Book of Lists Warsaw Business Journal Group

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2015 2016 The Polish Business Directory





2015 2016 E D I T I O N

ISSN 1644053X




P A R T N E R S FM Logistic_logo z polem ochronnym copy.pdf 1 2015-06-11 12:44:58










Construction and Real Estate Real Estate Management Companies ..................................................... 71 Commercial Real Estate Agents .............................................................. 75 Commercial Real Estate Developers – Office .......................................... 77 Office Space in Poland .............................................................................. 80 Green Buildings in Poland ......................................................................... 88 Commercial Real Estate Developers – Retail .......................................... 93 Shopping Malls ......................................................................................... 95 General Contractors ................................................................................ 102 Construction Project Management Companies ..................................... 104 Warehouse Space Developers ............................................................... 107 Warehouse Space Operators ................................................................. 109 Warehouse Space in Poland .................................................................. 111 Architectural Firms .................................................................................. 118 Residential Developers ........................................................................... 122

Budownictwo i nieruchomoŚci Firmy zarządzające nieruchomościami ..................................................... 71 Agencje nieruchomości komercyjnych .................................................... 75 Deweloperzy nieruchomości komercyjnych – powierzchnie biurowe .... 77 Obiekty biurowe w Polsce ........................................................................ 80 Zielone budynki w Polsce ......................................................................... 88 Deweloperzy nieruchomości komercyjnych – pow. handl.-usł. .............. 93 Centra Handlowe ...................................................................................... 95 Generalni wykonawcy ............................................................................. 102 Firmy zarządzające projektem budowlanym .......................................... 104 Deweloperzy powierzchni magazynowych ............................................ 107 Operatorzy powierzchni magazynowych ............................................... 109 Powierzchnie magazynowe w Polsce .................................................... 111 Firmy architektoniczne ............................................................................ 118 Deweloperzy nieruchomości mieszkaniowych ...................................... 122

Financial SERvices Banks in Poland ....................................................................................... 126 Brokerage Firms ...................................................................................... 128 Debt Collection Companies .................................................................... 130 Factoring Companies .............................................................................. 132 Pension Funds ......................................................................................... 133 Investment Fund Management Companies .......................................... 134 Leasing Companies ................................................................................. 137 Insurance Companies ............................................................................. 138

UsŁugi finansowe Banki w Polsce ........................................................................................ 126 Domy maklerskie .................................................................................... 128 Firmy windykacyjne ................................................................................. 130 Firmy faktoringowe ................................................................................. 132 Fundusze emerytalne .............................................................................. 133 Towarzystwa funduszy inwestycyjnych ................................................. 134 Firmy leasingowe .................................................................................... 137 Towarzystwa ubezpieczeniowe .............................................................. 138

Motor Industry and Freight Transport, Shipping and Logistics ........................................................... 141 Car Fleet Management Firms ................................................................. 144 Car Rental Companies ............................................................................ 146 Express Courier and Messenger Firms .................................................. 150 Moving and Relocation Companies ....................................................... 151

Motoryzacja i transport Firmy transportowe, spedycyjne i logistyczne ....................................... 141 Firmy zarządzające flotami samochodów .............................................. 144 Firmy wypożyczające samochody .......................................................... 146 Firmy kurierskie ....................................................................................... 150 Firmy przeprowadzkowe ......................................................................... 151

Education Language Schools .................................................................................. 154 Business Schools .................................................................................... 156 MBA Programs ....................................................................................... 158 Training Companies ................................................................................. 160

Edukacja Szkoły językowe ...................................................................................... 154 Szkoły biznesowe .................................................................................... 156 Programy MBA ....................................................................................... 158 Firmy szkoleniowe ................................................................................... 160

IT and Telecoms Telecom Operators and Internet Providers ............................................ 164 Computer Software and Hardware Producers ...................................... 166 Systems Integrators ............................................................................... 169 Computer Hardware and Software Distributors .................................... 174

Informatyka i telekomunikacja Operatorzy telekomunikacyjni i dostawcy internetu .............................. 164 Producenci oprogramowania i sprzętu ................................................... 166 Integratorzy systemów komputerowych ............................................... 169 Dystrybutorzy sprzętu i oprogramowania komputerowego .................. 174

Travel and Leisure Business Hotels in Poland ...................................................................... 176 Passenger Airlines Serving Poland ......................................................... 178 Travel Management Companies ............................................................ 180 18 – Hole Golf Courses in Poland ........................................................... 182

Turystyka i wypoczynek Hotele biznesowe w Polsce ................................................................... 176 Linie lotnicze obsługujące Polskę ............................................................ 178 Firmy travel management ...................................................................... 180 18 – dołkowe pola golfowe w Polsce ................................................... 182

Business and industry Exporters in Poland ................................................................................. 184 Family Companies.................................................................................... 186 Technology Parks ..................................................................................... 188 Innovative Firms in Technology Parks ..................................................... 191 Special Economic Zones in Poland ......................................................... 194 Top Investors in Special Economic Zones .............................................. 196

GOSPODARKA I PRZEMYSŁ Eksporterzy w Polsce .............................................................................. 184 Firmy rodzinne.......................................................................................... 186 Parki technologiczne ............................................................................... 188 Firmy innowacyjne w parkach technologicznych .................................. 191 Specjalne Strefy Ekonomiczne w Polsce ............................................... 194 Najwięksi inwestorzy w Specjalnych Strefach Ekonomicznych ....... 196

Business guide Embassies ............................................................................................... 200 Chambers of Commerce ........................................................................ 204 Regional Municipal Authorities ............................................................... 205 Government Agencies ............................................................................ 207

Przewodnik INFormacyjny Ambasady ............................................................................................... 200 Izby handlowe ......................................................................................... 204 Jednostki administracji terenowej ......................................................... 205 Instytucje państwowe ............................................................................ 207

Indexes Company Index ....................................................................................... 210 Section Partners ...................................................................................... 214 Advertisers Index .................................................................................... 214

Indeksy Indeks firm ............................................................................................... 210 Partnerzy sekcji ....................................................................................... 214 Indeks reklamodawców ......................................................................... 214

spis treści

UsŁugi dla firm Firmy outsourcingu procesów biznesowych ............................................ 13 Firmy doradztwa podatkowego ................................................................ 17 Firmy księgowe i audytorskie.................................................................... 23 Firmy doradztwa biznesowego ................................................................ 26 Firmy IT Consulting ................................................................................... 30 Firmy pozyskujące dotacje unijne ............................................................. 33 Firmy HR – Executive Search ................................................................... 37 Firmy HR – Rekrutacja i Selekcja ............................................................. 41 Firmy HR – Agencje pracy tymczasowej ................................................. 44 Miedzynarodowe Firmy prawnicze .......................................................... 45 Polskie Firmy prawnicze............................................................................. 47 Firmy badania rynku .................................................................................. 52 Centra Certyfikacji ..................................................................................... 54 Firmy tłumaczeniowe ................................................................................ 55 Firmy Public Relations ............................................................................... 57 Firmy cateringowe .................................................................................... 61 Firmy marketingu bezposredniego............................................................ 63 Wywiadownie gospodarcze ..................................................................... 64 Organizatorzy targów w Polsce................................................................. 66 Firmy ochrony............................................................................................. 67

table of content

Corporate services Business Process Outsourcing Companies .............................................. 13 Tax Advisory Companies .......................................................................... 17 Accounting and Auditing Companies........................................................ 23 Business Consulting Companies .............................................................. 26 IT Consulting Companies .......................................................................... 30 European Union Funds Consulting Companies ........................................ 33 HR Companies – Executive Search ......................................................... 37 HR Companies – Recruitment & Selection .............................................. 41 HR Companies – Temporary Work Agencies .......................................... 44 International Law Firms ............................................................................ 45 Polish Law Firms ....................................................................................... 47 Market Research Companies ................................................................... 52 Certification Centers ................................................................................. 54 Translation Companies .............................................................................. 55 Public Relations Companies ..................................................................... 57 Catering Companies ................................................................................. 61 Direct Marketing Companies..................................................................... 63 Business Information Providers ................................................................ 64 Fair Organizers in Poland............................................................................ 66 Security Companies .................................................................................. 67


20 years of success Jacek Ciesnowski Editor-in-Chief, Warsaw Business Journal Group The publication which you hold in your hands is not a mere list of the biggest companies in their sectors. With each edition, The Book of Lists, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, perfectly shows how Poland and its economy have changed in the last two decades. With the economy flourishing, the initial 38 lists published back in 1995, have expanded to over 70 in the current edition. Over the last two decades, we have seen the addition of the whole IT category, golf courses and exporters along with

many others. The lists have grown not only in number, but also in size. The longest one in this issue has some 200 positions. If you compare the first and last edition you’ll see that in some sectors, same companies, like PZU or PKO BP, are still on top, twenty years on. There are, however, others like software producers where it’s hard to find a company that still exists after 20 years. The 20th edition is focused on the quality of firms. The leading firms in each sector are invited to participate in our ranking. One novelty is that all firms that report their financial results have been verified with the Economic Information Bureau (KRD). The annual presents the largest companies on the market in a cross-sectional analysis of 8 sectors of the economy, thus merging educational and networking needs. During that period, the Book of Lists team contacted thousands of companies. Received countless questionnaires and gigabytes of data. This all would not be possible without all the people who have worked very hard on the project during these 20 years. They deserve all the praise. Here’s to them and let’s hope that the 40th anniversary edition will be at least twice as big as this one.

A toast to Polish business sonal connections are important. Many large companies have built their success on a solid idea, persistent hard work and an overarching vision for what their business will look like in the future. As we reach a round anniversary of Polish business development, we can also see the success of women. Increasingly more female CEOs have been listed in our rankings. This points to a growing share of women in the job market, but a change in attitudes as well. Business is the domain of all citizens and through improved communication, companies become more resilient and more flexible at the same time. This is also marked with a growing influence of the ITC sector and the Outsourcing sector.

We are happy to bring you the 20th anniversary edition of the Book of Lists. It has been quite a job to collect all the data presented in our collection. The Book of Lists contains information about over 1600 companies, 69 rankings and 9 business sectors. For the first time in our rankings, we welcome a Family Companies list. After twenty years, we are able to sum up the achievements of a generation of family businesses in Poland. When we studied these companies, we realized that roots and interper-

Partnerzy merytoryczni

This edition of the Book of Lists focused on the quality of the companies featured. We hope that this mirrors a changing approach to business in Poland. It is becoming more obvious that teamwork will ultimately carry the day. When we look at the Polish start-up scene, many of the business we encounter started small, with help from EU funds, incubators, or even family savings. But above all, their redeeming quality is a sense of cooperation around a splendid idea. May Polish business and entrepreneurship develop in such a way that brings out the best in all of us. Starting from creative ideas and growing through hard work until we achieve our “flow” in our area of expertise. Monika Brysiak and the Book of Lists TEAM: Agata Schodowska, Artur Duchnowski; Paulina Szczepaniak, Kamila Wajszczuk, Matthew Czaja

Partners ASM GROUP S.A. and its subsidiaries compromise a capital group which specializes in providing complex sale support services. ASM Group operates in Poland as well as Italy. The company provides four main lines of service: outsourcing sales, merchandising, marketing, and marketing research. Experience and in depth knowledge of the market, the large scale of operations, wide

range of skills, regional and domestic know-how, as well as access to foreign experts guarantee that each project will be managed in a way that will maximize both sales and product promotion. The company has over 600 clients. ASM GROUP has been listed on NewConnect market since March 2013.

Contact: ASM Group SA ul. Świętokrzyska 18, 00-052 Warszawa % 22 829-9461 @ W

Grupa Azoty – a showcase of the Polish chemicals industry Grupa Azoty is a European leader in chemicals production. A company oriented towards innovation and the future. It successfully competes with the largest chemical firms in the world. Grupa Azoty offers a broad portfolio of products – from nitrogenous, phosphorous and compound fertilizers and construction materials to OXO alcohols, plasticizers and pigments. Grupa Azoty ended 2014 with revenue from sales at PLN 9.9 billion with a consolidated net profit of PLN 265 million.

The Group has at its disposal own logistical infrastructure and research, design and servicing base. Until 2020, the company plans to spend PLN 7 billion on investments and become the supplier of first choice for its clients. The goal of Grupa Azoty with regard to chemicals is to remain the number one domestic producer and a European leader on the melamine, plasticizers and OXO alcohols markets in the Central and Eastern European region. Sales development of the remaining chemical products in the Group’s portfolio should round out the company’s future growth.

Contact: Grupa Azoty ul. Kwiatkowskiego 8, 33-101 Tarnów % 14 637-4535 @ W

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FM Logistic is a French company established in 1967, which has logistics centers in 12 countries in Europe, Asia (China) and South America (Brazil). In Poland there are nine centers: in Mszczonów (two facilities), Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Wolbórz, Wola Bykowska, Piotrków Trybunalski, Olszowa, Pruszków i Błonie. The company’s Polish headquarters is located in Mszczonów. It was there that the first platform of the Polish

branch of the FM Group was created. FM Logistic’s three main areas of activity are goods storage and handling, domestic and international transport, and added value services, such as co-manufacturing and copacking. The company has nearly 3,000 employees in Poland. It has more than 550,000 sqm of warehousing space and a fleet of some 3,000 vehicles.

Contact: FM Polska Sp. z o.o. ul. Ługowa 30, 96-320 Mszczonów % 46 857-0001 @ W

RSM is more than just a bookkeeping, tax advisory or audit firm. RSM consists of professional advisors and reliable partners in business who understand your needs. Our team of specialists provides growth-focused entrepreneurial companies with services of the highest quality in audit, bookkeeping, payroll and reporting, tax and legal advisory and also transaction advisory and M&A.

RSM International is the seventh largest network of independent audit, tax and advisory firms, encompassing over 110 countries, 730 offices and more than 37,500 people internationally.

Contact: RSM Poland KZWS ul. Miła 2, 00-180 Warszawa, % 22 869-0666 ul. Stary Rynek 38-39, 61-772 Poznań % 61 851-5766 @ W

S&T Services Polska Sp. z o.o. is a branch of S&T AG Group with its headquarters in Linz. The company offers services in IT consulting, IT system development and implementation, outsourcing, and 24/7 support for clients i n the banking sector, public administration, public utility, retail, power and other industries. S&T Services Polska is among the international

IT companies longest present on the Polish market. It continues our traditions dating back to 1963, ICL and Fujitsu Services. Its offices are located in 12 cities, while the service and sales network covers the whole country.

KR Group is a dynamically expanding, Polish accounting and auditing group, with an international reach. In particular we provide support for: • I nvestment funds (open and closed ended) that invest in commercial real estate (office, retail, warehouse) or have acquired property in Poland. The combination of expert knowledge with industry practice and extensive transactional and project experience allow us to bring real value to the investment processes in which we are involved. Some of our key services in the real estate sector include: • Book-keeping • Financial and management reporting

• • • • • •

Tacit Development Polska JS Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. is a real estate investment company, member of the Polish Association of Real Estate Developers (PZFD). The company belongs to Tacit Development S.A. The group’s most significant investments in Warsaw include the Cosmopolitan Twarda 2/4 - 44-floors apartment building at Twarda 4, near the

Grzybowski Square, the unique apartment building at Podchorążych Street and offices and logistics at Bokserska Street. The capital group that includes Tacit Development S.A. holding company also owns, among other property, Rialto Hotel at Wilcza Street, the small office complex at Karowa and the exclusive sports club Sinnet at Gołkowska Street.

TFLS - Szkoła Języków Obcych has been operating since 1992 and is one of the biggest language schools in Warsaw. Each year more than 6 thousands students attend our courses. In 2008 TFLS received accreditation from the Mazovian Education Superintendent for the quality of teaching. For more than 20 years TFLS has been providing high quality English language training for companies and

institutions as well as for individual students and young people embarking on an academic or professional career both in Poland and abroad. TFLS is also an authorized Exam and Preparation Centre for International Examination Authorities such as: Pearson- LCCI, Global Legal English-TOLES and Educational Testing Service- TOEFL.

Tax advisory services Nominee directorship Domiciliation Company secretarial Cash management Sale of off the shelf companies

As part of our real estate practice, we have a full dedicated team of professionals who advise fund managers on reporting matters. Our accounting, advisor and reporting team is versatile and provides a large range of accounting advisory services at all stages of the fund life cycle. Due to the highly international nature of real estate fund managers and investment structures our team is well

Contact: S&T Services Polska Sp. z o.o. ul. Postępu 21D, 02-676 Warszawa % 22 535-9500 @ W

connected with other professionals around the world to find solutions at every stage of the reporting process and across all location. In short, our ambition is to ensure that our clients receive high quality services and insightful advice in order to help them be successful. Contact: KR Group ul. Skaryszewska 7, 03-802 Warszawa % 22 262-8100 @ W


Tacit Development Polska JS Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. Ul. Twarda 4 00-105 Warszawa % 22 213 50 00 @ W W

Contact: TFLS – Testing & Foreign Language Services – Szkoła Języków Obcych ul. Boduena 4, 00-011 Warszawa % 22 622-2058 @ W




Sales can and should be outsourced Ta b l e

SECTION partner

ADAM STAŃCZAK President of the Board of Directors ASM GROUP S.A.


o f

c o n t e n t s

Business Process Outsourcing Companies.............. 13 Tax Advisory Companies ........................................ 17 Accounting and Auditing Companies...................... 23 Business Consulting Companies ............................. 26 IT Consulting Companies ........................................ 30 European Union Funds Consulting Companies ........ 33 HR Companies – Executive Search ........................ 37 HR Companies – Recruitment & Selection ............. 41 HR Companies – Temporary Work Agencies .......... 44 International Law Firms .......................................... 45 Polish Law Firms .................................................... 47 Market Research Companies ................................. 52 Certification Centers .............................................. 54 Translation Companies ........................................... 55 Public Relations Companies ................................... 57 Catering Companies ............................................... 61 Direct Marketing Companies................................... 63 Business Information Providers .............................. 64 Fair Organizers in Poland......................................... 66 Security Companies ............................................... 67

he sales support outsourcing sector in Poland continues to develop intensively. Data shows that this sector has shown double-digit annual growth every year since 2010. Sales force outsourcing means the utilization of outside help by a given organization – help that’s based on experience and resources of other entities functioning on the market – in an effort

to systematically increase sales. It should not come as a surprise then that experts, analysts or investors are increasingly often paying attention to the growth of not only outsourcing, but also the entire sales support market. Naturally, they are also observing an increase in value of Polish firms operating in the sector. Sales can and should be outsourced. All the more, because the retail trade support services sector is a young and developing branch of business. Surely, its still bound to see its golden years. Sales force outsourcing is one of the most efficient business process optimization methods. It gives the freedom and elasticity needed for running a business. It allows for cost savings in connection with personnel management, including recruitment, training, oversight – everything done remotely. The application of such solutions allows a company’s management to focus on its growth.

S p i s

t r e ś c i

Firmy outsourcingu procesów biznesowych .............. 13 Firmy doradztwa podatkowego .............................. 17 Firmy księgowe i audytorskie.................................. 23 Firmy doradztwa biznesowego ............................... 26 Firmy IT Consulting ................................................. 30 Firmy pozyskujące dotacje unijne ........................... 33 Firmy HR – Executive Search ................................. 37 Firmy HR – Rekrutacja i Selekcja ........................... 41 Firmy HR – Agencje pracy tymczasowej ................ 44 Międzynarodowe firmy prawnicze .......................... 45 Polskie firmy prawnicze .......................................... 47 Firmy badania rynku ............................................... 52 Centra Certyfikacji .................................................. 54 Firmy tłumaczeniowe ............................................. 55 Firmy Public Relations ............................................ 57 Firmy cateringowe ................................................. 61 Firmy marketingu bezpośredniego .......................... 63 Wywiadownie gospodarcze ................................... 64 Organizatorzy targów w Polsce .............................. 66 Firmy ochrony ........................................................ 67

We are one of the leaders of sales support services outsourcing in Poland – we have been offering services on the domestic market for over 17 years. ASM GROUP also operates in Italy. Our activity focuses on four business areas: sales force outsourcing, merchandising, field marketing and market research. Thanks to our familiarity with the market, range of activity, broad competencies and the know-how of our domestic and international experts, we are able to implement every project directed at increasing sales or help in product promotion. Six hundred clients are using solutions provided by ASM GROUP. Among them, the largest FMCG brands and companies from the electronics, chemicals and cosmetics sectors. In January 2015, we were honored with the prestigious noncommercial Outsourcing Stars award in the category of Sales Force Outsourcing for best results in 2014. Since March 2013, ASM GROUP shares are listed on the NewConnect market.



New quality of urban living Ta b l e

SECTION partner

Karolina Kaim President of the board Tacit Development Polska JS


ver the past few years there has been a huge development on the commercial and residential real estate market. Warsaw is close to having almost 5 million sqm of office space. In the past quarter, developers carried out more than 500 residential projects with a total of 18,000 apartments. All of this shows the scale of developers’ activity in the capital, followed by other Polish cities.

Warsaw, Poland’s only metropolis, is developing fast and, according to forecasts, it will have nearly 3 million dwellers by 2020. Foreigners who come back to the city after a few years’ absence notice its changes for the better. They discover faces of the city that they had not known – a city that lives, with people going to cafes, cycling on bike paths, relaxing in green areas or

o f

c o n t e n t s

Real Estate Management Companies .................... 71 Commercial Real Estate Agents ............................. 75 Commercial Real Estate Developers – Office.......... 77 Office Space in Poland............................................ 80 Green Buildings in Poland........................................ 88 Commercial Real Estate Developers – Retail ......... 93 Shopping Malls ...................................................... 95 General Contractors ............................................. 102 Construction Project Management Companies .... 104 Warehouse Space Developers ............................. 107 Warehouse Space Operators ............................... 109 Warehouse Space in Poland ................................ 111 Architectural Firms ............................................... 118 Residential Developers ......................................... 122

S p i s

t r e ś c i

Firmy zarządzające nieruchomościami .................... 71 Agencje nieruchomości komercyjnych ................... 75 Deweloperzy nieruchomości komercyjnych – powierzchnie biurowe ........................................ 77 Obiekty biurowe w Polsce ...................................... 80 Zielone budynki w Polsce ....................................... 88 Deweloperzy nieruchomości komercyjnych – pow. handl.-usł. ................................................. 93 Centra handlowe .................................................... 95 Generalni wykonawcy .......................................... 102 Firmy zarządzające projektem budowlanym ............... 104 Deweloperzy powierzchni magazynowych ................ 107 Operatorzy powierzchni magazynowych ............... 109 Powierzchnie magazynowe w Polsce ................... 111 Firmy architektoniczne ......................................... 118 Deweloperzy nieruchomości mieszkaniowych ..........122

newly created places at the Vistula bank, an area discovered anew. All this is based on the reurbanization trend, observed for a considerable time, which means that people return to cities and settle in their centers. What is important for people who enjoy city living in the comfort of everyday life, the accessibility of most attractions on foot. The so-called walkability factor shows whether a city is people-friendly, whether it encourages walking around. Because of that, we need investment into infrastructure, such as cycling paths, roads in tunnels and pedestrian crossings, which will increase the value of the factor. We want to be more mobile in every way and new technologies allow that. Their constant development will have the most influence on how we will use office, private and city space. This must mean a change in the way developers think. We will no longer be constructing buildings, we will create places and spaces that anyone can experience in their own way and adapt. Surrounded by other people, together and alone at the same time, a person accompanied by their mobile device may participate in city life. I’m convinced that huge changes in the quality of city life are ahead of us. For us, developers, this means huge challenges, which will require us to see conducted investments in a broader, social perspective.




The Polish wallet – mainly empty and full of holes Ta b l e

o f

c o n t e n t s

Banks in Poland..................................................... 126 Brokerage Firms ................................................... 128 Debt Collection Companies................................... 130 Factoring Companies............................................. 132 Pension Funds....................................................... 133 Investment Fund Management Companies........... 134 Leasing Companies............................................... 137 Insurance Companies............................................ 138


S p i s


ccording to statistics from the European Central Bank, the

t r e ś c i

Banki w Polsce ..................................................... 126 Domy maklerskie .................................................. 128 Firmy windykacyjne .............................................. 130 Firmy faktoringowe .............................................. 132 Fundusze emerytalne ........................................... 133 Towarzystwa funduszy inwestycyjnych ................ 134 Firmy leasingowe ................................................. 137 Towarzystwa ubezpieczeniowe ............................ 138

average deposit amount per Polish citizen in 2013 was €3,400, that is around PLN 14,000. But that’s over two times less than the average for Czechs and eight times less than the equivalent number in Belgium or the UK. What’s more, the distribution of the saved amounts is very unequal among households. Six out of ten

Poles do not have any savings at all. They live day-to-day, not creating any financial security for the future. Why aren’t Poles saving more? The simple answer is that they don’t have anything to save. “Earnings in Poland are a couple times lower than in Western Europe. Meanwhile, the prices of goods and services are comparable, and that’s why saving in Poland is a real challenge,” said Aleksandra Jezierska, a Warsaw-based corporate employee. Apart from barriers of an economic nature, such as low GDP per capita in comparison with Western Europe, there are also psychological barriers. Some Poles lost their savings during the inflationary years of the 1980s and 90s, which is reflected in a distrust towards saving in general. The Social Diagnosis 2013 report is a study which included over 12,000 households and 26,000 survey participants. It showed that only 40.8 percent of households have any savings at all. The most acute lack of savings can be observed among disability claimants (nearly 80 percent of households have no savings), those living on unstable financial sources (over 75 percent), as well as single-parent families and families with many children (71 percent and nearly 70 percent respectively). Most households have savings amounting to 1-3 times their monthly income (31 percent). The 3-6 month multiple range of savings is held by 23.4 percent, while only 12.8 percent of survey participants had savings worth more than half their annual salary. Even worse, only 6.4 percent of households have more than a year’s salary worth of savings, out of the entire group of households declaring any savings. Polish families usually save using term deposits (around 43 percent of savings is held in this way). Saving is treated as an insurance policy for old age (19 percent of savings), unforeseen situations (18 percent), or is used for the specific purpose of buying an apartment or a house (10 percent) or insuring the future of children (9 percent). Sergiusz Prokurat



The best is still to come Ta b l e

SECTION partner

o f

Transport Schipping and Logistics......................... 141 Car Fleet Management Firms ............................... 144 Car Rental Companies .......................................... 146 Express Courier and Messenger Firms ................. 150 Moving and Relocation Companies ...................... 151

S p i s


c o n t e n t s

t r e ś c i

Firmy transportowe, spedycyjne i logistyczne ........ 141 Firmy zarządzające flotami samochodów ............. 144 Firmy wypożyczające samochody ........................ 146 Firmy kurierskie .................................................... 150 Firmy przeprowadzkowe ....................................... 151


his year FM Logistic is celebrating 20 years in Poland. This obviously leads us to reflect upon the past and assess it, especially as the past two decades have not only been marked by our organization’s development, but most of all by the growth of the logistics sector as a whole in Poland. The past years have been a time of major changes that also included difficult moments, the outcome of which has been positive for our country.

Today, we can also proudly say that as the years passed, FM Logistic has managed to build the relevant infrastructure and develop it well enough to satisfy the requirements of even the most demanding business partners. There is proof of that in our customer portfolio, which includes most Polish and international brand producers and distributors present on the domestic market. In the logistics services context, Poland’s joining the European Union is an important fact. From that moment on, we have been able to take full advantage of one of our main assets – our geographical location. The extension of the EU to include countries in the east of the continent shifted us to the “center of Europe” and it can be said that Poland has become a country of transit between east and west. From that perspective it seems that we are highly likely to become Europe’s main logistics center. According to a report by Colliers International, by 2020 Poland will become one of the top three European countries in terms of consumer spending and production growth. This shows that we may play a key role in the development of the European logistics market. Our growing importance is proven through new investments that continuously appear. The expected completion of a highway and expressway network will undoubtedly be of great importance to our sector. Regions with insufficient investment are usually those that lack the required road infrastructure. If the goals in this area are met, we stand a chance of fully making use of our country’s potential. We are of course facing a number of other challenges. As a company, we are continuously preparing for them and we are optimistic about the future. Our potential, knowledge and experience on the Polish market gathered over 20 years is visible in the success of our customers. For years, we have been trying to be not only a service provider, but also an expert and adviser to our business partners. As many years of experience show, the greatest value in cooperating with an operator comes from the access to unique expert knowledge and know-how, useful at all stages of optimizing the supply chain.




Quality In Foreign Language Education

Ta b l e

o f

c o n t e n t s

Language Schools................................................. 154 Business Schools.................................................. 156 MBA Programs...................................................... 158 Training Companies............................................... 160

S p i s

SECTION partner

t r e ś c i

Szkoły językowe ................................................... 154 Szkoły biznesowe ................................................. 156 Programy MBA ..................................................... 158 Firmy szkoleniowe ................................................ 160

Iwona ŚwiĘcka Director of Studies


evelopment of international exchange in the economic and scientific sector has become one of the reasons driving the demand for good command of foreign languages in various social environments. It caused a dynamic increase in the number of privately owned language schools in Poland. According to REGON register data, there are over 7.000 business entities operating

in the language training area. Due to the fact that the language schools market is pretty much scattered and that a relatively high percentage of the market share constitute ‘one-man language firms’ which are excluded from any administrative control, there is a rising problem of quality of the trainings available. Only in Warsaw operate over 300 language schools, among which only a few are subject to control of the Ministry of Education. This entails the necessity to look specifically at the need of providing control over education units, the need of accurate defining expectations in the sphere of quality education as well as building in-house systems of quality assurance of services provided by schools. Very often, however, training institutions follow their own intuition while establishing standards and self-assessment devices, due to the lack of clear-cut definitions concerning systems of quality assurance in language training. Currently, there exist some formats of measuring quality and the level of services provided by schools, for example : Accreditation of the National Ministry of Education or international bodies such as EAQUALS - European association of language training organizations aiming to promote and guarantee quality in modern language teaching. From the point of view of a potential student, a variety of schools and offers available on the language education market makes their evaluation really difficult. Most often, the choice of the particular school is not based on quality awards , achievements and accreditations but rather on economic (price) , marketing criteria and reputation.




Why can’t Poland grow its own Facebook? Ta b l e

o f

c o n t e n t s

Telecom Operators and Internet Providers............. 164 Hardware and Software Producers....................... 166 System Integrators................................................ 169 Computer Hardware and Software Distributors.... 174


S p i s

t r e ś c i

Operatorzy telekomunikacyjni i dostawcy internetu ........................................ 164 Producenci sprzętu i oprogramowania ................. 166 Integratorzy systemów komputerowych .............. 169 Dystrybutorzy sprzętu i oprogramowania komputerowego ............................................... 174


iven that Poland has a great number of very fine coders in stock, the country should have no problem gaining ground in software and internet-related technologies, particularly since the internet opened up the global market to virtually anyone anywhere. Why then are there so few Polish internet start-ups that managed to grow into multi-million dollar enterprises?

“Polish programmers keep winning contests and finding employment in the biggest tech companies in the world. They establish their own software houses, which are very successful in selling programming services to foreign countries. What we can’t do yet, though, is get our product out on the global stage,” is the diagnosis proposed by Marcin Szeląg, partner at Innovation Nest, a SaaS-focused seed fund, in an article published on Sure, there are also a few exceptions that basically prove the rule, like DocPlanner, an online booking platform for medical appointments. The start-up was founded in 2010 and managed to raise $1 million in series A financing two years later. It was operational in five countries at the time, including Poland where it had some 1.5 million unique users per month. It is now live in 25 markets in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America and boasts 7.2 million monthly users. In its recent series B financing round, it pooled $10 million, mainly from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The firm now plans to continue its expansion focusing primarily on Southern Europe. When talking about Polish-grown internet firms it’s hard not to mention LiveChat Software, a Wrocław-based company that introduced a tool for immediate online communication between an internet vendor and consumers. The software is already used by 10,000 companies across 120 countries, including giants like Orange, Adobe, Samsung, American PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) or Canadian hockey club, the Vancouver Canucks. “We are one of the global leaders in our field and our client list includes both smaller internet stores, major brands such as Orange and Samsung, as well as public sector institutions, like the US Department of State,” said Mariusz Ciepły, CEO of LiveChat Software. The list of success stories, albeit short, would be incomplete without Brainly, a global network of Q&A for students, which bagged $9 million in late 2014 in venture funding for the firm’s expansion into the US. Here’s to hoping more Polish-grown internet start-ups share in the profits of the ever-expanding global market. Beata Socha




Rooms for expansion Ta b l e

o f

c o n t e n t s

Business Hotels in Poland..................................... 176 Passenger Airlines Serving Poland......................... 178 Travel Management Companies............................ 180 18 - Hole Golf Courses in Poland........................... 182

S p i s

t r e ś c i


Hotele biznesowe w Polsce ................................. 176 Linie lotnicze obsługujące Polskę .......................... 178 Firmy travel management .................................... 180 18 – dołkowe pola golfowe w Polsce .................. 182


ith a growing economy and over 15 million tourists visiting Poland in 2014, the Polish hotel sector has an evident spring in its step. “We are very excited about Poland. We were initially drawn to Western Europe, but now Eastern Europe, specifically Poland, is becoming increasingly attractive due to its vibrancy and its continued growth. Hilton Worldwide

has been here for many years,” says Phil Cordell, the global head for focused services and Hampton brand management, Hilton Worldwide. He’s not the only one to gush at the prospects for the Polish hotel market. “I would say that Poland is one of the most attractive markets in this region. Development of the Polish hotel industry stimulates our business and we are confident that Best Western can continue penetration of the hotel market in Poland,” says Gheorghe Marian Cristescu, Best Western Country Director for Poland. However, when compared with Western European markets, Poland still has a lot of catching up to do. “You cannot compare Poland’s hotel sector to Germany or certainly not to the UK or the more established Western countries – established in the sense that they’ve been at this business a lot longer than we have. The example is that we have around 60 or 70 rooms per 10,000 inhabitants and in Germany it’s around 250 to 300 rooms,” Kloszewski said. He added that, “Although we’ve grown by about 50 percent in the last six to seven years, catching up with the likes of Germany would take us a few more years.” He also admitted that he doesn’t expect Poland to get to that level any time soon. But despite this, the trend is still positive: “The Polish hotel market is definitely going up. We can see an increase in sales, boosting room occupancy and a growing supply of hotel rooms. ... These positive trends in the industry in the CEE region should be maintained over the nearest two to three years at least,” said Cristescu. But what is it that’s driving the growth? According to the Hotel Professionals Year End Report for Poland 2014, much of it has been due to the rapid expansion of the Business Process Outsourcing sector, which has “grown in medium-sized cities such as Łódź, Kraków, Wrocław, Szczecin, and Poznań. Over 100 new service center projects are being developed in Poland. The BPO sector will add approximately 25,000 new jobs per year for the rest of this decade.” Alex Hayes




Polish chemical industry is thinking of tomorrow

Ta b l e

o f

c o n t e n t s

Exporters in Poland................................................ 184 Family Companies................................................. 185 Technology Parks................................................... 188 Innovative Firms in Technology Parks.................... 191 Special Economic Zones in Poland........................ 194 Top Investors in Special Economic Zones.............. 196

SECTION partner

Paweł Jarczewski CEO of Grupa Azoty

S p i s

t r e ś c i

Eksporterzy w Polsce ........................................... 184 Firmy rodzinne....................................................... 185 Parki technologiczne ............................................. 188 Firmy innowacyjne w parkach technologicznych .. 191 Specjalne Strefy Ekonomiczne w Polsce .............. 194 Najwięksi inwestorzy w Specjalnych Strefach Ekonomicznych.................................................. 196


he past few years have been a time of sustained growth for the Polish chemical industry. Now, facing the challenges of the modern world and the difficult, extremely competitive market, we need to strive for active international presence. Chemical businesses from Poland have established a strong position not only in the marketplace, but also in global trade associations. A good example is my serving on the Board

of the International Fertilizer Industry Association, which confirms Poland’s excellent reputation worldwide and Europe’s trust in our chemical production. We owe this worldwide recognition not to our making and selling massive product volumes, but to our having important things to say and offer to the chemical and agricultural industries. The world’s biggest economies, including the US, Russia, Brazil and China, have begun

to intensify food production and focus on securing adequate inputs for the food industry. It is an important goal, even a geopolitical weapon of sorts, for the coming years. Well aware of the challenges ahead, we are poised to integrate our industry where it serves the food supply chain. For our part, we are actively promoting the implementation of state-of-the-art fertilizer solutions. Given Poland’s successful economic transformation and experience gained in the process, our country is an example to follow, particularly in agricultural and industrial production. This could be our key asset in the current political reality. Grupa Azoty’s operational plan for its corporate strategy provides for further business expansion and value building based on three pillars: organic growth, mergers and acquisitions, and the Operational Excellence Programme. Our investment plans are expected to open up new business areas for Grupa Azoty, extend the product portfolio across all business segments, increase production capacities, improve efficiency, and strengthen the distribution base. Our market position warrants strong M&A activity. Indeed, we have already identified potential acquisition targets. These acquisitions will be significant value growth drivers for Grupa Azoty, allowing us to achieve the financial targets set in our strategy. The Azoty PRO Operational Excellence Programme is the strategy’s third pillar, aimed to facilitate experience sharing and application of best practice with a view to streamlining our technical, industrial and management processes. For several years now, we have been changing the face of the Polish chemical industry. This endeavour has made it one of the most innovative branches of the national industrial sector. We are running projects worth in excess of PLN 4bn, with a total of PLN 7bn earmarked for investment until the end of 2020. Our capex projects will be among the largest in Poland.




On the right path Ta b l e

o f

c o n t e n t s

Embassies............................................................. 200 Chambers of Commerce....................................... 204 Regional Municipal Authorities.............................. 205 Goverment Agencies............................................. 207

S p i s

t r e ś c i


Ambasady ............................................................ 200 Izby handlowe ...................................................... 204 Jednostki administracji terenowej ........................ 205 Instytucje państwowe .......................................... 207


hen it comes to the economy, last year can be divided into two halves. During the first one, every economist was constantly upgrading Polish GDP growth forecasts, but when they reached a 3.5 percent threshold, the crisis in Ukraine prompted everyone to revise their estimates. With Poland exporting nearly 10 percent of its goods and services to

Russia and Ukraine, the situation in the east has had a significant impact on the country’s economy. This, along with other factors like deflation, sovereign debt, has made economists and even the Ministry of the Economy slash their earlier forecasts. Currently, GDP growth is increasing, with figures for Q1 in 2015 at 3.5 percent. Seasonally adjusted GDP growth increased by 1 percent on a quarterly basis and by 3.5 percent on a yearly basis, GUS pointed out after summarizing the results for Q1. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Poland’s economy will grow by 3.5 percent in 2015 and by 3.7 percent in 2016. The institution had earlier said the GDP growth rate will stand at 3 percent in 2015 and 3.5 percent in 2016. But not only recent macroeconomic figures are working in Poland’s favor. The biggest CEE economy has always been an attractive place for foreign investments; it has a big internal market with strong demand and solid consumption. Its central location, perfect for logistics investment, prompted Amazon to move its hub here, even though the company doesn’t have a Polish version of their store yet. Competitive wages and a highly-skilled labor force are always something the investors are looking for as well. Poland has also benefited greatly from joining the EU. In the 2007-2013 financial framework the country received €68 billion, while in the current 2014-2020 budget Warsaw will receive €105.8 billion. This makes Poland the biggest EU fund beneficiary among all the member states. So far, Poland has stood out among its CEE peers in terms of foreign direct investments (FDI). According to UNCTAD’s Internet database, foreign direct investments inflow to Poland totaled some $94.9 billion between 2006 and 2011 and was the highest in the region, with the Czech Republic ranking second with some $36.8 billion in FDI. Jacek Ciesnowski



Company Index Indeks firm A

A1 Europe Sp. z o.o............................................................ 35 Abart-Project Sp.c........................................................... 120 ABC Data SA................................................................... 174 ABK Grupa.......................................................................... 57 A.Blikle Sp. z o.o.............................................................. 186 Abrocom.......................................................................... 165 ABR Sesta Sp. z o.o........................................................... 52 AB SA(1).......................................................................... 174

Accenture Grupa Kapitałowa Sp. z o.o.............................. 16 Accetis Poland & Ceer Sp. z o.o.................................. 37, 42 Accord Group Polska Sp. z o.o........................................... 37 Accounting Audyt Partner Sp. z o.o., Sp.k......................... 20 ACT Advanced Corporate Training Sp. z o.o........... 154, 161 Addico J. Górska i E. Szumlak Sp.j.................................... 36 Adecco Poland Sp. z o.o........................................ 39, 41, 44 Adria Airways.................................................................. 178 Advanced Public Relations Sp. z o.o.................................. 58 Advicero Tax Sp. z o.o........................................................ 21 Aecom Sp. z o.o.............................................................. 104 Aegean Airlines................................................................ 178 Aegon Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne SA Aegon Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny............................... 133 AGB Nielsen Media Research Sp. z o.o............................ 52 Agencja Biegłych Rewidentów Badex Sp. z o.o............... 25 Agencja Cateringowa Party Sp. z o.o................................ 62 Agencja MAart Sp. z o.o.................................................... 55 Agencja Ochrony Osób i Mienia Guard-Service Sp. z o.o.. 68 Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu SA Oddział w Mielcu........ 194 Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu SA Oddział w Tarnobrzegu. 195 Ageron Polska..................................................................... 28 AGS Warsaw Sp. z o.o.................................................... 152 AIF Kancelaria Sp. z o.o............................................. 64, 130 AIG Europe Limited Sp. z o.o. Oddział w Polsce............. 138 AIG/Lincoln Polska Sp. z o.o............................................... 77 AIMS International Poland Sp. z o.o.................................. 38 Air Canada....................................................................... 178 Air Club Centrum Podróży Stanisław Modliński Sp.j...... 180 Air France SA................................................................... 178 Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego...................... 156, 158, 159 Akademia Rekomendacji Sp. z o.o..................................... 63 ALCHEMIA SA................................................................. 184 Aldesa Polska(2).............................................................. 102 Aldesa Polska Diamante Plaza Sp. z o.o............................ 77 Alektum Inkasso Sp. z o.o............................................... 131 Alfa & Omega Przeprowadzki.......................................... 151 Alior Bank SA................................................................... 126 Alitalia Compagnia Aerea Italiana SA – Oddział w Polsce. 178 Almares Instytut Doradztwa i Badań Rynku Sp. z o.o....... 53 Alphabet Polska Fleet Management Sp. z o.o................ 144 A & Lupa International........................................... 28, 37, 42 American Express Poland SA.......................................... 181 Andra Sp. z o.o................................................................ 172 ANDRA Sp. z o.o............................................................. 167 Ania Kruk Sp. z o.o.......................................................... 186 ANKOL Sp. z o.o.............................................................. 186 Antal International Sp. z o.o........................................ 40, 41 APA Wojciechowski Sp. z o.o......................................... 119 APAX Consulting Group Sp. z o.o....................................... 28 APS Poland SA................................................................ 131 Arcadis Sp. z o.o.............................................................. 105 Archidoc SA........................................................................ 14 ARC Rynek i Opinia Sp. z o.o.............................................. 53 Arena Tax Sp. z o.o............................................................. 21 Arrow ECS Sp. z o.o........................................................ 174 Art’Impression Catering Sp. z o.o...................................... 61 Artinex, osoba fizyczna.................................................... 120 Artur Jasiński i Wspólnicy Biuro Architektoniczne Sp. z o.o.. 119 Artventure Dariusz Szulc Sp.p............................................ 58 arvato Polska, oddział Bertelsmann Media Sp. z o.o.. 14, 130 Arvato Polska (oddział Bertelsmann Media Sp. z o.o.)...... 63 arvato services Polska, oddział Bertelsmann Media Sp. z o.o. – faktoring................................................................... 132 ASB Poland Sp. z o.o.......................................................... 23 Asbud Group.................................................................... 122 ASM Centrum Badań i Analiz Rynku Sp. z o.o.................. 52


ASM Group SA................................................................... 14 Asseco Business Solutions SA....................................... 166 Asseco Poland SA............................................. 16, 166, 169 ATA Finance........................................................................ 24 ATALIAN Poland Sp. z o.o................................................... 71 ATA Tax................................................................................ 21 Atelier PS, Mirosław Polak, Marek Skwara Sp.c............ 120 Atena Budownictwo i Nieruchomości Sp.c....................... 76 Atende SA....................................................................... 170 ATM SA............................................................................ 165 Atrium 21 Sp. z o.o............................................................. 74 Auchan Polska Sp. z o.o. Oddział Immochan w Piasecznie. 93 Austrian Airlines............................................................... 178 Autor Przeprowadzki – Awiator...................................... 151 Autorska Pracownia Architektury, Dagmara Obłuska..... 120 Avestus Real Estate Sp. z o.o............................... 74, 77, 93 Aviva Investors Poland Towarszystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA...................................................... 134 Aviva Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne Aviva BZ WBK SA Aviva Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny Aviva BZ WBK........ 133 Awbud SA........................................................................ 103 AXA Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne SA AXA Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny.................................. 133 Axi Immo Group Sp. z o.o.................................................. 76 B

B3P Sp. z o.o............................................................ 108, 109 Balajcza Business English Controlling Consulting Sp. z o.o...155 BALAJCZA Specialized Translations Controlling Consulting Sp. z o.o.......................................................................... 56 Balmain Property Management Sp. z o.o.......................... 74 Bank BGŻ.......................................................................... 126 Bank BPH SA................................................................... 127 Bank Handlowy w Warszawie SA.................................. 127 Bank Millennium SA................................................ 126, 132 Bank Ochrony Środowiska SA........................................ 126 Bank Pekao SA................................................................. 126 Bank Pocztowy SA........................................................... 127 Bank Zachodni WBK SA.................................................. 126 BBS Obserwator Sp.j.......................................................... 53 BCC (Business Consulting Center Sp. z o.o.)..................... 32 BCC (Business Consulting Center Sp. z o.o.).................. 170 BCMM – badania marketingowe Sp. z o.o....................... 53 BDO Sp. z o.o................................................................... 160 Belvedere – Café Łazienki Królewskie Sp. z o.o................ 62 Betacom SA............................................................. 168, 170 Bibby Financial Services Sp. z o.o................................... 132 BIG Consulting Sp. z o.o..................................................... 64 Bigram SA.................................................................... 40, 42 Bilfinger HSG Facility Management Sp. z o.o.................... 71 Bird & Bird Maciej Gawroński Sp.k..................................... 46 Bireta Professional Translations Areta Kempińska & Joanna Woźniakowska Sp.c....................................................... 55 Bisnode D&B Polska Sp. z o.o............................................. 64 Bissole Sp. z o.o............................................................... 180 Biuro Bezpieczeństwa Mar-Tom Security Magdalena Klajn.............................. 68 Biuro Doradcze „ALTIMA” S.C............................................ 34 Biuro Informacji Gospodarczej InfoMonitor SA.................. 64 Biuro Maklerskie Alior Bank SA....................................... 128 Biuro Podróżników Flugo Sp. z o.o.................................. 181 Biuro Tłumaczeń Diuna Arrakis Sp. z o.o., Sp.k................. 56 Biuro Tłumaczeń INTERTEXT.............................................. 55 Biznes Edukator Sp. z o.o................................................ 162 Blackbird Academy – Pff Group Sp. z o.o.......................... 28 Blue Sky Travel Sp. z o.o................................................. 180 BNP Paribas Bank Polska SA........................................... 127 BNP Paribas Factor Sp. z o.o........................................... 132 BNP Paribas Lease Group Sp. z o.o................................ 137 Bonair SA................................................................. 167, 172 BPH Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA........... 134 BPS Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA............ 134 British Airways................................................................. 178 British Centre Bożena Ziemniewicz, Marian Mikuś Sp.j.. 155 Browary Regionalne Jakubiak......................................... 186 BSI Group Polska Sp. z o.o................................................. 54 BSJP Brockhuis Jurczak Prusak Sp.k................................. 47 Buchalter Skłodowscy Sp.j................................................. 19 Budimex SA..................................................................... 102 Budlex SA........................................................................ 122 Bureau Veritas Polska Sp. z o.o................................. 54, 104 Buro Happold Polska Sp. z o.o......................................... 105 BUS Biuro Usług Spedycyjnych Sp.j. J. Chyla, M. Chyla. 142 Business Center 1 Anna Kępka, działalność gospodarcza. 160 Business Consulting Center Sp. z o.o............................. 167

Business Consulting (search & selection).......................... 42 Business Consulting (search & selection).......................... 37 Business Data Process Sp. z o.o........................................ 16 BZ WBK Faktor Sp. z o.o................................................. 132 BZ WBK Leasing.............................................................. 137 C

Caelum Development – grupa kapitałowa........................ 93 Caelum Real Estate Asset Management Sp. z o.o........... 73 Calan............................................................................ 14, 24 Calan Human Capital Sp. z o.o.................................... 38, 42 Capital One Advisers.......................................................... 27 Capital Park S.A.................................................................. 74 Capital Park SA............................................................ 77, 93

Carefleet SA..................................................................... 144 Carlson Wagonlit Polska Sp. z o.o................................... 180 Car Net Polska Sp z o.o................................................... 145 Car Net Polska Sp. z o.o.................................................. 146 Carolina Fleet Management Sp. z o.o............................. 145 Carpenter Consulting – IMSA Poland Sp. z o.o................. 37 Car-Pol Leasing Sp. z o.o................................................. 148 Caspar Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA....... 134 Casus Finanse Sp. z o.o................................................... 130 Catering Magda Gessler..................................................... 62 Catering Partner Marzena Przybysz i Wspólnicy Sp.j........ 62 CBRE Corporate Outsourcing Sp. z o.o.............................. 16 CBRE Sp. z o.o........................................ 27, 53, 72, 75, 105 Cegeka Polska Sp. z o.o....................................... 16, 32, 173 Centrum Badań Marketingowych Indicator Sp. z o.o........ 52 Centrum Certyfikacji............................................................ 54 Centrum Doradztwa Biznesowego Sp. z o.o........ 14, 24, 28 Centrum Edukacji Sp. z o.o.............................................. 160 Centrum Targowe Fair Expo Sp. z o.o................................ 66 CH2M Hill Polska Ltd. Sp. z o.o................................ 104, 118 Chadbourne & Parke Radzikowski, Szubielska i Wspólnicy Sp.k............................................................. 19 Chadbourne & Parke; Radzikowski, Szubielska i Wspólnicy Sp.k............................................................. 46 C. Hartwig Szczecin Spedytorzy Międzynarodowi Sp. z o.o.. 142 China Airlines................................................................... 178 Ciech SA.......................................................................... 184 City Security SA (Grupa M2.CS)........................................ 67 Clico Sp. z o.o.................................................................. 174 CMS Cameron McKenna Dariusz Greszta Sp.k................. 19 CMS Cameron McKenna Greszta i Sawicki Sp.k.............. 45 CN CORP Sp. z o.o., Sp.k................................................ 109 CoachWise SA................................................................. 161 Coface Poland Credit Management Services Sp. z o.o.. 64,131 Colliers International Poland Sp. z o.o................................ 75 Colliers International REMS Sp. z o.o................................. 72 Comarch SA.................................................... 166, 169, 186 Comm Start........................................................................ 58 Compensa TU SA Vienna Insurance Group.................... 138 ComPress SA...................................................................... 58 Concierge – Zarządzanie.................................................... 74 Contact Center Sp. z o.o............................................. 15, 63 Cook Communications Sp. z o.o........................................ 59 Copernicus Capital TFI SA............................................... 134 CPL Jobs Sp. z o.o................................................. 40, 41, 44 Crido Legal J. Ziółek i Wspólnicy Sp.k............................... 50 Crido Taxand Sp. z o.o................................................. 18, 33 CTER Sp. z o.o.................................................................... 37 CTL Logistics Sp. z o.o..................................................... 142 CTPartners SA.................................................................. 160 CUBE.ITG SA.................................................................... 170 Cukiernia Sowa Sp. J...................................................... 186 Cushman & Wakefield..................................................... 120 Cushman & Wakefield Polska Sp. z o.o............... 72, 75, 105 Cyfrowy Polsat SA........................................................... 164 D

DahliaMatic Sp. z o.o.......................................................... 32 Danish Technological Institute Polska Sp. z o.o.......... 27, 36 Darpol Sp. z o.o................................................................ 186 Databroker S.A................................................................... 63 DBJ Daniłowicz Jurcewicz Biedecki Sp.k.......................... 50 DBMS Sp. z o.o.................................................................. 63 DB Securities SA............................................................. 129 DCN DIRECT........................................................................ 63 D. Dobkowski Sp.k.............................................................. 46 DeBenedetti Majewski Szcześniak Kancelaria Prawnicza Sp.k.. 50 Dębowa Polska Sp. J....................................................... 186

Dedeco Sp. z o.o............................................................. 120 DEININGER Consulting Sp. z o.o........................................ 37 DEKRA Certification............................................................ 54 Deloitte................................................................................ 26 Deloitte Doradztwo Podatkowe Sp. z o.o.......................... 17 Deloitte Legal, Pasternak, Korba i Wspólnicy Kancelaria Prawnicza Sp.k............................................................... 45 Deloitte Sp. z o.o., Sp.k...................................................... 25 Dentons............................................................................... 17 Dentons Europe Oleszczuk Sp.k......................................... 45 DET NORSKE VERITAS POLAND BUSINESS ASSURANCE Sp. z o.o.......................................... 54 Deutsche Bank Polska SA............................................... 127 Deutsche Lufthansa SA – Oddział w Polsce.................. 179 Devonshire Sp. z o.o.............................................. 37,SCHWEIZ 42, 44 DGA SA........................................................................ 28, 33 DHL Express (Poland) Sp. z o.o....................................... 142 DHL Express (Poland) sp. z o. o. zreszająca dywizje DHL Express, DHL Parcel i DHL Fracht............................... 150 DEUTSCHLAND dk Executive Search Sp. z o.o., Sp.k........................... 38, 42 DLA Piper Wiater Sp. k....................................................... 27 DLA Piper Wiater Sp.k........................................................ 19 DMS TAX Sp. z o.o............................................................. 21 BERLIN Dom Development........................................................... 122 Dom Maklerski Banku BPS SA........................................ 128 Dom Maklerski Banku Handlowego SA.......................... 128 Dom Maklerski BDM SA................................................. 129 Dom Maklerski BZ WBK SA............................................ 129 Dom Maklerski Capital Partners SA................................ 129 Dom Maklerski mBanku SA............................................ 129 Dom Maklerski PKO Banku Polskiego w Warszawie...... 128 Dom Maklerski TMS Brokers SA.................................... 129 Doradca Consultants Ltd. Sp. z o.o........................... 27, 162 DPIT Sp. z o.o. Spółka Doradztwa Podatkowego.............. 21 DPPA Legal Grzonek Machczyński Świdnicki adwokaci i radcowie prawni Sp.p.................................................. 51 Drzewiecki, Tomaszek & Wspólnicy Sp.k........................... 47 DTS Przyjemne Przeprowadzki Sp. z o.o......................... 151 DTZ Polska Sp. z o.o........................................................... 72 DTZ Sp. z o.o....................................................................... 76 Dussman Polska Sp. z o.o.................................................. 61 E

easyFairs Poland Sp. z o.o.................................................. 66 EBL – European Business Languages............................. 155 ECDDP Sp. z o.o. Spółka Doradztwa Podatkowego.......... 19 ECE Projektmanagement Polska Sp. z o.o......................... 93 Echo Investment SA.................................................... 72, 77 Ecovis System Rewident Sp. z o.o.................................... 23 EC Property Management.................................................. 74 Edelman Polska Sp. z o.o.................................................... 59 EGB Investments SA....................................................... 131 EGC Sp. z o.o., Sp.j............................................................. 33 Eko-Park SA...................................................................... 123 Emirates (Rządowa Spółka Handlowa)........................... 179 English Language Centre, Studium Języka Angielskiego Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.............................................. 155 Eniro Polska Sp. z o.o.......................................................... 63 EOS KSI Polska Sp. z o.o................................................. 131 Epstein Sp. z o.o.............................................................. 119 Erbud S.A......................................................................... 102 Ericpol Sp. z o.o.................................................................. 16 Estate Fellows Sp. z o.o., Sp.k.................................... 73, 76 Estelligence Sp. z o.o.......................................................... 24 Eurest Poland Sp. z o.o....................................................... 61 Euro Bank SA................................................................... 127 Filip Wichliński, J.D.G...................................... 36 Euroimpex SA.................................................................. 174 Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy SA................................ 137 Europtima Sp. z o.o......................................................... 105 Eurospektrum Katarzyna Świder, Grzegorz Bratek Sp.c.... 36 Euro Styl Sp. z o.o, Sp.k.................................................. , 77 EXACTUS Ewa Mastalerz, Marek Wiktorowski Sp.j......... 66 Exco A2A Polska Sp. z o.o.................................................. 24 Exertus Sp. z o.o.............................................................. 162 EXPO ARENA S.A............................................................... 66 Express Sp. z o.o., Sp.k........................................... 144, 146 Extor SA.............................................................................. 13 F

F5 Konsulting Sp. z o.o....................................................... 26 Faber Consulting Polska Sp. z o.o....................................... 33 Fabryka Ceramiki Budowlanej Sp. z o.o.......................... 186 FCm Travel Express.......................................................... 180 Ferier Sp z o.o..................................................................... 62

Fiat Auto Poland SA......................................................... 184 Fiege Sp. z o.o................................................................. 110 Finnair SA......................................................................... 179 FL Tax – Paweł Fałkowski, Kamil Lewandowski Doradcy Podatkowi Sp. z o.o........................................................ 20 Fly Away Travel Sp. z o.o................................................. 180

FM Polska Sp. z o.o......................................................... 141 Fordata Sp. z o.o................................................................. 27 Forum Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA........ 135 Forystek & Partnerzy Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni.......... 21 FPL Sp. z o.o.................................................................... 161 Francuski Instytut Gospodarki Polska Sp z o.o................ 162 Francuski Instytut Gospodarki Polska Sp. z o.o.................. 28 Francuski Instytut Zarządzania......................................... 158 Fresh Logistics Sp. z o.o.......................................... 110, 142 FS&P Arcus Sp. z o.o....................................................... 121 Future Centre Training Corporation Kiciński i Cebula Sp.j.. 154 Future Centre Training Corporation Kiciński i Cebula Sp.j.. 162 G

Gamma D. Didiuk i M. Wasilewski Sp.j.......................... 160 Gdańska Fundacja Kształcenia Menedżerów................. 160 Gdańska Fundacja Kształcenia Menedżerów/ Business Centre Club.................................................................. 158 Gefco Polska Sp. z o.o..................................................... 141 Generali Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne SA Generali Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny............................ 133 General Logistics Systems Poland Sp. z o.o................... 150 General Property Sp. z o.o.................................................. 71 Genesis PR.......................................................................... 58 Geoservice Christi Sp. z o.o................................................ 66 Gerente – Serwis Nieruchomości Sp. z o.o...................... 73 Getin Noble Bank SA....................................................... 127

getsix Group........................................................... 14, 23, 27 GfK Polonia Sp. z o.o........................................................... 52 Ghelamco Poland Sp. z o.o................................................. 77 Gide Tokarczuk Grześkowiak Sp.k............................... 20, 45 GK DPD Polska Sp. z o.o.................................................. 141 GK DPD Polska Sp. z o.o. (DPD, ACP)............................. 150 Gleeds Polska Sp. z o.o.................................................... 105 Globe Trade Centre SA................................................ 78, 93 Go4Energy Go4IT Sp. z o.o. Sp.k....................................... 54 GO! Express & Logistics Polska Sp. z o.o........................ 150 Golub GetHouse Sp. z o.o.................................................. 77 Goodman Poland Sp. z o.o.............................................. 107 Górecka Projekt Sp. z o.o.................................................... 78 Gosselin Mobility Poland.................................................. 152 Grafton Recruitment Polska Sp. z o.o................... 40, 41, 44 Grand Catering.................................................................... 62 Grant Thornton FPA Outsourcing Sp. z o.o........................ 14 Grant Thornton Frąckowiak Sp. z o.o.; Sp.k....................... 25 Grant Thornton Frąckowiak Sp. z o.o., Sp.k.......... 14, 17, 26 Greenberg Traurig Grzesiak Sp.k........................................ 45 Green Real Accounting Sp. z o.o................................ 14, 24 Grupa 5 Architekci Sp. z o.o............................................ 121

Grupa Kapitałowa PKF Consult(2)...................................... 27 Grupa Kapitałowa Południe-Zachód Sp. z o.o................. 130 Grupa Kapitałowa VOX Janikowo................................... 186 Grupa Konsalnet................................................................. 67 Grupa LeasingTeam............................................................ 39 Grupa LeasingTeam Sp. z o.o............................................. 41 Grupa LOTOS SA.............................................................. 184 Grupa Masterlease (Prime Car Management SA, Futura Leasing SA, Masterlease Sp. z o.o., Futura Prime Sp. z o.o.).................................................................... 137 Grupa Masterlease (Prime Car Management SA, Futura Leasing SA, Masterlease Sp. z o.o., Futura Prime Sp. z o.o.).................................................................... 144 Grupa Mróz...................................................................... 186 Grupa Nowy Styl.............................................................. 186 Grupa ODiTK..................................................................... 160 Grupa Orange Polska....................................................... 164 Grupa Pawlik Szowa i Wspólnicy....................................... 22 Grupa PKF Consult................................................. 13, 19, 25 Grupa Raben............................................................ 110, 141 Grupa Randstad........................................................... 42, 44 Grupa Solid.......................................................................... 67 Grupa Tempo Sp.c....................................................... 38, 42 Grupa Warta.................................................................... 138 Grupa Work Service............................................................ 44 GTS Poland Sp. z o.o........................................................ 164 GUTPR Hanna Gehrke-Gut Rafał Wójcicki Sp.j.................. 58 GWW Tax (GWW Ladziński, Cmoch i Wspólnicy Sp.k.)... 22 GWW Woźny i Partnerzy Radcowie Prawni i Doradcy Podatkowi....................................................................... 47 H

Halcrow Group Sp. z o.o., Oddział w Polsce................... 105 Hartbex Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlane Sp. z o.o............. 103 HAVAS PR Warsaw Sp. z o.o............................................ 57 Hay Group Sp. z o.o............................................................ 28 Hays Poland Sp. z o.o..................................... 30, 39, 41, 44 HB Reavis Poland Sp. z o.o................................................ 77 Headcount Solutions Polska Sp. z o.o......................... 37, 42 Hellmann Worldwide Logistics Polska Sp. z o.o., Sp.k... 141 Hermanowicz Rewski Architekci, HRA Architekci Sp. z o.o., Sp.k........................................................... 118 Hertz Rent a Car (Motorent Sp. z o.o.)........................... 146 Heuthes Sp. z o.o.................................................... 168, 172 High5 Training Group....................................................... 161 Hill International Sp. z o.o................................................ 106 Hill + Knowlton Strategies Sp .z.o.o................................. 57 Hines Polska Sp. z o.o.................................................. 77, 93 HLB M2 Audyt Sp. z o.o., Sp.k....................................... , 21

Hochtief Polska SA.......................................................... 102 Hogart Sp. z o.o....................................................... 168, 173 Hogg Robinson Polska Sp. z o.o...................................... 181 Holon Sp. z o.o.................................................................... 28 HORTIMEX Plus Sp. z o.o. Sp. K..................................... 186 HRK Payroll Consulting....................................................... 13 HRK SA........................................................................ 39, 41 HRM partners SA............................................................... 28 HT-CENTRUM Sp. z o. o. (Enterprise Rent-A-Car Franchise). 148 Human Partner Sp. z o.o................................................. 162 Hunters Sp. z o.o................................................................ 68 I

Grupa Azoty..................................................................... 184 Grupa Azoty SA............................................................... 184 Grupa Budizol................................................................... 186 Grupa DataContact Sp. z o.o....................................... 15, 63 Grupa Doradców Podatkowych Sp. z o.o.......................... 22 Grupa Ekotrade................................................................... 67 Grupa Fakro...................................................................... 186 Grupa HRC SA.................................................................... 37 Grupa SA.................................................. 141, 150 Grupa Inwestycyjna Hossa SA.................................... 78, 93 Grupa IQS Sp. z o.o............................................................ 52 Grupa Kapitałowa............................................................... 26 Grupa Kapitałowa Accenture Sp. z o.o..................... 30, 169 Grupa Kapitałowa Business Consulting Group Sp. z o.o... 33 Grupa Kapitałowa GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals SA. 184 Grupa Kapitałowa LUG S.A............................................. 186 Grupa Kapitałowa NDI..................................................... 103


Company index, cont’d Indeks firm, cd.

IBBC Group Sp. z o.o.......................................................... IIC Partners Executive Search Worldwide/Grupa Bigram.. IKEA Centres Poland........................................................... Imago Public Relations Sp. z o.o........................................ IMAP Access2 Sp. z o.o..................................................... Imas International Sp. z o.o................................................ Immobel Poland Sp. z o.o...................................................

64 38 72 58 27 52 78

Immusec Sp. z o.o.............................................................. 32 Impel Business Solutions Sp. z o.o............................. 13, 23 Impel Catering Company Sp. z o.o., Sp.k.......................... 61 Impel Security Polska Sp. z o.o.......................................... 67



Company index, cont’d Indeks firm, cd. IMV Polska Sp. z o.o........................................................... 73 Incom SA......................................................................... 174 Independent Tax Advisers Doradztwo Podatkowe Sp. z o.o..20 Indos SA........................................................................... 130 INDOS SA........................................................................ 132 INFINITY Aleksandra Ladachowska.................................... 59 Infinity Andrzej Pałuba – Działalność Gospodarcza............ 35 InfoPower Sp. z o.o.................................................... 16, 173 Sp. z o.o...................................... 64 Infovide-Matrix SA.............................................................. 32 ING Bank Śląski SA.......................................................... 127 ING Commercial Finance Polska SA................................ 132 ING Lease (Polska) Sp. z o.o........................................... 137 INGLOT Sp. z o.o.............................................................. 187 ING Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne SA ING Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny................................... 133 ING Securities SA............................................................ 128 ING Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA............ 134 Insert SA.......................................................................... 167 Insoft Sp. z o.o................................................................. 168 Inspire Sourcing Sp.c....................................................... 162

Instytut Studiów Podatkowych Modzelewski i Wspólnicy Sp. z o.o. – Grupa ISP................................ 18 Instytut Zaawansowanych Technologii Wytwarzania....... 54 Integra Consulting Poland................................................ 160 Inter Best-97 Sp. z o.o. (nazwa marki - Europcar)......... 146 Interdean Sp. z o.o........................................................... 151 Interkadra Sp. z o.o................................................ 40, 42, 44 INTERSERVIS Sp. z o.o....................................................... 66 Intrum Justitia Sp. z o.o.................................................. 131 Inventum Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA... 135 Investors Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA... 135 Invista Dom Maklerski SA............................................... 129 Ipsos Sp. z o.o.................................................................... 52 IQ Marketing Poland Sp. z o.o............................................ 63 ITBC Communication Sp. z o.o........................................... 58 ITC SA........................................................................ 30, 173 ITSG Sp. z o.o............................................................. 32, 168

Kancelaria Radców Prawnych Stopczyk & Mikulski Sp.k.. 51 Kantar Media Sp. z o.o....................................................... 53 KAPS Architekci Korneluk Parysek Słowik Sp. z o.o....... 119 Katowicka Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna SA................ 194 KBC Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA........... 134 KGHM Polska Miedź SA.................................................. 184 Kienbaum Sp. z o.o............................................................. 38 KIPP Projekt Sp. z o.o............................................... 106, 121 KLM SA Oddział w Polsce............................................... 179 KMK Biuro Tłumaczeń Elżbieta Pląskowska...................... 56

Knight Frank Sp. z o.o.................................................. 71, 75 Kochański Zięba Rapala i Partnerzy.................................... 19 Kochański Zięba Rapala i Partnerzy.................................... 47 Koksztys Kancelaria Prawa Gospodarczego Sp.k..... 47, 131 KONTEKST Andrzej Wolski Sp.j.......................................... 55 Kontekst HR Polska.......................................................... 161 Korbank SA...................................................................... 164 Korycka, Budziak & Audytorzy Sp. z o.o...................... 13, 21 Kostrzyńsko-Słubicka Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna SA. 194 KPMG.............................................................. 17, 25, 26, 30 KPPM Doradztwo Sp. z o.o................................................ 34 Krajowy Rejestr Długów Biuro Informacji Gospodarczej S.A.. 64 Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego. 156 Krakowska Szkoła Biznesu Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie...................................................................... 159 Krakowska Szkoła Biznesu Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie / Cracow School of Business CUE......... 156 Krakowska Szkoła Biznesu Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie/Cracow School of Business CUE........... 159 Krakowska Szkoła Biznesu Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie/Cracow School of Business CUE........... 159 Krakowski Park Technologiczny Sp. z o.o........................ 194

KR Group...................................................................... 18, 23 KROSS S.A...................................................................... 187 Kruk SA............................................................................ 130


JAS-FBG SA.................................................................... 141 JCommerce S.A................................................................. 16 Jems Architekci Sp. z o.o................................................ 118 Jet Events Sp. z o.o............................................................ 58 JGA Doradztwo Podatkowe Sp. z o.o................................ 22 JJM Sp. z o.o............................................................ 74, 106 JLL Sp. z o.o.................................................................... 106 Joka Kamiński Sp.j........................................................... 148 JOKA KAMIŃSKI SP.J...................................................... 145 Jones Lang LaSalle Sp. z o.o...................................... 72, 75 Jupol-Car Sp. z o. o./ Avis Licensee................................................................... 146 Justyna Moniak Aligis........................................................ 36 K

Kaczmarski Inkasso Sp. z o.o.......................................... 130 Kalitero Julita Dąbrowska................................................... 59 Kamiennogórska Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna Małej Przedsiębiorczości SA................................................. 194 Kancelaria Adwokatów i Radców Prawnych P.J. Sowisło & Topolewski Sp.k.-a.................................. 47 Kancelaria Adwokatów i Radców Prawnych P.J. Sowisło & Topolewski Sp.k.-a......................................................... 19 Kancelaria Brochocki Sp. z o.o., Sp.k................................. 76 Kancelaria Doradztwa Gospodarczego Cieślak & Kordasiewicz Sp.j.......................................................... 35 Kancelaria Malinowscy i Wspólnicy. Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni Sp.p.................................................................... 51 Kancelaria Prawna – Inkaso WEC SA............................. 131 Kancelaria Prawna LEXTRA Wiliczkiewicz i Maciejewski Sp.k.. 51 Kancelaria Prawna Lexus M. Bobolewski Spółka Sp.k... 130 Kancelaria Prawna Nowicki & Ziemczyk Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni Sp.p................................................... 51 Kancelaria Prawna Schampera Dubis Zając i Wspólnicy Sp.k.. 50 Kancelaria Prawna Skarbiec............................................... 50 Kancelaria Prawnicza Piotr Korolko.................................... 51 Kancelaria Prawnicza Windmill Gąsiewski & Roman Sp.c.. 50 Kancelaria Radców Prawnych Klatka i Partnerzy............... 51


Kuehne + Nagel Sp. z o.o...................................... 109, 141 Kuryłowicz & Associates Sp. z o.o.................................. 118 L

L2 – Language Consulting Sp. z o.o............................... 154 Lang LTC Sp. z o.o........................................................... 154 Learning Systems Poland Sp. z o.o................................. 154 LeasePlan Fleet Management Polska Sp. z o.o...... 137, 144 LeasingTeam Sp. z o.o........................................................ 44 Legend HR Advisors Sp. z o.o..................................... 37, 42 Legg Mason Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA. 134 Legnicka Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna SA................... 194 Lemminkainen Polska Sp. z o.o....................................... 106 Lengiewicz Wrońska Berezowska i Wspólnicy Kancelaria Prawnicza Sp.c............................................................... 50 Lewandowska & Partnerzy.............................................. 187 LIDEX Centrum Tłumaczeń i Obsługi Konferencji............... 55 Liebrecht & wooD Poland Sp. z o.o.................................... 78 Lighthouse Consultants Sp. z o.o., Sp.k............................. 57 Lingua Nova Sp. z o.o...................................................... 154 Linklaters, C. Wiśniewski i Wspólnicy, Sp.k....................... 45 Link Sp. z o.o.................................................................... 142 Lionbridge Poland Sp. z o.o................................................ 55 Local Rent a Car Tourist Service Sp. z o.o...................... 148 Łódzka Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna SA...................... 194 Logwin Air + Ocean Poland Sp. z o.o............................ 142 Lubasz i Wspólnicy Kancelaria Radców Prawnych Sp.k... 50 Lunch Service D. Cyran, P. Sobczak.................................... 61 M

M2.CS Sp. z o.o.................................................................. 68 Mac Auditor Sp. z o.o......................................................... 25 Mace Polska Sp. z o.o..................................................... 105 Macrologic SA........................................................... 30, 167 Magnifico SA...................................................................... 59 Malchem Sp. z o.o.......................................................... 187 ManpowerGroup Sp. z o.o.................................... 39, 41, 44

Marciniuk i Wspólnicy Sp. z o.o. Spółka Doradztwa Podatkowego.................................................................. 22 Mariański Group Kancelaria Prawno-Podatkowa............... 20 Martini i Wspólnicy Sp. z o.o.............................................. 22 Martis Consulting Sp. z o.o................................................ 57 Marvipol S.A.................................................................... 122 Marwit Sp. z o.o.............................................................. 187 Maxon Nieruchomości Sp. z o.o........................................ 76 Mazars w Polsce................................................... 13, 18, 25 Mazurkas Travel Biuro Podróży Sp. z o.o......................... 181 mBank.............................................................................. 126 McCann Worldgroup Sp. z o.o. (Weber Shandwick Sp. z o.o.)....................................................................... 59 MCC Mazurkas Conference Centre & Hotel Sp. z o.o....... 61 MCKB Sp. z o.o................................................................ 103 MDDP Sp. z o.o. Akademia Biznesu Sp.k....................... 160 Medusa Group Sp. z o.o., Sp.k....................................... 121 Megalit Instytut Szkoleń.................................................. 162 Mega SA.......................................................................... 102 Menard Doswell & Co...................................................... 108 Menard Doswell & Co. Sp. z o.o..................................... 110 Meritum Bank ICB SA..................................................... 127 MetLife Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA...... 134 MetLife Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie i Reasekuracji SA................................................ 138 Metropolis Doradztwo Gospodarcze Sp. z o.o.................. 34

Metro Properties Sp. z o.o................................................. 73 mFaktoring SA................................................................. 132 MiCaR Michael’s Car Rental........................................... 148 Michael Page International (Poland) Sp. z o.o................... 43 Michael Page International (Poland) Sp. z o.o................... 40 Międzynarodowe Centrum Targowe.................................. 66 Międzynarodowe Targi Gdańskie SA................................. 66 Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie Sp. z o.o..................... 66 Międzynarodowe Targi Szczecińskie Sp. z o.o.................. 66 Mikomax Smart Office..................................................... 187 Millennium Dom Maklerski SA........................................ 128 Millennium Leasing Sp. z o.o.......................................... 137 Millennium Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA. 134 Miller, Canfield, W. Babicki, A. Chełchowski i Wspólnicy Sp.k............................................................. 46 Millward Brown SA............................................................ 52 MLP Group SA......................................................... 108, 109 MOKATE........................................................................... 187 Moore Stephens Central Audit Sp. z o.o........................... 23 Morison Finansista Audit Sp. z o.o.................................... 23 Mostostal Puławy SA...................................................... 103 Mota-Engil Central Europe SA......................................... 103 Move One Relocations Sp. z o.o..................................... 152 MPM Productivity Management Sp. z o.o..................... 161 MS Consulting Group Sp.c. (MSCG).................................. 35 MSLGROUP Sp. z o.o.(1).................................................... 57 Multi Communications Sp. z o.o........................................ 57 Murapol SA...................................................................... 123 N

NASK instytut badawczy................................................ 164 NBS Communications Sp. z o.o......................................... 58 Neo-Świat Rajmund Węgrzynek, Paweł Brodzik Sp.j.... 103 Netia SA........................................................................... 164 Netmedia Business Travel Sp. z o.o................................ 180 Neuron Agencja Public Relations Sp. z o.o........................ 59 Nivette Fleet Management Sp. z o.o.............................. 144 NL-Leasing Polska Sp. z o.o............................................. 137 Noble Funds TFI SA......................................................... 135 Noble Securities SA........................................................ 128 Nordea Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne SA Nordea Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny............................. 133 NORDIC DEVELOPMENT SA.............................................. 94 Nuvalu Polska Sp. z o.o., Sp.k............................................ 76 NWAI Dom Maklerski SA................................................ 128 O

OCHNIK Sp. z o.o............................................................. 187 OKRE Development Sp. z o.o.......................................... , 78 Omega Balcerak Sp. z o.o.................................................. 68 Omniscient Sp. z o.o........................................................... 63 Open Life Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Życie SA............. 138 Optant Sp. z o.o.................................................................. 14 OPTANT Sp. z o.o............................................................... 24 OPTeam SA.............................................................. 167, 172 Optima Tomasz Jarzębski................................................ 151

Optimum PR........................................................................ 59 Oracle Polska Sp. z o.o.................................................... 166 Osadkowski S.A............................................................... 187 Outbox Sp. z o.o.............................................................. 170 Outsourcing Experts SA..................................................... 15 Ove Arup & Partners International Ltd. Sp. z o.o. oddział w Polsce......................................... 106 P

P4 Sp. z o.o...................................................................... 164 Panattoni Europe...................................................... 107, 109 Partner of Promotion Sp. z o.o........................................... 57 PARTNERSPOL GROUP.................................................... 142 Party Serwis Catering Melon............................................. 61 Pasja Grupa Dobrych Trenerów Jakub Lewandowski.... 161 Paulo. Michał Labocha........................................................ 64 PBS Sp. z o.o...................................................................... 52 P. Dussmann........................................................................ 68 P. Dussmann Sp. z o.o........................................................ 71 Pekaes SA........................................................................ 143 PEKAES SA...................................................................... 110 Pekao Pioneer Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne SA Pekao Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny................................ 133 Personality Doradztwo Personalne SC........................ 38, 43 Personality Sp. z o.o........................................................... 14 PHU Best Centrum Języków Obcych.............................. 155 Piekielnik i Partnerzy Sp. z o.o............................................ 22 Pioneer Pekao Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA. 134 PKN Orlen SA................................................................... 184 PKO BP Bankowy Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne SA PKO BP Bankowy Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny............. 133 PKO Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA........... 134 Platan Group Sp. z o.o............................................. , 108, 73 Plaza Centers Poland Sp. z o.o........................................... 94 Plimat – Centrum Językowe – Maciej Pliszka................ 155 Plusart Architekci............................................................. 121 PM Group Polska.............................................................. 104 PM Group Polska Sp. z o.o.............................................. 118 PMR Ltd. Sp. z o.o.............................................................. 26 PNO Consultants Sp. z o.o................................................. 34 Poczta Polska SA....................................................... 16, 150 Pocztylion – Arka Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne SA Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny Pocztylion......................... 133 PointPark Properties Sp. z o.o.......................................... 110 Polinvest Sp. z o.o............................................................... 33 Polisa-Życie Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń SA Vienna Insurance Group.......................................................... 138 Politechnika Wrocławska................................................. 158 Polkomtel Sp. z o.o.......................................................... 164 Polnord............................................................................. 122 Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT SA.......................................... 179 Polski Holding Nieruchomości SA............................... 73, 77 Polski Rejestr Statków SA – Pion Certyfikacji.................... 54 Pomorska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego SA............... 195 Pomorska Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna Sp. z o.o........ 195 Portico Project Management Sp. z o.o. i Wspólnicy Sp.k.. 106 Power Sp. z o. o............................................................... 181 Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski SA........... 126 Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne Allianz Polska SA Allianz Polska Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny.................... 133 Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne PZU S.A. Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny PZU „Złota Jesień”........... 133 Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń SA.............................. 138 PPH Vitbis Sp. z o.o......................................................... 187 PPSKiZ Transmeble Poznań Sp. z o.o.............................. 142 Pragma Faktoring SA....................................................... 132 Pragma Inkaso SA........................................................... 130 Praxis SA.......................................................................... 174 PRC Architekci Sp. z o.o.................................................. 119 Present-Service Sp. z o.o. Sp. k......................................... 63 PRIMUM PR Sp. z o.o........................................................ 58 Process Solutions Sp. z o.o................................................ 24 Prochem SA............................................................. 105, 118 Prochem SA(4)................................................................ 102 Profesjonalny Wywiad Gospodarczy „Skarbiec” Sp. z o.o.. 64 Profile Sp. z o.o................................................................... 57 Progress Project Sp. z o.o................................................ 160 Progres Sp. z o.o., Sp.k......................................... 39, 41, 44 Prologis..................................................................... 107, 109 Prominentis Sp. z o.o.......................................................... 62 Proximus SA.................................................................... 173 PR Room Anna Kostro-Wawrzyniak................................... 58 Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlane Dombud SA(3)................ 102 Przedsiębiorstwo Spedycyjne Trade Trans Sp. z o.o...... 143 Przedsiębiorstwo Usług Consultingowych Wadeco Sp. z o.o.. 106 PSI Polska Jadwiga Kuczkowska Sp.k.-a........................... 38 Publicon Sp. z o.o................................................................ 59 PWB Sp. z o.o..................................................................... 34 PwC........................................................................ 17, 25, 26


Qumak SA........................................................................ 169 Quriers Tomasz Gać......................................................... 150 R

Raben Group.................................................................... 187 Raben Polska Sp. z o.o.................................................... 110 Rączkowski, Kwieciński Adwokaci Sp. j......................... 131

Raiffeisen Bank Polska SA.................................126, 128, 132 Raiffeisen-Leasing Polska SA.......................................... 137 RD bud Sp. z o.o.............................................................. 103 Recfood Consulting Sp. z o.o...................................... 39, 41 Reed Employment Limited Oddział w Polsce.................... 41 Reed Employment Limited Oddział w Polsce.................... 40 RELOPLANET Sp. z o. o................................................... 151 Rentis SA......................................................................... 148 Restauracje 99 Sp. z o.o.................................................... 62 RI Consultancy Services Sp. z o.o............................... 40, 43 Riders Express Sp. z o.o.................................................. 150 Robyg SA......................................................................... 122 Rödl & Partner (Roedl Audit Sp. z o.o.; Roedl Outsourcing Sp. z o.o.)........................................ 23 Rödl & Partner (Roedl, Majchrowicz-Bączyk Kancelaria Prawna Sp.k.)................................................................. 45 Rödl & Partner (Roedl, Majchrowicz-Bączyk Kancelaria Prawna Sp.k.)................................................................. 17 Rödl & Partner (Roedl Outsourcing Sp. z o.o.)................... 13 Rohlig Suus Logistics SA........................................... 16, 141 Rolfe Judd Ltd Sp. z o.o. oddział w Polsce..................... 121 Ronson Development...................................................... 122

RSM Poland KZWS................................................ 13, 18, 25 RSVP Kalinowski, Wysocki-Kalinowski Sp.j....................... 61 Russell Bedford Dmowski i Wspólnicy Kancelaria Adwokacka Sp.k.......................................... 46 Russell Bedford Poland....................................................... 27 Russell Bedford Poland Sp. z o.o..................................... 162 Russell Bedford Poland Sp. z o.o................................. 20, 24 Russell Reynolds Associates Sp. z o.o.............................. 37 S

SAF SA............................................................................. 131

Sage Sp. z o.o.................................................................. 167 Sagra Technology Sp. z o.o............................................. 168 S.A.M.I. Architekci Mariusz Lewandowski i Wspólnicy Sp. z o.o....................................................................... 119 Sanpro Job Service Sp. z o.o...................................... 43, 44 SAP Polska Sp. z o.o................................................ 168, 174 SAS Institute Sp. z o.o.................................................... 166 Savills Property Management Sp. z o.o........................... 73 Savills Sp. z o.o................................................................... 76 S+B Plan und Bau Warschau Sp. z o.o..................... 78, 94 Scandinavian Airlines System Denmark-Norway-Sweden Konsorcjum Oddział w Polsce.................................... 179 Schenker Sp. z o.o................................................... 110, 143 Securitas Group.................................................................. 67 Sedcom Solutions............................................................ 174

SEGRO Poland.................................................................. 108 SEGRO Poland Sp. z o.o.................................................. 109 Sense Consulting Sp. z o.o.............................................. 161 SENSE Consulting Sp. z o.o............................................... 35 SGI Sp. z o.o., Sp.k.-a................................................ 78, 123 Signium International / Partners Trust Sp. z o.o................. 38 Signium International/Partners Trust Sp. z o.o................... 43 Sii Sp. z o.o.......................................................... 16, 30, 170 SIMPLE SA....................................................................... 167 Siwek Gaczyński & Partners Sp.k....................................... 50 Sixt rent a car Polska (Eurorent Sp. z o. o.).................... 146 Skandia Życie Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń SA................ 138 Skanska Property Poland Sp. z o.o..................................... 77

Skanska SA...................................................................... 103 Skarbiec Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA.... 134 Skłodowscy Sp. z o.o......................................................... 20 Skrivanek Sp. z o.o............................................................. 55 Sławomir Zieleń i Wspólnicy Sp. z o.o............................... 21 Sodexo Polska Sp. z o.o.............................................. 61, 71 Software Mind S.A.......................................................... 167 Solski BM Sp. z.o.o............................................................. 57 Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak – Kancelaria Radców Prawnych i Adwokatów Sp.k.......................... 18 Sołtysiński & Szlęzak – Kancelaria Radców Prawnych i Adwokatów Sp.k.......................................................... 47 Solutions HR Specialists Sp. z o.o..................................... 42 Solver Sp. z o.o................................................................... 32 Source Executive Recruitment Sp. z o.o.................... 38, 43 Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna Starachowice SA.......... 195 Spedycja Międzynarodowa Agroland Sp. z o.o.............. 143


Company index, cont’d Indeks firm, cd.

SPIE Polska Sp. z o.o.......................................................... 71 Społeczna Akademia Nauk.............................................. 156 Squire Patton Boggs Święcicki Krześniak sp.k.................. 46 Squire Sanders Święcicki Krześniak Sp.k.......................... 22 Staniszewski & Richter Sp. z o.o........................................ 25 Stanton Chase International Sp. z o.o......................... 37, 43 Stowarzyszenie REFA Wielkopolska................................ 162 Strabag Property and Facility Services Sp. z o.o............... 72 Strabag Sp. z o.o............................................................. 102 S&T Services Polska Sp. z o.o......................................... 170

S&T Services Polska Sp. z o.o................................... 30, 166 Studio Architektoniczne Ozone, Czaus, Bernardi Sp. z o.o.. 121 Studio Gambit Sp. z o.o...................................................... 55 SUD Architekt Polska Sp. z o.o....................................... 119 Suempol Sp. z o.o............................................................ 187 Supertour Lufthansa City Center..................................... 180 Suwalska Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna SA................. 195 Swiss International Air Lines SA – Oddział w Polsce..... 179 Sygnity SA............................................................... 168, 169 Szkoła Biznesu Politechniki Warszawskiej.............. 157, 158 Szkoła Języków Obcych Centrum Edukacji Grupa Orlen. 155 Szostek & Partners Sp. z o.o....................................... 38, 43 T

Tacit Development Polska JS Sp. z o.o. S.k.................... 123 Targi Bydgoskie Sawo Sp. z o.o......................................... 66 Targi Lublin SA.................................................................... 66 Targi Toruńskie Sp. z o.o..................................................... 66 Targi w Krakowie Sp. z o.o................................................. 66 Tax-Net Doradztwo Sp. z o.o.............................................. 22 Taxonity Sp. z o.o. Spółka doradztwa podatkowego......... 22 Taxpoint Sp. z o.o................................................................ 20 TaylorWessing e|n|w|c E. Stobiecka, Kancelaria prawna Sp.k.. 46 TBR Kowalczyk Sp.j............................................................ 24 Tebodin Poland Sp. z o.o.......................................... 106, 121 Tech Data Polska Sp. z o.o.............................................. 174 Telmon Sp. z o.o., S.K.A..................................................... 15 TELMON Sp. z o.o. S.K.A................................................... 63

TFLS – Testing & Foreign Language Services – Szkoła Języków Obcych.............................................. 154 TK Polska Operations SA.................................................... 94 T-Mobile Polska SA.......................................................... 164 TNS Polska SA.................................................................... 53 TNT Express Sp. z o.o...................................................... 150 Tomczak i Partnerzy Spółka Adwokacka............................ 51 Torus Sp. z o.o., Sp.k....................................................... 108 Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych Allianz Polska SA. 135 Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych PZU SA............ 134 Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Allianz Życie Polska SA....... 138 Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń i Reasekuracji Allianz Polska SA.. 138



Company index, cont’d Indeks firm, cd. Toyota Material Handling Polska Sp. z o.o.(1)................ 143 TPA – Horwath HR Sp. z o.o., Sp.k............................. 39, 43 TPA Horwath Sztuba Kaczmarek Sp. z o.o........................ 18 TPA Horwath (TPA Horwath Horodko Audit Sp. z o.o., TPA Horwath Accounting Sp. z o.o.)............................. 23 Training Partners Sp. z o.o............................................... 161 Transition Technologies SA.............................................. 172 Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy Sp.j.......................... 47 Trenkwalder.................................................................. 40, 43 T. Studnicki, K. Płeszka, Z. Ćwiąkalski, J. Górski Sp.k........ 47 Turkish Airlines – Turk Hava Yollari Oddział w Polsce.... 179 TUV NORD Polska............................................................... 54 TUV SUD Polska.................................................................. 54 U

UBI Factor Sp.p.-a. SA Oddział w Polsce........................ 132 UBM Polska Sp. z o.o.................................................. 78, 94 UCMS Group Poland Sp. z o.o........................................... 13 Uczelnia Łazarskiego........................................................ 157 ul. Adama Branickiego 17,................................................. 57 Unicall Communication Group Sp. z o.o............................ 15 Uniqa Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń SA............................. 138 UNIT4 Polska Sp. z o.o.................................................... 167 UNIT4 TETA Sp. z o.o...................................................... 170 United Business Development SA (AchieveGlobal)....... 161 United PR Grabowski Kozdra Zaborowska Sp.j................. 59 Universal Agent SA............................................................ 63 Universal Agent Sp. z o.o................................................... 15 Universal Express Relocations Sp. z o.o......................... 151 Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie........................... 156 Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu............................ 159 Uniwersytet Gdański – Wydział Zarządzania.................. 157 Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu............. 157, 159 UPC Polska Sp. z o.o........................................................ 165 UPS Polska Sp. z o.o................................................ 143, 150 URS Polska Sp. z o.o....................................................... 104 V

Vastint Poland Sp. z o.o...................................................... 78

VB Leasing Polska SA...................................................... 137 Veolia Industry Polska Sp. z o.o.......................................... 71 Veracomp S.A.................................................................. 166 Veracomp SA................................................................... 174 Vercom “Spider” Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.-a.................................... 15 Vertigo Property Group Sp.j................................................ 76 Virgin Atlantic................................................................... 179 Vision Group Sp. z o.o.; Sp. k.-a......................................... 58 Vlog Sp. z o.o...................................................................... 32 Voice Contact Center SA.................................................... 15 Volkswagen Bank Polska SA........................................... 127 Volkswagen Leasing Polska Sp. z o.o............................. 137 VSC Sp. z o.o., Sp.k............................................................ 15 vsf-creative Sp. z o.o....................................................... 120 W

WADECO Sp. z o.o. Architekci Inżynierowie Konsultanci. 120

Work Express Sp. z o.o...................................................... 43 Work Service S.A........................................................ 39, 43 W.P.I.P. Sp. z o.o............................................................... 187 WS Atkins-Polska Sp. z o.o............................................. 106 WYG International Sp. z o.o............................................... 26 Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu................ 158, 159 Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu........................ 156 Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku.............................. 158 Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku.............................. 156 Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu............................. 159 Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu............................. 156 Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu Wydział Zamiejscowy w Chorzowie........................... 158 Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Toruniu................................ 157 Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej............... 157 Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna................. 157 Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomii i Innowacji w Lublinie............. 157 Wyższa Szkoła Humanitas w Sosnowcu........................ 156 Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości w Krakowie.. 157 Y

Wadwicz Sp. z o.o........................................................ 44, 41 Wałbrzyska Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna INVEST-PARK Sp. z o.o............................................. 195 Warbud SA...................................................................... 102 Warbud Vinci Facilities Sp. z o.o........................................ 71 Warmińsko-Mazurska Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna SA. 195 WeCare Sp. z o.o................................................................ 74 Weco Travel Sp. z o.o...................................................... 180 Weil, Gotshal & Manges – Paweł Rymarz Sp.k................. 45 Westmark Polska Sp. z o.o.............................................. 123 White & Case P. Pietkiewicz, M. Studniarek i Wspólnicy – Kancelaria Prawna Sp.k................................................. 45 WIFI Polska Edukacja2P Sp. z o.o.................................... 162 Wincor Nixdorf Sp. z o.o................................................. 166 WKB Wierciński, Kwieciński, Baehr Sp.k.......................... 47 Wolf Theiss P. Daszkowski Sp.k.......................................... 46 Wood Lark Group Sp. z o.o., Sp.k...................................... 76

Yareal Polska Sp. z o.o..................................................... , 78 Yellow Heads Polska Sp. z o.o..................................... 40, 42 Young Digital Planet SA................................................... 168 Z

Zachodniopomorska Szkoła Biznesu............................... 158 Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLPHARMA SA.......................197 Zarząd Targów Warszawskich SA...................................... 66 Zarząd Targów Warszawskich SA........................................66 ZIAD Bielsko-Biała SA......................................................... 66 ZIAD Bielsko-Biała SA...........................................................66 Z.Kozuba i Synowie Sp. z o.o.......................................... 187 Z.P.H. PILCH...................................................................... 187 ZTE Radom Sp. z o.o....................................................... 143

Section Partners / Partnerzy sekcji ASM Group SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

KR Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Tacit Developers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

FM Polska Sp. z o.o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

Profesjonalny Wywiad Gospodarczy „Skarbiec” Sp. z o.o. . . 65

TFLS – Testing & Foreign Language Services

Grupa Azoty SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183

RSM Poland KZWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Kancelaria Prawna Skarbiec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

S&T Services Polska Sp. z o.o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

– Szkoła Języków Obcych . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

Advertisers Index / Indeks reklamodawców ASM Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Hays Poland Sp. z o.o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 44

Raiffeisen Bank Polska SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Avis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

Immusec Sp. z o.o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

S&T Services Polska Sp. z o.o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

Carefleet SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Metreo Properties Sp. z o.o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Tacit Development Polska JS Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. . . . . . 70

FM Logistic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

Nivette Fleet Management Sp. z o.o. . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Grupa Azoty SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4th cover / IV okładka

Polskie Porty Lotnicze . . . . . . . . 3rd cover / III okładka

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Book of Lists Project Manager: Monika Brysiak

Managing Director: Morten Lindholm

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While every effort is made to ensure accuracy and thoroughness, omissions and typographical errors may occur. Corrections or additions to lists should be sent to the Warsaw Business Journal, ul. Elbląska 15/17, 01-747 Warsaw, via fax to (48-22) 257-7599, or via e-mail to Copyright 2010, Valkea Media SA. The lists may not be reprinted or reproduced in whole or in part without prior written permission of the publisher.


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Chemistry is changing. It’s becoming smarter and friendlier – to people and the environment. Grupa Azoty is taking part in this transformation. We are developing new generations of products and creating new markets – markets of the future. Our fertilizers are becoming intelligent, our plastics and chemicals – increasingly modern and safer, and our energy – even cleaner. At Grupa Azoty the future appears faster than anywhere else. It’s why we have the opportunity to influence how it’s shaped.

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