Un viaje a través de este increíble mundo matemático
Name origin ď‚ž
The German term Statistik, introduced by Gottfried Achenwall in (1749), was refering to the analysis of information of the State, that is to say, the " Science of the State ". Also it was called a political arithmetic. It was not up to the 19th century when the term statistics acquired the meaning of gathering and classifying information. This concept was introduced by the Britisher John Sinclair (1754-1835). In his origin, therefore, the Statistics was associated with the States or free cities, to be used by the government. The collection of information brings over of conditions and localities continues across the national and international services of statistics. Especially, the censuses began to supply regular information it brings over of the population of every country.
Statistical parameters ď‚ž
The measures of central are the following ones: The arithmetic mean, usually used for calculating the middle part of some measure units. This is the formula:
The medium arithmetic (Me) is the middle datum of one statistical parameter, and the fad (Mo) , which represent the most repeated datum of the succession.
The scattering measurements are: The variance, which is the average of the squares of the distances from the mean. Calculated with this formula:
The standard deviation, which is the hope of the square of the deviation of that variable from its mean, and this is the formula:
The coefficent of variation is used to compare the dispersion of two heterogeneous populations. This is the formula:
Graphic interpretation ď‚ž
We usually use graphics for a better interpretarion of this statistical parameters, like graphics histograms, pie charts, barcharts, etc‌.. Like we can appreciate in these photos:
Y ahora el momento que todos esperabais
El karaoke estadístico Se trata de un juego en el cual os vamos a preguntar distintos datos sobre la vida real Quien mas se acerque… le daremos un premio En cambio, el que más se aleje, tendra que……
Caaaantaaaaar en karaokeee!!!
Sabias que el (?)% de la gente que atiende los anuncios de citas amorosas es gente casada.
El perdedor tendrá que cantar “we are the champions” de “Queen” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFfCKy0nKr0
American Airlines ahorró U$S (?) en 1987 eliminando una aceituna de cada ensalada que sirvió en primera clase.
El perdedor tendrá que cantar “Don’t stop believing” de “Journey” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxrhO3TTvr4
Se tardaron veintidós siglos en calcular la distancia entre la Tierra y el Sol (149.400.000 Km). Lo hubiésemos sabido muchísimo antes si a alguien se le hubiese ocurrido multiplicar por (?)la altura de la pirámide de Keops en Giza, construida treinta siglos antes de Cristo.
El perdedor cantará ´Closer to the edge´ de 30 seconds to Mars http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duYLdevin24
Cuando un niño termina la educacion primaria ha visto en su corta vida (?) asesinatos y (?) actos de violencia en la television.
El perdedor cantará http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XfRjVo5wOE