Father John Misty & Maggie Rogers
For most, holding down some form of gainful employment
in place. Like why you can’t piss against a tree—because when
until a time when sickness and fatigue take hold and one’s
you’ve got 90, 000 people doing it, it ends up running into the
permitted to slowly descend towards death (retirement) is
rivers and killing the fish. City dwellers might get annoyed, but it’s
all the 65-90 meaningless trips around the sun amounts
about having conversations about being more responsible.” This
to. Thankfully for, well, all 30-odd-thousand of us, and
year’s Splendour features all of the usual eco-features: compost
Australian culture at large, Splendour co-creator Jess Ducrou
showers and toilets, the Eco Police (no pissin’!), the Green Chiefs
wants a little more out of this caper than that. As we gear up
in the campground, and the new(ish) feature the Unfuckers, who
for the 17th edition of our beloved Splendour in the Grass, we
want you to “unfuck” the festival ie. take all of your shit with you
can rest safe in the knowledge that every possible step has been
and recycle, and in turn “unfuck” your life in general. “Ideally we
taken to make this year’s festival experience more vibrant,
want a 0% green footprint,” Jess concludes.
safe, efficient, and most importantly, more goddamn fabulous
You’d be forgiven for thinking that as the rich and fabulous
than the mark ’16 version. It’s an amazingly relaxed Jess
co-founder of Australia’s best festival, once Splendour starts
that I catch up with a week or so prior to the pinnacle of her
it’d be all cocaine and caviar for Jess, but the reality is less
professional year, to find out what went wrong, what’s going
mink, more hi-vis. “Oh, directing traffic,” Jess says when I ask
to go right, and what we should all be gearing up for at this
about what her Splendour experience looks like. By directing
year’s festival.
traffic Jess means both figuratively and literally, as when the
Aiming to start with the bad stuff and crescendo into an ecstasy-
traffic fiasco was going down last year, she was on the front
fuelled “see you at the Gold Bar,” I ask Jess where the major
line in luminous orange waving buses through the carpark. “My
headaches from last year’s festival came from, and how the
priority is getting people in on Thursday and Friday, making
leaks have been fixed this year. “Traffic,” she fires straight back.
sure that noise is managed and that everything inside is running
“After the traffic issues last year, trying to improve the process
like it should,” she continues. The problem with being a festival
and manage expectations has been the priority.” I offer my ever-
owner is that if shit hits the fan, you’re the one that gets the call,
impractical perspective of, “there’s only one road in and out,
whether it be traffic, illness, acts of god, whatever. Yet another
there’s not really much you can do…” to which Jess immediately
instance of nothing ever being quite as glam as it seems.
highlights my ignorance. “No, not at all. Last year was a case of
Seeing as Jess and myself will be spending the majority of the
people’s habits changing and us not being prepared. Uber started
festival working (no really) I asked Splendour’s gatekeeper
up, and on Friday about 1000 cars were dropping off (which
what she’d suggest for the Splendour virgin as the perfect way
was a first), all of the cars were coming in and clogging up the
to pop their cherry at this year’s festival. “Start from where you
process, and the drop-off point was in the middle of the carpark.
finish,” she tells me. “Come on Saturday at around lunch time,
By Sunday we’d moved it to the south carpark and we didn’t have
and get something to eat from one of the food trucks. Then go to
a problem.” This year, every measure possible has been taken
The Forum and immerse yourself in whatever’s on for a couple
to make entering and exiting the festival as easy and rapid as
of hours. Then go and check out Splendour in the Craft or go
possible. “This year the drop-off centre is at the bottom entry,”
shopping in the Very Small Suburb, maybe even get your hair
Jess continues. “And we’ve got a bus system running between
done. Then book yourself in for a roast at the Unicorn and chill
town and the festival site.”
out for an hour, and then watch Royal Blood and Queens of the
Now you’d be forgiven for having a mild anxiety attack on 5th
Stone Age at the Amphitheatre. When that’s done go and check
December of last year when news surfaced that Splendour in the
out the mix-up tent via the Global Village, and then onto the
Grass and Falls Festival had been partially sold to Live Nation.
Tipi Forest for a look and finish up at the Winery drinking some
Once the initial panicked googling revealed that “Live Nation” and
nice wine. Best day ever.”
“One Nation” are two entirely separate organisations with very
As for the future of our beloved Splendour, you can rest easy
different ethos’ (we stand in solidarity with Flume and his festival-
in the knowledge that the trajectory’s headed true north, with
ending quote of the 2016 festival, “Fuck Pauline Hanson”) what
the weird and wonderful aspects of the festival in particular,
this sale might mean for the state of Australia’s jewel in the festival
only set to grow. “I have a vision for my festival experience
crown was still up for interpretation. However, worries that the
and I’m not nearly there yet,” says Jess. “It’ll take some years
acquisition might lead to a commercialisation of the festival were
to see that fulfilled, and I want to lock in more space and
quelled with the announcement of what, you’d have to agree, is one
grow in an inclusive way.” The things that stand in the way of
hell of a line-up, and Jess echoes that in terms of the make-up of
progress on the scale that Jess desires are space, and the endless
the festival, it’s less of the bad and more of the good. “Nothing’s
bureaucratic hoop-jumping that is Australia circa 2017. But Jess
changed really, it’s nice to have more info on a global scale in
says that thriving and abiding by the rules is just something
terms of talent—it’s a nice partnership to have in that way.”
that you have to do, with the safety of patrons as the primary
You can’t hold a festival in Byron Bay without fielding questions
concern. “It’s about how we can present a good time without
about the environment, and those questions take on a serious
it feeling highly managed and how to grow freedom,” she
bent when your event hosts 30-odd-thousand people. Splendour
explains. “We’ve got to abide by the police and the council and
has always made being as green as possible one of their primary
to do that you have to tick a lot of boxes. Australia in a way is
objectives, and Jess explains that it’s a never ending quest. “Years
very regulated, which is cool because it means that everyone’s
ago we introduced the carbon offset to Splendour ticket sales, and
safe, but I want my festival to make people feel like they’re free
we studied the way that festivals like Glastonbury operate with
to move and be fluid. But be safe at the same time.” Don’t fret
things like the Green Police, so we introduced the Eco Cops to
fellow members of the great unwashed Splendour crowd, you’re
raise awareness of why it’s important to stand by the rules that are
in good hands.
Issue 04
Con Te NTs 02 06 08 10 12 14 16 17 20 23 24 26 28 30 32 33 34
Watch Live 4pm Friday The Mix Up Tent The Debut Album featuring
The Prize & Selfish Out Now
“One of the best Australian electronic albums in some time” The Music
I got followed by coyotes whilst on the
to mind another famously outspoken and
he tries to use that station to open people’s
ropes of being a popular artist, until leaving
phone interviewing Father John Misty.
unfiltered American, Donald Trump.
eyes. It admittedly becomes almost too ironic,
for his fateful mushroom trip in 2012.
It’s true that, no matter what you’re doing,
Surprisingly, especially for a guy who once
but there’s also a poetry to it. And even if
Tillman’s religious past is something he wears
being tailed through the woods by three large
cut a concert short when overcome with
he can’t elevate the form, he’s also happy to
on his sleeve—in fact, he told me he’d done an
predators is a memorable occurrence, if only
sadness when the now-president won the GOP
simply make music that people love. It’s about
interview with a Christian magazine moments
for the adrenaline explosion and potential
nomination, Tillman doesn’t flinch much at
keeping things in perspective.
before our call. Like many raised under strict
fight-or-flight situation. But if you’re familiar
the comparison.
“We imbue entertainment, because we’re
religious observance, his relationship with
with Father John Misty, neé Josh Tillman’s,
“I’ll say this, I’m a lot more suspicious of
so deranged by it, with these really lofty
the subject is complicated. It’s also something
psychedelic-infused shamanistic vibes,
someone who looks to Trump and says, ‘I’m
ambitions,” Tillman said with a laugh that’s at
that surfaces often in his music, such as Pure
you’ll get why such an event lends itself to
nothing like that guy’ than someone who
once sardonic and wholehearted. “Everyone is
Comedy’s title track:
deeper meaning than just consideration of
looks at him and goes ‘Yeah, that’s the deal
under some kind of delusion that what they’re
Oh, their religions are the best / They worship
the regional food chain. What’re the odds of
for me,’” Tillman admitted, adding that the
doing is bigger than entertainment. That pop
themselves yet they’re totally obsessed /
this seemingly chance encounter happening
characteristics we find so abhorrent in Trump
music is about empowerment or something.
With risen zombies, celestial virgins, magic
at the very moment I finally, after weeks of
exist to some degree in everyone. “Anyone
What it really comes down to, and this is
tricks, these unbelievable outfits / And
chasing, waiting, and wrangling, get Tillman
who’s paid attention to the human spirit can
something I’ve been saying a lot because
they get terribly upset / When you question
on the phone for an hour? Why not some other
see he’s not doing anything new.”
it’s the best way I can think to say it, is that
their sacred texts Written by woman-hating
evening, considering I walk through these
It’s Tillman’s belief we’re better off
entertainment is about forgetting your life,
epileptics / .
trails twice a day, every day, without ever
confronting inner darkness, rather than
and art is about remembering your life. And
I asked if he still considered himself a
seeing anything bigger than a squirrel? What
leaving it buried and festering deep
that’s what I aspire to, is to make things of
Christian, and Tillman answered cautiously,
does it mean?
inside. This is a predominant theme on his
beauty and of ugliness that remind people of
“Well, it really depends on who I’m talking
I should have asked him. Unfortunately, I
latest album, Pure Comedy. Rather than
their humanity.”
to.” Pressed, he said it was hard to explain his
didn’t notice my yellow-eyed entourage until
condemning people for being awful or evil, no
There’s no denying his talent. Whether he’s
views to people who weren’t raised the way
right after we hung up, and by then I had
matter what their belief system, he wants us to
acting the role of newly unbridled hipster
he was.
bigger things on my mind.
recognise everyone has their issues—nobody
mystic, as in his 2012 debut, Fear Fun, love-
“I think for a lot of people, for the uninitiated,
For the uninitiated, Father John Misty is the
is 100% right or perfect.
drenched ne’er-do-well, in 2015’s I Love You,
there’s this checklist of, ‘Well, I believe in the
ironic hipster jester demigod alter ego of
“What if we just bring these parts of us that
Honeybear, or cynical cultural philosopher, in
inherency of the Bible. I believe that it was
former Fleet Foxes drummer and once overly-
are less than savory out into the open and look
2017’s Pure Comedy, Tillman’s charisma and
literally written by a perfect God. I believe
earnest singer-songwriter Joshua Tillman.
at them and laugh at them, and recognize them sharp wit are backed by a jaw-dropping set of
in the historical accuracy of the person of
Legend, or at least oft-repeated backstory,
in ourselves? In doing that they have
pipes and underscored with innate comedic
Jesus Christ, and he literally rose…’ None of
has it that back in 2012, unfulfilled with life
less power.”
timing. His live shows are a mix of laconic,
that is important to me. None of that,” he said
and in search of both himself and a deeper
Tillman’s songs often act as parables.
mic-stand leaning diatribe and twitchy-
firmly. “What I relate to in terms of Jesus,
meaning, Tillman scarfed down a giant bag of
Clever, funny, cynical, biting parables, full
sexy Jim Morrison dance moves, songs are
and in terms of this new album, is that Jesus
magic mushrooms and hit the road, eventually
of ‘things I wouldn’t want your daughter to
delivered in conspiratorial whispers that
was somebody who went around saying,
landing naked in a tree cavorting amongst the
do,’ crooned in his honey and smoke lounge
explode into dramatic physical contortions
‘Don’t be like these people who claim to know
ghosts of the Beat Generation and Summer of
singer’s baritone. At their best, his lyrics are
and howled notes, his lanky frame bending
everything and who claim to know God.
Love hippies in Big Sur, California. Cradled
insightful, catchy in a way that makes a casual
impossibly backwards or thrown prone to the
Be like these little children who don’t know
within those branches Tillman had the
listener wonder if they heard them right,
ground. For an alleged narcissist, who can
anything, and it doesn’t matter to them. They
epiphany to eschew his former life, choosing
such as Pure Comedy’s ‘Total Entertainment
admittedly get caught up in “the Father John
don’t know and they don’t care, because they
to be reborn as an unfiltered, unfettered
Forever,’ which begins:
Misty fishbowl,” he’s also intensely engaged.
version of his true self. Soon after coming
Bedding Taylor Swift /
Off stage, he deftly navigates the cultural
Love, he explained, is real magic.
down from that tree and venturing to Los
Every night inside the Oculus Rift /
pantheon, penning a hilarious Twitter feed,
As we become more and more focused solely
Angeles’ artsy Echo Park enclave, he laid
After mister and the missus finish dinner and
pulling stunts like covering Ryan Adams’ own on ourselves—literally, as Tillman pointed
down the tracks to Fear Fun, his first record
the dishes / And now the future’s definition is
“grotesque,” much-ballyhooed cover of Taylor
out, with all our selfies—and are beset by
under the FJM moniker, and began touring
so much higher than it was last year /
Swift songs, or releasing a film of himself
culturally perpetuated hatred, fear of anyone
the world in a flurry of sassy dance moves,
It’s like the images have all become real /
getting wasted on whiskey while sitting at a
different from ourselves, systemic classism,
subversively folky, groove-y songs, and
And someone’s living my life for me out in
desk. His willfully ironic character gives him
institutional hypocrisy, and a looming,
sardonic anti-corporate, anti-pop-culture,
the mirror.
an astonishing level of freedom, allowing
avoidable environmental apocalypse, we
anti-establishment monologues, establishing
But what of the dichotomy presented by
him to get away with things like launching
need a little magic. Something greater than
himself as a snarky subcultural messiah
a pop star who exists in part to take the
a signature perfume—“Innocence by Father
ourselves, unifying, a silver lining to the
whether he intended to or not.
piss out of other pop stars? Can Father
John Misty”—or writing songs for bona-fide
tragicomedy that plays out in headlines, yet
“Well, Josh Tillman was the persona,”
John Misty continue to function as both
pop stars like Lady Gaga and Beyoncé, moves
is non-commodified, not designed to act as a
Tillman tells me when I ask him if, as a
psychedelia-fuelled, truth-revealing underdog
that would cost other “underground” artists
subversive form of control like organised sects.
critic’s darling with sold out shows full of
while simultaneously ascending celebrity’s
street cred. Truly, Tillman’s tenure as Father
“My only goal is to write beautiful songs and
dreamy-eyed fans and now three well-received pyramid?
John Misty has been an impressive rebirth
say what’s on my mind,” Tillman concluded,
records under his/FJM’s belt, his pop cultural
Tillman says he can.
for the 36-year-old. Raised in a suburban
explaining he can only keep being who he is,
successes were painting his seemingly anti-
“The price of admission for enjoying my
evangelical Christian family, Tillman said
no matter how that appears to anyone else. “I
pop-culture persona into a corner. Tillman
music, whether you agree with everything I
he was “naïve” to most popular culture, even
can be really tone deaf in terms of a sentiment
claims I have it all wrong—the FJM character
say or not, is that you can hold these two ideas
at 17 listening only to “spiritually-themed”
or a song that, to me, feels very normal yet
isn’t a creative construct, it’s really who he is.
in your head at the same time,” he explained
music. After a year at New York’s Christian
comes off as completely, ballistically insane
He’s being wholly himself for the first time, no
calmly. “It’s like, ‘Oh he keeps having fun
Nyack College, he struck west for Seattle,
to people. But if I sat down to actually write
matter what the stage name. “That was part of
with the enterprise of being an entertainer,
where he worked as a baker and chased
something weird, intentionally, it would
the realisation, and why so much of Fear Fun
and he sees the innate bizarreness of that.’
his dream of being a musician. His sombre
probably be dogshit.”
was about identity—I ended the record with,
Sometimes the most authentic thing you can
ballads, much different from Father John
I still don’t know what the heck was up with
‘I never liked the name Josh, and I got tired of
do is be honest about how bogus you know
Misty’s bravado, caught the attention of
those coyotes. Haven’t seen ‘em since. But
something is. And sometimes it’s not. And
singer-songwriter Damien Jurado, who let
according to the Encyclopedia of American
At the root of it, Tillman feels it’s his realness
sometimes it’s to intentionally be obtuse, to be
Tillman open for him. Over the next couple
Folklore, Native Americans view coyotes
that draws people to his music and to himself.
willfully ignorant of the context that you find
years Tillman would release several albums
as tricksters, messengers from the spirit
His unflinching honesty, ability to be totally
yourself in to achieve something bigger.”
as J. Tillman, bearing dour titles like Long
world who “rebel against social conventions
blunt, never shirking from things that fly in
Tillman, as FJM, wants to use his art and
May You Run, Cancer and Delirium, or I
through deception and humour” and deceive
the face of cultural or social norms. Naturally,
soap box to draw attention to bigger issues,
Will Return. Then, in 2008, he found himself
people by impersonating a god. It’s almost
this level of self-indulgence doesn’t garner
to pull back the cultural veil and reveal the
drumming for folk rock outfit Fleet Foxes,
too ironic, and almost too perfect. I’m not a
just good will. There are those who perceive
hypocrisy underneath. He’s cognisant of
signing on just as the band’s popularity
very superstitious person, but Josh, if you’re
his introspective songs and wild antics to be
playing to our penchant for celebrity worship,
exploded. He stayed with them for the next
reading this, please call off your dogs.
a symptom of unbridled narcissism, calling
aware of the falseness of his station, even as
four years, touring the world and learning the
By James Joiner
FATHER JOHN MISTY’S COYOTES FOLLOWED ME Catch Father John Misty at the Amphitheatre Friday 10.00-11.00
NEW ALBUM oUt AUGUSt 11 ExcLUSivE MErch & MUSic BUNdLES AvAiLABLE At pAULkELLy.coM.AU prE-ordEr NoW At yoUr LocAL MUSic rEtAiLEr.
NOTES FROM THE EDITOR’S FOLD OUT DESK Last year’s Splendour in the Grass was far and away the most stressful, biggest, and ultimately most rewarding weekends that I can remember being a part of. We nonchalantly threw the suggestion of doing a daily newspaper for the festival in
the direction of Splendour’s powers that be, with little consideration of what it would actually take to pull off. When they said “yes” we found out, and boy, do I have a new found respect for the hacks in the mainstream “fake news” media—not for the work they do of course, but for maintaining an ongoing daily drivel deadline and not locking themselves in the garage with the car running. From our HQ (a demountable near the backstage latrines) we managed to get three papers to the printers (and subsequently back on-site) on time last year regardless, and still proceeded to party till our heart’s content. This year we’re back with a new found understanding of the task at hand, and a hatful of tricks to cut down the time spent actually working, and increase the time running around the site with our tongues wagging, or that’s the plan at this stage at least. And how could we not want to traverse this great festival and sponge up all that it has to offer? As with any great cultural affair, the main event is just a side show to the people who make the happening significant. And the same goes with Splendour. Whilst we initially come for the music, it’s the characters and the conversations that keep us coming back. Enjoy yourselves out there this weekend, go talk to some strangers.
“It’s a marathon not a sprint” was the ethos we lived by for last year’s Splendour in the
Grass, and we highly encourage you to do the same this year. You’ve got three days, and a lot of bands to see. You’re going to miss some you’d like to see (and see some you’ve
never heard of), it’s inevitable. Whether it be a scheduling clash, or that extra drink in the campground, it doesn’t matter. You’ll miss something. Friday is where you can make or break your entire festival. So be sensible, tick some
music off, and get off to a good measured start. Like Winston Surfshirt at 12:15 at the
Mix Up Stage—they’re the lubricant for your entry to the festival. The Wilson Pickers
and Maggie Rogers at the GW McLennan tent will keep the ball rolling, but at a steady
the Amphitheatre with Big Scary at 3:30, then get the foot falcons ready and head back
If you’re ready to dance, which you should be by now, can we recommend Peking Duk
(Amphitheatre), Young Franco (Tiny Dancer Stage) and then into some ‘Lights and
pace. Ditch the last 10 minutes of Maggie Rogers (sorry!) and head to your first act at to the Mix Up Stage for the end of The Kite String Tangle and prepare for our aquatic friend, Lil Yachty. Ok, good, you’re keeping up, now it’s time for a drink or two as we set up for tonight.
Music’ with Cut Copy on the Mix Up at 8:45. Sheesh, that was a powerful few hours. Time for some guitars, drums and a big stage—let Haim swoon you before you make the final decision of the day: Father John Misty on the GW McLennan or The XX on the Amphitheatre. We told you, you can’t have it all.
12.00-12.30 WHARVES
12.30-1.15 JARROW
8.30-10.00 DJHMC
10.00-11.00 NITE FLEIT
9.15-10.15 HAIM 10.45-12.00 THE XX
9.45-10.30 SUPER CRUEL 10.30-11.30 RL GRIME
This year when you’re floundering
as his response as to why The Unicorn
time lying around talking on their shitty
The Menu
around Splendour in the Grass in a sea
should be the go-to for food at SITG this
camper stretcher beds in their tents, like
Entrée: Sides to share, charcoal-grilled
of uncertainty, suffering from depleted
year: “Because chips on a stick won’t get
‘I’m not really feeling it.’ Yeah, that’s
hot bread
energy reserves, or, you just need a
your serotonin recovering quick smart,”
cause you’re really hungover and the only
Main: Choice of roast
warm hug from a familiar sight, look no
he says, tucking a napkin into the front of
way to not be hungover is to keep going
Dessert: Pavlova
further than one of the greatest Aussie
his wife-beater in front of one delicious
at it.”
institutions within this great red land of
looking roast chicken whilst taste
And if you’re going to keep going at
Look simple? That’s because delicious
ours—the pub.
testing food at The Unicorn proper in
it, chances are you going to feel pretty
doesn’t have to be fancy.
Splendour’s only resident pub, The
Paddington, Sydney, that’ll be making an
bloody ill if you think that bacon and
Bookings via the Splendour in the Grass
Unicorn, is bringing something new
appearance on the menu at The Unicorn,
egg rolls and breakfast beers are going to
app highly recommended. Drop-ins
to the festival this year. If you’re
nourish you for the next 24 hours. Which
after a square meal that’ll line your
And when it comes to running the
is where The Unicorn comes in. Book a
- Monique Penning
stomach the old fashioned way, this
Splendour race and recovering quick-
table for lunch for a far more enjoyable
is it: A three course set menu in their
smart, there’s no-one more equipped to
pre-game experience than eating slices
temporary pub for the people who,
dole out some wisdom than now festival
of devon and drinking warm beers on the
“might actually enjoy sitting down for
veteran Jake.
ground beside a tent, or, take a break from
an hour or something with their mates,
“There’s only speed at Splendour, it’s
the crowds in the evening and reserve
eating something fucking delicious and
fucking all out,” he says. “If you show
somewhere to regroup, recover, and act
drinking some beers,” as owner Jake
an ounce of weakness, you’re fucking
like a civilised human being before diving
Smythe puts it.
finished and it’ll get ya. Don’t be one of
back into the madness. You never regret a
Jake likes to keep things simple. Such
those guys at Splendour who spend their
visit to the pub, so swing by The Unicorn.
#MAKEMUSIC Kristina K and Matthew Charles of 10YRWAR & KK In Converse Chuck Taylor Hi and adidas Gazelle platypusshoes.com.au
The Internet is a beautiful beast. It can make or break a person in seconds. Luckily
her own past work experience. “My main job before this was as a camp counsellor.
for all of us, it did the former to Maggie Rogers. After a YouTube video of Pharrell
So, if anyone needs friendship bracelets, or their hair braided, or help with your
Williams losing his mind to her song ‘Alaska’ went viral, the 23-year-old singer
sailing knots, I’m really your go-to-girl. I did it for four years. I actually had a
and producer went from working summers as a camp councillor, to summers
couple of days off last week and I went back to say hi to everybody.” Does she miss
playing Glastonbury.
it? “I miss spending my summers outside a little bit. With festivals though, I still
In the video, Williams hosts a master class at N.Y.U, listens to a group of students’
get to be outside. I love camping and I love hiking—actually, touring is kind of
songs, and then offers feedback. After he finishes listening to Rogers’ song, a visibly
like hiking, cause you’re moving every day!” she laughs.
moved Williams says, “Wow. I have zero, zero, zero notes for that.” Though the clip has
Though Rogers has no intention of watching the Pharrell video again, she’s happy
racked up many millions of views, Rogers has only watched it once. “I really don’t want
to critique live footage of herself. “I’ll watch stuff like that sometimes, because
the video to affect my memory of it. I was just staring at my shoes, I actually didn’t
that feels different. I’m only sort of starting to learn how to be on stage without a
know he was making any faces until I saw the video,” she says.
guitar strapped to me, so watching footage from a show feels different because I’m
Needless to say, 2017 has been a little busier than usual for the Maryland
watching to figure out what to do with myself,” she says.
songwriter. After releasing her EP, Now That the Light Is Fading in February,
Listening to Rogers’ earlier releases, it’s easy to understand why she’s still
the following months saw her playing sold out shows across the US, and a wild
grappling with her change in sound. Up until Now That the Light Is Fading, Rogers
performance at this year’s Glastonbury Festival. “It’s unbelievable, it’s kind of
made folk music, and rarely sang without the twang of the banjo behind her. “The
hard to take in. Playing a festival kind of feels like getting electrocuted, but like,
instrument I’d go to pick up these days is probably a guitar or a piano, but I also
in the best way. The first time I played a festival, as soon as I finished, I had to
probably spend equal time—or more now—on a computer,” she explains. Her
go for a run outside because I just had so much energy in my body. But, I’ve never
eclectic taste in music extends far beyond her own sound, too. A quick scroll
actually been electrocuted before—I should say that.”
through whom Rogers follows on Instagram exposes her interest in a myriad of
Despite the relentless publicity and touring schedule, Rogers has few complaints.
genres. For instance, I point out that in the K’s alone, she follows Kurt Vile, Katy
“It’s been a pretty crazy year, but it’s been incredible. I very much jumped in with
Perry and Kendrick Lamar. “My background is in folk music, so I listen to a lot
two feet, so it’s been a quick learning curve, but I’m excited about all of it,” she
of that, but I’m kind of fascinated by pop music. And I love Kendrick because his
says. With so much already accomplished in the first half of the year, what’s left on
words are so incredible, and so is his rhythm. I have a lot of respect for a lot of
the 2017 to-do-list? “I’m working on a record right now, so the goal is just to finish
different kinds of musicians,” she explains.
it, and I’m really excited about that. And then maybe take some time off to hang
Before she hangs up, Rogers reminds me again of how excited she is to play at
with my family a little bit.”
Splendour, and you can tell her anticipation is genuine. If you want to see what
When I explain to Rogers that we have employed a special mailman to deliver The
electrocution looks like live on stage, head to her set. You’ll be in for a shock.
Daily Splendour to festivalgoers, she gasps with excitement, before ref lecting on
- Erin Bromhead
Catch Maggie Rogers at the GW McLennan Tent Friday 3.00-3.45
fire twirling is a totally weird way to
Professional still cameras
Festivals are a bastard to organise and
spend your free time, and that it makes
Leave the long lenses for the
lines have to be drawn in the sand.
you completely unattractive to the
birdwatchers. Your iPhone will do just
It would be great if the fine people
opposite sex, ie. get a new hobby. As for
fine for your 2 am drum circle snaps.
who put on this great weekend could
fireworks and f lares, well, you do the
Laser lights
trust you reprobates enough to let
If you’re still living in the early noughties
you come and go freely, bringing in
and think that laser pens are still hip then
whatever/whoever you wanted. But,
It’s not the X Games Tony, and besides,
take one to the Mix Up Stage at 5pm on
you’ve proven time and time again
where in God’s name are you going
Friday and shine one in Lil Yachty’s eyes
that you’re a bunch of idiots, so
to skate at a festival that’s held in a
and see how you get on. Actually don’t.
here’s a list of the things that you’re
glorified field?
Leave that pointer at home for terrorising
not allowed to bring into the festival
Boogie boards and boogie board
the cat.
according to the ever-thorough
Looking at you Corby. She might’ve
Umbrellas are dangerous man. Ask the
com. Some obvious, others less so: all
become an unlikely Australian cult
Nazi pilot who Indiana Jones’ dad killed
hero (much in the vain of that Corey
via chasing a flock of birds into the
kid with the pierced nipples who threw
engine turbine.
Alcohol from the outside world
a house party when his parents went
Water pistols
A fairly obvious one, booze bucks make
away and just about burnt the suburb
Hey man, this ain’t no Spring Break. And
the world go ‘round and the blue horse
down), but following in Shaz’ footsteps
if you’re after some wet t-shirt action then
(Carlton Dry) didn’t pay through the
isn’t advisable, most notably because
Cheeky Monkeys is that way (south).
nose to see you walking around sucking
nine years in Kerobokan jail ain’t no
Protest paraphernalia and banners
on a silver bullet or a mango. If you’re
joke. Leave the sponge, and conta-filled
Unless it’s a “Fuck Pauline Hanson”
going to try and sneak booze into the
boogie bag, at home.
festy then at least do your research and
Milk/bread crates
Any other items considered illegal or
buy the on-brand stuff (you didn’t hear
It’s literally the one weekend of the
that from me).
whole year when you have to spend most
It’s a pretty comprehensive list, but just
Illegal drugs
of the day on your feet. Don’t be a slug.
in case there’s any clever dick loop-holers
Total no brainer. Drugs are bad and a
out there, use your melon and don’t be a
one-way ticket to a life of crime and
clever dick loop-holer.
incarceration. If however, you manage
Anything studded
Strictly no animals
to get f lippers/disco biccies/percocet/
I once had a gold studded Quiksilver
Look, we love doggos as much as the next
purple drank/lean or whatever else
belt that was the treasure of my 16-year-
critter, but unless you’re blind (as in sight,
you kids are hooked on these days into
old wardrobe. That was until, during a
not intoxication) then leave Rex at home.
the festival, and you’re feeling guilty
particularly enthusiastic bout of underage
about your life decisions, then please
drinking, one of the studs came loose and
come to the shipping container around
sliced my midriff open Freddy Krueger
the back of the backstage area and
style. The moral of the story? Studs went
empty your pockets anonymously and
out of fashion for a reason.
judgment-free. The door says “The
Weapons of any kind
Daily Splendour” on it, but due to space
In the right hands anything can be
issues, it also doubles as the “Think
a weapon, but clearly you can’t ban
About Your life No Questions Asked
everything. So, we’re talking the usuals
Drug Depositary”.
here: ninja stars, nunchucks, knuckle
dusters, prison-style homemade shanks,
Splendour’s held in the beautiful Byron
you know what’s up.
Bay Hinterland, and you know what that
Containers of liquid fuel
means? Hippies. We love hippies, for the
‘cept lighters for sparking up ya lung
most part, and the last thing we want is
for one of our f lower power brethren to
Video and audio recording devices,
go skipping through the fields after the
including GoPros, excluding mobile
festival and get a shard of champagne
f lute in their hoof.
Now you might think that this one’s
Cans and metal water bottles
geared towards preventing voyeurs from
Ok so you get the point, don’t bring your
filming up Josh Homme’s skirt and
own booze in. We don’t have to keep
uploading it straight to YouTube. But it
banging on about it.
actually goes much further than that on
Full or partly full bottles of water,
a cultural and societal level. Splendour
soft drink etc.
in the Grass do not want the type of
I feel like I’ve got dementia.
people who own offensive, unnecessary
Fireworks, flares, fire twirling
trinkets like GoPros to attend the
paraphernalia (sticks, balls etc)
festival. And we for one, wholly support
“But this is the Byron Shire!” I hear
this notion. The same goes for the next
you yell. “If I can’t twirl my fire here,
two items on the list: Selfie Sticks and
what do I have left?” The answer is that
FREE makeovers
FREE product
FREE device charging
Chillout downtime areas
CAMPING? WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK TOO! RECHARGE your mornings – keep an eye out for the Rimmel Recharge Crew. Roaming with free product and refreshments to recharge you.
COB2629_Rimmel Splendor Mag_FP_285x405.indd 1
17/7/17 10:52 am
You know him as Young Franco, but he
sense then that he’s still in need of socks.
There’s another genre Joey’s a big fan
likes it, he’s happy with it. “I really just
was born Joey Da Rin. The Brisbane-
Just kidding, that doesn’t make sense at
of that you mightn’t expect, though.
want to focus on myself and if I like the
based electronic producer became
all. But when we asked him what he’d like
Classical music. And it really helps him
song, then hopefully it will translate. I
musically active at the ripe old age of 17.
fans to throw to him on stage this year, he
with road rage. “Yep, it helps a lot! It
can’t and don’t really think about who will
At 19, he released his first EP, Futurefunk,
simply requested, “maybe just a new pair
actually helps when I’m on the plane,
like it and if it will get a good reaction live
and now, four years later, he’s reached the
of socks.”
too, and I’m a bit tired and I just want
or if it’ll get played on radio, it’s more just
pinnacle of his career with a feature in this
Though he’s now a certified virtuoso of
to chill out. It’s actually the same kind
like if I like it, that’s what I try to focus
here Daily Splendour. From a journalistic
dance music, Young Franco’s journey
of principle anywhere that I’m stressed;
on. Otherwise it over complicates things.”
standpoint, I find age comparisons to be
began with hip-hop. “I started out listening
it’s nice to listen to something that puts
What about when you just want to write
equal parts boring and lazy, but just for
to a lot of instrumental hip hop beats, and
you out of that space.” So does that mean
an absolute obvious banger, though? “Nah,
the record, I didn’t make my own doctor’s
when I was in high school I listened to a
we can look forward to some Chopin in
if you’re not writing music that you like,
appointment until I was 23. Last year,
lot of sampled production,” he says. “I was
an upcoming set? “Oh! Maybe one day.
then you’ll just get tired really quickly,”
Young Franco released the huge single,
kind of interested in how people found an
That’s a future question, I think.”
he says.
‘Drop Your Love’ ft. Dirty Radio, which
old song and sampled it to make something
The last time Young Franco graced the
Speaking of getting tired, I’m unhappy
has garnered over 8 million collective
new. So I took that inspiration and started
stage at Splendour, one thoughtful crowd
to report that is something you feel a lot
streams to date. Then, on the cusp of the
making my own stuff, and reproducing
member threw a pair of undies at him. So,
more of as you get older. But when your
New Year, he dropped another massive
what other people made.”
this year he’s making a request. “Just not
name depends on endless youth, what
track, ‘Miss You’, an energetic blend of
Then, he discovered French beatmaker,
underwear this time,” he pleads. “Maybe
happens if—god forbid—Young Franco
house, disco and pop. As innovative as
Onra. “That’s how I got into disco and
just a new pair of socks!”
makes it to 40? “I don’t have the answer
it is evolving, Young Franco’s sound has
funk. He wrote a really cool EP that’s a
I guess you could say Young Franco
to that! You’ll have to wait and see on
landed him a spot as one of Australia’s
combination of funk, house, disco and hip
doesn’t like asking for much, and that
my 40th birthday if I’m still Young
most exciting and in-demand producers
hop kind of stuff. So it kind of started
includes your opinion. When it comes
Franco. It’s to be confirmed!”
and performers.
from there, and as I learnt more I started
to his production, he wastes no time
After reaching such heights, it only makes
to want to make my own stuff.”
imagining its reception—as long as he
- Erin Bromhead
16 YOung FranCo WANTS YOU TO THROW SOCKS AT HIM Catch Young Franco at the Tiny Dancer Stage Friday 7.30-8.30
Catch Bad//Dreems at the GW McLennan Tent Saturday 4.15-5.00
HAVE HAD A GUTFUL OF GATORADE You know the conversation is going to be
it a four day working week. Friday off,
Sooo, yeah, pretty clear what Ben had had
yourself, and maybe learn a little before
good when the person you’re interviewing
and then late start Monday morning.”
a gutful of late last year when the track
you decide that you’re gonna conquer the
answers the phone by yelling your name
This year’s been a big one for the
was recorded. But what about now, what’s
world, one Facebook post at a time.”
down the line as if you’ve been friends for
Adelaide four-piece, who released their
he had a gutful of in the last few weeks?
Lyrically, in songs like ‘Gutful’ and ‘Mob
decades. And that’s exactly what Bad//
second full-length album, Gutful, in
“Well, I know what Miles, our drummer,
Rule’, Ben does a good job of expressing
Dreems vocalist Ben Marwe did when our
April. It’s a 38-minute slab of good,
has had a gutful of recently. He’s had a
his disappointment with many aspects of
call was connected, the sheer volume of
classic Australian rock. At face value, it
gutful of the seals on Gatorade bottles.
Australian culture. But he’s also proud of
which caught me by surprise.
projects the kind of sound synonymous
And I’ve had a gutful of moving house.
where he’s from, and a fervent supporter
“I’m in my old house that I’ve just moved
with getting rowdy over a couple of cold
That’s a first world problem though,
and champion of the Australian music
out of, and there’s no furniture,” Ben
ones with the boys. But take a closer
having a gutful of moving house.” What
scene. There’s plenty of other stuff he
explains. Pushing for an impromptu
listen, and you’ll discover the message
kind of a problem is having a gutful of
loves about this sunburnt country, too.
a capella performance, I cite the
is a whole lot deeper than that. “People
Gatorade bottle seals, though? “I dunno!
“Obviously it’s a beautiful place to
spectacular acoustics, but end up settling
talk about the stereotypical pub kind of
It just annoys him trying to pick it off
live; visually, aesthetically. I also think
for a lively discussion about current
guy, and I think you’d be surprised at how
when he just wants to get that fucking
Australian people are very funny. And
affairs instead. For instance, Trump’s
intelligent those people can be and the
Gatorade into him, I guess.”
I think there’s a very healthy lineage of
election win implying that literally
things they can say. But, I guess there’s a
When the question is returned to me, I
art, film and music that I love about it.
anyone can become president. With that
bit of an oxymoron kind of thing going on
say I’ve had an absolute gutful of social
Maybe healthy isn’t the right word for it,
in mind, we muse over whom we’d like
when you have our sound and then hear
media. The narcissism, the vapidity,
but you look at old films like Walkabout
to see next in the top seat in Australia.
the lyrics,” Ben says.
the nakedness. But Ben seems unfazed
or Sunday Too Far Away and there’s just
“Stan Grant. I just love the guy. First of
And what fantastic lyrics they are. Take,
by it all. “I barely go on it. But I use
something about those films—the way the
all, he’s just an intelligent man who says
for example, the opening verse from the
Instagram—I like Instagram. Facebook’s
landscape is portrayed is just something
the right things, he comes from a good
album’s title track, ‘Gutful’:
a piece of shit to me. It’s like, a bunch of
you don’t see elsewhere,” he says. “And
place intellectually, I think it’d be good to
“Had a gutful of your speed and coke /
ignorant people projecting their thoughts
obviously, some of the best music that’s
have an indigenous leader, and I like the
Had a gutful of your racist jokes / Had a
into the world. It just doesn’t make any
ever been written has come out of
documentaries he’s done.” And what if he
gutful of Australia Day / Had a gutful of
sense, what they say, and it’s based on
decided to run himself? What would his
the USA / Had a gutful of Donald Trump /
irrational thought. It’s so much easier
campaign promise be? “I’d probably make
Had a gutful of your baby bump.”
to sometimes keep your thoughts to
- Erin Bromhead
ARIES: Today you will find yourself
LIBRA: The guy from Future Islands
eating a wrap when you really wanted a
may punch you out today, but don’t take it
pie. Don’t beat yourself up about it, just
personally, he’s just really, really fucking
get a pie next time.
TAURUS: You’ll find yourself in a bit of
SCORPIO: This week’s tempestuous
pickle today when you accidentally say
Scorpio full moon, plus a bunch of other
that King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard’s
celestial pressures, could see you in
name is too long. Your friends will forget
possession of not one, but three quality pies.
about it, however, when it comes to light
Eat one and bury the other two for later.
that you’re Bono’s dentist. SAGITTARIUS: You’ll feel like you’re GEMINI: Celestial timing’s ripe for a
on the set of Friends today when Matt
personal purge for Geminis, which could
LeBlanc and Matthew Perry attack you
include a refurbishment in your home,
with bamboo while the guy that plays
friendships or affiliations. You might also
Gunther watches and masturbates.
have some pie. CAPRICORN: Someone will CANCER: You’re probably not going
recommend inhaling the smoke from a
to make rent when you get back home,
dried plant and then going to see Pond
but that’s okay, because right now you’re
with them. You should totally do this.
dancing to LCD Soundsystem and AQUARIUS: Today you will randomly
enjoying a pie.
meet the lead singer of Catfish and the LEO: Someone named “Tyler” will
Bottlemen. Don’t mention how his band’s
attempt to bed you today, but don’t do
name brings Hooty and the Blowfish to
it. He has worse crabs than Father John
mind. He’s heard it a million times already.
Misty. PISCES: This week pumps up the volume VIRGO: There might be some
with an intense full moon, an unstable
metaphorical bear traps set up this
Mercury/Uranus connection and some
weekend, so tread gently. There might also
powerful Mars/Jupiter synergy. What does
be some actual bear traps, so keep your
that mean? Who knows and who cares—
eyes out for that too. That and the bees.
Queens of the Stone Age are playing! - Jason Crombie
Chris Martin’s Momentary Lapse of
The Sex Pistols went pop - 1977
Reason - 2003
Amidst national uproar, The Sex Pistols
Chris Martin is clean, too clean. He
made their TV debut on the national
didn’t lose his virginity till he was like,
treasure show Top of the Pops (now
30 or something, and if he’s ever had a
defunct, and formerly hosted by the
puff on a joint then chances are he didn’t
astonishingly never-prosecuted serial sex
inhale. However, even Saint Christopher
offender Sir Jimmy Savile). After much
occasionally loses his shit, as evidenced
ado, the Pistol’s lip syncing of ‘Pretty
on this day back in 2003. Chris was
Vacant’ went off fairly incident free, no
surfing (yep) somewhere in the Byron
doubt sounding infinitely better for their
Shire whilst on a little vacay. Some
instruments not being plugged in.
papster called Jon (not Anthony) Lister,
Appetite for Destruction unleashed on
had been peppering the shit out of the
the world - 1987
Coldplay frontman for the duration of his
One of the most aptly named albums in
tour down under, but when he snapped
history was released on the 21st July,
Jeff Wiggled his way out - 1953
shots of Chris shredding the gnar it was
1987. LA band Guns N’ Roses had
Yep that’s right, Jeffrey Wayne Fatt,
simply too much. Chris saw the red mist
already worked up quite the appetite
aka Jeff the Purple Wiggle, was born in
and went Johnny Drama on the guy’s
for destruction at this point, and the
Casino NSW on this day in 1953. The
car, reportedly smashing his window and
injection of cash after the success of
son of a Chinese family who owned a
letting the air out of his tyres (the men of
what, to give them their due, is one hell
retail store in Casino, after gaining a
Cactus would be proud Christopher!) In a
of an album, definitely didn’t quell their
degree in industrial design and opening a
truly measured English fashion all charges
thirst for the rockier aspects of the path
public address equipment business with
were dropped after Chris offered to pay
to superstardom. Yep, it was all downhill
his brother, Jeff joined The Wiggles and
for the damage to the car. Zzzzzzz.
from here for the gunners—a couple of
hasn’t looked back. Loved for his relaxed
The Beatles start recording one of the
average albums and one god awful one
attitude and falling asleep on the reg,
all-time greats - 1969
(The Spaghetti Incident) followed, as well
Jeff’s become a national treasure and was
Like most of the best Beatles tunes,
as the well-documented descent into the
honoured with the Order of Australia in
‘Come Together’ was written by John
world of severe drug and alcohol abuse by
2010 (along with the rest of The Wiggles)
Lennon. And on the 21st July, 1969,
a number of members, most famously the
for his “service to the arts, particularly
in Abbey Road Studios, Westminster,
still remarkably lucid Slash. Still, throw
children’s entertainment, and to the
London, The Beatles started recording the
Appetite for Destruction on in the car at
community as a benefactor and supporter
song that would open their iconic Abbey
night and try not to scream along to the
of a range of charities.” Onya Jeff, bloody
Road album.
best of your ability.
legend mate. - Alistair Klinkenberg
This year marks the 17th year of
next anecdote is totally about me. I still
but to unwrap it with the same fervour
Australia’s best music festival, this
remember what I wore to Interpol’s
as a kid getting a Nintendo on Christmas
here Splendour in the Grass. Now,
Splendour sideshow at the Enmore in
morning. For his only Australian show in
17 years is a long time. Some of you
2005. Purple stovepipe jeans, a lilac
2011, he performed on a raised platform
would have been naught but a twinkle
button up short-sleeved cardigan, and
that hovered above the front rows of the
in your mama’s belly when it all
white Cons. Luckily it was pitch-black
audience, while back up dancers and
kicked off back in 2001. Then again,
in there. That same darkness hung over
fireworks lit up the stage. Super low-key.
some of you may have been there
their Splendour set as they delivered their
since the beginning—which reminds
haunting brand of gloom to a crowd of
me, how’s the hip replacement? To
adoring fans who couldn’t get enough of
Smashing Pumpkins
celebrate the bounty of riches the
their latest album, the seminal classic,
In 2012, Billy and his squashes toured
festival has provided us over the years,
their new album, Oceania, refusing to
we packed a cheese sandwich lunch
play any of their hits that came before it.
and took a trip down memory lane.
By the divine grace of God, they lifted
Picking one band as the highlight of
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
this self-imposed ban for their Splendour
each year’s lineup is no easy feat, and
Fronted by the effortlessly cool,
set, treating the crowd to ‘Tonight,
I’m not sure why we tried to do it, but
quintessential New Yorker, Karen O,
Tonight’, ‘Disarm’, ‘Today’, and closed
it’s too late to backspace now. So here
Yeah Yeah Yeahs bought their incredible
with the epic ‘X.Y.U.’ And into the eyes of
it is, the best of Splendour. Past tense
second album Show Your Bones to life
the jackal I say ka-boom!
FOMO begins…now.
in Byron. Their stage presence was frenzied and electric, and they belted
their way through songs like ‘Gold Lion’
The National
Magic Dirt
and ‘Phenomena’ like human lightning
After six years of red tape, Splendour
In its inaugural year, Splendour took
bolts before inducing a sea of tears via
finally moved into its permanent home at
place as a one-day festival and boasted an
the world’s most bittersweet love song,
the North Byron Parklands. The National
almost entirely Aussie lineup, including
christened the space, bringing their Trouble Will Find Me tour to NSW. If
homegrown heroes Magic Dirt. Fronted by the supremely badass Adalita Srsen,
you’ve ever had the honour of witnessing
the Geelong four-piece had three albums
Matt Berninger singing ‘I Need My Girl’
under their belt when they stormed the
Before ‘Somebody That I Used to Know’
live, you’ll understand why they were the
stage in 2001. I’ll tell you what; they don’t
catapulted Gotye to worldwide stardom,
make ‘em like they used to.
we knew him as Wally De Backer who made an EP in his bedroom in Melbourne.
He’d released a song called ‘Heart’s a
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Mess’ that both himself and Splendour
DMA’s are a sight to behold live. And
After the success of its first year,
had no idea had amassed such popularity.
amongst a line-up of high rollers like
Splendour returned as a two-day festival,
Subsequently, his set on one of the
Outkast, Lily Allen and Future Islands,
armed with a slew of international
smaller stages of Splendour almost caused
the Newtown boys held their own,
headliners. Alongside Blackalicious,
a stampede when 99% of attendees all
holding the huge crowd in the palm of
Gomez, and Supergrass, Californian cool
turned up to watch. Legendary.
their faux-chav hands as they powered through tracks from their self-titled debut
kids BRMC brought their closet of leather to Byron and left a cloud of guitar fuzz in
their wake.
The Presets When Sydney duo The Presets dropped
their 2008 album, Apocalypso, it gave
Tame Impala
the word debauchery a sonic definition.
The Perth band that need no introduction.
When I was 11, I thumbtacked a poster
The demonic dancefloor at Splendour was
Fronted by Kevin Parker, seeing TI play
of Placebo frontman Brian Molko to
further testimony to this, and legend has
is a somewhat spiritual experience—a
my bedroom wall. In the photo, he was
it that some attendees are still looking for
sensory overload, if you will. Backed by
pinching his nipple whilst biting his
their jaws today.
psychedelic projections, the band powered through (a set of) a decade of hits,
bright-red lips. Placebo always remind
me of two things: 1) How cool my mum
cumulating in ‘Apocalypse Dreams’ and a
was for letting me put up such an age
Bloc Party
shitload of tripped out campers.
inappropriate poster, and 2) That while a
Four words: ‘Like Eating Glass’ encore. 2016:
friend in need is a friend indeed, a friend 2010: Florence and the Machine
The Avalanches
A year after she gifted the world with
Never has a return been as hyped as that
Lungs, Florence showed Splendour just
of Melbourne legends The Avalanches,
PJ Harvey
what a talented pair she has. For the
whose Splendour set last year was their
English rose Polly Jean Harvey graced the
first time since its inception, Splendour
first live performance in over a decade.
Splendour stage in 2004 as part of her Uh
stretched to a three-day extravaganza,
As the clock struck 9, Robbie Chater and
Huh Her tour. She opened with ‘The Life
and the sing along to ‘Dog Days’ toward
Tony Di Blasi transformed the fields of
& Death of Mr.Badmouth’, and ended on
the end of her set on Saturday night was
Splendour into a sonic wonderland as
the aptly titled ‘Big Exit’. It was only the
one for the history books.
they played tracks from their new album,
with weed is better.
Wildflower, as well as favourites from
second time Harvey had ever toured in Australia, and the crowd couldn’t have
been happier about her return.
Kanye West Say what you want about Kanye (and
most of us want to say a lot), but the guy
has a gift. And when he puts that gift into
Not to make this about me, but this
action live on stage, you have no choice
their debut Y2K record, Since I Left You. 2017: TBD!
- Erin Bromhead
Like Centrelink money and food at
T-Shirt Bag Raiders
your parents’ house, things are always
Your old tees can get stockpiled in your
that little bit sweeter when they’re
closet, so why not bring one along to
free. Like Splendour in the Craft, for
Splendour and repurpose it into a bag?
example. Existing like a little planet
The lovely ladies at T-Shirt Bag Raiders
inside the SITG universe, Splendour
will be teaching you how to turn that Sea
in the Craft is where you can turn
World Queensland XXS tee into wearable
up, cover yourself in glitter, let your
fashion in no time. And if you left a spare
inhibitions run free with a hot glue
tee at home along with your common
gun, and bedazzle (not vajazzle)
sense, not to worry—they’ll have some
yourself happy. There’s activities
on hand for you to use. On a side note,
running throughout the entire
while a bag is really handy in a mosh, so
weekend, and you don’t have to pay a
is a thin layer of fabric in safeguarding
cent to be a part of it. And if you think
your sweat from the skin of an innocent
this is strictly ladies’ business, you’d be
neighbour. In the name of festival
wrong. Boys, instead of sliding into her
etiquette, please don’t sacrifice your only
Instagram DMs, why don’t you slide
t-shirt, ok?
her into a freshly knitted garment?
Just a suggestion. So, lock and load the hot glue guns and strap your
Put a Bling on it
environmentally friendly fanny pack
Thanks to the wood you’ll be making
on, because here’s the down on just
your earrings, rings, and necklaces
some of the craft lineup.
from, you can leave knowing your jewellery making practice is vastly more
Busted Salon de Beautie
sustainable than your relationship formed
One time I used some hairspray at a
in the mosh during a particularly steamy
nightclub in Sydney and they made me
Kirin J Callinan set. Floral bucket hat
pay handsomely for it in tips. The Busted
with Fruity Lexia filled hydration pack, if
Salon de Beautie however, is entirely
you’re reading this, text me xx.
free. And they’ve got more than just
hairspray—glitter, makeup, paint, all the
kind of jazzy stuff you need to jazz up
Totes Totes
your face. You come along, sit in a lovely
Come and make one of the most useful
climate controlled bus, get your festival
things you can possibly own (a tote bag)
Monkey Monkey Shake Shake
weary head fussed over, and leave none
with a legend of Australian art (Paul
Genres defy Monkey Monkey Shake
the uglier or poorer. In fact, you’ll leave
McNeil) in one of the most popular
Shake, but here we go: World quaking
feeling pretty damn snazzy. Sounds like
sessions at Splendour in the Craft. Screen
Neo-Dada Avante K-Pop craft punk
a good deal to me, you should go check
print your own bag, choosing one of
explosion. If you want to see something
it out. Oh, and screw you mega club in
four designs, then decorate and no doubt
a little different at Splendour, then we’d
Sydney, your hair spray and your $15
eventually misplace, to your heart’s
recommend this performance of people
dollar drinks suck.
content. When we say it’s a hot ticket in
dancing in felt grizzly bear costumes and
town, we ain’t kidding—get in early or
singing about pancakes.
you’ll miss out.
12:45PM-1PM AND 4:45-5PM FRIDAY
and the most useful. Your clothes get as
Bags Not
busted up as you do at festival time, so
Activism is a Byron Bay as patchouli
It’s no secret that plastic is shitty for
it’s not a bad idea to show them a little
and nag champa, so this little spin-off
the environment. This year at SITG,
TLC. Come in and get your sequinned
makes perfect sense. Whether you’re
Boomerang Bags will have a collection
bras, ripped pants, broken zippered
penning a post card to the pelicans in
point running throughout the entire
sleeping bags (what were you doing?) and
government that run our fine country,
weekend, so you can upcycle or donate
whatever else mended, for free. It’s like
sewing blankets for animal shelters, or
reusable shopping bags and totes. Who’d
bringing your nan to Splendour, without
knitting up some warm clothes for asylum
have thought those environmentally
the sloppy forehead kisses. Please note:
seekers, get involved and do something
friendly alcopop transporter bags of your
leave your bent Indian headdress at the
good for someone else in the midst of one
youth would serve a more important
door, we don’t want that shit round here.
hedonistic long weekend.
purpose one day? - Monique Penning
Mend it like Beckham No doubt the best name of them all,
Look 2: Communist Kobe
Where you’ll find him: “Skulking around the bathrooms or bursting through the saloon
Where you’ll find him: “Causing trouble.”
doors of the backstage, without anyone saying a word.” Advice for wet weather: “Latex gloves—you’ll keep your hands clean. Everything else Find him in the mosh at: “Kirin J Callinan, Queens of the Stone Age, The Lemon
can get filthy but as long as your hands are clean, you’re good. You can even go to the
bathroom and wash the latex gloves. There’s a certain level of anxiety created by latex gloves in social situations: airports, festivals etc. It definitely creates a certain tension
Fashion inspiration: “Paul Mercurio in Strictly Ballroom, Country and Western films
but so much of it depends on the colour—these ones say surgeon, dentist, germophobe
and Robert Forster. He wore some wonderful crop tops in his time.”
Stylist’s note: “The banana is pretty small, but it makes me look bigger.”
Wardrobe staple: “I own more singlets than anything else. There’s an American brand of tank top I like that comes in a kids range, but I just get the XXL size. And silk socks. There’s a sock stand at these markets in London I like, I get a lot of silk socks to go with my slippers. Well they’re not actually silk, they’re imitation silk.”
- Erin Bromhead
“About time,” says Kirin J Callinan in response to the statement in the media hailing
a touch of tartan, berets and more, all infused with a literal hat-tip to cowboy culture.
him as “the most fashionable man in Australian music”. Despite the fact he’s just ripped
And, often—evident in a few photos that stubbornly defy the rules surrounding nudity
the entire backside of his favourite leather trousers in the midst of a vigorous squat, his
on Instagram—nothing at all. So when it came down to who would curate our guide to
feathers remain fairly unruffled as he mentions he’ll need a new leather man, and soon.
festival fashion at Splendour, there was no-one else we wanted. I ask him the age old
“I need to get them fixed up asap, I’m headed to the snow and you need a good cod piece
festival question, and one that may be plaguing you as you reach for your outfits over
in the snow.”
the next few glorious days: what’s more important, fashion or function? “People say
If you’ve ever attended a Kirin J Callinan show or even just perused his Instagram,
fashion and function as if they’re two mutually exclusive things but what’s mutually
you’ll be aware that personal style is not something he takes lightly. Though hard to
exclusive to me, is art and function,” he says. “But, fashion exists somewhere in-
define, his wardrobe includes pastel tanks, oriental embroidery, silk socks and slippers,
between the two.” So there you have it.
Look 3: Cowboy en Blanc
Look 4: Campside Cook
Where you’ll find him: “Watching music at the GW McLennan stage, or hitting the
You’ll find him: “At the campgrounds a week after Splendour.”
whiskeys, slumped over a bar.” Fashion No-No’s: “No, there are no no-no’s. Everything works.” Wearing white to a festival: “It’s a bold move. I’ve done it in the past at Glastonbury. I was staying at a friend’s house and I only had one outfit. I’d come back filthy at the end
Catch Kirin J Callinan at the GW McLennan Tent Sunday 3.00-3.45
of the day and the first thing I’d do would be put my clothes in the washing machine/ dryer. I’d go to bed, wake up and slip on the same outfit; it felt very modern, very totalitarian, fascist society. I looked impeccably clean every day, turning up next to these muddy, haggard British people. I was jumping up on stage with a bunch of bands everyday so I was this shining light on stage, lookin’ wonderful.” Source this look from: “America. The belt was won in an arm wrestling competition in Montana. I arm wrestled some off duty marines and I’m surprisingly good at arm wrestling, I have a very long arm. I did have some assistance however; my friend jumped under the table and gave him a little fondle. He was furious, but his mates thought it was hilarious.”
Photos: Lincoln Jubb
28 Catch Julia Jacklin at the GW McLennan Tent Friday 4.15-5.00
Photos: Sam Brumby
Britney, Evanescence, and Julia Jacklin Walk into a Bar…
When I first heard Julia Jacklin’s song ‘Don’t Let The Kids Win’, I felt like someone was reading my diary out loud again. The first time that happened, I was seven and my brother stole the key to my secret diary lock, opened it on my grandparents’ deck, and proceeded to read out an early April entry declaring my love for Timothy Rook to my entire extended family. Needless to say, tears were shed that night.
Now to this second, albeit metaphorical
to Nashville and the woman in front of
quest at my school, and I have a memory
Who’s on her roster this year? “I’ll have to
diary reading. I was in my car, stopped
me, her water broke. And it went on my
that I fucking nailed it,” she says. “But
look, but at Laneway, I was like, ‘I gotta
at a red traffic light at the intersection of
bag and then we had to stop the bus and
then again, maybe I didn’t. I remember
talk to the King Gizzard guys.’”
South Dowling and Flinders St in Sydney.
she was going into labour, it was really
people after it coming up saying, ‘that
Jacklin is no stranger to playing
‘Don’t Let The Kids Win’ came through
intense. No one on the bus knew how to
was fucking great’ though, so I dunno.”
festivals, with performances at SXSW,
the speakers, and I was stunned. Every
handle it, she was alone and only like, 17.
While we’re digging up old skeletons, it’s
Glastonbury and Primavera all under her
verse got me, but nothing quite like the
That’s probably the craziest thing I saw.”
worth mentioning that Jacklin grew up
belt. She knows all too well the power
one about Jacklin’s mother. It goes:
Whilst it took a trip to America to kick
a die-hard Britney Spears fan. Though
of a good music festival, attending her
“Don’t let the time go by / Without sitting
Jacklin into gear for her first album, she’s
you may not hear much of her influence
first one at 17. “The first festival I ever
your mother down / And asking what life
not waiting for another eureka moment
in Jacklin’s songs, Britney is actually
attended was the Great Escape Festival,
was like for her / Before you came to be
to get working on her second. “Me before
the reason she took up singing lessons at
it was only around for one or two years.
around / And tell her it’s okay if she puts
I made my first record and me now are
10-years-old. “My fandom has wavered
It was Wolfmother and John Butler that
herself first / Us kids we’ll be alright if
extremely different people. Before, I
recently though,” she says. “I saw a
year. It was amazing. It changed my life.
we’re not the centre of her universe.”
wasn’t a full-time musician; I was a
music video where she seemed to cram
I was 17 and I thought it was the coolest
That night, I drove to my parents’ house
completely different person creatively
like 10 million product placements into
thing that ever happened,” she says.
and asked my mum just that. Less than
because I was making music as a hobby
it. I’m like, come on dude, you’ve got
Talking to Jacklin, I note how naturally
a year later, I’m seated next to Jacklin
after uni and kind of not expecting it to
a lot of money. I’m obviously in a very
she weaves clever insights into casual
at a Surry Hills café, asking when or if
do anything good. Now, I’m doing it full-
different realm as a musician, but I still
conversation—just as she does in her
she spoke to her own family about the
time and it’s a totally different feeling—
don’t understand that product placement
lyrics. Every track on her album is
song. “No, I haven’t! I was just thinking
it feels a bit harder now, I’m questioning
thing. It takes away from the joy of a
effortlessly peppered with insightful,
about that the other day,” she says. “I
music video.” Does that mean she’d turn
heartfelt musings on everyday
think my mum doesn’t hear lyrics, you
While the success of the album has led to
down a meet and greet with the princess
occurrences, making her music a rare
know? She’ll be like, ‘that’s catchy.’”
sold-out shows in Australia and multiple
of pop? “I’m very hesitant to meet my
mix of smart, relatable, and accessible.
What about her younger brother then,
tours across the US and Europe, Jacklin
heroes. I think that it’s not the best idea,
Jacklin also possesses the ability to drop
who she also masterfully muses about on
still can’t help but reflect on simpler
contemporary, cultural references in her
the same song, singing, “Don’t let your
times. Like the golden days of high
Is that ‘usually’ a reference to a personal,
songs without coming across as tacky
brother / Stop thinking you’re cool / Yeah
school, when her old band performed
grossly embarrassing experience? Of
or cheap. It’s like she’s making classics
I know he’s got a girlfriend now and he’s
Evanescence covers. (Yes, they did
course it is. “When I was about 13, I was
of her time, instead of timeless classics.
taller / But that don’t mean he stopped
that song). “I wish so, so much, that
obsessed with Grinspoon. I went to the
It’s lines like “I’ve been keeping my
looking up to you.” “My brother hasn’t
I could go back in time, and force my
ARIAs to watch, and I was on the red
eye for when you come online, and you
said anything either—I think maybe it’s
mum to buy a video camera, and film
carpet and Phil pulled up in a Cadillac
need me, emotionally” on ‘Hay Plain’, or
embarrassing or something. It’s awkward
me singing that song. I sung that at the
and I didn’t know what he looked like or
“Zach Braff, you look just like my dad,
sometimes to talk to your family about
band competition at this really bad music
anything because this was pre using the
back when I thought I had the best one,”
personal things and express those kinds
festival called ‘Weststock’ which is like
internet, and I was like, ‘Who are you?’
on ‘Small Talk’ that make you feel like
of emotions, and that’s why I wrote a
Western Sydney’s Woodstock. It was like
and he said, ‘We’re Grinspoon’ and I
you’re reading a text conversation with
song about it instead, to save talking to
a sausage sizzle with a jumping castle
just screamed my head off for about five
your best friend. But is it a conscious
them about it,” she says.
and a stage with local kid bands.”
minutes until he left. I just think you can
thing for her to drop current references
26-year-old Jacklin grew up west of
It’s at this point of the conversation that
never be composed and articulate and
in her music? “Yeah, I think it definitely
Sydney in the Blue Mountains. Her
I realise Jacklin and I are very different
say what you wanna say—I think if I was
is,” she says. “I think especially with folk
debut album, Don’t Let the Kids Win was
people. Personally, I feel nothing but
gonna meet a hero I’d just want it to be
music, and the genre I write in, it’s really
released in October of last year, receiving
enormous relief knowing most of my
casually, like, in the same toilet line.”
easy at the beginning to just fall into
immediate, widespread acclaim. Jacklin
creative output from my teenage years
It’s unlikely you’ll stumble upon Jacklin
really classic folk tropes, you know, and
had just returned from a transformative
has gone undocumented. The reason for
in the toilet line at Splendour this year,
just sing about mountains and rivers and
trip across America when she emailed
this is simple: In year 12, as my final
though. Instead, she’ll be backstage,
the country and stuff, and it doesn’t feel
Aldous Harding’s producer, Ben
artwork, I made a screen print of Jesus
casually avoiding eye contact with
that good to sing because I feel like a bit
Edwards, to ask if they could work on her
crucified at the stock exchange holding a
everyone. “Backstage at festivals, you
of a fraud. I dunno, it’s nice to sing about
first record together.
shopping bag and wearing an army tag.
kind of spend the whole time looking
current things and being a young person
While she was in the US, Jacklin
The work was aptly titled, ‘Why?’
around, trying not to bump into people
today, because a lot of people don’t like
spent a lot of time on the infamously
Needless to say, Jacklin is different, most
who you don’t want to talk to. I sometimes
to sing these things because it’s not the
shady Greyhound buses. “Probably
obviously because she’s talented—an
pretend I’m on my phone. Everyone’s in
way songs are supposed to be written.”
the strangest thing that happened on a
attribute I personally dodged at birth. “I
their little crews and you’re just trying to
Greyhound was when we were going
covered Evanescence again at the talent
figure out ways to infiltrate other bands.”
- Erin Bromhead
30 The death of the Australian dance music
little time for. Even if the sound isn’t
festival was not televised, nor was it
your tipple, it’s hard not to appreciate his
quick. It was a gradual de-evolution
savviness on some level.
which I personally watched right there
CC: DISCO! is one of my favourite
from the front left, t-shirt neckline
Boiler Room sets ever. She is a goddamn
plunging down to warm vodka and
selector, if ever you’ve seen one.
sugar in hand. It all began with such
Everything from rare funk to New
optimism, and an immense sense of
York house to 90s RnB, delivered with
togetherness. But it quickly became a
excellent fashion sense and a trill smile.
glutinous circus that catered primarily to
Just don’t let her catch you standing still.
a crowd who were both allergic to cotton,
Sam Weston, who you might know as
and lacking the kind of genre romance
one half of Alba, released his debut
required for any longevity. Stereosonic,
record this year on Soothsayer and wow,
I am absolutely looking at you. You too,
is it good. Leon Vynehall-inspired house
Parklife. And you didn’t act alone. I
played live, with perfect imperfections
totally under$tand how, and why, but that
and a little room for jamming. ‘Never
doesn’t make it any less disappointing.
Been In Love, Pt II’ is an unrelenting
Although, really, who needs dedicated
piano house masterpiece.
dance music festivals now when you have
Nite Fleit doesn’t sound like anyone else,
Splendour in the Grass? Splendour, for
and she does it amazingly well. We’re
whom dance music is not even a major
soon to be label mates, but I’d be going to
focus, still manages to annually curate
watch her regardless because she delivers.
a hyper tasteful and absolutely apex
Every. Single. Time. Chugging house and
dance element. 2017 is no diff. Here’s my
techno with a touch of class.
completely biased pick of sets to watch.
And now we reach the part of this guide
Sweet baby Yeezus I’ve missed Cut
where I tell you what I believe are the two
Copy. Cutters are, collectively, a treasure
best things you will see at Splendour in
of the Australian electronic scene. They
the Grass this year: Harvey Sutherland
were the first artists to release music on
and Bermuda, and LCD Soundsystem.
Modular Records; a 7-inch, Bauhaus-
The former are what you may describe
inspired sleeve encasing a pressing called
as a live psychedelic disco act. Late-70s,
1984. And they’ve been not only faultless,
cosmic disco too, Moog-heavy and richly
but dynamic, daring, and hypnotic,
textured; certainly not the glam 80s
ever since. They’ve also been quiet for
Miami stompers most associate with the
a minute and, knowing their history as
word. Drums, an electronic violin, and
fanboyishly as I do, that means they’ll be
Mr Sutherland himself on synthesis, three
bringing some fresh heat to Byron Bay.
elements that create a wildly detailed
Expect new joints sprinkled among their
tapestry and a true journey.
timeless back catalogue.
And, finally. New York’s greatest-ever
Also in early-noughties-Australian-
punk funk band, led by the ineffable
electro, Bag Raiders saw an unexpected
James Goddamn Murphy. You know
rise back to the top of the charts thanks to
their songs, subconsciously or not. And
the use of Shooting Stars in one of 2017’s
now, if you’ve never seen them before,
finest memes (spill some data on YouTube
you’ve been #blessed with a second
right now and then come back here). More
chance, given their reformation after
on this in a coming edition, but suffice to
a four-year hiatus. LCD Soundsystem
say, the Sydney duo are never not a good
are diamonds sparkling in a dark cave;
built in suffocating New York basements
Client Liaison are back at Splendour
and matured by time on the road, this is
with their Commonwealth of Australia
live electronic music with true feeling.
INXS worship, and I’m here for it. 80s
A modern Talking Heads. Ambitious,
Australiana never sounded better—nor
emotional, and accidentally the best
looked better, for that matter. Salmon
band at any festival they’re ever billed
coloured suit? Check. Anthemic sound
by. Including Splendour in the Grass,
tailor-made for a Splendour stage? No
according to my humble opinion and rose-
lensed glasses. Please do not miss.
RL Grime is in a league of his own when it comes to trap—a genre I usually have
- Elliot Struck
MIX-UP STAGE 17:15 – 18:15, FRIDAY
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Yesterday’s sudden disappearance of
At today’s performance, Strassman will
the band Haim has forced organisers
be rolling out his usual creepy, jokester
to replace them at the last minute with
puppets (Ted E. Bare, Chuck Wood, Little
ventriloquist David Strassman. The puppet
Ricky, etc.), but will also be showcasing a
comedian was at home talking to himself
new trio of sassy female puppets who are
in funny voices in the dark when the call
in a rock band. “Laim are a first in puppet
came through. “I was really surprised to
comedy,” says Strassman. “There are
hear from the Splendour organisers,” said
three puppets to operate at once, and they
the beady-eyed puppet master, “Normally
also do songs, which is very challenging
I do smaller venues and the odd bit on
for me as a ventriloquist.” The fact that his
TV. That said, I think the kids will dig my
new puppets bear a striking resemblance
show—it’s pretty hip!” The eerie cue ball
to the missing band, Haim, is purely
then went on to express concern for the
coincidental, he says, and there’s nothing
whereabouts of Haim. “It sure is strange
suspicious going on at all. “I guess it is
In today’s modern society, there’s no reason why you or anyone should
that those guys disappeared. I’m sure
pretty weird when you think about it,”
have it off with the same person forever—especially when that person is
they’ll turn up eventually. It’s not like
said the spooky cue ball puppet lord, “but
they’re chained up in an attic somewhere.
I’m sure those guys are off somewhere
Just look around you! There are plenty of young women who’ll have sex
Ha ha.” The disappearance of Haim has
eating pizza or something. I mean, I have
with you after eight drinks—so why not? Are we meant to be monogamous?
authorities stumped, but there is one piece
no idea, really... I’ll tell you one place they
Really? Then why do you keep fantasizing about doing Tiffany from
of evidence that could prove pivotal to the
most definitely are not: my place. And
accounts in the bum? Monogamy is not natural at all, otherwise you
investigation: a small shoe. “It’s a small
they’re definitely not chained up in my
shoe,” says Sgt. Kevin Murray of the NSW
murky attic amongst all the other puppets
Missing Persons Unit. “It’s too small for a
I have, the secret puppets, the puppets no
child, but would definitely fit, say, a doll.
one knows about.”
Right now this is all we have to go on. That and the clear signs of a violent struggle.”
- Jason Crombie
gradually becoming less and less attractive as they grow older.
wouldn’t be plagued by those smutty thoughts. So, go ahead, have a fling or two. You’ve earned it. A message from Wilhelm & Roberts Divorce Lawyers.
the gig along with The Vines drummer
head spinning stuff.
and all-round deadset fucking legend,
Just before lunch, Hamish excused
Hamish Rosser. The director wanted
himself to go watch The Living End. I was
something completely at odds with the
keen to join him but the producer asked
usual backstage set up of the cool/goofy/
if I was cool to do one more interview,
eager/stylishly dishevelled haired music
solo. “It’s Bluejuice, and you’ll be talking
reporter asking the bands what bands
to Stav and Jake Stone.” Hmmmmnnn…
they were keen to check out at the fezzy.
Jake Stone… the name sounded familiar,
“We don’t even want you guys to ask any
but why? And then I remembered. Jake
questions at all,” he told us. “We just want
Stone was the very same fucker who’d
you to sit down, drink wine, and talk shit
written the Goons’ one star review in the
with whoever we bring in.” This sounded
street press. The guy who was writing off
perfect to me and Hamish, particularly
bands was in a band himself! Keen for
in light of the fact that sitting down,
retribution and a call-out ambush right
drinking wine, and talking shit were
there on MTV, I told the producer to bring
three of the very rare things we were dick
’em in.
swinging legends at doing.
Jake and Stav bounced into the bus
The line-up for Splendour that year was
completely out of their minds. The set
(as always) damn bitchin’ for its time with
they’d just finished had been a full blown
The Flaming Lips, The Specials, MGMT,
screamer (from memory, one that marked
Bloc Party, Happy Mondays, Friendly
their arrival as one of the great live acts in
Fires, Hilltop Hoods, Children Collide,
the country) and they were ramped up and
Augie March, and a heap of others all
ready to talk shit. But I wasn’t interested
scheduled to light it up for the masses over
in their band or how good they were going
Splendour means different things to
the three days. Hamish and I only had to
or what they thought of the crowd. I didn’t
different people. For some, it’s about
check in at the bus every hour or two to
give a fuck how many records they’d sold
getting free backstage passes and rubbing
see if the producers had teed someone up
or what they were working on or who else
shoulders with celebs and musos and, let’s
for a chat, and if they had, our job was
they might be keen to check out at the
face it, a heap of wankers in the VIP area.
to get drunk and chug a bunch of darts
fezzy. The only thing I wanted to know
For others, it’s about wearing headbands
with them, which we did with gusto. On
was why Jake Stone thought my band
and circular sunglasses and big boots
the first two days, we drained claret by
and my art, my passion and the passion
with little dresses and muscle tees and felt
the bucket and talked with Johnny from
of my bandmates, was only worth one
hats and fucken feathers in your hair. For
Children Collide about the length of a
lousy fucking star in his snooty-nosed,
a rare few, it’s about getting wasted and
piece of string, the Yves Klein Blue boys
holier than thou, piece of shit review. I
falling asleep on a port-a-loo with your
told us that everyone is red headed to the
could have schooled him and I should
pants around your ankles and the door
colour blind, Bob Evans revealed his real
have schooled him… but I didn’t. Instead
ajar so that everyone in line can see your
name was Kevin Mitchell, and Tim Rogers
I hugged Jake Stone, told him I was a
shrivelled knob perched on top of your
said his fake name was Jack Ladder. It was
big fan, poured him a glass of red, and
frozen ballbag like a purple cherry on a
all wonderfully trivial and shithouse until
happily chatted about pretty much fuck all
scoop of raspberry ice cream. For most
Neville Staples came in with The Specials
while he laughed, and smoked, and drank
though, it’s about soaking your soul in the
and provided us a highlight moment we’ll
from the very same glass that only hours
collective energy of the music, standing
never forget: all of us hugging and singing
earlier had doubled as the world’s first
in the fields and tapping into that flow –
“A Message To You, Rudy” together like
Bonsai Ballbag. Five-star revenge right
from the artists, through speakers the size
a long lost bunch of childhood gambinos.
there, motherfucker. - Vaughan Dead
of buildings, straight into your vibrating
What a lark.
carcass. There’s no doubt that when you
The next day we did it all again, only this
get the right band with the right crowd on
time things were slightly more hungover
the right night, everything in the world
and shambolic. Clay MacDonald, then
dissolves to nothing. You’re free of all
bassist of The Beautiful Girls, kicked
life’s horseshit in the explosion of that one
off the morning by performing his own
perfect fucking moment. It’s like riding a
interpretation of the Bonsai Kitten craze
unicorn made of lighting over an orgasm
(ie: cats shoved into small glass bottles)
rainbow with a sunflower in one hand and
that was making big news on the internet.
a porcelain figurine of Michael Jackson in
Standing on the small table inside the bus
the other. Nirvana.
he pulled down his dacks and dropped
I’ve seen and done all of the above at
his nuts straight into my wineglass.
one point or another in my Splendour
“Bonsai Ballbags!” he announced. Phil
experiences, but there was this one year
from Grinspoon called in and we talked
when I was gifted something entirely
about TDAATEC, his riff driven hip hop,
different. It was 2009 and MTV were
rock and roll side project with G Force
looking for some band guys to host
Messiah, Killer Wright, and D’Velvet
a bunch of Jim Jarmusch ‘Coffee &
Dragon (still one of the best albums ever
Cigarettes’ style interviews in a giant
and responsible for the classic Doped
double decker bus that was parked behind
Youth opening track ‘Kimono’, if you’re
the main stage. Despite the fact my band
interested). Wayne Coyne hung out for
(Goons of Doom) had just received a one
an hour and a half, marvelling about
star review in the Sydney street press for
everything from The Flaming Lips stage
what the writer called “the worst single
show to the spectacular perfection of
of the year”, I somehow got the call up for
vaginas. It was incredible, entertaining,
Tour riders hold endless fascination for
getting bigger and bigger and the thing I find
those of us outside the music industry. You
interesting is DJs. I mean, there’s only one of
know, that form where performers request
you, how many people are you bringing? Why
anything that strikes their fancy (relative
are you doing an overnight load-in with 15
to their level of fame) and expect someone
crew, are you plugging in your iPad?”
out there to source it for them. Whether
Panic if organic
it’s the vanilla requests of Ed Sheeran
“I was ringing around for weeks trying to
(Robinson’s Squash, a six-pack of Diet
get an organic, ruby red apple, that’s red but
Coke, orange Fanta and Sprite, and a jar
not too red, and a can of tuna that had to be
of Manuka Honey) the specifics of Slayer (a
certified organic. I’m ringing all these health
platter of hummus and sprouts arranged in
food shops trying to find organic tuna, and
a pentagram formation) or the undisputed
eventually someone told me, ‘Give up, you
king of the rider, Iggy Pop, who, among
can’t certify the ocean.’”
many things, asked for seven dwarves, a
BYO undies. Please.
Bob Hope impersonator, and cauliflower
“People ask for that all the time. Sometimes
and broccoli cut into individual florets and
you’ve just got to go no, that’s not ok. Like, I
thrown immediately into the garbage—
can’t buy people underpants, it’s gross.”
people just can’t get enough of that shit.
Oasis aren’t the only ones feuding
So to find out a little more about the 17 odd
One English band needed to have a family and
years-worth of SITG tour riders, we went
friends room, a production office, a wardrobe
straight to the source—Cathy James, Riders
office, a TV room, their own rooms, a warm-
Manager for Splendour talent since the very
up room and a crew room. Depending on the
beginning. From the batshit boring to the
band not all of them are talking to each other,
humanly impossible, there’s nothing she
so they’ll need separate areas.”
hasn’t seen and very little that can surprise
It’s not just the headliners who pull
her. Except undies.
“In the early years we had a bunch of little 6x3metre tents for the smaller bands. I
Size does matter
remember pulling open the tent flap for one
“There was one woman who wouldn’t come
of the small bands—it wasn’t even one in the
onsite until she knew the diameter of the
afternoon and they’d already run out of their
clothes rack rail. This was at the beginning
rider—and I was going in there to clean it
when we didn’t even have enough money to
out, and this guy was getting lucky. His first
rent them so we’d constructed it from a piece
festival, first show, he’d drunk all his rider and
of bamboo. The tour manager came on site and
he’s getting lucky, I was like ‘Oh rock ‘n’ roll!’
felt that the clothes rack was too round.”
I felt so happy for him, he was having the best
Entourages are getting bigger
“The year that we had Kanye, Coldplay, and
The English stereotype is alive and well
Jane’s Addiction, that was intense. They had
“The English people are obsessed with
a lot; there was an incredible amount of fried
drinking loads and loads of tea in the middle of
chicken created that year. The entourages are
the night, so we’ll do a midnight tea set-up.”
MISSED CONNECTIONS Tiffany m4w Tiffany. I can’t find my nunchucks
anywhere. Have you seen them? Please call me. I can’t find them anywhere. My hoverboard is missing too. Also, why’d
Magic Sausages
you break up with me in 2011? 0406-650-430
I found some sausages on the bus and I have a feeling they are magic. I don’t have any proof of this, I’m just going on a
Lady on the Train w4m
feeling. There are three magic sausages
You boarded my train at Redfern during
in total, and I am selling them. 0406-650-430
Lost Doberman
“How many pies is too many pies?”
peak hour. You were missing a shoe,
Do you want a fight? I’ll fight you!
among others. There are four-minutes
you’d wet your tracksuit pants, and you
Come on! I’ve got hundreds of fights to
of silence on side B because I was...
were wearing a plastic bag for a hat. You
choose from! I’ve got your basic push-
combing my hair. Otherwise, the tape is
introduced yourself as Keith, and when I
and-shove, all the way up to your more
complete. Must sell.
pointed out that Keith was a man’s name,
seen at the park, eating a diaper he found
advanced scuff les, like the one where
you called me a know-all and vomited
in a bin. You can’t miss him: big dog
I hit you with a billiard ball in a sock.
what has shit all over his face. Answers
All fights must go! Priced to clear!
to ‘Roscoe’. Give us a hoy if you see him.
Have you seen my Roscoe? He was last
His name is Roscoe. 0406-650-430
Penis Chopsticks
Bag of Feathers & a Racist Joke For Sale. One large plastic bag full
down the front of your Garfield t-shirt. Call me. I’d like to start a life together. 0406-650-430
of feathers, and one racist joke. The
Plumber w4m
I have a TDK Audio Cassette
feathers I have been collecting for ten
Are you the plumber who came to
90 Minutes of My Thoughts containing 90-minutes of things I
years. They are mostly cocky feathers,
unblock the office toilets last week? I’d
I found some left-handed penis chopsticks
thought on May 3rd, 1998. Random
but there are also some magpie and
really like to get to know you better.
at the Court House Hotel in Newtown on
musings include: “I can’t wait for the
sparrow feathers. The racist joke is
I would have approached you at the
Wednesday night. They’ve got dragons
new Harry Potter book to come out,”
about Scottish people being cheap.
office, but you were busy dislodging the
painted on them and have the initials T.J.
“Does the girl at the chemist fancy
Must sell as pair. No tire kickers.
enormous turd I did. Please call if this
me or is she just being nice?” And,
is you.
engraved. Would like reward please. 0406-650-430
1:12 PM