MonitoR radiotv ISSN 0394-0896
MonitoR magazine is since 1976 the trade magazine in Italian language (9 issues per year) about radio, television, audio and video production and post production, advertising. MonitoR is distributed to a domestic and international readership of public and independent broadcasters, electronic companies, advertising agencies, producers and distributors of radio and TV programs. In the new tabloid format MonitoR gives extended attention to technical issues of the broadcasting market in Italy and in the world with special focus on convergence between broadcasting, telecommunications and computers.
ON PAPER AVERAGE DIFFUSION - 9,500 copies - Paid and bonus distribution to professionals - Free distribution in professional audio-video stores - Free distribution in our booth at major broadcasting shows 5%
25 %
20 % 20 % 5% 12 % 8% 5%
HARDWARE PRODUCTION - High Frequency, antennas, networks' maintainance, codecs, converters, cameras, video mixers, films, graphics computer, professional audio, accessories, assistance AUDIO & VIDEO PRODUCTION companies - AUDIO: jingles, production and post-production studios, audio services VIDEO: production and post-production video studios, Steadicam, EFP, SNG and ENG, programs distribution, graphics computer service, casting, hardware renting AUDIO & VIDEO PRODUCTION people & free-lances - directors, editors, productions directors, executives, technical executives.... RADIO STATIONS - local radio stations, national & regional networks and syndications TV STATIONS - local tv stations, regional tv stations, national networks and syndications PHOTOGRAPHY - photographic studios, multivisions, industry's presentation ADVERTISING - Radio & Tv Ad representatives, Ad agencies, Media Agencies OTHER - Not specified subscribers, schools, public institutions
MediaAge srl (Publishing House) Headquarters Via S. Michele del Carso, 11 - 20144 Milano, Italy Tel. (+39) 0243910135 - Fax (+39) 0243999112 E-mail: info@monitor-radiotv.com Web Sites http://www.convergenza.tv (Italian) http://www.monitorradio.tv (English) Media Age Publishing House, registered at RNS (Italian Publishers Registry) no. 2636 vol. 27, foglio 281 dal 28.6.89 - MONITORRADIO TELEVISIONE registered Tribunale di Milano n. 880 on 20.12.1988. Foreign subscription: annual 80,00 EURO (80,00 US$) or equivalent via International Money Order or cheque to Media Age srl, via San Michele del Carso 11 - I - 20121 Milano Italy. CREDIT CARDS subscription call (+39) 0243910135 or fax (+39) 0243999112. Cards accepted: VISA - MASTER-CARD - EUROCARD - AMERICAN EXPRESS. Airmail rates on applications. Web payments for subscriptions and invoices thorough secured connection: http://www.monitor-radiotv.com/pay.htm
www.convergenza.tv - Italian www.monitorradio.tv - English AVERAGE VISITORS (June 2007 data) 3,500 unique daily visitors - 15,000 daily pages 30,000 unique monthly visitors - 450,000 monthly pages NEWSLETTERS Italian (fortnightly) 8,000 subscribers English (fortnightly) 14,000 subscribers SITES
Contacts Publisher: Enrico Callerio callerio@monitor-radiotv.com Chief Editor: Mauro Baldacci baldacci@monitor-radiotv.com Advertising: Alberto Pellizzari pellizzari@monitor-radiotv.com Advertising: Costanza Zappa zappa@monitor-radiotv.com