Celebrating 100 Years of the Senior School Chapel
Bursaries at Monkton Transforming Lives
As we celebrate 100 years of the Senior School Chapel in 2025, we reflect on the place of the Chaplaincy at the beating heart of Monkton. The Christian faith underpins all that we do, and all of the values we hope to instil in our pupils.
Since our foundation as a School to educate the sons of Christian missionaries, families have sought out Monkton for the holistic support offered to their children, rooted in Christian values.
Thanks to the generosity of our Monkton community, over the last 10 years we have provided £5.9million in bursaries to just under 300 pupils! Many of these are from Christian homes, and in this Centenary year, our focus is on continuing to enable these families to send their children to Monkton.
What Can I Support?
Whilst the School is committed to contributing financially to our bursaries, we rely on the generosity of our community two provide greater support to families in need. Alongside our wider bursary provision, there are two Christian bursary funds you can support:
Christian Ministry Bursaries
To coincide with the Chapel Centenary, this year we are launching a new fund specifically to support families involved in full-time Christian ministry, in the UK or overseas.
Whilst many of these families have received bursaries to attend Monkton over the years, this is the first time we will have a specifically allocated fund, and hope this will enable more young people to attend the School.
am really excited about this bursary as it will help children access our Monkton education, whilst enabling their parents to remain on the mission field. This was one of the founding principles for the creation of Monkton over 150 years ago and it is wonderful that it is still going today.”
Rev. Andy Hutchinson, Monkton Chaplain
Christian Leadership Bursaries
Regular donations help us to plan financially for the future: in line with the 10:10 vision of our Chaplaincy, we are asking our community to consider if they can give a regular donation for 10 months. Every donation, whatever size, goes directly to support our pupils and makes a huge difference!
Launched in 2021, these provide Sixth Form places for young people who would benefit from the exceptional pastoral and academic support at Monkton, and actively be involved in the Christian life of the School.
The expectation is that recipients are active in their faith and will play their part in the life of the school - whether that be through the CU Committee or the senior leadership team. They will be on the Sixth Form Leadership Programme, and receive individual mentoring from a member of the Chaplaincy team.
“Being able to carry out God’s calling to prayer as Prayer Rep for CU was such a privilege; being able to encourage and lead people in prayer for a year was incredible, as was working with the team who were some of my favourite people at Monkton. The CU committee, Rev Hutch, and the Chaplaincy team were so lovely and it really has been a highlight of my experience at Monkton.”
Elizabeth, OM 2023, CLB Recipient
We have now seen three pupils through Sixth Form on this bursary, with one more in Year 13. We are seeking the funds to be able to support two more pupils on this bursary for the next academic year.
“The biggest Christian impact on pupils at Monkton is their peers; giving to this campaign helps us find the Christian leaders of tomorrow and not only nurture and develop their gifts but also ensure they serve as cornerstones for our developing Christians at school.”
Chris Wheeler, Principal
A living Christian ethos...
It is here in the valley that many generations of Monktonians begin their journey of faith. The uniqueness of our environment, in which young people can openly explore their questions, come alongside each
other and receive the support of staff, lays foundations which last a lifetime.
The aim of our Chaplaincy is to help pupils find 10:10 Vision - to Look and Live. In John 10:10, Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”: our hope and prayer is that during their time at Monkton, all of our pupils will Look into the Christian faith, and ultimately seek to Live by it.
“Christianity is a pillar of life at Monkton; whether it’s the weekly bible studies, Christian Unions, or Crossfires, etc... Monkton provides a network of support for any and all students who are interested in growing in their faith. Personally, I am incredibly grateful for the community of Christian students, people I can always lean on, and with whom I have spent such special moments. This also applies to the staff who are all more than willing to engage in conversation with anybody who might have a question.”