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Monika Fleischmann
MONIKA FLEISCHMANN is a German research [media] artist and researcher, and a curator of new media art. Born in Karlsruhe, grown up in Donaueschingen, lived and worked in Zürich, München, Nizza, Diano Marina, Bonn, today in Berlin and Gargnano. She works as an electronic artist on Digital Culture and Knowledge Media (Fraunhofer, MARS, eCulture Factory, Art+Com), Germany. Since 1987 Prof. Monika Fleischmann works on the concept of interactivity with interactive installations and knowledge discovery tools in partnership with Wolfgang Strauss. Since 1994 they built up the internationally recognized MARS - Exploratory Media Lab at GMD, later Fraunhofer Society. In 2008 she was appointed Honorary Professor of Interactive Media Art & Science at University of Applied Sciences, Bremen. http://bit.ly/ISSUU-Fleischmann-Strauss-ElectronicArtists