Process Book Museé de l'Aventure Industrielle

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MusÊe de l’Aventure Industrielle

Alana Cavalcanti + Monica Fonseca Interior Design Studio IV : Collaborative Practices Professor Brian Sweny Lacoste Campus | Spring 2017

The Musseé de l’Aventure Industrielle is the City of Apt’s Municipal Museum dedicated to document the history of the city’s most successful and famous major industrial trades: ochre mining, cndied fruit production and creation of glazed ceramics. The museum is located in an old factory site in the heart of Apt. First and second floors have exhibition galleries displaying the three trades. On the ground floor (our project scope) is an entry, reception, retail, temporary exhibition space and a classroom. Interior Design students have been challenged to reimage the ground floor of the museum focusing on 1- creating a welcoming entry and nearby flexible community classroom, 2- enhancing the retail experience and 3- designing a temporary exhibition gallery system and attractive space.

Le Musée de l'Aventure Industrielle est un Musée municipal de la ville d'Apt qui retrace les plus glorieuses époques industrielles: ocre, fruits confits et faience. Le Musée a été installé dans une ancienne usine de fruits confits au coeur de la ville d'Apt. Les premiers et deuxièmes étages regroupent des espaces d'exposition présentant les collections. Au rez-dechaussée (notre projet) se trouve l'entrée, l'accueil, un point de vente, un espace pour des expositions temporaires et un autre pour des ateliers éducatifs. Les étudiants en Design Interieur ont du ré-inventer le rez-de-chaussée du Musée avec pour objectif de créer un accès plus accueillant, augmenter l'espace boutique et ré-envisager la partie consacrée aux expositions temporaires de manière plus attractive.

project description


The design of the Musée de l’Aventure Industrialle is based on the French word ‘dérive’, a spontaneous journey, that leads the user to discover, experiment and engage with the culture, history and people of Apt. The museum honors the city and the past, while the new proposed spaces intent to change the way the people interact. By bringing to everyday of the week the market culture and atmosphere that is found exclusively on the weekends and incorporating a outdoors café and crepêrie, the museum becomes more prominent as a gathering space for tourists and locals. Through wayfinding, the guests let the spirt of the art and architecture guides them though the spaces.


Le Design du Musée de l’Aventure Industrielle s’inspire du mot “Dérive”, un voyage spontané qui amène le visiteur à découvrir, expérimenter et intéragir avec les culture, l’histoire et les habitants d’Apt. Tout en rendant hommage à la ville et au passé, le nouvel aménagement des espaces intérieurs changera l’intéraction avec le public. En transposant au quotidien l’atmosphère et l’esprit du marché aue l’on ne retrouve habituellement que le samedi, le musée s’affirme comme un espace de rencontre pour les touristes et les locaux. Par un subtil jeu de piste, les visiteurs laissent l’art et l’architecture les guider au sein des différents espaces d’exposition.

site analysis


14 Place du Postel, 84400 Apt, France

entry/ exit

Currently one of the main complains is that the museum seems hidden from the crowds and it is not welcoming. This diagram analysis shows the possibilities of where the entrance and exit would be to create a more appealing atmosphere and the posibility of having an exterior geature to attract guests.

noise concentration

traffic pattern

Based on the possibilities of entry and exits, we analyzed where the noise is concentrated in order to analyze the impact that would have to the entrance. The majority of the noise in the area is generated by people passing by.

The majority of the users follow the same path though out their journey in the museum. As mentioned the main entrance is hidden and the approach to the entrance is unappealing. Due to this stufy we are able to analyze the need of wayfinding and what are the current touchpoints.

visible and unnecessary storage space in the ground floor by the reception exhibition space focus mainly in twodimensional artwok and does not integrate technology

reception not visually appealing and guest can see inside their private spaces

columns can be used as a wayfinding opportunity to guide guest from coutyard to the museum entrance

staircase is seen from the exterior hallway and can be used as a storefront for the giftshop and design feature all of the announcements and events are located in the glass storefront of the museum in an unorganized manner

ADA ramp for accesibility of the main entrance

metal and wooden beams

factory was built around the Chery washer mashine, however it can me disassebled and re-located or used in a innovative way

current area that workshops take place. space does not comply to their needs. unpleasing and improvised enviromnent. 15 to 20 students in a classroom plus professor/instructor

poor lighting in the reception and temporary exhibition area. lack of wayfinding to entrance of the museum.

imporvised gift shop. no interaction with the product. seems like objects are part of the exhibition. temporary exhibition space is dark and lacks modularity and flexibility of the components and the space

no content regarding Roman wheel. Randomly mentioned during the tour. No introduction to the museum .

client profile


ochre mining

Musée de l’Aventure Industrielle

candied fruit


Le Musée de l’Aventure Industrielle is located in the heart of the city of Apt. Through the history of the industrial era, the museum tells the story of the three main natural resources of the region, ochre mining, candied fruits and clay pottery. The museum was built around an old candied fruit factory and the old machinery is still present in the site. The museum explains the history of the city of Apt and the Industrial Revolution in the area though three floors. On the ground level is where the reception, temporary exhibitions and workshops take place. After that visitors are guided to explore the Allegory of Industry which tells how the city developed with the Industrial Revolution. Also located in the same floor visitors explore the process of making candied fruit and how natural pigment are extracted and used in the region. Visitors move towards the end of the tour on the third floor where the pottery exhibition is located.

color representing the porcelain

color representing the ochre pigments and mining

color representing the city of Apt

color representing the candied fruits

shape of the logo

inspiration for logo

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 font

MusÊe de l’Aventure Industrielle branding


candied friut


ochre mining

cuisine usine

gift shop

user analysis


Antonietta 35 years old Paris, France Art Curator




39 years old Cambridge, United Kingdom Accountant


Get in contact with local artists Attain knowledge on the region and products

Attain knowledge on the region he is visiting Sit and appreciate the city of Apt

Gift Shop + Exhibitions

Cafe + Temporary Exhibition


Jean Pierre



Take classes to learn how to use what she bought at the market

Do something different during the summer Eat candy and have fun!

Temporary Exhibition + Workshop

Workshop + Candied Fruit

72 years old Bonnieux, France Retired, Baker

city dwellers

8 years old Apt, France Student





To serve clients in best way possible Connect with people from distinct locations

Being able to sit and relax Access to the gift shop when museum is closed

Gift Shop + People

Temporary Exhibition + Cafe

28 years old Avignon, France Tourism Student, Part-time Museum Employee


41 years old Apt, France Tour Guide



code analysis



Outdoor Lounge L’atelier

Museum Intro Reception

adjacency diagram

Cuisine Usine Gift shop

Main Entrance

block diagram



display case

glass enclosed merchandize due to the higher value and delicacy of the products

design based on market stands. white wooden slabs represent the craft of the region

signage used as wayfinding and mimics the ideas of individual items being sold by centain stands

displays elevated from ground for ADA purposes

reception desk wood slabs

sketches + details

feature made out of the machines previously installed in the building. discontructed parts of the machine will be spraypainted and exhibited in a glass case as an art work

toe kick for ADA purposes

opportunity of add panels inside the frames

panels can be arranged in unique ways

frames can be used as support system for other panels

sketches + details

panels in a 35 degree angle for two dimensional art wide range of options of displays from color to digital/ touch screens

wall feature of deconstructed machinery continues to the second floor railing used as an design element to connect all of the floors

railing becomes storefont in order to display retail items for the cafe customers

sketches + details


Pays respect to the historic site, while saying “bonjour� to the curious visitors.


Minimal + Modular. An adaptable space that uses graphic signage to move visitors through the temporary exhibitions.

gift shop

Brings to everyday of the week the market culture and atmosphere that is found exclusively on the weekends.

cuisine usine

Because nothing brings together like good food.





Outdoor Lounge



Cuisine Usine

Museum Intro




Gift Shop

maintaining the existing concrete flooring in the museuu and in part of the exterior

white and navy tile pattern for the outdoors cafe area

reclaimed wood painted blue for the classroom flooring

accent ochre wall in the gift shop area


some benches and tables with bamboo wood to tie the colorful pieces together

touch screen inteactive table modular screens for exhibition. provides the artist the option of hanging, stacking or as wall pannels stackable tables and chairs for easier rearrangement of the classroom smart glass screen with some opacity for guests to see between both spaces Roman wheel feature wall feature made out of the machines previously installed in the building. also serves the purpose of introducing the museum story to the


green wall feature

columns used as wayfinding opportunity directing guests to the main entrance flattened area for the cafe seating to take place storage space for outdoor furniture and/ or exterior exhibition furniture that is not being used track sliding track system to exhibit two dimensional art work wall feauture made out of the machines previously installed in the building.

furniture + furnishing

building measures 34.07 m from side to side user path from main entrance to exit. path from corner of the building to the furthest exit fastest path from entrance to exit equals 37 meters entrance/exit

Building square meters: 486.74 m2 Fastest path equals more than 50% of the diagonal distance divided by three which is up to code for unsprinkled buildings.

life safety plan

Acoustic control measures - acoustic ceiling panels Visual attractiveness - visually interesting and appealing storefront and repurpose of the dark alley way Measures to control smells- stratigic location and adjacencies for the cafe space Hygiene and cleanliness of the indoor spaces - materiality with durability and wear and tear in order to minimize maintenance Harmonious relationship between buildings and their immediate environment - maintaining the historic facade, creating an exterior environment without disturbing the surroundings Integrated choice of construction methods and materials - maintaining the current concrete floorings and walls, local material selection, repurposing the existing machine as a design feature Minimizing energy use - using the current track lighting system with LED lighting Minimizing water use - sensors on the bathrooms Minimizing waste in operations - adding more recycling bins thoughout the space and modular furniture

green france


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