Still Scenes of VisionaRy EnchaNtment
Photos by Richard Mack essay by TOm Dickson18 November–December 2006 fwp mt gov/mtoutdoors
here Jul 24–28 1805
The M ssou i R ve headwaters, where he Madison, Jef erson and Ga a in vers mee a Three Forks Le wis and C a k passed hrough
much of the
Lewis and Clark Trail
Remains remark ably unchanged from when the Corps of Discovery passed this way 200 years ago
Facing page: The White Cliffs of the Missouri River Clockwise from top left: the lower Yellowstone River ; the Missouri River near Hardy; approaching Lemhi Pass from the east; the Big Hole River Valle y Below right: milkweed along the Missouri River near Great Falls
Color images from The Lewis & Clark Trail: American Landscapes, by Richard Mack, published by Quiet Light Publishing Mack is a commercial pho- in Evanston, Illinois Tom Dickson is editor of Montana Outdoors Above: The vie w from Pompe ys Pillar on the Yellowstone River near Billings Below right: Clark’s signature carved in the sandstone of Pompe ys Pillar, the only remaining visible e vidence of the expedition’s passage Above: The Yellowstone River west of Miles City Below: Beaverhead Rock, near DillonAS THEY WERE
NO LONGER Clockwise, from top left: The expedition’s arrival marked the beginning of the end of Indians’ traditional way of life (L A Huffman, 1896) Though wolves are making a comeback, the y will ne ver congregate in “vast assemblages,” as Le wis described them while near Augusta (photographer and date unknown) Bison, which once roamed freely across the Great Plains, are now confined to parks and ranches (photographer and date unknown) The Great Falls of the Missouri River, a major milestone in Le wis and Clark’s journe y, are now flooded beneath a series of impoundments (photographer and date unknown) Photos courtesy of the Montana Historical Society, HelenaFac ng page The Wh te C f
C ockw se rom op e t he ower Ye
R ver
Missour R ver nea
Be ow r ght
s of the
R ver
; the
Ha dy app oach ng Lemh Pass f om
east the Big Hole River Va
mi kweed a ong the M ssour River near Grea Fa
Above: The v e w rom Pompe ys P ar on he Ye lowstone R ve nea B ngs Below igh : C a k s signature ca ved n the sands one of Pompe s P ar, he on y rema ning v s ble e vidence of the exped t on s passage
Color images from The Lewis & Clark Trail: American Landscapes, by Richard Mack, published by Quiet Light Publishing Mack is a commercial photographer in Evanston, Illinois Tom Dickson is editor of Montana Outdoors
NO LONGER AS THEY WERE Clockw se, rom op ef : The expedi on’s arriva marked he beg nning o the end o ndians t adi ona way o fe ( A Hu man 1896 Though wo ves a e mak ng a comeback the y w l ne ve congregate n “vast assemb ages ” as Le w s descr bed them wh e nea Augusta pho og aph r and da e un nown) B son, which once roamed ee y ac oss he G eat P a ns, are now con ined o pa ks and anches pho og aphe and da e unknown The Great Fa s of he Missou i River, a ma or m lestone in Le w s and C a k s ourne y are now ooded beneath a se es o mpoundments pho og aphe and da e unknown) Photos cour esy o the Mon ana H s o ica Soc e y, He ena Above The Yel owstone R ve west o M es C y Be ow Beave head Rock near Di on