Supper - Issue 07

Page 1


Marcus Samuelsson

On bringing Red Rooster from Harlem to Shoreditch

Erik Lorincz

Why bartending is all in the details

Baranowitz + Kronenberg A design agency breaking the mould of hotel F&B


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Entrée 011


I’ll Have What They’re Having

Glorietta Trattoria

SIPPING Cocktails 043


Appetizers 015

iBis Style Manchester Portland Hotel

Trends and concepts impacting the world of

The Provocateur Bar

global hotel F&B

Provocateur, Berlin L.A. Thompson

Fear The Jungle


Gong, Shangri-La at The Shard, London

Anvil, Jackson 044

Cold Fashioned


Fine Food Bar, Austin Motel 046

The Five


Punch Room, The London Edition 048

Thompson Nashville Yuxi



Drinks Al Fresco 64 - A Chivas Bar

Hilton Jinan South Hotel

Serving Stories Main Course Under The Curtain


lebua, Bangkok


The Ned

Marcus Samuelsson discusses a new home

The Ned, London

for Red Rooster

Cafe Colonial


The Bold and The Beautiful 102 052

Memoirs of a Maison



Memmo Principe Real, Lisbon In the Details


Hermsos y Malditos

Head bartender at The Savoy’s American

Totem Madrid

Bar, Erik Lorincz discusses standards and

The Restaurant at Address


Address Boulevard, Dubai The Galloping Major

A Fitting Pair





hotel F&B: Alon Baranowitz and Irene

Hotel Camiral, Catalunya


Petits Fours 139 The Washing Up

Kronenberg Music to the Ears

Events 120 The Art of the Meal 132

Oddfellows on the Park, Manchester

Two of the most sought-after names in




Barny Ingram, Gorgeous Group 036

An often-unconsidered afterthought, background music is getting its moment in


the limelight Turkish Delights


A taste of Anatolia at Ruya, Grosvenor House Hotel, Dubai



“It’s so important to have diverse narratives. We’re just people. We want to work and we want to show that we have worth.” Chef Marcus Samuelsson on diversity in the industry.


I’ll Have What They’re Having.


o say my Portuguese is rusty would be an understatement: a

competing with the well-bedded establishments around; which, of course,

combination of commonly known basic greetings and disparate

it is. It was never enough to create a soulless space intended only to provide

phrases gleaned from fado, bossa nova and Capitão Fausto. But in

sustenance, or to present a vision and taste of Lisbon as outsiders imagine

the lounges, restaurants and bars of Portugal’s hotels it’s practically

it. Instead it was vital to represent modern Lisbon as it is, particularly if the

a moot point, surrounded as I usually am by a chorus of international

venue is to appeal to those who have no need for a parody of their own city.

languages and English in varying accents. It somewhat typifies the

I recently sat down with Chef Marcus Samuelsson at Red Rooster at The

experience of travel - hotels, by nature, homes for those away from home.

Curtain, in London’s Shoreditch. He explained how the neighbourhood

I’m at Memmo Príncipe Real, part of a small family of three hotels under

was, for him, the biggest pull with regards to the partnership between

the Memmo name and a member of Design Hotels. From the terrace it

restaurant and hotel and why, as a diverse, creative community, it

seems to lie languidly atop Lisbon, located in an elevated neighbourhood

represents the Red Rooster customer. But the Shoreditch venue feels a

from which the city slopes down to the Tagus estuary. Sat with an early-

different beast when compared to the Harlem original, not just in look

evening cocktail, the view is compelling, particularly as the sun slips behind

and feel, but in spirit – a spirit created by guests who reflect the unique

the horizon and the cityscape below is blanketed in shades of indigo.

character of London, drawn in by an approach that equally embodies the

The restaurant and bar are busy and lively chatter ebbs through the air,

capital’s distinct sensibility. In many ways little mind is given to those

but as my ear involuntarily grasps for familiar intonations, surprisingly

sleeping just a few floors above, and the vast majority of those destined to

it finds only the rise and fall of Portuguese. I’m predominantly in the

chow down on the restaurant’s Obama short ribs will never see the inside

company of Lusophones, it would seem.

of a guestroom.

It gets me thinking about the new nature of hotel F&B, which ostensibly

So when it comes to urban hotel F&B, is the staying guest now irrelevant?

caters to the staying guest, but where the ‘local’ is now key – with city

Well, even the weary traveller no longer wishes to eat, drink and socialise

residents capable of filling a bar or restaurant and keeping those cheques

in a spot that feels designated for visitors, and I struggle to imagine a more

flowing, regardless of room occupancy rates.

off-putting adjective than ‘touristy’. Therefore, appealing to city residents

Even when it comes to staying guests, the contemporary urban traveller

has a role to play here too, acting as they do like one side of a Velcro strip

now has a voracious appetite for the native, seeking out neighbourhood

that savvy travellers will stick to in search of an authentic, local experience.

destinations that are part of the fabric of the city; destined to waft through

And so if the hotel guest is irrelevant, then it’s perhaps only when thinking

the cut-and-paste hotel restaurants of old, barely stopping to glance at

about how restaurant and bar concepts are developed. After all, create a

the menu.

space that is of sufficient quality and relevance, and it will provide a worthy

For Rodrigo Machaz, Memmo Príncipe Real’s GM, the goal for Café

and attractive destination for locals and hotel guests alike.

Colonial - the hotel’s restaurant and cocktail bar - was always to appeal to

The lesson? Whilst hotels may function as homes away from home,

a resident crowd. But in this hip corner of the city, where cool bars and cafes

and can capitalise on slick designs and concepts that are consistent from

jostle for room among design stores and increasingly pricey apartments, it

continent to continent and city to city, the F&B should feel at home already

took more than mere lip service to the notion of ‘neighbourhood’ to create

and embody an all-together more individual character. The other lesson

a sense of belonging: it was built into the venue’s DNA. Café Colonial was

of course, is that if I want to strike up a conversation at the hotel bar in

approached with the mind-set of a standalone. The same consideration

Lisbon, in this new world - where the local market is king - I better start

was given to design, menu and attitude as if it were opening by itself and

working on my Portuguese.

Harry McKinley | Editor







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Supper Magazine, Strawberry Studios, Stockport, SK1 3AZ, UK Tel: +44 (0)161 476 5580 • Supper is printed by Buxton Press

Hospitality Collection Made in England



Back in Black

An inky black concoction has been appearing on the

a drink mixed for both good health and as a creative talking

shelves of health food stores and in the hands of


fitness bloggers recently. An ominous shade of deep

“Brent loved the ‘black-blueish’ colour of the charcoal,

obsidian, seductive and mysterious in equal measure,

as it’s not something you see in nature very often,” she

the mix may initially appear off-putting to some,

adds. “He wanted to create something unique that added the

but contained within is a once-fringe health fad now

mystique of the unexpected colour. Similar in colour to the

making inroads into the wider public consciousness.

inky forbidden rice, guests want to try it because it looks so remarkable.”

Activated charcoal, long used by the rich and famous as a teeth

Following hot on the heels of an endlessly photographed

whitener, and by emergency rooms to treat poisoning and

unicorn craze, which saw chefs and mixologists creating

overdoses, has become a favourite for F&B experimentalists,

the most colourful creations their ingredients allowed, the

thanks in part to its wildly effective detoxification properties

popularity of charcoal could be seen as a reaction to this; a

as well as the striking aesthetic possibilities it offers.

return to more elegant and minimal serving ideals, complete

Helping to rid the body of toxins by means of absorption, the carbon structure binds to heavy metals, cholesterol,

with an added wellness kick to counteract the sugary pinks of its predecessors.

chemicals and all manner of other unwanted presences – a

Charcoal ice cream, burgers, macarons and toast - which

pressure wash for the gut, in essence. Meanwhile, the unique

looks burnt but isn’t - have all emerged as a result, with

shade it produces when mixed with spirits - somewhere

the black stuff boasting virtually no taste to intrude on the

between cosmic black hole and imposing onyx - creates a


drink with the power to turn heads, an essential trait in an

“The drink definitely encourages questions,” Roach

increasingly presentation-oriented and social media-driven

concludes. “It’s great to see the surprise on our guests’ faces


when we describe the drink, and then their pleasure when

“Charcoal is a detox agent, and even said to aid with

we deliver one to their table. It’s definitely a head-turner.”

hangovers,” explains Jess Roach, Bar Manager at Hotel San

Encouraging interaction between guests and staff, and

Jose, an urban bungalow-style boutique hotel in Austin,

further, engagement between guests and their drinks,

Texas. Created together with Brent Fogerty of Cold Ones Pops,

ingredients like activated charcoal could potentially boost

Roach’s Activated Pop Shandy, which combines a charcoal

both immune system and follower count.

lemonade ice pop with Shiner Light Blonde or prosecco, offers



Break Smart, Not Fast.

Breakfast: is it still the most important meal of the day?

embraces local and concept driven breakfast menus, one

From England’s Full Monty to the Polish dish egg dish

that is also aligned with the hotel brand.”

Jajecznica; from the Middle Eastern shakshuka to the

Not content with serving guests limited, unimaginative

Japanese miso soup with rice and grilled fish, it is the food

breakfasts, Butler and Hyatt’s approach is one of variety,

that kicks us into gear, making the commute or a glance at

region and opportunity. By offering menus incorporating a

the full-to-the-brim daybreak inbox a touch less gruelling.

destination’s characteristics and traditional ingredients, as well as tapping guest preference for local sourcing – such as

On an empty morning stomach studies have shown that

bread from a 200-year-old family owned bakery at Andaz

mood and energy levels suffer, cognitive functions are

Amsterdam – Hyatt is able to provide guests with a hearty

dulled and, over the long term, skipping the meal puts us

start to the day as well as insights into national culture.

at greater risk of heart and metabolic defects.

and country you are staying in,” Butler continues. “It can tell

to make the most of their time in increasingly exotic

you about the hotel’s overall food and beverage philosophy,

destinations, the in-hotel version of the meal has somewhat

its approach to choosing its suppliers and the sources of

fallen behind in terms of perceived importance, relegated

its ingredients, and it can also help guests experience new

by the rise of ubiquitous brunching and trendy afternoon

flavours that ordinarily they may not have come across.”

tea programmes.

With a breakfast menu comprising national staples such

As a result, the continental spread - that vague and

as hearty bowls of pho, generous helpings of traditional

ambiguous buffet starring a little bit of everything - appeared

noodle dish Mì Quang, and spicy bò kho stew, Park Hyatt

in its place. Breakfast in the most basic sense, the spread is

Saigon allows guests to experience Vietnamese cuisine as

food for fuel, served because, in hotels, it must be.

the locals do, and reversely provides locals with premium

However, properties around the world are now placing

takes on their favourite dishes.

focus back on the meal, using it as a platform to channel

In this sense, hotels are uniquely positioned to reinstate

elements of the locale and brand philosophy through F&B.

the importance of the meal, offering outsiders a way into

“From a hotel food and beverage perspective it is our

unfamiliar cultures through a medium they are familiar

opportunity to differentiate the overall hotel dining

with. And so with a world of approaches and traditions to

experience from other local restaurants and other hotel

toy with, we may once again see breakfast return to its place

competitors,” explains Michael Butler, Hyatt’s director of

as the most important meal of the day.

F&B for the EAME region. “We have moved away from a prescriptive breakfast setup to a breakfast experience that


“A breakfast menu can tell you a lot about the hotel location

With schedules busier than ever, and guests looking

“I believe it demonstrates how a brand, and the hotel, cares about its guests,” Butler concludes.

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Gourmet Getaway

According to a study conducted by Eventbrite, 78% of

the chain brands that dominate the market could learn from

millennials would rather spend money on a desirable

these more intimate and personal F&B options.

experience or event than buying a desirable product.

One successful model is that of tour company Exotic

Meanwhile, a report published by Skift and the Ontario

Voyages, a luxury tour brand that tailors journeys to suit

Culinary Tourism Alliance estimates that 39 million

its client’s preferences. The Taste of Vietnam package, for

U.S. leisure travellers choose a destination based on

example, takes in the best of Vietnamese cuisine with stops

the availability of culinary activities, while another 35

at Sofitel Legend Metropole and Park Hyatt Saigon Hotel, and

million seek out culinary activities after a destination

offsets luxury hotel F&B with tastings of authentic regional

is decided upon. The two sets of data are perhaps

dishes prepared by locals.

interlinked, especially within hotel F&B, wherein

“Most of our guests are really into learning about local

cuisine is taking on more experiential qualities.

food. A walking food tour or cooking class is definitely very popular,” explains Andrew Carroll, Global Head of Sales and

Building on a market of gourmet getaways comprised largely

Marketing at Exotic Voyages. “Culinary experiences can add

of wine tasting in vineyard hotels or properties with their

a lot of excitement to the trip. A stop at a restaurant can tell

own distillery, and bespoke trips that factor in a location’s

you a lot about the country’s people, their kindness, struggle

traditional cuisine, there are a range of boutique properties

and strong will.”

experimenting with food as an aspect of travel and experience.

Similarly, Intrepid Traveller’s ‘Real Food Adventures’ take

At Georgie Bass Café & Cookery, in conjunction with

guests on a journey through the cuisine heart of destinations

Flinders Hotel in Australia, a culinary course sees guests

including Italy, Mexico, India and Morocco, using hotel stops

preparing items from the menu throughout the day, giving

as jumping off points from which to explore the region’s

them an insight to the process behind the fare, whilst in

traditional dishes and way of life.

Scotland, Blackaddie Hotel’s ‘Chef for a Day’ package sees

By adopting these authentic elements into a standard F&B

guests walked through the property’s menu by head chef

programme, large hotel groups – those which perhaps lose

Ian McAndrew, who provides a detailed breakdown of how

touch with local cuisine in favour of carefully curated luxury

dishes are planned and served. Likewise, Swinton Park Hotel’s

menus – can draw in this new generation of travellers seeking

Swinton Cookery School, in England, offers guests a series of

something more connected with the location, its people and

half-day, full day or weekend courses housed in a converted

its traditions.

Georgian stable wing adjacent to the hotel.


Summing up this convergence of authenticity, experience

Initiatives like these combine a hotel’s traditional offering

and F&B at Skift’s global forum, food app Reserve’s CEO

of accommodation and sustenance with the experiential

Greg Hong noted: “Dining will be the last form of live

dimension so appealing to the younger generation. And with

entertainment. As we start to digitise experiences, we are

some sources predicting that millennials will represent the

going to yearn for authentic experiences where we can break

number one consumer segment in the hotel industry by 2018,

bread together.”


“If you go back 10 years, not many people went to hotel bars. Everyone thought of them as something for residents; places where travellers are sleeping over their whisky by the fireplace.� Bartender Erik Lorincz on the shift of perception on hotel bars.

Image: Adrian Houston


Under The Curtain Marcus Samuelsson discusses a new home for Red Rooster, digging food and why diversity is the soul of a restaurant.

Words: Harry McKinley


here’s a strangeness to frequenting

where the bar is fashioned from planks of

though, was a grounding in an economical

restaurants out of hours. The

wood and what looks like scaffolding poles.

way of cooking. “There were no leftovers,” he

boisterous diners, background music

It’s a suitably egalitarian space that works

says. “We ate really well, without thinking of

and cacophony of the open kitchens

for the neighbourhood. After all, Shoreditch,

luxury. You could start with a roasted chicken

all on pause, and in their stay empty seats,

like Harlem, has seen its own reinvention this

and then you had chicken soup, and then broth

creaking floorboards and harsh, functional

generation; from shabby but cool to not so

and dumplings. It’s a smart way of dealing

lighting. We’re at Red Rooster at London’s The

shabby, or at least unless it’s intended to be.

with food. That’s something my grandmother

Curtain, a new Shoreditch venue that blends guestrooms, F&B and a private members club.

When Samuelsson arrives he embodies the

taught me. When I went to work in three

same character as the restaurant. His trousers

Michelin star kitchens, we didn’t cook like that.

are bright and patterned, and he carries

I started to think that when I became a chef, I

behind the restaurant and a globally recognised

himself with an ease that is neither overly

would bring these memories with me.”

chef who - now in his late 40s – has built an

confident nor overly meek.

Here to meet Marcus Samuelsson, the man

empire that includes a myriad of restaurants,

In many ways it’s understandable why

Having already worked odd jobs for years, at just 16 or 17 Samuelsson began to think his

frequent television appearances a half-dozen

his sartorial choices are so unique. He is a

passion for food could translate into a career.

bestselling books.

man that often defies characterisation by

He trained at Gothenburg’s Culinary Institute

dull conventional standards. He is a man of

and subsequently embarked on apprenticeships

multiple places and multiple cultures.

that would take him across Europe.

This isn’t the first Red Rooster, of course. The original, in New York’s Harlem, has long been regarded as Samuelsson’s flagship

Born in Ethiopia, where he admits the

But whilst Samuelsson’s success-story

and is a place where attitude, ambience and

struggle for food was “very real”, he was

would arguably begin when he arrived in

community spirit are arguably as important as

adopted as a child by a Swedish couple

America, the prod across the Atlantic was not

the cuisine: elevated American comfort food

in Gothenburg. As part of a middle class

through sheer circumstance or even unbridled

that reflects the diversity of the once-gritty,

Scandinavian family, he would go fishing for

ambition; it was a much more insidious

now less so neighbourhood.

mackerel and foraging for lingonberries. He’s

influence: racism.

Here in Shoreditch that brand of American

quick to point out, however, that whilst food

“As a black man, you always have a different

soul has been translated into an eclectic

was more plentiful than in Ethiopia, it didn’t

path. Not better, not worse, you’re just given

space where disparate art adorns the walls,

mean they, “came from money.”

different cards,” he says dispassionately. “At

clashing African fabrics line the seats and

What these dual experiences did offer him

that point I was always told that my ambitions


CC’s deviled eggs Image: Jason Bailey



were too high and that no one would support

Harlem. Opened in 2010 it is now a mainstay of

separate to the rooms upstairs, filled with

a black chef’s restaurant, at least where I

the neighbourhood and, because presidents get

overnighters, Samuelsson does have his fingers

was in France. That was a very hard thing to

around, Obama has also been for supper.

in the more traditional hotel F&B pie. He was

understand or accept, because I was working

“Red Rooster comes from a magical place,”

responsible for developing the Kitchen & Table

next to the same guys and doing very well. But

he says, slipping into tones reserved for a

concept for Clarion Hotels, and the brand has

you can’t drive based on just one engine, or as

prized child. “It was an old bar in Harlem in

been rolled out across the Nordics since 2012.

though you want to prove something to other

the 30s. The kind of place where the maid was

people. That can be part of the story, but the

welcome and so was the local politician. That

the restaurants are a response to the all-

narrative still has to be that you want people

story of diversity is what we want to tell. I feel

day-dining needs of a large hotel group and a

to dig your food. I did think that I needed to be

like I’m more like the conductor, the cooks are

very different bird from the rooster. “Clarion

in an environment that was more diverse, but I

the musicians and the guests are the audience.

is a great hotel company that does a lot of

knew that if I pushed and pursued my cooking,

It’s something very deep.”

conferences and the audience puts a lot of trust

it would happen; and it did.”

With a focus on seasonal, sustainable dishes,

Then again story is something that can’t

in the rooms. In the F&B we wanted to create

be faked and so for this brand, that resonates

a brand that the audience would recognise in

immigrants where difference and diversity

on such a personal level with Samuelsson,

every place. It’s become very successful,” he

were par for the course and not a hurdle to

opening a second venue was never going to be

says. “Where Rooster is very standalone, the

achievement. He became an apprentice at

something to approach flippantly. The winds

Kitchen & Table restaurants are all-day. So

Aquavit, the Scandinavian restaurant created by

would have to be right.

as a chef in today’s environment you have to

That environment was New York, a city of

Håkan Swahn. By the time he was the ripe old

Asked ‘every week’ to open a Red Rooster

be able to drill down and decide what type of

age of 24, he was its executive chef and became

in a different city around the world, it was a

the youngest person ever to receive a three-star

friendship with Michael Achenbaum – the man

review from The New York Times. In the years

behind The Curtain, so to speak – that spurred

success? “One of my most successful years was

since he’s also been named best chef in New

the collaboration. London felt right.

when I was 19 years old and working in Japan. I

York by the James Beard Foundation and his

“It’s the only city in the world that matches

dialogue you want to have.” So to what does Samuelsson credit his

made zero money. I was the only black person

2006 tome, The Soul of a New Cuisine, picked

New York in terms of a certain energy and

in the kitchen. If you think about the 25 years

up the gong for Best International Cookbook.

diversity,” he says. “Being in the east of the

I’ve cooked, people come and go. It’s a lot of

city reminds me a lot of Harlem, because there

noise. But I’m deeply in love with my trade. I

something that validates his journey he seems

are storytellers, there are writers, there is a

know I’m not the youngest person anymore.

perplexed. Apparently for Samuelsson, awards

community that is changing rapidly. Four years

I’m not the only person of colour in the space,

are the not the obvious making of a good cook.

ago when we started this journey I knew, right

and have never been, but I dig food.”

“But it’s not like it doesn’t mean anything,”

away, that this was where we needed to be.

he says. “You have this ambition and you

There’s some beautiful imperfection here. It

the scattered voices of staff arriving for the

really want to tell your stories through food

speaks to me.”

evening’s service begin to reverberate around

When asked if these kinds of accolades are

and to bring people together. It’s not easy. It

Shoreditch, of course, is not Harlem. And so

As our conversation draws to a close and

the room, it strikes us that Red Rooster is,

costs money and requires passion. And so even

whilst they both reflect diverse, evolving areas

for Samuelsson, a labour of love. That 1930s

though acknowledgment is important for the

with a vibrant core, there was never a question

Harlem bar that celebrated diversity and a

team, as it shows them that we’re going in the

of dropping the Harlem iteration of Red Rooster

sense of community is as necessary today as it

right direction, for me these acknowledgments

into the neighbourhood and expecting it to fly.

was then, and in some small way he is trying to

are not bus stops. There are plenty of

“The community creates something

keep that spirit alive.

restaurants with a lot of stars that closed, and

that is very different and yet the roots are

the majority of restaurants are unknown but

recognisable,” Samuelsson explains. “I knew the

upon the social elephant in the room when

very successful.”

attitude would be very different. There might

it comes to modern day London and the UK

be other types of restaurants where you can

at large. “I’ve been several different things.

living in the ‘10% wrong’ space, meaning that

cookie-cut, but not something so delicate.” But

I’ve been an immigrant several times and

however successful a service is, he’s always

what of the hotel above and around, how does

that drives you. It does make me think about

trying to analyse what could be done better and

Red Rooster sit within The Curtain? “The hurdle

Brexit,” he says, with a tinge of something

what wasn’t done right.

of hotels has shifted in general. Look at what

verging on melancholy. “Immigrants work

Soho House and Ace Hotel started. These are

very hard. Think about hospitality without

the curse of the perfectionist, but since his

work, play and eating places. That wasn’t part

immigrants. So whether it’s in Europe or

early days in Aquavit, Samuelsson has opened

of the conversation before. So we’re fortunate

in America, or anywhere, we still struggle

numerous restaurants, served as the guest chef

enough to not have to think too much about

with the issue of identities. It’s why it’s so

for the first state dinner of the Barack Obama

the other side of F&B at the hotel. We can focus

important to have diverse narratives - whether

presidency and fronted his own television

on Red Rooster and the chef at The Curtain can

they’re about spirituality, race or sexual

shows. By all accounts he is now a household

focus on coordinating the whole house.”

orientation. We’re just people. We want to work

Samuelsson describes himself as sometimes

One could say such constant unpicking is

name. And then, of course, there’s Red Rooster

While Red Rooster may be thought of as

Packing up our things, Samuelsson touches

and we want to show that we have worth.”



In the Details Head bartender at The Savoy’s American Bar, Erik Lorincz discusses standards, inspiration and why he had to give up his hairdresser.

Words: Harry McKinley


here are a dozen or so famed hotels in the world that truly capture the imaginations of travellers and are synonymous with legacy and renown: the likes of The Ritz in Paris, Raffles in Singapore and The Plaza in New York. London’s The Savoy would also surely take a spot

towards the top. It’s perhaps why the hotel’s American Bar, on a Monday afternoon,

heaves with activity. In one nook a group of Americans talk loudly about their theatre plans for the coming evening and in another a solitary gent sips at a coffee and thumbs through The Times. A mother and her teenage son slip in, a few shopping bags in tow; she orders something from the cocktail menu, he has a coke. They’re undoubtedly from out of town. There really doesn’t seem to be any kind of singular customer. It’s a sign perhaps of the high esteem in which the bar is held, and certainly an indicator of its celebrity. Even for those who have never been, ‘drinks at The Savoy’ does sound rather grand. Our people watching exercise is cut short by the arrival of Erik Lorincz, American Bar’s head bartender and the man we’re here to meet. He slinks into a seat with the pace of someone who has just this moment finished one task and is already thinking about the next. Life at the top is undoubtedly busy, like the bar. In his white work suit and with slicked back hair he cuts a crisp figure – already giving the air of a man who likes things ‘just so’. We dive straight in and ask about Lorincz’s journey to The Savoy, and to bartending luminary. “Well, if I’m honest,” he says, and we hope he will be,

“the journey to the American Bar wasn’t as hard

In the end Lorincz realised that if there was a

as the journey from Bratislava to London.”

common thread through the American Bar’s past,

Although now living in the British capital, Lorincz hails from Slovenia. He was already leading a team and managing a bar there when he

it wasn’t about looking to the past at all, but was a sense of innovation and of pushing forward. “We want to make sure that there is consistency

decided to make the leap in 2004. But it wasn’t an

and that what the bar is about is recognisable. But

easy one. He arrived in London speaking almost

we realised we want to bring it to that line where

no English and got a job as a bar-back, collecting

there is still something new. It’s probably about

glasses and cleaning ashtrays in a nightclub. He

being elegant and creating an experience that

couldn’t hold a conversation and describes moving

speaks to today,” he says.

into a shared ex-council flat in Archway that

Today, of course, many guests expect more

wasn’t so much from the outside, but at least had

than just a well-made drink – they want a show.

a garden.

It posed something of a problem for the American

As his English improved and his confidence in

Bar, which has only four barstools and where

the Big Smoke increased he steadily moved from

the vast majority of guests receive table service.

his bar-back job to Sanderson Hotel, and on to

Lorincz’s solution for the bar’s last menu was

The Connaught. It’s quite a climb up the ladder by

to create bespoke coasters and vessels for every

anyone’s standards.

drink in each category. He likens it to a restaurant,

By this stage Lorincz was getting the

explaining that much of the action has to happen

opportunity to truly showcase his talents and,

on the table and it’s something that bartenders at

in 2010, won Bartender of the Year in the Diageo

venues like his shouldn’t forget.

World Class global final. The phone started to ring and one of those calling was The Savoy. “They were just about to finalise their

“Of course when people are sat at the bar they’re always more engaged, because they see everything,” he muses. “But in a restaurant you

“When people are sat at the bar they’re always more engaged, because they see everything.” reopening [after a £220 million, three-year

don’t see how the chef prepares a meal so a lot of

refurbishment] and asked if I would be interested

it is down to service and what is presented has to

in the position,” he says. “I think they were drawn

stand on its own. We have to deliver an experience

by the success that we had already created at The

that you don’t have to sit at the bar to appreciate.

Connaught Bar. It was well recognised and there

After all our cocktails are not cheap. They’re

was an attention to detail on the standards, as

probably some of the most expensive in the city.”

well as creativity and innovation. I noticed that the bar scene was moving from standalone cocktail bars to hotel bars. If you go

and wonder what a Sazerac 5000 must taste like,

back ten years, not many people went to hotel

at £5000 a pop. While the majority of cocktails sit

bars. Everyone thought of them as something for

at a much more palatable price point, it does pose

residents, places where travellers are sleeping

the question of what justifies such a hefty bill.

over their whisky by the fireplace. That whole

For Lorincz the experience is almost romantic – a

revolution started at The Connaught, with a young

foray into liquid history. Again, he’s not wrong.

team that totally changed the face of the bar.”

The cognac used for this particular Sazerac was

At the American Bar, Lorincz was overwhelmed. He describes digging into the history of The Connaught Bar for inspiration and coming up

bottled in 1858. Charles Dickens was still roaming the streets of London. “I always try to explain to the guest that the

short, while for The Savoy, every year was a

things that are expensive aren’t because we just

goldmine, rich with stories.

want to make a lot of money,” he says, “it’s

“That was a challenge,” he explains. “Because

because the main component is so rare and unique

you want to draw from the past, but when

that once the bottle is empty, we’ll never be able

there’s such a wealth of history and legacy,

to make it again.”

where do you start?”


He’s not wrong. While sipping from our glass of still water we cast a glance down at the menu

As if in demonstration of his integrity as a




barman, he recalls an occasion when he refused to serve a guest one

for the occasionally restrictive world of the hotel, where an emphasis

of these four figure fancies. Simply put, he didn’t think he’d like it.

on standards and repetition are the norm. He recalls trying to train a

He also recalls a night when he sold three to the same man, who

hairdresser to cut his hair how he likes it, but explains that every time he

presumably did.

went back, the hairdresser still had to ask. “After several years of that I

Lorincz clearly cares about his craft. He has a respect for the legacy

but also an analogy for his his approach to work, and indeed life. Further

it’s served. But that sense of connection to the work and to the industry

evidence that he does, indeed, like things ‘just so’.

doesn’t come quickly or easily and he riles against the new breed of bartender who expects success at the drop of an ice cube. “I have new starters sometimes who feel as though they don’t need to

“The bar has always been a place for fun and relaxation. We always want people to feel comfortable and at ease,” he says. “But at the same time there are people that need to understand that a hotel bar is not a

do certain tasks anymore, or work as a bar back,” he says, exasperated

pub. So if they want a beer it will be served in a glass, because that’s how

– understandably so for someone who started out in London cleaning

we do things here.” Standards.

ashtrays. “But I’ll ask them if they know what certain drinks are made of

For all of this talk of detail and precision, Lorincz doesn’t appear to

and where they’re from. If a guest asked the same thing and they don’t

be an uptight or restrained person. In fact he carries his meticulousness

have the answer, then they don’t understand what they’re doing. Once

with a dash of humour, joking for example about how he couldn’t sleep

you think you know everything, you don’t know anything.”

at night if he didn’t have the right kind of ice at home. He also speaks

It’s now that we segue into Lorincz’s well-documented love and

joyously about how he finds inspiration in everything – whether it’s

fascination for Japanese bartending, something that makes sense now we

creating glassware with John Jenkins or noticing how ‘cool it is’ that staff

have a better understanding of his exacting standards.

at a trattoria carry pepper grinders around in their back pockets. It’s an

“The bartenders there are so humble and so dedicated to what they

idea he brought to The Connaught, where waiters now carry coasters in

do,” he says, in some ways describing himself. “They are so focussed on

their aprons. “You have to be moved on a daily basis,” he says. “And you

the task and attention to detail. They are so synchronised it’s like they are

have to be awake, because inspiration is all around us.” Fitting closing

dancing a tango and there’s a lot of purity in watching how they work.”

words from a man who - to many emerging bartenders - is likely an

As such a detail-oriented person, Lorincz seems a better fit than some


just changed my hairdresser,” he says with a laugh. It’s an amusing story

of his bar, for the value of what he serves and for the manner in which

inspiration himself.

Image: Dan Perez


A Fitting Pair Founders of the eponymous studio Baranowitz + Kronenberg, Alon Baranowitz and Irene Kronenberg are two of the most sought after names in contemporary F&B design. From Mr Porter and The Duchess at W Amsterdam to the market-defining Mendeli Street Hotel and The Butcher burger bars, they have developed a reputation for breaking the mould of hotel dining. Words: Noga Tarnopolsky


rene Baranowitz and Alon Kronenberg operate like two

began asking themselves: why two offices? Later that turned

pieces of a puzzle: unalike shapes, fitted together at the

into: why two homes? They’ve been together ever since.

proper angles to form a greater whole. A couple in life as

Today, they are among the world’s top designers of hotel

in work, they are a study in collaborative difference.

and F&B environments that blend urbanity with hospitality.

Long russet-blonde hair frames Irene Baranowitz’s face.

“Even as a couple,” Baranowitz says, “I held tight to my

She speaks as fast as a bullet train, her voice revealing

own autonomy. We are very different. Our strengths don’t

traces of her native Uruguay. She leaps in to answer

intersect. We both have strong personalities, even if in Alon

questions, working and developing her responses out loud,

it is less evident. It’s a dialogue of the brave - not easy, but

like filigree. She wears spiky jewelry.

we don’t give up.” Kronenberg completes the thought: “It’s

At her side, with steel grey hair and a trimmed beard gradually turning white, the tall, broad Alon Kronenberg,

not easy, but it’s inescapable.” “The hardest lesson, but most significant,” Baranowitz

initially appears unreactive. But as avid and intense as

says, “as a couple and in our professional partnership, was

she is, he mulls a question over before delivering a fully

to respect the strengths of each other and to understand

wrought response.

that if each of us is in our own fortress, that we can see

“We have a very good professional synergy,” Baranowitz, a graduate of Technion’s School of Design,

something the other cannot.” They have applied their particular vision and energy to

affirms. “Though with two well-developed egos, it is not

restaurants and hotels that are challenging because they

always simple.” They met in 1992 as colleagues working

come with fixed physical parameters, and, in some cases,

in the same building in a then-tatty neighborhood in

history that cannot be erased. In the manner of 3D editors,

South Tel Aviv. Kronenberg had recently returned to the

Baranowitz and Kronenberg seem to transform something

city with a degree from the Pratt Institute.

old and faded into an exuberant, re-imagined iteration of

From the beginning, the questions they posed revolved around shared spaces. Two years or so after meeting, they

the original thing. Of course there is something magical, like falling in love,



Mendeli Street Hotel, Tel Aviv Image: Amit Geron and Omri Amsalem

“We are very different. Our strengths don’t intersect. We both have strong personalities”

fridge door. You’re sitting eating a burger and models walk by, and you don’t know where to, or why they’re not coming back. It contains two worlds, the world of day and the world of night.” They’ve already expanded the Butcher concept to Berlin at the Sir Savigny Hotel, and are opening another in Ibiza this summer.

in the process of enabling an old structure to express itself anew. “I dream and she makes me dream,” Kronenberg says. “A muse, you could say. I’m very curious and I love to learn. If I’m not sleeping, I have

tourism, but also turned it into a shining and inviting harbour for

something by my side that I’m learning from. I’m not a good manager.

international tourists drawn to the metropolis on the Mediterranean:

I’m obsessed with details. I’m looking through the microscope and she’s

business travellers and Europeans on beachy getaways.

on LCD screens.” Baranowitz interrupts: “Alon’s greatest strength is

The idea, Baranowitz says, was to transform the non-descript box into

ideas. He’s an inventor. I have ideas all the time, but I’m translating

a metaphor for Tel Aviv. For a boutique hotel in the first Hebrew-speaking

them into the here and now, figuring out how things work, how to make

city, they used the shapes of letters to create a sheath for the building

it happen, how to transform an idea into reality. I can take something

– latticework inspired by interlaced Moroccan balconies. “Lightness

disconnected to shape and translate it into the tangible.”

is central to the entire building’s design. Tel Aviv’s design speaks of

In Amsterdam, they turned the cold, marble lobby of the former Kas

freedom, and here we made a hotel in the city of freedom with motifs

Bank into The Butcher, a steel grey all-around bar, a “beefy post for the

taken from the Hebrew language and the Orient. In my mind, that’s the

patty lovers. A Mecca of sorts.” They developed a concept Baranowitz

essence of Tel Aviv: that it completely integrates being West and East.”

calls “hamburgeriada,” with an emphasis on the quality of the meat. Its motto: Bloody delicious burgers! A standalone attraction affixed to the W Hotel, it contains a secret:


In their home base of Tel Aviv, the team took a dilapidated hotel that was built in the 1970s with the aim of accommodating internal Israeli

The Mendeli Street Hotel is the first building in which Baranowitz and Kronenberg started out with an F&B concept and stretched it out to encompass the entire public space of the hotel. Mendeli has no lobby,

“The kitchen is very dominant,” Kronenberg says, “so it’s clear you’re

instead guests walk straight into a bar. Or, in Baranowitz’s words, “they

in for a burger. But we built a speakeasy into it that you enter through a

leave a city street and enter the city of Tel Aviv: dark, classy with drinks.”

As a brand for sophisticated table culture, TAFELSTERN’s strengths lie in its constant endeavour to create products of perfect shape and decoration. Developing diverse stylistic collections, TAFELSTERN is a problem-solver and consultant for the hotel and restaurant business.

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23.05.17 13:04


The Butcher, Sir Sevigny, Berlin

“It’s a concept that is sleek, cool and about being comfortable in one’s own skin.”

marvels. “They used to burn witches on Charles Bridge!” Again, the surrounding urban landscape was a starting point. “There are cities that reinvent themselves,” Baranowitz explains, “but Prague is not one of those. The roots there are so strong that it is case of revival,

Kronenberg says the “constructive intervention” they performed on the building was to create “a hotel directed at people who want to be

Having just returned from a first trip to the city, they’re

connected to what is happening in the city. They immediately know

contemplating three or four years of work. They are just beginning.

where they should be: away from the seashore, which is the coolest, but

“The restaurant? The Bar? We are still thinking,” she says, flicking

spitting distance to the sea. It’s the Grand Jeu of Tel Aviv.”

through pictures of the building: its carved wood adornments, grand

The hotel, in fact, offers guests the uncommon experience of being

staircase, astonishing ceramic tiles and molded glass walls, all of which

both in, and not in, the city. Its public spaces are public in the absolute

will be integrated into the final design. They have already contacted

sense: with an open façade at street level, Mendeli opens itself up to

the still extant firm that made the original tiles in 1905. Kronenberg

passersby dropping in for a lunch meeting or a drink. Only a small

suggests he’s about to intervene in the life of “a hypnotizing building”

desk tucked behind the accessible urbanity hints at the rooms above,

and he looks keen.

accessible only through a discreet lift and with a key. The idea of being seen and unseen is central to Mendeli’s ethos, thus

“We are in the process of absorbing information, trying to process data from outside before creating output. We need to understand the DNA of

the latticework inside and out. “It’s a concept that is sleek, cool and

the building, the street and the city. Once you’ve got the DNA - the life of

about being comfortable in one’s own skin,” Kronenberg says.

a building under its surface - you can assemble a viable concept.”

Their latest challenge is in a city they only recently stepped foot in:

Gutting an old structure so as to breathe new life into it is apt for

Prague, where they are charged with designing the entire interior of the

Prague, the city of the Golem, the mythic creature of folklore magically

once majestic Grand Hotel Europa.

formed from dust and mud. In fact, the Hebrew letters G-L-M – gelem -

It sits on Wenceslas Square, “the boulevard of history,” Kronenberg


not reinvention.”

mean raw material, that with which a new form begins.





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Music To The Ears Words: Lauren Ho

An often-unconsidered afterthought, background music is getting its moment in the limelight as brands recognise its value.


o you know your Paul Desmond from your Desmond Dekker? Chances are you probably don’t. If you do, then you could be just the person Rob Wood is looking to recruit. But not before

you pass a series of rigorous written tests and interviews - details of which are kept tightly under wraps for fear of revealing his ‘trade secret’. All we can disclose is that a CV is not a priority. No, this isn’t the application process for a job at the secret service. It is however, Wood’s sure-fire method of employing just the right person to join his team of gurus at Music Concierge, a company that, in short, delves deep into the psyche of a brand to hand pick the right tunes to help it perform better.


Wood, who describes himself as a ‘bit of a music

As a result, Music Concierge has a substantial

fanatic’ – the kid whose task at school was to provide

portfolio of upscale clients that includes retail, such

the mix tapes for parties – is the product of the club

as the British luxury goods brand Mulberry, and –

scene that exploded across the UK in the early 1990s.

perhaps unsurprisingly – an impressive line up of

Acknowledging he was in the right place at the right

hospitality companies such as London’s Connaught

time, his informal path into DJing kick-started his

and Rosewood properties, Como Hotels and Resorts,

career as a music journalist – most notably as the

The Upper House in Hong Kong and also restaurant

editor of cult magazine Jockey Slut – before he met a

groups such as The Ivy and Corbin and King in

certain James Lohan, better known as the founder of

London. Jaime Faus, general manager at the Pullman

the boutique hotel booking website, Mr & Mrs Smith.

in Jakarta, who worked with Wood at the group’s

Side-lining as a hotel reviewer for the company,

St Pancras property, says: “Music is essential. It’s

Wood started to notice an obvious lack of considered

a way of emotionally connecting with people. If the

music at the properties he was visiting, thus Music

music is great, people will enjoy themselves more,

Concierge was born. “A great hotel is about escapism

they will likely feel a synergy with the brand and

and appealing to the human senses,” he explains.

they will repeat visit.” James Luck, the commercial

“Sight, taste and touch - be it via the interior

director of Soundjack, another background music

decoration, the food or the quality of the linen - are

company, agrees: “Music, when selected carefully,

always thought of but, for me, it was clear that sound

can help create the right atmosphere for your brand.

was very much an afterthought, often left to the

It can appeal to your ideal customers, it provides

bar manager to put on some awful techno music at

a backdrop for the brand space and it encourages

breakfast or something.”

people to stay longer.”

Of course Wood isn’t exactly chartering new

Approaching the business by way of a tablet-based

territory here. Mega high street retailers such as

system and an app that allows the customer to select

Boots the chemist or McDonald’s have always

their desired track from the playlist, on demand,

used the services of background music suppliers,

Soundjack might have a slightly different method to

but as large corporate companies, Wood wanted

Music Concierge, but what remains the same is that

to move away from their ‘generic and poorly

both companies value the importance of sound within

conceived’ offerings to supply luxury companies a

a hotel and its F&B spaces.

brand-focused solution. “I wanted to come up with

So, assuming it’s not as simple as creating a mix

something from a real music-train spotter-passion

tape, how detailed is the exact process behind the

culture. The key thing for me was the understanding

scenes? Wood, for one, does not authorise new

of the brand.”

recruits to engage with a client for at least a year, if


not two. During this time, they are learning how

which contributes to better F&B revenue.” Adding to

to follow briefs, gaining playlist design experience

this, Luck says: “The right music is essential. It has

and navigating their way around Music Concierge’s

been proven to increase sales, with 44% of bars and

extensive library - where over 270 styles of music are

pubs believing so, and 67% saying that it encourages

maintained. Following this, both companies place a

repeat business.”

lot of emphasis on the initial consultancy phase, with

But what exactly is ‘right’? While it might seem

detailed client interviews, property assessments and

obvious that playing upbeat music might encourage

generally spending time at the venue, to evaluate any

people to eat faster – or vice versa – you can’t help

difficulties, while gaining a thorough understanding

but wonder why you would need a dedicated bunch

of the brand. “Once we have done all of this research,

of people to work this out. In reality, it is much

we will have a very good grasp of the property and

more nuanced, with Music Concierge sussing out the

work out how we can create an atmosphere that’s

room layout, gauging the quality of the speakers,

more engaging and therefore increase dwell time in

educating staff on the volume level and even going

that space,” Wood says.

as far as installing their own hardware system from

In fact, upping this ‘dwell time’ is one of the most

which they can remotely control an entire timetable

common briefs and a very simple tactic: the longer

of music that is specially selected according to the

guests hang out, the more inclined they are to eat

time of day, and also refreshed every three months.

and drink. And as everyone knows, focusing only

As Wood reasons: “Because everyone loves music,

on hotel room sales these days is rarely a winning

people think any member of staff can do it. I very

strategy anymore. “When music is poor or annoying,

much disagree with that. Just because we all eat food

it lets the whole experience down,” explains Faus.

doesn’t mean anyone can conceive a menu - that

“But where we have made it right – such as at the

should be left to a chef.”

Pullman St Pancras in London – it engages people,

As calculating as this whole business might seem, both Wood and Luck are keen to highlight that a curated selection of music can also go a long way to enhancing a customer’s personal experience and resulting memories. “Rather than focusing on how music might change the taste of a banana, I think what music really does is affect how you enjoy that moment, which is what is most important,” emphasises Wood.


“This is a place for conversation, a sense of community and a melting pot of Portuguese heritage.” Rodrigo Machaz, General Manager of Memmo Príncipe Real, on attracting a local audience at Café Colonial.


Image: Read McKendree

Glorietta Trattoria Anvil Hotel, Jackson

Originally built in the 1950s, Anvil Hotel is a renovation of one of Jackson’s

sensibility. The relaxed attitude and quietly refined interior is reflected in

original motels. Located in the historic centre of the quintessential mountain

dishes intended to be shared ‘family style’ – from freshly made pastas to

town, the 48-key boutique draws discerning guests keen to tackle the ski

elevated cast iron comfort food.

slopes of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort – one of the leading ski resorts in the country – as well as the national parks located within easy reach.

An already-popular destination for drinking as well as dining, the trattoria features a cocktail programme developed by Proprietors LLC,

Designed by Brooklyn-based Studio Tack, Glorietta Trattoria is a

the group behind NYC’s Death & Co. Creative serves take inspiration from

reimagining of the traditional wood-fired Italian restaurant. With a

the kitchens and feature ingredients from rustic Italian cuisine, including

balanced mix of warm, naturally finished materials, the 85-cover space

warm spices, woody herbs and a variety of nuts and fruits. A carefully

features a large wood-burning grill, around which is arranged versatile

curated wine list, by Joel Gunderson of Portland’s Coopers Hall winery,

booths and banquette seating with tables.

also includes a diverse selection of Italian wines, categorised by region.

The menu - conceived by Executive Chef Troy Furuta – rotates seasonally and features a mix of nostalgic Italian dishes prepared with a contemporary

IN A BITE Covers: 85 restaurant, 40 terrace • Owner: Eagle Point Hotel Partners • Operator: Filament Hospitality • Interior Design: Studio Tack • Architecture: Jaime Farmer • Executive Chef: Troy Furuta • Head Bartender: Scott Keten • Beverage Programme: Proprietors LLC (cocktails), Joel Gunderson (wine)



Jamboree Foodfest and Bar ibis Styles Manchester Portland Hotel

One of the most significant pivots of the industry has been the steady

Argentine beef and paired with Chimichurri.

redefining of the economy segment. Design and experience led concepts

The 191-cover restaurant sits adjacent to the main hotel, with a

now abound, as hotel groups seek to tap the millennial traveller high on

dedicated street-facing entrance, intended to emphasise the robustness

expectation but low on budget.

of the concept as a spot for in-guest dining as well as outside trade.

At the newly refurbished ibis Styles Manchester Portland Hotel,

Karelle Lamouche, SVP of Budget and Economy Brands at AccorHotels

whimsical interiors in the public spaces riff off the city’s reputation

UK, says: “Adding the fully-refurbished Portland Hotel to our ever

for unpredictable weather, with selfie-ready elevators - complete with

expanding portfolio of ibis Styles perfectly highlights the strength of our

decorative oversized umbrellas - and a staircase that allows guests to check

proposition and reinforces the brand as the benchmark in the economy

the ever-changing forecast.

segment. The restaurant interior has been brought to life through unique

Jamboree Foodfest and Bar, meanwhile, takes on a more escapist bent, channelling sunny getaways and laid back vibes. A burger-focussed menu

and creative storytelling as well as playful design features that provide our guests with a sense of fun.”

transports diners to far-flung climes: from the American influenced Maryland, made with soft-shell crab, to the Raging Bull, featuring

IN A BITE Covers: 191 • Owner: Amaris Hospitality • Operator: AccorHotels UK • Architecture: Philip Watts Design • Tableware: Steelite • Cutlery: Amefa Glassware: Artis


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23.05.16 15:56


The Provocateur Bar Provocateur, Berlin

Provocateur by name and provocative by nature, the bar at this new 58-

bar, while ambient low lighting casts enigmatic shadows across the parquet

key Berlin boutique is billed as ‘shamelessly sensual’. Inspired by the dark

flooring, bouncing off the reflective wall that marks the entryway.

corners and hidden places of Paris at midnight, the design is one of carnal refinement, intended to evoke the elegant excess of the 1920s.

Located in Berlin’s west-central Charlottenburg neighbourhood, The Provocateur Bar is managed by Nico Krznar who oversees a menu featuring

“Discovering spots in Paris made me realise Provocateur should be

liqueurs and infusions prepared in-house, as well as classics with a twist.

shocking and unexpected,” says Saar Zafrir, who headed-up the design of the

“It’s particularly exciting to be working closely with the restaurant,” says

hotel; part of Design Hotels. Constant travel between his base of Amsterdam,

Krznar, who aims to create a consistently alluring experience for hotel

his native Tel Aviv, and cities like London, Berlin and Paris is said to have

guests and diners filtering through from Golden Phoenix - the hotel’s

created his trademark: a combination of international allusions with a local

restaurant specialising in ‘otherworldly’ French-Chinese creations, headed

soul. “The bar constantly pushes your buttons. It whispers passion in every

by renowned chef Duc Ngo.

way, using soft and heavy textures, and is driven by the colours red and blue.” Flying Flames from lighting designer Ingo Maurer hang above the

IN A BITE Covers: 40 • Interior Design: Saar Zafrir • Architecture: TSSB Architekten Ingenieure • Owner: Gekko Group (Micky Rosen and Ales Urseanu) and Liran Wizman • Head Bartender: Nico Krznar • Tableware: Rosenthal • Glassware: Schott Zwiesel • Cutlery: Mepra


TIGERHOTEL INTRODUCING T-COLLECTION... Scandinavian design is a design movement characterized by simplicity, minimalism and functionality that emerged in the five Nordic countries of Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Denmark. Scandinavian design tries to humanize by the use of natural materials such as wood, glasses, leather etc. and to democratize by the use of innovative techniques to make objects in series at reasonable prices because it believes that beautiful and functional everyday objects should also affordable. Inspired by this design idea, Tiger has launched series of products under T-Collection such as induction chafing dishes, rectangular carving station with its new heating lamps, juice dispenser and buffet display wooden trays and risers at competitive prices. Tiger proposes a whole new collection of buffet items to bring a nice touch of modernism and simplicity into your buffet scene.

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14/03/2017 17:01:08


L.A. Jackson Thompson Nashville

A city famed for its creative spirit and soulful music heritage, Nashville has

photographs of music icons. Blue glass entry doors open to reveal

been witnessing a period of explosive growth. Thompson Nashville, one of

flamingo-coloured floor tiles and a bar made of stamped concrete with a

its newest boutiques, sits in the hip The Gulch neighbourhood between the

contoured wooden top.

city’s Music row and Downtown. Formerly a district populated with empty

Dining areas throughout feature blue velvet banquettes that mix saw tooth

lots and still-to-be redeveloped buildings, it is now one of Nashville’s

detailing with patterned fabric, and stainless steel topped tables. Ceiling

most dynamic areas.

panels are custom upholstered and circular glass chandeliers hang overhead.

A destination to stay and play, Thompson Nashville has put an emphasis on

Drawing guests towards the expansive patio are characterful, oversized

original and inventive F&B spaces, including a 100-cover signature restaurant,

glass garage doors, whilst outside an illuminated 20ft olive tree provides

Marsh House, and 200-cover rooftop bar and restaurant, L.A. Jackson.

a focal point, set against the panoramic city views.

Designed by New York City-based Parts and Labor Design, L.A. Jackson features a richly detailed interior that draws upon the character of

The cocktail menu is concise and considered, and punchy serves are presented in glassware from Hospitality Glass.

Nashville whilst introducing unexpected flourishes. Guests are greeted to the 12th floor of the hotel by a wood panelled corridor featuring revealing

IN A BITE Covers: 200 • Interior Design: Parts and Labor Design • Architecture: Hastings Architecture and Associates • Operator: Our House Hospitality • Head Bartender: Mario Salas • Executive Chef: Nathan Duensing • Tableware: Steelite • Glassware: Hospitality Glass • Cutlery: Steelite




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Yuxi Hilton Jinan South Hotel & Residences

With 420-keys (316 guestrooms and 104 residences), 40 floors and spread

an important economic centre for northern China that is increasingly driving

over 66,000m2, Hilton Jinan South Hotel & Residences is a substantial

leisure tourism and corporate travel.”

project and the first international hotel in Jinan South.

The hotel’s signature restaurant Yuxi is the highest in the city, sitting on

Intended to cater to the city’s booming MICE sector, the hotel features 10

the 39th and 40th floors. Featuring a traditional but refined interior, the

multi-function meeting rooms and a 1,050sqm grand ballroom, in addition

restaurant was designed in collaboration with Wilson Associates’ Blueplate

to a comprehensive F&B offer, with a primarily Chinese bent.

Studios, a niche studio specialising in F&B development and led by Design

“We are committed to strengthening our footprint within China,

Director Dennis Tan.

specifically in the locations where both our leisure and business guests are

Named after the ancient privy seal belonging to the emperor, Yuxi

travelling,” says Bruce McKenzie, SVP of Operations for Greater China and

showcases authentic dishes based upon Lu and Cantonese cuisine and in

Mongolia at Hilton Worldwide. “A milestone achievement in the growth

addition to a sizeable main dining area, features 11 private dining rooms.

and evolution of our portfolio, the opening of Hilton Jinan South Hotel & Residences brings our flagship brand to the capital city of Shandong Province,

IN A BITE Operator: Hilton Worldwide • Owner: Shandong Luneng Genfu Development Co. Ltd. • Interior Design: Blueplate Studios • Furniture: Gold Phoenix Furniture Int. Group • Carpet: Haima Carpet • Lighting: Kamtat Lighting


The Ned London Words: Emilee Tombs


here aren’t many places in the world that elicit a

“It’s fair to say the Square Mile wasn’t on my radar as

genuine gasp upon walking through the door. But

a place to be,” says Jones. “But I fell in love with the

The Ned, Soho House’s newest London outpost,

building as soon as I saw it. Spaces like this don’t come

certainly does.

along very often.

Set in The City, an area of London home to - during

that have changed over the last 10 years. It used to be that

lawyers, and the types of professions that demand suit-

a wine bar was open until 8pm and that was it. Now there’s

and-tie wearing in the office, The Ned occupies the site

a good restaurant scene and a lot going on at the weekend.

of the former Midland Bank, one of Europe’s biggest and

The Barbican is around the corner, as is Guildhall Art

busiest banks during its operation from 1924. Designed

Gallery, Borough Market and Shoreditch House.”

by the architect Sir Edward (aka Ned) Lutyens, the Grade

It’s also a bold move, time-wise, to open another

I-listed building cost a staggering £200 million to renovate

members club, when the hotly anticipated The Curtain -

and is vast, with 252 bedrooms, a rooftop pool, gym, spa,

by those people behind New York’s ever-popular Hotel

hammam, late night bar and club. That’s all aside from

Gansevoort - also opened in the summer, and there are

the nine restaurants and bars that are also open to non-

rumours from The Arts Club’s people that a new spot will


open further east at fellow financial district, Canary Wharf.

A partnership between London-based Soho House & Co

“The Ned is for everyone,” Jones asserts. “It is a lot more

and New York’s Sydell Group (NoMad, The Line and Freehand

accessible and nothing to do with any of the other clubs. I

hotels), its location is an interesting choice for Soho House

just wanted to open something for anyone who likes eating,

founder Nick Jones, who has previously said that the suited

drinking and having a good time.”

types that frequent this kind of neighbourhood are not those


“The City area is on the move. There are a lot of things

the weekdays at least - a majority crowd of bankers and

In its new incarnation, the main public space of The Ned,

he wants on the members’ lists at his collection of Soho

which used to be the central banking hall, is breath-taking.

Houses around the world. Yet stepping over the marble

Channelling the glamour of the Art Deco era, the project’s

threshold into the cavernous space with its original stucco

three in-house designers - supported by the Soho House

walls and ceilings soaring overhead, and Art Deco design

design team, led by Marcus Barwell - created something akin

sympathetically remastered, it’s quite easy to see what

to a 1930s transatlantic ocean liner, or perhaps Macy’s food

tempted him here.

hall - a decadent place for socialising and a place to be seen.




Malibu Kitchen




Adam Greco, who has been with Soho House since 2013,

Californian-inspired health-conscious grab-and-go spot

worked on the overall concept, sourcing vintage curios from

with beautiful cut-glass screens by Lead & Light; and Kaia,

around the world. Alice Lund, Senior Designer at Soho House

a health-conscious Asian eaterie. In the main hall sits the

since June 2014, focused on the public spaces and enlisted

member’s only Lutyens Grill; Zobler’s Delicatessen, a riff

the skills of British wallpaper makers De Gournay to hand-

on 2017’s hottest food trend; Ceconni’s, a Venetian small

paint a mural that wraps around the walls of the reception

plates restaurant that has outposts around the world,

space on two levels. Lund was also responsible for the

including Mayfair, West Hollywood and Istanbul; and

delivery of the 300-plus bespoke joinery items, including

opposite, Millie’s Lounge, where the menu includes meats

the eight restaurants and nine leisure outlets. Rebecca

and fish sourced locally, as well as typical British fare, ales,

King, a New York based interior designer, took care of the

cocktails and a wine list that features all the great English

furniture and lighting design.

vineyards. Tableware from Heritage completes the Great

In the main hall, Lund has chosen to separate the nine restaurants using 92 protected verdite columns and rows of

British theme. At The Nickel Bar, a waistcoated bartender expertly

Grade I-listed walnut banking counters rather than walls,

mixes ‘Nedronis’. Millie’s restaurant curves around a

encircling a stage-cum-bandstand (the former reception of

marble-topped bar, and is comprised of casual low-lying

the bank) where a rotation of swing and soft jazz bands are

tables with grass green chesterfields and the pastel pink art

lined up throughout the week. It’s an arresting effect, not

deco booths. During the day it’s filled with light thanks to

just because it’s so enormous, but because there is nowhere

those big semi-circular windows, and sexily lit by antique

in London like it.

Arts & Crafts panel lamps by night. The menu features

The open plan concept elicits a lively, yet easy-going

plump oysters from Sussex and molten-in-the-middle

vibe. There are people milling from this bar to that,

scotch eggs, and some accomplished fish and steak-

lounging on plush velvet banquettes, listening to the band

and-chips. The dishes do a fine job of showcasing British

and chatting; having Tête à Têtes at Cecconi’s with plates of

produce, cocktails are simple and impressive, as are the

cicchetti; and people having lavish three-course dinners at

knowledgeable waiters.

Millie’s Lounge, all the while bobbing along to the sound of big band tunes. Given the location, it should be suit-filled, but as it’s

While The Ned is definitely a members’ club, the only sign of it in the part of the building that houses its F&B is the closed doors to Lutyens Grill and the Vault Bar,

a Soho House outpost, the crowd is a mix of creatives,

which resides behind an original, heavy bank vault door

Chelsea boys and girls, and suits too, all mingling happily.

at the bottom of a flight of stairs below the main hall.

It is already a popular spot for an aperitif or post-work

Sandwiched inbetween the entrance to both male and

drinks, as well as lingering business lunches. A skylight

female washrooms, it is tempting for non-members, almost

lets in plenty of afternoon sun during the day, in contrast

certain to be intrigued by its sparkle.

to the ambient gold, brass, moss green seating and Carrara

If searching ‘The Ned’ on social media, the most

marble. It’s gorgeous, sympathetic to its roots, and

Instagrammed shot found is of this door, despite it not

although likely to be busy, it doesn’t feel suffocating thanks

being opened to very many people. It is proof positive that

to the abundance of light and space.

Nick Jones, and his Soho House Group are still exceptionally

In the east wing of the main hall there’s Café Sou, a

good at making people want to join the club.

place by Little Paris Kitchen chef, Rachel Khoo serving French café style pastries and salads; Malibu Kitchen, a

IN A BITE Covers: 1000+ • Executive Chef (production) - Zobler’s, Kaia, Cafe Sou: Ewart Wardhaugh • Executive Chef - Millie’s, Lutyens Grill, Nickel Bar: Luke Rayment • Executive Chef - Cecconi’s, Malibu Kitchen, Ned’s Club Upstairs, The Vault: Michele Nargi • Head Bartender: Dan Berger • Interior Design: In-house team – Adam Greco, Alice Lund, Rebecca King • Architecture: EPR • Owner / Operator: Soho House Group, Sydell Group • Tableware: Burleigh • Glassware: Soho Home


Asian codfish in miso butter with shitaki pakchoi



Café Colonial Memmo Príncipe Real, Lisbon

Words: Harry McKinley


n recent years Lisbon has been nicknamed the ‘hipster

also somewhat like the city at large: discreet at first but

capital of Europe’, the ‘new capital of cool’ and ‘Europe’s

increasingly revealing new layers of excitement.

trendiest city’. Whilst such monikers are often to be taken with a pinch of salt, when it comes to the largest

metropolis in Portugal, there’s more than a grain of truth. A low-rise and historic sprawl on the banks of the Tagus

A new build from architect Samuel Torres de Carvalho, it is stylistically enigmatic; a sleek four-floor structure that evokes the mid-century modern period with its angular silhouette and integration into the hill on which it perches.

Estuary, it combines sleepy coffee shop culture with a high-

Its striking façade is only revealed after passing through

octane bar scene. But it wears its modish credentials in a

an arched alleyway – the hotel located on a plot detached

rather quiet and unassuming way. Like the coolest person

from the main street and obscured by buildings of a more

in the room, it perhaps garnered its many admirers by not

traditional nature.

trying too hard. Príncipe Real is one of the city’s hottest neighbourhoods

The hotel’s restaurant and bar occupies most of the entry floor; the lobby curving into the dining area and lounge,

and it is here that many of the native bright young things

and a large terrace providing a spot for guests to absorb

and European visitors come to work, play and relax.

the arresting views. Here too the look is one of nostalgic

Adjacent to Barrio Alto, a district famed for its rowdy

modernity, with the interior overseen by Torres and João

nightlife, Príncipe Real is characterised by its classic

Correa Nunes. Pieces of furniture designed specially by

architecture, array of design and lifestyle-led stores, and

Torres live side by side with vintage finds. Contemporary

its numerous outdoor spaces – ideal for short coffees

paintings by Miguel Branco hang on the walls.

during long afternoons. It’s also the site of the latest

Whist this 41-key boutique is the first five-star in the

hotel from Memmo Unforgettable Hotels, now a trio of

neighbourhood, the restaurant and bar, Café Colonial, isn’t

properties that includes a hotel in Lisbon’s Alfama and

primarily intended to appeal to the influx of tourists to

another in the Algarve.

Lisbon, hip or otherwise. Instead General Manager Rodrigo

As is true of the other hotels in the family, Memmo Príncipe Real prides itself on fitting in with its surroundings and the attitude of the local neighbourhood. But it’s

Machaz has his sights set firmly on the resident crowd. “Café Colonial is our first restaurant targeting the locals,” he says. “The food, service, atmosphere and pricing



were considered to attract the local community and to be part of the

plates from Costa Nova. In the afternoons light meals and bar snacks are

neighbourhood day by day. Hotel guests are always welcome, but we

available, whilst in the evening the restaurant opens for main service

want to make sure that they get in touch with the people of the area and

along with the signature cocktail bar.

don’t just have dinner in one of touristic restaurants of the city.” It’s little surprise therefore, that whilst the hotel is regularly at full

During the opening of the hotel, the team collaborated with Luís Domingos, owner of drinks company Black Pepper & Basil, on the

occupancy, locals make up 90% of the trade at the 55-cover restaurant,

development of the cocktail menu. As in the restaurant, there is a local

which in turn already represents around 35% of Memmo Príncipe Real’s

sensibility. Mixes like Port Tonic and the Amarguinha Sour – made

revenues. It’s a percentage Machaz, and Executive Assistant Manager

with a Portuguese almond liquer – provide a suitably regional twist

Eduardo Consiglieri Pedroso hope to grow, as the venue cements itself as

on international favourites. The hotel partners with Diageo and stocks

a destination restaurant and important lifestyle spot.

multiple brands from the company’s portfolio, with a spiky cooper

Tapping the local set requires a particularly sensitive approach to cuisine and at Café Colonial dishes are intended to reflect Portugal’s

Absolut Elyx pineapple adorning the bar. For most city hotels, and certainly design-led boutiques, creating

influence around the world, whilst still offering an original take on the

a destination restaurant and bar that succeeds in being just that, is

region’s favourites. It is a thoughtfully conceived menu, from Chef Vasco

perhaps the holy grail of contemporary hotel F&B. At Café Colonial it is

Lello, that not once veers into cliché territory.

so far mission achieved, and the restaurant is on an upward trajectory.

“This is a place for conversation, a sense of community and melting

But it’s still early days for this new hotel in an increasingly lauded

pot of Portuguese heritage,” Machaz continues. “In many ways it’s a

portion of Lisbon, and Machaz has plans. Capitalising on the dramatic

Portuguese journey around the world, with influences from Brazil, Africa

skyline vista, the terrace will soon play host to DJs and a sundown happy

and Asia, combined in contemporary dishes that linger in the memory.

hour. On the currently unutilised roof there’s scope for private cocktail

This is a very different concept from the other restaurants in the area.”

events and room for 60 guests.

A starter of fried chicken wings with peri peri sauce, okra and peanut

Memmo Príncipe Real is a member of Design Hotels, and this year the

is infused with the spirit of Angola, a former Portuguese colony. On the

group’s Arena conference will be held in the city. The hotel is set to host

mains menu, meagre with Bulhão Pato rice, razor clams and cockles

attendees for the welcome cocktail and there’s little doubt that many

represents one of the country’s most enduring and popular flavour

will be taking notes. After all, it’s only fair that the city that captured the

profiles. For dessert there are tastes of Brazil, in the Quindim with

attention of Europe’s ‘coolest’ should share some of its secrets.

passion fruit ice cream and lime; and São Tomé, in a decadent chocolate creation with banana and caramel praline. The dishes are confident and

speak to the broad culinary legacy of a former empire, but also to the forward-looking character of today’s Portugal. Throughout the day the restaurant evolves. Mornings are exclusively for guests, who can choose between light and flavoursome à la carte options, or set themselves up for the day at a breakfast bar well-stocked with cereals, cold meats and crowd-pleasing Pasteis de Nata; served on

IN A BITE Covers: 55 • Owner / Operator: Memmo Unforgettable Hotels • Interior Design: Samuel Torres de Carvalho, João Correa Nunes • Architecture: Samuel Torres de Carvalho • Executive Chef: Chef Vasco Lello • Head Bartender: Diogo Simões • Tableware: Costa Nova • Glassware: Nachtmann, Spiegelau Cutlery: Cutipol • Menu Design: José Carlos Mendes • Uniform Design: Juliana Cavalcanti • Suppliers: Diageo




Hermosos & Malditos Tótem Madrid

Words: Emilee Tombs


city of contrasts, Madrid surprises at almost every turn.

came up with the name Hermosos y Malditos, or ‘The Beautiful and the

Ritzy Salamanca is all museums, apartment blocks and wide,

Damned’, and decided to create a thread through the design, based on

attractive boulevards lined with grand trees and designer

the book and its characters.

stores. The La Latina barrio is made up of meandering

A lot of the time all of the different areas are first created for the

and contemporary food markets, packed to bursting at the weekend.

hotel with functionality and service in mind. We wanted to create

In the smaller establishments, where you can enjoy half a dozen sardines fresh off the grill alongside a local beer, little care is given to

multifunctional spaces that were entirely for the customer,” he smiles. “Here, we are sat in the lobby, and yet we are also sat in the bar. A lot

décor. Here, it’s straight function over form. Yet, in Salamanca, where

of hotels don’t seem to have a soul these days, you know? If you are a

home-grown and international designer fashion stores and restaurants

guest, maybe you also want the hotel to have a great bar, and not just

are fitted with minimalist interiors by big name architects and interior

somewhere with a lot of luggage and typical hotel functions. We tried to

designers, the scene is somewhat blander. There seems little room for

create a different ambience, a different world, but all in the same place.”

experimentation or creativity. It’s for this reason that Hermosos y Malditos, inside Tótem Hotel,

The ambience in the bar, as Chauvin claims, is both chic and homely. Damned, as the bar is known, represents the heady spirit of Fitzgerald’s

has made such an impact. It’s design and concept is a fresh and exciting

party-loving protagonists, with a large back bar fanned by parlour

turn against a sea of white, grey and concrete on these well-manicured

palms, hand-painted wallpaper and a collection of plush midnight

streets. Translating to English as ‘The Beautiful and the Damned’, the

blue velvet sofas or powder pink rattan armchairs to curl up on with a

concept is based on the 1922 F. Scott Fitzgerald book of the same name:

devilish drinking partner after dinner.

the author’s second novel that tells a tale of socialites and café society in turn-of-the-century New York. The theme is the brainchild of Better, a platform for content, brands

Beautiful applies to the main restaurant, a light and airy space decked out with mid-century style furniture in blond wood and banquets in stone beige, punctuated with foliage and bespoke bronze laser-cut

and communication. Specialising in gastronomy and hospitality, it

panelling, as well as collections of vintage curios. The idea is to come

partnered with Palma-based hotel conception, launch and operation

for dinner or brunch - on Sundays it is particularly busy - and saunter

group Marugal for the project.

next door for cocktails to end or, as is often the case for night owl

“The street that [Tótem] is on is named ‘Hermosilla’, which in Spanish, is a variation of the word ‘beautiful’,” says Marugal’s Food and Beverage General Manager Karim Chauvin. “Along with Better, we


“I think it’s very important these days for a hotel to have a concept.

cobbled streets that hide tucked away tapas eateries, leafy rooftop bars

Madrileños, start the night. “The point is to make people feel comfortable and at home here,” says Chauvin, a Lyon native whose main experience is in the drinks business,


Mackerel skewers, mussels Image: Rafa Suñén



as a former general manager at champagne brand Ruinart in Spain. He

overly fussy cooking, but neither is it lacking in style and awareness of

also owned his own restaurant in Madrid, Café Oliver, which was highly

what a contemporary diner might want to eat.

successful, and so he knows how he wants the F&B side to function within a hotel. Besides the chefs and mixologists, there are a lot of people involved in

A starter of lentils with foie gras is more interesting and complex in flavour than may be anticipated, and a main of house-made truffle and Parmesan pasta rivals any other fine dining Italian restaurant. Brunch

the creation of this broth. Design of the two F&B spaces is the combined

is also well-executed. A menu of various styles of eggs is designed to

work of Corium Casa, a Barcelona-based studio run by Nori Furlan and

transport guests to different places from the novel and reference the life

Paco Llonch; Alejandra Ansón and Miguel Bonet, who previously ran

of F. Scott Fitzgerald: La Riviera, East Eggs, Long Island and Alabama, as

Better’s pop-up chef event The Table By at Tótem’s sister hotel URSO;

well as a nod to his great love, Zelda.

and Marugal, which manages Tótem, as well as sister hotel URSO and five other properties throughout Spain and France. At Tótem local work is celebrated, most notably in the form of

Of course, the food needs to be accomplished to stand up to Madrid’s lauded culinary scene, which chefs such as David Muñoz have helped to bring into the spotlight in recent years. Seating up to 70 diners,

carpentry and tableware in the restaurant, and in the fabrics, wallpaper

the restaurant has a warm, welcoming atmosphere and every detail is

and furniture in the bar. By night the bar is full, not just with hotel

considered, with tableware specially designed by Spanish firm Vajillas de

guests but locals, and Chauvin attributes this both to the skill of his


barmen and the homely atmosphere. The menu at Hermosos is the work of executive chefs Rodolfo de

In the bar, mixologist Fran Camino serves either from a long list of classic and contemporary cocktails, or creates bespoke serves based

Bernardi and Nacho Tirado, and focuses on Mediterranean dishes with a

on guests’ tastes. The atmosphere is buzzy and dynamic, a mix of

health-conscious bent. Rodolfo de Bernadi was formerly a key member

older moneyed types and hip young things, many of whom are already

of the team at The Table By, supporting each of the chefs who visited

regulars at this new neighbourhood spot.

the restaurant during its second season as a pop-up, while Nacho Tirado previously worked at La Tasquita de Enfrente and Le Cabrera. This is not

IN A BITE Covers: 80 Executive Chefs: Rodolfo de Bernardi, Nacho Tirado Head Bartender: Fran Camino Interior Design: Corium Casa Architecture: Gerardo Mingo (Future Group) Operator: Marugal Tableware: Vajillas de Ultramar, Vista Alegre, Serax Glassware: Klimer (supplier) Cutlery: Acme Table Decoration, Menu Design: Better


The Restaurant at Address Address Boulevard, Dubai Words: Harry McKinley


owntown Dubai is undeniably a marvel

living spaces, as they seek to present a home from

Khalifa – a soaring architectural spear that

home that feels genuinely, comfortably and familiarly

stands as testament to the city’s ambition

homely. But at Address Boulevard, subtle influences

and rapid development – to the vast Dubai Mall,

give way to spaces specifically themed around a

the project encompasses residential, retail, civic

kitchen, lounge, living room, study, dressing room

and hospitality spaces on a scale rarely seen. As the

and collection room; with a library, games room and

flagship mega-development of Emaar Properties, it’s

music room thrown in for good measure.

also a slice of the city punctuated with Address hotels

The sweeping but subdivided space was developed

and residences, each catering to a different segment

by Imagination and designed by Carlos Virgile of

of Dubai’s plentiful tourist market.

Virgile and Partners. As well as completing F&B

Address Dubai Mall, for example, lures

projects for the likes of Andaz Delhi and Crowne

predominantly GCC shoppers thanks to its promise

Plaza Belgrade, Virgile and Partners has worked

of world class retail on the doorstep; while Address

extensively on top-tier retail projects, including

Downtown was the first hotel from the Address

Harrods’ Luxury Rooms and the beauty hall of

Hotels + Resorts brand, and appealed to an

Harvey Nichols in London. Indeed, at The Restaurant

international audience keen to take advantage of the

at Address, there is clearly a deft hand at play when

many gourmet dining experiences and remarkable

it comes to the meeting of hospitality and almost

views across the dancing fountains. It’s an audience

commercial perfection. Much like in a department

sure to flock back when the hotel reopens following

store, guests are sold a diet of immaculately curated

the fire of December 2015.

objects, bespoke furniture and carefully chosen

The newest kid on the block is the 72-storey Address

lighting. Each room is restful and relatable, but with

Boulevard, which features 196 five-star hotel rooms

just enough sense of aspiration to warrant the visit. It

and 523 serviced residences. Standing over Sheikh

is a home, but without the domesticity.

Mohammed Bin Rashid Boulevard, it is the sixth tallest


Hotels have long drawn inspiration from everyday

of modern urban planning. From the Burj

The main formal dining area of The Restaurant at

building in an expanding metropolis that frequently

Address is composed of living room, study, dining

redefines what tall means in architectural terms. But

room and collection room – a gallery type space for

while the building – splendid though it is – is not

the display of objects and art. Whilst each has its

exactly an oddity in a city of skyscrapers, the F&B is a

own character, a cohesive aesthetic runs throughout:

much more original proposition: a 24-hour restaurant

sophisticated grey and ivory walls offset with sharp

intended to evoke a bourgeois Parisian apartment.

accents of blue, yellow and red in the furnishings.


La Casserole



xxx The clean, modern lines of the interior are echoed in the tableware, with

with the towers of Boulevard Plaza looming alongside, the terrace is a

plates by Bernardaud and Revol. Cutlery is by Guy Degrenne, completing

connecting element that leads into the restaurant space, as well as the

a line-up of tabletop brands known for their minimal and progressive

bar and ‘library’.

design sensibility. As is de rigueur for the region, the restaurant also

The nature of the region’s climate, as well as its culture, means that

features a discreet private dining room, secreted behind a library wall

GCC nationals are invariably known as night owls. Many retail outlets

that parts to allow entry.

are open until midnight, and Cafes, restaurants and sheesha joints often

On the design, Virgile says, “The concept had to create a perfect fit

still buzz well into the wee hours. With this in mind, perhaps the most

to match the exclusive lifestyle of guests. The idea was to reimagine the

novel aspect of Address Boulevard’s F&B offer is in its approach to all-

predictable hotel eating and socialising experience as a lived-in concept;

day-dining. With an, ‘eat what you want, when you want’ ethos, the

a place that feels real, like a luxury residential setting where the ‘owners’

restaurant is open 24-hours.

live, enjoy their surroundings and invite their friends to share the place.” From more formal dining – albeit with an easy air – to relaxed, the

The decision to develop a model that works around the clock not only fits within the framework of a home-style concept, but takes

kitchen and its pantry provide a fast and informal area for breakfast, or

into account the character of the local market, as well as the modern

for socialising over coffee.

traveller. No longer relegated to room service or bar snacks, late

Overseen by Executive Chef Enrique Gonzales, the menu at The

arrivals, business travellers and those with a tendency to get peckish

Restaurant at Address is a polished mix of Mediterranean classics

at 3am, can still be delivered an elevated dining experience. As General

with the occasional Middle Eastern staple – think smooth burrata

Manager Pascal Dupuis says, “The Restaurant at Address is a focal point

with tomatoes, or hummus with an appetising well of feta and olives.

of the hotel. It redefines the concept of all-day-dining in a carefully

The wine list, meanwhile, continues the focus on European vintages,

curated space and marks a first. It will appeal to guests who value the

featuring the likes of Gosset Champagne and reds from the historic

true nature of ‘make yourself at home’. The specially crafted menu

Italian wine house Cossetti.

represents a shift in culinary thinking and provides the visitor with a

During the months when Dubai’s sweltering desert heat has given way

novel culinary experience in one of the city’s most exciting restaurants.”

to balmy warmth and calm, clear nights, diners can take advantage of Address Boulevard’s terrace. With views across to the Burj Khalifa and

IN A BITE Covers: 231 restaurant, 128 bar Developer: Emaar Properties Operator: Emaar Hospitality Group Interior Design: Imagination (Concept), Carlos Virgile (Design) Architecture: Dilionardo Tableware: Bernerdaud, Revol Glassware: LSA International, Mario Cioni Cutlery: Guy Degrenne, Studio William



OyaChef Earl Grey, apple and jasmine

Levrek Seabass sashimi with mustard, apple and shaved radish

Turkish Delights A new vision for an historic cuisine, RĂźya at Grosvenor House Hotel, Dubai, explores the quality, diversity and vibrancy of Anatolia. As well as taking guests on a rich gastronomic journey, the intricate interior from Conran and Partners takes classic references and places them in a new context: a vision of Turkey for the international eye. Simit Turkish bagel

The first of a new bijou brand from d.ream, RĂźya is an original Anatolian concept launched in Dubai, but soon to be translated for markets with a taste for soulful food and bold experiences.

Firin Pancar Roasted baby beetroot, goats cheese and corn bread

Simit Turkish bagel

Photography: Hyku D Photography Chef: Colin Clague Location: Rüya, Grosvenor House Dubai Venue Design: Conran and Partners Operator: d.ream (Doğuş Restaurant Entertainment and Management)

Homemade Pastirma Cured beef, pickled baby vegetables and grilled sour dough

Whole grilled seabream Spiced herb rub, lemon dressing and Havucsalatasi

Keskek Barley risotto with pulled lamb and spices

Bรถrek Filo wrapped feta cheese with carrots, zucchini and walnuts

Two cheese pide From the black sea Slow cooked egg

Midye Dolma Mussels filled with rice, breadcrumbs and herbs

Gavurdagi Tomato salad with shallots, pomegranate and spiced walnuts

Dry Martini with olive

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The Galloping Major Oddfellows on the Park, Manchester

Words: Harry McKinley


here are some that would debate Manchester’s status as England’s second city. It isn’t, after all, the second most populous by metro area. Greater Manchester, however, is a very different story. It’s somewhat fitting that the addition of that one word

changes the picture, because there is little debate that Manchester is just that: great. Recent years have seen the city’s hotel scene flourish, with the likes of the The Gotham, King Street Townhouse and The Principal all opening to much fanfare. Set to arrive in the near future is The Zetter Group, which is well on its way to refurbishing the historic London Road Fire Station. Such hospitality development is a sign of Manchester’s rapidly growing reputation internationally. Far from a backwater to consistently be compared to it’s much bigger, much more popular big brother, London, it is gradually being recognised as a dynamic destination in its own right. It may have recently made global headlines due to the devastating terrorist attack on the arena, but it also made just as many thanks to the show of spirit, resolve and community that was demonstrated in the aftermath. As well as its beating urban heart, Manchester also features a charming array of leafy, residential pockets, defined by high streets that hold some

xxxof the best bars, restaurants and cafes in the country. Venturing out can hold as many rewards for visitors as the concrete centre.



Panna Cotta



Sitting in a vast park in Cheadle, a suburban village 30

the kitchen, the hotel nabbed rising star Ian Moss. Having

minutes drive from the city centre and even less to the

previously worked at the likes of Petrus with Marcus

airport, Oddfellows in the Park is the latest hotel to open in

Wareing, The Ledbury with Brett Graham, The Goring and

the city, but one that offers an entirely different experience

Northcote, Moss is a dab hand at fine dining. Here he is

from other fresh additions.

being given the opportunity to flex his culinary muscles in a

A renovated Victorian mansion, the property is steeped in history. But its heritage has been combined with whimsical

“It’s the first place I’ve been allowed to just to do my

modernity to create a destination that feels at once

own thing,” he says. “I get to do what I want and I’m

luxurious and playful. As General Manager Paul Cookson

able to play around.” And play he does. In the park grows

says: “We do things differently here.”

wild garlic and nettles, and Moss regularly forages for

Oddfellows on the Park has the distinction of being the first member of Design Hotels in the UK outside of London,

ingredients to use in the restaurant’s dishes. The importance Moss puts on local and seasonal

and, as that suggests, design is important. Overseen by

ingredients is reflected in a menu that evolves year round,

Manchester studio SpaceInvader, the interiors retain many

depending on what is fresh and available. It’s a confident

period features that give the building its sense of grandeur,

menu that bestows the virtue of clear, robust flavours. Moss

but also subverts them with contemporary flourishes. An

has little time for what he describes as ‘the fiddly bits’.

ornate wooden staircase in the main entry hall is flanked

“I don’t want to overcomplicate things. If you take away

by great transparent panes, while in The Galloping Major

from the raw ingredient, you lose what it’s supposed to be.

– the hotel’s signature restaurant – a decorative original

I think things like gels and foams work for other people, but

fireplace plays host to curving Riedel decanters. For a hotel

not for me,” he says.

in the middle of park, the restaurant is, of course, key, and The Galloping Major has high ambitions. To oversee the development of the menus and head up


menu that is ‘all his’.

For such a young and seemingly reserved chef, his dishes represent a maturity and composure, and his skill is evident throughout. A star dish of suckling pig with

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langoustine showcases his butcher skills – “I do a lot of

ingredients of a dish, Iulianella is passionate about the

my own butchery. It makes me smile. It’s a bit weird, but

ingredients of the dining experience. He insisted on

it does.” – while a deconstructed doughnut rhubarb and

glassware from Riedel and worked closely with Heritage

custard shows that, for all of his puritanism, he certainly

Collection’s Martin McDonagh to get just the right brushed

has a hand for innovation.

silverware for the tables.

For a fine dining restaurant, The Galloping Major aims

His other passion is wine, and indeed Oddfellows on

for relaxed. There are no white tablecloths - the unspoken

the Park holds a 180-variety collection that is more than

symbol of pomp - and service is friendly. On this side of

comprehensive for a 22-key hotel. It took him three months

the pass responsibility falls to Carlo Iulianella, the hotel’s

to build and features vegan and organic wines alongside

operations manager and F&B director. “People might think

well-known houses. A partnership with Pernod Ricard sees

it’s fine dining,” he says, “But we still need to keep the

varying vintages of Perrier-Jouët and G.H. Mumm line one

quirkiness of Oddfellows. We’re not stiff and ultimately this is

wall of the hotel’s wine cellar.

an F&B focused hotel. If we don’t get it right, we’ve failed.” Part of getting it right means flexibility, and Iulianella

While the hotel and its restaurant continue to find their feet and assert their presence in an increasingly buoyant

credits the nimbleness of the culture at Oddfellows for

region, Iulianella and Moss have taken to borrowing the

what the restaurant has already become. Those white

hotel’s bikes and cycling around the immense park with

tablecloths for example: “We originally had them, but

bite-size samples of The Galloping Major’s dishes. And

we quickly decided to get rid of all of that. That’s the

so as if to fulfil a preordained mission, visitors and local

great thing about this brand - if an idea is good we can

residents alike now have reason to celebrate those odd

implement it immediately, and if something isn’t working

fellows on the park.

we can change it.” In the way in which Moss is passionate about the

IN A BITE Covers: 40 • Operator: Oddfellows Management Company • Interior Design: SpaceInvader • Head Chef: Ian Moss • Tableware: Heritage Collection Glassware: Riedel, LSA International • Cutlery: Heritage Collection


1477 Hotel Camiral, PGA Catalunya Resort

Words: Harry McKinley


hen it comes to F&B, hotels within five-star

– some in cool white metal, while others are reminiscent

golf resorts can sometimes have a reputation.

of lobster pots. It’s large – 120-covers inside, 100 on the

They might conjure images of stuffy dining

terrace and with a private dining room for 48 – but broken

halls bedecked with pictures of the green, or

up by pillars, screens and a carefully considered seating

perhaps an audience of diners in checked trousers and polo shirts combined with blazers. Hotel Camiral goes some way to exploding these

For Director of Operations, Rafael González, defying expectation is an important element of the offer. “For a

stereotypes. It may lie within PGA Catalunya, a world-class

restaurant to be successful it needs to be made specially

resort for those who like to putt, and where villas sell for

with the target customer in mind. We are in a golf resort

tens of millions, but it is far from a hotel defined by the

in Catalunya, but in terms of concept we want to give the

sport going on around.

guest more than they are expecting.”

With a design-led sensibility and a wealth of leisure

The menu takes from the best of European cuisine and

facilities it is equally a refined spot for guests wishing to

infuses it with staunchly Catalan influences. It’s just

take in the sights of nearby Gerona, or simply languish by

what one would hope from Chef Ramón Simarro. Born

the pool and enjoy some of the reliable Catalan sun. With

in Barcelona, he has made a name for himself working

this in mind the 149-key hotel delivers a restaurant that

at the likes of the three Michelin-starred El Racó de Can

wouldn’t be out of place in a swish urban locale; good

Fabes, Alkimia in Barcelona and the world-renowned

looking, sophisticated and with a thoroughly modern vibe.

Zuma in London.

1477 was designed by Lázaro Rosa-Violán, and is an


arrangement, guests are still afforded a sense of intimacy.

Here, he has left behind the more global of his

elegant space in which quiet details are more important

influences and focuses on flavourful dishes that celebrate

than grand gestures. Floral patterned pillows rest on plush

the ingredients. “Each dish is designed around one key

tan leather banquettes and bold lampshades catch the eye

ingredient, whether that’s ultra fresh langoustines or


Arroz de gambas de Palamos



succulent prime aged beef,” he says, “and of course

Our Lounge Bar provides a large selection of tapas, platters

presented with creative flair.” His own favourite is the

to share, salads and sandwiches, and guests can eat any

creamy rice with Palamós prawns, a modern take on a

time from 10:30am to 10:30pm. Then there’s the in-room

traditional dish that represents the overall ethos of the

dining menu which is, of course, available 24 hours and

menu. Other highlights include duck royale with foie gras

focuses on the likes of pasta, pizzas, salads and steak.

and seared tuna. While the restaurant wouldn’t be described as overly formal, both the tabletop presentation and service style

The Clubhouse is our second all-day-dinning offer. Being more informal, guests can have breakfast, lunch or dinner from our golfers’ a la carte menu.”

are smart. Waiters and waitresses waft through the room

The hotel is only the first step in a three-year

with decanters in hand, bowing to release the contents –

development plan for the resort, one that seeks to

chosen from a wine list that focuses, understandably, on

broaden its appeal and tap new sectors. In addition to

Spanish wines.

new sports facilities, an equestrian centre and a man-

For a resort hotel, F&B is notoriously important and at

made recreational lake, a vineyard is being planted which

Hotel Camiral it represents roughly 50% of revenue. Along

won’t yield its first vintage for several years to come. It’s

with 1477, a lounge bar, pool bar and clubhouse keep guests

indicative of the investment in the project, not just in

suitably fed and watered. During the day the terrace plays

financial terms but in time and planning. Hotel Camiral

host to a DJ spinning the kind of laid back Latin tunes that

represents the starting light on a long-term plan for the

conjure images of Rio de Janeiro or Havana. The striped

resort. But while the vines may not pay off for some time to

loungers and azure pool complete the reverie.

come, thankfully the restaurant already delivers.

“Being a resort hotel we have to receive guests at any time of the day,” says González. “So the offer reflects that.

IN A BITE Covers: 120 inside, 100 terrace, 48 private dining • Interior Design: Lázaro Rosa-Violán • Architecture: Lagula Arquitectes (Manel Morante Mediavilla) Glassware: LSA International, Luigi Bormioli • Cutlery: WMF • Buffet: Pordamsa, Le Creuset, Rosenthal, Elinium



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Director’s Cut Gōng, Shangri-La Hotel at The Shard, London

Influenced by legendary filmmakers, Gōng Bar’s Director’s Cut menu channels figures including Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg and Alfred Hitchcock through 16 unique cocktails. Spanning five themed categories – Adventure/ Fantasy; Romance/Science Fiction; Thriller/Drama; Crime/Action and Animation/Superhero, the menu mirrors the creativity and craft required to produce a film, and each has its own method of invention from the brewing of pineapple and coriander with cold coffee, to infusing a New Zealand sauvignon blanc with pine needles and honey. The menu stars Fear The Jungle, inspired by Spielberg’s Jurassic Park, featuring BarSol Quebranta Pisco, banana, pineapple skin sherbet, lime and Xocolatl Mole Bitters; as well as A Cat With No Name, created with Blake Edward’s Breakfast At Tiffany’s in mind, which combines Beefeater 24 Gin, yuzu and umeshu cordial, lavender and China Lung green tea, and is served stirred in an afternoon tea cup, just as Holly Golightly would have insisted upon. Each genre included within the menu is distinguished by its flavour profile, with Romance exploring drinks with fruit notes, flora and spices, whilst Thriller boasts a punchier taste, where sweet meets sour. The Superhero section, meanwhile, features herbal and non-alcoholic drinks, to ensure all audiences are catered for.



Cold Fashioned Fine Food Bar, Austin Motel, Austin

Served as part of Austin Motel’s year-long Fine Foods concept, the Cold Fashioned puts a cool twist on the classic Old Fashioned mixture. Comprising a sparse combination of rye, citrus simple and bitters, this house speciality freezes the traditional mix for a refreshing kick. Served alongside other Austin Motel signatures including The Green Belt, which marries gin with lime, Chartreuse, Luxardo, chlorophyll and lime zest ‘pond scum’; and the Continental Breakfast, a vodka based serve that combines a house-made Bloody Mary mix with accoutrements. Also appearing on the Fine Foods menu are a selection of punches including the provocative Ann Richard’s Revenge, a fruity mixture involving rum, apricot syrup, pineapple juice and lime juice; The Dean, featuring vodka, cranberry, cherry syrup and lemon lime soda; and That Sangria Wine, boasting a distinctive mix of red wine, orange, cherry and various fruits.

Image: Jackie Lee Young

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The Five Punch Room, The London Edition

Created by Bar Manager Davide Segat, Punch Room’s The Five is a menu that draws on each of the five distinct ingredients traditionally used to create punch: spirit, tea, citrus, sugar and spice. Comprising the drinks most prominent in their category, along with an added ‘curious and curiouser’ section for those feeling experimental, the menu features 30 new punches, a daily changing punch, and a new take on The London Edition’s house punch.

Tea with LBV Port, pineapple cordial, lemon sherbet and nutmeg. Elsewhere, the citrus section of the menu features a selection of sharp, palette-stimulating drinks, whilst punches with natural and unrefined sugars at their core make up the Sugar section. Spiced punches boast aromatic depths. Punch Room, nestled within The London Edition, is inspired by the grand traditions of Great Britain, and draws from aristocratic

Spirit-focused mixes, including Bolleponge: a combination of

English country manors and private London clubs in equal measure.

aqua vitae, rose tea, citrus juice, sugar and mace; and Arrack Punch,

Punch bowls are designed to be served to one, two, four, six or

which brings together Batavia Arrack van Oosten, Havana 7 Rum,

eight people.

citrus juice, chai tea and honey essence, are joined by more delicate tea blends such as Cold Ruby Punch, which marries Emerald Green

Alfresco 64 - A Chivas Bar lebua at State Tower / Tower Club at lebua, Bangkok

Words: Lauren Ho


hen CEO Deepak Ohri set his sights on

have set the trend. We believe when creating a destination,

creating the world’s highest open-air

you are competing with the best in the world, not just with

restaurant atop a neglected section of

what’s in your city.”

Bangkok’s State Tower skyscraper, many

the worldwide movement for rock-star mixologists, to

years later, Ohri’s vision has evolved into lebua Hotels

spearheading champagne by creating a bar dedicated to

& Resorts, a hospitality brand that includes a prized

the decadent drink, lebua has always been ahead of the

collection of destination restaurants and bars, along with an

curve. It’s no surprise then that its latest venture is just

international portfolio of properties, proving that F&B can

as exacting, with the launch of the world’s highest open

play the starring role within the hotel industry.

air whisky bar that aims to dispel the spirit’s conventional

In Bangkok specifically, the two all-suite hotels - lebua

reputation. “We want to break boundaries with this bar

at State Tower and Tower Club at lebua – are topped by The

and make whisky fashionable,” affirms Yadav. “We would

Dome, the group’s flagship offer of sky high drinking and

like to attract a younger crowd who are keen to experience

dining venues that, to name just two highlights, includes

something fun and vibrant, and appreciate that whisky

the world’s highest open-air restaurant, as well as a bar

doesn’t have to be such a serious drink.”

that sits dramatically on a specially designed precipice suspended 820ft above the city. “We have created a hotel out of food and beverage,”


Certainly, from being the first in Bangkok to zero in on

dismissed the idea, certain it would not succeed. 13

In fact, it was the success of the champagne bar – a joint venture with drinks producer Pernod Ricard – that spurred both companies to team up again for Alfresco

says Ohri. “We are the trendsetters in this sector.” Nishant

64 - A Chivas Bar. “We have a longstanding relationship

Yadav agrees. General manager of F&B at The Dome, he

with Pernod Ricard, but a business relationship always

has been around since the early days and is confident that

develops by testing the waters first,” explains Ohri. “We

the group is at the forefront of Bangkok’s drinking and

tested ours with the champagne bar, which did very well.

dining scene. “We were clear from the very beginning that

That was two years ago.” Quentin Job, Managing Director at

we wanted to do things that were unheard of in this city,”

Pernod Ricard Thailand agrees: “We were looking for a high

he says. “Over the years, we have come up with ideas that

level of quality and we knew from our previous work with




lebua that they are at the very top of the pyramid. Pernod Ricard is very

with a wide bowl to enhance the aromas, and a metal chilling base that

serious about making a big impact and we’re in one of the best places in

cools the spirit without diluting it. “I was searching for something really

the world to deliver that.”

special,” explains Yadav. “The Peugeot glass is a fascinating product and

Located in a previously vacant space on the northern side of The Dome, the bar has been specially constructed with steel reinforcements to create an elevated platform that makes the most of the endless

we are the first to bring it into the country. Normann Copenhagen are also not in Asia, so they were very excited to be a part of this concept.” On the menu is a series of gentle whisky-based cocktails, such as

cityscape vistas over the meandering Chao Phraya River. Briefed by Ohri

Cloud 64, a concoction spiked with maraschino liqueur, pomegranate,

to create something ‘unconventional and very luxury’, local firm DWP –

honey, lime and soda - poured tableside over dry ice for added drama. Of

which is behind the design of all of The Dome’s venues – was inspired

course, all of the signature Chivas Regal blends – as well as a number of

by the glitzy world of luxury yachts. The result is sleek, sensuous curves,

premium whisky brands – are on offer, but for the true connoisseur, the

lacquered rosewood floors, stainless steel accents, recessed leather

company has, for the first time in 230 years, produced a limited edition

banquettes and soft concealed lighting in the ‘cabin’. Outside, the deck

blend for one specific client.

resembles a ship’s bow, which comes to a head with a glass-fronted

The creation of Colin Scott - the brand’s custodian master blender

nose. “We didn’t want this to look like a regular whisky bar,” explains

- and his team, the Chivas Regal lebua blend uses whisky that was

Yadav. “We wanted to stay away from dark rooms with traditional

distilled over 30 years ago. A limited edition, there are only 96 bottles

leather sofas and create something fun and vibrant”.

available, and with a price tag of USD$7,000 a bottle, it is best enjoyed

The bar’s nonconformity extends to its glassware, meticulously sourced by Yadav to include a custom-designed collection by Danish

the old fashioned way: in the bar’s private Heritage Tasting room, surrounded by a display of rare whiskies, a cigar in hand.

brand Normann Copenhagen and Peugeot’s Les Impitoyables Whisky Tasting Set, a smart device that includes an intelligently designed glass

IN A BITE Covers: 50 Operator: Lebua Hotels and Resorts Head Bartender: Renu Sinpho Executive Chef: Emiliano Bernasconi Interior Design: Design Worldwide Partnership Tableware: Royal Tableware Thailand Glassware: Peugeot, Schott Zwiesel, Normann Copenhagen Cutlery: Broggi



Serving Stories Words: Angus Winchester

From tall tales for tall drinks to short stories for short serves, when it comes to cocktails narrative can be key, even if fiction is often more popular than fact.


any years ago when I was a young bartender trying to make a mark in NYC and the Internet was still very new, I stumbled upon a website called Cocktail Time. It offered very slow loading but beautiful images and text about so called classic

cocktails. It featured drinks I had heard of, and many I hadn’t, with not only recipes but stories about their creation or the famous bars in which they were invented and when. It spurred a lightbulb moment as I realised that alcoholic drinks were not just fancy ways of getting drunk, but were rooted in times and places, and linked with people. I learnt that by memorising these stories I could actually ‘sell’ drinks to people and give them a deeper understanding of their genesis and mythology. My career took off, as I became known as both a good bartender and a walking encyclopedia. I have never looked back.


Recipe Seelbach Cocktail 1 oz. bourbon ½ oz. Cointreau 7 dashes Angostura Bitters 7 dashes Peychaud’s Bitters Champagne Stir spirits and bitters briefly over ice. Strain into a chilled flute. Top with champagne. Garnish with a lemon twist.

A few years later and I am sitting at the bar at Bayswater

been part of a

Brasserie - an influential Sydney cocktail bar, now defunct -

good bartender’s

sipping on a Cecil Baker (Tanqueray Gin, green apple liqueur,

repertoire. But as

Green Chartreuse and passionfruit) when I spy written at

with many facets

the end of the menu description, ‘who the hell is Cecil Baker

of hospitality, the art

anyway?’ So I ask Len the bartender. “It’s the name Robert

is changing with the

de Niro uses to check into hotels,” he says. I am intrigued. I

times and adapting as both

mention I used to serve Robert de Niro in NYC and he smiles.

audience and industry become

As I continue to sip I hear a young lady at the other end of

more sophisticated.

the bar - also with a Cecil Baker - make the same enquiry. “It’s

Whereas nowadays it seems

the name of the guy who played Brad Pitt’s bottom double in

that puns are the most popular

the film Troy,” Len replies confidently. She complains slightly

names for cocktails, in the past many

about film star vanity and bottom ogling and goes off to join

drinks were created to honour guests,

her friends.

the famous, significant events or created

Looking at the barman with a combination of confusion and

in significant bars by significant bartenders.

bemusement he explains how they wanted to create a cocktail

Newfangled mixes were dedicated to hot plays

named after someone but couldn’t agree on anyone. So they

or popular actors. New train lines or the election

made up the name and, in order to garnish the drink, if asked

of a popular politician were immortalised in cocktail

the bartender must make up a fantastic but believable story

form. From the Mary Pickford and the 20th Century

about who Cecil Baker is or was. I smiled and sipped.

to the Ward 8, the bartender and the guest were far less

I recall this story for two reasons. Firstly because the use of

cynical than today (drinks thus named these days often

storytelling is proven to engage an audience far better than facts

seem like a PR stunt or gimmick) and arguably felt the thrill of

and figures, and secondly to show that storytelling has always

community much more. While by no means all drinks followed instagram gallery: @pordamsadesignforchefs


Recipe Cecil Baker 2 measures Tanqueray No. TEN Gin ½ measure Green Chartreuse ½ measure pomme verte liqueur ½ passionfruit A dash of passionfruit syrup Stir together like an Old Fashioned in a crushed ice filled tumbler then swizzle. Garnish with a rosemary stalk and two short straws.

this notion, most of the so-called ‘major’ classics have

and shortly after the Seelbach cocktail was born.

a story associated with them. It clothes the drink in rich

He promoted it, guests adored it and drinks writers

vestments of history and affords it added importance.

unquestioningly accepted it. When he confessed in 2016

Yet as the drinks and hospitality industry has

many guffawed at their own gullibility, but the drink

evolved a greater interest has been found in research

has entered into bar lore and is deeply drinkable and

and study, and over the last few years so many of the

still widely known, despite this mendacity.

older bartenders’ treasured stories have been proved to

Bartenders have always been the tellers of tall tales

be false. Winston Churchill’s mother was not involved

and most have more than a hint of self-aggrandisement

with the creation of the Manhattan as she was heavily

about them, and it’s in this vein that storytelling has

pregnant 3000 miles away. The Vesper - James Bond’s

entered the new millennium with the modern gaggle.

singular martini - was not invented at Dukes Hotel in

In a perfect storm of creativity and next generation

London and it’s unlikely that ‘Professor’ Jerry Thomas

marketing, cocktail and bartender competitions have

invented the Martinez for a miner as change for a gold

become the new cradle of mixology and mythology. When presenting their drinks to the judges they weave

Bartenders have always been the tellers of tall tales and most have more than a hint of self-aggrandisement about them

stories about the ingredients and their inspiration in order to deepen or create a connection and make the end product more memorable. They tell stories detailing how ideas were sparked, how the drink represents their personality or nationality, and of

nugget. Nonetheless these stories served an important

course how it links with the brands they are using.

purpose and created gravitas around classic cocktails

It’s compelling and beguiling.

that modern marketing cannot hold a candle to.

Brands, of course, have always been storytellers. From

A recent furore in the mixology world saw a famous

made up fans (you didn’t really think that there was

American bartender admit that he totally made up the

a surfer called Harvey who drank vodka, orange juice

recipe and story for the Seelbach Cocktail, named after

and Galliano did you?) to the modern trend of naming

The Seelbach Hotel – today The Seelbach Hilton.

the stills used to distill a spirit, brands and marketing

Working for the venerable Kentucky stalwart in 1995 he was annoyed to find it had no signature cocktail and

departments have perpetuated stories that benefit them, whilst creating new tales for newer brands.

so invented one, then claiming he had found the recipe

Yet despite the half-truths and barefaced lies, the

in old records. He subsequently concocted an elaborate

art and pleasure of storytelling is part and parcel of

origin story involving a couple from New Orleans who

the allure of drinks and an important element for

had supposedly honeymooned at the hotel in 1912. The

drinkers and those that serve them. From the ancient

man ordered a Manhattan, the woman a champagne

to the modern, a lesson taught to me by one of my first

cocktail. The ungainly bartender spilt the bubbly into

mentors still rings true: a good drink is a good drink

the Manhattan, set the result of his mistake aside, and

but a great drink is a good drink with a good story. Now

made the drinks anew. But it got the barman thinking

who the hell was Cecil Baker?

The Bold and the Beautiful Words: Holly Motion

While the spirit is what will end up in the glass, when it comes to the fiercely competitive hotel back bar, it is often the bottle that reigns.


f a bar is a stage, then the bottles are the props and the bartender the narrator. He or she can weave in the history, provenance and story of a product. Some have hundreds to draw upon, others slightly less so. In a hotel, the bar back is often the focal point. Guests can cast their eyes

from left to right and see bottles of different shapes, colours and styles. Some will be recongisable, others alien. Many will opt for something familiar, but some will ask about a spirit that stands apart from the rest – a totem of glass more eye-catching than the others. That’s the brand (and design agency’s) work done, now it’s up to the bartender to draw the consumer in and weave a tale that matches the bottle. “Every high-end bar must balance their own story with the stories of the products they serve,” London-based brand strategist Yael Weisberg



says. “The back bar often acts as the shop

Miller says it comes down to two things:

fictional. “It’s about observing the truths behind

window, enticing customers to ‘trade up’ and

standout and attraction. “You want people

the brand: the people, provenance, heritage,

treat themselves. If a product is incongruous

firstly to notice it, and then you want them

process and their ethos, then singling out the

with the bar’s identity, it creates a dissonance

to want it,” he says. “In many ways it’s not

most unique thing about what that brand is and

that is often read as an unidentifiable

dissimilar to poster design, firstly you need to

bringing that story to life, in an appealing way

awkwardness by customers.”

catch someone’s attention, but then it needs

that connects to its consumers.”

Luxury hotel bars, she says, have an even more delicate task at hand, with multiple layers of storytelling, identity and customer

to intrigue them enough to come in closer and explore the details.” It sounds easy enough, but there is a long list

important, but it has to be genuine.” Creative

experience in play. “The bar may or may

of brands that have failed to strike the balance

Directors Matthew Bolger (M) and Emelie

not have its own identity, separate from the

and that stand out for all the wrong reasons.

Lidström (E) were tasked with creating

hotel itself, and the clientele is more likely to

As consumers become more interested in the

a range of experimental super premium

be international. Whether it is a small batch

backstory and origin of a product, and drink

whiskies inspired by the masters and

start-up or a mega-brand, successful brands

less but better, it is more important than ever

apprentices working side by side at the new

are those that manage to stand out whilst also

they know they are spending money on more

Irish Distillers Midleton micro distillery. The

fitting in - elaborating on universal visual

than just a pretty bottle.

brand name derives from the Shakespeare

cues that communicate craft or luxury - which

passage: “Though this be madness, yet there

allows their brand stories to be more easily

Unique story

is method in ’t”, and the bottle design plays

understood on a visual level by a wider range

Beyond that, in an ever-more crowded

on juxtaposition.

of guests.”

marketplace of quality spirits, the brand story

When it comes to contemporary bottle

Lidström says there were plenty of

can be the difference between success and

interesting details behind the brand for her

design, few have more accolades or accounts

failure. “There are so many brands out there

and Bolger to go on. “If there is nothing to

than design agency Stranger & Stranger. From

now, and more and more being released every

say you can’t create convincing design,” she

containers for Boukman Rhum to Martini, Jack

month,” Miller says. “So, without a unique

says. “With Method and Madness the master

Daniels to The Kraken Rum, the often times

story, point of view and personality, it’s near

and the apprentice collaboration, and the

gothic, distinctive bottles and intricate labels

impossible to gain cut-through.”

experimental process in the distillery, is very

tell a story from a distance. In his own words, Design Director Rowan


For M&E, creators of Irish Distillers’ Method and Madness, storytelling is “hugely

Although it does happen, Miller says it is rare that ‘storytelling’ is about making up something

inspiring and gave us so much material for the design of the bottle.”

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The pair might have had a lot to draw from

and focused. “From the soft shoulder and base

something that a bartender is proud to

but they still had to create an entirely new

curves of the bottle to the clean illustrations,

recommend. “We also wanted tangible glass

proposition for an exceedingly established

the ambition was for Seedlip’s labels to be

details to feature in the bottle so it’s nice to

company. “Irish Distillers wanted the design

memorable and desirable.”

hold and pour from,” Bolger says. “It needed

of this new brand to be a departure from traditional Irish whiskey bottle design.” A big ask, but Lidström says it allowed the

neck length and with a closure that you feel

Back bars are busy and competitive arenas for

excited to open every time.”

pair to have a great deal of freedom in the

brands and the hotel bar is often more limited

Ultimately, if the bottle isn’t functional,

creative process. “We wanted to push the

on space, so getting in is a job in itself. Making

then you’ll have a harder task of getting the

boundaries of whiskey design, while retaining

sure a bartender is a convert is nothing short of

bartender on side. “Functionality is extremely

a sense of respect and appreciation of its

a necessity.

important,” Miller says. “Things we often

heritage and craft,” she adds. Seedlip, the world’s ‘first non-alcoholic

“Back bars are prime real estate for brands,”

consider are: where will the bottle will be

Seedlip’s Branson says. “Therefore, considering

placed in the bar? Will the bottle need to fit in a

spirit’ had an entirely different creative: to

the standout both on the shelf and then in the

speed rail? Does it pour smoothly and does the

introduce a new category and, with it, a very

hand of a bartender are key considerations.”

bottle fit well in the bartender’s hand?

different story to tell. Founder Ben Branson

Depending on the bar, the task can be made

“For example, for a bottle that the bartender

says he considered every element of the bottle

that much harder. Branson continues: “Bars are

will likely use as a core mixing spirit, we will

and label when creating the brand; from the

often dark and bartenders are busy, so making

have to consider the diameter of the bottle so it

cap to the quality of glass, the paper stock to

the bottle easy to open, to pour and to pick -

fits in the speed rail, and also the length of the

visibility on a dark back bar, as well as feel in

either from the well or the shelf - do all add up

neck so it is easier for them to constantly grab

the hand. “On a busy shelf in a bar, having the

to making bottles easy to use again and again.”

and quickly pour.”

immediacy of standout design is key and can

Stranger & Stranger’s Miller picks up the

It’s no longer enough to just look good,

be the single most powerful piece of marketing

point: “Bartenders are very influential people

you now have to be good, do good and

a start-up brand like ours has.”

when it comes to recommending spirits, and

tell a cracking story. That’s after you’ve

Branson says it was important to him that

having them fall in love with a bottle will

managed to convince the increasingly

Seedlip labels championed the ingredients and

inevitably filter down to the consumer.”

educated, international consumer to ask

told the first distilled non-alcoholic spirit’s story. He wanted the design to be simple, clear


to be the right size for the hand to grip, a nice Back bars

When it came to designing Method and Madness, M&E say they wanted to design

after your product in the most crowded prop department of all.

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Memoir of a Maison Few regions sparkle in the minds of wine drinkers quite like Champagne, but what role does history and provenance play in France’s fizzing export and why is uncorking a corking past important for hotel bartenders?

Words: Nina Caplan



he Spanish King had many titles but Henry IV cared

through a Champagne cellar could be rather like setting off

only for two. His response to the sonorous list with

fireworks in an enclosed space and, until the 18th century,

which Spain’s Ambassador introduced his master

visitors were advised to wear iron masks to protect their

was simple: “I am the Sire of Aÿ and Gonesse”. This

faces from exploding bottles.

was understating the case – he was also King of France and

Still, Champagne holds two winning cards. The first is

Navarre. But Gonesse was renowned for the finest wheat

that the product itself can be wonderful: carefully blended

and Aÿ for the best grapes, and so what he was really saying

and, allowed that vital second fermentation, those damply

was, “I am the ruler of good bread and wine.” Or so at least

acidic grapes bloom into euphoria. Their flavours range

the story goes.

from citrus to toast, the bubbles from elegant thin streams

This is not by any means the first such statement to

to brash plumpness. The wines work, almost without

cling to Champagne but it may, in its clear designation of

exception, with food. The second card may be even more

the region’s wine as the finest in the kingdom, be the most

crucial, and that is the power of story.

loved. After all, Champagne is arguably the earliest, and still

In 496, Clovis, first king of all the Franks, was baptised at

the best, example of the power of story to lift a marketable

Reims. The occasion was celebrated, naturally enough, with

commodity far above its rivals.

the local wine. And so what would become the two most

On the face of it, France’s most northern wine region is

powerful institutions in the Western world – royalty and

not a promising location for the drink that would come to

Christianity – made Champagne their drink of choice and,

be indelibly associated with celebration – one for which

for over 1200 years, France’s kings would be crowned in

even habitual consumers of cheap plonk will happily spend

the region’s chief city. The divine right of France’s kings to

big bucks when the happy occasion demands. The vineyards

rule was toasted in the thin, pinkish local wine. And it was,

of Champagne are flat, frequently wet and rather too close

appropriately enough, the combined forces of monarchy

to England, the land that, until recently, gourmandise

and Christianity that turned that glamorous beverage into a

supposedly forgot. The grapes don’t invariably ripen fully

wine truly fit for princes and popes.

and the chilly northern temperatures tend to shut down

Charles II of England, newly restored to his throne in

the yeast before it has finished its job, with the result that

1649, brought Champagne back from his French exile and

a secondary fermentation can occur in the bottle when that

made it popular with the thirstiest nation on the planet; for

yeast reawakens in spring.

him and for his courtiers, the tendency for half a case to

In an era before sturdy glass manufacture, walking

explode was collateral damage, and may even have added to


The product itself can be wonderful: carefully blended and, allowed that vital second fermentation, those damply acidic grapes bloom into euphoria.

the excitement of the wine’s arrival. Certainly, it made it rather more expensive, as did the method. It was, famously, the monk Dom Pérignon who perfected the art of blending different parcels to enhance one fine wine, and who also made those irrepressible bubbles an asset rather than a fault. These twin glories – glamour and expense – ensured Champagne’s success. Even now, few if any sparkling wines can compete with Champagne for cachet. A proposal, a wedding, an anniversary or even the closing of an important deal all require Champagne. Napoleon famously adored it. His nemesis, the Russians, tried it as the Napoleonic Wars were ending and became hooked. At Maison Louis Roederer in Reims, there is a chart tracking sales in Russia in the second half of the 19th century, when the house was so beloved of the Tsars that Alexander II commissioned an entirely new cuvée, in a clear bottle to foil assassination attempts: Cristal. In the 1870s, according to Jean-Baptiste Lécaillon, Roederer Executive Vice-President and Chief Winemaker, Champagne was known in Russia, simply, as Roederer. When I was researching my book on wine and its stories, The Wandering Vine (to be published by Bloomsbury in March 2018), I visited almost a dozen Champagne houses and every one of them had a narrative they nurtured like a promising child and passed on to retailers and bartenders to help differentiate their product. Möet & Chandon owns the chapel where Dom Pérignon is buried, and created the Champagne brand named for him; it has chosen to accessorise this hallowed history with funky, modern collaborations with the likes of Jeff Koons, David Lynch and Björk, perhaps to remind drinkers that Champagne itself was a funky new product in Dom Pérignon’s time. Taittinger, a large player (or grande marque) that is still familyowned, also blends old and young as carefully as it blends different parcels of grapes: it has chosen to name its Blanc de Blancs Comtes de Champagne after the powerful medieval rulers of the region, and the old-fashioned pot-bellied bottle accentuates this link with the past, as does its emphasis on ageing the wine for a decade in cellars that once belonged to the medieval Abbey of Saint-Nicaise. Here, once again, is Champagne’s profitable link between the rulers and the Church. However, Taittinger’s collection of specially designed bottles, by artists including Roy Lichtenstein and Robert Rauschenberg, is as startlingly contemporary as anyone could wish for, and the daughter of the house, Vitalie Taittinger, is not just the company’s artistic director but the face of its marketing and publicity. “I love to tell the story of Veuve Clicquot when selling champagne,” says Samuel Chazen, Food and Beverage Manager at



“All consumers, whether amateurs or connoisseurs, are looking for authenticity and for a sense of origin”

The Plaza Hotel in New York, which has a renowned Champagne bar. He will tell drinkers about Madame Barbe-Nicole Clicquot Ponsardin, the 19th-century veuve (widow) Clicquot herself, whose invention of bold marketing strategies and clever production techniques made the house “the huge international presence that it is today. We love to share this experience with our guests, as Madame Clicquot was a pioneer in a largely male-dominated industry.” Smaller producers tend to emphasise the homegrown, family nature of their product, and the many generations of careful husbandry that have put them where they are today – and these, too, are stories that a canny bartender can use, particularly as these brands will be less familiar to their clientele than the grandes marques. Champagne Pierre Peters has a wonderful photo of the house’s namesake, grandfather of the current incumbent, serving his product to potential buyers at a wine fair. It is 1932 and Pierre is 12 years old. Eric Rodez is the ninth generation to make Champagne Rodez in Ambonnay, but prefers to lay the emphasis on the future: his son works with him, and his passionate adherence to biodynamism, a form of natural winemaking that follows the cycles of the moon, is a way of turning his back on the pesticide-heavy methods of the recent past. What value do these stories hold for potential customers? “All consumers, whether amateurs or connoisseurs, are looking for authenticity and for a sense of origin,” says Bertrand Verduzier, Export Director of Gosset Champagne. It would be hard, he points out, to claim to be an artisanal maker of a truly ‘craft’ product without a distinguished heritage. History, technique and style all come together in a Champagne’s brand story - this is how the consumer distinguishes those worth coveting. Gosset itself, as the oldest winery in Champagne – it was founded in Aÿ in 1584, five years before Henry IV ascended to France’s throne – is in a strong position in this regard, and accentuates that through an 18th-century bottle and an emphasis, in the winery and in its marketing, on the importance of terroir, “to express minerality, purity and depth in the wines,” as Verduzier puts it. This, the house can reasonably say, has been the focus for over 400 years – although those wines would not, before Dom Pérignon, have fizzed, and Gosset is careful to distinguish itself from Ruinart, founded in 1729, which holds the claim to being the oldest Champagne house. Even a great story, it seems, must be distinguished from another great story, and in Champagne, where narratives seem to cluster like grapes on a vine, it is finding the right one that makes all the difference.


GLOBAL DRINKS FORUM 2017 „The Professional Conference for the Future of the Drinks Business“ Future Trends, Brand Creation and Development, Digital Marketing, Global Distribution and Sustainability Global Drinks Forum offers a wide range of seminars and presentations, which have been cra ed to address the key issues and interests of our attendees – the drinks industry. SPEAKERS INCLUDE Mark Meek, CEO, The IWSR Nick Blacknell, Global Marketing Director, Havana Club Ivan Bell, Group Managing Director & Greg Dillon, Brand Strategy, Stranger & Stranger Adrian D. Parker, Vice President, Marketing, Patrón Spirits Company Iain Griffiths & Kelsey Ramage, Trash Tiki Jacob Briars, Bacardi – Chairman, Global Drinks Forum 2017 FULL SPEAKER PROGRAMME TO BE ANNOUNCED SOON

Organised by:



Italicus Rosolio di Bergamotto

A social event, tradition and cuisine experience rolled into one, aperitivo culture is a daily staple of Italian life which has made its way into global F&B culture. Best enjoyed in the evening sunlight, it is the custom of pairing spirits with snacks, pre-dinner, and works to take the edge off a long, hard day and prepare the body for a larger evening meal. Associated mostly with Turin, the history of aperitivo culture has been traced back to 1786 and the infusion of Moscato white wine with herbs and spices, considered a perfect opening act for the heartier helping to come. Spreading throughout southern Italy, and then to Rome, Florence and Milan, it has become a favourite for tourists and locals alike. “As the etymology of the word teaches us, aperitivo means ‘to open’” explains, Giuseppe Gallo, Director of Italspirits. “And this is what it means to me: a social moment to spend with friends and family, a drink to be enjoyed before dinner, to stimulate the appetite, during one of the most popular Italian traditions.” Drawing inspiration from aperitivo culture, Italspirits’ Italicus Rosolio di Bergamotto is a liqueur mixed to celebrate the ritual, and features a fresh, floral and aromatic citrus flavour. Channelling the largely forgotten Rosolio spirit, every detail down to the design of the bottle has been created to embody the best of Italy. Based upon the famous Rosolio family recipe, it is mixed using 100% Italian fruits, herbs and spices, and brewed at a historic distillery dating back to 1906. Featuring a mixture of bergamot from Calabria; cedro from Sicilia; Roman camomile from Tuscany;

and lavender, gentian, yellow roses and Melissa balm from Piemonte, flavours combine to generate the casual ambience of an aperitivo drink through authentic Italian culture and history. “I find that Italicus works particularly well with white spirits and sparkling wines such as Champagne or Prosecco, or mixers such as tonic, in which the bubbles enhance the delicate bergamot essential oils,” Gallo says. “It has a unique flavour profile and signals the rebirth of a forgotten category.” To mark the drink ’s launch, Italspirits partnered with Sanderson Hotel, London, for a series of aperitivo evenings on its alfresco terrace. Serving up a menu of light bites and snacks alongside Italicus Rosolio di Bergamotto cocktails including The Italicus Spritz – a floral, Mediterranean take on the traditional G&T – and the Berners & Co, which combines Belvedere Vodka and London Essence Grapefruit & Rosemary Tonic, the series introduced guests to the resurgent ritual and ushered in the lighter evenings with typical Italian style. “People today, as it has always been, drink together, as a sharing experience,” Gallo concludes. “The difference from a few years ago is that people have developed a more complex and personal taste, making them very interesting guests for creative bartenders. With Italicus we provide full, transparent information about our distillery, partners and recipe to make our brand relevant to modern consumers’ needs.”



Tonic Syrup Bon Vivant

Created in collaboration with Giuseppe Gallo, Bon Vivant Tonic Syrup allows bartenders to experiment with the fundamental flavour of tonic water. Inspired by the original formula of the Dutch West India Company, it can be used as a base for homemade tonic waters or added to cocktails for an elegant bitterness. Made using natural quinine from cinchona bark sourced from the Congo, and lemons from California and Argentina, the citrus oils provide a crisp flavour profile while the quinine rounds off the syrup with a bitter finish. Transparent with a light golden hue, it is less sweet than pre-made tonic waters and the natural flavourings allow the taste of the spirit it is paired with to excel. Working particularly well with gins that have a strong juniper note, the amount can also be adjusted to accommodate and enhance spirits including amaro, vermouth and Italicus. As a cocktail ingredient it can be used in sour classics such as an Aviation, or instead of sugar in a White lady. Giuseppe Gallo, Director of Italspirits, comments: “We are very excited to be launching Bon Vivant Tonic Syrup to the on-trade, especially at a time when we have seen a trend for lowerABV cocktails gain traction, as well as a more considered approach to alcoholfree offerings. We have designed Bon Vivant Tonic Syrup in the hope that bartenders will be able to offer a more unique, authentic tonic water option, as well as opening up new flavour profile opportunities in mixed drinks.�




Virtuous Vodka Virtuous by name, Virtuous Vodka’s 100% organic spirit is made using a base spirit of Swedish rye with no added sugars or aromas for a natural, genuine taste. Suitable for mixing in long drinks and cocktails, Virtuous Vodka Blond is column distilled once and unfiltered for a smooth and balanced result. Available in 700ml bottles, it offers a sweet, peppery scent reminiscent of freshly baked bread and light notes of fruit. With a fresh, sweet bitterness and a touch of spice, the blond mix features a short and delicate aftertaste. Three additional flavour options – raspberry, bitter lemon and ginger – are again created using only highquality natural ingredients, meaning they have a defined shelf life. Raspberry matures with time for a complex flavour with less acidity, whilst lemon jux taposes sweet undertones with zest from the peel, and ginger carries a warm kick. “As a company we believe in three things: true flavours, sustainable business and braveness, and that’s how we produce our vodkas,” explains founder Claes Stenmark. “We’re excited to have launched at a time when venues and customers alike are looking for something authentic and honest, something we always strive to be. We only say yes to the real deal and no to stuff created in laboratories. Most importantly our vodka is made to taste, not to last.”



“Art can inspire, relax, arouse curiosity and leave guests smiling.� Sandra De Souza, Art Consultant at Wilson Associates, discusses the importance of decorative elements.









Supper at Rüya 9th April 2017 Dubai

The Hosts

The Venue

The Theme

Supper, in partnership with Conran and

Rüya at Grosvenor House Hotel, Dubai.

Novel Ideas

Partners, and d.ream.

The Guests

The Menu

Alejandro Helbling

Naim Maadad


Vice President Group services / MD Venu


Home made Pastirma – cured beef, baby pickled

Hotels, Jumeirah Group

Gates Hospitality

vegetables, sour dough

Amy Wright

Robert Polacek

and shaved radish

Brand Director

Chief Creative Officer

Borek – Filo wrapped feta cheese with carrots,


Puccini Group

zucchini and walnuts

Christian Gradnitzer

Sergio Lopez

Senior Director of F&B Operations, EMEA,

Co-founder and Managing Director

Hilton Worldwide

Bull & Roo

Claudia Nemes Shetty

Tim Stanhope

cooked egg and shaved truffle

Operations Manager

Corporate Director of F&B

Sujuk duram – Traditional homemade beef


Emaar Hospitality Group

sausage, compressed cucumber, spring onion

David Singleton

Tina Norden

Vice President, Hospitality



Al Tayer Group

Conran and Partners

Whole grilled sea bream – with Anatolian spiced

Harry McKinley

Umut Ozkanca

Keskek – barley risotto with pulled lamb and






Rangers valley grain fed rib eye – Turkish coffee,

Jean Luc Fourrier

James Wierzelewski

Bosphorus seafood güveç – with tomato and

Senior Director, Asset Management

Corporate Vice President Food and

fennel pilav

Majid Al Futtaim Properties

Beverage Operations, Rotana Hotel

Levrek – seabass sashimi with mustard, apple

Kuymak – Soft polenta with Turkish cheeses, wild mushrooms & truffle butter Mids Two cheese pide from The Black Sea – with slow

& chili

rub, lemon dressing and havuc salatasi

isot rub and crispy Zaatar potatoes


Desserts Stanboul – white chocolate & yogurt cream, lemon lokum, strawberry & basil sorbet Firin sütlaç – traditional Anatolian rice pudding, raspberries and rose ice cream









The Chat

Tina Norden: Conran and Partners are total

No one wants to queue up with 600 people at a

HM: Is it more important, therefore, to deliver

newbies to the Middle East. This is the first

buffet to have breakfast anymore. So we’ve taken

creativity or is it more important to deliver

restaurant in the region for us. Umut Özkanca

that element away and created an experience.


and I had been talking about somewhere

We don’t just do the hotel restaurant, we do

that would showcase Anatolian cuisine in a

something that fits every occasion.

contemporary way. Rüya is developed for the

Alejando Helbling: You have to be very different. You cannot be everything to everyone. We also

international market. We’re not planning to open

SL: I believe you need to specialise in what you

have to be much more freestanding in our

one in Instanbul. It’s meant to be an Anatolian

are good at. If you’re a hotelier, you’re good at

approach to service. But I don’t think that an

concept for the rest of the world.

hotels. But if you’re a restaurateur that’s what

F&B director can have their heart in five different

you do.

restaurants in a hotel. Hotels have the capability,

Harry Mckinley: A restaurant concept born in

but we have to have the passion.

Dubai is a rare thing, so does this region need to

TS: But it’s not that hotels can’t run restaurants.

do more to encourage original ideas?

There are limitations on what you can do in a

Jean Luc Fourrier: Can hotels lead F&B again?


Yes, they can. But hotels need to change the

Sergio Lopez: When we did Tom & Serg four

culture and think more about partnerships and

years ago, there was really nothing like it. It was

Naim Maadad: I think what we’re missing is

a risk, but if you don’t take risks you will always

authenticity. There’s so much copying but we

be average. Does this region need more? I don’t

want uniqueness. People are coming to cities

NM: F&B will not change until the morning

think it needs more, I think it needs better. You

like Dubai, going to ‘lifestyles’ and eating while

meetings are changed. Nobody talks about food

want quality of food, quality of design, quality of

they’re there. I want to change that and for

and beverage.

people and you also want quality of price.

people to go to eat, and then enjoy a lifestyle. Food has to be the hero.

HM: Hotels are sometimes a bit risk averse.


HM: It also often feels that we’re bogged down in the notion of picture perfect design above all

It’s easier to do something tried and tested,

David Singleton: You simply cannot copy DNA.

else. Is too much emphasis put on style and not

especially when there are important deliverables

Provenance, integrity and originality are crucial.

enough on substance?

need to be considered. Should hotels be taking

NM: And what works in London, for example,

Robert Polacek: I think the difficulty is, in the

more risks in their F&B concepts?

doesn’t work here. In the last six months we’ve

region, they’ve built all of these buildings and

seen seven brands that have come out of London

brought in as many chains as possible and now


people are grasping for authenticity. There are

like all-day-dining and a great breakfast that

James Wierzelewski: I don’t know if it’s about risk. It takes a lot of research and it takes a lot

people that have lived here now for a long time

of planning and strategy. On the hotel side, you

TN: Do you think that’s because people assume

have owners that want something, but you have

that if something works somewhere elsewhere

to translate that into, is it right for the footprint?

they can plonk it here, exactly as it is?

Is it right for the demographics of the hotel? How

and they’ve grown tired of Western chains. HM: So where are the truly homegrown concepts? Why does it seem that no one is developing a

people are eating and the experience is changing

NM: People don’t want to take the time to digest

in urban environments.

what the market needs.

Tim Stanhope: I think what we’ve tried to do at

DS: Brand principles will often not let you

cusine and surround it with a stylish, modern

Emaar is create experiences. The typical hotel

change a concept.

concept and it’s a very appealing proposition.

concept that reflects the region’s identity? JLF: It’s all about how it’s packaged. Take a local

model is all-day-dining and maybe a signature

It’s a bit like Rüya, taking Turkish cuisine and

restaurant. But we’ve figured out that it’s

Christian Gradnitzer: Brands are not built

packaging it in a way that makes people think

probably better to leave the signature restaurant

within six weeks. So people need to ask, what is


to an independent. What we’ve done at Address

the soul of an F&B brand? We’re in the business

Boulevard is create an all-day dining concept.

of people after all.


Global Restaurant Investment Forum 10th – 12th April 2017 Dubai

Breaking The Mould The host city, Dubai, provides the perfect setting for an event of this kind, with a considerable breadth of food and beverage offerings across an ever-growing market; retail restaurant concepts are licensed or franchised from all over the world, while many homegrown concepts have managed to crack through and gain traction in recent years. Hotel food and beverage plays a central role on city’s dining scene, with hotels among the few venues able to serve alcohol due

Global trends, the latest innovation and viewpoints of both restaurant operators and investors made for an action packed threeday event at the Global Restaurant Investment Forum 2017 at Fairmont The Palm Dubai.

to the UAE’s complex licencing laws. This monopoly-like position in the market results in a flourishing hotel F&B industry and a much wider range of innovation than is arguably seen in other major cities around the world. A network of restaurant ownership and operating deals has emerged, not dissimilar to that seen in hotels – with the asset, operation and brand being separated. Companies presenting were developing joint ventures with hotels, licensing their concepts and sometimes operating as well as just providing concept development

Words: James Hacon

services. Sometimes these deals were with the flag, other times with the asset owner. In addition, the region is also seeing leasehold opportunities and the roll out of concepts developed by the global hotel brands also.



Global Perspective Attended by hundreds of food and beverage professionals from tens of countries around the world, the diversity of attendee leant considerable scope to the dialogue on opportunities and issues affecting the restaurant industry – not least due to the differing developments of economies being traded in. But clear global trends and ‘take aways’ did emerge:

• Delivery Dilemma

• Crazy Levels of Competition

Undoubtedly the biggest consumer trend affecting

As discussed by Supper Editor Harry McKinley on the

our industry, the issue of delivery and the

Demystifying Restaurant Development panel, there

proliferation of services such as Deliveroo and

are very few markets where the competition in the

UberEATs raises significant debate. For a retail

bar and restaurant space isn’t fierce. Brand and site

restaurant operator, it gives an opportunity to gain

growth is explosive across most of North America,

incremental revenue in addition to their general

Europe and the Middle East. Expect a five year

operation. For a hotel food operator, the same

return on investment, not the three many brands

opportunity exists if close to residential areas, but

have come to expect, and make sure you cut through

alongside this is the increased competition against

the noise by building a multi-faceted lifestyle brand

in-house restaurants and the room service division.

to drive greater awareness and loyalty. Expect to be

If partnering with a major player be mindful of

further squeezed on your share of the F&B dollar in

exclusivity clauses, many operators are now trading

your hotel guest’s pocket, and drive standards to

with multiple delivery companies, albeit at higher

encourage non-residents through the door.

rates of commission.

Robert Polacek, Chief Creative Officer, Puccini Group; Naim Maadad, Chief Executive, Gates Hospitality; Toufıc Akl, Partner, Operations, Hodema Consulting Services; Dr Nnaeto Orazulike, Founder & Group Managing Director, Genesis Group Nigeria; Harry McKinley, Editor, Supper

• Know When to Walk Away

• Instabragging Rights

When launching multiple F&B venues, it’s almost

With even the French fine dining establishments

inevitable there will be failures from time to time.

allowing photography at the table now, the

Closing a site is the hardest decision to make, but

floodgates are very much open. Customers are no

it must be made, and quickly, for the sake of the

longer just keyboard critics, they’re photographers

overall business and brand. Hotels benefit from

too. Make sure your proposition stands-out from

scale and the lack of a need to invest in standalone

the crowd, but don’t over complicate things. When

F&B space, with owners, operators and investors

posting your own content, share a story, not just

preferring to make a commercial decision above a

another food photo. It was the consensus that,

sentimental one.

where possible, hotels should have different social accounts and marketing team members looking

• Poles Apart

after food and beverage outlets, as they represent

When it comes to the latest food trends, it’s a mixed

a very different proposition from the hotel at large.

bag; sweet and decadent is in - but so is healthy and sugar-free. It’s all about the occasion. Plant-bias continues to rise, with veganism and vegetarianism becoming increasingly popular, as well as chefs experimenting more with creative vegetable dishes.

Perhaps the greatest piece of advice for hotels came from Amir Nahai, the CEO for global F&B at Accor Hotels, who revealed that a key part of the company’s strategy was to look at secular trends, rather than cyclical ones. Given the breadth of customers and the generalist nature of most mainstream hotel brands, this seems particularly wise. James Hacon is a brand, development and growth strategist currently working as Director of Thai Leisure Group, alongside other select investors and operators.


Image1: Harry McKinley, Editor, Supper; Robbie Bargh, Founder and Director, Gorgeous Group; Martin Jones, VP of F&B, Europe, Luxury Brands, AccorHotels Image2: Adam Tihany Images: Richard Pereira



To The Table Europe 25th – 27th April 2017 Lisbon


aving established itself a leading international forum

don’t want to walk into a place that screams elegance and get

for restaurant and bar decision makers, To The Table

served a grilled cheese sandwich.”

hosted its first dedicated European event at The Ritz-

Tackling trends and innovation in restaurant development,

Carlton Penha Longa, Portugal, in April 2017.

Amir Nahai, CEO Global F&B for AccorHotels, engaged

Gathering senior buyers and top-tier suppliers from

attendees by explaining that “awesome is everywhere”, and

the region, the forum was built around a combination of a

that it is important for hotel groups to compete with the

tightly managed one-to-one meeting programme, a series of

ingenuity and ability to react displayed on the high street. “But

networking events and a seminar series featuring influential

we don’t seek to be trendy, we seek to be essential,” he said.

figures from the F&B sector.

On the subject of creating and retaining a unique

In attendance were buyers from global hotel groups such as

restaurant brand, Robbie Bargh, Founder and Director of

Hilton Worldwide, Marriott International, Hyatt Worldwide

Gorgeous Group, explained that, “a restaurant’s story must

and AccorHotels; with the likes of Pernod Ricard, Robert Welch

be imbedded in its DNA.” Whilst Martin Jones, VP of F&B,

Designs and Studio William showcasing recent collections.

Europe for Luxury Brands at AccorHotels - also on the panel -

“To The Table Europe is a well organised networking event

explained that developing brands that have something to say

with high calibre hotel group F&B and procurement decision

to their respective markets is, “more important than global

makers, with whom you can meet efficiently in one place to

brand standards.”

develop meaningful business relationships,” says Chris Ward, EMEA Hotel Business Director for Arc France.

“Overall, To The Table is very beneficial for making new supply chain connections as well as seeing what is new from

Chaired by Supper Editor Harry McKinley, seminars delved

existing vendors,” says Ciaran Hickey, Director of Culinary,

into the pressing issues facing the industry and offered insight

EMEA, Hilton Worldwide. “The seminars at To The Table

into how organisations can adapt or strengthen their practices

Europe were hugely enjoyable and I left with some great

in an increasingly evolving market.

insights from senior leaders. As a networking opportunity it

Preeminent hospitality designer Adam Tihany, of Tihany

was also invaluable.”

Design, charted his experiences as a pioneer of the industry, exploring some of the key projects of his decades long career

To The Table MEA will run from 14th -16th November 2017 at

and sharing his most important lessons.

Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah, Al Bandar Hotel, Muscat.

“I’m a portrait artist. I create a portrait of my client. It’s my point of view, but it’s still a portrait. For a hotel chef, it’s

To The Table Europe 2018 will run from 16th – 18th April at

important that when they walk into their space, they feel it’s

Corinthia Grand Hotel, Budapest.

like a custom suit. Then from the guest side, the space should be level with the expectation of what they’re going to get. You



P(OUR) 5th – 6th April Paris


ack of inclusiveness is deeply rooted in the drinks industry,”

feminine shape,” she vexed. “The gender pay gap in this industry is

says Alex Kratena, “but if you want to go fast, go alone. If you

the biggest of all sectors after IT, and women are often invited to the

want to go far, go together.”

party, but not to dance.”

These were the opening words of the P(OUR) symposium,

This year speakers also included Sula Richardson and Clara Rubin -

which this year centred on the theme of gender, and explored how

of Women in Wine LDN - who posed the question, is wine gendered?

the industry can expand equality and embrace change.

Roger Antonsen, Associate Professor of Computer Science at the

The second year for the symposium, it was held in partnership with

University of Oslo and Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley, California,

Cocktails Spirits Paris, which in 2017 celebrated its 10th year and its last

challenged the audience to see the world differently and explained

as Maison Rouge - its home for the past decade. In 2018 the event will

how mathematics and philosophy can intersect when it comes to

be moving to a bigger venue, capable of hosting a growing audience.

creative thinking.

Now a registered charity in the UK, P(OUR) was established in

On day two of proceedings, Audra Mulkern, among others, took to

2016 by Alex Kratena, Ryan Chetiyawardana, Jim Meehan, Simone

the stage. Founder of The Female Farmer Project, she works to shine

Caporale, Monica Berg, Joerg Meyer and Xavier Padovani.

a spotlight on the hard-working people growing a food system that is

For the drinks and bartending community, its goal is the exploration

sustainable and equitable for all; while Amanda Kludt, editor-in-chief

of new ideas, the sharing of information and the exchange of inspiration.

of Eater, discussed the issue of motherhood in the beverage industry.

Food journalist, trends hunter, lecturer and curator, Maria

Closing the seminars for 2017, trans activist Jeanette John Solstad

Canabal opened the symposium. In 2015 she was billed one of the

Remø had a decisive message: respect diversity.

most influential women in gastronomy and is the president of Parabere Forum; an annual event that gathers thought leaders in

P(OUR) depends solely on the generosity and support of the industry, giving

the field of food.

back to the community and ensuring that its content and message are free

In her rousing presentation Canabal discussed the continuing

and available for all.

disparity in how men and women are viewed in the professional sphere. “We are wired to see talent differently when it comes in a



Global Drinks Forum 9th October 2017 Berlin


ffering a day of seminars and insightful industry discussion, the

Elsewhere, Mark Meek, CEO, IWSR, will present his take on a series of

Global Drinks Forum this year returns to Ellington Hotel Berlin.

global trends currently driving the industry, and with sustainability a

Created in 2016 to address the key issues and interests of its

prominent theme within this year’s programme, Griffiths and Ramage

drinks business attendees, in 2017 the conference will explore

will talk the audience through their positive environmental practices,

topics including future trends, brand creation and development, as well as

offering advice on how brands can generate a positive community impact.

global distribution and sustainability.

Welcoming distributors, operators, agencies, managers and tenders

Speakers confirmed for the event represent both the commercial and

alike, the forum aims to offer a truly international perspective. During

creative dimensions of the market, including Nick Blacknell, Global

the 2016 event, delegates participated in bespoke presentations including

Marketing Director, Havana Club; Ivan Bell, Group Managing Director,

Mintel’s ‘If health is the new religion, what next for the alcohol industry?’

Stranger & Stranger; Adrian D. Parker, Vice President, Marketing, Patrón

and Fever Tree’s ‘The onward march of everyday luxury.’

Spirits Company; and Iain Griffiths and Kelsey Ramage of Trash Tiki, the waste-free pop up concept. Blacknell will discuss working with unfashionable categories, exploring how to breathe life into new and old brands alike, whilst Bell and Greg

The 2017 conference is also a prelude to Bar Convent Berlin, the international bar and beverage trade show. Also organised by Reed Exhibions, it runs 10th to 11th of October at Station Berlin and, for the first time, will occupy all ten halls of the venue.

Dillon, Brand Strategy, Stranger & Stranger, are set to investigate the psychology of packaging design.



Host 20th - 24th October 2017 Milan


ost, taking place at Fiera Milano, will this year celebrate its 40th

continuing a 24-edition long collaboration that brings together producers,

edition while highlighting the latest trends and developments

distributors and manufacturers under one roof.

across the F&B industry.

Further, EXIHS (Excellent Italian Hospitality Services) will return to the

Supporting vertical specialisation in the hotel, restaurant and

event with a new concept space highlighting handmade Italian products

café sectors, and showcasing everything from service equipment to

at Arredo and Tavola, the event’s furniture macro. Set within a cube

furnishing and tableware, this year’s event is set to welcome 1,400 brands

incorporating stone, wood, steel, recycled waste and water, the space seeks to

and 150,000 visitors.

highlight key materials from Italy’s manufacturing past, present and future.

With hospitality professionals increasingly expected to provide

“This is a strong concept, a breakaway, which, for the first time in 40

hybridised spaces with a wide-ranging product offering, Host will this year

editions, will be bringing an artistic-design performance to Host, with

highlight the merging of previously disparate worlds and the importance

no further commercial motive,” explains Dante O. Benini, co-creator and

of adapting to change.

designer of the EXIHS space for the third consecutive year. “The aim is

Organised into three areas: food service equipment with bread, pizza

to help bring foreign visitors to Italy, and to Host in particular, allowing

and pasta; coffee and tea, with vending machines, bars, gelato and pastry;

them to learn more about the Italian culture that permeates our leading

and furniture and table accessories, confirmed exhibitors include Alessi,

role in the hospitality industry.”

Villeroy & Boch, Sambonet Paderno, Tognana, Zweisel Kristallglas,

Offering a vantage point from which to observe the most prevalent

Franke and Wmf Group, among others. The three major target markets

industry developments, as well as an international networking opportunity

for this edition are the US, Canada and the Middle East, with specific

with influential decision makers, Host continues to be one of the sector’s

activities and installations planned throughout the show to attract

key platforms for buyers and suppliers.

visitors representing these regions. Host 2017 will also welcome back Sic, the International Coffee Exhibition,




Tales of the Cocktail

Bar Convent Berlin

Int’l Wine and Spirits Fair

18th – 23rd July 2017

10th – 11th October 2017

9th - 11th November 2017

New Orleans


Hong Kong


41 Madison

To The Table MEA

11th September 2017

17th – 20th October 2017

14th – 16th November 2017


New York


The Hotel Show



18th – 20th September 2017

20th – 24th October 2017

22nd - 23rd November 2017




Global Drinks Forum



9th October 2017

12th – 14th November 2017

9th - 13th February 2018


New York


Weslodge Saloon, JW Marriott Marquis, Dubai, Navigate Design




The Art of the Meal When it comes to the hotel F&B experience, ambience is key. It is why what is on the walls can be as important as what is on the plate.

Words: Kristofer Thomas


top a wing of The Beaumont, London, sits Antony Gormley’s Room, a towering sculpture that comments as much on the concept of inhabitation as it does the hotel’s visual identity. A colossal sculpture-cum-suite, Room,

in the words of Gormley, “contrasts a visible exterior of a body, formed from large rectangular masses, with an inner experience,” succinctly conveying the dual role that art plays in hotel design - one that combines striking form and vital function. Where once the art that hung from hotel walls was sourced enmasse from production lines churning out indiscriminate pieces, the practice has now transitioned into a highly curated and carefully considered one, working at once to define spaces in terms of design and aesthetics, whilst subconsciously communicating specific messages to guests. Such is the current demand for expert artistic curation that Stockholm’s newly opened At Six has appointed Sune Nordgren, former director of Norway’s National Museum of Art, to guide the flow of sculpture, image and installation throughout the property. Meanwhile, historic establishments such as Claridge’s have recruited dedicated resident artists to contribute unique, property-specific work to their collections. “Art can inspire, relax, arouse curiosity and leave guests smiling,” explains Sandra De Souza, Art Consultant at Wilson



AC Hotel Minneapolis, Kalisher

Associates. Ken Lam, Principal at Navigate

architecture, and pushes the restaurant’s story

conventions - features an art programme that

Design, agrees, noting: “While lighting and

forward,” describes David Winton, President

incorporates immediately recognisable visual

materials help create a sense of ambience, the

of Kalisher, an art curation firm specialising

elements drawn from the surrounding city,

right selection of artwork fills the emotional

in hospitality projects. “Every successful

with canvas prints baring local landmarks, red

gaps that finishes cannot.”

restaurant has a story and our job is to tell that

neon accents and distinctive casino typography.

Grand lobby pieces now welcome guests with

story visually, through art. This is always true in

Elsewhere, the firm’s work within the South

ambitious fixtures and sculptures that define

luxury hotels where the hotel has one story and

Shore Harbour Resort in Texas sees a collection

the arrival experience, whilst guestrooms

the restaurant another.”

characterised by black and white photography of

house paintings that depict ideas related to the

Much like the font of the menu, the pattern

marina scenes alongside bespoke compass-style

of the carpet, or the silhouette of the glassware,

xxx clocks, reflecting the area’s fishing ties. Lastly,

Restaurants, however, are a different

art too can channel a restaurant’s identity

Renaissance Atlanta Airport Gateway Hotel

landscape. Here art must balance decorative

and values through visual means. For a space

and its Hickory & Hazel restaurant contains a

and narrative elements whilst remaining

serving up classic fare with no frills, figurative

programme guided by monochrome minimalism,

unobtrusive, so as not to detract from the overall

art - straightforward and realistic - could work

so as to condense the hotel’s wider Rottet Studio

dining experience. Further, with the medium

best, whereas a dining room that prides itself on

design scheme into accompanying artistic

being so inherently subjective, restaurant art

experimentation and molecular gastronomy may

details, as well as represent the no-nonsense

must also work to appeal to a wider spectrum

opt for something more abstract. Movement and

traditional southern fare the restaurant serves.

of guests, each with their own tastes and

era play a role too, corresponding with location,

“Within restaurants, we have limited space in

preferences, as opposed to the lone sleeper.

the legacy of the building and the audience the

which to make a huge impact,” Winton continues.

restaurant seeks to entice.

“We love that challenge and look at the spaces

property’s history and location.

In this context there are perhaps two prominent


roles of art within hotel restaurants: to enhance,

Three projects within the Kalisher portfolio

from every perspective. Restaurants, more than

complement or determine a design scheme,

highlight the parity between setting and the

any other space, are three-dimensional and

and to affect the guest emotionally whilst not

aesthetic approach that each destination

funnel every customer through some very small

drawing attention away from the menu.

requires. Four Points by Sheraton Las Vegas

and specific spaces. This means we can impress

“It’s all about creating that moment of joy that

East Flamingo, for example - a property

every guest with a visual story.”

complements the interior design and interior

targeted towards business travellers and small

However, far from simply complementing

Europe 2018 Supper ad.qxp_Layout 1 30/05/2017 20:56 Page 2

& 6 3 0 1 & â

16–18 April 2018 Corinthia Grand Hotel, Budapest


uppliers of restaurant/bar/banqueting equipment and menu items who do business with Europe’s group-level hotel and restaurant decision makers, find TO THE TABLE EUROPE to be the most productive and valuable event in the industry calendar. l Meet exclusively the most senior group-level heads of food & beverage for all European properties, in one 5-Star venue.

l Dedicated, pre-selected appointment schedule for each supplier, with your own private meetings and display area. l No stand build, no exhibition, just high-level 30-minute strategic meetings with Europe's top F&B industry leaders. l Three evenings of top class networking dinner functions, with fantastic F&B, to cement your new relationships. Efficient, targeted, and extremely cost effective! For details on all TO THE TABLE events, please see:

Or contact Justin Wall:


existing schemes and visually representing a hotel’s values, target audience and character, restaurant art can also be curated to speak to guests on a more intimate level, contributing something intangible and emotion-driven to the dining experience. At London’s Claridge’s, artist David Downton has been the property’s resident artist since 2011, producing exclusive work linked to the hotel’s illustrious guests, who sit for sparse ink watercolour portraits, hung on the walls on completion. At The Fumoir cocktail bar – with its dark, confessional atmosphere and original Lalique glass Downton’s work both depicts and considers the space. “I wanted the drawings to be of the moment and at the same time evoke an era when glamour went with gravitas and the world looked better in black and white.” Likewise, a collection of exclusively British artwork within Flemings Mayfair’s Ormer Mayfair restaurant and the accompanying Manetta’s Bar speaks of the hotel’s quintessentially English roots. Providing artists such as Emma Haggas, Fi Katzler and Kate Boxer with a renowned, if unconventional, platform from which to exhibit, the collection was specifically created as part of a £15 million refurbishment project, and highlights Flemings’ longstanding collaborations with local Mayfair galleries. As a result, guests can enjoy a drink in the property’s luxurious 1930s-inspired bar in the company of work that expresses ideas linked directly to one of London’s oldest hotels. Farther afield, Waldorf Astoria Beijing’s Zijin Mansion restaurant takes a similar approach. Here Chinese artist Li Xubai’s ink on paper work ‘Clear Spring Water in the Mountain’ hangs above diners contemporary abstract visuals through the traditional Chinese brush-and-ink medium, commenting on the hotel’s marrying of history and modernity. “The art narrative is essential for a restaurant because it reinforces the story being told to guests, and helps evoke a strong sense of identity,” adds de Souza. “The wrong art selection can disorient and confuse, while the right art selection will infuse additional personality and enhance a diner’s relationship with the space.” Though curators may find themselves more restricted by the demands of hotel restaurant design - as opposed to the more flexible canvas of an entire hotel - the introduction of carefully considered art has helped produce unique F&B experiences around the globe. David Burke Fabrik, Archer Hotel, NYC, Kalisher

Much like food, art is universal and when handled adeptly, speaks in a language we can all understand.


“Be noticed”

— Jesse Kalisher

"Portrait of Ethiopian Woman at Market" © Jesse Kalisher

2017-07-Kalisher-Supper-Be-Noticed-Ad.indd 2

5/24/17 4:23 PM

THS 236x275-PRINT.pdf



3:47 PM

Where Hospitality is redefined.

Dubai World Trade Centre 18 - 20 September 2017 The Hotel Show Dubai is the Middle East’s most prestigious hospitality event; it is where hoteliers come to do business. If you are a GM, owner / operator, procurement professional, interior designer, executive housekeeper, architect, chef or head of F&B, The Hotel Show Dubai is the perfect platform to meet the international suppliers you need. You will be joining a pool of 50,000 decision-makers and buyers from hotels, resorts and restaurants worldwide in discovering the very latest products and trends across the interiors, lighting and design, technology, security and catering sectors at more than 500 exhibitor stands, brought together from 85 countries. Global hospitality leaders will also be on hand to deliver hard facts and strategic insights in the “GM Leadership Forum“ series of interactive discussions, while the entire event will be studded with entertaining and educational live features like “The Middle East Housekeepers League of Champions” and “The Runway” for the region’s most influential Executive Housekeepers; “The Great Taste Theatre” for leading chefs and F&B directors, and “The Tec Innovation Zone” for IT and Engineering Directors.




Parrot Nude

Designed by Swiss designer Tomas Kral - and following his Blow lamp for Nude in 2014 - Parrot is the brand’s playful carafe and glass set. Combining hand-blown glass with hand-painted decoration, the collection channels abstraction and simplicity for an unconventional vessel range reminiscent of the silhouette of a parrot. Functional and aesthetic, the decorative collection seeks to put a smile on guests’ faces. “I wanted to create something that would remind people of something they can’t quite put their finger on, whilst being modern,” Kral explains. “From a technical viewpoint it’s a combination of hand-blown glass and handdecoration which gives a certain value to the product.” Comprising shot glasses and beakers, the collection is available in translucent shades of grey and blue, as well as a more traditional clear glass version. All are adorned with simple linear design motifs, and suitable for a range of environments.




Aero Wine Measures


Urban Bar

Offering guests Jazz-Age flair combined with refined sophistication, the design of Libbey’s 1924 collection is based on Richard Zijlstra’s Glassology food pairing concept, and allows drinkers to balance an ornate spoon on the rim of the coupe. Drawing inspiration from Royal Leerdam designer A.D. Copier’s original 1924 design, the range also comprises a gin and tonic glass, and wine glass, both with thin, distinctive stems, embossed footplates and elegant rims for enhanced flavours.

Reimagining the classic wine measure, Urban Bar’s Aero Wine Measures substitute the traditional tubular shape for a design featuring a narrowed waist and high polished finish. The curved profile creates an ergonomic grip and the easier pour typical of similar shaped jigger measures. Available in 125ml, 175ml and 250ml versions, the vessels are made from premium-grade Japanese steel and offer a high level of corrosion resistance.

5050 Boston Cocktail Shaker Alessi

Designed by Ettore Sottsass, the 5050 Boston Cocktail Shaker was originally released in 1979. Comprised of two parts that fit within one another, the shaker set includes a large metal tumbler in 18/10 stainless steel, rendered flexible by a strain hardening operation, and a smaller tumbler in thick glass. The metal component can also be used as a handy mixing glass and is accompanied by a mixing spoon.


Finewell Bitters Bottles with Dasher tops Cocktail Kingdom

Drawing inspiration from CEO Greg Boehm’s private collection, Cocktail Kingdom’s Gothic Style Finewell Bitters Bottles feature dasher tops with a silver-plated finish over 18/8 stainless steel bases. Designed by David Wondrich, the bottles offer a thicker cork for a closer, more comfortable fit, and come in lead-free, hand-washed crystal. Available in absinthe, bitters and house bitters configurations, pieces are 10.2cm high with a 5.7cm diameter.

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Bølling Tray Table Brdr. Krüger

Brdr. Krüger’s update of the classic Bølling Tray Table features a slightly wider and lower version, allowing users to combine both the 1963 original with this reissue. Originally designed by architect Hans Bølling, the piece can be used as a serving trolley or side table, and rests on a wooden H-frame that can be folded flat without the use of tools for easy storage. The two reversible trays, made of high-pressure laminate plates, can be reversed for colour variation, whilst new wood options, including beech black and smoked oak, complement additional colour updates such as storm blue and white, dusty lavender and moss green. Crafted at Brdr. Krüger’s workshop in Denmark, the wider update piece measures 60cm by 52cm, whilst the classic measures 50cm by 55cm. The two can be combined for a nested group of tables, allowing for a more versatile and adaptable set, suitable for a variety of dining room schemes and demanding F&B environments.



Pape’s Salt Oyster

Tapas Duo Set


LSA International

Pape’s Salt Oyster combines Sylt Sea Salt with Rosenthal porcelain, resulting in the first German sea salt product from Alexandro Pape - chef de cuisine at Hotel and Restaurant Fährhaus Sylt. Offering a full-flavoured yet pleasantly mild salt note and crunchy texture, the product is entirely natural and arrives at the table in a Rosenthal porcelain oyster with a fine relief structure and mother-of-pearl glaze.

Marrying form and function, LSA International’s Tapas Duo Set is a practical, mixed material serving set comprising a stemmed ash wood tray, natural leather handle and two enamelled bowls for tapas dips, crudités or dessert sweets. Measuring 28cm by 19.5cm, the set offers a neat serving solution and inviting aesthetics. The enamel is dishwasher safe, whilst the wood can be effectively cleaned with a soft brush or damp cloth.


Metallic Placemat

Figgjo’s Oslo cup, designed by Kristin Hærnes Ihlen, is available in three different designs: Tulip, Split and Open. Tulip is designed to suit coffees with lower acidity, with the cone shape enhancing earthy aromas, whilst Split is more appropriate for intense fruity flavours, and works to amplify aromatics with its wide rim. Open, meanwhile, features a classic U-shape and can adapt to a wide variety of flavours and scents.

Fully handmade in the Netherlands, DutchDeluxes’ placemats are constructed from 100% leather and finished with an all-over dyed coating. Easy to rinse and clean, the mats are available in a range of solid primary colours, as well as a series of refined metallic tones including steel and bronze. Measuring 48 by 34cm the collection brings an element of elegant simplicity to the table.




Champagne Stand Heritage Collection

Constructed from high-grade polished stainless steel, and featuring a hand-blown glass insert, Heritage Collection’s Champagne Stand was specifically designed with a heavy base for added stability. Available in either silver-plate or stainless steel, the product was first launched on one of the Cunard luxury cruise liners. Based in the UK, Heritage Collection has manufactured luxury tableware for over 30 years. Specialists in the bespoke creation of afternoon tea items in silver and steel, its designs can be found in The Ritz London, The Dorchester and The Lanesborough, amongst others.





Porcelain specialist Schönwald’s Playground range combines the brand’s existing tableware collections with materials including ceramic, wood, leather, marble, slate, glass and metal. A response to the popular ‘shabby chic’ interiors trend, the range offers a distinctive textural aesthetic across several buffet and service products. By combining rustic influences with more typically graceful elements and materials, Schönwald channels new trends through timeless ideas.

Georg Jensen’s reissue of its classic Bernadotte bar collection sees a subtle updating of the sterling silver set, originally created by Sigvard Bernadotte over 50 years ago. Designed at the height the Art Deco era, its four pieces – a shaker, tray, beaker and ice bucket – feature a harlequin motif and hand-engraved lines. Working from original sketches, the faithful reimagining of Bernadotte’s creations are available as a set or individual components.

Oil Decanter

Rocket Cocktail Shaker

Made from hand-tarnished brass, the contents of Gentner’s Oil Decanter appears to move freely from container to spout without the two being visibly connected. Designed by Christopher Gentner and handcrafted in Chicago, the Oil Decanter is also available in darkened brass for more seductive interiors. Offering minimal presence whilst remaining a bold statement, the piece can be adapted to suit a variety of dining room environments.

Smith & Robinson’s silver-plated rocket cocktail shaker set includes a lemon squeezer, flask, four cups, four spoons, a bottle opener and corkscrew, all with luxurious gilded interiors. Measuring 23cm tall, the cocktail shaker boasts a distinctive rocket-shaped silhouette and is precision crafted for a distinguished finish and table presence. Origin Germany, circa 1930, and exhibited by Smith & Robinson at the LAPADA Fair, Berkeley Square, London.



Georg Jensen

Smith & Robinson


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Modular Line

Concrete Statement Plates

A comprehensive range of mobile buffet equipment, La Tavola’s Modular Line can be configured in a variety of arrangements to meet the changing needs of F&B service. Combining a sleek, contemporary design with robust materials and a patented mobile frame system, the range comprises nesting tables, bridges, carts, tops and sides in 12 standard finishes and with an extensive series of customisation options.

Tafelstern’s Concrete Statement Plates feature a design at odds with the current popularity of nature-inspired collections, working to ideally showcase a chef’s finest creations. The concrete look is available in three subtly different 28cm flat plate designs: bright and dark in a porous finish and bright in a fair faced finish. Packed in sixes, each item is stain and scratch resistant, and dishwasher safe.





Featuring the brand’s signature delicate finish, Toyo-Sasaki’s thin rimmed and stackable Fino glass and tumbler range has been mechanically toughened to ensure longevity. Available in short and tall versions, holding 13oz and 13.5oz respectively, Fino is designed with an eye-catching line and distinctive concave-style silhouette.

An eclectic mix of patterns and colours make up Wedgewood’s Wonderlust collection, which takes cues from culture and art in the spirit of the historic ‘Grand Tour’. Combining exotic florals with rococo patterns across items including teacups, saucers, mugs, plates and bowls, the range is further accompanied by a selection of unique Wonderlust tea flavours.

La Tavola



SAVE THE DATE! International Bar and Beverage Trade Show 10. & 11. October 2017 Station Berlin WWW.BARCONVENT.COM

Organised by


Stella Vogue

Villeroy & Boch Featuring a white-on-white design finished with subtle matte gold highlights, Villeroy & Boch’s Stella Vogue collection creates a graceful and elegant atmosphere with its premium bone porcelain. Comprising 14 dishwasher safe plates, the collection is most suited to high dining occasions and offers a refined platform for ambitious gourmet ideas. Be it a large banquet or sophisticated buffet, Stella Vogue’s white relief décor blends effectively with the plate’s delicate, round shape, and lends charm and elegance to a variety of table presentations. Combined with the pure white Stella Hotel version, or with the brand’s Blossom Hotel and Modern Grace ranges, the collection can also be adapted to suit smaller, more intimate settings including high tea or Café Gourmand.



41 Madison


Pordamsa 099

Bar Convent Berlin


Portmeirion - Royal Worcester

Beer Grill


Robert Welch

Bodegas Marqués de Cáceres


Sauce Forum 2017


Bonna 091

Seltmann Weiden


Brintons 075

Service Ideas Inc


006 & 007

Castle Wines


Stölzle 039

Cognac Frapin - Champagne Gosset


Table 063

Craster 081

Tafelstern 033

Figgjo 004

Tiger 047

Fonderia Finco


To The table - Europe

135 107

Global Drinks Forum


To The table - MEA

Heritage Collection


VEEN 117

Hotel Show Dubai


Villeroy & Boch


Vista Alegre


Jacobs Douwe Egberts

008 & 009 049

Vollrath 105

Kalisher 137

Wedgwood 017


WNK 095

LSA 089

Zieher 035

John Jenkins

La Tavola

NIKKO Company








be questioned, these are not luxury brands with luxury brand budgets. It stands to reason, therefore, that the hoteliers who are often deep in bed with the big brand owners of the beer, spirit and wine world, need to shift also if they are to emotionally engage with the millennial audience of today. For the luxury hotel sector this is a fine line to tread: developing food and drink concepts that capture the imagination and custom of a generation that resonates with independent craft brands, whilst at the same time ensuring they do not alienate the integral in-guest with a penchant - and budget - for luxury brands under the helm of conglomerates such as LVMH. But a few luxury hoteliers, with the help from specialised hospitality consultants, are raising the bar to meet the demands of an increasingly varied audience, successfully redefining what hotel food and drink can be.

The Changing Face of Luxury Hotel Bars Words: Barny Ingram, Bar Consultant, Gorgeous Group


ver the last century, the best of the world’s

The Langham, home to the aforementioned Artesian and

luxury hotel bars have found themselves nestled

Michel Roux Jr’s Roux at The Landau, is not only set to open

comfortably among the finest, most revered

The Wigmore - a modern British tavern pouring its own

drinking institutions of our time. From The

collaborative saison, brewed with Bermondsey’s Brew By

Savoy’s classic American Bar to The Langham’s highly

Numbers, cask ales and wine on tap - but it does so in the

conceptual Artesian, the PR machine is constantly in full

space that was previously the hotel’s spa, with prime position

throttle and seldom a year goes by that one won’t find these

on London’s Regent Street.

gold-tinted drinking establishments among the top of the

Similarly, the launch of The Principal London (formerly

world’s best lists – Artesian holding the World’s Best Bar

Hotel Russell) this autumn will see Burr & Co open in the

crown for four consecutive years until 2016.

heart of Bloomsbury. It will be a complete reimagining of

But as we enter what is possibly the most progressive

the smaller coffee shop found at The George, Edinburgh,

era for drink development of all time, luxury hotel drinking

becoming an all day eating and drinking café bar. London’s

need not be all about the £18 theatrical cocktail serve if the

Caravan Coffee is at the heart of the offer during the day: 16

concept stories created are to appeal to the wider target

taps behind the bar will serve rotational craft beers, wines

audience of today.

and nitro cold brew coffee, taking their millennial guests well

The drinking trends of the millennial generation continue to

into the evening, seven days a week. Other F&B within The

evolve toward independent craft brands across all categories

Principal London includes a Palm Court for a luxury gin and

and, whereas the ‘golden era of the cocktail’ at the turn of

tonic experience, and Fitz, a cocktail bar that will put a twist

the 20th Century saw many of today’s classics created behind

on timeless classic cocktails and place them in a glamorous

the bar, today’s movement is driven directly by the breweries,

late night party den.

roasteries and craft distilleries.

This is seriously intelligent concept development for the

Often found tucked within the graffiti ridden railway

hotel sector that shows how even the most luxury of hotel

arches of our inner cities, these urban production facilities

brands can effectively capture the heart and minds of a truly

emotionally engage the consumer through social media,

diverse audience, changing the face and perception of what

trading directly from source via their tap and tasting rooms

luxury hotel F&B can be in a way that the rest of the sector

at weekends and sending the fruits of their labour out to the

would do very well to follow.

local bars through small independent distributors during the week. Whilst the quality of many of these products can seldom


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La Tavola’s Mixolog y Cart with shock glass freezer






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