THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Judgment Reserved on: , 22nd September, 2010 Judgment Pronounced on: 6th December, 2010
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WP(Crl.) No. 468/2010 COURT ON ITS OWN MOTION THROUGH MR. AJAY CHAUDHARY ..... Petitioner Through: Dr. L.S. Chaudhary, Mr. Mathew D., Advocates Mr. Arvind Nigam, Sr. Adv., Amicus Curiae with Mr. Raghu Tandon, Adv. versus STATE Through:
..... Respondent Mr. A.S. Chandhiok, ASG with Mr.Pawan Sharma, Standing Counsel for State (Criminal)
CORAM: HON'BLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE MANMOHAN 1. Whether reporters of the local papers be allowed to see the judgment? Yes 2. To be referred to the Reporter or not? Yes 3. Whether the judgment should be reported in the Digest? Yes
DIPAK MISRA, CJ The fundamental issue that has emerged for consideration in this writ petition that has been instituted on the basis of a letter sent to this Court is whether an accused is entitled to a copy of the First Information Report after it is lodged and if so, what steps are required to be taken to facilitate its availability as the liberty of an individual is inextricably linked with his right to be aware how he has been booked under law and on what allegations. Liberty and freedom are the strongest passion of men and many have
WP(Crl.) No.468/2010
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