Quack Medicine
The Megaro unveils its apothecary-style cocktail bar, where tantalising tinctures are designed to remedy the soul.
Looking like something from a Luc Besson movie
up by Tomas Vykopal, the hotel’s resident
or a Jules Verne novel, Hokus Pokus Alchemy Lab
mixologist with previous form at 108 Bar, Mr
is a subterranean steampunk ode to Victorian
Foggs and Buddha Bar. Cocktails on the concise
apothecary, quack medicine and esoteric
six-strong signature menu are as eclectic and
literature, tucked away in the basement of The
eccentric as the decor. The Jamesizz, inspired by
Megaro hotel in King’s Cross. Its design was
the classic Ramos Gin Fizz, bubbles up a blend
cooked up by the self-proclaimed experiential
of Tanqueray No. Ten, homemade sage and pink
designer and philosopher Henry Chebaane, who
peppercorn syrup, citrus juice, aquafaba, cream,
has created a fascinating blend of 19th century
and peach soda. The John Dee combines Bombay
pharmacy and retro-futuristic engine room.
Sapphire, yellow Chartreuse and grapefruit oleo
The ceiling ripples with electric dynamos, steam
saccharum with strawberry vinegar, while The
valves, copper pipes and circuits, forming a
Feather Mutant washes Maker’s Mark bourbon
dramatic backdrop to the complex theatrical
with duck fat and Angostura bitters.
stage set.
This 100-person capacity space also plays host
The concept was inspired by 1800s physician
to a resident DJ and impromptu guest artists
Dr James Morison, who apparently believed his
including – on Supper’s inaugural visit shortly
vegetable-based remedies could cure all ills. Here
after the opening – none other than Soul II Soul
the botanical compounds have been conjured
founder Jazzie B.