#19 Demsky Artist Profile IG @demsky
Location Lost in Space
In 1979, was the town of Elche Spain ready for the birth of DEMSKY J? The question remains to be seen. The artist also known as DEMS333 aka DEMS of the »Ultra Boyz«, aka DEMSKY, aka DEMSKY J., was the boy who became a young man engrossed in graffiti. For more than 30 years this didn’t change and the young man became the talented world-renowned artist know for having one foot firmly planted in the present while the other proceeds forward into the future. All in search of the truth, or at least the visual truth anyway.
ith the description, ›NEOFUTURISM‹ de cribing DEMSKY’s current work, his s pursuit to form a merge between early 90’s visual nostalgia with notions of space that exist only in the very near future, DEMSKY is at the forefront of optically illusive fine art. With a list of 50 countries worldwide, DEMSKY’s work spans from graffiti, muralism, fine art, commercial and creative object development. His open mind and current passport always in hot pursuit of artistic conceptual development. With a long period of focus on writing his name in as many different ways as humanly possible, the introduction of fluorescent color, ultramarine and white plains as background could make the viewer believe he is currently searching beyond the human. Like a glitch in the matrix, DEMSKY tries to find his place look ing from the recent past to the present and beyond.
Montana BLACK Artist Edition Demsky