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Monika Nagar

S1501106 PG Graphic Design Semester-II

2 Weeks Dr. Tridha Gajjar



Acknowledgement I would like to thank of my guide Dr. Tridha Gajjar to help me in learning new techniques and aspects of Graphic Design. In this course I have learned about handling a branding project for a company and make the whole visual identity for it along with logo. I also learned how to design a book cover with the elements of graphic design based on the story to convey the feel of it.

Monika Nagar 3

Index 06-----11 Introduction Theme Design Brief


Logo Making Explorations Final Logo Pattern Extracted



Collaterals 3-D Installation

20-----24 Book Cover


Introduction This course is one of the core fundamental courses for Graphic Design discipline as this deals with a range of printed literary texts which use visual communication as a meaning-making resource. Different aspects of texts, such as typography and images – and the way they are combined – will be considered with a view to understanding how their analysis can illuminate aspects of literary creativity. This course provides basis of visual image and text fundamentals to achieve appropriate visual perception. To apply our understanding of image and text in individual manner as well as combined manner for creating visual meaning and appropriated intended visual perceptions.


In this course we learn finding typefaces that would convey the appropriate meaning and integrating them with the image and understanding the structure of different letterforms and using it efficiently in the integration of the forms.


Theme Assignment: 1

In this assignment we need to select a theme from these five broad sectors as*Food *Technology *Entertainment/ Music *Social Organisation *Environment For this I choose “Entertainment/ Music� as my theme and then I took a hypothetical music studio as my organisation for which I did the whole branding, incorporating logo designing and creating a visual identity. Before this I need to narrow down the research on certain field like target audience, music style, name of the company, mission statement of company and its philosophy. We need to present it in a properly framed design brief addressing what we are targeting as a graphic designer.


ANTAHKARAN is the name I decided for the music studio because I want to create a studio which create music with the amalgamation of the folk and western music in present musical scenario. This music studio is basically focussing on youth as target audience and creating music with western songs on folk music or vice versa. Whenever we listen to music we find inner peace so this studio wants to connect two different worlds together so that people are abel to feel the peace. Antahkaran also means the connection of two different levels of mind and feel gives you the feeling of completeness on the connection. 9

Design Brief Language : English


Logotype : Image with type Mission Statement : Amalgamation of folk music into the current musical scenario. It establishes a connection between the folk roots to the modern society and the youth. Target Audience : The attempt is to expose the younger generation of India, age group of 15-30 years, the energetic section that comprises of the youth of the society. We find this younger generation so in tune with the Bollywood and western musical influence but ignoring and seemingly disinterested in the rural folk music that everyone comes from. 10

Language​: English Logotype​: Image with type Mission Statement​: Amalgamation of folk music into the current musical scenario. It establishes a connection between the folk roots to the modern society and the youth. Target Audience​: The attempt is to expose the younger generation of India, age group of 15­30 years, the energetic section that comprises of the youth of the society. We find this younger generation so in tune with the Bollywood and western musical influence but ignoring and seemingly disinterested in the rural folk music that everyone comes from. Our Goal​: The bridging of the aforementioned gap is the main emphasis in Antahkarana. Here, the focus is to weave the folk music with the prevalent style of modern music, thus representing it to the youth for them to have a new experience of folk while enjoying a similar style. A platform is given to the emerging artists to carve their own niche, while at the same time allowing the local artisans to obtain an identity, in the modern musical scenario in the process. References​: Medium:​ Basically it broadcast on web and television. Albums are also launched under the name of Antahkarana. Color Palette:​ As it is inspired by Folk music so color palette is in shades of red to give the essence of traditional music and with blue is for the tinge of western culture.

Our Goal : The bridging of the aforementioned gap is the main emphasis in Antahkarana. Here, the focus is to weave the folk music with the prevalent style of modern music, thus representing it to the youth for them to have a new experience of folk while enjoying a similar style. A platform is given to the emerging artists to carve their own niche, while at the same time allowing the local artisans to obtain an identity, in the modern musical scenario in the process. References :

Medium: Basically it broadcast on web and television. Albums are also launched under the name of Antahkarana. Color Palette: As it is inspired by Folk music so color palette is in shades of red to give the essence of traditional music and with blue is for the tinge of western culture. Keywords : * Traditional * Western music * Emerging * BridgingJoining of two levels * Inner cause * Youth * Instruments Scope: Antahkarana is recording music videos and broadcast it on MTV television channel & Web. Albums under the name of Antahkarana. 11

Logo Making Assignment: 2

In assignment two we need to represent the company by a logo which is reflecting the attributes of the mission statement of company. As Antahkaran is a music studio which works on a fusion theme I wanted to create a logo which gives both folk and western feel. First I have tried different forms based on Indian designs mixing with the notes of music to give the feeling of folk music. But it wont turn out to be good because these are not able to give the feel of connection with western music. Its more look like a classical music show. I have also tried to play with the notes but then it does not gave the feel of completeness because of fusion of both music styles. 12



ntahkarana 13

Final Logo: The final logo is inspred by the Constellation LYRA which is look like a harp a string based musical instrument. This lyra represents the lyre of Orpheus and it was said that Orpheus’s music is so great that even inanimate objects could be charmed. Harp is related to the folk music instruments like Veena, Sitar, etc. “A� of Antahkaran is taken from the shape of Lyra Constellation and as when you look at lyra it looks alike a connection of two planes. Constellation is giving you the devine feeling also because it is relate to universe and gods. In Antahkaran image there is a lot of connection and it is forming a 3-Dimentional cube so I wanted to show this connection of music in logo by connecting different lines to form a 3-Dimentional structure which is in shape of A. This A is enclosed into a circle which shows the completeness of music. The color of logo is a pastel shades of magenta or red. which is taken from the Indian folk culture and thw blue circle is providing the feel of completeness with the western music as an element. The font of Antahkaran is a also made according to the logo connecting differnt lines for the whole name.




Pattern Extracted: I have created a pattern to gave the Indian feel and it is look like a woven pattern. I have used all basic elements of logo to extract this pattern.

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Collaterals As we need to make the whole visual identity of the company. I have created the whole range of collaterals for Antahkaran what is required in its branding. Whole stationary range with CD covers and concert tickets.



3-D Installation We need to make a 3-dimensional installation to know how visual identity works on different planes and stages and in market.


Book Cover Assignment: 2

In this last assignment we learned how to make a book cover which gives the zyst of the story on the cover page only. I choose “The DaVinci Code� as my book it is a mystery thriller novel in which Dan Brown connects a big secret of church which differnt paintings of DaVinci which is having a secret attached to it. In the present book cover Monalisa the famous DaVinci is directly used to show the relevance but I wanted to make it more mysterious.


In the first attempt I had created an old style book with the holy sign as answer of the code and the title is in dark red color which signifies the mystery related to blood line. But I discarded it because it is having the same feel as the original book cover.

After the first cover I tried to gave it a new look and feel which is more coonfusing and mysterious. Actually the story is also having a lot of hidden layers which is related to the bloodline of Jesus. So I created the Title with feel of Blood in which the CODE letter is empty which means it need to be filled or searched. I have used a metophor apple for code, we all know that gravity always exist but we need to discover it so like that only code also need to be cracked when it present in front of us. The apple is created with the Gestalt law of association.



I have created one more design to try a very abstract approach. I had used bar-code as the CODE which is actually means the letter CODE if you decode it. It also means that the solution or secret is present in front of you but then also we need a certain process to follow to see it.




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