Agent Topographies

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AGENT TOPOGRAPHIES masterclass by robert stuart-smith assistant daniel kรถhler institute for urban design univ.-prof. peter trummer university of innsbruck | 2011

FLOAT FUSION exploring the possibilities of two sets of variables and starting positions. one, we call the linear sketch and was centered on two sets of straight points clashing into each other. in the second sketch, the cloud, a orthogonal set of points grew into a fan, that expanded spiraling. both were interesting approaches, but were lacking the complexity we sought so we decided to merge both sketches. we were interested into the interacterns that would emerge from it.

low sep & wan

medium tra & wan

high wan if near other agents

no wan and medium tra

medium tra and wan if near other agents

medium tra and wan if near other agents

genesis of the grid sketch

high wan & high tra

low coh & high sep & medium ali

genesis of the cloud sketch

low coh & high sep & high ali

low coh & high sep & medium ali & low tra

merging tryouts

merging tryouts

the final combination

the final combination - close up

the final combination - close up

the final combination - close up

the final version of the grid sketch before the merging with the cloud sketch

the final versions before merging

a detail of the final version of the cloud sketch before merging with the other

frame 25

frame 50

frame 100

frame 125

frame 150

frame 200

evolution of the sketch

frame 250

frame 300

frame 350

frame 400

frame 450

frame 500

evolution of the sketch

wan 0, tra 0.1

wan nef/5, tra 0.1

wan nef/4, tra 0.1

wan nef/3, tra 0.1

wan nef/2, tra 0.1

wan 0, tra 1.0

wan nef/5, tra 1.0

wan nef/4, tra 1.0

wan nef/3, tra 1.0

wan nef/2, tra 1.0

wan 0, tra 2.0

wan nef/5, tra 2.0

wan nef/4, tra 2.0

wan nef/3, tra 2.0

wan nef/2, tra 2.0

analysis of the variable “wander” against “seekTrail” at the frame 125

wan 0, tra 0.1

wan nef/5, tra 0.1

wan nef/4, tra 0.1

wan nef/3, tra 0.1

wan nef/2, tra 0.1

wan 0, tra 1.0

wan nef/5, tra 1.0

wan nef/4, tra 1.0

wan nef/3, tra 1.0

wan nef/2, tra 1.0

wan 0, tra 2.0

wan nef/5, tra 2.0

wan nef/4, tra 2.0

wan nef/3, tra 2.0

wan nef/2, tra 2.0

analysis of the variable “wander” against “seekTrail” at the frame 200

wan 0, tra 0.1

wan nef/5, tra 0.1

wan nef/4, tra 0.1

wan nef/3, tra 0.1

wan nef/2, tra 0.1

wan 0, tra 1.0

wan nef/5, tra 1.0

wan nef/4, tra 1.0

wan nef/3, tra 1.0

wan nef/2, tra 1.0

wan 0, tra 2.0

wan nef/5, tra 2.0

wan nef/4, tra 2.0

wan nef/3, tra 2.0

wan nef/2, tra 2.0

analysis of the variable “wander” against “seekTrail” at the frame 300

the final combination

the final combination

the final combination

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