Jyoti Jindgar

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2'7^J$e2012 lo, Ms. Jyoti Jindgar Additional Director General O/o Director General commissionof India Competition B-Wing, 3rdFloor, Building, HUDCO-Vishala Place, 14-BhikajiCama New Delhi. Sub.i Noticeunder section36(2)read with section41(2)ofthe CompetitionAct' 2002

DearMs. JyotiJindgar, of Mr' We refer to our visit along with Mr'Vimal Saraf of Jaipur and the representative PatelofAhmedabadon the 19/04/2012. Mahendra the RAMPANT We had visited you at the end of a long series of correspondenceabout 36(2)read MALPRACTICE3OF MERCEDESBENZ-afterwe receiveda notice(undersection practices of rnarket *itt ,""fion 4l(2) of the Competition Act, 2002) regarding the-a-fterto Mr' A K' Singhal dated07/03/2012 to the sameby our response and-responded manufactuers andonceagainon 30/03/2012. againstDaimler At the time, we realizedthat you were not awareofthe extentofour allegations AG (parentof MercedesBenz)andMercedesBenz lndia' companygoeson We are painedthat the apparentarroganceand abuse of doninance by this media etc are truly unhinderedund the "oon-ty along with the Governmentagenciesand incompetentto ntervene to us' is supposed Onceagainwe tum to you, to questionhow a citizenor an ex-dealerlike industry' *p"." iflir nroXSrnOuS abuseof powerwhenno agencyexiststo rcgulatethis from the Surface and their-answers We have shownyou letters,includingRTI applications, our vi"i"ty and Heavy IndustriesMiniitry passing the bu-ck and even forwarding i*r.p"n The HeavyIndustriesMinistry evenforwardedusa ""-piA.i"," ru"*"aes Benzior response!!! to examineour veal old letrer from the A.R.A.I.'admittinglhat lhey haveno compelence '.rr"*ii"rrilr Beforeforwardingrhis letterperhapsthey shouldhave questionedthis apparent





companyto operateiII lndia giving them incompetenceconsideringthat they have allowed this clearances. tbe necessary Benz is our final letter to them on the issueofthe Ms. Jindgar,rhe enclo$edletter to Mercedes putel in which' tragically' his only son was fatallv ft In il";af J v,. rtaun"naiu :',"d;# the airbag svstemhasbeen ilit'i"v rtis searchfor the truth aboutthe tunctioning of rirt"alr" responseafter five yea$ that the il"i.J ri" " o"",j",v ofjustice by MercedesBenz and their bv them bv them along with manv ridiculous and cruel standstaken il;;;il;;";i;"ved over frve years,is truly reprehensibl€' in this and other manersrequiringan We urgenlly seek )our organiTationsinrervention quali6edandhoneslpersons' investifationby appropriate. and are awaiting a chanceto aid We haveprovidedenoughmaterial for investigationby experts in anYuaY yourcommission asthat of Mr' Patel' is awaiting att€ntiol ln the meantim€, a casehavingthe samecircumstances to thecas€of Mr' Ii4;.-nt-"I surlt hastosthiston in a hagicaccidentsimilar believ€ that the il ilp#;;; is no rcason to MahendraPatel here too no uttoug' huu" inflated and there asexpectedThereis a documentwhere Airbag systemand other satbtysystemshavefunctioned replacedbut such documents sameseriesof chassisnumb€rshave had their airbags ;;?;it; operaliom are .carried out selectively by are maintainedsecretly by ttre company and such hard evidenceare ty us in detail rhis and dozensof pieces of ;;;il;;t;;;ip#a faimess' but we lodv to veriry or denv them in an atmosphereof ;;;;i;;;;i;;"paite havefailedto find ary suchbody' and providedby the samecompanies The ioumalistsof this county are working on ftee-bees oi ih"r" u"ry "o-p-ies. .Many of them are in bed future Dosrinssin the .u.t "ting a"pr;"oi, ows'


voic€slike diss€nting of tit ittautttv-d resent

wish to approach you with the combined Consumerrights arc flagrantly violated and we or pi--"l€ntmarpractices

;i"i;;;.^;?';;;o.-t-o--".,'-a ;;-;


M e r c e d e s B e n z t h r c u g h a c o n s u m e r . w e t f a r e b o d y . w e a r e a l worldwide s o i n p o s sare e sable s i o ntoo f v a r i o DOMAIN' If customers ,i""r*"",t *ftf.ft tlgftiiy belong in the PUBLIC that they dghtly suspected'but were illegally accessthese documents,trt" q*rrtv p-LG-s they wlll receivi..lustice.Thereforeit is denied information about, will b"';r;";d'''4 practicesbasedon like yoursio assistus in eiposingtheseillegal BINDING on organizations

it" iir"gui-'ui*"i-"e of MoNoPoLIES onINFORMATION'

to €xposethesedocuments'along with the On the otherhandif we are not protectedand allowed justice, for the very thousanis of lustomersworldwide, who are seeking ;#;;;il;rs, deniedanyjusticefor lack of proof' .'"fo."",i"""'0."""4 in tne saiOaocurnents'will be






In connectionwith the above,we seekto once againapproachthe Commissionalong with some of the affectedparties such as Mr. Patel ard Mr' Sarafand would like to have an appointment with the chairmanofthe CompetitionCornrnissionoflndia. Hopingfor a positiveresponse. Thankingyou andwith bestregards, Yoursfaithful\, For, Camtr'Motors Pvt. Ltd.



BenzIndiaP',4.Ltd. Encl.: Letterto Mr. PeterHonegg MD & CEO,Mercedes Cc:

1.Mr. AshokChawla,Chaiman of India'New Delhi otice of DirectorGeneral,CompetitionCommission 2. Mr. A K Singhal,AssistantDirectorGeneral, oflndia, New Delhi OIficeofDirectorGeneral,CompetitionCommission Centre Education& Research 3. Mr. V. G. Patel,Chairman,Consumer SurakshaSankoolBuilding, Sa*hej-GandhinagarHighway' Thaltej' Ahmedabad 4. Mr. A. K. Upadhyay,Secretary,Ministry ofRoad Transport& Highways Street,New Delhi- 110001 TransportBhavan,1, Parliament 5. Mr. RajeevLochan,Director (Safety),Ministry of RoadTransport& Highways TmnsportBhavan,I , ParliarnentSt.eet,New Delhi - 11000I 6. TheDirector,Ministryof Hea\y lndustries& PublicEnterprises oflndia, 155,UdyogBhavan,New Delhi - 11001I Government Secretary,Ministry of Hea\y Industries& Public Enteryrises 7. Mr. S. Sundareshan, New Delhi - 11001I of lndia, 155,UdyogBhavaIr, Govemment 8. Mr. MahendraPatel,Klockner DesmaMachineryPvt. Ltd.., Almedabad 9. Mr. Vimal Saraf,Zap India,Jaipur



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