Aplicaciones EB 18.19 AIESEC en Manizales

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EXECUTIVE BOARD 18.19 AIESEC in Manizales.


… Congratulations! Being reading this booklet means that in one way or another you are interested in what will happen next year with the entity. Being a member of AIESEC in Manizales is a pride for each of us, you're part of the few young people who decide to take action for Manizales seeking to improve the quality of life of its people. Manizales needs people who are not afraid of new challenges, that gives the best of themselves in every moment. Being part of the Executive Board is a challenge that is really worth taking, is the moment where you are going to face yourself, overcome your fears, demonstrate to what extent you are able to reach. But the most important thing is that it is the moment to build together like a team the legacy that Manizales needs. Today I am proud to be the person who has the possibility of lead a group of young leaders, young people who do not surrender to any problem. I am very happy to be able to lead the next generation of AIESECers that will make history in the city and in the world. It’s moment to build a different AIESEC for Manizales and deliver remarkable experiences in all the people that can reach! What are you waiting to accompany me in this adventure?

Mónica J. Vergara LCP 18.19 AIESEC in Manizales EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia

… If you have just opened this file is because maybe you are sure enough to apply to Executive Board or maybe because you are still thinking what is going to happen with you the next year. However, we have a message for you… This process, without a doubt, can be one of the most challenging and intense the organization has. However, within all that it means to be LCVP, surely things will be more difficult than the initial process. But DON’T be scared, it is worth it. GEN 2018 – 2019, requires the strongest leadership of AIESEC in Colombia to make the great changes that we are experiencing today happen, but also requires a generation of Executive Boards capable of transforming all their passions into actions and not leave ideas in nice words but to carry them to execution. That requires us to have the best talent, and we are sure that you have it. Being Executive Board of AIESEC and of AIESEC in Colombia is not only and honor but also a great responsibility and challenge that requires a great preparation process, we really trust you but we also hope you are conscious that we need the best leadership generation, and that means we hope you give the best of you in this process, your LC and AIESEC in Colombia deserves it and it’s worth it. Don’t forget, you are part of the generation that is transforming PASSIONS into ACTIONS. A hug that leaves your heart in 128 BPM.

With Love. Your MC BEAT. EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia

1. WARNING! PLEASE READ THE MOF BOOKLET Hey applicant! Before starting this process it is mandatory to read the MOF booklet. Make sure you understand the role but also you accomplish all the requirements. If you do not, you won’t be considered as official applicant even if you send your application on time.

2. OUR GAME RULES Be careful! The plagiarism of the application of another candidate of the present process or of previous processes will generate the immediate expulsion of the process and the opening of a case of ethics. Likewise, any behavior that puts the process at risk in the local entity or attacks the process of another candidate will be reason of expulsion.

It's prohibited to manipulate in any way the elections and the voting processes, for this reason, any conversation with any member of the Local Assembly in Full Right in which the arguments are expressed to cast their vote, will be cause for immediate expulsion.

3. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL ELECTION MANAGER The Local Election Manager will be Bryan Grisales, current LCVP Finance, he will act as a bridge between the applicants and the elected LCP, he will ensure that the entire process is being carried out in a legal and impartial way with all applicants, also he will be in charge to schedule the different interviews. If you have questions about the process, Bryan will be the person who can help you.

EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia

Before start this process, please verify if you accomplish the next requirements, any applicant missing requirements is not going to be considered as official candidate. ▪ Not having debts with the local or national entity. In case of having them it is mandatory to have a payment plan that pays the totality of the debt before beginning the period as Vicepresident 2018 (January 31, 2018). This will be checked with the VP finances of each entity. In case of not complying with the payment plan and starting the role in February 1st with debt, you will start your period as VP in trial period. ▪ Not having any case of ethics open or failed against you by the ethics and discipline court of AIESEC in Colombia. ▪ 80% minimum compliance in your previous position. This will be checked with your current leader. ▪ Not having been removed from your last position in the organization. ▪ Be of legal age under Colombian law (18 years old) EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia

Taken Places Available Places

EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia








EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia


And Video

THE APPLICATION MUST FULFILL THE NEXT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Your Profile (max. 1 page): Where you have to describe your AIESEC experience and main achievements in each role, external and academic experience and professional profile. (Remember to put your contact information) 2. General Questionnaire (max. 5 page): Answer all the questions listed below. 3. Specific Questionnaire (max. 5 page): Answer all the questions of the specific area you are applying for. 4. Endorsment: Attach 1 endorsement or recommendation letter from someone who led you.

5. Video: Attach the link of a max. 3 minutes video where you explain the main facts of your application and your personal motivation to apply.

Is expected ONE .PDF for your profile, general and specific questionnaire, endorsment and video. The application must be in Spanish or English.

EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia


1. Deadline: Wednesday 15th November 23:59 PM 2. Please submit your application in following format: “LCVP2018_application_Area_NameSurname.pdf”. “LCVP2018_application_IGT_MonicaJuliethVergaraMejía” 3. Late applications won't be received, no exceptions. 4. Applications with other name or format won’t be received, no exceptions. 5. Be careful when writing e-mail addresses correctly. 6. The notification of official candidates will arrive at your mails in a maximum period of 24 hours after the deadline, once it is verified that your application meets all the established requirements

EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia

ABOUT YOU: 1. What has AIESEC meant to you and why do you want to be EB for? Think in all the things that changed in your life since you join the organization.

ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION: 2. How will you ensure as a EB member a proper organizational evolution of your entity? Propose one strategy which reflect what will be your contribution to improve the entity from your role. Please take into account the three pillars of the OEM. 3. Taking into account the Manizales' reality in the past years, what will be the biggest challenge that we will have in the next year? and how we can tackle it?

EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia

ABOUT OUR CONTEXT AND IMPACT: 4. Evaluate the main needs of Manizales and propose two strategies to capitalize opportunities for growth.

ABOUT YOUR EB ROLE: 5. According to the role you are applying for, what are the reasons to do it and what will be your contribution in case to being elected? If you don't obtain this role, what would be your second option?

EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia

Remember to check out the MoF of each role.

EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia

: 1. Based on the OGV Growth Path, analyze the current state of OGV in Manizales and make an action plan to adapt to it. 2. Analyzing the last 2 years of OGV in Manizales, make a SWOT (DOFA) that allows you to propose the main focuses in your management. 3. What would be the goal for your term? Please define your cluster goal taking into account Lead Measures and propose an area structure that responds to this. 4. Make an IR plan based on the IR suggestion in the OGV Growth Path depending on your cluster. Please specify activities for each phase of the Customer Flow in a Gantt, with target, and specific LCs and country partners.

1. Given the past and present state of IGT in Manizales, what are the 3 strategies that will develop the product to achieve 100% growth? 2. What is the market segmentation that you would choose in your term to achieve 100% growth? Present at least 10 organizations with whom you would like to create alliances for IGT. 3. What are the strategies and specific actions that you want to implement that will allow a conversion rate of 100% between RE and CO, in its term and also for the CO of the next term? 4. Name all the major IGT synergies, and explain how you would work with them weekly, what is the common MoS of synergy, and how would you achieve that common goal.

EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia

1. According to the TXP Growth Path, present your main Drivers in order to respond to the needs of your local entity and the cluster where they are located in the AIESEC OEM in Colombia. 2. One of the major challenges of an LCVP TXP is the understanding and relevance of his role within the local entity. In that sense. What will be your main strategy to allow the implementation of 100% of processes in the area, taking into account the 4 key roles of TXP. 3. Define three (3) specific strategies that you would execute during your term to achieve the three (3) TXP success measures. 4. What are the main synergies of TXP? Propose a strategy for the management of each one.

1. Evaluate the current status of Internal Comm strategy and propose a complete action plan for next term. 2. How can your area contribute to the implementation of organizational culture? Mention at least three strategies. 3. Plan a strategy that allows the proper implementation of membership experiences showcasing. How would you use the showcasing of membership experiences? (Define strategy, timeline and goals by audience) 4. How can comm area can really be an implementation facilitator and how do you envision comm as a trully strategic area ? 5. Propose a plan to ensure organizational development from your local Comm team. Please add your structure.

EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia

1. 2. 3. 4.

Define two (2) specific strategies that you would execute during your term to achieve sign ups for OGX products. What are the strategies and specific actions that you want to implement for a local Assist Card sales ? Evaluate the current status of UR strategy and propose a complete action plan for next term with structure. Propose a strategy to recover a lost university relationship in which you include timeline, goals and MoS.

1. Select one OGX product (OGV, OGE, OGT) and create an empathy map based on the customer flow for the selected product. 2. Based on the empathy map you created, develop a showcasing strategy (You can use any showcasing tool you consider or mix different ones) that works for the customer, it must contain objectives, timeline and KPIs) 3. Design a digital campaing to attract customers of the focus product of your entity, include graphic material. 4. Create an implementation plan for your role in 18.19 that contain strategies, KPIs and how would you work with synergies to do it.

EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia



If you managed to submit the application, meet the requirements and be an official candidate, the next step is the presentation of the following interviews: 1. 2. 3. 4.

LCP current interview LCP elect interview External interview (evaluated by the selected external person) VP 2017 Interview

You will also have to present the following tests, which will be sent once you are an official candidate:

1. THT TEST 2. ENEAGRAM TEST EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia


Dear Applicants, prepare for demonstrating to AIESEC in Manizales that you are able to transform your PASSION INTO ACTION after sending your application. This challenge will demostrate how far you can go and how you reflect our values and behaviors in your normal life. This will be a challenge you will know once you are official applicant, this challenge will be a requirement to be able to be nominated.

EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia



NOMINATION For any Executive Board candidate the nomination results will come from an evaluation of the following points by the elections subcommittee: ▪ Personality ▪ Alignment with organizational purpose ▪ Local entity knowledge ▪ Team management ▪ EB member profile ▪ Functional and organizational knowledge

SCORES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Written Application + Video LCP current Interview LCP elected Interview External Interview VP 2017 of the area your applying Challenge and test

** To be nominated you need to have a score higher than 80 in the weighting of the written application + video, interview process, challenge and test.

EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia



Once you are oficially nominated you are going to have two important spaces: 1. QUESTION AND ANSWERS FORUM: In this space, our local assembly will have the opportunity to ask you about your application and your vision for our LC in the next term, there will be also external questions. Get ready to answer all the questions you can imagine. 2. CONFIDENCE VOTE ASSEMBLY: In this space, you should prepare a 5 minutes speech in which your vision for the area, sumary of your goals and millestones and the personal stuff you want to share. After that, assembly will vote only to express the confidence of your candidacy.

EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia

THIRD ROUND Application: 11th November to Wednesday 15th November Interviews: 16th November -18th November. Nomination: 19th November Assembly: 20th November

EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia

Dear candidate, print this page for your application construction. Keep in mind that we will only receive complete applications with the correct number of pages and all the questions answered. One single document missing and your application will be rejected

1. 2. 3. 4.


EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia

Bryan Steven Grisales MANAGER EB ELECTIONS bryan.grisales@aiesec.net (+57) 323 4656657

EB18.19 Application | AIESEC for Colombia

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