83210 La Farlède tel: +33 494086690 www.optis-world.com
OSRAM 5 Rue d`Altorf 67129 Molsheim tel: +33 388497599 www.osram.com/ds
PANASONIC 1-7 rue du 19 Mars 1962 92238 Gennevilliers Cedex tel: +33 146209109 www.panasonic.com f
PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING Parc d’Activités de la Couronne des Prés ZI de la Couronne del Prés 107 Avenue des Paitis 78417 Aubergenville Cedex tel: +33 130905360 www.performanceinlighting.com
PIXEL 451 172-174 rue de Charonne 75011 Paris tel: +33 184792966 www.pixel451.fr Distributor for: Acclaim, Alto, KKDC
PLANLICHT 5 allée d’Helsinki 67300 Schiltigheim tel: +33 390208207 www.planlicht.com
PROCEDES HALLIER 69 rue Victor Hugo 93100 Montreuil tel: +33 148517988 www.procedeshallier.fr
PROJELUM 30 rue de l’Hermitage 63000 Clermomt Ferrand tel: +33 473449051 www.projelum.fr Distributor for: Artemide, Astro, Faro, Flos, Intra Lighting, Slamp, TAL, Zumtobel
Skylab SARL J1 Eurocampus 3 Rue de Verdun 78590 Noisy le Roi tel: +33 171491024 www.saveiteasy.fr Distributor for: Save It Easy
PROLUM Rue Henri Tol Tanguy 51450 Champagne Ardennes tel: +33 326860197 www.prolum-france.fr Distributor for: Intra Lighting
PYRECAP 5 Place S. Allende 91120 Palaiseau tel: +33 169204425 www.pyrecap.com Distributor for: Ocean
RAGNI Chemin du Vallon des Vaux Le Gueirard 06801 Cagnes-sur-Mer Cedex tel: +33 493310548 www.ragni.com
11 allée de l’espérance 93110 Rosny-sous-Bois tel: +33 145281795 www.ramo-industries.com
35 Boulevard Richard Lenoir 75011 Paris tel: +33 143382704 www.reggiani.net
11 Quai de la Banquiere CS 80010 CS 80010 06730 Saint Andre de la Roche www.resistex-sa.com
Distributor for: Casambi
13 boulevard du Fort de Vaux 75017 Paris tel: +33 142858500 www.rexel.com
Distributor for: Aurora, Collingwood, Disano, Ledvance, Philips, Securlite, SLV, Thorlux, Thorn, VS Lighting
ZI du Forlen Impasse des Imprimeurs 67118 Geispolsheim tel: +33 388770777 www.ridi-group.com Distributor for: Norka
ROBERT JULIAT 32, rue de Beaumont 60530 Fresnoy-en-Thelle tel: +33 344265189 www.robertjuliat.com
ROGER PRADIER 46 Avenue d’Occitanie 36250 Saint-Maur tel: +33 0677840752 www.roger-pradier.com
ROHL 1 Rue de Bruxelles 67150 Erstein tel: +33 390299070 www.rohl.com
RVE TECHNOLOGIE 23 Rue Beausire 93250 Villemomble tel: +33 148543163 www.rvetec.com
RZB 31 rue Principale 67240 Schirrhein tel: +33 388934162 www.rzb-lighting.com
SAMMODE 24-32 rue des Amandiers 75020 Paris tel: +33 143148499 www.sammode.com
SCEEN, AGENCE D’AMIENS Avenue Roger Dumoulin 65 80000 Amiens tel: +33 322695120 www.sceen.fr
Distributor for: Atelier Tredo, Epsilon, Intra Lighting
35 rue Joseph Monier 92500 Rueil Malmasion tel: +33 141297000 www.schneider-electric.com
Immeuble Victoria, allee des Cascades 10 Villepinte 95926 Roissey tel: +33 148161788 www.schreder.fr
Z.I. Des Ajeux 72400 La Ferté Bernard tel: +33 243604000 www.securlite.com
ZA La Perriere 21 Rue La Fontaine 35340 Liffre tel: +33 299684669 www.sed-lighting.com
SELUX Parc d’Activités des Chênes - Route de Tramoyes 01706 Les Echets tel: +33 472262670 www.selux.com
Parc de l’Arboretum
73 rue de Saint Mandrier 83140 Six Fours Les Plages tel: +33 494930000 www.sg-as.com
56 bis rue du Vieux Colombier 51100 Reims tel: +33 326617229 Distributor for: Siteco
SIGNIFY 33 rue de Verdun BP313 92156 Suresnes Cedex tel: +33 825882309 www.signify.com
Za du Mittelfeld 1 rue Alfred Kastler BP 60024 Schiltigheim 67014 Strasbourg Cedex tel: +33 388774929 www.sill-lighting.com Distributor for: Filix, Wila
SITECO Chez APLITEC 4 – 14 rue Ferrus 75014 Paris tel: +33 624575861 www.siteco.com
SKY FACTORY 142 Rue de Rivoli 75001 Paris tel: +33 805080240 www.skyfactory.com
SOKA DISDEROT 107 rue du Moulin Sarrazin 95100 Argenteuil tel: +33 134114910 www.soka.fr Distributor for: Soraa
Centre d’affaires le Concorde 1080 Chemin de la croix verte 38330 Montbonnot tel: +33 476248687 www.soliled.com
Distributor for: EldoLED, Insta, Pharos
5-7 Avenue Jules Ferry 92245 Malakoff tel: +33 141173434 www.sonepar.com Distributor for: Astro, Collingwood, Concord, Delta Light, Ledvance, Lutron, Osram, Philips, Sedap, Thorn
SPIE Parc Saint-Christophe 10 Avenue de l’Entreprise Cergy Pontoise 95863 Cedex tel: +33 134243000 www.spie.com Distributor for: Philips Color Kinetics
SPX LIGHTING 333 Avenue Marguerite Perey Bat Innovespace C 77127 Lieusaint tel: +33 182330280 www.spx-lighting.com
STANLEY lmmeuble MB6, 41 rue des Trois Fontanot 92000 Nanterre tel: +33 147818585 www.stanley-ledlighting.com
Chemin de theodule Les Plans Est 74230 Manigod tel: +33 681097626 www.structures.me
17 rue du commandant Charcot 33290 Blanquefort www.sunna-design.com
SWEET LIGHT Easy Digital Concept 1 Avenue Girardot 95160 Montmorency tel: +33 134122030 www.sweetlight-controller.com
SWITCH-MADE 51 Chemin du Moulin 69570 Dardilly tel: +33 437403310 www.switch-made.com
Le Signac, 1-3 Avenue du Général de Gaulle 92230 Gennevilliers tel: +33 155511100 www.sylvania-lighting.com
TARGETTI 8 rue Alfred de Vigny 75008 Paris tel: +33 144290909 www.targetti.com
Domaine de Lezigno 34500 Beziers tel: +33 467906767 www.technilum.com
10 Rue Fulgencio Gimenez Parc Generation 3 69120 Vaulx en Velin tel: +33 472145080 www.telecoautomation.com
5 Place Charles Béraudier 69003 Lyon tel: +33 427864585 www.tertium-group.com Distributor for: AAG Stucchi, Entity, TCI
THORN LIGHTING 10 rue d’Uzès 75002 Paris tel: +33 149536262 www.thornlighting.com
7 rue Ampère BP 131 92804 Puteaux Cedex tel: +33 147282828 www.toshiba-lighting.com f
TRAJECTOIRE ECLAIRAGE 120 Avenue Jean Jaurès 69007 Lyon tel: +33 472735820 www.trajectoire-sonepar.fr Distributor for: Mareco Luce
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES 5, Rue d`Altorf 67129 Molsheim Cedex tel: +33 388497599 www.traxontechnologies.com
TRILUX Aéroparc Entzheim 5 Rue Pégase CS 80005 67836 Tanneries Cedex tel: +33 388485784 www.trilux.com
VALMONT Les Martoulets - BP1 03110 Charmeil tel: +33 470588686 email: contact@valmont-france.com www.valmont-france.com
Valmont® Structures supports our customers with a proven legacy of engineering leadership, manufacturing expertise and the most complete offering of infrastructure products and solutions available globally. Quality, integrity and innovation define Valmont Structures. Our portfolio of customengineered and exquisitely designed products includes an array of lighting, transportation, and smart solutions that help create bright, beautiful, and sustainable communities.
VIABIZZUNO 26 rue de l’université Saint Germain 75007 Paris tel: +33 142608062 www.viabizzuno.com
VILLACOSA 32 Rue Ernest Cornac 81100 Castres tel: +33 563590148 www.villacosa.com Distributor for: Unilamp
VOSSLOH-SCHWABE Zi-Nord 20 rue A. Kiener 68016 Colmar tel: +33 389201212 www.vossloh-schwabe.com
WALDMANN Zone Industrielle Rue de l’Embranchement BP 23431 Reichstett 67455 Mundolsheim Cedex tel: +33 388209588 www.waldmann.com
ZAC de Chesnes Nord 6 Rue de Brisson CS80330 38290 Satolas et Bonce tel: +33 474991444 www.we-ef.com
XAL 10 Rue Pecquay 75004 Paris tel: +33 140299882 www.xal.com
ZUMTOBEL 10 rue d’Uzèsann 75002 Paris tel: +33 156333250
3DELUXE-BIORHYTHM Stresemannstrasse 15 10963 Berlin tel: +49 3024342790 www.biorhythm.de
A·G LICHT Weinsbergstrasse 118a 50823 Cologne tel: +49 2215540060 www.aglicht.de
AKTIVRAUM Volksgartenstrasse 1 50677 Cologne tel: +49 2219348118 www.aktivraum.de
Winkeler Strasse 100 65366 Gelsenheim tel: +49 67225293 www.andreanusser.de
ANKE AUGSBURG LICHT Erlenstrasse 2B 04105 Leipzig tel: +49 34158617586 www.lichtarchitekten.com
ANSELM VON HELD Gneisenaustrasse 43 10961 Berlin tel: +49 3049080962 www.vonheld.de
ARCHEVOLUCIO LIGHTING DESIGN Villa Augustin, Antonstrasse 1 01097 Dresden tel: +49 3518963199 www.archevolucio.com
AURELIA DESIGN LICHTPLANUNG Am Breitling 4 18119 Rostock tel: +49 38125555979 www.aurelia-design.com
BELZNER HOLMES LIGHT-DESIGN Charlottenstrasse 29/31 70182 Stuttgart tel: +49 71134244810 www.light-design.com
BURKHARD WAND LICHTPLANUNG Friedensallee 41 22765 Hamburg tel: +49 4018003470 www.wand-lichtplanung.com
BURO HAPPOLD | LIGHTING Pfalzburger Strasse 43-44 10717 Berlin tel: +49 308609060 www.burohappold.com
CHRISTOPH VAN BÖMMEL Lettow-Vorbeckstrasse 49 41063 Mönchengladbach tel: +49 2161206443 www.vanboemmel.com
CONCEPTLICHT Kantstrasse 18b 83301 Traunreut tel: +49 8669901151 www.conceptlicht.com
CONTINUUM Oberfoehringer Strasse 127 81925 Munich tel: +49 8920047453 www.continuum-studios.net
CPA LICHTKONZEPT Pulverweg 1A 21337 Lüneburg tel: +49 41316844968 www.cpa-lichtkonzept.de
CUT Helmholtzstrasse 8 69120 Heidelberg tel: +49 622198250 www.cut-gruppe.de
ELEMENT LICHT DESIGN Hornstrasse 5 10963 Berlin tel: +49 17657871889 www.elementlichtdesign.com
EMDEDESIGN Friedberger Landstrasse 645 60389 Frankfurt tel: +49 694788150 www.emdelight.com
ENVUE HOMBURG LICHT Akazienstrasse 29 10823 Berlin tel: +49 3058844505 www.envuehomburg.de
ERMISCH LICHTDESIGN Virchowstrasse 6 19055 Schwerin tel: +49 3855213223 www.ermisch-lichtdesign.de
FELSCH LIGHTING DESIGN Friesenweg 4, Haus 4 22763 Hamburg tel: +49 4063639910 www.felsch.de
FOUR TO ONE: SCALE DESIGN Hans-Böckler-Strasse 163 50354 Hürth tel: +49 2233518880 www.4-to-1.de
GABRIELE ALLENDORF LIGHT IDENTITY Ysenburgstrasse 4 80634 Munich tel: +49 8915970202 www.gabriele-allendorf.de
HAMBURG DESIGN Klosterallee 78 20144 Hamburg tel: +49 404209845 www.hamburgdesign.de
HENN-PLANUNGSWERKSTATT Pfinztalstrasse 90 76227 Karlsruhe tel: +49 7211566630 www.henn-plw.de
HERBERT CYBULSKA Eckenheimer Landstrasse 95 60318 Frankfurt tel: +49 6995530472 www.herbertcybulska.com
IB BIRNBAUM - PLANUNGSBÜRO BIRNBAUM Obermarkt 15 02826 Görlitz tel: +49 3581401021 www.ib-birnbaum.de
INGENIEURE BAMBERGER Schwemmfeld 18 85137 Pfünz tel: +49 842699540 www.ibbamberger.de
ARUP Joachimstalerstrasse 41 10623 Berlin tel: +49 308859100 email: lighting-design@arup.com www.arup.com/lighting
Lighting at Arup brings together art, science and technology. Our team of designers create expressive and award-winning concepts in light. Our commitment to sustainability drives a creative approach to the application of state-of-the-art technology. We work in harmony with aesthetics and vision, delivering human centric solutions for clients.
ATELIER HORN Oberstrasse 16 65207 Weisbaden tel: +49 17666660668 www.atelierhorn.de
ATELIER LEMBERG Schleiermacherstrasse 31 - 37 10961 Berlin tel: +49 302062872 www.goetzlemberg.de
ATELIER RANG Hohenstrasse 16-18 60385 Frankfurt am Main tel: +49 699494560 www.atelier-rang.de
KÖSTER LICHTPLANUNG Karl-Bieber-Höhe 15 60437 Frankfurt am Main tel: +49 695074640 www.koester-lichtplanung.de
KRESS & ADAMS Xantener Strasse 139 50735 Cologne tel: +49 221760010 www.kress-adams.de
KREUZ + KREUZ Ludwigstrasse 73 A 70176 Stuttgart tel: +49 7116599418 www.kreuzundkreuz.de
L-PLAN LIGHTING DESIGN Saechsische Strasse 6 10707 Berlin tel: +49 3030883760 www.l-plan.de
L1-LICHTPLANUNGSBÜRO Hohes Ufer 1 49696 Stalförden - Molbergen tel: +49 4475329998 www.l1-lichtplanungsbuero.de
LICHT & TECHNIK Thalkirchner Strasse 210 81371 Munich tel: +49 8954403097 www.licht-technik.biz
LICHT + RAUM CONSULTANTS Alter Holzhafen 3 23966 Wismar tel: +49 3841222112 www.lplusrc.de
LICHT 01 LIGHTING DESIGN Fettstrasse 7a 20357 Hamburg tel: +49 4043095323 www.licht01.de
D-LIGHTVISION Am Kapuzinerholzl 41 80992 Munich tel: +49 892782750 www.d-lightvision.de
DAY & LIGHT LICHTPLANUNG Welserstrasse 25 81373 Munich tel: +49 8962146752 www.dayandlight.de
DIE LICHTIDEENSCHMIEDE Zaunkönigstrasse 31 85521 Ottobrunn tel: +49 8966590690 www.lichtideenschmiede.de
ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT Heegbarg 30 22391 Hamburg tel: +49 40606069504 www.ece.de
EDGAR SCHLAEFLE Xantener Strasse 20 10707 Berlin tel: +49 1736441913 www.edgar-schlaefle.com
ELECTRIC GOBO Schönhauser Allee 182 10119 Berlin tel: +49 3023611908 www.gobo.io
INLUX Klopstockstrasse 8 22765 Hamburg tel: +49 4076796635 www.inlux-hamburg.de
JACK BE NIMBLE Heidestrasse 52 / Gebäude K 10557 Berlin tel: +49 3081722406 www.jackbenimble.de
JOCHEN LOCHNER LICHTDESIGN Biedenkopfer Strasse 2 13507 Berlin tel: +49 1631768150
KARDORFF INGENIEURE LICHTPLANUNG Lietzenburger Strasse 46 10789 Berlin tel: +49 3036999040 www.kardorff.de
KEES - DAS LICHTSTUDIO Gewerbepark 23 87640 Biessenhofen tel: +49 834289730 www.lichtstudio-kees.de
KOBER LICHTPLANNER Am Ossenbrink 67a Feldbank 5 44227 Dortmund tel: +49 2314257432 www.kober-lichtplaner.com
LICHT KUNST LICHT Schlesische Strasse 27 10997 Berlin tel: +49 306179310 Jagdweg 16 53115 Bonn tel: +49 228914220 email: bonn@lichtkunstlicht.com www.lichtkunstlicht.com
Licht Kunst Licht is an international lighting design consultancy made of a team of committed and talented designers. We work on a wide range of projects, passionately pursuing the cutting edge of innovation to create international award winning designs.
LICHT RAUM STADT Bayreuther Strasse 52a 42115 Wuppertal tel: +49 202695160 www.licht-raum-stadt.de
LICHTEKTUR Danziger Strasse 26 10435 Berlin tel: +49 3044044904 www.lichtektur.com
LICHTSTUDIO HALLE Bluetenweg 12 06198 Salzatal tel: +49 3455512400 www.lichtstudio-halle.de
LICHTTRANSFER Brunhildstrasse 8 10829 Berlin tel: +49 3069507054 www.lichttransfer.de
LICHTVISION DESIGN Fritschestrasse 27/28 10585 Berlin tel: +49 302128910 www.lichtvision.com
LICHTWERKE Berrenrather Strasse 188b 50937 Cologne tel: +49 2211394953 www.lichtwerke.com
LIGHT-ING GESTALTENDE LICHTPLANUNG Bayernstrasse 28 58509 Lüdenscheid tel: +49 2351919602 www.light-ing.de
LIGHTING ARCHITECTS Yorckstrasse 6 76185 Karlsruhe tel: +49 72116089917 www.lighting-architects.com
LIST LICHTDESIGN Gerhart-Hauptmann-Weg 20 21509 Glinde tel: +49 4069212140 www.list-lichtdesign.de
LUMEN3 Entenbachstrasse 25 81541 Munich tel: +49 892441050 www.lumen3.de
LUNALICHT LICHTARCHITEKTUR Weltzienstrasse 6a 76135 Karlsruhe tel: +49 7219851443 www.lunalicht.de
LUXOPHIL Guldeinstrasse 35 80339 Munich tel: +49 8985674207 www.luxophil.com
LUXWELT Haagstrasse 17 61169 Friedberg tel: +49 60316920530 www.luxwelt.de
LUZIFER LICHTPLANUNG Theaterstrasse 96 52062 Aachen tel: +49 24199073500 www.luzifer.li
MADE BY LIGHT Fischmarkt 15 22767 Hamburg tel: +49 4052596870 www.made-by-light.com
MADER STUBLIC WIERMANN Senefelder Strasse 20 10437 Berlin tel: +49 3041722958 www.webblick.de
MAILÄNDER LICHT DESIGN Luxemburger Strasse 152 50937 Cologne tel: +49 2219442400 www.mailaender-licht.de
MICHAEL BATZ Hamburg Art Ensemble Auf dem Sande 1 20457 Hamburg tel: +49 403696237 www.michaelbatz.de
NOTHOLT LIGHTING DESIGN Dehnhaide 71 22081 Hamburg tel: +49 4069644500 www.notholt.de
OC LICHTPLANUNG Schlossstrasse 1 49356 Diepholz tel: +49 5441995435 www.oc-lichtplanung.de
PETER ANDRES LICHTPLANUNG Tarpen 40 Valvo Park 22419 Hamburg tel: +49 405371550 www.andres-lichtplanung.de
PFARRÉ LIGHTING DESIGN Hesseloherstrasse 20 / Occamstrasse 80802 Munich tel: +49 8954041430 www.lichtplanung.com
RADA MARKOVIC LIGHTING DESIGN STUDIO Nussbaumallee 39 14050 Berlin tel: +49 15213871709 www.radamarkovic.com
REMAGEN LICHTPLANUNG Lungengasse 34-46 50676 Cologne tel: +49 2212079727 www.licht-profis.eu
ROSENSPIESS Schröderstrasse 12/2 10115 Berlin tel: +49 3040006049 www.rosenspiess.com
SCHLOTFELDT LICHT Mühlenkamp 31 22303 Hamburg tel: +49 406965670 www.schlotfeldtlicht.de
SCHMIDT KÖNIG LICHTPLANER Einsteinstrasse 28 81675 Munich tel: +49 8932708356 www.schmidtkoenig.de
SCHMITZ SCHIMINSKI PARTNER Langer Garten 23-25 31137 Hildesheim tel: +49 5121282930 www.ssp-design.de
SCHULTZE-KRAUSE LICHTDESIGN Rykestrasse 19 10405 Berlin tel: +49 3044017481 www.schultze-krause.de
SCOTT BELEUCHTUNG Pommersche Strasse 12 10707 Berlin tel: +49 3086399236 www.scottbeleuchtung.de
SL-RASCH Kesslerweg 22 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen tel: +49 711901148911 www.sl-rasch.de
SSP Lise-Meitner-Allee 30 44801 Bochum tel: +49 234307090 www.ssp.ag
START.DESIGN Kupferdreher Strasse 266 45257 Essen tel: +49 2018203600 www.start-design.de
STUDIO DANNEMANN Baerwaldstrasse 63A 10961 Berlin tel: +49 1776536444 www.studiodannemann.berlin
STUDIO DE SCHUTTER Hasenheide 9 Hof 2 / Aufgang 1 10967 Berlin tel: +49 3080955487 www.studiodeschutter.com
STUDIO DINNEBIER Klosterstrasse 44 10179 Berlin tel: +49 3040042330 www.lichtlicht.de
STUDIO DL Sedanstrasse 42 31134 Hildesheim tel: +49 51211026960 www.studiodl.com
STUDIO TWILIGHT Hermannstrasse 232 12049 Berlin tel: +49 15773545303 www.studiotwilight.com
TEAM LICHT Weidestrasse 128 22083 Hamburg tel: +49 4018100098 www.teamlicht.de
THE FLAMING BEACON Lottumstrasse 5 10119 Berlin tel: +49 3028042204 email: tfb@tfb.com.au www.tfb.com.au
Boutique hospitality for 35 years. Lateral, sweet-spot solution finding through thoughtful collaboration.
TOBIAS LINK LICHTPLANUNG Trillerweg 59 66117 Saarbrücken tel: +49 6819474450 www.tobiaslink.de
TROPP LIGHTING DESIGN Marienplatz 5 82362 Weilheim tel: +49 881248690 www.tropp-lighting.com
ULRIKE BRANDI LICHT Stadtdeich 27 20097 Hamburg tel: +49 403696350 www.ulrike-brandi.de
URBANE LICHTKONZEPTE Alter Schilachthof 3 76131 Karlsruhe tel: +49 7212086655 www.urbane-lichtkonzepte.de
VEDDER LIGHT MANAGEMENT Landshuter Allee 8-10 80637 Munich tel: +49 8954558181 www.vedderlicht.com
VOGTPARTNER Am Schönberg 49 79280 Au, Freiburg tel: +49 7614001269 www.vogtpartner.eu
WEISER LIGHTING Kiefernstrasse 2d 53842 Troisdorf tel: +49 22411695885 www.weiser.lighting
WEISSPUNKT UND PURPUR Gneisenaustrasse 67 (Aufgang E / 2.OG) 10961 Berlin tel: +49 3027909812 www.weisspunktundpurpur.de
2K MOXA LIGHTING Gewerbegebiet 31 07381 Thuringen tel: +49 364837610 www.2k-leuchten.com g
ABA-LIGHT Josef-Suwelack-Strasse 3 48727 Billerbeck tel: +49 2543233020 www.abalight.de f
ABSOLUT LIGHTING Hamburger Strasse 8a 50321 Brühl tel: +49 223276360 www.absolut-lighting.com
ABV LÖWEN Diesel Strasse 12 33449 Langenberg tel: +49 5248821605 www.abv-loewen.com Distributor for: el torrent, RZB, Schmitz Leuchten
ADO LIGHTS Christian-Schaefer-Strasse 8 Flamersheim 53881 Cologne / Bonn tel: +49 2255921200 email: info@ado-lights.com www.ado-lights.com
ADO Lights is a German manufacturer with 16 years’ experience in the lighting industry. In co-operation with well-known architects and light planners, we create design-oriented light fittings for international projects. Our standard light fittings have excellent CRI allied to a competitive price, as well as great flexibility in customisation.
AGC GLASS EUROPE Taunus Str. 36 65812 Bad Soden tel: +49 15204528029 www.agc-glass.eu
AHA! Subbelrather strasse 557 50827 Cologne tel: +49 2219532340 www.aha-effekt.de Distributor for: OPTI Kinetics
AKZU 4th floor Altmarkt 10 D 01067 Dresden tel: +49 3518134499 www.akzu.com
ALANOD Egerstrasse 12 58256 Ennepetal tel: +49 2333986500 www.alanod.com f
ALEXANDER WECKMER LIGHT SYSTEMS Lindberghstrasse 15 86343 Konigsbrunn tel: +49 8231957870 www.biontechnologies.com Distributor for: Colour Kinetics, Philips Dynalite
ALMECO GROUP Claude Breda Strasse 3 06406 Bernburg tel: +49 34713465500 www.almecogroup.com
ALS Mastorter strasse 29 88069 Tettnang tel: +49 754293440 www.als.de
ALURAYS LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY Robert-Koch-Strasse 1 82152 Planegg tel: +49 8982087068 www.alurays.de
AMVISO Muhlrain 38 70180 Stuttgart tel: +49 711602778 www.amviso.ch Distributor for: Precision, RCL
ANOLIS Birkenstrasse 26 85467 Neuching tel: +49 8999939090 email: info@robelighting.de www.robelighting.de
Robe is among the world’s leading moving light manufacturers, recognised for its innovation, quality and engineering. Robe’s moving and LED lights are working and installed on stages, in concert halls, theatres and all types of other venues as well as at theme park attractions and entering the specialist worlds of architectural and environmental illumination.
ANSORG Pilgerstrasse 11 45473 Mülheim / Ruhr tel: +49 20848460 www.ansorg.com
ANTA Osterbrooksweg 59 22869 Schenefeld tel: +49 408391037 www.anta.de
ANTON W.C. DENKER Lindenstrasse 39 20099 Hamburg tel: +49 402484560 www.anton-denker.de Distributor for: Wibre
APURE ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Lise-Meitner-Strasse 1-7 24223 Schwentinental tel: +49 4307900550 www.apure-system.com
eARCLITE Marie CurieStrasse 11 22941 Bargteheide tel: +49 453228680 www.arclite.com
ARCPROLED Auf der Hub 2 76307 Karlsbad tel: +49 724892710 www.deko-light.com
ARDITI Leischstrasse 17 27432 Ebersdorf/Bremervörde tel: +49 47658311380 www.arditi.com Distributor for: Casambi
ARROW ELECTRONICS Frankfurter Strasse 21 63263 Neu-Isenburg tel: +49 610250300 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
ARTE LUMEN Leipzeiger Platz 21 90491 Nurnberg tel: +49 9115675890 www.artelumen.de Distributor for: Dark, Delta Light, Martinelli Luce, Megaman
ARTEKO LED Holstenkamp 40 22525 Hamburg tel: +49 4316969787 www.arteko-led.com
Hans-Böckler-Strasse 2 58730 Frondenberg tel: +49 23739750 www.artemide.com
ARTROLUX Betriebsstatte Kopenicker Strasse 148/149 10997 Berlin tel: +49 3091683550 www.artrolux.de e d
ARTS OUTDOOR LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY Arberger Hafendamm 22 28309 Bremen tel: +49 4215966090 www.ao-technology.com
ARXLUMEN Friedrichstrasse 23 50321 Brühl tel: +49 22322066247 www.arxlumen.de Distributor for: Lumenpulse
ASTERA Stahlgruberring 36 81829 Munich tel: +49 89215522530 www.astera-led.com
ASTRA LICHT Talstrasse 19 70825 Korntal-Münchingen tel: +49 7118395000 www.astra-licht.de Distributor for: Alteme, Licht+Raum, Planlicht
Alter Teichweg 15 22081 Hamburg tel: +49 407566340 www.auralight.com
AVAGO TECHNOLOGIES Herrenberger Strasse 130 71034 Boeblingen tel: +49 70314363340 www.avagotech.com f
AVNET SILICA Gruber Strasse 60c 85586 Poing tel: +49 812177702 www.avnet-silica.com Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments f
AZTECH SYSTEMS Kreuzberger Ring 22 65205 Wiesbaden tel: +49 611450200 www.aztech.com
B.E.G. Gerberstrasse 33 51789 Lindlar tel: +49 2266901210 www.beg-luxomat.com
B&K BRAUN Industristrasse 1 D 76307 Karlsbad tel: +49 724891222 www.b-und-k.de Distributor for: Alkalite
BAG ELECTRONICS Möhnestraße 53 59755 Arnsberg tel: +49 293290009800 www.bagelectronics.com
BÄRO Wolfstall 54-56 42799 Leichlingen tel: +49 21747990 www.baero.com
BARTENBACH Nymphenburgerstraße 5 80335 Munich tel: +49 8927780134 www.bartenbach.com
BARTHELME LED SOLUTIONS Oedenberger Strasse 149 90491 Nuremberg tel: +49 911424760 www.barthelme.de
BAULMANN Selscheder Weg 24 59846 Sundern tel: +49 2933847151 www.baulmann.com
BEGA Hennenbusch 58708 Menden tel: +49 23739660 www.bega.com
BERND BEISSE Brenschanz strasse 8d 90429 Nürnberg tel: +49 911964780 www.berndbeisse.com
e BETEC LICHT Felix-Wankel-Strasse 10 85221 Dachau tel: +49 8131292656 email: info@betec.de www.betec.de
Light for the Future®-For over 40 years betec has enjoyed an excellent international reputation as an innovative lighting manufacturer. The “Clarus” painting light was a revolution in lighting in a minimalist guise. Distinguished by being covered by German protection of art as well as its renowned international design awards.
BION TECHNOLOGIES Lindberghstrasse 15 86343 Königsbrunn tel: +49 8231957870 www.biontechnologies.com
BJB Werler Strasse 1 59755 Arnsberg tel: +49 29329820 www.bjb.com
BLOMS Vertriebsgesellschaft Jacksonring 12 48429 Rheine tel: +49 59718029560 www.bloms-eventtechnik.de
BLV LICHT Munchner Strasse 10 85643 Steinhoring tel: +49 80949060 www.blv-licht.de Distributor for: Soraa f
BPE LICHT Well Nierhof 59757 Arnsberg tel: +49 2932900490 www.bpe-licht.de
BRILLIANT Brilliantstrasse 1 27442 Gnarrenburg tel: +49 476389290 www.brilliant-ag.com f
BRINKDOEPKE Waldbadstrasse 17 C 33803 Steinhagen tel: +49 5204995870 www.brinkdoepke.eu
BRUCK Industriestrasse 22a 44628 Herne tel: +49 23235910 www.bruck.de
BRUMBERG Hellefelder Strasse. 63 59846 Sundern-Hellefeld tel: +49 293496110 www.brumberg.com
BRUMBERG LEUCHTEN Hellefelder Strasse 63 59846 Sundern-Hellefeld tel: +49 293496110 www.brumberg.com
BUCK Taunustor 1 60310 Frankfurt am Main tel: +49 73195032330 www.bucklicht.de
BUDEC Taunustor 1 60310 Frankfurt am Main tel: +49 73195032330 www.buck.lighting
BUSCHFELD Dillenburger Strasse 97 51105 Cologne tel: +49 2219376415 www.buschfeld.de
CARPET LIGHT Friesenweg 5f 22763 Hamburg tel: +49 4043096222 www.carpetlight.com
CARSTEN KRAUSS LICHTBERATUNG Haydnstrasse 12 16552 Schildow tel: +49 56438547 Distributor for: Alteme
CARUS Rosenstrasse 8 35037 Marburg tel: +49 6421604243 www.carus-world.com
CASABLANCA Hans-Böckler-Strasse 16 63263 Neu-Isenburg tel: +49 69886033 www.casablanca-leuchten.de
CAST Kabeler Strasse 54a 58099 Hagen tel: +49 2331691500 www.castinfo.de Distributor for: Gantom, Lee Filters, Rosco
CEAG NOTLICHTSYSTEME Senator Schwartz Ring 26 59494 Soest tel: +49 292169870 www.cooper-safety.com
Otto-Hahn-Strabe 40721 Hilden tel: +49 210358230 www.cedes.info
CITIZEN ELECTRONICS Stephanstrasse 3 60313 Frankfurt tel: +49 6929924811 www.citizen.co.jp
CIVILIGHT Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse 1a 65760 Eschborn tel: +49 61739656640 www.civilight.info
CLINERGY Moselstrasse 18a 41464 Neuss tel: +49 21311780410 www.cli-nergy.com Distributor for: Amoluxe
COLLINGWOOD LIGHTING Landwehrstrasse 61 80336 Munich tel: +49 89411123777 www.collingwoodlighting.com
COMPARLUX Mastorter strasse. 31 88069 Tettnang tel: +49 75429388135 www.comparlux.com
COMPUTERWORKS Schwarzwaldstrasse 67 79539 Lörrach tel: +49 762140180 www.computerworks.de Distributor for: Vectorworks
COOLEDGE Gerhofstrasse 40 20354 Hamburg tel: +49 4034068675 www.cooledgelighting.com
CORPORATE FRIENDS Pulsnitzer Strasse 46 01917 Kamenz tel: +49 35787856111 www.corporatefriends.de
CREE Lichtenbergstrasse 8 85748 Garching tel: +49 8954842200 www.cree.com
CRESTRON Ringstrasse 1 89081 Ulm-Lehr tel: +49 731962810 www.crestron.eu
CURVELED Ackerstrasse 11 40233 Düsseldorf tel: +49 2118604980 www.curveled.com
CV LEUCHTEN Sossenheimer Weg 50 65843 Sulzbach/Taunus tel: +49 6196561410 www.cv-leuchten.de Distributor for: Agabekov
DECOLIGHT LICHT Breyeller Strasse 32DE 41334 Nettetal tel: +49 32221092097 www.decolight-licht.de Distributor for: Ormalight, Qu-light, Reggiani, Selum
Karl-Weinmair Strasse 10 0807 Munich tel: +49 893561601 www.dlad.eu
DERKSEN Sauerlandstraße 5 45889 Gelsenkirchen tel: +49 209980700 www.derksen.de
Alfred-Kowalke Strasse 30 10315 Berlin tel: +49 3051062020 www.designplanleuchten.de
Im Kleigrund 1426135 Oldenburg tel: +49 4412093730
DG LICHT HANDELS Spalding Strasse 190 20097 Hamburg tel: +49 23785324
www.dg-licht.de Distributor for: Euro-light
DIAL Bahnhofsallee 18 58507 Ludenscheid tel: +49 235156740 www.dial.de h
DIELICHTBERATER RHEIN-MAIN Färbgasse 23 35510 Butzbach tel: +49 60337499982 www.dielichtberater-rhein-main.de Distributor for: Baulmann, TAL
DOT-SPOT Industriestrasse 1 90592 Schwarzenbruck tel: +49 91287222170 www.dot-spot.de
DPS INDUSTRIAL Sachsenstrasse 5 20097 Hamburg tel: +49 406828970 www.dps-industrial.de Distributor for: Wibre
DPS SPANNDECKEN Schlimpfhofer Strasse 37 97723 Oberthulba tel: +49 97367575070 www.dps-deutschland.de
DURLUM An der Wiese 5 79650 Schopfheim tel: +49 762239050 www.durlum.de
E:CUE Karl-Schurz-Strasse 38 33100 Paderborn tel: +49 5251546480 www.traxontechnologies.com
EAGLE DESIGN Richard-Münch-Strasse 12 13591 Berlin tel: +49 3020678000 www.eagledesign.eu Distributor for: AQform
EBV ELEKTRONIK Im Technologiepark 2-8 85586 Poing tel: +49 81217740 www.ebv.com Distributor for: Everlight, Ledil, Luminus, Osram, Samsung f
EIGENART LEUCHTEN UND BELEUCHTUNG Meißner Straße 15 01445 Radebeul tel: +49 3516563390 www.eigenart-leuchten.com
ELEKTRA Werkstr 7 32130 Enger tel: +49 5223185363 www.elektra.de
Leuchten Lichtldeen Fritschestrasse 27/28 1.OG, Aufgang C 10585 Berlin tel: +49 307720350 www.ellux.de Distributor for: Barthelme, BEG, Hess, Modular, Norka, Precision, RCL, Regiolux, Viabizzuno, Wila
ELTRIC K. HECKEL Weiherstrasse 29 Bayreuth 95448 tel: +49 9218970 www.eltric.net
EMIT SALES + PROJECTS Amselstrasse 13 51149 Cologne tel: +49 22031835561 www.emit.de Distributor for: LED iBond
EMTRON ELECTRONIC Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 14 64569 Nauheim tel: +49 615263090 www.emtron.de Distributor for: Mean Well
ENOCEAN Kolpingring 18a 82041 Oberhaching tel: +49 8967346890 www.enocean.com
a ERCO Brockhauser Weg 80-82 58507 Luedenscheid tel: +49 23515510 email: info@erco.com www.erco.com
The ERCO Light Factory in the German town of Lüdenscheid is a leading international specialist in architectural lighting using LED technology. The family business, founded in 1934, now operates as a global player with independent sales organisations and partners in 55 countries worldwide. ERCO develops, designs and produces digital luminaires with focus on photometrics, electronics and design.
ESCALE MÖBEL & LEUCHTEN Taqnnerweg 6 74838 Limbach tel: +49 628792060 www.escale.de
ESYLUX An der Strusbek 40 22926 Ahrensburg tel: +49 4102888800 www.esylux.com
ETAP Schlebuscher Straße 77 51381 Leverkusen tel: +49 217157075 www.etaplighting.com
ETC Ohmstrasse 3 83607 Holzkirchen tel: +49 802447000 www.etcconnect.com
EVADO Vorbergweg 41 48159 Münster tel: +49 25153403536 www.evado.biz
EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS Siemensallee 84, Building 7302, 5F 76187 Karlsruhe tel: +49 721824473 www.everlight.com f
EWO Gotzinger Strasse 8 81371 Munich tel: +49 8952030729 www.ewo.com
FENO Raiffeisenallee 3 82041 Oberhaching tel: +49 8961372530 www.feno.com
FLOS ARCHITECTURAL Elisabeth-Selbert Strasse 4 40764 Langenfield tel: +49 2173109370 www.flos.com
FLUORA Liebknechtstrasse 33 70565 Stuttgart tel: +49 71178117490 www.fluora.ch
FORM IM RAUM Berliner Strasse 60 60311 Frankfurt tel: +49 69288624 www.formimraum.com Distributor for: Hulger
FRANK BOSSERT INDUSTRIEVERTRETUNGEN Hofener Weg 17 71686 Remseck tel: +49 71157766966 www.bossert-weissinger.de Distributor for: Barthelme, Insta, Lichtwerke, Regiolux, Weve & Ducre
FURUKAWA ELECTRIC German Sales Office Schimmelbusch strasse 09 40699 Erkrath tel: +49 2104952360 www.furukawa.co.uk
FUTURE ELECTRONICS Sebrathweg 20, 1st Floor 44149 Dortmund tel: +49 2319976190 www.futureelectronics.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Carclo, Eaton, Ledil, Lumileds, Mean Well, Osram, Recom, Samsung LED, Signify
G-LEC VISION industriestrasse 4b Im Stöckmädle 15 76307 Karlsbad tel: +49 724892400 www.g-lec.com
GE LIGHTING Eisenstrasse 5 65428 Rüsselsheim tel: +49 6142601163 www.gelighting.com
GESSLER Gutenbergring 14 D 63110 Rodgau tel: +49 6106870979 www.gessler.de
GEWISS Industriestrasse 2 35799 Merenberg tel: +49 64715010 www.gewiss.com
GHM-ECLATEC Lebacher Strasse 5 66113 Saarbrücken tel: +33 640732749 www.ghm-eclatec.com
GIRA GIERSIEPEN Dahlienstrasse 42477 Radevormwald tel: +49 21956020 www.gira.com
GKD Metallweberstrasse 46 52353 Duren tel: +49 24218030 www.gkd.de
GLAMOX LUXONIC Daimlerring 25 31135 Hildesheim tel: +49 512170600 www.glamox.com
GLASHÜTTE LIMBURG Glashüttenweg 65549 Limburg tel: +49 64312040 www.glashuette-limburg.com
GRIMMEISEN Äussere Lohe 2 83512 Wasserburg a. Inn tel: +49 80719033030 www.grimmeisen-licht.de
eGROB & HOFFMANN Westerbachstrasse 47 60489 Frankfurt tel: +49 6997840294 www.grob-und-hoffmann.de Distributor for: Alteme
Oesterweg 29 59469 Ense tel: +49 29389703170 www.grossmann-leuchten.de
eHADLER Fritzlarer Strasse 34587 Felsberg tel: +49 566293990 www.hadler-gmbh.de
HALEMEIER Lange Strasse 51 49326 Melle-Neuenkirchen tel: +49 5428503800 www.halemeier.de
eHATEC GESELLSCHAFT FUR LICHTTECHNIK Belchenstrasse 6-8 79244 Munstertal / Schwarzwald tel: +49 763678010 www.hatec-licht.de
HELDNER LICHTBERATUNG Königsbrücker Landstrasse 25 01109 Dresden tel: +49 3518902301 www.heldner-lichtberatung.de Distributor for: Bruck, DGA
HELDT-DUVENBECK LICHTBERATUNG Bregenzer Strasse 3 90475 Nuremberg tel: +49 9119880654 www.heldt-lichttechnik.de Distributor for: Intra Lighting, Sill
An den Breiten 7 01454 Leppersdorf tel: +49 352843830 www.helestra-leuchten.de
Mergenthalerstasse 6 30880 Laatzen tel: +49 511820100 www.hellux.de d g
HELVAR Philipp-Reis-Strasse 4-8 63150 Heusenstamm tel: +49 6104780750 www.helvar.com
HEP Ramsloh 10 58579 Schalksmühle tel: +49 2355509190 www.hepgroup.net f
Lantwattenstrasse 22 78050 Villingen-Schwenningen tel: +49 77219200 www.hess.eu
HOFFMEISTER Gewerbering 28-32 58579 Schalksmuehle tel: +49 23555041226 www.hoffmeister.de
HOLDERS TECHNOLOGY Woogmorgen 12 67292 Kirchheimbolanden tel: +49 63524040 www.holderstechnology.com Distributor for: Casambi, Dalcnet, Danlers, DMX Engineering, EagleRise, Edison Opto, Harvard, Ledlink, Olfer, Vadsbo f a
HOLY TRINITY Kleine Brudergasse 5 01067 Dresden tel: +49 35140455510 www.holytrinity-lights.com
eIDV Birkenweiher strasse 2 63505 Langenselbold tel: +49 618493190 www.megaman.de
e fIGUZZINI Bunsenstrasse 5 82152 Planegg tel: +49 898569880 www.iguzzini.com
IKARUS Gutenbergstrasse 3 63571 Gelnhausen tel: +49 1805921000 www.ikarus.de Distributor for: Artemide, Murano Luce, Oligo
K & R LICHTKONZEPT Lange Strasse 7 04668 Grimma tel: +49 3437941097 www.kur-lichtkonzept.de Distributor for: Argon, Intra Lighting, Pamalux, Soraa
KESSLER LICHT TECHNIK Lerchenweg 11-15 88376 Königseggwald tel: +49 7587950320 www.klt-licht.com
KLB Daimlerstrasse 6 61449 Steinbach tel: +49 61712915040 www.klb-light.com
KORONA LEUCHTEN Lindauer Strasse 25a 86199 Augsburg tel: +49 821906280 www.korona-licht.de
Bruno-Burgel-Strasse 11 28759 Bremen tel: +49 42117421689 email: martin@illuminationphysics.com www.illuminationphysics.com
illumination Physics is a designer and manufacturer of specialist LED lighting and equipment. We design specifically for the precise circumstances of each building and design intention. We can provide a complete suite of services as required - Design, Manufacturing, Delivery, Installation, Testing & Commissioning. illumination Physics has offices in Australia, Hong Kong, Macau and Europe.
INGO MAURER Kaiserstrasse 47 80801 Munich tel: +49 893816060 www.ingo-maurer.com
INNOBLICK Jagstrasse 13 70806 Kornwesthiem tel: +49 7154837110 www.innoblick.de
INSTA LIGHTING Hohe Steinert 10 58509 Lüdenscheid tel: +49 23519360 www.insta.de
INSTRUMENT SYSTEMS Kastenbauerstrasse 2 81677 Munich tel: +49 894549430 www.instrumentsystems.com
IP44.DE Mühlenstrasse 20 33378 Rheda-Wiedenbruck tel: +49 524257970 www.ip44.de
JT SOLAR Landsberger Strasse 113-115 80339 Munich tel: +49 8972609768 www.jtsolar.de
f d
JUNG PO Box 1320 Volmestrasse 1 58579 Schalksmühle tel: +49 23558060 www.jung.de a
KREATIVE LICHT Reuterweg 2 08056 Zwickau tel: +49 3752739416 www.kreativelichtgmbh.de Distributor for: Artemide, Brick In The Wall, Delta Light, Flos, Kreon, Linea Light Group, Occhio, Prolicht, Ribag
KREON Brühler Strasse 11-13 50968 Köln tel: +49 221937220 www.kreon.com
L+MT LEUCHTEN METALL TECHNIK Dieselstrasse 5 91161 Hilpoltstein tel: +49 9174479727 www.lmtgmbh.de e
LAMP 83 AM Weihergraben 10 74363 Guglingen tel: +49 71359306190 www.lamp83.com
LBM Maria-Hilf-Strasse 74 92334 Berching tel: +49 846294190 www.lbm-efo.com Distributor for: Crescent, Endo
LCR BELEUCHTUNG Brunhamstrasse 21 Geb.221 81249 Munich tel: +49 8989866995 www.lcr-beleuchtung.de Distributor for: ES-System, Esse-ci
LECAR LICHTSYSTEME Hanns-Martin-Schleyer Strasse 23-25 51503 Rosrath tel: +49 220592009 www.lecar-licht.de
LECCOR LEUCHTEN Daimlerstrasse 73 74545 Michelfeld tel: +49 79147077 www.leccor.de
LED FLEX Beedstrasse 54 40468 Düsseldorf tel: +49 17656815146 email: deu.sales@ledflexgroup.com www.ledflexgroup.com
Founded by a team who are passionate about lighting and technology, we at LEDFlex provide premium linear LED solutions for lighting projects suitable for architectural, urban, commercial, and residential applications. We work together with our clients on a project to project basis, developing bespoke lighting solutions tailored to individual project requirements.
LED LINEAR Dr.-Alfred-Herrhausen-Allee 20 47228 Duisburg tel: +49 206594322100 email: info@led-linear.com www.led-linear.com
LED Linear supplies award winning high quality linear LED lighting solutions based on a cost effective, unique modular LED tool kit for interior or exterior linear lighting solutions. International reference projects, including exquisite lighting solutions for decorative or architectural applications, stand as proof of a high quality manufacturing philosophy.
LEDO LED Ludwig-Eckes-Allee 6 55268 Nieder-Olm tel: +49 61369537911 www.mybulled.com
LEDVANCE Parkring 29-33 85748 Garching tel: +49 89780673100 www.ledvance.com
LEIDS Donaustr. 22-24 71522 Backnang tel: +49 7191323020 www.led-ideas.eu
LEVITON Steinweg 3-5 60313 Frankfurt tel: +49 1732720128 www.leviton.com
LEXINGTON Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 22B 40699 Erkrath tel: +49 2115615990 www.lexington-europe.de Distributor for: Neo-Neon
LIC LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY Hans-Böckler-Ring 3 22851 Norderstedt tel: +49 4030393922 www.lic-on.com
LICHT & OPTIK Feringastrasse 9a 85774 Unterföhring tel: +49 8974986035 www.logroup.de Distributor for: i-pix, LED Engin
LICHT UND TECHNIK St. Johannes 12 59368 Werne tel: +49 2389780516 www.sabineschauder.de Distributor for: Leccor Leuchten
LICHTBREUST Osterstrasse 43 30159 Hannover tel: +49 3066110511 www.lichtbreust.de Distributor for: Ansorg, ATEH Lighting
LICHTOBJEKTE ESTOL Magdeburger Strasse 18 44145 Dortmund tel: +49 231837099 www.estol.de
eLICHTPARTNER WILLINGEN In der Bärmecke 5a 34508 Willingen tel: +49 5632968190 www.lichtpartner-willingen.de Distributor for: Eyeleds
LIGEO Hauptstrasse 52 North Rhine-Westphalia 57074 Siegen tel: +49 27138680300 www.ligeo.de
LIGHT AVENUE Nürnberger Strasse 13a 93152 Etterzhausen tel: +49 94045069040 www.light-avenue.com
fLIGHT11.DE Alstedder Strasse 40 44534 Lunen tel: +49 2306759580 www.light11.de Distributor for: Artemide, Bega, Delta Light, Flos, IP44.de, Louis Poulsen, Lumina, Nimbus, SLV
LIGHTEQUIP Wilhelm-Mauser Strasse 41-43 50827 Köln tel: +49 2219584050 www.lightequip.de Distributor for: LDDE
LIGHTING ACCENTS Hertzweg 4 63071 Offenbach tel: +49 698383050 www.lightingaccents.com
eLIGHTING TECHNOLOGIES Fraunhofer Strasse 7 85737 Ismaning tel: +49 89550598611 www.ltcompany.com
LIGHTLIFE Hospeltstrasse 69 50825 Köln tel: +49 2219776540 www.lightlife.de Distributor for: Pharos
LIGHTNET Zollstockgürtel 65 50969 Cologne tel: +49 2212225260 www.lightnet-group.com
LIGHTPOWER An der Talle 24-28 33102 Paderborn tel: +49 5251143220 www.lightpower.de Distributor for: Clay Paky, ETC, MA Lighting, Pulsar, Wireless Solution
LINEA LIGHT GROUP Aktienstrasse 214 45473 Mülheim a.d. Ruhr tel: +49 2082999790 www.linealight.com
LIXERO Hans-Sachs Strasse 20 51375 Leverkusen tel: +49 21460274440 www.lixero.eu
LMP LICHTTECHNIK Gildestrasse 55 49477 Ibbenbüren tel: +49 54515900800 www.lmp.de Distributor for: Altman, Enttec, Lee Filters, LumenRadio, Visual Productions
LMT (LEUCHTEN + METALL TECHNIK) Dieselstrasse 5 91161 Hilpoltstein tel: +49 9174479727 www.lmtgmbh.de
LOBLICHT Am Schindellehm 15 59755 Arnsberg tel: +49 293297840 www.loblicht.de
LOUIS POULSEN Liesegangstrasse 17 40221 Düsseldorf tel: +49 211732790 www.louispoulsen.com
LTS Waldesch 24 88069 Tettnang tel: +49 754293070 www.lts-light.eu Distributor for: Fagerhult
LUCAS Hermann Lons-Strasse 2 07745 Jena tel: +49 416636860 www.lucas-jena.de Distributor for: Opulent Techno
LUCECO Holstenplatz 20b 22765 Hamburg tel: +49 4089066878 www.luceco.com
LUCEM Philipsstrasse 8 52068 Aachen tel: +49 24144683531 www.lucem.de
LUDWIG Frühlingstrasse 15 86415 Mering tel: +49 8233387220 www.ludwig-leuchten.de
LUG LIGHTING Konrad Zuse Strasse 4 Adlershof 12487 Berlin tel: +49 3028093083 www.luglightfactory.com
LUMENRADIO Mergenthalerallee 65760 Eschborn tel: +46 313010370 www.lumenradio.com
LUMENS Graf-Adolf Strasse 98 Dusseldorf 40210 tel: +49 21193073530 www.lumensleds.com
LUMEXX Höfkerstrasse 24 44149 Dortmund tel: +49 2314948631 www.lumexx.de
LUMITRONIX Haigerlocher Strasse 42 72379 Hechingen tel: +49 7471960140 www.leds.de
LUNUX Mergenthalerstrasse 6 30880 Laatzen tel: +49 511820100 www.lunux-lighting.com
LUXIONA Westhafenstraße 1 113353 Berlin tel: +49 6414801080 www.luxiona.com
LUXOWORKS Gabriel-Max-Strasse 4 81545 Munich tel: +49 8912664066 www.luxoworks.com h
LUXWERK Gewerbestrasse 11 79364 Malterdingen tel: +49 764492699200 www.luxwerk-lichttechnik.com
LUXX LIGHT TECHNOLOGY Abelbachstrasse 13 33142 Büren tel: +49 295193838100 www.luxx.com
M+R MULTITRONIK Niels-Bohr-Ring 28 23568 Luebeck tel: +49 451609950 www.mrmultitronik.de Distributor for: Mean Well f
MA LIGHTING INTERNATIONAL An der Talle 24-28 33102 Paderborn tel: +49 525168886510 www.malighting.com
MADRIX Wiener Strasse 56 01219 Dresden tel: +49 35186268690 www.madrix.com a
MAGNWALL Am Muhlbach 1 71384 Weinstadt tel: +49 71519697044 www.magnwall.com
MARTIN RÖSGEN INDUSTRIEVERTRETUNGEN Julius-Doms-Strasse 15 51373 Leverkusen tel: +49 2146026555 www.ivroesgen.de Distributor for: Lichtwerk, Regiolux
MAWA DESIGN Neu-Langerwisch 36 14552 Michendorf tel: +49 33205228822 www.mawa-design.de
MAXPOINT HANDELSGES Kurt-Fischer-Strasse 50 22926 Ahrensburg tel: +49 4102468829 www.maxpoint.de Distributor for: Nanopoint
MEYER + SOHN Stemmessiepener Weg 5 58675 Hemer tel: +49 237298910 www.meyer-lighting.de
MILLELUMEN Casablanca Leuchten Hans-Bockler Strasse 16 63263 Neu-Isenburg tel: +49 69886033 www.millelumen.com
MONOS LICHSYSTEME In Den Seiben Morgen 10 56077 Koblenz tel: +49 261962520 www.monos.de Distributor for: Fersa
MOONS’ Börsenstrasse 14 60313 Frankfurt am Main www.moonsindustries.com
f a
MOUSER ELECTRONICS Ganghoferstrasse 34 82216 Maisach-Gernlinden tel: +49 89520462110 www.uk.mouser.com Distributor for: Avago, Cree, LED Engin, Ledil, Luminus Devices, Seoul Semiconductor
MULTILINE LICHT Hirzenrott 2-4 52076 Aachen tel: +49 02408959440 www.multiline-licht.com
NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR Livry-Gargan-Strasse 10 82256 Fürstenfeldbruck tel: +49 8141351426 www.national.com
NATIONSTAR Kurfurstenstrasse 10 40211 Dusseldorf tel: +49 21191366663 www.nationstar.com
NEDIT Robert-Bosch-Strasse 1 52525 Heinsberg tel: +49 24523941 www.nedit.com
NEKO LIGHTING Lange Reihe 170 59071 Hamm tel: +49 23818770960 email: sales@nekolighting.de www.nekolighting.com
NEKO Lighting combines European thinking with Asian efficiency – creating our company philosophy “Think Design“. Fast-growing manufacturer of high quality architectural LED lighting Indoor and Outdoor for competitive prices since 2013.
NEO-LIFE Heerdterbuschstrasse 10 Hall 7 41460 Neuss tel: +49 21156159930 www.neo-life.de
NEUMULLER Gewerbegebiet Ost 7 91085 Weisendorf tel: +49 9135736660 www.neumueller.com Distributor for: Seoul Semiconductor NICHIA Westerbachstr. 28 61476 Kronberg i. Ts tel: +49 6173967015 email: info_de@nichia.eu www.nichia.com
Having ‘Ever Researching for a Brighter World’ as a motto, NICHIA takes pride in being the technology leader and world’s largest LED manufacturer. Founded in Japan in 1956 as a specialist chemical producer, NICHIA quickly became the leader in luminescent materials. NICHIA developed and commercialized the first high brightness blue LED in 1993 and the first white LED in 1996.
NIMBUS Sieglestrasse 41 70469 Stuttgart tel: +49 7116330140 www.nimbus-group.com
NORDEON Rathenaustrasse 2-6 31832 Springe tel: +49 5041750 www.nordeon.com
NORKA Weidestrasse 122a 22083 Hamburg tel: +49 405130090 www.norka.de
NOVALED Tatzberg 49 01307 Dresden tel: +49 351796580 www.novaled.com f
NYTA Lessingstrasse 20 76135 Karlsruhe tel: +49 72147044707 www.nyta.eu
eOCCHIO Wiener Platz 7 81667 Munich tel: +49 8944778630 www.occhio.com
OKTALITE Mathias-Bruggen-Strasse 73 50829 Köln tel: +49 221597670 www.oktalite.de
OLEDWORKS Philipsstrasse 8 52068 Aachen tel: +49 2415394111 www.oledworks.com
ON LICHTTECHNIK Siegbergstrasse 73 57072 Siegen tel: +49 23374961 www.on-lichttechnik.de
ONWARD BREMEN Bruno-Burgel-Strasse 11 28759 Bremen tel: +49 42117421690 www.onward-bremen.com
aOPTEON Woogmorgen 12 67292 Kirchheimbolanden tel: +49 6352404100 www.opteonlighting.com
OPTOGAN Jenaer Strasse 1 84034 Landshut tel: +49 871684808 www.optogan.com
ORANGE LIGHT Immendorfer Strasse 1 50354 Hürth tel: +49 2233717700 www.orange-light.com
eOSRAM Marcel-Breuer-Strasse 6 80807 Munich tel: +49 8962132101 www.osram.com/ds
PANASONIC Hohe Steinert 8 58509 Lüdenscheid tel: +49 23511010 www.panasonic.com f
PAULMANN LICHT Quezinger Feld 2-10 31832 Springe-Völksen tel: +49 50419980 www.paulmann.de Distributor for: Ledzworld
PENTA Olching Ludwigstrasse 11 82140 Munich tel: +49 15159058430 www.pentalight.com e
PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING Leichlinger Street 14 40764 Langenfeld tel: +49 2173271990 www.performanceinlighting.com
PLANLICHT Westfalendamm 69 44141 Dortmund tel: +49 23139545653 www.planlicht.com
ePRACHT LICHTTECHNIK Am Seerain 3 35232 Dautphetal-Buchenau tel: +49 646691400 www.prachtgroup.com
PROCONNECTING Bruecknerstrasse 5 96146 Altendorf tel: +49 95489820290 www.proconnecting.de Distributor for: Mean Well
fPROJEKTLEUCHTEN Kammerstück 41 44357 Dortmunt tel: +49 231356700 www.projektleuchten.de
e d PROLED Balthasar-Schaller-Str. 3 86316 Friedberg tel: +49 821600990 email: info@proled.com www.proled.com
As a manufacturer of high-quality lighting, MBN GmbH offers a wide range of LED products and controllers under the internationally registered brand PROLED®. With state-of-the-art LED technology, our products offer the perfect solution for indoor and outdoor applications combining all benefits of linear and architectural lighting.
REGIOLUX Hellinger Strasse 3 97486 Koenigsberg/Bavaria tel: +49 952589690 www.regiolux.de
REISS LIGHTING Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 2 88046 Friedrichshafen tel: +49 7541700790 www.reiss-lighting.de
RENESAS ELECTRONICS Arcadiastrasse 10 40472 Dusseldorf tel: +49 21165030 www.renesas.com
RENTEX WAND UND DECKENSYSTEME Junkersring 5 76344 Eggenstein - Leopoldshafen tel: +49 721783810 www.rentex-systeme.de
RIBAG LICHT Bismarck Allee 15 79098 Freiburg tel: +49 627379010 www.ribag-licht.com
RICHARD SCHAHL Lochhamer Schlag 5a 82166 Grafelfing tel: +49 897486045 www.schahl.de Distributor for: Soraa
e fRICHTER LIGHTING TECHNOLOGIES Böbinger Strasse 34 73540 Heubach tel: +49 7173714400 www.richter-lt.de
RIDI GROUP Hauptstrasse 31-33 72417 Jungingen tel: +49 74778720 www.ridi-group.com
RITTER LICHTTECHNIK Johanisthaler Chaussee 250 12351 Berlin tel: +49 306033804 www.ritterlicht.de Distributor for: TAL
Hermann-Staudinger Strasse 10-16 63110 Rodgau tel: +49 61066602850 www.ropag.de Distributor for: Casambi
ROSCO Görlitzer Strasse 2 33758 Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock tel: +49 5207995989 www.roscoarchitectural.com
RSL Tannenweg 1-3 53757 Sankt Augustin tel: +49 22418610 www.rsl.de
RUCO Auf dem Nol 24-26 86179 Augsburg tel: +49 821808700 www.rucolicht.de e
RZB Rheinstrasse 16 96052 Bamberg tel: +49 9517909363 www.rzb-lighting.com
S(QUADRAT) In der Alting 4 Nürnberg 90596 Schwanstetten tel: +49 9170943980 www.squadrat.biz d
SAMSUNG LED Arcus Center Am Kronberger Hang 5 65824 Schwalbach/Ts tel: +49 6196666431 www.samsungled.com
SATTLER Wilhelm-Zwick-Strasse 6 73035 Göppingen tel: +49 71619201930 www.sattler-lighting.com
SCHAHLLED Max-Planck-Strasse 9 85774 Unterschleissheim tel: +49 8990119820 www.schahlled.de Distributor for: LED Linear, Osram
SCHARKON LICHTKONZEPTE Kruppstrasse 47 59227 Ahlen tel: +49 2382968680 www.scharkon.de Distributor for: L&L Luce&Light, Lightnet, Regiolux
SCHMITZ LEUCHTEN Niedereimerfeld 29 59823 Arnsberg tel: +49 293296770 www.schmitz-leuchten.de
SCHNICK-SCHNACK-SYSTEMS Mathias-Brüggen-Strasse 79 50829 Köln tel: +49 2219920190 email: info@schnick.schnack.systems www.schnickschnacksystems.com
We produce individual, ready-to-use lighting solutions consisting of LED modules and lights with the suitable controls for a wide range of tasks. TV studios, architects, system integrators and event companies use our products. Their projects require comprehensive consulting, reliability and premium quality products –and that’s what we deliver!
SCHOTT Hattenbergstrasse 10 55122 Mainz tel: +49 6131660 www.schott.com
SCHRÉDER Mittlerer Pfad 28 70499 Stuttgart tel: +49 71134236250 www.schreder.de
SCHUCH Lichttechnische Spezialfabrik Mainzer Strasse 172 67547 Worms tel: +49 624140910 www.schuch.de
SCHUKAT ELECTRONIC Daimlerstrasse 26 40789 Monheim tel: +49 21739505 www.schukat.com Distributor for: Mean Well, Recom, Self
SEA-LED Am Stierberg 13 85667 Oberpframmern tel: +49 8093903328 www.sea-led.de
SEEGER Schwerter Strasse 324 44287 Dortmund tel: +49 231441092 www.seeger-licht.de
SEGULA Bergwiesenäcker 15 72160 Horb am Neckar tel: +49 1727134057 www.segula.de
SELF ELECTRONICS August-Horch Strasse 7 51149 Cologne tel: +49 2203185010 www.self-electronics.com
SELUX Motzener Strasse 34 12277 Berlin tel: +49 30720010 www.selux.com
SENSES Dieselstrasse 80-84 33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz tel: +49 5245448350 www.senses-shop.com
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR Claudius-Keller-Strasse 3b 81669 Munich tel: +49 8945036900 www.seoulsemicon.com
SERIEN LIGHTING Hainhäuser Strasse 3-7 63110 Rodgau tel: +49 610669090 www.serien.com
eSG LIGHTING Postfach 67 04 21 22344 Hamburg tel: +49 4023994459 www.sg-as.com
SGM Hansestrasse 91 51149 Cologne tel: +49 2203203710 www.sgmlight.com
SIGNIFY Lübeckertordamm 5 20099 Hamburg tel: +49 1803888333 www.signify.com
SIGOR Oak Weg 81 42279 Wuppertal tel: +49 233912610 www.sigor.de
SIKORA Lägenfeldstrasse 7 30952 Ronnenberg tel: +49 511438040 www.sikora.de Distributor for: Meyer, Regiolux
SILL LIGHTING Gewerbepark Central Haus 17 Sickingen Strasse 20-28 10553 Berlin tel: +49 306100050 www.sill-lighting.com
SITECO Georg-Simon-Ohm-Strasse 50 83301 Traunreut tel: +49 8669330 www.siteco.com
SLV Daimlerstrasse 21-23 52531 Uebach-Palenberg tel: +49 24514833355 www.slv.de
SONAR Dreifaltigkeitsplatz 1 80331 Munich tel: +49 892388620 www.sonar-gmbh.com d
STAGELED Friedensallee 7-9 22765 Hamburg tel: +49 4088168776 www.stageled.com Distributor for: acdc, DGA, Erco, Lightwave, Lumino, Reggiani, Traxon e:cue, Viabizzuno
STANLEY Waldecker Strasse 5 64546 Moerfelden-Walldorf tel: +49 6105930530 www.stanley-ledlighting.com
STEINEL Dieselstrasse 80-84 33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz tel: +49 52454480 www.steinel.de
STENG LICHT Hedelfinger Strasse 103 70327 Stuttgart tel: +49 711238800
www.steng.de Distributor for: Whitegoods
STRÖBL Leienfelsstrasse 1 81243 Munich tel: +49 898977770 www.stroebl.com Distributor for: Alteme
SYCRA TECHNOLOGIES Stahlgruberring 36 81829 Munich tel: +49 89215522535 www.sycratech.com
SYLVANIA Graf-Zeppelin Strasse 9-12 91056 Erlangen tel: +49 9131793500 www.sylvania-lighting.com
TDX Ackerstraße 9 98544 Zella-Mehlis tel: +49 3681353670 www.tdx-lichttechnik.com
TE CONNECTIVITY Pfnorstrasse 1 64293 Darmstadt tel: +49 61546071740 www.te.com
TELECO AUTOMATION Hallbergmooser Strasse 5 85445 Oberding/Schwaig tel: +49 81229563024 www.telecoautomation.com
TELUX Spitzbünd 6 77704 Oberkirch tel: +49 78027063830 www.telux.de Distributor for: Martinelli Luce, Trilux
THILO SENST An Gut Nazareth 18A 52353 Duren tel: +49 242120856 www.gbt-light.com
THORLUX LIGHTING Kleiststrasse 17a 85386 Munich tel: +49 8931881794 www.thorlux.com
THORN LIGHTING Carl-Benz-Straße 21 60386 Frankfurt tel: +49 692648890 www.thornlighting.com
TL-VERTRIEB Talstrasse 45 58739 Wickede tel: +49 2377809537 www.tl-vertrieb.de Distributor for: Lucis, Thorn
TOBIAS GRAU Siemensstrasse 35b 25462 Rellingen tel: +49 41013700 www.tobias-grau.com
TOP LIGHT Industriezentrum 100 32139 Spenge tel: +49 5225863120 www.top-light.de
TOSCH LICHTTECHNIK Eichendorff Strasse 6 51105 Cologne tel: +49 22116848164 www.tosch-lichttechnik.de Distributor for: ATEH Lighting, Soraa TOSHIBA Hansaallee 181 40549 Düsseldorf tel: +49 21152960 www.toshiba-lighting.com
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES Ursula Platz 1 50668 Cologne tel: +49 2219988300 www.traxontechnologies.com
TRE CI LUCE Anger - 1 99102 Klettbach tel: +49 99087100 www.treciluce.com
TRIDONIC Edisonallee 1 89231 Neu-Ulm tel: +49 7311766290 www.tridonic.com
TRIESCHMANN Dieselstrasse 21 71277 Rutesheim tel: +49 7152928400 www.trieschmann-gmbh.de Distributor for: DGA, Martini, Modular, O/M, Viabizzuno
TRILUX Heidestrasse 4 59759 Arnsberg tel: +49 29323010 www.trilux.com
Ganghoferstrasse 34 82216 Maisach-Gernlinden tel: +49 814266800 www.ttieurope.com Distributor for: Eaton, Mean Well f
UFO LIGHTING Raum 2.38 Friendsfactory Gutenberstraaye 1 85737 Munich tel: +49 9491955880 www.universal-fibre-optics.com
ULTRALITE Haerle Lichttechnik Röntgenstr. 5 89584 Ehingen tel: +49 739177470 www.ultralite.eu Distributor for: Griven VALMONT Den Engelsman 3 6026 Maarheeze tel: +49 20997765110 email: mastbau@valmont.com www.valmontstructures.de
Valmont® Structures supports our customers with a proven legacy of engineering leadership, manufacturing expertise and the most complete offering of infrastructure products and solutions available globally. Quality, integrity and innovation define Valmont Structures. Our portfolio of customengineered and exquisitely designed products includes an array of lighting, transportation, and smart solutions that help create bright, beautiful, and sustainable communities.
VLM ZUKUNFT LICHT Am Korreshof 17 40822 Mettman tel: +49 210483300 www.vlm-light.com
VOSSLOH-SCHWABE Hohe Steinart 8 58509 Ludenscheid tel: +49 23511010 www.vossloh-schwabe.com
VULKAN Rathenaustrasse 2-6 31832 Springe tel: +49 504175100 www.vulkan.eu
Hermann-Oberth Strasse 22 85640 Putzbrunn tel: +49 8946120 www.gore.com
WASCO Doornkaatlohne 15 26506 Norden tel: +49 4931972040 www.wasco.eu
e WE-EF Toepinger Strasse 16 29646 Bispingen tel: +49 51949090 email: info.germany@we-ef.com www.we-ef.com
Ever since the company was founded in 1950 the WE-EF brand has stood for high-quality exterior luminaires. Lighting solutions from WE-EF offer uncompromising performance and efficiency thanks to LED modules and optical systems that are developed in-house. High-quality materials, intelligent design and exclusive processes ensure a long service life and reliable operation of the luminaires.
WEICHART Furstenrieder Strasse 270 81377 Munich tel: +49 897142063 www.weichhart.de Distributor for: Proel, Studio Due
WEVER & DUCRÉ Schanzenstrasse 36, Geb. 234 B 51063 Cologne tel: +49 22113064960 www.weverducre.com
WIBRE Liebigstrasse 9 74211 Leingarten tel: +49 713190530 email: info@wibre.de www.wibre.de
Leading manufacturer of Underwater Lights and Exterior Lights in IP68. For illuminating pools and fountains, architecture, coasts and harbors and all urban outdoor facilities. Production since over 100 years in Germany Our product range:Swimmingpool-Lights, Recessed Underwater-Lights, Surface mounted Underwater-Lights, Ground mounted Lights. Out of V4A stainless steel 316Ti and protection system IP68.
WILA Niedereimerfeld 29 59823 Arnsberg tel: +49 293296770 www.schmitz-wila.com
WOLFGANG KUSGEN INDUSTRIEVERTRETUNGEN Bonner Wall 105 50677 Cologne tel: +49 221384031 www.kuesgen-gmbh.de Distributor for: Alteme, Lichtwerk, Lutron, Norka, Regiolux, RZB
WTEC Dornbachstrasse 1a 61352 bad Homburg tel: +49 6172995980 www.wtec.ag
XAL Wilhelm Wagenfeld Strasse 16 80807 Munich tel: +49 893237380 www.xal.com
ZUMTOBEL Grevenmarschstrasse 74-78 32657 Lemgo tel: +49 307239770 z.lighting
ARCHANDLIGHT 22B Paraskevopoulou Street 18454 Nikea Athens tel: +30 6958453236 www.archandlight.eu
ASLIGHT 7 Garyttou Street, Chalandri 15232 Athens tel: +30 2114080173 annasbokou.com
C.K.DESIGN.LIGHTING. Kallithea Athens tel: +30 6942291686 www.ckdesignlighting.com
CPLD 11 Gymnastiriou Street 17235 Dafni tel: +30 2109711556 www.cpld.gr
DANILOF LIGHT + VISUAL PERCEPTION STUDIO 26 Metsovou Street 10682 Athens tel: +30 2108226330 www.a-danilof.com
DEKTIS 90 N. Plastira Street 13561 Agii Anargiri tel: +30 2102610667 www.dektis.gr
DIMITRIS NASIKAS Kifisias 293 14561 Kifisia tel: +30 2106231499 www.dimitrisnasikas.gr
LIGHTING PO Box 108 19002 Athens tel: +30 2107565855 www.dkal.gr
ELEFTHERIA DEKO LIGHTING DESIGN 20 Kritis Street 16451 Argyroupolis tel: +30 2109902888 www.edeko.gr
ELINA DASIRA INTERIOR LIGHTING DESIGN 33 P. Nirvana Street 15231 Chalandri tel: +30 2106727374 www.dasira.com
FOTODIAPLASSI 253 Kifissias Avenue 14561 Kifissia tel: +30 2106236741 www.fotodiaplassi.com
IDEA DESIGN Adramitiou 11 14233 Perissos tel: +30 6948448844 www.ideadesignltd.com
L.A. Athens Tower Center 20th floor 2-4 Messogion Avenue 11527 Athens tel: +30 6972421763 www.lighterialize.com
L+DG LIGHTING ARCHITECTS 14-16 Aristofanous Street 10554 Athens tel: +30 2107254896 www.lightingdg.com
MARALIGHTINARCH 41 Thermaikou Street 55133 Thessaloniki tel: +30 23210224245 www.406architects.com
MBLD 166A Kifisias Avenue & 2 Sofokleous Street Maroussi 15126 Athens tel: +30 2107279266 email: mail@mbld.co.uk www.mbld.co.uk
MBLD is one of the world’s leading independent lighting design consultancies. MBLD’s aim to maximise the impact of the space around us and shape our environment, with over 35 years’ experience and projects around the globe.
24 Isiodou Street 10674 Athens tel: +30 2107298112 www.nikosadrianopoulos.com
OKAPI 77 Glyfada 16674 Nafpaktou tel: +30 6944780378 www.okapilight.gr
STILVI Gyristi 84002 Kea tel: +30 2106716893 www.stilvi.gr
THEODORE KONTORIGAS LIGHTING DESIGN 79 E Pissa Street 11744 Athens tel: +30 2106083870 www.tkld.gr
APLETON PAPAGIANNOPOULOS BROS 20 Kapodistriou Street 14671 Nea Erithrea tel: +30 2106200817 www.apleton.com.gr Distributor for: 9010 novantadieci, acdc, Belfiore, Climar, esse-ci, Ghidini, SLV
ARROW ELECTRONICS Vouliagmenis Avenue 99 11636 Athens tel: +30 2109020165 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
ARTEMIDE 34 Solonos Street 10673 Athens tel: +30 2103646770 www.artemide.com
BON STUDIO 6 Zaimi Street Exarchia 10683 Athens tel: +30 2103809605 www.bonstudio.gr Distributor for: Griven, MA Lighting
BOSS FOSS 41 Adrianoupoleos Street 55133 Thessaloniki tel: +30 2310252540 www.bossfoss.gr Distributor for: Ledvance, Modular, Wever & Ducré, XAL
13 Sofokli Venizelou Avenue 14123 Likovrisi, Athens tel: +30 2102851304 email: info@bright.gr www.bright.gr
BRIGHT SPECIAL LIGHTING S.A. is a Greek Company which Design, produce and commerce lighting products. Application study of lighting systems, quality control, saving energy architectural lighting for indoor & outdoor areas. Our strategy based on detailed planning and designing, aiming at the most satisfying operational and aesthetical result. Products fully comply with the Highest European specifications.
Thesi Spiti von Tsakou 19400 Koropi tel: +30 210944620 www.cosmolamp.gr Distributor for: Collingwood, GE Lighting
COSMOTRONIC Slip Road Athens Lamia 23rd km 14565 Agios Stefanos tel: +30 2103469035 www.cosmotronic.gr Distributor for: Casambi, Edison a
DIVISION Papadiamantopoulou 146A 15773 Athens tel: +30 6932212550 www.division.tv Distributor for: G-Lec, Green-Hippo
GEKAS 5th km. N.R. Ioannina-Athens 45500 Ioannina tel: +30 2651085220 www.gk-gekas.gr Distributor for: Flexalighting, Francesconi, Icone, L&L Luce & Light, PUK, Targetti
GRAVANI 20 Nap Zerva Street 54640 Thessaloniki tel: +30 2310843611 www.gravani.gr Distributor for: ADO Lights, Civic, Crescent, Disano, LTS, Regiolux, Simes, Wever & Ducré
HOROS 41 Kallidromiou Street 10681 Athens tel: +30 2103302524 www.horos.gr Distributor for: iLight
IFI LIGHTING Algaiou 33 Chalandri 15231 Athens tel: +30 2106742095 www.ifigroup.gr Distributor for: Fluvia, L&L Luce&Light, Linea Light Group, Oty Light, Prolicht
KARAKASSIS LIGHTING 16 Kanari Street 10674 Athens tel: +30 2103630014 www.gew.gr Distributor for: OMS, Trilux
KYVERNITIS 125 G. Papandreou Street 14451 Metamorfosi tel: +30 2102855777 www.kyvernitis.com Distributor for: Ansorg
L4A 13 Andrea Papandreou Street 15124 Marousi tel: +30 2106005172 www.l4a.gr Distributor for: iGuzzini, LED Linear, Planlicht, Precision, RCL, Soraa
ELECTRON 68 Antiohias Street Nea Philadelphia 14341 Athens tel: +30 2102584240 email: info@electron.gr www.electron.gr
At ELECTRON SA we are focused on developing, manufacturing, and offering high quality architectural led products: Custom outdoor (IP67) and indoor LED linear fittings, custom LED downlights, linear systems and aluminium profiles, LED converters with smooth dimming, lighting management and control systems, dimmers, etc. Feel free to contact us for inquiries for distribution.
EXPO 13 Amaliados Street 14564 Kifisia tel: +30 2107485560 www.expo.gr Distributor for: Bega, Erco, Glashütte Limburg, Modular
FOSS 204 Kifisias Avenue 14562 Kifisia tel: +30 2107250580 www.foss-sa.com Distributor for: Brick In The Wall, LED Linear, Lutron, Meyer, Wibre
FOTOESTHISSIS 253 Kifissias Avenue 14561 Kifissia tel: +30 2106236740 www.fotoesthissis.gr Distributor for: Leccor
GALLIS 3 Lefkados & Artis 18346 Moschato tel: +30 2104833888 www.gallis.gr Distributor for: Fagerhult e d
GE LIGHTING 156 Kyprou Avnue & 91 Konstantinoupoleos Street Av. Vicuna Mackenna 2385 16451 Athens tel: +30 2109690669 www.gelighting.com e f d g
LEDVANCE Ermou Street 15 14564 Kifissia tel: +30 2103400800 www.ledvance.com
LUCE ATALIOTIS 360A Kifisias Avenue 15233 Chalandri tel: +30 2106899011 www.luce.gr Distributor for: Ares, Beghelli, Delta Light, Flos, Ghm-Eclatec, Illumination Physics, LED Linear, Performance in Lighting, Platek, Viabizzuno
MODA LIGHT Lamia National Highway 14564 Kiffisia tel: +30 2106253802 www.modalight.gr Distributor for: Ares, Erco, Indeluz, Insta, Norka, Sill, Troll, Waldman
MPILLUMINATION - MARINOS PATRIKIOS Factory: Pentagion & Tritonos Str Skaramangas 12462 Athens tel: +30 2105577445 email: info@mpillumination.com www.mpillumination.com
MP ILLUMINATION - MARINOS PATRIKIOS, specialises in designing and producing indoor and outdoor architectural luminaires, exporting in 40 countries all over the world. Operating since 1973, the company’s successful progress lies in the excellent knowledge of lighting technology, the use of high-end elements , the application of safety standards and the advanced design.
OSRAM Athinon av. 31-33 & Sp. Patsi Street 12 10447 Athens tel: +30 2103400800 www.osram.com/ds
PANOU 18 Efstathiou Street 11524 Filothei tel: +30 2106994030 www.panou.gr Distributor for: Martin
PETRIDIS LIGHTING Agios Athanasios 570 03 tel: +30 2106754862
PLACED DECORATIVE ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 98 Kifissia’s Avenue 15121 Athens tel: +30 2108062704
www.placed.gr Distributor for: Aqform, BPM Lighting, Chors, LLD Light, Nordlux, OLEV, tossB
PROTEK Kifisias 129 11524 Athens tel: +30 2106994403
www.protek.gr Distributor for: Lightyears, Multiline
PSARRAKOS Navleri 3-5 18540 Piraeus tel: +30 2104110100
19 Afon Giannidi Street 18346 Moschato tel: +30 2104820946
www.samba-eliezer.gr Distributor for: Exenia, Fabbian, Faro Barcelona, Ferroluce, Giarnieri, Ideal lux, Ivela, Kopp, Kundalini, Osram
SIGNIFY Avenue Avenue 44, Maroussi 15125 Athens tel: +30 2106162000
SMEKA 78 Spirou Merkourist Street 11634 Athens tel: +30 2107228504
www.smeka.gr Distributor for: Astro, Bega, DAL, Erco, LED Linear, LightGraphix, Louis Poulsen, Reggiani, Selux, XAL
3 Argyroupoleos Avenue 16451 Argyroupoli tel: +30 2109966561 www.sylvania-lighting.com
TOP ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 66 Alkminis & Aristovoulou Street 11853 Kato Petral Ona Athens tel: +30 2103428690 www.topelcom.gr Distributor for: Mean Well f
V.KAFKAS Markopoulou-Peanias Avenue 1st KLM 19002 Athens tel: +30 2163003100 www.kafkas.gr Distributor for: Intra Lighting
A MOUZOURAS & ASSOCIATES 20A Onisilou Street 1015 Nicosia tel: +357 99546856
2B Afroditis Street, 2nd floor Office B5 1060 Nicosia tel: +357 22452885 www.archtube.com
O-LIGHT 75, 28th October Avenue 7104 Aradippou tel: +357 24532920
ANDREAS JACOVIDES TRADING 9 Imvrou Street 2234 Nicosia tel: +357 22454840 www.ajacovides.com Distributor for: Mean Well f
D.Z I2 SOLUTIONS 168 Griva Digeni Avenue E24 5281 Paralimni tel: +357 99595530 Distributor for: Abacus
DISCO JOCKEY SUPPLIERS 135 Griva Digeni Street PO Box 33292 5312 Paralimni tel: +357 23825564 www.djs.com.cy Distributor for: CLS, Colorbeam, Martin
E KYRIAKIDES LIGHTING Corner Achaion Street & 2 Aipeias Avenue 2411 Engomi tel: +357 22819966 www.thelightpoint.com Distributor for: Astro, Flos, Intra Lighting, LEDS C4, Lival, Lucifero’s, Onok, Prolicht, Thorn, Wever & Ducré
H.C. FURNITURE & ART PO Box 20 586 1660 Nicosia tel: +357 22758788 Distributor for: TAL
J. N. CHRISTOFIDES LIGHTING PO Box 21093 1016 Nicosia tel: +357 22813043 www.jnc.com.cy Distributor for: Aldabra, Erco, ETAP, Regent, Reggiani, Simes
J.C. HAGGIPAVLOU & SON PO Box 23514 1684 Nikosia tel: +357 22815888 www.haggipavlou.com Distributor for: Glashütte Limburg, Modular, Siteco, Switch-Made, XAL
JCH LIGHT P.O. Box 23514 1684 Nicosia tel: +357 22662668 www.jchlight.com
KNC Roikou 8 Salaminos Avenue 1045 Pallouriotissa tel: +357 22468468 www.knc.com.cy Distributor for: ADO Lights, Occhio, Philips Dynalite, Prolicht
LIFESTYLE TECHNOLOGIES 2 Erexthiou 2048 Strovolos tel: +357 22442929 www.lifestyle-technologies.com Distributor for: Crestron, Lutron
LUCE ATALIOTIS 10 Katsonis, Neoelen Marina Building, 3rd Floor Ofiice 301-302, PO Box 25121 1307 Nicosia tel: +357 22515511 www.luceataliotis.com
Distributor for: Ares, Beghelli, Delta Light, Flos, Ghm-Eclatec, Illumination Physics, LED Linear, Performance in Lighting, Platek, Viabizzuno
LUMINARY 39a Clementos Street 1061 Nicosia tel: +357 99631017 www.luminary.com.cy Distributor for: acdc
ONE LIGHT 47 Kennedy Avenue 1076 Nicosia tel: +357 22450833 www.1-light.eu
PETROS PIEROS 35 Macedonia (Spyrou Kyprianou) Avenue 3070 Limassol tel: +357 70007788 www.petrospieros.eu Distributor for: Bocci
PGS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 150 1st April Ave 5280 Paralimni tel: +357 23822022 www.pgses.com Distributor for: Fozz, Mareco Luce, Megaman
PIERIDES IN LIGHTING 38 Andrea Kariolou Street Ayios Athanasios 4102 Limassol tel: +357 25811133 www.pierides-inlight.com Distributor for: Ledzworld, Lithoss
CAULFIELD INDUSTRIAL Oranmore Business Park Galway tel: +353 91795000 www.caulfieldindustrial.com Distributor for: Osram, Waldmann
Unit F1 Calmount Park Ballymount Dublin 12 tel: +353 14260200 www.fagerhult.com
ARUP 50 Ringsend Road Dublin DTX 0460 tel: +353 12334455 email: lighting-design@arup.com www.arup.com/lighting
Lighting at Arup brings together art, science and technology. Our team of designers create expressive and award-winning concepts in light. Our commitment to sustainability drives a creative approach to the application of state-of-the-art technology. We work in harmony with aesthetics and vision, delivering human centric solutions for clients.
16 Furry Park Court Killester Dublin 5 tel: +353 14415442 www.gasolinedesign.net
Connect Electronics Building 2A Century Business Park, St Margaret’s Road Dublin 11 tel: +353 872873173 www.intensity.ie
Shantalla Road Beaumont Dublin 9 tel: +353 19697897 www.lighting-projects.com
STUDIO 400NM 48 The William Bligh, The Gasworks Dublin D04 EC67 tel: +353 830163787 www.studio400nm.com
Unit A9 South City Business Park Whitestown Way Tallaght Dublin 24 tel: +353 14524152 www.addesign.ie Distributor for: Derksen, Robe, Verbatim
Unit 5 Block 2 Port Tunnel Business Park Clonshaugh Dublin 17 tel: +353 872450320 www.theartoflight.com Distributor for: ALS, Artec, Getron, Lichtwerk, Regiolux
M50 Business Park
Ballymount Road Upper Dublin 12 DRK 1276 tel: +353 14568009 www.astrotek.ie Distributor for: Civic, Cree, ETAP, Lamp
Unit 23 North Park North Road Finglas Dublin 11 tel: +353 18914022 www.auroralighting.com
1st Floor 63 Deerpark Road Mount Merrion Dublin APN 9423 tel: +353 15653685
www.britelux.ie Distributor for: Arkoslight, Astro, formalighting, Lival, Nordic Aluminium, Zero
12 Heaney Avenue Parkwest Dublin 12 tel: +353 14749236
www.bushellinteriors.com Distributor for: Zumtobel
CORE ELECTRICAL 17B Goldenbridge Industrial Estate Inchicore Dublin 8 tel: +353 14537033 www.coreelectrical.com Distributor for: Wila
CRESTRON Office 104 Premier Business Center Unit 3013 Lake Drive Dublin 24 tel: +353 14693701 www.crestron.eu
Goldenbridge, Tyrconnell Road Dublin 8D08 WD50 tel: +353 14537033 www.delmatic.com
289 Harolds Cross Road Dublin 6W tel: +353 14966177 www.designlight.com Distributor for: Ansorg
DLIGHT The Old Waterworks Knockenduff Tramore Co. Waterford tel: +353 51393464 www.dlight.ie Distributor for: Artemide, Buck, Eames Technical, Ghidini, Kreon, Lamp, Lightnet, Luxintec, Proled, Rovasi
77 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay Dublin 2 tel: +353 16770535 www.domusprojects.ie Distributor for: Cora, Exenia, Intralux, Louis Poulsen, Lumenpulse, Targetti
ECI LIGHTING 34/35 North Park, North Road Finglas, Dublin 11 tel: +353 1860860 www.ecilighting.ie Distributor for: Ares, Bega, Concord, Delta Light, LiniLED, Neko, PUK, Regent, Roxo, TLS
The Harbour Greystones Co Wicklow tel: +353 12016586 www.ellydees.com f
ENERGY SENSE IRELAND Energy House Unit C2 Donnybrook Commercial Centre Cork tel: +353 214368581 www.energysense.ie Distributor for: Powerlite, Save It Easy, SwitchMade
ENLIGHTEN PROFESSIONAL LED & ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING SOLUTIONS Mulcahy Keane Estate Greenhills Road Walkinstown Dublin 12 tel: +353 14601052 www.enlighten.ie Distributor for: Beta Calco, Casambi, Griven, IST, Ligman, Radiant, Verbatim
EUROTECH LIGHTING Unit 5, Docklands Innovation Park Dublin 3 tel: +353 18363192 www.eurotechlighting.ie Distributor for: Chelsom, Esse-Ci, Hess, Intralux, LTS, Tre Ci Luce
EXCEL LIGHTING The Arantex Building Spiddal County Galway tel: +353 91553300 www.excellighting.ie Distributor for: Danlers
FIBRELED Fibre LED House 165 Kimmage Road Lower Sundrive Crossroads Dublin 6 tel: +353 14960000 www.fibreled.com Distributor for: Bright Special Lighting, Collingwood, Luz Negra
GE LIGHTING 280 Holly Road, Western Industrial Estate Dublin 12 tel: +353 14565591 www.gelighting.com
GLAMOX LUXONIC Unit C12 The Exchange Calmount Park Ballymount Dublin 12 tel: +353 14500755 www.glamox.com
Unit 9 Rosemount Park Drive Rosemount Business Park Ballcooling Road Dublin 11 tel: +353 18608530 www.ilight.ie a
JOHN KEANE ELECTRICAL Killarney Road Castleisland tel: +353 667141508 www.sportslighting.ie Distributor for: Abacus
KAVANAGHS LIGHTING & ELECTRICAL St. Thomas’ Gate, Thomas Street Waterford tel: +353 51875419 www.kavanaghslighting.com Distributor for: Tryka LED, Xicato
LIDACEL Unit 18 Willow Business Park Knockmitten Lane Dublin 12 tel: +353 14605342 www.lidacel.com Distributor for: Designplan, Gamma Illumination, Hacel, Luxiona, Osram, Ridi Group, RZB, Xero Linear Lighting Systems
LIGHTSYSTEMS 794 Howth Road Dublin 5 tel: +353 14853380 www.lightsystems.ie Distributor for: Aneukea, Coughtrie, esse-ci, Halla, Martini, Maxana, Tre-Ci Luce
MALONE LIGHTING Mount Dillon Business Park Brookville Park Dublin 5 tel: +353 18068430 www.malonelighting.com Distributor for: Trilux
Unit E 11 Calmount Business Park Ballymount Dublin 12 tel: +353 14190566 www.melighting.ie Distributor for: Intra Lighting
NUALIGHT Business & Technology Park Model Farm Road Cork tel: +353 214867636 www.nualight.com
Unit F1, Calmount Park Ballymount Dublin 12 tel: +353 14260200 www.projectlighting.com Distributor for: Fagerhult, Sill, WACO, Whitecroft
PUBLIC SPACES Unit 1a Southern Cross Business Park Boghall Road, Bray Co. Wicklow tel: +35 312864995 www.publicspaces.ie Distributor for: Ghm-Eclatec
QLX LIGHTING Unit 2 148 Richmond Road Dublin 3 tel: +353 12542525 www.qlx.ie Distributor for: Iluminarc, Lee Filters, Martin, Rosco
RADIONICS Glenview Industrial Estate Herberton Road Rialto Dublin 12 tel: +353 14153123 www.radionics.ie Distributor for: Marl
SELC 206 Q House Furze Road Sandyford Dublin 18 tel: +353 2548020 www.selclighting.com
SIGNIFY Philips House, South County Business Park Leopardstown Dublin 18 tel: +353 17640000 www.signify.com
SMART HOUSE Ballsbridge Avenue Ballsbridge Dublin 4 tel: +353 872728200 www.thesmarthouse.ie Distributor for: Lutron
TCM Unit 2, Greenmount Industial Estate Harolds Cross Dublin 12 tel: +353 14535122 www.tcmcontrols Distributor for: Mean Well f a
THORLUX LIGHTING 1st Floor Unit H3 Centrepoint Business Park Dublin 12 tel: +353 14604608 www.thorlux.com
THORN LIGHTING Century House, Harolds Cross Road Dublin 6W tel: +353 14922877 www.thornlighting.com
VERDE LED Verde House Wellington Road Cork tel: +353 214861577 www.verdeled.com
WILLIE DUGGAN LIGHTING 25-26 Hebron Business Park Kilkenny tel: +353 567764308 www.williedugganlighting.com Distributor for: Grupo MCI, LZF, Prolicht
WINK Ballywaltrim Business Centre Bray tel: +353 12762200 www.wink.ie Distributor for: Axolight, Exenia, Klik Systems, Louis Poulsen, Lumenpulse, RobLight, TAL
ANDREA CACACI DESIGN via Lombardini 1 20143 Milan tel: +39 028395480 www.andreacacaci.com
ARCHILUCE LIGHTING DESIGN Via Filippo Casoni 5/14d 16143 Genova tel: +39 0102465008 www.archilucedesign.com
BALDIERI LIGHTING DESIGN via Tommaso da Celano 117 00179 Rome tel: +39 0670491427 www.baldieri.it
BETA NIT via Roma 57 26865 San Rocco al Porto (Lodi) tel: +39 0523650217 www.betanit.com
BIANCA TRESOLDI LIGHTING DESIGN via Gaetano Strigelli 4 20135 Milan tel: +39 0254122788 www.tresoldilight.com
BULBUS Via Carlo Boucheron 14 10122 Turin tel: +39 01119702380 www.bulbus.it
CANNATA & PARTNERS SS 7 Appia 82100 Benevento (BN) tel: +39 0824363320 www.cannatalight.it
CLAUDIO CERVELLI LIGHTING DESIGN Via Massimo d’Azeglio, 5 36075 Montecchio Maggiore (VI) tel: +39 03497281154 www.claudiocervelli.com
CONSULINE via Valvassori Peroni 47/a 20133 Milan tel: +39 0270638038 www.consuline.com
D’ALESIO&SANTORO Via Aleardo Aleardi 12 20154 Milan tel: +39 0258325272 www.dalesioesantoro.it
DARIO MACCHERONI Via Paganini 2 20131 Milan tel: +39 3392420753 www.dariomaccheroni.com
DESIGN INTERNATIONAL Via Falcone 7 20100 Milan tel: +39 0289655430 www.designinternational.com
ESA ENGINEERING Via Speronari 8 20123 Milan tel: +39 0289151638 www.esa-engineering.com/lighting-design
ESSEQUADRO | P Via Geronimo Zurita 13 09125 Cagliari (CA) tel: +39 0706495268 www.essequadrop.com
Largo Anzani 19 00153 Rome tel: +39 0658300059 www.fabertechnica.it
FERRARA PALLADINO via Morimondo 26 20143 Milan tel: +39 0248953328 www.ferrara-palladino.it
FRANCESCA STORARO STUDIO Corso della Repubblica 5 00040 Castel Gandolfo (LZ) tel: +39 0693590032 www.francescastoraro.com
GIORDANA ARCESILAI via Santa Chiara 12 40137 Bologna tel: +39 0515879172 www.giordanaarcesilai.com
HELENA GENTILI LIGHTING DESIGN via Carlo D’Adda 24 20143 Milan tel: +39 03331565412 www.helenagentili.com
LDT LIGHTING DESIGN TEAM via Bazzini Antonio 5 20131 Milan tel: +39 03288733825 www.lightingdesignteam.com
LIGHT STUDIO via Bramante 22 20154 Milan (MI) tel: +39 0234938010 www.lightstudio.it
LISA MARCHESI STUDIO via Paganini 3 20131 Milan tel: +39 0236598851 www.lisamarchesi.com
LITELAB via Vigevanese 3 Buccinasco 20090 Milan tel: +39 0236598556 www.litelab.net
LITELAB Via Vigevanese 3 20090 Buccinasco (MI) tel: +39 0236598556 www.litelab.net
LUME DESIGNLAB Via dell’Artigianato 10 31032 Casale sul Sile (TV) tel: +39 3714334754 www.lumedesignlab.it
LUXIVE Strada della Bruciata 10/4 60019 Senigallia (AN) tel: +39 3386222593 www.luxive.it
MARCO PALANDELLA LIGHTING STUDIO via Don Minzoni 8 15033 Casale Monferrato tel: +39 0142781823 www.studiopalandella.it
MARIO FRAU Piazza Stazione 2 22073 Fino Mornasco tel: +39 031880830 www.frau1808.com
via San Giovanni Battista De La Salle 4 20132 Milan tel: +39 0245473752 email: metis@metislighting.it www.metislighting.it
Metis is an international independent lighting design firm, with an over 30 years portfolio worldwide: from Italy to Doha or New York, from small custom showcase lighting fittings to bridges, and from luxury Retail brands until private residences, Metis creates unique lighting solutions integrated with the architecture and custom lighting fixtures collaborating with important architects and interior designers.
MWA via Q. Majorana 140 00152 Rome tel: +39 03481423645 www.mwa-architecture.com
NEOALPHA GLOBAL Via Montenapoleone 8 20121 Milan tel: +39 0230356720 www.neoalphaglobal.com
PAOLO PORTALURI LIGHTING DESIGN via Manzoni 4 73024 Maglie tel: +39 03498642201 www.hpph.eu
PIERO CASTIGLIONI Via Presolona 5 20135 Milan tel: +39 025513223 www.pierocastiglioni.com
ROBERTO CORRADINI LIGHTING DESIGN via San Filippo 18 San Michele al Tagliamento 30028 Venice tel: +39 0431511142 www.robertocorradini.com
ROMANO BARATTA LIGHTING STUDIO Cascina Gavinelli 28043 Bellinzago Novarese (NO) tel: +39 3297946003 www.romanobaratta.com
ROSSI BIANCHI LIGHTING DESIGN via Palermo 1 20121 Milan tel: +39 0272000237 www.rossibianchi.com
S.D’O Vicolo Erioni 4 63900 Fermo (FM) tel: +39 0734217222 www.stefanodallosso.ch
SAVETHECLOCK Via Cadore 33 20135 Milan tel: +39 3481804815 www.savetheclock.it
STEFANO DALL’OSSO LIGHTING DESIGNERS Vicolo Erioni 4 63900 Fermo (FM) tel: +39 0734217222 www.stefanodallosso.ch
STUDIO AMORT Vintlerweg/1B 39042 Bressanone tel: +39 0472802339 www.studio-amort.com
STUDIO INGROSSO Via di Ussano 21 73100 Lecce (LE) tel: +39 0832331380 www.andreaingrosso.it
STUDIO MASSIMO IARUSSI Via Romagnosi 19/B 50134 Florence tel: +39 055487136 www.massimoiarussi.it
STUDIO SWITCH Via Nazario Sauro 13 24123 Bergamo tel: +39 3485240386 www.studioswitch.it
STUDIO TRISKELES Contrada Cammarella 93100 Caltanissetta tel: +39 0934545266 www.studiotriskeles.it
SUSANNA ANTICO LIGHTING DESIGN Via Cadore 38 20135 Milan (MI) tel: +39 025464300 www.anticos.it
TRAVERSO-VIGHY c.trà della Misericordia, 36 36100 Vicenza tel: +39 0444929056 www.traverso-vighy.com
URBANO LIGHTING via Berthollet 37 10125 Turin tel: +39 0116691091 www.urbanolighting.com
3F FILIPPI Via del Savena 28 Pian di Macina 40065 Pianoro (BO) tel: +39 0516529611 www.3f-filippi.it
9010 NOVANTADIECI Via Contessa, 23 36055 Nove (VI) tel: +39 0424590388 www.9010.it
9REN PEOPLE Via Maddalena 3 20122 Milan tel: +39 0287211501 www.9ren.it Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Signify
A.A.G. STUCCHI via IV Novembre 30/32 23854 Olginate (LC) tel: +39 0341653111 www.aagstucchi.it
ACRILUX Spaccio Romitelli 62019 Recanati (MC) tel: +39 07175891 www.acrilux.com
ACSEL ELECTRONICS Strada Torino No.43 10043 Orbassano (TO) tel: +39 0119040938 www.acsel.it Distributor for: LED Engin, LG
ADHARA Via Delle Gerole 15 20867 Caponago tel: +39 028725073335 www.adhara-international.com Distributor for: Aldabra
Via A. Righi 4 Zona Industriale Castelnuovo 52010 Arezzo tel: +39 0575041110 www.aecilluminazione.com
Via Europa 12 20863 Concorezzo (MB) tel: +39 0396908061 www.aldabra.it
ALMECO GROUP Via della Liberazione 15 20098 San Giuliano (MI) tel: +39 029889631 www.almecogroup.com
ALTATENSIONE Via Michelucci 1 50028 Tarvarnelle Val di Pesa (FL) tel: +39 05580593367 www.altatensioneitalia.com
AMBIENTE LUCE Galleria di Piazza Europa 12100 Cuneo tel: +39 0171681865 www.ambienteluce.it Distributor for: 3F Filippi, Aldabra, Artemide, Bega, Delta Light, DGA, Erco, L&L Luce&Light, Osram, Sill
ANSORG Viale della Repubblica 23 35043 Monselice (PD) tel: +39 04291703737 www.ansorg.com
ANTONANGELI ILLLUMINAZIONE Via Como 74 20030 Paderno Dugnano (MI) tel: +39 0291082795 www.antonangeli.it
ANTROX Via Fioretti 10 60131 Ancona (AN) tel: +39 0719941189 www.antrox.net
ARCLUCE Via I maggio, 6 20070 San Zenone al Lambro (MI) tel: +39 029810981 www.arcluce.it
ARDITI Via Caberardi 3 24012 Val Brembilla (BG) tel: +39 034552111 www.arditi.com
ARENA LUCI Via svizzera 12/14 46042 Castel Goffredo (MN) tel: +39 0376782411 www.arenaluci.com
ARES Viale dell’ Artigianato 24 20881 Bernareggio (MI) tel: +39 0396900892 www.aresill.net
ARIA Via B. Buozzi 15 20050 Liscate (MI) tel: +39 029500121 email: aria@aria.lighting www.aria.lighting
ARIA, an Ivela brand, believes in empowering choice. We provide designers minimalist lighting products with a multitude of options. Pure shapes, clean lines and gentle apertures that deliver precise performance where needed. All our products are sourced and manufactured in Milan, the design capital of Italy. Imagination comes to light.
ARIANNA Via dell’Industria 14 35020 Brugine (PD) tel: +39 0497389920 www.ariannaled.com
ARKILUX Via Molise 6 37138 Verona (VN) tel: +39 0458103615 www.arkilux.com Distributor for: Econsense, Liniled, Lucent, Lumascape
AROUND LIGHT Via I.Newton 9 40055 Castenaso tel: +39 0516051266 www.around-light.it Distributor for: Intra Lighting
ARREDOLUCE Via Trieste 20821 Meda (MB) tel: +39 03621869300 email: info@arredoluce.com www.arredoluce.com
Founded in Monza in 1943, Arredoluce focuses on redesigning the works of great masters such as Gio Ponti, Castiglioni and Angelo Lelii with the aim of responding to every kind of indoor or outdoor need in the residential and contract furniture sectors.
ARTEMIDE via Bergamo 18 20010 Pregnana Milanese (MI) tel: +39 02935181 www.artemide.com
ASVITO LUCE Via Arco 2 20121 Milan tel: +39 0245474966 www.asvitoluce.it Distributor for: Aurora, Soraa
AUGENTI LIGHTING Via Francesco Lana 31 25065 Lumezzane (BS) tel: +39 0307282524 www.augentilighting.it
AURA LIGHT Viale Roma 9a 40024 Castel San Pietro Terme (BO) tel: +39 051948150 www.auralight.com
AVNET SILICA via Manzoni 44 20095 Cusano Milanino tel: +39 02660921 www.avnet-silica.com Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments
B LIGHT Via Galvani 6 33083 Villotta di Chions (PN) tel: +39 0434630835 www.b-light.it
BACKLIGHT Via A. Volta 5 20876 Ornago (MB) tel: +39 0396010396 www.backlightsrl.com
BAG ELECTRONICS Via Cavriana 3 20134 Milan tel: +39 027391274 www.bagelectronics.com
BALDIERI Piazza Iside 5 00184 Rome tel: +39 0670491427 www.baldieri.it Distributor for: Glasshütte Limburg, Regent
BEBLAZE Place Ponte Formello, 6 24020 Vilminore di Scalve tel: +39 034651774 www.beblaze.it
BIFFI LUCE Via Delle Industrie 14-16 20040 Busnago (MI) tel: +39 0396095574 www.biffiluce.com
BOLUCE Via Francesco Nullo 360 24033 Calusco d’Adda (BG) tel: +39 035791234 www.boluce.it
BRAGA ILLUMINAZIONE Via Soniga 7 25080 Nuvolento (Brescia) tel: +39 030691775 www.fratellibraga.it
BROLLO SIET Via Mazzini 24 31031 Caerano di San Marco (TV) tel: +39 04236574 www.brollosiet.com
BUZZI & BUZZI via Milano 17 20060 Pozzo D’adda (MI) tel: +39 0290949424 www.buzzi-buzzi.it
C LUCE Via Marmolada 5/11 20060 Truccazzano (MI) tel: +39 0294435047 www.cluce.it
CARIBONI GROUP Via della Tecnica 19 23875 Osnago (LC) tel: +39 03995211 www.caribonigroup.com
e d g CASTALDI Via Benvenuto Cellini 8 21012 Cassano Magnago (VA) tel: +39 033170691 email: info@castaldilighting.it www.castaldilighting.it
Castaldi indoor and outdoor technical lighting are completely made in Italy, where the in house product control and testing laboratories, Castaldi achieves the highest quality and performance standards. Castaldi cooperates at international high-level projects, thanks to its capability to support the major architects and designers. Castaldi is part of Auralis.
CIVIC Via Goldoni 50 Trezzano Sul Naviglio 20090 Milan tel: +39 024843501 www.civic.it
CLAY PAKY via Pastrengo 3/B 24068 Seriate (BG) tel: +39 035654311 www.claypaky.it
CM ILLUMINOTECNICA Via Parise Bordone 29 31050 Vedelago tel: +39 03402786791 www.cmilluminotecnica.it Distributor for: ledluks, M&M
COELUX Via Cavour 2 22074 Lomazzo (CO) tel: +39 0236714394 www.coelux.com
COEMAR Via Carpenedolo 90 46043 Castiglione delle stiviere(MN) tel: +39 037677521 www.coemar.com
COMI LUCE Via Mario Idiomi 4B/4C Assago I-20090 Milano tel: +39 33571611796 www.comiluce.com Distributor for: Aubrilam, Ghm-Eclatec, Tungsram
CONTARDI via A. Manzoni 134/140 20811 Cesano Maderno (MB) tel: +39 0362301381 www.contardi-italia.com
CREE Via Sandro Pertini 122 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FL) tel: +39 55343081 www.cree.com
CRESTRON Via Vicenza 2 20063 Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI) tel: +39 0292148185 www.crestron.eu
Via Lago di Garda 22 36077 Altavilla vicentina (VI) tel: +39 04441836680 www.dalcnet.com
DAVIDE GROPPI Via Belizzi 22-20/A 29122 Piacenza tel: +39 0523571590 www.davidegroppi.com
DELTA LIGHT Via Vittime del Fascismo 23 50053 Empoli tel: +39 057182226 www.deltalight.com
DGA Via Pietro Nenni 72/B Zona Industriale Capalle 50010 Campi Bisenzio (FL) tel: +39 0558986235 www.dga.it
e d DGA Via Pietro Nenni 72/B 50013 Campi Bisenzio (FL) tel: +39 0558986235 email: export@dga.it www.dga.it
Designing and producing the best LED lights entails genetic predisposition: the DNA of a company consist of its experience, its know-how, its way of doing things. It demands thoroughness and inventiveness, like precision mechanics. Like the most advanced hi-tech, it requires research and continuous know-how updating.
Via Gramsci 60 Centro Di Consulenza Illuminotecnica 30035 Miran (VN) tel: +39 0414355492 www.dial.de
Via L. Einaudi 8 Zone D4 15121 Alessandria tel: +39 0131240623 diamantelighting.com
DIFFUSIONE via Isonzo 96 10141 Turin tel: +39 0113835177 www.diffusione.biz Distributor for: Dark, Prolicht
Via delle Magnolie 4 36050 Sovizzo (VI) tel: +39 0444574066 www.digimax.it Distributor for: Casambi, Citizen, Colors, Mean Well, Powergear
Via le Lombardia 129 20089 Rozzano (MI) tel: +39 02824771 www.disano.it
Via Del Trarrurello Tarantino 74123 Taranto tel: +39 099472577 www.dldelettronica.com
DTS Via Fagnano Selve 12/14 47843 Misano Adriatico (RN) tel: +39 0541611131 www.dts-lighting.it
Via Brescia 77 25065 Lumezzane (BS) tel: +39 030871421 www.duralite.it
dEELECTRON Via Claudio Monteverdi 6 20025 Legnano (MI) tel: +39 0331500802 www.eelectron.com
EGOLUCE Via I. Newton 12 20016 Pero (MI) tel: +39 023395861 www.egoluce.com
ELEBER Via Domenico Piccoli 14 36100 Vicenza (VI) tel: +39 0444566419 www.eleber.it Distributor for: Hoffmeister, Integrallight, Lithoss, RSL, Sill, Vekso
ELMEC SOLAR Via Pret 1 21020 Brunello tel: +39 0332802111 www.9ren.it Distributor for: Philips Lighting
ENEDO POWER Via Ancona 59 60027 Osimo tel: +39 071721461 www.enedopower.com f
ENGI Via Cassola 60 36027 Rosa (VI) tel: +39 0424582534 www.engi.it Distributor for: Abacus
ENTITY Via del Laghi 19 36077 Altavilla Vicentina (VI) tel: +39 0444574488 www.entityel.it
Via Europa LI 14 31028 Vazzola tel: +39 0438444881 www.eralsolution.com
Via dei Sassi 2 23801 Calolziocorte (LC) tel: +39 0341637213 www.erchighlight.com
ERCO Viale Sarca 336 F 20126 Milan tel: +39 0236587284 www.erco.com
ERGA TAPES Via L. Biagi 65 D/22 Sesto S. Giovanni 20099 Milan tel: +39 02248116 www.ergatapes.com Distributor for: Furukawa ESSE-CI Viale del Lavoro 25 35010 Vigonza (PD) tel: +39 0498959511 email: info@esse-ci.it www.esse-ci.it
Since 1984 we have designed and produced lighting solutions Made in Italy thinking of light as a lever for the growth of our customers’ business.
A complete architectural range of lights for indoor and outdoor matching performances with elegance with a calling for customization.
ETABETA ELECTRONICS Via Milano 74 22070 Bregnano (CO) tel: +39 031773539 www.etabeta-el.it Distributor for: OPTI Kinetics, PR Lighting, Visio
ETC Via Pieve Torina 48 00156 Rome tel: +39 0632111683 www.etcconnect.com
EULUX ViaPontesica 4 82016 Montesarchio (BN) tel: +39 0824832296 www.eulux.it
EUROLICHT Via Enrico Fermi 20 39100 Bolzano (BZ) tel: +39 0471973345 www.eurolicht.com/it Distributor for: Delta Light, Hess, Meyer
EUROTEK Viale Dell’Industria 46 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA) tel: +39 0331679930 www.eurotek.it Distributor for: Mean Well f
EVOLIGHT Via Presenti 78/17 46046 Medole tel: +39 0376899099 www.evolight.it Distributor for: GLP
EWO Etschweg 15 39040 Kurtatsch (BZ) tel: +39 0471623087 www.ewo.com
F/ART Via Terraglio 193 31022 Preganziol (TV) tel: +39 0422498300 www.fart-neon.com
Via Luigi Talamoni 75 20861 Brugherio tel: +39 039890691 www.atiled.it
FAEL LUCE Via Euripide 12-14 20864 Agrate Brianza (MB) tel: +39 03963411 www.faelluce.com
FIBRETEC Via Riva di Sotto 56 03900 Appiano tel: +39 0471637026 www.fibretec.it
FLEXALIGHTING via Lisbona 21 50065 Pontassieve (FL) tel: +39 03201452862 www.flexalighting.it
Via Angelo Faini 2 25073 Bovezzo (BS) tel: +39 03024381 www.flos.com
FLUA Bastioni Di Porta Volta 7 20121 Milano tel: +39 3927778888 www.flua.com
Via Lombardia 16 26854 Cornegliano Laudense tel: +39 0371696200 www.forlight.pl
Via Europa 35/A 20010 Pogliano Milanese (MI) tel: +39 0293540300 email: formaitalia@formalighting.it www.formalighting.com
Celebrating 50 years of Italian design and manufacturing of high-quality architectural lighting solutions for the specifications market, formalighting’s innovative ranges include MOTOLUX, an award-winning series of Architectural Motorized Lighting. Control the Pan, Tilt, Dim, full spectrum colour tuning, Dim to warm and beam shape using a dedicated smart-phone app powered by CASAMBI technology or its remote control.
FORME DI LUCE Corse Milano 140 37138 Verona (VR) tel: +39 0458101138 www.formediluceverona.it Distributor for: Ares, Artemide, iGuzzini, L&L Luce&Light, LEDS C4, Linea Light Group, Lucifero’s, Modular, Simes, XAL
FORMULA LUCI Via IV Novembre 171 25080 Prevalle (BS) tel: +39 0307285038 www.formulaluci.com
FRANCESCONI via E. Fermi 4 25030 Roncadelle (BS) tel: +39 0302780185 www.francesconi.it
FUTURE ELECTRONICS Via Fosse Ardeatine 4 20092 Cinisello Balsamo (MI) tel: +39 02660941 www.futureelectronics.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Carclo, Eaton, Ledil, Lumileds, Mean Well, Osram, Recom, Samsung LED, Signify f
GE LIGHTING Centro Dir. Colleoni, Palazzo Andromeda B1 –3° P via Paracelso 16 20864 Agrate Brianza (MB) tel: +39 0237027700 www.gelighting.com
GEWISS Via A. Volta 1 24069 Cenate Sopra (BG) tel: +39 035946111 www.gewiss.com
GHIDINI LIGHTING Monsuello 211 25065 Lumezzane (BS) tel: +39 0308925625 www.ghidini.it
GHISAMESTIERI Via Grande, 226 47032 Bertinoro tel: +39 0543462611 www.ghisamestieri.it
GLIP Via L. Scattolin 5 31055 Quinto di Treviso (TV) tel: +39 0422470614 www.glip.it
GOCCIA Via E Fermi 59/65 25020 Poncarale (BS) tel: +39 0302640761 www.goccia.it
GRECHI ILLUMINAZIONE Via Pilo 75 20013 Magenta (MI) tel: +39 0297297347 www.grechi.com
GRIVEN Via Bulgaria 16 46042 Castel Goffredo (MN) tel: +39 0376779483 www.griven.com
GUIDINI LIGHTING Via Monsuello 211 25065 Lumezzane (BS) tel: +39 0308925625 www.lucitalia.it
HELLA Via Buozzi 5 20090 Caleppio di Settala (MI) tel: +39 0298835237 www.hella.com
Via W. Tobagi 26/1 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) tel: +39 0255301033 www.helvar.com
I SENS Via Roma 54 31020 Villorba (TV) tel: +39 0422911833 www.isens.it Distributor for: Fagerhult
ICONE Via Vittorio Veneto 57 24041 Brembate (BG) tel: +39 3346291676 www.iconeluce.com
IGUZZINI Via Mariano Guzzini 37 62019 Recanati (MC) tel: +39 07175881 www.iguzzini.com
ILLUM Via Cabin 3/A 50129 Florence tel: +39 05509851 www.illum.it Distributor for: Bega, Modular, Prolicht
ILMAS Via Tittorio Veneto 23/B 20010 Bernate Ticino (ML) tel: +39 0293900349 www.ilmas.com Distributor for: Unilamp
ILTI LUCE Lungo Dora P. Colletta 113/9 10153 Turin tel: +39 0112482291 www.iltiluce.it
IMOON Via Imperia 2 20142 Milan tel: +39 0289515533 www.imoon.it
INLUMINA Via dell’Artigianato 16 31014 Colle Umberto (TV) tel: +39 0438433350 www.inluminaled.it
INTERMARK SISTEMI Via A. Litta Modignani 37 00144 Roma tel: +39 065205835 www.intermark.it Distributor for: Interact Hospitality, Interact Office, Philips Dynalite
IVELA Via B. Buozzi 15 20050 Liscate (MI) tel: +39 029500121 www.ivela.it
e dJT SOLAR Via Vittor Pisani 13 20124 Milan tel: +39 026702631 www.jtsolar.de
KHATOD OPTOELECTRONIC Via Alessandrina, 25 20095 Cusano Milanino (MI) tel: +39 0266013695 www.khatod.com
KKDC 48 Corso Sempione 20145 Milan tel: +39 0283539019 www.kkdc.lighting
KREON Via V. Forcella 5 20144 Milan tel: +39 0289420846 www.kreon.com
e d KSCAPE Via Paolina Romagnoli 17 50038 Scarperia e San Piero (FI) tel: +39 0558487222 email: tom.riby@k-array.com www.kscapemergingsenses.com
eWith over 30 years of experience in the pro audio market, K-array enhances the work of lighting designers, architects and engineers by merging audio with architectural lighting products. Designed and manufactured in Italy, K-array’s dedicated light and audio brand KSCAPE has provided unique solutions for retail, museums, galleries and offices worldwide where audio and light are essential.
LA FILOMETALLICA Via Balduccio da Piaza 18 20139 Milan tel: +39 025394314 www.megaman.it Distributor for: Fozz
LAM32 Contrada Campiglione 20 63900 Fermo (FM) tel: +31 0734605106 www.lam32.com
Via Portogallo 4 46042 Castel Goffredo (MN) tel: +39 0376770869 www.lamposrl.it
LANDA ILLUMINOTECNICA Via Rosmini 13/15 25065 Lumezzane tel: +39 0308920966 www.landa.it
LED LINEAR Via Gen. Carlo Alberto, Dalla Chiesa 10/41 24048 Treviolo (BG) tel: +39 3923913567 www.led-linear.com e d
LED LUX ITALIA Via Meucci 6 47832 San Clemente (RN) tel: +39 0541857194 www.ledluxitalia.com
LEDITALY Via Cesare Luda 2 10022 Carmagnola (TO) tel: +39 01119885964 www.leditaly.com
LEDS ITALY Via V. Majakoski, 14/1 42124 Reggio Emilia tel: +39 0522791131 www.ledsitaly.com
fLEDVANCE Viale dell’Innovazione 3 20126 Milan tel: +39 02230511 www.ledvance.com
LEUCOS Via del Lavoro 22 30030 Salzano (VE) tel: +39 0415859111 www.leucos.com
LEVITON Via Giovanni da Udine 34 20156 Milan (MI) tel: +39 023534896 www.leviton.com
LICHTSTUDIO EISENKEIL Gampenstr. 13 39020 Marling tel: +39 0473204000 www.lichtstudio.com
LINEA LIGHT GROUP Via Della Fornace 59 31023 Castelminio di Resana (TV) tel: +39 04237868 www.linealight.com
LINERGY Via A. De Gasperi 9 63075 Acquaviva Picena (AP) tel: +39 07355974 www.linergy.it
LITEK Via delle Industrie 3b 47824 Poggio Berni tel: +39 0541627208 www.litek.it
LLD LIGHT Via dell’Edilizia 100 36100 Vicenza (VI) tel: +39 04441497877 www.lldlight.it
LOMBARDO Via Pizzigoni 3 24060 Villongo (BG) tel: +39 035939411 www.lombardo.it
LSD Via Montello 19 15121 Alessandria tel: +39 0131218996 www.lsd-lighting.it Distributor for: AllLed, Lightnet, Novaluce, Petridis, Unonovezero
LUCECO Via Amman 10 33170 Pordenone tel: +39 04341696795 www.luceco.com
LUCIFERO’S Via del Tappezziere 3 40138 Bologna tel: +39 0516014276 www.luciferos.it
LUMASCAPE Via Molise 6 37138 Verona tel: +39 3452438737 www.lumascape.com
LUMENPULSE Via della Chiesa 38 50041 Calenzano (FI) tel: +39 055541754 www.lumenpulse.com
LUMEX Via Varotti 10 31050 Vedelago (TV) tel: +39 3494336355 www.lumex.it Distributor for: L&L Luce&Light, Macrolux
LUXIONA Via Milano 4 20070 Dresano (MI) tel: +39 0298274010 www.luxiona.com
L&L LUCE&LIGHT Via Trescalini 5 36031 Duev ille (VI) tel: +39 0444360571 email: lucelight@lucelight.it www.lucelight.it
Designing and producing lighting systems using LED technology has been our speciality since 2007. We are proud to be an authentic example of the Made in Italy branding, with a flair for innovation and a profound appreciation of architectural projects. Our lighting fixtures integrate perfectly with both indoor and outdoor spaces and surfaces to recreate natural architectural illumination.
L&O Via Torino 89 20010 Bareggio (MI) tel: +39 0223163171 www.professional-lamps.it Distributor for: Ledzworld
Distributor for: Artemide, Flos, Reggiani, Viabizzuno, Wever & Ducré
LIGHT SERVICE Via Nuova Luce N.12 95030 Tremestieri Etneo tel: +39 095223932
Distributor for: Zumtobel
LIGHT-UP Via Del Vetraio 22 40138 Bologna tel: +39 051320127 www.light-up.it Distributor for: esse-ci, Linea Light Group
LIGHTEX Piazza Giotto 26 20033 Desio (MI) tel: +39 03333470172 www.lightex.it Distributor for: Wever & Ducré
MA GROUP Via M.F. Bibaculo 2/b 26100 Cremona tel: +39 0372436386 www.magroup.it Distributor for: Salvi
MACROLUX Via Padania 69 31020 San Vendemiano (TV) tel: +39 0438470773 www.macrolux.net
MARECO LUCE via Santa Croce 121 47032 Bertinoro tel: +39 0543468772 www.marecoluce.it
MARINO MANCA Via Macchiavelli 30 Loc. Su Planu 09047 Selargius (CA) tel: +39 070531619 www.marinomanca.it Distributor for: Zumtobel
MARTINELLI LUCE Via T Bandettini 55100 Lucca (LU) tel: +39 0583418315 www.martinelliluce.it
MDA Via Raffello Busoni 13 INT 50053 Empoli (FI) tel: +39 0571935454 www.mdaitalia.it Distributor for: Daisalux, Marset
MELCHIONI Via Pietro Colletta 37 20135 Milan tel: +39 0257941 www.melchioni.it Distributor for: Cooledge, Seoul Semiconductor METALMEK ILLUMINAZIONE Via Ramazzotti 10 20045 Lainate (MI) tel: +39 029373157 email: info@metalmek.eu www.metalmek.it
Metalmek has been manufacturing lighting for almost 50 years with a production area of 8,000 sqm. We are able to satisfy any requirement for the customization of architectural lighting products, combined with the best technology. Our specialized skills in production and design, make Metalmek a consolidated point of reference for BtoB led lighting.
METALSPOT Via T. Tasso 44 20089 Rozzano (MI) tel: +39 02577711 www.metalspot.com
LUXIT Via delle More 1 24030 Presezzo (BG) tel: +39 035603511 www.fdvgroup.com
LUXSOLAR Via per Dolzago 21 23848 Oggiono (LC) tel: +39 0341260926 www.luxsolar.com
LUXY TECH S.S. Appia Km 257 82100 Benevento tel: +39 0824363648 www.luxytech.it Distributor for: iLight
MICROLUCE Via Mercalli 14 20019 Settimo Milanese (MI) tel: +39 0233512379 www.microluce.it
MOONS’ Via Torri Bianche 1 20871 Vimercate (MB) tel: +39 0396260521 www.moonsindustries.com
MYTE Via Vezzano 74 32100 Belluno tel: +39 043718357 www.mytesrl.it
NATULED Strada Statale del Sempione 170 Pero 20016 Milan tel: +39 0294554000 www.natuled.com
NEMO Viale Brianza 30 20823 Lentate sul Seveso (MB) tel: +39 03621660500 www.nemolighting.com
NERI S.S. Emilia 1622 47020 Longiano (FC) tel: +39 0547652111 www.neri.biz
Viale della Navigazione Interna 38/A 35129 Padova (PD) tel: +39 0498089366 www.neroluce.biz Distributor for: Bega, Regent
NEXO LUCE Strada Mirabella 10 46040 Cavriana (MN) tel: +39 0376771513 www.nexoluce.com
NOBILED Via Portuense 1555 00148 Rome tel: +39 0665002524 www.nobile.it
NORD LIGHT Bernd Bueno Via Gaetano Milanesi 57 50134 Florence tel: +39 0558309912 www.nordlight.eu
NORLIGHT Via Benvenuto Cellini 8 21012 Cassano Magnago (VA) tel: +39 0331777736 www.norlight.it
Via Marzabotto, 2 40050 Funo di Argelato (BO) tel: +39 051860558 www.novalux.it
OLEV Via del Progresso 40 36064 Colceresa (VI) tel: +39 0424411403 www.olevlight.com
ONE 4 ALL Cascina Avalle 23 15038 Ottiglio Monferrato (AL) tel: +39 0142921338 www.one4all.it
OSRAM Viale dell´Innovazione 3 20126 Milan tel: +39 0242491 www.osram.com/ds
OTY LIGHT Via Spangaro N8/a 30030 Peseggia di Scorze (VE) tel: +39 0415830499 www.otylight.com
Via Feltre 32 20132 Milan (MI) tel: +39 02210121 www.overlite.it Distributor for: Ares, Artemide, Bega, Delta Light, Erco, iGuzzini, Kreon, Linea Light, Modular, Zumtobel
Via G.B.Vico 54-56 20010 Cornaredo (MI) tel: +39 0293563258 www.oxytech.it
Via G. Michelucci 1 50028 Tavarnelle Val di Pesa (FI) tel: +39 05580593367 www.panint.it
PANASONIC viale dell’Innovazione 3 20126 Milan tel: +39 0267072556 www.panasonic.com
PANZERI Via Padania 8 20853 Biassono (MB) tel: +39 0392497483 www.panzeri.it
Via Trieste snc 20821 Meda (MB) tel: +39 03621869300 email: info@pentalight.it www.pentalight.com
eElegance and quality combined with an attractive and recognizable design, have allowed Penta to be a point of reference in the decorative lighting sector. Melting together simplicity of shapes and a sophisticated combination of materials, real design craftworks are created thus enhancing refined atmospheres both in the residential and contract sectors. Penta is part of Auralis.
PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING 9/11 Viale Del Lavoro 37030 Colognola Al Collo (VR) tel: +39 0456159211 www.performanceinlighting.com
Via Marrocco, 4 25050 Rodengo Saiano (BS) tel: +39 0306818201 email: marketing@platek.eu www.platek.eu
dPlatek is an innovative company in the architectural and decorative outdoor lighting field: design and manufacturing of increasingly compact and performing fixtures with superior light output and efficiency. Its attention to details and architecture of spaces through prestigious collaborations with design practices has made it a major market player.
Via Buozzi 6 20060 Liscate (MI) tel: +39 0266300740 www.plexiform.it
Vicolo B. De Campesani 21 36100 Vicenza tel: +39 3482490145 www.plussrls.eu Distributor for: Atelier Sedap, Hess, Lug, No Watt, Prolicht
Via Principale 37/B 39025 Naturno BZ tel: +39 0473421565 www.professional-lamps.co.uk
Distributor for: i-pix, IST, Lamina, LED Engin, LED Linear
PROLIGHTS Via A. Olivetti snc 04026 Minturno (LT) tel: +39 077172190 prolights.it
PROMOTECH ITALIA Via dei Fabbri 15 Capezzano Pianore, loc. Bocchette 55041 Camaiore (LU) tel: +39 058455026 www.promotech-italia.it
PUK Via S Giorgio 16 20851 Lissone (MB) tel: +39 0392457920 www.puk.it
PURALUCE Via Di Pianvallico 9 50038 Scarperia (FI) tel: +39 0558487178 www.puraluce.com
QUALIKO Via C. Dell’Acqua 35 20027 Rescaldina (MI) tel: +39 0331466695 www.qualiko.it
Via Dolomiti 15 20027 Rescaldina (MI) tel: +39 0331466695 www.qlt.it
Piazzale Europa No.9 10044 Pianezza tel: +39 0119663113 www.rafisrl.com Distributor for: Mean Well, Signcomplex f
REGENT LIGHTING via Vittor Pisani 16 20124 Milan tel: +39 0266718378 www.regent.ch Distributor for: Norka
REGGIANI Viale Monza 16 20845 Sovico (MB) tel: +39 03920711 email: contact@reggiani.net www.reggiani.net
We are Reggiani. We transform spaces and experiences with light. We are committed partners offering insights and creativity, a problem solving attitude, and over 60 years experience. We are a forward-thinking community of lighting experts bringing cutting-edge technical performance, and pioneering ideas to our clients. We are the illumination collective.
RELCO Via Delle Azalee 6/A 20090 Buccinasco (MI) tel: +39 024886161 www.relcogroup.com
RIDI GROUP Via Milano 39 20821 Meda (MB) tel: +39 03621739766 www.ridi-group.com Distributor for: Schnik-Schnak-Systems
RM MULTIMEDIA Via Rota 3 47841 Cattolica tel: +39 0541833103 www.rmmultimedia.it Distributor for: Lite Craft, LumenRadio, Robe, Robert Juliat
ROLD Via della Merlata 1 20014 Nerviano (MI) tel: +39 0331438118 www.rold.com
ROSSINI via Kennedy 5 20090 Segrate (MI) tel: +39 02216950 www.rossinigroup.it
RUGGIU Via Taliercio 22 31059 Zero Branco (TV) tel: +39 0422485200 www.ruggiu.com
SCHRÉDER Via Tunisia 3 10093 Collegno (TO) tel: +39 0119849111 www.schreder.it
Via degli Alpini 2 20090 Segrate (MI) tel: +39 0220245273 www.seoulsemicon.com
SERA Via dell’ artigianato 29 20882 Bellusco (MI) tel: +39 0396840144 www.seralighting.it
SGM Via A. Volta 3 47832 San Clemente tel: +39 03428962045 www.sgmlight.com
SICOM Via Austria 15/A 35127 Padova tel: +39 0498701470 www.sicom-pd.it
SIDE Via C Cattaneo 90 Lissone 20851 Milan tel: +39 0392449001 www.sidespa.it
SIL.LUX Via G. Pascoli 35/a 30020 Quarto D’Altino (VE) tel: +39 0422824756 www.sillux.com
SIMES Via G. Pastore 2/4 25040 Corte Franca (BS) tel: +39 0309860411 www.simes.it
SIMLUX Via Gavardina n.10 25081 Bedizzole (BS) tel: +39 0306871287 www.simlux.it
SITECO Via Libero Temolo 4 20126 Milan (MI) tel: +39 3274158975 www.siteco.com
SKANDINAVIA E. Fermistrasse / via E. Fermi 3-5 39012 Meran tel: +39 0473244288 www.skandinavia.it Distributor for: Regiolux
SPACECANNON Via Giuseppe Parini 1 23845 Costa Masnaga tel: +39 0314121731 www.spacecannonsne.it
SPOTLIGHT via Sardegna 3 20098 San Giuliano Milanese (MI) tel: +39 02988301 www.spotlight.it Distributor for: Electron
STARK Via dei Finale 22/24 61043 Cagli (PV) tel: +39 0721781467 www.stark1200.com
STEALTH LIGHT Via Lavoratori Autobianchi 22/F c/o Polo Tecnologico Brianza 20832 Desio (MB) tel: +39 0362308182 www.stealthlight.it
eSTUDIO DUE Strada Poggino 100 01100 Viterbo (VT) tel: +39 0761352520 www.studiodue.com
SUNLEDS Via Leonardo Da Vinci 24/A 20094 Corsico (MI) tel: +39 0295327303 www.sunleds.it Distributor for: LUXX Light Technology
SYLVANIA Piazza Don Enrico Mapelli 75 20099 Sesto San Giovanni (MI) tel: +39 0224125811 www.sylvania-lighting.com
T.ILL Via Combattenti Alleati D’Europa 9 45100 Rovigo tel: +39 0425176180 www.tillighting.eu Distributor for: Carandini, Holophane, Salvi
TELMOTOR Via Zanica 91 24126 Bergamo tel: +39 035325111 www.telmotor.it Distributor for: Artemide, Erco, Flos, iGuzzini, L&L Luce&Light, LED Linear, Louis Poulsen, Megaman, Targetti, Zumtobel
THORN LIGHTING Via G Di Vittorio 2 Cadriano di Granarolo 40057 Bologna tel: +39 05763391 www.thornlighting.com
TORREMATO Via Bredariol Olivo 15 31048 San Biagio Di Callalta tel: +39 0422895200 www.torremato.com
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES V.le dell’Innovazione 3 20126 Milan tel: +39 0242491 www.traxontechnologies.com
TRE CI LUCE C.so Europa 8 20020 Cesate (MI) tel: +39 02990871 www.treciluce.com
TRE I FIBRE Viale Kennedy 21 24066 Pedrengo (BG) tel: +39 035673141 www.tre-i.it
TARGETTI Via Pratese 164 50145 Florence tel: +39 05537911 email: targetti@targetti.com www.targetti.com
Since 1928 Targetti has never stopped designing and creating indoor and outdoor architectural light fixtures. For almost a century our products, which are synonymous with innovation, research and attention to detail have been lighting the most prestigious architectural and artistic works, creating extraordinary atmospheres and enhancing every type of architecture.
Via Parma, 14 21047 Saronno (VA) tel: +39 02964161 www.tci.it
TEC-MAR Via delle Industrie 12 26835 Crespiatica (LO) tel: +39 0371484029 www.tec-mar.it
Via Giovanni Lanza 20 36100 Vicenza tel: +39 0444961034 www.techne-vi.com
Distributor for: Castaldi, Norlight
Via Castel Goffredo 35/1 46040 Casaloldo (MN) tel: +39 0376778670 www.teclumen.it
Via Caravaggio 26 20033 Desio (MB) tel: +39 0362300619 www.tecnolux.it
Via dell’ Artigianato 16 Colle Umberto 31014 Treviso tel: +39 0438388511 www.telecoautomation.com
TRIDONIC Viale Regione Veneto 19 35127 Padova (PD) tel: +39 0498945127 www.tridonic.com
Viale delle Industrie 17 Edificio E 20867 Caponago tel: +39 0236634250 www.trilux.com
Via della Meccanica, 67 36100 Vicenza (VI) tel: +39 0444563609 www.turnlights.com
UNIVERSAL SCIENCE Via Redipuglia 8 20010 Bareggio (MI) tel: +39 0239561361 www.universal-science.com Distributor for: Cree, LED Engin
UNONOVESETTE Via Galileo Galilei, 15 20856 Correzzana (MB) tel: +39 0396367340 www.unonovesette.it
Via Francesco Baracca 3/A 50127 Florence tel: +39 0555321042 www.uozulighting.com
VALENTI Via De Vecchi 7/D 20090 Assago (MI) tel: +39 02457191759 www.valentiluce.it
VIABIZZUNO via Romagnoli 10 40010 Bentivoglio (BO) tel: +39 0518908011 www.viabizzuno.com
VIMAR Viale Vicenza 14 Marostica 36063 Marostica (VI) tel: +39 0424488600 www.vimar.eu
VOSSLOH-SCHWABE Via Strada S. Martino 15 47027 Sarsina/Forli tel: +39 054798111 www.vossloh-schwabe.com
WALDMANN Via della Pace 18 A 20098 San Giuliano Milanese (MI) tel: +39 0298249024 www.waldmann.com
WELT ELECTRONIC Via della Treccia 33 50145 Firenze tel: +39 055302631 www.weltelectronic.it Distributor for: Havard, Ledil, Lextar, Nichia, Soraa
WIRED LED LIGHTING Via Frisia 4 20092 Cinisello Balsamo (MI) tel: +39 026184418 www.wiredledlight.com
XAL Via Enrico Fermi 20 39100 Bozen tel: +39 03476401293 www.xal.com
ZUMTOBEL Via G.B. Pirelli 26 39040 Milan tel: +39 02667451 z.lighting
DEMICOLI & ASSOCIATES Capital Business Centre Entrance A, Level 2 Taz-Zwejt Street SGN3000 San Gwann tel: +356 21381500 www.danda.com.mt
OLIVIA-ANN CALLEJA 3 & 4 Baxa Building 1 Valletta Road Mosta tel: +356 27017071 www.professionallightingdesign.com
240 240 Zabbar Road FGR1011 Fgura tel: +356 23676676 www.240.com.mt Distributor for: Abacus
APEX INTERIORS Triq iz-Zaghfran ATD9013 Attard tel: +356 21423835 www.ail.com.mt Distributor for: Dextra, iGuzzini ASTRAL Abate Rigord Street SLM04 Ta’ Xbiex tel: +356 21345522 www.astral.com.mt Distributor for: Philips Dynalite, Rako
BRIGHTER SOLUTIONS 2/3 Tal-Balal Road Xwieki L/O GHR9014 Gharghur tel: +356 21424750 www.ledmalta.com.mt Distributor for: Architectural Lighting Works, Philips
CALLEJA 31 Bishop Labini Street BKR1270 Birkirkara tel: +356 21440341 www.calleja.com.mt Distributor for: Novalux, OMS, Osram, Side, Thorn
DONEO 34/36 Danny Cremona Street HMR08 Hamrun tel: +356 21225381 www.doneo.com.mt Distributor for: Lutron
Triq il-Mithna, Zone 5 Central Business District CBD 5090 Qormi tel: +356 21494444 www.elektra.com.mt Distributor for: Artemide, Davide Groppi, Delta Light, Flos, Schneider Electric
ESS San Gwakkin Road BKR3000 Mriehel tel: +356 21255777 www.ess.com.mt Distributor for: Megaman, SLV
IDS 29 Triq It-Tin QRM3953 Qormi tel: +356 21444393 www.idsmalta.com Distributor for: Fozz
LIGHT DESIGN SOLUTIONS Emmanuel Schembri Street BKR1810 Birkirkara tel: +356 21496843 www.lds.com.mt Distributor for: Buzzi & Buzzi, Dark, Erco, L&L Luce & Light, Lithoss, Lucis, Wever & Ducré, XAL
NEXOS Triq I l-Merhba Pla 13 FGR1836 Fgura tel: +356 21800144 www.nexoslighting.com Distributor for: Griven
SMART CREATIONS Me 187 Valley Road BKR9014 Birkirkara tel: +356 27021356 www.smartcreations.com.mt Distributor for: acdc
181 Valschermkade 27 1059 CD Amsterdam tel: +31 208200170 www.oneeightyone.com
Johannes van der Waalsstraat 58hs 1098 PP Amsterdam tel: +31 202228585 www.arjenvandercruijsen.com
HANS WOLFF & PARTNERS Herengracht 109 1015 BE Amsterdam tel: +31 651369191 www.hanswolff.lighting
HENK VAN DER GEEST LICHTONTWERPEN Tolhuisweg 2/14 1031 CL Amsterdam tel: +31 206253136 www.henkvandergeest.nl
KOERNER DESIGN Wilhelminastraat 125hs 1054 WB Amsterdam tel: +31 640916791
LICHT AAN Stationslaan 7 5751 JL Deurne tel: +31 493351971 www.lichtaan.com
ARUP Beta Building, Naritaweg 118 1043 CA Amsterdam tel: +31 203058500 email: lighting-design@arup.com www.arup.com/lighting
Lighting at Arup brings together art, science and technology. Our team of designers create expressive and award-winning concepts in light. Our commitment to sustainability drives a creative approach to the application of state-of-the-art technology. We work in harmony with aesthetics and vision, delivering human centric solutions for clients.
ATELIER LEK ‘s-Gravendijkwal 73c 3021 EE Rotterdam tel: +31 102130546 www.atelierlek.nl
BEERSNIELSEN Vijverhofstraat 120 3032 SP Rotterdam tel: +31 103403031 www.beersnielsen.nl
Bierkade 9 8356 DH Blokzijl tel: +31 332583861 www.berluxlichtarchitectuur.nl
BIQUE LIGHTING Hugo de Grootsingel 11 1277 CL Huizen tel: +31 655843048 www.biquelighting.nl
Rijnesteinhof 16 3525 EN Utrecht tel: +31 610593045 www.clightwise.com
Leliestraat 20a 3071 VG Rotterdam tel: +31 104120309 www.brokenlight.org
DEERNS Anna van Buerenplein 21F 2595 DA Den Haag tel: +31 883740000 www.deerns.nl
FACET LIGHTING Berkenhof 20 3894 BL Zeewolde tel: +31 627497245 www.facetlighting.com
GRONTMIJ Computerweg 11-13 3821 AA Amersfoort tel: +31 334511411 www.grontmij.nl
GUERRILLA LIGHTING Midden 144 8351 HL Wapserveen tel: +31 622557190 www.guerrillalighting.art
SPOT ON LICHTONTWERP Hoekschewaardweg 208 1025 PD Amsterdam tel: +31 639106781 www.spotonlichtontwerp.nl
STUDIO DL PO Box 56905 1040 AX Amsterdam tel: +31 652400207 www.studiodl.com
STUDIO RUBLEK Cateringweg 11 Schiphol 1118 AM Amsterdam tel: +31 204173333 www.studiorublek.com
THE LUX LAB Mathildelaan 1A 5611 BD Eindhoven tel: +31 402110945 www.hetluxlab.nl
AVNET SILICA Stadionstraat 2, 6th floor 4815 NLNG Breda tel: +31 765722700 www.avnet-silica.com Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments
fBB-LIGHTCONCEPTS Fabriekstraat 16-04 7005 AR Doetinchem tel: +31 314392348 www.bb-lightconcepts.eu
BERLA Weefraam 15 5051 HL Goirle tel: +31 135182323 www.berla.nl Distributor for: Bernd Beisse, Endo, Schmitz Leuchten
BRINK LICHT Tasveld 1-B 3417 XS Montfoort tel: +31 348435065 www.brinklicht.nl
LICHTCONSULT Industrieweg 1A-16 4104 AP Culemborg tel: +31 345683274 www.lichtconsult.nl
LICHTPUNT Stettinweg 11 9723 HD Groningen tel: +31 505973999 www.lichtpunt.nl
LICHTVORMGEVERS 17 Main Street 5109 AA ‘s Gravenmoer tel: +31 162370037 www.lichtvormgevers.com
LIGHTSPACE Professor Kochstraat 37 1221 KE Hilversum tel: +31 627466532 www.lightspace.org
M3E Jan van Polanenkade 26A-1 4811 KM Breda tel: +31 767660189 www.m3e.nl
NEW URBAN VIEW Daam Fockemalaan 22 3818KG Amersfoort tel: +31 332585189 www.newurbanview.com
NOORDERLICHTADVIES EN VORMGEVING Luzernestraat 20 2153 GN Nieuw-Vennep tel: +31 640200816 www.noorderlichtadvies.nl
PRIMO EXPOSURES Amperestraat 8B 2181 HB Hillegom tel: +31 252226615 www.primo.nl
RIENK VISSER Karekiet 3 3831 HM Leusden tel: +31 629507585
ROB TRIELING LICHTIDEE Stijkelstraat 21 1964 BR Heemskerk tel: +31 630244441 www.lichtidee.nl
ROBERT JAN VOS Buitenplaats Oosterwold 151 1349 CP Almere tel: +31 352000110 www.robertjanvos.nl
SISI LIGHTING DESIGN Marnixstraat 192B 1016 TJ Amsterdam tel: +31 636463359 www.sisi.amsterdam
SPECTRUM ADVIES & DESIGN Postbus 38 3880 AA Putten tel: +31 341359000 www.spectrumadvies.nl
ACCLAIM LIGHTING Junostraat 2 6468 EW Kerkrade tel: +31 455468560 www.acclaimlighting.com
ALCOM ELECTRONICS Rivium 1e Straat 52 2909 LE Capelle aan den IJssel tel: +31 102882500 www.alcom.nl Distributor for: Cooledge ALENCO Newtonstraat 16 1704 SB Heerhugowaard tel: +31 725764555 www.alenco.nl
ANSORG De Oude Molen 2 1184 VW Ouderkerk tel: +31 205693840 www.ansorg.com
ARCHILUMO Energieweg 21 1271 EC Huizen tel: +31 880456000 www.archilumo.com
ARROW ELECTRONICS Elzenkade 3 3992 AD Houten tel: +31 306391234 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung
ARTECTA Vestastraat 2 6468 EX Kerkrade tel: +31 455667734 www.artecta-lights.com
ARTEMIDE Hobbemakade 89 1071 XR Amsterdam tel: +31 204702668 www.artemide.com
ATOMIS Jadelaan 33 2132 XX Hoofddorp tel: +31 235540920 www.atomis.nl
AURORA Aurora Building Glasgowstraat 16-20 3047 AE Rotterdam tel: +31 107131827 www.auroralighting.com
AVALITE De Maas 17H 5684 PL Best tel: +31 499396648 www.avalite.nl Distributor for: BetaLED, Ruud Lighting
BURLIGHT PO Box 64 2210 AB Noordwijkerhout tel: +31 252374488 www.burlight.nl Distributor for: Delta Light, LEDLAB
CHESS WISE Richard Holkade 8A 2033 PZ Haarlem tel: +31 235149149 www.chess-wise.eu a CLS-LED Bijsterhuizen 2523 6604 LM Wijchen tel: +31 263263676 email: info@cls-led.com www.cls-led.com
CLS is a Dutch manufacturer of high quality LED lighting products for both indoor and outdoor applications. CLS fixtures are produced at our in-house production department. The demands and wishes of architects, designers and end users are the basis for the developments of our product families. Continuously new lighting solutions are created for specific lighting projects around the globe.
CONTROLLUX Tankval 5 2408 ZC Alphen aan den Rijn tel: +31 172245999 www.controllux.nl Distributor for: Artistic Licence, ETC, Robe
DE VERLICHTING AJ Ernststraat 667 1082 LH Amsterdam tel: +31 204045845 www.deverlichting.com Distributor for: Bega, Occhio, Omikron Design, Ribag
DELTA LIGHT Burgemeester Stramanweg 104 1101 AA Amsterdam tel: +31 888040600 www.deltalight.com
E-LIGHT PO Box 676 7600 AR Almelo tel: +31 546825725 www.e-light.nl Distributor for: Unilamp
ELDOLED Science Park Eindhoven 5125 5692 ED Son tel: +31 407820400 email: sales@eldoled.com www.eldoled.com
“eldoLED is a world leader in the design and manufacture of intelligent digital lighting components for the lighting industry. Our high-quality technologies and solutions optimise the connected lighting experience through smarter, sustainable and more efficient lighting that expands across all application spaces.”
ERCO Gooimeer 13 1411 DE Naarden tel: +31 356991710 www.erco.com
ESZET Van Leeuwenhoekstraat 21-23 PO Box 64 3846 CA Harderwijk tel: +31 341438260 www.eszet.nl Distributor for: Abacus, Aura Light, GE Lighting, Holophane, Osram, Radium, Schneider Electric, Wibre
ETALOID VERLICHTINGSTECHNIEK Smaragdlaan 12 2132 VX Hoofddorp tel: +31 235616226 www.etaloid.nl Distributor for: Dialux, Encapsulite, Regent, Ridi Group
ETAP Ceresstraat 13 4811 CA Breda tel: +31 765483400 www.etaplighting.com
EUROPLEX KUNSTSTOFFEN Vaartveld 10 4704 SE Roosendaal tel: +31 165316500 www.europlex.nl Distributor for: Furukawa
EXALTATION LIGHTING Groethofstraat 103 5916 PA Venlo tel: +31 777502305 www.exaltation.eu Distributor for: Acclaim, Dekolight, ECO, FOS, Litegear, Sigor
EYELEDS INTERNATIONAL Amundsenweg 1 4462 GP Goes tel: +31 113272018 www.eyeleds.com
FAGERHULT Lichtschip 19 3991 CP Houten tel: +31 306889900 www.fagerhult.com
FAIRLIGHT Nijverheidstraat 48 6681 LN Bemmel tel: +31 263255880 www.fairlight.nl Distributor for: Lee Filters, Martin, Osram, Pharos, Wireless Solution
FAMOSTAR Florijnweg 8 6883 JP Velp tel: +33 263846846 www.famostar.nl Distributor for: Thorlux
FLOS ARCHITECTURAL Cruquiusweg 109 Q 1019 AG Amsterdam tel: +31 205605070 www.flos.com
FRANSSEN BUITENVERLICHTING Kleine Broekstraat 15 5831 AP Boxmeer tel: +31 485362773 www.franssenverlichting.nl Distributor for: Mareco Luce
FULHAM Berenkoog 56 1822 BZ Alkmaar tel: +31 725723000 www.fulham.com
GENLED ACOLYTE Dali Building Herikerbergweg 286, 8th floor 1101 CT Amsterdam tel: +31 852086093 email: saleseurope@genledbrands.com www.genledbrands.com/acolyte
Acolyte manufactures custom architectural LED lighting systems. From our own factories and assembly facilities on three continents, we provide exceptional products and customer service proven through more than 20,000 global installations in Fortune 500 businesses, premium hotels and restaurants, retail stores, arenas, theaters, hospitals, public spaces and luxury homes. Acolyte is a quality division of GENLED Brands™.
IGUZZINI Plesmanstraat 59 3905 KZ Veenendaal tel: +31 317497865 www.iguzzini.com
ILLUXTRON Marie Curieweg 13 4389 WB Ritthem tel: +31 857736360 www.illuxtron.eu
INDUSTRIELICHT Van Hennaertweg 7 2952 CA Alblassterdam tel: +31 786920900 www.industrielicht.nl Distributor for: AEC, Aubrilam, Filix, Hess, Hoffmeister, L&L Luce&Light, Lumenpulse, Norka, Sill, Technilum
INLICHT Erpseweg 2 De Mouthoeve Gebouw 1E 5427 PG Boekel tel: +31 492820991 www.inlicht.nl Distributor for: Astro, DLS Lighting, HZL, LEDS C4
INLICHTTECHNIEK Chroomsteden 26 7547 TL Enschede tel: +31 534780597 www.inlichttechniek.nl Distributor for: BAG, Havells-Sylvania, Indalux, Thorlux
INNOLUMIS Basicweg 16 3821 BR Amersfoort tel: +31 337600434 www.innolumis.nl
GHM-ECLATEC Tinstraat 91 2984 AN Ridderkerk tel: +31 651966852 email: martin@ghm-eclatec.nl www.ghm-eclatec.nl
GHM and ECLATEC make their contribution to the City with an original signature, born from the successful association of Material and Light. Our proposal is a unique combination of two competences: - the transformation of materials by GHM - the mastery of lighting by ECLATEC
GLAMOX LUXONIC Po Box 7312 3280 AC Mumansdrop tel: +31 186653111 www.glamox.com
GLIMP Keppelerdijk 272 7534 PA Enschede tel: +31 622891164 www.glimp.nl Distributor for: Ligman
HAPE ELECTRIC Ambachtsmark 9 1305 EA Almere tel: +31 852733033 www.megaman.nl
HATEHA ELECTRICAL Rijndijk 121 2394 AG Hazerswoude tel: +31 713419009 www.hateha.nl Distributor for: Meyer
HENK VERMEER Land in Zicht 9 1316 VJ Almere tel: +31 653293366 www.henkvermeerlicht.nl Distributor for: Hacel
HOOGE VERLICHTING Po Box 3238 5203 DE Hertogenbosch tel: +31 736893696 www.hoogeverlichting.nl Distributor for: Metalarte, Studio Italia Design
INTEGRALLIGHT De Kreek 4 4906 BB Oosterhout tel: +31 162464411 www.integrallight.nl
INTERNOVA Rithmeesterpark 21 4838 Breda tel: +31 765205566 www.internova.nl
INTRA LIGHTING Gildenstraat 26 4143 HS Leerdam tel: +31 345623678 www.intra-lighting.com
INVENTDESIGN Valschermkade 27-28 1059 CD Amsterdam tel: +31 208200170 www.inventdesign.nl
INVENTRONICS Steenstraat 16 5107 NE Dongen tel: +31 857470061 www.inventronics-co.com
INVISUA Nuenenseweg 167-B23 5667 KP Geldrop tel: +31 407370190 www.invisua.com
KARIZMA LUCE Sneekermeer 4A 8502 TP Joure tel: +31 513226008 www.karizmaluce.com
KLEMKO TECHNIEK Nieuwegracht 26 3763 LB Soest tel: +31 880023300 www.klemko.nl
KOLEDO Esp 214 5633 AC Eindhoven tel: +31 880071200 www.koledo.eu
KONIG & HARTMAN Energieweg 1 2627 AP Delft tel: +31 152609803 www.meanwell.nl Distributor for: Mean Well
KREON Danzigerbocht 39a 1013 AM Amsterdam tel: +31 202153333 www.kreon.com
L. MICHELS TECHNISCHE HANDELSONDERNEMING Argonweg 15 1362 AA Almere Stad-West tel: +31 365365055 www.michels-handel.nl Distributor for: Vossloh-Schwabe
LAGOTRONICS Noorderpoort 28 5916 PJ Venlo tel: +31 773204343 www.lagotronics.com
LED ENGIN Gerrit-Willem Prins Mauritslaan 48 5684 LE Best tel: +31 613145858 www.ledengin.com
LEDPRO – EXPOSE Arnoudstraat 11 2182 DZ Hillegom tel: +31 252623162 www.ledpro.nl Distributor for: Neo-Neon
LEDS BE LIGHTING Goethesingel 78 7207 PM Zutphen tel: +31 575530158 www.futureledlight.com
LEDVANCE PO Box 115 2900 AC Capelle a/d Ijssel tel: +31 0107501414 www.ledvance.com
LEDZWORLD High Tech Campus 41 5611 AE Eindhoven tel: +31 408002290 www.ledzworld.com
LEMNIS Overschiestraat 65 1062 XD Amsterdam tel: +31 342760760 www.lemnislighting.com
LICHTPLANNERS Leidsevaartweg 1 2106 NA Heemstede tel: +31 235519073 www.lichtplanners.nl
LICHTPLANNING VAN DER STELT Ambachtweg 2a 4854 MK Bavel tel: +31 161436080 www.lichtplanning.nl Distributor for: Agabekov
LIGHTCO Proostwetering 50 3543 AN Utrecht tel: +31 302667077 www.lightco.nl Distributor for: Clay Paky, ETC, Pharos Controls, Studio Due, Wireless Solution
LIGHTING SCIENCE GROUP Klarinetweg 28 4337 RA Middelburg tel: +31 113272020 www.lsgc.com
Spuiweg 19 (Haven VI, nr. 1640) 5145 NE Waalwijk tel: +31 416 56 86 00 www.ightronics.eu Distributor for: Thorlux
LIGHTWELL Joop Geesinkweg 145 1114 AB Amsterdam-Duivendrecht tel: +31 202401020 www.lightwell.eu
LIGMAN Tinsteden 4D-1 7547 TG Enschede tel: +31 534306537 www.ligman.com
Veldsteen 13 4815 PK Breda tel: +31 765498808 www.livingprojects.nl Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Interact Landmark, Philips
Hendrik Mesdagstraat 2 5753 Da Deurne tel: +31 493311314 www.lixero.eu
LRS Energieweg 3a 4231 DJ Meerkerk tel: +31 183356200 www.lrssolutions.nl Distributor for: iLight a
De Werf 38 8401 JE Gorredijk tel: +31 850603350 www.lucente.nl Distributor for: Artemide, Delta Light, IP44.de, Modular, TAL
LUCIO Watermolen 20 6229 PM Maastricht tel: +31 402668645 www.lucio-international.com
LUMEN SOLUTIONS Tankval 5A 2408 ZC Alphen aan den Rijn tel: +31 887722777 www.lumensolutions.nl Distributor for: Electron, ETC, Gantom, Hera, Robe, Rosco, Studio Due, Teclumen
LUMENSENSE Burg. Conraetzstraat 21a 5913 BA Venlo tel: +31 773517573 www.lumensense.com Distributor for: Ecosense, Mode
LUMENTION Thorvaldsenlaan 2C 5623 BM Eindhoven tel: +31 407114663 www.lumention.com
Groot Hoogsteen 19 4815 PG Breda tel: +31 768888041 www.lumilab.nl Distributor for: Lucent
LUMINAID Belder 45 4704 RK Roosendaal tel: +31 888886555 www.luminaid.eu
High Tech Campus 10 5646 AE Eindhoven tel: +31 624945252 www.luminus.com
LUMISSION Pieter Goedkoopweg 26 2031 EL Haarlem tel: +31 233030560 www.lumission.com
eLUX COMPANY Zuiderbreedte 27 D 3845 MC Harderwijk tel: +31 341429685 www.theluxcompany.nl
Distributor for: Factorylux, GVA Lighting, KKDC, LEDFlex, Lucent, Precision Lighting, Radiant, RCL, Stoane Lighting, Vexica
LUXENDI Minervum 7139 4817 ZN Breda tel: +31 767998200 www.luxendi.com
Distributor for: Adura LED Solutions, Dalcnet, Edison Opto, Khatod, LEDiL, Lumitech, Mean Well, Optoga, Self Electronics, Xicato
LUXIMPRINT Korte Eeweg 1P 4424 NA Wemeldinge tel: +31 113308460 www.luximprint.com
MARETTI PROJECTVERLICHTING Bolderweg July 1332 AX Almere tel: +31 365326612 www.maretti.com
Distributor for: Delta Light, iGuzzini, Lutron
MEAN WELL Langs de Werf 8 1185 XT Amsterdam tel: +31 207586000 www.meanwell.eu
METALMEK ILLUMINAZIONE Via Ramazzotti 10 20045 Lainate (MI) tel: +31 412614033 www.metalmek.it Distributor for: GVA Lighting, Ideallux
MODULAR Bouwerij 54 1185 XX Amstelveen tel: +31 203473047 www.supermodular.com
MULTILEDS Ariane 14 3824 MB Amersfoort tel: +31 334570903 www.multileds.com
MULTILINE LICHT Gildenstraat 26 4143 Leerdam tel: +31 0345622001 www.multiline-licht.com
NEDAP Parallelweg 2 7141 DC Groenlo tel: +31 544471111 www.nedap-luxon.com
NEDELKO Trondheim 1 2993 LE Barendrecht tel: +31 180645400 www.nedelko.nl Distributor for: Salvi
NETHERLED PO Box 65 6200 AB Maastricht tel: +31 433100293 www.netherled.com
NICHIA Thomas R. Malthusstraat 1-3 1066 JR Amsterdam tel: +31 205060900 www.nichia.eu
fNIKO Stephensonweg 6-B 4207 HB Gorinchem tel: +31 183640660 www.niko.be
NORMAGRUP Korte Huifakkerstratt 18 4815 PS Breda www.normagrup.com
OOSTENDORP NEDERLAND Fruiteniersstraat 1 3334 KA Zwijndrecht tel: +31 786105100 www.sportveld-verlichting.nl Distributor for: Interact Sports
OPPLE LIGHTING Materiaalweg 6 5681 RJ Best tel: +31 880567888 www.opple.com
OSRAM PO Box 115 2900 AC Capelle aan den IJssel tel: +31 107501414 www.osram.com/ds
PANASONIC Europalaan 30 5232 BC Hertogenbosch tel: +31 736402802 www.panasonic.com f
PARHELION LIGHTING Marconistraat 16, Unit 10.3 3029 AK Rotterdam tel: +31 102250947 www.parhelion.com
PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING Ronde Tocht 1 C 1507 CC Zaandam tel: +31 756708706 www.performanceinlighting.com
POP LIGHT Havensingel 1 5211 TX ‘s-Hertogenbosch tel: +31 736412622 www.poplight.nl Distributor for: Delta Light, Intra
POWERGEAR Rithmeesterpark 21 4838 GZ Breda tel: +31 763031405 www.powergear.eu
PROJECT DESIGN LIGHTING Ringveste 11 3992 DD Houten tel: +31 306347640 www.pdlighting.com Distributor for: Castaldi, esse-ci, Lumen Center Italia, Panzeri
PROLIAD Archimedesbaan 22 3439 ME Nieuwegein tel: +31 858769548 www.proliad.com
PROLICHT Winkeler Straat 100b - Waas.sche Fabrik 65366 Geisenheim tel: +49 67229444612 www.prolicht.at
Van Heekstraat 11 3025 BN Schiedam tel: +31 104151811 www.qcat.nl Distributor for: LED Linear, Soraa
RENA ELECTRONICA De Ambachten 12 4881 XZ Zundert tel: +31 765995995 www.rena.nl f
ROLIGHT Josink Kolkweg 18 7545 PR Enschede tel: +31 5343244 www.rolight.nl Distributor for: GE, LDDE, LumenRadio, MA Lighting
ROSCO Haven 50 2182 JL Hillegom tel: +31 235288257 www.roscoarchitectural.com
RUTRONIK Madame Curiestraat 2 3316 GN Dordrecht tel: +31 786521380 www.rutronik.com Distributor for: Everlight, Recom, Rohm, Samsung LED, Sharp
SAPA POLE PRODUCTS Alcoalaan 12 5151 RW Drunen tel: +31 416386200 www.sapapoleproducts.com
SCHIEFER LIGHTING Pottenbakkerstraat 35 4871 EP Etten-Leur tel: +31 765037717 www.schiefer.nl
SCHRÉDER Tasveld 2 3911 TN Rhenen tel: +31 318489230 www.schreder.nl
SELUX Belder 20 4704 RK Roosendaal tel: +31 165570957 www.selux.com
SERUTRADE INTERNATIONAL LIGHT PO Box 65 6200 AB Maastricht tel: +31 433100293 www.serutrade.com Distributor for: amBX, Axalight, light of cambridge, Pulsar
SIGNIFY Boschdijk 525 5600 PB Eindhoven tel: +31 402787500 www.signify.com
SIMCAS ELECTRO PO Box 96842 2509 JE Den Haag tel: +31 703501661 www.simcas.nl Distributor for: Collingwood, Halers, VS Lighting Solutions
SITECO Marten Meesweg 8-10 3068 AV Rotterdam tel: +31 854000454 www.siteco.com
SMARTLIGHT Jules Verneweg 21-09 5015 BE Tilburg tel: +31 135449758 www.lightsolutions.nl
SOULMATES INTERACTIVE Joop van den Endeplein 9 1217 WJ Hilversum tel: +31 229501222 www.soulmatesinteractive.nl Distributor for: LED Strip Studio
STRAND LIGHTING Rondweg zuid 85 7102 JD Winterswijk tel: +44 2077227617 www.strandlighting.com
SWISS LED Oude Middenweg 231C 2491 AG Den Haag tel: +31 702500535 www.swiss-led.com
TAO LIGHT SYSTEMS Ambachtstraat March 4143 HB Leerdam tel: +31 345631133 www.taolightsystems.com Distributor for: Schmitz Leuchten
Oosterwerf 5 1911 JB Uitgeest tel: +31 206973849 www.tde-lighttech.com
TELEREX Minervum 7139 4817 ZN Breda tel: +31 765782000 www.telerex-europe.com Distributor for: Edison, Inventronics, Mean Well
Zuiderbreedte 27D 3845 MC Harderwijk tel: +31 0341429685 www.theluxcompany.nl Distributor for: GVA Lighting, KKDC, LEDflex, Luce5, Lucent Lighting, Precision Lighting, Radiant, RCL, Reggiani, Stoane Lighting
Radarweg 60 1043 NT Amsterdam tel: +31 765417664 www.thornlighting.com
TOVÈRLI - LIGHTING & CONTROL SOLUTIONS Netwerk 65 1446 WS Purmerend tel: +31 299475060 www.toverli.nl Distributor for: Creston, Pharos
PO Box 115 2900 AC Capelle aan den IJssel tel: +31 107501414
TRILUX Hardwareweg 5 3821 NL Amersfoort tel: +31 334557710 www.trilux.com
TRIOLIGHT Hermesweg 21-25 3771 ND Barneveld tel: +31 342450506 www.liniled.com
UNIFIT Gildenstraat 14 3861 Nijkerk tel: +31 332470341 www.unifit.nl Distributor for: Casambi a
Van Hennaertweg 7 2952 CA Alblasserdam tel: +31 786920929 www.uniquebrands.nl Distributor for: Exenia, Molto Luce, Sattler
USHIO Breguetlaan 53 1438 BD Oude Meer tel: +31 204469333 www.ushiolighting.co.jp
Den Engelsman 3 6026 Maarheeze tel: +31 495599959 email: info.nl@valmont.com www.valmontstructures.nl
gValmont® Structures supports our customers with a proven legacy of engineering leadership, manufacturing expertise and the most complete offering of infrastructure products and solutions available globally. Quality, integrity and innovation define Valmont Structures. Our portfolio of customengineered and exquisitely designed products includes an array of lighting, transportation, and smart solutions that help create bright, beautiful, and sustainable communities.
VAN DOORN LIGHTING Bellweg 10 4104 BJ Culemborg tel: +31 345512347 www.vdc.nl
Touwslagersweg 17 3449 HX Woerden tel: +31 348416170 www.vanklingeren.com
Distributor for: Regiolux VISUAL PRODUCTIONS Izaak Enschedeweg 38A 2031 CR Haarlem tel: +31 235512030 email: info@visualproductions.nl www.visualproductions.nl
Leading manufacturer of architectural lighting controllers. The control systems are designed for permanent installations in hospitality, retail, museums, theme parks, cruise ships and architectural landmarks. The ease of operation and the incorporated technologies (DMX, sACN, DALI, SMPTE, MIDI, UDP, GPI, PoE) make these controllers ideal for system integration.
WALDMANN Lingewei 19 4004 LK Tiel tel: +31 344631019 www.waldmann.com
XAL Pedro de Medinalaan 1a 1086 XK Amsterdam tel: +31 202296001 www.xal.com
XLNT ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES Proostwetering 50 3543 AH Utrecht tel: +31 302479999 www.xlnt-at.com
XO LIGHTS-EXTRA ORDINARY LIGHTING & EQUIPMENT TRADING XO Lights Europe BLF de Montignyplein 8 3055NL Rotterdam tel: +31 613840383 www.xocompany.org
ZUMTOBEL Zinkstraat 24-26 4823 AD Breda tel: +31 765417664 z.lighting
Valkendorfsgade 20 1151 Copenhagen K tel: +45 40972232 www.bs-la.dk
COWI Parallelvej 2 2800 Kongens Lyngby tel: +45 56400000 www.cowi.dk
Frederiksborggade 1A 1360 Copenhagen tel: +45 40315556 www.fortheloveoflight.dk
Orientkaj 4 Nordhavn 2150 Copenhagen tel: +45 41718200 www.gottliebpaludan.com
GRONTMIJ Granskoven 8 2600 Glostrup tel: +45 43486060 www.grontmij.dk
GUNVER HANSEN TEGNESTUE J. A. Schwartz Gade 21 2100 Copenhagen tel: +45 35264230
JESPER GARDE KONGSHAUG Sankt Peders Straede 45, 1. sal 1453 Copenhagen tel: +45 40508828 www.jesperkongshaug.com
KOLLISION Graven 24B 8000 Aarhus C tel: +45 86202500 www.kollision.dk
STUDIO STEVEN SCOTT Frydenlundsvej 55 2950 Vedbæk tel: +45 27112358 www.studiostevenscott.com
Torbenfeldvej a 2665 Vallensbaek Beach tel: +45 43535335 www.agen.dk Distributor for: Meyer
ALL-LIGHT Brabyvej 52 4690 Haslev tel: +45 56380408 www.all-light.dk Distributor for: Astro, Aurora, Blauet, Mareco Luce, Selux, TAL
ANKER & CO Dampfærgevej 13 2100 Copenhagen tel: +45 70213700 www.ankerco.com Distributor for: Castaldi, Ewo, Wever & Ducré, Wibre, XAL
ARKILUX DESIGN Tigervej 23 4600 Koge tel: +45 56303020 www.arkiluxdesign.dk Distributor for: Sill
ARROW ELECTRONICS Marielundvej 29 2730 Herlev tel: +45 70102211 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
ARTEMIDE Skudehavnsvej 5 2100 Copenhagen tel: +45 70201700 www.artemide.com
AVNET SILICA Lyskaer 9 2730 Herlev tel: +45 43228010 www.avnet-silica.com Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments f
DREJER Søvænget 15 Virklund 8600 Silkeborg tel: +45 40604038 www.drejer.nu Distributor for: Martini
ELMINISTEREN Pallesej 28B 9900 Frederikshavn tel: +45 60653080 www.elministeren.com Distributor for: acdc, Insta, KKDC, L&L Luce&Light, liniLED, Precision, RCL, Unonovesette, Vode Technilum, Wila
ELTHERMO SEARCHLIGHT Hoejnaesvej 44 2610 Rødovre tel: +45 36722200 www.elthermo.dk Distributor for: Abacus
ERCO Vesterbrogade 136 C 1620 Copenhagen tel: +45 33218060 www.erco.com
ES-LIGHT Fredensgade 35 5000 Odense tel: +45 40300611 www.es-light.dk Distributor for: Lichtwerk, Regiolux
FAGERHULT Sluseholmen 8A 2450 Copenhagen tel: +45 43553700 www.fagerhult.com
FARNELL Marielundvej 48c 2730 Herlev tel: +45 44536644 www.farnell.com Distributor for: Avago, Bridgelux, Cree, Dialight, Enfis, Marl, Sharp f
FLOS ARCHITECTURAL Sydhavnsgade 28 2450 Copenhagen tel: +45 33886000 www.flos.com
GE LIGHTING Park Alle 295 2605 Brøndby tel: +45 80404945 www.gelighting.com
GLAMOX LUXONIC Baldershoj 5 2635 Ishoj tel: +45 70100304 www.glamox.com
Lyskær 3EF 2730 Herlev / Copenhagen tel: +45 38165000 email: lars.b-hansen@lightbureau.com www.afry.com/en/area/lighting-design
Light Bureau is an international lighting design practice with more than 100 dedicated lighting specialists. We have a comprehensive portfolio of award winning projects and we take pride in delivering unique, sustainable and made-to-measure lighting solutions for our clients. We are a proud part of the international engineering, design and advisory company AFRY.
Forhâbningsholms Alle 9a 1904 Frederiksberg tel: +45 33315100 www.lysdesign.dk
RAMBOLL GROUP Hannemanns Allé 53 2300 Copenhagen S tel: +45 51611000 www.ramboll.com
STEENSEN VARMING Frederiksholms Kanal 30 1220 Copenhagen tel: +45 50991010 www.steensenvarming.com
IMAGE COLLECTION Jyllingevej 48 2720 Vanlose tel: +45 26280313 www.imagecollection.dk Distributor for: B.lux
IN LYZ Smedegade 1 8700 Horsens tel: +45 76690908 www.inlyz.dk Distributor for: Occhio
LAMPEFEBER Lilleringvej 30 8462 Harlev tel: +45 86361722 www.lampefeber.dk Distributor for: Egger Licht, IP44.DE, Lumini, Studio Italia Design, Top Light
LE KLINT Egestubben 13-17 5270 Odense N tel: +45 66181920 www.leklint.dk
LED IBOND Diplomvej 381 2800 Kongens Lyngby tel: +45 70707855 www.ledibond.com
LEDSECTION Kattegatvej 39 2150 Nordhavn tel: +45 32130170 www.ledsection.dk
LEDVANCE Dybendalsvaenget 3 2630 Taastrup tel: +45 43399000 www.ledvance.com
LEMVIGH-MÜLLER Stationsalleen 40 2730 Herlev tel: +45 21568332 www.lemu.dk Distributor for: Intra Lighting
LIGHT MAKERS Indiavej 1 2100 Copenhagen tel: +45 35437000 www.lightmakers.dk Distributor for: Bega, Glashütte Limburg
LIGHT PARTNER Nr. Lindvej 30 7400 Herning tel: +45 97269600 www.lightpartner.dk Distributor for: Altman, GE Lighting, iGuzzini, Lee Filters, Osram, Philips, Robe, Rosco, Spotlight, Traxon ecue
BICO PROFESSIONEL Mose Alle 16 2610 Rødovre tel: +45 35840295 www.bico.dk Distributor for: Ayrton, ETC, LDDE
BJARNHOFF Hyldvej 1/a 6092 Sdr Stenderup tel: +45 75503205 www.bjarnhoff.com Distributor for: Viabizzuno
COMPLED Vestervangen 84 5690 Tommerup tel: +45 63405250 www.compled.dk Distributor for: Amoluxe
CPH LIGHTING Bytoften 2 6710 Esbjerg tel: +45 75180106 www.cphlighting.dk e
DELUX Torbenfeldvej 1 2665 Vallensbæk tel: +45 43535335 www.deluxdk.com Distributor for: Buzzi & Buzzi, Grupo MCI, Hess, Meyer
GOBO Rudolfgaardsvej 1d 8260 Viby J tel: +45 70201966 www.gobo.dk Distributor for: ArchWork, Clay Paky, EldoLED, LumenRadio, Rosco, Schnick-Schnak-Systems
HALD LIGHTING Ap5 Kornblomstvej 34 9300 Saeby tel: +45 40737466 www.haldlighting.com
HESALIGHT Ledreborg Alle 130 C 4000 Roskilde tel: +45 35378888 www.hesalight.com Distributor for: Amolxe
HOJAGER BELYSNING Harlev Mark 1A 4652 Harlev tel: +45 56288000 www.hojagerbelysning.dk Distributor for: Aura, Waldmann
IGUZZINI Værkstedsmagasinet Refshalevej 153A, 2 1432 Copenhagen tel: +45 33179595 www.iguzzini.com
LIGHTCARE Vröndingvej 7 8700 Horsens tel: +45 88320077 www.lightcare.eu Distributor for: Lightcare, Lightnet
LIGHTCARE A/S Østergade 54 Horsens 7430 Ikast www.lightcare.dk Distributor for: Ligman
LIGHTCONSTRUCTOR Kongevejen 153 2830 Virum tel: +45 40723505 www.lightconstructor.dk d
LIGHTSUPPLY Vallensbaekvej 6 2605 Brøndby tel: +45 43754047 www.lightsupply.eu Distributor for: Hidealite, Insta, L&L Luce & Light, Ledo, Metalmek, Teleco, Toshiba
LIK Maserativej 5 7100 Veijle tel: +45 76498484 www.lik.dk Distributor for: Exenia, Louis Poulsen, Lucifero’s, Soraa, Targetti
LOEVSCHALL Nikkelvej 11 8940 Randers tel: +45 87114050 www.loevschall.dk
Distributor for: LED Linear
LOUIS POULSEN Kuglegårdsvej 19-23 1434 Copenhagen tel: +45 70331414 www.louispoulsen.com
Distributor for: Prolicht
LUMEGA GROUP Kirkebjerg Parkvej 9D DK-2605 Brøndby tel: +45 71995825 lumega.eu
LUXEGA GROUP Kirkebjerg Parkvej 9D DK-2605 Brøndby tel: +45 71995825 lumega.eu
Olof Palmes Alle 44 8200 Aarhus tel: +44 1707668000 email: aarhus.reception@harman.com www.martin.com
Among the most knowledgeable dynamic lighting companies, Martin Professional offers a comprehensive range of state-of-the-art luminaires and video systems that include high-quality LED, full colour calibration and tested to all weather conditions including marine grade. Martin also offer advanced lighting and video processors with full power distribution to their fixtures.
Baltikavej 7 2100 Copenhagen tel: +45 33913737 www.mollerrothe.com
Distributor for: Delta Light, Encapsulite, Faustlight, Kreon, OneA, Sammode, Sattler, TAL
NEONOR Vigerslevvej 244 2500 Valby tel: +45 36167000 www.neonor.com Distributor for: OPTI Kinetics
NORDLUX Oestre Havnegade 34 9000 Aalborg tel: +45 98181611 www.nordlux.com
Fabriksvej 21 6270 Tonder tel: +45 74710436 www.okholm-lighting.dk Distributor for: Multiline
ONE A Hyldvej 1A 6092 Sdr Stenderup tel: +45 75503205 www.onea.dk
Dybendalsvænget 3 2630 Tåstrup tel: +45 44775000 www.osram.com/ds
Wheat Field 1 3650 Ølstykke tel: +45 70208210 www.powertechnic.dk
Distributor for: Mean Well
PROFESSIONAL LAMPS Kirkestraede 1-3 7500 Holstebro tel: +45 97405343 www.professional-lamps.co.uk Distributor for: i-pix, IST, ISTL, LED Engin
ROBLIGHT Nordhavnswej 1 PO Box 120 9900 Frederikshavn tel: +45 96203300 www.rob-light.com
SAFEEXIT Herstedøstervej 19 2600 Glostrup tel: +45 43455010 www.safeexit.dk Distributor for: Norka
SCENETEK Værkstedsvej 75 Valby 2500 Copenhagen tel: +45 70233465 www.scenetek.dk Distributor for: e:cue, Selecon, Vossloh-Schwabe
SCHRÉDER Naverland 2, 4.sal 2600 Glostrup tel: +45 26302255 www.schreder.com
SCOTIA Allegade 4 3000 Helsingør tel: +45 53572358 www.scotialight.com
SG LIGHTING Birk Centerpark 40 7400 Herning tel: +45 70707213 www.sg-as.com
SGM Sommervej 23 8210 Aarhus tel: +45 70207400 www.sgmlight.com
SPEKTRALED Værkstedvej 75 2500 Valby tel: +45 23346570 www.spektraled.dk Distributor for: BBS, Bees, LEDsON, NewMat, Osram, Pharos, Scenetek, Traxon e:cue, VosslohSchwabe
THORN LIGHTING Forbindelsesvej 12 2100 Copenhagen tel: +45 76963600 www.thornlighting.com
VANPEE Vallensaekvej 41 2605 Brondby tel: +45 44859000 www.vanpee.no Distributor for: Casambi
VEKSO Nordensvej 2 7000 Fredericia tel: +45 79212200 www.veksoe.com
X LIGHT Elektronvej 2-4 2670 Greve tel: +45 56671100 www.xlight.dk Distributor for: Mareco Luce, Switch-Made
ZUMTOBEL Stamholmen 155, 5. Sal 2650 Hvidovre tel: +45 35437000 z.lighting e d c a FINLAND
ALD LARSEN Pohjanmaantie 20 33270 Tampere tel: +358 407404717
GRANLUND Malminkaari 21 PL 59 00700 Helsinki tel: +358 503522751 www.granlund.fi
JULLE OKSANEN LIGHTING DESIGN Jahtimestarintie 10 B 02940 Espoo tel: +358 95093506 www.kolumbus.fi/jold
LICON-AT Hämeenkatu 21-23 05800 Hyvinkää tel: +358 201550060 www.licon-at.fi
LIGHTING DESIGN COLLECTIVE Kasarminkatu 34 D 26 00130 Helsinki tel: +358 405243616 www.ldcol.com
LITE-DESIGNS Isoharjantie 6B 70800 Siilinjärvi tel: +358 172611444 www.litedesigns.net
RAMBOLL GROUP PL 25 Säterinkatu 6 02601 Espoo tel: +358 20755611 www.ramboll.fi
STUDIO LUX NOVA Tunturikatu 14 00100 Helsinki tel: +358 445811745 www.studioluxnova.com
VALOA DESIGN Pellavatehtaankatu 9 33100 Tampere tel: +358 33444737 www.valoa.com
VESA HONKONEN ARCHITECTS Fredrikinkatu 14 B 18 00120 Helsinki tel: +358 968427910 www.vharc.com
WHITENIGHT LIGHTING Satakunnankatu 12 lt2 33100 Tampere tel: +358 405835666 www.whitenight.fi
WSP Heikkiläntie 7 00210 Helsinki tel: +358 207864428 www.wspgroup.fi
AICCI Punasillantie 33 40950 Muurame tel: +358 104181440 www.aicci.fi
AIRAM Sementtitehtaankatu 6 04260 Kerava tel: +358 207545600 www.airam.fi Distributor for: Fozz
ALUMEN Vanhaistentie 8 00420 Helsinki tel: +358 403100030 www.alumen.fi Distributor for: Ansorg, iLight, TAL ARRANT-LIGHT Rajakivenkatu 8 20740 Turku tel: +358 22462300 www.light.fi Distributor for: ELT
Stella Business Park Lars Sonckin kaari 16 02600 Espoo tel: +358 9476660 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
AUDICO SYSTEMS Olarinluoma 12 02200 Espoo tel: +358 207479340 www.audico.fi Distributor for: Crestron, Dedolight, Derksen, Lee Filters, Pharos, Rosco, Schnik-SchnakSystems, Spotlight, Studio Due
AURA LIGHT Vapaalantie 2 B 26 01650 Vantaa tel: +358 98553640 www.auralight.com
AVNET SILICA Pihatorma 1B 02240 Espoo tel: +358 207499200 www.avnet-silica.com Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments f
CANDELA IMPORT Krämertintie 17 00620 Helsinki tel: +358 96223301 www.candelaimport.fi Distributor for: Aldabra, Castan, Osmont, Side, Switch Made
CARIITTI Niittyrinne 2B 02270 Espoo tel: +358 92219040 www.cariitti.fi
CASAMBI TECHNOLOGIES Bertel Jungin Aukio 1 E 02600 Espoo tel: +358 105012950 email: sales@casambi.com www.casambi.com a
Casambi is the leading wireless lighting control ecosystem, based on Bluetooth Low Energy. A dynamic user experience, excellent reliability, and unparalleled performance are already enjoyed via hundreds of thirdparty ecosystem providers. Casambi’s technology can be integrated into anything from individual lighting fixture controls to industrial-scale solutions.
EASY LED Meriniitynkatu 11 24100 Salo tel: +358 27374420 www.easyled.fi Distributor for: LED Linear
ENEDO POWER Martinkyläntie 4301720 Vantaa tel: +358 9478466 www.enedopower.com
ENSTO LIGHTING PO Box 77 06101 Porvoo tel: +358 2047621 www.ensto.com
ERCO Asiakkaankatu 3 2krs Mensavägen 16 00930 Helsinki tel: +358 400718407 www.erco.com
FAGERHULT Mannerheimintie 113 00280 Helsinki tel: +358 97771580 www.fagerhult.com
FORMVERK Annankatu 5 00100 Helsinki tel: +358 96129550 www.formverk.com
GE LIGHTING Kuortaneenkatu 2 00510 Helsinki tel: +358 103942507 www.gelighting.com
GLAMOX LUXONIC Ayritie 18, Hehku 01510 Vantaa tel: +358 108410440 www.glamox.com Distributor for: Hess, Sill
Lönnrotinkatu 35 00180 Helsinki tel: +358 9646323
Distributor for: Bruck, DeltaLight
HEDTEC Lauttasaarentie 50 00200 Helsinki tel: +358 207638000 www.hedtec.fi
Distributor for: Bega, Boom, Glasshutte Limburg, Hadler, liniLED, Steinel, Zumtobel
HELVAR Keilaranta 5 02150 Espoo tel: +358 956541 www.helvar.com
HIGHLIGHT VALAISTUS Annankatu 9 00120 Helsinki tel: +358 102790840 www.highlight.fi
Distributor for: AlmaLight, Halla, Linea Light Group, Moltoluce, Panzeri, Reggiani, Wever & Ducré
IDEAFIX Kelatie 2 B 01450 Vantaa tel: +358 207545060 www.ideafix.fi Distributor for: Griven
IGUZZINI Lemuntie 3-5 00510 Helsinki tel: +358 207289840 www.iguzzini.com Distributor for: acdc, Selux
e d g a
KAUPPAHUONE HARJU Myllypuronkatu 30 33330 Tampere tel: +358 207431329 www.harju.fi Distributor for: Megaman
KERAPLAST Laivurinkatu 37 00150 Helsinki tel: +358 9679043 www.keraplast.fi
eKT INTERIOR Vattuniemenkuja 4E PL37 00210 Helsinki tel: +358 96860510 www.ktinterior.fi Distributor for: Wila
LAATUVALO Vanha talvitie 11 A 00580 Helsinki tel: +358 108393300 www.laatuvalo.fi Distributor for: GVA, Prolicht
LAST SHADOW Isoistentie 7 02200 Espoo tel: +358 405126822 www.lastshadow.fi Distributor for: Leucos, Viabizzuno
LEDVANCE PO Box 300 01621 Vantaa tel: +358 974223300 www.ledvance.com
LIGMAN Plaza Business Park PILKE Ayritie 16 01510 Vantaa tel: +358 440428296 www.ligman.com d g
LIVAL Lukkarinmäentie 1 04130 Sipoo tel: +358 9235511 www.lival.com
eLOUIS POULSEN Hämeentie 135A 560 Helsinki tel: +358 96226760 www.louispoulsen.com
LUMOUS Hakamaantie 23 90440 Kempele tel: +358 104708899 www.lumous.fi
MA LIGHTING Työpajankatu 6 A 00580 Helsinki tel: +358 400376792 www.malighting.com a
MALUX Työpajatie 13a 06150 Porvoo tel: +358 195745700 www.malux.fi Distributor for: Adolf Schuch, Cooper Safety, Dialight, KIRA Leuchten, Sammode, Sécurlite, Wibre
MISAL Kiviadankatu 2C, 4th Floor 00210 Helsinki tel: +358 501999 www.misal.fi
MOVETEC Suokalliontie 9 1740 Vantaa tel: +358 95259230 www.meanwell.fi Distributor for: Mean Well f
OSRAM Vanha Nurmijarventie 62 01670 Vantaa tel: +358 974223300 www.osram.com/ds
PLUSMINUS Hämeentie 13b 00530 Helsinki tel: +358 925250300 www.plusminuspartners.fi Distributor for: AQform, Ribag, Trizo21
POWERTTI Purotie 2b 01390 Vantaa tel: +358 408290863 www.powertti.fi Distributor for: Cree, GVA Lighting
SILUX Hiojankuja 1 02780 Espoo tel: +358 98022077 www.silux.fi Distributor for: AEC Iluminazione, Ghm-Eclatec, Tecnopali
SITECO Business Park Kehämylly Vantaankoskentie 14 01670 Vantaa tel: +358 923103700 www.siteco.com
SKANDAL TECHNOLOGIES Kaenkuja 3A 00500 Helsinki tel: +39 3486031835 www.skandal.tech
Alvar Aallon Kuja 2 00100 Helsinki tel: +358 92600646 www.spacelight.fi Distributor for: Bruck
STARLIKE Kellokukantie 4 01300 Vantaa tel: +358 108303800 www.starlike.fi Distributor for: G-Lec, MA Lighting, Neo-Neon, Studio Due
SUN EFFECTS Pulttitie 7 00880 Helsinki tel: +358 415119114 www.suneffects.fi Distributor for: LumenRadio
SUOMEN LASINJALOSTUS Lastikankatu 5 33730 Tampere tel: +358 104399111 www.lasinjalostus.fi
SYLVANIA Sirrikuja 3A 00940 Helsinki tel: +358 954212100 www.sylvania-lighting.com
T. STENBACKA Teerikukonkuja 1 00700 Helsinki tel: +358 207432320 www.stenbacka.fi Distributor for: Meyer
TECLUX Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 7 00260 Helsinki tel: +358 92252410 www.teclux.fi
Distributor for: Artemide, Astro, Carpyen, Dijkstra, Halla, Lamp, Martini, Metalarte, Modular, XAL TEHOMET Nikkarintie 4 51200 Kangasniemi tel: +358 153377770 email: sales@tehomet.com www.tehomet.com
LEDIL Joensuunkatu 13 24100 Salo tel: +358 27333804 email: sales@ledil.com www.ledil.com
Our state-of-the-art optical solutions help create light that enhances wellbeing, functionality, safety and sustainability. Together with our customers and partners, we enable and strengthen a shared ecosystem of light; because we know that no one can achieve a better future alone.
LEDISOL Kytkinkatu 6 04220 Kervo tel: +358 505238545 www.ledisol.fi
SAAS INSTRUMENTS Henry Fordin Katu 5 B, PO Box 179 00151 Helsinki tel: +358 96860610 www.saas.fi
SAVLED Teknobulevardi 3-5 01530 Vantaa tel: +358 9170130 www.savled.com
SG LIGHTING Spektri Business Park, Kvintti talo Metsänneidonkuja 12 02130 Espoo tel: +358 207303960 www.sg-as.com
UNIPRO Konetie 25 90620 Oulu tel: +358 452141718 www.unipro.fi
VALOISTE Aleksis Kivenkatu 20B 33211 Tampere tel: +358 104391700 www.valoiste.fi
Distributor for: LUG, Lumission, Norka, Regiolux, Secom
DREKAFLUGA Myrargata 26-409 101 Reykjavík tel: +354 7877156 www.drekafluga.is
KSLD | EFLA LIGHTING DESIGN Hofdabakki 9 110 Reykjavik tel: +354 4126000 www.efla.is
LISKA Ármúli 24 108 Reykjavík tel: +354 4160605 www.liska.is
NORRLIGHTING Otrateigur 6 105 Reykjavik tel: +354 7906819 www.norrlighting.com
Valmont® Structures supports our customers with a proven legacy of engineering leadership, manufacturing expertise and the most complete offering of infrastructure products and solutions available globally. Quality, integrity and innovation define Valmont Structures. Our portfolio of customengineered and exquisitely designed products includes an array of lighting, transportation, and smart solutions that help create bright, beautiful, and sustainable communities.
TIPICO Suvilahti Street 10 E 00580 Helsinki tel: +358 92710188 www.tipico.fi Distributor for: Absolut Lighting, Lucente, Remake Design
VERKÍS CONSULTING ENGINEERS Ofanleiti 2 103 Reykjavik tel: +354 4228000 email: verkis@verkis.com www.verkis.is
Verkís provides lighting design services with a comprehensive and innovative approach. We use light as a tool to improve architecture and the built environment. Our team is formed by professionally trained and highly experienced lighting designers.
EPAL Skeifan 6 108 Reykjavik tel: +354 5687733 www.epal.is Distributor for: Artemide, Focus, Louis Poulsen
EXTON Fiskislod 10 101 Reykjavik tel: +354 5754600 www.exton.is Distributor for: ETC, Martin, Rosco GH HEILDVERSLUN Gardatorgi 7 210 Gardabae tel: +354 5656560 www.gh.is Distributor for: Fabbian, iGuzzini, Lumascape, Luxit
ISKRAFT Smiojuvegur 5 200 Kopavogur tel: +354 5351200 www.iskraft.is Distributor for: Bega, Erco, ESSE-CI, Gewiss, Ghm-Eclatec, OVA, Ridi Group, Simes, Spittler, Troll
JOHANN OLAFSSON Krókháls 3 110 Reykjavík tel: +354 5331900 www.olafsson.is Distributor for: Osram, Siteco, traxon e:cue
LUMEX Skipholti 37 105 Reykjavík tel: +354 5688388 www.lumex.com.tw
Distributor for: Buzzi & Buzzi, Flos, Insta, Trizo21 f
RAFKAUP Ármúli 24 108 Reykjavík tel: +354 5852800 www.rafkaup.is Distributor for: Agabekov, Brilliant, Casambi, Delta Light, Eglo, Hera, iGuzzini, Intra Lighting, Metalmek, Sylvania e f d a
Ogurhvarf 8 203 Kopavogur tel: +354 5403500 www.rafmidlun.is Distributor for: Milan Iluminacion, Trilux
REYKJAFELL Skipholti 35 125 Reykjavík tel: +354 5886010 www.reykjafell.is Distributor for: Albrecht Jung, Ligman, RZB, Tridonic, Zumtobel
S.GUDJONSSON Audbrekka 9-11, Antrim 200 Kopavogur tel: +354 5204545 www.sg.is Distributor for: acdc, Concord, Disano, GE, Modular, Regiolux, Wila
SMITH & NORLAND Nóatúni 4 105 Reykjavík tel: +354 5203000 www.sminor.is Distributor for: Fagerhult, Hoffmeister, Siteco NORWAY
COWI Grenseveien 88 PO Box 6412 Etterstad 0605 Oslo tel: +47 21497688 www.cowi.no
ECT Hotvetalleen 11 3018 Drammen tel: +47 32267100 www.ect.no
ERIK SELMER Fjordgata 46 7010 Trondheim tel: +47 73533711
KURT HERMANSEN Kjelsåsveien 143b 0491 Oslo tel: +47 92085832 www.kurt-hermansen.no
KYNDILL Larkollveien 756 1560 Larkollen tel: +47 40448856 www.kyndill.no
LIGHT BUREAU Lilleakerveien 8 0283 Oslo tel: +47 24101010 email: morten.jensen@lightbureau.com
Bassengbakken 1 7042 Trondheim tel: +47 24101010 email: morten.jensen@lightbureau.com
Lars Hilles gate 30 5008 Bergen tel: +47 24101010 email: morten.jensen@lightbureau.com www.afry.com/en/area/lighting-design
Light Bureau is an international lighting design practice with more than 100 dedicated lighting specialists. We have a comprehensive portfolio of award winning projects and we take pride in delivering unique, sustainable and made-to-measure lighting solutions for our clients. We are a proud part of the international engineering, design and advisory company AFRY.
MEDLYS Rostedsgate 16a 0178 Oslo tel: +47 92611554 www.medlys.no
MULTICONSULT Nedre Skøyen vei 2 0276 Oslo tel: +47 21585000 www.multiconsult.no
NORCONSULT Vestfjordgaten 4 1338 Sandvika tel: +47 67571000 www.norconsult.com
RAMBOLL GROUP Hoffsveien 4 PO Box 427 Skøyen 0275 Oslo tel: +47 22518000 www.ramboll.no
ZENISK Bernhard Herresvei vei 17 0376 Oslo tel: +47 22149895 www.zenisk.com
AKB LIGHTING PO Box 2009 Belysningsplanlegger 3202 Sandefjord tel: +47 92891200 www.akb-lighting.no Distributor for: Bega, Bruck, Crescent, LED Linear
ARROW ELECTRONICS Innspurten 1A 0663 Oslo tel: +47 52763000 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
AVNET SILICA Solbraveien 45, 2nd Floor 1383 Asker tel: +47 66773600 www.avnet-silica.com Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments f
BLACK & WHITE Kolstien 4 5097 Bergen tel: +47 55336255 www.black-white.no Distributor for: Artemide, Flos
CONCEPT DESIGN Pilestredet 75c, inng.27 0354 Oslo tel: +47 22561310 www.conceptdesign.no Distributor for: O/M, Viabizzuno
CP NORWAY Fabrikkgaten 3 5059 Bergen tel: +47 55209700 www.cp-norway.no Distributor for: Clay Paky, Tryka LED
CREO LIGHT Nordlia 1C 4016 Stavanger tel: +47 51588510 www.creolight.no Distributor for: Ribag
DEFA LIGHTING Lahaugmoveien 39, Bygg 3 2013 Skjetten tel: +47 63840000 www.defalighting.no Distributor for: Meyer, Ragni
ELEKTRIK SOLUTIONS Tollbugata 101 3041 Drammen tel: +47 91802000 www.elektrik.no Distributor for: GDS, LDDE
ELPAG Rislokkvelen 2 Okern Naeringspark Kabelgt 15 0513 Oslo tel: +47 23051400 www.elpag.no Distributor for: LumenRadio, Martin, Rosco
ENERGY OPTIMAL Amagerveien 2D 0771 Oslo tel: +47 22493031 www.energyoptimal.com Distributor for: BetaLED, Traxon & e:cue, Verbatim
ERCO Kirkegata 5, PO Box 771, Sentrum 0104 Oslo tel: +47 24148200 www.erco.com
EUROLYS Østre Akervei 207 0975 Oslo tel: +47 22902500 www.eurolys.no Distributor for: acdc, Lival, Marset, Modular, Powerlite, Schmitz Leuchten, Unilamp
FAGERHULT Postboks 471 1366 Lysaker tel: +47 22065500 www.fagerhult.com
FIRST AUDIO Haavard Martinsens vei 19A 0978 Oslo tel: +47 40005166 www.firstaudio.no Distributor for: KScape
FLOS ARCHITECTURAL Sjolyst Plass 4 0277 Oslo tel: +47 22128600 www.flos.com
FRIZEN Narviga 7 4633 Kristiansand tel: +47 38087100 www.frizen.no Distributor for: Baro, Ewo, Meyer, Norka, Ridi Group, Securlite
GE LIGHTING Karenslyst Allé 2 0214 Oslo tel: +47 80011321 www.gelighting.com
GLAMOX LUXONIC Hoffsveien 1C 0275 Oslo tel: +47 22021100 www.glamox.com
HOVE LYSDESIGN Kvitsoygt. 29A 4014 Stavanger tel: +47 51841330 www.hove-lysdesign.no Distributor for: Leader Light
INTERNATIONAL LIGHTING SYSTEMS Drammensveien 130 0277 Oslo tel: +47 22555422 www.ils.no Distributor for: ETAP
KMKT Hylkjeflaten 24 5109 Hylkje tel: +47 92865248 www.kmkt.no Distributor for: Interact Sports
LEDVANCE Fornebuveien 5 1366 Lysaker tel: +47 40004110 www.ledvance.com
LIGHT MAKERS Gjerdrumsvei 16 0484 Oslo tel: +47 22721909 www.lightmakers.dk Distributor for: Artluce, Axolight, B.Lux, RZB
LIGHTMAKERS Frydenbergveien 46b 0575 Oslo tel: +47 22721909 www.lightmakers.no Distributor for: Trilux
LIMELIGHT Drammensveien 130 B11 0277 Oslo tel: +47 40001589 www.limelight.no Distributor for: Agabekov, Artemide, Sattler, Steng Licht, Wever & Ducré, XAL
LOUIS POULSEN Lysaker Brygge 37/39 1366 Lysaker tel: +47 22502020 www.louispoulsen.com
LUMINATOR Hvamsvingen 11 2013 Skjetten tel: +47 67978510 www.luminator.no Distributor for: Grupo MCI, Imperial, Leipziger Leuchten, Reggiani, Sill, Studio Due, Wibre
LYSKOMPONENTER Sagmyra 2 4624 Kristiansand tel: +47 38003636 www.lyskomponenter.no Distributor for: Halers, Ligman
METRIC Nordåsveien 5 1251 Oslo tel: +47 22764000 www.metric.no Distributor for: Mean Well
MODULAR Pilestredet 75c inngang 38 0582 Oslo tel: +47 92814481 www.supermodular.com
MULTITECHNIC Fernanda Nissens Gate 1 PO Box 4265, Nydalen 0401 Oslo tel: +47 22091700 www.multitechnic.no Distributor for: Griven, Hungaroflash, Opti Kinetics
NORDIC LIGHT Sandakerveien 76F 0484 Oslo tel: +47 23124941 www.nordiclight.com
NORLUX Borgeskogen 32 3160 Stokke tel: +47 33301080 www.norlux.no
NORTRONIC Skiveien 6 1410 Kolbotn tel: +47 66813864 www.nortronic.biz Distributor for: Barthelme, Bilton, Lunatone, Megaman, Tridonic, Triolight
OSRAM Vækerøveien 3 0281 Besøksadresse tel: +47 40004110 www.osram.com/ds
REBRACO NOACK Sjøgt 15, PO Box 1008 1510 Moss tel: +47 69275512 www.rebraconoack.no Distributor for: Francis Searchlights, Sammode, Thorlux
SG LIGHTING Skytterheia 25 4790 Lillesand tel: +47 37500300 www.sg-as.com
SIGNIFY Innspurten 15 0663 Oslo tel: +47 22748000 www.signify.com
SITECO Lysaker Torg 8 1366 Lysaker tel: +47 45377100 www.siteco.com
SML LIGHTING Kalnesveien 5 1712 Graalum tel: +47 69132555 www.smllighting.no Distributor for: Aldabra, Glashütte Limburg, Intra Lighting, TAL
SOLAR Valhallavegen 8 2060 Gardermoen tel: +47 63946400 www.solarnorge.no
STORK ELEKTRO & AUTOMASJON Brynsveien 100 1352 Kolsås tel: +47 67176400 www.stork.no Distributor for: Insta
SYLVANIA Ole Deviks Vei 44 0668 Oslo tel: +47 23067470 www.sylvania-lighting.com
SYSTEM & MILJOBELYSNING Po Box 106 Astridsgate 34 1701 Sarpsborg tel: +47 69132555 www.smlys.no Distributor for: Aldabra, Selux, TAL
THORN LIGHTING Bygdøy allé 4 0257 Oslo tel: +47 22820700 www.thornlighting.com
LIGMAN Tideliusgatan 35 Södermalm Stockholm tel: +46 709514156 www.ligman.com
LIGHTING BY STRÖM Storgatan 41 90325 Umeå tel: +46 703007511 www.lightingbystrom.com
LJUSRUM Ringvägen 78 11860 Stockholm tel: +46 86511818 www.ljusrum.se
BJERKING Box 1351 75143 Uppsala tel: +46 102118000 www.bjerking.se
BLACK LJUSDESIGN Maria Prasgardsgata 5 nb 11852 Stockholm tel: +46 768783769 www.blackljusdesign.se
EJHED LJUS & DESIGN Styrmansgatan 51 11460 Stockholm tel: +46 86614951 www.ejhed.com
EXENGO Rehnsgatan 11 104 32 Stockholm tel: +46 812003800 www.exengo.se
HENNIG DESIGN Repslagaregatan 8b 21121 Malmö tel: +46 704960249 www.hennigdesign.com
K-KONSULT ELMILJÖ Årstaängsvägen 11 11743 Stockholm tel: +46 852230785 www.k-konsult.se
KREATIVTEKNIK Salabacksgatan 58 75432 Uppsala tel: +46 18102211 www.kreativteknik.se LIGHT BUREAU Frösundaleden 2A 16999 Solna / Stockholm tel: +46 105051995 email: ronnie.eriksson@lightbureau.com
Årstaängsvägen 17 11743 Stockholm tel: +46 105051995 email: ronnie.eriksson@lightbureau.com
Kungsängsgatan 18A 75322 Uppsala tel: +46 105051995 email: ronnie.eriksson@lightbureau.com
LJUSVISION Smedbyvägen 72 77697 Dala-Husby tel: +46 22512732 www.ljusvision.se
LUXERA Ugglesjö 314 27491 Skurup tel: +46 706276400 www.luxera.se
MICHAEL HALLBERT LJUSDESIGN Drottninggatan 108 Gårdshuset 11360 Stockholm tel: +46 86562250 www.ljusdesign.com
OKIDOKI ARKITEKTER Alströmergatan 16 11247 Stockholm tel: +46 313524660 www.okidokiarkitekter.se
OLSSON & LINDER Gjuterigatan 9 55318 Jönköping tel: +46 36163910 www.olssonlinder.se
PALOMA DESIGN STUDIO Högbergsgatan 27 6tr 11620 Stockholm tel: +46 736734396 www.palomadesignstudio.se
PQR Jakobsdalsvagen 19 13152 Nacka Strand tel: +46 859096500 www.pqr.se
RAMBOLL GROUP Box 1101 Vastermarksgatan 38 Eskilstuna tel: +46 104802383 www.ramboll.com
REFORM Renstiernas gata 12 11628 Stockholm tel: +46 87026400 www.reformark.se
STRATIMIROVIC ART LIGHT DESIGN Drottningholmsvägen 80 11243 Stockholm tel: +46 737035759 www.strati.se
UNILAMP Industriveien 11 1481 Hagan tel: +47 67494770 email: post@unilamp.no www.unilamp.no
Unilamp is the leading manufacturer of outdoor lighting since early 90’s. Our success has been based on a solid foundation of identifying our clients requirements for sustainability, reliability, design and functionality. Decades of steady and continuous development, we have taken great strides in enterprise management, quality enhancement and technology innovation.
VANPEE Vestvollveien 6D 2019 Skedsmokorset tel: +47 64838280 www.vanpee.no Distributor for: Casambi, eldoLED a
ZUMTOBEL Hoffsveien 4 Hoff 0218 Oslo tel: +47 22065050 z.lighting
ANNELL LJUS + FORM Alviks Strand, Gustavslundsvägen 131 16751 Bromma tel: +46 8442900 www.annell.se Distributor for: AEC, Aldabra, ATP, Bega, Castaldi, Dark, ledluks, LTS, Sattler, Wever & Ducré
ANSORG Bondegatan 21 11633 Stockholm tel: +46 841027705 www.ansorg.com
ARVA TRADING Industrivägen 14 17148 Solna tel: +46 84705810 www.arva.se Distributor for: KScape
ATELJE LYKTAN Fyrvaktaregatan 7 29681 Åhus tel: +46 44289800 www.atelje-lyktan.se Distributor for: Fagerhult
AURA LIGHT PO Box 508 37123 Karlskrona tel: +46 45578500 www.auralight.com
AVNET SILICA Lofstroms Alle 5 17266 Sundbyberg tel: +46 858746100 www.avnet-silica.com Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments f
BACA LIGHTING Fjärilsgatan 1 60361 Norrköping tel: +46 11136993 www.bacalighting.se Distributor for: Philips Dynalite, Signify
BELLALITE LJUSDESIGN Morners Vag 122 35246 Vaxjo tel: +46 470700250 www.bellalite.se Distributor for: GDS, GLP, Griven, Hungaroflash, OPTI Kinetics, Soraa
BRIGHT GROUP Daléns Gata 7 19565 Arlandastad tel: +46 86540000 www.brightgroup.com Distributor for: Tryka LED
CANDELUX Almedalsvagen 37 43963 Frillesas tel: +46 317060070 www.candelux.se Distributor for: Collingwood, Hella, VosslohSchwabe
Hallenborgs gata 4 21174 Malmo tel: +46 105051995 email: ronnie.eriksson@lightbureau.com
Grafiska vägen 2A 41263 Gothenburg tel: +46 105051995 email: ronnie.eriksson@lightbureau.com
Reveljgränd 9 35236 Växjö tel: +46 105051995 email: ronnie.eriksson@lightbureau.com
Kanslihusgränd 2 83132 Östersund tel: +46 105051995 email: ronnie.eriksson@lightbureau.com www.afry.com/en/area/lighting-design
Light Bureau is an international lighting design practice with more than 100 dedicated lighting specialists. We have a comprehensive portfolio of award winning projects and we take pride in delivering unique, sustainable and made-to-measure lighting solutions for our clients. We are a proud part of the international engineering, design and advisory company AFRY.
SWECO Gjörwellsgatan 22 Box 34044 10026 Stockholm tel: +46 86956000 www.sweco.se
TENGBOM Katarinavägen 15 11182 Stockholm tel: +46 841035407 www.tengbom.se
TYRÉNS Peter Myndes Backe 16 11886 Stockholm tel: +46 104522000 www.tyrens.se
Magasinsgatan 10 Box 2502 40317 Gothenburg tel: +46 31608600 www.whitearkitekter.com
WSP Jungmansgatan 10 Box 574 20125 Malmo tel: +46 702654331 www.wspgroup.com
COMELEC Kaptensgatan 3 11457 Stockholm tel: +46 23320106 www.schreder.com
CREE Karlavägen 44 17276 Sundbyberg tel: +46 856489927 www.cree.com
DEFA LIGHTING Kvistoftavägen 4 26162 Glumslöv tel: +46 418449480 www.defalighting.no Distributor for: Ragni
DISTRELEC De Tweeling 28 5215 ‘s-Hertogenbosch tel: +46 85894100 www.elfa.se Distributor for: Mean Well
EASYFORM Haengpilsgatan 5 42677 Vaestra Frölunda tel: +46 317610112 www.easyform.se Distributor for: Lamp 83
ERCO Ljusslingan 1 12031 Stockholm tel: +46 854504430 www.erco.com
ETAP Rullagergatan 9 41526 Gothenburg tel: +46 30391155 www.etaplighting.com
EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS Isafjordsgatan 22 Kista 16440 Stockholm tel: +46 8375618 www.everlight.com
FAGERHULT Åvägen 1 SE-566 80 Habo tel: +46 36108500 www.fagerhult.com
FERGIN Bangardsgatan 9 59135 Motala tel: +46 14150025 www.fergin.se Distributor for: Meyer, Norka
FLUX Mallslingan 26 18766 Täby tel: +46 86930500 www.flux.nu Distributor for: Ghm-Eclatec, Grupo MCI, Halla, Kreon, Niko, Petridis, Pracht, Rovasi, Tehomet
FOX BELYSNING Tellusgången 8 12626 Stockholm tel: +46 84408540 www.foxdesign.se Distributor for: Griven, Hess, LAM32, Linea Light Group, Wila
GE LIGHTING PO Box 306 18282 Stockholm tel: +46 851992212 www.gelighting.com
GLAMOX LUXONIC Krukmakargatan 15 10064 Stockholm tel: +46 317465100 www.glamox.com
HELVAR Åsögatan 155 11632 Stockholm tel: +46 854523970 www.helvar.com
HOFMANN TEKNIK Askims Verkstadsväg 11 43634 Gothenburg tel: +46 31192020 www.hofmann.se Distributor for: LDDE
HOUSE OF LIGHT Räng Sandsvägen 63 23591 Vellinge tel: +46 40423035 www.houseoflight.se Distributor for: AQform, Gira, Trizo21
IGUZZINI Åsögatan 115 11624 Stockholm tel: +46 86151540 www.iguzzini.com
INTERLITE Stureparksvägen 7 45155 Uddevalla tel: +46 522669933 www.interlite.se Distributor for: Clay Paky, eldoLED, Leader Light, Selecon, SGM
KAMIC Gräsdalsgatan 9 65107 Karlstad tel: +46 54570120 www.kamic.se Distributor for: RZB
KUCKO Jakobsdalsvägen 15 B 12653 Hägersten tel: +46 704968683 www.kucko.se Distributor for: Osram, Xicato
KUNGSBACKA LIGHTING Kyrkogatan 15 43421 Kungsbacka tel: +46 31252258 www.kungsbackalighting.se Distributor for: Brumberg, Insta
LEDLAB Tomasgårdsvägen 7 44139 Alingsas tel: +46 322303010 www.ledlab.se Distributor for: 100%Light, Barthelme, Dalcnet, dled, eldoLED, Hep Group, Holectron, John Cullen Lighting, Karizma Luce
LEDSYSTEM Langskeppsgatan 14 22474 Lund tel: +46 462701212 www.ledsystem.se Distributor for: Verbatim
LEDVANCE Arenavägen 47 12105 Johanneshov tel: +46 87074400 www.ledvance.com
LIGHT ART LYSANDE INREDNING Mondalsvag 40-42 (Gatuplan) 41263 Gothenburg tel: +46 31180140 www.lightart.se
LJUS I HUS Grimsbygatan 30 21120 Malmo tel: +46 40301200 www.ljusihus.se Distributor for: Delta Light, el torrent, Flux, Martini, Schmitz Leuchten, Viabizzuno
LJUSDESIGN Södra Skeppsbron 4 80280 Gåvle tel: +46 26661500 www.ljusdesign.se
LJUSGRUPPEN Stenyxegatan 17 PO Box 9134 20039 Malmö tel: +46 40224100 www.ljusgruppen.se Distributor for: Hoffmeister, Mareco Luce, Modular, Thorlux
LOUIS POULSEN Hudiksvallsgatan 8 11330 Stockholm tel: +46 84464800 www.louispoulsen.com
LUMENRADIO Svangatan 2B 41668 Gothenburg tel: +46 313010370 www.lumenradio.com
LUXLIGHT Aröds Industriväg 76 42243 Hisings Backa tel: +46 31976065 www.luxlight.sg Distributor for: LED Linear
LYSTRA PO Box 354 50312 Boras tel: +46 33228080 www.lystra.eu
MALUX PO Box 221 89125 Örnsköldsvik tel: +46 660292900 www.malux.fi
Distributor for: Adolf Schuh, Cooper Safety, Dialight, KIRA Leuchten, Sammode, Sécurlite, Wibre
MAXEL BELYSNING PO Box 8056, Avestagatan 35 16308 Spanga tel: +46 84457440 www.maxel.se Distributor for: Fozz
MODULAR Tavastgatan 8 11824 Stockholm tel: +46 852329900 www.supermodular.com
NOKALUX 67010 Töcksfors tel: +46 57329650 www.nokalux.se Distributor for: Ligman
NORAL Hultsfredsvägen 41 59840 Vimmerby tel: +46 49222590 www.noral.se
NORDIC LED Honungsgatan 11 43295 Varberg tel: +46 340779001 www.nordicled.com Distributor for: BetaLED, Cree
NORDIC LIGHT Servicegatan 13 93176 Skelleftea tel: +46 910733790 www.nordiclight.se
NORLUX Gamlestadsvägen 4 Byggnad B3 Vån 4 41502 Gothenburg tel: +46 733656501 www.norlux.no
ORSJO BELYSNING Emmabodavagen 14 38245 Nybro tel: +46 48150960 www.orsjo.com
OSRAM Rudanvägen 1 13650 Haninge tel: +46 87074400 www.osram.com/ds
PANASONIC PO Box 6060 14106 Kungens Kurva tel: +46 86802600 www.panasonic.com f
POWERMEC Bergkallavagen 27B 19279 Sollentuna tel: +46 84443650 www.powermec.se Distributor for: Mean Well f
PROLJUS Kyrkogatan 18 57003 Vrigstad tel: +46 706010563 www.proljus.se Distributor for: Trilux
REBEL LIGHT Hägerstensvägen 177 12653 Stockholm tel: +46 86671918 www.rebellight.se Distributor for: acdc, Filix, GVA, Lucifer, Lumino, Orluna, Radiant, Reggiani, Stoane Lighting, Xillo
SCAN INTERLIGHT Arnegårdsgatan 10 43149 Mölndal tel: +46 31270069 www.scaninterlight.se Distributor for: Prisma, SBP, Spittler
SCHRÉDER Rasundavägen 18-20 Solna 16967 Stockholm tel: +46 842878200 www.schreder.com
SELUX Welanders väg 12 11250 Stockholm tel: +46 854470940 www.selux.com
SG LIGHTING August Barks Gata 30B 42132 Västra Frölunda tel: +46 31817110 www.sg-as.com
SGM Datavagen 8 43632 Askim tel: +46 317570717 www.sgmlight.com
SITECO Arenavägen 39 PO Box 48 12121 Johanneshov tel: +46 812870422 www.siteco.com
SPOTLIGHT Lill-Jans Plan 2 11425 Stockholm tel: +46 8143890 www.spotlight.it Distributor for: Axolight
STOCKHOLM LIGHTING Bryggerivägen 10 16867 Bromma tel: +46 851420200 www.stockholmlighting.se Distributor for: ADO Lights, Delta Light, EcoSense, Intra Lighting, Linea Light Group, Lumenpulse
SYLVANIA Uppkoparvagen 7 12044 Årsta tel: +46 855632200 www.sylvania-lighting.com
TEGO SYSTEM PO Box 43 Kamgatan 4 26122 Landskrona tel: +46 418455800 www.tego.se
THORN LIGHTING Hyllie Boulevard 10b 215 32 Malmö tel: +46 41852000 www.thornlighting.com
TIVALUX Utangarna 25 41748 Gothenburg tel: +46 31559995 www.tivalux.se Distributor for: Holophane, Sill, Venture WALDMANN Skebokvarnsvägen 370 12450 Bandhagen tel: +46 8990350 www.waldmann.com
WENNERSTRÖM LJUSKONTROLL Källdalen 64591 Strängnäs tel: +46 15291000 www.ljuskontroll.com Distributor for: feno, Tridonic
WEVER & DUCRÉ Mäster Samuelsgatan 20 10139 Stockholm tel: +46 708448484 www.weverducre.com
WIRELESS SOLUTION Stureparksv.7 45155 Uddevalla tel: +46 522511511 www.wirelessdmx.com
ZUMTOBEL Region Öst Birger Jarlsgatan 57 11356 Stockholm tel: +46 8262650
AUREOLA STUDIO Lipska 26/5 03 908 Warsaw tel: +48 601162518 www.aureola.studio
DESIGNS 4 PEOPLE [D4P] Saperow 10/2 80431 Gdansk www.designs4people.com
QLAB LABORATORY OF LIGHT PCK 6/5 40-057 Katowice tel: +48 690007061 www.qlab.com.pl
STUDIO DL Hanki Czaki 2/63 01588 Warsaw tel: +48 226209674 www.studiodl.com
ul. Grudzieniec 38 60601 Poznan tel: +48 618517300 www.4light.pl
Distributor for: Wever & Ducré
ACTE Krancowa 49 02493 Warsaw tel: +48 223360200 www.acte.pl
Distributor for: Casambi, Danlers, Helvar a
ALFA-ZETA ul. Starorudzka 6a 93418 Lodz tel: +48 426891200 www.alfazeta.pl
Distributor for: Collingwood, Halers, IST, RobLight
AQFORM Przemys?owa 12-14 32070 Czernichów tel: +48 122702122 www.aqform.com
ul. W. Rzymowskiego 53 02697 Warsaw tel: +48 225588282 www.arrow.com
Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung
Ul. Saperow 4 82300 Elblag tel: +48 552324219 www.artemide.com
ul. Pu?awska 34 05500 Piaseczno tel: +48 227367300 www.auralight.pl
Distributor for: Aura Light, Cree, Designplan, Sammode, VM Electro, Vyrtych e f d g a
AVNET SILICA Street Marynarska 11 Building Antares, 5th Floor 02674 Warsaw tel: +48 222565760 www.avnet-silica.com
Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments
fBÄRO ul. Poznanska 10a 62095 Murowana Goslina tel: +48 668863568 www.baero.com
Sloneczna Street, 116a Stara Iwiczna 05500 Piaseczno tel: +48 227566400 www.brilux.pl
eCANDELUX ul. Borsucza 30 02213 Warsaw tel: +48 223205080 www.candelux.se
Distributor for: Abacus, Aldabra, Cristallux, HALLA, Hoffmeister, Inge, Moonlight, Wever & Ducré, Wibre, XAL
CHORS ul. So?tysowicka 19c 51168 Wroc?aw tel: +48 713231400 www.chors.pl
eCORA ul. Podmiejska 31 41940 Piekary Slaskie tel: +48 323888000 www.cora.pl
eELIPSA ul. Kolberga 48D 44100 Gliwice tel: +48 322704511 www.e-lipsa.pl Distributor for: iGuzzini
ERCO Przedstawicielstwo w Polsce ul. Bialy Kamieƒ 7 02593 Warsaw tel: +48 228987845 www.erco.com
ES-SYSTEM ul. Przemyslowa 2 30701 Kraków tel: +48 122958046 www.essystem.pl Distributor for: Glashütte Limburg, Ligman
EUGENIUS ul. Sanocka 3 61324 Poznan tel: +48 600348056 www.eugenius.eu
1 Maja 46a Street 05555 Tarczyn tel: +48 227367300 www.euro-light.pl Distributor for: Airfal, Arcluce, Cabelli, Cariboni, Cree, Intra Lighting, Organic Lighting, Selux
EUROMET ul. Melgiewska 30b 20-234 Lublin tel: +48 814610041 www.lumotubo.pl
ul. Komitetu Obrony Robotników 48 02146 Warsaw tel: +48 227491250 www.fagerhult.com
ul.Ceglarska 8/ office 30362 Krakow tel: +48 122604860 www.forlight.pl Distributor for: Prisma, SBP, Spittler
GE LIGHTING ul. Syrokomli 6 03335 Warsaw tel: +48 225197600 www.gelighting.com
GEWISS Ul. Duchnicka 3 01-796 Warsaw tel: +48 222994442 www.gewiss.com
IMPERIAL LIGHTING Kolobrzeska 8e 78200 Bialogard tel: +48 943100355 www.imperial.pl
INTERNITY Wiertnicza 59 02952 Warsaw tel: +48 226398494 www.internity.pl Distributor for: Louis Poulsen, Philips, Targetti
KEREN ul. Rymkiewicza 8A 01-644 Warsaw tel: + 48 228777666 www.keren.pl Distributor for: Disano, Hoffmeister, iGuzzini, Modena, Performance Lighting, Ridi Group
KLUSDESIGN ul. S´wierkowa 6 Piaseczno 05-502 Kamionka tel: +48 227574051 www.klusdesign.com
KROMISS-BIS ul. Legionów 92 42202 Czestochowa tel: +48 343602400 www.kromiss-bis.pl
Al. Stanów Zjednoczonych 20 A 03964 Warsaw tel: +48 226166054 www.krulen.com.pl Distributor for: DGA, Hera, Hoffmeister, Norka, Securlite
LABRA Olszyny ul. Koszykarska 4 32-551 Babice tel: +48 500175552 www.labra.pl
LBL ul. Wiejska 12d 58580 Szklarska Poreba tel: +48 757172939 www.lbl24.pl Distributor for: Philips
LEDVANCE ul. Klimczaka 1 klatka E 02797 Warsaw tel: +48 225502300 www.ledvance.com
LIRA LIGHTING ul. Saperow 4 82300 Elblag tel: +48 556195832 www.liralighting.pl
LTT ul. Lopuszanska 20 02220 Warsaw tel: +48 228450065 www.ltt.com.pl Distributor for: LumenRadio, Martin, OPTI Kinetics, Pulsar, SGM
LUG LIGHTING Gorzowska 11 65-127 Zielona Gora tel: +48 684533200 www.luglightfactory.com
LUNATIC Al Jerozolimskie, 179 Blue City 02222 Warsaw tel: +48 223117222 www.lunatic.com.pl Distributor for: Artemide
LUXIONA UI. Sochaczewska 110 Macierzysz 05850 Ozarow Mazowiecki tel: +48 227217272 www.luxiona.com
LUXON ul. Krzywoustego 85b 51166 Wroclaw tel: +48 717336050 www.luxonlighting.com
MARDEL ul. Wieniawskiego 23 71130 Szczecin tel: +48 914860900 www.mardel.pl Distributor for: iGuzzini
MARITEX / NIVISS ul. Rdestowa 53D 81577 Gdynia tel: +48 587813399 www.maritex.com.pl Distributor for: Mean Well
MARRO ul. Marii Kazimiery 18 01641 Warsaw tel: +48 228323535 www.marro.com.pl Distributor for: Philips Color Kinetics
MASTERLIGHTSERVICE ul. Gierdziejewskiego 7 02495 Warsaw tel: +48 223748333 www.masterlightservice.pl Distributor for: Philips Color Kinetics
MPL ELECTRO POWER street East 40 44119 Gliwice tel: +48 324400950 www.mplpower.pl Distributor for: Mean Well
NIKO Wilanów Business Center ul. Królowej Marysienki 90dat 02954 Warsaw tel: +48 223101313 www.niko.be
aORGANIC LIGHTING ul. Pu?awska 34 05500 Piaseczno tel: +48 227367300 www.organiclighting.eu
eOSRAM ul. Wiertnicza 117 02952 Warsaw tel: +48 225502300 www.osram.com/ds
PANASONIC Oddzial w Polsce ul. Woloska 9a 02583 Warsaw tel: +48 223381100 www.panasonic.com
Jutrzenki Street., 73 02230 Warsaw tel: +48 223344000 www.pxf.pl Distributor for: Castaldi, Ivela
ePROLIGHT 3 Maja 183 05800 Pruszków tel: +48 226480407 www.prolight.com.pl Distributor for: Claypaky, ETC, Gantom, Griven, Pharos, Robe, Rosco, Visual Productions, Wireless Solution
PROSTER ul. Glowackiego 67 32800 Brzesko tel: +48 146848300 www.proster.net.pl Distributor for: Philips Lighting
QUEST ul. Ostrodzka 53 03289 Warsaw tel: +48 225670100 www.quest-light.eu Distributor for: iGuzzini
REGIOLUX ul. Rzez´nicza 32-33 50130 Wroclaw tel: +48 608693716 www.regiolux.de
Natolin 68A 92701 Lódz tel: +48 426719300 www.ridi-group.com
RUTRONIK ul. Patriotów 110 04844 Warsaw tel: +48 223327370 www.rutronik.com
Distributor for: Everlight, Recom, Rohm, Samsung LED
Aleje Jerozolimskie 142B 02305 Warsaw tel: +48 223759230 www.schreder.com
SELECT ul.Przemyslowa 6/1 62300 Wrzesnia tel: +48 614376463 www.selectsc.pl Distributor for: TAL
SENTINEL Sprzeczna 22 62002 Suchy Las tel: +48 618213286 www.sentinel.pl
Distributor for: Osram, Tridonic
SIGNIFY Al. Jerozolimskie 195B 02222 Warsaw tel: +48 225710052 www.signify.com
SILVAIR Jasnogorska 44 31358 Krakow tel: +48 123769598 www.silvair.com
Aleje Jerozolimskie 94 00807 Warsaw tel: +48 605555622 www.siteco.com
SKOFF ul. Legionów 243d 43500 Czechowice-Dziedzice tel: +48 322152893 www.skoff.com.pl
SPECTRA LIGHTING Ostródzka 53 St 03289 Warsaw tel: +48 225670115 www.spectra-lighting.com
SPECTRUM LED Wirtschaftsseite 16 40432 Katowice tel: +48 327350600 www.spectrumled.pl
ul. Pozanska 356 05850 Ozarow Mazowiecki tel: +48 227224975 www.spotline.pl
SWANN ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING ul. Stalmacha 7 42600 Tarnovskie Góry tel: +48 323830530 www.swannlighting.com Distributor for: Mareco Luce
SYLVANIA Marywilska 34 03228 Warsaw tel: +48 228116032 www.sylvania-lighting.com
THORN LIGHTING ul. Antoniego S?onimskiego 1 50304 Wroclaw tel: +48 717833740 www.thornlighting.com
TMT WADOWICE ul. Wojska Polskiego 29 34100 Wadowice tel: +48 338732121 www.tmtwadowice.pl Distributor for: Philips Lighting
TRANSFER MULTISORT ELEKTRONIK Ustronna 41 93350 Lodz tel: +48 426455555 www.tme.eu/pl Distributor for: Mean Well f
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES ul. Wiertnicza 117 02952 Warsaw tel: +48 225502300 www.traxontechnologies.com
TRILUX Wal Miedzesynski 630 03994 Warsaw tel: +48 226716288 www.trilux.com
TWELVE ul. Poezji 19 04994 Warsaw tel: +48 228720151 www.twelvets.com.pl Distributor for: Thorlux VALMONT Majora Sucharskiego 6 08-110 Siedlce tel: +48 256430410 email: valmont@valmont.com www.valmont.pl g
Valmont® Structures supports our customers with a proven legacy of engineering leadership, manufacturing expertise and the most complete offering of infrastructure products and solutions available globally. Quality, integrity and innovation define Valmont Structures. Our portfolio of customengineered and exquisitely designed products includes an array of lighting, transportation, and smart solutions that help create bright, beautiful, and sustainable communities.
VOSSLOH-SCHWABE ul. Zaporoska 6/5 30389 Krakow tel: +48 123572323 www.vossloh-schwabe.com
WELLTRADE Janusz Baczynski Al. Wojska Pol. 10 01524 Warsaw tel: +48 228392206 www.welltrade.polandtrade.pl Distributor for: Almeco
XAL ul. Dzialdowska 11/1 01184 Warsaw tel: +48 221194499 www.xal.com
ZUMTOBEL ul. Wallachian 9a Platinium Business Park III 02583 Warsaw tel: +48 228567432 z.lighting
ECLIPZ LIGHTING DESIGN Calçada do Livramento 17, Studio 3 1350-188 Lisbon tel: +351 213971862 www.eclipz.pt
FILAMENTO Avenida António Serpa 32, 6B 1050-027 Lisbon tel: +351 213471177 www.filamento.pt
LIGHTMOTIF.ARQUITECTURA Rua da Vista Alegre 3/1B 2770-167 Paco d’Arcos tel: +351 969184051 www.lightmotif.pt
LIGHTS ON Estrada Nacional 247 Edifício Jonobras 2º Escritório 7 2640-027 Ribamar (Mafra) tel: +351 261863319 www.lightson.pt
SYNAPSE Av. António Serpa, 32, 6 B 1050-027 Lisbon tel: +351 213471177 www.synapse.pt
Rua Irmaos Siemens, 1 2720-093 Amadora tel: +351 214178396 Distributor for: Siteco
Rua Carlos Magalhães 13-15 4700-001 Braga www.alfilux.com Distributor for: Delta Light, Flos, iMoon
ARQUILED PROJECTOS DE ILUMINACAO Ed. Pertejo Rua dos Vigias Lotz 4.25.01 1990-506 Lisbon tel: +351 217971964 www.arquiled.com
Av. D. João II, Nº45 2º C/D 1990-084 Lisbon tel: +351 214714806 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
Qta da Fonte Rua dos Malhoes Edificio D.Pedro I 2770-071 Lisbon tel: +351 210008260 www.artsolutions.pt Distributor for: Axis71, Bell Lighting, Cube Lighting, Light Graphix, Schmitz, Serien Lighting
ASTRATEC Rue da Guine 25-1 2685-336 Prior Velho tel: +351 219428830 www.astratec.pt Distributor for: Ansorg, Astro, B.Lux, Heper, L&L Luce&Light, LiniLED, Louis Poulsen, Regiolux, RobLight, Sattler
Avenida 29 de Agosto nº 268 B Terrugem 2705-869 Sintra tel: +351 210999344 www.auralight.com
Rotunda Edgar Cardoso 23 - 14 andar Sala E 4400-676 Vila Nova de Gaia tel: +351 223779502 www.avnet-silica.com
Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments f
BYBEAU DESIGN STUDIO Avenida José da Costa Mealha, nº43, 1st Floor 8100-500 Loulé tel: +351 289432615 www.bybeau.com e
CASA DAS LAMPADAS Rua da Arroteia 894 4465-586 Leça do Balio tel: +351 229059000 www.casadaslampadas.com
Distributor for: Disano, Multiline
CASTROS Rua da Igreja Velha, nº 436 São Félix da Marinha 4410-160 V. N. de Gaia tel: +351 227333220 www.castros.com.pt g
CLIMAR Rua Estrada Real, 503750-866 Águeda tel: +351 234690330 www.climarlighting.com
deDELTONLUX EN 1, 4176 3780-351 Avelâs de Caminho tel: +351 231525359 www.deltonlux.pt Distributor for: Deko Light, Veko Light Systems
DENIS COELHO Rua 3, No 544 4500-298 Espinho tel: +351 227471690 www.diniscoelho.pt Distributor for: Crestron, Lutron
DONKER Avenida D. Carlos I, 99A 1200-650 Lisbon tel: +351 213932360 www.lightgtech.com Distributor for: Bega, Buzzi & Buzzi
EEE Rua Alto do Vale do Grou 231 3750-064 Aguada de Cima tel: +351 234612090 www.eee.pt
ELECTRO SILUZ Estrada int. da Circunvalaçao 5139/5157 4200-053 Porto tel: +351 225420350 www.electrosiluz.pt Distributor for: ELR
ELECTRONICA Rua Roberto Ivens, 1351 4450-257 Matosinhos tel: +351 229385560 www.luzesom.pt Distributor for: Casambi, OPTI Kinetics a
ELLIS WELCH Rua Cristovão Pires Norte Edifício Sol Loja r/c Dt° 8135-117 Almancil tel: +351 289393378 www.elliswelch.com Distributor for: The Light Corporation
ETAP Rua Manuel Martins da Hora n° 13 1750-172 Lisboa tel: +351 214242600 www.etaplighting.com
GEONEXT Pólo Industrial de Lousado Rua da Indústria 814760-810 Lousado V.N Famalicão tel: +351 252301260 www.geonext.pt Distributor for: Blink, Lumitek, Luxtec
GET A LIGHT Rua Rodrigues Faria 103 Espaco g.02 1300-501 Lisbon tel: +351 213933030 www.getalight.pt Distributor for: Viabizzuno
INDELAGUE GROUP Rua da mina 465, Covão Zona Industrial EN1 Norte 3750-792 Águeda tel: +351 234612310 www.indelaguegroup.com
Parque Industrial de Celeirós, 2a Fase Rua da Talharinha Lote 13C 4705-670 Braga tel: +351 253692595 www.itec.pt Distributor for: Waldmann
JFS-SISTEMAS Avenida Moscavide 22 - 1.º 1885-061 Moscavide tel: +351 219440660 www.jfs-sistemas.pt Distributor for: Artistic Licence, BJB, CP Electronics, Helvar, Mode
JULIAO VASQUES BRANDAO, LDA Rua de Adelina Oliveira Cavada Dias 94 Milheiros 4475-301 Maia tel: +351 229741542 www.juva.pt Distributor for: Ango
LANDLUX ILUMINACAO Rua Novas Construções 159 Guifões 4460- Mastosinhos tel: +351 904203294 www.landlux.pt Distributor for: Damla
Rua do Alto do Montijo 15 2794-069 Carnaxide tel: +351 214165860 www.ledvance.com
LEVITON Lagoas Park Edificio 8 - Piso 0 2740-244 Porto Salvo tel: +351 214214133 www.leviton.com
LIGHTARQ ILUMINACAO Avenida 29 de Março 1353 3885-456 Esmoriz tel: +351 256388355 www.luzarq.com Distributor for: Ares, Illuxtron, Insta, Intra Lighting e d
Rua Teofilo Braga, 156 Arm. C Sao Domingos de Rana 2785-122 Cascais tel: +351 214455235 www.lightlab.pt Distributor for: Wever & Ducré, XAL
LIGHTSET Filial-Calçada da Cruz da Pedra Lote N Loja A 1900-173 Lisbon tel: +351 218121584 www.lightset.pt Distributor for: i-pix, Selecon
LLEDO Rua do Entreposto Industrial Edificio Turia Quinta Grande 2720-442 Amadora tel: +351 214725200 www.lledogrupo.com
LUZARQ Avenida 29 de Março No. 1353 3885-519 Esmoriz tel: +351 256388355 www.luzarq.com Distributor for: Ares, Insta, Lucis
LUZEIRO Praceta das Flores 4A Quinta Grande, Alfragide 2610-074 Amadora tel: +351 214721950 www.luzeiro.pt e
MEGARIM ILUMINACAO Rua do centro cultural 11 1700-106 Lisbon tel: +351 218438450 www.megarim.pt Distributor for: Hoffmeister, Meyer, TAL
N.A.N. Rua do Brazil Lote 9B, Zona Ind. De Ovar 3884-909 Ovar tel: +351 256579650 www.nan.pt Distributor for: Griven, Lite Puter, Robe
NORDISUL Rua José Fontana, 74 Zona Industrial de Santa Marta de Corroios 2845-408 Amora tel: +351 214558390 www.nordisul.com Distributor for: Fozz, Megaman, RZB f
O/M Rua Santa Bárbara 27/45 4400-289 Vila Nova de Gaia tel: +351 223710419 www.om-light.com Distributor for: iGuzzini, Kreon, RZB, Wibre
Rua Castilho, 57-5. Dto 1250-068 Lisbon tel: +351 213813080 www.omnicel.pt Distributor for: acdc, Erco, Thorn
Rua do Alto do Montijo No. 15 - 4 andar 2794-069 Carnaxide tel: +351 214165860 www.osram.com/ds
PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING Estrada Exterior da Circunvalação 3558/3560 4435-238 Rio Tinto tel: +351 229770624 www.performanceinlighting.com
Rua Coronel Ribeiro Viana, Nº31a 1350-089 Lisbon tel: +351 924436824 www.prolicht.at e
Rua de Fraternidade Operária, n° 3A 2790-076 Carnaxide tel: +351 214242600 www.schreder.com
SIGNIFY Lagoas Park, Edificio 14 2740-262 Porto Salvo tel: +351 214237700 www.signify.com
SIME LDA Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho 132/134 Edificio 4 Apartado 10 2711-901 Sintra tel: +351 219105660 www.sime.pt Distributor for: A.A.G Stucchi, Nexta Tech, Qualiko, Qualitron, Relco Lighting, Sacla, Scaioli Aldo, Steab
SISLITE Rua Sá de Figueiredo, 6 C 2790-233 Carnaxide tel: +351 214177621 www.sislite.pt Distributor for: iLight, LightFactory
SOCILUX Rua Casal do Cego 562415-315 Leiria tel: +351 244848510 www.socilux.pt Distributor for: Euro-Light
SOLID LIGHT Av. da República nº45 - 1º - Escritório 1 1050-187 Lisbon tel: +351 210987355 www.solidlight.pt Distributor for: Buzzi & Buzzi, Halla, PXF Lighting
SOTECNICA SOCIEDADE ELECTROTECNICA Estrada Nacional 115, Km 78,67 2664-502 S. Juliao do Tojal tel: +351 219737105 www.sotecnica.pt Distributor for: Zumtobel
STAGECOM Rua Salgado Zenha, 13/13A 2685-332 Prior Velho tel: +351 218160431 www.avitel.pt Distributor for: Spotlight, Studio Due
SULLAMP Estrada Nacional 125 Loja 2 Maritenda 8100-084 Boliqueime tel: +351 289366889 www.sullamp.com Distributor for: Flos
SYLVANIA Edificio Euro, Rua Pedro Alvares Cabral 24-6° Infantado 2670-391 Loures tel: +351 217937736 www.sylvania-lighting.com
TECNILITE Rua Gonçalves Zarco, 3320 4455-822 Santa Cruz do Bispo tel: +351 229962800 www.tecnilite.com Distributor for: Dialight f a
TRACO DE LUZ Rua da Trindade No 11 4000-541 Porto tel: +351 222005733 www.tracoluz.com Distributor for: Modular, Ornalux
VERTICAL SOCIEDADE DE ILLUMINACAO Rua Do Telhal No. 4-2 DTO 1150-346 Lisbon tel: +351 213467004 www.verticaliluminacao.pt Distributor for: Thorlux
VISTA VERDE Rua Domingos Sequeira 27, 4H 1350-119 Lisbon tel: +351 213860079 www.vistaverde.pt Distributor for: ADO Lights, ES-System, Factorylux, FlexaLighting, Flos, Lumenpulse, Phos, Precision Lighting, RCL, Soraa
ZAPIO Branca Amorim, Viela da Barranha 157 3º Frt 4460-258 Sr Hora tel: +351 229558238 www.zapio.net Distributor for: Wila
Casambi is a simple yet advanced wireless lighting control system, powered by the most comprehensive Ecosystem in the industry. Casambi gives you infinite scalability, high reliability and true interoperability for all of your projects – big, small and everything in between.
ARTLIGHT GROUP Ordinarnaya 18 197136 Saint-Petersburg tel: +7 8127407030
Nagatinskaya nab.54-167 115407 Moscow tel: +7 9265260638 www.keeplighting.ru
L’PRO Krasnoarmeyskaya Street 8, Office 96 Sonechnogorsk 141500 Moscow tel: +7 4952208042 www.ldtrade.ru
121/1 Leninsky Prospect, Block 2, Office 108 119571 Moscow tel: +7 4999689608 www.andlight.ru
1 Rizhskiy per. 6/6 129626 Moscow tel: +7 4952259840 www.ld-project.ru
LLC LIGHTING DESIGN STUDIO Volgogradsky Prospect, 80/2-1, ap.72 109462 Moscow tel: +7 9856958366
NATALIA BYSTRYANTSEVA Nikulinskaya street 11 App. 200 119602 Moscow tel: +7 9651561876
QPRO Nizhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya St 10/2 Artplay 105120 Moscow tel: +7 4951206708 www.qpro.info
ROMAN KUDAKOV 6, 1 Rizhskiy per. Office 902 129626 Moscow tel: +7 9166533700 www.kudakov.info
SMART&BRIGHT 10 Zagorskogo 121357 Moscow tel: +7 4956320105 www.smartbright.ru
Sheinkman Str. 75, Office No. 7 620014 Ekaterinburg tel: +7 3432871112 www.arrow.com
Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung
Bolshoi Zlatoustinsky Pereulok 1 Building 1 Office 103 101000 Moscow tel: +7 4959842238 www.artemide.com
e dAVI SOLUTIONS Liter V, 5, Medikov prospekt 197022 St. Petersburg tel: +7 8127021001 www.avi-solutions.com Distributor for: Mean Well f
AVNET SILICA Korovinskoye Chaussee 10 Building 2 Office 25/31 127486 Moscow tel: +7 4957373670 www.avnet-silica.com
Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments f
BL LIGHTING GROUP 6 1st Rzshkiy pereulok 129626 Moscow tel: +7 4957852095 www.bl-g.ru
1st Riga Lane, 6 - Building 6 129626 Moscow tel: +7 4955141079 www.brightelec.ru Distributor for: Anolis, Cariboni, Ghm-Eclatec, Grupo MCI, IntiLED, LED Linear, Schreder
CENTRSVET Tekhnopark Orbita 20 Kulakova Street Moscow tel: +7 4957775151 www.centrsvet.com
COMPEL Bolshoi Prospect 18 Lit. A Vasileostrovskiy District 199034 St Petersburg tel: +7 8123279404 www.compel.ru Distributor for: Mean Well
CRESTRON Kolodezniy pereulok 3 Building 25, office 5309 Moscow tel: +7 4957245527 www.crestron.eu
CTK LIGHTING TECHNICAL COMPANY Building 30, B. Raznochinnaya Street 197110 St Petersburg tel: +7 8123476930 www.ctk.spb.ru Distributor for: Lucent, Modular
DISANO ILLUMINAZIONE Rochdelskaya Street 15 Building 17-18 123022 Moscow tel: +7 4956470203 www.disano.it
DSL 317A Zelenograd 124482 Moscow tel: +7 4997342017 www.dsl.msk.ru Distributor for: Disano, DTS, ETC, Griven, Martin, Meyer, Robe, Rosco, Selecon, Studio Due
Nametkina str.1 Building 3 117393 Moscow tel: +7 4991205453 www.ectes.ru Distributor for: Wibre
EES LIGHT yn. 3nektponhar No.11 Oonc 04 111524 Moscow tel: +7 4959718722 www.eeslight.ru Distributor for: acdc
ELTECH Ploschard Konstitutsii 3A 196247 St. Petersburg tel: +7 8123719118 www.eltech.spb.ru Distributor for: Mean Well f
ERCO Varshavskoe shosse 1, Buidling 1-2 117105 Moscow tel: +7 4959888689 www.erco.com
EUROLUCE INTERIORS 10 Niznaya Siromiatnicheskaya Street Dwelling 2 Office V/10 105120 Moscow tel: +7 4951383888 www.euroluceinteriors.com Distributor for: Arcluce, iGuzzini, Simes
FAGERHULT Vyborgskaya nab. 61, office 304 197342 St. Petersburg tel: +7 8123800148 www.fagerhult.com
GE LIGHTING 10C Presnenskaya nab. 123317 Moscow tel: +7 4959371111 www.gelighting.com
GLOBAL LIGHTING 4th Magistralnaya Street, Building 11 123007 Moscow tel: +7 4959788217 www.light77.com Distributor for: LDDE
GRAN Office 211 Rithm House 47 Sheremetevskaja Street 127521 Moscow tel: +7 4952189245 www.granltd.ru Distributor for: OPTI Kinetics
HELVAR Sadovnicheskaya naberezhnaya 79 115035 Moscow tel: +7 4957288291 www.helvar.com
IGUZZINI 24/A Bolshaya, Cherkizovskaya Street 107553 Moscow tel: +7 4953802767 www.iguzzini.com Distributor for: iGuzzini
INSTA LIGHTING Dovenkamp 6 22952 Lütjensee tel: +49 4154999397 www.insta.de
INTILED 17 Volkovka embankment St Petersburg tel: +7 8123806504 www.intiled.com
KREON Pechatnikov pereulok 16 107045 Moscow tel: +7 9257081901 www.kreon.com
LDCI St. Alexandra Matrosova 28-B 600005 Vladimir tel: +7 4993944314 www.ldci.ru
LEDART Yuzhnoportovaya Street 13 11508 Moscow tel: +7 9255073662 www.ledart.ru Distributor for: LED Engin, Prolight
LEDVANCE Bolshaya Tulskaya 11 Moscow tel: +7 4959357070 www.ledvance.com
LIGHT & DESIGN Office 94A Derbenevskaya nab. 11 121059 Moscow tel: +7 4959136840 www.ldproject.ru Distributor for: Planlicht, Wever & Ducré, XAL
LIGHTING TECHNOLOGIES 2B Otradnaya Street 127273 Moscow tel: +7 4959955595 www.ltcompany.com
LIGMAN Street Proletarskaya - 135 entrance 6 656049 Barnaul tel: +7 79039908334 www.ligman.ru
LINEA LIGHT GROUP Design Center Artplay Nizhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya 10/2 enter B 3rd floor office 14 105120 Moscow tel: +7 4956399941 www.linealight.com
ul. Stanislavskogo 29/1office 5 109004 Moscow tel: +7 9265299063 www.littess.ru Distributor for: DeltaLight, Lithoss
LUMENU CENTR Nakhimovsky prospect 24 117218 Moscow tel: +7 9151823300 www.lumencentr.ru Distributor for: Ligman
LUMINATOR Frunzenskaya Nab. 30 Rosstroyexpo Pavillion 24 Moscow tel: +7 4952298588 www.luminator.no Distributor for: Artemide, Flos
LUTRON uI. Pravdy 8-13 125040 Moscow tel: +7 4956496094 www.lutron.com/europe
MABELEK SIGNLIGHT 22 Building 1 Kirpichnaya Street 105118 Moscow tel: +7 4956385290 www.signlight.ru Distributor for: AAG Stucchi
MALTECH Novorybinskaya 19/21 196084 Saint Petersburg tel: +7 8123354909 www.maltech.ru Distributor for: Ares, Bega, Erco, Fagerhult, Flos, iGuzzini, Linea Light Group, Regiolux, Selux, Targetti
MODUL Cholodilnyi per 1 Building 1 113191 Moscow tel: +7 4959552766 Distributor for: Agabekov, Bega, Boom, Brumberg, Meyer, RZB, Simes, Targetti, Zumtobel
MT ELECTRO 72 Khokhryakova Street 3rd floor 620014 Yekaterinburg tel: +7 3432530022 www.mtelectro.ru Distributor for: OMS, Philips
NEON 22/23 Office 14 Ozerkovskaya nab. 115184 Moscow tel: +7 4957255462 www.e-neon.ru Distributor for: Almeco
NERI Bolshoy Drovyanoy Per.20 kor.2 109004 Moscow tel: +7 4959152169 www.neri.biz
OPTOGAN Tallinskoe shosse 206 198205 St. Petersburg tel: +7 8123263285 www.optogan.com
OSRAM ul. Letnikovskaya 11/10 Building 1 115114 Moscow tel: +7 4959357070 www.osram.com/ds
PROLICHT Ochakovskoye sh 36c2, 43 119530 Moscow tel: +7 9167160011 www.prolicht.at
ePROSOFT Profsojuznaya Street 108 117437 Moscow tel: +7 4952340636 www.prosoft.ru Distributor for: Cree
ROBE Taganskaya Street. 26 – 1 – 72 109004 Moscow tel: +7 4955049569 www.robe.cz
SAROS Novoismailovskiy 39/3 196247 St-Petersburg tel: +7 8123275495 www.sarosco.com Distributor for: TAL
SIGNIFY 13 Sergey Makeev Street 123022 Moscow tel: +7 4959611111 www.signify.com
SILA SVETA ul. Akademika Koroleva 21 127427 Moscow tel: +7 4957821252 www.sila-sveta.ru Distributor for: ETC, Hungaroflash
SOFIT LIGHT Staroslobodskaya 3, officce 2 107113 Moscow tel: +7 4959253208 www.sofitlight.ru Distributor for: Leader Light, MA Lighting, Spotlight
11 Ordzhonikidze Street, Building 40 115419 Moscow tel: +7 4959267524 www.spector-lab.com Distributor for: acdc, Hess, Hoffmeister, Insta, Neri, Targetti, Thorn, Trilux, Viabizzuno
Office 410 Kostyansky Pereulok 13 107045 Moscow tel: +7 4956088744 www.svetosila.net Distributor for: iGuzzini, Linea Light Group, Louis Poulsen, Luce & Light, Rosa, Salvi, Schreder, TAL, Targetti, Valmont
Novoslobodskaya 21 601 127055 Moscow tel: +7 4957752476 www.sylvania-lighting.com
Leningrad Avenue 68 125315 Moscow tel: +7 4957975535
www.symmetron.ru Distributor for: Ledil, Samsung LED
TECNOLUX Novocheremuchkinskaya Street 24/1 117218 Moscow tel: +7 952329206 www.tecnolux.it
TEKNOLIGHT Ilovaiskaya Cad. No:2/B Moscow tel: +7 4959711241 www.teknolight.com
THORN LIGHTING Skakovaya Street h. 17, Building 2, office 2110 Novoslobodskaya Street 21 125040 Moscow tel: +7 4959813541 www.thornlighting.com
TOCHKA OPORY Fakultetskij lane 12 125080 Moscow tel: +7 4952215892 www.k-to.ru Distributor for: Bega, Erco, LED Linear, Osram, Signify, Stoane Lighting, Thorn, Tridonic, XAL, Zumtobel
Letnikovskaya Street 11/10 Building 1 115114 Moscow tel: +7 4959357070 www.traxontechnologies.com
TRINOVA LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 28/60 Nikoloyamskaya Street 103062 Moscow tel: +7 4959892910 www.trinova.ru Distributor for: Artemide, Oktalite, Regent, RZB, Trilux, Zumtobel
VSK ELEKTRO Mozhaiskoe shosse d. 165/1 121596 Moscow tel: +7 4957879160 www.vskelektro.ru Distributor for: Regiolux, Sill
VTB-INGINIRING 3-ya Horoshevskaya Street 11 129298 Moscow tel: +7 4959801096 www.vtbinginiring.ru Distributor for: Hoffmeister, Regiolux, Selux, Sill
ZERS GROUP Pervomayskaya 107a office 10 Baklanovskiy pr. 190 346420 Novocherkassk tel: +7 8635245060 www.zers-group.ru f d g
ZUMTOBEL Skakovaya Street 17 Building No.1 Office 1104 125040 Moscow tel: +7 4959453633
AIA Plaça de Sant Pere 3 08003 Barcelona tel: +34 934120514 www.aia.cat
Avenida Ignacio Wallis 31, 6th Floor 07800 Ibiza tel: +34 619013686 www.almostudio.es
ARUP Alcalá 54 28014 Madrid tel: +34 915239276 email: lighting-design@arup.com www.arup.com/lighting
Lighting at Arup brings together art, science and technology. Our team of designers create expressive and award-winning concepts in light. Our commitment to sustainability drives a creative approach to the application of state-of-the-art technology. We work in harmony with aesthetics and vision, delivering human centric solutions for clients.
ANOCHE Regás 3 08006 Barcelona tel: +34 932417930 email: info@anoche.eu www.anoche.eu
Anoche is a lighting design studio aimed to enhance the qualities of architectural, urban and artistic projects through light. From both an aesthetic and technical perspective we use our knowledge of lighting design and consultancy. Founded in 2007, Anoche has been awarded with some of the most internationally renowned lighting design and architecture awards.
ARCHITECTURAL & LIGHTING SOLUTIONS C/ Nicolas Alcorta 3-4C 48003 Bilbao tel: +34 944104751 www.alslighting.com
Avenida de la Albufera 30, 2ºB 28028 Madrid tel: +34 912935378 www.arkilum.es
Calle Miguel Angel 6 bajo 5 28010 Madrid tel: +34 918643993 www.aureolighting.com
BMLD c/Caspe 12, 1 DEF 08010 Barcelona tel: +34 935526287 www.bmld.es
Calle Julián Camarillo 42-4a Planta 28037 Madrid tel: +34 913750549 www.broadwaymalyan.com
CITY’S LIGHT Carabela 1 28891 Velilla de San Antonio tel: +34 609584599
CLICKON STUDIO Paseo de la Castellana 43, 2ª Planta 28010 Madrid tel: +34 650311000 www.clickon.studio
CONSULTORIA LUMINICA Polígono Sangroniz 6, edif. 5 I-J-K 48150 Sondika tel: +34 944540760 www.consultoria-luminica.com
E1D DESIGN LIGHT STUDIO Av. Can Bellet 68, bloque A, 2º 3ª Sant Cugat del Vallès 08174 Barcelona tel: +34 617560360 www.e1d.eu
ESTUDIO JOSÉ LUIS REVUELTA Ibáñez de Bilbao 4 3º A 48001 Bilbao tel: +34 679101885 www.joseluisrevuelta.es
ESTUDIO LAP C/Santa Engracia 71 28010 Madrid tel: +34 659627827 www.estudiolap.com
FLORENCIA SALVATIERRA General Díaz Porlier 38 6ºF 28001 Madrid tel: +34 722723897
GILDEMONTES C/ Veneras 9, 6º 88013 Madrid tel: +34 678047676 www.mariagildemontes.com
ronda de barañain 7 - oficina 13 31010 Pamplona Navarra tel: +34 685444246 www.imaslight.com ILLUMINATIONWORKS C/Reina Na Germana 31 #12 46005 Valencia tel: +34 681028644 email: info@illuminationworks.com www.illuminationworks.com
Illuminationworks is an architectural lighting design consultancy providing a complete service from concept to commissioning. We are specialists in the luxury retail and hospitality sectors with an extensive portfolio of cultural, corporate, residential and masterplan works. We have successful collaborations with designers of diverse architectural styles on projects worldwide.
ILM BCN Carrer d’En Fontanills 83 El Masnou 08320 Barcelona tel: +34 670297506 www.ilmbcn.com
LARA ELBAZ LIGHTING DESIGN Mayor 4 - 6º, Oficina 1 28013 Madrid tel: +34 646970145 www.laraelbaz.com
LDLUZ LIGHTING DESIGN STUDIO Pere IV 29-35 1º 4ª 08018 Barcelona tel: +34 654243788 www.ldluz.com LICHT KUNST LICHT LKL Design Hub Barcelona Pamplona 67 08005 Barcelona tel: +34 930180990 email: barcelona@lkldesignhub.com www.lichtkunstlicht.com
Licht Kunst Licht is a lighting design consultancy made of a team of committed and talented designers. We work on a wide range of projects, passionately pursuing the cutting edge of innovation to create international award winning designs.
LIGHTING DESIGN COLLECTIVE Calle Invencibles 8 local 28019 Madrid tel: +34 911885851 www.ldcol.com
LMA CONSULTING Castillo de Fuensaldaña 4 Loft 3 Rozas Nova Centro de Negocios 28232 Las Rozas tel: +34 916440901 www.lmailuminacion.com
LUPERCALES c/ Monistrol, 3 Local 08012 Barcelona tel: +34 618157926 www.lupercales.org
LUZMIXTURA Avda Juan Carlos I 82 - 5ºB 30007 Murcia tel: +34 638764950 www.luzmixtura.com
LUZZERODESIGN Juan de Austria 6 28010 Madrid tel: +34 648918114
C/ Pellaires 30-38, Palo Alto, Edif G02 08019 Barcelona tel: +34 931691894 email: info@artec3.com www.artec3.com
artec3 Studio is an international independent lighting design studio dedicated to developing high-quality architectural lighting projects and light art installations, supported by our own product designs. Since 1994, the studio’s creative team has provided services to clients worldwide.
CREAM ESTUDIO Carrer Barcelona 20 local 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat tel: +34 684306900 www.creamestudio.com
Olof Palme 31 Bajo Local A 35010 Las Palmas tel: +34 928228268 www.dilight.es
C/ Chillida nº 4 2º 7 Roquetas de Mar 04720 Almeria tel: +34 667697975 www.d-ci.es
Calle del General Álvarez de Castro 6 28010 Madrid tel: +34 640698474 www.d-luz.com
ILUMINACION TECNICA Duquesa de Tamames 21 Bajos A 28044 Madrid tel: +34 680311730 www.iluminaciontecnica.com
INTERVENTO C/ 3 Fernando Poó 28045 Madrid tel: +34 915171443 www.intervento.com
Tomas Olabarri 15- 5ºB 48830 Getxo tel: +34 696967208 www.kimulight.com
KREA LIGHTING STUDIO Manlleu 50 08500 Vic tel: +34 937975652 www.krea-lighting.com
LA INVISIBLE Princesa 56 pral. 2º 08003 Barcelona tel: +34 932691199 www.lainvisible.pro
MAIATZ STUDIO Océano Glaciar Ártico 2 35500 Arrecife, Lanzarote tel: +34 828081818 www.maiatzstudio.com
MARABA STUDIO Plaza de la Constitución 5 – 2º C 35500 Arrecife, Lanzarote tel: +34 928806140 www.marabastudio.com
MATCH LIGHTING STUDIO Santo Tomás, 80 15002 A Coruna tel: +34 620383021 www.matchlightingstudio.com
MAURO VASQUEZ Mallorca 507 4-1B 08026 Barcelona tel: +34 672129582 www.mvlightstudio.com
NUR L+D Apartado de correos 060 08440 Cardedeu tel: +34 938712759 www.nurlighting.com
RDT STUDIO Avda Manoteras 30 28050 Madrid tel: +34 916708844 www.rdt.studio
REMM Consell de Cent 240 08011 Barcelona tel: +34 654043156
SPAILLUM Ramón y Cajal 2 08222 Terrassa tel: +34 937312360 www.spaillum.com
THE LIGHT SQUAD STUDIO Mallorca 323 08037 Barcelona tel: +34 673931328 www.thelightsquadstudio.com
Carrer Pau Claris 173 Piso Quinto, Puerto Primera 08037 Barcelona tel: +34 931139903 www.umayalighting.com
Miguel Iscar 12 4ºB 47001 Valladolid tel: +34 610765095 www.yolandagutierreziluminacion.com
ACB ILUMINACION Camino Valencia, 104 Ribarroja del Turia 46190 Valencia tel: +34 962779260 www.acbiluminacion.com
ADB SPAI Calle Villaescusa 30 Locales 3 y 4 28017 Madrid tel: +34 913273662 www.adbspai.com Distributor for: LDDE
ADVANCED FIBER OPTICS Escornalbou 1 08041 Barcelona tel: +34 934557200 www.afo.es
AIRFAL Río Ésera 4 Villanueva de Gállego 50830 Zaragoza tel: +34 976185809 www.airfal.com
ALMALIGHT Cristobal de Moura 195-197 08019 Barcelona tel: +34 932660775 www.almalight.com
ANSORG Padilla 21 28006 Madrid tel: +34 915755159 www.ansorg.com
ARCH Zonas Las Planas 20P34 Cebelles 08880 Barcelona tel: +34 673906709 www.arch.eu
C/ Cristóbal de Moura 213 p 14-03 08019 Barcelona tel: +34 917569506 www.archlit.com
B.LUX Pol. Ind. Okamika pab 1 48289 Gizabuaruaga tel: +34 946827272 www.grupoblux.es
Calle N-Pol. Ind. El Oliveral Ribarroja del Turia 46394 Valencia tel: +34 961667207 email: info@arkoslight.com www.arkoslight.com
Specialists in lighting for architecture, decoration and interior design projects since 1984. We aim to offer technical solutions for high quality lighting combining design, effectiveness and efficiency.
Calle Tina Modotti n°9 Poligono Industrial Tremañes 33211 Asturias tel: +34 985323232 www.arlus.es Distributor for: Mareco Luce
La Avenida de Europa 21 Parque Empresarial La Moraleja 28108 Alcobendas tel: +34 917612151 www.arrow.com
Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
Calle Vico 12-18 08021 Barcelona tel: +34 934783911 www.artemide.com
Carretera Andalucia 6 Km 35,700 Seseña Nuevo 45224 Toledo tel: +34 918013536 www.artesolar.com
ASTRATEC Paseo de la Habana 9-11 28036 Madrid tel: +34 915639710 www.astratec.pt Distributor for: Ansorg, Astro, B.Lux, Heper, L&L Luce&Light, LiniLED, Louis Poulsen, Regiolux, RobLight, Sattler
AURA LIGHT València, 304, pral 1a 08009 Barcelona tel: +34 932726949 www.auralight.com
Calle Alcalde Abril 24, local 6, Mataró 08302 Barcelona tel: +34 937077770 www.auroralighting.com
Calle San Jacinto 16 y 21 Bajo 46008 Valencia tel: +34 963840789 www.avanceluz.es
AVNET SILICA Calle Chile 10 - ofic. 229 Edificio Madrid 92 28290 Las Matas tel: +34 913727100 www.avnet-silica.com
Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments f
Poligon Valldoriof Carrer Thomas Edison 4-6 La Roca Valles 08430 Barcelona tel: +34 935684045 www.beneito-faure.com
Partida Madrigueres Sud 11 03700 Dénia tel: +34 965781218 www.bpmlighting.com
Escalinata de Santa Lucía 1-3 15006 A Coruña tel: +34 658665499 www.bpmlighting.com
CA2L LIGHTING PROJECTS Alí Bei 57 08013 Barcelona tel: +34 932444343 www.ca2l.com Distributor for: Agabekov, Brick In The Wall, Erco, Feelux, Lamp, Meyer, Modular, Sill, Targetti, Wila
CARANDINI Carrer Verneda nº 66-70 08107 Martorelles tel: +34 933174008 www.carandini.com Distributor for: Lithonia
CASTAN Carrer del Crom 24 Hospitalet de Llobregat 08907 Barcelona tel: +34 933353245 www.castanweb.com
Poligono Industrial Calle Francisco Moreno Lomena 7 Oficina 3 29670 Malaga tel: +34 952927868 www.crestron.eu
DAISALUX Polígono Industrial de Júndiz Calle Ibarredi 4 01015 Vitoria-Gasteiz tel: +34 902208108 www.daisalux.com
DATA MODUL Calle Adolfo Pérez Esquivel 3 Edificio Las Americas III Oficina 40 28230 Las Rozas / Madrid tel: +34 916366458 www.data-modul.com Distributor for: Sharp
DELTA LIGHT Calle Pont Can Claveri 58, Rubi 08191 Barcelona tel: +34 935861900 www.deltalight.com
DIFUSIONA Regas, 3 08006 Barcelona tel: +34 933622279 www.difusiona.eu Distributor for: acdc, CJC Systems, Exenia, LED Linear, Lumenpulse, Precision, RCL, Soraa, Whitegoods, Wibre
DISANO ILLUMINAZIONE Poligono Industrial - L’avenar Calle De La Llum, 2 Roda De Bara 43883 Tarragona tel: +34 977558890 www.disano.it
DULA CONCORD Poniente 27 – 1 28036 Madrid tel: +34 913026236 www.dulaconcord.com Distributor for: DAL
ECLIPSI Avda. Pau Casals 17 43003 Tarragona tel: +34 647953798 www.eclipsi-net.com
Distributor for: Arenaluci, Cariboni, Erco, Lamp, LED Italy, Simes, Troll, Waldmann
EES- ENTERTAINMENT EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES S.L, Donosti Ibilbidea 100 Nave 10 20115 Astigarraga tel: +34 943337150 www.ees.es
Distributor for: A&O Technology, G-Lec, GDS, Green-Hippo, Leader Light, Novalight, Varilite
EL TORRENT Curreró 8 Mieres 17830 Girona tel: +34 972680291 www.eltorrent.com
ELECTRONICA OLFER Avda. Industria 6-8 Navs 19-20-21 28108 Alcobendas-Madrid tel: +34 914840850 www.olfer.com Distributor for: Casambi
Poligono Industrial Malpica Calle Numero 11 50016 Zaragoza tel: +34 976573660 www.elt.es Distributor for: Casambi
EMOTIONS Santa Teresa 1 43870 Amposta tel: +34 977702099 www.emotionslight.com
Distributor for: Lumolight, Schluter Systems, SLV, Soraa
EQUIPSON Avenida Saler 14 Poligono Industrial L’Alteró 46460 Silla tel: +34 961216301 www.equipson.es
ERCO Calle El Plà nº 47 08750 Molins de Rei, Barcelona tel: +34 936801110 www.erco.com
ETAP Avenida Sur del Aeropuerto de Barajas 24 Edif. 5, 5°D Centro de Negocios Eisenhower 28042 Madrid tel: +34 914022917 www.etaplighting.com
FAGERHULT C/Estocolmo 13 28230 Las Rozas, Madrid tel: +34 916407246 www.fagerhult.com
Parque Empresarial Cityparc Ed. Londres 2 Cornellá 08940 Barcelona tel: +34 934758818 www.farnell.com
Distributor for: Avago, Bridgelux, Cree, Dialight, Enfis, Marl
Calle Dinámica 1 Polígono Industrial Santa Rita Castellbisbal 08755 Barcelona tel: +34 902165166 email: faro@lorefar.com www.faro.es
Founded in 1945, Faro Barcelona is the leading designer lighting and fan company in Spain. It is present in over 130 countries. Faro Barcelona is a conscious company that works to make its designs more sustainable and respectful of people and the environment, improving their conceptualisation and production processes in order to contribute to a better world.
Calle Zuatzu 2, Edificio Igeldo, Bajos 4-6 Locales 12-13 20018 San Sebastian tel: +34 943316799 www.fegemuautomatismos.com Distributor for: Waldmann
Calle Mallorca 1 Ribarroja 46394 Valencia tel: +34 961669520 www.flos.com
San Vicente Ferrer 11 46182 Valencia tel: +34 961325051 www.foruminternacional.es
Distributor for: Intra Lighting
Arago 245 08007 Barcelona tel: +34 934878603 www.gaudir.es
Distributor for: B-lux, Delta Light, Flos, Santa & Cole, Viabizzuno, XAL
Calle Gobelas 35-37, La Florida 28023 Madrid tel: +34 900993612 www.gelighting.com
Calle Belgica 4 28821 Coslada tel: +34 916707100 www.gewiss.com
Poligono el Regas
Calle Dels oficis 25 B Gava 08850 Barcelona tel: +34 936302800 www.grupo-mci.com
Distributor for: Flexalighting, Fumagalli, Onelight, SLV
Central Calle Rio Jarama 149 45007 Toledo tel: +34 925233812 www.grupoprilux.com
Sant Cugat Business Park Av. Via Augusta 15-25 Sant Cugat del Valles 08174 Barcelona tel: +34 652874433 www.hamilton-litestat.com
Calle Can Buscarons 9 Nave 6 Montornes del Valles 08170 Barcelona tel: +34 935686940 www.igeailuminacion.com
Distributor for: Arcluce, Artluce, Igea Iluminacion, L&L Luce&Light, Lombardo, Quattrobi, Stral, Valenti
IGUZZINI Avenida de la Generalitat 168-170 Parc d’Activitats Econòmiques Can Sant Joan Sant Cugat del Vallès 08174 Barcelona tel: +34 935880034 www.iguzzini.com
San Pancracio, Calle La Alianza 19, Puente Genil 14500 Cordoba tel: +34 617408280 www.ilmex.com
Mar Tirreno 21,23,25 28830 San Fernando de Henares tel: +34 916764223 www.ilumisa.com
Poligono Industrial Pla dels Olivars Avenida Alginet 49 46460 Silla tel: +34 961212936 www.incolamp.com
INDELAGUE GROUP Avenida del Ejército nº 8 – 1ºC 15006 A Coruña www.indelague.com
Calle Ramon Berenguer 8 Santa Perpetua de Mogoda 08130 Barcelona tel: +34 932745252 www.indeluz.es
Calle Aragón 390 - 394, 3º 08013 Barcelona tel: +34 935405066 www.inolite.com Distributor for: Norka
Carrer Cerignola 13 08022 Barcelona tel: +34 932507640 www.insolitbcn.com
Calle Major 217 07620 Llucmajor tel: +34 971660537 www.insta.de
Ángel Guimera 7-9 local C 08017 Barcelona tel: +34 931589135 www.kreon.com
LABORDA Calle Borrell 6 Sant Cugat del Vallés 08172 Barcelona tel: +34 902998497 www.laborda.es Distributor for: Triolight
LAMP C/ Córdoba 16 08226 Terrassa tel: +34 937366800 www.lamp.es
LAMPARAS OLIVA Calle De la Estrada 11 28034 Madrid tel: +34 913581993 www.lamparasoliva.com Distributor for: XAL
LED BCN C/ Arquitecte Moragas 20-22 08820 Barcelona tel: +34 933741663 www.ledbcn.com
Carrer de Joan Comorera 8-12 Local 15 08030 Barcelona tel: +34 934884890 www.ledmotive.com
LEDS C4 Carrer Afores 25750 Torà (Lleida) tel: +34 649030571 www.leds-c4.com
LEDSCONTROL Rocafort 67-69 B2 08015 Barcelona tel: +34 935329034 www.ledscontrol.com Distributor for: Madrix, Pharos, Swisson
LEDVANCE Ronda de Europa 5 Edificio D planta 4ª 28760 Tres Cantos tel: +34 916555200 www.ledvance.com
LEVITON Avda Puente Cultural 10 Edif A Pt 1 Puerta 1 28702 San Sebastián de los Reyes tel: +34 914905919 www.leviton.com
LIGMAN Ronda Sant Pere 52 08010 Barcelona tel: +34 659194017 www.ligman.com
LINEA LIGHT GROUP C/ Longares 48 28022 Madrid tel: +34 912534773 www.linealight.com
LLEDO Calle Cid Campeador 14 Móstoles 28935 Madrid tel: +34 916656180 www.lledogrupo.com
c/ Rec Molinar 7 (Z.I. del Circuit) 08160 Montmeló tel: +34 935938176 www.lluria.com
LPA LIGHTING AND ENERGY SOLUTIONS Ronda President Irla 26 08302 Mataró tel: +34 935482414 www.lpalighting.com Distributor for: Egoluce, Lightnet, PAN, Securlite, Unilamp e d
LUTRON Calle Herzegovina 3 Local 2 08021 Barcelona tel: +34 934965742 www.lutron.com/europe
LUX-LIGHT C/ Zamora 99-101 08018 Barcelona tel: +34 932659100 www.lux-light.es Distributor for: Casambi
LUX-MAY La Granja 11 Pol. Ind. 28108 Alcobendas 28108 Madrid tel: +34 916620071 www.lux-may.com
Poligono Industrial La Encomienda Calle Atlas 12-14 Arroyo de la Encomienda 47195 Valladolid tel: +34 983130056 www.luxintec.com
Passeig de la Ribera 115 08420 Canovelles tel: +34 938466909 www.luxiona.com
LUXOMETER Calle Ali Bei 22 08010 Barcelona tel: +34 935285434 www.luxometer.com Distributor for: Brick In The Wall, Feelux
Polígono Industrial Can Castells C. Carles Buhigues 13 08420 Canovelles tel: +34 902158441 www.luznegra.net
Mejia Lequerica 30 08028 Barcelona tel: +34 933303500 www.lyte.es Distributor for: Multiline
MGC LAMPS Calle Buenavista 48 Picassent 46220 Valencia tel: +34 961235665 www.mgc-lighting.com Distributor for: BLV, Chauvet, Crompton, GE, Havells-Sylvania, IMPACT, Osram, Philips, Radium
Calle Rios Rosas 44 Bloque A Planta 7 28003 Madrid www.neworderlight.com Distributor for: Bilton, Xicato
NEXIA Calle Priorat, 14-20 Poligono Industrial Can Carner Castellar del Vallés 08211 Barcelona tel: +34 937154712 www.nexia.es
Parque Tecnoloigico de Asturias Parcela 10 33428 Llanera tel: +34 985267100 www.normagrup.com
Carrer Ramon Berenguer 8 Santa Perpetua de Mogoda 08130 Barcelona tel: +34 935162005 www.novoluxlighting.com
Enrique Velasco, 40 28038 Madrid tel: +34 913339190 www.oksuministros.com
Distributor for: OPTI Kinetics
P.I. B Calle Proyecto Oeste 2 Jativa 46800 Valencia tel: +34 962259020 www.onoklighting.com
Ronda de Europa 5 Edificio D, planta 4a Tres Cantos 28760 Madrid tel: +34 916555200 www.osram.com/ds
PUNTO LUZ Pau Claris, 146 08009 Barcelona tel: +34 934871108 www.puntoluz.com
Distributor for: Flos, iGuzzini
Calle Oro 76 Polígono Industrial Sur Colminar Viejo 28770 Madrid tel: +34 918473900 www.roscoarchitectural.com
SALVI Avenida del valles 36 Poligono Industrial cantallops Lliça de vall 08185 Barcelona tel: +34 938445190 www.salvi.es
Parc de Belloch carretera C-251 Km 5 6 La Roca 08430 Barcelona tel: +34 938619100 www.santacole.com
SCHRÉDER Avenida Roanne 66 P.I. El Henares 19180 Marchamalo tel: +34 949325080 www.schreder.com
Carretera Laureà Miró 375-377 nave 4 08980 Sant Feliu de Llobregat tel: +34 935443778 www.seesound.es
Distributor for: ArchWork, Martin, Visual Productions
Poligono Industrial “La Estrella” Calle Marte 18-21 Molina De Segura 30500 Murcia tel: +34 968801211 www.secom.es
Ronda de la Font-Grossa, 15 Poligon Industrial La Gavarra 08540 Centelles - Barcelona tel: +34 938813512 email: info@rovasi.com www.rovasi.com
ROVASI designs and manufactures architectural and commercial lighting solutions for indoor and outdoor in Barcelona. With 30 years of experience in the field, there are companies and professionals on five continents that place their trust in our lighting solutions and count on ROVASI to accomplish exciting projects.
C/ Monasterio de las Huelgas 23 Office 9 50014 Zaragoza tel: +34 976451130 www.rzb-lighting.com
SAGELUX Internacional de Iluminación S.A.U Calle Lerici 12 2 P.I. Pla-Za 50197 Zaragoza tel: +34 976495400 www.sagelux.com
SAGITARIO LIGHTING Marqués de Sentmenat 22-24 08014 Barcelona tel: +34 934911000 www.sagitariolighting.com
SAKMA Travessia Industrial 15 L´Hospitalet de Llobregat 08907 Barcelona tel: +34 932611188 www.sakma.com
SWISS LED Calle La Querra 2 Alfaz del Pi 03580 Alicante tel: +34 965887671 www.swiss-led.com
Edificio Ofipinar, Calle Caleruega 102 28033 Madrid tel: +34 916699000 www.sylvania-lighting.com
TARGETTI Avda. de Roma 69 08029 Barcelona tel: +34 934746171 www.targetti.com
Calle Reaper 16, 10A-11A Pavilion The Portalada II Industrial Estate 26006 Logroño tel: +34 941445417 www.tecnolite.es Distributor for: Prolicht
THORN LIGHTING Avenida manoteras 26, 4-2 28050 Madrid tel: +34 916593076 www.thornlighting.com
VOSSLOH-SCHWABE Avenida Drassanes No 6–8 7th Floor, Office 1a 08001 Barcelona tel: +34 934817070 www.vossloh-schwabe.com
XAL Avenida Manoteras 38, Bloque D, Of. 109 28050 Madrid tel: +34 912777577 www.xal.com
Calle Inocencio Fernández 81 Bajo C 28035 Madrid tel: +34 916593076
Calle Laguna del Marquesado 45- Nave B 28021 Madrid tel: +34 917982636 www.seydeco.com
Distributor for: Erco, Hoffmeister, Ridi Group, Spittler, Thorlux
Calle María de Portugal 1 28050 Sanchinarro tel: +34 901100084 www.signify.com
SILUMIN Avenida Montseny 23 Poligono Industrial Sant Pere Molanta 08799 Barcelona tel: +34 938924051
Distributor for: Mareco Luce
SIMON Plaça Sant Pol de Mar 1 08030 Barcelona tel: +34 933440800 www.simonelectric.com
Av. Leonardo da Vinci 15 28906 Madrid tel: +34 910029095 www.siteco.com
Calle Aribau 225 08021 Barcelona tel: +34 902103229 www.spacelighting.com.au
Distributor for: Castaldi, Lithoss, TAL
STONEX Avenida de la Industria 28 Tres Cantos 28760 Madrid tel: +34 914281050 www.stonex-ingenieria-escenica.es
Distributor for: iLight, LumenRadio, MA Lighting
SUTELCO Calle Pilar de Zaragoza 23 28028 Madrid tel: +34 913558603 www.sutelco.com
Distributor for: Edison, LEDengin, LG
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES Ronda de, Europa 5 Edificio D, planta 4ª 28760 Madrid tel: +34 916555200 www.traxontechnologies.com
1st Floor Centro Empresarial Miralbueno 50012 Zaragoza tel: +34 902462200 www.trilux.com
TULUZ Avda Kansas City 76 Local 19 41007 Seville tel: +34 954261338 www.tuluziluminacion.com Distributor for: Artemide, B.lux, BPM Lighting, Delta Light, Flos, Fluvia, iGuzzini, LEDS C4, Linea Light Group, Simon UNILAMP Carrer Milà I Fontanals 5 08012 Barcelona tel: +34 659194017 email: gregori@unilamp.co.th www.unilamp.co.th
Unilamp is the leading manufacturer of outdoor lighting since early 90’s. Our success has been based on a solid foundation of identifying our clients requirements for sustainability, reliability, design and functionality. Decades of steady and continuous development, we have taken great strides in enterprise management, quality enhancement and technology innovation.
Poligono Eitua, 70 48240 Berriz-Bizkaia tel: +34 902107735 www.grupoblux.com Distributor for: Bruck
VARONA LEDS Calle Valle del Tormes 2 Local 107 28660 Boadilla del Monte tel: +34 916334616 www.varona.tech
ADRIAN METTLER Dorfstrasse 50 8717 Benken tel: +41 552933131 www.adrianmettler.ch
AEBISCHER & BOVIGNY Rue du Valentin 30 1004 Lausanne tel: +41 213209648 www.aebischer-bovigny.ch
ARCHITEKTUR + LICHT Olgastrasse 8 8001 Zürich tel: +41 764597801 www.anthonytischhauser.ch
ART LIGHT Zürcher Strasse 202 9014 St. Gallen tel: +41 712501850 www.artlight.ch
ATELIER DREHER Winterthurerstrasse 703 8247 Flurlingen tel: +41 525588550 www.atelierdreher.ch
BUSSMANN LICHTARCHITEKTUR Obere Halde 31 5400 Baden tel: +41 792772602 www.nicolebussmann.ch
D-LITE LICHTDESIGN Werkhof Binz, Atelier 211 Grubenstrasse 19 8045 Zurich tel: +41 433669301 www.d-lite.ch
ERNST BASLER + PARTNER Mühlebachstrasse 11 8032 Zurich tel: +41 443951616 www.ebp.ch
FLORENCE COLACE-OEUVRAY 10 Avenue du Devin-du-Village1203 Genève tel: +41 227343203
GRADATION Am Wasser 55 8049 Zurich tel: +41 445452158 www.gradation.ch
HEFTI. HESS. MARTIGNONI. Neumattstrasse 13 5001 Aarau tel: +41 628378787 www.hhm.ch
HELLRAUM Obere Berneggstrasse 66 9001 St. Gallen tel: +41 712786688 www.hellraum.ch
LDSA Chez Martenet Route du Frenay 46 1898 Saint-Gingolph tel: +41 244812637 www.lds-a.ch
LICHTGOLD Güterbahnhofstrasse 7 9000 St. Gallen tel: +41 765858967 www.lichtgold.ch
LICHTKOMPETENZ Binzstrasse 23 8045 Zurich tel: +41 438880707 www.lichtkompetenz.ch
LICHTSTARK Rorschacher Strasse 75a 9000 St. Gallen tel: +41 712602676 www.lichtstark.ch
LIGHT BUREAU Via Lischedo 11 6802 Rivera tel: +41 919612119 email: claudio.ferro@afry.com www.afry.com/en/area/lighting-design
Light Bureau is an international lighting design practice with more than 100 dedicated lighting specialists. We have a comprehensive portfolio of award winning projects and we take pride in delivering unique, sustainable and made-to-measure lighting solutions for our clients. We are a proud part of the international engineering, design and advisory company AFRY.
LIGHT ON BELEUCHTUNGSTECHNIK Dachslerenstrasse 7 8702 Zollikon tel: +41 448877501 www.light-on.ch
LIGHTSPHERE Limmatstrasse 291 8005 Zurich tel: +41 445452420 www.lightsphere.ch
LUCESPAZIO Erismannstr 154 8004 Zurich www.lucespazio.com
LUMENWERK Davidsrain 12 4056 Basel tel: +41 613215120 www.lumenwerk.ch
LUMINESCENCES Tivoli 19bis 1007 Lausanne tel: +41 763817032 www.artbrut.ch
MATI LICHTGESTALTUNG Webereistrasse 68 8134 Adliswil tel: +41 447119933 www.mati.ch
METTLER+PARTNER Am Wasser 55 8049 Zürich tel: +41 442777788 www.mettlerpartner.ch
MICHAEL JOSEF HEUSI Riedtlistrasse 74 8006 Zurich tel: +41 443838087 www.mjh.ch
NACHTAKTIV Herrligstrasse 14 8048 Zurich tel: +41 443102901 www.nachtaktiv.li
NATURAL LIGHTING-DESIGN Kempttalstrasse 113 8308 Illnau tel: +41 523462521 www.felixbosshardt.com
OSCAR NYSTROM LIGHTING DESIGNER Sihleggstrasse 23 8832 Wollerau tel: +41 767753735 www.oscarnystrom.com
PAMBOUKIAN LIGHTDESIGN Olgastrasse 8 8001 Zurich tel: +41 764597801 www.ppald.com
REFLEXION Hardturmstrasse 123 8005 Zürich tel: +41 443555111 www.reflexion.ch
S.D’O via Bosia 13 6902 Paradiso tel: +41 912340467 www.stefanodallosso.ch
SEKTOR4 Am Wasser 55 8049 Zurich tel: +41 443402848 www.sektor4.ch
SOMMERLATTE & SOMMERLATTE Rosengartenstrasse 1 8037 Zurich tel: +41 445211010 www.sommerlatte.com
SPEKTRUM Sihlquai 55 8005 Zurich tel: +41 444417770 www.spektrum.design
SPLD Via Bosia 13 6902 Paradiso tel: +41 912340467 www.spld.ch
Via dei Gelsi 6 6533 Lumino tel: +41 764240467 www.stefanodallosso.ch
TSLE / THE SPATIAL LIGHT ENVIRONMENTS 7 Rue Muzy 1207 Geneva tel: +41 227360540 www.tsleag.com
VOGTPARTNER Katharina Sulzer-Platz 2/4 8400 Winterthur tel: +41 522089988 www.vogtpartner.eu
AGABEKOV 6 Route de Compois1222 Vésenaz tel: +41 227524745 www.agabekov.com Distributor for: Encore e f d
ALTEME Gysulastrasse 21 5000 Aarau tel: +41 628328000 www.alteme.ch
AMVISO Bachmatt 10 4616 Kappel tel: +41 622166168 www.amviso.ch Distributor for: Precision Lighting, RCL
ANSORG Klünenfeldstrasse 22 4127 Birsfelden tel: +41 613771558 www.ansorg.com e
APURE ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Limmatstrasse 256 8005 Zurich tel: +41 445919955 www.apure-system.com e
ARCHILUCE Brandschenkestrasse 150 8002 Zurich tel: +41 442017777 www.archiluce.ch Distributor for: Occhio, Soraa e
ARROW ELECTRONICS Riedmattstrasse 9 8153 Rümlang tel: +41 448176262 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
ARTELUCE Pumpwerkstrasse 40 8105 Regensdorf tel: +41 448410900 www.arte-luce.ch Distributor for: Egger Licht, Thomas Leuchten, Top Light
ARTEMIDE Bärengasse 16 8001 Zurich tel: +41 432682727 www.artemide.com
ASL ELECTRONIC Solothurnerstrasse 50 4053 Basel tel: +41 613654040 www.asl.ch Distributor for: Martin, Optikinetics, Pulsar, SGM, Spotlight, Visual Productions
AUDIO TECH Neue Bahnhofstrasse 144 4132 Muttenz tel: +41 614610900 www.audiotech.ch Distributor for: Griven, Lite Puter, Robe
AURORA Chollerstrasse 35 6300 ZUG tel: +41 417606533 www.auroralighting.com
AVNET SILICA Rössliweg 29b 4852 Rothrist tel: +41 629195555 www.avnet-silica.com Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments
Corso San Gottardo 14 6830 Chiasso tel: +41 916010400 www.axambrand.com Distributor for: Aldabra
BALTENSWEILER Staldenhof 2 6014 Luzern tel: +41 414290030 www.baltensweiler.ch
BARTENBACH Rietstrasse 38 8702 Zollikon tel: +41 445776375 www.bartenbach.com
BARTHELME LED SOLUTIONS Steinackerstrasse 10 8902 Urdorf tel: +41 438187101 www.barthelme.de
BD LIGHT In Busciurina 3 6528 Camorino tel: +41 918579550 www.bd-light.ch Distributor for: Intra Lighting, Prisma
BELUX Neufeldweg 6 5103 Möriken tel: +41 613167401 www.belux.com
BILTON INTERNATIONAL Schafmatt 7 8855 Wangen tel: +41 554409347 www.biltongroup.com
CANDELA Industriestrasse 16a 8604 Volketswil tel: +41 449565000 www.candela.co.uk Distributor for: Sill
DELTA LIGHT Binningerstrasse 92, Allschwil 4123 Basel tel: +41 614859910 www.deltalight.com
ELECTRIC CLAUDIO MERLO Zona Industriale 4 6807 Taverne tel: +41 919357070 www.ecm-sa.ch Distributor for: Clay Paky, ETC, Studio Due, Teclumen
ELEKTRON Riedhofstrasse 11 8804 Au tel: +41 447810111 www.elektron.ch Distributor for: Abacus, ELEQ, Ghidini, Hellux, SLG, Stadtfeld
ELEVITE Fegistrasse 9 8957 Spreitenbach tel: +41 564197065 www.elevite.ch Distributor for: Philips Lighting
EMALUX Route André Piller 18 1762 Givisiez tel: +41 264254020 www.emalux.ch Distributor for: Delta Light, Flux, iGuzzini, Side
EMERIDE Via Calloni 1 6900 Lugano tel: +41 916010400 www.emeride.com
ENEA OUTSIDE IN Oetenbachgasse 1a 8001 Zurich tel: +41 432999966 www.apure-swiss.com
ERCO Trottenstrasse 7 8037 Zurich tel: +41 442152810 www.erco.com
FIRALUX Hauptstrasse 21 4461 Bockten tel: +41 614851313 www.firalux.ch Distributor for: Baulmann, KITEO, O/M, Purso, Unilamp
FLUORA St. Gallerstrasse 49 9101 Herisau tel: +41 713530606 www.fluora.ch
GEWISS Via ai Campisc 34 6528 Camorino tel: +41 918571111 www.gewiss.com
H2 LIGHT Avenue de la Praille 45 1227 Geneva tel: +41 223420422 www.h2light.ch
HBJ-ELEKTRONIK Oberstmühle 2 6370 Stans tel: +41 416209040 www.hbj.ch Distributor for: LDDE
HUTMACHER + SCHLUND Tellistrasse 116 5000 Aarau tel: +41 628378055 www.hus.ch Distributor for: Sharp
IGUZZINI Uetlibergstrasse 194 8045 Zurich tel: +41 444654646 www.iguzzini.com
INTERCOLUX Grungenstrasse 19 4416 Bubendorf tel: +41 619754422 www.intercolux.ch Distributor for: Intra Lighting
INTERTEK TRADING Othmarstrasse 8 8008 Zurich tel: +41 442506450 www.intertektrading.com
INVENTRON Industriestrasse 20 6055 Alpnach Dorf tel: +41 416727300 www.inventron.ch
KUTTEL Industriestrasse 10 6010 Kriens tel: +41 413404848 www.kuttel-ag.ch Distributor for: Prolicht
LEDAGIO Stutzrain 42 6005 Luzern tel: +41 412607676 www.ledagio.ch
LEDIXA LIGHTING Chemin de Cousson 23 1032 Romanel-sur-Lausanne tel: +41 213202121 www.ledixa.com
LEDVANCE In der Au 6 8401 Winterthur tel: +41 900919109 www.ledvance.com
LICHT & CONCEPT Bahnofstrasse 111 9240 Uzwil tel: +41 719510615 www.lichtconcept.ch Distributor for: Artemide, Baltensweiler, Dark, Delta Light, Flos, L&L Luce & Light, Occhio, Ribag
LICHTBLICK Neufeldweg 6 5103 Möriken tel: +41 628871040 www.lichtblick.ch Distributor for: ATEH Lighting
LICHTSERVICE 3B Seestrasse 32 6353 Weggis tel: +41 413902893 www.ls3b.ch Distributor for: Soraa f
LIGHT ON Lohwisstrasse 32 8123 Ebmatingen tel: +41 448877501 www.light-on.ch Distributor for: LED Linear, Spline LIGHTKNOW Molkereistrasse 18 8645 Jona-Rapperswil tel: +41 796352408 www.lightknow.ch Distributor for: ADO Lights, Concord, Lamp, Opple Lighting, Schmitz
LUXED LIGHTING Benzburweg 18A 4410 Liestal tel: +41 619030380 www.luxed.ch Distributor for: Aldabra, DGA, Filix, Turn Lights, Unonovesette, Wibre
MENZI EBZ Tödistrasse 50 8810 Horgen tel: +41 433552268 www.menziebz.ch Distributor for: Enttec, Lee Filters, Lumenradio, Luminex, Martin, Rosco, Schnik-Schnak-Systems
METALEC Chemin du chêne 7 1020 Renens VD tel: +41 216348953 www.metalec.ch Distributor for: Mareco Luce
MODULAR Aargauerstrasse 250 8048 Zurich tel: +41 444564400 www.supermodular.com
MOOS LICHT Täschmattstrasse 27 6015 Luzern tel: +41 412688444 www.mooslicht.ch
MYLED Rue de la Jaqua 12 1616 Attalens tel: +41 715661753 www.myled.ch Distributor for: Ledzworld
PROLUX LICHT Wagistrasse 13 8952 Schlieren tel: +41 447337070 www.prolux.ch Distributor for: Artemide, Flos, LTS, Ribag, RZB
PRONTOLUX 14 Route de Chêne 1207 Geneva tel: +41 227005354 www.prontolux.com Distributor for: L&L Luce&Light, Philips
REGENT LIGHTING Dornacherstrasse 390 4018 Basel tel: +41 613355111 www.regent.ch Distributor for: Ghm-Eclatec, Norka, Simes
RELUX Kaspar Pfeiffer-Strasse 4 4142 Münchenstein tel: +41 613330770 www.relux.com
RIBAG LICHT Kanalstrasse 18 5745 Safenwil tel: +41 627379010 www.ribag-licht.com
RIDI GROUP Weberrütistraße 5 8833 Samstagern tel: +41 438882777 www.ridi-group.com
RZB Bahnhofstrasse 13 5610 Wohlen tel: +41 433888560 www.rzb-lighting.com
SCHERER LICHT Feldstrasse 42 3073 Gümlingen tel: +41 319929830 www.scherer-licht.ch Distributor for: ALS, Insta, Selux
SCHRÉDER ZI de l‘Ecorcheboeuf 1084 Carrouge tel: +41 219030235 www.schreder.ch Distributor for: Wibre d
NEKO LIGHTING Kreuzstrasse 2 8008 Zurich tel: +41 444518015 email: sales@nekolighting.com www.nekolighting.com
NEKO Lighting combines European thinking with Asian efficiency – creating our company philosophy “Think Design“. Fast-growing manufacturer of high quality architectural LED lighting Indoor and Outdoor for competitive prices since 2013.
NEUCO Würzgrabenstrasse 5 8048 Zurich tel: +41 444373737 www.neuco.ch Distributor for: Alteme, Bega, Glashütte Limburg, Hoffmeister, Lichtwerk, Regiolux, Wila
NICOLAUDIE Chemin des Oisillons 51009 Pully www.nicolaudie.com
NOVOLINE Flughofstrasse 56 8152 Glattbrugg tel: +41 448742020 www.novoline.ch Distributor for: Ares, el torrent, Occhio, Ribag
OPTICALIGHT Holfstrasse 1 8032 Zurich tel: +41 442531003 www.opticalight.ch
PEWATRON Thurgauerstrasse 66 8052 Zurich tel: +41 448773500 www.pewatron.com Distributor for: Mean Well f
PROFESSIONAL LAMPS Ifangstrasse 6 8952 Schlieren tel: +41 447334000 www.professional-lamps.co.uk Distributor for: i-pix, Lamina, LED Engin
e f
SWISS LED Freilagerstrasse 39 8047 Zurich tel: +41 848040848 www.swiss-led.com
SWITCH-MADE Chemin du Château-Bloch 10 1219 Le Lignon tel: +41 229792300 www.switch-made.com
SYLVANIA Schaffhauserstrasse 470 8052 Zurich tel: +41 443053180 www.sylvania-lighting.com
THORN LIGHTING Thurgauerstrasse 39 8050 Zurich tel: +41 443053535 www.thornlighting.com
TIC LIGHT Binningerstrasse 92 4123 Allschwil tel: +41 614859900 www.tic-light.ch Distributor for: AQform, Delta Light, RobLight
TRILUX Bodenäckerstrasse 1 8957 Spreitenbach tel: +41 564196666 www.trilux.com
TUWALUX Tägerhardstrasse 90 5430 Wettingen tel: +41 564301375 www.tuwalux.ch Distributor for: feno
ULS Mosacher 13 8126 Zumikon tel: +41 794071444 www.uls-ag.com
VXCO LIGHTING SYSTEMS Gewerbestrasse 6 4543 Deitingen tel: +41 326218880 www.dmx512.ch
SEFAR Hinterbissaustrasse 12 9410 Heiden tel: +41 718985700 www.sefar.com
SEGULA Griesernweg 50 8037 Zurich tel: +41 444404334 www.segula.de
SIGNIFY Allmendstrasse 140 8027 Zurich tel: +41 442004171 www.signify.com
SIMPEX ELECTRONIC Binzacker Strasse 33 8622 Wetzikon tel: +41 449311010 www.simpex.ch Distributor for: Mean Well f
SITECO Zürcherstrasse 46 8400 Winterthur tel: +41 525572222 www.siteco.com
SLIGHT ENERGY SYSTEMS Rue des Communaux 35 1800 Vevey tel: +41 219253888 www.slight-es.com Distributor for: acdc, Lucent, Osram, Traxon e:cue, Tridonic
SOG-UNILIGHT Lerzenstrasse 20 8953 Dietikon tel: +41 447741774 www.sog-unilight.ch Distributor for: GE Lighting, Grupo MCI, Megaman, Osram, Philips, Sill, SLV, Tridonic SOTERO Route d’Arvel C81 1844 Villeneuve tel: +41 218045610 www.sotero.ch Distributor for: LEC Lyon, Noral, Ragni, Technilum
WALDMANN Benkenstrasse 57 5024 Küttigen tel: +41 628391212 www.waldmann.com
WE-EF Chemin Malombré 5 1206 Geneve tel: +41 227524994 www.we-ef.com
WEVER & DUCRÉ Unterlachenstrasse 19 6005 Luzern tel: +41 442458484 www.weverducre.com
XAL Hohlstrasse 517 8048 Zurich tel: +41 442458484 www.xal.com
ZUMTOBEL Thurgauerstrasse 39 8050 Zurich tel: +41 443053535 z.lighting
LIGHTSPHERE Wuhrstrasse 7 9490 Vaduz tel: +423 3765401 www.lightsphere.li
SPEKTRUM Gewerbeweg 15 9490 Vaduz tel: +423 2653080 www.spektrum.design
ALD Emek Mh. Ordu Cd. Kent Life Sitesi A1-4 Blk D9 Sancaktepe Istanbul tel: +90 2163724828 www.aldaydinlatma.com
ACG LIGHTING SOLUTIONS Ilkyerlesim Mahallesi 1918 Sokak No:51 Batikent Yenimahalle 06370 Ankara tel: +90 3123850914 www.acgelectronics.com
e fAFC LIGHTING Tepeören Mevkii I˙stanbul Tuzla OSB 5. Cadde No:20 Tuzla Istanbul tel: +90 2163040281 www.afclighting.com
ARUP MM Plaza Nispetiye Mah. Bas¸lık Sok. No:3 Kat:1 34340, Levent Istanbul tel: +90 2123186300 email: lighting-design@arup.com www.arup.com/lighting
Lighting at Arup brings together art, science and technology. Our team of designers create expressive and award-winning concepts in light. Our commitment to sustainability drives a creative approach to the application of state-of-the-art technology. We work in harmony with aesthetics and vision, delivering human centric solutions for clients.
DP AYDINLATMA Güvenlik caddesi 86/4 A.Ayrancı Çankaya/Ankara tel: +90 3124280861 www.dpaydinlatma.com
Kadıköy Istanbul tel: +90 5442317339 www.eclightingdesign.com
Topcu Ibrahim Sk. AND Plaza No.10 D.5 34752 Atasehir, Istanbul tel: +90 2163257020 www.lightinglab1.com
LINE LIGHTING DESIGN Levent 199 Plaza Esentepe Mah Büyükdere Cad. No:199/6 Sisli 34330 Istanbul tel: +90 2124035483 www.lineld.com
Barbaros Bulvari No:24 Cinar Apt. K.2 D.5 Balmumcu Besiktas 34349 Istanbul tel: +90 2122447163 www.na-lightstyle.com
ON|OFF LIGHTING DESIGN & CONSULTANCY ValikonagiCad. Sakayik Sok. No:42/13 Ihlamur Palas Apt. Nisantasi - Istanbul tel: +90 5327869331 www.onoffld.com
P.ERO LIGHTING DESIGN Nisbetiye Mahallesi, Gazi Gucnar Sokak No:4/2 Besiktas, Istanbul tel: +90 5352349771 www.pinaronat.com
PARÇA PROJE Tarlabasi Bulvari No:117 D:4 Beyoglu Istanbul tel: +90 2122437798 www.parcaproje.com
PLANLUX Ofis In Maltepe Business Center Aydinevler Mah, Durak Sk No:3 A Blok D:2 34854 Maltepe, Istanbul tel: +90 2163273777 www.planlux.net
SEVEN LIGHTS Perpa Ticaret Merkezi B Blok K:12 No:2130 Sisli Istanbul tel: +90 2122226993 www.seven-lights.com
SLD STUDIO Hüseyinbey Sokak 9/2 Moda Kadıköy 34710 Istanbul tel: +90 2163362844 www.sldstudio.com.tr
STUDIO LD Dubaraci Sokak 2 0/1 Arnavut köy 34345 Istanbul tel: +90 2122877873 www.sldstudio.com.tr
ZKLD Mesrutiyet Cad. No.61/4 Tepebasi - Beyoglu 34430 Istanbul tel: +90 2122516263 www.zkldstudio.com
AXALIGHT C255, Akdemir Sokak Acarlar Mah Beykoz 34800 Istanbul tel: +90 2164850572 www.axalight.com
BAYLED Sincan Sanayi Sitesi Ahi Evran Mahallesi 225. Cadde No: 84 06935 Sincan Ankara tel: +90 3123957635 www.bayled.com.tr
d gAGUSTOS TEKNOLOJI Barbaros Mah. Denizmen Sokak No:21/2 34668 Üsküdar tel: +90 8508851996 www.agustos.com Distributor for: Asensetek, Coelux, Cooledge, Ligman, Optoga, Radiant, Soraa, Stoane Lighting, Xicato
ALKAN LIGHTINGS A Blok Kat:1 No:9/0045 Okmeydani Istanbul tel: +90 2122100626 www.alkanlighting.com
dALPANI Sinanoba Mah. Ibrahimzade Cad. No: 1 B/35 Buyukcekmece 34535 Istanbul tel: +90 5425158785 www.alpani.com
e dALTERNA AYDINLATMA Sarikanarya Cadde Güven Sokak Osmanbey Apartment 6/7 4742 Istanbul tel: +90 2164634104 www.alternaaydinlatma.com Distributor for: Multiline, Schmitz Leuchten, TAL
ARLIGHT Saray Mahallesi 205 Sok No.4 Kazan 06980 Ankara tel: +90 3128154661 www.arlight.net
e dARROW ELECTRONICS Necip Fazil Sokak No5 Pekiz Plaza Kat 6 34810 Kavacik Beykoz tel: +90 2166804610 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
ASIMETRIK SES ISIK Ilkbahar Mah. 622. Sokak No:4 Oran Çankaya Ankara tel: +90 3124909101 www.asimetrik.com.tr Distributor for: Griven
ASSAN ELEKTRONIK Dudullu Organize San. Bölgesi, Baraj Yolu 2. Cadde, No:734776 Ümraniye Istanbul tel: +90 2164791090
ATALIGHT LIGHTING SYSTEMS Milli Kütüphane Cad. No:31 D:203 Elhamra Is Hani Konak, Izmir tel: +90 5425150881 www.atalight.com Distributor for: Hoffmeister, L&L Luce&Light, Lightnet, Linea Light Group, LUG, Molto Luce, Regent, TAL, XAL
ATEMPO SES VE ISIK SISTEMLERI Sakirkesebir Sokak 34/9-10 34349 Balmumcu tel: +90 2122880612 www.atempo.com.tr Distributor for: LumenRadio
AVNET SILICA Canan Residence, Ofis A1, Hendem Cadde No: 54 Serifali-Umraniye 34775 Istanbul tel: +90 2165288340 www.avnet-silica.com Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments
AVOLUX Ömerli Mah. Rengin Sokak. No:13 Arnavutköy Istanbul tel: +90 2127983229 www.avolux.com
BENART Piyale Pasa Bulvari Baran Sokak N4 K3 Okmeydani Istanbul tel: +90 2122543343 www.benart.net Distributor for: CurveLED
BSI LIGHTING TECHNOLOGIES Konutkent Mah. 3029 Cadde No 3/91 Cankaya 06810 Ankara tel: +90 3124724250 www.bsilighting.com
CEAG NOTLICHTSYSTEME Polat Is Merkezi, Selahattin Pinar Caddesi Cemal Sahir Sokak No:29, K:4 Ofis 41 Mecidiyekoy/Sisli 34394 Istanbul tel: +90 2122663110 www.cooper-safety.com
CEMDAG I.A.O.S.B. Sokak No:4 Cigli 10007 35620 Izmir tel: +90 2324444236 www.cemdag.com
CITY LIGHT Istoç Ticaret Merkezi 85-87 Mahmutbey 34550 Istanbul tel: +90 2126593896 www.citylight.com.tr Distributor for: Castaldi, Delta Light, Lamp, LEDS C4, LiniLED, Luxiona, Occhio, RobLight, Sattler, SLV
COMELEC Windowist Tower Eski Buyukdere Cadde No:26 Kat: 6 34467 Istanbul tel: +90 2129993711 www.schreder.com
DAMLA LED lsancak Mah. S¸ehit Hikmet Özer Cad. N 150/A Ankara tel: +90 3122846353 www.damla-led.com
DARK LIGHTING SYSTEMS Halaskargazi cad. Zafer sk. No:11-13 Manuel Apt. Nis¸antas¸ı 34371 Istanbul tel: +90 2122338338 www.dark-lighting.com Distributor for: B.lux, Flos, Intra Lighting, LTS, Oty, Sattler, XAL
DEKA LED Ismetpasa Mahallesi Adbi Ipekci, Caddesi Ucak Sokak No:5/A Bayrampasa Instanbul tel: +90 2125765658 www.dekaled.com
DINAKORD Ergenekon Caddesi Sonu Sahadet Sokak No:4 Ferikoy 34379 Istanbul tel: +90 2122313095 www.atlantik.com.tr Distributor for: Havells-Sylvania
DR LIGHT Bankalar Cadde Yanikappi sk. Çingir Han No 12/1 Karaköy 80020 Istanbul tel: +90 2122549022 www.dr-light.net Distributor for: Barrisol, Tridonic, VosslohSchwabe
DST PROFESSIONAL AUDIO & LIGHT SYSTEMS Örnek Mah.Erzurum Kongre Cadde 1531 Sokak No:21 Esenyurt B.Çekmece Istanbul tel: +90 2126994538 www.dst-sistem.com
deDUYULUMUS Istoç Oto ve Ticaret Merkezi E Plaza Kat 3 No:22 Mahmutbey 34217 Bagcilar tel: +90 2126593119 www.megaman.com.tr f
EAE Ikitelli Org.San.Böl. Eski Turgut Özal Cadde No:20 Basaksehir Istanbul tel: +90 2124132100 www.eaeaydinlatma.com
ELEKON Farabi Street No:38/10 Çankaya 6690 Ankara tel: +90 3124661910 www.elekon-tr.com Distributor for: Crescent
EMFA Davutpasa Caddesi Cebealibey Sokak No:18 34020 Istanbul tel: +90 2124822962 www.emfa.com.tr
EMGE Ahi Evran Cad. 1211. Sk. No:14 Ostim 06374 Ankara tel: +90 3123549271 www.emge.com.tr
ER ELEKTRONIK Küçük Piyale Mah. Yolcu Sok. No: 10/1Kasımpas¸a, Beyog˘lu 34440 Istanbul tel: +90 2122971941 www.erelektronik.com Distributor for: Bag, BJB, BLV, TCI
ERCO Esentepe Mah. Milangaz Cad. Monumento Binasi No:75 D.85 34870 Istanbul tel: +90 2165045514 www.erco.com
FABRIKA AYGITLARI SISTEM TEKNOLOJISI Fast Plaza Atilla ilhan Cad. No 53 Atasehir Istanbul tel: +90 2165749434 www.fastltd.net
FABRIKA AYGITLARI SISTEM TEKNOLOJISI Kucukbakkalkoy mah Dereyolu sok No:4 Atasehir 34750 Istanbul tel: +90 2165749434 www.fastltd.net Distributor for: Mean Well
FERMADA YMG Teknolojik urunler A.S. Gazi Bulvari N:55 Tuzla 34953 Istanbul tel: +90 2165040020 www.fermada.com.tr
FIBERLI AOSB 3, Etap 25, Cadde No:30 Dosemealti Antalya tel: +90 2422288150 www.fiberli.com
FOCUS Cendere Caddesi No:27 Kagithane 34408 Istanbul tel: +90 2123216756 www.focus.com.tr Distributor for: Stark
FURUKAWA ELECTRIC 5th Floor, Telpa Plaza Buyukdere Caddesi No 195 Levent Istanbul tel: +90 2127033148 www.furukawa.co.uk
GALATA ELEKTRIK Cad Ebulula Mardin 4.Gazeteciler Site No. 131 34330 Istanbul tel: +90 2122833829 www.galataaydinlatma.com Distributor for: Barrisol, Castaldi, Linea Light Group, Louis Poulsen, Regiolux, RZB, Spittler, Targetti
GE LIGHTING Sun Plaza, Dereboyu Sok No:24/6, Maslak 34398 Istanbul tel: +90 2123662800 www.gelighting.com
GECEM Aksemsettin Mah.Akgul Cadde Yasin Sokak No:23 Sultanbeyli 34925 Istanbul tel: +90 2164873505 www.gecemlighting.com
GESTAS Gümüssuyu Cadde Litros Ayvalıdere Sok. No:5 Istanbul tel: +90 2124833777 www.gestas.com.tr
GEWISS Nida Kule Is, Merkezi Degirmen Sok. No.18 Kat:12 Kozyatagi 34742 Istanbul tel: +90 2165697100 www.gewiss.com
GRIXX Esensehir mah Kürkçüler Cadde Fazil Sokak No 7 34776 Ümraniye tel: +90 2165900143 www.grixx.com.tr f
HEPER 1 Organize Sanayi Bolgesi Uygurlar Cad. No:1 Sincan 06935 Ankara tel: +90 3122675430 www.hepergroup.com
HERA LED Gullubaglar Mah Kahramanlar Cad. No.3-1 Pendik 34906 Istanbul tel: +90 2163077900 email: info@heraled.com www.heraled.com
e dHeraLED is the well-known leading facade lighting fixtures manufacturer company of Turkey offers innovative dynamic exterior lighting designs and fixtures for bridges, structures, skyscrapers or any other type of buildings. Relying on its 17 years experiences and 30+ worldwide partners, HeraLED is serving turn-key solutions to clients who choose us.
HI-TEC LIGHTING Turgut Ozal Caddesi 42/B Ada Gardenya 3/12 Plaza D:19 Atasehir 34758 Istanbul tel: +90 2164563794 www.hi-tec.com.tr Distributor for: acdc, Aldabra, Ares, Durlum, Hoffmeister, LightGraphix, Lucent, Modular, Precision, RCL
IKIZLER LIGHTING Kavakpinar Mah. Namik Kemal Cadde No:145 Ustkaynarca/Pendik 34890 Istanbul tel: +90 2163972216 www.ikizlerlighting.com
INTERMOBIL Akin Plaza Halide Edip Adivar Mahallesi Çiftecevizler Deresi Sokak No:2/2 34382 Istanbul tel: +90 2123142000 www.intermobil.com.tr
Distributor for: Brumberg, Hella
JOHNSON LUX Perçemlikiz Sok. No:87 Kavacik 34810 Istanbul tel: +90 2164656480 www.johnsonled.com
KARE DIZAYN Zeytinoglu Cadde Istanbul tel: +90 2123528690 www.karedizayn.com.tr
Distributor for: 100% Light, DLS Lighting, Doxis, Erco, Grupo MCI, IP.44, L&L Luce&Light, Lamp, Prolicht
KITOKO Ayazag˘a Mah. Mimarsinan Sok No:21 Seba Office D Blok Kat 11 Daire: 78 Sarıyer 34485 I˙stanbul tel: +90 2122122784
Distributor for: Deltalight, DGA, Flos, GVA Lighting, IGuzzini, KKDC, Luce & Light, Nemo, Prolicht, Sattler
KOÇTAS TEKNOLOJI Ikitelli Osb Enkoop Sanayi Sitesi 1.Sk No: 2B Istanbul tel: +90 2125564050
Distributor for: Mean Well, Samsung LED f
KREON Sehit Murat Demirli Cadde Resadiye Yolu 76 Alemdag - Cekmekoy 34794 Istanbul tel: +90 2164308686 www.kreon.com
KROMA ENGINEERING & LIGHTING Cemil Topuzlu Cadde Kösem Apartment No:10 K:3 D:7 Selamiçesme Kadiköy 34726 Istanbul tel: +90 2164675227
Distributor for: Zumtobel
LAMP 83 Dudullu OSB, 2 Cadde No:22 Umraniye 34775 Istanbul tel: +90 8504338383 www.lamp83.com
Distributor for: Goccia, Regent, Selux
LEDOVA Merkez Mahallesi Seçkin Sokak Dap Ofis Vadisi I-Ofis K:4 No:62-63-64-65 Kagıthane 34348 Istanbul tel: +90 2122229525 www.ledova.com.tr
LEDSISTEM Acarkent 8. Sokak C-255 Kavacik - Beykoz 34810 Istanbul tel: +90 2164850572 www.ledsistem.com
Distributor for: Axalight, Pulsar
LEDVANCE Esentepe Mahallesi Büyükdere Caddesi Bahar Sokak 13 River Plaza Kat-4 No:5 Levent, Istanbul tel: +90 2123069000 www.ledvance.com
LEDYAPI Vizyon Çarsı No:14 104 Okçumusa Cadde Sishane Beyoglu Istanbul tel: +90 2122385700 www.ledyapi.com Distributor for: Ledionopto, Vestel
LITPA Koza Plaza B Block. No: 6/20 Esenler Istanbul tel: +90 2124380958 www.litpa.com
LUMICOM Orhantepe Mutlu Sokak. No:26 Kartal 34865 Istanbul tel: +90 216459862 www.lumicon.com.tr Distributor for: Philips
LUMINA Macka Cadde Ralli Apartment 59/6 Kat 4 Tesvikiye 34365 Istanbul tel: +90 2122342335 www.luminaltd.com Distributor for: Delta Light, Meyer, Regent, Zumtobel
LUMISISTEM LIGHTING DAP Royal Center Altaycesme Mh. Çamlı Sokak No:16/61 Maltepe/I˙stanbul tel: +90 2165045010 www.lumisistem.com
MARA No:13 Karaköy Beyoglu Beyoglu Istanbul tel: +90 2122374736 www.mara.com.tr
MOZAIK DESIGN DEKORASYON Dereboyu Caddesi No: 78 PK34347 Ortaköy Besiktas 80840 Istanbul tel: +90 2123472387 www.mozaikdesign.com Distributor for: Louis Poulsen, Wila
NAZOLUX Adnan Kahveci Mah Gulyali Cad No:8/30 Beylikdüzü 34555 Istanbul tel: +90 5394431184 www.nazolux.com
NEOLUCA Ayazaga Ticaret Merkezi Kat: 11 Maslak 34398 Istanbul tel: +90 2122769050 www.neoluca.com f
OPTIMUM AYDINLATMA Inonü Cad. Sümer Sokak Sümko Sitesi H1 Blok D:10 Kozyatagi Istanbul tel: +90 2164634504 www.optimumaydinlatma.com Distributor for: Cube Lighting, ES-System, Trilux,Wever & Ducré
OSRAM Nispetiye Mah. Baslik Sokak MM Plaza No:3 K:2 34340 Istanbul tel: +90 2123069000 www.osram.com/ds
PEDAS Imes San. E Blok 501. Sok. No:20 Y. Dudullu Ümraniye Istanbul tel: +90 2163643327 www.pedas.com.tr
PELSAN I˙mes Sanayi Sitesi A Blok 101 Sok. No. 38 Y. Dudullu Istanbul tel: +90 8504607576 www.pelsan.com.tr
Perpa Ticaret Merkezi A. Blok KAT: 11 No: 1365 Okmeydani 34384 Istanbul tel: +90 2122200277 www.pinarmuh.com.tr Distributor for: Waldmann
POLIGHT Aksemsettin Mah Su Kenari Cadde, No:11 Sultanbeyli Istanbul tel: +90 2163122388 www.polight.com.tr d
Vali Konagi Caddesi Sehit Ismet Armagan Sokak no 2/10 Nisantasi Istanbul tel: +90 2122345160 www.prodesign-lighting.com Distributor for: Castan, Oldham Lighting
PSL ELEKTRONIK Perpa Ticaret Merkezi A Blok No:827 Okmeydanı Sisli Istanbul tel: +90 2122200506 www.fiberli.com
RUALIGHT Kavacik Mh. Sanal Sk. No.37A Kavacik - Beykoz 34810 Istanbul tel: +90 2623114705 www.rualight.com
SCHRÉDER Cevizli Mah., Mustafa Kemal Cad., Seyit Gazi Sok., Hukukçular Towers A Blok, Kat:5, 34865 Istanbul tel: +90 5356200863 www.schreder.com
SIGNIFY Dr.Adnan Buyukdeniz Cad No:13 Saray Mahallesi, Umraniye 34768 Istanbul tel: +90 2166361500 www.signify.com
SÌSEL MÜH. ELEKTRONIK Yukarı Dudullu Barbaros Cad. Kutup Sokak No:18Ümraniye 34775 Istanbul tel: +90 2164994664 www.endalight.com Distributor for: Trilux
SL ENERJI Istanbul Tad. Can Sokak Kemer Corner Sitesi Inci Blok D 24 Istanbul tel: +90 2123227100 www.slenerji.com
SPOT Örnek Mah. Örnek is Merkezi Cahar Dudayev Cad. No:14/B Atasehir 34758 Istanbul tel: +90 2163243377 www.spotelektrik.com.tr Distributor for: b.a.g., Layrtron
STUDIO DEKOR LIGHTING SOLUTIONS Fener Kalamıs Caddesi No:26 34726 Kadıkoy/Istanbul tel: +90 2164147561 www.studiodekor.com/english Distributor for: louis Poulsen
SWISS LED 1372. Sokak No: 16/101 35210 Alsancak – Izmir tel: +90 2324838440 www.swiss-led.com
TAN LIGHT Topcular Mah Tikvesli Cikmazi No.17 34055 Istanbul tel: +90 2122376394 www.tanlight.com
TD ELEKTRONICS Ayazma Cadde Demet Is Merkezi No:55 K:1 Kagithane Istanbul tel: +90 2124442733 www.tdelektronik.com Distributor for: Bright View, Nichia, White Optics
TEKNOLIGHT Evren Mah. Gülbahar Cad. Sehit Dogan Öztürk Sk. No:6 Günesli Istanbul tel: +90 2124748444 www.teknolight.com
TEKNOLUKS ENDUSTRIYEL METAL VE PLASTIK Alemdag mh. Saray Cadde No:171 Alemday - Cekmekoy 34794 Istanbul tel: +90 2164844077 www.teknoluks.com.tr Distributor for: Almeco, ALP Lighting Components INC, Nudec S.A
TEPTA LIGHTING Nispetiye Aytar Cad. No: 24 Kat:1-2-31. Levent 34340 Istanbul tel: +90 2122792903 www.tepta.com Distributor for: Griven, iGuzzini, Linea Light Group, Neri, Performance in Lighting, Sattler, Simes
TOTAL LIGHTING Mesrutiyet Caddesi 145 80050 Istanbul tel: +90 2122519171 www.totalaydinlatma.com Distributor for: Endo, Erco, Robe
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES Nispetiye Mah. Baslik Sokak MM Plaza No:3 K:2 Etiler - Besiktas 34340 Istanbul tel: +90 2123069000 www.traxontechnologies.com
TURAY LIGHTING Karacaog˘lan Mah 6167 Sok. No:40/Z-2k Is¸ıkkent / I˙zmir tel: +90 2324720770 www.turayaydinlatma.com
UKON Aydınlatma & Danıs¸manlık Prof. Dr. Hulusi Behçet Cadde Paylas¸ Apartment No:8/3 Istanbul tel: +90 2163023701 www.ukon.com.tr Distributor for: Zumtobel
UVA I˙nkılap Mah. Kucuksu Cadde. NO:111 D:23 34768 Umraniye / Istanbul tel: +90 2162907977 www.uva.com.tr
VEKSAN Bahçesehir 1 Kisim Mah Sigircik Sokak Badem 5 Villa 10 Bas¸aks¸ehir tel: +90 2127983333 www.veksan.com
VESTEL Zorlu Plaza Avclar 34310 Istanbul tel: +90 2124563215 www.vestelled.com.tr
Y.F.U. Osman Sirel Vefabayiri Sok. No.38 Gayrettepe 34349 Istanbul tel: +90 2122753589 Distributor for: Dial
ZEVE MÜHENDISLIK VE AYDINLATMA Tomurcuk Sok. Izmen Sitesi Mecidiyeköy 34387 Istanbul tel: +90 2123569348 www.zee.com.tr Distributor for: Bruck
ZEYHAN ELEKTRIK Incilipınar Mahallesi Kibris Caddesi Fatih I˙s¸ Merkezi Alti No:10 Sehitkamil Gaziantep tel: +90 3422301193 www.zeyhan.com
Studio 20 The Gantry 1 Waterden Road London E152HB tel: +44 2074260190 www.18degs.com
3CI LIGHTING Unit 81 Barracks Road Sandy Lane Industrial Estate Titton DY13 9QB tel: +44 7816659807 www.3ci-lighting.com
ACRYLICIZE Studio 5, 1A Old Nichol Street London E2 7HR tel: +44 2077392279 www.acrylicize.com
AECOM Aldgate Tower 2 Leman Street London E1 8FA tel: +44 2070617000 www.aecom.com
Kingsland Church Studios Priory Green Newcastle Upon Tyne NE6 2DW tel: +44 7832377281 www.aether-hemera.com
ALAN TULLA LIGHTING 12 Minden Way Winchester SO22 4DS tel: +44 7713648786 www.alantullalighting.com
ALENA DESIGN 85 Deeds Grove High Wycombe HP12 3NY tel: +44 7502303173 www.alenadesignltd.com
ALMA CARDZIC LIGHTING DESIGN 535C Lordship Lane London SE22 8LA tel: +44 7719021330
ARCHIFOS Buxhall Crescent London tel: +44 7709847202 www.archifos.com
ARTIN LIGHT Landmark House, Station Road Cheadle Hulme SK8 7BS tel: +44 7754056647 www.artinlight.co.uk
ARUP 8 Fitzroy Street London W1T 4BJ tel: +44 2076361531 email: lighting-design@arup.com
6th Floor Three Piccadilly Place Manchester M1 3BN tel: +44 1612282331 email: lighting-design@arup.com
9th Floor 3 St Paul’s Place, Norfolk Street Sheffield S1 2JE tel: +44 1142728247 email: lighting-design@arup.com
Scotstoun House, South Queensferry Edinburgh EH30 9SE tel: +44 1313311999 email: lighting-design@arup.com
63 St Thomas Street Bristol BS1 6JZ tel: +44 1179765432 email: lighting-design@arup.com
Admiral House, Rose Wharf, 78 East Street Leeds LS9 8EE tel: +44 1132428498 email: lighting-design@arup.com
4 Pierhead Street Capital Waterside Cardiff CF10 4QP tel: +44 2920473727 email: lighting-design@arup.com
Blythe Gate Blythe Valley Park Solihull B90 8AE tel: +44 1212133000 email: lighting-design@arup.com www.arup.com/lighting
Lighting at Arup brings together art, science and technology. Our team of designers create expressive and award-winning concepts in light. Our commitment to sustainability drives a creative approach to the application of state-of-the-art technology. We work in harmony with aesthetics and vision, delivering human centric solutions for clients.
The SHED, 8 Lee Street London E8 4DY tel: +44 7726754683 www.annasbokou.com
19 Perseverance Works, 38 Kingsland Road London E2 8DD tel: +44 2077495950 www.atelierten.com
Nova North, 11 Bressenden Place London SW1E 5BY tel: +44 2071212000 www.atkinsglobal.com
Harewood House Bowburn North Industrial Estate Bowburn DH6 5PF tel: +44 1913843735 www.avocaconsultingengineers.co.uk
One Warwick Technology Park, Gallows Hill Warwick CV34 6YL tel: +44 1789204288 www.baker-hicks.com BDP 11 Ducie Street Manchester M1 2JB tel: +44 1618282200
16 Brewhouse Yard London EC1V 4LJ tel: +44 2078128000 email: mark.ridler@bdp.com www.bdp.com/lighting
Lighting at BDP delivers people centred designs. Team work, conceptual integrity and sustainability are central to our philosophy and methods. We operate as a design collective consisting of artists, product designers, engineers, theatre designers and architects. Independent and expert, we deliver the most advanced and appropriate solutions for our clients.
7 Finsbury Park Road London N4 2LA tel: +44 2076900443 www.beamld.com
BENJAMIN STEPHENS Studio 212, Netil House Westgate Street London E8 3RL tel: +44 7723915725 www.benjaminstephens.co.uk
BRAND DESIGNS Unit 34 Chess Business Park Chesham HP5 1SD tel: +44 8453404435 www.brandlightingdesign.co.uk
BRILLIANT LIGHTING Unit 9 Severfield Close Thirsk Industrial Park Thirsk YO7 3BX tel: +44 1845525664 www.brilliantlighting.co.uk
7-17 Jewry Street London EC3N 2EX tel: +44 2073779007 www.buildingservicesdesign.co.uk BURO HAPPOLD | LIGHTING 17 Newman Street London W1T 1PD tel: +44 2079279700
57-59 Bread Street Edinburgh EH3 9AH tel: +44 1313455200 email: lighting@burohappold.com www.burohappold.com
We provide a comprehensive Daylight and artificial lighting design service to our clients. Working as part of an international multi-disciplinary practise we provide integrated and energy efficient lighting schemes to architects worldwide. Our design led approach considers human responses to light and in doing so provide schemes that provide a sense of well-being and create a quality environment.
C.K.DESIGN.LIGHTING. 178 Seven Sisters Road London N7 7PX tel: +44 7580753330 www.ckdesignlighting.com
C+A DESIGN GROUP Basepoint Centre, Aviation Business Park Enterprise Close Christchurch BH23 6NX tel: +44 1425674840 www.cookassocs.com
CANDRA LIGHTING 112 Manor Grove Richmond TW9 4QF tel: +44 7866586786
CANNON-BROOKES LIGHTING & DESIGN 10 Brooksville Avenue London NW6 6TG tel: +44 2089648300 www.cblighting.com
CES LIGHTING & ELECTRICAL SPECIALISTS The Crusader Hall 25c Stanley Park Road Wallington SM6 0HL tel: +44 2088352816 www.ces-lighting.co.uk
CHRIS WATTS LIGHTING DESIGN 69 Fore Street St Dennis PL26 8AD tel: +44 1726862675 www.chriswattslightingdesign.com
CINIMOD STUDIO Unit 108 Canalot Studios 222 Kensal Road London W10 5BN tel: +44 2089693960 www.cinimodstudio.com
CONCAVE DESIGN 71-75 Shelton Street London WC2H 9JQ tel: +44 7891946173 www.concavedesign.com
COUCH PERRY & WILKES Interface 100 Arleston Way Solihull B90 4LH tel: +44 1217065511 www.cpwp.com
CRACKNELL Office 101 Langdale House 11 Marshalsea Road London SE1 1EN tel: +44 2079249900 www.cracknell.com
CREATION LIGHTING DESIGN 9 Bridgwater Road Ruislip HA4 0ED tel: +44 7590373399 www.creationlighting.co.uk
CREATMOSPHERE 34B York Way London N1 9AB tel: +44 7900605219 www.creatmosphere.com
CUNDALL Manchester One 53 Portland Street Manchester M1 3AH tel: +44 7899907978 www.light4.cundall.com
CURRENT LIGHTING DESIGN 426 Bideford Green Leighton Buzzard LU7 2TY tel: +44 7309740069 www.currentlightingdesign.com
D-LIGHT DESIGN The Old Stable, Lower Mill Kingstone Winslow Ashbury SN6 8NF tel: +44 1793710003 www.d-lightdesign.co.uk
D-LIGHTING 14 Southgate Road London www.d-lighting.co.uk
DARK SOURCE Makerversity Somerset House, The Strand London WC2R 1LA tel: +44 7435603377 www.dark-source.com
DAVID ATKINSON LIGHTING DESIGN 13 Palace Road Hampton Court KTB 9DJ tel: +44 2089796113 www.dald.co.uk
DAVID BROWN LIGHTING DESIGN 119 Finaghy Road South Belfast BT10 0BZ tel: +44 2890620708 www.davidbrownlighting.co.uk
DBD GROUP 7 Netherhall Milnathort KY13 0RL tel: +44 8456006088 www.dbdgroup.co.uk
14 Gray’s Inn Road London WC1X 8HN tel: +44 2039501939 www.deltalightingdesign.com
Star View Studio, Star Hill Road Chevening TN14 6HA tel: +44 7939075115 www.designinprogressuk.com
20-22 Stukeley Street London WC2B 5LR tel: +44 2070922700 www.designinternational.com
Unit 661C Thorp Arch Estate, Street 3 Wetherby LS23 7FF tel: +44 1904289015 www.designbylight.co.uk
K210 The Biscuit Factory 100 Drummond Road London SE16 4DG tel: +44 2087629585 www.designpluslight.com
17 City Business Centre Hyde Street Winchester SO23 7TA tel: +44 1962855080 www.designsforlighting.co.uk
DHA DESIGNS Studio 4, 6/8 Cole Street London SE1 4YH tel: +44 2079390920 www.dhadesigns.com
DOUBLE VISION 103 The Timber Yard Drysdale Street London N1 6ND tel: +44 2077396600 www.dv-light.com
DPA LIGHTING CONSULTANTS Old Church Studios, Clifton Deddington OX15 0PE tel: +44 1869337412
1 Aylesford Street London SW1V 3RY tel: +44 2031426300
GF2, 3 John’s Place, Leith Edinburgh EH6 7EL tel: +44 1315531806 email: dpa@dpalighting.com www.dpalighting.com
“Right Light, Right Place, Right Time” ™
Everyone at dpa wishes you a very happy and healthy 2022.
DURHAMLD 5 Mere Way Swanland HU14 3QB tel: +44 7774881754 www.lumitect.com
ELEANOR BELL Kersey Road Flushing TR11 5TR tel: +44 7930442515 www.eleanorbell.co.uk
ELEKTRA LIGHTING Ormond House 26 Boswell Street London WC1N 3JZ tel: +44 2072880155 www.elektralighting.co.uk
ELEMENTA LIGHT STUDIO 80 Cheapside London EC2V 6EE tel: +44 2036979300 www.elementaconsulting.com
ELENI SHIARLIS LIGHTING 6 Marine Avenue Hove BN3 4LG tel: +44 1273415254 www.eslightingdesign.co.uk
ENLIGHTEN DESIGN Design Works 9 Algernon Terrace Wylam NE41 8AX tel: +44 1916075804 www.enlightendesign.co.uk
ENLIGHTENED LIGHTING 26-28 Emery Road Brislington BS4 5PF tel: +44 1179727123 www.enlx.co.uk
EQ2 LIGHT 39 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8EH tel: +44 2074044488 www.eq2light.co.uk
EQUATION LIGHTING DESIGN Unit G04 The Print Rooms, 164-180 Union Street London SE1 0LH tel: +44 2037722760 www.giaequation.co.uk
FDCREATIVE 401 Wharfside Point South, 4 Preston Road London E14 9EL tel: +44 2075153763 www.fdcreative.co.uk
FINE ART LIGHTING 22 Clifford Gardens Kensal Rise London NW10 5JD tel: +44 7958682813 www.fineart-lighting.com
FLAIRLIGHT DESIGNS 12 Hillcrest Close Epsom KT18 5JY tel: +44 1372807661 www.flairlight.co.uk
FLYNN TALBOT STUDIO 28 Speldhurst Road London E9 7EH tel: +44 7497775430 www.flynntalbot.com
FOSTER + PARTNERS Riverside, 22 Hester Road London SW11 4AN tel: +44 2077380455 www.fosterandpartners.com
GRAHAM FESTENSTEIN LIGHTING DESIGN 26 Friars Walk Lewes BN7 2LF tel: +44 1273358139 www.design-light.co.uk
First floor Old Bank Court 1 Morocco Street London SE1 3HB tel: +44 2070899134 www.gravitydesign.uk.com
FOTO-MA Studio 205 Unit 3 Albion Business Centre 78 Albion Road Edinburgh EH7 5QZ tel: +44 1315552898 email: studio@foto-ma.com www.foto-ma.com
FOTO-MA Lighting Architects are an award winning independent Architectural Lighting Design practice established in 2001 by architect and lighting designer Gavin Fraser. We work internationally and provide a creative, professional, architectural lighting design service, designing lighting that is considered and integral to a wide range of building types and architectural structures. FOUNDRY 214 Bermondsey Street London SE1 3TQ tel: +44 2072324710 email: info@foundry.london www.foundry.london
Foundry are an award winning team of expert lighting design consultants who deliver creativity, innovation and passion to every project we work on. Based in London, we design lighting schemes for a range of sectors. Our portfolio spans worldwide projects including hospitality, residential and retail.
FPOV 5 Tanner Street London SE1 3LE tel: +44 2087462991 www.f-pov.com
FUTURE GROUP LIGHTING DESIGN 18 Sycamore Close Feltham TW13 7HN tel: +44 2089250009 www.futuregroup.co.uk
40 Talbot Crescent Leeds LS8 1AL tel: +44 1138151853 www.g3lightingdesign.com
3B St Andrews Hill Norwich NR2 1AD tel: +44 1603620507 www.gsadc.com
Suite 7, Kestrel House The Falcons, Grant Road London SW11 2NG tel: +44 2077887906 www.globalinteriordesign.com
Asterton Hall Asterton SY7 8BH tel: +44 1162879173 www.greyblue.co.uk HOARE LEA Western Transit Shed 12-13 Stable Street London N1C 4AB tel: +44 2036687100 email: jonathanrush@hoarelea.com
Old Iron Works 35a Great Clarendon Street Oxford OX2 6AT tel: +44 1865339908 email: benacton@hoarelea.com
Royal Exchange Cross Street Manchester M2 7FL tel: +44 1618344754 email: davidlinville-boud@hoarelea.com 155 Aztec West Almondsbury Bristol BS32 4UB tel: +44 7733001688 email: dominicmeyrick@hoarelea.com www.hoarelea.com
Hoare Lea is an award-winning engineering consultancy with a creative team of engineers, designers and technical specialists Our Lighting Design group balances environmental practicalities with peoplecentred design – understanding what a space needs to do for those who will experience it, and with the technical expertise to make it happen.
HUGO LIGHT DESIGN Unit 40 Battersea Business Centre 99-109 Lavender Hill London SW11 5QL tel: +44 2079244504 www.hugolightdesign.com
IDEA DESIGN Unit G.04, 338 City Road London EC1V 2PY tel: +44 7818452945 www.ideadesignltd.com
IDEAWORKS 206 Great Portland Street London W1W 5QJ tel: +44 2036689870 www.ideaworks.co.uk
Abbey House, 342 Regents Park Road London N3 2LJ tel: +44 7824428479 www.ilclighting.com
ILLUME DESIGN 8 Hollowpits Court Exeter EX2 8YG tel: +44 7840054601 www.illume-design.co.uk
12-18 Hoxton Street London N1 6NG tel: +44 2077393003 email: info@illuminationworks.com www.illuminationworks.com
Illuminationworks is an architectural lighting design consultancy providing a complete service from concept to commissioning. We are specialists in the luxury retail and hospitality sectors with an extensive portfolio of cultural, corporate, residential and masterplan works. We have successful collaborations with designers of diverse architectural styles on projects worldwide.
25 Store Steet South Crescent London WC1E 7BL tel: +44 2073233300 www.imagination.co.uk
90 Brixton Hill London SW2 1QN tel: +44 7553249370 www.projectdiluce.com
Claytons Studio, Station Road Stonegate TN5 7EN tel: +44 7904086600 www.integratedlight.uk
Woolmer House, 45 Woolmer Way Bordon GU35 9QE tel: +44 2039617080 www.into.co.uk
3A Peacock Yard Iliffe Street London SE17 3LH tel: +44 2077082749 www.inverselighting.co.uk
8 Glasshouse Yard London EC1A 4JN tel: +44 2072532888 www.isometrix.co.uk
IT DOES LIGHTING CONSULTANCY The Cube, 13 Stone Hill, Two Mile Ash Milton Keynes MK8 8DN tel: +44 1908560110 www.itdoes.co.uk
Werks Central Studio, 15-17 Middle Street Brighton BN1 1AL tel: +44 3443321233 www.ithaca.studio
JAMES GLANCY DESIGN 16-28 Penarth Street London SE15 1TX tel: +44 2072528844 www.jamesglancydesign.com
JASON BRUGES STUDIO Netil House, 1 Netil Lane London E8 3RL tel: +44 2074904590 www.jasonbruges.com
The Coach House 2 East Mill Court East Mill Lane Sherborne DT9 3DP tel: +44 1935812447 www.jb-ld.co.uk
JPLD Suite 12 Talbot House 34 Staple Gardens Winchester SO23 8SR tel: +44 1962841419 www.jpld.co.uk
KAREN VAN CREVELD LIGHTING DESIGN 60 Sumatra Road London NW6 1PR tel: +44 7970894959 www.karenvancreveld.com
KATE AND SAM LIGHTING DESIGNERS 8 Trinity Street London SE1 1DB tel: +44 2079932339 www.katewilkins.com
KATE BEARD LIGHTING 124 Hammersmith Grove London W6 7HB tel: +44 2082228638 www.katebeardlighting.com
KEVIN THEOBALD LIGHTING DESIGN Beechwood Southgate Close Wells-next-the-Sea NR23 1HG tel: +44 7970071990 www.ktld.co.uk
KSLD | EFLA LIGHTING DESIGN 13 Great King Street Edinburgh EH3 6QW tel: +44 1315555553 www.ksld.com
Flat 3, 280-282 Fulham Road London SW10 9EW tel: +44 2079797735 www.lightingdg.com
LIGHT BUREAU 7F Hewlett House Havelock Terrace London SW8 4AS tel: +44 2074986111 email: arve.olsen@lightbureau.com www.lightbureau.com
Light Bureau is an international lighting design practice with more than 100 dedicated lighting specialists. We have a comprehensive portfolio of award winning projects and we take pride in delivering unique, sustainable and made-to-measure lighting solutions for our clients. We are a proud part of the international engineering, design and advisory company AFRY. LIGHT COLLECTIVE email: hello@lightcollective.net www.lightcollective.net
Light Collective is not a standard lighting consultancy. Its clients have ranged from the small scale to the large; designing for a school in Glasgow to a shopping mall in Kuwait. Light Collective is based in the UK but work all over the world; creating light in the snow in Finland or in the heat of Kenya.
LIGHT FOLLOWS BEHAVIOUR 7, 411-413 Liverpool Road London N7 8PT tel: +44 7831014921 www.lightfollowsbehaviour.com
LIGHT IQ The Mews London WC1H 8BA tel: +44 2087491900 www.lightiq.com
LAPD LIGHTING DESIGN 3 Port Hill Hertford SG14 1PJ tel: +44 1707290010 email: info@lapd.uk www.lapd.uk
We aim to connect people emotionally with their environment through life-enhancing natural and artificial light – using all our creativity and knowledge together with a dash of adventure.
115 New Barns Avenue Manchester M21 7DG tel: +44 1612564293 www.leolightdesign.com
WeWork 15 Bishopsgate London EC2N 3AR tel: +44 2036370387 www.lichtvision.com
Studio 13.1.2
The Leather Market Weston Street London SE1 3ER tel: +44 2074034700 www.lightanddesign.co.uk
LIGHT 360 Unit 6 Forestgrove Business Park Newtownbreda Belfast BT8 6AW tel: +44 2890699729 www.light360.co.uk
LIGHT MEDIUM 4 Quayside Mills Edinburgh EH6 6EX tel: +44 7968561918 www.lightmedium.co.uk
LIGHT MY SPACE 12 Southbourne Close Porton, Salisbury SP4 0NW tel: +44 1980555493 www.lightmyspace.co.uk
LIGHT PERCEPTIONS 2nd Floor, 2 Twyford Place Lincolns Inn Office Village Lincoln Road High Wycombe HP12 3RE tel: +44 1494899440 www.lightperceptions.co.uk
LIGHT PERSONA 12 Oxford Court London W9 3UG www.lightpersona.weebly.com
LIGHT PLANNING AND DESIGN Unit 22C Evans House, Hartwith Way Harrogate HG3 2XA tel: +44 7377330303 www.lightpad.co.uk
LIGHT TOUCH PLD 63 Charterhouse Street London EC1M 6HJ tel: +44 2079934838 www.lighttouchpld.com
LIGHTALLIANCE 15-16 Queen Street Edinburgh EH2 1JE tel: +44 1313571533 email: studio@lightalliance.com www.lightalliance.com
Independent lighting consultancy – our designers provide creative and technically robust design solutions - from bespoke lit components to city-scale masterplans. No affiliations or limitations to our portfolio, this gives us true creative freedom to specify, design or develop the very best lighting solutions to suit your application, budget or global location.
LIGHTHEORY STUDIO 10A Courcy Road London N8 0QH tel: +44 7834421550 www.lightheorystudio.com
LIGHTING ANALYSTS 10 Galleria Court Summer Road London SE15 6PW tel: +44 2072770426 www.lightinganalysts.co.uk
LIGHTING BY PLUM Chesham & Ley Hill Golf Club Ley Hill Chesham HP5 1UZ tel: +44 1494258738 www.lightingbyplum.com
LIGHTING DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY 8 Bloomfield Avenue Bath BA2 3AB tel: +44 1225310022 www.ldandt.co.uk
LIGHTING DESIGN COLLECTIVE Tankerton Works, 12 Argyle Walk London WC1H 8HA tel: +44 2032869665 www.ldcol.com
The Studio 2 Vincam Close Twickenham TW2 7AB tel: +44 2085814296 www.lightingdesignhouse.com
LIGHTING DESIGN INTERNATIONAL 3 Hammersmith Studios 55A Yeldham Road London W6 8JF tel: +44 2086005777 email: design@ldi-uk.com www.lightingdesigninternational.com
We have been creating Adventures in Light for more than 30 years; we don’t just work with light, we understand it. We are dedicated to creating award winning designs that set the standard in creative lighting design. Our seamless integration of lighting into architecture, whether interior or exterior, create visually stunning spaces with impact.
The Coach House 16 Jamaica Street North Lane Edinburgh EH3 6HQ tel: +44 1312262002 www.ldpinternational.com
LIGHTING DESIGN STUDIO 25 Museum Street London WC1A 1JU tel: +44 2071125364 www.lightingdesignstudio.co.uk
1 Tills Courtyard High Street Battle TN33 0AE tel: +44 1424775459 www.lightingforce.co.uk
LIGHTING PROJECTS 27 Westgate Birmingham B1 3DB tel: +44 1216630013 www.lighting-projects.com
LIGHTING.LONDON 50 Grosvenor Hill London W1K 3QL tel: +44 2038669695 www.lighting.london
LIGHTINSPACE Studio 7, 38-50 Pritchard’s Road London E2 9AP www.lightin.space
LIGHTIVITY 75B High Street Kimpton SG4 8PU tel: +44 1727238425 www.lightivity.co.uk
LIGHTOLOGY 121 Cliveden Gages Taplow SL6 0GB tel: +44 7872590988 www.lightology.uk.com
LIGHTPLAN 1-2 Meade Mews London SW1P 4EG tel: +44 2075841240 www.lightplan.org
LIME LUMEN Belmont House 138 Burdon Lane South Cheam SM2 7DA tel: +44 7901561396 www.limelumenlightingdesign.co.uk
1 The Courtyards Victoria Road Seacroft Leeds LS14 2LB tel: +44 1132652651 www.liteideas.co.uk
LMK PARTNERSHIP 19 Laytonia Avenue Gabalfa Cardiff CF14 3BQ tel: +44 2920219489 www.lmkpartnership.com
2 Chiltern Court Asheridge Road Industrial Estate Chesham HP5 2PX tel: +44 2038580042 www.londonlight.works
LUMENATA Unit 24 Dollywagon Way Preston PR5 6EW tel: +44 1772312416 www.lumenata.co.uk
LUMINANCE LIGHTING DESIGN 69 Woodlands Avenue New Malden KT3 3UH tel: +44 2083550818 www.luminance.co.uk
57 Great Suffolk Street London SE1 0BB tel: +44 7825751659 www.lumineerstudio.com
LUX LUCIS 32 Hulse Road Salisbury SP1 3LY tel: +44 8700110045 www.luxlucis.co.uk
LUX POPULI 1 Kings Meadow Osney Mead Oxford OX2 0DP tel: +44 2071938756 www.luxpopuli.com
LUXOLOGIE Nelson House Motherwell Way Grays tel: +44 1708866555 www.luxologie.com
LUXRAPIDE Bicester Innovation Centre, Telford Road Bicester OX26 4LD tel: +44 1869255765 www.luxrapide.com
LW LIGHTING DESIGN 30 Haddington Hill Lisburn BT28 3AU tel: +44 7789905371 www.lwlightingdesign.co.uk
57 Great Suffolk Street London SE1 0BB tel: +44 2074018382 www.me-engineers.com
MACKAY DESIGN STUDIO The Manor House Tolland Taunton TA4 3PR tel: +44 7981870532 www.mackaydesignstudio.co.uk
MALCOLM INNES DESIGN Tigh Na Mara Edinburgh Road Belhaven Dunbar EH42 1TS tel: +44 1368865311 www.lightartist.co.uk
MATCH LIGHTING STUDIO 12C Shaftesbury Centre 85 Barlby Road London W10 6BN tel: +44 2071909947 www.matchlightingstudio.com
MAX FORDHAM 42-43 Gloucester Crescent London NW1 7PE tel: +44 2072675161 www.maxfordham.com
MB ONE DESIGNS 212 Chesterton Road Cambridge CB4 1NE tel: +44 7816773431
MICHAEL GRUBB STUDIO Bryanstone Road Bournemouth BH3 7JE tel: +44 1202511005 email: info@michaelgrubbstudio.com www.michaelgrubbstudio.com
Michael Grubb Studio is a creative lighting design agency that is defined by engagement with the client, the place and the brand. The Studio offers consultancy, strategy, design and creative services in all areas of lighting design including Masterplanning, Public Realm, Retail & Leisure, Exterior, Interior, Exhibition, Heritage and Light-Art installations.
MILLARD&FLO Ty-Ros Vean Penmayne Rock PL27 6NQ tel: +44 1208862317 www.millardandflo.com
MINDSEYE Clapham North Business Centre 26-32 Voltaire Road London SW4 6DH tel: +44 2081442788 www.mindseye3d.com MINOUX LIGHTING DESIGN Unit 3 Hill Farm Kirby Road Kirby Bedon Norwich NR14 7DU tel: +44 7958620268 email: studio@minoux.co.uk www.minoux.co.uk
Award winning lighting design for all your project needs. Through experience gained on projects and an in-depth understanding of design, we have been able to produce innovative lighting solutions that complement the buildings form and function to create a unique atmosphere. Minoux specialises in providing lighting design schemes for Hospitality, Residential, Commercial and Retail projects internationally.
MISTRY LIGHTING Pollard Road London N20 0UE tel: +44 7747153333 www.mistrylighting.com
NDYLIGHT 3rd Floor Classic House, 180 Old Street London EC1V 9RQ tel: +44 2075539494 www.ndylight.com
NEOLIGHT The Studio 19 Blackthorne Road Great Bookham KT23 4BN tel: +44 1372750990 www.neolightdesign.com
NICH SMITH LIGHTING DESIGN 56 Holeburn Road Glasgow G43 2XN tel: +44 1413281134 www.nichsmith.com NULTY 246 Westminster Bridge Road London SE1 7PD tel: +44 2074013635 email: office@nultylighting.co.uk www.nultylighting.co.uk
Nulty is a nimble yet mighty architectural lighting design practice, with a healthy selection of awards and a diverse roster of clients across the commercial, hospitality, residential and retail sectors. With offices based in London, Dubai, Miami and Bangkok, our emphasis is on creating innovative, sustainable and energy-efficient lighting schemes.
ONLIGHT DESIGN 105 Grenville Court, Britwell Road Burnham SL1 8DF tel: +44 20809014133 www.onlight.co.uk
OPIUS DESIGN 4 Bacon’s Lane London N6 6BL tel: +44 2083744528 www.opiusdesign.co.uk
PETER FREEMAN Nancledra Penzance TR20 8LJ tel: +44 1736795941 www.peterfreeman.co.uk
PIERRE BACHY LIGHTING DESIGN 74 Westfields Avenue London SW13 0AZ tel: +44 7484653900 www.pierre-bachy.com
MBLD 35-47 Bethnal Green Road 3rd Floor London E1 6LA tel: +44 2077295633 email: mail@mbld.co.uk www.mbld.co.uk
MBLD is one of the world’s leading independent lighting design consultancies. MBLD’s aim to maximise the impact of the space around us and shape our environment, with over 35 years’ experience and projects around the globe.
MS CHO STUDIO 5 Luke Street London EC2A 4PX tel: +44 2081333203 www.mschostudio.com
PINTO LIGHTING DESIGN 3 Eaton Manor, The Drive Hove BN3 3PT tel: +44 7861724394 www.pintolightingdesign.com
PJC LIGHT STUDIO 20 Goswell Road London EC1M 7AA tel: +44 2078373888 www.pjclightstudio.com
MS LIGHTING DESIGN E148-149 Riverside Business Centre Haldane Place Earlsfield London SW18 4UQ tel: +44 2037405401 email: info@mslightingdesign.co.uk www.mslightingdesign.co.uk
Owned and operated by lead lighting designer Marcus Steffen, MS Lighting Design is a growing London-based practice. MS Lighting Design works across many sectors, although specialises in residential projects where it has built up an enviable reputation having worked across London on some of the city’s most coveted properties.
PRITCHARD THEMIS 38 Bocking Street London E8 3FP tel: +44 2076500700 www.pritchardthemis.com
PROJECT INTERNATIONAL Southgate House Great Bentley Colchester CO7 8LG tel: +44 1206252111 www.projectinternational.co.uk
PZ LIGHTING DESIGN 7 Admirality Road, Upper Upnor Rochester ME2 4XY tel: +44 7472567756 www.peterzygadlo.com
SKR LIGHTING DESIGN 10 Hopcraft Lane Deddington OX15 0TD tel: +44 1869338841 www.skrlight.com
40 Berkeley Square Bristol BS8 1HU tel: +44 1174509511
1 Ram Court Wicklesham Lodge Faringdon SN7 7PN tel: +44 1367245960
Orion House 5 Upper St. Martins Lane London WC2H 9EA tel: +44 2073942125 email: simon.dove@qoda-light.com www.qoda-light.com
At QODA LIGHT we marry the art and science of lighting design, combining understanding and visual appreciation of the threedimensional space with expertise that ensures all technical aspects are delivered in a sustainable fashion. Working closely with design teams, we apply the medium of light to creatively illuminate interior and external spaces.
4 Cambus Street Runcorn QLD 4113 tel: +61 422633678 www.qtlightingdesign.com
RE:LIGHT The Yard, 1a Walter Street Bristol BS3 1WS tel: +44 1179633404 www.relight.ltd.uk
Ground Floor Unit 23, Tileyard Studios Tileyard Road London N7 9AH tel: +44 2070430713 www.renegadedesign.co.uk
ROUNDLIGHT 23 Jacob Street London SE1 2BG tel: +44 2075848207 www.roundlight.co.uk
Second Floor, 19-20 Great Sutton Street London EC1V 0DR tel: +44 2073776449 www.seam-design.com
SERVICES DESIGN SOLUTION 6 Kew Court Pynes Hill Rydon Lane Exeter EX2 5AZ tel: +44 1752255900 www.sdsolution.co.uk
7 Charlwood Terrace London SW15 1NZ tel: +44 2087880923 www.sianbaxterlighting.com
4/5 Tower Court Horns Lane Princes Risborough HP27 0AJ tel: +44 1844347474 www.silcockdawson.co.uk
SIMON CORDER 112 Blackstock Road London N4 2DR tel: +44 7973552348 www.simoncorder.com
15 Greatwood Chislehurst BR7 5HU tel: +44 8456121831 www.madesignstudios.com
SPEIRS MAJOR 8 Shepherdess Walk London N1 7LB tel: +44 2070674700 email: info@smlightarchitecture.com www.smlightarchitecture.com
We are an independent, award-winning, international design practice that uses light and darkness to enhance the visual environment. Over more than twenty-five years we have completed hundreds of projects around the world setting a global benchmark for excellence.
Bellingham Reach Industrial Estate Waverton Hill Stockton-on-Tees TS23 1PX tel: +44 1642565533 www.staintonlds.co.uk
STEENSEN VARMING 4th Floor Noland House, 12-13 Poland Street London W1F 8QB tel: +44 2077341255 www.steensenvarming.com
STUDIO EG Bayleaf, Hartfield Road Cowden TN8 7DX tel: +44 7734665922 www.studioeg.co.uk
STUDIO ZNA 9 Adelaide Wharf 21 Whiston Road London E2 8EX tel: +44 2078708897 www.studiozna.com
STUDIO-29 The Boathouse 1A Embankment London SW15 1LB tel: +44 2087809006 www.studio29lighting.com
SUTTON VANE ASSOCIATES Dimes Place 106-108 King Street London W6 0QP tel: +44 2085639370 email: m.suttonvane@sva.co.uk www.sva.co.uk
Sutton Vane Associates, the creative lighting design studio, responds to the client’s wishes, the project and its story. The practice has huge experience in designing lighting for Leisure, Public Realm, Heritage, Residential, Retail, Museum, Exhibition, Art, Masterplanning and Consultancy projects of all sizes, both internally and externally. The practice has won many awards.
Chiltern House
184 High Street Berkhamsted HP4 3AP tel: +44 1442869369 www.svm.co.uk
The Studio 31 Oval Road London NW1 7EA tel: +44 7891543943 www.syntaxlighting.com
TAD TRYLSKI 238-246 King Street London W6 0RF tel: +44 7970922814
1.4 Ziggurat Building 60-66 Saffron Hill London EC1N 8QX tel: +44 7730371870 www.temeloy.com
THE SKILLS ARMY The Studio, 78 All Saints Avenue Maidenhead SL6 6LZ tel: +44 7786441994 www.skillsarmy.co.uk
Arch 2 Spare Street London SE17 3EP tel: +44 7950798789 www.thereslight.com
TROUP BYWATERS + ANDERS 61 Oxford Street Manchester M1 6EQ tel: +44 1612143010 www.tbanda.co.uk
TRULY LIGHTING 3rd Floor, 11 Clifton Road London W9 1SZ tel: +44 2072895583 www.trulylighting.com
TÜV SÜD LIGHTING DESIGN STUDIO 22 Chapter Street London SW1P 4NP tel: +44 2078210800 www.tuv-sud.co.uk
UNITED VISUAL ARTISTS 180 Ilderton Road London SE15 1NT tel: +44 2073780303 www.uva.co.uk
URBAN ELECTRIC LONDON 4 Buxhall Crescent London E9 5JU tel: +44 2073922112 www.urban-electric.com
VBK LIGHTING CONSULTANTS 1-3 Church Road Herstmonceux BN27 1RB tel: +44 1323833444 www.vbklighting.com
VICTORIA JERRAM LIGHTING DESIGN 3 Boyle Farm Road Thames Ditton KT7 0TS tel: +44 7930489193 www.victoriajerram.com
Purple Patch
14 Rosebery Avenue London EC1R 4TD tel: +44 2037273410
Salvus House Aykley Heads Durham DH1 5TS tel: +44 1913862314
STUDIOFRACTAL Office FF10 Brooklands House 58 Marlborough Road Lancing BN15 8AF tel: +44 1293730121 email: info@studiofractal.co.uk www.studiofractal.co.uk
StudioFractal is an award winning lighting design consultancy. We work with natural and artificial light and believe that lighting should balance aesthetic, functional and sustainable priorities to complement and enhance buildings and spaces.
STUFISH Modernarc 84 Marchmont Street London WC1N 1AG tel: +44 2073838833 www.stufish.com
SUHA BEKKI 191 Cavendish Avenue London W13 0JZ www.suhabekki.com
SUSAN LAKE LIGHTING DESIGN The Hive, Suite 2, 66 High Street Lewes BN7 1XG tel: +44 1273934381 www.slld.lighting
i6 Business Centre 6-8 Charlotte Square Newcastle NE1 4XF tel: +44 1913008595
Business & Technology Centre Bessemer Drive Stevenage SG1 2DX tel: +44 1438314422
Pinnacle 67 Albion Street Leeds LS1 5AA tel: +44 1134860152 email: info@tgace.co.uk www.tgace.co.uk
With offices across the country, our specialist lighting team at TGA provide creative solutions utilising technical expertise steeped in artistic vision. We deliver lighting schemes tailored to suit the client, application and budget and offer sustainable designs that add a different layer of intrigue and interest to a space.
First Floor 9 Chapel Place Rivington Street London EC2A 3DQ tel: +44 7811181907 www.thelightingasylum.com
VISUAL ENERGY 134-146 Curtain Road London EC2A 3AR tel: +44 2077295559 www.visualenergy.org
WHITE CANVAS STUDIOS 19 Sarsfield Road Perivale UB6 7AE tel: +44 7947341951 www.whitecanvasstudios.co.uk
WOODROFFE BASSETT DESIGN Radford Farm Northend Batheaston Bath BA1 8ES tel: +44 2038806333 www.patrickwoodroffe.com
WORKPLANE LIGHTPLANNING 27G Throgmorton Street London EC2N 2AN tel: +44 1235537831 www.workplane.co.uk
WSP WSP House 70 Chancery Lane London WC2A 1AF tel: +44 7867132500 www.wsp.com
XAVIO DESIGN 2nd Floor Berkeley Square House Berkeley Square London W1J 6BD tel: +44 2033010077 www.xavio-design.com
YATES ASSOCIATES 173 Widmore Road Bromley BR1 3AX tel: +44 2084608999 www.yatesassociates.co
ZANNA DESIGN Church Lane Awbridge SO51 OHN tel: +44 7855548378 www.zannadesignsltd.com
299 LIGHTING Unit 38 Dixon Business Centre Brislington BS4 5QW tel: +44 1179422512 www.299lighting.co.uk
Distributor for: Intra Lighting, LEDS C4
2BHEARD Unit 4F St. Francis Way Shefford SG17 5DZ tel: +44 3300889271 www.2b-heard.co.uk
Distributor for: KScape
3LR LIGHTING Gardiners Orchard Wedmore BS28 4HG tel: +44 1173259098 www.3lrlighting.com
Distributor for: ETC, Griven, Rosco, Unonovesette
42 PARTNERS 24 Kossuth Road Bilston WV14 9UW tel: +44 1902662230 www.42partners.com Distributor for: Relux
8POINT3LED Trinity House 3 Bullace Lane Dartford DA1 1BB tel: +44 1322838080 www.8point3ledltd.com
Distributor for: Chess Lighting Controls, Coelux, GLLS, Light Cognitive
Centauri House Hillbottom Road High Wycombe HP12 4HQ tel: +44 1494838392 www.acspecialprojects.com
Distributor for: Acclaim Lighting, Chroma-Q, CLS, Traxon e:cue
Oddicroft Lane Sutton in Ashfield NG17 5FT tel: +44 1623511111 www.abacuslighting.com
Horns Oak Farm Meopham DA13 0BX tel: +44 2030218000 www.absolute-action.com
ABSTRACT AVR Westfield Rear of 24/26 Leicester Road Blaby LE8 4GQ tel: +44 1162788078 www.abstractavr.com
ACDC Wordsworth House, Riverside Way Barrowford BB9 6BP tel: +44 8458626400 www.acdclighting.co.uk
Units 4 & 5 Bear Court, Roentgen Road Basingstoke RG24 8QT tel: +44 1256308467 www.acrospire.co
ADO LIGHTS 1 Ambrose House London SW200NX tel: +44 7871467847 www.ado-lights.com
ADVANCE INTERNATIONAL 1 Lowman Way, Hilton Business Park Derby DE65 5LJ tel: +44 1332865777 www.advancelighting.co.uk
ADVANCED LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY One Pancras Square Kings Cross London N1C 4AG tel: +44 2071274204 www.advancedlighting.co.uk
AETHER 5 Kimpton Road Kimpton Industrial Estate Sutton SM3 9QL tel: +44 2082540094 www.aetherlighting.com
AIMTECH 3 Cunningham Drive Wickford SS12 9PF tel: +44 1268763701 www.aim-tech.co.uk Distributor for: Durlum, Lightnet, RZB
AKZU Southfield Station Parade Harrogate HG1 1HB tel: +44 1423704124 www.akzu.com
ALANOD Chippenham Drive, Kingston Milton Keynes MK10 0AN tel: +44 1908282044 www.alanod.com
ALDABRA 40 Bowling Green Lane London EC1R 0NE tel: +44 2074157030 www.aldabra.it
ALL URBAN Aizlewood’s Mill Nursery Street Sheffield S3 8GG tel: +44 1142821283 www.allurban.co.uk
ALP EUROPE Unit 3 Park Lane Industrial Estate Oldbury B69 4JX tel: +44 1215521519 www.alpeurope.co.uk Distributor for: A.A.G. Stucchi, Bright View Technologies, Jungbecker
ALTIMA 18 Artesian Close Industrial Estate Brentfield Road London NW10 8RW tel: +44 2084538740 www.altima.co.uk
AM INTELLIGENT HOMES Suite 9, Space House, Abbey Road London NW10 7SU tel: +44 2088383597 www.amintelligenthomes.co.uk
AMBERSPHERE SOLUTIONS Unit 8 Western Avenue Business Park Mansfield Road London W3 0BZ tel: +44 2089926369 www.ambersphere.co.uk Distributor for: Astera, Robert Juliat
AMBX Unit 5 Wells Place Redhill RH1 3DR tel: +44 1737649833 www.ambx.com
AMMA LUX Crescent Studios 80 The Crescent Croydon CR0 2HN tel: +44 2086845215 www.ammalux.com
AMOS LIGHTING 2 Bridford Road Marsh Barton Industrial Estate Exeter EX2 8QX tel: +44 1392677030 www.amoslighting.co.uk Distributor for: acdc
ANGLIA Sandall Road Wisbech PE13 2PS tel: +44 1945474747 www.anglia.com Distributor for: Carclo, Cree, Eaton, Khatod, Stanley ANOLIS 3 Spinney View Stone Circle Road Round Spinney Industrial Estate Northampton NN3 8RF tel: +44 1604741000 email: infouk@robeuk.com www.robe.cz
Robe is among the world’s leading moving light manufacturers, recognised for its innovation, quality and engineering. Robe’s moving and LED lights are working and installed on stages, in concert halls, theatres and all types of other venues as well as at theme park attractions and entering the specialist worlds of architectural and environmental illumination.
ANSELL Unit 6B Stonecross Industrial Park Yew Tree Way Warrington WA3 3JD tel: +44 1942433333 www.anselluk.com
ANSORG 30 Clerkenwell Road London EC1M 5PG tel: +44 2076086200 www.ansorg.com
ANYTRONICS 5&6 Hillside Ind Estate London Road Horndean PO8 OBL tel: +44 2392599410 www.anytronics.com
APOLLO LIGHTING Unit D9 Cross Green Approach Leeds LS9 0SG tel: +44 1332405511 www.apollolighting.co.uk
APPLELEC LIGHTING Unit 1 Wharfedale Business Park Shetcliffe Lane Bradford BD4 9RW tel: +44 1274774477 email: sales@appleleclighting.co.uk www.appleleclighting.co.uk Distributor for: LG, OLEDWorks
Applelec Lighting is a UK manufacturer and supplier of premium backlighting solutions, helping to further widen creative possibilities by having the perfect lighting system to meet project needs. Delivering superior engineering, products and customer service, Applelec Lighting has built a reputation as the go-to backlighting solutions specialists within the design industry.
ARCHITAINMENT LIGHTING Roundwood House 134-136 Lane End Road High Wycombe HP12 4HX tel: +44 1494471340 www.architainment.co.uk Distributor for: Alto, Color Kinetics, EcoSense, Lumascape, Pharos, SGM
ARCHITECTURAL FX Unit 10 Longshot Lane Industrial Estate Bracknell RG12 1RL tel: +44 1344291536 www.architecturalfx.co.uk Distributor for: OneA, Vice
ARDITI 6 Hawthorn Close, Forest Road Hartwell NN7 2FA tel: +44 1604864615 www.arditiuk.co.uk
ARROW ELECTRONICS Kao 1 Kao Park, Hockham way Harlow CM17 9NA tel: +44 1279441144 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
ART OF LIGHT Millstone, Clonshaugh Bathpool PL15 7NW tel: +44 7879695444 www.theartoflight.com Distributor for: ALS, Artec, Getron, Lichtwerk, Regiolux ARTEMIDE 106 Great Russell Street London WC1B 3NB tel: +44 2076315200 email: showroom@artemide.co.uk www.artemide.com
e dFounded in the 1960s, Artemide is one of the most recognised illumination brands in the world. Known for its “The Human Light” philosophy, Artemide produces celebrated products and architectural lighting systems. Artemide boasts high skills in light design and innovation, with products originating from research and high-quality manufacturing.
ARTILLUS ILLUMINATING SOLUTIONS 5 Bellman Gate Holcot Lane Sywell NN6 0BL tel: +44 1604678410 www.artillus.com
The Mould Making Workshop Soby Mews Bovey Tracey TQ13 9JG tel: +44 2088634515 www.artisticlicence.com
Mangham Road Barbot Hall Industrial Estate Rotherham S61 4RJ tel: +44 1709374898 www.asdlighting.com
The Astro Building Midas, River Way Harlow CM20 2GJ tel: +44 1279427001 www.astrolighting.com
Unit 24 Martlets Trading Estate
Woods Way Worthing BN12 4QY tel: +44 1903249707 www.atmosphericzone.co.uk
28 Leonard Street London EC2A 4BY tel: +44 2076819933 email: sales@atrium.ltd.uk
Stuart House Eskmills Musselburgh EH21 7PB tel: +44 1315530269 email: scotland@atrium.ltd.uk www.atrium.ltd.uk
Distributor for: Casambi, Cooledge, Flos, Intra Lighting, Louis Poulsen, Sattler
Atrium focuses on a portfolio of exclusive brands that deliver best-in-class lighting design and technology to the commercial, residential, retail and hospitality sectors. We add value to our clients’ projects through a deep understanding of how light influences the human wellbeing, expertise gained over 45 years and a team of experienced professionals.
AURA Aura House 30 Sedgley Road Wolverhampton WV4 5LE tel: +44 1902332352 www.actulite.com
AURA LIGHT Waterloo House, Waterloo Road Ketley Business Park, Ketley Telford TF1 5JD tel: +44 1952250800 www.auralight.com
AURALED Cromwell Trading Estate Cromwell Road Stockport SK6 2RF tel: +44 1614942118 www.auraled.co.uk
AURORA Apex Park 6, Little Burrow Burrowfields Welwyn Garden city AL7 4SW tel: +44 1727836611 www.auroralighting.com
Avnet House, Rutherford Close Stevenage SG1 2EF tel: +44 1438788310 www.avnet-silica.com Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments
B.E.G. Q West (International House) 1100 Great West Road Brentford TW8 0GP tel: +44 8708505412 www.beg-luxomat.com
c aBAG ELECTRONICS Unit 2 Windsor way Chelmsford CM2 5PD tel: +44 1245469935 www.bagelectronics.com
Banovallum Court Boston Road Industrial Estate Horncastle LN9 6JR tel: +44 1507528522 www.balcanlighting.co.uk Distributor for: Soraa
The Saracen Industrial Estate Unit 12, Mark Road Hemel Hempstead HP1 3AA tel: +44 1442260600 www.barbizon.com
BÄRO Rutherford House Warrington Road Birchwood Park Warrington WA3 6ZH tel: +44 8455192154 www.baero.com
BASIS LIGHTING Units 3-4 109 Bartholomew Road London NW5 2BJ tel: +44 2072842040 www.basislighting.com Distributor for: Orbit
BAY PLASTICS Unit H1 High Flatworth Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate North Shields NE29 7UZ tel: +44 1912580777 www.bayplastics.co.uk Distributor for: Furukawa
BCP LIGHTING Unit 35 The Enterprise Centre Cranborne Road Potters bar EN6 3DQ tel: +44 1707649611 www.bcplighting.com Distributor for: Unilamp
BEADLIGHT Unit 31B Avenue One, Station Lane Witney OX28 4XZ tel: +44 1993868866 www.beadlight.com
eBEGA Suite 9, Milton Heath House Westcott Road Dorking RH43NB tel: +44 1306882098 www.bega.com
BETA CALCO 107 Bell Street London NW1 6TL tel: +44 8701657481 www.betacalco.com
e dBGT MATERIALS 2.312 Photon Science Institute University of Manchester Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL tel: +44 1612751019 www.bgtmaterials.com
BLACKBODY 12 Hay Hill London W1J 8NR tel: +44 7741607980 www.blackbody-oled.com
eBRI-TEK Unit D3C Edgefold Industrial Estate Smethurst Lane Farmworth BL4 0JW tel: +44 1618500905 www.britektechnologies.co.uk
BRIGHT GREEN SPACE Unit 3 Oyster Park Byfleet KT14 7AX tel: +44 1932 355221 email: info@yourbrightspace.com www.brightgreenspace.com
Barrisol stretch fabric systems, structural design and lighting expertise delivered by industry leaders. A collaborative team with unparalleled experience in creating visionary lighting structures. We fuse highend expertise with the latest technologies to add value at every stage, from conception to reality
CAMBRIDGE LIGHT 3 Coldhams Business Park Norman Way Cambridge CB1 3LH tel: +44 1223403512 www.cambridgelight.co.uk
CANDELA 319 Long Acre Nechells Birmingham B7 5JT tel: +44 1216786700 www.candela.co.uk
CARCLO OPTICS 6-7 Faraday Road Rabans Lane Industrial Area Aylesbury HP19 8RY tel: +44 1753575011 www.carclo-optics.com
CARTWRIGHT LIGHTING ASSOCIATES 5 Gartness Road, Killearn Strathclyde G63 9NT tel: +44 7737255852 www.cartwrightlighting.co.uk Distributor for: Candela, Reggiani, Ridi Group
CASAMBI TECHNOLOGIES 29 Whitton Drive, Giffnock Glasgow G46 6EF tel: +44 1721703461 www.casambi.com
CASUAL LIGHTING 6 Embassy Court Surbiton KT6 4HW tel: +44 7825187377 www.casual-lighting.co.uk Distributor for: Arkoslight, Insolit, Threeline
BRIGHT GREEN TECHNOLOGY Unit 3 Oyster Park 109 Chertsey Road Byfleet KT14 7AX tel: +44 1932355221 email: info@brightgreentechnology.com www.brightgreentechnology.com
Manufacturers of LED Light Sheet and the high CRI, high R9 PRO Range of architectural lighting products. An innovative technology specialist with over 20 years’ experience in the LED lighting system market. A global outlook with clients in every continent and a subsidiary company in Dubai. We aim to be exceptional in our responsiveness, flexibility and professionalism from start to finish.
BRITLED 171 Ballards lane Finchley London N3 1LP tel: +44 2076245465 www.brit-led.com
Powerlink House Ivy Arch Road Worthing BN14 8BX tel: +44 1903235784 www.candwseals.co.uk Distributor for: Furukawa f
CADENZA LIGHTING 8 Clifton Place Brighton BN1 3FN tel: +44 1273779700 www.cadenzalighting.co.uk Distributor for: DGA, EldoLED, Multiload, Soraa, Truelux
CALIBO 79 Clerkenwell Road London EC1R 5AR tel: +44 1933354994 www.calibo.co.uk
CALON ASSOCIATES Daresbury innovation Centre Keckwick Lane Daresbury WA4 4FS tel: +44 1925320320 www.infranet-partners.co.uk
CAULFIELD COMPANY Harewood Bridge Harrogate Road Leeds LS17 9LW tel: +44 1133843118 www.caulfieldcompany.co.uk Distributor for: Coelux
CERAVISION Ceravision House Sherbourne Drive Tilbrook Milton Keynes MK7 8HX tel: +44 1908371463 www.ceravision.com
CHANTELLE LIGHTING Unit 36 Lomeshaye Business Village Nelson BB9 7DR tel: +44 1282877877 www.chantellelighting.co.uk
CHROMA LIGHTING 213-215 Donegall Avenue Belfast BT12 6LU tel: +44 2890753084 www.chromalighting.co.uk Distributor for: Casambi, ELP, Gamma, Glamox, iGuzzini, Lamp, Luxonic
CIRRO LITE 3 Barretts Green Road London NW10 7AE tel: +44 2089556700 www.cirrolite.com Distributor for: Dedolight
CIRRUS LIGHTING 34-35 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8DX tel: +44 2071932175 www.cirruslighting.co.uk Distributor for: Viabizzuno
CLD Philips House Drury Lane Ponswood Industrial Estate St. Leonards-on-Sea TN38 9BA tel: +44 1424722944 www.cld-dist.co.uk Distributor for: Comus, Integral, Osram
Unit 362 Stockley Close West Drayton UB7 9BL tel: +44 1895430255 www.clevertronics.co.uk
cCLIMAR 31-35 Kirby Street London EC1N 8TE tel: +44 2074921707 www.climarlighting.com Distributor for: Barrisol
The Old Power Station, Unit 5C Enterprise Court, Lakes Road Braintree CM7 3QS tel: +44 1376331515 www.cocolighting.com Distributor for: Soraa
288 Upper Street London N1 2TZ tel: +44 2073548817 www.coexistence.co.uk Distributor for: Ansorg, Artemide, Flos, Louis Poulsen, O’Luce
Brooklands House, Sywell Aerodrome Wellingborough Road Northampton NN6 0BT tel: +44 1604495151 www.collingwoodlighting.com
Suite 2D Waterham Industrial Park Highstreet Road Waterham ME13 9EJ tel: +44 1795505370 www.colourbox.studio
Unit 16/17 Chandlers Way Swanwick Southampton SO31 1FQ tel: +44 1489581002 www.commercial-lighting.co.uk Distributor for: Ares, DGA, LSI, Meyer, Sera Lighting, Side, Skoff
CONTROL LIGHTING 14 Meadow View Crendon Industrial Park Long Crendon HP18 9EQ tel: +44 1865877956 www.control-lighting.com
CONTROL4 Unit 3 Green Park Business Centre Sutton on the Forest York YO61 1ET tel: +44 1347812300 www.control4.com
20 Greenhill Crescent Watford Business Park Watford WD18 8JA tel: +44 1923495495 www.eatonlightingsystems.com
CP ELECTRONICS Brent Crescent London NW10 7XR tel: +44 3339000671 www.cpelectronics.co.uk
CREATE LIGHTING Unit H2 Raceview Business Centre Hambridge Road Newbury RG14 5SA tel: +44 1635899615 www.createlighting.co.uk
CREE 4th Floor 46 New Broad Street London EC2M 1JH tel: +44 2036515845 www.cree.com
CRESCENT LIGHTING Unit H2 Raceview Business Centre Hambridge Road Newbury RG14 5SA tel: +44 1635878888 www.crescent.co.uk Distributor for: Agabekov, Ambiance Lumiere, Elliptipar, Endo, HK Lighting
CRESTRON Munro House 2 Portsmouth Road Cobham KT11 1TF tel: +44 8458738787 www.crestron.eu
Avis Way Newhaven BN9 OED tel: +44 8004402478 email: info.uk@sylvania-lighting.com www.sylvania-lighting.com
The Concord brand is part of the Sylvania Company and is one of Europe’s most respected Architectural lighting brands. With a strong manufacturing base in the UK, Concord is renowned for its strong design ethos, high technical performance and aesthetic form. Concord focuses on bringing lighting solutions to meet the needs of architects and lighting designers.
3 Avon Valley Business Park Chapel Way, St Annes Bristol BS4 4EU tel: +44 1179720030
Distributor for: ASD, Glamox, Helvar, iGuzzini, Osram, Signify, Sylvania, Tridonic, Trilux, Zumtobel
Wellvend House Nielsen Road Goole DN14 6UE tel: +44 1405766550 www.contrac-lighting.co.uk
CU PHOSCO LIGHTING Charles House Furlong Way, Great Amwell Ware SG12 9TA tel: +44 1920860600 www.cuphosco.com
CUBE LIGHTING Unit 2 River Park Billet Lane Berkhamsted HP4 1HL tel: +44 1442876676 www.cubelighting.com
60 Oliver Road, Shenfield Brentwood CM15 8PX tel: +44 2031574058 www.daisalux.com
DANLERS Danlers Business Centre Vincents Road Chippenham SN14 6NQ tel: +44 1249443377 www.danlers.co.uk
DANSON ELECTRONICS Dalton House, 60 Windsor Avenue London SW19 2RR tel: +44 2033979517 www.dansonelectronics.com
DARKLIGHT DESIGN Unit 10 Brookside Business Centre Church Road, Swallowfield Reading RG7 1TH tel: +44 1189882294 www.darklightdesign.com Distributor for: Artemide, Atelier Sedap, Bover, Brick In The Wall, Casambi, IP44.DE, Mean Well, Onok
17a Blackwater Trading Estate Blackwater Way Aldershot GU12 4DN tel: +44 1252311016 www.daxlite.com
DELMATIC The Powerhouse, Power Road London W4 5PY tel: +44 2031842000 www.delmatic.com
DELTA LIGHT 86-88 Great Suffolk Street London SE1 0BE tel: +44 2079605030 www.deltalight.com
DESIGN ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 48 Britton Street London ECIM 5UL tel: +44 02074903998 www.dal-uk.com
DESIGN LED Alba Innovation Centre Alba Campus Livingston EH54 7GA tel: +44 1506592310 www.designled.com
DESIGNPLAN LIGHTING 6 Wealdstone Road Kimpton Industrial Estate Sutton SM3 9RW tel: +44 2082542000 www.designplan.co.uk
DETAIL LIGHTING Unit 8 Cromwell Business Centre Howard Way Newport Pagnell MK16 9QS tel: +44 8450524442 www.detaillighting.co.uk
DEXTRA GROUP Brickfields Business Park Gillingham SP8 4PX tel: +44 1747858100 www.dextragroup.co.uk
DFX TECHNOLOGY Units 5 Witan Park, Avenue Two, Station Lane Witney OX28 4FH tel: +44 1993705151 www.dfxtech.co.uk
DIAL SLV 24 Main Street Esholt, Shipley BD17 7QZ tel: +44 1274589477 www.dialslv.com Distributor for: Axalight
DIALIGHT Leaf c, Level 36, Tower 42 25 Old Broad Street London EC2N 1HQ tel: +44 2030583540 www.dialight.com
DIMMER.CO.UK 143 Croydon Road Caterham CR3 6PF tel: +44 1883373333 www.dimmer.co.uk Distributor for: Futronix
DLD CONTRACT Unit 9 Brookside Business Centre Church Road, Swallowfield Reading RG7 1TH tel: +44 1189889414 www.dld-contract.co.uk Distributor for: Flexa Lighting, LED Profilelement
DULUCE LIGHT Unit 19 Penraevons Industrial Estate Leeds LS7 2AW tel: +44 8452001300 www.duluce.co.uk
DW WINDSOR Pindar Road Hoddesdon EN11 0DX tel: +44 1992474600 email: info@dwwindsor.com www.dwwindsor.com
Distributor for: Ligman
For organisations and professionals developing external environments, DW Windsor make light work. Established in 1976, DW Windsor is a service-led manufacturer of high quality lighting equipment and smart IoT technology solutions, designed for the global specification market. As outdoor lighting specialists, DW Windsor’s luminaires are engineered to offer outstanding quality, performance and longevity.
DYNALUXX Priory House, Mimram Road Hertford SG14 1NN tel: +44 1992535455 www.dynaluxx.com
DYSON Tetbury Hill Malmesbury SN16 0RP tel: +44 1666827200 www.dyson.co.uk
E2 CONTRACT LIGHTING Euro House, Cold Meece Stone ST15 0QN tel: +44 1782625119 www.e2lighting.co.uk
E4P Studio 8a Fanton Hall Essex Wickford SS12 9JF tel: +44 1268574240 www.e4p.co.uk
EARLSMANN Unit 7 Howden Road Tiverton EX16 5HW tel: +44 8456434740 www.earlsmann.co.uk
EASILUME Sentura House 3 Lands End Way, Oakham Rutland LE1 56R tel: +44 3338005555 www.easilume.co.uk
EBV ELEKTRONIK South East / 2 The Switchback, Gardner Road Maidenhead SL6 7RJ tel: +44 1614993434 www.ebv.com Distributor for: Everlight, Ledil, Luminus, Osram, Samsung f
ECOM LIGHTING Unit 36, 88-90 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8PN tel: +44 8006899016 www.ecomlighting.com
Unit 4 Ridgeway Crendon Industrial Area Long Crendon HP18 9BF tel: +44 1844204420 email: info@ecopacpower.co.uk www.ecopacpower.co.uk
Distributor for: Eaglerise, ELED, Euchips, Mean Well
Ecopac Power supplies the ELED range of Dimmable Drivers and the ECP On/Off LED Drivers and are authorised distributors for Mean Well, Eaglerise and EU Chips. Mains Dimmable Drivers, DALI Dimmable Drivers, 0-10v and 1-10v dimmable drivers all available in constant current and constant voltage.
Unit 45 Woolmer Way Industrial Estate Bordon GU35 9QE tel: +44 1420473889 email: sales@enigmalighting.com www.enigmalighting.com
Distributor for: Anytronics, CoeLux, Commercial Lighting Systems, Dark, Global Trac, Soraa, Tornado Lighting & Design, ZICO
As a leading supplier and distributor of lighting solutions, we stock an extensive collection of quality engineered light fittings. To achieve this we have also partnered with some of the most respected suppliers in the industry to make sure that we can provide our customers, both new and loyal, with the best quality and cost solutions for their projects.
ENTTEC 115 Mare Street London E8 4RU tel: +44 2070616210 www.enttec.com
ELR 1 Hedel Road Cardiff CF11 8DJ tel: +44 1656865330 email: www.elr-group.com www.elr-group.com
eELR or Engineered Lighting Revolution, is focused on producing premium LED lighting solutions for hospitality, commercial, retails and residential with variety selection of downlights, track lights, and customisable solutions using our LED module. Key differentiators for ELR’s LED module is compact with high lumens output, warm diming and tuneable white.
25A Little Boyton Hall Farm Boyton Cross Chelmsford CM1 4LN tel: +44 3302234536 www.elumeros.com
Unit 9 Gillmans Industrial Estate Natts Lane Billinghurst RH14 9EZ tel: +44 1403786601 www.elp.uk.com
Unit 17 Chartwell Business Park Leighton Buzzard LU7 4WG tel: +44 1525376974 www.encapsulite.co.uk
ENDO LIGHTING Suite 306, 25 Nutford Place London W1H 5YQ tel: +44 2031373713 www.endo-lighting.com
Unit 8 Jayes Courtyard Jayes Park Ockley RH5 5RR tel: +44 1306621546 www.saveiteasy.co.uk
EOS LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 19 Greenway Business Centre Harlow Business Park Harlow CM19 5QE tel: +44 2036334366 www.eoslightingsolutions.com Distributor for: Disano, Ghm-Eclatec
EQUIPOISE LIGHTING Kable House, Amber Drive Langley Mill NG16 4BE tel: +44 7770412163 www.equipoiselighting.co.uk Distributor for: Baulmann, BLux, Lucent, Secom
ERCO 38 Dover Street London W1S 4NL tel: +44 2073444900 www.erco.com
ESCAPEZONE Unit 23 Red Lion Business Centre Surbiton KT6 7QD tel: +44 2083919001 www.escapezone.net
ETAP 7 Progress Bus Centre Whittle Park Way Slough SL1 6DQ tel: +44 1628559650 www.etaplighting.com
ETC Unit 26-28 Victoria Industrial Estate Victoria Road London W36UU tel: +44 2088961000 www.etcconnect.com
EULUM DESIGN Units 4 & 6 Zone D Chelmsford Road Industrial Estate Great Dunmow CM6 1XG tel: +44 1371238523 www.eulum.com
EUROPEAN LAMP GROUP Allanby House Knowles Lane Bradford BD4 9AB tel: +44 8449914400 www.europeanlampgroup.com Distributor for: GE, Kosnic, Osram, Philips, Sylvania
EX-OR Haydock Lane Haydock WA11 9UJ tel: +44 1942719229 www.ex-or.com
EXLED Phoenix Mill Phoenix Works London Road Stroud GL5 2BU tel: +44 1453756361 www.led-lightbulbs.co.uk
EYRE & ELLISTON 191 Chatsworth Road Chesterfield S40 2BD tel: +44 1246274358 www.gfegroup.com Distributor for: Danlers, Dextra, Eaton, Gewiss, Hamilton, Kosnic, Lumiance, Megaman, Thorn
FACTORYLUX Old Trouser Factory Greenhill Industrial Estate Mytholmroyd Hebden Bridge HX7 5QF tel: +44 2071932119 www.factorylux.com
FAGERHULT 33-34 Dolben Street London SE1 0UQ tel: +44 2074034123 email: press@fagerhult.co.uk www.fagerhult.com Distributor for: ateljé Lyktan, LTS
The Fagerhult approach to light and lighting fuses fastidious attention to detail, technical competence and know-how with a distinctive Scandinavian design flair. Benefiting from the cost synergies of one of Europe’s leading luminaire manufacturers we offer high performance, energy efficient lighting solutions for commercial, educational, retail and exterior environments.
FARNELL Canal Road Leeds LS12 2TU tel: +44 8447111111 www.farnell.com Distributor for: Avago, Bridgelux, Cree, Dialight, Enocean, LED Engin, Lumileds, Marl, Sharp
FASTOSO TEC-LIGHT 94 High Mount Station Road London NW4 3ST tel: +44 2082481368 www.fastoso.co.uk
FIBRE OPTIC FX Unit 2 Union Court Alan Ramsbottom Way Great Harwood BB6 7UR tel: +44 1254888809 www.fibreopticfx.co.uk
FITZGERALD LIGHTING 38 Normandy Way Bodmin PL31 1EX tel: +44 120879524 www.fitzlight.co.uk
Unit 18 First Quarter Blenheim Road Longmead Business Park Epsom KT19 9QN tel: +44 1372888455 www.flairlight.co.uk Distributor for: ACB Ilumination, Deko-Light, dot-spot
FLEX CONNECTORS Unit 8 The Gate Centre Syon Gate Way Brentford TW8 9DD tel: +44 2085801066 www.flexconnectors.co.uk
FLICK LIGHTING Unit C, Tyburn Industrial Estate Ashold Farm Road Birmingham B24 9QG tel: +44 3330430533 www.flicklighting.co.uk
FLUOREL Suite F Spa House 69 Southend Road Hockley SS5 4PZ tel: +44 8458643643 www.fluorel.co.uk
The Old Railway Princes Street Ulverston LA12 7NQ tel: +44 1229580000 www.forge.co.uk
FORMALIGHTING Unit 3 Mitcham Industrial Estate 85 Streatham Road, Mitcham CR4 2AP email: pietro@formalighting.com www.formalighting.com
Celebrating 50 years of Italian design and manufacturing of high-quality architectural lighting solutions for the specifications market, formalighting’s innovative ranges include MOTOLUX, an award-winning series of Architectural Motorized Lighting. Control the Pan, Tilt, Dim, full spectrum colour tuning, Dim to warm and beam shape using a dedicated smart-phone app powered by CASAMBI technology or its remote control.
FORMATION LIGHTING The Clubhouse 1 Angel Court London EC2R 7HJ tel: +44 2071278788 www.formationlighting.com Distributor for: Bega, Onok, Schmitz
FRANCIS SEARCHLIGHTS Union Road Bolton BL2 2HJ tel: +44 1204558960 www.francis.co.uk
FRANKLITE Snowdon Drive Winterhill Milton Keynes MK6 1AP tel: +44 1908691818 www.franklite.co.uk
2100 First Avenue Newbury Business Park London Road Newbury RG14 2PZ tel: +44 1635555979 www.freeway-lighting.com
Distributor for: Aavid Thermalloy, Carclo, Khatod, Liteon, Taiwan Semiconductor, Vossloh Schwabe
FULHAM Unit 9b Intec 2 Wade Road Basingstoke RG24 8NE tel: +44 1256818700 www.fulham.com
Furukawa House, 77-85 Fulham Palace Road London W6 8JD tel: +44 2073135307 www.furukawa.co.uk
Futronix House, 143 Croydon Road Caterham CR3 6PF tel: +44 1883373333 www.futronix.com
The Lighthouse Fircroft Way Edenbridge TN8 6EJ tel: +44 1732867420 email: light@futuredesigns.co.uk www.futuredesigns.co.uk
30 years since the inception of FUTURE Designs we constantly strive to master the magic of light with the same determination, delivering world-class lighting solutions for our clients. We employ the very best individuals, use only the very highest quality components from world leading providers, whilst investing in state-of-art machinery & software.
Future House, The Glanty Egham TW20 9AH tel: +44 1784275000 www.futureelectronics.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Carclo, Eaton, Ledil, Lumileds, Mean Well, Osram, Recom, Samsung LED, Signify f
The Post House, Ockham Road South East Horsley KT24 6RX tel: +44 2085434451 www.futurelightdesign.co.uk Distributor for: Lutron, Occhio
The Light House, 37 Wadham Grove Emersons Green Bristol BS16 7DX tel: +44 1173070099 www.fw-lighting.com Distributor for: Labra
Thornhill Road Business Park Tenter Fields Dewsbury WF12 9QT tel: +44 1924482777 www.gamma-uk.com
GAP LIGHTING Unit 14-15 Schooner Court Crossways Business Park Dartford Bridge DA2 6NW tel: +44 1322550800 www.gaplighting.co.uk
The Exchange, 4 Brent Cross Gardens London NW4 3RJ tel: +44 2082023357 www.gelighting.com
8-10 The Oast East Malling Business Centre
New Road East Malling ME19 6BJ tel: +44 1732876645
Distributor for: Interact Hospitality, Interact Office, Philips Dynalite
GENESIS AV 35 Hilgrove Street St. Helier Jersey JE2 4SL tel: +44 1534758518 www.genesis.je Distributor for: Lutron
GEWISS 2020 Building, Cambourne Business Park Cambourne CB23 6DW tel: +44 1954712757 www.gewiss.com
Unit 39 Salford University Business Park Leslie Hough Way Salford M6 6AJ tel: +44 1617377333 www.ghsspecialprojects.com Distributor for: AKC Lighting, Osram, Rako, Sharp, Tridonic
GKD Unit 14 By-Pass Park Estate Sherburn in Elmet LS25 6EP tel: +44 1977686410 www.gkd.de
Unit 3 Capital Business Park Manor Way Borehamwood WD6 1GW tel: +44 2089530540 www.glamox.com
Harbour House, East Quay Glasson Docks Lancaster LA2 0BU tel: +44 1524752208 www.glassonelectronics.co.uk
GLOBAL DESIGN SOLUTIONS Unit 13 Riverside Business Park St Annes Road Bristol BS4 4ED tel: +44 1173250063 www.gds.uk.com
GOBOLAND The Atrium, Curtis Road Dorking RH4 1NT tel: +44 2070604626 www.goboland.com
GOODLIGHT Unit 7 J4 Camberley, 15 Doman Road Camberley GU15 3LB tel: +44 1276691230 www.goodlight.co.uk
GOOEE 2 Eastbourne Terreace London W2 6LG www.gooee.com
GREEN ROUTE Unit 2 Northfield Farm, Whissendine Lane Rutland LE15 7QF tel: +44 1664474772 www.green-route.co.uk
The Light Bulb, Unit 223, 1 Filament Walk London SW18 4GQ tel: +44 2037357322 www.gvalighting.com
The Silverlink Wallsend Newcastle Upon Tyne NE28 9ND tel: +44 1912809911 email: sales@hacel.co.uk www.hacel.co.uk
Hacel Lighting has an established heritage and brand philosophy founded on quality service and innovative luminaires alongside a deserved reputation for flexibility and availability. Hacel products are designed and manufactured in our purpose-built facility in the UK, encompassing all the core values which have been instilled in our business from the onset.
HAGER Hortonwood 50 Telford TF1 7FT tel: +44 1952677899 www.hager.co.uk
HALERS Brooklands House Sywell Aerodrome Wellingborough Road Northampton NN6 0BT tel: +44 1604679700 www.halers.com
HALO LIGHTING 9B-124 Brewery Road London N7 9PG tel: +44 2076978371 www.halo.co.uk Distributor for: Chauvet, Clay Paky, Martin, Robe, Studio Due
HAMILTON LITESTAT Unit 10 Carrick Business Centre 4-5 Bonville Road Brislington BS4 5NZ tel: +44 1747860088 www.hamilton-litestat.com
HARVARD POWER SYSTEMS 1200 Century Way Leeds LS15 8ZA tel: +44 1138805405 www.harvardpowersystems.com
HELVAR Hawley Mill, Hawley Road Dartford DA2 7SY tel: +44 1322617200 www.helvar.com
Boston House, Grove Business Park Downsview Road Wantage OX12 9FF tel: +44 1621890265 www.hess.eu
The Old Post House, Heath Road Weybridge KT13 8TS tel: +44 1923431674 www.hibino.co.uk
HILCO LIGHTING SOLUTIONS Prestwood, Nags Head Lane Great Missenden HP16 0ER tel: +44 1494868239 www.hilcolightingsolutions.co.uk
Unit 2a Drumhead Road Chorley North Business Park Chorley PR6 7BX tel: +44 1257262197 www.hispec.co.uk
HOLDERS TECHNOLOGY Block 9 Units 1-4 Tweedbank Industrial Estate Galashiels TD1 3RS tel: +44 1896759098 www.holderstechnology.com Distributor for: AAG Stucchi, Casambi, Danlers, Entity, Harvard PS, Ledlink, Luminus, Optoga, Vadsbo, Vairus
HOLOPHANE Bond Avenue, Bletchley Milton Keynes MK1 1JG tel: +44 1908649292 www.holophane.co.uk
HULGER Top Floor, 8 Elder Street London E1 6BT tel: +44 2076507882 www.hulger.com
I-PIX Broadstone Mill, Broadstone Road Stockport SK5 7DL tel: +44 1614434140 www.i-pix.uk.com
I-VISION Lakeside House, Lakeside Cwmbran NP44 3XS tel: +44 1633482500 www.ivisionuk.com
IBL The St. Effingham Leatherhead KT24 5LG tel: +44 8448225210 www.ibl.co.uk
IGUZZINI Astolat Business Park, Astolat Way Guildford GU3 1NE tel: +44 1483468000 www.iguzzini.com
ILIGHT Usk House Llantarmam Park Cwmbran NP44 3HD tel: +44 1923495495 email: enquiries@ilight.co.uk www.ilight.co.uk
At iLight we provide integrated lighting control solutions that help our customers to deliver efficient, sustainable and beautiful buildings.
iLight delivers a foundation for any Internetof-Things (IoT) enabled building, bringing insight to building use and space utilization without compromising user experience and control functionality.
ILLUMA LIGHTING Sills Road, Willow Farm Business Park Castle Donington DE74 2US tel: +44 1332818200 www.illuma.co.uk
ILLUMINO IGNIS Ignis House, Imperial Way Eagle Business Park Peterborough PE7 3GP tel: +44 2030044855 www.illuminoignis.co.uk
ILLUMIS LIGHTS Norwich Road Strumpshaw NR13 4NT tel: +44 2081444481 www.illumis-lights.com
ILUMINARC Unit 1C Brookhill Road Industrial Estate Pinxton Nottingham NG16 6NT tel: +44 1773511115 www.iluminarc.com
INDO LIGHTING Unit 18 - 19 Chancerygate Business Centre Southhampton SO15 0AE tel: +44 2030511687 www.indolighting.com
INFORM 99 St John´s Hill London SW11 1SY tel: +44 2072283335 www.informfurniture.co.uk Distributor for: Lightyears
INGENIOUS LIGHTING 9 Tiltman Lane Bletchley MK3 6FJ tel: +44 1908377329 www.ingeniouslighting.com Distributor for: Castaldi, Coelux, Diamante, RZB
INLICO 26-36 Frankfort Street Newtown Birmingham B19 2YH tel: +44 1213598585 www.inlico.com
INNER LED 306 Stafford Road Croydon CR0 4NH tel: +44 7557872460 www.innerled.co.uk
INNERMOST 2.02 - 2.04 OXO Tower Wharf Bargehouse Street London SE1 9PH tel: +44 2076201808 www.innermost.net
INNERSCENE 2 Eastbrook Road, Eastern Avenue Gloucester GL4 3DB tel: +44 1452931157 www.innerscene.com
INOX Unit 22 Brookside Centre Sumpters Way Temple Farm Industrial Estate Southend-on-Sea SS2 5RR tel: +44 1424775459 www.inox.co.uk
Distributor for: Bright Special Lighting, Cartoon Lighting, Cree, Gantom, Lucifero’s, SPI Lighting
INSTA LIGHTING Studio 8a Fanton Hall Arterial Road Wickford SS12 9JF tel: +44 1268572655 www.instalighting.co.uk
INSTYLE LED 32 Waterleys Main Street Willoughby Waterleys Leicester LE8 6UF tel: +44 1162799083 www.instyleled.co.uk
INTALITE 148-154 Merton High Street London SW19 1AZ tel: +44 2085421471 www.intalite.co.uk Distributor for: Gira, Internova, SLV
Unit 6 Iron Bridge Close Iron Bridge Business Park London NW10 0UF tel: +44 2084518762 www.integral-led.com
INTEGRATED SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES (IST) 55 Wellington Crescent Fradley, Lichfield WS13 8RZ tel: +44 1216302280 www.istl.com
ISOTERA Unit 4 Spencer Court St Neots PE19 8ET tel: +44 1480476939 www.isotera.com
IWASAKI Unit 2 Eskdale Road Uxbridge UB8 2RT tel: +44 1895814418 www.eyelighting-eu.com
JCC LIGHTING PRODUCTS Lamplighter House Beeding Close Southern Cross Trading Estate Bognor Regis PO22 9TS tel: +44 1243838999 www.jcc.co.uk
JOHN CULLEN LIGHTING 561-563 Kings Road London SW6 2EB tel: +44 2073719000 email: sales@johncullenlighting.com www.johncullenlighting.com
Be inspired by John Cullen Lighting’s range of discreet LED light fittings all designed for the luxury residential, hospitality and marine markets. Designed in-house supporting British manufacturing, our products are precision engineered to create the perfect effects for the high-end user, backed up by end-to-end service and technical support.
JONA HOAD DESIGN The Studio Ashpools Chapel Lane Northall LU6 2HF tel: +44 1525222364 www.jonahoad.com
JORDAN REFLECTORS Southfields Industrial Park 9-10 Seax Way Laindon Basildon SS15 6SW tel: +44 1268415828 www.jordanreflectors.co.uk
JPR LIGHTING 60 Sandy Lane Farnborough GU14 9HJ tel: +44 1252413291 www.jprlighting.co.uk
2nd Floor Smile House 6 Burnell Road Sutton SM1 4EG tel: +44 7824565068 www.jtsolar.de
JTLED Enterprise Centre Paycocke Road Basildon SS14 3DY tel: +44 1268524770 www.jtled.co.uk
K-LITE Ridgeland House 1st Floor 15 Carfax Horsham RH12 IDQ tel: +44 2080128393 www.k-lite.co.uk
10 Kirkstall Industrial Park Kirkstall Road Leeds LS4 2AZ tel: +44 1132639039 email: sales@kempslighting.com www.kempsarchitecturallighting.com Distributor for: Lightnet
Kemps Architectural Lighting has been delivering linear lighting for over 30 years, manufacturing bespoke LED for large-scale projects including airports, shopping centres, hotels, and office buildings around the world. Recent projects include The Dubai Mall, Heathrow Airport, Deloitte HQ, and the award-winning Royal Opera House.
North Brook Works Alkincote Street Keighley BD21 5JT tel: +44 1535616300 www.keylighting.co.uk
KINGFISHER LIGHTING Ratcher Way Crown Farm Industrial Park Mansfield NG19 0FS tel: +44 1623415900 email: sales@kingfisherlighting.com www.kingfisherlighting.com
Creating bespoke lighting solutions for over 30 years, Kingfisher work closely with highprofile clients on a diverse range of projects. From simple to supply, to full end-to-end solutions, we offer a vast array of quality luminaires and accessories designed and engineered in the UK and Italy.
KKDC Spiers Piece Steeple Ashton Trowbridge BA14 6HG tel: +44 2038486060 www.kkdc.lighting
KOSNIC Unit D2 Kennetside, Bone Lane Newbury RG14 5PX tel: +44 8458386851 www.kosnic.com
KOWA OPTIMED EUROPE Sandhurst House 297 Yorktown Road Sandhurst GU47 0QA tel: +44 1276937021 www.kowa.eu
KREATIVE LIGHTING STUDIO 3 College Street Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8SF tel: +44 7734247852 www.kls-light.co.uk Distributor for: Colourbox Studio, Delta Light, UFO
KREON 67 Maltings Place, 169 Tower Bridge Road London SE1 3LJ tel: +44 2077402112 email: uk@kreon.com www.kreon.com
Kreon is a Belgium-based company represented all over the world that has been developing producing architectural interior lighting (tools of light) and metal ceiling systems (ceiling solutions) since 1982. The basis for Kreons design is a very clear characteristic visualisation of the company’s philosophy: purity and simplicity.
LED FLEX Unit 17 Greenwich Business Park 53 Norman Road London SE10 9QF tel: +44 2031377305 email: info@ledflexgroup.com www.ledflexgroup.com
Founded by a team who are passionate about lighting and technology, we at LEDFlex provide premium linear LED solutions for lighting projects suitable for architectural, urban, commercial, and residential applications. We work together with our clients on a project to project basis, developing bespoke lighting solutions tailored to individual project requirements.
The Light Bunker, Fort Regent St Helier, Jersey JE2 4UX tel: +44 1534854236 www.ledjersey.co.uk Distributor for: Tryka LED
LED LIMITED Unit 8 St. John’s Court Foster Road Sevington TN24 0SJ tel: +44 1233502380 www.ledlimited.co.uk Distributor for: GLED, Hera, Madrix, Self
LED TECHNOLOGIES Unit 1 Third Avenue, Radnor Trading Estate Congleton CW12 4XJ tel: +44 1260540014 www.ledtechnologies.co.uk
LEDAZ LIGHTING Unit 11, Northam Business Centre Princess Street Southampton SO14 5RP tel: +44 2381229554 www.ledazlighting.co.uk
LEDRIDGE LIGHTING Unit 6, Highcliffe Road Hamilton LE5 1TY tel: +44 1162461188 www.ledridge.com
129 Humberstone Road Leicester LE5 3AP tel: +44 1162625933 www.ledsolutions.co.uk
LEDUS Unit 2 11-13 Horseferry Road London SW1P 2AH tel: +44 2030215301 www.ledus.co.uk
LEDVANCE Aquilla House Delta Crescent Warrington WA5 7NR tel: +44 1925465000 www.ledvance.com
Central Way Walworth Industrial Estate Andover SP10 5AN tel: +44 1264721727 www.leefilters.com
LEGRAND Great King Street North Birmingham B19 2LF tel: +44 8706089000 www.legrand.co.uk
LEVITON Viewfield Industrial Estate Glenrothes KY6 2RS tel: +44 1592772124 www.leviton.com
LIGHT CORPORATION Unit 3 North Bridge Road Berkhamsted HP4 1EF tel: +44 1442216200 www.lightcorporation.com
LIGHT EMISSIONS 19 Rochester Square London NW1 9SA tel: +44 2072842979 www.lightemissions.com
eLIGHT ENGINES EUROPE Unit 7 Woodend Business Park Marsh Moss Lane Burscough L40 0PH tel: +44 1704892847 www.leeltd.uk.com
A2 Unit 7C Boeing Way International Trading Estate Southall UB2 5LB tel: +44 2085713785
Material Source Studio 1 Federation Street, NOMA Manchester M4 4BF tel: +44 7757677250 email: sales@lightforms.com www.lightforms.com
Distributor for: Brick In The Wall, Powergear
Light Forms uses light to transform and enrich architectural spaces. Family-run since our foundation in 2008, we design and manufacture made-to-measure highperformance lighting solutions for clients all over the world, from our bases in the UK, Europe and India.
LIGHT HQ 16 Tickleford Drive Southampton SO19 9AU tel: +44 2380483449
Distributor for: Esse-Ci, Exii, Lucis
LIGHT IDEAS Heath House, Bewdley Business Park, Long Bank Bewdley DY12 2TZ tel: +44 1299269950
Distributor for: Hunza, Soraa
LIGHT ON LINE Churchill House, 137 Brent Street London NW4 4DJ tel: +44 2084572737
www.lightonline.biz Distributor for: LED iBond
LIGHT PROJECTS 23 Jacob Street London SE1 2BG tel: +44 2072318282 www.lightprojects.co.uk
Distributor for: Roblight, Tokistar, Wibre
LIGHT UNION Kemp House 152 City Road London EC1V 2NX tel: +44 7511804645 www.light-union.com Distributor for: AsenseTek
LIGHT-GB 11-13 Bayley Street London WC1B 3HD tel: +44 2071128913 www.light-gb.com Distributor for: Linno, Mizar
LIGHTGRAPHIX Unit 20 Bourne Road Industrial Park Crayford DA1 4BZ tel: +44 1322527629 email: light@lightgraphix.co.uk www.lightgraphix.co.uk
LightGraphix design and manufacture lighting for architectural, marine and display use, for projects all over the world. With over 40 years experience in the lighting industry we have built up a reputation for high quality, well made and innovative products backed up by efficient and reliable customer service.
3 More London Riverside London SE1 2RE tel: +44 2077407350 www.lightincproducts.eu Distributor for: Intralux, Roled
LIGHTING DESIGN NI 14 Boucher Way Antrim Belfast BT12 6RE tel: +44 2890688522 www.lightingdesignonline.com Distributor for: Artek
LIGHTING MOTIONS Key Works Wilson Street Oldham OL8 1HN tel: +44 1616280098 www.lightingmotions.com
LIGHTING REALITY The Forum, Anchor Drive Worcester Road Stourport-on-Severn DY13 9BZ tel: +44 1213868400 www.lightingreality.com
14 Temple Street Brill HP18 9SX tel: +44 1844238982 www.lsgc.com
3 Avon Valley Business Park Chapel Way St Annes Bristol BS4 4EU tel: +44 1172444094 www.lightingservicesinc.com Distributor for: Philips Lighting e
LIGHTINGSPIRATION 5 Brookside Sabden BB7 9ET tel: +44 2030053232 www.lightingspiration.com Distributor for: Chors, Flexalighting, Luxiona
LIGHTPLUS 11 Woodland View Lovedean Waterlooville PO8 9TR tel: +44 2392440550 www.light-plus.co.uk Distributor for: Climar, Eco-Design, Lumini, Sera
1 Lanswoodpark Business Centre Broomfield Road Elmstead Market Colchester CO7 7FD tel: +44 1206890248 www.ledlightsense.co.uk
LIGHTSTAR Stillwater Barn, Bartley Mill Road Lamberhurst TN3 8BH tel: +44 1892891586 www.lightstarlighting.com Distributor for: Astro, Hunza, Light Corporation, LightGraphix, Lucent, Lumino, Orluna
Cannon Park, Transfesa Road Paddock Wood TN12 6UF tel: +44 1892838311 www.lightworks.co.uk
LIGHTXCEL Unit 22 Cariocca Business Park, 2 Hellidon Close Manchester M12 4AH tel: +44 1612986088 www.lightxcel.com
LINEA LIGHT GROUP Suite 109 The Business Design Centre 52 Upper Street London N1 0QH tel: +44 2036371983 www.linealight.com
LINUM LOOM Suite B2 Joseph’s Well, Hanover Walk Leeds LS3 1AB www.linumloom.com Distributor for: AQform LITE Unit 2 Farrington Place Rossendale Road Industrial Estate Burnley BB11 5TY tel: +44 845873260 email: sales@lite-ltd.co.uk www.lite-ltd.co.uk
Offering a wealth of specifically chosen proven LED technologies to fulfil the lighting needs of any architectural project. From application support and specification to ecology reports and site surveys, LITE provides extensive levels of service before the project has even begun. Once completed, LITE will still be there for our clients, offering aftercare and health checks.
LITELAB 137-139 Crawley Road Horsham RH12 4DX tel: +44 7976245543 www.litelab.com
Apex House Bryant Avenue Romford RM3 0AP tel: +44 1708372223 www.liteplan.com
LITETASK 1 The Courtyards Victoria Road Seacroft Leeds LS14 2LB tel: +44 1132652651 www.litetask.co.uk
Distributor for: Ares, Fagerhult, Gamma Illumination, Planlicht, Signify
LITEX The Metro Centre, Dwight Road Watford WD18 9HG tel: +44 1923247254 www.litexuk.com Distributor for: Bega, Bel Lighting, Deltalight, Flos, Wever & Ducré
LOW ENERGY DESIGNS Unit 11/13 Bridge Street Bailie Gate Industrial Estate Sturminster Marshall BH21 4DB tel: +44 1258858171 www.lowenergydesigns.com
LPA LIGHTING AND ENERGY SOLUTIONS Unit 19 Blacklands Way, Abingdon Business Park Oxon OX14 1DY tel: +44 1865952300 www.lpalighting.com
Distributor for: Egoluce, Lightnet, PAN, Securlite, Unilamp
LSE 6 Great Western Business Park McKenzie Way Worcester WR4 9PT tel: +44 190522243 www.lselighting.com Distributor for: Cleoni, Onok, Paulmann, Proled, Vibia
LSII EUROPE Brew House Thermhall Park Start Hill Bishops Stortford CM22 7WE tel: +44 1279874433 www.lsii-europe.co.uk
LTP Units 3 & 4 Heol Rhosyn Dafen Park Llanelli SA14 8QG tel: +44 1554740500 www.ltprojects.com Distributor for: Robe, Traxon e:cue
LUCECO Caparo House 103 Baker Street London W1U 6LN www.luceco.com
LUCENT LIGHTING 1345 High Road London N20 9HR tel: +44 2084420880 www.lucent-lighting.com
LUCY ZODION Zodion House Station Road Sowerby Bridge HX6 3AF tel: +44 1422317337 www.lucyzodion.com
LUG LIGHTING 26 Store Street London WC1E 7BT tel: +44 7552583309 www.luglightfactory.com
LUMIBRIGHT Sefton Street Heywood OL10 2JF tel: +44 8448447600 www.lumibright.co.uk
LUMINAIR 148 Hartington Road Brighton BN2 3PB tel: +44 1273383435 www.luminair.co.uk
LUMINAIRES The Old Bakery, Victoria Road Douglas Isle of Man IM2 4HD tel: +44 1624665801 www.luminaires.co.im Distributor for: DW Windsor, Flos, iGuzzini, Lumenpulse, Trilux
LUMINEUX MPW Electronics Manby Business Park Nr Louth LN11 8UT tel: +44 1507328031 www.lumineux.co.uk
LUMINO Lumino House Lovet Road Harlow CM19 5TB tel: +44 1279635411 email: info@lumino.lighting www.lumino.lighting
As designers and creators, Lumino fuse innovative technology with a deep understanding of design to create high quality lighting products. With ColorCORE® technology built into all our lighting products, high CRI ≤95Ra and 2-STEP MacAdam binning come as standard.
LUMISPHERE Enterprise House Suite 11, Priory Road Freiston PE22 0JZ tel: +44 1245329999 www.lumisphere.co.uk
LUSTRUMLIGHT Unit F11 Waterfront Business Centre 1 Dock Road London E16 1AH tel: +44 2079987696 www.lustrumlight.co.uk Distributor for: Brumberg
MAFCO PO Box 12 Stroud GL5 2QA tel: +44 1453884228 www.mafcouk.com Distributor for: Phoenix Products
MAKIN LIGHT 45 Mossway Middleton Manchester M24 1WS tel: +44 5601591867 www.makinlight.co.uk Distributor for: Bruck, Optaled, Optelma, Sedap, Versa
MALHAM LIGHTING DESIGN Unit 12 Metro Centre Kangley Bridge Road London SE26 5BW tel: +44 2086767976 www.malham.co.uk
MARL INTERNATIONAL Marl Business Park Ulverston LA12 9BN tel: +44 1229582430 www.leds.co.uk Distributor for: Lumoluce
Landscape House Lowfield Business Park Elland HX5 9HT tel: +44 3704427702 www.marshalls.co.uk
MARTECH OEM LIGHTING SOLUTIONS Thornhill Road Business Park Tenter Fields Dewsbury WF12 9QT tel: +44 1924482701 www.martech-uk.com
e cMARTIN PROFESSIONAL Westside London Road Hemel Hempstead HP3 9TD tel: +44 2070845396 www.martin.com
LUTRON European Experience Centre 4th Floor 125 Finsbury Pavement London EC2A1NQ tel: +44 2077020657 email: euroexperience@lutron.com www.lutron.com/europe
Founded in 1961 and based in Pennsylvania, Lutron Electronics is a leading manufacturer of energy-saving light, shade, and temperature control systems for homes, hotels and commercial buildings. Lutron’s Athena enables lighting designers world-wide to realise their design vision by adjusting independently colour temperature and intensity to create and save scenes.
Bridge House 181 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4EG tel: +44 1256363090 www.luxonic.co.uk
LYCO GROUP Clarke Road Bletchley Milton Keynes MK1 1ZR tel: +44 8433177820 www.lyco.co.uk Distributor for: Astro, Aurora, Eglo, Integral, Ivela, Megaman, Nordlux, Philips
LYNK LABS Unit 10 The Hollies Shefford SG17 5BX tel: +44 1462851653 www.lynklabs.com f
MEGAMAN Megaman House 2 Quadrant Park, Mundells Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FS tel: +44 1707386000 www.megamanuk.com
MESH LIGHTING 201 Borough High Street London SE1 1JA tel: +44 2074070251 www.meshlighting.co.uk Distributor for: ARIA, Beachside Lighting, Filix, L&L Luce&Light, NoWatt, Technilum, Vode
1 Sovereign Centre Farthing Road Ipswich IP1 5AP tel: +44 1473466300 www.mgc-lighting.com Distributor for: BLV, Chauvet, Crompton, GE, Havells-Sylvania, IMPACT, Osram, Philips, Pulsar, Radium
Thornton Science Park Pool Lane Chester CH2 4NU tel: +44 1829741702 www.mjlighting.com
The Maltings 63 High Street Ware SG12 9AD tel: +44 1920462121 www.modelighting.com
Cromwell House 27 Brabourne Rise, Park Langley Beckenham BR3 6SQ tel: +44 2086509690 www.moderneon.co.uk
MONO 10 Galleria Court Sumner Road London SE15 6PW tel: +44 2072770426 www.monoled.com Distributor for: Macrolux
MOUNT LIGHTING York House, Guildford Road St Albans AL1 5JX tel: +44 1727836695 www.mountlighting.co.uk
e MR. RESISTOR 21 Lydden Road London SW18 4LT tel: +44 2088742234 email: info@mr-resistor.co.uk www.mr-resistor.co.uk
Distributor for: Astro, Feelux, Flos, Klus, LED United, Lutron, Nordlux, Orac, Original BTC, Wise Controls
Mr Resistor is a lighting specialists, established in 1968, we offer a wide range of lighting products, controls and electrical components. We also offer a lighting design service, based in our Wandsworth head office. We provide a fully independent design and supply service for all your lighting needs.
MULTIFORM LIGHTING Unit 2 Springfield Road, Springfield Industrial Estate Burnham-on-Crouch CM0 8UA tel: +44 170227741 www.multiform-lighting.com
MULTILOAD 2 Rosemont Road London NW3 6NE tel: +44 2077949152 www.multiload.co.uk a
MUSCO LIGHTING Unit 1005 Great Bank Road Wingates Industrial Estate Westhoughton Bolton BL5 3XU tel: +44 1942811777 www.musco.eu
MUSHROOM LIGHTING 15 Low Farm Place Northampton NN3 6HY tel: +44 1604790900 www.mushroomlighting.com Distributor for: CLS, Gantom, Teclumen
NANOCO LIGHTING 46 Grafton Street Manchester M13 9NT tel: +44 1616037900 www.nanocolighting.com
14E Calderdale Business Park Club Lane Halifax HX2 8DB tel: +44 3300948898 email: hello@nekolightinguk.com www.nekolighting.com
NEKO Lighting combines European thinking with Asian efficiency – creating our company philosophy “Think Design“. Fast-growing manufacturer of high quality architectural LED lighting Indoor and Outdoor for competitive prices since 2013.
NEOLEC LIGHTING Church Lane Kinwarton Alcester B49 6HB tel: +44 1789765667 www.neoleclighting.com
NEON CIRCUS Wrights Yard Top Road Wimbish Green Saffron Walden CB10 2XJ tel: +44 1799598080 www.neoncircus.com
NET LED LIGHTING Evolution Business Park, Milton Road, Impington Cambridge CB24 9NG tel: +44 1223851505 www.netledlighting.co.uk
First Floor Offices 25 Old Steine Brighton BN1 1EL tel: +44 7481811500 www.nicolaudie.com
NJO TECHNOLOGY 1-4 Fell View Trading Park Shap Road Kendal LA9 6NZ tel: +44 1539730093 www.njoleds.co.uk
NJS LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 161-167 Rosslyn Street Kirkcaldy KY1 3HT tel: +44 1592 650058 www.njslightingsolutions.co.uk Distributor for: Calon, ES-System, Photonstar, Waveguide
NMAC Unit 84 Basepoint Business Centre Lincoln Road Cressex Business Park High Wycombe HP12 3RL tel: +44 1494372027 www.nmaclighting.com Distributor for: Intra Lighting, LED iBond, Lightnet, LiniLED, Tecnolight
NO GREY AREA Westward House, Glebeland Road Yorktown Industrial Estate Camberley GU15 3DB tel: +44 1276686175 www.nogreyarea.me
Unit 5 Kings Wharf 301 Kingsland Road London E8 4DS tel: +44 7500068220 www.norlux.no
NORMAGRUP Unit 5 Ninian Park Ninian Way, Tame Valley Tamworth B77 5ES tel: +44 1827816333 www.normagrup.uk
NVC Park 201 Hollymoor Way, Rubery Birmingham B31 5HE tel: +44 1214576340 www.nvcuk.com
OCEANLED Unit 1 Jacknell Road Dodwells Bridge Industrial Estate Hinckley LE10 3BS tel: +44 1455637505 www.oceanled.com
OMC Candela House Cardrew Industrial Estate Redruth TR15 1SS tel: +44 1209215424 www.omc-uk.com
ONE EIGHTY LIGHT Studio G6 & G7 Bristol and Exeter House
Lower Approach Road Bristol BS1 6QS tel: +44 1179299602 www.oneeightylight.com Distributor for: IP44.de, O/M, Occhio
Prince of Wales House 3 Bluecoats Avenue Hertford SG14 1PB tel: +44 8445561515 www.1-light.eu
3 Merchants Park, Merchants Way Aldridge WS9 8SW tel: +44 1922452423 www.one-lux.co.uk
ONLED BY SELECTRONIC Book End Witney OX29 0YE tel: +44 1993778000 www.selectronic.co.uk
1 Woodlands Court, Albert Drive Burgess Hill RH15 9TN tel: +44 1444230660 www.opentechnologyuk.com
OPTALED Unit 1 Evercreech Way Walrow Industrial Estate Highbridge TA9 4AR tel: +44 1278783231 www.optaled.com
14 Napier Court, The Science Park Abingdon OX14 3NB tel: +44 1235553769 www.optelma.com
eOPTEON Elstree House, Elstree Way Borehamwood WD6 1SD tel: +44 1444237950 www.opteonlighting.com
eOPTIKINETICS 38 Cromwell Road Luton LU3 1DN tel: +44 1582411413 www.optikinetics.co.uk
Unit 7 Thesiger Close Worthing BN11 2RN tel: +44 1903231901 www.opulent-group.com Distributor for: Opulent Techno
Simons House, Station Road Elsenham Bishops Stortford CM22 6LA tel: +44 2034758488 www.orangelighting.co.uk
Sentura House Lands End Way Oakham Rutland LE15 6RB tel: +44 8081617740 www.originlighting.co.uk
Victor Way, Radlett Road Colney Street St Albans AL2 2FL tel: +44 1923851890 www.orlight.com
ORLUNA Unit C Holly Industrial Park Ryan Way Watford WD24 4YP tel: +44 1923889712 www.orluna.com
PHAROS ARCHITECTURAL CONTROLS International House 7 High Street Ealing Broadway London W5 5DB tel: +44 2074719449 email: info@pharoscontrols.com www.pharoscontrols.com
eOSRAM 450 Brook Drive Green Park Reading RG2 6UU tel: + 44 1925649106 email: project@osram.co.uk www.osram.com/ds
OSRAM Digital Systems delivers technology for successful LED projects. From components to complete systems, from individual solutions to large-scale installations. Our components are durable, versatile, futureproof and offer maximum creativity. You can always rely on OSRAM quality components. OSRAM. The light you need.
2 Firefly Square Plantation Road Burscough L40 8JT tel: +44 1704891333 www.pandaprojects.co.uk
e dP4 1 Wymans Way Fakenham NR21 8NT tel: +44 1328850555 www.p4fastel.co.uk
cPACER INTERNATIONAL 20 Kingfisher Court Hambridge Road Newbury RG14 5SJ tel: +44 1189845280 www.pacer.co.uk
Panasonic House Willoughby Road Bracknell RG12 8FP tel: +44 8448443899 www.panasonic.com
PENTA 30 Moorgate London EC2R 6PJ tel: +44 7856594379 www.pentalight.com
ePERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING Unit 4 Hepworth Park Brook Street, Lakeside Redditch B98 8NZ tel: +44 1527830439 www.performanceinlighting.com
Pharos Architectural Controls is an awardwinning British manufacturer of dynamic lighting control solutions for architecture and other specialist industries. Our products are highly flexible, versatile and powerful, and trusted to run day and night illuminating iconic installations around the worldfrom international landmarks and historic architecture to theme parks, airports, stadiums, bridges, shopping malls, art installations, and more.
PHI LIGHTING Unit 9 Brook Business Park Brookhampton Lane Kineton CV35 0JA tel: +44 1926640366 www.phi-lighting.com
PHILIP PAYNE Thornhill House Thornhill Road Solihull B91 2HB tel: +44 1217052384 www.philippayne.co.uk c
PHOS Unit 2 The IO Centre, Hearle Way Hatfield AL10 9EW tel: +44 2084927633 www.phos.co.uk
PHOTEC Unit 45 Woolmer Way Industrial Estate Bordon GU35 9QE tel: +44 1420475429 www.photeclighting.com
PHOTONSTAR LED Unit 8 Westlink Belbins Business Park Cupernham Lane Romsey SO51 7JF tel: +44 2381230381 www.photonstarlighting.com
PIERLITE Unit 1 6 Portman Road Reading RG30 1EA tel: +44 1189553240 www.pierlite.com.au
e dPIXELRANGE Navigation Complex Navigation Road Worcester WR5 3DE tel: +44 1905363600 www.pixelrange.com
PJR ENGINEERING Bourne Works Collingbourne Ducis SN8 3EH tel: +44 1264850763 www.pjrengineering.co.uk
PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS Tamerton Road, Roborough Plymouth PL6 7BQ tel: +44 1752693000 www.plesseysemiconductors.com f
PM LIGHTING INTERNATIONAL 4 Pine Road Edlesborough LU6 2EJ tel: +44 8445049204 www.lightsymphony.com
POOLGLO 272 Rempstone Road, Merley Wimborne BH21 1SZ tel: +44 1202804388 www.poolglo.com
POWERCOR Unit 23 Trade City Avro Way, Brooklands Business Park Weybridge KT13 0YF tel: +44 1932839890 www.powercor.co.uk Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Interact City, Interact Industry, Interact Office, Interact Sports, Philips, Philips Dynalite
PRECISION LIGHTING 42 Riverside Road London SW17 0BA tel: +44 2089476616 www.precisionlighting.co.uk
PRIME LIGHT 13 Gateway Trading Estate Hythe Road London NW10 6RJ tel: +44 2089682000 www.primelight.co.uk Distributor for: BJB, Citizen, Fulham, TCI LED, Xicato
PRINCIPAL LIGHTING Unit 21 West Moor Park Network Centre Yorkshire Way Doncaster DN3 3GW tel: +44 1302762160 www.plighting.co.uk Distributor for: Disano, Fosnova
PROFESSIONAL LAMPS Soane Point 6-8 Market Place Reading RG1 2EG tel: +44 1189255208 www.professional-lamps.co.uk Distributor for: i-pix, Lamina, LED Engin
PROFILE LIGHTING SERVICES Links Business Centre Raynham Road Bishop’s Stortford CM23 5NZ tel: +44 1279757595 www.profile-lighting.co.uk
PROJECT COLLECTION Sidney House 900 Oldham Road Manchester M40 2BS tel: +44 1612033456 www.projectcollection.co.uk
PROLIGHT CONCEPTS GROUP Lumen House, Stancliffe Street Blackburn BB2 2RP tel: +44 1254704111 www.prolight.co.uk Distributor for: LDR, LEDJ
PROLIGHT DIRECT The Bell Tower, Gable House 40 High Street Rickmansworth WD3 1ER tel: +44 8458620025 www.prolightdirect.co.uk Distributor for: Dedo Lights
PROLOJIK Perspective House 7 Cliveden Office Village Lancaster Road High Wycombe HP12 3YZ tel: +44 1494515100 www.prolojik.com
PROP STUDIOS Studio 200A Westbourne Studios 242 Acklam Road London W10 5JJ tel: +44 2073998664 www.propsstudios.co.uk
ePULS Unit 10 Ampthill Business Park Station Road Ampthill MK45 2QW tel: +44 3309999988 www.puls.co.uk
f PULSAR Pindar Road Hoddesdon EN11 0DX tel: +44 1992474600 email: info@dwwindsor.com www.dwwindsor.com
As a leading architectural lighting brand, Pulsar develops high performance, dynamic lighting solutions that bring architecture to life with light. Now part of the DW Windsor Group, Pulsar continues to deliver high quality, specification-grade LED lighting equipment for commercial, architectural and urban applications across the globe.
RECOLIGHT Suite 265 Airport House Purley Way Croydon CR0 0XZ tel: +44 8456017749 email: info@recolight.co.uk www.recolight.co.uk f
Recolight is a not-for-profit WEEE compliance scheme for the lighting industry. We take on responsibility for our Producer Members’ compliance; giving their customers’ access to free lamp and luminaire recycling service. Recolight has recycled over a third of a billion lamps and luminaires, more than all other UK WEEE schemes put together.
REGGIANI 28 Cowper Street London EC2A 4AS tel: +44 2082363000 www.reggiani.net
REHMAT LIGHTING NAM House Jewellery Quarter Birmingham B18 6DS tel: +44 1213391000 www.rehmatlighting.co.uk
RELAY DESIGN AGENCY Studio 505 E1 Business Cnetre 13-15 Whitechapel Road London N1 1DU tel: +44 7554393237 www.relaydesignagency.co.uk Distributor for: Örsjö
RADIANT ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 10 Broadbent Close 20 - 22 Highgate High Street London N6 5JW tel: +44 2083489003 email: david@radiantlights.co.uk www.radiantlights.co.uk
Radiant Architectural Lighting works closely with leading lighting designers and architects to design and manufacture innovative lighting solutions for worldwide projects. Radiant systems are flexible, modular, efficient and durable. Our systems are designed to fit any shape or size of building to create perfectly illuminated interior and exterior spaces.
REMOTE CONTROLLED LIGHTING 42 Riverside Road London SW17 0BA tel: +44 2084042400 www.rclighting.com
RENESAS ELECTRONICS Dukes Meadow, Millboard Road Bourne End SL8 5FH tel: +44 1908837317 www.renesas.com
REXEL Ground Floor Eagle Court 2 Hatchford Brook, Hatchford Way Sheldon, Birmingham B26 3RZ tel: +44 1213661000 www.rexel.com Distributor for: Collingwood, Eaton, Kosnic, Ledvance, Luceco, Osram, Philips, Thorn, Tridonic, Zumtobel
ROSCO Kangley Bridge Road Sydenham London SE26 5AQ tel: +44 2086592300 www.roscoarchitectural.com
ROXO LIGHTING 24 Bedford Row London WC1R 4TQ tel: +44 2082412440 www.roxolighting.com
SAINT-GOBAIN ECOPHON Old Brick Kiln Monk Sherborne Tadley RG26 5PP tel: +44 1256850977 www.ecophon.com
SAXBY LIGHTING 28 Airfield Way Christchurch BH23 3PE tel: +44 8450531190 www.saxbylighting.com
SCANDESIGN INTERIORS 18 Horncastle Road Louth LN119LD tel: +44 7789684897 www.scandesigninteriors.com Distributor for: Cph Lighting, Ribag, Senses
SCHNICK-SCHNACK-SYSTEMS 8-11 Willow Walk Orpington BR6 7AA tel: +44 8448004396 www.schnickschnacksystems.com
SCHOTT Drummond Road Astonfields Industrial Estate Stafford ST16 3EL tel: +44 1785223166 www.schott.com f
SCHRÉDER Sapphire House, Lime Tree Way Hampshire International Business Park Chineham RG24 8GG tel: +44 12566798803 uk.schreder.com
SCOLMORE INTERNATIONAL 1 Scolmore Park, Lichfield Road Industrial Estate Tamworth B79 7XB tel: +44 182763454 www.scolmore.com
Knight Road Rochester ME2 2AH tel: +44 1634226666 email: sales@rakocontrols.com www.rakocontrols.com
Designed and manufactured in the UK, Rako Controls offers an unparalleled range of products backed by a support service that is second to none. With control options ranging from luxury keypads, smartphone apps and voice command, Rako provides lighting controls that offer luxury, comfort and convenience in the hospitality, commercial and residential sectors.
RAY LIGHTING Unit 15 Rockhaven, Metz Way Gloucester GL1 1AJ tel: +44 345 2636333 www.ray.lighting
RAYLIGHT Unit 2 Firbank Court Firbank Way Leighton Buzzard LU7 4YJ tel: +44 1525358511 www.raylight.co.uk
SG LIGHTING 230 Avenue West, Skyline 120 Great Notley Braintree CM77 7AA tel: +44 1376333400 www.sg-as.com
SGM Unit 8 St. Johns Court Foster Road Sevington Ashford TN24 0SJ tel: +44 1233460400 www.sgmlight.com
SHOPLIGHT 5 Titan Drive Peterborough PE1 5XN tel: +44 1733345265 www.shoplight.lighting
SHOWCAD CONTROL SYSTEMS 15 Cauldron Barn Road Swanage BH19 1QF tel: +44 1929423222 www.showcad.com
SIGNIFY Philips Centre, Guildford Business Park Guildford GU2 8XG tel: +44 8456011283 www.signify.com
SILL LIGHTING Unit 4 Goodsons Mews Wellington Street Thame OX9 3BX tel: +44 1844260006 www.sill-uk.com Distributor for: Hoffmeister, Sammode
SIMMTRONIC Unit 3 Waterside Charlton Mead Lane Hoddesdon EN11 0QR tel: +44 1992456869 www.simmtronic.com
SITECO Hexagon Tower, Crumpsall Vale, Blackley Manchester M9 8GQ tel: +44 3300555209 www.siteco.com
RICOMAN 520 Metroplex Broadway Salford Quays Manchester M50 2UE tel: +44 1618771399 www.ricomanled.com
RIDI GROUP Unit 8-9 Marshgate Centre Parkway, Harlow Business Park Harlow CM19 5QP tel: +44 1279450882 www.ridi-group.com Distributor for: EMFA, Norka, Selux
RITSON DESIGN PARTNERSHIP The Old School House 42 The Village Thorp Arch Wetherby LS23 7AG tel: +44 7931556345 www.ritsondesign.com
SEARCHLIGHT Sidney House 900 Oldham Road Manchester M402BS tel: +44 1612033330 www.searchlightelectric.com
SEDNA LIGHTING Southpoint Industrial Estate Cardiff CF10 4LQ tel: +44 2920099092 www.sedna.lighting
SELUX Harwoods House, Banbury Road Ashorne CV35 0AA tel: +44 1926833455 www.selux.com Distributor for: Filix
SENSIO Unit 7 Speedwell Road Castleford WF10 5PY tel: +44 8451632419 www.sensio.co.uk
SKIALIGHT 34 Jacksons Lane Great Chesterford Saffron Walden CB10 1PT tel: +44 2035144668 www.skialight.co.uk Distributor for: AQform, Castan, Illuxtron, Ivela, Lightnet, Molto Luce, Orbit, Petridis, Simon
SKK 39 Brecknock Road London N7 0BT tel: +44 2074344095 www.skk.net
SLV Unit E Chiltern Park Boscombe Road Dunstable LU5 4LT tel: +44 2039681100 www.slv.com
SM CONTRACTING Pepys Court 84 The Chase London SW4 0NF tel: +44 2078191700 www.smc-uk.com Distributor for: Luminous Textiles, Philips Dynalite
SOLALIGHTING 23 Osier Way Olney Office Park Olney MK46 5FP tel: +44 1234241466 www.solatube.co.uk Distributor for: Solatube
Unit 11 Ivanhoe Road Hogwood Lane Industrial Estate Finchampstead RG40 4QQ tel: +44 1189739706 www.solar-ready.co.uk Distributor for: LG
SOLITE Windmill Industrial Estate, Oldham Street Manchester M34 3RB tel: +44 161320999 www.solite-europe.com
Unit 25e Anniesland Business Park Netherton Road, Anniesland Glasgow G13 1EU tel: +44 1419542771 www.solusgb.com
Distributor for: EcoSense, Egoled, formalighting, Lumino, Molto Luce, Omikron, Photec
SONDIA LIGHTING 45 Portland Place Hull HU2 8QP tel: +44 1482223353 www.sondialighting.com
SORAA Unit 38 Ambition Broxbourne Business Centre Pindar Road Hoddesdon EN11 0FJ tel: +44 1992535053 www.soraa.com
Letchworth Point Letchworth Garden City SG6 1ND tel: +44 1462480000 www.soundtech.co.uk
Distributor for: Martin Professional, TDE Lighttech
Rear of 10 Colebrook Road Southwick BN42 4AL tel: +44 2089798899 www.spanlite.com
SPEAR LIGHTING Unit 8 Cowley Mill Trading Estate Uxbridge UB8 2YG tel: +44 1895746006 www.spearlighting.com Distributor for: Bega, Limburg, Maltani, Securlite
SPECLIGHT ASSOCIATES 18 Knebworth Court Bishops Stortford CM23 4HF tel: +44 7788299441 www.speclightassociates.com
Distributor for: B Light, Civic, eldoLED, Hess, Schmitz, Whitegoods
SPURLITE Unit 1, 6 Portman Road Reading RG30 1EA tel: +44 1189553240 www.spurlite.co.uk
Distributor for: Austube, Diginet, Dot Downlights, LUG Lighting, OMS, Pierlite, Rako
Third Way, Avonmouth Bristol BS11 9YL tel: +44 1179384000 www.stage-electrics.co.uk
Distributor for: Goboland
Suite 3C Part 3rd Floor
The Columbia Centre, Station Road Bracknell RG12 1LP tel: +44 1344393536 www.stanley-ledlighting.com
25 Manasty Road, Axis Park Peterborough PE2 6UP tel: +44 1733366700 www.steinel.de
20 Dryden Road Bilston Glen Industrial Estate Loanhead Midlothian EH20 9LZ tel: +44 1314401313 email: sales@mikestoanelighting.com www.stoanelighting.com
Stoane Lighting is an Employee Owned, environmentally responsible, specialist manufacturer of architectural lighting equipment. Founded in 1995, our products are handmade to order, built to last, serviceable and often customised. We continue to work closely with the world’s most renowned specifiers and feature in prestigious projects worldwide.
Warwick House, Monument Way West Woking GU21 5EN tel: +44 1483757211 www.stormltd.co.uk Distributor for: Chroma Q, ETC, Pulsar, Robe, SGM, Studio Due
Doman Road, Yorktown Industrial Estate Camberley GU15 3DF tel: +44 1276681000 www.stretchceilings.co.uk
Crofton Court, Unit 4 Owl Close Moulton Park Industrial Estate Northampton NN14 6HZ tel: +44 1933650820 www.studiodue.com
Bridge House Unit 13 Latham Close Bredbury Stockport SK6 2SD tel: +44 1612929000 email: info@studiotech.co.uk www.studiotech.co.uk Distributor for: Griven, IBL, Traxon
Studiotech - specialists in architectural lighting and dynamic control solutions. Combining a deep understanding of technology and engineering, collaborating with the design community and working together to create deliverable designs that complement the architectural features of a project. Delivering all aspects of a project from inception through to completion. Studiotech - where creativity meets technology.
200 Brook Drive, Green Park Reading RG2 6UB tel: +44 1189256302 www.sunfor.co.uk
Orion Park, Calleva Park Aldermaston RG7 8SN tel: +44 8455331001 www.sunpower-uk.com
Distributor for: Mean Well a
SURELIGHT Unit 37 Venture One Business Park Long Acre Close Sheffield S20 3FR tel: +44 1143232322 www.surelight.com
SWANN LIGHTING 1 Highcliffe Business Park, The Cliff, Ingham Lincoln LN1 2WE tel: +44 1522300202 www.swannlighting.co.uk
SYLVANIA Longbow House, 14 - 20 Chiswell Street London EC1Y 4TW tel: +44 2070119700 www.sylvania-lighting.com
TAGRA LIGHTING Southfield Industrial Estate Praed Road, Trafford Park Manchester M17 1SJ tel: +44 161 442180 www.tagra-lighting.co.uk
TAISON LIGHTING The Focus Centre, Ingleby Road Bradford BD7 2AT tel: +44 1274521550 www.taisonlighting.com
TAMLITE LIGHTING Pipers Road Park Farm Industrial Estate Redditch B98 0HU tel: +44 1527517666 www.tamlite.co.uk
TARGETTI Coppergate House Unit 410 10 White’s Row London E1 7NF tel: +44 2037094065 www.targetti.com
TECH LED Studio 001 Production Park South Kirby WF9 3NR tel: +44 1977808523 www.techled.co.uk Distributor for: Acclaim, Acolyte, Hera, Madrix
TECNOPALI Unit 3 Headway Road Wobaston Road Wolverhampton WV10 6PZ tel: +44 8454099160 www.tecnopali.co.uk
TELENSA Iconix 3, London Road Pampisford Cambridge CB22 3EG tel: +44 1799588800 www.telensa.com
TEUCER LED 2.6 Suite, Bedford House 67-79 Fulham High Street London SW6 3JW tel: +44 2073504429 www.teucerled.co.uk
THE LIGHT LAB 22 Holywell Row London EC2A 4JB tel: +44 2072782678 www.thelightlab.com
THORLUX LIGHTING Merse Road North Moons Moat Redditch B98 9HH tel: +44 1527583200 www.thorlux.com
THORN LIGHTING Chiltern Park, Chiltern Hill Chalfont St. Peter SL9 9FG tel: +44 1753482650 www.thornlighting.co.uk
TIMAGE PO Box 141 Lakes Road Braintree CM7 3SS tel: +44 1376343087 www.timage.co.uk
TIME LED Bradbourne Point Bradbourne Drive Tilbrook Milton Keynes MK7 8AT tel: +44 1908271155 www.timeled.co.uk
TLS LED Kemp House 152-160 City Road London EC1V 2NX tel: +44 7394463882 www.tls-led.com
TLS LIGHTING Unit 12/13 Oaktree Business Park, Basey Road Rackheath Industrial Estate Norwich NR13 6PZ tel: +44 1603295011 www.tlslighting.co.uk Distributor for: Chromateq, LED Strip Studio
TM LIGHTING Gallery 7 Cubitt Street London WC1X 0LN tel: +44 2072781600 email: sales@tmlighting.com www.tmlighting.com
TM Lighting is the UK’s leading art lighting specialist, manufacturing exceptional high colour rendition LED picture lights and luminaires for the art market. TM Lighting’s mission is to transform art collections with light, and to educate collectors about advances in lighting technology. TM Lighting’s products bring art to life within private residences, stately homes, galleries, institutions, and commercial spaces.
TORNADO LIGHTING 2 Stable Yard Danemere Street London SW15 1LT tel: +44 2087882324 www.tornado.co.uk
TOSHIBA Toshiba Court Addlestone Road Addlestone KT15 2UL tel: +44 1932841600 www.toshiba-lighting.com
TP24 12 Station Road Chatteris PE16 6AG tel: +44 1354694591 www.tp24.com
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES Osram House Waterside Drive Langley SL3 6EZ tel: +44 8701503523
TRE CI LUCE Heath Close Beacon Hill Hindhead GU26 6RX tel: +44 1428608710 www.treciluce.com
Unit 7 Lindenwood Chineham Business Park Crockford Lane Basingstoke RG24 8LB tel: +44 1256374300 www.tridonic.com
TRILIGHT Unit 5 Crombie Road Aberdeen AB11 9QQ tel: +44 8451308494 www.trilight.co.uk Distributor for: Ares, Multiline
UK LED LIGHTING Derby Road Kingsbridge TQ7 1JL tel: +44 1548853878 www.ukledlighting.com Distributor for: Glassiled
UKLED Units 1 & 2 Apex Court Wirral International Business Park Bassendale Road Bromborough CH62 3JQ tel: +44 8081982844 www.ukled-ltd.co.uk
fUNIBOX Unit C2 Greengate Industrial Estate Greenside Way Middleton M24 1SW tel: +44 1616552100 www.lighting.unibox.co.uk
VEXICA Typhoon House, Moxon Way Sherburn-In-Elmet Leeds LS25 6FB tel: +44 1132434813 www.vexica.com
VIABIZZUNO 122 Great Titchfield Street London W1W 6ST tel: +44 2076369065 www.viabizzuno.com
VISIVE Unit 9 Ash Road South Wrexham Industrial Estate Wrexham LL13 9UG tel: +44 1978660181 www.visivegroup.com
Trilux House, Winsford Way Boreham Interchange Chelmsford CM2 5PD tel: +44 1245463463 email: sales@trilux.co.uk www.trilux.com/gb
TRILUX Simplify Your Light represents the most simple and reliable path to customised, energy-efficient, and sustainable lighting solutions. We provide our customers with optimal advice, ideal orientation, and perfect light, through a comprehensive portfolio of technologies and high-performance partners within the TRILUX Group – always perfectly matched to your requirements and specific application.
24 Selwyn Avenue
Hatfield AL10 9NP tel: +44 1707694903 www.trinitylighting.co.uk
Sony Technology Centre Pencoed Technology Park Pencoed CF35 5HZ tel: +44 1656865330 www.trueluxgroup.co.uk
Distributor for: ELR, Megaman, Soraa, Toshiba, Verbatim
TRYKA L.E.D. Unit 3 Station Works Station Road Shepreth SG8 6PZ tel: +44 1763260666 email: info@tryka.com www.tryka.com
Inspiration for your Imagination – British manufacturer, Tryka, offer a range of endlessly customisable, technically excellent and market leading L.E.D. modules, linear and architectural systems. Our project focused range compliments the creative minds of lighting designers and professionals globally, offering value through products tailored to individual, and often bespoke, requirements.
Gibson House Walpole Street Blackburn BB1 1DB tel: +44 1254266000 www.tyson-lighting.co.uk
Distributor for: B.lux, Buzzi & Buzzi, Molto Luce
UFO LIGHTING Home Place Coldstream TD12 4DT tel: +44 1890883416 www.universal-fibre-optics.com
WHITEGOODS UK Unit B5, Aerodrome Studio 2-8 Airfield Way Christchurch BH23 3TS tel: +44 1202090305 email: info@whitegoods.com www.whitegoods.com
Whitegoods developed a range of minimal lighting tools designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding architecture. Manufactured in the UK, Whitegoods products deliver: Reduction of detail - Seamless architectural integration - Logical, modular systems and families of products - Ease of specification, installation and maintenance
110 Gloucester Avenuel London NW1 8HX tel: +44 7920455124 www.unonovesette.it
URBAN CONTROL Pindar Road Hodesdon EN11 0DX tel: +44 2034370777 www.urban-control.com
V-TAC Unit No.9, Armstrong Way Western Industrial Park Southall London UB2 4SD tel: +44 2072991212 www.v-tac.eu
VALMONT Dukesway, Teesside Industrial Estate Thornaby Stockton on Tees TS17 9LT tel: +44 1642766242 email: valmontuk@valmont.com www.valmontstructures.eu
Valmont® Structures supports our customers with a proven legacy of engineering leadership, manufacturing expertise and the most complete offering of infrastructure products and solutions available globally. Quality, integrity and innovation define Valmont Structures. Our portfolio of customengineered and exquisitely designed products includes an array of lighting, transportation, and smart solutions that help create bright, beautiful, and sustainable communities.
1st Floor Building 2 Croxley Business Park Watford WD18 8YA tel: +44 1923692600 www.venturelighting.com
VERDE LED Suite 11 Beaufort Court Admirals Way London E14 9XL tel: +44 2030867405 www.verdeled.com
VESTEL Vestel House Waterside Drive Langley SL3 6EZ tel: +44 3330146400 www.vestel.co.uk
VITAL LIGHTING Unit 4 Sutherland Court Moor Park Industrial Estate Tolpits Lane Watford WD18 9NA tel: +44 1923896476 www.vitallighting.com
W Unit E5 J31 Business Centre Motherwell Way West Thurrock, Grays RM20 3XD tel: +44 8456253545 www.w-co.co.uk
WALDMANN 10 Millfield House Croxley Green Business Park Watford WD18 8YX tel: +44 1923800030 www.waldmann.com
WAVEGUIDE Firswood House, Firswood Road Garretts Green Birmingham B33 0TG tel: +44 1942887400 www.waveguidelighting.co.uk
WD LIGHTING 5 Sainfoin Lane Oakley RG23 7JH tel: +44 1256780796 www.wdlighting.co.uk Distributor for: Intra Lighting, Lithoss, TAL
WE-EF 33-34 Dolben Street London SE1 0UQ tel: +44 1615182900 www.we-ef.com
WELL-LIT Unit 4 Sovereign Business Park Barnsley Road Huddersfield HD8 8BL tel: +44 1484609759 www.well-lit.co.uk
20 Merton Industrial Park Jubilee Way London SW19 3WL tel: +44 2082544800 www.whitelight.ltd.uk Distributor for: ADB Altman, ArKaos, CORE Lighting, Schnick-Schnak-Systems, Wireless Solutions
WHITECROFT Burlington Street Ashton-under-Lyne OL7 0AX tel: +44 8705087087 www.whitecroftlighting.com
WILA Boston House Grove Business Park Downsview Road Wantage OX12 9FF tel: +44 1235773500 www.wila.co.uk Distributor for: Griven, Hess, Lamp, Nordeon, Vulkan
WILLIAM & WATSON 71-75 Shelton Street London WC2H 9JQ tel: +44 8007720818 www.williamandwatson.com
XAL 23 Bateman’s Row London EC2A 3HH tel: +44 2031740177 www.xal.com
ZEN CONTROL Ground Floor, Unit M, Priestly Court Staffordshire Technology Park Beaconside ST18 0LQ tel: +44 8450755884 www.zencontrol.co.uk
ZETA SPECIALIST LIGHTING Telford Road Bicester OX26 4LB tel: +44 1869322500 www.zetaled.co.uk
ZUMTOBEL Chiltern Park, Chiltern Hill Chalfont St. Peter SL9 9FG tel: +44 1388420042
z.lighting Distributor for: Simes
AECOM 105 Commerce Valley Drive West Markham ON L3T 7W3 tel: +1 4164438200 www.aecom.com
AES ENGINEERING 505 Burrard Street #950 Vancouver BC V7X 1M4 tel: +1 6045696500 www.aesengr.com
ALULA LIGHTING DESIGN 155 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 200 Toronto ON M2H 3N5 tel: +1 4166462955 www.alulalighting.com
5524 St-Patrick #360 Montreal QC H4E 1A8 tel: +1 5147981624 www.ambiancesdesign.com
1127 Leslie Street Toronto ON M3C 2J6 tel: +1 4164438200 www.anguslighting.com
ÉCLAIRAGE PUBLIC 9320 Boulevard St-Laurent Bureau 801 Montreal QC H2N 1N7 tel: +1 5145233361 www.eclairagepublic.ca
EOS LIGHTMEDIA Suite 310, 825 Powell Street Vancouver BC V6A 1H7 tel: +1 6046395488 www.eoslightmedia.com
EXP 499 King St. E, Suite 200 Hamilton ON L8N 1E1 tel: +1 9055256069 www.exp.com
GABRIEL MACKINNON 1-109 Murray Street Ottawa ON K1N 5M5 tel: +1 613241822 www.gmld.ca
GOTTESMAN ASSOCIATES 56 Cocksfield Avenue Toronto ON M3H 3S6 tel: +1 4165204480 www.gottesman.ca
GRAHAM H. GREGORY DESIGN 141-1489 Marine Drive West Vancouver BC V7T 1B8 tel: +1 6049225750 www.ghgdesign.ca
INTEGRAL GROUP Suite 180, 200 Granville Street Vancouver BC V6C 1S4 tel: +1 6046871800 www.integralgroup.com
ARUP 121 Bloor Street East, 9th Floor Toronto ON M4W 3M5 tel: +1 4165150915 email: lighting-design@arup.com www.arup.com/lighting
Lighting at Arup brings together art, science and technology. Our team of designers create expressive and award-winning concepts in light. Our commitment to sustainability drives a creative approach to the application of state-of-the-art technology. We work in harmony with aesthetics and vision, delivering human centric solutions for clients.
ATOMIC3 7240 rue Clark #101 Montreal QC H2R 2Y3 www.atomic3.ca
BLACKOUT DESIGN 1240 boulevard Charest Ouest Unit 115A Quebec QC G1N 2E3 tel: +1 8779777057 www.blackoutdesign.ca
COLOUR+LIGHT 169 Horsham Avenue North York Toronto ON M2N 2A4 tel: +1 4168014564 www.colourlightdesign.com
2255 Sheppard Avenue East Suite E-331 Toronto ON M2J 3Y1 tel: +1 4164973111 www.cel.ca
CS DESIGN 310 Victoria Ave, suite 408 Westmount QC H3Z 2A9 tel: +1 5145074744 www.designcs.ca
LIGHTFACTOR 29 Avenue Laval Laval QC H7N 3V3 tel: +1 5147779879 www.lightfactor.ca
LYNCH + COMISSO: ARCHITECTURE + LIGHT 570 Annette Street Toronto ON M6S 2C2 tel: +1 4167622778 www.lynchcomisso.com
MARCEL DION LIGHTING DESIGN 431 Rhodes Avenue Toronto ON M4L 3A6 tel: +1 6479916523 www.marceldion.ca
MARGOT RICHARDS 3679 Commercial Street Vancouver BC V5N 4G1 tel: +1 6047346724 www.margotrichardslighting.com
MOMENT FACTORY 6250 Parc Avenue Montreal QC H2V 4H8 tel: +1 5148438433 www.momentfactory.com
MULVEY & BANANI LIGHTING 44 Mobile Drive Toronto ON M4A 2P2 tel: +1 4167512520 www.mblightingdesign.com
NEMETZ & ASSOCIATES 2009 West 4th Avenue Vancouver BC V6J 1N3 tel: +1 6047366562 www.nemetz.com
OMBRAGES Suite 204, 650 Rue Graham-Bell Quebec City QC G1N 4H5 tel: +1 4187802220 www.ombrages.com
TRIPPED ON LIGHT DESIGN PO Box 72 Texada Island, Gillies Bay Vancouver BC V0N 1W0 tel: +1 6044860307 www.trippedonlight.com
UDO DESIGN E200, 1001 rue Lenoir Montreal QC H4C 2Z6 tel: +1 5147664670 www.udo-design.com
VIELUX DESIGN INTERNATIONAL 3387 Place Noorduyn Montreal H4R 2G4 tel: +1 4384031898 www.vieluxdesign.com
WARREN WORKS LIGHTING CONSULTANCY 100 Beddoe Drive Unit 72 Hamilton ON TL8 P4Z2 tel: +1 9055256957
WSP 119 Spadina Avenue, Unit 500 Toronto ON M5V 2L1 tel: +1 6477307126 www.wsp.com/en-ca
XYZ CULTURAL TECHNOLOGY 642 De Courcelle PH-5 (4th floor) Montreal QC H4C 3C5 tel: +1 5143407717 www.xyz-tc.com
3G LIGHTING 51 Hanlan Road Woodbridge tel: +1 9058502305 www.3glighting.com
A.C. LIGHTING 565 Orwell Street Mississauga ON L5A 2W4 tel: +1 4162559494 www.aclighting.com Distributor for: Chroma-Q, Follow-Me, Prolights, Vista by Chroma-Q
IREGULAR 6250 Hutchison, Suite 402 Montreal QC H2V 4C5 tel: +1 5149996421 www.iregular.io
ISHAKLIGHTING 97 Lacewood Drive Richmond Hill ON L4S 0E6 tel: +1 6472673647 www.ishaklighting.com
JUTRAS - BATHALON BUREAU D’ÉTUDE LUMIÈRE 552 Rang 1 L’Avenir Quebec QC J0C 180 tel: +1 8193943350 www.etudelumiere.com
LIGHTBRIGADE ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 78 Kingston Road Toronto ON M4L 1S6 tel: +1 4166989899 www.lightbrigade.ca
RENDER LIGHT & PLANNING 330 - 890 West Pender Street Vancouver BC V6C 1J9 tel: +1 7788396697 www.renderlightandplanning.com
S3 INTERIOR DESIGN 503-44 Princess Street Winnipeg MB R3B 1K2 tel: +1 2044157600 www.s3interiordesign.com
SMITH & ANDERSEN 1100 – 100 Sheppard Avenue East Toronto ON M2N 6N5 tel: +1 4164878151 www.smithandandersen.com
SMP LIGHTING 403, 1240 Kensington Road NW Calgary T2N 3P7 tel: +1 4032708833 www.smpeng.com
SUZANNE POWADIUK DESIGN 73 Montclair Ave. Toronto ON M5P 1P5 tel: +1 4169664251 www.spdlighting.com
LIGHTEMOTION 1467 rue Notre-Dame Lachine Montreal QC H8S 2E2 tel: +1 5147890178 email: roupi@lightemotion.ca www.lightemotion.ca
LightEmotion is a boutique lighting design firm working nationally and internationally that creates tailored lighting solutions for clients as varied as haute couture, signature hotels and hospitality, museums and brand experiments and historic streetscapes. LightEmotion. Feel the Light.
THINK L STUDIO Site 200 - 8661 201st Street Langley BC V2Y 0G9 tel: +1 6045764433 www.thinkl.ca
TOTAL LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 1201-1000 Beach Avenue Vancouver BC V6E 4M2 tel: +1 6048727552 www.lightingdesign.ca
ACCLAIM LIGHTING 5730 Vanden Abeele St-Laurent QC H4S 1R9 tel: +1 5144720443 www.acclaimlighting.com
ACIDEO 5520 Avenue Alpine Côte st-luc QC H4V 2X1 tel: +1 5145132897 www.acideo.com Distributor for: Schnick-Shnack-Systems
ALLANSON 33 Cranfield Road Toronto ON M4B 3H2 tel: +1 8006689162 www.allanson.com
ARROW ELECTRONICS 2618 Hopewell Place NE Calgary AB T1Y 7J7 tel: +1 4037352800 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung
ARTEMIDE 11105 rue Renaude Lapointe Montreal QC H1J 2T4 tel: +1 5143236537 www.artemide.com
AXIS LIGHTING 2505 Senkus Lasalle QC H8N 2X8 tel: +1 5149486272 www.axislighting.com
BDA LIGHTING GROUP 77 Auriga Drive, Unit 6 Ottawa ON K2E 7Z7 tel: +1 6137276223 www.bdalg.ca Distributor for: Architectural Area, Crestron, GVA, Hess, Kim, LEDS C4, Lumascape, Reggiani, Schreder
BETA CALCO 25 Kodiak Crescent Toronto ON M3J 3E5 tel: +1 4165319942 www.betacalco.com Distributor for: Ghidini
BL LIGHTING 111-8838 Heather Street Vancouver V6P 3S8 tel: +1 6048744405 www.bllighting.com
C-QWARTZ 4105 Rue Beliveau, St-Hubert Montreal QC J3Y 5Y7 tel: +1 4185276363 www.cqwartz.com
Distributor for: American Lighting, G-LEC, Impulse Lighting, LSAV, Luxaz, Organic Lighting
CANDELA GROUP 5110-56th Avenue S.E. 2nd Floor Calgary AB T2C 3S3 tel: +1 4036406147 www.candelagroup.ca
Distributor for: Elco, LEDLAB, PixelRange
CARMANAH 250 Bay Street Victoria BC V9A 3K5 tel: +1 2503800052 www.carmanah.com
CD/M2 LIGHTWORKS 330-825 Powell Street Vancouver BC BC V6A 1H7 tel: +1 6042157721 www.cdm2lightworks.com
Distributor for: acdc, Cree, Delta Light, Felux, Fluxwerx, iGuzzini, LED Linear, Lucent, Lumenpulse, Philips Color Kinetics
CHROMA-Q 565 Orwell Street Mississauga ON L5A 2W4 tel: +1 4162559494 www.chroma-q.com
CINEQUIPWHITE Unit 2 & 3, 310 Judson Street Toronto ON M8Z 5T6 tel: +1 4164677700 www.cinequipwhite.com
Distributor for: ETC, Rosco, USHIO, Wybron
COOLEDGE 120-13551 Commerce Parkway Richmond BC V6V 2L1 tel: +1 6042732665 www.cooledgelighting.com
CREE 6889 Rexwood Road, Unit 3 Mississauga ON L4V 1R2 tel: +1 8004731234 www.cree.com
CRESTRON 5250 Satellite Drive, Unit 16 Mississauga ON L4W 5G5 tel: +1 8777327378 www.crestron.eu
CYCLONE LIGHTING 2175 Boulevard des Entreprises Terrebonne QC J6Y 1W9 tel: +1 8664365000 www.cyclonelighting.com
DDH AUDIO 1465 Girouard Longueuil QC J4K 5C4 tel: +1 5142991000 www.ddhaudio.com
Distributor for: KScape
DELTA LIGHT 6665 Millcreek Drive, Unit 4 Mississauga ON L5N 5M4 tel: +1 9058136130 www.deltalight.com
ECLAIRAGE DIMENSION PLUS 8560 Blvd. Pie IX Montreal QC H1Z 4G2 tel: +1 5143329966 www.edimplus.com Distributor for: e:cue, Elliptipar, Vode
EKLIPSE ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 2090 rue Moreau Suite 100 Montreal QC H1W 2M3 tel: +1 5145900099 www.eklipselighting.com
ELECTRA SALES 1810 East Turvey Road Regina SA S4N 2G7 tel: +1 3067910266 www.electrasalesltd.ca Distributor for: Fluxwerx, Lumenpulse, Zumtobel
ELP MARKETING 32 Mcquade Lake Crescent Halifax B3S 1B6 tel: +1 9024505155 www.elpmarketing.ca
Distributor for: Beta Calco, Eaton, Fluxwerx, Lumenpulse, Zaneen
ERIKSON PRO 21000 Trans-Canadienne Baie D’Urfé QC H9X 4B7 tel: +1 5144572555 www.eriksonpro.com Distributor for: Iluminarc, Martin, Pulsar
EUROFASE 33 West Beaver Creek Road Richmond Hill ON L4B 1L8 tel: +1 9056952055 www.eurofase.com
200 Queens Quay East Suite 6 Toronto ON M5A 4K9 tel: +1 4162031501 www.eurolite.com Distributor for: Artemide, Buzzi & Buzzi, Dark, Delta Light, Ghidini, Martini
FEELUX 2800 John Street Unit 2 Markham L3R 0E2 tel: +1 6474840460 www.feeluxlighting.com
FLEXALIGHTING Unit 22 - 15531 24th Avenue Surrey V4A 2J4 tel: +1 6043854311 www.flexalighting-na.com
FLUXWERX ILLUMINATION 9255 - 194th Street Surrey BC V4N 4G1 tel: +1 6045499379 www.fluxwerx.com
FUTURE ELECTRONICS 237 Hymus Boulevard Pointe Claire QC H9R 5C7 tel: +1 5146947710 www.futureelectronics.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Carclo, Eaton, Ledil, Lumileds, Mean Well, Osram, Recom, Samsung LED, Signify f
GE LIGHTING 2300 Meadowvale Boulevard C63 Mississauga ON L5N 5P9 tel: +1 9058586601 www.gelighting.com
GROUPE JANIETECH 615 boul. Pierre-Bertrand Suite 200 Ville Vanier Northern Quebec QC G1M 3J3 tel: +1 4185276363 www.janietech.com Distributor for: GVA
GVA LIGHTING 2771 Bristol Circle Oakville ON L6H 6X5 tel: +1 9055696044 email: info@gvalighting.com www.gvalighting.com
GVA Lighting, Inc. designs and manufactures LED lighting systems for architectural and commercial applications. We are well known for truly unique engineering designs and a high reliability of our products. Our INFINITY® technology allows for the creation of 300+ meter long lighting circuits for architectural delineation of skyscrapers, bridges, long coves in airports, shopping malls and schools.
HEICO 400 du Parc St-Eustache QC J7R 0A1 tel: +1 4504915671 www.heicolighting.com
HOLOPHANE 9040 Leslie Street #208 Richmond Hill ON L4B 3M4 tel: +1 9057075830 www.holophane.co.uk
HUNZA 26 Glebe Street Cambridge ON N1S 2P1 tel: +1 5192674541 www.hunza.co.nz
ICONE 73 Industrial Parkway N Unit 1 Aurora ON L4G 4C4 tel: +1 5144210064 www.iconelighting.com
IGUZZINI 9320 Saint-Laurent #100 Montreal H2N 1N7 tel: +1 5145231339 www.iguzzini.com
ILLUMIVISION 7224-50th Street Edmonton AB T6B 2J8 tel: +1 7804624880 www.illumivision.com
ILUMA 2419 Marine Drive Oakville ON L6L 1C6 tel: +1 9058477610 www.iluma.ca Distributor for: Ares, Erco, Flos, iLight, L&L Luce&Light, Louis Poulsen, Prolicht, Targetti, Wever & Ducré, XAL
INTER-LITE SALES Unit 101B - 81 Golden Drive Coquitlam BC V3K 6R2 tel: +1 6049422232 www.inter-lite.com Distributor for: Beta Calco, Ghidini, Gotham, GVA, Lithonia, Lumascape, Mark Architectural Lighting
INTRA LIGHTING 706-388 Richmond Street West Toronto ON M5V 3P1 tel: +1 8885605885 www.intra-lighting.com
ISTED TECHNICAL SALES 4010 Pasqua Street Suite 802 Regina SK S4S 7B9 tel: +1 3065860783 istedtechnicalsales.ca Distributor for: GVA
JANIETECH 95 St-Joseph Bur 215 Quebec QC G1K 3A6 tel: +1 4187413101 www.janietech.ca Distributor for: Astro, Beghelli, Cyclone, Edison Lighting Group, Lumen Art, Visa Lighting
KKDC 295 Robinson Street, Suite 100 Oakville Toronto ON L6J 1G7 tel: +1 5517753342 www.kkdc.lighting
LED LIGHT WORKS 12345-121 Street Edmonton AB T5L 4Y7 tel: +1 8779555337 www.ledlightworks.ca Distributor for: Ledzworld
LED ROADWAY LIGHTING 115 Chain Lake Drive Halifax NS B3S 1B3 tel: +1 9024505631 www.ledroadwaylighting.com
LEDALITE ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCT 19750-92A Avenue Langley BC V1M 3B2 tel: +1 6048886811 www.ledalite.com
LEDGENDARY LIGHTING 125 McBrine Place, Unit 7 Kitchener N2R 1G4 tel: +1 8442459938 www.ledgendarylighting.ca
LEDVANCE 5450 Explorer Drive, Suite 100 Mississauga ON L4W 5N1 tel: +1 9053619333 www.ledvance.com
LEVITON 165 Hymus Boulevard Pointe-Claire H9R 1E9 tel: +1 8004612002 www.leviton.com
LIGHT RESOURCE 24 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver BC V5Y 1B3 tel: +1 6046887541 www.light-resource.com Distributor for: Access, Bega, Beghelli, Erco, Philips, Selux, Targetti, Wila, Zumtobel
LIGHTFORM 10545 - 124 Street Edmonton ON T5N 1R8 tel: +1 4167455656 www.lightform.ca Distributor for: Flos
LIGHTHEADED 1515 Broadway Street Suite 804 Port Coquitlam BC V3C 6M2 tel: +1 8004649544 www.lightheadedlighting.com
LIGHTING U UP 807 McKay Avenue, North Bay Ontario P1B 8W1 tel: +1 7054740484 www.lightinguup.com Distributor for: Lumenpulse, Selux
LITE TOUCH 115-250 Schoolhouse Street Coquitlam BC V3K 6V7 tel: +1 8014868500 www.litetouch.com
LITE3 3700 Croissant des Caryers Brossard QC J4Z 3S7 tel: +1 4509045483 www.lite3.ca Distributor for: Goboland
LITEMOR 5760 9th Street S.E. Unit 101 Calgary AB T2H 1Z9 tel: +1 4032537033 www.litemor.ca Distributor for: Reggiani, Ruud Lighting, WAC Lighting, Zaneen
LITETRONICS 820 Flint Road Toronto ON M3J 2J5 tel: +1 4167360447 www.litetronics.com f
LRI LIGHTING INTERNATIONAL 1966 Triumph Street Unit 4 Vancouver BC V5L 1K5 tel: +1 6046396333 www.lri-lighting.com Distributor for: Bega, Glashütte Limburg
MEDGAR LIGHTING & CONTROLS 919 Fraser Drive, Unit 4 Burlington ON L7L 4X8 tel: +1 9053121213 www.medgarlci.com Distributor for: Barican, Bega, Cooledge, Fluxwerx, iGuzzini, LED Linear, Louis Poulsen, Lumenpulse
METALUMEN 570 Southgate Drive Guelph ON N1G 4P6 tel: +1 8006216785 www.metalumen.com
RICHARD MCDONALD & ASSOCIATES 11104-107 Avenue Edmonton AB T5H 0X8 tel: +1 7804682759 www.wowlighting.com Distributor for: Acclaim, Acuity Brands, GVA, Louis Poulsen, Reggiani, Soraa, Vode, Zumtobel
ROSCO 1241 Denison Street Markham ON L3R 4B4 tel: +1 9054751400 www.roscoarchitectural.com
TMS LIGHTING 247A Summerlea Road Brampton ON L6T 4E1 tel: +1 9057931174 www.tmslighting.com
TPL LIGHTING 25 Ripley Avenue Toronto ON M6S 3P2 tel: +1 4165388989 www.tpllighting.com Distributor for: 3G lighting, Bega, Fluxwerx, KKDC, LED Linear, Louis Poulsen, Lumenpulse, Soraa, XAL
LUMENPULSE 1220 Marie-Victorin Boulevard Longueuil QC J4G 2H9 tel: +1 5149373003 email: info@lumenpulse.com www.lumenpulse.com
Lumenpulse designs, develops, manufactures, and sells a wide range of high-performance and sustainable specification-grade LED solutions for commercial, institutional, and urban environments. Lumenpulse products embody a design philosophy that respects the aims of lighting specifiers and the needs of the end-user.
LUMENRAE 2225 Postmaster Drive, Oakville Toronto ON L6M 3W9 tel: +1 9054652870 www.lumenrae.com Distributor for: Precision Lighting, RCL
LUMENWERX 393 St Croix Suite B, St-Laurent Quebec H4N 2L3 tel: +1 5142254304 www.lumenwerx.com
eLUMI GROUP 5445 De Gaspé, Suite 111 Montreal QC H2T 3B2 tel: +1 5142703552 www.lumigroup.net Distributor for: a-light, Erco, Flos, Lamp, LTS, Modular, Osram, Traxon e:cue
LUMINAIRES GROUP 225 de Liege West. Suite 200 Montreal QC H2P 1H4 tel: +1 8664365500 www.luminairesgroup.com
LUMINART 73 industrial Parkway N, Unit 1 Aurora ON L4G 4C4 tel: +1 4167809775 www.luminartlighting.com
LUMINERGIE 9221 Rue Edison Anjou QC H1J 1T4 tel: +1 5144481574 www.luminergie.com
LUMINIS 260 Labrosse Pointe Claire QC H9R 5L5 tel: +1 5146833883 www.luminis.com
LUMITECH 4000 St Ambroise Suite 390 Montreal QC H4C 2C7 tel: +1 5149879700 www.lumitech.ca
Distributor for: Elliptipar, Erco, Lite Touch, Optiled, Prescolite, Q-Tran
MAGICLITE 2526 Speers Road Units 4-9 Oakville ON L6L 5M2 tel: +1 9058259592 www.magiclite.com Distributor for: Crescent, Tokistar
MARITEAM LIGHTING 20 Crosbie Road St. John’s NL A1B 3Y8 tel: +1 8009388326 www.mariteam.com Distributor for: Glamox
eMP LIGHTING 16 West 4th Avenue Vancouver BC V5Y 1G3 tel: +1 6047081184 www.mplighting.com
deMVP LIGHTING 1-5350 Canotek Road Ottawa ON K1J 9E1 tel: +1 6138009909 www.mvplighting.ca Distributor for: Lightolier, Lumascape, Lumenpulse, Molto Luce, TLS
NANOLEAF 162 John Street, 3rd Floor Toronto ON M5V 2E5 tel: +1 889222701 www.nanoleaf.me
eNRG MANAGEMENT 293 Boulevard Industriel St-Eustache QC J7R 6B7 tel: +1 4506231666 www.nrgqc.com Distributor for: Apure, Archlit, Feelux, Hera, Hunza, KKDC, Lumino, Roblon, Times Square, Waldmann
OPTICS LIGHTING #120, 2331 - 50th Avenue SE Calgary AB T2B 0N1 tel: +1 4036681373 www.opticslighting.com Distributor for: Erco, Fluxwerx, Griven, GVA, Insight, Lamp, LED Linear, Technilum, Viabizzuno, WE-EF
OSRAM 2001 Drew Road Mississauga ON L5S 1S4 tel: +1 9056736171 www.osram.com/ds
PRG CANADA 2480 Tedlo Street Mississauga ON L5A 3V3 tel: +1 9053666900 www.prg.com Distributor for: Clay Paky, GLP, Green-Hippo
PROLUX LIGHTING 15334 123E Avenue Suite 100 Edmonton AB T5V 1K8 tel: +1 7804543701 www.prolux.com Distributor for: Birchwood, Cooper Lighting, Fluxwerx, KLIK Systems, Ligman, Lumenpulse, Prima
R.D. SALES 104-120 Ford Street Winnipeg MB R3C 1C7 tel: +1 2049437090 www.rdsales.ca Distributor for: Arcluce, Bega, Crestron, Fluxwerx, iGuzzini, LED Linear, LEDS C4, Lumenpulse, Targetti
222 Islington Avenue Toronto ON M8V 3W7 tel: +1 4162529454 www.rabdesign.ca Distributor for: Thorn
RESOLVE SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS 3991 Henning Drive Suite 200 Burnaby BC V5C 6N5 tel: +1 8662881888 www.resolve.ca Distributor for: Vectorworks
RICHARD MCDONALD & ASSOCIATES 1115-46th Avenue S.E Calgary AB T2G 2A5 tel: +1 4032666249 www.wowlighting.com
500 Hensall Circle Unit 1 Mississauga ON L5A 1Y1 tel: +1 9058482255 www.rutenbergsales.com Distributor for: GVA, Organic Lighting, The Lighting Quotient, Tivoli, USAI
S & D LIGHTING GROUP 48 Trider Crescent Unit 6, Dartmouth New Brunswick NS B3B 1R6 tel: +1 9028351532 www.sdmarketing.ca Distributor for: GVA
SACO TECHNOLOGIES 7815 Transcanada Montreal H4S 1L3 tel: +1 5147450310 www.saco.com
435 Finchdene Square Scarborough ON M1X 1B7 tel: +1 4162932290 www.salex.ca Distributor for: acdc, Amerlux, Crestron, Delta Light, Erco, Schréder, Selux, Stanley, WILA, Zumtobel
SCHRÉDER 3539 rue Ashby St Laurent Montreal QC H4R 2K3 tel: +1 5143376440 www.schreder.com
SIGNIFY 281 Hillmount Road Markham ON L6C 2S3 tel: +1 8005550050 www.signify.com
SISTEMALUX 9320 Saint-Laurent Suite 100 Montreal QC H2N 1N7 tel: +1 5145231339 www.sistemalux.com Distributor for: iGuzzini
STL LIGHTING 130 Industry Street, Unit 11 Toronto ON M6M 5G3 tel: +1 4166048020 www.stllighting.com Distributor for: Apogee Lighting, Bartco, Bion Technologies, Colornix, Edison Price Lighting, KKDC, LEDS C4, Rosco, Times Square Lighting, Xicato
STREET LIGHT INTELLIGENCE 19-6782 Veyaness Road Victoria BC V8M 2C2 tel: +1 8885638833 www.streetlightiq.com
TECHNILUM 1455 Rue Drummond Montreal H3G 1W3 tel: +1 9293369819 www.technilum.com
THEATRIXX TECHNOLOGIES 1655 Richardson Montreal QC H3K 3J7 tel: +1 5149393077 www.theatrixx.com Distributor for: Visual Productions
TLS LED 300 Montée De Liesse Saint-Laurent QC H4T 1N9 tel: +1 5148586556 www.tls-led.com
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES 2001 Drew Road Mississauga ON L5S 1S4 tel: +1 9056736171 www.traxontechnologies.com
UTECHNOLOGY 2050-2600 Portland Street SE Calgary AB T2G 4M6 tel: +1 4038003044 www.utechnology.ca
VENTURE LIGHTING 6889 Rexwood Road, Units 6&7 Mississauge ON L4V 1RT tel: +1 9056786291 www.venturelighting.com
VIGILANT TECHNICAL 28 Symonds Avenue St John’s NL A1E 5B1 tel: +1 7097536685 www.vigilanttechnicalsales.ca Distributor for: Fluxwerx, Lumenpulse, Zumtobel
VISCOR 35 Oak Street Toronto ON M9N 1A1 tel: +1 4162457991 www.viscor.com
W.S.SALES 101-5420 Canotex Road Ottawa ON K1J 1E9 tel: +1 6137450001 www.wssalesltd.com Distributor for: GVA
WOW LIGHTING 1115 - 46th Avenue SE Calgary AB T2G 2A5 tel: +1 4032666249 www.wowlighting.com Distributor for: Gotham, GVA, Litecontrol, Louis Poulsen, LSI, Targetti
WSA 101-5420 Canotek Road Ottowa ON K1J 1E9 tel: +1 6137450001 www.wsa.ca Distributor for: Acuity Brands, Artemide, Bega, Eureka, Fluxwerx, Holophane, Hydrel, Louis Poulsen, Moda Light, Vode
ZANEEN 30 Tycos Drive Toronto ON M6B 1V9 tel: +1 4162479221 www.zaneen.com Distributor for: Ivela, Letroh, Panzeri, Platek, Prolicht, Side
CARLOS LASZLO LIGHTING DESIGN Edison 2850 Martínez B1640HSF Buenos Aires tel: +54 1553328395 www.laszlo.com.ar
EDUARDO SAFIGUEROA Córdoba 6277 - of. 2 Buenos Aires tel: +54 1145554610 www.safigueroa.com.ar
ELI SIRLIN LIGHTING AND SPACE DESIGN Pringles 237 1183 Buenos Aires tel: +54 1149584657 www.elisirlin.com.ar
ESTUDIO LEONOR BEDEL Av. Garay 325 - 4 piso 7 C1153ABB Buenos Aires tel: +54 1143619792 www.leonorbedel.com.ar
PIZARRO & ROSENBAUM ARQUITECTOS Carlos Pellegrini 1141 Piso 6 C1009ABW Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires tel: +54 1155551130 www.piros.com.ar
SABRINA MANDEL Nicaragua 4644 Caba Buenos Aires tel: +54 1140434839
SEVITA +STUDIO Núñez 3015 Buenos Aires tel: +54 1147031362 www.sevitastudio.com
SOPHYA ACOSTA LIGHTING DESIGN STUDIO 26 de enero 303 2300 Rafaela, Santa Fe www.sophyaacostald.com
UMAYA LIGHTING DESIGN Lavalleja 520 1414 Buenos Aires tel: +54 1148552986 www.umayalighting.com
ARROW ELECTRONICS La Pampa 1391, 6P of 1 C1428DZA Buenos Aires tel: +54 1153656950
www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
ARTELUM Avenida Elcano, 4019 1427 Buenos Aires tel: +54 1145511551 www.artelum.com.ar Distributor for: Arlight
ARTEMIDE Paraguay 792 3º Buenos Aires tel: +54 1143122590 www.artemide.com
CENTRAL DE LAS LAMPARAS Paraná 273 1017 Buenos Aires tel: +54 1143720643 www.centraldelamparas.com.ar Distributor for: ETC
Espinosa 770 Cabalitto C1405AMH Buenos Aires tel: +54 1144336230 www.darkolighting.com Distributor for: Zumtobel
DISTRISUR Brandsen 2059 Capital Federal - Buenos Aires tel: +54 1145555335 www.sgmlight.com Distributor for: SGM
ERCO Av. Juana Manso 1124 Basavilbaso 1350 2º piso of. 201 C1006AAD Buenos Aires tel: +54 1152171813 www.erco.com
GE LIGHTING Nicolás de Vedia 3616 Piso 7to DOT Building C1430DAH Buenos Aires tel: +54 1155562050 www.gelighting.com
IDEA ILUMINACION C.F. Melo 4190 B1603BGL Buenos Aires tel: +54 1147093003 www.ideailuminacion.com.ar Distributor for: Novalux, Prisma
ILUMINACION SUDAMERICANA Calderon de la Barca 1468 Pisco 1 C1407KQD Buenos Aires tel: +54 1145670537 www.ilumsudamericana.com.ar Distributor for: Aldabra, Endo, iGuzzini, Lutron, Neo-Neon, Norlight, OMS
INDUSTRIAL CONTROLES Belgrano Av 3985 C1210AAH Buenos Aires tel: +54 1149813567 www.industrialcontroles.com Distributor for: Mean Well
Ramos Mejia 2456 B1643ADN Beccar tel: +54 113 548000 www.ledvance.com
LUG LIGHTING Calles 62 y 239 Parque Industrial 3300 Posadas tel: +54 3764484417 www.luglightfactory.com
MOVILUX ILUMINACION Av Donato Alverez 2578 C1427AQN Buenos Aires tel: +54 1145541522 www.movilux.com.ar
OSRAM Ramos Mejia 2456 ADN Beccar 1643 Buenos Aires tel: +54 1163338000 www.lighting-solutions.osram.com
SCHRÉDER Dr. Alleu 3115 San Andres 1651 Buenos Aires tel: +54 1147132765 www.schreder.com
SCLED Comodoro Rivadavia Av 1724 C1429DBT Buenos Aires tel: +54 1147020610 www.scled.com.ar Distributor for: Signcomplex
SIGNIFY Vedia 3892 Ciudad Autonoma CI430DAL Buenos Aires tel: +54 8008887532 www.signify.com
STAGE TECH Humboldt 1148 1414 Buenos Aires tel: +54 1147771759 www.stagetechgroup.com Distributor for: MA Lighting, Prolyte, Pulsar, Selecon
SYLVANIA Arias 3751 Floor 21st Office NW C1430CRG Buenos Aires tel: +54 1145464200 www.sylvania-lighting.com
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES Ramos Mejia 2456 Beccar B1643ADN Buenos Aires tel: +54 1163338000 www.traxontechnologies.com
IGM STAGE LIGHTING Unit 2A Building 14 Newton Industrial Estate 17047 Christ Church tel: +1 2464205672 www.igmstagelighting.com Distributor for: Martin
LIGHTSTAR Unit 2, 37 St Silas Heights St James tel: +1 2462321005 www.lightstarlighting.com Distributor for: Astro, Hunza, Light Corporation, LightGraphix, Lucent, Lumino, Orluna, Stoane Lighting
SCHRÉDER Km 8,5 a Quillacollo Av. Simon Bolivar s/n Zona Sumunpaya Sud - Colcapirhua 3541 Casilla tel: +591 44377891 www.schreder.com
ACENDA LIGHTING PROJECTS Avenida das Nações Unidas 8.501 - 17o andar 05425070 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1134346721 www.acenda.com.br
Rua Cons. Norton Faria 1448 sala 104 Lagoa Nova 59075730 Natal/RN tel: +55 8432063545 www.af.arq.br
ANA SPINA LIGHTING CONCEPT Rua Epeira 235 5448020 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1130454431 www.anaspina.com.br
Av Manoel Dias da Silva - 1784 3 Andar Pituba 41830001 Salvador tel: +55 7121028900 www.citeluz.com
Rua Pacheco Leão 674 casa 18 Jardim Botânico Rio de Janeiro tel: +55 21997535158 www.concepdual.com.br
CONFORTO VISUAL LIGHTING PROJECTS Rua Augusta 1102 St. 02 01304001 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1130884697 www.confortovisual.com.br
Rua Almirante Barroso 735 sala 406 90220021 Porto Alegre tel: +55 5199943333 www.desenhosdeluz.com.br
Rua dona Antonia de queiros 462 Apt 161 consolação 01307010 São Paulo tel: +55 11958197056 www.distylight.com
EDUARDO BECKER Av. Independencia 691 / 110 Neighborhood Independência CEP 90035072 Porto Alegre tel: +55 5133985915 www.eduardobecker.com
Rua Para 76 CJ 104 Higienopolis 01243020 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1130644194 www.estudiocarlosfortes.com
FERNANDA CARVALHO DESIGN DA LUZ ESTUDIO Rua São Bartolomeu 101 05014-030 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1136756271 www.fernandacarvalho.com.br
FILAMENTO - LUZ E ARQUITETURA Rua Joaquim Nabuco 110/302 90050340 Porto Alegre tel: +55 5199957195 www.filamento.org
FRANCO+BERRIEL LIGHTING DESIGN Rua Henrique Schaumann 286 cj.32 05413-010 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1130646861 www.francoassociados.com
Rua Maria Curupaiti 441 cj 6004D Vila Mariana 02452001 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1155754540 www.godoyassociados.com.br
ILLUMINATION STRATEGIC DESIGN Av Faria Lima 2355 / 1714 01452000 Sao Paulo www.ilumineisn.com
JRLUZ ARQUITETURA DE ILUMINACAU Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima 1597 cj.509 - 5 andar 01452001 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1182839897 www.jrluz.com.br
KELVING LAB Rua Alfredo Chaves 60 Humaitá 22260-160 Rio de Janeiro tel: +55 21982088202 email: info@kelvinglab.com www.kelvinglab.com
Kelving LAB is an innovative experimental LAB, that links the lighting markets needs of using a world of data on behalf of making the power of light tangible. Our goal is to use light to improve performance, on good health of people and businesses.
LD STUDIO Av. Nossa Senhora de Copacabana 647 - Cob 03 e 04 22050002 Rio de Jainero tel: +55 2125072087 email: ldstudio@ldstudio.com.br www.ldstudio.com.br
A lighting design Studio dedicated to interprete creatively the essence and opportunities of each project. We seek to deliver outcomes that reflect an extremely careful process in all its aspects, always strengthened by the synergies created between the people engaged. For us, a successful project turns the immaterial into reality with soul.
Al Joaquim Eugenio de Lima, 881 cj 306 01403001 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1124764626 www.lit.arq.br
LUZ URBANA Rua Áurea 344 Vila Mariana 04015070 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1155712928 www.luzurbana.com.br
Rua João Moura, 661 cj 77 05412001 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1129242399 www.msmassociados.com
SENZI LIGHTING Av Pavao 955 Cjs 127/128, 12° Andar Moema 04516012 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1150540297 www.senzilighting.com.br
Oscar Freire Street 540 Cerqueira Cesar 01426000 Sao Paulo tel: +55 11982560850 www.studio220v.com.br
Rua Dr. Renato Paes de Barros 714 – cj.73 04530-001 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1138729919 www.studioix.com.br
Alameda Gabriel Monteiro da Silva 470 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1139584457 www.welight.com.br
R. João Da Cruz, 195, S. 101 29055620 Vitoria tel: +55 2732278800
Distributor for: Artemide, Delta Light, Flos, iMoon, Unonovesette
Rua Piauí 193 – conj. 302 91030320 Porto Alegre tel: +55 5131096569
Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
Ac Cel. Procopius Gomes 1056 Bucarein 89202300 Joinville tel: +55 4730253332
Distributor for: iGuzzini, Kundalini
Rua Pais de Araujo, 29 cj. 142 Itaim Bibi 04531090 São Paulo tel: +55 1131681517 www.crestron.eu
Al. Gabriel Monteiro da Silva 1768 01442001 São Paulo tel: +55 1130877788 www.dominici.com.br e d
Rua Luzitana 740, 10 Andar Conjuntos 103/104 Centro Campinas 13015121 São Paulo tel: +55 1937374100 www.futureelectronics.com
Distributor for: Bridgelux, Carclo, Eaton, Ledil, Lumileds, Mean Well, Osram, Recom, Samsung LED, Signify
Av Maria Coelho Aguiar 215 Bloco G – Piso Jardim, Jd Sao Luiz 05804900 Sao Paulo tel: +55 8003334448 www.gelighting.com
Rua Campevas 191 Perdizes 05016010 São Paulo tel: +55 1138721669 www.hartronic.com.br Distributor for: Mean Well
ILUMINAR Rod. José Francisco da Silva 1505 Oswaldo Barbosa Pena Nova Lima 34000000 Minas Gerais tel: +55 3135891400 www.iluminar.com.br Distributor for: Barrisol
INTERLED Avenida São Paulo das Missões,57 Jd. Barueri tel: +55 1131862922 www.interled.com.br Distributor for: EcoEnergiaLed, Lumiluz, Seoul Semiconductor
Rod Regis Bittencourt, km 276 Jardim das Oliveiras 06818300 São Paulo tel: +55 1147851010 www.itaimiluminacao.com.br Distributor for: Thorn, Zumtobel
L.B.O. LIGHTING COMERCIO E IMPORTACAO Rue Jose Bernardo Pinto 243 - Villa Guilherme Sao Paulo tel: +55 1129097844 www.hotmachine.ind.br Distributor for: SGM
Alameda Araguaia, 2104, 12o andar Conj 1201/1204 06455000 Barueri tel: +55 800557084 www.ledvance.com
LEMCA LAMPADAS ESPECIAIS J C Gaya Caminhoto Rua Catalunha, No. 350 Jaguare 05329030 São Paulo tel: +55 1128270600 www.lemca.com.br
Distributor for: Excelite, Fulham, GE, Insta, Osram, Philips, Ushio
Rua Maria Curupaiti 441 cj 6004D 02452001 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1125012281 www.lienco.com.br
Distributor for: Lutron, O/M, Philips
Rua Margarida 350 01154030 São Paulo tel: +55 1123590470 www.lbits.com.br
Distributor for: MA Lighting, Wireless Solution
LUCCHI Rua Iguatemi, 448 -3° andar - conj.302 Itaim 04451010 São Paulo tel: +55 1137043737 www.lucchi.com.br Distributor for: AAG Stucchi, Almeco, Edison, TCI
LUG LIGHTING Alameda Santos 2480 conj. 51, 5 andar Cerqueira César 01418-200 São Paulo-SP tel: +55 11966175387 www.lugbrazil.com.br
LUMINARIAS PROJETO Rua Edmundo Carvalho 430 04251000 São Paulo tel: +55 11294682000 www.lustresprojeto.com.br Distributor for: Lucent
LUTRON Avenida Ibirapuera 2064 7o andar- cj. 72 Moema 04028001 São Paulo tel: +55 1132576745 www.lutron.com/europe
LUXION ILLUMINAÇÃO Rua São Paulo 637 B Jd. América Caxias do Sul 95050450 RS tel: +55 5432084530 www.luxion.com.br Distributor for: Wila
NEOPOS Al Santos 705 Cerqueira Cesar 01419001 São Paulo tel: +55 1125284420 www.neopos.com.br Distributor for: Samsung LED
NORTEL Rua Alessandro Payaro 755 JD STA Candida Campinas 13087600 São Paulo tel: +55 1921027726 www.nortel.com.br Distributor for: Fael
O/M Av. 9 de Julho, 4939, 126 A 01407-200 Jardim Paulista São Paulo tel: +55 1130453095 www.om-light.com
R. Joaquim Antunes 162 05415000 São Paulo tel: +55 1130813282 www.onlight.com.br Distributor for: Ares, Delta Light, Flos, imoon, Side
OSRAM Av. Dos Autonomistas 4229 Osasco 06090901 São Paulo tel: +55 1136847408 www.osram.com/ds
REKA ILUMINACAO Rua Fidalga 565 Vila Madalena 05432070 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1130938177 www.reka.com.br
ROSCO R. Visconde de Itaboraí 141 Tatuapé 03308050 São Paulo tel: +55 1120982865 www.roscoarchitectural.com
Rua Iracema Lucas 415 Distrito Industrial CEP13280000 Vinhedo, São Paulo tel: +55 1938569680 www.schreder.com
SIGNIFY Av. Dr. Marcos Penteado de Ulhoa Rodrigues 939 Torre Jacaranda, Barueri 06460040 Sao Paulo tel: +55 8009791925 www.signify.com
Rua General Almerio de Moura 780 cj 28 - Condominio Empresarial Paulista Vila Morumbi 05690080 São Paulo tel: +55 1126391904 www.sobrallighting.com Distributor for: Bega, Filix
SYLVANIA Av. Adolfo Pinheiro 1.000 Conjunto 002 04733100 São Paulo tel: +55 1156332400 www.sylvania-lighting.com
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES Av. Dos Autonomistas 4229 Osasco 06090901 São Paulo tel: +55 1136847481 www.traxontechnologies.com
TRUST R. da Consolacao 2180 Sao Paulo tel: +55 1132311100 www.trustiluminacao.com.br
VENTANA Av. Bertioga Várzea Paulista 1705 São Paulo tel: +55 1145961100 www.ventanabr.com
VERMONTEX Rua Helena 275 Conj 82/83 Vila Olímpia 04552050 São Paulo tel: +55 1130456893 www.vermontex.com Distributor for: Rotaliana
BORDONI | PALACIOS El Arcángel 4843 Vitacura tel: +56 22417988 www.bordonipalacios.cl
DIAV Galvarino Gallardo 1638 Providencia 7500612 Santiago tel: +56 222649846 www.diav.cl
DISENO DE LUZ Avda. Los Leones 1315 dpto. 64 Providencia 7510539 Santiago tel: +56 22747595 www.paulinasir.cl
DOUGLAS LEONARD LIGHTING DESIGNERS Jean Mermoz 12 Of C Las Condes 7550113 Santiago tel: +56 225034886 www.dlld.cl
LIGHTING EVOLUTION STUDIO El canelo 2743, Of.72 Providencia 7510071 Santiago tel: +56 950182483 www.levostudio.com
LIMARÍ LIGHTING DESIGN Marchant Pereira 3111 Hamburgo 365 Casa E 7770396 Ñuñoa tel: +56 22099262 www.lld.cl
Av. Francisco Bilbao 3038 7510765 Providencia, Santiago tel: +56 228955057 www.luxialighting.com
Avda. Las Condes 11.400 of 51 Vitacura Santiago tel: +56 229542599 www.matteiluminacion.cl
Eliodoro Yañez 2979 Of. 408, Providencia 7510307 Santiago tel: +56 992570041 www.ohmylight.cl
Arq. G. Mardones 1120 Of. 11, Providencia Santiago tel: +56 22357747 www.opiluminacion.cl
Camino Las Flores 20211 Las Condes Región Metropolitana Santiago tel: +56 227391226 www.aladdin.cl Distributor for: Salvi
ANSORG Narciso Goycolea 3955 7630000 Vitacura tel: + 56 989507880 www.ansorg.com
Av Isidora Goyenechea 2800 Las Condes Edificio Titanium, Piso 21 75500647 Santiago tel: +56 226526500 www.gelighting.com
GEWISS Avenida Isidora Goyenechea 3365 Office 1203 Las Condes tel: +56 3645800 www.gewiss.com
Almirante Acevedo 5110 Vitacura 7630014 Santiago tel: +56 229445415 www.gdiluminacion.cl
Av. Santa Clara 301 Of. 4802 Ciudad Empresarial Huechuraba tel: +56 29502000 www.homecontrol.cl Distributor for: Crestron, Erco, Halla, Lutron, Meyer, Soraa, XAL
LAMP Exequiel Fernández, 2251 Macul Santiago tel: +56 222371770 www.lamp.es
San Nicolas 730 Casilla 32 Santiago tel: +56 2552192 www.luminotecnia.cl Distributor for: Almeco
LUXIONA Santa Adela 0618 Recoleta Las Condes 8440744 Santiago tel: +56 229695260 www.luxiona.com
MONDO Amerigo Vespucio Norte 2890 Vitacura tel: +56 228765200 www.mondo.cl Distributor for: Flos
NOVA IMAGEN Apoquindo 9085 Las Condes Santiago tel: +56 223641600 www.novaimagen.cl Distributor for: B-lux, Grupo MCI, Wever & Ducré, XAL
OSRAM Av. Providencia 1760 Oficina 2501 Piso 25 7500498 Santiago tel: +56 26360500 www.osram.com/ds
RELIPER Adva Rendic 5905 Antofagasta tel: +56 55530480 www.reliper.cl Distributor for: Nordic Lights, Phoenix Products
RIE SAKATA REPRESENTACIONES Almirante Latorre 402 Dpto 708 Santiago tel: +56 28804944 Distributor for: Lithonia
SALVERCORP 1360 Augusto Ovalle St Providencia Santiago tel: +56 978515455 www.salvercorp.com Distributor for: GVA
Las Industrias 2611 Conchali, Santiago tel: +56 24909700 www.schreder.com
SIGNIFY Avenida Santa Maria 760 Santiago tel: +56 27302305 www.signify.com
SPS LIGHTING Cerro El Plomo 5931 Las Condes Santiago tel: +56 975754711 www.spsiluminacion.com Distributor for: Ligman
THORN LIGHTING Av. Apoquindo 5950 Oficina 16103. Las Condes 7560949 Santiago tel: +56 225737780 www.thornlighting.com
TRACOLIGHT Avenida Tabancura No. 1515 Santiago tel: +56 22173316 Distributor for: Martin, Modular
VKLG Avda Pdte. Kennedy 5062 Of. 41 Vitacura 7630423 Santiago tel: +56 978515455 www.vklg.cl Distributor for: GVA
Calle Orinoco 90 Planta 21, Of. 03 Las Condes Santiago tel: +56 225737780 z.lighting e d c a
CARMENZA HENAO DISENO DE ILUMINACION Carrera 7 B BIS 123-98 Bogota tel: +57 17510114
CLAROOSCURO LIGHTING DESIGN Cra 5 No. 72 - 76 Piso 17 110221 Bogotá tel: +57 14767493 www.clarooscuro.co
ESTUDIO DEDOS Calle 4 # 18-251 Pinar de la calera, Apt 2104 050021 Medellin www.estudiodedos.co
Calle sur 15-115 Int. 112 Envigado tel: +57 43171632 www.lightcubestudio.com
PLUZ Cll 17A # 58-06 Medellín tel: +57 3176472818 www.pluz.co
AGN TRADING Carrera 2A N. 18-35 Sur Interior 27 Apto 503 Barrio Velodromo Bogota tel: +57 16968056 www.agntrading.com Distributor for: Kim Lighting
GE LIGHTING Av Cra 72 #80-94 Piso 12 Centro Empresarial Titan Bogota tel: +57 17425660 www.gelighting.com
HIGH LIGHTS Avenida Carrera 20 Autopista Norte # 87-29 Bogota tel: +57 164660002047 www.highlights.com.co Distributor for: Insta, Lutron, XAL
ILUMINACIONES JAIME DUSSAN Diagonal, 31 A Sur No. 24B - 15 Bogota tel: +57 12021505 www.iluminacionjaimedussan.com Distributor for: SGM
LAMP Calle 74B Nº 69-15 Bogotá tel: +57 17430092 www.lamp.es
LIGMAN Carrera 54 N° 79-84 Antioquia tel: +34 659194017 www.ligman.com
LUTRON Carrera 13 #96-67 Oficina 607 Edificio AKORI Bogota tel: +57 14672760 www.lutron.com/europe
MOBILIARIO URBANO Calle 75 69 Q - 55 Bogota tel: +57 12250885 www.muc.com.co Distributor for: Salvi
NLA Calle 161a No 16a 08 Bogota tel: +57 16788604 www.megamanlighting.com Distributor for: Megaman OSRAM Cra. 14 No 94-26/44 Office 301-303 Bogota tel: +57 16192407 www.osram.com/ds
Cra 106A # 154A - 46 Suba Via Clinica Corpas Bogota tel: +57 16863386 www.schreder.com
SIGNIFY Calle 93 11ª -11 Piso 7 Bogota tel: +57 13078040 www.signify.com
Calle 57B, Sur No. 72A-23 Bogota tel: +57 17825324 www.sylvania-lighting.com
TARGETTI Cra 2 Oeste # 5-262 Edificio Av. Belalcazar, Apt. 901 Cali tel: +57 3128317174 www.targetti.com
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES Cra.14 No. 94-26/44 Office 301-303 Torre A Bogota tel: +57 16445930 www.traxontechnologies.com
UNILIGHT Autopista Norte No 85ª 05 Bogota tel: +57 12185281 www.unilight.co Distributor for: Acuity, Barrisol, Flos, Reggiani, Studio Due
LUMINA LIGHTING DESIGN Apdo 1363-2150 San Jose tel: +506 40002757 www.lumina-ld.com
ARTE EN LUZ PO Box 299 - 6151 Santa Ana 2000 tel: +506 22901159 www.arteenluz.com Distributor for: Delta Light, Lithonia, Lutron
GLOBAL LIGHTING SOLUTIONS Plaza Itskatzu Local 2-17 San Jose tel: +506 22282222 www.gls-ca.com Distributor for: Cooper Lighting, Osram
XPRESS LIGHTING Calle Guayubin #21, Los Rios Santo Domingo tel: +1 8094305666
CARIBBEAN LIGHTING Localizanos Av. 27 Febrero, #13B Villa Progreso Santiago tel: +1 8095817067 www.caribbeanlighting.com.do Distributor for: Acuity Brands, Fulham, Hubbell, iGuzzini, Lutron
Av. Winston Churchill esq. Max H. Ureña Edificio INTEMPO, Suite 306 Santo Domingo tel: +1 8092277131 www.cim.com.do Distributor for: Journee
EUROCREACION C. Jose’ Aybar Castellanos 122 Santo Domingo tel: +1 8093810351 www.eurocreacion.com Distributor for: iGuzzini
Calle Rafael Hernandez #26 Ens. Naco. Edificio Mahasons I. Suite 302 Santo Domingo tel: +1 8098831370
Distributor for: Lithonia
LUMINICA 133 Maximo Avilés Blonda Evaristo Morales 10130 Santo Domingo tel: +1 8096218477 www.luminica.com.do
Distributor for: Salvi
Calle Haim Lopez - Pehna #11Ens. Paraiso Santa Domingo tel: +1 8094769117 www.spectro.com.do
Distributor for: Delta Light, LEDS C4
EARTH+LIGHT Lomas de Ordesa Callejon Cucalon 35 y Colinas Guayaquil, Guayas tel: +593 42610595 www.earthlightarch.com
Panorama 200 AV Olmos Lomas De urdesa Guayaquil tel: +593 988740950
Av. Coruña N30-89 y Whymper 170517 Quito tel: +593 22521984 www.sogadesign.net
GREEN CONCEPT Av 6 de Diciembre N32-612 y Bossano Quito tel: +593 25104050 www.gcs.com.ec
Distributor for: Cooper Lighting, Lutron
Km 2.5 Vía Samborondón, Tornero 3 Mz I solar 5 Frente a Bouganville, Calle La Moderna #133 Guayaquil tel: +593 46000622 www.integral.com.ec
Distributor for: Artemide, Eaton, Flos, LEDS C4, Ledvance, Lutron
Edificio SKY Building Piso 6 Oficina 601 – 602 Guayaquil tel: +593 45002380 www.ledvance.com
An. Francisco de Orellana y Alberto Borges Edificio Centrum 7mo piso Oficina 4 Guayaquil tel: +593 42693070 www.osram.com/ds
De los Guacamayos S8-86 y De los Ruiseñores Comuna Central de Tumbaco 170184 Quito tel: +593 22373028 www.salotec.net
Distributor for: Acclaim, DTS
Juan de sélis OE1-183 y Gala Plazo Lasso PO Box 1717445 Quito tel: +593 22473481 www.schreder.com
Pasaje San Carlos Sector Brasilia 2 De Los Jazmines N53-147 y Quito tel: +593 23284407 www.sylvania-lighting.com
W GLOBAL BUSINESS Av Coruna N30-89 and Whymper Quito tel: +593 22521984 www.wglobalbusiness.com Distributor for: Aldabra, Apure, Eaton, Flos, Ledyi, Side, Soraa
Calle San Antonio Abad Col. Lisboa #3 San Salvador tel: +503 22746000
Distributor for: Lutron, Solatube
El Salvador International Zone Km 28 1 / 2 Road to Comalapa, Olocuilta La Paz tel: +503 25266700 www.signify.com
SYLVANIA Residencial Montefresco Avenida Andalucia y Calle a San Antonio Abad No. 3540 San Salvador tel: +503 22392239 www.sylvania-lighting.com
BLANDIN Carrefour du Larivot - ZI de Terca Matoury 97351 tel: +59 4350999 www.blandin.gf Distributor for: Ghm-Eclatec, Legrand, Osram, Schneider Electric, SG Lighting, Toshiba
GMC 19-20 Parc d’activités de Jarbrun Baie-Mahault 97122 tel: +596 382670 www.gmc.gp Distributor for: Ghm-Eclatec, Legrand, Osram, Schneider Electric, SG Lighting, Toshiba
ADARA Avenida Las Américas 17-27 Zona 14 01014 tel: +502 24297655 www.adara.com.gt Distributor for: Ares, Erco, Flos, LED Linear, O/M, Thorn, Zumtobel
Diagonal 6 12-42 zona 10 Edificio Design Center, primer nivel local 116 Guatemala City tel: +502 22191928 www.dilluminazione.com
Distributor for: iGuzzini, Lamp
ILUMILA 15 Ave “A” 20-41 Zona 13 Guatemala City tel: +502 51072055
Distributor for: Lithonia
TECNOMAYA 2a avenida 13-35 Zona 17 Ofibodega Los Almendros No. 28 Guatemala City tel: +502 22586028 www.tecnomaya.net Distributor for: Kim Lighting
ILX 5a Calle 15-16 Avenida No #105 21102 San Pedro Sula tel: +504 25503104 www.ilxtech.com
Distributor for: AF Lighting, ASL Lighting, Emerson, Exceline, Forecast Lighting, GVA, Zumtobel
CITRAD 31 Studio Boulevard Kingston 5 tel: +1 8769263350 www.citrad.com Distributor for: Thorn
MARZOUCA LIGHTING Southdale Plaza Shop 14 Kingston tel: +1 8769292511 Distributor for: Feiss, Lutron
BLANDIN Centre Acajou - ZI les Mangles 97232 Le Lamentin tel: +59 6696456507 www.blandin.gf Distributor for: Ghm-Eclatec, Legrand, Osram, Schneider Electric, SG Lighting, Toshiba
1ER [DIA] DISEÑO EN ILUMINACIÓN ARQUITECTÓNICA Hda. Sauz 12 37755 San Miguel de Allende tel: +52 4151102210 www.elprimerdia.com
31-A No. 221 Miguel Alemán 97148 Mérida tel: +52 9999477630 www.333luxes.mx
Juan Del Jarro No 540 Col. San Juan San Luis Potosí tel: +52 4448142849
ARTENLUZ Avenue Vallarta 1540-108 Col. Americana 44140 Guadalajara tel: +52 3336160630 www.artenluz.com
CITELUM Carretera San Felipe 274-D Col. Rancho Colorado 72040 Puebla tel: +52 2222311833 www.citelum.com.mx
ARTEC3 STUDIO Amsterdam 163A 06100 Mexico City tel: +52 5587881848 email: info@artec3.com www.artec3.com
artec3 Studio is an international independent lighting design studio dedicated to developing high-quality architectural lighting projects and light art installations, supported by our own product designs. Since 1994, the studio’s creative team has provided services to clients worldwide.
CM KLING + ASSOCIATES Veracruz 71, Colonia Condesa 06140 Mexico City tel: +1 7036846270 email: info@cmkling.com www.cmkling.com
CM KLING + ASSOCIATES is an architectural lighting design firm composing stories with light and technology at the intersection of Architecture, People, and the Environment. Specializing in interior, exterior, controls, daylighting integration, and master planning for projects of every scope and scale.
E1D DESIGN LIGHT STUDIO Dr. González Saracho 143 centro 20000 Aguascalientes tel: +52 4491939978 www.e1d.eu
EGEA LIGHTING SYSTEMS Av. Vallarta 6503 Interior B5A Commercial Plaza Concentro Ciudad Granja 45010 Zapopan Jalisco tel: +52 3338545010 www.egea.com.mx
EVOKE Colomos #2540 - A Fracc. Providencia 44630 Guadalajara tel: +52 3318174466 www.evoke.com.mx
IDEAS EN LUZ Miguel Bernard 41 Vista Bella 54050 Tlalnepantla tel: +52 5526282197 www.ideasenluz.com.mx
LIGHT & EFFECT Medicina 5 Copilco Universidad Delegación Coyoacán CP 04360 Mexico City tel: +52 5556586768 www.light-effect.com.mx
LIGHTEAM GUSTAVO AVILES Av. Revolucion 1349 Col. Tlacopac San Angel 01040 Del. Alvaro Obregon tel: +52 5555935656 www.lighteam.eu
LIGHTK’IIN loma del Bosque 46 72575 Puebla City tel: +52 2223971384 www.lightkiin.com
LUCA SALAS BASSANI ANTIVARI Fray Garcia Guerra 11000 Miguel Hidalgo tel: +52 15512307768 www.lucasalas.com
LUX POPULI Arteaga 27 San Angel 01000 Mexico City tel: +52 5550259105 www.luxpopuli.com
LUZ + FORMA Av. Paseo de la Herradura 18 Bosques de la Herradura 52783 Mexico City tel: +52 5552946601 www.lf.com.mx
Av. San Bernabé 906 desp. 3 Col. San Jerönimo 10200 Mexico City tel: +52 5556810917 www.luzenarquitectura.com.mx
Patricio Sanz 37, Col. Del Valle Mexico City tel: +52 5567318301 www.matatena.co
Lago Texcoco 112-d 11320 Colonia Anahuac Delegación Miguel Hidalgo Mexico City tel: +52 5553426172 www.nerd.mx
Av Convención de 1914 num 1020 int 25 Col. Gómez 20060 Aguascalientes tel: +52 4499125565 www.nieva-iluminacion.com
NORIEGGA ILUMINADORES ARQUITECTONICOS Guillermo Perez Valenzuela # 4.20 Del. Carmen Coyoacan Mexico City tel: +52 55533232 www.norieggailuminadores.com
Jaime Nunó 54 Col. Guadalupe Inn 01020 Del. Alvaro Obregón tel: +52 5541684217 www.saas-lighting.com
SANDRA LUNA DESIGN Durango 225 Mezanine 1 y 2 Col. Roma 06700 Mexico City tel: +52 5552088315 www.sandralunadesign.com
SOMBRA Amsterdam 240-4, Hipodromo Mexico City tel: +52 5551757812 www.s-ombra.com
Diseño Arquitectónico en Toluca 06170 Estado de México tel: +52 5555848918 www.idc-mex.com Distributor for: Flos
Parque Espana 17 Hipodromo Condesa 06170 Mexico City tel: +52 5555649555 www.addrede.com Distributor for: dab
ADIMSA Gregorio Salinas Barona 302 Col. Burócratas del Estado 64380 Monterrey tel: +52 8183115388 www.adimsa.com.mx
Distributor for: Barco, Panasonic, Pharos Controls, Pulsar
Av. Ejército Nacional 216 Piso 8 Delegaci¢n Miguel Hidalgo, Col. Anzures 11590 Mexico City tel: +52 8183424466 www.arrow.com
Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
Avenida Vasco de Quiroga 3900 Piso 10, Torre A Col. Lomas de Santa Fe 05300 Cuajimalpa de Morelos tel: +52 72828550000 www.artelium.com
Distributor for: Iluminarc
AVITECH Avenida Alfonso Reyes 239 Col. Bosques del Valle San Pedro Garza García 66350 Nuevo León tel: +52 8183780424 www.avitech.com.mx Distributor for: Lite Touch, Lutron
BHP ENERGY MEXICO Bosques de Duraznos 69 – 1107A Torre B Bosques de las Lomas 11700 Miguel Hidalgo tel: +52 5552512008 www.bhpenergy.mx Distributor for: Amerlux, Ecoled, Ephesus, Eye Lighting, Griven, Hatch, Leotek, Lunera, Next Lighting, Nicolaudie
CARJAU EGEA Av. Vallarta 6503 Interior B-5A 45010 Col. Ciudad Granja tel: +52 3338545010 www.egea.com.mx
CONSTRULITA LIGHTING INTERNATIONAL Access IV No. 3 Fracc. Ind. Benito Juárez 76130 Querétaro tel: +52 442238390002 www.construlitalighting.com
CRESTRON Blvd. Manuel Avila Camacho 37 - 1A 11560 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec tel: +52 5550932160 www.crestron.eu
GA ILUMINACION Avenida 6 X 3a No.400 Col. Diaz Ordaz Merida 97130 Yucatan tel: +52 9999267278 www.gailuminacion.com Distributor for: GVA, Ornalux, Selux, Vode
GE LIGHTING Avenida Churubusco No 3900 Norte Col. Industrial Benito Juárez, Monterrey 64517 Nuevo León tel: +1 8007141414 www.gelighting.com
GPE DESIGN Calle 11, 179 a x 10 y 12 Garcia Gineres Merida 97070 Yucatan tel: +52 9999207369 www.gpedesign.com Distributor for: BJC, Bronzelite, Hadco, Leviton, Lightolier, MAGG, Metalarte, Nexxus, Philips, Philips Colour Kinetics
H+V ILUMINACION Euler 152 Despacho 304/ Col Chapultepec Morales 11570 Mexico City tel: +52 5552547837 www.hmasviluminacion.com Distributor for: Zumtobel
HOLOPHANE Km-31 Carretera México Cuautitlan Tultitlan 54900 Mexico City tel: +52 5558990100 www.holophane.co.uk Distributor for: Lithonia
Avenida Insurgentes Sur 1228, Piso 8 Col. Tlacoquemecatl del Valle 03200 Mexico City tel: +52 5591519999 www.hubbelllighting.com
ITALLI ILUMINACION Avenida Vallarta 6503 Local D17 Plaza Concentro, Ciudad Granja 45010 Zapopan tel: +52 5550171035 www.italli.com Distributor for: Agabekov, iGuzzini
JEHA Porvenir 99 Tláhuac tel: +1 5558404011 www.jeha.com.mx
LAMP Granjas México 08400 Mexico DF tel: +52 5556485350 www.lamp.es
Camino a Tepalcapa No. 8 Col. San Martin 54900 Tultitlán tel: +52 58991800 www.ledvance.com
San Borja No.1031 Col. Del Valle 03100 Mexico City tel: +52 5555593210 www.lightmex.com Distributor for: Concord, Flos, Glashütte Limburg, Viabizzuno, Vibia
LLEDO Dante No.36-401 Nueva Anzures 11590 Ciudad de Mexico tel: +505 5451017 www.lledogrupo.com
LUCECO Batallon de San Patricio #109 Sur. Col Valle Oriente, San Pedro Garza Garcia 66260 N.L Mexico CP tel: +52 1850009437 www.luceco.com
LUMINANCE Felipe Carillo Puerto No.38 Col. Anahuac C.P. 11320 Mexico City tel: +52 5553423019 www.luminance-lightingservice.com Distributor for: Artemide, Delta Light, Meyer
LUMINOGRAFICA Pino 85 bis Col. Florida 01030 Mexico City tel: +52 5556617107 www.luminografica.com Distributor for: Lutron
a LUTRON Rudyard Kipling 11530 Complejo Industrial 3113 Chihuahua tel: +1 6102826701 email: lutronlatam@lutron.com www.lutron.com/es-la
Founded in 1961 and based in Pennsylvania, Lutron Electronics is a leading manufacturer of energy-saving light, shade, and temperature control systems for homes, hotels and commercial buildings. Lutron’s Athena enables lighting designers world-wide to realise their design vision by adjusting independently colour temperature and intensity to create and save scenes.
LUXIONA Avenida de los Arco 9 manzana 2 Parque Industrial Finsa Bernardo Quintana 76246 El Márquez Querétaro tel: +52 4421531020 www.luxiona.com
+LUZ Berruguete 16-106 03700 Mexico City tel: +52 5555985459 www.mas-luz.com Distributor for: Delta Light, Simes, Zumtobel
MOUSER ELECTRONICS Avenida Moctezuma 3515 Loc. 15 Zone J Planta Baja Col. Cd. del Sol 45050 Jalisco tel: +52 3336127301 www.uk.mouser.com
Distributor for: Avago, Cree, LED Engin, Ledil, Luminus Devices, Seoul Semiconductor
Bradley 106 Col. Anzures Delegación Miguel Hidalgo 11590 Mexico City tel: +52 5572588822 www.normagrup.com
OLLIN ILUMINACIÓN Col. Santa Cruz Atoyac Del Benito Juarez 03310 Mexico City tel: +52 5555175956 www.olliniluminacion.com.mx Distributor for: iGuzzini
OSRAM Camino a Tepalcapa No.8 Col. San Martin, Tultitlán 54900 Mexico City tel: +52 5558991800 www.osram.com/ds
PAT HENRY ILUMINACION Avenida Insurgentes Sur No. 536-202 Col. Roma Sur 06760 Mexico City tel: +52 5555645065 www.pathenryiluminacion.i8.com Distributor for: Studio Due
REPRESENTACIONES DE AUDIO Calle 10 133 Col. Granjas San Antonio 09070 Mexico City tel: +52 5533004550 www.rda.com.mx Distributor for: SGM
SCULTURA LUMINOSA Sudermann no. 246 Col. Polanco IV 11550 Mexico City tel: +52 5552502661 www.sculturaluminosa.com Distributor for: Artemide
SHOWCO Avenida Central 5, Mza. 30, Lte 11 Fracc. Industrial Alce Blanco 53370 Naucalpan tel: +52 5550009480 www.showco.com.mx Distributor for: MA Lighting
SIGNIFY Avenida de la Palma No.6 Col. San Fernando La Herradura 52784 Huixquilucan tel: +52 52699000 www.signify.com
SIMON ELECTRICA Darwin No. 136 Col. Anzures 11590 Mexico City tel: +52 5555457865 www.simonelectrica.com Distributor for: Harvard Engineering
SYLUMIS Plaza Chipinque Locales 205-6-7 Planta Alta Avenida Gómez Morín 938 Sur 66220 San Pedro Garza García tel: +52 8183357435 www.sylumis.com
Urals 3rd Floor 455 Col. Lomas de Chapultec 11000 Mexico City tel: +52 5546275500 www.sylvania-lighting.com
TARGET TECHNOLOGY Pennsylvania 30 Primer Piso Colonia Napoles 03810 Mexico City tel: +52 5511078875 www.targettech.com.mx Distributor for: Almeco, Fulham, Luxim
Camino a Tepalcapa No 8 Col. San Martín Tultitlán 54900 Mexico City tel: +52 558991800
Ferrocarril Central Nacional 1090 Edificio 6, Departamento 401 Unidad Habitacional Culturas Universales 02120 Mexico City tel: +52 5533336603 www.xilumina.com
Distributor for: Hunza, Murano Luce
Altos de Santa Maria
Calle Isabel Diaz de Jimenez No F-8
Panama City tel: +507 66718856
Distributor for: Kim Lighting
Calle 71 Calle San Juan Bosco Condominio Sarsan No 109 Planta Alta No 4
Panama City tel: +507 66678078
Distributor for: Siteco
Av. Samuel Lewis y Calle 53 Mezzanine Edificio Omega Adpo Panama City tel: +507 2635333
Distributor for: iGuzzini
Av. Samuel Lewis
PB Edificio Comosa, local 2 y 3 Panama City tel: +507 2698051 www.illuminations.com.pa
Distributor for: Delta Light, Flos, Traxon e:cue, Vibia
Calle 50 Esq Via Brasil Panama City tel: +507 2272177 www.lumicentropanama.com
Distributor for: Arteluce, Havells-Sylvania, Philips
Via Ricardo J. Alfaro, Plaza Max Jimenez 0818-00987 Panama City tel: +507 2361000 www.sylvania-lighting.com
PAMELLA PHANG LIGHTING STUDIO Urb. Golf los Inkas Lima L33 tel: +51 950497918 www.pamellaphang.com
Calle El Rosario 359 Interior C - Miraflores Lima 18 tel: +51 12422029 www.riesakata.com
Calle Las Acacias 274 Lima 18 tel: +51 112423609 www.arquiluz.net
Distributor for: Vossloh-Scwabe, XAL
GE LIGHTING Amador Merino Reina 267 Of. 902, San Isidro Lima tel: +51 16104347 www.gelighting.com
Av. Angamos Oeste San Isidro Lima 1617 tel: +51 16000280 www.hiliteperu.com
Distributor for: Artemide, Erco, Flos
JOSEF ILUMINACION 220 Paita Jr Industrial Zone San Juan de Miraflores Lima tel: +51 12768822 www.josfel.com.pe Distributor for: Glashütte Limburg, Thorn, Zumtobel
LEDVANCE Av. Encalada 1257 – oficina 301 Santiago de Surco Lima tel: +51 16185800 www.ledvance.com
LLEDO Av. Benavides 1944 oficina 302 Edificio Swiss Tower Miraflores tel: +51 17481221 www.lledogrupo.com
LUXIONA Josfel Jr.Paita 220 Zona Industrial San Juan de Miraflores Lima tel: +51 12768822 www.luxiona.com
NOVOLITE Calle Mariscal Ramón Castilla 128 Urb. La Aurora Miraflores tel: +51 16204091 www.novolitesac.com
Distributor for: Claypaky, Madrix, SGM, Wireless Solution
SCHRÉDER Avenida Benavides 768 ofc. 201 Miraflores tel: +51 13366956 www.schreder.com
Jr. Jose Sabogal 196 Urb. los Jazmines - Surco Lima L33 tel: +51 992743039
email: claudia@claudiapaz.com www.claudiapaz.com
International award winning design studio that is passionate about using light to create a link between space and people, integrating art, architecture and technology. We constantly explore new and creative ways of interaction within light and architecture or urban landscapes to generate emotion and unforgettable memories in the public domain.
SIGNIFY Avenida Larco 1301 Torre ParqueMar Piso 4, Miraflores Lima 18 tel: +51 16106200 www.signify.com
SYLVANIA Calle Tarata 160 Mezzanine Miraflores Lima tel: +51 14461435 www.sylvania-lighting.com
TRAZZO ILUMINACION Libertadores 274 San Isidro Lima tel: +51 14402461 www.trazzoiluminacion.com Distributor for: iGuzzini, Lutron
WAKLI EIRL Calle El Rosario 359 Interior C Miraflores Lima 18 tel: +51 12422029 Distributor for: Lithonia
EDWIN FIGUEROA AND ASSOC Laurel AR22 Urb 00956 Santa Juanita Bayamon tel: +1 7877863343 www.edwinfigueroa.com Distributor for: Lithonia
SAN JUAN LIGHTING Norberto Magdalena Urb El Paraiso Parana Street 1519 009262814 San Juan State tel: +1 7877677286 www.sanjuanlighting.com Distributor for: Bruck, Kim Lighting, Times Square Lighting, Tivoli, Zaneen
SESCO GLOBAL LIGHTING 505 Avenida Hostos 2do Piso 00918 Hato Rey tel: +1 7877770518 www.sescogloballighting.com Distributor for: Bega, MP Lighting, Philips Color Kinetics, Phoenix Products, Q-Tran, Sistemalux, Tokistar
HADCO DSM Warehousing Complex Pacific Avenue Ext Pt Lisas Industrial Estate Couva tel: +1 8686364369 www.hadcoltd.com Distributor for: GE, Osram, Philips, Phoenix Products
L.G. ENGINEERING SERVICES PO Box 4402 Ann’s St Ann’s tel: +1 8686249065 Distributor for: Abacus
LIGHTSOURCE 41 Eastern Main Road Laventille tel: +1 8686259347 www.lightsourcett.com Distributor for: Bega, Glashütte Limburg, Kim Lighting, Lithonia, Louis Poulsen, Peerless
HOFSTADTER - FREGOSI Y ASOCIADOS Sarmiento 2260/201 11300 Montevideo tel: +598 27100911 www.richof.com
JUAN C. FABRA LIGHTING CONSULTING Juan Ma Perez 2744 11300 Montevideo tel: +598 27161787 www.jcfabra.com
UMAYA LIGHTING DESIGN Luis B. Cavia 2721 11300 Montevideo tel: +598 27079187 www.umayalighting.com
ANOLIS Galicia 1198 ap 303 1100 Montevideo tel: +598 229006747 www.robe.cz
DARKO LIGHTING Calle Joaquin Nunez 2868 11300 Montevideo tel: +598 27116198 www.darkolighting.com
Distributor for: Delta Light, Prisma Architectural, Zumtobel
LYTE ILLUNACION TECNICA Isla de Flores 1858 esq. Frugoni 11200 Montevideo tel: +598 24101632 www.lyte.com.uy Distributor for: Arkoslight, ES-System, iGuzzini, Ligman, Megaman, SLV, Thorn
TRIOS LIGHTING Luis de la Torre 593b Montevideo tel: +598 99612466 www.trioslighting.com Distributor for: Artemide, Delta Light, Halla, LEDS C4, Lumini, Lutron, XAL
ACUSTECH Calle Paris, Qta. San Miguel Piso 1 Local A-4, Urb. Las Mercedes 1060 Caracas tel: +58 2129939662 www.grupocm.com Distributor for: MA Lighting
DIERCK SISTEMAS DE LLUMINACION 4ta Avendia y 5ta Transversal Quinta Mandalay Los Palos Grandes 1060 Caracas tel: +58 212287074343 www.iluminacion-caracas.com Distributor for: Insta, Siteco
ELEMTECH ENERGY Calle El Carmen Centro Dos Caminos Piso 8 Office 8-C Los Dos Caminos Caracas tel: +58 2122346612 www.elemtech.com.ve Distributor for: iGuzzini
GE LIGHTING Avenue General Motors, Edificio GEISA Zona Industrial Sur, Valencia 2003 Estado Carabobo tel: +58 2416136201 www.gelighting.com
ILUMINACION HELIOS Av. San Felipe Centro Coinasa Nivel Mezzanina 1060 Caracas tel: +58 2122655883 www.helios.com.ve Distributor for: Aldabra, Artemide, Flos, LEDS C4, Modular, Philips Lightolier, Reggiani, XAL, Zumtobel
LUCES ILUMINACION Centro Comercial Galerias Los Naranjos Nivel Oficina I, Oficina 83 Los Naranjos Caracas tel: +58 4164098058 www.lucesiluminacion.com.ve Distributor for: Flos, Louis Poulsen, Martini
LUMI-LUX Carretera Petare-Santa Lucia, Km. 1 Sector La Cortada Fila de Mariche 1073 Caracas tel: +58 2122427011 www.lumilux.com Distributor for: Zumtobel
SYLVANIA Carretera Nacional Guarenas-Guatir Sector las Flores, Centro Industrial Las Flores Local D Caracas tel: +58 2123810452 www.sylvania-lighting.com
ANITA JORGENSEN LIGHTING DESIGN 100 Lafayette Street #604 New York NY 10013 tel: +1 2123430454 www.ajld.net
186 LIGHTING DESIGN GROUP 1200 Bannoch Street Denver CO 80204 tel: +1 3035345350 www.186group.com
3LU LIGHTING 152 Laurel Avenue Millbrae CA 94030 tel: +1 5149691916
521 ATELIER 402 Berkley Road, Suite F Haverford PA 19041 tel: +1 6107319123 www.521atelier.com
213 W 122nd Street #4 New York NY 10027 tel: +1 9177519906 www.aaroncopp.com
166 Valley Street, Building 6M Suite 103 Providence RI 02909 tel: +1 4012334412 www.abernathylightdesign.com
ABOUT THE STAGE 1715 Allen Drive Westlake OH 44145 tel: +1 3092356799 www.aboutthestage.com
ACRYLICIZE 1505 Broadway Seattle WA 98122 tel: +1 2064925849 www.acrylicize.com
ADAPTIVE DESIGN GROUP 652 Confluence Avenue Murray UT 84123 tel: +1 3857433333 www.adaptivedg.com
ADG 920 West Main Street Oklahoma City OK 73106 tel: +1 4052325700 www.adgokc.com
AE DESIGN 1900 Wazee Street, 205 Denver CO 80202 tel: +1 3032963034 www.aedesign-inc.com
AFFILIATED ENGINEERS 5802 Research Park Boulevard Madison WI 53719 tel: +1 6082361248 www.aeieng.com
AKALI LIGHTING DESIGN 30600 North Pima Road #48 Scottsdale AZ 85266 tel: +1 4805952137 www.akalilightingdesign.com
BARTLETT DESIGN 942 Washington Street Bath ME 4530 tel: +1 2074435447
ARUP 77 Water Street New York NY 10005 tel: +1 2128963000
560 Mission Street, Suite 700 San Francisco CA 94105 tel: +1 4159579445
719 Second Avenue, Suite 400 Seattle WA 98104 tel: +1 2067499674
60 State Street Boston MA 02109 tel: +1 6178642987
12777 West Jefferson Boulevard, Building D Los Angeles CA 90066 tel: +1 3105784400 email: lighting-design@arup.com www.arup.com/lighting
Lighting at Arup brings together art, science and technology. Our team of designers create expressive and award-winning concepts in light. Our commitment to sustainability drives a creative approach to the application of state-of-the-art technology. We work in harmony with aesthetics and vision, delivering human centric solutions for clients.
BASELINE LIGHTING DESIGN STUDIO 1260 NW 74th Street Miami FL 33147 tel: +1 3053737909 www.baselinehk.com
BEAM 428 West Waverly Road Glenside PA 19038 tel: +1 2155080900 www.beamltd.com
BEARTOOTH LIGHTING DESIGN 2784 Catalyst Street, Unit B Bozeman MT 59718 tel: +1 4065513669 www.beartoothlightingdesign.com
BEAUDIN GANZE CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1626 Cole Boulevard #300 Building 7 Lakewood CO 80401 tel: +1 3032783820 www.bgce.com
BENTLEY MEEKER LIGHTING AND STAGING 465 Tenth Avenue 2nd floor New York NY 10018 tel: +1 2127223349 www.bentleymeeker.com
ANN KALE ASSOCIATES 1569 San Leandro Lane Santa Barbara CA 93108 tel: +1 8059697660 www.annkale.com
ANNE KUSTNER LIGHTING DESIGN 517 4th Street Wilmette IL 60091 tel: +1 8474752010 www.akld.net
APPLIED MINDS PO Box 3951 Glendale CA 91221 tel: +1 8183325210 www.appliedminds.com
APV LIGHTING 3214 Volta Place NW Washington DC 20007 tel: +1 2023381111 www.apvlighting.com
ARCHILLUME LIGHTING DESIGN 3701 Executive Center Drive #215 Austin TX 78731 tel: +1 5123461386 www.archillume.com
ARCHILUCE INTERNATIONAL 903 Calibre Woods Drive NE Atlanta GA 30329 tel: +1 4705897024 www.archiluceintl.com
ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING DESIGN GROUP 1900 Wazee Street, Suite 350 Denver CO 80202 tel: +1 3032963034 www.aedesign-inc.com
ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING BY SHUGARMAN 8177 Inverness Ridge Road Potomac MD 20854 tel: +1 3019839003
ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING DESIGN 196 Bocana Street San Francisco CA 94110 tel: +1 4154954085 www.lightingdesigner.com.au
60 Brady Street San Francisco CA 94103 tel: +1 4156763999 www.architectureandlight.com
ARORA ENGINEERS 61 Wilmington-Westchester Pike #100 Chadds Ford PA 19317 tel: +1 6104597900 www.aroraengineers.com
ARTEC3 STUDIO 150 SE 2nd Avenue, Suite 300 Miami FL 33131 tel: +1 3054430860 www.artec3.com
ASIDACO 106 Chandler Street Boston MA 2116 tel: +1 8572341544 www.asidaco.com
ATELIER LUMIERE 121 West 27th Street #1200 New York NY 10001 tel: +1 2123525173 www.atelier-lumiere.com
ATELIER TEN 195 Church Street, Suite 10C New Haven CT 6510 tel: +1 2037771400 www.atelierten.com
AUERBACH GLASOW 1045 Sansome Street, Suite 300 San Francisco CA 94111 tel: +1 4153927528 www.auerbachconsultants.com
AURORA LIGHTING DESIGN 224 West Belvidere Road Grayslake IL 60030 tel: +1 8472233567 www.aurorald.com
AURUM CONSULTING ENGINEERS 60 Garden Court #210 Monterey CA 93940 tel: +1 8316463330 www.acemb.com
BENYA BURNETT CONSULTANCY 1612 Olympic Drive Davis CA 95616 tel: +1 5035199631 www.benyalighting.com
BETHSABE PEDERSEN DESIGNS 204 37th Avenue, # 323 St. Petersburg FL 337041416 tel: +1 7274039976 www.lightinganddesigns.com
BIELLA LIGHTING DESIGN 4703 NW Woodside Terrace Portland OR 97210 tel: +1 5032222689 www.biellalighting.com
BIRKENSTOCK LIGHTING DESIGN 1434 North Lincoln Avenue San Rafael CA 94901 tel: +1 4154884168 www.birkenstocklightingdesigns.com
BLANCA LIGHTING DESIGN 2830 23rd West, Suite 1400 Seattle WA 98199 tel: +1 2062266676 www.blancalighting.com
BLISS FASMAN 50 Broad Street, Suite 1602 New York NY 10004 tel: +1 2123438400 www.blissfasman.com
BOLD 227 West 29th Street 8F New York NY 10001 tel: +1 2126746500 www.brianorter.com
AVAILABLE LIGHT 31 State Street 6th Floor Boston MA 02109 tel: +1 6179446800 email: steven@availablelight.com
New York NY tel: +1 2129772611 email: ted@availablelight.com 5700 Six Forks Road #203 Raleigh NC 27609 tel: +1 5712775346 email: derek@availablelight.com www.availablelight.com
Listen. Create. Deliver. Available Light is an innovative, awardwinning Lighting Design firm specialising in the fields of Museum Exhibition, Architecture, and Trade Shows/Special Events. The comprehensive services we provide address the full design process from master-planning to specification to final lighting tune-up. Delivering compelling, high performance environments is central to our mission.
AWA LIGHTING DESIGNERS 548 W 28th Street #338 New York NY 10001 tel: +1 2124739797 www.awalightingdesigners.com
BOS LIGHTING DESIGN 1245 West 18th Street Houston TX 77008 tel: +1 7138699559 www.boslightingdesign.com
BOUYEA & ASSOCIATES 5 Green Hill Road PO Box 40 Washington Depot CT 06794 tel: +1 8608684500 www.bouyea.com
BR+A CONSULTING ENGINEERS 10 Guest Street 4th Floor Boston MA 02135 tel: +1 6179258395 www.brplusa.com
121 W 27th Street #903 New York NY 10001 tel: +1 2129244050 email: newyork@bpi.co www.bpi.co
Brandston Partnership Inc. is an award winning architectural lighting design firm, and has completed over 5,000 projects all over the world since its founding in 1966. Our work represents a great diversity ranging from hospitality projects to insightful historic restorations to large mixed-use projects to city planning.
18524 Menahka Court Apple Valley CA 92307 tel: +1 7609464841 www.bridgetwilliams.com
3101 N Country Club Drive #806 Aventura FL 33180 tel: +1 3057732917 www.brightlightdesigns.net
BRILLIANT LIGHTING DESIGN 750 NE 61st Street #201 Miami FL 33137 tel: +1 3057517200 www.brilliantlightingdesign.com
40 E. Chicago Avenue #374 Chicago IL 60611 tel: +1 3126400505 www.brininstool-lynch.com
BRINJAC LIGHTING STUDIO 1200 Fifth Avenue #1300 Seattle WA 98101 tel: +1 2064088628 www.bls-design.com
BURKE LIGHTING DESIGN 4886 Monroe Avenue San Diego CA 92115 tel: +1 6195647600 www.burkelighting.com
BURO HAPPOLD | LIGHTING 23rd Floor 100 Broadway New York NY 10005 tel: +1 2123342025 www.burohappold.com
BUSS LIGHTING 12 Vine Street Burlington VT 05408 tel: +1 8025030607 www.busslighting.com
BYRDWATERS DESIGN 3943 Gaspar Drive Dallas TX 75220 tel: +1 2142403369 www.byrdwaters.com
C & C LIGHTING 1417 Walnut Street Pittsburgh PA 15218 tel: +1 4122434613 www.cclightingdesign.com
642 Harrison Street, 4th Floor San Francisco CA 94107 tel: +1 4158635740 www.cammisawipf.com
100 Cambridge Street #1400 Boston MA 02114 tel: +1 6175176226 www.cannondesign.com
CAPITOL CITY DESIGN 1751 Cebrian Street West Sacramento CA 95691 tel: +1 9163750135 www.capcitydesign.com
CARLINS CONSULTING 8005 Broadlawn Drive Pittsburgh PA 152374152 tel: +1 4123699735 www.carlinsconsulting.com
CAROL CHAFFEE ASSOCIATES LIGHTING DESIGN 275 Market Street #528 Minneapolis MN 55405 tel: +1 6123420100
CD+M LIGHTING DESIGN GROUP 1344 La France Street NE #1 Atlanta GA 30307 tel: +1 4045229911 www.cdmlight.com
CHARTERSILLS 3701 West Springfield Champaign IL 61822 tel: +1 2173983423 www.chartersills.com
CHARTERSILLS 420 West Huron Chicago IL 60610 tel: +1 3127595909 www.chartersills.com
CHASSIN LIGHTING DESIGN 501 North State Rd #191 Briarcliff Manor New York NY 10510 tel: +1 9149450245 www.chassinlighting.com
CHERYL TRAYTER LIGHTING & DESIGN CONSULTING 315 Wall Road Doylestown OH 44230 tel: +1 3308072301
CHRISTENSEN LIGHTING 525 S 4th Street Suite 356 Philadelphia PA 19147 tel: +1 9789797079 www.christensenlighting.com
CHRISTINE SCIULLI LIGHT & DESIGN PO Box 2040 Amagansett NY 11930 tel: +1 6316045159 www.soundandvision.cc
CIRCLE DESIGN GROUP 9229 Delegates Row #150 Indianapolis IN 46240 tel: +1 3177816200 www.circledesigngroup.com
CLANTON & ASSOCIATES 4699 Nautilus Court South #102 Boulder CO 80301 tel: +1 3035307229 www.clantonassociates.com
CLARK NEXSEN 6160 Kempsville Circle, Suite 200 Norfolk VA 23502 tel: +1 7574555800 www.clarknexsen.com
CLAUDE R ENGLE LIGHTING CONSULTANTS 2 Wisconsin Circle #860 Chevy Chase MD 20815 tel: +1 3016545502 www.crengle.com
CLEAR STORY CREATIVE 1931 Sidney Street Pittsburgh PA 15203 tel: +1 4124881931 www.clearstorycreative.com
CLINARD STUDIO 228 Park Avenue South #28070 New York NY 10003 tel: +1 6465805344 www.clinardstudio.com
CLINE BETTRIDGE BERNSTEIN LIGHTING DESIGN 116 East 27th Street 4th Floor New York NY 10016 tel: +1 2127413280 www.cbbld.com
CLL - CONCEPT LIGHTING LAB 469 South Convent Avenue, Unit 1 Tucson AZ 85701 tel: +1 5204909166 www.cll-conceptlightinglab.com
CM KLING + ASSOCIATES 1020 Cameron Street Alexandria VA 22314 tel: +1 7036846270 email: info@cmkling.com www.cmkling.com
CM KLING + ASSOCIATES is an architectural lighting design firm composing stories with light and technology at the intersection of Architecture, People, and the Environment. Specializing in interior, exterior, controls, daylighting integration, and master planning for projects of every scope and scale.
COLLABORATIVE LIGHTECHNIQUE 7142 Davit Circle Lake Worth FL 33467 tel: +1 5619646659
COLORLUME 153 Hunter Court Palm Harbor MI 34684 tel: +1 9199496231
CONCEPTUAL LIGHTING 479 Clark Street South Windsor CT 6074 tel: +1 8606444358
CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES 3 Werner Way Lebanon NJ tel: +1 9088494001 www.c-sgroup.com
COOLEY MONATO STUDIO 137 East 25th Street 11th Floor New York NY 10010 tel: +1 2126744488 www.cooleymonato.com
CORUSCATE LIGHTING CONSULTING 921 1st Avenue W #304 Seattle WA 98119 tel: +1 2063569788 www.coruscatelighting.com
COSENTINI LIGHTING DESIGN 2 Pennsylvania Plaza New York NY 10121 tel: +1 2126153600 www.cosentini.com
COSLER THEATRE DESIGN 305 West 98th Street New York NY 10018 tel: +1 2126954040 www.cosler.com
CRAIG ROBERTS ASSOCIATES 4230 Avondale Avenue #202 Dallas TX 75219 tel: +1 2145266470 www.craigroberts.com
CREATIVE DESIGNS IN LIGHTING 1900 East Indian School Road Phoenix AZ 85016 tel: +1 6022487822 www.cdltg.com
CREATIVE LIGHTING DESIGN & ENGINEERING N140 W13843 Cedar Lane Germantown WI 53022 tel: +1 2622424432 www.cld-e.com
CREATIVE LIGHTING STRATEGIES 1814 Armstead Drive St. Louis MO 63131 tel: +1 3149652728
CRIOO LIGHTING 12868 Farmington Road Livonia MI 48150 tel: +1 8883169774 www.crioolighting.com
CTG LIGHTING DESIGN STUDIO 255 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1600 Orlando FL 32801 tel: +1 4074871143 www.ctglighting.com
CUH2A CN-5380 Princeton NJ 085435380 tel: +1 6097917380 www.hdrcuh2a.com
DARK LIGHT DESIGN 1511 Third Avenue, Suite 700 Seattle WA 98101 tel: +1 2066821720 www.darklight-design.com
DARKHORSE LIGHTWORKS 14352 Killion Street Sherman Oaks CA 91401 tel: +1 8185142272 www.darkhorselightworks.com
DAVID APFEL LIGHTING DESIGN 132 West 36th Street 10th Floor New York NY 10018 tel: +1 2126455537 www.dapfel.com
DAVID NELSON & ASSOCIATES PO Box 270254 Littleton CO 80120 tel: +1 3037302456 www.dnalighting.com
DAVID WILDS PATTON LIGHTING DESIGN PO Box 1621 Pacifica CA 940446621 tel: +1 6505742371 www.dwplightingdesign.com
DAVIS PARTNERSHIP ARCHITECTS 2901 Blake Street, Suite 100 Denver CO 80205 tel: +1 3038618555 www.davispartnership.com
DEAR PRODUCTIONS 329 North Maple Avenue Oak Park IL 60302 tel: +1 7084450432 www.dearproductions.com
DEREK PORTER STUDIO 1907 Wyandotte Trafficway Kansas City MO 64108 tel: +1 8168429060 www.derekporterstudio.com
DERRY BERRIGAN LIGHTING DESIGN 119 East Walnut Street Rogers AR 72756 tel: +1 4796315051 www.dbpowerof3.com
DESIGN COLLABORATIVE 200 East Main Street #600 Fort Wayne IN 46802 tel: +1 260422424 www.designcollaborative.com
DESIGN ONE CORPORATION 417 Grand Street D-1304 New York NY 10002 tel: +1 2124775662 www.d1ny.com
DHS LIGHTING DESIGN 1001 4th Avenue North, Suite 360 Nashville TN 37219 tel: +1 6154959401 www.dhslightingdesign.com
DIGITAL AMBIANCE 905 Parker Street Berkeley CA 94710 tel: +1 8572056052 www.digitalambiance.com
DNV GL 155 Grand Avenue, Suite 500 Oakland CA 94612 tel: +1 5108910446
DOMINGO GONZALEZ ASSOCIATES 29 Broadway 3rd Floor New York NY 10006 tel: +1 2126084800 www.dgalight.com
DOT DASH 120 Walker Street, Suite 6E New York NY 10013 tel: +1 2129510660 www.dotdash.me
DPR 779 Lakemead Way Emerald Hills CA 94062 tel: +1 6504742654
DUNHAM DESIGN ASSOCIATES 160 Snapfinger Lane Athens GA 30605 tel: +1 7065461564
DWAAL LIGHTING DESIGN 256 High Street Studio 8, Waterfall Arts Belfast ME 04915 tel: +1 3476876726 www.dwaal-design.com
E2CO 800 South Industry Way #350 Meridian ID 83642 tel: +1 2083784450 www.e2co.com
EARLEYLIGHT 11 South Angell Street #488 Providence RI 2906 tel: +1 4014389100 www.earleylight.com
ELECTRICAL DESIGN ASSOCIATES 7536 N. LaCholla Blvd. Tucson AZ 85741 tel: +1 5206222196 www.eda-az.com
ELECTRICAL LOGIC 503 Red Lady Avenue, Suite 106 Crested Butte CO 81224 tel: +1 9703491500 www.electricallogic.com
ELECTROLIGHT 329 Bryant Street Suite 3B San Francisco CA 94107 tel: +1 4155495188 www.electrolight.com
ELLIOT & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS 35 Harrison Avenue Oklahoma City OK 73104 tel: +1 4052329554 www.e-a-a.com
ELUNED LIGHTING 11033 27th Avenue NE Seattle WA 98125 tel: +1 2067903655 www.elunedlighting.com
EMPHASIS LIGHTING GROUP 3375 Stark Road NE Cambridge MN 55008 tel: +1 7636630900 www.emphasislighting.com
ENLIGHTEN 1756 York Avenue Memphis TN 38104 tel: +1 9012728686 www.enlighten-design.com
ENLIGHTEN DESIGN STUDIO 222 Chapel Place, Unit AC-201 Avon CO 81620 tel: +1 9709496108 www.bgbuildingworks.com
ENVISION ENGINEERING 244 West 300 North #100 Salt Lake City UT 84103 tel: +1 8019245770 www.envisioneng.com
ENVISION LIGHTING DESIGN 734 High Hill Ct., Suite 920 Lake Saint Louis MO 63367 tel: +1 3145206116 www.envisionlightingdesign.com
EPSTEIN 600 W Fulton Chicago IL 60661 tel: +1 3124549100 www.epsteinglobal.com
EQLD 215 Lantwyn Lane Narberth PA 19072 tel: +1 2679719312 www.eq-ld.com
ESQUARED LIGHTING DESIGN 624 Eighth Place Hermosa Beach CA 90254 tel: +1 3103745316 www.esquaredlighting.com
ESSENTIAL LIGHT DESIGN STUDIO 3027 Clover Street Dallas TX 75226 tel: +1 9724158655 www.essentiallight.com
EVELYN AUDET LIGHTING DESIGN 154 Second Street East Providence RI 029145420 tel: +1 4014353688 www.evelynaudet.com
EWINGCOLE Federal Reserve Bank Building 100 N. 6th Street Philadelphia PA 191061590 tel: +1 2159232020 www.ewingcole.com
EXP 2601 Westhall Lane Maitland FL 32751 tel: +1 4076600088 www.exp.com
FABRAY ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING DESIGN 3535 Newton Street Denver CO 80211 tel: +1 3032429663 www.fabraylighting.com
FACILITY SOLUTIONS GROUP 2525 Walnut Hill, Suite 400 Dallas TX 75229 tel: +1 2143516266 www.fsgi.com
FARRIS LIGHTING 12700 W. Dodge Road Omaha NE 68154 tel: +1 4023305900 www.farris-usa.com
FIBERLIGHT LIGHTING DESIGN 1349 Blackhawk Drive Elgin IL 60120 tel: +1 6302947239 www.fiberlightinc.com
FINE ART LIGHT 1236 Wood Station Place Manchester MO 63021 tel: +1 3143693913 www.fineartlight.com
FINNEGAN ERICKSON ASSOCIATES 2821 W. Horizon Ridge Parkway, Suite 200 Henderson NV 89052 tel: +1 7022696060 www.fealasvegas.com
FIRST CIRCLE DESIGN 3187 Airway Avenue Building C Costa Mesa CA 92626 tel: +1 9496810500 www.firstcircledesign.com
FISHER MARANTZ STONE 22 West 19th Street, 6th Floor New York NY 10011 tel: +1 2126913020 www.fmsp.com
FLUX STUDIO 1714 Saint Paul Street Baltimore MD 21202 tel: +1 2404422120 www.fluxstudio.net
FMLD 564 West 52nd Street 4th floor New York NY 10019 tel: +1 3473228673 www.francismilloy.com
FOX & FOX DESIGN 920 Marvista Avenue Seal Beach CA 90740 tel: +1 5627998488 www.foxandfoxdesign.com
FRANCIS KRAHE & ASSOCIATES 304 South Broadway, Suite 300 Los Angeles CA 90013 tel: +1 2136170477 www.fkaild.com
FRANKLY LIGHTING 6353 Vrain Street Arvada CO 80003 tel: +1 3034120354 www.franklylighting.com
GABLER-YOUNGSTON 760 United Avenue SE #4 Atlanta GA 30312-3620 tel: +1 4045213166 www.gableryoungston.com
GALLEGOS LIGHTING 522 Cambridge Drive Benicia CA 94510 tel: +1 8185351180 www.gallegoslighting.com
GANDY SQUARED LIGHTING DESIGN 1824 Spring Street, Suite 241 Houston TX 77007 tel: +1 2817967887 www.g2ld.com
GANTI & ASSOCIATES 5209 Augustin Lane Culver City CA 90230 tel: +1 3105945188 www.ganti-associates.com
GARY GORDON ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 122 West 27th Street Floor 10 New York NY 10001 tel: +1 2126275200 www.garygordon.com
GARY STEFFY LIGHTING DESIGN 2900 South State Street #12 Ann Arbor MI 48104 tel: +1 7347476630 www.gsld.net
GEORGE SEXTON ASSOCIATES 2121 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Suite 220 Washington DC 20007 tel: +1 2023371903 www.gsadc.com
665 Trephanny Lane Wayne PA 19087 tel: +1 6106882119 www.gerrypower.com
GILMORE LIGHTING DESIGN 7939 Norfolk Avenue, Suite 200 Bethesda MD 20814 tel: +1 3019077575 www.gilmorelight.com
GLOBAL LIGHTING DESIGN 320 Lake Sovereign Court Canton GA 30114 tel: +1 7702386759 www.globallightingdesign.net
H+W ENGINEERING 1810 Gillespie Way #207 El Cajon CA 92020 tel: +1 6196598234 www.hwengr.com
H2D STUDIO 140 Bay Street Suite 4 Jersey City NJ 7302 tel: +1 2129206485
H2LTG 1015 Grupp Road #31493 St. Louis MO 63131 tel: +1 3145315200 www.h2ltg.com
HARGIS ENGINEERS 600 Stewart Street #1000 Seattle WA 98101 tel: +1 2064483376 www.hargis.biz
HARTRANFT LIGHTING DESIGN 401 Hawthorne Lane, Suite 110-269 Charlotte NC 28204 tel: +1 2407311058 www.adhlighting.com
HBD 6316 S.W. Thomas Street Portland OR 97221 tel: +1 5032923208
HC YU & ASSOCIATES 1013 Technology Park Drive Glen Allen VA 23059 tel: +1 8045213109 www.hcyu.com
HDLC ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 10 East 38th Street New York NY 10016 tel: +1 2125297800 www.hdlclighting.com
HDR 1000 Lenox Drive Lawrenceville NJ 086482312 tel: +1 402399172 www.hdrinc.com
HEFFERAN PARTNERSHIP 205 Camden Place Boulder CO 80302 tel: +1 3034473566 www.hpild.com
HELICON HALL DESIGN ASSOCIATES 2100 Linwood Avenue #4M Fort Lee NJ 7024 tel: +1 2019441212
HELIUS LIGHTING GROUP 125 E. Main Street #403 American Fork UT 84003 tel: +1 8014631111 www.heliuslighting.com
HENDERSON ENGINEERS 8345 Lenexa Drive, Suite 300 Lenexa KS 66214 tel: +1 9137425638 www.hendersonengineers.com
HER PORTFOLIOS 3130 Freeman Street San Diego CA 92106 tel: +1 6192289320 www.hedyrogers.com
FOCUS LIGHTING 221 West 116th Street New York NY 10026 tel: +1 2128651565 email: info@focuslighting.com www.focuslighting.com
Focus Lighting is an award-winning architectural lighting design firm located in New York City. Since 1987, we have continually created unique and successful lighting design solutions for projects around the world including hotels, resorts, retail, restaurants, museums, private residences, offices and nightclubs.
FORBES ERGAS DESIGN 236 West 30th Street New York NY 10001 tel: +1 2127271110 www.forbes-ergasdesign.com
FOUR POINT LIGHTING DESIGN 12903 Marimba Trail Austin TX 78729 tel: +1 5126326446 www.fourpointlighting.com
GOLDSTICK LIGHTING DESIGN 2 Gabriel Court White Plains NY 10605 tel: +1 9143287874 www.goldsticklighting.com
GRENALD WALDRON ASSOCIATES 260 Haverford Avenue Narberth PA 19072 tel: +1 6106676330 www.gwalighting.com
GROUP14 ENGINEERING 1325 E. 16th Avenue Denver CO 80218 tel: +1 3038612070 www.group14eng.com
GWEN GROSSMAN LIGHTING DESIGN 53 West Jackson Boulevard #1457 Chicago IL 60604 tel: +1 7734390559 www.gwengrossmanlighting.com
HESM&A 1255 Collier Road Atlanta GA 30318 tel: +1 4048757222 www.hesm.com
HGA 420 5th Street N#100 Minneapolis MN 55401 tel: +1 6127584433 www.hga.com
HILBISH MCGEE LIGHTING DESIGN 402 Peebles Street Sewickley PA 15143 tel: +1 4127490533 www.hmld.biz
HIRAM BANKS LIGHTING DESIGN 461 Second Street #659 San Francisco CA 94107 tel: +1 4156180855 www.hirambanks.com
38 East 32nd Street 11th Floor New York NY 10016 tel: +1 2126745580
785 Market Street #800 San Francisco CA 94103 tel: +1 4153488273
8580 Washington Boulevard Culver City CA 90232 tel: +1 3108370929
233 Lewis Wharf Boston MA 02110 tel: +1 6172295190
328 NW 29th Street Miami FL 33127 tel: +1 3057482151
3455 Ringsby Court, Suite 148 Taxi 1 Building Denver CO 80216 tel: +1 3033175006
PO Box 171085 Austin TX 78717 tel: +1 5128511420 email: info@hlblighting.com www.hlblighting.com
HLB Lighting Design is a women-owned, internationally recognized architectural lighting design firm with seven offices across the U.S. We specialize in creating compelling holistic lighting experiences that transform the built environment. Our team delivers an unparalleled depth of expertise in architectural lighting, daylighting, controls, light art, digital media, 3D visualization, sustainable design and custom luminaires.
HOK 10 South Broadway, Suite 200 St.Louis MO 63102 tel: +1 3144212000 www.hok.com
HOLIDAY LIGHTING GUY 9332 West Olympic Boulevard Beverly Hills CA 90212 tel: +1 3102788908 www.holidaylightingguy.com
HOLLAND LIGHTING DESIGN 507 Monte Vista Drive Blacksburg VA 20460 tel: +1 8435142892 www.hollandlightingdesign.com
115 South Marion Street, Suite 100 Oak Park IL 60302 tel: +1 7084450995 www.hughlightingdesign.com
4500 North Camino Cardenal Tucson AZ 857186853 tel: +1 5207609301
IBC ENGINEERING SERVICES N8 W22195 Johnson Drive #180 Waukesha WI 53186 tel: +1 2625491190 www.ibcengineering.com
ICRAVE 1140 Broadway, First Floor New York NY 10001 tel: +1 2129295657 www.icrave.com
IDEAS 1084 Foxworthy Avenue #150 San Jose CA 95118 tel: +1 4084486300 www.ideasi.com
ILLUME LIGHTING DESIGN 550 Starboard Drive Naples FL 341034144 tel: +1 2392632458
ILLUMINART 5145 Livernois, Suite 100 Troy MI 48098 tel: +1 2488795666 www.illuminart.net
ILLUMINATE LIGHTING DESIGN 3216 Nebraska Avenue Santa Monica CA 90404 tel: +1 3103093200 www.illuminateld.com
ILLUMINATIONS LIGHTING DESIGN 607 Durham Drive Houston TX 77007 tel: +1 7138631133 www.illuminationslighting.com
ILLUMINOSA 2607 7th street #B Berkeley CA 94710 tel: +1 5105253670 www.illuminosa.com
INNOVATIVE ILLUMINATION DESIGN 1035 Gateway Boulevard #201164 Boynton Beach FL 33426 tel: +1 5617350825 www.innovative-illumination.com
INTEGRAL GROUP 427 13th Street Oakland CA 94612 tel: +1 510662070 www.integralgroup.com
INTEGRATED DESIGN SOLUTIONS 1441 W Long Lake Road #200 Troy MI 480844751 tel: +1 2488232183 www.ids-troy.com
INTEGRATED LIGHTING DESIGN 19800 Greenbriar Drive Tarzana CA 91356 tel: +1 8185786606 www.integratedltgdesign.com
IPD ENGINEERING One Webster Landing Syracuse NY 13206 tel: +1 3154230185 www.ipdengineering.com
ISP DESIGN 9245 SW 158 Lane #202 Miami FL 33157 tel: +1 3052781565
JAMES CARPENTER DESIGN ASSOCIATES 145 Hudson Street 4th Floor New York NY 10013 tel: +1 2124314318 www.jcdainc.com
JAMES KOPRIVA 210 Navajo Road Pittsburgh PA 15241 tel: +1 4128359063
JEFF MILLER & COMPANY 6001 28 NE Seattle WA 98115 tel: +1 2064841286
JHBW 5 Union Square West 4th Floor New York NY 10003 tel: +1 6462673265
JIM CONTI LIGHTING DESIGN 505 Court Street #7B New York NY 11231 tel: +1 7184030306
JJA 8150 North Central Expressway Suite M-2100 Campbell Centre Dallas TX 75206 tel: +1 2147398880 www.jjainc.com
JK DESIGN GROUP 16921 Parthenia Street #205 North Hills CA 91343 tel: +1 8188957000 www.jkdesigngroup.com
JOHN LEVY LIGHTING PRODUCTIONS 350 South Figueroa Street #127 Los Angeles CA 90071 tel: +1 2136299949 www.jllp.net
JORGE ENCARNION PO Box 5207 Evanston IL 60204 tel: +1 5153069740 www.jorgeencarnacion.com
JPB LIGHTING 22-31 36th Street Astoria NY 11105 tel: +1 9172259183 www.jamesbedell.com
JS NOLAN + ASSOCIATES LIGHTING DESIGN 3533 17th Street San Francisco CA 94110 tel: +1 4156180101 www.jsnald.com
JULIA REZEK LIGHTING DESIGN 709 Washington Street Ashland OR 97520 tel: +1 5414884254 www.rezeklighting.com
KARPINSKI ENGINEERING 3135 Euclid Avenue #300 Cleveland OH 44115 tel: +1 2163913700 www.karpinskieng.com
KB ASSOCIATES 257 West 52nd Street, 4th Floor New York NY 10019 tel: +1 2123624030 www.kbany.com
KEYLIGHT & SHADOW 16459 Lexington Court Lake Oswego OR 97034-5069 tel: +1 5036357203 www.keylight.ws
KGM ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 270 Coral Circle El Segundo CA 90245 tel: +1 3105522191 www.kgmlighting.com
KGP DESIGN 13315 William Circle Omaha NE 68144 tel: +1 4026607811
KIEWIT BUILDING GROUP 160 Inverness Drive West Suite 110 Englewood CO 80112 tel: +1 3039107700 www.kiewit.com
KILOJOLTS CONSULTING GROUP 229 Massachusetts Avenue #3 Lexington MA 02420 tel: +1 7818616800 www.kilojolts.com
KLEIN LIGHTING 7231 N. Barnett Lane Fox Point WI 53217 tel: +1 4142720012 www.kleinlighting.com
KOLTAI LIGHTING DESIGN 824 Tolman Drive Stanford CA 94305 tel: +1 6503223232 www.koltailighting.com
KUGLER NING LIGHTING DESIGN 247 West 37th Street, Suite 1502 New York NY 10018 tel: +1 2123822100 www.kuglerning.com
KUYK & ASSOCIATES PO Box 7291 Charlottesville VA 22906 tel: +1 4349749300 www.kuyk.com
L’OBSERVATOIRE INTERNATIONAL 120 Walker Street, 7th Floor East New York NY 10013 tel: +1 2122554463 www.lobsintl.com
LAFLEUR ASSOCIATES 307 High Street, Suite D Chestertown MD 21620 tel: +1 4103231420 www.lafleurassociates.com
LAM PARTNERS 84 Sherman Street Cambridge MA 02140 tel: +1 6173544502 www.lampartners.com
LANG LIGHTING DESIGN 4645 North Central Expressway #120 Dallas TX 75205 tel: +1 2147800700 www.langlighting.com
LC LIGHTING CONSULTANTS 3701 Kirby Drive #820 Houston TX 77098 tel: +1 7135241200 www.lclighting.com
LEDARTIST 297 Grand Street, #3B New York NY 10002 tel: +1 9177056843 www.ledartist.com
LEO A DALY 8600 Indian Hills Drive Omaha NE 68114 tel: +1 4023918111 www.leoadaly.com
LEVY NYC 356 Devoe Street New York NY 11211 tel: +1 2129254640 www.levylighting.com
LEWIS LIGHTING & DESIGN 74 Marshall Street #1 Medford MA 2155 tel: +1 8578163663 www.lewislighting.com
LIGHT & BEYOND 2222 East Cary Street Apt 521 Richmond VA 23223 tel: +1 6464500562 www.lightandbeyond.com
LIGHT & SPACE 100 California #203 Reno NV 89509 tel: +1 7752840313 www.lightandspace.com
LIGHT & SUBSTANCE 1229 Coldstream Court Raleigh NC 27615 tel: +1 9196760088
LIGHT ARTISTS 5407 Bandera Road San Antonio TX 78238 tel: +1 2102514767 www.light-artists.com
LIGHT BY DESIGN PO Box 1566 Santa Cruz CA 95061 tel: +1 8312275822
LIGHT DEFINES FORM PO Box 4465 Greensboro NC 27404 tel: +1 3362301990 www.ldf.us
LIGHT INSIGHT DESIGN STUDIO 268 Summer Street Lower Level Boston MA 02210 tel: +1 6172681122 www.light-insightdesign.com
LIGHT SOLUTIONS PO Box 176 110 East Main Street Jacksonville OR 975300176 tel: +1 7025771992 www.light-solutions.com
LIGHTBOX STUDIOS 80 Pine Street, 12th floor New York NY 10005 tel: +1 6468102700 www.lightboxstudios.nyc
LIGHTCRAFT One Liberty Plaza 165 Broadway 22nd Floor New York NY 10006 tel: +1 2123892676 www.lightcraftgroup.com
LIGHTFIELD 518 Fort Washington Avenue #5E New York NY 10033 tel: +1 2129235849 www.lightfield.us
LIGHTING BY DESIGN 680 Lake Shore Drive #923 Chicago IL 60611 tel: +1 3129887878
LIGHTING DESIGN ALLIANCE 2830 Temple Avenue Long Beach CA 90806 tel: +1 5629893843 www.lightingdesignalliance.com
LIGHTING DESIGN INNOVATIONS 2804 West Main Street Road Batavia NY 14020 tel: +1 5854184080 www.ldi.bz
6418 Ferris Drive #2 Houston TX 770814690 tel: +1 7134590094 www.lightingdesign.pro
LIGHTING DESIGN STUDIO 215 Pier Avenue #B Hermosa Beach CA 90254 tel: +1 3107988706 www.ld-studio.com
100 Sunridge Lane, Buffalo Grove Chicago IL 60089 tel: +1 3129942374 www.lightingergonomics.us
7028 Cherty Drive Rancho Palos Verdes CA 90275 tel: +1 3107506886 www.lightingprofessionalsinc.com
LIGHTING WORKSHOP 20 Jay Street Suite 500 6th Floor Brooklyn NY 11201 tel: +1 2127966510 www.ltgworkshop.com
333 South Seventh Street #1200 Minneapolis MN 55402 tel: +1 6123394941 www.michaudcooley.com
LIGHTSWITCH 1459 Trailwood Drive Crystal Lake IL 60014 tel: +1 3122888777 www.lightswitch.net
LIGHTTECH 672 Fearrington Post Pittsboro NC 27312 tel: +1 9195425577 www.lighttechdesign.com
LIGHTVISION 1213 South Ogden Drive Los Angeles CA 90019 tel: +1 3329320700 www.lightvision.net
LILKER LIGHTING GROUP 1001 Avenue of the Americas New York NY 10018 tel: +1 2126951000 www.lilker.com
LIT 48-457 Vista Palomino LaQuinta CA 92253 tel: +1 7607770926 www.litwell.com
LITTLEFISH LIGHTING PO Box 2401 Redmond WA 980732401 tel: +1 2063342442 www.littlefishlighting.com
LOOP LIGHTING DESIGN & CONSULTING 720 York Street #211 San Francisco CA 94110 tel: +1 4152828406
LUCIFORMA 32 West 39th Street 4th Floor New York NY 10018 tel: +1 7815616163 www.luciforma.com
LUM ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING DESIGN 10129 Champa Dallas TX 75218 tel: +1 2143410019 www.lumlightingdesign.com
LUMA 522 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1500 Portland OR 97204 tel: +1 5032263905 www.lumald.com
LUMEN 4 643 Burroughs Plymouth MI 48170 tel: +1 7343546045 www.lumen4.com
LUMEN ARCHITECTURE 214 West 29h Street Suite 1005 New York NY 10001 tel: +1 2125646469 www.lumenarch.com
LUMEN STUDIO PO Box 152 Groton MA 01450 tel: +1 6174188400 www.lumen-studio.net
LUMENIQUE W142 N10084 Sunburst Trail Germantown WI 53022 tel: +1 4142415124 www.lumenique.com
LUMENWORKS 3410 Lakeshore Avenue, Suite 201 Oakland CA 94610 tel: +1 5108357600 www.lumenworks.com
LUMINAE SOUTER ASSOCIATES 504 Roosevelt Way San Francisco CA 94114 tel: +1 4158638800 www.luminae-souter.com
LUMINOSITY ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING DESIGN 618 Mountain Village Boulevard Mountain Village CO 81435 tel: +1 9707298892 www.luminosityald.com
LUMINOUS FLUX 69-40 Yellowstone Blvd Suite 316 Forest Hills NY 11375 tel: +1 9177238938 www.lumflux.com
LUMINOUS NW 2618 Queen Street Bellingham WA 98226 tel: +1 4252245747 www.luminousnw.com
LUX ET VERITAS DESIGN 198 Ponce De Leon Ave NE #D8 Atlanta GA 30308 tel: +1 4045143886 www.luxetveritasdesign.com
LUX LIGHTING DESIGN 385 Concord Avenue Belmont MA 2478 tel: +1 6174846400 www.luxld.com
LYN GODLEY DESIGN STUDIO 3502 Scotts Lane Philadelphia PA 19129 tel: +1 6107033218 www.lyngodley.com
M-E ENGINEERS 10055 W. 43rd Avenue Wheat Ridge CO 80033 tel: +1 3034216655 www.me-engineers.com
MAC DESIGN GROUP 5721 Jonestown Road Harrisburg PA 17112 tel: +1 7175148188 www.macdesigngroup.com
MAG LIGHTING DESIGN 100A 2nd Avenue South Glen Burnie MD 21061 tel: +1 4439280882 www.mag-lightingdesign.com
MARGARET FOWLER MCDOWELL LIGHTING DESIGN 47 Bradt Road Rexford NY 12148 tel: +1 5182803720
MARK SCHUYLER LIGHTING DESIGN 946 Grady Avenue #27 Charlottesville VA 22903 tel: +1 4342957252 www.schuylight.com
MARK SILLS LIGHTING DESIGN 1016 W Healey Street Champaign IL 61821 tel: +1 3128935114 www.marksillslighting.com
MAX STRANG ARCHITECTURE 3326 Mary Street Suite 301 Miami FL 33133 tel: +1 3053734990 www.strangarchitecture.com
MCCLURE ENGINEERING 1000 Clark Avenue Floor 3 St. Louis MO 63102 tel: +1 3144028538 www.mcclureeng.com
MCKELVIE LIGHTING DESIGN 1306 South Geyer St. Louis MO 63122 tel: +1 3148227114 www.mckelvielightingdesign.com
MCLA 1000 Potomac Street NW #121 Washington DC 20007 tel: +1 2022988062 www.mcla-inc.com
MDG LIGHTING 8500 Henry Avenue PMB 124 Philadelphia PA 19128 tel: +1 2672463153 www.mdglighting.com
MDT ENGINEERING & DESIGN 16301 Sonoma Park Drive Edmond OK 73003 tel: +1 4055621407 www.mdtengineering.com
MEDIUMBASE DESIGN 261 11th Street Brooklyn NY 11215 tel: +1 9173101012 www.mediumbase.com
MELANIE FREUNDLICH LIGHTING DESIGN 252 W. 38th Street #903 New York NY 10018 tel: +1 2127410194 www.mfldesign.com
MELINDA MORRISON LIGHTING 191 Arbor Lane Moss Beach CA 94038 tel: +1 6507282177 www.melindamorrisonlighting.com
MICHAEL STILLER DESIGN 15 West 26th Street #908 New York NY 10010 tel: +1 2124732629 www.michaelstiller.com
MICHAEL WALL ENGINEERING 2770 Ariane Drive #89 San Diego CA 92117 tel: +1 8586380600 www.mwalleng.com
MITCHELL B. KOHN LIGHTING DESIGN 2256 Linden Avenue Highland Park IL 60035 tel: +1 8474330840 www.mbklightingdesign.com
MJS LIGHT 4156 Meyerwood Drive Houston TX 770254039 tel: +1 7138501488 www.mjslight.com
MLA LIGHTING DESIGN 3387 Lakeshore Drive Tallahassee FL 32312 tel: +1 8504223442
MM BRANDSTON 348 Catskill View Road PO Box 28 Hollowville NY 12530 tel: +1 5188512402 www.concerninglight.com
MODUS 1717 Ingersoll Avenue Des Moines IA 50309 tel: +1 5152517280 www.modus-eng.com
MOMENT FACTORY 58 Wall Street New York NY 10005 tel: +1 6463008189 www.momentfactory.com
MORLIGHTS 3300 North Sheffield Avenue Chicago IL 60657 tel: +1 3122888777 email: info@morlights.com www.morlights.com
Founded by industry veteran Avraham Mor, Morlights pushes the boundaries of design and storytelling using light as its medium. Each project is executed with leading-edge technology and a unique approach that combines imagination, inspiration, and integrity. The team at Morlights has brought to life over 100 projects.
MORRISSEY ENGINEERING 4940 North 118th Street Omaha NE 68164 tel: +1 4024914144 www.morrisseyengineering.com
MRD LIGHTING 11-11 43rd Road Long Island City NY 11101 tel: +1 7189379515 www.accessmrd.com
MSLDC PO Box 813879 Hollywood CA 330813879 tel: +1 9177440596 www.msldc.com
MWHARRIS LIGHTING STUDIO 14 Oregon Trail Medford NJ 08055 tel: +1 6097142449 www.mwharrislighting.com
NAOMI MILLER LIGHTING DESIGN 6947 NE Alameda Street Portland OR 97213 tel: +1 5182655043 www.nmlightingdesign.com
NAUTILUS ENTERTAINMENT DESIGN 1010 Turquoise Street #215 San Diego CA 92109 tel: +1 8584566395 www.n-e-d.com
NBBJ 223 Yale Avenue North Seattle WA 98109 tel: +1 2062235555 www.nbbj.com
NEOALPHA GLOBAL 4315 Roseland Street Houston 77006 tel: +1 3467704155 www.neoalphaglobal.com
NEWCOMB & BOYD 303 Peachtree Center Avenue NE #525 Atlanta GA 30303 tel: +1 4047308400 www.newcomb-boyd.com
NITEO 1932 1st Avenue #714 Seattle WA 98101 tel: +1 2064564554 www.niteolighting.com
NULTY 78 SW. 7th Street Miami FL 33130 tel: +1 7864313405 email: office@nultylighting.co.uk www.nultylighting.co.uk
Nulty is a nimble yet mighty architectural lighting design practice, with a healthy selection of awards and a diverse roster of clients across the commercial, hospitality, residential and retail sectors. With offices based in London, Dubai, Miami and Bangkok, our emphasis is on creating innovative, sustainable and energy-efficient lighting schemes.
4340 Redwood Highway, Suite 245 San Rafael CA 94903 tel: +1 4154920420 www.ommconsulting.com
OCULUS LIGHT STUDIO 5855 Green Valley Circle Suite 306 Culver City CA 90230 tel: +1 3107158333 www.oculuslightstudio.com
PHILIP DARRELL LIGHTING DESIGN 119-B Water Street Stonington CT 06378 tel: +1 8605351666 www.pdlight.com
PHOSCOPE 111 East 14th Street New York NY 10003 tel: +1 3473877119 www.phoscope.org
PHW LIGHTING DESIGN 918 Dragon Street Dallas TX 75207 tel: +1 2149150920
OFFICE FOR VISUAL INTERACTION (OVI) 116 Nassau Street, 5th Floor, Suite 9 New York NY 10038 tel: +1 2122068660 email: info@oviinc.com www.oviinc.com
At OVI, we are more than lighting designers–we are storytellers who identify the essence of a project and craft designs into award-winning architectural icons. Our work embraces the essence of an architectural vision, and with profound respect for cultural context, transforms it into a holistic expression of light.
OHM LIGHT 660 4th Street #355 San Francisco CA 94107 tel: +1 4152151436 www.ohmlight.com
OMM CONSULTING 4340 Redwood Hwy, Suite 245 San Rafael CA 94903 tel: +1 4154920420 www.ommconsulting.com
ONE LUX STUDIO 158 West 29th Street, 10th Floor New York NY 10001 tel: +1 2122105790 www.oneluxstudio.com
OP DESIGN 800 Weidner Road #302 Buffalo Grove IL 60089 tel: +1 8474946872 www.opdesign.us
OTHERSTUDIO LIGHTING DESIGN 347 W 36th Street Suite 1602 New York NY 10018 tel: +1 9178294995 www.otherstudio.com
PAE CONSULTING ENGINEERS 522 SW 5th Ave #1500 Portland OR 97204 tel: +1 5032263905
PALINDROME LIGHTING DESIGN 1109 Red Harvest Road Gambrills MD 21054 tel: +1 4104513200 www.palindromelighting.com
PALM BEACH LIGHTING DESIGN 415 Alcazar Avenue Coral Gables FL 33134 tel: +1 3054449273
PAMBOUKIAN LIGHTDESIGN 83 Broad Avenue Fairview NJ 07022 tel: +1 9739609895 www.ppald.com
75 Arlington Street 9th Floor Boston MA 2116 tel: +1 6174267330 www.pbworld.com
2344 South Hampton Drive Bryans Road MD 20616 tel: +1 3103757522
PATRICK B. QUIGLEY & ASSOCIATES 2340 Plaza Del Amo #125 Torrance CA 90501 tel: +1 3105336064 www.pbqa.com
PAUL MORGAN VISUALS 455 NE 5th Avenue, Suite D343 Delray Beach FL 33483 tel: +1 5613304982 www.pmvisuals.com
RENFRO DESIGN GROUP 15 East 32nd Street 5th Floor New York NY 10016 tel: +1 2122299990 www.renfrodesign.com
REVEAL DESIGN GROUP 150 West 28th Street, Suite 401 New York NY 10001 tel: +1 2126334353 www.revealdesigngroup.com
RIPMAN LIGHTING CONSULTANTS 3 Lexington Street Belmont MA 02478 tel: +1 6174893366 www.ripmanlighting.com
PIERCE LIGHTING STUDIO 28 W 27th Street Suite 703 New York NY 10001 tel: +1 6465259155 www.piercelightingstudio.com
PIVOTAL LIGHTING DESIGN 10 South LaSalle Street, Suite 2700 Chicago IL 60603 tel: +1 3129772814 www.pivotal-aei.com
RJS ELECTRICAL DESIGN 10104 W. Dartmouth Avenue Lakewood CO 80227 tel: +1 3035218716
ROBERT J. LAUGHLIN 255 Osceola Court Winter Park FL 32789 tel: +1 4077400160
ROBERT NEWELL LIGHTING DESIGN 654 North Avenue West Westfield NJ 070901432 tel: +1 9086549304 www.robertnewelllightingdesign.com
PIXELUMEN LAB 1020 Cameron Street Alexandria VA 22314 tel: +1 5718006519 email: info@pixelumenlab.com www.pixelumenlab.com
We are multimedia and technology artists designing environments and inspiring human experiences. Pixelumen Lab works with artists, designers, and owners to realize visions at the intersection of design, technology, and human interaction.
PLANLED 1800 South 341st Place Federal Way WA 98003 tel: +1 8665525529 www.planled.com
PRISM TECH DESIGNS ESTATE INTERIORS 1214 Locust Street Philadelphia PA 19107 tel: +1 2159854586 www.estateinteriorsllc.com
PRITCHARDPECK LIGHTING 344 Harriet Street, Suite #307 San Francisco CA 94103 tel: +1 4153235540 www.pritchardpeck.com
PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 303 South Topeka Wichita KS 67202 tel: +1 3162622691 www.pec1.com
PULLMAN ELECTRICAL LIGHTING CONTRACT & DESIGN 1145 Sheridan Drive Owings MD 20736 tel: +1 4439648286
RADIANCE LIGHTING DESIGN 3413 E. Laurelhurst Drive NE Seattle WA 98105 tel: +1 2066329394 www.radiance-light.com
RADIANT LIGHTING DESIGN 11901 Chickory Drive Grand Haven MI 49417 tel: +1 6168363975 www.radiant-lighting.com
RANDALL WHITEHEAD LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 1246 18th Street San Francisco CA 94107 tel: +1 4156261277 www.randallwhitehead.com
RANDY BURKETT LIGHTING DESIGN 609 East Lockwood Avenue #201 St. Louis MO 63119 tel: +1 3149616650 www.rbldi.com
REESE ENGINEERING 2021 Pine Hall Road State College PA 16801 tel: +1 8142342548 www.reeseinc.com
ROBERT SINGER & ASSOCIATES 655 East Valley Road, Suite 200 Basalt CO 81621 tel: +1 9709635692 www.robertsingerlighting.com
ROCHE 2495 Main Street, Suite 355 Buffalo NY 14214 tel: +1 7168850780 www.rocheandco.com
RODSTEIN DESIGN 429 Montgomery Avenue #A301 Haverford PA 19041 tel: +1 6106493775
RON NEAL LIGHTING DESIGN 527 North Highway 101, Suite A Solana Beach CA 92027 tel: +1 7609424240 www.rnld.com
ROSEMARIE ALLAIRE LIGHTING DESIGN 24691 Del Prado #201A Dana Point CA 92629 tel: +1 9492183073 www.rald.us
ROSS & BARUZZINI 6 South Old Orchard St. Louis MO 63119 tel: +1 3149188383 www.rossbar.com
ROSS DE ALESSI LIGHTING DESIGN 2608 29th Avenue West Seattle WA 98199 tel: +1 2067151285 www.dealessi.com
RS LIGHTING DESIGN 632 Baltic Street #3 New York NY 11217 tel: +1 7185546218 www.rsltg.com
SAZAN GROUP 600 Stewart Street #1400 Seattle WA 98101 tel: +1 2062671700 www.sazan.com
SBLD STUDIO 132 West 36th Street 10th Floor New York NY 10018 tel: +1 2123914230 www.sbldstudio.com
363 West Erie Street, Suite 400 Chicago IL 60654 tel: +1 3129448230 email: lluebbers@schulershook.com
219 Main Street SE, Suite 200 Minneapolis MN 55414 tel: +1 6123395958 email: mdiblasi@schulershook.com 325 North St. Paul, Suite 3250 Dallas TX 75201 tel: +1 2147478300 email: mbrackeen@schulershook.com
6200 Stoneridge Mall Road 3rd Floor Pleasanton CA 94588 tel: +1 4159060811 email: hmcavoy@schulershook.com 287 Park Avenue South New York NY 10010 tel: +1 2124395650 email: tohl@schulershook.com www.schulershook.com
We believe architecture and lighting are inseparable. Valued internationally as creative and insightful design partners, Schuler Shook consistently creates exceptional lighting solutions for interior and exterior architectural lighting design. We explore unanticipated options in order to push beyond what is expected to that which is extraordinary.
SCHWEPPE LIGHTING DESIGN 457 Great Road Acton MA 01720 tel: +1 9783712831 www.lightandhue.com
SCHWINGHAMMER LIGHTING 335 West 38th Street - Ground Floor New York NY 10018 tel: +1 2129675944 www.schwinghammerlighting.com
SCOTT OLDNER LIGHTING DESIGN 5331 E. Mockingbird Lane #304 Dallas TX 75206 tel: +1 2144141030 www.solighting.net
SCOTT WATSON ASSOCIATES & LIGHTING CONSULTANTS 6107 West Mill Road Flourtown PA 19031 tel: +1 6106876677 www.swalighting.com
SEAN O’CONNOR LIGHTING 12955 West Washington Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90066 tel: +1 3106595900 email: info@seanoconnorlighting.com www.seanoconnorlighting.com
Founded in 1997, Los Angeles based Sean O’Connor Lighting is a full service architectural lighting design firm with a commitment to design excellence. Understanding that light is an integral part of the architectural experience the practice is dedicated to the design of environments which are a synthesis of light and space.
SEAPORT LIGHTING PO Box 12541 Palm Desert CA 92255 tel: +1 7607605906 www.seaportlighting.com
SEVERSON STUDIOS 2825 Shoal Crest Avenue Austin TX 787053514 tel: +1 5126572710 www.seversonstudios.com
SGLD CONSULTING 114 West Michigan Avenue Ypsilanti MI 48197 tel: +1 7346442804 www.illuminart.net
SHOP 12 Steelman Partners 3330 West Desert Inn Road Las Vegas NV 89102 tel: +1 7028730221 www.shop12design.com
SIGHTE STUDIO 424 4th Street #2 Brooklyn NY 11215 tel: +1 3478895455 www.sightestudio.com
SILVERMAN & LIGHT 1201 Park Avenue #100 Emeryville CA 94608 tel: +1 5106551200 www.silvermanlight.com
SLADEN FEINSTEIN INTEGRATED LIGHTING 434 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 506 Boston MA 02118 tel: +1 6172679500 www.sladenfeinstein.com
SMBB ARCHITECTS 333 Texas Street #1200 Shreveport LA 71101 tel: +1 3182211623 www.smbbarchitects.com
SMITHGROUP 500 Griswold Street #1700 Detroit MI 48226 tel: +1 3134428345 www.smithgroup.com
SPECTRUM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 324 South State Street #400 Salt Lake City UT 84111 tel: +1 8013285151 www.spectrum-engineers.com
STAFFELBACH 2525 McKinnon Street, Suite 800 Dallas TX 75201 tel: +1 2144521286 www.staffelbach.com
STANDARD VISION 2020 North Main Street #227 Los Angeles CA 90031 tel: +1 3232223630 www.standardvision.tv STANTEC
999 18th Street, Suite 202 Denver CO 80202-2499 tel: +1 3032951717 email: rachel.fitzgerald@stantec.com
720 3rd Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle WA 98104 tel: +1 2066670555 email: lauren.macleod@stantec.com
9797 Aero Drive, Suite 310 San Diego CA 92123 tel: +1 8586222700 email: paul.ericson@stantec.com
101 East Diamond Street, Suite 400 Butler PA 16001-5975 tel: +1 7242854761 email: rebecca.murner@stantec.com www.stantec.com
We create visually dynamic lighting environments that enhance forms, colors, and textures to reveal architecture’s beauty. In every project, light is located with care, using human perception as our guide. With light, we create safer, more appealing spaces that fulfill functional needs but go further—giving life, vitality, and spirit to our communities.
20th Floor 100 Wall Street New York NY 10005 tel: +61 299672200 www.steensenvarming.com
4000 West Eleven Mile Road Berkley MI 48072 tel: +1 2483991900 www.sesnet.com
STROIK LIGHTING DESIGN 1495 Chain Bridge Road Suite 200 McLean VA 22101 tel: +1 7038290548 www.stroiklighting.com
STUDIO + LIGHT 9555 Distribution Ave #101 San Diego CA 92121 tel: +1 8584330650 www.studiopluslight.com
STUDIO 1 THOUSAND 10-37 48th Ave., Studio #3 Long Island City NY 11101 tel: +1 9179153838 www.studio1thousand.com
STUDIO 321 254 Linden Lane San Rafael CA 94901 tel: +1 4154879818 www.studio-321.com
STUDIO C SQUARED 155 Water Street Brooklyn NY 11201 tel: +1 9179402448 www.studiocsq.com
STUDIO I 117 North Sprague Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15202 tel: +1 4127615470 www.studioilighting.com
STUDIO JAMES LONG 195 West 10th Street #6D New York NY 10014 tel: +1 2122555495 www.studiojameslong.com
STUDIO LUMEN 3400 Harbor Avenue SW Suite 105 - Mailbox 205 Seattle WA 98126 tel: +1 2069322097 www.studiolumen.com
STUDIO LUX 2284 W Commodore Way #300 Seattle WA 98199 tel: +1 2064329771 www.studiolux.com
STUDIO T+L 333 4th Street #3E Brooklyn NY 11215 tel: +1 7187880588 www.studio-tl.com
STUDIO THREE TWENTY ONE 254 Linden Lane San Rafael CA 94901 tel: +1 4154879818 www.studio-321.com
STUDIOK1 15231 Laguna Canyon Road, Suite 100 Irvine CA 92618 tel: +1 7146684200 www.studiok1.com
SUSAN HAMBURGER DESIGN 410 West 24th Street #10D New York NY 100111303 tel: +1 9175237473 www.susanhamburger.com
SYSKA HENNESSY GROUP 1515 Broadway New York NY 10036 tel: +1 2125563466 www.syska.com
T KONDOS ASSOCIATES 333 West 39th Street #202 New York NY 10018 tel: +1 2127365510 www.tkondos.com
TALI ARIELY LIGHTING DESIGN 364 University Avenue Palo Alto CA 94301 tel: +1 6506448339
TAPPENDEN LIGHTING 6239 Saratoga Circle Dallas TX 75214 tel: +1 9726975259
TASS LIGHTING 955 Distribution Ave #101 San Diego CA 92121 tel: +1 4156180855
TEC STUDIO 7510 Slate Ridge Blvd Columbus OH 43068 tel: +1 6148662868 www.tecstudioinc.com
TED MATHER LIGHTING DESIGN 1650 Broadway #405 New York NY 10019 tel: +1 2129772611 www.availablelight.com
THE ENGINEERING ENTERPRISE 1305 Marina Village Parkway Alameda CA 94501 tel: +1 5107697600 www.engent.com
THE LIGHTING ALLIANCE 2700 Esters Boulevard Dallas TX 75261 tel: +1 9725349800
TRUAX DESIGN GROUP 526 Portal Street Cotati CA 94931 tel: +1 7077948188 www.truaxdesign.com
ULI+FRIENDS 3898 Biscayne Boulevard Miami FL 33137 tel: +1 7864783741 www.ulifriends.com
VALERIE ASHE LIGHTING DESIGN 5256 South Mission Road #703 Bonsall CA 92003 tel: +1 7606316311 www.ashelighting.com
VAN ZELM HEYWOOD & SHADFORD 10 Talcott Notch Road Farmington CT 06032 tel: +1 8602845064 www.vanzelm.com
VANTAGE TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING GROUP 1 Sansome Street Suite 3500 San Francisco CA 94104 tel: +1 3105367676 www.vantagetcg.com
THE LIGHTING PRACTICE 307 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1803 New York NY 10001 tel: +1 6468384385
600 Chestnut Street, Suite 772 Philadelphia PA 19106 tel: +1 2152381644 email: info@thelightingpractice.com www.thelightingpractice.com
The Lighting Practice, a WBE/DBE certified firm, has been a leader in lighting design for over 30 years. With offices in New York and Philadelphia, TLP partners with developers, building owners, and design professionals to develop innovative lighting solutions. TLP’s team designs successful lighting strategies for projects in civic, corporate, healthcare, higher education, historic, hospitality, retail and transportation markets.
THE RUZIKA COMPANY 2 Executive Circle #209 Irvine CA 92614 tel: +1 9492533479 www.ruzika.com
THE SEED 49 Elizabeth Street, 5th Floor New York NY 10013 tel: +1 3477702522 www.theseed.lighting
TIGUE LIGHTING 1929 Delancey Place Philadelphia PA 19103 tel: +1 2157900230 www.tiguelighting.com
TILLETT LIGHTING DESIGN 172 N. 11th Street Studio 5 New York NY 11211 tel: +1 7182186578 www.tillettlighting.com
TILLOTSON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40 Worth Street #703 New York NY 10013 tel: +1 2126757760 www.tillotsondesign.com
TIRSCHWELL 209 East 81st Street - Suite 1B New York NY 10028 tel: +1 2125630994 www.t-ld.com
TOM VANARKEL LIGHTING DESIGN Lothlorien Ranch, PO Box 5198 Woodland Park CO 80866 tel: +1 7194916269
TRAVIS FITZMAURICE 1200 Westlake Avenue North, Suite 509 Seattle WA 98109 tel: +1 2062857228 www.travisfitzmaurice.com
TRO 100 High Street, Suite 1800 Boston MA 02110 tel: +1 6175023400 www.tro-design.com
VERY ENLIGHTENING 10550 Cinderella Drive Montgomery OH 452424909 tel: +1 5138253609
VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY 451 Industrial Boulevard NE Minneapolis MN 55413 tel: +1 6126767045 www.vikingelectric.com
VIRVATULI LIGHTING DESIGN 641 Harrison Avenue Loveland CO 80537 tel: +1 3034444591 www.virvatulilighting.com
VISUAL TERRAIN 25213 Avenue Tibbitts Santa Clarita CA 91355 tel: +1 6617757758 email: mondo@visualterrain.net www.visualterrain.net
Celebrating 26+ years of award-winning Lighting Design and Media Design for Architecture, Attractions and the Arts, Visual Terrain is headquartered in the United States with an international representative in France. Our global team creates sustainable designs that emotionally connect people to their environment. Ask us about Luminous Terrain™ — our outdoor, interactive lighting experience. We also offer germicidal lighting consultation.
VORTEX LIGHTING 1510 N. Las Palmas Avenue Studio 7 Los Angeles CA 900287160 tel: +1 3239626031 www.vortexlighting.com
WARFEL LIGHTING & THEATER DESIGN 89 Greenway Street Hamden CT 6517 tel: +1 2032882603 www.warfellandt.com
WASA STUDIO 740 Broadway New York NY 10003 tel: +1 2124201160 www.wasallp.com
WELLER DESIGN 156 South Park San Francisco CA 94107 tel: +1 4154998352 www.wellerdesign.net
WES LANE DESIGN 1606 W Stassney Lane Austin TX 78745 tel: +1 5125761158 www.weslanedesign.com
WESTLAKE REED LESKOSKY 1422 Euclid Avenue Suite 300 Cleveland OH 44115 tel: +1 2165221350 www.wrldesign.com
WESTWOODS DESIGN PO Box 714 Sharon CT 06069 tel: +1 8603645390 westwoodsdesign.com
4 Tennis Court Road Mahopac NY 10541 tel: +1 9149230021 www.whitehouselightingdesign.com
WILLIAM LAM 12 Hawthorn Street Cambridge MA 021384830 tel: +1 6175764662 www.wmclam.com
WITTE AYOTTE LIGHT PO Box 1300 Carbondale CO 81623 tel: +1 9709639252 www.witteayottelight.com
WOLCOTT ARCHITECTURE INTERIORS 3859 Cardiff Avenue Culver City CA 90232 tel: +1 3102042290 www.wolcottai.com
WPF ENGINEERING 1671 House Street Belmont MI 49306 tel: +1 6164852222 www.wpf-engineering.com
WSP 425 Market Street, 17th Floor San Francisco CA 94105 tel: +1 4152434600 www.wsp.com/usa
WTA LIGHTING DESIGN 7955 Manchester Road #125 St. Louis MO 63143 tel: +1 3148847600 www.wtalighting.com
ZERO LUX 242 West 30th Street Level 12 New York NY 10010 tel: +1 2122091536 www.zerolux.com
4 WALL ENTERTAINMENT 3165 W. Sunset Road, Suite 100 Las Vegas NV 89118 tel: +1 7027351616 www.4wall.com Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Interact Landmark
A.LIGHT 3728 Maritime Way Oceanside CA 92056 tel: +1 7607277675 www.alights.com
AAMSCO LIGHTING 100 Lamp Light Circle Summerville SC 29483 tel: +1 8432780000 www.aamsco.com
ABLE POWER PRODUCTS 8535 Phoenix Drive Manassas VA 20110 tel: +1 7034957816 www.ablepowerproducts.com
ACCESS FIXTURES 40 Jackson Street Worcester MA 0108 tel: +1 5083404192 www.accessfixtures.com Distributor for: Access Fixtures, MaxLite, Noribachi
ACCLAIM LIGHTING 6122 S. Eastern Avenue Los Angeles CA 90040 tel: +1 3232134626 www.acclaimlighting.com
Dallas Trade Mart Dallas Showroom #4028 2100 Stemmons Freeway Dallas TX 75207 www.acrosentec.com
ACUITY BRANDS 1170 Peachtree Street NE Suite 2300 Atlanta GA 30309 tel: +1 4048531400 www.acuitybrands.com
ADVANCE LIGHTING & EQUIPMENT 115 Cone Street Statesboro GA 30465 tel: +1 9124895471 www.alesco.us Distributor for: Crestron, GVA, Hubbell, Kim
AEON LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY 3086 Balmoral Drive San Jose CA 95132 tel: +1 3235166380 www.aeonlighting.com
AION LED 2325 3rd Street #330 San Francisco CA 94107 tel: +1 4152552466 www.aionled.com
AIRSTAR AMERICA 10255 General Drive, Suite 6A Orlando FL 32824 tel: +1 4078517830 www.airstar-light.com
ALASKA ARCHITECTUAL LIGHTING 5401 Cordova Street #202 Anchorage AK 99518 tel: +1 9075610100 www.akarchlight.com Distributor for: Bega, Delta Light, Erco, GVA, Lamp, Louis Poulsen, Lucifer, Selux, Vode, Zumtobel
ALASKA PRO SELL AGENTS 14800 Golden View Drive Anchorage AK 99516 tel: +1 9076777555 www.alaskaprosell.com
Distributor for: AAL, Beacon, BK Lighting, Hubbell, Kim, Lumenpulse, Progress, Spaulding, Teka, WE-EF
ALERA 701 Millennium Boulevard Greenville SC 29607 tel: +1 8646781000 www.aleralighting.com
ALLANSON LIGHTING COMPONENTS 801 Space Park North Goodlettsville TN 37072 tel: +1 8005593659 www.allansonled.com
ALLIANCE LIGHTING 9125 Guilford Road, Suite 100 Columbia MD 21046 tel: +1 4434309803 www.alliancelighting.us Distributor for: Cooledge, Dark, Erco, GVA, iGuzinni, LED Linear, Louis Poulsen, Schreder, Targetti, Whitegoods
ALMECO GROUP 1610 Spectrum Drive Lawrenceville GA 30043 tel: +1 7704493454 www.almecogroup.com
ALUMBRA LIGHTING 5100 NW 72nd Avenue Unit D Miami FL 33166 tel: +1 3053302108 www.alumbralighting.com Distributor for: Cree Lighting, Fluxwerx, Focal Point, iLight Technologies, Kelvix, Lumenpulse, Moda Light, OCL Architectural Lighting, Pharos, WAC Lighting
ALVA LIGHTING 2150 Allston Way, Suite 400 Berkeley CA 94704 tel: +1 4083943054 www.alvalight.com
ALW 1035 22nd Avenue Unit 1 Oakland CA 94606 tel: +1 5104892530 www.alwusa.com
AMA LIGHTING 401 Office Park Drive, Suite G50 Birmingham AL 35223 tel: +1 2052788140 www.amalighting.net Distributor for: Cooledge, DMF, Fluxwerx, Gotham, Lithonia Lighting, Lumenpulse, Moda, Zumtobel
AMBIANCE LIGHTING 5021 Howerton Way, Suite A-B Bowie MD 20715 tel: +1 2514604320 www.ambiancelighting.com Distributor for: Acolyte, Archlit, Cree, Fluxwerx, Intra Lighting, LSI, Molto Luce
AMBIENT LIGHTING 2721 N Van Marter Road #2 Spokane WA 99206 tel: +1 5099225011 www.ambientltg.com Distributor for: Betacalco, Eaton, Fluxwerx, Ligman, Radiant
AMERICAN ELECTRIC LIGHTING 3825 Columbus Road SW Building F Granville OH 43023 tel: +1 8007540463 www.americanelectriclighting.com
AMERICAN LIGHTING 11775 E. 45th Ave Denver CO 80239 tel: +1 3036953019 www.americanlighting.com Distributor for: Neo-Neon
AMERLUX 178 Bauer Drive Oakland NJ 07436 tel: +1 9738825010 www.amerlux.com
e ANOLIS 3410 Davie Road, Suite 402 Davie FL 33314 tel: +1 9546801901 email: info@robelighting.com www.robelighting.com
Robe is among the world’s leading moving light manufacturers, recognised for its innovation, quality and engineering. Robe’s moving and LED lights are working and installed on stages, in concert halls, theatres and all types of other venues as well as at theme park attractions and entering the specialist worlds of architectural and environmental illumination.
APEX LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 20-30 Beaver Road Wethersfield CT 06109 tel: +1 8606328766 www.apexlightingsolutions.com Distributor for: Filix, Fluxwerx, Klik, Lucifer, Meteor, Moda, Paco, Tegan
APURE ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 5555 Biscayne Boulevard Miami FL 33137 tel: +1 3053511025 www.apure-system.com
ARCHETYPE 151 Vermont Street, Suite 9 San Fransisco CA 94103 tel: +1 415355903 www.archetypelighting.com Distributor for: Aldabra, Archlit, Kreon, LED Linear, Precision Lighting, RCL, Robe, UFO, Viabizzuno
ARCHIBALD & MEEK 537 W. Wrightwood Avenue Elmhurst IL 60126 tel: +1 6308337377 www.amirep.com Distributor for: Erco, GVA, Linea Light Group, Robe, Sattler, Vode, Whitegoods, Wila, XAL
ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING 17760 Rowland Street City of Industry CA 91748 tel: +1 6269685666 www.aal.net
ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING ALLIANCE 101 Turtle Creek Boulevard #100 Dallas TX 75207 tel: +1 2146589000 www.alatx.com Distributor for: Acuity, Apure, Bega, Brick In The Wall, Delta Light, Erco, iGuzzini, Lumenpulse, Targetti, Vode
ARCHLIT 42 Ithanell Road Hopatcong NJ 07843 tel: +1 9735774411 www.archlit.com
ARCLUCE 333 Bush Street San Francisco CA 94104 tel: +39 029810981 www.arcluce.it
ARROW ELECTRONICS 26632 Towne Centre Drive Foothill Ranch CA 92610 tel: +1 9493802801 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
ARTEMIDE 250 Karin Lane Hicksville NY 11801 tel: +1 6316949292 www.artemide.com
ASCENTI LIGHTING 1198 Pacific Coast Hwy, Suite D-260 Seal Beach CA 90740 tel: +1 8883830930 www.ascentilighting.com
ASSOCIATED LIGHTING REPRESENTATIVES (ALR) 7777 Pardee Lane Oakland CA 94621 tel: +1 5106383800 www.alrinc.com Distributor for: acdc, Bega, Delta Light, Griven, Lucifer, Meteor, Modular, TLS, Vode, Zumtobel
ASTERA 600 Broadhollow Road Suite 203 Melville NY 11747 tel: +1 8779434533 www.astera-led.com
AURA LIGHT 18552 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 410 Irvine CA 92612 tel: +1 9497568300 www.auralight.com
AURORA 12035 34th Street North St Petersburg FL 33716 tel: +1 7275244270 www.auroralighting.com
AVAGO TECHNOLOGIES 350 West Trimble Road, Building 90 San Jose CA 95131 tel: +1 4084356921 www.avagotech.com
AVNET SILICA 2211 S 47th Street Phoenix AZ 85034 tel: +1 8004091483 www.avnet-silica.com Distributor for: Ledil, Renesas, Rohm, Seoul Semiconductor, Sharp, Texas Instruments
AZTECH LABS 4005 Clipper Court Fremont CA 94538 tel: +1 5106839800 www.aztech.com
B-K LIGHTING 40429 Brickyard Drive Madera CA 936369515 tel: +1 5594385800 www.bklighting.com
BARBIZON LIGHTING 456 West 55th Street New York NY 10019 tel: +1 2125861620 www.barbizon.com
BARTCO 5761 Research Drive Huntington Beach CA 92649 tel: +1 7142303200 www.bartcolighting.com
ARCHITECTURAL SALES & ILLUMINATION 1815 University Boulevard North Jacksonville FL 32211 tel: +1 9047447000 www.asilighting.com Distributor for: Acuity Brands, Artemide, Bega, Cooledge, Erco, LED Linear, Louis Poulsen, Selux, Zumtobel
BAYVIEW ASSOCIATES 1563 Postal Road, Suite 3E Chester MD 21619 tel: +1 4103042048 www.bayview-assoc.com Distributor for: DMF, LG, Ligman
BEGA 1000 Bega Way Carpinteria CA 93013 tel: +1 8056840533 www.bega-us.com Distributor for: Glashütte Limburg
e dBEGHELLI 3250 Corporate Way - Unit A Miramar FL 33025 tel: +1 8007264316 www.beghelliusa.com
d cBESA LIGHTING 6695 Taylor Road Blacklick OH 43004 tel: +1 6144757046 www.besalighting.com
eBILLOWS ELECTRIC SUPPLY 480 First State Boulevard Wilmington DE 19804 tel: +1 3029969133 www.billows.com Distributor for: Cooper Lighting, Philips Lightolier, RAB, Ruud Lighting
BIRCHWOOD LIGHTING 3340 East La Palma Ave Anaheim CA 92806 tel: +1 7145507118 www.birchwoodlighting.com
e dBLANKENSHIP & ASSOCIATES 2219 N Dickey Road Spokane Valley WA 99202 tel: +1 5095356006 www.blankenshipassoc.com
Distributor for: Amerlux, Elliptipar, Insight, LEDS C4, Lumenwerx, Lutron, Signify, Tivoli, Tokistar, WE-EF
BLUESTONE LIGHTING 3000 Wilson Avenue Leavenworth KS 660484637 tel: +1 8884414244 www.bluestonelighting.com
hBOCA FLASHER 552 NW 77th Street Boca Raton FL 33487 tel: +1 5619895338 www.bocaflasher.com
BOLD LIGHTING 115 East Lake Drive Roswell GA 30075 tel: +1 8332653187 www.boldlighting.us
eBOSTON LIGHT SOURCE 64 Commercial Wharf Boston MA 02110 tel: +1 6177882400 www.bostonlightsource.com Distributor for: Acuity Brands, Cooledge, Erco, Fluxwerx, iGuzzini, KKDC, Lumenpulse, WE-EF, XAL, Xicato
BR LIGHTING & CONTROLS 9753 Crescent Park Drive West Chester OH 45069 tel: +1 5137616360 www.brltg.com Distributor for: Erco, Feelux, Lucifer Lighting, Molto Luce, Reggiani, TLS, WE-EF, Xicato
BRIDGELUX 46430 Fremont Boulevard Fremont CA 94538 tel: +1 9255838400 www.bridgelux.com
BRIGHTLINE 580 Mayer Street Building 7 Bridgeville PA 15017 tel: +1 4122060106 www.brightlines.com Distributor for: feno
BRUCK 15774 Gateway Circle Tustin CA 92780 tel: +1 7142599959 www.bruck.de
BULBRITE 145 W. Commercial Avenue Moonachie NJ 07074 tel: +1 8005285555 www.bulbrite.com
CARCLO OPTICS 600 Depot Street Latrobe PA 15650 tel: +1 7245396990 www.carclo-optics.com
CAROLINA ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING + DESIGN 1205 South Pleasantburg Drive Greenville SC 29605 tel: +1 8643355065 www.cald-lighting.com Distributor for: 9010 novantadieci, Barrisol, Feelux, Hubbell, iGuzzini, Ligman, Linea Light Group, Lumenpulse, Whitegoods, XAL
CONTARDI 59 Pearl Street, Unit 21 New York NY 11201 tel: +1 7187150717 www.contardi-italia.com
CONTROL4 11734 S. Election Road Salt Lake City UT 84020 tel: +1 8015233100 www.control4.com
CONTROLS PLUS 8356 E Hinsdale Drive Centennial CO 80112 tel: +1 3037799701 www.controlsplus.biz Distributor for: Crestron, GVA, HK lighting
CASAMBI TECHNOLOGIES 3400 Malone Dr. Suite 3 Atlanta GA 30341 tel: +1 8668838065 email: us.support@casambi.com www.casambi.com
aCasambi is the leading wireless lighting control ecosystem, based on Bluetooth Low Energy. A dynamic user experience, excellent reliability, and unparalleled performance are already enjoyed via hundreds of thirdparty ecosystem providers. Casambi’s technology can be integrated into anything from individual lighting fixture controls to industrial-scale solutions.
CATHODE LIGHTING SYSTEMS 8020 Queenair Drive Gaithersburg MD 20879 tel: +1 3019214120 www.cathodelightingsystems.com
CBC LIGHTING 2021 North Fine Avenue Fresno CA 93727 tel: +1 5594548021 www.cbclighting.net Distributor for: Acuity Brands, EcoSense, Elliptipar, Gotham, iGuzzini, Ligman, Lumenpulse, Mark Architectural Lighting, OCL, Sistemalux
CDI 3963 Walnut Street Denver CO 80205 tel: +1 8007777334 www.cdiweb.com Distributor for: Citizen, Eulum Design, LensVector, Lumileds, Mean Well, Xicato
CENTRAL SALES LIGHTING SYSTEMS 6952 South 108th Street La Vista NE 68128 tel: +1 4025973740 www.centralsaleslighting.com Distributor for: Acuity Brands, Bega, Delta Light, iGuzzini, LED Linear, Meteor, OCL, Performance in Lighting, Selux, Vode
CHELSEA LIGHTING 225 West 34th Street, Suite 1500 New York NY 10122 tel: +1 2126433337 www.chelsealighting.com Distributor for: Acolyte
CIVILIGHT 150 Tait Avenue Los Gatos CA 95030 tel: +1 4084669696 www.civilight.info f
CLARUS LIGHTING & CONTROLS 30775 Barrington Madison Heights MI 48071 tel: +1 2486770850 www.clarus-lighting.com Distributor for: acdc, Archlit, Astro, Barrisol, Cooper Lighting, Flos Architectural, GVA Lighting, Ligman, WAC Lighting, Zumtobel
CLEAR ADVANTAGE LIGHTING 1989 Fletcher Creek Drive Memphis TN 38133 tel: +1 9017979991 www.ctheadvantage.com Distributor for: Zumtobel
COLOR KINETICS 3 Burlington Woods Drive 4th Floor Burlington MA 018034514 tel: +1 6174239999 www.colorkinetics.com
DAY-BRITE CAPRI OMEGA 776 South Green Street Tupelo MS 38802 tel: +1 6626206702 www.dcolighting.com
DECO LIGHTING 2917 Vail Avenue Commerce CA 90040 tel: +1 3103666866 www.getdeco.com
DECO LIGHTS 4780 W. Harmon Avenue #11 Las Vegas NV 89103 tel: +1 7022578075 www.decolightsinc.com Distributor for: Aurora, Nordeon, Targetti
CAL+D PO Box 17306 Greenville SC 29606 tel: +1 8643618662 www.cald-lighting.com
Distributor for: GVA, Kurt Versen, Reggiani, SLV
COLORSTARS GROUP One Technology Drive #F213 Irvine CA 92618 tel: +1 9493366161 www.colorstars.com
201 Jones Street, 2nd Floor Waltham MA 02451 tel: +1 7818990317 www.cooledgelighting.com
203 Cooper Circle Peachtree City GA 30269 tel: +1 8005533879 www.eatonlightingsystems.com
CORE 15024 Staff Court Gardena CA 90248 tel: +1 8887379192 www.corelightingusa.com
54 West 21st Street, Suite 909 New York NY 10010 tel: +1 9733457660 www.coronetled.com
CRAWFORD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 7390 Northcourt Road Houston TX 71040 tel: +1 7134760788 www.crawfordelectricsupply.com Distributor for: Acolyte, Cree
CREE 4600 Silicon Drive Durham NC 27703 tel: +1 2628861900 www.cree.com
CRESTRON 15 Volvo Drive Rockleigh NJ 07647 tel: +1 2017673400 www.crestron.eu
CRI LIGHTING 7340 B Trade Street San Diego CA 92121 tel: +1 8586958300 www.crilighting.com Distributor for: Cree, DMF, Lumascape, XAL
CURRENT LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 3118 Richmond Avenue #100 Houston TX 77098 tel: +1 7133441311 www.currentls.com Distributor for: Precision, RCL
CURTIS STOUT 2400 Cantrell Road, Suite 100 Little Rock AR 72202 tel: +1 5013722555 www.chstout.com Distributor for: Fluxwerx, GE Lighting, Lumenpulse, Moda, Philips, Reggiani, Selux
CW LIGHTING & ASSOCIATES 9000 Jameel, Suite 110 Houston TX 77040 tel: +1 7136909320 www.cwlighting.com Distributor for: Artemide, Filix, Intra Lighting, Kreon, Linea Light Group, Philips, WAC
DAKTRONICS 201 Daktronics Drive Brookings SD 570065128 tel: +1 8003258766 www.daktronics.com
DAVE BAKER AGENCY 215 E. Ireland Road South Bend IN 46614 tel: +1 5742315193 www.davebakeragency.com Distributor for: Acuity Brands, Archlit, Artemide, Bega, Gotham, Hydrel, LED Linear, Lumenpulse, Meteor, Targetti
DELTA LIGHT 4850 W Prospect Road Fort Lauderdale FL 33309 tel: +1 9546779800 www.deltalight.com
DEMAND LIGHTING 1321 Rutherford Lane, Suite 150 Austin TX 78753 tel: +1 5128221100 www.demandlighting.com
DESIGN BUILD LIGHTING PO Box 500 Wimberley TX 78676 tel: +1 5125352603 www.designbuildltg.com Distributor for: Aleddra, Bion Technologies, formalighting, Xicato
DESIGNPLAN 79 Trenton Avenue Frenchtown NJ 08825 tel: +1 9089967710 www.designplan.com Distributor for: Astro, Brick In The Wall, Buzzi & Buzzi, Ewo, Halla, L&L Luce&Light, PUK, TAL, Wibre
DESMAR CORPORATION 1011 Route 22 East Unit D Mountainside NJ 07092 tel: +1 9083170020 www.desistilighting.com Distributor for: Fresnel Light, Leader Light
DIALIGHT 1501 Route 34 South Farmingdale NJ 07727 tel: +1 7329193119 www.dialight.com
DIGI-KEY 701 Brooks Avenue South Thief River Falls MN 56701 tel: +1 8003444539 www.digikey.com Distributor for: Enfis, Recom, Renesas Electronics, Seoul Semiconductor
DISPLAY SUPPLY & LIGHTING 127 Norwood Avenue Itasca IL 60143 tel: +1 6302859660 www.dslgroup.com
DISTRICT LIGHTING GROUP 231 Najoles Road Millersville MD 21108 tel: +1 4107025617 www.districtlightinggroup.com Distributor for: Beghelli, Bion Technologies, Coelux, Hunza, Lam32, Ligman, XAL, Xicato
DMA LIGHTING 4508 Emerald Street Boise ID 83706 tel: +1 2083454848 www.dmaltg.com Distributor for: Amerlux, Bega, Fluxwerx, Lucifer, Lumenpulse, Soraa, USAI
DMF LIGHTING 1118 East 223rd Street Carson CA 90745 tel: +1 8004414422 www.dmflighting.com
DREAMSCAPE 5521 W. Washington Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90016 tel: +1 3233502106 www.dreamscapelighting.com
DULANSKI GROUP 2975 Westchester Avenue #110 Purchase NY 10577 tel: +1 9143285557 www.dulanski.com Distributor for: a-light, Affineon, Altman Lighting, Alva, Autani, Baldinger, Brightline, DMF lighting, Eaton, GVA
DYSON 600 W Chicago Avenue #275 Chicago IL 60654 tel: +1 3122373977 www.dyson.com
380 West Western Avenue #301 Muskegon MI 49440 tel: +1 8666327840 www.earthtronics.com
ECOSENSE LIGHTING 837 North Spring Street, Suite 103 Los Angeles CA 90012 tel: +1 3104966255 email: michelle.ramos@ecosenselighting.com www.ecosenselighting.com
Ecosense is an LED technology company pioneering in the fields of color science, hardware, software, and data science. Our architectural lighting solutions serve a creative class of designers and have illuminated the most coveted spaces on Earth. We have received recognition from Red Dot, Inc. 500, and Deloitte.
EDGE LIGHTING 1718 W. Fullerton Chicago IL 60614 tel: +1 7737701195 www.edgelighting.com
eEDISON PRICE 41-50 22nd Street Long Island City NY 11101 tel: +1 7186850700 www.epl.com
EGGER LICHT 6304 Shadowood Circle Naples FL 34112 tel: +1 2397745463 www.eggerlicht.com
e dELA 17891 Arenth Avenue City of Industry CA 917481197 tel: +1 8004236561 www.ela-lighting.com
ELATION PROFESSIONAL 6122 S. Eastern Avenue Los Angeles CA 90040 tel: +1 3235823322 www.elationlighting.com
ENCELIUM 500 Frank W. Burr Boulevard, Floor 1, Suite 29 Teaneck NJ 07666 tel: +1 2019282400 www.encelium.com
aENEDO POWER 66 Ford Road, Suite 213B Denville NJ 07834 tel: +1 9739570055 www.enedopower.com
ENERGIE 4885 Ward Road #300 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 tel: +1 7209638055 www.energielighting.com
Distributor for: Castaldi, Regent, Trilux, Troll
ENGINEERED LIGHTING SALES 2300 Meadow Drive #201 Louisville KY 40218 tel: +1 5024526969 www.engltg.com Distributor for: Acclaim, Artemide, Beta-Calco, Cooper Lighting Solutions, GVA, Hunza, Louis Poulsen, Lumenpulse, Performance in Lighting, VoksLyte
ENOCEAN 2400 Camino Ramon #375 San Ramon CA 94583 tel: +1 5402090951 www.enocean.com
ENTERPRISE LIGHTING 2007 Pewaukee Road Waukesha WI 53188 tel: +1 5024526969 www.enterpriselighting.com Distributor for: Amerlux, Fluxwerx, Lumenpulse, Metalux, Zumtobel
ENTTEC 3874 South Alston Avenue, Suite 103 Durham NC 27713 tel: +1 8884545922 www.enttec.com
ENVIROBRITE 148 Maritime Drive Sanford FL 32771 tel: +1 4073020001 www.envirobrite.net Distributor for: Soraa
ENVISION LIGHTING SYSTEMS 8855 Drive, Martin Luther King, Jr. Street N. St. Petersburg FL 33702 tel: +1 2629532700 www.envisionlightingsystems.com Distributor for: Ecosense, Fluxwerx, Hunza, Lithonia, Lumenpulse, Mark Lighting, Waldman
ERCO 160 Raritan Center Parkway #10 Edison NJ 8837 tel: +1 7322258856 www.erco.com
ESL SPECTRUM 1591 N. Harding Street Indianapolis IN 46202 tel: +1 2393035120 www.esl-spectrum.com Distributor for: AAL, acdc, Delta Light, Heper, Kim, Lightnet, Ligman, Reggiani, TLS, Zumtobel
EXPOSURE 850 Summer Street #204 Boston MA 02127 tel: +1 6172699900 www.exposure2lighting.com Distributor for: Archlit, Coelux, Flos Architectural, Lightnet, Luminii, OCL, Santa & Cole
EYE LIGHTING 9150 Hendricks Road Mentor OH 44060 tel: +1 4403584700 www.eyelighting.com
FC LIGHTING 3609 Swenson Avenue St. Charles IL 60174 tel: +1 8009001730 www.fclighting.com
FEDERATED LIGHTING 16000 Trade Zone Avenue #301 Upper Marlboro MD 20774 tel: +1 3012490800 www.federatedlighting.com Distributor for: Acuity Brands, ETC, Filix, KKDC, Ligeo, Lumenpulse, Mark Architectural Lighting, Soraa, Vode, We-ef
FEELUX 3000 Northwoods Parkway, Suite 165 Norcross GA 30071 tel: +1 6786687005 www.feeluxlighting.com
FILIX 3741 Commerce Drive #306-308 Baltimore MD 21227 tel: +1 410 3815727 www.filixlighting.com
FINELITE 30500 Whipple Road Union City CA 94587 tel: +1 5104762904 www.finelite.com
FISHER LIGHTING AND CONTROLS 11786 Shaffer Place #210 Littleton CO 80127 tel: +1 3039731018 www.fisherlightingandcontrols.com Distributor for: Archlit, Castaldi, Coelux, Ghidini, Reggiani
FLOS ARCHITECTURAL 200 Mckay Road, Huntington Station New York NY 11746 tel: +1 6315492745 www.flos.com
FOCAL POINT 4141 S. Pulaski Road Chicago IL 60632 tel: +1 7732479494 www.focalpointlights.com
FOREST LIGHTING 2252 Northwest Parkway SE #D Marietta GA 30067 tel: +1 2816008222 www.forestlighting.com
One Lithonia Way Conyers GA 30012 tel: +1 8773536533 email: nasales@eldoled.com www.eldoled.com
“eldoLED is a world leader in the design and manufacture of intelligent digital lighting components for the lighting industry. Our high-quality technologies and solutions optimise the connected lighting experience through smarter, sustainable and more efficient lighting that expands across all application spaces.”
45 Spring Street New Haven CT 06519 tel: +1 2037765577 www.electrix.com
eELLIPTIPAR 114 Boston Post Road West Haven CT 06516 tel: +1 2039314455 www.elliptipar.com
ENCAPSULITE 1220 Bamore Road Rosenberg TX 77471 tel: +1 2812390225 www.encapsulite.co.uk
FORUM 100 Chapel Harbor Drive Pittsburgh PA 15238 tel: +1 4127815970 www.forumlighting.com
FULHAM 12705 South Van Ness Avenue Hawthorne CA 90250 tel: +1 3237792980 www.fulham.com
FUSION OPTIX 19 Wheeling Avenue Woburn MA 01801 tel: +1 7819950805 www.fusionoptix.com
FUTURE ELECTRONICS 41 Main Street Bolton MA 01740 tel: +1 9787793000 www.futureelectronics.com
GAMMALUX SYSTEMS 248 E Arrow Highway San Dimas CA 91773 tel: +1 8003563275 www.gammalux.com
GANTOM LIGHT 28358 Constellation Road Unit 670 Valencia CA 91355 tel: +1 6613470779 www.gantom.com
GASSER & BUSH 30984 Industrial Livonia MI 48150 tel: +1 7342666705 www.gasserbush.com Distributor for: Artemide, Delta Light, EcoSense, ELP, Fluxwerx, Gotham, Hess, Juno, Lumenpulse, Meteor
GE LIGHTING 1975 Noble Road East Cleveland OH 44112 tel: +1 2162662121 www.gelighting.com
GENLED ACOLYTE 320 Murray Hill Pkwy, East Rutherford NJ 07073 tel: +1 2126296830 www.genledbrands.com
GILDNER MADDOX 2800 Cantrell Road #105 Little Rock AR 72202 tel: +1 5012287775 www.gildnermaddox.com Distributor for: acdc, Bruck, Filix, Fluxwerx, Inter Lux, Nora, Pinnacle, Sattler, Stoane Lighting, Zumtobel
GILLINDER GLASS 51 Erie Street Port Jervis, NY 12771 tel: +1 8458565375 www.gillinderglass.com
ETC 3031 Pleasant View Road PO Box 620979 Middleton WI 53562 tel: +1 8006884116 www.etcconnect.com
ETHERDYNE TECHNOLOGIES 5353 Betsy Ross Drive Santa Clara CA 95054 tel: +1 4152545283 www.etherdyne.net
EULUM DESIGN 6131 Kellers Church Road Pipersville PA 18947 tel: +1 2156222652 www.eulum.com
EUROLITE PO Box 2088 Asbury Park NJ 077122088 tel: +1 7326952750 www.eurolite.com Distributor for: Atomis, Martini, Tre Ci Luce
EVO-LITE 1393 South Santa Fe Drive Denver CO 80223 tel: +1 3039962980 www.evo-lite.com
FORMALIGHTING 11720 Amber Park Drive Suite No. 160 Alpharetta GA 30009 tel: +1 4704194003 email: info.us@formalighting.com www.formalighting.com
Celebrating 50 years of Italian design and manufacturing of high-quality architectural lighting solutions for the specifications market, formalighting’s innovative ranges include MOTOLUX, an award-winning series of Architectural Motorized Lighting. Control the Pan, Tilt, Dim, full spectrum colour tuning, Dim to warm and beam shape using a dedicated smart-phone app powered by CASAMBI technology or its remote control.
FORMAN & ASSOCIATES 8200 Haskell Avenue Van Nuys CA 91406 tel: +1 8189890300 www.formanandassociates.com Distributor for: Color Kinetics
GKD 825 Chesapeake Drive Cambridge MD 21613 tel: +1 4102210542 www.gkd.de
GOOEE 360 Central Avenue #950 St. Petersburg FL 33701 tel: +1 8446646633 www.gooee.com
GOPHER STAGE LIGHTING 4141 Cedar Avenue Minneapolis MN 55407 tel: +1 6128710138 www.gopherstagelighting.com Distributor for: Philips Lighting
GOTHAM LIGHTING 1400 Lester Road Conyers GA 30012 tel: +1 8003154982 www.gothamlighting.com
GPI DESIGN 30400 Detroit Road 4th Floor Westlake OH 44145 tel: +1 4408990400 www.gpidesign.com
GRANDLITE 505. S. Yorbita Road City of Industry CA 91744 tel: +1 6268398868 www.grandlite.com
GREEN CREATIVE 1200 Bayhill Drive, Suite 220 San Bruno CA 94066 tel: +1 8667745433 www.gc-lighting.com
Pacific Business Center 1075 Amercian Pacific Drive Henderson NV 89074 tel: +1 7027031601 www.glls.com
GREEN LIGHTING AND DESIGN PO Box 161463 Austin TX 78716 tel: +1 5128610411 www.greenlighting-design.com Distributor for: Castaldi, GVA, Pruf, UFO
GREEN RAY 115 E Putnam Avenue Greenwich CT 06830 tel: +1 2034851435 www.greenrayled.com
GRIVEN PO Box 28 Gaffney SC 29342 tel: +1 8644873535 www.griven.com
GVSEMICONDUCTOR 1245 S Winchester Boulevard #300 San Jose CA 95128 tel: +1 4089309019 www.gvsemiconductor.com
e fHALCO LIGHTING TECHNOLOGIES 2940 Pacific Drive Norcross GA 30071 tel: +1 8006773334 www.halcolighting.com
HARRY L. STEARNS 7305 NE Glisan Street Portland OR 97213 tel: +1 5032622640 www.hlstearns.com Distributor for: Acuity Brands, Barrisol, Bega, Insight Lighting, Louis Poulsen, Lucifer, Modular, Targetti, Technilum, Vode
HELFRICH 2569 Homeview Drive Richmond VA 23294 tel: +1 8043468818 www.helfrichlight.com Distributor for: ACL, Bruck, GVA, Wila
HEPER W227 N546 Westmound Drive Waukesha WI 53186 tel: +1 9172442032 www.hepergroup.com
HESS 427 Hyatt Street Gaffney SC 29342 tel: +1 8644873535 www.hess.eu
HK LIGHTING 3529 Old Conejo Road #118 Newbury Park CA 91320 tel: +1 8054804881 www.hklightinggroup.com
HOFFMEISTER 1424 Laurel Drive Sewickley PA 15143 tel: +1 4122598138 www.hoffmeister.de Distributor for: Sill
HOLECTRON 4750 NY-145 Durham NY 12422 tel: +1 8002317120 www.holectron.com
HOLLYWOOD LIGHTING 5251 SE McLoughlin Boulevard Portland OR 972024836 tel: +1 5032329001 www.hollywoodlighting.biz Distributor for: Altman Lighting, PixelRange, Selecon
HOLOPHANE Granville Business Park, Building A Granville OH 43023 tel: +1 8667591577 www.holophane.co.uk
HUBBELL LIGHTING 701 Millennium Boulevard Greenville SC 29607 tel: +1 4758824000 www.hubbelllighting.com
HUNZA 3237 Long Island Street West Sacramento CA 95691 tel: +1 8885786005 www.hunza.co.nz
e dICONE 840 Aero Drive #110 Buffalo NY 14225 tel: +1 5144210064 www.iconelighting.com
eIGUZZINI 60 Madison Avenue 2nd Floor New York NY 10010 tel: +1 2124818188 www.iguzzini.com
ILEX ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 82 Stevens Street East Taunton MA 02718 tel: +1 5089779991 www.ilexlight.com
eILIGHT TECHNOLOGIES 118 South Clinton Street #370 Chicago IL 60661 tel: +1 3128768630 www.ilight-tech.com
e dILLUMIGARDEN 35 Corte Madera Avenue Mill Valley CA 94941 tel: +1 4153801888 www.illumigarden.com Distributor for: Bega, Q-Tran
ILLUMINATE 333 Pleasant Valley Road South Windsor CT 06074 tel: +1 8002820597 www.illuminatene.com Distributor for: Acclaim, acdc, Bega, CLS, Delta Light, GVA, Hubbell, LED Linear, Zumtobel
ILLUMINATING CONCEPTS 30733 West Ten Mile Road Farmington Hills MI 48336 tel: +1 2484782525 www.illuminatingconcepts.com Distributor for: Color Kinetics
ILLUMINATIONS 415 8th Street NW Washington DC 20004 tel: +1 2027834888 www.illuminc.com Distributor for: Artemide, Flos, Intra Lighting, Santa & Cole
ILLUMINATIONS CONCEPTS & SALES 4904 West Clay Street Richmond VA 97213 tel: +1 8043582300 www.icslights.com Distributor for: Crestron, Louis Poulsen, Lumenart, Neri, Soraa, Targetti
ILUMI 1800 Preston Park Boulevard #220 Plano TX 75093 tel: +1 8885020575 www.ilumi.co
ILUMINARC 5200 NW 108 Avenue Sunrise FL 33351 tel: +1 9549233680 www.iluminarc.com
IMAGE LIGHTING & CONTROLS 2502 S. 101 Avenue Omaha NB 68124 tel: +1 4026516979
www.imagelighting.net Distributor for: Carmanah, GVA, MaxLite
INDEPENDENCE LIGHTING 616 North Witford Road Extom PA 19341 tel: +1 6103635271 www.independencelighting.com Distributor for: GVA, Highlites, Martin, NeoNeon, Precision, RCL
INDEPENDENT LIGHTING ASSOCIATES 253 Hwy 79 Morganville NJ 07751 tel: +1 7325665100
www.ilalighting.com Distributor for: Erco, Feelux, Filix, Fluxwerx, iLight Technologies, Linea Light Group, Lucifer, Selux, Traxon e:cue
INFINITY ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 2900 Glades Circle #1000 Weston FL 33327 tel: +1 9546181028 www.infinityal.com Distributor for: RCL
INNERSCENE 548 Market Street #40123 San Francisco CA 94104 tel: +1 4155628198 www.innerscene.com
eINNOVATIVE LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 5585 Spellmire Drive Cincinnati OH 45246 tel: +1 5134074442 www.ilsohio.com Distributor for: GVA, Halo, Neo-Ray
JACK DUFFY & ASSOCIATES 1894 Georgetown Road Hudson OH 44236 tel: +1 2343801690 www.duffylighting.com Distributor for: 3G Lighting, Bega, Bruck, Delta Light, Fluxwerx, Inter-Lux, Lumenwerx, Ushio, Zumtobel
JC WRIGHT LIGHTING 413 East 3rd Avenue Spokane DC 99202 tel: +1 5095350098 www.jcwrightlighting.com Distributor for: Acuity Brands, Bega, Cooledge, GVA Lighting, Inter Lux, Linear Light Group, Lumenpulse, Sistemalux, SLV, Waldmann
JESCO LIGHTING GROUP 15 Harbor Park Drive Port Washington NY 11050 tel: +1 8005277796 www.jescolighting.com
INSIGHT LIGHTING 4341 Fulcrum Way NE Rio Rancho NM 87144 tel: +1 5053450888 email: sales@insightlighting.com www.insightlighting.com
Insight Lighting has been designing and manufacturing high-performance, energyconscious architectural lighting in the USA for 31 years. We offer the industry’s greatest variety of white and color-changing LED platforms with custom optics to illuminate coves, ceilings, walls, facades and many architectural features. We work every day to shape your experience of light.
INTEMATIX 46430 Fremont Boulevard Fremont CA 94538 tel: +1 5109333369 www.intematix.com
INTENSE LIGHTING 3340 E. La Palma Ave Anaheim CA 92806 tel: +1 7146309877 www.intenselighting.com
JLC-TECH 370 Corporate Park Pembroke MA 02359 tel: +1 7818268162 www.jlc-tech.com
JOURNEE LIGHTING 4607 Lakeview Canyon Road #500 Westlake Village CA 91361 tel: +1 8008861880 www.journeelighting.com
JPR LIGHTING GROUP 20 Englewood Avenue Staten Island NY 10309 tel: +1 7186082900 www.jprlighting.com Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Philips Dynalite
JRC 3041 West 2100 South Salt Lake City UT 84119 tel: +1 9522236301 www.jrclight.com Distributor for: Bega, Cooledge, Delta Light, Fluxwerx, Klik, Louis Poulsen, Lumenpulse, Neri, Selux, Vode
JTH LIGHTING ALLIANCE 1000 Walnut Street, Suite 120 Des Moines IA 50309 tel: +1 9522236329 www.jthlighting.com Distributor for: 3G Lighting, acdc, Artemide, Bega, Fluxwerx, Lumenpulse, Soraa, Technilum, Vode, Zumtobel
JULIAN FERGUSON & ASSOCIATES 40 Cedar Avenue Vinton VA 24179 tel: +1 5409850569 www.jferguson.us Distributor for: Bega, Crestron, Fulham, Louis Poulsen, Soraa, Targetti
e dINTER-LUX 3741 Commerce Drive #306-308 Baltimore MD 21227 tel: +1 4103811497 email: answers@inter-lux.com www.inter-lux.com Distributor for: ALM, Linea Light Group, Sattler, Stoane Lighting, Whitegoods Inter-lux designs, manufactures and distributes quality performance products for the architectural lighting environment. Our wide range of products is curated for the design community and represented by the best sales representative network in the business.
INTERNATIONAL LIGHTS 36 West 20th Street 7th Floor New York NY 10011 tel: +1 2124142803 www.internationallights.com Distributor for: 3M, Bega, Zumtobel
INVENTRONICS 2825 S Tulsa Avenue Oklahoma City OK 73108 tel: +1 4056007480 www.inventronics-co.com
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INVERSE LIGHTING 1425 W 12Th Place #105 Tempe AZ 85281 tel: +1 4809678653 www.inverselighting.com Distributor for: 3M Lighting, Artemide, Cooledge, Halo, Ligman, Zumtobel
IO LIGHTING 1100 Busch Parkway Buffalo Grove IL 60089 tel: +1 8477773900 www.iolighting.com
1061 Legacy Drive Birmingham AL 35242 tel: +1 2059819920 www.cotney.com Distributor for: Beta Calco, GVA, Lucifer
JUNO 1300 S.Wolf Road Des Plaines IL 60018 tel: +1 8003675866 www.junolightinggroup.com
K.B. STEPHENS COMPANY 203 Capcom Avenue, Suite 112 Wake Forest NC 27587 tel: +1 5409850569 www.kbstephens.com Distributor for: 3G Lighting, Aculux, B-K Lighting, Bega, Cooledge, LED Linear, Self, Soraa
KETRA 6231 E. Stassney Lane, Building 13, Suite 400 Austin TX 78744 tel: +1 5123471100 www.ketra.com
KEY LIGHTING 901 East 31st Street Kansas City MO 64109 tel: +1 8165312544 www.keylightingkc.com Distributor for: Sistemalux, Tivoli, Whitegoods
KIM LIGHTING 17760 Rowland Street City of Industry CA 91748 tel: +1 6269685666 www.kimlighting.com
KING LIGHTING 3131 Elbee Road Dayton OH 45439 tel: +1 9195692190 www.king-lighting.com Distributor for: ACDC, Bage, Cooledge, Fluxwerx, Juno, LF Illumination, Myers, Tech Lighting, Zumtobel
KIRK SOMMER SALES 1740 Plum Lane, Suite A Redlands CA 92374 tel: +1 9097939554 www.ksslighting.com Distributor for: GVA, Ligman, Zoom
KKDC 400 Sylvan Avenue Suite 208 Englewood Cliffs NJ 07632 tel: +1 2019173924 www.kkdc.lighting
KLIK SYSTEMS 2840 N Brookfield Road, Suite 3 Brookfield WI 53045 tel: +1 2625055124 www.klikusa.com
KLOPFENSTEIN LIGHTING 1128 Nuuanu Ave #100 Honolulu HI 96817 tel: +1 8085330558 www.kli-hi.com Distributor for: acdc, Banican, Bega, Contech Lighting, Fluxwerx, Louis Poulsen, Lucifer, Soraa, Structura, Zumtobel
KLUSDESIGN 673 US Highway 1 Vero Beach FL 32962 tel: +48 603606780 www.klusdesign.com
KREON 999 South Oyster Bay Road, Building 105 New York NY 11714 tel: +1 5164709522 www.kreon.com
KSA LIGHTING 1200 Central Avenue Hanover Park IL 60133 tel: +1 6303076955 www.ksalighting.com
Distributor for: 3G Lighting, Barron, Bega, Cooledge, Fluxwerx, iGuzzini, LED Linear, LEDS C4, Lucifer, Lumenpulse
KSCAPE 1040 Great Plain Avenue, Suite 4 Needham MA 02492 tel: +1 8552814663 www.kscapemergingsenses.com
eKURT VERSEN 10 Charles Street Westwood NJ 07675 tel: +1 2016648200 www.kurtversen.com
eLAFACE & MCGOVERN ASSOCIATES 5330 Enterprise Boulevard Bethel Park PA 15102 tel: +1 6303076955 www.laface-mcgovern.com
Distributor for: 3G lighting, Bega, Crestron, eldoLED, Fluxwerx, iLight, Illumitex, Lumenpulse, Soraa, Targetti
LAM LIGHTING 938 South Green Street Tupelo MS 38804 tel: +1 8007325213 www.lamlighting.com
LANDRETH 2250 Lucien Way, Suite 110 Maitland FL 32751 tel: +1 4128543200 www.landreth.com
Distributor for: Cooledge, Fluxwerx, LED Linear, Louis Poulsen, Lumenpulse, Nordeon, Selux, Targetti, Waldmann
7800 E. Michigan Ave. Kalamazoo MI 49048 tel: +1 8004306209
email: comments@landscapeforms.com www.landscapeforms.com
Landscape Forms is the industry leader in integrated collections of high-design site furniture, structures, accessories, and lighting. Since its founding in 1969 Landscape Forms has earned a reputation for excellent design, high quality products and exceptional service. Landscape Forms’ LED lighting expands our mission to create a ‘sense of place’ addressing the needs of a daytime and nighttime environment.
LED ENGIN 651 River Oaks Parkway San Jose CA 95134 tel: +1 4089227200 www.ledengin.com
LED INC 1601 Fairview Drive, 22 Carson City NV 89701 tel: +1 7758851510 www.ledinc.biz
LED LINEAR 2186 Liberty Drive Niagara Falls NY 14304 tel: +1 7162834400 www.led-linear.com
LED LTG 140 Lurton Street Pensacola FL 32505 tel: +1 8504333179 www.ledltg.com
Distributor for: Columbia, GVA, Hubbell, Kim
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LEDCONN 301 Thor Place Brea CA 92821 tel: +1 7142562111 email: sales@ledconn.com www.ledconn.com
Based in California, LEDCONN is known for the high-quality LED Backlighting solutions as a material art form. With a well-connected global network, comprehensive project management and sophisticated customization, LEDCONN inspires to create connected and impactful experiences between humans and their environments through illumination.
LEDRA BRANDS 15774 Gateway Circle Tustin CA 92780 tel: +1 7142599959 www.ledrabrands.com
LEDTOLITE 188 Triple Diamond Boulevard, Suite A3 Nokomis FL 34275 tel: +1 9414861729 www.ledtolite.com
LEDTRONICS 23105 Kashiwa Court Torrance CA 90505 tel: +1 8005794875 www.ledtronics.com
LEDVANCE 200 Ballardvale Street Wilmington MA 01887 tel: +1 9787535000 www.ledvance.com
LEE FILTERS 2237 North Hollywood Way Burbank CA 91505 tel: +1 8005765055 www.leefilters.com
LEESMAN LIGHTING 130 W. Ross Avenue Cincinnati OH 45217 tel: +1 4076826255 www.leesman.com
Distributor for: Artemide, Beta-Calco, Ghidini, Lumenpulse
LEGACY LIGHTING 901 South Mopac Expressway Barton Oaks Plaza One #300 Austin TX 78746 tel: +1 5124819971 www.legacyltg.com
Distributor for: Axolight, Dark, Delta Light, Eaton, Feelux, GVA, Hess, Lamp, RSA, X-leds
LEHIGH ELECTRIC PRODUCTS 6265 Hamilton Boulevard Allentown PA 18106 tel: +1 6103953386 www.lehighdim.com
LENBRAN 5030 Chesebro Road Suite 101 Agoura Hills CA 91301 tel: +1 8188798611 Distributor for: Yamagiwa
LENSVECTOR 6203 San Ignacio Avenue #110 San Jose CA 95119 tel: +1 6692475095 www.lensvector.com
LEPRECON 10087 Industrial Drive Hamburg MI 481390430 tel: +1 8102319373 www.leprecon.com
LEVITON 201 North Service Road Melville NY 11747 tel: +1 5034045545 www.leviton.com
LEXTAR 15320 Barranca Parkway Suite 150 Irvine CA 92618 tel: +1 9492943437 www.lextar.com
LHI LIGHTING SALES 3943 Central Avenue Louisville KY 40218 tel: +1 5136934060 www.lhilightingsales.com Distributor for: Acuity Brands, Bega, Cooledge, Filix, Fluxwerx, Luminis, Lutron, PIL, Schmitz, Selux
LIBERTY LIGHTING GROUP 100 Passaic Avenue Chatham NJ 07928 tel: +1 9737010600 www.llgnjinc.com Distributor for: acdc, Acuity Brands, Bega, iGuzzini, Lumenpulse, Molto Luce, Nordeon Group, Valmont, Waldmann, Zumtobel
LIGHT ABILITIES 26 W 17th Street #802 New York NY 10011 tel: +1 2122423233 www.lightabilities.com Distributor for: RCL
LIGHT BUILD DESIGN 6133 Bristol Parkway #185 Culver City CA 90230 tel: +1 3104109330 www.lightbuilddesign.com Distributor for: Precision, RCL
LIGHT SOURCE 355 East 2100 South Salt Lake City UT 84115 tel: +1 8014872020 www.tlsource.com Distributor for: Fozz, Metalux
LIGHTING AFFILIATES 1208 Cromwell Avenue Rocky Hill CT 06067 tel: +1 8607211171 www.lightingaffiliates.com Distributor for: Acuity Brands, Hess, iGuzzini, Juno, Lumenpulse, Schreder, WAC Lighting
LIGHTING AGENCY 2661 17th Street Denver CO 80211 tel: +1 3034551012 www.thelightingagency.com
LIGHTING AGENCY 2661 17th Street Denver CO 80211 tel: +1 6153855566 www.thelightingagency.com Distributor for: Artemide, Hess, iGuzzini, LED Linear, Neri, WAC, Zumtobel
LIGHTING ANALYSTS 10268 W. Centennial Road, Suite 202 Littleton CO 80127 tel: +1 3039728852 www.lightinganalysts.com h
LIGHTING AND POWER SOLUTIONS 217 North Chester Street Little Rock AR 72201 tel: +1 8003435139 www.lpsolutions-inc.com Distributor for: Acolyte, Bega, ETC, GVA, Hubbell, iGuzzini, LEDS C4, Lucifer, SLV, Waldmann
LIGHTING ASSOCIATES 3216 S Brentwood Webster Groves MO 63119 tel: +1 3145313500 www.laiweb.net
LIGHTING ASSOCIATES 1775 Breckinridge Parkway, Suite 800 Duluth GA 30096 tel: +1 9737010600 www.laiweb.net Distributor for: Ledalite, Planlicht
LIGHTING CONNECTION 7377 Rena Lane Black Hawk SD 57718 tel: +1 6057877047 Distributor for: GVA
LIGHTING CONTROL & DESIGN 905 Allen Avenue Glendale CA 91201 tel: +1 3232260000 www.lightingcontrols.com
LIGHTING DYNAMICS 211 Springside Drive Akron OH 43035 tel: +1 7704489250 Distributor for: Lumenpulse
LIGHTING ELECTRICAL SALES 1420 Hutchins Street Houston TX 77003 tel: +1 3145313500 www.lescoonline.com Distributor for: Amerlux, Bega, Louis Poulsen, Lumenpulse, Modular, Selux, Targetti, Traxon e:cue, Zumtobel
LIGHTING QUOTIENT 114 Boston Post Road West Haven CT 06516 tel: +1 2039314455 www.thelightingquotient.com
LIGHTING SCIENCE GROUP 1227 S. Patrick Drive, Building 2A Satellite Beach FL 32937 tel: +1 3217795520 www.lsgc.com
LIGHTING SERVICES 2 Holt Drive Stony Point NY 10980 tel: +1 8459422800 www.lightingservicesinc.com
LIGHTING SPECIALISTS 4727 Center Street Omaha NE 68106 tel: +1 4025584812 www.lightingspecialistsinc.com Distributor for: 9010 Novantadieci, AAL, Arcluce, Barrisol, Hubbell, Targetti, TLS, WE-EF, XAL, Xicato
LIGHTING SYSTEMS 2322 6th Street Berkeley CA 94710 tel: +1 6148766722 www.ltgsys.com Distributor for: Artemide, Cooledge, Cree, EcoSense, Feelux, iGuzzini, Lumenpulse, Targetti, Technilum
LIGHTING SYSTEMS OF COLUMBUS 8877 Whitney Drive Lewis Center OH 43035 tel: +1 3306659090 www.lightingsystemscol.com Distributor for: Acuity Brands, Artemide, Cooledge, Fluxwerx, iGuzzini, LED Linear, Lumenpulse, Martini, Radiant, Vode
LIGHTLY TECHNOLOGIES 100 Lamp Light Circle Summerville SC 29483 tel: +1 8432780000 www.lightly.tech
LIGHTNET 50 SW 10th Street #0913 Miami FL 33130 tel: +1 8009409092 www.lightnet-group.com
LIGHTPANEL 4417 South Kansas Avenue St. Francis WI 53235 tel: +1 4148103077 www.lightpanel.us
LIGHTSPEC 636 Plank Road #108 Clifton Park NY 12065 tel: +1 5183719214 www.lightspec.com Distributor for: Amerlux, Eaton, Feelux, Fluxwerx, Ghidini, GVA, Hubbell, iGuzzini, WAC, Wila
LIGHTWILD 7320 W. 162nd Street Overland Park KS 66085 tel: +1 9138513000 www.lightwild.com
7144 NW Progress Court Hillsboro OR 97124 tel: +1 5036450500 email: info@ligmanlightingusa.com www.ligmanlightingusa.com
LIGMAN is committed to producing worldclass, high efficiency and top quality outdoor and indoor lighting products. Utilising state of the art advanced modern technology, the highest level of techincal expertise and innovative design, LIGMAN has an impressioned focus for offering customers total lighting solutions.
LITECONTROL 65 Spring Street Plympton MA 02367 tel: +1 7812940100 www.litecontrol.com
e aLITELAB 251 Elm Street Buffalo NY 14203 tel: +1 7168564300 www.litelab.com
eLITES ON WEST 245 West 29th Street 6th Floor New York NY 10001 tel: +1 2127756363 www.litesonwest Distributor for: Agabekov, B Light, Light Tech, Precision, Soraa
eLITESPEK 5607 Dyer Street Dallas TX 75206 tel: +1 2142577757 www.lightspek.com Distributor for: Precision, RCL
3400 South West Temple Salt Lake City UT 84115 tel: +1 8014868500 www.litetouch.com
4101 W 123rd Street Alsip IL 60803 tel: +1 7083898000 www.litetronics.com
LITHONIA LIGHTING PO Box A Conyers GA 30012 tel: +1 7709229000 www.lithonia.com
LONG SALES AGENCY 914 Barber Street Little Rock AR 72202 tel: +1 5013743088 www.longsalesagency.com Distributor for: Zumtobel
LOUIS POULSEN 3260 Meridian Parkway Fort Lauderdale FL 33331 tel: +1 9543492525 www.louispoulsen.com
LPA LIGHTING AND ENERGY SOLUTIONS 1239 Broadway 3rd Floor #300 New York NY 10001 tel: +1 8882551828 www.lpalighting.com Distributor for: Egoluce, Lightnet, PAN, Securlite, Unilamp
10000 Alliance Road Cincinnati OH 45242 tel: +1 5137933200 www.lsi-industries.com
LUCECO 11050 W Little York Road, Building C-2 Houston TX 77041 tel: +1 2819782509 www.luceco.com
LUCENT LIGHTING 4750 Route 145 Durham NY 12422 tel: +1 5182398300 www.lucent-lighting.com
LUCIFER 3750 IH35 North San Antonio TX 78219 tel: +1 2102277329 www.luciferlighting.com
1940 Diamond Street San Marcos CA 92078 tel: +1 6505955862 www.lumascape.com
LUMEFFICIENT 1726 General George Patton Drive Brentwood TN 37027 www.lumefficient.com
LUMEN ART 3333 West 47th Street Chicago IL 60632 tel: +1 7732540744 www.lumenartltd.com
LUMEN FX 219 North Broadway #A Billings MT 59101 tel: +1 3175986910 www.lumenfx.com Distributor for: Acuity Brands, Bega, EcoSense, ETC, Insight, Lumenpulse, Prudential, Tech Lighting, Visa, Zumtobel
4742 Scotts Valley Drive Scotts Valley CA 95066 tel: +1 8778057284 www.lumenetix.com
fLUMENPULSE 10 Post Office Square, Suite 900 Boston MA 02109 tel: +1 6179075700 www.lumenpulse.com
LUMENS LIGHT + LIVING 2028 K Street Sacramento CA 95811 tel: +1 9164445585 www.lumens.com Distributor for: B.Lux, Moooi, Omikron, Oty Light, Zaneen
LUMENTON 5461 West Jefferson Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90016 tel: +1 8884586368 www.lumenton.com
LUMEX 290 E. Helen Rd Palatine IL 60067 tel: +1 8002785666 www.lumex.com.tw
LUMILEDS 370 West Trimble Road San Jose CA 95131 tel: +1 4089642900 www.lumileds.com
LUMINART 73 industrial Parkway N, Unit 1 Aurora ON L4G 4C4 tel: +1 7078249947 www.luminartlighting.com
LUMINII 7777 Merrimac Avenue Niles IL 60714 tel: +1 2243336033 www.luminii.com
LUMINO One Penn Plaza 36th Floor New York NY 10119 tel: +1 2127867463 www.lumino.lighting
LUMINUS 1145 Sonora Court Sunnyvale CA 94086 tel: +1 4087087000 www.luminus.com
LUMIUM 3590 Cadillac Avenue Costa Mesa CA 92626 tel: +1 7607572530 www.lumiumlighting.com
LUNERA LIGHTING 1615 Wyatt Drive Santa Clara CA 95054 tel: +1 6502413875 www.lunera.com
LUSTER LIGHTING 3111 via mondo Rancho Dominguez CA 90221 tel: +1 3707626466 www.lusterlighting.com
f LUTRON Global Experience Centre, 7200 Suter Road Coopersburg PA 18036-1299 tel: +1 6102823800 email: custsvc@lutron.com www.lutron.com
Founded in 1961 and based in Pennsylvania, Lutron Electronics is a leading manufacturer of energy-saving light, shade, and temperature control systems for homes, hotels and commercial buildings. Lutron’s Athena enables lighting designers world-wide to realise their design vision by adjusting independently colour temperature and intensity to create and save scenes.
LUXAM 12201 NW 35 Street #534 Coral Springs FL 33065 tel: +1 9547557254 www.luxam.com
LUXO CORPORATION Five Westchester Plaza Elmsford NY 10523 tel: +1 9143450067 www.luxous.com
LUXX LIGHT TECHNOLOGY 6240 W 54th Avenue Arvada CO 80002 tel: +1 4148103077 www.luxx.com
LYNK LABS 2511 Technology Drive, Suite 108 Elgin IL 60124 tel: +1 8477830123 www.lynklabs.com
MAGNARAY 2242 Whitfield Park Loop Sarasota FL 34243 tel: +1 9417552111 www.magnaray.com
MAGNIFLOOD 7200 New Horizons Boulevard N. Amityville NY 11701 tel: +1 6312261000 www.magniflood.com
MAINSTAGE THEATRICAL SUPPLY 8761 A Ely Road Pensacola FL 32514 tel: +1 8504342080 www.mainstage.com Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Interact Landmark
MALCOLM MIMMS & ASSOCIATES 1900 Warner Street Nashville TN 32703 tel: +1 4236150098 www.malcolmmimms.com Distributor for: AFX, Amerlux, Arcalux, GVA, Selux, WAC
MARK ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 3 Kilmer Road Edison NJ 08817 tel: +1 7329852600 www.marklighting.com e
MARTIN PROFESSIONAL 3300 Corporate Avenue #108 Weston FL 33331 tel: +1 9548581800 www.martin.com
MCCOY ASSOCIATES 2400 n Quincy Street Arlington VA 22207 tel: +1 7032430200 www.mccoyassoc.com Distributor for: PCL, Precision
MCWONG INTERNATIONAL 1921 Arena Boulevard Sacramento CA 95834 tel: +1 9163718080 www.mcwonginc.com f c
MEAN WELL 44030 Fremont Boulevard Fremont CA 94538 tel: +1 5106838886 www.meanwellusa.com f
MEMPHIS LIGHTING SALES 623 Jefferson Avenue Memphis TN 38105 tel: +1 9013637025 www.memphislightingsales.com Distributor for: AcolyteLED, Beta-Calco, Erco, Filix, Flos, GVA, Iluminarc, Linea Light Group, Lucifer Lighting, Lumascape
MERCER-ZIMMERMAN 8981 Bond Street Overland Park KS 66214 tel: +1 9134384546 www.aeslight.com Distributor for: Acclaim, acdc, Cooper Lighting Solutions, iGuzzini, Ligman, Linea Light, Lumenpulse, Meteor, Nordeon Group, WE-EF
METEOR LIGHTING 1300 John Reed Court, Unit B City of Industry CA 91745 tel: +1 2132552060 www.meteor-lighting.com
MH COMPANIES 1044 Speer Boulevard Denver CO 80204 tel: +1 3035730222 www.themhcompanies.com Distributor for: Architectural Area Lighting, Bega, Fluxwerx, Kim Lighting, Klik USA, Wila
MICHIGAN LIGHTING SYSTEMS I-75 Tech Park, 1389 Wheaton Avenue #500 Troy MI 48083 tel: +1 2485422200 www.michlightingsystems.com Distributor for: 3G, Acclaim, Amerlux, Cree, GVA, Hubbell, Jesco, Planlicht, Prescolite, WAC
MLAZGAR ASSOCIATES 16350 West Glendale Drive New Berlin WI 53151 tel: +1 2627850144 www.mlazgar.com Distributor for: Archlit, Ares, Barrisol, Brick In The Wall, L&L Luce&Light, Reggiani, TLS, Valmont, WE-EF, Xicato
MODA LIGHT 955 White Drive Las Vegas NV 89119 tel: +1 7024077775 www.modalight.com
One PPG Place Floor 31 Pittsburgh PA 15222 tel: +1 8006749691 www.supermodular.com e
MOONS’ 1113 North Prospect Avenue Itasca IL 60143 tel: +1 6308335940 www.moonsindustries.com
MOUSER ELECTRONICS 1000 North Main Street Mansfield TX 76063 tel: +1 8003466837 www.uk.mouser.com Distributor for: Avago, Cree, LED Engin, Ledil, Luminus Devices, Seoul Semiconductor
MPA LIGHTING & CONTROLS 4200 W Burbank Boulevard Burbank CA 91505 tel: +1 3234617285 www.mpalighting.com Distributor for: DTS, ETC, Gantom, GVA, Leaderlight, Robe
MSK ILLUMINACIONS 235 East 57th Street New York NY 10022 tel: +1 2128886474 www.mskillumination.com
MULEH 1831 14th Street NW Washington DC 20009 tel: +1 2026673440 www.muleh.com Distributor for: Ango
MUNDO ILLUMINATION 1255 Bound Brook Road Middlesex NJ 08846 tel: +1 7327641112 www.mundoillumination.com
NADARRA LIGHTING 73 State Street Rochester NY14614 tel: +1 5856731300 www.nadarralighting.com
NATIONAL CATHODE 269 Essex Street Hackensack NJ 7601 tel: +1 2014579770 www.nationalcathode.com
eNATURAL LIGHTING 5636 N 53rd Avenue Glendale AZ 85301 tel: +1 6234630901 www.daylighting.com
NE LIGHT 50 Oliver Street, Suite 101 North Easton MA 02356 tel: +1 5082389760 www.nelight.com Distributor for: DMF, WAC Lighting
NEMETSCHEK VECTORWORKS 7150 Riverwood Drive Columbia MD 21046 tel: +1 8886464223 www.vectorworks.net
NEMO 625 Jersey Avenue, Unit 7 New Brunswick NJ 08901 tel: +1 8007345858 www.nemolighting.com
NERI 1835NW 112th Avenue #176 Miami FL 33172 tel: +1 7863154367 www.neri.biz
NEW DIMENSION IN LIGHTING 9245 W Ivanhoe Schiller Park IL 60176 tel: +1 8475937567 www.anewdim.com
Distributor for: DMF, Litelab
NEW YORK DIGITAL 5 Pennsylvania Plaza New York NY 10001 tel: +1 2124620088 www.newyorkdigital.com
Distributor for: A Light, acdc, Aculux, Barrisol, Xicato, Zumtobel
NEXGEN LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 509 South 75th Street Broken Arrow OK 74014 tel: +1 9189323210 www.nexgenlightingsolutions.com Distributor for: Archlit, Arcluce, Color Kinetics, Ligeo
NEXT GENERATION LIGHTING 5910 Shiloh Road, Suite 104 Alpharetta GA 30005 tel: +1 4049026399 www.nextgenltg.com Distributor for: acdc, Cree, DMF, Robe, Schreder, XAL
NICOLAUDIE 8751 Commodity Circle 8 Orlando FL 32819 tel: +1 7865437225 www.nicolaudie.com
NMB TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION 39830 Grand River Aveune Novi MI 48375 tel: +1 818341355 www.nmbtc.com
NO. 8 LIGHTING 526 Portal Street Cotati CA 94931 tel: +1 7078240888 www.8lighting.com
NORA LIGHTING 6505 Gayhart Street Commerce CA 90040 tel: +1 8006866672 www.noralighting.com
NORDEON PO Box 28 Gaffney SC 29342 tel: +1 8644873535 www.nordeon.com
NORTH STAR LIGHTING 2150 Parkes Drive Broadview IL 60155 tel: +1 7086814330 www.nslights.com Distributor for: Thorn
O’BLANEY RINKER ASSOCIATES 42 West 38th Street #800 New York NY 10018 tel: +1 2125772552 www.oblaneyrinker.com Distributor for: Gantom, Kelvix, Ligeo, Lucent, Lumenture, Lumino, Radiant, Rosco, Technoled, Tryka LED
O’HANLON GROUP 313 North Gay Street Knoxville TN 37917 tel: +1 8655466735 www.ohginc.com Distributor for: Cree, Eleek, GVA, iluminarc, Nora
OCL ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 11902 Lackland Road St. Louis MO 63146 tel: +1 3148631895 www.ocl.com
OCS LIGHTING & CONTROL 5797 Chesapeake Court, Suite 200 San Diego CA 92123 tel: +1 8585144000 www.ocsltg.com Distributor for: Acclaim, Architectural Area Lighting, Crestron, Fluxwerx, KLIK USA, Louis Poulsen, Lumenpulse
OLD DOMINION LIGHTING ASSOCIATES 424 Investors Place, Suite 101 Virginia Beach VA 23452 tel: +1 8045593839 www.olddominionlighting.com Distributor for: Filix, Fluxwerx, iGuzzini, InterLux, Lightolier, Linea Light Group, Lumenwerx, Sattler, Valmont
OLEDWORKS 1645 Lyell Avenue, Suite 140 Rochester NY 14606 tel: +1 5852876803 www.oledworks.com
716 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park CA 91754 tel: +1 2132506069 www.opticarts.com
OPTIKINETICS 11211 Air Park Road, Suite A Ashland VA 23005 tel: +1 8005756784 www.optikinetics.co.uk
OPTILED 9943 Muirlands Boulevard #5B Irvine CA 92618 tel: +1 9492650551 www.optiled.com
OPTOLUM 1407 West 10th Place, Suite 107 Tempe AZ 85281 tel: +1 4809682500 www.optolum.com
OPULENT 108 West 13th Street Wilmington DE 19801 tel: +1 5145729364 www.opulent-group.com
ORGANIC LIGHTING 511 N. Virginia Avenue Azusa CA 91702 tel: +1 6269696140 www.organiclighting.eu Distributor for: Liniled
ORGATECH OMEGALUX 511 N. Virginia Avenue Azusa CA 91702 tel: +1 6269696820 www.orgatechomegalux.com Distributor for: Zumtobel
ORIGAMX 147 Essex Street Haver Hill MA 01832 tel: +1 9786190044 www.origamx.com
PACIFIC LIGHTING SYSTEMS 6004 S. 190th Street #203 Kent WA 98032 tel: +1 2064368847 www.plswa.com Distributor for: Erco, Hubbell Lighting, LED Linear, Lumenpulse, Neri, Nordeon Group, Selux, Targetti, Vode, Wila
PARHELION LIGHTING PO Box 5456 North Carolina Research Triangle Region Cary NC 27512 www.parhelion.com
PEERLESS 2246 5th Street Berkeley CA 94710 tel: +1 5108452760 www.peerless-lighting.com
PENN LIGHTING ASSOCIATES 417 N 8th Street Philadelphia PA 19123 tel: +1 2157355000 www.pennlighting.com Distributor for: Astro, Fluxwerx, Gammalux, Ligman, Philips, Vode
PENTA Pembroke Park 2501 SW 56 Ave Florida 33023 tel: +646 68833311 www.pentalight.com
PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING 2621 Keys Pointe #C Conyers GA 30013 tel: +1 7708222115 www.performanceinlighting.com
PERFORMANCE LIGHTING SYSTEMS 5 Jenner Strett, Suite 130 Irvine CA 92618 tel: +1 9498789000 www.performanceltg.com Distributor for: Cooledge, Delta Light, EcoSense, Erco, Iluminarc, Ketra, Ligman, Lumenpulse, Targetti, Vode
PERKINS-EVERITT LIGHTING & CONTROLS 1035 Oakhaven Road Memphis TN 38119 tel: +1 9017610633 www.perkinseveritt.net Distributor for: Fluxwerx, Ligman, Lumenpulse, XAL
PG ENLIGHTEN 500 Quail Ridge Drive Westmont IL 60559 tel: +1 8472281199 www.pg-enlighten.com Distributor for: AAL, Acclaim, Crestron, Delta Light, Filix, Hubbell, Ligman, Linea Light Group, Nordeon
PHILIP MCCULLY & ASSOCIATES 108 North Main Street Toluca IL 61369 tel: +1 9017610633 www.pmccully.com Distributor for: B-K Lighting, Bega, ETC, Fluxwerx, Lucifer, RSL, Soraa, Traxon e:cue
PINNACLE ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 12655 East 42nd Avenue #50 Denver CO 80239 tel: +1 3033225570 www.pinnacle-ltg.com
PLUG LIGHTING 8017 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles CA 90046 tel: +1 3236535635 www.pluglighting.com Distributor for: Bocci
POINT SOURCE GROUP 3495 Winton Pl.Building C, Suite 3 Rochester NY 14623 tel: +1 5854242540 www.pointsourcegroup.com Distributor for: Gotham, Holophane, Lithonia, Tersen
POWER & LIGHTING SYSTEMS 3832 Shipping Avenue Miami FL 33146 tel: +1 8154522337 www.p-ls.com Distributor for: Cooledge, Filix, Fluxwerx, InterLux, Lumenpulse, Nordeon, Wila
PRECISION ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 4830 Timber Creek Drive Houston TX 77017 tel: +1 7139464343 www.pal-lighting.com
PREMIER LIGHTING GROUP 523 South Louisiana Street, Suite 4 Little Rock AR 72201 tel: +1 5017536599 www.premier-ltg.com Distributor for: Archlit, Arcluce, Feelux, Meteor, Times Square Lighting, WAC Lighting, XAL
PRESCOLITE 701 Millennium Boulevard Greenville SC 29607 tel: +1 8646781000 www.prescolite.com
PRO-TECH LIGHTING 1695 E Maple Road Troy MI 48083 tel: +1 2486898960 www.protechlighting.com Distributor for: DMF, Steinel, Verbatim
PROFESSIONAL LIGHTING SERVICES 1091 3rd Avenue SW Carmel IN 46032 tel: +1 3178444261 www.professionallightingservices.com Distributor for: Aurora, Crestron, Dynalux, EYE Lighting, Feelux, GE Lighting, Litelab, Steinel
PRUDENTIAL LIGHTING 1774 E 21st Street Los Angeles CA 90058 tel: +1 2137460360 www.prulite.com Distributor for: Fluxwerx
PULSE PRODUCTS 6130 Blue Circle Drive Minnetonka MN 55343 tel: +1 9522170400 www.pulseproducts.com Distributor for: AcolyteLED, Amerlux, Erco, GVA, Iluminarc, Selux, WAC, Waldmann
PUREEDGE LIGHTING 1718 W. Fullerton Chicago IL 60614 tel: +1 7737701196 www.purelighting.com
Q-TRAN 155 Hill Street Milford CT 06460 tel: +1 2033678777 www.q-tran.com f
QSSI 12802 Commodity Place Tampa FL 33626 tel: +1 8138559416 www.qssi.com
QUALITY LIGHTING SYSTEMS 250 Commerce Boulevard Liverpool NY 13088 tel: +1 3154539277 www.qlsny.com Distributor for: Erco, Kreon, Lumenpulse, Reggiani, Vode, XAL
R.C. LURIE 1002 E. Jefferson Street Phoenix AZ 85034 tel: +1 3154539277 www.rclurie.com
Distributor for: Bega, Cooledge, Fluxwerx, LEDS C4, Lumenpulse, Nordeon
R.L. VANSTORY COMPANY 4807 Koger Boulevard, Suite E Greensboro NC 27407 tel: +1 6028171919 www.rlvanstory.com Distributor for: Acculite, Bega, Cooledge, LED Linear, LF Illumination, Nordeon Group, Self, Soraa
RAB LIGHTING 170 Ludlow Avenue Northvale NJ 07647 tel: +1 2017848600 www.rablighting.com
RAMBUSCH LIGHTING 160 Cornelison Jersey City NJ 07304 tel: +1 2014338011 www.rambusch.com
REDWOOD SYSTEMS 3839 Spinnaker Court Fremont CA 94538 tel: +1 8008400709 www.commscope.com
REGGIANI 372 Starke Road Carlstadt NJ 07072 tel: +1 2013721717 www.reggiani.net
RENAISSANCE LIGHTING 480 Springpark Place #900 Herndon VA 20170 tel: +1 7037079000 www.renaissancelighting.com
RESOURCE LIGHTING 5309 A Rio Bravo, Suite 145 Sunland Park NM 88063 tel: +1 7573619372 www.resourcelightingsw.com
Distributor for: Crestron, CSL, Hubbell, Leviton, Lumenpulse, Nexlight, Nippo
124 Floyd Smith Drive #300 Charlotte NC 28262 tel: +1 7044050416 www.rvlti.com
RGB LIGHTS 6045 N. Keystone Avenue Chicago IL 60646 tel: +1 3124216080 www.rgblights.com
Distributor for: Color Kinetics, interact Landmark
RIMMER LIGHTING 18020 157th Avenue NE Woodinville WA 98072 tel: +1 4802956544 www.rimmerlighting.com Distributor for: 3F Fillippi, Acclaim, Designplan, Ligman, Lumascape, Meteor, MP Lighting
156 Tuskawilla Road, Suite 2340 Winter Springs FL 32708 tel: +1 4073656778 www.rippleassociates.com Distributor for: Acolyte, Cree, Ligman, Lucifer, Lutron, Traxon e:cue, WAC Lighting
RISE & SHINE LIGHTING 3330 W Hacienda Avenue #406 Las Vegas NV 89118 tel: +1 7023681160 www.riseandshinelighting.com Distributor for: B-K Lighting, Bartco, Delta Light, Edison Price, Starfire
1 Cantley Drive Charleston WV 25314 tel: +1 3043462005 www.rskinc.com Distributor for: Cooper, GVA, Primus, Valmont
ROSCO 52 Harbor View Stamford CT 06902 tel: +1 2037088900 www.roscoarchitectural.com
RSA LIGHTING 7945 Orion Avenue Van Nuys CA 91406 tel: +1 8183493030 www.rsalighting.com
eRUUD LIGHTING 9201 Washington Avenue Racine WI 53406 tel: +1 2628861900 www.ruudlighting.com
S.L. BAGBY 214 W. Tremont Avenue, #101 Charlotte NC 28203 tel: +1 4806298894 www.slbagby.com Distributor for: 3G Lighting, Bega, Flos, LED Linear, Louis Poulsen, Nordeon Group
SCHNEIDER 39 Pelham Davis Circle Greenville SC 29615 tel: +1 3034551012 www.theschneidercompany.com
Distributor for: Amerlux, Cooledge, Fluxwerx, Griven, Lamp, Nordeon, Schmitz, Vode, WAC Lighting, Wila
215 Gold S.W. #101 Albuquerque NM 87102 tel: +1 5057641850 www.schroedersales.com
Distributor for: GVA
SCI LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 1881 McGaw Avenue Irvine CA 92614 tel: +1 9496223000 www.scilights.com
Distributor for: Birchwood, Bock, Filix, Metalux, Planlicht, WAC, Whitegoods
4439 S. 134th Place Building E Tukwila WA 98168 tel: +1 2065756865 www.seataclighting.com
Distributor for: Artemide, Astro, Philips, XAL
SEFL 3824 SW 30th Avenue Fort Lauderdale FL 33312 tel: +1 9546150460 www.sefl.cc
Distributor for: Amerlux, GVA, Hubbell, Selux
SEGULA 225 Peachtree Street NE 1100 South Tower Atlanta GA 30303 www.segula.de
SELF ELECTRONICS 4500 Peachtree Lake Drive Duluth GA 30096 tel: +1 7702489023 www.self-electronics.com
SELUX 5 Lumen Lane Highland NY 12528 tel: +1 8456917723 www.selux.us
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR 1895 Beaver Ridge Circle, Suite G Norcross GA 30071 tel: +1 6787629610 www.seoulsemicon.com
SESCO LIGHTING 222 West Maitland Boulevard Maitland FL 32751 tel: +1 4076296100 www.sescolighting.com Distributor for: Archlit, Casambi, Castaldi, Color Kinetics, iGuzzini, Intra Lighting, Meteor, Selux, Sill, WE-EF
SGM 7806 Kingspointe Parkway Orlando FL 32819 tel: +1 4074403601 www.sgmlight.com
SHAPER LIGHTING 1141 Marina Way South Richmond CA 94804 tel: +1 5102342370 www.shaperlighting.com
SIERRA WEST LIGHTING 235 Main Street Pleasanton CA 94566 tel: +1 5106700175 www.sierrawestlighting.com Distributor for: Acolyte, DMF
SIGNIFY 200 Franklin Square Drive Somerset NJ 08873 tel: +1 800 5550050 www.signify.com
SILVAIR 717 Market Street, Suite 100 San Francisco CA 94103 tel: +1 4156969357 www.silvair.com
SK & ASSOCIATES Craver Circle 20, Hank Bock Canton MA 02021 tel: +1 7818211700 www.skandassociates.com Distributor for: Intra Lighting, LEDS C4, Nora
SKY FACTORY PO Box 1177 Fairfield IA 52556 tel: +1 6414721747 www.skyfactory.com
SL ENERJI 44 Lake Terrace Ronkonkoma NY 11779 tel: +1 6316196576 www.slenerji.com
SMART LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 3550 Corporate Way #C Duluth GA 30096 tel: +1 7705458961 www.smartltg.com Distributor for: Precision, RCL
SMITH LIGHTING SALES 1221 E. 33rd Street Tulsa OK 74105 tel: +1 7043342821 www.smithlighting.com Distributor for: Barbican, Bega, Fluxwerx, i-Light Technologies, LED Linear, Vode, Wila SOLARIS 1075 Zonolite Road Building 1A Atlanta GA 30306 tel: +1 4048179300 www.solarisnetwork.com Distributor for: Clay Paky, Griven, MA Lighting
SOLATUBE 2210 Oak Ridge Way Vista CA 920818341 tel: +1 8887652882 www.solatube.com
SOLAVANTI LIGHTING 9659 Wendell Road Dallas TX 75243 tel: +1 2142219405 www.solavantilighting.com Distributor for: Baulmann, Lamp, LTS, One Light
SOLID STATE LUMINAIRES 3609 Swenson Avenue St. Charles IL 60174 tel: +1 8777754733 www.solidstateluminaires.com
SONNEMAN 20 North Avenue Larchmont NY 10538 tel: +1 9148343600 www.sonnemanawayoflight.com
SORAA 6500 Kaiser Drive, Suite 110 Fremont CA 94555 tel: +1 8554676722 www.soraa.com
SOUTHERN LIGHTING SOURCE 3103 Medlock Bridge Road Norcross GA 30071 tel: +1 7702424000 www.southernlightingsource.com Distributor for: Erco, GE Lighting, GVA, Nora, SLV, Waldmann
SPECIAL FX LIGHTING 293 N. 2260 W. Hurricane UT 84737 tel: +1 4356350239 www.fxlight.com
SPECIALTY LIGHTING INDUSTRIES 1306 Doris Avenue Ocean NJ 07712 tel: +1 7325170800 www.specialtylightingindustries.com
SPECIFICATION LIGHTING SALES 350 West 43rd Street, Suite PHA New York NY 10036 tel: +1 2127363700 www.sls-lighting.net Distributor for: Amerlux, Crestron, e:cue, Fluxwerx, Hoffmeister, KKDC, Lumenpulse
SPECTRUM LIGHTING 8868 Research Boulevard, Suite 104 Austin TX 78758 tel: +1 5124420661 www.spectrumltg.net Distributor for: acdc, Bega, Cooledge, Crestron, Fluxwerx, Kreon, LED Linear, Louis Poulsen, Lumenpulse, Nordeon
SPI LIGHTING 10400 N Enterprise Drive Mequon WI 53092 tel: +1 2622421420 www.spilighting.com
ST LOUIS LIGHTING 7414 Manchester Road St Louis MO 63143 tel: +1 3149633311 www.stlouislightinggroup.com Distributor for: Amerlux, Erco, Griven, Hess, Vode, WAC Lighting, Zumtobel
STAN DEUTSCH ASSOCIATES 31-30 Hunters Point Avenue Long Island NY 11101 tel: +1 7183619150 www.sdalighting.com Distributor for: Barbican, Bruck, Erco, Feelux, Filix, iLight Technologies, L&L, Linea Light Group, Schreder
STANLEY 36 Executive Park #230 Irvine CA 92614 tel: +1 9492220777 www.stanley-ledlighting.com
STEINER ELECTRIC 1250 Touhy Avenue Elk Grove Village IL 60007 tel: +1 8007834637 www.steinerelectric.com Distributor for: Columbia, Cooper, Dock, Hubbell, Juno, Lightolier, Lithonia, Louvers International, Rab, Stonco f
STELLAR SALES 14300 Alondra Boulevard La Mirada CA 90638 tel: +1 7146906400 www.stellarsalesinc.com Distributor for: EPCO, GVA, Halco, Nora
STERNBERG LIGHTING 555 Lawrence Avenue Roselle IL 60172 tel: +1 8475883400 www.sternberglighting.com
STOLLER LIGHTING & CONTROLS 1501 N. 200th Street #200 Shoreline WA 98133 tel: +1 2069036112 www.stollerinc.com Distributor for: Bion Technologies, Castaldi, Faro, Feelux, Kreon, Lumino, Meyer, Precision Lighting, RCL, Xicato
STRUCTURA 19922 W. 162nd Street Olathe KS 66062 tel: +1 9133908787 www.structura.com
SUNOPTICS 6201 27th Street Sacramento CA 95822 tel: +1 9163954700 www.sunoptics.com
SUNRISE LIGHTING SYSTEMS 360 W. Bedford Suite 116 Fresno CA 93711 tel: +1 5594356090 www.sunriselightingsystems.com Distributor for: GVA, Time Square
SWISS LED 410 South Citruvs Avenue Covina CA 91723 tel: +1 6269677799 www.swiss-led.com
SWITCH BULB 225 Charcot Avenue San Jose CA 95131 tel: +1 8776605552 www.switchlightingco.com
SYLVANIA 125 A/B Villanova Drive Atlanta GA 30336 tel: +1 8009226693 www.sylvania-lighting.com
SYNCROLITE 2025 Royal Lane #370 Dallas TX 75229 tel: +1 2143507696 www.syncrolite.com
SYNERGY LIGHTING CONTROLS 1335 Industrial Boulevard Conyers GA 30012 tel: +1 8005332719 www.synergylightingcontrols.com
SYNTHE FX 3243 Orion Avenue Cincinnati OH 45213 tel: +1 5132380455 www.synthe-fx.com
TANGO LIGHTING 2901 SW 3rd Avenue Unit 4 Fort Lauderdale FL 33315 tel: +1 9547670100 www.tangolighting.com Distributor for: Carpyen
TARGETTI 3184-C Airway Avenue Costa Mesa CA 92626 tel: +1 7145131991 www.targetti.com
TEAM 1230 W Morehead Street #108 Charlotte NC 28208 tel: +1 7183619150 www.teamlighting.com Distributor for: Barbican, Crestron, DW Windsor, Feelux, Fluxwerx, Fluxwex, GVA, iGuzzini, KIM, Robe
TECHLITE 7718 Loma Court Fishers IN 46038 tel: +1 3175782626 www.techlitecorp.com Distributor for: Beta Calco, Electrix, GE, Hubbell
TECHNI-LUX 10900 Palmbay Drive Orlando FL 32824 tel: +1 4078578770 www.techni-lux.com Distributor for: SGM, ShowCAD, Studio Due
TECHNILUM 1251 Avenue of the Americas - 3rd Floor New York NY 10020 tel: +1 9293369819 www.technilum.com
Beautifully & Thoughtfully Lighting the Landscape Award-winning design by world-class designers, precision optics, advanced LED technology. We look at every aspect of outdoor lighting with fresh eyes.
By harnessing the power of design and technology, the rational and the emotional, our lighting provides an exceptional visual and human experience while complimenting a variety of architectural styles.
Find us at landscapeforms.com or contact us toll free at 800.430.6205.
TELENSA 1200 Abernathy Road Building 600, 17th Floor Atlanta GA 30328 tel: +1 7705518156 www.telensa.com
TEMPO INDUSTRIES 1961 McGaw Avenue Irvine CA 92614 tel: +1 9494421601 www.tempoindustries.com
eTENNESSEE LIGHTING SALES 2730 Larman Drive Nashville TN 37204 tel: +1 6153855566 www.tnltg.com Distributor for: Filix, Fluxwerx, Lucifer, Lumenpulse, Self
TERRALUX 1830 Lefthand Circle, Suite B Longmont CO 80501 tel: +1 3034424960 www.terralux.com
TERSEN LIGHTING PO Box A Conyers GA 30012 tel: +1 7709229000 www.tersenlighting.com
THE LIGHTING QUOTIENT 114 Boston Post Road West Haven CT 06516 tel: +1 2039314455 www.thelightingquotient.com
TIMES SQUARE LIGHTING 5 Holt Drive Stony Point NY 10980 tel: +1 8459473034 www.tslight.com
TIVOLI LIGHTING 15602 Mosher Avenue Tustin CA 92780 tel: +1 7149576101 www.tivolilighting.com
TMB 10643 Glenoaks Boulevard Pacoima CA 91331 tel: +1 8188998818 www.tmb.com Distributor for: Firefly Lighting, IMS, Lightgear, Nuri Lites, Solaris, Wireless Solution
TOKISTAR 1015 E. Discovery Lane Anaheim CA 92801 tel: +1 7147727005 www.tokistar.com
TOPANGA 21212 Vanowen Street Canoga Park CA 91303 tel: +1 8183471200 www.topangatech.com f
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES 20 Murray Hill Parkway #210 East Rutherford NJ 07073 tel: +1 2015081570 www.traxontechnologies.com
TRIANGLE LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 9941 Koupela Drive Raleigh NC 27614 tel: +1 9193087160 www.trianglelightingsolutions.com
Distributor for: Apure, Archlit, Esse-Ci, WE-EF, Xicato
TRIDONIC 1305 Lakes Parkway Suite 101 Lawrenceville GA 30043 tel: +1 6783826320 www.tridonic.com
f a
TRIPLE C 1212 West Main Steet Oklahoma City OK 73106 tel: +1 8646759250 www.tripleclighting.com Distributor for: Acclaim, acdc, Cooledge, Fluxwerx, Louis Poulsen, Soraa, Targetti, Waldmann
TSR LIGHTING 1358 Helmo Avenue N Oakdale MN 55128 tel: +1 6512515300 www.tsrlighting.com Distributor for: acdc, Beta-Calco, Bruck, DMF, Ligman, Molto Luce, Philips, Wila, XAL, Zumtobel
TYCO ELECTRONICS CORPORATE 1050 Westlakes Drive Berwyn PA 19312 tel: +1 6108939800 www.tycoelectronics.com
UFO LIGHTING 6119A Clark Center Avenue Sarasota FL 34238 tel: +1 9413438115 www.universal-fibre-optics.com
UNITED LIGHTING 601 Brady Street #204 Davenport IA 52803 tel: +1 5633239401 www.unitedlighting.co.th Distributor for: AcolyteLED, Corona Lighting, GVA
deUNIVERSAL LIGHTING TECHNOLOGIES 26 Century Boulevard, Suite 500 Nashville TN 372143683 tel: +1 6153165100 www.unvlt.com
fURBAN LIGHTING 301, 4th Avenue San Diego CA 92101 tel: +1 6192326064 www.urbanlighting.net Distributor for: Artemide, Bruck, Lumina, Vibia
USA LIGHTINGS 11051 Spring Point Circle Riverview FL 33579 www.usalightings.com
Distributor for: Arcluce, Beulux, Egoluce, Intra Lighting, Metalarte
USALIGHTINGS 55 Silcreek Drive San Jose CA 95116 tel: +1 4086556275 www.usalightings.com
USHIO 5440 Cerritos Avenue Cypress CA 90630 tel: +1 7142368600 www.ushiolighting.co.jp
V2 LIGHTING 1951 Colony Street, Suite R Mountain View CA 9404 tel: +1 7073834600 www.v2lightinggroup.com Distributor for: LEDLAB VALMONT 15000 Valmont Plaza Omaha NE 68154 tel: +1 4029631000 email: structures@valmont.com www.valmontstructures.com
Valmont® Structures supports our customers with a proven legacy of engineering leadership, manufacturing expertise and the most complete offering of infrastructure products and solutions available globally. Quality, integrity and innovation define Valmont Structures. Our portfolio of customengineered and exquisitely designed products includes an array of lighting, transportation, and smart solutions that help create bright, beautiful, and sustainable communities.
44 Sixth Road Woburn MA 01801 tel: +1 7819358500 www.vanguardlighting.com
Distributor for: Acclaim, Bega, KIM, Rosco, Times Square, Zumtobel
VCC 2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 175 Carlsbad CA 92008 tel: +1 8005225546 vcclite.com
VENTURE LIGHTING 7905 Cochran Road, Suite 300 Glenwillow OH 44139 tel: +1 8004512606 www.venturelighting.com
VERDE LED 3145 So Atlantic Avenue Daytona FL 32118 tel: +1 7574771911 www.verdeled.com
VIABIZZUNO 245W 29th Street New York 10001 tel: +1 9176756830 www.viabizzuno.com
VICE LIGHTING 885 Woodstock Road, Suite 430 Roswell GA 30075 tel: +1 8332653187 www.vicelighting.com
VINCENT LIGHTING SYSTEMS 6161 Cochran Road, Suite D Solon OH 44139 tel: +1 2164757600 www.vls.com Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Interact Landmark
VISA LIGHTING 1717 West Civic Drive Milwaukee WI 53209 tel: +1 4143546600 www.visalighting.com
VISIBLE LIGHT 24 Stickney Terrace, Suite 6 Hampton NH 03842 tel: +1 4052355456 www.visible-light.net Distributor for: acdc, Exenia, Fluxwerx, iGuzzini, LED Linear, Lucifer, Lumenpulse, Zumtobel
1724 Industrial Drive Green Bay WI 54302 tel: +1 8002361227 www.visualimpactlighting.com Distributor for: GVA, Litelab
VISUAL LIGHTING 9 Rancho Circle Lake Forest CA 92630 tel: +1 9495819398 www.visual-lighting.com Distributor for: Ilti Luce, RobLight
VODE 21684 8th Street E. Suite 700 Sonoma CA 95476 tel: +1 7079969898 www.vode.com
VOKSLYTE 8020 Queenair Drive Gaithersburg MD 20879 tel: +1 3019214120 www.vokslyte.com
VONN One Canal Park 3323 NE 163rd Street, PH-706 North Miami Beach FL 33160 tel: +1 8886048666 www.vonn.com
VOSSLOH-SCHWABE 629 Central Avenue New Providence NJ 07974 tel: +1 9084643550 www.vossloh-schwabe.com
44 Harbor Park Drive Port Washington NY 11050 tel: +1 8005262588 www.waclighting.com
WAGNER 10600 West Brown Deer Road Milwaukee WI 53224 tel: +1 4147168401 www.wagnerarchitectural.com Distributor for: Klik Systems
WALDMANN 9 West Century Drive Wheeling IL 60090 tel: +1 8006340007 www.waldmann.com
WATTSTOPPER 2800 De La Cruz Boulevard Santa Clara CA 95050 tel: +1 4089885331 www.wattstopper.com
WE-EF 410-D Keystone Drive Warrendale PA 15086 tel: +1 7247420030 www.we-ef.com
WEST MICHIGAN LIGHTING 5589 Division Avenue South Grand Rapids MI 49548 tel: +1 6039266049 www.westmichiganlighting.com Distributor for: Archlit, Bega, Cooledge, Feelux, Fluxwerx, iGuzzini, Lamp, Lumenpulse, Vode, Wila
WESTERN FLORIDA LIGHTING 285 West Central Parkway Suite 1726 Altamonte Springs FL 32714 tel: +1 4077406973 www.wflorlando.com Distributor for: Erco, GVA, Hubbell, Linea Light Group, Lumascape, Technilum, Vokslyte
WESTERN LIGHT SOURCE 9999 Businesspark Avenue #B San Diego CA 92131 tel: +1 8585640233 www.westernlightsource.com Distributor for: Antares, GVA, Hunza, Lutron
WILD WEST LIGHTING 1550 N. 84th Street, Suite 201 Scottsdale AZ 85260 tel: +1 4803689909 www.wildwestlighting.com Distributor for: Astro, Cree, Crestron, Erco, Iluminarc, Jesco, Lumascape, Meyer, Neri, Tech Lighting
WINONA LIGHTING 3760 West Fourth Street Winona MI 55987 tel: +1 8003285291 www.winonalighting.com
WLS LIGHTING 1919 Windsor Place Fort Worth TX 76110 tel: +1 8177310020 wlslighting.com
WPG AMERICA 5285 Hellyer Avenue, Suite 150 San Jose CA 95138 tel: +1 4083928100 www.wpgamericas.com Distributor for: BJB, Concord, Ledil, Seoul Semiconductor
WUNDER LIGHTING & CONTROLS 2977 Ygnacio Valley Road # 190 Walnut Creek CA 94598 tel: +1 5108127301 www.wunderlc.com Distributor for: Altman, GVA
WYBRON 4830 List Drive Colorado Springs CO 80919 tel: +1 7195489774 www.wybron.com
XAL 133 West 19th Street, 9th Floor New York NY 10001 tel: +1 2123438100 www.xal.com
XICATO 102 Cooper Court Los Gatos CA 95032 tel: +1 8662238395 www.xicato.com
YESCO 5119 Cameron Street Las Vegas NV 89118 tel: +1 7029534871 www.yesco.com Distributor for: Philips Lighting
YLIGHTING 1850 Mt Diablo Boulevard #470 Walnut Creek CA 94596 tel: +1 3103093793 www.ylighting.com Distributor for: Lightyears, Moooi
ZUMTOBEL 3300 Route 9W Highland NY 12528 tel: +1 8456916262 z.lighting
c/o General Pionneering Thinkers 6th Floor, N°1 Building N°233 Gaoyang Road Shanghai 200080 tel: +86 13817642840 www.8-18lumiere.com
CHINA UNITED ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIGHTING ENGINEERING DESIGN INSTITUTE No. 1060 Binan Road Bin Jiang District Hangzhou 31000 tel: +86 57188151842 www.chinacuc.com
45 Crystal Garden, Taizi Road Shekou, Nanshan District Shenzhen www.cracknell.com
DESIGN INTERNATIONAL 804, Jiao Tong Tower, Building 2 No.831, South XiZang Road Shanghai 200011 tel: +86 2163459353 www.di-global.com
LEOX DESIGN PARTNERSHIP Building 6-101, 299 Bisheng Road Shanghai 201204 tel: +86 2150807700 www.leoxdesign.com.cn
LICHTEASE LIGHTING DESIGN Rm. 2807, 172 Zhengfu Street Qingyang District Chengdu 610017 tel: +86 13901766726
LIGHT & VIEW DESIGN 77A Dayangfang Road Chaoyang District Beijing 100122 tel: +86 1067335214 www.lightandview.com
LIGHT CIBLES Room 606, C4 Building Aocheng Commercial Plaza Binshui West Road Tianjin 300381 tel: +86 2287831309 www.light-cibles.com
ARUP 39/F-41/F Huaihai Plaza 1045 Huaihai Road (M), Xuhui District Shanghai 200031 tel: +86 2131188888 email: lighting-design@arup.com www.arup.com/lighting
Lighting at Arup brings together art, science and technology. Our team of designers create expressive and award-winning concepts in light. Our commitment to sustainability drives a creative approach to the application of state-of-the-art technology. We work in harmony with aesthetics and vision, delivering human centric solutions for clients.
ATL LIGHTING DESIGN 498 Xinfeng Road Jing An District Shanghai 200040 tel: +86 2152137649 www.atl-design.com
AURA LIGHTING DESIGN Room 407 No.13 Cuihua Road Cuicheng Garden, Haizhu District Guangzhou tel: +86 213560480540
BAMBOO LIGHTING DESIGN RM 102 Unit 1 No.303 Huashengxiangti 25 Banbidian Street Tongzhou District Beijing 101100 tel: +86 1060552240
BASELINE LIGHTING DESIGN STUDIO Silver Centre, Room 814-815 No 8 Lane 1392, North Shaanxi Road Shanghai tel: +86 17321399090 www.baselinehk.com
Room 404 Building 6 No 2 Ronghua North Road Economic and Technological Development Zone Daxing District Beijing 100176
Room 1709, B12 Timeson Tower Chaoyangmen North Street, Chaoyang Dist Beijing 100020 tel: +86 13701163624
2nd Floor, Building of Light, Jia 62 (in LeDaoXiang), Nanlishilu Beijing 100045 tel: +86 1068065211 www.biad-lighting.com
DISTYLIGHT 498 Urumuqi Lane, House 43, 1F Shanghai tel: +86 13761383024 www.distylight.com
EGO LIGHTING DESIGN 58/25/2302 Si Da Road Hong Kou District Shanghai tel: +86 2155882080
FRANCIS KRAHE & ASSOCIATES China Merchants Plaza 333 Chengdu North Rd, Room 1002, South Bldg Jing’an District Shanghai 200040 tel: +86 18520612318 www.fkaild.com
GRAND SIGHT DESIGN Room 815, Richen International Center South Nongzhanguan Road No.13 Chao Yang District Beijing 100125 tel: +86 1065032556 www.gd-lightingdesign.com
GRENALD WALDRON ASSOCIATES 47 Zhengyi Road, Suite 1008, Yangpu District Shanghai 200433 tel: +86 2151873163 www.gwalighting.com
ILLUMINATE LIGHTING DESIGN Level 2 Building 9, 800 ChangDe Road Jing’an District Shanghai 200040 tel: +86 2164330062 www.illuminateld.com
INHABIT GROUP Room 501 East Block 15 Haide 3rd Road Houhai, Nanshan Shenzhen 518054 tel: +86 75521674350 www.inhabitgroup.com
J+B STUDIOS ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Room 2604, Building 61 Balizhuang Xili Yuan Yang Business Chaoyang District Beijing 100025 tel: +86 1065505971
KGM ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Room 902, Block 14, No.689, Tong Pu Road Shanghai 200062 tel: +86 13918659679 www.kgmlighting.com
KLAASEN LIGHTING DESIGN 200 Guoding East Road Building 1, Unit 1003 Yangpu Shanghai 200433 tel: +86 18616777290 www.kldesign.co
BRANDSTON PARTNERSHIP INC 99 Huaihai East Road, 14th Floor, Room K Shanghai 200021 tel: +86 2153960327 email: shanghai@bpi.co www.bpi.co
Brandston Partnership Inc. is an award winning architectural lighting design firm, and has completed over 5,000 projects all over the world since its founding in 1966. Our work represents a great diversity ranging from hospitality projects to insightful historic restorations to large mixed-use projects to city planning.
LDP 11F/A Heng Ji Building 99 Huai Hai Dong Road Shanghai 200021 tel: +86 2153820688 www.ldp.net
LEDARTIST Unit 401, Building 1, Park Space No.169 Menzhi Road Lu Wan Shanghai 200023 tel: +86 2153027979 www.ledartist.com
TAIFU LIGHTING DESIGN Room 602, No. 6, Lane 655, Yixian Road Shanghai 200434 tel: +86 2155885115 www.pldlighting.com
TINOKWAN LIGHTING CONSULTANTS B916, Chao Wai SOHO Chaowai Street, Chaoyang District Beijing 100020 tel: +86 1059005989 www.tinokwan.com
TORYO INTERNATIONAL LIGHTING DESIGN 5F no 45 Beiwa Road, Haidian district Beijing 100042 tel: +86 1088395071 www.toryo.com.cn
UNITED DESIGN GROUP Mainbuilding 3F No.1-10 Lane No.1500 Shanghai 200093 tel: +86 18621977905 www.udg.com.cn
LIGHTING DESIGN PARTNERSHIP INTERNATIONAL Room 412, Liang Dian Design Center 94 Dong Si Shi Tiao Dongcheng District Beijing 100007 tel: +86 1529785289 www.ldpinternational.cn
LIGHTING IMAGES Blk 5, Suite 3A, 255 Yang Zhai Road Shanghai 200051 tel: +86 2152280750 www.lightingimages.co
LINGDIAN LIGHTING DESIGN 4F, 306# Taixing Road Shanghai 200041 tel: +86 2162536331
LIQUIDESIGN 651- B, 36, Guang Qu Lu, Shou Cheng Guoji Beijing tel: +86 1087778993 www.liquidesign.org
MARIO FRAU Greenland Huichuang International Plaza N.8 Building, 275 East Guo Ding Road Shanghai 815816 tel: +86 2151688753 www.frau1808.com
NING FIELD LIGHTING DESIGN Lin No.2 Jingren Courtyard Xibahe Street, Chaoyang District Beijing 100020 tel: +86 1050923450 www.ningandlight.com
ORIGINAL LIGHTING No.658 Lingshi Road Shanghai 200072
PURILIGHTING DESIGN 30 East Road, North 3rd Ring Road Beijing 100013 tel: +86 1057034077 www.purilighting.com
REGINA GLOBAL LIGHTING DESIGN 777 West Guangzhong Road Shanghai tel: +86 2161310019 www.reginaglobal.com
RELUX & RELUX 69 Yan Ping Road, Yan Ping Building Room 301B/401B, JingAn District Shanghai 200040 tel: +86 2152282639 www.rrltgdesign.com
SHANGHAI CITELUM Room 201, No.1870 DongFang Road Shanghai 200125 tel: +86 2150399355 www.shcitelum.com
SHEENLUM LIGHTING DESIGN Suite 512, D Fangheng International Center No. 6 Futong East Avenue Wang Jing, Chaoyang District Beijing tel: +86 2084785364
SHENZHEN SUOSHI LIGHTING DESIGN FIRM 307 West Block, Haida Creative Park, Daxin Road Shenshen 518052 tel: +86 75582903677
STUDIO ILLUMINE Building 5, no. 881 Wu Ding Road Jing An District, Shanghai 200040 tel: +86 2160327952 www.studio-illumine.com
UNOLAI DESIGN Suite 401A, Building 6 No. 50 Yu Yao Road Shanghai 200040 tel: +86 2162888438 www.unolai.com
URBAN & BUILDING LIGHTING DESIGN T1-601B Poly International Plaza Wang Jing, Chaoyang District Beijing 100102 tel: +86 18610524026
URBAN LIGHTING-DESIGN PARTNERSHIP Room 1105 Zhongfang Building 465 Shuang Du Road, Keqiao Shaoxing www.ulplighting.com
VIELUX DESIGN INTERNATIONAL 1211 DaNan Road #108 YueXiu District Guangzhou 510160 tel: +86 2083324309 www.vieluxdesign.com
X STUDIO Tsinghua University, Haidian District Beijing 12180 tel: +86 1062782206
Z DESIGN & PLANNING Room106, Building No.5, Han Ting Xiao Qu Jing Shu Yuan Road Hai Dian District Beijing 100083 tel: +86 1082863386
ZHOU HONGLIANG LIGHTING DESIGN No.1 Xilou Alley, Lama Temple Street Beijing tel: +86 1084044996
ZY LIGHTING DESIGN CONSULTANTS 16 Building Hua Quing Jia Yuan Cheng Fu Road Beijing tel: +86 1082863386
ACEVEL Room 3005, 30F, IMP No.68 Huacheng Ave Zhujiang New Town Guangzhou 510623 tel: +86 2088839691 email: info@acevel.com www.acevel.com
Lighting for artworks and museum ACEVEL is specialized in providing professional lighting solutions globally, paying every attention to the continuous innovation, emphasizing the overall integration of scientific design, technological advance, and green manufacturing, striving to achieve positive impact on product’s life cycle to reach the unity of the perfection of science, technology and design.
AD LIGHTING NO.1 Dong Xian Technology Industrial Garden Zhu Jiang Village Jiang Gao Town Guangzhou tel: +86 13580407590 www.ad-lighting.com
ADATA TECHNOLOGY No.28 Xinfa Road Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou 215123 tel: +86 51265930886 www.adatalighting.com
AERO 319 Building, Yangcheng industrial Park Tianhe Guangzhou 510000 tel: +86 2038031446 www.aerolight.cn
AGC LIGHTING Jian’an Road No.3, Fuyong Bao’an District Shenzhen 518103 tel: +86 75533581001 www.agcled.com
AKZU 701 Building 5-C Skyworth Innovation Valley Tangtou 1 Road, Shiyan Bao’an Qu Shenzhen 518108 tel: +86 75586101016 www.akzu.com
ALDABRA 4/F Block C 1618 Yi San Road MinHang District Shanghai 201103 tel: +86 13918041854 www.aldabra.it
ALMECO GROUP Room 2011G, 7315 Originality Carrier 2577 Longhua Rd, Xu Hui District Shanghai 200030 tel: +86 2164393606 www.almecogroup.com
ARCLICHT 3rd Floor, office of Home Value Xuhui District no.450 Shanghai tel: +86 7503298888 www.ake-lighting.com
ARROW ELECTRONICS 28/F Taikang Financial Tower 38 North Street of East 3rd Ring Chaoyang District Beijing 100033 tel: +86 1056064000 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
ARTEMIDE Room 1907, 19/F New Hualian Mansion East Wing 755 Middle Huai Hai Road Huang Pu District Shanghai 200021 tel: +86 2164483650 www.artemide.com
ASTERA 3/F Yifang Industrial Building South Huanchen Road Bantian Longgang District Shenzhen 518129 tel: +86 75528237295 www.astera-led.com
AUKES LIGHTING & ELECTRICAL No 139 Wudong Industrial Zone, Landou Dongdu, Jinyun Zhejiang tel: +86 5783619350 www.aukeslighting.com
AURALUX LIGHTING Unit D2-D3 International Exhibition and Convention Centre 168 Baizhang East Road Ningbo tel: +86 13566002389 www.auraluxlighitng.com
AURORA 8 Hehe Road, Xiangxi Administration Area Liaobu Town Dongguan tel: +86 76983305829 www.auroralighting.com
BAG ELECTRONICS Room 1010 Huateng Beitang Commercial Tower No.37 Nanmofang Road Beijin 100022 tel: +86 1051909142
f a
BAIKANG OPTICAL Room 1213, Block A, United Plaza No 5022 BinHe Road Futian Centre Shenzhen tel: +86 75583556199 www.baikang.cn
BEIJING FORTUNE LIGHTING SYSTEM ENGINEERING No 2 Baijiazhuang Xili Chaoyang District Beijing 100020 tel: +86 1085952447 www.fortunelighting.com Distributor for: Sill
BESTRONG LIGHTING 239# Changjiang Road Jiangdu District Yangzhou City tel: +86 17705258488 www.bestronglighting.com
BLUEVIEW No.1000, Section 2 2nd Konggang Road Shangliu Chengdu 610207 tel: +86 2881480011 www.blueviewled.com
BREE LIGHTING Bldg M & J, Maoyuan Ind Zhangkengjing Guanlan Shenzhen tel: +86 75529739398 www.breelighting.com Distributor for: Cree, Epistar, Osram, Philips, Samsung
BRIDGELUX 301 Building 10 Software Park Phase 2 Keji Middle 2nd Road, Nanshan Shenzhen 518057 tel: +86 75586562381 www.bridgelux.com
BRIGHT Management District Board Town Industrial Zone Pujiang Road, Humen Daning Dongguan tel: +86 76989066793 www.newbrightlighting.com
BRIGHT LEAD Room 801, Block C 23 Jihua 5th Road Chancheng District Foshan tel: +86 75783301772 www.bright-lead.com
CDN LIGHT No.A17, Xianghe West Road Dongjiang Industrial Zone Shuikou, Huizhou Guangdong 516257 tel: +86 7525333259 www.cdnlighting.cc
Distributor for: Bach, KAZ, Mayalight
CHROMATEQ Rm 413, 4th Floor, He Hui Business Hotel No.3 Ya Yuan Street, Ying Bin Road Panyu District Guangzhou 511400 tel: +86 2022889704 www.chromateq.com
CIVILIGHT #1301 Chuangxin Building A #198 Rd Daxin Nanshan District Shenzhen tel: +86 75533686619 www.civilight.info
f CLEAR LIGHTING #901 Block B (South Area) Zhuoyue Meilin Centre Plaza Futian District Shenzhen tel: +86 75586114338 email: info@clearlighting.com www.clearlighting.com
Clear Lighting designs and manufactures high quality LED Flex linear lighting products and engineering solutions tailored for applications. Clear Lighting’s priority is reliability. If we can’t do it, we shall say no!
If we make a promise, we will carry it out!
CNTIC LIGHTING R605 Youyi Industrial Building Chuangye Road Baoan Shenzhen tel: +86 75533876593 www.cnticlighting.com
f COLORS Building A5 Qixing Wisdom Park Shiyan Youth Road, Bao’an District Shenzhen tel: +86 75529231888 email: colors@colorsled.com www.colorsled.com
HUACAI OPTO-ELECTRONICS CO., LTD, (COLORS LED), Founded in 2008, is a high-tech enterprise specializing in LED lighting. We are committed to LED linear lighting solutions for 12 years and counting. COLORS insists on its independent research & development, as well as the independent intellectual property rights management.
2 Floor, Suite 222 The Point Anyuan Road Shanghai 200040 tel: +86 2161157856 www.control4.com
COOLIGHT OPT-ELE 3-4F,Bldg C, Chuangfu Science & Technology Park Beihuan Rd Shiyan Shenzhen 518108 tel: +86 75584528176 www.coolight.com.hk
CREATIVE LIGHTING ASIA Room 2108, Jin Yuan Center No. 28 Yuan Wen Road MinHang District Shanghai 201199 tel: +86 2152588833 www.cla.asia Distributor for: A&O Technology, IBL, Lumascape, Prolicht
CREE Block 22 Universal Software Park No. 879 Zhongjiang Road Shanghai 200333 tel: +86 2152831809 www.cree.com
CREP OPTOELECTRONICS Zhenbao Idustrial Zone Shiyan Town Bao’an District Shenzhen tel: +86 75529816191 www.crep-led.com f
CRESTRON Rm 915, 9/F, Nan Xin Cang Business Tower Building, A22 Dong Si Shi Tiao Dong Cheng District Beijing 100007 tel: +86 1064096026 www.crestron.eu
D-LON LIGHT No 23 Yanhe Road, Shachong Industrial Zone Huangwu Village, Dongkeng Town Dongguan City Guangdong tel: +86 76982807995 www.d-lonlight.com
DADOUTECK Rm1201, East Tower, FIYTA Tech Building Southern District of High-Tech Industrial Park Nanshan District Shenzhen 518057 tel: +86 75586018370 www.dadoutek.com
DEHAO ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY Spring Road Shanghai Xin Zhuang Industrial Park Building 479 No. D1 Shanghai tel: +86 2154832623 www.dehao.com Distributor for: Barco
DESIGN WAREHOUSE 88 Yuqing Road Shanghai 200030 tel: +86 13818565851 johnchen@d-warehouse.com Distributor for: Parachilna
DICKPO LIGHTING No.1 Economic and Developed District Gusan Guzhen Zhongshan tel: +86 7602356493 www.dickpo.com
DILIGHT TECHNOLOGY Building B Taohuanyuan Technology Development Zone Bao An District Shenzhen 518108 tel: +86 75527600077 www.dilight.biz
EIC ELECTRONIC No. 1299 Shipai Yishen Road Kunshan 215300 tel: +86 18913251062 www.eicsun.com
ELEC-TECH INTERNATIONAL No.1 Jingfeng Road Tangjiawan Town Zhuhai tel: +86 7563390054 www.electech.com.cn
ELR 7-102 Wework Block A One ITC No. 1901 Huashan Rd Xuhui Dist Shanghai 200030 tel: +86 2160737632 www.elr-group.com
ELSINE No 20, Liuweng West Road, Liushi Wenzhou 325604 tel: +86 57762730138 www.elsine.cn
ELUMEN LED LIGHTING SOLUTONS 4/F, Block 34, Dayangtian Industrial Area Estate Wanfeng Shajing Bao’an Shenzhen tel: +86 75536653655 www.elumenled.com
ENDO TRADE Room1808,TowerC, jinchangan Building No.82 Middle Rd.Of East 4th Ring Chaoyang District Beijing tel: +86 2152049106 www.endo-lighting.com
ENELTEC 16F No.289 Wujin Road Shanghai 200080 tel: +86 2165840676 www.eneltec-led.com f
ENERGY BRIGHT Rm 1203, Block East Coastal City, Hai De 3rd Road Nan Shan District Shenzhen 518054 tel: +86 75583201870 www.energy-bright.com
ERCO No B9, 102 Building 800 Changde Road Shanghai 200040 tel: +86 2150305979 www.erco.com
EUCHIPS 4th-5th Floor, 6th Building, 888 Shuangbai Road Shanghai 201108 tel: +86 2161611461 www.euchips.com
EXCELPOINT 20/F, Block B, Central Towers No.567 Langao Road, Putuo District Shanghai 200333 tel: +86 2123089588567567 www.excelpoint.com.cn
Distributor for: Everlight, Ledil, Samsung, Seoul Semiconductor
FEELUX 1705B, 868 Changshoud Road Putuo District Shanghai 200083 tel: +886 021528962208001 www.feeluxlighting.cn
FLUA Shenzen Bay Eco-Technology Park Nanshan Dis Shenzhen tel: +86 75586534147 www.flua.com
FOSHAN COSIO Room 1203 Unit F Xinduhui Building No.12, Jihua 5 Road Foshan tel: +86 75783996915 www.cosiolighting.com
FOXCONN TECHNOLOGY GROUP No 35 HuaBao North Road Chenxi Industrial Foshan 528051 tel: +86 75788021668 www.foxconntech.com.tw/led
FUHUA ELECTRONIC Fuhua Electronic Industrial Park Xianglong Road, Huangzhou New Town District Dongguan 523326 tel: +86 76986022222 www.fuhua-cn.com
Room L-M 6/F Tower A East Gate Plaza No.9 Dong Zhong Street Dong Cheng District Beijing 100027 tel: +86 1084383688 www.futureelectronics.com
Distributor for: Bridgelux, Carclo, Eaton, Ledil, Lumileds, Mean Well, Osram, Recom, Samsung LED, Signify f
7F, Building 1, No.1 Hua Tuo Road Zhang Jiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong Shanghai 201203 tel: +86 2138777888 www.gelighting.com
GEMLIGHTING Rm. 8505 Science Park of South China University of Technology No 51, Huadi Rd Liwan District Guangzhou tel: +86 2081506161 www.gemlight.cn Distributor for: LED Engin
GENLED ACOLYTE 5/F Building B1 Jia’an Industrial Zone Liuxian 2nd Road, Bao’an Shenzhen 518101 tel: +86 075529985096 www.genledbrands.com
GEOSHEEN LIGHTING Hepinggang Technology Industrial Zone Gangtou Bantian Shenzhen 518129 tel: +86 75528227567 www.geosheen.cn
GEWISS Room 1704 Tower B Sunyoung Center, No.28 Xuanhua Road, Changing Area Shanghai 200050 tel: +86 2162523535 www.gewiss.com
GKD Hongfu Industry Garden Bei Qi Jia Town, Changping Dist Beijing 102209 tel: +86 105165968 www.gkd.de
GRANDAR LIGHTING Floor 11 Building 90 North Quinzhou Road Shanghai 200233 tel: +86 2164952266 www.grandar.com
GREENERGY Room 15A-8 Huahong Building No 717 Zhongxing Road Ningbo tel: +86 5748737434390 www.nbgreenergy.com
GREETHINK Building A1, Fuyuan Industrial Zone Tangwei, Fuyong Baoan District Shenzhen 518103 tel: +86 75533891689 www.greethink.com.cn
HELVAR 15F International Building 2 Suhua Road, SIP Suzhou 215021 tel: +86 51267633078 www.helvar.com
HENSEL No 9, 9th Fl, Room 907-909 Shenzhen 518057 tel: +86 75526703856 www.hensel-hk.com
HONDEL LIGHTING F708 Nanyuan Commercial Building Longhua District Shenzhen tel: +86 15338776545 www.hondellighting.com
e dHOWELL LIGHTING 1228 Tanjialing West Road Yuyao Zhejiang 315400 tel: +86 57462519557 www.howelllighting.com
HUAYI LIGHTING Huayi Industrial Park TongYi Industrial District GuZhen Town Guangdong 528415 tel: +86 76022349867 www.huayilighting.com
eHUIHONG LIGHTING EQUIPMENT Section A Zhongcun Industrial developing area Panyu District Guangzhou 511495 tel: +86 2061941388 www.apollo-pro.net
HYUNDAI LIGHTING & ELECTRIC NIVS Hi-tech Park Huizhou 516005 tel: +86 7522323888 www.hyundai-elc.com
IGUZZINI No. 2758 Huan Cheng West Road Fengxian Industrial Park Shanghai 201401 tel: +86 2163411199 www.iguzzini.com
IMIGY LIGHTING ELECTRIC No. 366 Hengchangjing Road Zhoushi Kunshan Jiangsu 215313 tel: +86 2164908790 www.imigyled.com
INNOFIX 8 Yongda Road Ningbo tel: +86 57487015686 www.innofix.com.cn Distributor for: Fozz
INTEMATIX 1825 Hui Shang Zhong Xin Jia Hui Xin Cheng Fu Hua Road Fu Tian District Shenzhen tel: +86 75583289651 www.intematix.com
INVENTRONICS 459 Jianghong Road Jangzhou Zhejiang 310053 tel: +86 57156565800 www.inventronics-co.com
JIANGMEN BEAUTY LIGHTING 412th, Jinou Road High-tech Industrial zone Jiangmen city Guangdong tel: +86 7503986979 www.chinabeautylighting.com
JINGRI LIGHTING No. 2008 Qufu Road East New District Huzhou Zhejiang tel: +86 5722283039 www.jingrilight.com
JK LIGHTING Zexu Road, Cangshan Industrial Zone Fuzhou Fujian tel: +86 5998609042 www.fjjk.com
KAMS LIGHT 6F Building B, Fuzhen Technologies Park Fuyuan 2nd Road, Fu Yong, Bao’an District Shenzhen tel: +86 75521635132 www.kamsled.com
KEIKONG ELECTRONIC Room 603 - 604, Tower 1 Kerry Everbright City No.218 TianMu Road West Shanghai 200070 tel: +852 271507385757 www.keikong.com Distributor for: AEM, Alpha & Omega, Bridgelux, Panasonic, Seoul Semiconductor
KEYTEC TECHNOLOGY 4-5F,19 Bld, No 1, Pingdong 6th Road Nanping Technical Industrial Park Zhuhai tel: +86 7562613768 www.keytecled.com
f a
KINGLUMI Shenzhen Kinglumi Co Building 3, Nangang Third Industrial Zone Tangtou, Shiyan Town, Baoan District Shenzhen City tel: +86 75533985808 www.kinglumi.com
KKDC Room 301 Building 22 SEC Plaza No. 26, Lane 1588 Shenchang Road Shanghai 201106 tel: +86 2161906586 www.kkdc.lighting
KOIZUMI No. 12, Information & Industry Garden Xihu District Shilong Town, Dongguan City Guangdong Province tel: +86 2154202760 www.koizumi.sg Distributor for: Astro, Flos, iGuzzini, KKDC, Luci, Lucifer, Meyer, XAL, Zumtobel
KOSNIC House 262 Lane 388 Dushi Road, Minhang District Shanghai tel: +86 2164608359 www.kosnic.com
KREON 655 Changhua Road, Ground Floor S1 JingAn District Shanghai 200040 tel: +86 13661619560 www.kreon.com
KRISLITE Suite 1901 JinTianDi International Mansion 998 Ren Ming Road Shanghai 200021 tel: +86 2163629922 www.krislite.com Distributor for: Hunza
KSTAR ELECTRONIC Hourui Industrial Ruifa Road Baoan Shenzhen 518100 tel: +86 75523219235 www.kstarled.com
A2 Building, No.11 Kaiyuan Road Science City High-tech Development Zone Guangzhou 510530 tel: +86 2082098808 www.lampearl.net
1st Floor, North Column, Nantian Building No.1 Jiangong Road Tianhe Industrial Zone Guangzhou 510665 tel: +86 2085529280 www.leifull.com Distributor for: LumenRadio
11F, Building 90, North Qinzhou Road #1122 Shanghai 200233 tel: +86 2164952266 www.ledartek.com
LEDESHI ELECTRIC 438 Youngor Road Ningbo tel: +86 57488263578 www.ledeshi.com
1 Xianke 1st Road Huadong Town Huadu Dist Guangdong 510890 tel: +86 2037706039 www.ledialighting.com
LEDII ILLUMINATION 5F, B Bldg, Chuangfu Sci-Tech Park Beihuan Road Shiyan Town Shenzhen 518108 tel: +86 75525525335 www.ledii.com f
LEDOUX LIGHTING Building C, Sci-Tech Incubation Center No. 16, Huifeng East 2 Road Zhongkai Hi-Tech Zone Huizhou 516006 tel: +86 7523223258 www.ledouxlite.com
LEDS-LUX OPTOELECTRONIC Building A2, Zhongrun Industrial Park Automoblie Industrial Zone Huadu District Guangzhou 510820 tel: +86 2028610887 www.leds-lux.com
LEDVANCE No. 1-1 Industrial Road (North) Chancheng District Foshan 528000 tel: +86 75786480111 www.ledvance.com
LEDYI Yuechange Industrial Park Shiyan Town, Baoan Shenzhen 518108 tel: +86 75523025890 www.ledyi.com
LEXTAR Room 1136 Dongming Mansion, Mingkang Road Minzhi Street, New Longhua District Shenzhen 518000 tel: +86 75522193878 www.lextar.com
LIGMAN The Konnect, No. 118 South Yunnan Road Room: 06-103 Huangpu District Shanghai 200010 tel: +86 15026655067 www.ligman.com
LINEA LIGHT GROUP No. 7, Nanyi Huayuan Road, Industry Avenue Xialoan Town ZhongShan City 528478 tel: +86 76087618355 www.linealight.com
LIRIS LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY Unit 1809-11, Reith Center No.9030 Shen Nan Da Dao Nan Shan District Shenzhen 518053 tel: +86 75586397208 www.liris-lighting.com
LITEPUTER No. 375 Xingmei Rd, Minhang Dist Shanghai 200237 tel: +86 2154408210 www.liteputer.com.tw
LITETRONICS Suite 13, No. 500, Sheng Xin South Road Shanghai 201802 tel: +86 2169898315 www.litetronics.com
LITON LIGHTING Blk 9 & 12 Foodstuff Ind SongYuan Village GuanLan Town Shenzhen 518028 tel: +86 75527993188 www.liton-light.com
LPA LIGHTING AND ENERGY SOLUTIONS Room G 24th Floor LiDuXinGui 831 Xin Zha Road Shanghai 200041 tel: +86 2152895308 www.lpalighting.com Distributor for: Egoluce, Lightnet, PAN, Securlite, Unilamp
LUCECO No 1438 Jiachuang Road Xiuzhou Industrial Park, Jiaxing Zhejiang 314031 tel: +86 57383570200 www.luceco.com
LUCI Rm 1804 South Building 300 Xuanhua Road Changning District Shanghai 200050 tel: +86 2152389115 www.luci.co.jp/en Distributor for: LED Linear
LUCKY LIGHT ELECTRONICS Room E/F, 15/F, Cooperative Finance Building Shennan East Road Luohu District Shenzhen 518001 tel: +86 75525188965 www.luckylight.cn
LUMASCAPE 20 West Building 377 Wuyi Road Wujin Hi-Tech Zone, Changzhou Jiangsu tel: +86 51989192555 www.lumascape.com
LUMILEDS Philips Innovation Campus Shanghai 5F, No.2 Building, No.9, Lane 888 Tian Lin Road Shanghai 200233 tel: +86 2124115888 www.lumileds.com
LUMINHOME 3F,Building 6th PaoBing Industry Area,Dasha West Rd Dashadi Guangzhou 510020 tel: +86 13610002670 www.luminhome.com
f LUTRON Shanghai World Financial Center 17th Floor No. 100 Century Ave Pudong Shanghai 200120 tel: +86 2161650990 email: lutronchina@lutron.com www.lutron.com/asia
Founded in 1961 and based in Pennsylvania, Lutron Electronics is a leading manufacturer of energy-saving light, shade, and temperature control systems for homes, hotels and commercial buildings. Lutron’s Athena enables lighting designers world-wide to realise their design vision by adjusting independently colour temperature and intensity to create and save scenes.
LUXIONA 1-3/F Lintai Industrial Park Baihuadong Guanguang Road Guangming New District Shenzhen 518132 tel: +86 75586149886 www.luxiona.com
LUXRAM Floor 10, East Wing Zhubang 2000 Business Center No.1 Chaoyang District Beijing 100025 tel: +86 1085866434125 www.luxramlighting.com
LUXX LIGHT TECHNOLOGY Building 8, 5th Floor, HuiDeBao Industry Park Bai Hua Yuan Road, Guang Ming New District Shenzhen 518000 tel: +86 15019215243 www.luxx.cn
MAGE TengFeng RD 3 FengHuang Industrial Zone 5th Fu-Yong Town Shenzhen 518103 tel: +86 75561150677 www.mgleds.com
MARTIN PROFESSIONAL 3004 Chong Hing Finance Center Shanghai 200003 tel: +86 2123060000 www.martin.com
MEDIA FACADE Block 1, Huahao Tech Park Gangzi Street,Baoan Distract Shenzhen 518119 tel: +86 75582927291 www.media-facade.net
MEGAMAN Unit 6-006 2842 Xingang Eastern Road Haizhu District Guangzhou 510335 tel: +86 2085562161 www.megaman.cn
MERCURY INDUSTRY F1208,Global Building Huanan Avenue Pinghu Shenzhen tel: +86 75528856671 www.mercurylux.com
MOONS’ No.168 Mingjia Road Minhang District Shanghai 201107 tel: +86 2152634688 www.moonsindustries.com
NANJING GIANT TECHNOLOGY No 32, Baoxiang Road Binjiang Economic Development Zone Nanjing 211178 tel: +86 13305197321 www.njgiant.com
NATIONSTAR No.18 South Hua Bao Road Chan Cheng District Foshan 528000 tel: +86 75782100230 www.nationstar.com
NEO-NEON Gong He Town Heshan City 529728 tel: +86 7508318000 www.neo-neon.com
NEOLITH LIGHTING The 6th Floor, Building E, Chiwan Industrial Park No.1 Shaodi Road Shekou Shenzhen tel: +86 75526852579 www.neolith.com.cn
NEW SUN LIGHTING Jinsheng Industrial Park Jinli Town Zhaoqing Gaoyao 526105 tel: +86 7588598933 www.new-sun.lightstrade.com
NEXOL LIGHTING 5th F Building A3 Zhang-Ge Techno Park Guanlan Town Longhua New District Shenzhen 518110 tel: +86 75536862898 www.nexol-lighting.com
NICOLAUDIE Nakin Technology Park (G3-429) No.39 Ruihe Road Huangpu Guangzhou 510530 tel: +86 13560457650 www.nicolaudie.com
NORDIC LIGHT No 53 East Loufeng District Industrial Park Suzhou 215123 tel: +86 51265935118 www.nordiclight.com
OLAND No. 1-1, Kanglong 3rd Road Xinmao Industrial Zone Henglan Town Zhongshan City 528478 tel: +86 76087616580 www.olandlighting.com
OPPLE LIGHTING Building 3 No.1999 Zhang Heng Road High-Tech Park, Pudong New Disctrict Shanghai tel: +86 2138550000 www.opple.com
OPTILED Rm 2205-2206, Soho Donghai Plaza No. 1486 West Nan Jing Road Jing An District Shanghai 200040 tel: +86 2160871988 www.optiled.com
OPULENT Blk A, Northern Yongfa Tech. Park Jinxiu Road Heyi Village Shenzhen tel: +86 75581728188 www.opulent-group.com
OSRAM No. 1 North Industrial Road Foshan 528000 tel: +86 75786482111 www.osram.com/ds
PAK ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE Rm 1316 Citic Plaza No 233 Tianhe North Road Guangzhou 510613 tel: +86 2038912952 www.pak.com.cn
PC COOLER 7F, B Building, T4 Tian’an Cyber Innovation Park Longgand District tel: +86 75528288082 www.pccooler.com d
PELLINI INTERNI SPACE 3F, B5, No. 5369 Middle Jiasong Rd Zhaoxiang Quingpu Shanghai tel: +86 2169755690
PR LIGHTING 1582 Xingye Avenue Nancun Panyu Guangzhou 511442 tel: +86 2039952379 www.pr-lighting.com
PUYUAN ELECTRONIC ILLUMINATION Building C No.15 Zhulang Road Zhulang Heji Industrial Park Taoyuan Town, Heshan city 529725 tel: +86 7508218796 www.pyledlight.com
RAYCONN ELECTRONICS 10B,Boxing Building NO.52, First Qingshuihe Road Luohu District Shenzhen City 518024 tel: +86 75522914026 www.rayconn.net
RECO LIGHTING Building 1No.81 Guanghua Road Xiaokunshan town,Songjiang District Shanghai tel: +86 2133521233 www.recolighting.com
REGGIANI Shenjia Village Yin County Ningbo tel: +86 57488418655204 www.reggiani.net
RISING DRAGON TECHNOLOGY #19 Yongsheng Road Yonghe District of GETDD Guangzhou tel: +86 2082986986 www.risingdragonlighting.com
ROLED No.7, Yeda Road Yexie Songjiang District Shanghai 201609 tel: +86 2133557897 www.roled.com.cn
ROMNEY LIGHTING No 33 Middle Industrial Avenue Xiaolan Town Zhongshan City Guangdong 528416 tel: +86 76023821559 www.romney-lighting.com
RSL MICROELECTRONICS Rm E. 28/F. Nobel Center 1006 Futiansan Road Futian District Shenzhen tel: +86 75588262633 www.rslgroup.com.hk Distributor for: Bridgelux
SALVI LIGHTING No. 15 Donghong Road Suzhou Industrial Park Jiangsu Suzhou tel: +86 51262653233 www.salvi.es
SANAN OPTOELECTRONICS No. 1721-1725 Lvling Road Xiamen tel: +86 5925901832 www.3a-led.com f
SAT ILLUMINATION 30 Xiangfeng North Road East District Xiaolan Town Zhongshan 528415 tel: +86 76022555612 www.sat-lighting.com
SCHRÉDER No. 40, Xinye er Street Tianjin Economic Development Zone West Region Tianjin 300457 tel: +86 2225326428 www.schreder.com
SDANDA Qijiang Road, 14 Guzhen Town Zhongshan tel: +86 76022353203 www.sdanda.com
SEDA LIGHTING A2 No. 756 Kuntai Rd Kunshan 215300 tel: +86 51257001598 www.seda-lighting.com
SEEKWAY TECHNOLOGY Bldg 3, /qunhua Hi-Tech Park No 15 Qunhua Road, Jiangman Guangdong tel: +86 7503113579 www.seekway.com.cn
SEITY LIGHT District A Sanshan Maohui industrial Zone Henglan Town Guangdong tel: +86 18938703396 www.seitylighting.com
SELF ELECTRONICS No.1345,JuXian Road Hi-tech Park Ningbo 315103 tel: +86 57428805708 www.self-electronics.com
SENGLED Zhejiang Shenghui No.39 Shenghui Road Zhejiang 314031 tel: +86 57383963000 www.sengled.com
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR Rm 1412 Shanghai Mart Building No.2299 Yanan (W) Road, Changning District Shanghai 200336 tel: +86 2162703283 www.seoulsemicon.com
SHANGHAI HANDING TECHNOLOGY Room 1102 no. 4 Lane 4621 Jiaotong Road Putuo District Shanghai tel: +86 2136565957 www.hitob.com Distributor for: Philips Dynalite
SHOWJOCKEY TECHNOLOGY Room 416, Chamber of Commerce Information Building Fuyong Town Bao’an District Shenzhen 518103 tel: +86 75533581630 www.showjockey.com
SIGNCOMPLEX 4th Floor Mingfeng Building, No.2, Xikeng Road Xinhe Community, Fucheng Street, Longhua District Shenzhen tel: +86 75527608650 www.signcomplex.com
SIGNIFY Highway No. 1805, Jiading Shanghai 201801 tel: +86 8008201201 www.signify.com
SINGBEE LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY No.88 Singbee Road Pujiang Economic Developing Area Zhejiang tel: +86 57984193166 www.singbeeled.com
SINO OPTO Wenzhuang Road Yixing Economic Development Zone Jiangsu 214200 tel: +86 51087125667 www.sino-opto.com f
SINOBASE No 738, Di Xiu Road Jiangning Binjiang Economic Development Zone Nanjing 211178 tel: +86 2584275980 www.sinobase.com.cn f
SKYNOON TECHNOLOGY Rm.1502, East Tower FIYTA Tech. Bldg Southern District of High-tech Industrial Park Shenzhen 518057 tel: +86 75586018998 www.skynoon.com Distributor for: Bridgelux
SNAPPY NINGBO/XICHU LIGHTING Floor 5, No.16, Jinghui Road National Hi-tech Park of Ningbo Ningbo tel: +86 57427902582 www.snappy.cn
f a
SOFTRAY 2/F, No 1 Information Industrial Park Changzhou Science and Education Town 801 Chang Wu Road Jiangsu 213164 tel: +86 51985195292809 www.softray.com.cn
The 2nd Industrial Zone Xitian Community Gongming street Shenzhen City tel: +86 75566802283 www.soga-lighting.com
SOO-LED East Coast Road 303 layer Haizhou Zhongshan tel: +86 76023686008 www.soo-led.com
STRONGLED LIGHTING No.2888 Linhu Avenue Foho Economic Development Zone Jiangsu 215200 tel: +86 2164659597 www.strongled.com
SUN OPTICS Room 1501,Building 4,No. 1567 Liu Ying Lu Kuan Cheng District Changchun 130061 tel: +86 43189250761 www.tc-optics.com
SUNSUN LIGHTING Add:7th Floor, No.2 Building,17 Tulip Road Nanjing International Software Outsourcing Industiral Park Yuhua District Nanjing Jiangsu 210012 tel: +86 2568516959 www.sunsunlighting.com
SWISS LED 24/F Zhong Lu Square Hua Qiao Cheng Shenzhen 518053 tel: +86 13500060260 www.swiss-led.com
SYLVANIA 11th floor, GRG, GZ Radio Group Science & Technology Building LIU/Warehouse No. 15 No.163 Pingyun Road West of Huangpu Avenue Guangzhou 510656 tel: +86 2038151138 www.sylvania-lighting.com
SZSAW ELECTRONIC #301 Languang Building No.56 Zhenhua Rd Futian District Shenzhen tel: +86 75583325888 www.szsaw.com
TANGYAO WIRES No.458 Chi Gang Xi Yue Zhong Nan St Hua Di Da Dao Nan Guangzhou tel: +86 13922443083 www.tangyao.cn
TAO LIGHT 618 Yuandong Road Shanghai Comprehensive Industrial Development Zone Shanghai 201400 tel: +86 2137199666 www.taolight.com
TARGETTI Room 1206 Building B Winterless Center No.1 West Da Wang Road, Chaoyang District Beijing tel: +86 1065388956 www.targetti.com
TCP No. 139 South Wangdong Road Sijing Songjiang Shanghai 201601 tel: +86 2167613137 www.tcpi.com
TECNON Wenpu Tecnon Industrial Park Taiwanese Investment Zone Zhangzhou 363107 tel: +86 59667835188032 www.tecnon.net
THORN LIGHTING No. 2 Section 67 Hong Jing Road,GETDD Guangzhou 510530 tel: +86 2022326000 www.thornlighting.com
TIANJIN GANGJIAN GENERAL LIGHTING EQUIP No.20, Sanbaijian Xingang Tanggu Tianjin 300456 tel: +86 2225791233 www.glleds.globalmarket.com Distributor for: Mareco Luce
TITANIC LIGHTING No.57 CaiHong Road High-Tec Industrial Development Zone JiangMen City Guangdong tel: +86 7508522777 www.titanic.hk
TIWIN OPTO-ELECTRONICS 701 Block A Tian An Hi-Tech Plaza Phase 1 Tian An Cyberpark Shenzhen tel: +86 2131196868 www.ty-lighting.com
TONS LIGHTING 10 South Industrial Avenue Xiaolan Town Zhongshan 528416 tel: +86 76022128952 www.titanlight.com
TOPLITE Rm26/D No668 E Building, Beijing E Road Shanghai 200001 tel: +86 2153084000 www.ledtoplite.com
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES 28/F Harbour Ring Plaza 18 Xi Zhang Middle Road Shanghai 200001 tel: +86 2153853402 www.traxontechnologies.com
TRIDONIC Building 3, 799 West Tianshan Road Shanghai 200335 tel: +86 2152400599 www.tridonic.com
TUONO LIGHTING INTERNATIONAL 492 Anhua Road Building A 401 Changning District Shanghai 200050 tel: +86 2162361026 www.tuono-lighting.com
UNILUMIN No.6 The North of Lanjing Road Pingshan New District Shenzhen tel: +86 75529918999 www.unilumin.com
UNITE LIGHTING #10 Qing liu East Road Tai feng Industrial area Xiaolan Town Zhongshan City tel: +86 76023768698 www.uniteled.cc
UOZU LIGHTING Room D703, Huabao No.1 building Jinhua Road Futian Free-trade zone Shenzhen tel: +86 75582888869 www.uozulighting.com
VAS LIGHTING 468, Chigangxiyue, Zhongnan Street Huadi Avenue(S.) Liwan District Guangzhou 510388 tel: +86 2081407699 www.vaslighting.com
VENEZINA INTERNATIONAL No. 6 Baofeng Road Yongkou Industrial Zone Shijie Town Dongguan 523299 tel: +86 76986365292 www.venezina.com
VIABIZZUNO Zone A No.101 Gao An Road Xuhui District Shanghai 200031 tel: +86 2160296358 www.viabizzuno.com
VISIO LED No. 898 Gaoming Avenue East Gaoming District Foshan tel: +86 75788325009 www.visio-led.com
VISUAL FEAST Room 601, Building 10 Nc.1333, Xin Long Road Minhang District Shanghai tel: +86 2161677976 www.vf-lighting.com
VOSSLOH-SCHWABE Wiselogic International Center Room 1602, #66 North Shannxi Road Shanghai 200041 tel: +86 2162185599 www.vossloh-schwabe.com
WAC LIGHTING No.14, Lane 299, Bi Sheng Road Zhang Jiang Pu Dong Shanghai 201204 tel: +86 2133933558 www.waclighting.com e d
WALDMANN Part A, No. 5 Normative Workshop 199 Changjian Road Baoshan Shanghai 200949 tel: +86 2151691799 www.waldmann.com
WELLMAX 10/F, Building 26, No.1000 Jinhai Road Pudong Shanghai 201206 tel: +86 2158602847 www.wellmaxgroup.com f
WELLS ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY 16A, Xinhai Building No 2329 Nanshan Road Nanshan District Shenzhen tel: +86 75526664885 www.wellsled.com
WESTING INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 1268 Jinsui Road Pudong Shanghai 201206 tel: +86 2161090181 www.wisupply.cn Distributor for: Norka, Phoenix Products
WISTA LIGHTING No.275 Shengfan Road Kunshan tel: +86 51236694681 www.wistalighting.com d
XIAMEN KONSHINE ELECTRON Add:12 Building 2881 Dongfu Avenue Haicang District Xiamen 361027 tel: +86 5925553079 www.konshinelighting.com
Xiexi Industrial Zone Daxie Zhejiang Pro Ningbo tel: +86 57486766198 www.nbxieguang.com f
XUZHOU GLORIA TECHNOLOGY Gloria Digital Science and Technology Park KunLun Road Tongshan Economic Development Zone Xuzhou tel: +86 51680138085 www.gloriatechnology.com f
YAHAM OPTOELECTRONICS Bldg 4, HANS Industrial Park 128 Chongqing Street Fuyong Shenzhen tel: +86 75529503560 www.yaham.com.cn
YALTE East Coast West Road Haizhou Guzheng Zhongshan tel: +86 76022343628 www.yalte.com
YIDA LIGHTING EQUIPMENT 18/F, 1888 Jianghui Road Hangzhou 310051 tel: +86 57188069038 www.ekolight.com Distributor for: ETC
YILONG LIGHT 3F No 4 Building West, Niushan Woling Industrial Park Dongcheng District Dongguan tel: +86 76982882207 www.yilonglight.com
ZHEJIANG GLOBRIGHT OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY No.91 Huaxia Road Science & Technology Industry Zone Yongkang Zhejiang 321300 tel: +86 57987437588 www.globri.com
ZUMTOBEL Room 101, No 192 YIHONG Technology Park Tianlin Road Xuhui District Shanghai 200233 tel: +86 2163756262 z.lighting
FPOV Unit B 17/F Kai Kwong Commercial Building 332-334 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai tel: +852 25986911 www.f-pov.com
LIGHTORIGIN STUDIO Rm2109, 21/F, Remex Centre 42 Wong Chuk Hang Road tel: +852 34839881 www.lightoriginstudio.com
1st Floor Block 32 Siena 2 Discovery Bay tel: +852 28505660 www.lightswitch.net
ALDABRA Unit 6, 1F, Kin Wing Ind Bldg 33 Kin Wing Street Tuen Mun tel: +852 62868176 www.aldabra.it
10E Joint Venture Factory Building 76 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong Kowloon tel: +852 25257471 www.zeplinn.com
ALLIED ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 19/F Kwan Chart Tower, 6 Tonnochy Road Wan Chai tel: +852 22683771 www.asecg.com
Rm 2302, 69 Jervois Street Sheung Wan tel: +852 25486878 www.anlighten.net
ILLUMINATE LIGHTING DESIGN 29/F, 1063 King’s Road, Quarry Bay tel: +852 25422022 www.illuminateld.com
INHABIT GROUP 24/F OTB Building 160 Gloucester Road Wan Chai tel: +852 25444224 www.inhabitgroup.com
INVERSE LIGHTING DESIGN Office 901 Koon Fook Centre 9 Knutsford Terrace Tsim Sha Tsui tel: +852 28669004 www.inverselighting.co.uk
ISOMETRIX LIGHTING + DESIGN 19/F, 128 Wellington Street Central tel: +852 25412980 www.isometrix.com.hk
ARUP Level 5 Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue Kowloon Tong tel: +852 25283031 email: lighting-design@arup.com www.arup.com/lighting
Lighting at Arup brings together art, science and technology. Our team of designers create expressive and award-winning concepts in light. Our commitment to sustainability drives a creative approach to the application of state-of-the-art technology. We work in harmony with aesthetics and vision, delivering human centric solutions for clients.
LDP Level 43 AIA Tower 183 Electric Road, North Point tel: +852 91521898 www.ldp.net
LEDARTIST 24 Somerset Road Kowloon Tong, Kowloon tel: +852 21442611 www.ledartist.com
LICHTCASA 8A, R&T Centre, 81-83 Larch Street Tai Kok Tsui Kowloon tel: +852 25249737 www.lichtcasa.hk
LICHTKOMPETENZ 11/F No. 100 Jervois Street Sheung Wan tel: +852 37963619 www.lichtkompetenz.ch
AURECON Manulife Financial Centre Tower B Unit 1608 16/F, 223-231 Wai Kip Street
Kwun Tong tel: +852 36646888 email: peter.mak@aurecongroup.com www.aurecongroup.com
At Aurecon, we are passionate about using light to create dynamic, visually engaging and intelligently designed spaces. Our international team of lighting designers boasts an award-winning and diverse portfolio of projects that combine innovative, sustainable lighting solutions that are seamlessly integrated into the architecture and environment.
9 Eastbourne Road C3/8F Chermain Height Beacon Hill Kowloon Tong tel: +852 93166255 www.aurorald.com
Unit D, 10F, Joint Venture Ind. Bldg 76 Hung To Road Kwun Tong tel: +852 28697635 www.baselinehk.com
7th Floor The Hennessy 256 Hennessy Road Wanchai tel: +852 96867276 www.light4.cundall.com
Rm1608 Hing Wai Center 7 Tin Wan Praya Road Aberdeen tel: +852 25422290 www.dv-light.com
LICHTVISION DESIGN Room B 18/F, Casey Building, 38 Lok Ku Road Sheung Wan tel: +852 37065820 www.lichtvision.com
LIGHT & VIEW DESIGN Unit No. 03, 22/F., Kodak House II 39 Healthy Street East North Point tel: +852 31184939 www.lightandview.com
LIGHT DIRECTIONS Level 12 Hong Kong & Macau Building 156-157 Connaught Road Central tel: +852 28542723 www.lightdirections.com
LIQUIDESIGN 20/F, Central Tower, 28 Queen’s Road Central tel: +852 21599666 www.liquidesign.org
5th Floor E1, 28 Hoi Chak Sreet Eastern Harbour Centre Quarry Bay tel: +852 94751302 www.luminostri.com
PARSONS BRINCKERHOFF 7th Floor, One Kowloon 1 Wang Yuen Street Kowloon Bay tel: +852 25798899 www.pbworld.com
Flat A 2/F Cheong Tai Commercial Building 60-66 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan tel: +852 25086226 www.pro-lit.net
SPECTRUM DESIGN & ASSOCIATES (ASIA) 5/F 15C Wellington Street Central tel: +852 26463515 www.spectrumdesign.com.hk
STEENSEN VARMING 13/F Qualipak Tower, 122 Connaught Road West tel: +852 35967330 www.steensenvarming.com
THE MINISTRY OF LIGHT 7/F, Chung Yung Building 20-20A Connaught Road West tel: +852 28401088 www.illumania.com
TINOKWAN LIGHTING CONSULTANTS Room 602, Block C, Seaview Estate 8 Watson Road Causeway Bay tel: +852 25212119 www.tinokwan.com
VISIONOVA 19F Shing Dao Industrial Building 232 Aberdeen Main Road Aberdeen tel: +852 28702270
WILLIAM ARTISTS INTERNATIONAL 3/F Shing Dao Industrial Building 232 Aberdeen Main Road Aberdeen tel: +852 28702288 www.williamartists.com
WORKTECHT Room 1802 Eastern Commercial Centre 397 Hennessy Road Causeway Bay tel: +852 25200512 www.worktecht.com
A-PLUS LIGHTING ASIA Blk F2, 5F, Gee Wing Chang Ind Bldg 6 Fung Yip Street tel: +852 28891836 Distributor for: Soraa
ARCPROLED Unit 1203, 12/F, Hua Fu Commercial Building 111 Queen’s Road West Sheung Wan tel: +852 35869661 www.arcproled.com
ARROW ELECTRONICS 2/F and 3/F, Green 18, Phase 2 Hong Kong Science Park Pak Shek Kok New Territories tel: +852 24842484 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
ARTEMIDE Unit 1303, 13/F Ruttonjee House Ruttonjee Centre 11 Duddell Street, Central tel: +852 25230050 www.artemide.com
AZ E-LITE Room 2-6 3/F Core Building 1 No. 1 Science Park East Ave Hong Kong Science Park New Territories tel: +852 27571177 www.azelite.com.sg
BAG ELECTRONICS Unit 3 9 / F Hopeful Factory Centre 10-16 Wo Shing Street, Fotan Shatin tel: +852 23076292 www.bagelectronics.com
BERKIN LIGHTING 19/F Federal Centre 77 Sheung on Street, Chai Wan tel: +852 25581998 www.berkin.com.hk Distributor for: Kingsun, lithonia, Moonlight, Norka, Simes
BLACKLIGHT ILLUMINATION 10th Floor Cheung Building 12p Smithfield Road Kennedy Town tel: +852 97638550 www.blacklightillumination.com Distributor for: Fokuz, Modular, Regent, UFO, Xero
CENTRAL ILLUMINAZIONE SYSTEMS Unit 1004, 10/F Fu Hang Ind. Bldg 1 Hok Yuen St. East Kowloon tel: +852 26691296 www.central-illuminazione.com Distributor for: Fagerhult
CLEDOS Suite 513, 5F Building 16W 16 Science Park West Ave Hong Kong Science Park Shatin, N.T tel: +852 26187220 www.airled.com
CREATIVE LIGHTING ASIA 8F International Trade Centre No 11 Sha Tsui Road Tsuen Wan tel: +852 28159168 www.cla.asia Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Cooledge, LightKit, Lumascape, Moda, Mode, Reggiani
LIGHTING PLANNERS ASSOCIATES Unit G, 9/F Tung Kin Factory Building 196-202 Tsat Tsz Mui Road tel: +852 25789007 email: hongkong@lighting.co.jp www.lighting.co.jp
Lighting Planners Associates is an organization of lighting specialists established in 1990. The goal of Lighting Planners Associates is to design and build outstanding lighting environments that enrich our architectural and lighting culture. Today Lighting Planners Associates has more than 50 unique lighting specialists at its offices in Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong.
LIGHTLINKS Room 3606 Singga Commercial Centre 148 Connaught Road West Sai Ying Pun tel: +852 21499958 www.lightlinksltd.com
ACCLAIM LIGHTING Unit A, 2/F, Hung To Centre 94-96 How Ming Street Kwun Tong Kln tel: +852 6338 6123 www.acclaimlighting.com
ACE Rm. 23-28, 6th Floor, Block B Profit Industrial Building 1 - 15 Kwai Fung Crescent Kwai Chung tel: +852 29422134 www.acehk.com Distributor for: Clay Paky, MA Lighting, Pulsar, Wireless Solution
AERO Rm 1116, 11/F Brill Plaza 82-84 To Kwa Wan Road Kowloon tel: +852 28279678 www.aerolight.cn
CREE 6/F Green 18 Science Park East Avenue Hong Kong Science Park Shatin tel: +852 24248228 www.cree.com
CRESTRON Room 2501 25/F, Westin Centre No. 26 Hung To Road Kowloon tel: +852 23412016 www.crestron.eu
DAIWA DISTRIBUTION 11/F, Block G, East Sun Industrial Centre 16 Shing Yip Street Kwun Tong Kowloon tel: +852 23413351 www.daiwahk.com Distributor for: ON Semiconductor, Panasonic
Flat/RM703 Kowloon Building 555 Nathan Road Kowloon tel: +852 27813496 www.dansonelectronics.com
DYNALUXX Unit 503 5/F Silvercord Tower 2 30 Canton Road tel: +852 23769301 www.dynaluxx.com
e dECOSENSE LIGHTING Suite 2203 Level 22 Office Tower, Langham Place 8 Argyle Street, Mongkok Kowloon tel: +852 34234510 www.ecosenselighting.com
3/F No. 28 Russell Street Causeway Bay tel: +852 22950777 www.elements.com.hk Distributor for: Louis Poulsen, Serien
ELR 1001 Pan Asia Centre 137 Wai Yip Street 57 Hung to Road Kwun Tong Kowloon tel: +852 28666965 www.elr-group.com
eETC Room 1801, 18/F Tower I Enterprise Square 9 Sheung Yuet Road Kowloon tel: +852 27991220 www.etcconnect.com
EURO LIGHTING Room 2607, CC Wu Building, 302-308 Hennessy Road Wanchai tel: +852 28920000 www.eurolighting.com.hk Distributor for: IBL, Meyer, Thorlux
FAVOUR TEC 17/F, Perfect Industrial Building 31 Tai Yau Street San Po Kong Kowloon tel: +852 232162947 www.favourtec.com f
FLORA INNOVATIVE LIGHTING Unit No. 3, 22/F, Kodak House 2 39 Healthy Street East North Point tel: +852 25909468 www.floralighting.com.hk Distributor for: Multiline, RCL, RZB, Selux, Unonovesette, Wever & Ducré, XAL
FOKUZ Room 2401, 24/F HK Worsted Mills Industrial Building 31-39 Wo Tong Tsui Street, Kwai Chung New Territories tel: +852 94948591 www.fokuzlighting.com
FUTURE ELECTRONICS Unit 2101–12 & 2125 Tower 1 Metroplaza 223 Hing Fong Road, Kwai Fong New Territories tel: +852 24206238 www.futureelectronics.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Carclo, Eaton, Ledil, Lumileds, Mean Well, Osram, Recom, Samsung LED, Signify f
G-LEC VISION Office 2305, 23/F No. 69 Jervois Street Sheung Wan tel: +852 31517730 www.g-lec.com
eGE LIGHTING Unit A 14/F Empire Land Comm Centre 81-85 Lockhart Road Wanchai tel: +852 23041468 www.gelighting.com
GE LIGHTING 8th Floor The Lee Gardens 33 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay tel: +852 21006900 www.gelighting.com
GELEC Units 905B-908, Tower AManulif Financial Centre 223 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong Kowloon tel: +852 29198383 www.gelec.com.hk Distributor for: Concord, Fael Luce, GhmEclatec, Goccia, Holophane, Hydrel, Lamp, Ligman, Unilamp
GO-WELL TECHNOLOGY Galway Science and Technology Trading Goldfield Industrial Centre 7th Floor Room No. 6 Sui Wo Road tel: +852 26080222 www.go-well.com.hk Distributor for: Mean Well
GOLDEN REGENT Unit 323 & 325, 3rd Floor No.1 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park Shatin tel: +852 24233332 www.goldenregent.com
GRE ALPHA Unit 501, 5/F., No.16 Science Park West Avenue Phase 3, Hong Kong Science Park Shatin tel: +852 24233332 www.grealpha.com
GREEN DE 1901 CC Wu Building 308 Hennessy Road Wanchai tel: +852 96806400 www.greendecorp.com
GREEN DE Unit 202A, IC Development Center No. 6 Science Park Avenue West Science and Technology Parks Shatin tel: +852 26074477 www.greendecorp.com Distributor for: GVA, Lumine, Parans, Van Doorn Lighting
ILLUMINATION PHYSICS 606, 6/F The L.Plaza 367-375 Queen’s Road Central Sheung Wan tel: +852 60161115 www.illuminationphysics.com
INNERMOST Unit 03, 2/F, EW International Tower No. 120 Texaco Road Tsuen Wan tel: +852 28575289 www.innermost.net
INTERLITE 12/F Chung Dah Warehouse 115 Kinglam Street Kowloon tel: +852 27838768 www.interlite.com.hk Distributor for: Gewiss, Interlite, Knobel, Mackwell, Unilamp
KENON ENGINEERING & SUPPLY 12/F Asia Harvest Commercial Centre 324-6 Shau Kei Wan Road Shau Kei Wan tel: +852 27173018 www.kenon-digi.com Distributor for: Philips Dynalite
KKDC Rm6B 14F President Commercial Centre 602-608 Nathan Road Mongkok tel: +852 21541348 www.kkdc.lighting
KOIZUMI Unit A-B, 26th Floor, 8 Hart Avenue Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon tel: +852 27143773 www.koizumi.sg Distributor for: Astro, Flos, iGuzzini, KKDC, Luci, Lucifer, Meyer, XAL, Zumtobel
KSCAPE B2 5/F Block B Mai Hing Industrial Bldg 16-18 Hing Yip Street Kwun Tong tel: +852 23501068 www.kscapemergingsenses.com
LA DEUX Workshop 601 The Factory 1 Yip Fat Street tel: +852 29557121 www.ladeuxcom.hk Distributor for: Parachilna
LASERVISION Rm 1402, 14/F, Hong Kong & Macau Building 156-157 Connaught Road Sheung Wan tel: +852 23774447 www.laservision.com.au
LEDVANCE Room B07 Unit B 27/F Billion Plaza II 10 Cheung Yue Street Kowloon tel: +852 39593373 www.ledvance.com
eFORMALIGHTING Room 3 5/F Eastern Harbour Centre 28 Hoi Chak Street Quarry Bay tel: +852 25166500 email: marketing@formalighting.com www.formalighting.com
Celebrating 50 years of Italian design and manufacturing of high-quality architectural lighting solutions for the specifications market, formalighting’s innovative ranges include MOTOLUX, an award-winning series of Architectural Motorized Lighting. Control the Pan, Tilt, Dim, full spectrum colour tuning, Dim to warm and beam shape using a dedicated smart-phone app powered by CASAMBI technology or its remote control.
FOZZ Unit 401A 4/F Block A
Sea View Estate 2-8 Watson Road North Point tel: +852 28583201 www.fozzlighting.com
LOMAK 14/F Phase 1, Leader Industrial Centre 188- 202 Texaco Road Tsuen Wan tel: +852 27568680 www.lomak.com
LPA LIGHTING AND ENERGY SOLUTIONS Flat C01 6th Floor MG Tower 133 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong Kowloon tel: +852 39550900 www.lpalighting.com Distributor for: Egoluce, Lightnet, PAN, Securlite, Unilamp
LUCECO Unit D 15th Floor MG Tower 133 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong Kowloon tel: +852 35202622 www.luceco.com
LUCI Unit 601-02, 6/F Union Park Tower 168 Electric Road Fortress Hill tel: +852 22198462 www.luci.co.jp/en Distributor for: LED Linear
LUCIBEL Unit 18, 3/F., Shing Yip Industrial Building 19-21 Shing Yip Street Kwun Tong Kowloon tel: +852 29640333 www.lucibel.com
LUCKY LIGHT ELECTRONICS Unit 19, 16/F, Tower A, Regent Centre 63 Wo Yi Hop Road Kwai Chung tel: +852 31562358 www.luckylight.cn f
LUMAN Unit 709, Lakeside 2, Phase Two No 10 Science Park West avenue Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin tel: +852 39098611 www.lumanlighting.com
LUMEN ARTS 4-6 Watson Road Room 3 11/F, Block B Seaview Estate Causeway Bay tel: +852 28034501 www.lumenarts.com.hk Distributor for: Ares, Erco, KKDC, L&L Luce&Light, Lamp, LED Linear, LightGraphix, Luci, Lutron, Viabizzuno
LUMEN DESIGN LIGHTING CO Unit 4112, Tower 2 Metroplaza, 223 Hing Fong Road Kwai Chung Northern Territories tel: +852 24101411 www.lumendesign.com.hk Distributor for: Ligman
LUTRON 248 Queens Road East, Unit 2808, 28/F Wanchai tel: +852 21047733 www.lutron.com/europe
HILUX EMERGENCY LIGHTING Block H 8F, Yip Cheung Centre 10 Fung Yip St Chai Wan tel: +852 28963616 www.hilux.com.hk
HING FAT Unit 20, 12/F, Block B, Seaview Estate 6 Watson Road North Point tel: +852 29790063 www.hf.com.hk
HOP SHING INTERNATIONAL LIGHTING Unit 12 16/F, Shatin Galleria 18-24 Shan Mei Street Fotan tel: +852 26872083 www.hopshinggroup.com.hk
IGUZZINI Units 803 & 805, 8th Floor, Tower I Enterprise Square 1 Kowloon tel: +852 25166504 www.iguzzini.com
1902 Easey Comm. Building 253-261 Hennessy Road Wanchai tel: +852 28113620 www.ledyi.com
6/F, Photonics Centre 2 Science Park East Avenue Hong Kong Science Park Shatin tel: +852 21442082 www.lightengine-tech.com f
1711 Honour Industrial Centre 6 Sun Yip Street Chaiwan tel: +852 26876570 www.lightingsolutions.com.hk Distributor for: Acclaim, Crescent, Intralux, Lagotronics
LIGHTXCEL Room 19, Unit 402-403 Cyberport 1 100 Cyberport Road tel: +852 81799363 www.lightxcel.com
LUXON 4/F, CAC Tower 165 Hoi Bun Road Kwun Tong Kowloon tel: +852 27930893 www.luxonlighting.com
MACKWELL Unit 1102-1103, 11/F Wing Tuck Commercial Centre 177-183 Wing Lok Street Sheung Wan tel: +852 93894747 www.mackwell.com
MAD MACS DISTRIBUTION Suite 1107-8 Tower 2 Silvercord 30 Canton Rd Kowloon tel: +852 23753888 www.mmhk.com Distributor for: Vectorworks
MANKS 3rd Floor The Factory 1 Yip Fat Street Wong Chuk Hang tel: +852 25222115 www.manks.com Distributor for: Lightyears, Louis Poulsen
MAXGRAND Unit B2, 6F, Block B, Eastern Kwai Chung tel: +852 39276363 www.maxgrand.com.hk Distributor for: Ares, Insta, Soraa, Trilux, Unilamp
MEDIA-GO GROUP 25/F, Westin Centre, 26 Hung To Road Kwun Tong Kowloon tel: +852 27978128 www.mediago-group.com Distributor for: Helvar
MEGAMAN Unit 1907, 19/F, Lu Plaza 2-4 Wing Yip Street Kwung Tong Kowloon tel: +852 26901660 www.hk.megaman.cc
Unit 1005, 10th Floor Grand City Plaza 1 Sai Lau Kok Road Tsuen Wan tel: +852 24923698 www.modelighting.com
MOUSER ELECTRONICS Unit 611, 6/F Kwun Tong Kowloon tel: +852 37564700 www.uk.mouser.com Distributor for: Avago, Cree, LED Engin, Ledil, Luminus Devices, Seoul Semiconductor
MULTIFORM LIGHTING Unit 7, 21/F Tower 2, Lippo Centre 89 Queensway Admiralty tel: +852 83406156 www.multiform-lighting.com
NEO-NEON Ground Floor & Basement Level 1 New East Ocean 9 Science Museum Road Kowloon tel: +852 27862133 www.neo-neon.com
Flat A, 14F, UNion Transoirtation Ind Bldg 76 Hung To Road Kwun Tong Kowloon tel: +852 35904760 www.okeslighting.com
OMINUS LIGHTING Flat 1412, FL14 Tower 2, Evergain Plaza 88 Container Port Road Kwai Chung tel: +852 26971110 www.ominuslighting.com
OPTILED 1302-1303, 13/F, Vanta Industrial Centre 21-33 Tai Lin Pai Road Kwai Chung tel: +852 39616000 www.optiled.com
Rm 712, 7/F, Nan Fung Commercial Centre 19, Lam Lok Street Kowloon tel: +852 27568787 www.opulent-group.com
OSRAM 208 Wireless Centre, 3 Science Park East Avenue Hong Kong Science Park Shatin tel: +852 29433488 www.osram.com/ds
PACIFIC LIGHTING Unit 9, 10th Floor, Cornell Centre 50 Wing Tai Rd, Chai Wan tel: +852 28965557 www.pacificlighting.net Distributor for: Altman, Chroma-Q, Derksen Lichttechknik, ETC, GDS, LSI, Philips, Rosco
PILOT E-LITE TECHNOLOGY Unit F08, 5/F Hang Fung Industrial Building Phase 1 No. 2G Hok Yuen Street Hunghom Kowloon tel: +852 23303512 www.pilotled.com
PLAMD Unit A (RM 26) 3/F Cheong Sun Tower 116- 118 Wing Lok st Sheung Wan tel: +852 7522101877 enplamdled.com
PROSPERITY LAMPS & COMPONENTS Rm 4001-06, Office Tower Convention Plaza 1 Harbour Road Wanchai tel: +852 34168331 www.prosperitylamps.com Distributor for: Griven, Selecon, Wireless Solution
PTARMIGAN INTEGRATION Unit 808, Tower 1 Ever Gain Plaza Container Port Road Kwai Chung tel: +852 28505930
www.ptarmiganintegration.com Distributor for: Artistic Licence
REMOTE CONTROLLED LIGHTING Unit 13, 8/F, Lai Sun Yuen Centre Easr Yuen Long tel: +852 23109733 www.rclighting.com
24F ABBA Commercial Building 223 Aberdeen Main Road Aberdeen tel: +852 28733900 www.ricardolight.com Distributor for: Alto, Lucifer, Soraa
RIO INDUSTRIAL Unit B,1/F., Hung Cheong Factory Building 746,Cheung Sha Wan Road Kowloon tel: +852 37411048 www.riolight.com
SANFORCE BATTERY Unit B, 22/F CMA Building 64 Connaught Road Central tel: +852 62735992 www.sanforce.com.hk
SAVIA Unit F, 14/F 01, Block 31, Majestic Garden Suiyan Road, Nanhai Foshan tel: +852 28241228 www.savia.com.cn
SEGULA 7A 9F Hong Kong Industrial Centre 489-491 Castle Peak Road Kowloon tel: +852 55784664 www.segula-home.com
5/F Core Building 1, 1 Science Park East Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park New Territories Shatin tel: +852 28215300 www.signify.com
Unit A, 10/F
Capital Trade Centre 62 Tsun Yip Street Kowloon tel: +852 21538686 www.slenerji.com
SPL LIGHTING 1401 Harbour Center 25 Harbour Road Wanchai tel: +852 35291623 www.splighting.com.hk Distributor for: Barthelme, Exenia, Filix, L&L Luce&Light, Linea Light Group, Lumenpulse, Orluna, Siteco, Unilamp
STANLEY Suites 2002-4, Tower I, The Gateway 25 Canton Road Tsimshatsui tel: +852 27301738 www.stanley-ledlighting.com
Unit 8 4/F Harbour Centre, Tower II 8 Hok Cheung Street, Hunghom Kowloon tel: +852 29542141 www.studiodue.com.hk
SUNNY LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY Unit 1311 Peninsula Tower 538 Castle Peak Rd Cheung Sha Wan Kowloon tel: +852 31571068 www.sunnylighting.com
SUNRICHER TECHNOLOGY Unit 04 7/F, Bright Way Tower No 33 Mong Kok Road Kowloon tel: +852 30717647 www.sunricher.com.hk a
1/F Green 18 No.18 Science Park East Avenue Shatin tel: +852 23452772 www.stll.com
SYCRA TECHNOLOGIES Unit 725, 7/F, Building 19W No.19 Science Park West Avenue tel: +852 81929686 www.sycratech.com
TECHNOLITE GROUP RM A2 21/F Galaxy Factory Building 25-27 Luk Hop Street San Po Kong Kowloon tel: +852 61267143 www.technolite.global Distributor for: AEC, Alto, Arcluce, Futuro Luce, HK Lighting, Intra Lighting, LED Linear, Lumenpulse, WE-EF
THORN LIGHTING Units 2512-2517, Level 25 Tower 1, Metroplaza 223 Hing Fong Road, Kwai Chung New Territories tel: +852 25784303 www.thornlighting.com
TRIDONIC Room 709-710, Tower 1, Silvercord 30 Canton Road Tsim Sha Tsui tel: +852 39662714 www.tridonic.com f a
USHIO Suites: 3113-14, 31F, Tower 6, The Gateway 9 Canton Rd Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon tel: +852 295359120 www.ushiolighting.co.jp Distributor for: Soraa f
VOSSLOH-SCHWABE Flat A & B, 26/F. West Gate Tower 7 Wing Hong Street Cheung Sha Wan Kowloon tel: +852 28779688 www.vossloh-schwabe.com
WEVER & DUCRÉ Rm 1413, Block A, Sea View Estate 2 Watson Road North Point tel: +852 21106924 www.weverducre.com
WIDEGERM LIGHTING Flat A, 3/F,Tak Wing Ind. Building 3 Tsun Wen Rd Tuen Mun tel: +852 24655679 www.widegerm.com.hk
WING WAH LIGHTING 1419 Worldwide Industrial Centre 43-47 Shan Mei Street Fotan tel: +852 26873198 www.wingwah-lighting.com.hk
Unit D, 20/F, Sing Tao News Corp, 3 Tung Wong Road Shau Kei Wan tel: +852 28274140 www.wintun.com.hk Distributor for: Kim Lighting
WK LIGHTING Unit 912, No 8 Yip Wong Road Tuen Mun tel: +852 24691118 www.wklighting.com
ZODIAC LIGHTING 1801, 18/F Hong Man Industrial Centre 2 Hong Man Street Chai Wan tel: +852 28989023 www.zodiaclighting.com Distributor for: ADO Lights, Ares, Delta Light, Flos, Hunza, Unilamp
ZUMTOBEL Unit 4319-20, Level 43, Tower 1, Metroplaza 223 Hing Fong Road Kwai Fong tel: +852 25030466 z.lighting
STEELMAN PARTNERS Avenida Doutor Mario Soares N 323 Edificio Banco Da China 20 Andar C tel: +853 28750003 www.steelmanpartners.com
COSY LIGHTING Alameda Drive Carlos D’assumpcao No.98 R/c Loje-j Macau tel: +853 751763 Distributor for: Endo
CREATIVE LIGHTING ASIA 8C China Plaza Avenida Da Praia Grande, Nos. 762-804 tel: +853 28510909 www.cla.asia Distributor for: A&O Technology, IBL, Lumascape, Prolicht, Whitegoods
CRESTRON Alameda Drive Carlos d’Assumpcao No.263 Edificio China Civil Plaza 5 Andar M tel: +853 28723680 www.crestron.eu
GEOTECH LIGHTING & SYSTEM Avenida da Praia Grande No.763 Edificio Lun Pong 14 andar D tel: +853 28356562 www.geotechmacau.com Distributor for: Fagerhult, RobLight
GEXPRO SUPPLY 4V, Tong Nam A Seong Ip Chong Sam Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpcao No.180 tel: +853 28825707 www.rexel.asia Distributor for: Aura Light, Erco, Gewiss, KKDC, Luci, Osram, Philips, Soraa
ILLUMINATION PHYSICS Suite A 16th Floor Edificio Great Will No.665 Avenida Da Praia Grande tel: +853 60161115 www.illuminationphysics.com
Khaja Villa 226 Boro Moghbazar 1st Floor Dhaka 1217 tel: +882 9336541 Distributor for: iGuzzini
HEAVENS LIGHT Israt Tower, Ground & 1st Floor 6 Purana Paltan Dhaka 1000 tel: +88 029564447 www.heavenslights.com Distributor for: Ligman
STERLING MULTI TECHNOLOGIES House 31 Road 4 Sector 3 Uttara Dhaka 1230 tel: +882 8916619 www.sterlingmultitech.com Distributor for: Abacus
AIM ILLUMINATION MARVELLOUS SOLUTIONS 604 Suchita Business Park Y S Jadhav Marg, Patel Chowk Mumbai 400075 tel: +91 8286022585 www.aimsolutions.co.in
ATPL LIGHTING E 35 Greater Kailash I New Delhi 110048 tel: +91 1129231832 www.atpl-architects.com
F-301A 3rd Floor, Shri Dharampal House Lado Sarai, Nai Basti, Lado Sarai New Delhi 110016 tel: +91 2224923197 www.awalightingdesigners.com
BASELINE LIGHTING DESIGN STUDIO A - 1, 1st Floor Tarapore Gardens Oshiwara, Andheri (West) Mumbai 400053 tel: +91 9820156833 www.baselinehk.com
Kings Acres d/1 Tagore Road Santacruz (West) Mumbai 400054 tel: +91 9820350557 www.brainwavedesigns.in
3rd Foor Bhanot Apartment 5 Local Shopping Center, Madangir New Delhi 110062 tel: +91 9311052341
B-4 1st Floor Satyam Shopping Complex MG Road, Ghatkopar (E) Mumbai 400077 tel: +91 2240110192
10th Floor Suite 1012 P.L. Lokhande Marg Ghatkopar-Mankurd Link Road, Chembur (W) Mumbai 400043 tel: +91 2225556820
A-27 Ground Floor Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate New Delhi 110044 tel: +91 1140191902
IVORYSENSE #1741, 9th Cross, 2nd Phase JP Nagar Bangalore 78 tel: +91 9900093390 www.ivorysense.com
KYRA THE LIGHTING DESIGN STUDIO 301A Block, Apoorva Paradise Akshaya Nagar 1st Cross TC Pallya Main Road, Ramamurthy Nagar Bangalore 560016 tel: +91 9900097492
LDP 34 Nizamuddin East II Floor New Delhi 110013 tel: +91 1124350483 www.ldp.net
LEADING LIGHT DESIGNS D/102 Maitreya Park Parshiwadi, Kopari Colony Thane 400603 tel: +91 2232941032
LIGHT & BEYOND 42/1A Rupchand Mukerjee Lane, Ground Floor Calcutta 700025 tel: +91 3340056648 www.lightandbeyond.com
LIGHT INSPIRED THINKING No.17 Imperial Court, Cunningham Road Bangalore 560052
LIGHT MASON DESIGN B-1/21 Hauz Khas New Delhi 110016 tel: +91 1129563813 www.light-masons.com
LIGHT VISION INDIA 73/6 Parvati Bungalow Bhakti Marg, Law College Road Pune 41004 tel: +91 9890391727
LIGHT@WORK DESIGN CONSULTANTS G1 Shetye Plaza, Varsha Colony Porvorim Bardez Goa 403501 tel: +91 8322414292 www.lightdesignconsultants.com
LIGHTANGLE DESIGNS B-1/1817A Vasant Kunj New Delhi 110070 tel: +91 1141854652 www.light-angle.com
LIGHTBOOK F-7 Basement Lajpat Nagar-3 New Delhi tel: +91 1146612661 www.lightbook.in
LIGHTING CONCEPTS 8 Midas Touch, 94 Lullanagar Pune 411040 tel: +91 2026835003 www.lightingconcepts.in
LIGHTING DESIGN BUREAU B-803 Gorakshdham, Cascade Compound Kulup Wadi Mumbai 400066 tel: +91 2264201623 www.ldbindia.com
LIGHTING ERGONOMICS #12, 4th floor Prajeev Elegance Hardikar Hospital Lane, Revenue Colony Shivajinagar Pune 411005 tel: +91 2029802005 www.lightingergonomics.us
Bhavana Apartments Flat No.3 First Floor F-142, 8th Cross Street, Annanagar East Chennai 600102 tel: +91 4426616054 www.lighting-rnd.in
LIGHTING SPACES New No 7 Pelathope, Mylapore Chennai 600004 tel: +91 8939619027 www.lightingspaces.co
201 Classic CHS.Dr.Manjrekar Compound Off M.V.Road,Behind Natraj Rustomji Tower Andheri (East) Mumbai 400069 tel: +91 2266922443
#583 Pushpagiri Ground Floor Unit 1 4th E Main 10th D Cross W.O.C. Road 2nd Stage Mahalakshmipuram Bangalore 560086 tel: +91 8023493697 www.lightvista.co.in
LIRIO LOPEZ LIGHTING DESIGN CONSULTANTS B4/17 N.E.A. Old Rajinder Nagar New Delhi 110060 tel: +91 9810011128
34 Lake Area 2nd Cross Street Nungambakkam Chennai 600034 tel: +91 4442138009 www.litelab.net
34 Lake Area, 2nd Cross Street Nungambakkam Chennai 600034 tel: +91 4442138009 www.litelab.net
LUCENT WORLDWIDE FX-6 South City, Ludhiana Punjab 142027 tel: +91 1612809944 www.lucentindia.net
LUMA DESIGN ARTS 21 East Gandhi Nagar (Near KLR Water Plant) Nagaram Hyderabad 500083 tel: +91 4064541053 www.lumadesign.net
LUMGALLERY 001, 119 Jyoti Tulip, Viman Nagar Near Airport Road Pune 411014 tel: +91 9819618054
LUX PLUS DESIGN A/308 Siddhi Vinayak Towers B/H DCP Office, Nr Kataria Building Makarba, Ahmedabad Gujarat 380051 tel: +91 7948903647 www.lxplusdesign.com
M-E ENGINEERS INDIA Level 06, Chennai Citi Centre 10/11 Dr. Radhakrishan Road, Mylapore Chennai 600004 tel: +91 4442218249 www.me-engineers.com
3C Green View 1151/3 - Ward 8, Mehrauli New Delhi 110030 tel: +91 112664536163 www.mandala.design
SPK VALO 202 Seetaram Apartment St. No.11 Himayathnagar Hydrabad 500029 tel: +91 9701764088 www.spkvalo.com
STUDIOPLUS #46 Castle Street, Ashok Nagar Bangalore 560025 tel: +91 8049526483 www.studioplus.in
THE MINISTRY OF LIGHT Suite #34-35 Shubada Bldg Sir Pochkanwala Road, Worli Mumbai 400030 tel: +91 222491255758 www.illumania.com
TURQUOISE LIGHTING DESIGN 2 Century Apts, Pestom Sagar Road no:5, Chembur Mumbai 400089 tel: +91 9967080500 www.turquoiselight.com
UNOLAI DESIGN Regus Business Center, Level IV, Prabhavee Tech Park, Baner Pune 411045 tel: +91 2060708808 www.unolai.com
URI DESIGN STUDIO 6/126 DDA Madangir New Delhi 110062 tel: +91 9871259052 www.uri.works
VISUAL COMFORT #Plot No. 18 Flat No.6 Badam Enclave, HUDA Complex, Saroornagar Hyderabad 500035 tel: +91 4064527414 www.visualcomfort.org
3S INDIA Siyad Tower Kochi tel: +91 4844011144 www.3slight.com Distributor for: GVA Lighting
ABBY LIGHTING 802A Fortune Terraces, New Link Road Opp City Mall, Andheri West Mumbai 400053 tel: +91 9833645212 www.abbylighting.com
AI NOVA W-15 Okhla Industrial Estate Phase II Nasik, New Delhi 110020 tel: +91 1165151221 www.ainovalighting.com
ALDABRA DLF Chattarpur Farms, 2 North Drive Khasra No – 755/212 New Delhi 110074 www.aldabra.it
ANKUR LIGHTING E-13 East of Kailash New Delhi 110065 tel: +91 1126217239 www.ankurlighting.com
78/1 3rd Cross Road Gavipuram Extension Banglore 560019 tel: +91 9845064781 www.aqtronics.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Inventronics
AQUARILED #1221 Ground Floor 80 Feet Road, 2nd Stage Chandra Layout Bangalore 560040 tel: +91 8023399288 www.aquariled.com
ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING CONCEPTS No 9, 3rd Avenue, Harrington Road Chennai 600031 tel: +91 44450644413 alclighting.com Distributor for: Erco, Louis Poulsen, Prolicht
ARDITI F-73 First floor Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase-3 New Delhi 110020 tel: +91 1141659860 www.arditi.in
#414 A - Wing, Sagar Tech Plaza Andheri - Kurla Road, Andheri - East Mumbai 400072 tel: +91 2240912400 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung
ARTEMIDE Unit no 5, 2nd Floor, Raghuvanshi Mansion Raghuvanshi Mills Compound Mumbai 400013 tel: +91 2261774800 www.artemide.com
346 Sultanpur MG Road New Delhi 110030 tel: +91 9811150678 www.artlite.in Distributor for: Brick In The Wall, Kreon, LEDS C4, Meyer, Zumtobel
ATLANTIS LIGHTING Survey No.25/4 Shed No.2 Samarth Industrial Estate Near Rohan Park, Nanded Phata, Pune Maharashtra 411041 tel: +91 9545557899 www.atlantislighting.in
Distributor for: Artemide, Ghm-Eclatec, Side, Smartskape
BAG ELECTRONICS S. No 19 Yewlewadi, Kondhwa Road Pune 411048 tel: +91 9595000200 www.bagelectronics.com
15/17 Sant Savta Marg, Reay Road Mumbai 400010 tel: +91 2223724192 www.bajajelectricals.com Distributor for: Abacus, Trilux
112, 3rd Floor, Kakad Udyog Bhavan Off Lady Jamshedji Road Mahim Mumbai 400016 tel: +91 2224304111 www.bellighting.net Distributor for: Erco
34-D Shri Lakshmi Vijay, Industrial Premises New Link Road, Andheri West Bombay Maharashtra 400053 tel: +91 2267696769 www.beps.in Distributor for: CNC, Hoffmeister, Marecoluce, Maxspid, Meyer, RK Lite, Sagitario, Unilamp
World Trade Center, N 204 2nd Floor Brigade Gateway Campus 26/1 Dr. Rajkumar Road Bangalore 560055 tel: +91 8049697800 www.control4.com
893 Notan Chambers 501- 503 5th Floor Turner Road, Bandra (W) Mumbai 400050 tel: +91 9920260260 www.corvi.com
1st Floor 1831 Bhagirath Palace Delhi 110016 tel: +91 1123862548 www.cla.asia
Distributor for: A&O Technology, IBL, Lumascape, Prolicht
114 First Floor,Tower-A A-41, The Corenthum Sector-62 Noida (UP) 201301 tel: +91 1204276297 www.crestron.eu
D&M No.3C-137, 1st Floor 3rd Cross 2nd Main Road Kasturi Nagar Bangalore 560043 tel: +91 7259999939 www.dnmindia.in Distributor for: Hess, Lamp, Nordeon, Schmitz, Vulkan, Wila
DEBBAS INTERNATIONAL Debbas Lighting India PVT. LTD.Ocus Technopolis Tower A, 2nd floor Golf Course Road Sector 54 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 tel: +91 1244643050 www.debbas.com
Distributor for: Bega, Buzzi & Buzzi, Damla, Kim Lighting, Q-Tran, RobLight, Selux, Simes
DECON LIGHTING 5 Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market New Delhi 110003 tel: +91 1124617795 www.deconlighting.com
Khasra No. 625 Zero Road, Ghitorni New Delhi 110030 tel: +91 1126562168 www.dhawans.com Distributor for: Griven
Unique 4th Floor, Off Veer Savarkar Marg PO Box 9141 Prabhadevi Mumbai 400025 tel: +91 2266624420 www.emagindia.com Distributor for: Almeco ELR 6-3-248 Naveen Nagar Road No.1, Banjara Hills Hyderabad 500034 tel: +91 4023558771 www.elr-group.com
ENDO LIGHTING Plot 1A, 4th Floor Gulmohar Plaza, Gulmohar Park, ITI Road Pune 411007 tel: +91 2039851400 www.endo-lighting.com
ERCO 2nd Floor RNA Corporate Park Kalanagar, Bandra East Mumbai 400051 tel: +91 2240224458 www.erco.com
1/447 Brady Gladys Plaza Building No-1 Basement S.B. Marg Lower Parel Mumbai 400013 tel: +91 2266608959 www.fireflyindia.in Distributor for: Flos, LEDS C4, Modular, Platek, Simes, Yamada
FUTURE ELECTRONICS 5th Floor Survey #129/4 Kundalahalli Village K.R Puram, Hobli Bangalore 560066 tel: +91 8043318100 www.futureelectronics.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Carclo, Eaton, Ledil, Lumileds, Mean Well, Osram, Recom, Samsung LED, Signify
GE LIGHTING 42/1 Electronic City Phase 2 Bangalore 560100 tel: +91 8041113000 www.gelighting.com
GENESIS INTERNATIONAL LIGHTING SYSTEMS 4/350/4199, Tagore Nagar Opp Janata High School Vikhroli Mumbai 400083 tel: +91 2225745600 Distributor for: Lithonia
GOJIS LIFESTYLE 786, Sree Srees Avinashi Road Opposite Regional Passport Office Near Flyover Coimbatore 641018 tel: +91 4224379950 www.gojis.in Distributor for: Astro, LEDS C4, Linea Light Group, Targetti, Zumtobel
eINNOVATIVE LIGHTING DESIGNS D-14/9, First Floor, Okhla Industrial Area Phase-1 New Dehli 110020 tel: +91 1141406716 www.ildlimited.com Distributor for: ADO Lights, Arcluce, Dot-spot, Hubbell, LEC Lyon, Lumenpulse, Molto Luce, Moonlight, Orluna, Prisma
INTERGRATED ENTERTAINMENT SOLUTIONS 13, Lal Chimney Compound, Dr. A. B. Nair Road Mumbai 11 tel: +91 2223018804 www.iesolns.com Distributor for: LumenRadio, Robe
621 DLF Prime Towers, Okhla Phase 1 New Delhi 110020 tel: +91 9910003477 Distributor for: KScape
JOHN CULLEN LIGHTING 1201 Lodha Supremus Senapati Marg, Lower Parel (West) Mumbai 400013 tel: +91 2266666001 www.johncullenlighting.com
KESELEC 210, Charmwood Plaza Eros Garden Colony Charmwood Village, Faridabad Haryana 121009 tel: +91 9350696036 www.keselec.com Distributor for: ETAP, Regiolux, Schréder, Securlite
L.S.I. SYSTEMS 105 Allied House 1 Local Shopping Complex Madangir New Delhi 110062 tel: +91 1141649021 www.lsiindia.com Distributor for: Artemide, Fabbian, iGuzzini, iLight, KLIK, Modular, Wila
LED LINEAR Local Shopping Complex 107 Allied House New Delhi 110062 tel: +1 7162834400 www.led-linear.com
LEDVANCE Signature Towers Tower-A 12th Floor 1201-1202 South City-1 Gurgaon 122001 tel: +91 1244150100 www.ledvance.com
LEGERO E-139, Sector 63 Noida 201301 tel: +881 202420114 www.legerolighting.com
LIGHT FORMS 353/9 Dr Hira Singh Road Civil Lines Ludhiana 141001 tel: +91 9872800488 www.lightforms.com
LIGHTALIVE 10/11B Bussa Industrial Estate Century Bazaar Lane Worli-Prabhadevi Mumbai 400025 tel: +91 2224945685 www.lightalive.in Distributor for: Bega, Flos, Hoffmeister, Precision, RCL, Sill, Stoane Lighting, Traxon, XAL
LIGMAN 703 Tower-B The Ithum A-40 Sector-62 Noida 201301 tel: +91 1204273974 email: sales.in@ligman.com www.ligman.com
LIGMAN is committed to producing worldclass, high efficiency and top quality outdoor and indoor lighting products. Utilising state of the art advanced modern technology, the highest level of techincal expertise and innovative design, LIGMAN has an impressioned focus for offering customers total lighting solutions.
LSI SYSTEMS 351 Sultanpur MG (Mehrauli Gurgaon) Road New Delhi 110030 tel: +91 1133620700 www.lsisystems.com.my Distributor for: Lumascape
LUCIBEL 9th Floor, DLF Building No. 10 Tower C, DLF Cyber City Phase II, Gurgaon Haryana 122002 tel: +91 1243940400 www.lucibel.com
LUMENATIX Shop No. 23 FD Block Csc Pitam Pura Delhi 110034 tel: +98 11165004021 www.lumenatix.com Distributor for: L&L Luce&Light
LUMIERE PROJECT LIGHTING 21 Kaliandas Udhyog Bhavan Century Bazaar Lane Prabhadevi Mumbai 400025 tel: +91 2224332120 www.lpl.net.in Distributor for: Multiline, TAL, Whitegoods
LUMINATION LIGHTING & DESIGN Srivari Enterprises 1st Floor 1020 Avinashi Road Coimbatore 641018 www.luminationlights.com
LUTRON Building 8A, 5th Floor DLF Cybercity, Gurgaon Haryana 122002 tel: +91 1244390130 email: lutronindia@lutron.com www.lutron.com
Founded in 1961 and based in Pennsylvania, Lutron Electronics is a leading manufacturer of energy-saving light, shade, and temperature control systems for homes, hotels and commercial buildings. Lutron’s Athena enables lighting designers world-wide to realise their design vision by adjusting independently colour temperature and intensity to create and save scenes.
MAYA 544, 4/16 Shivji Krupa Adenwala Road, Matunga Mumbai 400019 tel: +91 2224182333 www.maya.co.in Distributor for: Airstar, Pani
MOONS’ Rm. 908, 9th Floor Amar Business Park Tal. Haveli, Baner Pune 411045 tel: +91 8698390002 www.moonsindustries.com
NERI 181 Evoma 14 Bhattaralli, K R Puram Bengaluru 560066 tel: +91 8030613658 www.neri.biz
NIPPON INDIA 237/8, Sonal Link Industrial Estate Building 2, Link Road, Malad Mumbai 400064 tel: +91 2240620000 www.nipponindia.com Distributor for: Mean Well
NTL ELECTRONICS B -10 Sector - 58 Noida 201301 tel: +91 1204008888 www.ntlelectronics.com
Signature Towers 11th Floor Tower B South City - 1 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 tel: +91 1242383180 www.osram.com/ds
PLUS LIGHT TECH 1007-1010 Corporate Avenue Sonawala Road Goregaon East Mumbai 400063 tel: +91 2226865673 www.pluslighttech.com
ePOLLUXX LIGHTING SOLUTIONS #102 Aditya Hill Paradise-2 Nandagiri Hills, Jubilee Hills Hyderabad 500076 tel: +91 9100660036 www.polluxx.co
Distributor for: Aldabra, B.lux, CLS, ELR, JLCTech, Lunux, RZB, Tobias Grau
PYROTECH ELECTRONICS F-16A Road no.3 MIA Udaipur Rajasthan 313003 tel: +91 2942492123 www.peplelectronics.com
REIZ ELECTROCONTROLS D-118 Panchsheel Enclave New Delhi 110017 tel: +91 1244006161 www.reizindia.com
S.B. SALES CORPORATION 152-A/2, Ground Floor Savita Sadan, Jain Society Mumbai 400022 tel: +91 2224091021 sbsalescorporation.com
Distributor for: Acrilux, ALP Lighting, Jordan Reflektoren, Jung Becker, Lexalite, Mackwell
210 Charmwood Plaza Eros Garden Colony, Charmwood Village Haryana 121009 www.schreder.com
23, 2nd Fl Deepak Building
13 Nehru Place New Delhi 110019 tel: +91 1126449444 www.semitechopto.com
Distributor for: Edison Opto
9th Floor DLF 9-B,DLF Cyber City Sector 25 DLF Phase - 3 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 tel: +91 18001022929 www.signify.com
QRG Towers 2D Sector 126 Expressway Noida Uttar Pradesh 201304 tel: +91 1204771000 www.sylvania-lighting.com
TARGETTI Teamwork building 2nd floor No. 18 Chinnaswamy Mudaliar Road Tasker Town Bangalore 560051 tel: +91 8041120016 www.targetti.com
406 Atlanta Estate Near Virwani Ind. Estate,Goregaon (E) Mumbai 400066 tel: +91 2240481900 www.thornlighting.com
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES A-Wing 503, City Point Commercial Complex, Andheri-Kurla Road Mumbai 400059 tel: +91 2267251556 www.traxontechnologies.com
719 International Trade Tower, Nehru Place New Delhi 110019 tel: +91 1141034022 www.trilux.com
UNILAMP A-31/S-1 (Block A) Dilshard Garden Delhi 110095 tel: +91 9871135550 email: deepanshu_b@unilamp.co.th www.unilamp.co.th
Unilamp is the leading manufacturer of outdoor lighting since early 90’s. Our success has been based on a solid foundation of identifying our clients requirements for sustainability, reliability, design and functionality. Decades of steady and continuous development, we have taken great strides in enterprise management, quality enhancement and technology innovation.
VERSALITE HITECH LIGHTING 220, Khetwadi Main Road Tara Mansion Mumbai 400004 tel: +91 2243331818 www.versa-lite.com Distributor for: acdc, Agabekov, Crescent, DAL, Lucent, Mizar, Selux, Sill, Soraa, Wibre
110 Prakashdeep Building 7 Tolstoy Marg New Delhi 110001 tel: +91 1123753214 www.v-lighting.in Distributor for: LED Linear
2 North Drive DLF Chattarpur Farms Khasra No. 755/212 New Delhi 110074 tel: +91 11268093777879 www.visavisindia.com
Distributor for: Aldabra, Castaldi, Cooledge, Erco, Flos, Louis Poulsen, Lucifer, RobLight, XAL
D133 Hosiery Complex Phase-II Noida 201301 tel: +91 9953254435 www.vizionlighting.com
F-2/13 MIDC Pimpri Pune 411018 tel: +91 2066311450 www.xal.com
Vipul Trade Centre 406, 4th Floor Sohna Road Sector 48 Haryana 122002 tel: +91 12442068856886
402 Good Earth Court Plot No. B-40 Block 13-A Gulshan-e-lqbal Karachi 75300 tel: +92 214994767 www.glspk.com Distributor for: Megaman f
LIDEAS 13-M Commercial Area Phase 1, D.H.A Lahore tel: +92 4235707858 www.lideas.biz Distributor for: Architectural Lighting Works
OSRAM Office #103 1st Floor Farid Tower 19 Temple Road Lahore tel: +92 4237321742 www.osram.com/ds
S.K LIGHTING 34 School Road F-6/3 Islamabad 44000 tel: +92 512275505 Distributor for: Siteco
SIGNIFY F-54 S.I.T.E Karachi 75730 tel: +92 21111786777 www.signify.com
MICHAEL SENN ASSOCIATES No. 7B/12 Katuwapitiya Road Negombo 11500 tel: +94 715339761 www.michaelsenn.org
NEOLIGHT No. 38/12B Flower Road Subadrarama Lane Nugegoda tel: +94 112055436 www.neolightdesign.com
CREATIVE LIGHTING ASIA No.5, 8/2 Milagiriya Avenue Colombo 4 tel: +94 777397353 www.cla.asia Distributor for: A&O Technology, IBL, Lumascape, Prolicht
DANSON ELECTRONICS No.404 Nawala Road Rajagiriya 10107 tel: +94 112078658 www.dansonelectronics.com
DIESEL & MOTOR ENGINEERING 65 Jethawana Road Colombo 14 tel: +94 112449797 www.dimolanka.com Distributor for: Siteco
INTEC SYSTEMS AND SOLUTIONS No.16/1 Abdul Cafoor Mawatha Colombo 03 tel: +94 11301130 www.intecssl.com Distributor for: Eglo, Flos, Havells-Sylvania, iLED, Kemps, LED Linear, Martin, Orga, Uniled
LPA LIGHTING AND ENERGY SOLUTIONS 100B Barnes Place Colombo 07 tel: +94 112675145 www.lpalighting.com Distributor for: Egoluce, Lightnet, PAN, Securlite, Unilamp
NOSTERS No.55 Kassapa Road Colombo 05 tel: +94 114209152 www.nostersworld.com Distributor for: Lutron
RICHARDSON PROJECTS 342 Level 3 Galle Road Colombo 03 tel: +94 112564454 www.richardsonsl.com Distributor for: Megaman
AKARI+DESIGN ASSOCIATES 407 Kitade-building 1-3-7 Awajimachi Chuo-ku Osaka 137-407 tel: +81 662097210 www.akari-d.com
ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING GROUP 89-3 Yaraicho, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 162-0805 tel: +81 332660188 www.alg.jp
1-12-10 Nihon-Hoisuto Building 4F, Nishi-ku Osaka City 550-0015 tel: +1 8165379971
HOMURA LIGHTSCAPE DESIGN Legend Koizumi 305 840 Nishitateno Kawaguchi Saitama 333-0813 tel: +81 482961052 www.homura-lsd.com
I.C.O.N. 1-5-4 Nishi-Azabu Minato-Ku Tokyo 106-0046 tel: +81 334014104 www.icon-lighting.com
ICE 35-20 O¯yamacho¯, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 151-0065 tel: +81 364070580 www.ice-pick.jp
LIGHT GRAFFITI 2-3-5 Oroshimachi, Kitami Hokkaido 090-0056 tel: +81 5055321390 www.lightgraffiti.jp
LIGHTDESIGN 2-11-18-4F Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061 tel: +81 352508812 www.lightdesign.jp
LIGHTING CONSULTANTS OFFICE Miyamaeku Tsuchihashi 2-16-3-502 Kawasaki 216-0005 tel: +81 448546510
LIGHTING DESIGN STUDIO LUME 13-3 Bouzumon Aramaki Aobaku Sendai-city Miyagi 981-0945 tel: +81 222906861 www.studiolume.com
LIGHTING M 2-11-8-403 Nishiikebukuro, Toshima-ku Tokyo 171-0021 tel: +81 369125130 www.lighting-m.co.jp
ARUP 8F Lidabashi Grand Bloom 2-10-2 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-0071 tel: +81 362611800 email: lighting-design@arup.com www.arup.com/lighting
Lighting at Arup brings together art, science and technology. Our team of designers create expressive and award-winning concepts in light. Our commitment to sustainability drives a creative approach to the application of state-of-the-art technology. We work in harmony with aesthetics and vision, delivering human centric solutions for clients.
2-8-28-E Shimoochiai Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 161-0033
CHIPS 3-28-7 Hamadayama Suginami-ku Tokyo 168-0065 tel: +81 9043904688 www.chipsss.com
CYPHER Office Iwata Dai1 2F+ 4-1-24 Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 tel: +81 645600996 www.cypher-d.com
IRIS ASSOCIATES 5-3-3 Hongo Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-0033 tel: +81 358425166 www.iris-a.com
IWAI LUMIMEDIA DESIGN #220 3-3-13 Nishikasai Edogawa-ku Tokyo 134-0088 tel: +81 338773387 www.lumimedia.jp
IZUMI OKAYASU LIGHTING DESIGN OFFICE BM302, 2-13-8, Uchikanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0047 tel: +81 332517272 www.ismidesign.com
IZUMI YAYOSHI LIGHTING DESIGN Minami-ku Yanagouchi 2-6-45 Fukuoka ken 815-0063 tel: +81 9084087608 www.izu-lighting.com
KEN KOYAMA LIGHTING DESIGN 3-1-49, Mukodaicho Nishitokyo-shi Tokyo 188-0013 tel: +81 8054991650 www.koyamadesign.jp
LEM DESIGN STUDIO 2-1-7-B2, Tsurigane-Cho Chuo-ku Osaka 540-0035 tel: +81 669493535 www.lem-design.com
LIGHTING PLANNERS ASSOCIATES Pier West Square 1F 1-11-8 Tsukuda, Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0051 tel: +81 345006380 email: lpa@lighting.co.jp www.lighting.co.jp
Lighting Planners Associates is an organization of lighting specialists established in 1990. The goal of Lighting Planners Associates is to design and build outstanding lighting environments that enrich our architectural and lighting culture. Today Lighting Planners Associates has more than 50 unique lighting specialists at its offices in Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong.
LIGHTLINKS 301, 1-34-2 Sekiguchi, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo www.lightlinksltd.com
LIGHTMOMENT #307 4-13-8 Akasaka Minato-ku Tokyo 107-0052 tel: +81 310583468 www.lightmoment.jp
LIGHTSCAPE DESIGN OFFICE 770 Isshiki Hayama Miura-gun Kanagawa 240-0111 tel: +81 468757264 www.ldo.co.jp
MANTLE SakuraWORKS Taisei Bld. 2F, 3-61 Aioicho, Naka-ku Yokohama 231-0012 tel: +81 9014530292 www.mantle-d.com
MAWATARI DESIGN 1-3-11 Nagazumi Minamiku Fukuoka 811-1362 tel: +81 925571580 www.mawataridesign.com
MIKI MATSUSHITA LIGHTING DESIGN 3-4-7 #101 Momochihama Sawara-ku Fukuoka City 814-0001 tel: +81 928315757 www.mikilight.com
MOMENT FACTORY Shibuya Cast Building, Co-Lab 2FL 1-23-21 Shibuya Tokyo 150-0002 tel: +81 8088754454 www.momentfactory.com
MOTOKO ISHII LIGHTING DESIGN MIL Design House 5-4-11 Sendagaya Shibuya-ku Tokyo 151-0051 tel: +81 333535311 www.motoko-ishii.co.jp
NAIKIDESIGN 2-9-11-2F Nishiazabu Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0031 tel: +81 364199944 www.naikidesign.com
NAKAJIMA TATSUOKI LIGHTING DESIGN LABORATORY 820 2-28 Shimomiyabi-Cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 162-0822 tel: +81 333664133 www.h2.dion.ne.jp/~nakajima
NBBJ STUDIO 9 LIGHTING DESIGN 567 Waseda-tsurumaki-cho Tokyo 162-0041 tel: +81 352725597
NIPEK 1-6-703 Minami 1 Nishi 20 Chuo-ku Sapporo Hokkaido 064-0801 tel: +81 116246245 www.nipek.jp
PHENOMENON LIGHTING DESIGN OFFICE 104, Comfort Room, 3-17-15 Kichijyojiminamimachi Tokyo 180-003 tel: +81 9017086293
RAYDESIGN #301,1-14-1 Ebisuminami Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0022 tel: +81 364127290 www.raydesign.jp
3-2-20-202 Takeshima Nishiyodogawa-ku Osaka 555-0011 tel: +81 664767484 email: dpa@dpalighting.com www.dpalighting.com
“Right Light, Right Place, Right Time” ™
Everyone at dpa wishes you a very happy and healthy 2022.
4-3-33 Shimoochiai Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 161-0033 tel: +81 359887200 www.forlights.co.jp
GK SEKKEI NK Bldg, 1-16-7 Kami-Ochiai Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 161-0034
LIGHT COLLAB Kokubo 8-13-20 Kofu Yamanashi 400-0043 tel: +81 338658008 email: teru@lightcollab.com www.lightcollab.com
Light Collab is an award-winning lighting design practice, with offices in Singapore and Tokyo. It engages in a wide range of projects and is keenly committed to highlight the importance of using light to create qualitative perception. Our Principal, Yah Li Toh, is a Certified Lighting Designer (CLD).
LIGHTSCENE 3-21-10-1201 Kaigan Minato-ku Tokyo 108-0022 tel: +81 368094671 www.lightscene.jp
LIM LIGHTING DESIGN 2-21-5A Fujimicho Nakaku Hiroshima 730-0043 tel: +81 5012341428
LUXIE 2-8-17-1F Minamiazabu Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0047 tel: +81 368203302 www.luxie.jp
REIKO CHIKADA LIGHTING DESIGN 36 Harajuku Daiichi Mansions 1-14-29 Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 tel: +81 354740306 www.chikada-design.com
RIPPLE DESIGN #401 38-23 Wakamatsu-cho Shinjyuku-ku Tokyo 162-0056 tel: +81 332096245 www.ripple-design.jp
SAWADA LIGHTING DESIGN & ANALYSIS Ochanomizu Kimura BLD 7F 2-19-3 Sotokanda Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo 101-0021 tel: +81 358750330 www.slda.co.jp
SIRIUS LIGHTING OFFICE Plaza Azabu 2F 1-2-16, Mita Minato-Ku Tokyo 108-0073 tel: +81 359299886 www.sirius-lighting.jp
SPANGLE Grow 102, 6-9-17 Akasaka Minato-ku Tokyo 107-0052 tel: +81 355453017 www.spangle.jp
AOYA 358-1 Kawara Aoya-cho Tottori City Tottori Pref 689-0515 tel: +81 857860116 www.aoyawashi.co.jp
eARDEE LIGHTING 3-17-1 Akabanekita Kitaku Tokyo 115-0052 tel: +81 364543623 www.ardee.co.jp Distributor for: Lucent
SPEIRS MAJOR Co-lab Shibuya Cast 23-21 Shibuya 1-Chome Tokyo 150-0002 tel: +81 334008855 email: info@smlightarchitecture.com www.smlightarchitecture.com
We are an independent, award-winning, international design practice that uses light and darkness to enhance the visual environment. Over more than twenty-five years we have completed hundreds of projects around the world setting a global benchmark for excellence.
STYLE MA’TEC 2-3,2 chome Fushimimachi Chuo-ku Osaka 541-0044 tel: +81 647071288 www.style-matec.co.jp
TATSOU ITOO LIGHTING DESIGN Mansion Yotsuya 808 Yotsuya 1-13 Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160-0001 tel: +81 353635394
TINOKWAN LIGHTING CONSULTANTS Accorder Jingumae 405 2-31-20, Jingumae, Shibuya Ku Tokyo 150-0001 tel: +81 0368043815 www.tinokwan.com
TOH DESIGN Nishikata 1-3458-6 Koshigaya-shi Saitama 343-0822 www.toh-design.com
1st Kondo Bldg 3F,1-31-16 Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160-0022 tel: +81 334045966 www.tldo.jp
TOMORU DESIGN MEGURO 2F-B Ishino bldg., 3-7-5 Shimomeguro, Meguro-ku Tokyo 153-0064 tel: +81 355753030 www.ucld.co.jp
Akasaka Plaza 202 7-4-18 Akasaka Minto-ku Tokyo 107-0052 tel: +81 355753030 www.ucld.co.jp
WORKTECHT Daini Matsuzaka Building, 2-26-7 Higashi Azabu Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0044 tel: +81 355750977 www.worktecht.com
Y2 LIGHTING DESIGN 2-12-1 Nishiazabu Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0031
DNL 15-23, Miyamatsu-cho Hiratsuka City Kanagawa 254-0036 tel: +81 463221946 wwwdnlighting.co.jp
ENDO LIGHTING 1-6-19 Honmachi Chuo Ku Osaka-shi Osaka 541-0053 tel: +81 662677055 www.endo-lighting.com
Atago Green Hills MORI Tower 35F 2-5-1 Atago Minatoku Tokyo 105-6235 tel: +81 354251531 www.arrow.com
Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung
#2013 Tomigaya 1-41-7, Shibuya ku Tokyo 151-0063 tel: +81 357387410 www.artemide.com
e dATELIER JAPAN Udagawacho 12-3 #510 Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0042 tel: +81 334644171 www.at-jpn.com Distributor for: Martin, Tryka LED
ATEX 2-10-3 Toko Hakata-ku Fukuoka-City 812-0008 tel: +81 924148706 www.atex-jp.com
BRIGHTLITE 10F NBF Ogawamachi Building 1-3-1 Kanda-Ogawamachi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0052 tel: +81 335184762 www.bright.co.jp Distributor for: Eye Lighting, Lutron, Osram, Ushio, Xicato
MK Building 3F 1-7-13 Funabori Edogawaku Tokyo 134-0091 tel: +81 356741162 www.capind.co.jp Distributor for: Waldmann
CITIZEN ELECTRONICS 1-23-1, Kamikurechi Fujiyoshida-shi Yamanashi-ken 403-0001 tel: +81 555234121 www.citizen.co.jp
Success First Building 5F 1-2-4 Ginza, Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061 tel: +81 351591290 www.colorkinetics.co.jp Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Philips
4/F Annex Tower, World Trade Center Bldg 2-4-1 Hamamatsucho Tokyo 105-0013 tel: +81 357332691 www.cree.com
DAIKO 3-2-7, Kourabashi, Cho-ku Osaka 541-0043 tel: +81 662226240 www.lighting-daiko.co.jp
ITO CORPORATION 1-36-7 Nihonbashi Kakigara-cho Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-0014 tel: +81 336683224 www.ito-corp.co.jp Distributor for: Bridgelux
KEN PRODUCTION SERVICES 1166 Kohoku-ku Yokohama City 223-0057 tel: +81 455472288 www.kenpro-inc.com Distributor for: Goboland
ERCO Shibakoen ND Building 2-5-10 Shiba, Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0014 tel: +81 354188230 www.erco.com
EYE TRADING 7th Floor Clair Oda Building 1-2 Shiba 5-Chome Minato-Ku Tokyo 108-0014 tel: +81 337691707 www.eye.co.jp Distributor for: Sill
FEELUX sent office 6F,1-33-6,Taitou Taito-ku Tokyo 110-0016 tel: +81 358177182 www.feelux.co.jp
FIRST ENGINEERING 3-2-5 Nihonbashi Ningyo-cho Chuo-ku Tokyo Cotton Iwata Building 1F Tokyo 103-0013 tel: +81 356232321 www.first-eng.co.jp Distributor for: Leader Light
FLOS ARCHITECTURAL PMC Building 9/F 1-23-5 Higashiazabu Minato-Ku 106-0044 tel: +81 335820974 www.flos.com
FUTURE ELECTRONICS Yokohama Landmark Tower 30F 2-2-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-Ku Yokohama City Kanagawa-Ken 220-8124 tel: +81 452242146 www.futureelectronics.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Carclo, Eaton, Ledil, Lumileds, Mean Well, Osram, Recom, Samsung LED, Signify f
GE LIGHTING 12F Akasaka Park Bldg, 5-2-20 Akasanka, Minato-ku Tokyo 107-6112 tel: +81 355446700 www.gelighting.com
H.ITO 3F, No 13-8 Koamicho Nihonbashi Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-0016 tel: +81 336673268 www.h-ito.com Distributor for: G-Lec, GLP, Hungaroflash, Phoenix Products
I-SPEC Level3 2-1 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku Hamamatsu-shi Shizuoka 430-0941 tel: +81 534755800 www.i-spec.jp Distributor for: Gantom, HB-Laser, LED Strip Studio, Radiant
IRIS OHYAMA 2-12-1, Itsutsubashi, Aoba-ku Sendai, Miyagi 980-0021 tel: +81 224683400 www.irisohyama.co.jp
KKDC 19 Nishikujo Nishizaocho Minami-ku Kyoto 601-8415 tel: +81 756938900 www.kkdc.lighting
KOIZUMI 3-3-7 Bingo-machi Chuo-ku Osaka 541-0051 tel: +81 662665750 www.koizumi.sg Distributor for: Astro, Flos, iGuzzini, KKDC, Luci, Lucifer, Meyer, Stoane Lighting, XAL, Zumtobel
KOTO ELECTRIC 2-17-3 Ryusen Taito-Ku Tokyo 110-0012 tel: +81 358081755 www.koto-jp.com Distributor for: LDDE
LIGHTCOSMO 2-19-25 Nishiki-Cho Warabi-City Saitama 335-0005 tel: +81 484300120 www.lightcosmo.com Distributor for: Griven
LOUIS POULSEN AXIS Bldg 5-17-1 Roppongi Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0033 tel: +81 335865341 www.louispoulsen.com
LTG 5F Yamate Building 3-14-35 Kamiohsaki Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141-0021 tel: +81 367217899 www.ltg.jp Distributor for: Robe
LUCI Akasaka Bldg 3F, 4-13-13 Akasaka, Minato-ku Tokyo 107-0052 tel: +81 363277409 www.luci.co.jp/jp Distributor for: LED Linear
LUKIO 7-22-8, Okusawa, Setagaya-ku Tokyo 158-0083 tel: +81 357580687 www.lukio.com
LUTRON No.16 Kowa Building 4F 1-9-20 Akasuka, Minato-ku Tokyo 107-0052 tel: +81 355758411 www.lutron.com/europe
MAXRAY 2-9-1 Hcchobori, Tyuo-ku Tokyo 104-0032 tel: +81 335528287 www.maxray.co.jp
MILERUNTECH 7-22-17 Nishigotanda Shinagawa Tokyo 141-0031 tel: +81 354969836 www.mileruntech.com Distributor for: LumenRadio, Luminex
MOONS’ Room 601, 6F Shin Yokohama Koushin Building 2-12-1 Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku Kanagawa 222-0033 tel: +81 454755788 www.moonsindustries.com
NICHIA 491 Oka Kaminaka-Cho Anan-Shi Tokushima 774-8601 tel: +81 884222311 www.nichia.eu
NOAH 3F Mita NK Building 3-31-2 Shiba Minato-Ku Tokyo 105-0014 tel: +81 368916502 www.noah-corp.com
NPI Higashi Nihonbashi 2-16-4, Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-0004 tel: +81 358355805 www.npinet.co.jp Distributor for: Koledo, Philips
2F, Yamato Building 1-6, 5 Chome Ueno Tokyo 108-0075 tel: +81 358123566 www.optiled.com
OSRAM Tobu Yokohama Building No. 3/ 6F 8-29 Kita-Saiwai, 2-chome, Nishi-ku Yokohama 220-0004 tel: +81 453235100 www.osram.com/ds
PROLICHT Yamaichi Building 4F, 1-20-8 Hamamatsucyo Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0013 tel: +81 368092725 www.prolicht.at
REMOTE CONTROLLED LIGHTING 3-5-205 Tsukushino Abiko shi Chiba 270-1164 tel: +81 9055386856 www.rclighting.com
1F Nitten Mita Bldg, 3-12-14, Mita Minato-ku Tokyo 108-0073 tel: +81 367586966 www.saliot.com
SANKEN ELECTRIC 1-11-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku Tokyo 171-0021 tel: +81 339866168 www.sanken-ele.co.jp f
1-29 Shinko-machi Omuta Fukuoka 836-0061 tel: +86 2133632163 www.sd-lighting.co.jp Distributor for: Hess, Meyer
SELF ELECTRONICS 6f 4-46-1 Minami-nakadori Naka-ku Kanagawa 231-0006 tel: +81 456400355 www.self-electronics.com Distributor for: Ragni
#401 NK Tanimachi Building 9-1-22 Tanimachi, Chuo-ku Osaka 542-0012 tel: +81 661917620 www.seoulsemicon.com
SHINKO ELECTRIC 4-11-2 Sotokanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0021 tel: +81 332538741 www.shinko.co.jp Distributor for: Soraa
SIGNIFY Philips Building 2F 2-13-37 Konan, Minato-ku Tokyo 108-8507 tel: +81 337405156 www.signify.com
Shiobaragaien Building 2F 2-9-11 Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 tel: +81 364380488 www.solx.co.jp
SORAA 2-22-4-203 Funado Itabashi-ku Tokyo 174-0041 tel: +81 359487440 www.soraa.com
STANLEY 2-9-13 Nakameguro Meguro-ku Tokyo 153-8636 tel: +81 459106642 www.stanley-ledlighting.com
TECHNICAL SUPPLY JAPAN 2-13-3 Takaban Meguro-Ku Tokyo 152-0004 tel: +81 337917501 www.tsjnet.co.jp Distributor for: Artistic Licence, Green-Hippo, i-pix, SGM
TES LIGHTING 3-22-9, Asakusabashi, Taito-ku Tokyo 111-0053 tel: +81 356870901 www.tes-lighting.co.jp
TOKISTAR 2F JS Progre, 4-1-23, Heiwajima Ota-ku Tokyo 143-0006 tel: +81 357636121 www.tokistar.com
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES 3-27-15 Jingu-mae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 tel: +81 369020821 www.traxontechnologies.com
USHIO 860-22 Saiji Fukusaki-cho Kanzaki-gun 679-2215 tel: +81 790226371 www.ushiolighting.co.jp Distributor for: Soraa f
WAKO Ressona Kudan Building 5th Floor 1-5-6 Kudanminami Tokyo 102-0074 tel: +81 5036919599 www.wako-ind.co.jp
38 Seoulsup-gil, 3rd floor Seongdong-gu Seoul 04768 tel: +82 24614050 email: seoul@bpi.co www.bpi.co
Brandston Partnership Inc. is an award winning architectural lighting design firm, and has completed over 5,000 projects all over the world since its founding in 1966. Our work represents a great diversity ranging from hospitality projects to insightful historic restorations to large mixed-use projects to city planning.
207. Youngchun Bd, 227, Bangbaero Seocho-gu Seoul 137060 tel: +82 25332560
Doceo Bldg 4F, 7 Seochojungangro 12 gil Seocho-gu Seoul 06640 tel: +82 234779575 www.eonsld.co.kr
ILIGHT LIGHTING CONSULTING & DESIGN #608 Hallasigma 352-2 Sungsoo2-ga Seongdong-gu Seoul tel: +82 25114835 www.ilightdesign.co.kr
3F Saehan Building 557-16 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu Seoul tel: +82 25155844 www.lighn.com
302 ilgwang Bldg, 449 Changcheon-dong Seodaemun-gu Seoul 120836 tel: +82 231441293 www.lumineux.co.uk
#202 Songwon Building 230-1 Guidong Kwangingu Seoul 145200 tel: +82 234250508 www.mavericks.co.kr
39 Sangil-ro 6-gil, Gangdong-gu Seoul 134090 tel: +82 234449711 www.p2ledcube.com
STUDIO FORMGIVER 2F, 27 Seongsui-ro 16-gil, Seongdong-gu Seoul 04785 www.studioformgiver.com
723 Tera Tower B 167 Songpadaero, Songpa-gu Seoul 05855 tel: +82 23225932 www.u-lp.com
ACROSENTEC 193 Wanggok-ro, Uiwang-si Gyeonggi-do tel: + 82314577605 email: int_cs@acrosentec.com www.acrosentec.com
LED Linear specialist since 2003. A short increment and Bespoke production Serving ARCHITECTS , DESIGNERS , SPECIFIERS Spotless and Seamless / Tunable white / Full spectrum / Human Centric MacAdam ellipses 2steps optional From concepts to complete products
ALD 2 Fl 1002-17 Houge-dong Dongan-Ku Gyeonggi-Do tel: +82 314580941 Distributor for: Damla
ALTEK 15, Beodeunaru-ro Yeongdeungpo-gu Seoul 07253 tel: +82 2217632823 www.altek.co.kr Distributor for: Bega, DGA, Glashutte Limburg, RCL, Reggiani ALTO H Tower 15, Beodeunaru-ro Yeongdeungpo-gu Seoul 07253 tel: +82 221761700 email: altoled@alto.co.kr www.alto.co.kr
eOur business has been organized in accordance with the ALTO philosophy of humanism since 1976. ALTO aims to provide product development and manufacturing all based on humanism.
ALTO applies cutting-edge technology in LED luminaires to develop unique products that are compact, energy saving, eco-friendly and digital.
Dadong 4403-1/2, 4F Joongang Circulation Complex 1258 Kurobon-Dong, Kurogu Seoul 08217 tel: +82 226118400 www.arrow.com
Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung
CELL LIGHTING 137-700 Seoyang Building 146D-1 Seocho-Dong Seocho-GU Seoul 137070 tel: +82 7075486929 www.zcell.kr
8F Dansung Building 144 Samsung-Dong Gangnam-Gu Seoul tel: +82 262423002 www.crestron.eu
DAEJIN DMP 316-4, Cheonheung-RI Seonggeo-EUP Chungcheongnam-Do tel: +82 415225361 www.daejindmp.com
DONGMYUNG LIGHTING 82-2 Cheongpa-dong 3ga Yongsan-gu Seoul 140133 tel: +82 27118855 www.dongmeong.en.ec21.com
3 Floor Songdo Building, 868-10 Bangbae-Dong Seocho-Gu Seoul 137838 tel: +82 2344308089 Distributor for: Unilamp
5F Woorim Bldg 797-24 Bangbae-dong, Seocho-gu Seoul 137830 tel: +82 25963366 www.erco.com
EVERNET ELECTRONICS Room 208, Cheongsol Plaza 201-23 Anyang7-dong Manan-gu, Anyang Gyeonggi-do 14087 tel: +82 314652206 www.meanwellkorea.com Distributor for: Mean Well f FEELUX 624-8 Sukwoo-Ri Kwangjeok-Myun Yangju-City 11414 tel: +82 7077808200 email: info@feelux.com www.feelux.com
Established in 1975, Feelux has designed and manufactured innovative and high quality products for over 40 years through global branches in the USA, Japan, China, and more. Based on years of global network experience and multi automated production facilities, we have provided creative lighting solutions in a variety of different projects.
No.102 4-77 Hoedong-gil Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do tel: +82 222193311 www.thefuse.co.kr Distributor for: Luci
5th Floor Yemizi Building 31 Hwangsaeul-ro 258 Beon-gil Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si Gyeonggi-Do 13595 tel: +82 317868800 www.futureelectronics.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Carclo, Eaton, Ledil, Lumileds, Mean Well, Osram, Recom, Samsung LED, Signify f
3F GE Tower 71-3 Chungdam-Dong, Kangnam-Gu Seoul 135100 tel: +82 262014300 www.gelighting.com
3 Donghtansandan 6-gil Dongtanmyeon, Hwaseong-si Gyeonggi-do 18487 tel: +82 313708800 www.gigateraled.com
GLOBAL DESIGN SOLUTIONS #501-502, Central Biz Tower 260 Changnyong-daero Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si Gyeonggi-do 16229 tel: +82 3180667442 www.gds.uk.com
e dHANSAM SYSTEM 185-4 Hansam Building Bang-ee Songpa Seoul tel: +82 25120033 www.hansamsystem.com Distributor for: A&O, Lee Filters, Martin, Philips Dynalite, Rosco
HANSUNG ELCOMTEC 110-1 Galgot-ri Jinwy-myum Pyeongtaek tel: +82 313726740 www.hselcomtec.com
140 Samsong TechnoValley B-439 Tongil-ro, Deogyang-gu Goyang-si 10594 tel: +82 24662502 www.helem.co.kr Distributor for: Xicato
HJ 42-7 Teajang Gongdangil Teajang-Dong Wonju-Si Gangwon-Do tel: +82 337459449 www.hjlight.com Distributor for: Philips
HUNGSEO Hwajin B/D. 738-25 Yuksamdong Kangnamku Seoul tel: +82 25081666 www.hsing.com
HWANGDUCK ENGINEERING 1F 107 Hyundai Hyperion Business Center #805 Hannam 1-dong, Yongsan-gu Seoul 140211 tel: +82 27940801103 www.hwangduck.com Distributor for: Hess, Ligman, Lucent, Meyer, Prolicht, Sill, Zumtobel
ILJIN LED 14 Venutre-ro 12beon-gil Yeonsu-gu Incheon 406840 tel: +82 327146496 www.iljin-led.co.kr
INCOBPS S-15, 8F, Garden 5 Tool 292 Munjeong-2 Dong Songpa-Gu Seoul tel: +82 24227004 www.incobps.co.kr
INVENTRONICS 603 Chonggu Bluevill 11-1 Sunae-Dong Bundanggu Sungnam-si, Gyunggi-do tel: +82 7077601296 www.inventronics-co.com
IUS LIGHT 422, Palbok-dong-3-ga Jeonju-si Jeollabuk-do tel: +82 632110642 www.iuslight.com
KKDC 28 Magokdong-ro 8-gil Gangseo-gu Seoul 07793 tel: +82 319429332 www.kkdc.lighting
6th Fl. Ye-Sung Bldg. 554 Samsung-ro, GangnamKu Seoul 06165 tel: +82 234203700 www.ledvance.com
LINNO 221 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu Seoul 06142 tel: +82 25469820 www.linno.com
LMH 198, Madogongdan-ro, Ssangsong-ri Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do 18541 tel: +82 314393914 www.lmhkorea.com
Distributor for: Boeim, Donghwa IND, Seko Nix, Seoul Semiconductor
LUCI 507, 36, Teheran-ro 87gil Gangnam-gu Seoul 06164 tel: +82 25082541 www.luci.co.jp Distributor for: LED LINEAR
MALTANI LIGHTING 905- 3 Taewon Building Daechi- Dong Gangnamgu Seoul 135280 tel: +82 25550500 www.maltani.co.kr
NC LED 4F, Mirae B/D 500-1 Amsa-dong Gangdong-gu Seoul tel: +82 7086763222 www.ncled.co.kr
3F Ye-Sung Building 150-30 Samsung-dong, Kangnam-Ku Seoul 135090 tel: +82 25544112 www.osram.com/ds
RAAT 82-2, Chungpa-3Ga Younsan-Gu Seoul tel: +82 27118855 www.raat.co.kr
RAYHOUSE 618-4 Pyeongchang-ri Yangji-myeon Cheoin-gu Seoul 449821 tel: +82 313227200 www.rayhouse.com
S&D INTERNATIONAL 314, A dong Daewoo Trump World 2 Cha Yeouido-dong tel: +82 237752720 www.sdlux.com
Distributor for: AEC, Arcluce, Ghidini, Salvi, Slamp, VAS
81-12 Nonhyen Dong Kangnan Seoul tel: +82 23443462
Distributor for: acdc
SAMLIP ELECTRIC 282-1 Hagal-Dong Kiheung-Gu Yongin-Si Kyungki-Do tel: +82 313785818
Distributor for: Philips Lighting
SAMSUNG LED San #24 Nongseo-Dong Giheung-Gu Gyeonggi-Do 446711 tel: +82 3180213114 www.samsungled.com
SEIL LIGHTING 1310 Kolon Digital Tower 222-7, Guro 3 Dong Guro-Gu Seoul tel: +82 221035200 www.seillighting.com
Distributor for: Daiko, Endo, Maxray, Tokistar
SEJEON LIGHTING 33, Deokcheon-ro 34beon-gil Manan-Gu Gyeonggi-Do 430817 tel: +82 314471165 www.mylite.co.kr
UNIQUEST Uniquest Building 271-2, Seohyeon-Dong Bundang-gu Gyeonggi-Do 463824 tel: +82 317089988 www.uniquest.co.kr Distributor for: LED Engin, Nuventix
UNISYS INTERNATIONAL 72, Gangchon-ro 139 beon-gil Danwon-gu Ansan-si Gyeonggi-Do tel: +82 263650590 www.uni-sys.net Distributor for: Philips Lighting
VEGALUX LED 3F, 203-3, Anyan 7 dong Manan-gu Anyang-si 430817 tel: +82 314680100 www.vegalux.co.kr
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR 97-11 Sandan-ro 163 beon-gil Danwon-gu Ansan-si Seoul 15429 tel: +82 15662771 email: info.kr@seoulsemicon.com www.seoulsemicon.com
Seoul Semiconductor develops and commercializes light emitting diodes (LEDs) for automotive, general illumination, specialty lighting and backlighting markets. As the fourth largest LED manufacturers globally, Seoul Semiconductor holds more than 10,000 patents, offers a wide range of technologies and high volume production of innovative LED products.
SIGNIFY Philips House, 260-199 Itaewon-dong Yongsan-ku Seoul tel: +82 806006600 www.signify.com
SJL 1102-1103 Sungjee Starwith 954-6 Gwanyang-Dong, Dongan-Gu Anyang-Sl Gyeonggi-Do 463060 tel: +82 313450345 www.sjllighting.com Distributor for: Ansorg, Selux, Sill, Wibre
STANLEY Daechi-dong, Keumkang Tower 1204, 410, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu Seoul 135570 tel: +82 234537190 www.stanley-ledlighting.com
1506 Union Centre Building 310, Gangnam road,Gangnam-gu Seoul 06253 tel: +82 256588234 www.thornlighting.com
TONGSUH TECHNOLOGIES & TRADING Hancom Blog, 6F., 433-2 Daeheung-Dong Mapo-Ku Seoul 121811 tel: +82 270624058 www.tongsuhtech.com Distributor for: Clay Paky, Hungaroflash, Prolyte, Selecon, Spotlight
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES 3F, Ye-Sung Building, 150-30 Samsong-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul 135090 tel: +82 25544112 www.traxontechnologies.com
VOSSLOH-SCHWABE #602 Olympia Center Building 828-10, Yeoksam-Dong Gangnam-Gu Seoul 135935 tel: +82 262048781 www.vossloh-schwabe.com
ZEMOSLED 3rd Floor 628-7, Deungchon-dong Kangseo-gu Seoul 157030 tel: +82 25385900 www.zemosled.com
A+A GROUP OF COMPANIES 24B, Akhmedbey Agaoglu Baku 1008 tel: +994 124977876 www.aagroup.az Distributor for: iGuzzini
ADO LIGHTS Nobel Avenue 25 Baku 1025 tel: +994 502430808 www.ado-lights.com
ATALIGHT LIGHTING SYSTEMS Babek Plaza B-306 Xatai Baku 1025 tel: +994 502417006 www.atalight.com
Distributor for: Hoffmeister, L&L Luce&Light, Lightnet, Linea Light Group, LUG, Molto Luce, Regent, TAL, XAL
BISCHOFF GROUP Darnagyul T&O Center Baku 36, II floor 1965th Quarter Narimanov Dist 1075 tel: +994 125645685 www.bischoff.az Distributor for: GVA
GLOBAL INTERIORS GROUP 6 Bakikhanov str Bridge Plaza 13th floor Baku 1065 tel: +994 124045000 www.gig.az Distributor for: XAL
ITALDIZAIN U.Gadjibekov str. 33/35 Baku 1000 tel: +994 124989660 www.italdizain.az Distributor for: Flos
OSRAM C. Cabbarli 44 Caspian Plaza CP II XIII Stock Baku 1065 tel: +994 124372446 www.osram.com/ds
STUDIO 151 Sea View Plaza, 4 Narimanov Avenue Baku 1006 tel: +994 125992040 www.studio151baku.com
AL ANSARI LIGHTING PO Box 5183 Manama 321 tel: +973 17715100 www.alansarigroupco.com
Distributor for: acdc, Glashütte Limburg, Salvi, Zumtobel
AL BAIT PO Box 613 Manama tel: +973 17534354
Distributor for: acdc, iGuzzini, Louis Poulsen, Oldham Lighting, Prolicht, Stoane Lighting, Wila
DEBBAS INTERNATIONAL Flat 62 Building 1831 Road 5715 Block 257 Amwaj Islands tel: +973 36211221
Distributor for: Ares, Fiberli, Flos, Ivela, Linea Light Group, LiniLED, Lucifer, Osram, Reggiani, XAL
GENPRISE PO Box 5155 Manama tel: +973 17311442 www.genpriseco.com
Distributor for: Pulsar, Trilux
HUDA LIGHTING Bahrain Financial Harbour West Tower 2nd Floor PO Box 20705 Manama tel: +973 17502782 email: info@hudalighting.com www.hudalighting.com
Distributor for: Ecosense, Holectron, iGuizzini, Kemps, LEDFlex, Ledluks, Luce&Light, Lucent, Prolicht, UFO
A leading lighting solution provider serving the MENA market for over 20 years, providing a high degree of lighting expertise to support the region with its requirements for any type of project. Huda Lighting was able to expand its support covering more countries with an experienced team of over 250 employees across the ten branches.
KHAYBER TRADING PO Box 1976 Manama tel: +973 17720747 www.khaybertrading.com
Distributor for: Abacus, Lutron
LIGHTEX PO Box 22846 Manama tel: +973 39785577 www.lightex.it e
TEAMS PO Box 568 Manama 343 tel: +973 17723531 Distributor for: Meyer
ATALIGHT LIGHTING SYSTEMS Mtskheta Street 31 Apt.2 Vake Tbilisi www.atalight.com Distributor for: Hoffmeister, L&L Luce&Light, Lightnet, Linea Light Group, LUG, Molto Luce, Regent, TAL, XAL
NEW LIGHT Al Kazbegi Avenue 25a Tbilisi 0178 tel: +995 322202424 www.newlight.ge Distributor for: Artemide, Delta Light, Linea Light Group, Opple, Osram, Philips, Prolicht, Veksan
OPERA DESIGN 2 Rezo Lagidze Street Tbilisi 0108 tel: +995 32921984 www.operadesign.ge Distributor for: Martinelli Luce, Modular
SMART WAY 2 Mosashvili Street Tbilisi 0179 tel: +995 32308881 Distributor for: Erco
HAMRAH GHASHGHAEI LIGHTING DESIGN Parsian 15, 2nd alley on right, 9th Narvan Avenue (Adab), Narvan Street Shiraz 7144676199 tel: +98 9177374062 www.hamrahghashghaei.com
RGE LIGHTING DESIGN GROUP No. 2, Golzare Sharghi Janat Abade shomali Tehran tel: +98 2149723000 www.rge.ir
AKAJOUR Hosseini Street, Asef Street, Zaferaniyeh Tehran tel: +98 2122176279 www.akajour.co Distributor for: Prolicht
ARATEC No 15 Sarv Street Above Mirdamad Street Valiasr Street Tehran 1968943653 tel: +98 2188781140 Distributor for: Zumtobel
HASHEMI TRADING Pirouz Building 31 Jomhuri Avenue Tehran 11316 tel: +98 216703805 Distributor for: OPTI Kinetics
HOORSHAR DESIGN COMPANY 3rd Floor, No 3, Sayeh Avenue Africa Street Tehran 19677 tel: +98 2122039170 www.hoordesign.com Distributor for: iGuzzini
IMENISTA ANDISH Ste. 705 7th floor Sarv Saee Tower Tehran tel: +98 2188100300 www.imenista.com Distributor for: Mean Well
MIRAN NOOR GOSTAR COMPANY 15 Kolahdoz Street Tehran tel: +98 2122553400 www.mirannoor.com Distributor for: Almeco, BJB, Tridonic
NOORSAFORM LIGHTING Suite. 29, 5th Floor No.10, 2nd Street Miremad St, Motahhari Avenue Tehran 1587995854 tel: +98 2188544559 www.noorsaform.com Distributor for: Delta Light, Erco, intiLED
PARS IDEA STACK 3rd Floor 116 Dadman Avenue Shahrak-e-Gharb Tehran 1467893963 tel: +98 2188373094 www.stack-co.com Distributor for: Advanced Fiber Optics, Bega, Delta Light, Martin, Thorn, Zumtobel
ROSHANGARAN ELECTRONIC No.8, 4th Floor Madar Tower after Saadat Abad Square Tehran tel: +98 2122365519 Distributor for: Griven
SEPEHR AFROOZ SABA TRADING 141 Amol Road Babol tel: +98 1113283911 Distributor for: Vossloh-Schwabe
SUNNOOR SANA 15th No. 5th floor Tolou Building Besat Square Ardebil tel: +98 4516633050
TI SERRA Unit 11, Bijan Building No 1 Across from 16th St., Farhang Blvd Saadat-Abad Tehran 19977 tel: +98 2122083323 www.tiserra.com Distributor for: Arkoslight, Cariboni, Ivela, Martin
ALISA SHEINSON Aba Even 1 Hertzlia 02025 tel: +972 97994322 www.alisa-sheinson.com
AMIR BRENNER PO Box 3917 Kadima 60920 tel: +972 98995567 www.amirbrener.co.il
BEN ALON LIGHTING DESIGN Iben Gavirol st. 26 Tel Aviv tel: +972 528664610 www.ben-alon.com
DORIT MALIN LIGHTING DESIGN 18C Patai Street Ramat Aviv Tel Aviv 69973 tel: +972 36426458
IDEA Eilon m.b. 291 Western Galilee 22845 tel: +972 48263088 www.idea-ls.com
NOA LEV LIGHTING DESIGN Tapuah 9 Jaffa 61411 tel: +972 35252975 www.noalev.net
ORLY AVRON-ALKABES LIGHTING DESIGN 11 Kehilat Saloniki Street Tel Aviv 69513 tel: +972 36423176 www.orlyalkabes.com
PERETZ ARCHITECTURE 18 Shmaryahu Levin Street Tel-Aviv 6437313 tel: +972 37264496 www.peretzarc.com
RAMA MENDELSOHN LIGHTING DESIGN 324 Dizengof Street Tel Aviv 63118 tel: +972 36024445 www.ramamendelsohn.com
RTLD LIGHTING DESIGN 9 Kalisher Street Tel Aviv 65257 tel: +972 35165267 www.rtld.co.il
SHIBUMI ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Shaul Hamelech Blvd 4/61 Tel Aviv 64733
STUDIO TWILIGHT Hamehoga 3 PO Box 14459 Tel Aviv 61144 tel: +972 36861996 www.studiotwilight.com
T&R ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING 11 Netivot Street Herzliya tel: +972 9629090 www.teichman-co.com
TZIPY FRANK - LIGHTING DESIGN Louis Pasteur 3 Tel Aviv 6803603 tel: +972 543052390 www.studio-light.co.il
A A LIGHT GROUP 4 Steel Wheels Hertzelia 46485 tel: +972 99554020 www.st-or.co.il Distributor for: acdc, Bega, Erco, Hoffmeister, iGuzzini, Lucent, Osram, Trilux, XAL
AB ELECTRONICS 3rd Timna Street Holon 58813 tel: +972 35560893 www.abe.co.il Distributor for: Green-Hippo, MA Lighting
ADVICE ELECTRONICS Workshop 10, Afek Industrial Park Rosh Ha’ayin 48091 tel: +972 39000900 www.advice.co.il Distributor for: Mean Well
AKZU 9 Hanagar Street Hod Hasharon tel: +972 97444222 www.akzu.com
BRIMAG LIGHTING & ELECTRICAL DEVICES 97 Hadkalim Street Kadima 60920 tel: +972 98306660 www.brimag.co.il Distributor for: GVA
CONEL Hayahalom St. PO Box 172 Bareket tel: +972 722420222 www.conel.co.il Distributor for: HEPgroup, Tridonic
D-LED 9, Hanagar Street Neve Ne’eman B PO Box 7180 Hod-Hasharon 45421 tel: +972 97444222 www.d-led.net
DANOR 9 Hangar Street Hod Hasharon 45421 tel: +972 97444222 www.danor.com
Distributor for: Altman, Antara, Hungaroflash, Robe, Rosco, Spotlight, Studio Due
EIN-HASHOFET LIGHTING INDUSTRIES 25 Hatzoref Street Har -ona Industrial area Nazareth illit 17000 tel: +972 49035549 www.eltam-eh.com
Distributor for: Fagerhult, Ghm-Eclatec, Hess, L&L Luce&Light, LED Linear, Platek, Thorn, Unilamp, Unonovesette, Zumtobel
ELECTROSEN 23 Hapalmach Street PO Box 1832 Bney Brak 51118 tel: +972 36184131 www.electrosen.co.il
Distributor for: Aga Light, RZB, Troll
GAASH Kibbutz Gaash 60951 tel: +972 99529393 www.gaash.com Distributor for: Sill
H.S ORAN LIGHTING St., Kvuzat L.G. 3 Kfar Saba tel: +972 974666412
Distributor for: Louis Poulsen, Wibre
KAMCHI LIGHTING 23 Lehi St 5120034 Bnei-Brak, PO Box 2005 Bnei-Brak 5112001 tel: +972 32130000 www.kamchi.co.il Distributor for: Artemide, Ligman, Rotaliana, Zumtobel
KARNEY-TCHELET Hanamal 36 Street Tel Aviv 63506 tel: +972 35450220 www.karney.co.il Distributor for: OMS, Siteco
KASHTAN GROUP 2 Oded Street Beer Yaacov 70300 tel: +972 89183500 www.kashtangroup.com Distributor for: Abacus, Cooper, Thorlux
LIGHTING NETWORKS No 10 Kinnert Street Airport City 70100 tel: +972 39424805 www.lighting.co.il Distributor for: ATEH Lighting, iGuzzini
LUCE Medinat ha-Yehudim Street 85 Herzliya 46766 tel: +972 36999988
Distributor for: Intra Lighting, Matinelli Luce
MATAN-OR 102 Nachlat Binyamin Street Tel Aviv tel: +972 36829815
www.matan-or.co.il Distributor for: Swarovski
1 Hanofar Street Raanana 43662 tel: +972 97783020
Distributor for: Avago, Cree, LED Engin, Ledil, Luminus Devices, Seoul Semiconductor
2 Oded Street, Beer Yaacov P.O.Box 802 Tel-Aviv 61007 tel: +972 89183500
Distributor for: Clear Lighting, Domino LED, PUK, Signify
NISKO ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRONICS Hanechoshet 4 Street Tel Aviv 69710 tel: +972 547800163
Distributor for: Modular, Osram, Prolicht
OREE Beit Or, 30 Tuval Street Ramat Gan 52522 tel: +972 3610200
ePLG LIGHTING GROUP 29 Palmach Street PO Box 1785 Rechovoth 76117 tel: +972 88529889
Distributor for: Salvi
ST-OR Galgalei ha-Plada Street 4 Hertsliya 46120 tel: +972 97663310 www.st-or.co.il
Distributor for: acdc, Artemide, Erco, exenia, Flos, Lucent, RSL, Wever & Ducré, XAL
TECHNOLITE Hayahalom Street PO Box 172 Bareket 73185 tel: +972 3306067 www.tlite.co.il
TOP AUDIO Maskit Street 26 Herzelia 4673326 tel: +972 99621100 www.topaudio.co.il Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Interact Hospitality, Philips Dynalite
VOSSLOH-SCHWABE Kibbutz Ein Ha Shofet 19237 tel: +972 49035627 www.vossloh-schwabe.com
YAIR DORAM 28 Halechi Street Bnei Brak 51200 tel: +972 723385491 www.yairdoram.co.il Distributor for: Bega, Concord, Erco, Filix, Glashütte Limburg, Linea Light Group, Lucifer, TAL, Targetti, Trilux
ANWAR LIGHTING AND DESIGN Houssaini Center Paris Street Souaifia Amman 11181 tel: +962 65864980 Distributor for: Viabizzuno
CROWN ENTERPRISE Al-Sweifiyeh Complex Office 304 PO Box 85 21 21 Amman 11185 tel: +962 65854660 Distributor for: TAL
DIAMANTE LIGHTING Um Otheina - Soun Center Office 304 Jazeen Street 26 Amman tel: +962 799379235 diamantelighting.com
King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein Street Kalbouneh Center 1st floor PO Box 3360 Amman 11821 tel: +962 65854660 email: info@hudalighting.com www.hudalighting.com
Distributor for: BEGA, Ecosense, Flos, Holectron, iGuizzini, LEDFlex, Ledluks, Luce&Light, Lucent, Prolicht
A leading lighting solution provider serving the MENA market for over 20 years, providing a high degree of lighting expertise to support the region with its requirements for any type of project. Huda Lighting was able to expand its support covering more countries with an experienced team of over 250 employees across the ten branches.
PO Box 4636 Amman 11953 tel: +962 65548424 email: info@icc-jo.com www.icc-jo.com
Distributor for: acdc, Bilton, esse-ci, Grupo MCI, Intra Lighting, John Cullen Lighting, L&L Luce&Light, Linea Light Group, Lutron, Zumtobel
Creating moods, scenes and experiences using light, this is the core of ICC. Our team of talented designers and experienced engineers are able to provide our clients with unique installations through the use of advanced design techniques and premium lighting brands, focusing on both residential and commercial applications.
PO Box 960467 Sport City - Al Arz Hotel Street Amman 11196 tel: +962 65169660 Distributor for: Thorlux
NOOR ALA NOOR Garden Street Telaa Ali PO Box 922696 Amman 11192 tel: +962 65332410 www.nooralanoor.net Distributor for: Fozz, Mareco Luce, Megaman, Neo-Neon, Tridonic f
WORLD AXIS TRADING PO Box 1482 Amman 11183 tel: +962 65510655 www.watco-jo.com Distributor for: Flos, Lumascape, Meyer, Zumtobel
WORLD OF LIGHTS PO Box 3897 Imthari Al-N’aimat Street Khalda Amman 11821 tel: +962 65546107 www.worldoflights.net Distributor for: Cube Lighting, iGuzzini, Lutron, Prisma, TAL, Zumtobel
GE LIGHTING Prime Business Center Ul. Furmanova 100G Office 302 Almaty 480091 tel: +7 3272588010 www.gelighting.com
OSRAM Uliza Gogolja 39 Office 1209 Almaty 050002 tel: +7 3272590193 www.osram.com/ds
KEO INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS Fahad Al Salem Street PO Box 3679 Safat 13037 tel: +965 2438011 www.keoic.com
AL DIWAN UNITED TRADING PO Box 1571 Salmiyah 22016 tel: +965 5642107 Distributor for: Abacus
AL RABIAH LIGHTING PO Box 22158 Safat 13082 tel: +965 25382937 www.alrabiahlighting.com Distributor for: Salvi
AL RIYASH PO Box 2552 Safat 13026 tel: +965 2450460 Distributor for: Zumtobel
AL SABAH GENERAL ELECTRIC PO Box 17553 Khaldiya 72456 tel: +965 22409913 www.alsabahelectric.com Distributor for: Meyer, Sill, Wila
AL-DHOW ENGINEERING Al Soor Street Soor Tower 24th Floor Safat 13052 tel: +965 22915440 www.al-dhow.com
Distributor for: iGuzzini, Mareco Luce, Martin, Stoane Lighting, Trilux
ALARABIA ELECTRICAL Electricity Street Shuwaikh tel: +965 24923215 www.alarabiaelectrical.com Distributor for: 3M, Eaton, Opple
ARTECASA GENERAL TRADING Sun City Complex, Block B Shuwaikh Industrial Area Shuwaikh 13017 tel: +965 24848000 www.artecasa.bz Distributor for: Schmitz Leuchten, Side, Viabizzuno
BADER AL MULLA PO Box 177 Safat 13002 tel: +965 22205222 www.almullagroup.com
DEBBAS INTERNATIONAL Panasonic Tower, Fahed Alsalem Street Floor 26 Office No.88/89 Salmiyah 220068 tel: +965 22240133 www.debbas.com Distributor for: Bega, Landa, LiniLED, Lucifer, Lutron, Nobiled, Novalux, RCL, RobLight, Simers
EASA HUSAIN AL-YOUSIFI Ardiya Industrial Estate Mohammed Al Kasim Street PO Box 126 Safat 13002 tel: +965 4835055 www.yousifi.com.kw Distributor for: Boluce, Wever & Ducré
HIGH PRO PO Box 423 Al Yarmouk 72655 tel: +965 22494490 www.highpro1.com Distributor for: Griven
HUDA LIGHTING Khaled Ibn Al Waleed Street Mazaya Tower 4th Floor Office B-1, Sharq Kuwait City tel: +965 22060837 email: info@hudalighting.com www.hudalighting.com
Distributor for: Ecosense, Holectron, LED Linear, LEDFlex, Ledluks, Luce&Light, Lucent, Performance Lighting, Prolicht, UFO
A leading lighting solution provider serving the MENA market for over 20 years, providing a high degree of lighting expertise to support the region with its requirements for any type of project. Huda Lighting was able to expand its support covering more countries with an experienced team of over 250 employees across the ten branches.
KEC PO Box 46476 Fahaheel 64015 tel: +965 23985580 www.keckuwait.com
Distributor for: Flos, Tridonic, Zumtobel
KHABARI INTERNATIONAL PO Box 15021 Al - Deiah 35451 tel: +965 22495372 www.khabari.net Distributor for: Eaton, ETC, Glashutte Limburg, Linea Light Group, LTS, Regiolux, Wever & Ducré, XAL
LAPPUCCINO Thunayan Al-Ghanim Building Soor Street 4th Floor Kuwait City tel: +965 22479761 www.lappuccino.com Distributor for: ALS, Castan, Focus Industries, Ilumisa
LIGHTING SYSTEMS PO Box 2552 Safat 13026 tel: +965 2437516 www.ltgsys.com Distributor for: Lithoss, Lucent
eMODERNEON Sivakala Reddy Bahren Complex 4th Floor, Area no. PO Box 7478 Salmiya 336770 www.moderneon.co.uk
RITEC KUWAIT GENERAL TRADING & CONTRACTING Plot C21 Kuwait Free Trade Zone Shuwaikh tel: +965 4613882 Distributor for: DAL
SALEM M AL-NISF ELECTRICAL PO Box 871 Safat 13009 tel: +965 4815139 www.bin-nisf.com Distributor for: Thorlux
VISTA POINT Suite 9, 6th Fl, Hisham Center Hawally Tunis Street Safat 13158 tel: +965 2263003 www.vistapoint.info Distributor for: Ragni
AARTILL PO Box 40098 Baabda tel: +961 3408838 www.aartill.com
F3 Samaha Building Michel Boustros Street Ashrafieh Beirut 20719205 tel: +961 1562355 www.hilights.net
IDEP CONSULT Pierre Gemayel Street Mathaf Beirut tel: +961 1614710 www.idepconsult.com
LIGHTMM Dora Highway Mouccari Center - 4th floor Beirut tel: +961 1255106 www.lightmm.com
MAJDI HAJJAR LIGHTING DESIGN PO Box 40098 Baabda tel: +961 3408838 www.mphlighting.com
AKZU Pasteur street Saifi-Beirut PO Box 175327 tel: +961 144428 www.akzu.com
Araman Building St Joseph Street PO Box 80-220 Beirut 26046101 tel: +961 1251635 www.astralux.com
AURORA Columbia Center Block B Cornish Mazraa Beirut tel: +961 71335659 www.auroralighting.com
CAÏ LIGHT PO Box 113285 Beirut tel: +961 1982982 www.cai-light.com
Aresco Centre, Near Central Bank, 8th Floor Beirut tel: +961 1346444 www.cinmarlighting.com
Distributor for: Eaton, Ensto, ES-System, Escofet, Glamox, InventDesign, Ledflex, Martin, Modular, Simes
CUBE LIGHT Antelias Main Road, DEMCO Tower Block A 4th Floor Beirut tel: +961 4520314 www.cubelight.net Distributor for: Alto, Arkoslight, Brightgreen, Castaldi, Disano, Lamp, LEDS C4, Linea Light Group, Onok, Reggiani
DEBBAS INTERNATIONAL Corniche Al Nahr, PO Box 110125 Beirut tel: +961 1585000 www.debbas.com Distributor for: Artemide, Bega, Flos, LiniLED, Megaman, Modular, Osram, Reggiani, Vice DESIGN IN BEIRUT Yachoui Centre, 7th Floor Jal el Dib Highway Beirut tel: +961 4716599 www.designinbeirut.com Distributor for: Indeluz
DYNAMIC ESTABLISHMENT PO Box 6, Unesco-Celtec Ain Al Mraysse - Vandick Street Al Arayssi Building Beirut tel: +961 1370136 www.dimachkie.com Distributor for: Salvi
ELTEK Fanar Main Road Eltek 711 Building PO Box 90 843 Beirut tel: +961 1902555 www.eltek.com.lb Distributor for: Griven, Pulsar
HERMES TRADING Gouraud Street, Gemayzeh PO Box 175435 Beirut tel: +961 1444200 www.hermestrading.com.lb Distributor for: Eden Design, Targetti, Trevos
LA GALERIE SEMAAN Building No.657, GF Hazmieh Sector 1 Street 16 Beirut tel: +961 54538279 www.lagaleriesemaan.com Distributor for: Oluce
LIGHTBOX PO Box 17-5327, Pasteur St. Saifa Beirut tel: +961 1444428 www.lightboxintl.com Distributor for: ADO Lights, Flos, Simes, WE-EF
LUMIERE GROUP Bldg 28, 75th Street Ghobeiry Sector 7 Beirut tel: +961 1859055 www.lumieregroup.net Distributor for: Delta Light, Erco, Filix, L&L, Viabizzuno
MFR Khazen Tower Blvd Mirna Chalouhi Greater Beirut tel: +961 1512341 www.mfrglobal.com Distributor for: Nexo Luce
NARINCO MICRO Dora Highway Dedeyan Center, Block A, Ground Floor Beirut tel: +961 1260404 www.narincomicro.com Distributor for: Mean Well
NEXO LUCE Khazen Tower, Blvd Mirna Chalouhi Beirut 27053413 tel: +961 1480609 www.nexoluce.com
SIGNIFY PO Box 11319 Beirut tel: +961980016 www.signify.com
TABET ENGINEERING & LIGHTING 2nd Floor Red Square Center Dora Sea Side Road Beirut 11072264 tel: +961 1564445 www.tabet-engineering.com Distributor for: A.A.G. Stucchi, Creo Light, Entity, IBV, Klus, Radium, Tridonic
Badaro Street, Acar Building PO Box 116-5037 Beirut tel: +961 1399548 www.tectronicsme.com Distributor for: DAL
UNILUX Mar Abda Street Jal El Dib Highway Beirut tel: +961 4710444 www.uniluxgroup.com Distributor for: Baulmann Leuchten, iGuzzini, Intra Lighting, IP44.DE, Occhio, Radiolux, Trilux, Wever & Ducré, XAL
VICE LIGHTING PO Box 110125 Beirut tel: +961 1486311 www.vicelighting.com
CRACKNELL PO Box 1677, CPO Seeb – Postal Code 111 Muscat tel: +971 45106500 www.cracknell.com
INTERNATIONAL Al Jazeera International Group PO Box 84, P.C. 115 Emirates Airline Building Floor 2 Muscat tel: +44 1312262002 www.ldpinternational.com
AL KHALILI PO Box 1869 112 Ruwi tel: +968 24498782 www.alkhalili.com Distributor for: ETAP, Kemps, Lux-may, Pierlite, X-Flex HUDA LIGHTING Al Matar Street, Hormuz Grand Hotel Regus Business Center, P.C. 118 Mezanine Floor, Office 111, PO Box 395 Muscat tel: +968 24252339 email: info@hudalighting.com www.hudalighting.com Distributor for: Ecosense, Holectron, iGuizzini, Kemps, LEDFlex, Ledluks, Luce&Light, Lucent, Prolicht, UFO
A leading lighting solution provider serving the MENA market for over 20 years, providing a high degree of lighting expertise to support the region with its requirements for any type of project. Huda Lighting was able to expand its support covering more countries with an experienced team of over 250 employees across the ten branches.
Bait Al Ahlam MBD 3rd Floor 100 Muscat tel: +968 24852625 www.khimji.com Distributor for: Trilux
M/S LIGHTING SOLUTIONS PO Box 1235 Al Hamriya 131 Muscat tel: +968 24560449 Distributor for: Griven
Mustafa Sultan House, 1st Floor Al-Khuwair Street, Way No: 3503 112 Muscat tel: +968 24636083 www.mustafasultan.com Distributor for: Abacus, ADO Lights, Thorlux, Valmont
THORN LIGHTING PO Box 1537 112 Ruwi tel: +968 24708483 www.thornlighting.com
ZUBAIR ELECTRIC PO Box 2634 111 Seeb tel: +968 24594621 www.zubairelectric.com Distributor for: Crescent Lighting, Delta Light, iGuzzini, LEDS C4, LightGraphix, Meyer, Modular, Oldham Lighting, RZB, Tryka LED
Al Mirqab Complex, Office No.28A, 2nd Floor
Al Mirqab Al Jadeed St, PO Box 23682 Doha tel: +974 44882231 www.cracknell.com
LIGHT CONCEPT FOR LIGHTING PO Box 22087 Doha tel: +974 4469902 www.lightconcept.ae
AKZU C ring road, AL Emadi Financial Square Block 2, 2nd Floor Office No.6 PO Box 24851 Doha tel: +974 44912969 www.akzu.com
AL SHULAH Villa 194 D-Ring Road Al Hilal PO Box 264 Doha tel: +974 44899799 www.alshulah.com Distributor for: Trilux
CREATIVE EVENTS GROUP Villa No.5 Mahmoud Street PO Box 8626 Doha tel: +974 44373974 www.ccg-events.com Distributor for: Griven
CREATIVE WEAVE GKD Unit 944, 9th Floor Al Fardan Office Tower West Bay, PO Box 31316 Doha tel: +974 44101656 www.creativeweave.com
DEBBAS INTERNATIONAL Kawthar Bldg 243 C-Ring Road, PO Box 9791 Doha tel: +974 44678931 www.debbas.com Distributor for: Artemide, Bega, Flos, iGuzzini, Osram, RobLight, Selux, Siteco, Zumtobel
DELMATIC Commercialbank Plaza PO Box 27111 Doha tel: +974 44528226 www.delmatic.com
ERCO PO Box 22059 Doha tel: +974 44414290 www.erco.com
GULF LIGHTS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Near Midmac flyover Salwa Road Doha tel: +974 44699683 www.gulf-lights.com Distributor for: ETAP, Intralux, Norlight, Reggiani, Schréder, Thorlux, Wila
HAMAD BIN SAOUD PO Box 7863 Doha tel: +974 44119598 www.hbs.com.qa Distributor for: Insta
HEPER Office No: 1204, 12th Floor Marina Twin Towers PO Box 301477 Lusail City tel: +974 44471008 www.hepergroup.com
D-Ring Road
Asia Travel Building No.421 Office No.4 PO Box 22108
Doha tel: +974 44426757
email: info@hudalighting.com www.hudalighting.com
Distributor for: Ecosense, Holectron, Kemps, LEDFlex, Ledluks, Luce&Light, Lucent, Performance Lighting, Prolicht, UFO
A leading lighting solution provider serving the MENA market for over 20 years, providing a high degree of lighting expertise to support the region with its requirements for any type of project. Huda Lighting was able to expand its support covering more countries with an experienced team of over 250 employees across the ten branches.
IGUZZINI Office L16, 4th Floor, Global Business Center
Al Hitmi Village, Building No.8, Cornice Road PO Box 3264
Doha tel: +974 44023034 www.iguzzini.com
PO Box 24851 C-Ring Road
Doha tel: +974 44912968 www.lightboxintl.com
Distributor for: ADO Lights, Flos, Simes, WE-EF
LIGHTCRAFT LIGHTING SOLUTIONS Suite 19, Al Abdul Ghani Office Building PO Box 30726
Doha tel: +974 44430911
Distributor for: Arclite, Organic, Ornalux, Ushio
Palm Tower B, Sector 3, 54th Floor West Bay 23300 tel: +974 70121449
Distributor for: Ares, Beghelli, Delta Light, Flos, Ghm-Eclatec, Illumination Physics, LED Linear, Performance in Lighting, Platek, Viabizzuno
Al Rufaa Tower, 8th Floor 17 Al Mina Street
Doha tel: +974 44622991 www.lumatron.com
Distributor for: B.lux, Concord, Ridi Group, RZB, Side, Vossloh Schwabe
MAS-Q B Ring road
Al-Madeed Building. Office 3 PO Box 31132
Doha tel: +974 44427932 www.moonlight.com.lb Distributor for: Salvi
Al Fardan Office Tower Level 8, Office 826 West Bay Doha tel: +974 55923206 www.switch-made.com
C-Ring Road, Suhaim bin Hamad Street PO Box 32411 Doha tel: +974 44358150 www.tectronicsme.com Distributor for: DAL
Abdul Jaleel Business Center Unit No. 304,Najma Old Airport Road Doha P.O. BOX: 6026 tel: +971 44321445 www.thornlighting.com
PO Box 2092
Doha tel: +974 44321903
www.unigulfems.com Distributor for: Abacus
DESIGN TECH SERVICES PO Box 17420 Riyadh 11484 tel: +966 12015151 www.dts-arabia.com
AKZU 3rd Floor Al Faleh Center Al Olaya Street Riyadh tel: +966 112161061 www.akzu.com
AL NASSER Al-Malaz Salahidin Road PO Box 1246 Riyadh 11431 tel: +966 114777700 www.alnasserco.net Distributor for: Salvi
AL SALEM LIGHTING PO Box 42480 Jeddah 21541 tel: +966 26367324 www.lightdesignersksa.com Distributor for: Wila
AL-ABDULKARIM TRADING PO Box 5777 King Faisal Street Dammam 31432 tel: +966 38337110 www.akh.com.sa Distributor for: Kim Lighting
ARABIAN SOUNDS AND LIGHTS PO Box 12374 Jeddah 21473 tel: +966 26671800 Distributor for: Zumtobel
ARCLIGHT ALLIANCE PO Box 571 Riyadh 11391 tel: +966 114649036 www.arclightt.com Distributor for: Arlight, Cariboni, Damla, GE, Grupo MCI, LED Linear, LUG, Mareco Luce, Prolicht, Regent
ARENCO King Abdullah Road Gouth Towers PO Box 5661 Madinah 41432 tel: +966 48376800 www.arenco.com.sa Distributor for: Antares, Ares, Crescent, Lutron, Philips, RZB, Simes a
ARMADA TRADING PO Box 66144 Riyadh 11576 tel: +966 114885705 www.armada.com.sa Distributor for: Egoluce, Trilux
CINMAR LIGHTING Office 29, 30 & 31 Prince Muqrin St Al Nuzhah District Riyadh 11437 tel: +966 114102556 www.cinmarlighting.com Distributor for: Eaton, Ensto, ES-System, Escofet, Glamox, InventDesign, Ledflex, Martin, Modular, Simes
CRESTRON PO Box 50184 Al Madina Road Kilo 14 Jeddah 21523 tel: +966 502794665 www.crestron.eu
DEBBAS INTERNATIONAL Dabab Street, Sulaymania Riyadh 11588 tel: +966 114664696 www.debbas.com
Distributor for: Artemide, Flos, iGuzzini, Linea Light Group, LiniLED, Lucifer, Osram, Performance in Lighting, Selux, Vice DELMATIC Kingdom Tower PO Box 230888 Riyadh tel: +966 112118170 www.delmatic.com
GE LIGHTING PO Box 10211 Riyadh 11433 tel: +966 112073800 www.gelighting.com
HRFA SPECIAL SKILLS First Floor Office 16 Olaya Street Al Ajlan Center Riyadh 11323 tel: +966 114664776 www.alhrfa.com
Distributor for: Artemide, Flos, LAM32, LED Flex, Linea Light, Lucifero’s, Meyer, Rovasi, SillHoffmeister, Trilux
HUDA LIGHTING Prince Mohammed Ibn Salman Road Spring Towers No. 1, 1st Floor PO Box 36163 Riyadh 13316 6642 tel: +966 112938091
Al Madinah Road, Salama Tower Office No. 902 PO Box 15790 Jeddah 21454 tel: +966 122349911 email: info@hudalighting.com www.hudalighting.com
Distributor for: Ecosense, Holectron, iGuizzini, LEDFlex, Ledluks, Luce&Light, Lucent, Performance Lighting, Prolicht, UFO
A leading lighting solution provider serving the MENA market for over 20 years, providing a high degree of lighting expertise to support the region with its requirements for any type of project. Huda Lighting was able to expand its support covering more countries with an experienced team of over 250 employees across the ten branches.
IGUZZINI a Faisaliah Tower, King Fahed Highway Riyadh 11524 tel: +966 500372200 www.iguzzini.com
LIGHTBOX El-Faleh Bldg 4th Floor Al Olaya Street Riyadh tel: +966 112161061 www.lightboxintl.com Distributor for: ADO Lights, Flos, Simes, WE-EF
LIGHTECH 8491 Nur Al Qulub Street, Madinah Road Al Andalus District Jeddah 23325 tel: +966 114664696 www.be-lightech.com Distributor for: Arlus, Artemide, iGuzzini, Selux, Siteco
LUMIERE GROUP Office 15, 1st floor, Dhabab street Al sulaimaniah district, PO Box 54699 Riyadh 11524 tel: +966 114635101 www.lumieregroup.net Distributor for: Delta Light, Erco, Filix, L&L Luce&Light, Viabizzuno
NARDEEN PO Box 50743 Riyadh 11533 tel: +966 114765814 www.nardeen.com.sa Distributor for: Bega, Cathode Lighting Systems, ETAP, Glashütte Limburg, Lumascape, Unilamp
NOORTEK PO Box 1246 315 Salahidin Street, Malaz Riyadh 11431 tel: +966 114777700 www.alnasserco.com
NOURAN CONCEPT LIGHTING PO Box 41973 Riyadh tel: +966 114651007 www.nouran.ae Distributor for: Griven, Hess, iLED, iLight, Lamp Lighting, Linea Light Group, Meyer, Targetti, Traddel
OSRAM PO Box 250369 Riyadh 11391 tel: +966 112885192 www.osram.com/ds
SAUDI LIGHTING 2nd industrial City PO Box 25609 Riyadh 11476 tel: +966 112651010 www.saudilighting.com
1st Floor Canary Center Al Amir Abdul Aziz IBB Musa’id Jalawi Road Sulaimania District, PO Box 9844 Riyadh 11423 tel: +966 114628060 www.signify.com
King Faisal Road, near Ministry of Interior PO Box 54210 Riyadh 114644 tel: +966 114129412 www.smartplus.com.sa
TECHNOLIGHT Omnia Building Palestine Street Jeddah 21483 tel: +966 26683028 www.technolight-ksa.com Distributor for: Intralux, Nord Light
THORN LIGHTING Madina Road, Sulaiman Building Jeddah 21411 tel: +966 26533077 www.thornlighting.com
ULTRA LIGHT PO Box 26320 Riyadh 11486 tel: +966 112917855 Distributor for: Vossloh-Schwabe
VIALIGHTING 4146 Al Takhasousi Street Riyadh 12384 tel: +966 114575757 www.vialighting.com Distributor for: Barthelme, Flos, Ghm-Eclatec, Intra Lighting, Ligman, Linea Light Group, Lumascape, Reggiani, TAL, Traxon
ZUMTOBEL Rolaco Trading & Contracting Co. Madinah Road, Al sulaiman building Jeddah 21411 tel: +966 26533077 z.lighting e d c a
ALI DIB FOR MODERN LIGHTING Ma Maison for Home Furniture Damascus tel: +963 116626301 Distributor for: Mareco Luce
LEN PO Box 36821 Kafar suseh Damascus 2333 tel: +963 112134271 len.co.sy Distributor for: Zumtobel
URANUS LIGHTING Marjeh Sq - Rami Street Sioufi Building Damascus tel: +963 112232229 www.uranuslighting.com Distributor for: ELT
BOUYGUES TURKMEN Kolhoze Leningrad - Rue 50 Let Oktyabria N 19 Ashgabat 744000 tel: +993 12485282 Distributor for: iGuzzini
LIGHTING DESIGNERS 181 Jumeirah Bay X3 Office 1005 JLT Cluster X Dubai tel: +971 505870099 www.oneeightyone.com
ALULA LIGHTING DESIGN Office 2902, The One Tower Barsha Heights (TECOM) Dubai tel: +971 44431507 www.alulalighting.com
BIOARCHITEK 329 Plot No 479 Al Quasais Deirra Dubai tel: +971 503474411 www.bioarchitek.com
Diamond Business Center 2 #101 Dubai tel: +971 44416603 www.cdmlight.com
3rd Floor, Building 6A, Dubai Design District PO Box 66231 Dubai tel: +971 43445417 www.cracknell.com
1001 Al Manal Tower Sheikh Zayed Road PO Box 43780
Dubai tel: +971 43316610 www.deltalightingdesign.com
LIGHTING DESIGN ALLIANCE PO Box 14564 Dubai tel: +971 506456021 www.lightingdesignalliance.com
M-E ENGINEERS Abu Dhabi Finance House Building Khalidiyah Abu Dhabi tel: +971 503111008 www.me-engineers.com
NATHAN SAVAGE LIGHTING DESIGN PO Box 8203 Dubai tel: +971 555668850 www.nathansavagelightingdesign.com
DPA LIGHTING CONSULTANTS Design House, PO Box 500072 Dubai tel: +971 43694030 email: dpa@dpalighting.com www.dpalighting.com
“Right Light, Right Place, Right Time” ™ Everyone at dpa wishes you a very happy and healthy 2022.
Office 110 The Iridium Building Dubai tel: +971 43237555 www.godwinaustenjohnson.com
ILLUMINATE LIGHTING DESIGN i-Rise Tower Suite 19-E2, 19th Floor PO Box 390053 Dubai tel: +971 44458377 www.illuminateld.com
Hamdan Street PO Box 27594 Abu Dhabi tel: +971 24173000 www.keoic.com LIGHT CONCEPT PO Box 94612 Abu Dhabi tel: +971 24484451 email: tanas@lightconcept.ae www.lightconcept.ae
Light Concept was established in 2007 as a lighting design firm in Abu Dhabi, UAE and since then has grown in size to become one of the Middle East leading lighting design firms providing Services to public and private sector clients in architectural lighting for all kinds of projects.
Offices 54 & 55, 3rd Floor, Oasis Center
Sheikh Zayed Road PO Box 347493
Dubai tel: +971 43234017 www.lighttouchpld.com
LIGHT.FUNC Office 254, Bldg A3 Dubai South PO Box 712515
Dubai tel: +971 48875744 www.lightfunc.org
NEOALPHA GLOBAL Office 101 Duddeldorf Building Al Barsha 1, PO Box 390205 Dubai tel: +971 48769233 www.neoalphaglobal.com
Jumeirah Lakes Towers Mazaya Business Avenue BB1 Office 503 Dubai tel: +971 585855569 www.newillusions.lighting NULTY 2106 Building AA-1 Mazaya Business Avenue Jumeirah Lakes Towers Dubai tel: +971 44307385 email: office@nultylighting.co.uk www.nultylighting.co.uk
Nulty is a nimble yet mighty architectural lighting design practice, with a healthy selection of awards and a diverse roster of clients across the commercial, hospitality, residential and retail sectors. With offices based in London, Dubai, Miami and Bangkok, our emphasis is on creating innovative, sustainable and energy-efficient lighting schemes.
RGE LIGHTING DESIGN GROUP No. 503 Doha Center Al Maktum Road Dubai tel: +971 42384500 www.prolight.ae
S.D’O Mezzanine Floor Building No. 41 Opp. Eppco Station, Muraqqabat Road Deira Dubai tel: +971 4 2388887 www.stefanodallosso.ch
SMITH TAIT Astrolabs Retail Level, Cluster R JLT Dubai www.smithtait.com
STEFANO DALL’OSSO LIGHTING DESIGNERS Mezzanine Floor Building No. 41 Opp. Eppco Station, Muraqqabat Road, Deira Dubai tel: +971 42388887 www.stefanodallosso.ch
Al Maktoum Road, B62 Building, Office No.: 305 Deira Dubai tel: +971 42212030 www.studioliteme.com
STUDIO LUMEN PO Box 73889 Dubai tel: +971 43385806 www.studiolumen.com
VISUAL ENERGY The Dome Tower Jumeriah Lake Towers Dubai tel: +971 42653715 www.visualenergy.org
WSP PO Box 7497 Convention Tower Dubai tel: +971 43292399 www.wspgroup.com
3S LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 907, Al Mulla Tower Al Nahda, Sharjah tel: +971 65561141971553313363 www.3slight.com
PO Box 60244 Dubai tel: +971 43343931 www.abensal.com Distributor for: Arkos, Astro, Bright, Panzeri, PUK
ACOULITE Office 4C Level 4 Union National Bank Building Khalid Bin Waleed Street (Bank Street), Bur Dubai PO Box 7107 Dubai tel: +971 43592184 www.acoulite.ae Distributor for: CoeLux, Dyson, Flos, Halla, iGuzzini, John Cullen, Lamp, LUG, Soraa, Zumtobel
AKZU 26th Street Building 29 Al Quoz Industrial 4 PO Box 413557 Dubai tel: +971 043466917 www.akzu.com
ALI HAJI ABDULLA AWAZI GARGASH PO Box 1162 Deira Dubai tel: +971 42282151 www.glsdubai.com Distributor for: Abacus, Intralux, KLIK, Litecontrol ANOLIS Al Asmawi Building DIP Office Nbr 507 5th floor PO Box 391 898 Dubai tel: +971 48853223 email: info@robe-me.com www.robe.cz
Robe is among the world’s leading moving light manufacturers, recognised for its innovation, quality and engineering. Robe’s moving and LED lights are working and installed on stages, in concert halls, theatres and all types of other venues as well as at theme park attractions and entering the specialist worlds of architectural and environmental illumination.
ANSORG Bldg. Sheikha Sana Mana al Maktoum Office M8 Al Wasl, Sheikh Zayed Road Dubai tel: +971 43219203 www.ansorg.com
APOLLO LIGHTING PO Box 121957 Dubai tel: +971 48849217 www.apollolighting.co.uk
Al Kuthban Building, Office No.6, First Floor Sheikh Zayed Road Dubai tel: +971 43285489 www.auroralighting.com
BAHRI & MAZROEI PO Box 1247 Abu Dhabi 72901 tel: +971 42691610 www.bmtc.ae Distributor for: ElektoLED, Meyer, Prolicht, Trilux
BIN DHAHER PO Box 3875 Abu Dhabi tel: +971 26718280 www.projectsandsupplies.com Distributor for: iGuzzini, Regiolux
BRIGHT GREEN LED LIGHTING Unit No: 30-01-83 Plot No: DMCC-PH2-J&GPlexS Dubai tel: +44 1932355221 www.brightgreentechnology.com
CINMAR LIGHTING NGI House 4th floor Suite 403 Port Saeed, Deira Dubai tel: +971 42959930 www.cinmarlighting.com Distributor for: Eaton, Ensto, ES-System, Escofet, Glamox, InventDesign, Ledflex, Martin, Modular, Simes
CONCEPT LIGHT Groupe Vincentz International UAE Goldcrest Executive Tower - JLT PO Box 9867 Dubai tel: +33 389210915 www.conceptlight.fr
CREATION PO Box 49839 Dubai tel: +971 43244205 www.creationgulf.com Distributor for: Artistic Licence, Casambi, Enigma Lighting, Fulham, Helvar, Hera, Lamp83, Mode Lighting, Pharos, XAL
CRESTRON Business Central Towers B1802/03/04 Dubai Internet City PO Box 502494 Dubai tel: +971 44345310 www.crestron.eu
DEBBAS INTERNATIONAL Dubai Design District Building 2 Office 112, PO Box 30571 Dubai tel: +971 43350006 www.debbas.com Distributor for: Bega, Grupo MCI, Lucifer, Reggiani, Selux, Vexica, Vice DECOLIGHT TRADING PO Box 62162 Dubai tel: +971 42834346 www.decolightllc.com Distributor for: Arkoslight, BOluce, Grandlight, Idealux, Kemps, Kitchler, L&L Luce&Light, Linea Light Group, Lombardo
DELMATIC DAFZA Dubai 341119 tel: +971 42566722 www.delmatic.com
DIETAL Building 7WA #2004 Dubai Airport Freezone PO Box 371223 Dubai tel: +971 567813740 www.dietal.com
DISANO ILLUMINAZIONE PO Box 450177 Dubai tel: +971 44329504 www.disano.it
CNN Building Level 2
Dubai Media City Dubai tel: +971 505598094
email: studio@lightalliance.com www.lightalliance.com
Independent lighting consultancy – our designers provide creative and technically robust design solutions - from bespoke lit components to city-scale masterplans. No affiliations or limitations to our portfolio, this gives us true creative freedom to specify, design or develop the very best lighting solutions to suit your application, budget or global location.
TIRSCHWELL JLT Free Zone Dubai tel: +971 559818042 www.t-ld.com
UMAYA LIGHTING DESIGN Tower BB1 – Office 505 Mazaya Business Avenue Jumeirah Lake Towers Dubai tel: +971 44577838 www.umayalighting.com
PO Box 17262 Lab 13 G10 Jebel Ali Free Zone Dubai tel: +971 48849217 www.atl.ae Distributor for: Collingwood, Grunzell, Kosnic, Ledlite, Light Projects
ARTS OUTDOOR LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY Al Gaith Tower 8th Floor Office 878 Hamdan Street Abu Dhabi tel: +971 26816608 www.ao-technology.com
ELECTROMEC PO Box 7023 Dubai tel: +971 42229352 www.electromec-uae.com Distributor for: Thorlux
ELR The Curve GO13, Al Quoz 3 Sheikh Zayed Road Dubai PO BOX 393130 tel: +971 43383513 www.elr-group.com
Suite 104, Al Shafar Building Beside Park Regis Hotel, Karama Dubai tel: +971 43977274 www.enpower.ae Distributor for: Ledray, Mean Well
ERCO Ground Floor, Showroom 3 Spectrum Building, Oud Metha Dubai tel: +971 43885451 www.erco.com
EROS Eros House, Al Barsha PO Box 1184 Dubai tel: +971 42098888 www.erosgroup.ae Distributor for: ADO Lights
FAGERHULT Office 914 Onyx Tower One, The Greens Dubai tel: +971 43297120 www.fagerhult.com
FIBERLI MEA PO Box 49329 Jebel Ali Dubai tel: +971 559405724 www.fiberli.com
FULHAM LOB 2 No.127 PO Box 261051 Jebel Ali Free Zone Dubai tel: +971 48873577 www.fulham.com
GE LIGHTING PO Box 52905 Dubai tel: +971 43310444 www.gelighting.com
GENLED ACOLYTE #823 Building 4EA Dubai Airport Free Zone Dubai PO BOX 371378 tel: +971 47017901 www.genledbrands.com
GEWISS Building 6W Entrance A 3rd Floor Office 301 Dubai Airport Free Zone Dubai tel: +971 42936000 www.gewiss.com
GHS SPECIAL PROJECTS PO Box 112449 Office 1004, Bay Square 1 Business Bay Dubai tel: +971 44517709 www.ghsspecialprojects.com Distributor for: AKC Lighting, Osram, Rako, Sharp, Tridonic
GKD Office 1308 Fortune Tower Jumeirah Lakes Towers Dubai PO BOX 112410 tel: +971 43757070 www.gkd.de
GLOBAL LIGHTING SYSTEMS PO Box 31078 Abu Dhabi tel: +971 26744835 www.globallighting.ae Distributor for: Salvi
GLS PO Box 1162 330 Sultan Business Centre Dubai tel: +971 43356333 www.glsdubai.com Distributor for: Digilin
RAK Media City PO Box 14537 Ras Al Khaimah tel: +971 72434580 www.goboland.com
GSL PROFESSIONAL Showroom 1, Port Saeed Building 208 Port Saeed Al Maktoum Road Dubai tel: +971 42952876
Distributor for: Robe, Selecon
GULF LINE PO Box 40855 Dubai tel: +971 42226226 www.gulfline.ae Distributor for: Endo, Martini, Neri, Salvi, Turn Lights
HANSAGREEN LED Al Nahda2, Dubai Dubai PO BOX 81082 tel: +971 42344772 www.hansagreen.com
HOFFMEISTER Office 506, Building 6EA East Wing DAFZA Dubai tel: +971 509178393 www.hoffmeister.de
KREON Dubai Airport Free Zone Area West Wing 6 Office 6 WA 420 Dubai tel: +971 505085632 www.kreon.com
LAMP Jumeirah Bay X2 - 3rd Floor Cluster X - Jumeirah Lake Towers PO Box 126732 Dubai tel: +971 44375716 www.lamp.es
LIGMAN Q3-031 PO Box 121064 Sharjah Airport Free Zone Sharjah tel: +971 65578950 email: sales.me@ligman.com www.ligman.com
HUDA LIGHTING Airport Road Al Niyadi Building Off. No. 901, PO Box 75944 Abu Dhabi tel: +971 24498198
Umm Suqeim Road, Al Quoz PO Box 212060 Dubai tel: +971 43411301 email: info@hudalighting.com www.hudalighting.com
Distributor for: Ecosense, Flos, Holectron, iGuizzini, LEDFlex, Ledluks, Luce&Light, Lucent, Prolicht, UFO
A leading lighting solution provider serving the MENA market for over 20 years, providing a high degree of lighting expertise to support the region with its requirements for any type of project. Huda Lighting was able to expand its support covering more countries with an experienced team of over 250 employees across the ten branches.
HUNZA PO Box 261546 Jebel Ali Dubai tel: +971 506155280 www.hunza.co.nz
IGUZZINI Dubai Airport Free Zone Building 6EB, Office No.835 PO Box 54827 Dubai tel: +971 47017825 www.iguzzini.com
IHG BRANDS Warehaouse 3, 18th Street Dubai Investment Park 2 Dubai 83210 tel: +971 48845744 www.ihg-brands.com
Distributor for: Lumibright, Sylvania, Tridonic
IN-LITE PO Box 123799 Dubai tel: +971 42246822 www.in-liteco.com
Distributor for: Dark, Leucos, Lumina, Ribag, Vibia
INTRA LIGHTING Office 5WB 241 Building 5WB Dubai Airport Freezone Dubai tel: +971 502426911 www.intra-lighting.com
JOHN CULLEN LIGHTING 125 Al Manara Road Dubai 214018 tel: +971 43211114 email: sales@johncullenlighting.ae www.johncullenlighting.ae
Be inspired by John Cullen Lighting’s range of discreet LED light fittings all designed for the luxury residential, hospitality and marine markets. Designed in-house supporting British manufacturing, our products are precision engineered to create the perfect effects for the high-end user, backed up by end-to-end service and technical support.
LED Lighting Division PO Box 113467 Dubai tel: +971 43974542 www.laserandelectronics.com Distributor for: Optiled LED FLEX Dubai Airport Free Zone Building 4EB, 7th Floor, Office No. 733 PO Box 293943 Dubai tel: +971 544622170 email: uae.sales@ledflexgroup.com www.ledflexgroup.com
Founded by a team who are passionate about lighting and technology, we at LEDFlex provide premium linear LED solutions for lighting projects suitable for architectural, urban, commercial, and residential applications. We work together with our clients on a project to project basis, developing bespoke lighting solutions tailored to individual project requirements.
LED LINEAR Technology Park Ras Al Khaimah PO BOX 16639 tel: +971 504565529 www.led-linear.com
LED WORLD Sheikh Zayed Road Interchange 3 Dubai tel: +971 43383432 www.ledworld.ae Distributor for: Ecolit, Luxram, Meanwell, Samsung LED, Tridonic
LEDS C4 Fortune Executive Tower Office 204 Jameirah Lake Towers Cluster T 336910 Dubai tel: +971 44584272 www.leds-c4.com
LEDVANCE Jebel Ali Free Zone Jafza 16 Office 602 – 603 Dubai tel: +971 48813767 www.ledvance.com
LIGHT FACTOR ENTERPRISE P6-146 Saif Zone PO Box 121338 Sharjah tel: +971 65579119 www.light-factor.com Distributor for: AAL, Beacon, Columbia, DualLite, Hubbell, KIM, Kurt Versen, Litecontrol, Prescolite
International Clty Dubai tel: +971 43623836 www.lightcraftme.com Distributor for: Euro-Light, Lithoss, Ushio
LIGHTITUDE PO Box 30571 Dubai tel: +971 43426601 www.lightitude.com Distributor for: Casambi, Exenia, Lam32, LEC Lyon, Lucifer, Lumenpulse, RobLight, Technilum, Xicato
LIGMAN is committed to producing worldclass, high efficiency and top quality outdoor and indoor lighting products. Utilising state of the art advanced modern technology, the highest level of techincal expertise and innovative design, LIGMAN has an impressioned focus for offering customers total lighting solutions.
LIHTEN INTERNATIONAL PO Box 58534 Dubai tel: +971 44201128 www.lihten.com Distributor for: Hunza, Neoz, Soraa
LINEA LIGHT GROUP Jumeirah Lake Towers JBC2 - 35th Floor Cluster V PO Box 125902 Dubai tel: +971 44218275 www.linealight.com
LTS Executive Suite Z-34 Sharjah Airport International Free Zone PO Box 121719 Sharjah tel: +971 65574410 www.lts-light.eu
LUCECO Building 5EB, Office 342 PO Box 371128, DAFZA Dubai tel: +971 46091867 www.luceco.com
LUG LIGHTING Dubai Airport Free Zone PO Box 372037 Dubai 4WBG37 tel: +971 564818911 www.luglightfactory.com
LUMASCAPE Dubai World Central Building Block C. Office #432 Dubai tel: +971 48879951 www.lumascape.com
LUMASENSE PO Box 120903 P6-148, Saif Zone Sharjah tel: +971 65574157 www.lumasense.com Distributor for: Acclaim, Juno, Litecontrol, Signify
LUMIBRIGHT Sheikh Zayed Road Interchange No.3 Dubai tel: +971 43383448 www.lumibright.co.uk
LUTRON 6EB Building - 1st Floor Office #145 Dubai Airport Free Zone Dubai tel: +971 42991224 email: lutronme@lutron.com www.lutron.com/middleeast
Founded in 1961 and based in Pennsylvania, Lutron Electronics is a leading manufacturer of energy-saving light, shade, and temperature control systems for homes, hotels and commercial buildings. Lutron’s Athena enables lighting designers world-wide to realise their design vision by adjusting independently colour temperature and intensity to create and save scenes.
LUXBURO Unit 1605 Thuraya Tower Barsha Heights Dubai tel: +971 44589938 www.luxburome.com Distributor for: Aldabra, Aubrilam, Backlight, EldoLED, Ghm-Eclatec, IBL, PLG
LUXTRON Office 609 F Wing Dubai Silicon Oasis Building PO Box 124874 Dubai tel: +971 43712740 www.luxtron.net Distributor for: A.A.G. Stucchi, Citizen, Helvar
e fMACKWELL PO Box 513863, Prime Tower Office No.1205, Business Bay Dubai tel: +971 65528328 www.mackwell.com
c aMODE LIGHTING 86 Jadaf near Business Bay Crossing Dubai tel: +971 43244205 www.modelighting.com
aNERI 29-13 Reef Tower Cluster O Jumeirah Lake Towers PO Box 5003348 Dubai tel: +971 44487246 www.neri.biz
NEXO LUCE Dubai South PO Box 712071 Dubai tel: +971 45096866 www.nexoluce.com
NICOLAUDIE SM-Office - 11 - 106 Ajman Dubai tel: +971 55 308 7754 www.nicolaudie.com
aNO GREY AREA S01, 26th Street, Al Quoz 4 Dubai tel: +971 800664739 www.nogreyarea.me
eNOURAN CONCEPT LIGHTING PO Box 51109 Dubai tel: +971 43474142 www.nouran.ae Distributor for: Griven, Hess, iLED, iLight, Lamp Lighting, Linea Light Group, Meyer, Targetti, Traddel
Al Shirawi Building Airport Road Dubai tel: +971 42821337 www.oasisppd.com Distributor for: Artistic Licence, CLS, Crestron, ETC, G-Lec, GDS, GLP, LumenRadio, Rosco, Schnik-Schnak-Systems
OPPLE LIGHTING Unit 2802, 1 Lake Plaza Cluster T, JLT PO Box 392091 Dubai tel: +971 44424572 www.opple.com
OSRAM Office - 208, E-Wing Dubai Silicon Oasis Dubai tel: +971 45231710 email: ds-mea@osram.com www.osram.com/ds
OSRAM Digital Systems delivers technology for successful LED projects. From components to complete systems, from individual solutions to large-scale installations. Our components are durable, versatile, futureproof and offer maximum creativity. You can always rely on OSRAM quality components. OSRAM. The light you need.
PLATINUM VISION Unit 1145, Dubai Investment Park 1 Dubai tel: +971 48859568
www.pv.ae Distributor for: Philips Dynalite
PRIME ENGINEERING PROJECTS PO Box 23059 Al Ain tel: +971 37211886 www.prime-engineering-projects.com Distributor for: Salvi
PROCOMM 9, 51st Street Dubai Investment Park 2 Dubai tel: +971 42369777 www.procom-me.com Distributor for: KScape
PROJECTS AND SUPPLIES PO Box 11191 Dubai tel: +971 42898828 www.projectsandsupplies.com Distributor for: iGuzzini, Regiolux
RUUD LIGHTING PO Box 74616 Dubai tel: +971 43980997 www.ruudlighting.com
SANOLEC Office No.5, 10th Floor Goldcrest Executive Tower PO Box 9867 Dubai www.groupevincentz-uae.com
SBH LIGHTING PO Box 62005 Dubai tel: +971 43392070 www.sbhlighting.net Distributor for: Danlers
SCHRÉDER Plot No 597-944 Dubai Investment Park 2 PO Box 283410 Dubai tel: +971 48853777 www.schredergulf.ae
SCIENTECHNIC Dubai design district, Building 1A Dubai tel: +971 42035777 www.scientechnic.com Distributor for: Erco, Kreon, Ledvance, Louis Poulsen, Lutron, Osram, Siteco, Traxon e:cue, WE-EF
SIGNIFY PO Box 7785 Dubai tel: +971 44461100 www.signify.com
SPEAR LIGHTING Airport Road, Al Qusaidat PO Box 1307 Ras Al Khaimah tel: +971 72288131 www.spearlighting.com Distributor for: Bega, Limburg, Maltani, Securlite
SPECLIGHT ASSOCIATES Jumeirah Business Center 1 Office 702 Cluster G Jumeirah Lake Towers Dubai tel: +971 44316465 www.speclightassociates.com Distributor for: B Light, Civic, eldoLED, Hess, Schmitz, Whitegoods
The Curve Sheikh Zayed Road PO Box 282820 Dubai tel: +971 502589579 www.stretchceilings.co.uk
SWISS LED Jumeirah Lake Towers Jumeirah Business Center 3, Office 2004 Dubai tel: +971 45586295 www.swiss-led.com
SWITCH-MADE Office 3703 Aspect Tower Business Bay, PO Box 390227 Dubai tel: +971 44477384 www.switch-made.com
LIU/Warehouse 15, Dubai Airport Free Zone PO Box 54350 Dubai tel: +971 42998141 www.sylvania-lighting.com
TAO LIGHTING PO Box 64152 Dubai tel: +971 42271633 www.taolighting.ae
TARGETTI Dubai Airport Free Zone Authority Building 6 West A - Office 732 Dubai tel: +971 46091033 www.targetti.com
TECTRONICS PO Box 6139 Office 505 ABT-5 Building Dubai tel: +971 65936444 www.tectronicsme.com Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Philips Dynalite, Stoane Lighting
THORN LIGHTING 4B Street Al Quoz Industrial Area 1 Dubai tel: +971 42948938 www.thornlighting.com
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES Gate 4 LOB 16 Office 602-603 PO Box 17476 Dubai tel: +971 48813767 www.traxontechnologies.com
TRIDONIC PO Box 17972 Jebel Ali Free Zone Dubai tel: +971 48833664 www.tridonic.com f a
TRILUX Building 5EA Office No.808 DAFZ Dubai tel: +971 46091825 www.trilux.com
TRUELUX GROUP The Curve GO13 Al Quoz 3 Sheikh Zayed Road Dubai tel: +971 43883513 www.trueluxgroup.co.uk
TRYKA L.E.D. Suite Z2-62 PO Box 8486 SAIF Zone Sharjah tel: +971 65572920 www.tryka.com
XAL Rakia Business Center 5 Building A4 2nd floor office No.201 Al Jazeera Al Hamra tel: +971 529112225 www.xal.com
XERO LINEAR LIGHTING SYSTEMS Office 211 JAFZA 15 Jebel Ali Dubai tel: +971 567373743 www.xerolighting.com
UNILAMP Sharjah Airport International Freezone Sharjah tel: +971 507654183 email: shakhir@unilamp.co.th www.unilamp.co.th d g a
Unilamp is the leading manufacturer of outdoor lighting since early 90’s. Our success has been based on a solid foundation of identifying our clients requirements for sustainability, reliability, design and functionality. Decades of steady and continuous development, we have taken great strides in enterprise management, quality enhancement and technology innovation.
UNILED TECHNOLOGIES A3-94, PO Box 120186 SAIF Zone Sharjah tel: +971 503087595 www.uniledtech.com
V-TAC Unit #407/8/9 Jumeirah Bay Towers, Plot #X3, JLT PO Box 45244 Dubai tel: +971 44539898 www.v-tac.eu
VENTURE LIGHTING PO Box 16994 Jebel Ali Free Zone Dubai tel: +971 48837370 www.venturelighting.com Distributor for: Lumascape
VENUETECH Bin Sougat Building 306 Salahudin Road PO Box 14889 Dubai tel: +971 42687444 www.venuetech.ae Distributor for: Martin, Robert Juliat
XO LIGHTS-EXTRA ORDINARY LIGHTING & EQUIPMENT TRADING Green Tower, Office 1504 Riggat al Buteen, Deira PO Box 119375 Dubai tel: +971 42958818 email: info@xocompany.org www.xocompany.org
Distributor for: Crestron, DAL, LED Italy, Louis Poulsen, Orluna, PIL, Regianni, Segula, Unonovesette, Vibia
XO Lights is an award winning total light solution provider with an office in the Middle East and in Europe. XO Lights realises bespoke and energy efficient architectural lighting and control solutions within your budget and time. We offer expert product knowledge, design and specification assistance, product supply, programming and comprehensive site and after sales assistance.
ZUBAIR ELECTRIC PO Box 12894 Dubai tel: + 971 4 33 62 532 www.zubairelectric.com
Distributor for: Agabekov, Cube, formalighting, LightGraphix, Neolec
ZUMTOBEL Dubai Airport Free Zone Building 6W B Block-233 PO Box 54302 Dubai tel: +971 42993530 z.lighting
CAMCONA TRADING No. 17, Street 306, Boeung Keng Kang 1 Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh tel: +855 23211960 www.camconabms.com
Distributor for: CTC, IMER, Ligman, Rinnai
ARTMOSPHERE Business Park Kebon Jeruk, Block D2-6, 3rd Floor Jl. Meruya Ilir No. 88 Jakarta tel: +62 2158908134 www.artmosphere-light.com
Kaliurang Km 6,7 Timor Timur Street D.08 Sleman Yogyakarta 55283 tel: +62 274885611 www.bca-ateliers.com
DESIGN INTERNATIONAL Graha Iskandarsyah, Lt. 10 Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya 66c Jakarta 12160 tel: +62 217209948 www.designinternational.com
FPOV Ruko Pancawarna 37 Kota Baru Parahyangan Bandung 40553 tel: +62 81386827007 www.f-pov.com
ICON ILLUMINATION Jl. Amil no. 7 Pejaten Jakarta 12510 tel: +62 217970262 www.iconillumination.com
ILLUMINATE LIGHTING DESIGN Menara DEA 5th Floor Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat Jakarta 12950 tel: +62 215760820 www.illuminateld.com
Kencana Putri Building No.99 Jl. Akses UI, Tugu, Cimanggis Depok 16451 tel: +62 85100619616 www.kldesign.co
LIGHTBOX No.3 Jalan Kemang Raya Kemang Point #03-06 Jakarta 12730 tel: +62 2175811131 www.lightboxlighting.com
LITAC KONSULTAN Jl Cemara 13 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12110 tel: +62 215213030 www.litac-consultant.com
LITO Perkantoran Tomang Tol Raya Blok A1/4 Suite 302 Taman Kedoya Baru Jakarta 11520 tel: +62 2158304766 www.litolighting.com
LUMINA GROUP Intiland Tower 12A Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman 32 Jakarta 10220 tel: +62 2157930649 www.luminagroup.co
MEINHARDT LIGHT STUDIO Grha Tirtadi 3/F JI. Raden Saleh No.20 Jakarta 10430 www.meinhardtls.com
PAVILION SEMBILANLIMA Pandok Indah Plaza V Blok A9 Ji Margaguna Raya Jakarta 12410 tel: +62 2130079595 www.pavilion95.com
STUDIO NIMMERSATT Jalan Beraban No.47A Kab. Badung, Kuta Utara Bali tel: +62 81237935913 www.studionimmersatt.com
Jalan Halimun Raya No. 31 Jakarta Selatan DKI Jakarta 12980 tel: +62 218282506 www.class-international.com
Distributor for: Bega, Dynalite, Erco, Glashütte Limburg, Intralux, OMS, Prolicht, RAAT, Salvi, Zumtobel
Jalan Alaydrus No.27H Jakarta Pusat 10130 tel: +62 216337529 www.concept-systems.com.sg Distributor for: Martin
Kompleks Perkantoran Business Park Kebon Jeruk Blok D1 no.2
Jl. Raya Meruya Ilir No. 88, Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat 11620 tel: +62 2130067989 www.cla.asia Distributor for: A&O Technology, IBL, Lumascape, Prolicht
DESIGNCLOPEDIA Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav 3 Jakarta 10340 tel: +62 2139830333 www.designclopedia.com Distributor for: Flou, Maxalto, Poliform
DHARMAWAN TECHNOLOGIES Plaza Kebon Jeruk Blok D 1-4 Jl. Raya Pejuangan Tomang Tol Kebon Jeruk Jakarta 11530 tel: +62 215307373 www.dharmawan.co.id Distributor for: Alto, Brownie, Kreon, Ligman, Osram, Philips, SLV, Soraa, Wever & Ducré, Wibre
GE LIGHTING Gedung BRI II 27th Floor JI.Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 44-46 Jakarta 10210 tel: +62 215745240 www.gelighting.com
JL. Tanjung Duren Raya 67 C Jakarta tel: +62 215640367 www.indoliteprima.com Distributor for: Antares, Flos, iGuzzini, Meyer
KARSATAMA PERKASA Komplek Kosambi Permai JI. Raya Perancis Blok E 50-51 Banten 15211 tel: +62 215592212 www.karsatamaperkasa.com Distributor for: Acuity, Farnell, Havells-Sylvania, Thorlux, Trilux, Venture
Jl. Raya Pos Pengumben No. 11 Srengseng Jakarta Barat 11630 tel: +62 87877191488 www.ligman.com
LUXINDO PERKASA Ruko Mutiara Palem Blok. A7 No.15 Jalan Outer Ring Road Cengkareng Jakarta Barat 11730 tel: +62 2154358174 www.luxindoperkasa.com Distributor for: Bilton, Colors, Grupo MCI, Lamp, Modular, Orluna, RZB, WE-EF, Wibre, XAL
MONALISA TUNGGAL JAYA Jalan Gajah Mada 156 S Jakarta Barat 11130 tel: +62 216007069 www.ptmtj.com Distributor for: Griven, Martin
OSRAM Jalan Siliwangi KM1, Desa Keroncong, Jatiuwung Tangerang 15134 tel: +62 215900127 www.osram.com/ds
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PT TRIGLODE LIGHTING Kebun Jeruk Business Park Blok E1/15 Jl Meruya Ilir no 88 Blok E1/15 Jakarta Barat 11620 tel: +62 2130061558 www.triglode.com Distributor for: Dark, Ligman, Lucent, RobLight
PT. SURGIKA ALKESINDO Jl. Letjen Suprapto No. 60 Unit G-H Indra Sentral Jakarta Pusat 10520 tel: +62 214253634 www.surgika.com Distributor for: Trilux
SIGNIFY Jl. Buncit Raya Kav. 99 Jakarta 12510 tel: +62 8001052678 www.signify.com
Komp. Mangga Dua Plaza Block B No. 5, Jl. Mangga Dua Raya Jakarta 10730 tel: +62 216120068 www.megaman-indonesia.com
TRIDAYA DINAMIKA ELEKTRINDO Blok E 3-5 Komplek Sunter Permai Jl.Danau Sunter Utara Jakarta 14350 tel: +62 216519271 www.tridaya-elektrindo.com Distributor for: Endo, Lamp, Luci, Neri, Side, Targetti, TDE UNILAMP
Alia Residence, Alia2 No21 Rt05 Rw03.Jl. Raya Kampung Sawah Pondok Melati, Bekasi West Java Province 17415 tel: +62 8119204647 email: kevin_k@unilamp.co.th www.unilamp.co.th d g a
Unilamp is the leading manufacturer of outdoor lighting since early 90’s. Our success has been based on a solid foundation of identifying our clients requirements for sustainability, reliability, design and functionality. Decades of steady and continuous development, we have taken great strides in enterprise management, quality enhancement and technology innovation.
LIGHT CIBLES Office Suite 19-16-3A Level 16 UOA Centre 19 Jalan Pinang Kuala Lumpur 50450 tel: +60 321817281 www.light-cibles.com
LUMINO DESIGN CONSULTANTS 26 Jalan PJU 1A/16 Taman Perindustrian Jaya Petaling Jaya Selangor 47200 tel: +60 378472736 www.lumino.com.my
270 Taman Mayling Jalan Sungai Maong Tengah Kuching Sarawak 93150 tel: +60 822311139
NEOLIGHT B9-2 Jalan Selaman 1 Dataran Palma Ampang Selangor Darul Ehsan Kuala Lumpur 68000 tel: +60 342704069 www.neolightdesign.com
URBAN LIGHTSCAPE DESIGN CONSULTANTS A-2-5, Pusat Perdagangan Kuchai No: 2, Jalan 1/127, Off Jalan Kuchai Kuala Lumpur 58200 tel: +60 379823257
ACOUSTIC & LIGHTING SYSTEM 8, Jalan Kenari 10, Bandar Puchong Jaya Puchong 47100 tel: +60 380758990 www.acousticlighting.com Distributor for: Alto, Clay Paky, Colorbeam, GE, Studio Due, Wireless Systems
ARI LIGHTING No.11 Jalan TIB 1/2, Taman Industri Bolton Batu Caves Selangor 68100 tel: +60 361881228 Distributor for: Alto, Erco, Gira, iGuzzini, Luci LED, Lutron, Osram, Soraa
AZ-TECHNOLOGY 901 Level 9 Block B Kelana Business Centre 97 Jalan SS7/2 Kelana Jaya Petaling Jaya 47301 tel: +60 378048450 www.azelite.com.my
CREATIVE LIGHTING ASIA Unit 5, 9th Floor, Hexagon Tech Park 105 Jalan Gurdwara Penang 10300 tel: +60 1548733668 www.cla.asia Distributor for: A&O Technology, IBL, Lumascape, Prolicht
CREE B-02-20 Krystal Point, Jalan Sultan Azlan Syah Sungai Nibong 11900 tel: +60 346442225 www.cree.com
CRESTRON 45-B, Melawat Urban 1 Lorong Perak Kuala Lumpur 51300 tel: +60 341078223 www.crestron.eu
ELR C-5-4, Southgate Business Centre Jalan Dua, Off Jalan Chan Sow Lin Kuala Lumpur 52000 tel: +60 122180480 www.elr-group.com
Level 6 & 7, 1 Sentral Jalan Travers Kuala Lumpur 50470 tel: +60 322739788 www.gelighting.com
GRUPPE LIGHTING No.9, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/60, Kota Kemuning Seksyen 31 Shah Alam 40460 tel: +60 355254133 www.gruppelighting.com Distributor for: Accento Lighting, iLED Lighting, Jingri Lighting
HUNZA No.36, Jalan SS3/11 Petaling Jaya Selangor 47100 tel: +60 356378788 www.hunza.co.nz
INLIGHT NO. 18-1 & 18-2, Jalan Puteri 1/8 Bandar Puteri Puching Selangor 47100 tel: +60 380513899 www.inlight.com.my Distributor for: Grupo MCI, GVA, Lamp, LEDS C4, Lutron, RZB, Targetti
JURUPALM TECHNOLOGIES 16-2 Jalan PJS 8/10 Dataran Mentari Bandar Sunway Petaling Jaya 46150 tel: +60 356300999 www.jurupalm.biz Distributor for: Crescent, displayLED
KVC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES Wisma KVC, Lot 3, Jalan P10/12 Kawasan Perusahaan Bangi Bandar Baru Bangi Selangor Darul Ehsan 43650 tel: +60 389252828 www.kvc.com.my Distributor for: GE, Hitachi, Philips, Salvi
LEDZWORLD 63 Pesara Kampung Jawa Bayan Lepas 11900 tel: +60 46300800 www.ledzworld.com
LIGHTCRAFT 98 Jalan Sungai Besi Tanjung Tokong Kuala Lumpur 57100 tel: +60 392224219 www.lightcraft.com.my Distributor for: Artemide, LEDS C4, Simes, Unilamp
LSI SYSTEMS 6-1 Jalan Ara SD7/3B Bandar Sri Damansara Kuala Lumpur 52200 tel: +60 362775866 www.lsisystems.com.my Distributor for: acdc, Dark, Ecosense, Rako, Soraa
LUMILEDS Lebuh Kampung Jawa Bayan Lepas FIZ, Phase 3 Penang 11900 tel: +60 346426868 www.lumileds.com
M-LUX No.80 – G & I Jalan PJS 5/30 Pusat Dagang Petaling Jaya Selatan Selangor. 46150 tel: +60 377818954 www.mlux.com.my Distributor for: A&O Technology, Hyundai, Lucent, Luci, Rise
NEO-NEON Unit 31-8, Level 8, The Boulevard Office Mid Valley City Lingkaran Syed Putra Kuala Lumpur 59200 tel: +60 322881134 www.neo-neon.com
e f d g a
OPULENT Plot 111, Bayan Lepas Industrial Park Lebuh Raya Kampung Jawa Bayan Lepas Penang 11900 tel: +60 46408698 www.opulent-group.com
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OSRAM Level 12 CP Tower No.11, Jlln 16/11 Pusat Dagang Seksyen 16 Petaling Jaya 46350 tel: +60 379525555 www.osram.com/ds
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POWERMICRO TECHNOLOGY No.1, Jalan Astaka U8/83 Section U8, Bukit Jelutong Shah Alam 40150 tel: +60 378453106 www.powermicrotech.com
POWERNICS SALES No.39, Jalan Pu 7/4 Taman Puchong Utama Selangor Darul Ehsan Puchong 47100 tel: +60 380618120 www.powernics.com.my Distributor for: Mean Well
RZB Block D1, Level 2, Setia Walk Persiaran Wawasan Puchong Selangor Darul Ehsan 47160 tel: +60 358791511 www.rzb-lighting.com
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SIGNIFY Level 9 Menara Axis No.2, Jalan 51A/223 Petaling Jaya 46100 tel: +60 379657488 www.signify.com
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STRAITS DESIGN Level Two No.1 Jalan BRP 9/1D Perusahaan Bukit Rahman Putra Selangor 47000 tel: +60 361572228 www.straits-design.com.my Distributor for: Schreder
SUCCESS ELECTRONICS & TRANSFORMERS No.3, 5 & 7, Jalan TSB 8 Taman Industri Sg. Buloh Sungai Buloh Selangor 47000 tel: +60 361572788 www.success.com.my
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SYLVANIA Suite 14.3, Level 14, Menara IMC 8 Jalan Sultan Ismail Kuala Lumpur 50250 tel: +60 320318788 www.sylvania-lighting.com
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TECHNOLITE GROUP B2-8 Dataran Niaga Sg. Besi Midfields Square East,Jln. 11/108C Kuala Lumpur 57100 tel: +60 390440111 www.technolite.global Distributor for: Alto, Arcluce, Exenia, LED iBond, LED Linear, Lumenpulse, Sattler
XERO LINEAR LIGHTING SYSTEMS No.8 Jalan KIP3 KIP Industrial Park Kuala Lumpur 52200 tel: +60 362742400 www.xerolighting.com
CHRISTINE SICANGCO LIGHTING DESIGN Penthouse - San Luis Terraces 638 TM Kalaw, Ermita Manila 1000 tel: +63 25251179
2nd Floor Unit 3 A.G. Alanes Space Rental Lot 21 Blk 7 Elvinda Village, San Vicente, San Pedro Laguna 4023 tel: +63 28128986
National Life Building 6752 Ayala Avenue, Room 405 Makati City NCR1226 tel: +63 27172281
LIGHTBOX U718 Swire Elan Suites 49 Annapolis Street, Greenhills San Juan City 1500 www.lightboxlighting.com
PL LIGHT IN EXISTENCE 64 East Capitol Drive, Pasig City, 1600 Metro Manila tel: +63 279074298 www.pl-light.com
TOESPIN 8th-F Obispado de Cubao Bldg 41 Lantana Street, Cubao Quezon City 1111 tel: +63 9178575997 www.toespin.com
AMIGO ENTERTAINMENT TECHNOLOGIES 6th Flr. W Global Center, 30th St. cor 9th Ave Bonifacio Global City, Taguig tel: +63 28088771 www.amigo-anzia.com Distributor for: Griven
BAG ELECTRONICS Laguna International Industrial Park Block 5 Lot 7 CNB Street 4024 Mamplasan, Biñan Laguna tel: +63 495390743 www.bagelectronics.com
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CENIT LIGHTING 670 Florentino Torres Street, Sta. Cruz Manila 1003 tel: +63 2733835156 www.cenitlighting.com Distributor for: AEL, Fumagalli, Grupo MCI, Linea Light Group, Performance in Lighting, Sylvania Lighting, XAL
CREATIVE LIGHTING ASIA One Global Place, Level 10-1 5th Avenue & 25th Street Bonifacio Global City Taguig 1632 tel: +63 29170258 www.cla.asia Distributor for: A&O Technology, IBL, Lumascape, Prolicht
FEELUX Viera Residences Scout Tuazon Barangay Obrero Quezon City tel: +63 9761212739 www.feelux.com
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FUMACO 35 Pleasant View Drive Bagbaguin Caloocan City, Metro Manila 1400 tel: +63 29832117 www.fumaco.com Distributor for: Axolight, Ivela, Soraa, Thorn, Tridonic, Zumtobel
GE LIGHTING 1873 P. Domingo Street, Makati City Manila 1207 tel: +63 28957051 www.gelighting.com
JOINT VENTURE 233 Tomas Morato Avenue Diliman Quezon City Manila tel: +63 23742967 www.jointventure.com Distributor for: Lite Puter, Martin, SGM
LIGHT PLAN INC 8-M St. Peter Hilltop Street Barangay Kaunlaran Quezon City 1111 tel: +63 279038018 www.lightplaninc.com
LIGMAN Unit 2STY-2BR-3A, Gomega 1 Condominium P. Martinez St Barangay Daang Bakal 1550 Mandaluyong tel: +63 286889426 www.ligman.com
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QUAZAR LIGHTING 1 Pearl Street cor. Opal Street Emerald Village, Brgy. Sto., Nino Marikina City 1800 tel: +63 22982466 www.quazarlighting.com Distributor for: Arcluce, Ateljé Lyktan, Flexa Lighting, Focus Lighting, Intra, Lucent, Sattler
SIGNIFY 10/F Sun Life Centre, 5th Avenue Bonifacio Global City Taguig 1634 tel: +63 26679000 www.signify.com
THOMPSON LIGHTING 312 Sunshine Square Building Shaw Boulevard Mandaluyong City Manila 1553 tel: +63 25315264 www.thompsonlighting.com Distributor for: Endo, Precision, RCL, Salvi, Soraa UNILAMP 353 M.L. Quezon St. Lower Bicutan Taguig City 1632 tel: +63 9164457515 email: sherwin@unilamp.co.th www.unilamp.co.th d g a
Unilamp is the leading manufacturer of outdoor lighting since early 90’s. Our success has been based on a solid foundation of identifying our clients requirements for sustainability, reliability, design and functionality. Decades of steady and continuous development, we have taken great strides in enterprise management, quality enhancement and technology innovation.
UNITED POWER SYSTEMS UPSPI Centre, Interior East Service Road Sucat Muntinlupa City tel: +63 2519887276 www.upspi.com.ph Distributor for: Optiled
ZENITH INTERNATIONAL Suite 301 3/F Le Mar Ben II Building San Bernardo Street Sta. Cruz Manila 1003 tel: +63 27334526 www.zenithinternational.ph Distributor for: Cenit Lighting, iCenit, Prisma
LIGMAN 61 Ubi Avenue 1 UB Point #06-14 408941 tel: +65 62887379 www.ligman.com
ARUP 10 Hoe Chiang Road, 26-01 Keppel Towers 089315 tel: +65 64112500 email: lighting-design@arup.com www.arup.com/lighting
Lighting at Arup brings together art, science and technology. Our team of designers create expressive and award-winning concepts in light. Our commitment to sustainability drives a creative approach to the application of state-of-the-art technology. We work in harmony with aesthetics and vision, delivering human centric solutions for clients.
BO STEIBER LIGHTING DESIGN 279 River Valley Road FDAWU Tower #04-01 238320 tel: +65 62193329 email: admin@bsld.com.sg www.bsld.com.sg
We are a team of lighting designers who takes pride in what we do. We provide conceptually-innovative and environmentallyconscious lighting design. We believe in delivering quality service and taking care of projects to our clients’ satisfaction. Since 1997, we have had successful collaborations with leading designers resulting to a diverse project portfolio ranging from residences to airports.
BRANDSTON PARTNERSHIP INC 60 Paya Lebar Road #08-26 409051 tel: +65 68162524 email: singapore@bpi.co www.bpi.co
Brandston Partnership Inc. is an award winning architectural lighting design firm, and has completed over 5,000 projects all over the world since its founding in 1966. Our work represents a great diversity ranging from hospitality projects to insightful historic restorations to large mixed-use projects to city planning.
FPOV 36 Carpenter Street 059915 tel: +65 90398009 www.f-pov.com
GAURAV LIGHTING DESIGN 03-04, 1 Rivervale Link 545118
ILAB 21 Tanjong Pagar Road #02-01 08844 tel: +65 65790278 www.ilab.ac
ILLUMINATE LIGHTING DESIGN 46 Kim Yam Road, The Herencia #01-10 239351 tel: +65 63372511 www.illuminateld.com
INTELLIGENT LIGHTING DESIGN 210A Telok Ayer Street 068643 tel: +65 62244273 www.ild.com.sg
KLAASEN LIGHTING DESIGN 226A East Coast Road 428923 tel: +65 64403768 www.kldesign.co
LDP 350b Joo Chiat Road 03-02 427598 tel: +65 63465643 www.ldp.net
LIGHT CIBLES 114 Lavender Street #11-71 CT Hub 2 338729 tel: +65 62704773 www.light-cibles.com
AURECON 152 Beach Road, 22-02 Gateway East 189721 tel: +65 62566188 email: annie.eng@aurecongroup.com www.aurecongroup.com
At Aurecon, we are passionate about using light to create dynamic, visually engaging and intelligently designed spaces. Our international team of lighting designers boasts an award-winning and diverse portfolio of projects that combine innovative, sustainable lighting solutions that are seamlessly integrated into the architecture and environment.
LIGHT COLLAB 85 Maude Road #03-01 208357 tel: +65 66357511 / +65 93620642 email: info@lightcollab.com www.lightcollab.com
Light Collab is an award-winning lighting design practice, with offices in Singapore and Tokyo. It engages in a wide range of projects and is keenly committed to highlight the importance of using light to create qualitative perception. Our Principal, Yah Li Toh, is a Certified Lighting Designer (CLD).
LIGHTBOX 8 Jalan Kilang Timor #03-14 Kewalram House 159305 tel: +65 62946803 www.lightboxlighting.com
LIGHTING DESIGN OF THINGS 226A East Coast Road 428923 tel: +65 64403768 www.lightingdesignofthings.com
LIGHTING IMAGES 201 Joo Chiat Road #02-03 427472 tel: +65 62439260 www.lightingimages.co
ACCLAIM LIGHTING Brightway Building 3 Lorong Bakar Batu 07-01 348741 tel: +65 96806878 www.acclaimlighting.com
AERO 8 Burn Road #06-15 Trivex 369977 tel: +65 69082975 www.aerolight.cn
AESCO INTERNATIONAL 59 Ubi Ave 1 06-01 Bizlink Center 408938 tel: +65 67480889 www.aescointl.com
Distributor for: Eaton, Farnell, Hubbell, Phoenix Lighting
LIGHTING PLANNERS ASSOCIATES 51B Neil Road 088829 tel: +65 67343086 email: singapore@lighting.co.jp www.lighting.co.jp
Lighting Planners Associates is an organization of lighting specialists established in 1990. The goal of Lighting Planners Associates is to design and build outstanding lighting environments that enrich our architectural and lighting culture. Today Lighting Planners Associates has more than 50 unique lighting specialists at its offices in Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong.
LIMELIGHT ATELIER 190 Clemenceau Avenue #06-01 239924 tel: +65 67023185 www.limelightatelier.com
168 Jalan Bukit Merah #05-02 Subana One 150168 tel: +65 62709211 www.meinhardtls.com
MOMENT FACTORY 49 Kim Yam Road 239353 tel: +65 84441026 www.momentfactory.com
MYNA 38 Jalan Pemimpin 03-03 M38 577178 tel: +65 97330832 www.myna.com.sg
NIPEK 111 Middle Road #03-13 National Design Centre 188969 tel: +65 66356213 www.nipek.jp
ONG & ONG 336D King George’s Avenue King George’s Building 208572 tel: +65 82011556 www.ong-ong.com
300 Beach Road #05-00 The Concourse 199555 tel: +65 96333656 www.pbworld.com
PROJECT LIGHTING DESIGN 1 Commonwealth Lane #09-01/02/03 One Commonwealth 149544 tel: +65 62355880 www.pld.com.sg
SWITCH 16 Raffles Quay #41-07 Hong Leong Building 048581 tel: +65 81236716 www.switch.pro
VISUAL ENERGY Suite 1124, 105 Cecil Street #11-00 The Octagon 069534 tel: +65 65918716 www.visualenergy.org
WSP 2 Bukit Merah Central #21-00 159835 tel: +65 62223963 www.wspgroup.com
CREATIVE LIGHTING ASIA #01-17, No.9 Tagore Lane Tagore 787472 tel: +65 64833968 www.cla.asia Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Cooledge, LightKit, Lumascape, Moda, Mode, Reggiani CRESTRON 701 Sims Drive 01-04 LHK Building 387383 tel: +65 68460215 www.crestron.eu
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42DA No 1 Genting Link Perfect One 349518 tel: +65 67443086 www.delmatic.com
21 Toh Guan Road East #04-28 Toh Guan Centre 608609 tel: +65 62736826 www.arrovo.com
750E Chai Chee Road #07-01/02 Technopark@Chai Chee 469005 tel: +65 6559 8388 www.arrow.com
Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
ATEX Metropolis Tower 2 11 North Buona Vista Drive #08-09 138589 tel: +65 68087877 www.atex-jp.com
AZ E-LITE 31 Ubi Road 1, 09-01 408694 tel: +65 65942277 www.azelite.com.sg e f d c
BEGA 10 Raeburn Park No. 02-08 088702 tel: +65 66928029 www.bega.com
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BEYOND ILLUMINATION 25 Tagore Lane #03-06 Singapore G Building 787602 tel: +65 64550018 www.beyondillum.com Distributor for: EldoLED
BRINK LIGHT ASIA 29B, Keong Saik Road 089136 tel: +65 62215312 www.brinklight.asia e d c
BROWNIE 921 Upper Bukit Timah Road Khek Community Guild Building #04-07 678202 tel: +65 67697710 www.brownie-led.com
CAL LIGHTING 21 Toh Guan Road East 04-06 Toh Guan Centre 608609 tel: +65 62736826 www.cal.com.sg Distributor for: Esedra, Targetti, Traxon e:cue, Trilux
CHANGI-LIGHT 18 Kaki Bukit View Kaki Bukit Tech Park ll 415954 tel: +65 67489454 www.changi-light.com.sg Distributor for: Abacus, Endo, lival, Tec-Mar, Unilamp
CONCEPT SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGIES 10 Ubi Crescent #06-93 Ubi Techpark (Lobby E) 408564 tel: +65 68585839 www.concept-systems.com.sg Distributor for: Martin CONTROL TECH ASIA 45 Genting Lane, #03-02 Genting Complex 349557 tel: +65 67420181 www.controltechasia.com Distributor for: Interact Hospitality, Philips Dynalite
EINC 4010 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 10 Teh place 1 #7-11 tel: +65 66354011 www.einc.com.sg
e ELDOLED 25 Tagore Lane 03-06 Singapore G Building Singapore G Building 787602 tel: +65 64550018 email: sales@beyondillum.com www.eldoled.com f a
“eldoLED is a world leader in the design and manufacture of intelligent digital lighting components for the lighting industry. Our high-quality technologies and solutions optimise the connected lighting experience through smarter, sustainable and more efficient lighting that expands across all application spaces.”
ENDO LIGHTING 9 Penang Road 08-16 Park Mall 238459 tel: +65 63339051 www.endo-lighting.com e d
ERCO 93 Havelock Road 03-532 160093 tel: +65 62273768 www.erco.com e d c g a
ES-TEAM LIGHTING 15 Fourth Lok Yang Road 02-01 629711 tel: +65 68440770 www.esteam.com.sg Distributor for: Cooper Lighting, E Lighting, Fael Luce, Gruppe, Osram, Philips Lighting
20 Bukit Batok Crescent 03-10/11 Enterprise Centre 658080 tel: +65 68963131 www.eurolite.com Distributor for: Eurolite, Solatube
25 Tagore Lane 03-07 Godwan 787602 tel: +65 64589903 www.flairillume.com.sg Distributor for: Hoffmeister, IP44, L&L Luce&Light, Modo Luce, Molto Luce, Occhio, Prolicht
FLOS ARCHITECTURAL 1 Commonwealth Lane #08 - 12 149544 tel: +65 63721495 www.flos.com
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FUTURE ELECTRONICS 11 Tampines Concourse #03-01 528729 tel: +65 68083888 www.futureelectronics.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Carclo, Eaton, Ledil, Lumileds, Mean Well, Osram, Recom, Samsung LED, Signify f
GE LIGHTING PO Box 10211 88540 tel: +65 63263393 www.gelighting.com e f d g
GENLED ACOLYTE 3 Ang Mo Kio Street 62 Link@AMK #01-32 569139 tel: +65 81680414 www.genledbrands.com
GRUNZELL 191 Bukit Timah Road 0201 tel: +65 65156528 www.grunzell.com
HAWKO TRADING 01-15 Citimac Industrial Complex 605 Macpherson Road 368239 tel: +65 62870011 www.hawko.com Distributor for: Griven, OPTI Kinetics
HUBBELL LIGHTING Asia Regional Office 130 Joo Seng Road #03-02, Olivine Building 368357 tel: +65 62822242 www.hubbelllighting.com
IGUZZINI 3 International Business Park Unit Nos. #02-18/19 Nordic European Centre 609927 tel: +65 65677910 www.iguzzini.com
ILLUMINATING ASIA 1014 Geylang East Ave 3 #07-238 389729 tel: +65 93360324 www.illuminatingasia.com
KKDC 10 Raeburn Park #03-10B 088702 tel: +65 63762310 www.kkdc.lighting
KOIZUMI 41 Ubi Crescent 408588 tel: +65 67477116 www.koizumi.sg Distributor for: Astro, Flos, iGuzzini, KKDC, Luci, Lucifer, Meyer, Stoane Lighting, XAL, Zumtobel
KREON 63a Club Street 069437 tel: +65 62223393 www.kreon.com
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KRISLITE Krislite Building No.9 Loyang Way 508722 tel: +65 65438000 www.krislite.com Distributor for: Ambience, Antares, Fagerhult, Hunza, Intralux, KLIK, Philips Color Kinetics, RobLight, Soraa
LASERVISION 20 Kallang Avenue Pico Creative Centre 5A 339411 tel: +65 66453000 www.laservision.com.au
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LIGHTING & SOUND DISTRIBUTION 52,Ubi Avenue 3 02-46 Frontier 408867 tel: +65 67451233 www.lsdsingapore.com Distributor for: A&O Technology, Hungaroflash, Lagotronics, Robe, Wireless Solution
LIGHTPHASE 1 Upper Aljunied Link 06-02 Joo Seng Warehouse 367901 tel: +65 62899789 www.lightphase.com.sg
LINEA LIGHT GROUP Operative office:21 Kaki Bukit Place 5th Floor 416199 tel: +65 69085758 www.linealight.com
LOUD TECHNOLOGIES ASIA 50 Serangoon North Ave 4 #07-03 First Centre 555856 tel: +65 64835110 www.loudtechnologiesasia.com Distributor for: KScape
LOUIS POULSEN 5 Purvis Street 01-02 188584 tel: +65 67354880 www.louispoulsen.com
LUCI 52A Tanjong Pager Road 088473 tel: +65 62912410 email: info@luci.co.jp www.luci.co.jp/en Distributor for: LED LINEAR
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As a market leader in the LED linear lighting industry for over 15 years, our products though simple and minimal in design, are priced attractively with fantastic lighting functions. This plus our strong support and swift responses has attracted many designers, resulting in a global portfolio of impressive project references.
LUCIBEL 10 Ang Mo Kio Street 65 GF, 14-16 www.lucibel.com
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190 Yishun Avenue 7 768925 tel: +65 68520600 www.lumileds.com
LUMISO 10 Kaki Bukit Road 1 03-26 K B Industrial Building 416175 tel: +65 68411488 www.lumiso.com.sg
LUTRON 390 Havelock Road 07-04 King’s Centre 169662 tel: +65 6220466 email: asiasales@lutron.com www.lutron.com/asia
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Founded in 1961 and based in Pennsylvania, Lutron Electronics is a leading manufacturer of energy-saving light, shade, and temperature control systems for homes, hotels and commercial buildings. Lutron’s Athena enables lighting designers world-wide to realise their design vision by adjusting independently colour temperature and intensity to create and save scenes.
1 Boon Leat Terrace, Level 06 Harbourside Building 1 119843 tel: +65 62788588 www.luxlight.sg Distributor for: Delta Light, Flos, LED Linear, Lumascape, Mareco Luce, Precision, RCL, Soraa, Wibre
21 Toh Guan Road East 04-31 Toh Guan Centre 608609 tel: +65 65150552 www.luxspace.biz Distributor for: ALW, Arrovo, Light Forms, Louis Poulsen, Modular, Multiline, Neko, Targetti, Trilux, Tryka LED
203 Henderson Road #09-13 159546 tel: +65 62725902
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108 Pasir Panjang Road 02-08 Golden Agri Plaza Singapore 118535 tel: +65 68705000
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10 Ubi Crescent Lobby E #03-97 Ubi Techpark 408564 tel: +65 67427388 www.sg.megaman.cc
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Via Ramazzotti 10 Lainate (MI) 20045 tel: +65 62552726 www.metalmek.it Distributor for: Castaldi, Ghidini, GVA Lighting, LED Technic
MILLION LIGHTING COMPANY 15 Kallang Way 5 349033 tel: +65 67433033 www.millionlighting.com.sg Distributor for: Artemide, Kartell, Metalarte, Santa & Cole, TAL, Yamagiwa
MOONS’ 33 Ubi Avenue 3 08-23 Vertex 408868 tel: +65 66341198 www.moonsindustries.com
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OPTILED 55 Toh Guan Road East 02-03 Uni-Tech Centre 608601 tel: +65 65653111 www.optiled.com
10 Ubi Crescent 07-12 Lobby B Ubi Tech Park 408564 tel: +65 67498188 www.opulent-group.com
f a
OSRAM 05-04 Amtech Building 159 Sin Ming Road 575625 tel: +65 65520110 www.osram.com/ds
PENTA 40 Carpenter Street 059919 tel: +65 91376564 www.pentalight.com
PENTA LIGHTING 32 Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2 06-17 Sing Industrial Complex 569510 tel: +65 64849000 www.penta.com.sg Distributor for: Helvar, LUG, Meanwell, Megaman, Thorlux
e g
PHOTIZO 25 Tagore Lane #03-10 Singapore G Building Singapore 787302 tel: +65 65059502 www.photizo.global d
RELEX 3014A Ubi Road 1 #07-07/08 408703 tel: +65 62853633 www.relex.com.sg Distributor for: ADO Lights, Aldabra, Arkoslight, Crescent, Dot-Spot, Flos, Luci, Meyer, Neri
SM SYSTEM CONTROL 2 Woodlands Sector 1 738068 tel: +65 68532555 www.smsystem.com.sg Distributor for: Mean Well
SUNLIGHT LUMINAIRE 1 third Chin Bee Road 618679 tel: +65 67419055 www.sunlightgroup.com Distributor for: Cree, Filix, Goccia, Targetti, Viabizzuno
TECHNOLITE GROUP 25 Tagore Lane 03-10 Singapore G Building 787602 tel: +65 64531978 www.technolite.global Distributor for: Alto, Arcluce, Flexa Lighting, Futuroluce, Intra Lighting, LED Linear, Lumenpulse, Maxiled, Sattler, WE-EF
THORN LIGHTING 158 Kallang Way #06-02 349245 tel: +65 68445800 www.thornlighting.com
TOTAL SOLUTION 2 Kallang Way 5 349022 tel: +65 62879878 www.tsm-int.com Distributor for: LumenRadio, Studio Due
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES 988 Toa Payoh North 03-01/06/07/08 319002 tel: +65 65520110 www.traxontechnologies.com
e d a
TRUELUX GROUP Vertex, Tower A 33 Ubi Avenue 3 #04-64 408868 tel: +65 65096368 www.trueluxgroup.co.uk
e d a
USHIO 28 Genting Lane, 05-05 Platinum 28 349585 tel: +65 62745311 www.ushiolighting.co.jp Distributor for: Soraa f
VOSSLOH-SCHWABE Vertex, No. 33 Ubi Avenue 3 Lobby A, 06-72 408868 tel: +65 62757533 www.vossloh-schwabe.com f
WALDMANN 22 Cross Street 02-50/51 South Bridge Court 048421 tel: +65 62758300 www.waldmann.com
e d
XERO LINEAR LIGHTING SYSTEMS 71 Ayer Rajah Crescent #01-18 139951 tel: +65 91061577 www.xerolighting.com
e d
ROBE 12 New Industrial Road 02-05 Morningstar Centre 536202 tel: +65 62808558 email: sales@robeap.com www.robe.cz
Robe is among the world’s leading moving light manufacturers, recognised for its innovation, quality and engineering. Robe’s moving and LED lights are working and installed on stages, in concert halls, theatres and all types of other venues as well as at theme park attractions and entering the specialist worlds of architectural and environmental illumination.
SELUX 1090 Lower Delta Road 06-08 to 16 Tiong Bahru Industrial Estate 169201 tel: +65 62709773 www.selux.com
SIGNIFY 620A Lorong 1 319762 tel: +65 68823869 www.signify.com
COSMOC 2F., No.160, Jingye 1st Road Zhongshan District Taipei City 104 tel: +886 285022560 www.cosmoc-design.com
GUANG TECHNOLOGY 53 Dunnan Street Da’an Dist Taipei 10671 tel: +886 227327367 www.guang-tech.com
J.Y. LIGHTING DESIGN Rm. 5 11F No.659 Sec. 1 Neihu Road, Neihu District Taipei 114 tel: +886 287917996 www.jylight.com
LIGHT POETIC 11F No.120 Sec. 3 Minquan E. Road Songshan District Taipei 105 tel: +886 287515503 www.lightpoetic.com
MS DESIGN 8F #143 Chun Shan Road Linkou Taipei 24446 tel: +886 980378603
ORIGINATOR LIGHTING DESIGN 7f 292 Fu-Hsing South Road Section 2 Taipei 106 tel: +886 227357772 www.oldc.com.tw
OUDELIGHT 3F No. 13 Shude 2nd Ln South District Taichung 402 tel: +886 422627067 www.oudelight.com
TAN LIGHTING & SPACE DESIGN 1F No. 15 LN.103 Shin Shern S Rd Section 1 Taipei 106 tel: +886 227316586
UNOLAI DESIGN 1F, No 16, Lane 140, Sec 2 Jhongcheng Road Shihlin District Taipei 11148 tel: +886 228762288 www.unolai.com
WE DO GROUP 2F., No.169 Sec. 2, Yanping N. Road Datong District Taipei 10346 tel: +886 225538875 www.wedogroup.com.tw
WORKTECHT 8F-1 No. 161 Songde Rd. Xinyi District Taipei 11085 tel: +886 223462009 www.worktecht.com
1F No.76 Aly.1 Ln. 287 Szu Yuan Road Hsin Chung Dist New Taipei City 242 tel: +886 289929822 www.yinglighting.wixsite.com/yldc
ZUMTOBEL 158 Kallang Way 06-01/02 349245 tel: +65 68445800 z.lighting e d c a
CHROMA33 ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING DESIGN 37, Suite 8b, Jen-Ai Road, Section 4 Taipei tel: +886 227528119 www.chroma33.com
CMA LIGHTING DESIGN 7F No 55 Lane 100 Tun-Hwa South Road #1 Taipei tel: +886 227417271 www.cmalighting.com.tw
CONCEPT LIGHTING DESIGN CONSULTANTS 11F, No.21, Sec. 1, Dunhua S Rd Taipei tel: +886 225700285 www.conceptldc.com
ADATA TECHNOLOGY 2F, No.258, Lian Cheng Road Chung Ho District New Taipei City 235 tel: +886 282280886 www.adatalighting.com
16F-8, No.2 Jian 8th Road New Taipei City 235 tel: +886 282261289 www.aeonlighting.com
AIXEN LITE 6F, No.649-9 Chung Cheng Road Hsin Juang Taipei 242 tel: +886 227460785 www.aixenlite.com
ALKALITE No.11 Lane 231 Nankan Road Sec. 1 Taoyuan tel: +886 32227128 www.alkalite.com
ALLIANCE OPTOTEK No.5 Lane 191 Chung-Ho Street Chupei City Hsinchu 30267 tel: +886 35551100 www.aoptk.com
e d
AMANECE-LIGHTING 15F, No.332-3, MinQuad Road Taoyuan 320 Jhongli City tel: +886 975819333 www.amanece-lighting.com
e d
ARC LIGHT 14F-2 No.700 Chung-Cheng Road Chung-Ho Dist 235 tel: +886 282278217 www.arclight.com.tw
f a
AURORA No.909-1 Sec 2 Liming Road Xitun District Taichung City 407 tel: +886 423109046 www.auroralighting.com
e f d a
BARTHELME LED SOLUTIONS 13F-1 No. 37 Sec. 2, Sanmin Road Taipei 220 tel: +886 229519333 www.barthelme.de
e f d
COLORBEAM Room 314, 3F.,No. 87 Minguang E. Road Taoyuan City 33052 tel: +886 33357716 www.colorbeam.com
e d
4F-2, 57, Sec. 3, Minsheng E. Road Taipei 104 tel: +886 225172323 www.crestron.eu
e a
DAVINCI LIGHTING 10F,68,Chung Cheng Road Hsien Chuang City Taipei 242 tel: +886 229939565 www.davinci.com.tw
e f d a
DELTA ELECTRONICS No 39 Section 2 Huandong Road Shanhua District Tainan City 741 tel: +886 287972088 www.deltaww.com
f a
EDISON OPTO 4F. No.800, Chung-Cheng Road Chung-Ho City Taipei tel: +886 282276996 www.edison-opto.com.tw
f a
EPISTAR 5 Li-hsin 5th Road Hsinchu Science Park Hsinchu 300 tel: +886 35678000 www.epistar.com.tw
EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS No. 6-8, Zhonghua Road Shulin District New Taipei City 23860 tel: +886 226856688 www.everlight.com
EXCELLENCE OPTO 5F, No. 1, Creation Road II Hsinchu Science Park Hsinchu 30077 tel: +886 35679000 www.eoi.com.tw
FZLED 4F-1, No.498 BanNan Road ZhongHe District New Taipei City 235 tel: +886 222287885 www.fzled.com.tw
GE LIGHTING 7 Fl No.8 Min Chuan E. Road Section 3 Taipei 104 tel: +886 221837000 www.gelighting.com
e f d g
GLACIALTECH 7 F, No.352, Sec. 2 Zhongshan Road New Taipei City 235 tel: +886 222441227 www.glaciallight.com
GOOEE No.909-1, Sec 2, liming Road Xitun District Taichung City 407 www.gooee.com a
HEP No. 20 Jingke 7th Road, Nantun District Taichung City 408 tel: +886 435009325 www.hepgroup.net
4F-9, No 3, Wuquan 1st Road Xinzhuang District New Taipei City 24892 tel: +886 222994850 www.hotronic.com.tw Distributor for: Intralux, Meyer, RCL
K&L LIGHT No.952 Guohua Road Miaoli City Miaoli County 360 tel: +886 37368158 www.kinglumi.com Distributor for: Mareco Luce
KCDH No.20, Lane 69, Jingye 2nd Road Jhongshan District Taipei City 10466 tel: +886 285026180 www.kc-dh.com Distributor for: Lightyears
KONSON TRADING Taipei World Trade Center 7c18, No.5, HsinYi Road Section 5 Taipei tel: +886 227231788 Distributor for: Kim Lighting
LEXTAR No.3 Gongye E. 3rd Road Hsinchu Science Park Hsinchu 30075 tel: +886 35658800 www.lextar.com
LITEPUTER 9F No.196 Sec. 3 Datong Rd, Xizhi Dist Taipei 221 tel: +886 286472828 www.liteputer.com.tw
LUMEX 3F, No.972, Sec. 4, Chung Hsing Road Chu Dung tel: +886 35821124 www.lumex.com.tw
MACROBLOCK Fl 6-4, No 18 Pu-Ting Road Hsinchu 30072 tel: +886 35790068 www.mblock.com.tw
MACRON No. 352, Peng-Yi Road Taiping Taichung 411 tel: +886 422708357 www.macrongroup.com
MEAN WELL No.28 Wuquan 3rd Road Wugu District Taipei 24891 tel: +886 222996100 www.meanwell.eu
NEO-NEON 13F, 176, Sec.1 Keelung Road Singi District Taipei City 110 tel: +886 277180999 www.neo-neon.com
OSRAM 7th Floor No.87 Sung Chiang Road Taipei tel: +886 225083502 www.osram.com/ds
PRIMO OPTO No.8, Lane 178, Sec. 1, Ping-Dong Road Ping-Chen Taoyuan 324 tel: +886 34601396 www.primolite.com.tw
PROLIGHT OPTO 3F No.12 Kung-Yeh 10th Road Ping Chen Industrial Zone Ping Chen 324 tel: +886 34192099 www.prolightopto.com
RISE LIGHTING No.7, wu Chuan 1st Road Hsin Chuang City Taipei Hsien tel: +886 222990607 www.rise-lighting.com.tw e d
ROOSTER LIGHTING No.2, Yuanshi Street Dajhou Village Pingtung City 90089 tel: +886 87521688 www.roosterlighting.com Distributor for: OPTI Kinetics
SEMILEDS OPTOELECTRONICS 1F, No.11 Ke Jung Road Chu-Nan Site Hsinchu Science Park Miao-Li County tel: +886 37586788 www.semileds.com
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR 11F NO.868-6 Zhongezheng Road Zhonghe District XinBei City 235 tel: +886 282267678 www.seoulsemicon.com
SUNLUX ACE INDUSTRIES No.1, Alley 2, Lane 391 Chuan Chin Road Taipei 110 tel: +886 22797727 www.sunluxace.com.tw Distributor for: Thorlux, Venture Lighting
TAIWAN OASIS TECHNOLOGY No.5,Ln44,Si-Wei Road Da-An District Taipei City 10684 tel: +886 277286688 www.oasistek-lighting.com d g
TAIWAN PLENTY 16F, No.29-3, Sec 2, Chung-Cheng E.Road Tam-Shui District Taipei City tel: +886 22624250 www.plenty-group.com Distributor for: Almeco
TESS 3F, No.115, Wugong 3rd Road Wu-Ku Industrial Park Wu-Ku Township 248 tel: +886 222997688 www.tesscop.com e f d
TG-LIGHT OPTOELECTRONIC 9F, No.89, Qiaohe Road Zhonghe City 235 tel: +886 222267838 www.tg-light.com.tw f
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES 7th Floor No. 87 Sung Chiang Road Taipei tel: +886 225131750 www.traxontechnologies.com e d a
VOSSLOH-SCHWABE 9, Fl 2, No.80 Sung Chiang Road Taipei tel: +886 225683622 www.vossloh-schwabe.com
WAH LEE INDUSTRIAL 10F., No.235, Chung Cheng 4th Road. Kaohsiung Taiwan 801 tel: +886 227152087 www.wahlee.com Distributor for: Seoul Semiconductor
WESTPORT No.113 Dazhu Road Luzu Township 33857 tel: +886 334113179 www.westport.com.tw
Y2 LIGHTING No.9 Ln. 87, Wugong 1st Road Xinzhuang District New Taipei City 242 tel: +886 222900100
LIGHTING DESIGNERS APLD 72/3 Soi. Arpasiri, Suthisanvinitchai Road Samsennok Hauy Kwang Bangkok 10310 tel: +66 22747477 www.aplddesign.com
ASA LIGHTING DESIGN STUDIOS 601 Promphan Tower II 1,3 Ladprao Soi 3 Road, Chompol Bangkok 10900 tel: +66 21583492 www.asastudios.com
ATELIER TEN 66/4 Sukhumvit Road Soi 33 Bangkok 10110 tel: +66 2662 3310 www.atelierten.com
BE LIT 219/55-C, 16th floor, Asoke Towers Building Sukhumvit 21 Road (ASOKE), KlongToey-Nua Vadhana, Bangkok 10110 tel: +66 22594449 www.be-lit.com
BIOARCHITEK 68-68/6 S&B Tower Unit 114 Pan Road Silom Bangkok 101500 tel: +66 22348080 www.bioarchitek.com BO STEIBER LIGHTING DESIGN 333/18 Unit 12/1, 12/2 United Tower 12 Floor, Soi Sukhumvit 55 (Thonglor) Sukhumvit Road, Klongton-Nua Wattana, Bangkok 10110 tel: +66 21852890 email: admin@bsld-th.co.th www.bsld.com.sg
We are a team of lighting designers who takes pride in what we do. We provide conceptually-innovative and environmentallyconscious lighting design. We believe in delivering quality service and taking care of projects to our clients’ satisfaction. Since 1997, we have had successful collaborations with leading designers resulting to a diverse project portfolio ranging from residences to airports.
C&P LIGHTING 16th Richmond Building 15/54 Sukhumvit 26 Road Khlong Tan, Khlong Toei Bangkok 10110 www.c-plighting.com
DJCOALITION 8th Floor Piya Place Building 29/1 Soi Langsuan, Lumpini Pathumwan Bangkok 10330 tel: +66 26585525 www.djcoalition.com
GOOODLUX DESIGN CONSULTANCY 15 Pradipat 17 Road Phayathai Bangkok 10400 tel: +66 21168677 www.gooodluxdesign.com
INVERSE LIGHTING DESIGN 4 O.P. Garden Charoen Krung 36 Bangrak Bangkok 10500 tel: +66 22386446 www.inverselighting.co.uk
LIGHT TOUCH PLD 175 MPA Complex, Unit A, 4th Floor Soi Suksavittaya, Silom Road Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 tel: +66 26350277 www.lighttouchpld.com
LIGHT WISE & ASSOCIATES 165 Racquet Club, Building 4 5th Floor Room 45 Sukhumvit 49/11 Klongton Nua, Wattana Bangkok 10110 tel: +66 27147231 www.liightwise.com
LIGHTBOX No. 26/2 Suchitri Building, 3rd Floor Sathon Soi 1 South Sathon Road Bangkok 10120 tel: +66 969745479 www.lightboxlighting.com
Thanapoom Tower 15th - 16th Floor 1550 New Petchburi Road Makkasan Ratchtevee Bangkok 10400 tel: +66 22070568 www.meinhardtls.com
LIGHT UP DESIGN 98 soi 59, Rama 9 Road Suan Luang Bangkok 10250 tel: +66 23742732
www.lightupdesign.com Distributor for: Soraa
NULTY 5th Floor Chavanich Building No 38 Soi Sukhumvit 69 Sukhumvit Road, Prakanong Nua, Wattana Bangkok 10110 tel: +66 809549887 email: office@nultylighting.co.uk www.nultylighting.co.uk
Nulty is a nimble yet mighty architectural lighting design practice, with a healthy selection of awards and a diverse roster of clients across the commercial, hospitality, residential and retail sectors. With offices based in London, Dubai, Miami and Bangkok, our emphasis is on creating innovative, sustainable and energy-efficient lighting schemes.
175 MPA Complex, Unit A, 4th Floor Soi Suksavittaya, Silom Road Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 tel: +66 26350277 www.pld.com.sg
SEAM DESIGN 111 South Sathorn Road Yannawa, Sathorn Bangkok 10120 www.seam-design.com
WITH LIGHT 942/151 Charn Issara Tower I Rama 4 Road, Bangrak Bangkok 10500 tel: +66 22343785 www.withlight.co.th
APC 29 / 4 Soi Sukhumvit 31 Klongtoey Nua Wattana Bangkok 10110 tel: +66 22596199 www.apc-arch.com Distributor for: Salvi
ASIAN STANLEY INTERNATIONAL 48/1 Moo 1, Tambol Kukwang, Ladlumkaew Pathumthanee 12140 tel: +66 25991260 www.stanley-ledlighting.com
CREATIVE LIGHTING ASIA 29/1 Piya Place Langsuan Building Unit 5E 5th Floor, Lumpini, Pathumwan Bangkok 10330 tel: +66 909418096 www.cla.asia Distributor for: A&O Technology, IBL, Lumascape, Prolicht
DYNAMIC SOURCE 26/19 Moo 17 Phutthamonthon Sai 2 Road Sala Thammasop Bangkok 10170 tel: +66 24490300 www.dynamic-source.com Distributor for: Selecon
ENDO LIGHTING 163 Rajapark Bldg,18F Sukhumvit 21 (Asoke) Klongtoey Nua,Wattana Bangkok 10110 tel: +66 26652540 www.endo-lighting.com
e d
GE LIGHTING 1126/2 Vanit Building II, 16th Floor Room No 1603 New Petchburi Road, Makkasan Bangkok 10400 tel: +66 2255872131 www.gelighting.com
KKDC 525/3 NT House Building Soi Soonvijai 4, Rama 9 Road, Rama 9 Soi 13 Bangkapi, Huai Khwang Bangkok 10310 tel: +66 23183577
d a
LAMP 2/179 17a Floor, The Royal Place 1 Soi Mahat Lek Luang 1 Lumpini, Pathumwan Bangkok 10330 tel: +66 816928066
e d g a
LIGHT STYLE 1050 Soi Sukhumvit 66/1 Bangjak Phrakanong Bangkok 10260 tel: +66 274496245
www.lightstyle.co.th Distributor for: Dynalite, Flos, Martini, Modular
LIGHTING AND EQUIPMENT 16th Floor, Gypsum Metropolitan Tower 539/2 Sri-Ayudhya Road Rajthevee Bangkok 10400 tel: +66 26425092 www.l-and-e.com Distributor for: Lumascape, Sill, Zumtobel
TERRAMAR ENG. +MACHINERY 65/164 Chamnan Phenjati Building 20th Floor Rama 9 Street Huaykwang Bangkok 10320 tel: +66 264381248 wau@terramar.com Distributor for: Almeco UNILAMP 461 Ramintra Road Kannayao Bangkok 10230 tel: +66 29432420 – 1 email: unilamp@unilamp.co.th www.unilamp.co.th d g a
DJCOALITION WeWork E.Town Central 11 Doan Van Bo, Ward 12, District 4 Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 903335386 www.djcoalition.com
LIGHTBOX Room 501, Floor 5. Royal Office Building 123 Le Loi Avenue Ben Thanh Ward District 1 Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 968195486 www.lightboxlighting.com
AUVIET LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY 3/F, 98 Tran Quang Khai Street DaKao Ward, One District Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 38480830 www.auvietlighting.com
LIGMAN 2300 Rama 9 Road Suan Luang Bangkok 10250 tel: +66 23218211 email: info@ligman.com www.ligman.com
LIGMAN is committed to producing worldclass, high efficiency and top quality outdoor and indoor lighting products. Utilising state of the art advanced modern technology, the highest level of techincal expertise and innovative design, LIGMAN has an impressioned focus for offering customers total lighting solutions.
LIVE LIGHTING 219/55 Asoke Towers,16th floor Sukhumvit 21 Bangkok tel: +66 22595151 Distributor for: iGuzzini
LUCIBEL 566/48-48 Sathu pradit Road Bang phongpang Yannawa Bangkok 10120 tel: +66 26823359 www.lucibel.com
MAHAJAK DEVELOPMENT 46 Sukhumvit Soi 3 Nana-Nua Klongtoey-Nua Wattana Bangkok 10110 tel: +66 225600209 www.mahajak.com Distributor for: Martin
MOSAIC EINS 97 Suanmali Soi 3 Bamrungmuang Road Themsirin, Pomprab Bangkok 10100 tel: +66 26218200 www.mosaiceins.com Distributor for: Ansorg, Hunza, KKDC, Lutron, Precision, RCL, Soraa, Wibre
OSRAM Charn Issara Tower II 19th Floor 2922/251 New Petchburi Road Bangkok 10310 tel: +66 27155767 www.osram.com/ds
PALICON PRO-ART LIGHTING 404 Ratchadapisek Road Samsennok Huay-Kwang Bangkok 10320 tel: +66 22756331 www.palicon.co.th Distributor for: Bega, Delta Light, Erco
SIGNIFY 28th Floor Thai Summit Tower New Petchburi Road, Bangkapi, Huaykhwang Bangkok tel: +66 26528652 www.signify.com
SWANG SILP INDUSTRIAL 4, Soi Wat Bang Ka-Dee Rama 2 Road, Sa-Mae Dum Bangkhunthien Bangkok 10150 tel: +66 24521866 www.vewalight.com
SYLVANIA Ploenchit Center Building 19F 2 Sukhumvit Soi 2, Klongtoey Bangkok 10110 tel: +66 26569039 www.sylvania-lighting.com
Unilamp is the leading manufacturer of outdoor lighting since early 90’s. Our success has been based on a solid foundation of identifying our clients requirements for sustainability, reliability, design and functionality. Decades of steady and continuous development, we have taken great strides in enterprise management, quality enhancement and technology innovation.
UNITED LIGHTING 2519 Lardpraw Road Wangthonglang Bangkok 10310 tel: +66 25391368 www.unitedlighting.co.th
e d
USHIO 202 The Le Concorde Tower 12th Floor, Room No.1206 Ratchadapisek Road Bangkok 10310 tel: +66 26941440 www.ushiolighting.co.jp Distributor for: Soraa
VINIC 269 Lardkabang Industrial Estate Chalongkrung Road Lamplathiew Bangkok 10520 tel: +66 32609267 www.vinic-lighting.com d g
VOSSLOH-SCHWABE 3rd Floor Unit 1 BUI Building 1 175-177 Soi Anumarnratchathon 1 Surawong Road Bangkok 10500 tel: +66 26347311 www.vossloh-schwabe.com
WE-EF 57 Moo 5 Kingkaew Road, Bangplee Samutprakarn 10540 tel: +66 27389610 www.we-ef.com e d g
ASA LIGHTING DESIGN STUDIOS 47/6 Pham Ngoc Thach Street Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3 Ho Chi Minh City 70000 tel: +84 2838327800 www.asastudios.com
CAO TRAN 23 Tran Phu Street District 5 Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 838333334 www.cara.com.vn Distributor for: Artemide, Louis Poulsen, Mareco Luce, Prolicht, Zumtobel
CARA LIGHTING 23 Tran Phu, P.4, Q.5 Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 838333334 www.cara.com.vn Distributor for: Precision Lighting, RCL, Soraa, Vibia
CEMCO 18 Nguyen Van Thu Phuong Dakao, Quan 1 Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 89101763 www.cemco.vn Distributor for: Griven, SGM
GE LIGHTING 7 Fl Saigon Centre 65 Le Loi Blv District 1 Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 48251016 www.gelighting.com
GLOWING ASIA 298 Phan Xich Long Ward 2, Phu Nhuan Dist Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 935178897 www.glowingasia.com Distributor for: Artemide, Delta Light, Nord Light, Vistosi
LK TECHNOLOGY No. 24, Street 68, KP1, Thanh My Loi, District 2 Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 2822534101 www.lk-tech.com Distributor for: iGuzzini, L&L Luce&Light, Traxon e:cue
MEGAMAN 198A Nguyen Trai St Ward 3, Dist. 5 Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 2839239007 www.megaman.com.vn
OSRAM Room 1307 M3-M4 Building - Khu A 91A Nguyen Chi Thanh Street Hanoi tel: +84 42750944 www.osram.com/ds
QUANG PHAT 02 Pho Quang St. Ward 2 Than Binh District Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 88478744 www.quangphat.com Distributor for: Lamp, Ligman, OMS, Pak, Salvi
AURECON Suite 1304 Centec Tower 72-74 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Phuong 6, Quan 3 Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 2838239994 email: fanny.soulard@aurecongroup.com www.aurecongroup.com
At Aurecon, we are passionate about using light to create dynamic, visually engaging and intelligently designed spaces. Our international team of lighting designers boasts an award-winning and diverse portfolio of projects that combine innovative, sustainable lighting solutions that are seamlessly integrated into the architecture and environment.
F12 A&B Tower 76 Le Lai Street District 1 Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 800599988 www.signify.com
5th Floor LE Building 11/71 Lang Ha Street Hanoi tel: +84 437151604 www.sylvania-lighting.com
TERRAMAR ENG + MACHINERY Kim Do Building, Ben Thanh Ward, district. 1 3rd FI, Suite 302, 123 Le Loi Avenue Ho Chi Minh City tel: +84 839153209 www.terramar.com Distributor for: Almeco
DEBBAS INTERNATIONAL Villa 15 Boulodrome Street, Dely Ibrahim Algiers tel: +213 770560003 www.debbas.com
Distributor for: Arlus, Artemide, Bega, Fiberli, Flos, Ivela, Linea Light Group, Orbik, Trilux, Vice
Batiment numero 5 B2 Cite les Arosiers Mohammadia Algiers 16000 tel: +213 772105559
Distributor for: Abacus
LUMIDIA IMPORT 65 Rue Khoudja Khaled, Tizi Ouzou Algiers tel: +213 21405739
Distributor for: Salvi
ID LUMIERE FRANCE 6 Misr el Tamir Building Cairo tel: +20 222660538
Distributor for: LED Linear
MARYCO ENGINEERING TRADING 10 Abu Bakr El Sydeek Street, Heliopolis Cairo tel: +20 22441573
Distributor for: Abacus
OSRAM 1169 Repeated Ministers Square Building 1 Sheraton Heliopolis Cairo tel: +20 222684379 www.osram.com/ds
PRO LIGHT AND SYSTEMS 16 Asma Fahmy, Heliopolis Cairo tel: +20 224155488 www.prolightegypt.com Distributor for: Aurora
LIGHT ARTISTS 40A Ibrahim Al-Bathy Street #1 Al-Mohandseen Cairo 12411 tel: +20 233448650 www.light-artists.com
DEBBAS INTERNATIONAL Block 1258 End of Abd el Hameed Badawy Street Masaken Sheraton Cairo tel: +20 222669201 www.debbas.com
Distributor for: Disano, EEC Electronics, EEE, Fiberli, Jiso, Macrolux, Performance in Lighting, Secom, Vice, WE-EF
EGYPTIAN ENGINEERING PROJECTS 13 El Obour Buildings Salah Salem Road, Nasr City Cairo 11371 tel: +20 222634700 www.qualityegypt.com
Distributor for: Dedolight, Martin, Robert Juliat, SGM
12 Gameat El Dowal Al Arabeya Street Mohandessin tel: +20 2533455806 www.elsewedy.net
Distributor for: GE Lighting, iGuzzini, Iverlux, Megaman, Polamp, VS Lighting
GE LIGHTING 54 Lebanon Street, Mohandessin Giza tel: +20 23018060 www.gelighting.com
12th Floor Star Capital 8 City Stars, Nasr City Cairo tel: +20 224801450 www.signify.com
SIRAJ LIGHTING 38 Beirut Street, Heliopolis Cairo tel: +20 222564030 www.siraj-lighting.com Distributor for: Agabekov, Bega, Erco, Fagerhult, Hess, Illuma, LEDS C4, Wibre, Zumtobel
VIBRANT 218 RD 53 District 1 New Cairo tel: +20 280612666 www.vibrant-group.com Distributor for: Unilamp
DEBBAS INTERNATIONAL Regimanuel Estate Spintex Road Accra tel: +233 242666600 www.debbas.com Distributor for: Artemide, Bega, Flos, Landa, Novalux, OMS, Osram, Performance in Lighting, Reggiani, Simes
SOVEREIGN LIGHTING SOLUTIONS PO Box CT 7015, Cantonment Accra tel: +233 509301093 www.sovereign-lighting.com
F893/2 Ring Road East, Danquah Circle Osu tel: +233 21762654 www.westoneghana.com Distributor for: Artemide, Flos, iGuzzini, Lutron, Reggiani
DEBBAS INTERNATIONAL Millennium Lighting Centre Ridge Court 3rd Avenue Parklands Nairobi tel: +254 733730310 www.debbas.com Distributor for: ACB, Astro, Delta Light, EEC Electronics, Egoluce, Fiberli, LEDS C4, Ledvance, OMS, Tryka LED
LED LIGHTING KENYA PO Box 43419 Nairobi tel: +254 722774094 www.laserandelectronics.com Distributor for: Optiled
LEDVANCE PO Box 10755-0100 Marlexy Office Suites Luther Plaza, Ground Floor Nairobi tel: +254 203010555 www.ledvance.com
PO Box 10755-0100 Marlexy Office Suites Luther Plaza Ground Floor Nairobi tel: +254 203010555 www.osram.com/ds
SWISS LED Eden Square 1st floor Block 1 Chiromo Lane, Westlands Nairobi tel: +254 716212935 www.swiss-led.com
ALBERT TRADING 17 Brabant Street
Port Louis tel: +230 2080199 www.albertgroup.net Distributor for: Unilamp
CANDELA Lot 538 Morc Terres d’Albion Black River District tel: +23 052592537 Distributor for: Ghm-Eclatec
FLUX 8 Brown Sequard Street Port Louis tel: +230 2114352 www.flux.nu Distributor for: LIGMAN, Lumascape, Wever & Ducre, Zumtobel
eMECATRONICS 25 Capitaine Bruce Rose Hill tel: +230 4648877 Distributor for: Abacus
SIMELEC 116 Route Royale, G.R.N.O. BP 739, Bell Village
Port Louis tel: +230 2121072 www.simelecltee.com Distributor for: Thorn
CIMELECT 36 Avenue Abdelmoumen Hassan Rabat 10100 tel: +212 537727471 www.cimelectlighting.com Distributor for: ETC, LED Linear, ledluks, LightGraphix, Lucent, Lumenpulse, Luxintec, p.u.k., Siteco, XAL
ELECTRIMAR 10 Rue La Fontaine Casablanca 20050 tel: +212 522362830 www.electrimar.com Distributor for: Thorn d g
EUROLUX Marouane CHAMI / Charge d’Affaires 69 Bd de la Corniche Ain Diab Casablanca 20180 tel: +212 522799500 www.eurolux.co.ma Distributor for: Artemide, Disano, Flos, Flux, iGuzzini, Targetti
FENIE BROSSETTE 284, Boulevard Zerktouni Casablanca tel: +212 600034078 www.feniebrossette.ma Distributor for: Ghm-Eclatec
INDUSTRIE LIGHT - LUISANCE 242, Blvd Mohamed Zerktouni Casablanca 20100 tel: +212 22471310 Distributor for: iGuzzini, Lithoss
LAMALIF GROUP Km 17 Route de Casablanca Marrakech 4749 tel: +212 524344669 www.lamalifgroup.ma
SOLERGITECH 268 Avenue Hassan II Rabat 10000 tel: +212 537724215 www.solergitech.com Distributor for: Ruud Lighting
ZINELEC Lots 29/30 Quartier Industriel Bensouda Fès 30000 tel: +212 535655398 www.zinelec.ma Distributor for: Salvi
ABNL 10 Norman Williams Street, S.W. Ikoyi Lagos tel: +234 12693527 Distributor for: Abacus
BLACK PELICAN / IL BAGNO 1A, Goshen Estate Road, Elf Bus Stop Lekki-Epe Expressway Lagos tel: +234 127066512 www.ilbagnonigeria.com Distributor for: iGuzzini
DEBBAS INTERNATIONAL Ground Floor, Nurses House Bld PC43 Churchgate Street, Victoria Island Lagos tel: +234 17642711 www.debbas.com Distributor for: Ares, Astro, Bega, Delta Light, Flos, iGuzzini, Ledvance, Osram, Simes, Tryka LED
12 Ext. of Abd El-Hameed Badawi Street - 11361, 2nd Floor Masaken Sheraton Cairo tel: +20 222699740 email: info@hudalighting.com www.hudalighting.com
Distributor for: Ecosense, Holectron, iGuizzini, Kemps, LEDFlex, Ledluks, Luce&Light, Lucent, Prolicht, UFO
A leading lighting solution provider serving the MENA market for over 20 years, providing a high degree of lighting expertise to support the region with its requirements for any type of project. Huda Lighting was able to expand its support covering more countries with an experienced team of over 250 employees across the ten branches.
ATELIER DE NUIT Plein Ciel Business Center Abidjan tel: +225 79852780 www.atelierdenuit.com
Distributor for: Delta Light
AUREAL LIGHTING 214 Boulevard Ibnou Sina Casablanca 20100 tel: +212 522396684 www.aureal.lighting
ARRAKIS Villa Nr. 4 Rue Oum Keltoum Casablanca 20000 tel: +212 522949947 Distributor for: acdc, Wibre
LIGHTBOX Plot 194 Jide Oki Street, Victoria Island Lagos tel: +234 7053114444 www.lightboxintl.com Distributor for: ADO Lights, Flos, Simes, WE-EF
STAND 64 19 rue De La Martinique Sainte Clotilde 97490 tel: +262 970838 www.stand64.fr
Distributor for: Ares, Artemide, Astro, Bega, iGuzzini, Indelague, Lamp, Ligman, Nordeon, Simes
Groupe Vincentz International Africa Villa Mermoz Dakar 12500 tel: +33 389210915 www.conceptlight.fr
CC LIGHTING Unit 6 Savannah Park Sneezewood Lane Glen Anil 4051 tel: +27 315692014 www.cclighting.co.za Distributor for: Aurora
DIRECT DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Unit 41 Woodbridge Business Park Koeberg Road Milnerton Cape Town 7441 tel: +27 215522654 www.directservices.co.za Distributor for: Vectorworks
DWR DISTRIBUTION PO Box 1130 Honeydew 2040 tel: +27 117945023 www.dwrdistribution.co.za
Distributor for: Clay Paky, GDS, LSC, LumenRadio, MA Lighting, Robe, Robert Juliat, Selecon, Vectorworks
ELECTROSONIC 33 Lily Street Northcliff Johannesburg 2195 tel: +27 117709800 www.electrosonic.co.za Distributor for: ETC, Litec, Martin
ENVIROLIGHT PO Box 5751 Rivonia 2128 tel: +27 118030637 www.envirolight.co.za
1st Floor Clock Tower, V&A Waterfront Cape Town 8002 tel: +27 214093500 email: lighting-design@arup.com www.arup.com/lighting
Lighting at Arup brings together art, science and technology. Our team of designers create expressive and award-winning concepts in light. Our commitment to sustainability drives a creative approach to the application of state-of-the-art technology. We work in harmony with aesthetics and vision, delivering human centric solutions for clients.
BHA LIGHTING DESIGN & CONSULTING 20 Arena North Grand National Boulevard Royal Ascot Cape Town 7441 tel: +27 215524848 www.bhalighting.co.za
MS+M ARQUITETOS DE ILUMINAÇÃO ASSOCIADOS Postnet Suite 257 Private Bag X1 Cape Town 8018 tel: +27 794470250 www.msmassociados.com
PAMBOUKIAN LIGHTDESIGN PO Box 52224 Saxonwold Johannesburg 2132 tel: +27 118802831 www.ppald.com
2nd Floor Trumpet on Keyes, 21 Keyes Avenue Johannesburg 2196 tel: +27 845274165 www.smithtait.com
Anja Schneider Midrand Corporate Park 154 Lechwe Avenue Midrand 1685 tel: +27 828880917 Distributor for: Almeco, KBE Wires, Leoni Silitherm, Vossioh Schwalbe
AURORA Building 6, Ground Floor, Pinewood Office Park 33 Riley Road, Woodmead Gauteng tel: +27 112344878 www.auroralighting.com
LIGHTING INNOVATIONS Cnr. Carey & Fifth Streets Wynberg Johannesburg 2012 tel: +27 114441168 www.lightinginnovations.co.za Distributor for: Hess, LED Linear, Louis Poulsen, Siteco
LUCECO Unit 2 Cedarwood Office Park Cnr. Western Service and Mount Lebanon Road Woodmead tel: +27 114326779 www.luceco.com
LUMINAIRE COMPONENT INDUSTRIES PO Box 1034 Bedfordview 2008 tel: +27 118220060 www.lcisa.co.za Distributor for: BAG, BJB, Helvar
LUMINARY 11 William Street Johannesburg 2192 tel: +27 824117078 www.luminary-lighting.com Distributor for: iGuzzini, Neko, Soraa
OSRAM Block 2 Emerald Park, 22 Reedbuck Crescent Corporate Park South Gauteng 1685 tel: +27 102214000 www.osram.com/ds
EUROPEAN LIGHT & DESIGN CENTRE 310 Victoria Road, Woodstock Cape Town tel: +27 214488684 www.eldc.co.za Distributor for: Delta Light, Flos
FUTURE ELECTRONICS PO Box 7033 Roggebaai 8012 tel: +27 214218292 www.futureelectronics.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Carclo, Eaton, Ledil, Lumileds, Mean Well, Osram, Recom, Samsung LED, Signify f
GE LIGHTING Unit 4, 130 Gazelle Avenue, Corporate Park Midrand 1685 tel: +27 112370000 www.gelighting.com
GIANTLIGHT 39 Westway Road Douglasdale Fourways Johannesburg tel: +27 114675360 www.giantlight.co.za
GKD Aureus Ext. 3 Cnr. Fiat and Chrysler Streets Randfontein 1759 tel: +27 114124770 www.gkd.de
ILLUMINATE LIGHTS A1, Earthlife Studios 31 Clare Street Gardens Cape Town 8001 tel: +27 112685956 www.illuminatelights.com Distributor for: Soraa
LEDVANCE Emerald Park Block 2, 22 Reedbuck Crescent Corporate Park South Midrand Gauteng 1685 tel: +27 112075600 www.ledvance.com
LIGHT KINETICS No. 2A 6th Street Wynberg, Sandton Johannesburg 2090 tel: +27 117281249 www.lightkinetics.com Distributor for: Bega, Cree, Digital Lumens, GE Lighting, Glashutte Limberg, iGuzzini, Lutron, Sunoptics
PROVINCE LIGHTING 100 Upper Canterbury Street PO Box 12613 Mill Street Cape Town 8010 tel: +27 214644661 www.provincelighting.co.za Distributor for: Wever & Ducré, XAL, Zumtobel
SCHRÉDER 13 West View Road Olifantsfontein 1665 tel: +27 112380000 www.beka-schreder.co.za
SHOPFIT GROUP 136 Paterson Road North End Port Elizabeth 6001 tel: +27 414841177 www.retaillighting.co.za Distributor for: Ansorg
SIGNIFY 195 Main road Martindale Johannesburg 2114 tel: +27 114715083 www.signify.com
SPAZIO LIGHTING 52 Andries Street North, Wynberg Sandton 2090 tel: +27 825521564 www.spazio.co.za Distributor for: Ares, Artemide, iGuzzini, Ivela
STARKE CONTRAST PO Box 1239 Milnerton Cape Town 7435 tel: +27 215551927 www.starkecontrast.co.za Distributor for: Griven, Optiled, Robe SWISS LED Unit B2 – Northlands Deco Park Newmarket Road, Randburg Johannesburg 2164 tel: +27 100202023 www.swiss-led.com
VENTURE LIGHTING Unit 6 Lakeshore Park Capricorn Business Park, Marina da Gama Cape Town 7945 tel: +27 217090180 www.venturelighting.com
VOSSLOH-SCHWABE 154, Lechwe Avenue Corporate Park Midrand 1685 tel: +27 113144340 www.vossloh-schwabe.com f
LIGHT.FUNC 5th Floor PPF House Samora Av/Morogoro Road PO Box 6190 Dar es Salaam tel: +255 759954449 www.lightfunc.org
WORKTECHT Amverton Tower, Unit 1C Chole Road Plot 1127 Dar ES Salaam 932 tel: +255 733197005 www.worktecht.com
DESIGN TECHNOLOGIES Z.I Sidi Daoud La Marsa 2045 tel: +216 71854444 www.designtechnologie.com Distributor for: Erco, Signify
KBR DISTRIBUTION 147 Avenue De La Liberte Belvedere 1002 tel: +216 71802446 Distributor for: iGuzzini
MEDIACOM 28 Residence Hasdrubal Midoun 4113 tel: +216 70168000 www.grp-mc.com Distributor for: Lutron, Martin OSRAM Rue du Lac Neuchatel Les Berges du Lac 1053 tel: +216 71166461 www.osram.com/ds
VOSSLOH-SCHWABE Rue de l´Énergie, B.P. 299 Zone Industrielle de Ben Arous Tunis 2013 tel: +216 1384900 www.vossloh-schwabe.com
Level 1, 27 Hodgson Street Fitzroy VIC 3065 tel: +61 394161732 www.2bdesigned.com.au
1/200 Smith Street Collingwood VIC 3066 tel: +61 411733115 www.abillionsuns.com.au
Unit 1 5-7 Lower Wycombe Road
Neutral Bay Sydney NSW 2089 tel: +61 468405342 www.andretammes.com
Boronia Park Sydney NSW 2111 tel: +61 298197742
Level 3, 116 Military Road Neutral Bay NSW 2089 tel: +61 294655394 email: michael.richards@aurecongroup.com
850 Collins Street Docklands VIC 3008 tel: +61 399753000 email: jarrad.hedley@aurecongroup.com
25 King Street Bowen Hills QLD 4006 tel: +61 731738000 email: phillip.saal@aurecongroup.com
5/863 Hay Street Perth WA 6000 tel: +61 861459300 email: daniel.wojcik@aurecongroup.com www.aurecongroup.com
At Aurecon, we are passionate about using light to create dynamic, visually engaging and intelligently designed spaces. Our international team of lighting designers boasts an award-winning and diverse portfolio of projects that combine innovative, sustainable lighting solutions that are seamlessly integrated into the architecture and environment.
GHD 47 The Boulevarde Mount Hawthorn Perth WA 6016 tel: +61 862228222 www.ghd.com GILLARD GROUP PO Box 425 Paddington Brisbane QLD 4046 tel: +61 738525582 email: jenni@gillardgroup.com.au www.jennigillarddesign.com.au
We are product independent and a world leader in lighting design, Lighting as a Service, installed LED management and energy saving. Our designs win awards and our solutions achieve NET positive outcomes. We are already prepared for the Internet of Light and Photonic Millennia. Engage us.
Studio 806, Level 8, 289 Flinders Lane Melbourne VIC 3000 tel: +61 431026201 www.glowingstructures.com
HARON ROBSON LIGHTMATTERS 181 First Avenue PO Box 963 Fire Dock NSW 2046 tel: +61 297125544 www.lightmatters.net
JHA CONSULTING ENGINEERS 101 Miller Street Sydney NSW 2060 tel: +61 294371000 www.jhaservices.com
LIGHT PRACTICE Level 3, 60 Moncur Street Woollahra Sydney NSW 2025 tel: +61 293020575 www.lightpractice.com
LIGHT STUDIO MG 17A Henley Marine Drive Five Dock Sydney NSW 2046 tel: +61 416190679 www.lightstudiomg.com
LIGHT WELL DESIGN 15 Gisborne Street East Melbourne VIC 3002 tel: +61 396623228 www.lightwelldesign.com
LIGHTBOX STUDIO Suite 402, Level 4, 140 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3000 tel: +61 390059467 www.lightbox-studio.com.au
LIGHTING ANALYSIS & DESIGN 32 Carina Road Turramurra NSW 2074 tel: +61 294887078
45 Moojebing Street Ashfield WA 6054 tel: +61 893793439 www.lightingdesignofthings.com
LIGHTPLAN 10 The Rise Woodvale WA 6026 tel: +61 894096000 www.lightplan.net.au
ARUP Level 17, 1 Nicholson Street Melbourne VIC 3002 tel: +61 396685500
Level 10, 201 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 tel: +61 293209320 email: lighting-design@arup.com www.arup.com/lighting
Lighting at Arup brings together art, science and technology. Our team of designers create expressive and award-winning concepts in light. Our commitment to sustainability drives a creative approach to the application of state-of-the-art technology. We work in harmony with aesthetics and vision, delivering human centric solutions for clients.
BCA CONSULTANTS Suite 59 City West Centre 102 Railway Street Perth WA 6005 tel: +61 893216255 www.bcagroup.com.au
CREATED BY KARA 352 Inkerman Street St. Kilda East VIC 3183 tel: +61 424889133 www.createdbykara.wordpress.com
CUNDALL Level 1, 48 Alfred Street Milsons Point NSW 2061 tel: +61 412141288 www.light4.cundall.com
DAVID BECKER DESIGN 66 Ponsonby Parade, Seaforth Sydney NSW 2092 tel: +61 422977900
DAVID LEWIS LIGHTING DESIGN (DLLD) 14a Tingara Road Nelson Bay NSW 2315 tel: +61 404540276
Unit 8 / Level 1, 89-97 Jones Street Ultimo NSW 2007 tel: +61 422828107 www.djcoalition.com
DREAMSCAPES DCD PO Box 522 Edgecliff NSW 02027 tel: +61 299184319 www.dreamscapes.com.au
ELECTROLIGHT Suite 3.00 35-39 Liverpool Street Sydney NSW 2000 tel: +61 292674777 www.electrolight.com
FPOV Level 3, 207 Clarence Street Sydney NSW 2000 tel: +61 298186355 www.f-pov.com
KLAASEN LIGHTING DESIGN 45 Moojebing Street Ashfield WA 6054 tel: +61 893793439 www.kldesign.co
LCI CONSULTANTS Level 4, 73 Walker Street Sydney NSW 2060 tel: +61 291570570 www.lciconsultants.com.au
LDP 213-217 Palmer Street Darlinghurst Sydney NSW 2010 tel: +61 293609250 www.ldp.net
LEND LEASE Level 14, Tower Three International Towers Sydney Exchange Place, 300 Barangaroo Avenue Barangaroo NSW 2000 tel: +61 411202803 www.lendlease.com
LIGHT ATELIER Unit 7, 9 Gannon Avenue Dolls Point Sydney NSW 2219 tel: +61 468945213 www.lightatelier.com.au
LIGHT IT Unit A 8 Birtley Place Elizabeth Bay Sydney NSW 2011 tel: +61 499545839 www.lightit.global
LIGHT POETIC 10F World Trade Center T4 611 Flinders Street Melbourne VIC 3005 tel: +61 386302988 www.lightpoetic.com
LLIGHT 111 Flinders Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 tel: +61 409883852 www.llight.com.au
M8 LIGHTING DESIGN PO Box 126 Moonee Vale VIC 3055 tel: +61 414085198 www.m8lightingdesign.com.au
5 George Street Leichhardt NSW 2040 tel: +61 295652625 www.mandylights.com
MEDLAND ENGINEERING The Metropolis, Ground Floor 47-49 Murray Street Pyrmont NSW 2009 tel: +61 295522022 www.medland.com.au
MINT LIGHTING DESIGN 3 Corr Street Moorabbin VIC 3189 tel: +61 395552275 www.mintlighting.com.au
115 Batman Street West Melbourne VIC 3003 tel: +61 398626800 www.ndylight.com
POOJA MALLYA DESIGN 155-159 Hoddle Street Richmond VIC 3121 tel: +91 423764856 www.poojamallya.wix.com/portfolio
RAMUS 11/131 Hyde Street Footscray VIC 3011 tel: +61 391912544 www.ramus.com.au
RELUME CONSULTING 57 Jones Place West Melbourne VIC 3003 tel: +61 411519738 www.relume.com.au
SAXON LIGHTING PO Box 355 Batman VIC 3058 tel: +61 384186255 www.saxonlighting.com.au
3S LIGHTING 2 Wella Way Somersby NSW 2250 tel: +61 243404300 www.3slighting.com
Level 1, 173 Swan Street Richmond VIC 3121 tel: +61 394286732 email: nbrambilla@schulershook.com www.schulershook.com.au
We believe architecture and lighting are inseparable. Valued internationally as creative and insightful design partners, Schuler Shook consistently creates exceptional lighting solutions for interior and exterior architectural lighting design. We explore unanticipated options in order to push beyond what is expected to that which is extraordinary.
AGLO SYSTEMS 10 Plane Tree Avenue Dingley Village VIC 3172 tel: +61 1300601931 www.aglosystems.com.au
250 Stirling Highway Claremont WA 6010 tel: +61 892842203 www.alti.com.au Distributor for: Flexa Lighting, Hunza, L&L Luce&Light, Megabay, Soraa, X-Light
50 Enterprise Drive Bundoora VIC 3083 tel: +61 394863699 www.ambiencelighting.com.au
28 Expo Court Ashmore QLD 4215 tel: +61 755094633 www.robe.cz
1 Caribbean Drive Scoresby VIC 3179 tel: +61 95592700 www.clevertronics.co.uk
COOLON 14 Austral Place Hallam VIC 3803 tel: +61 1300287533 www.coolon.com.au Distributor for: Soraa a
CREATIVE LIGHTING 4 Pine Street North Ipswich QLD 4305 tel: +61 732828777 www.creativelighting.com.au
CREE PO Box 470 Sydney NSW 2170 tel: +61 401496363 www.cree.com
CRESTRON 1 Clyde Street Silverwater NSW 2128 tel: +61 297378203 www.crestron.eu
STANTEC Level 22, 570 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3000 tel: +61 385547000
email: jean-paul.kirkland@stantec.com www.stantec.com.au
We create visually dynamic lighting environments that enhance forms, colors, and textures to reveal architecture’s beauty. In every project, light is located with care, using human perception as our guide. With light, we create safer, more appealing spaces that fulfill functional needs but go further—giving life, vitality, and spirit to our communities.
Level 8, 9 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 tel: +61 299672200 www.steensenvarming.com
ARCLITE 184 Cope Street Waterloo NSW 2017 www.arclite.com.au Distributor for: GVA, Martinelli Luce, Radiant, Tokistar
ARROW ELECTRONICS Unit 6, 39 Herbert Street St Leonards NSW 2065 tel: +61 1300673506 www.arrow.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Cree, Eaton, Everlight, Ledil, Lumileds, Luminus Devices, Osram, Samsung f
AURORA 4/37 Union Street Pyrmont NSW 2009 tel: +61 298826000 www.auroralighting.com
AUSTUBE 23 Foundry Road Seven Hills NSW 2147 tel: +61 296749122 www.austube.com.au
THE FLAMING BEACON 5 Little Bakers Lane Northcote VIC 3070 tel: +61 394867060 email: tfb@tfb.com.au www.tfb.com.au
Boutique hospitality for 35 years. Lateral, sweet-spot solution finding through thoughtful collaboration.
Level 4, 828 Pacific Highway
Gordon NSW 2072 tel: +61 294181444 www.webbaustralia.com.au
Level 1, 50 Yeo Street
Neutral Bay NSW 2089 tel: +61 402286043 wildlyilluminating.com.au
WOOD & GRIEVE ENGINEERS Level 22, 570 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3000 tel: +61 385547000 www.wge.com.au
WSP Level 1, 41 McLaren Street PO Box 6245 North Sydney NSW 2060 tel: +61 289070900 www.wspgroup.com
EFFICIENT LIGHTING SYSTEMS 39 Tinning Street, Brunswick PO Box 5084, Moreland West Melbourne VIC 3055 tel: +61 392225522 www.elslighting.com.au Distributor for: Ligman
ELR Unit 5/931 Doncaster Road Doncaster East VIC 3109 tel: +61 422277169 www.elr-group.com
ENLIGHTENING 49 Hilltop Rd Clareville NSW 2107 tel: +61 299187225 www.enlightening.com.au Distributor for: Derksen Lichttechnik
ENTTEC 43 Indian Drive Keysborough VIC 3179 tel: +61 397635755 www.enttec.com
ERCO 349 Pacific Highway North Sydney NSW 2060 tel: +61 290048801 www.erco.com
DANSON ELECTRONICS Unit 37, 24 Garling Road Kings Park NSW 2148 tel: +61 296879689 www.dansonelectronics.com
DARKON 110 Cromwell Street Collingwood VIC 3066 tel: +61 386586262 www.darkon.com.au
DAVOLUCE LIGHTING 242 Glenhuntly Road, Elsternwick VIC 3185 tel: +61 395231777 www.davolucelighting.com.au Distributor for: Aqualux, Azoogi, Brightgreen, Brilliant Lighting, Trend Lighting
DEAN PHILLIPS 110 Cromwell Street Collingwood VIC 3066 tel: +61 394194195 www.deanphillips.com
DEDECE 263 Liverpool Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010 tel: +61 293602722 www.dedece.com Distributor for: Kreon
AUTOMATED Level 5 Suite 4, 37 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 tel: +61 292470731 www.automated.net.au Distributor for: Philips Dynalite, Signify
BEACON COMMERCIAL LIGHTING 807 Warrigal Road Oakleigh VIC 3166 tel: +61 395690911 www.beaconlighting.com.au Distributor for: Envirolux, LEDlux, Lucci
BRIGHTGREEN 70 Stephenson Street Cremorne VIC 3121 tel: +61 1300672499 www.brightgreen.com
BUCKFORD ILLUMINATION GROUP 3/473 Williamstown Road Port Melbourne VIC 3207 tel: +61 396468201 www.buckford.com Distributor for: Precision Lighting, RCL
CLEARLIGHT SHOWS 5 Horscroft Place Moorabbin VIC 3189 tel: +61 395531688 www.clearlight.com.au
Distributor for: GDS, Green-Hippo, Luminex, PixelRange, Selecon
DIGILIN 1/67 Miller Street Murarrie QLD 4172 tel: +61 738991267 www.digilin.com.au Distributor for: Grunzell, RobLight
DIGINET CONTROL SYSTEMS 96-112 Gow Street Padstow NSW 2211 tel: +61 297949380 www.diginet.net.au
DUX LIGHTING 4 Villiers Drive Currumbin QLD 4223 tel: +61 755981216 www.duxlighting.com.au
EAGLE LIGHTING 17-19 Jets Court Melbourne Airport VIC 3045 tel: +61 393447444 www.eaglelighting.com.au Distributor for: Designplan, Fagerhult, LED Linear, Simes
EST LIGHTING 479 Bourke Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 tel: +61 291943422 www.estlighting.com.au Distributor for: Acolyte, DGA, TM Lighting, XAL
EUROLUCE GF/2 Hill Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 tel: +61 293569900 www.euroluce.com.au Distributor for: Casambi, Cooledge, Flos Architectural, Planet Lighting, Reggiani, Regiolux
EYE LIGHTING 15 Industrial Avenue Wacol QLD 4076 tel: +61 733353588 www.eyelighting.com.au
FEELGOOD DESIGN 1875 Mickleham Rd Mickleham VIC 3064 tel: +61 397452077 www.feelgooddesigns.com Distributor for: Ango
FORM + LIGHT Unit 4.11, 29-31 Lexington Drive Bella Vista NSW 2153 tel: +61 288247940 www.formandlight.com.au Distributor for: Civic, Ghidini, Hess, Lucitalia, Secom, Vulkan, Wibre
FOS LIGHTING 3B/41 Rose Street Richmond VIC 3121 tel: +61 1300241087 www.foslighting.com.au Distributor for: formalighting, Ghm-Eclatec, JSB Lighting, Ljusdesign, Megabay, Securelight, TAL
FRAMELIGHT 1575B Botany Road Botany NSW 2019 tel: +612 9099 2555 www.framelight.com.au Distributor for: ADO Lights, Altman, LED Flex, Meteor, ULS
FUTURE ELECTRONICS Level 5 Suite 504 Westfield Knox Shopping Centre 425 Burwood Highway Wantirna South VIC 3152 tel: +61 392620600 www.futureelectronics.com Distributor for: Bridgelux, Carclo, Eaton, Ledil, Lumileds, Mean Well, Osram, Recom, Samsung LED, Signify f
GAREMA WHOLESALE LIGHTING 16 Garema Circuit Kingsgrove NSW 2208 tel: +61 297500233 www.garemalighting.com.au Distributor for: Hunza, Metalspot, RAAT
GE LIGHTING 125-127 Long Street Smithfield NSW 2141 tel: +61 287886911 www.gelighting.com
GENLED ACOLYTE U49, 1-31 Elsie Street Kallangur QLD 4503 tel: +61 281034122 www.genledbrands.com
GERARD LIGHTING 96 – 112 Gow Street Padstow NSW 2211 tel: +61 417462332 www.gerardlighting.com.au Distributor for: Austube, Concord, Crompton, Diginet, Ghm-Eclatec, Megabay, Moonlighting, Pierlite, Sylvania
GINEICO Suite One 276 Devonshire Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 tel: +61 296901522 www.gineicointeriors.com Distributor for: Buzzi & Buzzi, Fontana Arte
HI LIGHTING 14-16 Bailey Street St Marys SA 5042 tel: +61 883048500 www.hilightingsa.com.au Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Philips
HME SERVICES 64 Harley Crescent Condell Park NSW 2200 tel: +61 297086614 www.hmeservices.com.au Distributor for: Artistic Licence
HOLDERS TECHNOLOGY Level 1, 8 Beulah RoadNorthwood Adelaide 5057 tel: +61 1800655733 www.holderstechnology.com.au Distributor for: Casambi, Casambi Ecosystem
f a
IBEX LIGHTING 15 Prince William Drive Seven Hills NSW 2147 tel: +61 1800553817 www.ibexlighting.com Distributor for: 3S Lighting, Regiolux
eILLUMINATION PHYSICS 6/40 Springthorpe Boulevard Macleod VIC 3085 tel: +61 394550761 www.illuminationphysics.com
INLITE 80 Balmain Street Richmond VIC 3121 tel: +61 296993900 www.inlite.com.au Distributor for: Akzu, AQform, Bilton, Delta Light, Lamp, Platek, Traxon
INTERNATIONAL LIGHTING Unit 18, 43-45 College St Gladesville NSW 2111 tel: +61 298164155
www.internationallighting.com.au Distributor for: Kim Lighting
INTRALUX PO Box 377 Mount Ommaney QLD 4074 tel: +61 733759333 www.intralux.com.au
ITALSTYLE AGENCIES 284 Victoria Street Brunswick VIC 3056 tel: +61 393875842
www.italstyle.com.au Distributor for: Mareco Luce, Novalux
JADE CROSS 88 Hotham Parade Artarmon Sydney NSW 2000 tel: +61 299664344 www.jadecross.com.au Distributor for: ELS, Erco, Ligman, Limelite, LPE, Megabay, Xero
JSB LIGHTING 22-38 Yurong Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010 tel: +61 295718800 www.jsblighting.com.au Distributor for: Hubbell, Iilus, Intralux, Kim Lighting, LTS, Lucent, Meyer, Red Square, Sammode, TAL
KE-ZU SHOWROOM Level 1, 69 O’Riordan St Alexandria NSW 2015 tel: +61 1300724174 www.kezu.com.au Distributor for: Parachilna KKDC 143 Regent Street Chippendale Sydney NSW 2008 tel: +61 299225570 email: info@kkdc.com.au www.kkdc.lighting
KKDC design and manufacture specialist LED lighting solutions for high-end architectural markets worldwide. Korean based production and product development at our large custom- built R&D facility in Seoul, working in partnership with UK based KKDC Design House for design & marketing services. KKDC is backed up by dedicated technical sales support teams and partners with branches around the world.
Unit 2, 2 Southridge Street Eastern Creek NSW 2766 tel: +61 298513300 www.kliksystems.com.au
KODA LIGHTING Unit 21, 198-222 Young Street Waterloo NSW 2017 tel: +61 296996007 www.kodalighting.com.au Distributor for: Arkoslight, Lumenpulse, Neko, Occhio, Sattler
KOPA GLOBAL 69A Orsmond Street Hindmarsh SA 5007 tel: +61 881509290 www.kopaglobal.com
7 Pitino Court Osborne Park Perth WA 6017 tel: +61 894468922 www.lanarktrading.com.au Distributor for: Collingwood, Domus, Halers
eLASERVISION 50 Carters Rd Dural NSW 2158 tel: +61 296581000 www.laservision.com.au
LED LIGHT WORKS PO Box 1395 Coolum Beach QLD 4573 tel: +61 753093267 www.ledlightworks.ca Distributor for: Ledzworld
LED LIGHTING 21 Garema Circuit Kingsgrove Sydney NSW 2208 tel: +61 295344404 www.ledlighting.com.au
LEDVANCE Suite 2.1A 394 Lane Cove Road, Macquarie Park Sydney NSW 2113 tel: +61 1300467726 www.ledvance.com
LIGHT AND DESIGN GROUP 4/61 Holdsworth Street Coorparoo QLD 4152 tel: +61 733240222 www.ladgroup.com.au Distributor for: B.lux, Darkon, iGuzzini, Kim Lighting, Molto Luce, Prolicht, TAL, Vode
5/8 Hasler Road, Osborne Park Perth WA 6017 tel: +61 892406644 www.lightapplication.com.au Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Philips, Philips Dynalite
PO Box 156
21 Kangoo Road Sommersby NSW 2250 tel: +61 1300300904 www.lightculture.com Distributor for: Castaldi, Oktalite, Trilux
LITE SOURCE AND CONTROLS PO Box 786 Paddington NSW 2021 tel: +61 423486309 www.litesource.com.au Distributor for: Doxis, Filix, Lucifer, Oldham Lighting, Selux
LOOMI PO Box 1400 Collingwood VIC 3066 tel: +61 1300672499 www.loomi.co
LPA LIGHTING AND ENERGY SOLUTIONS 16A Palmer Parade Cremorne VIC 3121 tel: +61 384161500 www.lpalighting.com Distributor for: Egoluce, Lightnet, PAN, Securlite, Unilamp
LIGHT PROJECT 1st Floor 70-78 Gipps Street Collingwood VIC 3066 tel: +61 384151970
2nd Floor 352 Bourke Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 tel: +61 384151970
Unit 15, 37 Brown Street East Perth WA 6004 tel: +61 384151970
124 Petrie Terrace Petrie Terrace QLD 4000 tel: +61 384151970 email: info@lightproject.com.au www.lightproject.com.au Distributor for: Cariboni Group, Clear Lighting, Intra Lighting, Intralux, Prolicht, Suncil, Unonovesette, Visual Feast, Vode, XLUX
Light Project specialise in lighting solutions. Since 2008, we have operated at the forefront of lighting technology and control, delivering innovative and creative lighting solutions across multiple sectors. Light Project can tailor a solution to exceed your project needs, enhance your design vision, whilst also reaching your sustainability goals.
LIGHTING AUSTRALIA Unit 10/4-6 Junction Street Auburn NSW 2144 tel: +61 296481999 www.lightingaustralia.com.au Distributor for: AAG Stucchi, Acrilux, Almeco Group, ALP Lighting Components, Arditi, BAG electronics, Beretta, STEAB
LIGHTING OPTIONS 50 Kent Street Cannington WA 6107 tel: +61 861424977 www.lightingoptionsaustralia.com.au Distributor for: Austube, Darkon, Dean Philips, Erco, Evolve, Paviom, Soraa, Trilux
LIGHTING SCIENCE GROUP 3/9 Hoyle Ave Castle Hill NSW 2154 tel: +61 298998777 www.lsgc.com
LIGHTINGROUP Unit 18 380 Eastern Valley Way Chatswood NSW 2060 tel: +61 298826000 www.lightingroup.com Distributor for: Crescent, DAL, Endo, Euro-light
LIGHTMOVES 138-146 Browns Road Noble Park VIC 3174 tel: +61 397012500 www.lightmoves.com.au Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Philips, Philips Dynalite
LIGHTWERK 10 Thorogood Street Burswood WA 6100 tel: +61 893623366 www.lightwerk.com.au Distributor for: Aldabra, Louis Poulsen, Lucent, Molto Luce, Prolicht, TAL, Vode, Wever & Ducré
LSV GROUP 12 Mercedes Drive Thomastown VIC 3074 tel: +61 399126813 www.lighttechnik.com Distributor for: Ledtechnik, Visual Productions LUMASCAPE Corporate Office 77 Brandl Street Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113 tel: +61 738545000 email: sales@lumascape.com www.lumascape.com
Lumascape transforms spaces with precisionengineered lighting solutions, proven to perform. Since 1991, customers have relied on Lumascape to solve their toughest lighting challenges. Lumascape’s global experts combine sophisticated design and advanced technologies to offer a range of lighting systems that exceed performance expectations. Lumascape is a member of the Hunter Industries family of companies.
LUMEN8 38 Arthur Street Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 tel: +61 732544122 www.lumen-8.com.au Distributor for: Planlicht
LUMOS LIGHTING 2/24 Ralph Black Drive North Wollongong NSW 2500 tel: +61 242286905 www.lumoslighting.com Distributor for: Ledeshi Electric
MASSON FOR LIGHT 514 Bridge Road Richmond VIC 3121 tel: +61 394339251 www.massonforlight.com.au
MEGABAY 12-14 Industrial Avenue Caloundra QLD 4551 tel: +61 754917433 www.megabay.com
MLIGHT 59A Rimfire Drive Hallam VIC 3803 tel: +61 387863311 www.mlight.com.au
MODULAR LIGHTING & PARTNERS 75 Hutchinson Street St Peters NSW 2044 tel: +61 1300101433 www.modular.partners Distributor for: B4 Luminaire, DW Windsor, Endo, LightGraphix, Louis Poulsen, Lumino, Meyer, Modular, Orluna, Roxo Lighting
MONDOLUCE 439 Crown Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 tel: +61 296902667 www.mondoluce.com Distributor for: iGuzzini, Intralux, Ivela
351 King Street Melbourne VIC 3003 tel: +61 392352400
www.moonlighting.com.au Distributor for: Atomis, Prisma, Troll
MULTIPOLE 2/81 Bassett Street Mona Vale NSW 2103 tel: +61 299971211 www.lightpole.com
MYSMART Unit 16/ 1 Talavera Road Macquarie Park Syndney NSW 2113 tel: +61 298871000 www.mysmart.com.au
Distributor for: Philips, Philips Dynalite
NILSEN NETWORKS 18/22 Lexia Pl Mulgrave VIC 3170 tel: +61 392713900 www.nilsen.com.au
Distributor for: Philips Lighting
NOCTURNAL LIGHTING 16 Hallmark Street Pendle Hill NSW 2145 tel: +61 424743335 www.nocturnallighting.net.au
NORKA Aeropark / Building 78 Thomson Road 2 Keilor Park Airport West VIC 3042 tel: +61 393315666 www.norka.de
NQ LIGHTING 69C Sheridan Street Cairns QLD 4870 tel: +61 740314490 www.nqlighting.com.au
OAK ELECTRONICS 31-33 Dickson Ave Artarmon NSW 2064 tel: +61 294360680 www.oakelectronics.com.au Distributor for: Harvard
ONELIGHT 29-31 Richland St Kingsgrove NSW 2208 tel: +61 291500999 www.onelightaustralia.com
Distributor for: Lowa, Neko
OPTILED Suite 101, 20 Clarke Street Crows Nest NSW 2065 tel: +61 299232233 www.optiled.com
ORIEL LIGHTING 88 Ebbern Street Darra QLD 4076 tel: +61 737157300
Distributor for: Allume, SG Lighting, Urban architectural lighting
11 Floor Building 1 423 Pennant Hills Road Pennant Hills NSW 2120 tel: +61 294818399 www.osram.com/ds
157 Wellington Rd East Brisbane QLD 4169 tel: +61 733353580
PIERLITE 96-112 Gow Street Padstow NSW 2211 tel: +61 297949300 www.pierlite.com.au
PREMIUM LIGHTING 17 Niche Parade Wangara WA 6065 tel: +61 892481888
Q INDUSTRIES 348 Darebin Road Fairfield VIC 3078 tel: +61 394998288 www.qindustries.com.au Distributor for: Architectural Lighting Works
QUEENSLAND MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES PO Box 237 Kallanger QLD 4503 tel: +61 738973777 www.qmi.net.au Distributor for: LED Linear
RADIANT LIGHTING 10 Gibberd Road Balcatta WA6 021 tel: +61 892401008 www.radiantlighting.com.au Distributor for: Ansorg, Casambi, Faze, Hunza, LiniLED, Lombardo, LuxR, Novalux, Ribag
9 Colebard Street West Acacia Ridge QLD 4110 tel: +61 732167969 www.raylinc.com.au Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Philips
REXEL Level 1 Building B 12 Julius Avenue North Ryde NSW 2113 tel: +61 98876222 www.rexel.com Distributor for: 3F Filippi, Aurora, Enlighten, Fael, Ledvance, Osram, Pierlite, Zumtobel
ROSCO 42 Sawyer Lane Artarmon NSW 2064 tel: +61 299066262 www.roscoarchitectural.com
SAMMODE 15 Industrial Avenue Wacol QLD 4076 tel: +61 733353504 www.sammode.com
SCHRÉDER 6 Jayelem Crescent Padstow NSW 2211 tel: +54 2304441062 www.schreder.com.au
SELUX Unit 23, 43 Lang Parade Milton QLD 4064 tel: +61 738768880 www.selux.com
SHOW TECHNOLOGY 102 Derby Street Silverwater NSW 2128 tel: +61 297481122 www.showtech.com.au Distributor for: Clay Paky, Martin, Pulsar, Studio Due
SIGNIFY Locked Bag 30 North Ryde NSW 1670 tel: +61 1300304404 www.signify.com
SILL LIGHTING PO Box 3289 AS-Valentine NSW 2280 tel: +61 249455251 www.sill-lighting.com Distributor for: Wila
SMARTSCAPE Unit 1, 84 Newmarket Road Windsor QLD 4030 tel: +61 733571922 www.ssqld.com.au Distributor for: Color Kinetics, Philips, Philips Dynalite
SOLATUBE Unit 21 1029 Manly Road Tingalpa QLD 4173 tel: +61 739078444 www.solatube.com
SONIC LIGHTING 11 Cowie Street North Geelong VIC 3215 tel: +61 352779977 www.soniclighting.com.au Distributor for: Lumascape, Norka, Santa & Cole, Z-Line
SOUTHERN LIGHTING & DISTRIBUTION 34 Federal Street North Hobart TAS 7000 tel: +61 362315599 www.southernlighting.com.au Distributor for: Artemide, PSM Lighting
SPACE LIGHTING Level 6, 69 Reservoir Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 tel: +61 282182182 www.spacelighting.com.au Distributor for: Buzzi&Buzzi, Ewo, Wever & Ducré, XAL
SPECIALIST LIGHTING DISTRIBUTORS 30 Light Street Brisbane QLD 4006 tel: +61 1300855236 www.sld.net.au Distributor for: Control LED, corporate friends, Eulum Design, Ljusdesign, Xicato
SPECIFIC LIGHTING Unit 1, 30 Marriot Street Cannington WA 6107 tel: +61 892583333 www.specificlighting.com.au Distributor for: 3S Lighting
SYLVANIA Sylvania Way, Locked Bag 9, Gosford Lisarow NSW 2250 tel: +61 243280600 www.sylvania-lighting.com Distributor for: Concord, CSE, Ghidini, Siteco
TEC-LED Unit 4, 61-71 Beauchamp Road Matraville NSW 2036 tel: +61 293174177 www.tec-ledlighting.com.au
TELENSA Level 17, 383 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 tel: +61 451336135 www.telensa.com
THELEDSTORE 5 Highgate Way Rowville VIC 3178 tel: +61 398735088 www.theledstore.com.au Distributor for: LED Engin
THORLUX LIGHTING 7-9 Melrose Court Tullamarine VIC 3043 tel: +61 393381891 www.thorlux.com
THORN LIGHTING 2/7 Millner Avenue Horsley Park NSW 2175 tel: +61 287866000 www.thornlighting.com
TRAXON TECHNOLOGIES Level 11 423 Pennant Hills Road Pennant Hills Sydney NSW 2120 tel: +61 299800761 www.traxontechnologies.com
TRIDONIC Private Bag No. 9 130 Melrose Drive Tullamarine VIC 3043 tel: +61 393390200 www.tridonic.com
bULA GROUP Unit 1, 28 Expo Court Ashmore QLD 4214 tel: +61 755094633 www.ulagroup.com Distributor for: Acclaim, Glassiled, Griven, LumenRadio, Pharos, SGM
UNILAMP Unit 3, 93 Pearson Road Yatala QLD 4207 tel: +61 733861700 www.unilampaustralia.com.au
UNIOS 17 Niche Parade Wangara WA6 065 tel: +61 892481888 www.unios.com
VENTURE LIGHTING 110 Lewis Road Wantirna South VIC 3152 tel: +61 398005600 www.venturelighting.com
VIABIZZUNO 13-15 levey street chippendale Level 3 Sydney 2008 tel: +61 296987175 www.viabizzuno.com
VISUAL LIGHTING Unit 3 Lara Way Campbellfield VIC 3061 tel: +61 393579803 www.visual-lighting.com Distributor for: Krea Design, Regiolux
WE-EF 6/13 Downard Street Braeside VIC 3195 tel: +61 385870444 www.we-ef.com
XENIAN Ingleside House 42 Manor Road Ingleside NSW 2101 tel: +61 299708133 www.xenian.com.au Distributor for: Color Kinetics
XERO LINEAR LIGHTING SYSTEMS 16 Voyager Circuit Glendenning NSW 2761 tel: +61 285999788 www.xerolighting.com
YORKSHIRE LIGHTS AND DESIGN PO Box 323 Mullumbimby NSW 2482 tel: +61 266842248 www.yld.com.au Distributor for: Encapsulite
ZUMTOBEL 333 Pacific Highway North Sydney NSW 2060 tel: +61 289135100 z.lighting
BPL PO Box 217 Kaukapakapa 0843 tel: +64 94328296 www.bpl.co.nz
CHRISTOPHER ‘KIT’ CUTTLE LIGHTING CONSULTANT 15 Lomita Road Johnsonville Wellington 6037 tel: +64 2102346030
KATE CONWAY LIGHTING DESIGN Ponsonby Aukland 1021 tel: +64 212949804 www.lightingdesignbykate.co.nz
LDP B:HIVE, Smales Farm 74 Taharoto Road, Takapuna Auckland 0622 tel: +64 94141004 www.ldp.net
LIGHT WORKS PO Box 47-944 Ponsonby Aukland 1144 tel: +64 93768122 www.lightworks.co.nz
NDYLIGHT Level 5 AMP Centre, 29 Customs Street West Auckland 1010 tel: +64 93076596 www.ndylight.com
S&T LIGHTING Ground Floor 152 Fanshawe Street Auckland 1140 tel: +64 93031249 www.stephensonturner.com/lighting-design
STEPHANIE F. MILLAR LIGHTING DESIGN 1637A Dovedale Road Thorpe RD2 Wakefield 7096 tel: +64 277154544 www.sfmlighting.com
SWITCH LIGHTING DESIGN Level 1, 852 Mount Eden Road Mt Eden Auckland 1024 tel: +64 96302480 www.switchlighting.co.nz
TOTAL LIGHTING PO Box 3826 Christchurch 8140 tel: +64 21338351 www.totallighting.co.nz
ACCENT LIGHTING 829 Columbo Street PO Box 13669 Christchurch tel: +64 33790600 www.accentlighting.co.nz Distributor for: Selux
AKZU Unit 16 Avalon Business Park 55 Percy Cameron Street, Avalon, Lower Hutt Wellington 5011 tel: +64 45678830 www.akzu.com
AVANTI LIGHTING PO Box 49019 Roskill South Aukland 1445 tel: +64 21446421 www.avantilighting.co.nz
eBETACOM 77A Station Road Penrose Auckland 1061 tel: +64 95790434
Distributor for: Schréder, Urbis Lighting
CDB GOLDAIR 8 Orbit Drive Albany Auckland 0632 tel: +64 99174000 www.cdb.co.nz Distributor for: Megaman, Orbit Lighting
CONCEPT LIGHTING 60 Apollo Drive Mairangi Bay PO Box 300 164 Auckland 0632 tel: +64 99179200 www.conceptlighting.co.nz Distributor for: Sill, Unilamp
COOMBES & GABBIE 83a Tristram Street Hamilton tel: +64 78380753 www.coombesandgabbie.co.nz Distributor for: L&L Luce&Light
ECC LIGHTING & LIVING 39 Nugent Street Grafton Auckland tel: +64 93799680 www.ecc.co.nz Distributor for: Brightgreen, Flos, iGuzzini, Lumascape
ENERGY LIGHT PO Box 2733 1/204 Cumnor Terrace Woolston Christchurch 8023 tel: +64 39772034 www.energylight.net Distributor for: Concept, Energyline, Erco, Exenia, Lumenpulse, RZB, Unilamp
PO Box 2733 202a Cumnor Terrace Woolston Christchurch 8023 tel: +64 39825284 www.energyline.net
ENLIGHTENZ 243-249 Bush Road PO Box 302 Rosedale Auckland 632 tel: +64 94144950 www.enlightenz.co.nz Distributor for: Norka, Trilux, XAL
EURO LIGHTING Wellesley Street PO Box 7434 Auckland 1001 tel: +64 94151377 www.eurolighting.co.nz Distributor for: ETAP
EYE LIGHTING 35C Maurice Road, Penrose Auckland 1642 tel: +64 92768099 www.eyelighting.com.au Distributor for: Thorlux
FAGERHULT Level 1, 12 Allens Road East Tamaki, Auckland 2013 tel: +64 800324374 www.fagerhult.com
FEL GROUP 373 Neilson Street, Penrose Auckland 1642 tel: +64 95265660 www.felgroup.co.nz Distributor for: Abacus
GE LIGHTING 8 Tangihua Street Auckland 1010 tel: +64 93536706 www.gelighting.com
HOLDERS TECHNOLOGY 38 Birmingham Drive, Middleton Christchurch 8024 tel: +64 39433534 www.holderstechnology.co.nz Distributor for: Casambi, Casambi Ecosystem f a
HUNZA 130 Felton Mathew Avenue Glen Innes Auckland 1072 tel: +64 95289471 www.hunza.co.nz
IBEX LIGHTING 76 Maleme Street Greerton Tauranga 3112 tel: +64 79277700 www.ibexlighting.com Distributor for: 3S Lighting, Intra Lighting, Regiolux
IMPRESSIONS LIGHTING 558 Ruakura, Claudelands Hamilton 3214 tel: +64 78563199
www.impressionslighting.co.nz Distributor for: C Luce, Endo, Ligman, Plexiform
INLITE Level 2 Mountain Safety House 19 Tory Street Wellington 6011 tel: +64 48943812 www.inlite.com.au Distributor for: Akzu, AQform, Bilton, Delta Light, Lamp, Platek, Traxon
KENDERDINE ELECTRICAL 66 Cook Street Grafton Auckland 1010 tel: +64 93024100 www.kelpls.co.nz Distributor for: Altman, Dedolight, GDS, Martin, Philips Color Kinetics
KKDC Ground Floor, The Tasman Building 16-22 Anzac Avenue, PO Box 105184 Auckland 1010 tel: +64 93660602 www.kkdc.lighting
e f d a LIGHT PROJECT Level 1, 339 St Asaph Street Christchurch 8011 tel: +64 21554406 email: info@lightproject.co.nz www.lightproject.co.nz Distributor for: Clear Lighting, DW Windsor, Intra Lighting, Intralux, Prolicht, Pulsar, Unonovesette, Visual Feast, Vode, XLUX
Light Project specialise in lighting solutions. Since 2008, we have operated at the forefront of lighting technology and control, delivering innovative and creative lighting solutions across multiple sectors. Light Project can tailor a solution to exceed your project needs, enhance your design vision, whilst also reaching your sustainability goals.
LIGHTING DIRECT 10 Parkwood Place East Tamaki Auckland 2013 tel: +64 92733444 www.lightingdirect.co.nz Distributor for: Fozz
LIGHTING PACIFIC 22 Nevis Street Petone Wellington 5012 tel: +64 276723105 www.lpled.co.nz Distributor for: Collingwood, Color Stars, Halers, Martec, Photonstar LED f
LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 72D Morrin RD St Johns Auckland 1072 tel: +64 95557418 www.lightingsolutions.com.hk Distributor for: Aldabra, Castaldi, FDV, Norlight, Ventilux
LIGHTKIT Ground Floor 16 Anzac Avenue Auckland 1010 1010 tel: +64 93660602 www.lightkit.co e
LINETEC 701H Great South Road Penrose Auckland 1061 www.linetec.lighting e
LUMENWORKS 96 New North Road, Eden Terrace PO Box 113239, Newmarket Auckland tel: +64 93361504 www.lumenworks.co.nz Distributor for: Bel Lighting, Decor Walther, EMFA, Helestra, Kreadesign, Lamp 83, Milan Iluminacion, Schmitz, Veksan, Zava
MAREXIM HNU 20 Newton Street Mt Maunganui Tauranga 3116 tel: +64 800627394 www.marexim.com Distributor for: Ledzworld
MASTEC Unit 1, 7 Torrens Road East Tamaki Auckland 2013 tel: +64 92734200 www.mastecnz.co.nz Distributor for: LEDtronic f
MEGABITS TRUST PO Box 33, 1412 Takapuna Auckland 0740 tel: +64 94458480 www.megabits.co.nz Distributor for: Vectorworks
MHL LIGHTING Unit G07 Zone 23 23 Edwin Street Mt Eden Auckland tel: +64 33656020 www.lights.co.nz Distributor for: Coolon, David Trubridge, Global Trac, Iluminarc, Klik Systems, Prolicht, Sapa, TAL, Trilux, WE-EF
MODULAR LIGHTING & PARTNERS Unit 9 B18 Studios 18 Bernard Street Addington 8024 tel: +64 21554406 www.modular.partners Distributor for: B4 Luminaire, DW Windsor, Endo, LightGraphix, Louis Poulsen, Lumino, Meyer, Modular, Orluna, Roxo Lighting
MODUS LIGHTING 16-22 Omega Street, Rosedale Auckland 0751 tel: +64 93529888 www.moduslighting.co.nz Distributor for: Brick In The Wall, Castaldi, LED Linear, Modus
NETWORK LIGHTING 3A Korari Street Eden Terrace Auckland 1021 tel: +64 93620940 www.networklight.co.nz Distributor for: Dynalite
OCEAN ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Unit 9c/89 Ellice Road Wairau Vally PO Box 101-509 North Shore MSC Auckland 0745 tel: +64 94442799 www.oceanlighting.co.nz Distributor for: Doxis, Egoluce, ES-System, Esseci, GVA, Lucente
REXEL 525 Great South Road Penrose Auckland 1061 tel: +64 93023828 www.rexellighting.co.nz Distributor for: 3F Filippi, Lamp, Ledvance, Luxiona, Meyer, Norka, OMS, Planlicht, Prisma
SHOW TECHNIX Unit 18, Papamoa Business Park 60 Parton Road Papamoa 3187 tel: +64 75422878 www.showtechnix.co.nz Distributor for: Artistic Licence, DTS, ETC, Griven, Lee Filters, Martin, Rosco
SHOW TECHNOLOGY 157 Neilson Street Onehunga 1061 tel: +64 098693293 www.showtech.com.au Distributor for: Clay Paky, Martin, Pulsar, Studio Due
SIGNIFY PO Box 1041 Auckland tel: +64 800454448 www.signify.com
SIMON JAMES DESIGN 61 Upper Queen Street Newton Auckland 1010 tel: +64 93775556 www.simonjamesdesign.com Distributor for: Zero
SPECIALIZED LIGHTING CONCEPTS 1/135 Cryers Road East Tamaki Auckland 2013 tel: +64 92734105 www.specializedlightingconcepts.co.nz Distributor for: Digilin, LTech, Nicolaudie
STRAND LIGHTING 19-21 Kawana Street Northcote Auckland 1310 tel: +64 94810100 www.strandlighting.com
THORN LIGHTING 27 Jomac Place Road Auckland 1348 tel: +64 98287155 www.thornlighting.com
WELLFORCES 9E Piermark Drive Albany Auckland 0632 tel: +64 94770177 www.wellforces.co.nz Distributor for: Mean Well
ZUMTOBEL 399 Rosebank Road, Avondale Auckland 1026 tel: +64 800220227 z.lighting
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