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D T S L I GHTI NG DT S Lig h t i n g i s a n I t a l i a n c ompany th a t de s i g n s , e n g i n e e r s , manuf ac ture s a nd dist r i b u t e s l i g h t i n g p roduc ts and l igh ting e f f e c t s f o r e n t e r ta inme nt a nd a r c h i t e c t u r a l i n s t a l l ations. Th e com p a n y u s e s a d v a n c e d d e sig n tools a nd a ut o m a t i o n s y s t e m s , both f or th e des ign a n d t h e pr o d u c t i o n, ope ra te d by s kil l ed a n d c o n t i n u o u s l y traine d staf f .


I N S I DE V I EW - D TS | W W W .M O N D O D R .C O M

Italy-based lighting manufacturer, DTS Lighting began its journey in 1980 with the aim of designing high-quality lighting equipment capable of catering to a range of entertainment installations. The family-run business took its name from the three brothers that founded it; Dante, Tullio and Silvano Latteo. Over the years, the company has become internationally renowned, providing everything from the smallest to the most prestigious venues with high-quality lighting products, keeping its core family values close to its heart. At first, the company’s focus was on creating options for the entertainment industry, especially for live entertainment. Over the span of four decades, DTS has constantly kept in touch with the everchanging needs of its market, switching from halogen to LED, and implementing even more sophisticated technologies into its projectors. The company designs and manufactures all of its products in Italy – something that Sales Director, Raffaella Scaccia, thinks is important to the firm’s brand promise. “Our brand promise is ‘Italian professional lighting’. All our products are designed and manufactured in Italy. We’re well aware of what the ‘made in Italy’ trademark stands for: quality and attention to detail, and we’re incredibly proud to represent it in the world of lighting.” DTS’ vision is to bring innovative solutions to the professional lighting market, giving more space to the research and development of services and products with high technological value. With the aim of becoming a point of reference in this field, it promotes constant synergy with the industry stakeholders, recognising its strategic importance. DTS believes that improving lighting culture and training is at the basis of innovation, therefore the company promotes personal growth and entrepreneurial spirit to constantly raise the level of its business. Over the years, DTS Lighting has introduced many impressive products to its portfolio, including its Synergy moving heads and projector lines, which feature the Scena and Profilo Series’. In the past few years, DTS has developed its own architainment line, comprising projectors that are more suitable for indoor, outdoor and underwater applications, which has given the company the opportunity to broaden its horizons and satisfy most of the requests it receives from the market. “There wasn’t just one product that marked a significant change in our approach to the industry,” Raffaella continued. “Each one of our lines has a specific purpose and preferred application, so every time a projector is developed, we need to target a different market. Developing our architainment line was more of an

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