ORISSA HIGH COURT : CUTTACK W.P.(Crl.) No. 1096 of 2011 In the matter of an application under Articles 226 and 227 of the Constitution of India.
--------------Arun Kumar Budhia.
Opposite parties
Versus State of Orissa and another. For petitioner
M/s. Goutam K. Acharya, K.M.Patra, P.K.Das, S.K.Behera, K.G.Hadai, J.K.Mohapatra and Miss R.Nayak.
For opposite parties
Government Advocate, (for opposite parties 1 and 2) and Mr. S.D.Das, Asst. Solicitor General (for opposite party no.3).
--------------PRESENT THE HONOURABLE CHIEF JUSTICE MR. V.GOPALA GOWDA AND THE HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE S.K.MISHRA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date of hearing – 13.08.2012
Date of judgment - 05.10.2012
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S.K.Mishra, J.
In this writ petition, the petitioner has prayed for issuance of a writ of
mandamus to the State of Odisha to make provision for supply of copy of F.I.R. registered by the police to the accused persons and/or their relatives and to direct