MNews Summer 2010

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Letter from the Chancellor Dear Alumni and Friends: On May 15, 2010, Montana Tech held the seventh consecutive outdoor commencement ceremony in Alumni Coliseum. Joining our


alumni ranks are 411 new graduates. The commencement speaker was our newest honorary doctor of science degree recipient, Dr. John F. "Frank" Gardner. Terry Holzwarth, Mark Johnson, and Tracy Miller were honored as Distinguished Alumni, while Martin White was recognized as the Uuno Sahinen Award recipient. The ceremony was attended by a number of dignitaries and visitors, including: Mr. Dennis Washington, founder of the Washington Corporation; Mr. Larry Simkins, President of the Washington Corporation; Rolin Erickson, President of Montana Resources; many other Washington Corporation executives; Dr. and


Mrs. Dan Rovig, member of the Board of Goldcorp; Ms. Li Hongmei, a visiting Librarian from Beijing Jiaotong University; and nearly 3,000 parents, friends, and supporters of our graduates. On April 12–14, 2010, the campus underwent its 10 year evaluation by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. A team of 10 evaluators spent essentially 3 days looking at all aspects of this great university. Their visit was preceded by a self-study that required 2 years of


work by a steering committee as well as many other faculty and staff. Professor Chip Todd chaired the steering committee. Our self-study was described by the chair of the evaluation team as the best he had read. The draft report of the evaluation team has been completed, and while it is not official at this time, I can indicate that it is very positive. On July 13, 2010, Dr. Chip Todd and I will appear before the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities to present the case for Montana Tech's accreditation being reaffirmed. This spring has also brought a lot of moving on campus. The Mining Engineering Department, Geological Engineering Department, and all of administration moved from the Mining and Geology Building to Main Hall. The Business Office and the One-Stop-Shop remain in the Mining and Geology Building. All of the Outreach Programs have moved from the Health Sciences Building (former Petroleum Building) to Main Hall. Mining and Geology will be offline for about 9 months for modest renovations while Health Sciences will be offline for

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12 to 15 months for extensive renovation. We hope you can join us for the dedication of the Natural Resources Building at 5:00 pm on September 22, 2010 behind the second floor entrance on the northwest side of the building. A reception and tours will follow the dedication.


Best Regards,

Table of Contents

Driven to Succeed - By Luke Meyer "I'm absolutely not going to Butte to attend college." These were the words of Anthony Laslovich as a high school senior growing up in Anaconda. Like many young Copperheads, Anthony was unable to think of Butte without bitter rivalry coming to mind. "From horseshoes to high school basketball, Butte is your enemy and vice-versa," says Anthony. "Losing to Butte Central in basketball was like losing the state championship."

Leap of Faith - By Amanda Badovinac Dwayne Alexander grew up in public housing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dwayne, known to friends as "T-bone," was a standout wrestler and football player at William Penn High School. In high school, T-bone was a top football prospect. The Montana College of Mineral Sciences (now Montana Tech) was lucky enough to land T-bone on their roster in 1979. There was only one problem after T-bone committed to Montana Tech. He had never traveled out west!

Blue Angels - By Melissa Holmes Travis Schallenberger and Ben Witt are not just Mechanical Engineering students at Montana Tech. They're also United States Navy recruits in the Officer Training Program—after graduation they'll attend Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island, followed by flight school in Pensacola, Florida. Their joint interest in flying is what inspired their Senior Design Project, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

Mad Science - By Peggy McCoy In the early 1900s, imagining the combination of technology and medicine would have turned one's mind to Frankenstein. Back then, the ability to create or save life with the use of electricity or technology was fantasy. Many considered the classic novel a warning against the excesses of modern life in the industrial revolution. Times have changed. Two Montana Tech alumni, Daniel Cleary and Ben Wendell, are combining their engineering problem-solving skills and their technological savvy with a passion for medicine.

Winners to Champions - By Mike Johnson Coach Aaron Woliczko (vo-LITCH-ko) took the reins of Montana Tech's Men's Basketball program on June 1st. His infectious attitude and high-energy style are a perfect match for the First Choice Vision of our athletic programs.

Lady Diggers Take on the Nation - By Brianne McClafferty Sitting poolside on a pre-season team retreat at Fairmont Hot Springs, thirteen young ladies wrote down their goals for the season. It was unanimous: be the first Montana Tech women's basketball team to advance to the NAIA national tournament. Six months later, these same ladies were boarding a plane to Jackson, Tennessee on the way to their dream.

On To Life's Next Chapter - By Amanda Badovinac "Pomp and Circumstance" filled the air as Montana Tech of The University of Montana faculty, staff and the graduating Class of 2010 paraded into Alumni Coliseum on Saturday, May 15, 2010, ready to celebrate Montana Tech's 110th Commencement Ceremony.

Content Frank Gilmore Chancellor



2 6 12 16 21

Letter from the Chancellor Letters from the Vice Chancellors Shoot, Submit, Share Campus Shorts Athletic Update

24 25 26 31

Montana Tech Outstanding Student Awards Alumni Association Update In Memory Class Notes

MNews Summer Edition 2010 Chancellor Frank Gilmore Publisher Mike Johnson Editor Susan Barth Graphic Designer Andrew Henderson, Contributing Writers Doug Abbott Amanda Badovinac Bob Bentley Frank Gilmore Melissa Holmes Mike Johnson Jennifer Lince Brianne McClafferty Peggy McCoy Luke Meyer Photographers Amanda Badovinac Caroline's Photography Lisa Wareham Photography Matt Brown Melissa Holmes Tejada Photograhy Printer Thomas Printing Project Manager Amanda Badovinac MNews is produced by the Public Relations and Marketing Department at Montana Tech. It is published three times a year by Montana Tech for Tech alumni and friends. Moved? Please update your profile at

Cover Photos: The front and back cover photos were taken on the Montana Tech campus on a beautiful evening in Butte. The front cover shows the new Natural Resources Building and the back looks back from the new building toward campus. Photos by Lisa Wareham Photography. SUMMER 2010


Anthony recently graduated with a degree in general engineering-civil option and a master's degree in general engineering with a structural engineering emphasis.

By Luke Meyer

Anthony enjoys a beautiful day flying a helicopter for Canyon Lake Helicopters.

Photo by Lisa Wareham Photography

"I'm absolutely not going to Butte to attend college."


hese were the words of Anthony Laslovich as a high school senior growing up in Anaconda. Like many young Copperheads, Anthony was unable to think of Butte without bitter rivalry coming to mind. "From horseshoes to high school basketball, Butte is your enemy and vice-versa," says Anthony. "Losing to Butte Central in basketball was like losing the state championship." Anthony stayed true to his word and attended the University of Montana, pursuing a degree in business. Halfway to the finish line, though, he began to question his choice of degree. He called his dad, Tony, to talk out his dilemma. "I feel like this isn't what I was meant to do, Dad," explained Anthony. "I've been thinking about engineering quite a bit and it's something that really interests me‌what do you think about Tech?" His dad replied, "You know engineering at Tech is difficult. Montana Tech is a great school, but it's tough." That was all Anthony needed to hear from his dad. Now it was a challenge. Could he switch gears and make it in Tech's rigorous program? "I was driven in the sense that I didn't want to fail," recalls Anthony. Anthony set his hometown rivalry aside and signed up for a campus visit to Montana Tech. "My first impression was great," admits



Anthony. "All the faculty and staff I talked to during the visit were extremely personable. I remember listening to Professor Leroy Friel describe the civil engineering program and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) club, and I knew Tech was the place I was supposed to be." Anthony signed up for classes in the fall of 2007 and quickly became a tenant of the Tech Learning Center. "If I wasn't in class, I was at the Learning Center. I felt like Norm from Cheers‌everyone knew my name." In summer he attended school while working full-time at his dad's construction business in Anaconda. "I'd show up to class with my Carhartts caked in cement," recalls Anthony. "I'd get some pretty funny looks from my classmates." His hard work paid off, as Anthony received academic scholarships for the remainder of his career at Tech. During his junior year, he made a friend and mentor in newly hired Associate Professor Dr. Brian Kukay. "Brian really pushed me to get involved in engineering both inside and outside the classroom. He is the primary reason I took an extra semester to pursue my master's degree." Professor Kukay recently led Anthony and the rest of the ASCE Student Chapter to the 2010 Pacific Northwest Competition, where they placed well in the steel bridge and concrete canoe competitions. While Anthony is a nose-in-the-books type of student, he admits to also being a bit of an impersonator and prankster. Professors Kukay, Jim Girard, Matt Egloff, Rod James, and Sue Walker are all in his repertoire of impersonations. "There's nothing better than getting a good laugh. I'm sure someone would do a goofy impersonation of me if I taught," laughs Anthony. Professor Kukay was the unknowing victim of one of Anthony's favorite pranks: "I'm a teacher's assistant for an AutoCAD class at

night and one of the printers always has a huge stack of scrap paper next to it. One night I decided to stuff all the paper under Brian's door. I just kept stuffing sheet after sheet and sort of lost track of the quantity after a while. Apparently, the wind caught some of the papers just right and they were on his desk, chair, and anywhere else you can imagine. Even though this wasn't my intention, Brian thought someone had broken into his office. The next morning I overheard Brian grilling a security guard as to how often he monitors the halls." Anthony laughs. "I have tried to mention to Brian it was me and to this day he believes someone trashed his office. I guess now he'll know the truth. This article comes out after graduation, right?" Anthony has also used his sense of humor as a creative motivator for his roommates. "My brothers and I own a house in Butte and the first thing prospective tenants see when they walk in is the Dean's List Wall of Fame. My father got the idea when I told him all the tenants, including myself, had made the Dean's list." The wall contains black & white framed photos of current and former Tech students striking overly serious poses for the camera. "To make the wall is simple: you must have a minimum 3.5 GPA and the uncanny ability to strike a distinguished pose. One of my roommates was so upset because he had a 3.49 GPA and didn't make the wall. He pleaded with a professor for weeks to bump his grade up a tenth of a point, but it didn't happen." Two of Anthony's roommates are on track to make Tech's Dean's List this semester. "The wall sort of began as a joke, but has really motivated me and my roommates to do well in school." During his time at Tech Anthony was also involved in intramural sports, specifically flag football, basketball and volleyball. "I really enjoy the camaraderie and sportsmanship I share with other students. I'll even pass the ball to a Butte guy once in a while,"

Wall of Fame

jokes Anthony. In the rest of Anthony's spare time he enjoys his involvement with ASCE, flying helicopters for work and play (not the remote-controlled kind), hanging out with friends and spending time with his girlfriend, Tech alumnus Jonna VanDaveer. Anthony graduated with the Class of 2010, earning a bachelor's degree in general engineering-civil option and a master's degree in general engineering with a structural engineering emphasis. At commencement, he was honored with an Outstanding Student Award from the General Engineering department. Anthony is undecided as to whether he will join the workforce or continue his education after graduation. "Professor Kukay has me considering enrolling at Utah State for a PhD in structural engineering, so we'll see." With his hard work ethic, outgoing personality, and ability to overcome challenges, Anthony will be driven to succeed wherever he chooses. SUMMER 2010


From Academics

to Development

P r o p me up beside the jukebox when I die.

Montana Tech Alumni and Friends,

J o e D i ff i e

Academic year 2011 is off to an excellent start. The first day of summer school 2010 was June 1st, and I am thrilled to inform you that we have a

You know you're getting old when the subject of death starts creeping more often into conversations with friends. I've

record number of students taking courses this summer. A total of 640 students

been asked if I plan on being cremated or buried when I die. For years, I have jokingly responded that I plan on getting

have enrolled for summer classes, representing a 40% increase over summer

stuffed by a taxidermist and placed in a glass case next to the jukebox at the Vu Villa. Then, for a quarter, future Montana

session last year. As we look forward to the fall semester, all indications are that enrollment

Tech students could listen to a story I recorded while still alive. One of the first stories I would record has to do with

will continue to grow. In-state applications are strong, out-of-state applica-

Dwayne "T-Bone" Alexander, who is featured in the article on page 8. The story would go something like this: Growing up in Helena, Montana, I didn't have the occasion to be around many non-Montanans. That changed in August

tions are steady, requests for space in our campus housing complexes are

1980, when I showed up for my first football practice for the Orediggers. The lockers were arranged alphabetically, so

abundant and initial retention statistics look positive. I anticipate a dynamic

"Alexander" was right next to "Abbott." T-Bone and I quickly became friends. At one point during the season, as a means to

and record-setting year. The Montana Tech Athletic Department is busy preparing for another

save money, T-Bone began to "borrow" the extra rolls of toilet paper the janitor would place in the dorm bathrooms. It didn't

banner year. Headlining this summer's activity is the installation of the

take long for the janitor to figure out that the toilet paper demand had increased, so he stopped putting out the extra rolls. After his supply of free toilet paper had ceased to exist, T-Bone started to use the newspaper to "do his business." The

Newmont Mining Scoreboard. This construction began in May and will be

entire team had heard of the change in T-Bone's personal hygiene products. One day before practice, T-Bone was getting

completed by August 1st, just in time for the 2010 football season. Once installed, the Newmont Mining Scoreboard will be visible for miles. The

dressed when Kevin Stone, one of his roommates, walked in the locker room and loudly said, "Yo T-Bone, bend over and spread your cheeks, I want to see if the Cubs won."

board itself is 18 feet tall and 25 feet wide, with 16 prime panels for advertising. The entire structure will be 53 feet tall

Years after he left Montana Tech, T-Bone called me to see what he needed to do to finish his degree at Tech. I put him

and 55 feet wide. Many thanks are extended to the scoreboard donors, advertising partners, in-kind contributors and

in touch with Dr. Tom Lester and they were able to work out what needed to be done for him to graduate. I was not aware

all those who assisted in this massive effort. If you are interested in contributing to this project or looking to advertise

that he had completed the graduation requirements when he walked across the stage in 1998—what a pleasant surprise!

your business, please give me a call.

Montana Tech has a longstanding reputation for strong student teams, and the 2009–2010 academic year saw our

At the end of June 2010, we will end the 5th year of our 7-year comprehensive fundraising campaign, Strengthening

teams compete well in both national and international competitions. Examples of these successes include: Environmental

Foundations . . . Ensuring the Future. Thus far, the campaign has generated more than $16.5 million in support of Montana

Engineering students placed second at the WERC Environmental Design Contest in New Mexico with their design of

Tech's students and faculty. Our $20.3 million goal is in sight, and we believe that during this coming year we will reach

a Portable Siphon Unit to Concentrate Pond Water and Bacteria into a More Manageable, Portable Sample. General

the financial target set for this fundraising initiative. We need your help in taking us across the finish line! For all those

Engineering students took second place in the serviceability category of the Steel Bridge Design Competition at the ASCE

who have been active in the campaign, we thank you. For those still considering a gift, please give me a call. And for those

Northwest Competition held in Washington. In addition, the Concrete Canoe Design team took two third place awards

who need more information, I encourage you to contact the campus for more details regarding our needs.

(Design Report and Canoe Race) at the ASCE competition. Networking Technology students competed at the National

On behalf of our entire campus, I wish you and yours a magnificent and safe summer. Wherever you find yourself on

Business Professionals of America competition in California, taking home first place medals in computer security, web

this day, please pause for a moment and reflect on your most prominent memory of Montana Tech. I hope this reflection

design, JAVA programming, and Network Administration. Two teams of students

puts a smile on your face!

participated in the 32nd International Collegiate Mining Competition held in Australia. Tech's co-ed team took home three trophies (two third place and one fourth

Thanks again for your continued support and encouragement. Please stop in and say hello anytime you are in the neighborhood.

place), while the men's team took second and sixth place awards. Please continue to keep in touch with the campus. And if you see me encased in glass at the Vu Villa, don't hesitate to drop a quarter in the slot. You never know what you'll hear. Tap 'er light,

Mike Johnson Vice Chancellor of Development ans Student Services President of the Montana Tech Foundation

Douglas M. Abbott Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Research






Leap O F FA I T H By Amanda Badovinac

T-bone, #66, was a standout, 5-11, 225 pound guard on the Oredigger football squad.



wayne Alexander grew up in public housing in Phila- nation several times at offensive guard. "I must note," says T-bone, delphia, Pennsylvania. Dwayne, known to friends as "that our team played and beat Carroll when Bob Petrino, a Helena, "T-bone," was a standout wrestler and football player at Montana native and current head football coach of the Arkansas William Penn High School. He was the undefeated Pub- Razorbacks, was the quarterback." lic League wrestling champion, held the league's record In 1982, Dwayne walked across the stage at Montana Tech to for the fastest pin and was named 1st Team All-Public in wrestling. receive an associate of arts degree in humanities, social science & On the football field he played linebacker, twice earning a 1st Team information technology. He was ready to embark on the next chapter All-Public designation. in his life. "My first job was as a Technical Assistant with the PhilaIn high school, he was a top football prospect. "I was recruited by delphia Gas Works, which is the utility company that supplies natural many colleges around the U.S., especially the historically black ones," gas to all of the people and businesses in Philadelphia." says T-bone. The Montana College of Mineral Sciences (now Montana He then worked for 8 years as a Supervisory Asset Manager for Tech) in Butte, Montana was one the Philadelphia Housing Auof the schools hoping to land thority, the biggest landlord in T-bone on their roster in 1979. At Pennsylvania and fourth in the that time, Montana Tech's footnation, providing housing for ball team was coached by Dr. Bill over 87,000 families. In 1998, Conners. Coach Conners was he returned to Montana Tech to extremely interested in Dwayne receive his bachelor's degree in and made a number of trips to society & technology. Philly to show his interest and In 2008, Dwayne began visit. "Coach Conners was way working with the Virgin Islands ahead of his time. He did not Housing Authority (VIHA), where believe in limitations because he currently serves as the of color," says Dwayne. Coach Deputy Executive Director/Chief Conners' face-to-face recruiting of Staff. The VIHA has a $26 visits were unusual—no other million operating budget and coach made the trip to Philly a staff of 250 employees. His and into the area where T-bone lived, not chief responsibility entails assisting the "I wasn't sure how far this place even the coaches or recruiters from the Executive Director in administration and black colleges. "You have to remember, long-term planning to improve housing called Montana was. I was living in public housing back then. operations for 3,500 units territory wide. I didn't even know how I'd get there!" It was very harsh living conditions; T-bone has many great memories of Dwayne Alexander however, there was much love in my his years at Tech. "My fondest memories household." are hanging out with my Montana Tech Coach Conners sold Dwayne on friends. My friends back home, many of T-bone enjoys returning to Butte Montana Tech. "Coach spoke of the whom have never been out west, love for Montana Tech's Homecoming great education I would get from his to hear my Butte stories." Dwayne loves celebration every year. fine school. Coach said I would be his Tech friends and the Montana Tech happy I made the choice to sign and Orediggers. "I never played under Coach play for him. I loved his honesty and Green, but he is one helluva Coach. I love sincerity." Dwayne initially wanted to his energy for the game. He has done an major in civil engineering but realized excellent job with the program." Dwayne the society & technology (S&T) program met some of his best friends—Doug was a better fit for him and more in line Abbott, Joe McClafferty, Jim Patelis, with his future goals. Steve Willis, Anthony (Yogi) Johnson, There was only one problem after he Leo McCarthy, and Greg Miller—while committed to Montana Tech: he knew at Montana Tech. "If I hadn't attended nothing about Montana. "I wasn't sure Montana Tech, I would have never met how far this place called Montana was. those guys—they are my brothers! Both I didn't even know how I'd get there! I Jim and Steve have bachelor's degrees had never been to the West before and my high school was 100% in society & technology and hold top federal jobs in Montana. I can percent non-white. Now, you have to understand the climate of the honestly state that they mentored me while I was at Tech and still now late 1970s—there was no talk about diversity." professionally." Once he decided to head for Montana, everyone began telling him Even after being away from Montana Tech for close to 30 years, that making the move out west was a bad idea. But Dwayne prayed T-bone makes it back to Montana at least twice a year to meet up on it and went with his heart. He jumped on a plane headed for with his friends at the Vu Villa. Butte, Montana, 1,675 miles from his hometown. Making the leap Some things change significantly after college, but some things never ended up being the best decision he has made in his life. "From the change. "The only thing that has changed since we left college is the moment I stepped off the plane in Butte, I felt nothing but pure love. fact that we are all professionals now," says T-bone. "But one thing will Everyone was so wonderful." always remain…we all still want to beat Carroll College. If Coach Green While at Tech, T-bone shone in football, earning All Frontier desig- needed me now, I would suit up and go get them Saints!" SUMMER 2010


By Melissa Holmes

Travis and Ben explain the design of their Senior Design Project, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

By the Numbers: Wingspan: Length: Weight: Engine: Thrust: Time to build: # of all-nighters: Materials:

12 ft 5 in. 9 ft nose-to-tail 36 lbs 4¾ horsepower 2-stroke engine, 62 cc 42 lbs at 7200 RPM 4½ months Unknown Mainly balsa, plywood and polyester

Cost: Out of pocket/materials: $1,300 ASME: $550 (engine) UAV Club: $850 (transmitter, receiver and battery, all borrowed) Total:

$2,700 The Blue Angel is displayed during Travis and Ben's project presentation.


ravis Schallenberger and Ben Witt are not just Mechanical Engineering students at Montana Tech. They're also United States Navy recruits in the Officer Training Program—after graduation they'll attend Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island, followed by flight school in Pensacola, Florida. Their joint interest in flying is what inspired their Senior Design Project, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). All Tech engineering students complete a significant Senior Design Project. Students majoring in general engineering (civil, mechanical and welding options) and electrical engineering enroll in the same Senior Design class. The first semester consists of project design, and the second semester is spent building the project. Since so many different majors enroll in the class, a wide variety of projects are completed. According to Travis, “class allows you to pick a senior design project that appeals to you. This year students completed projects ranging from interstate ramp design, to building a fully functional chopper motorcycle. We wanted to build an airplane.” Inspiration "I have wanted to be a military pilot since 5th grade," Travis says. "On the last day of drug prevention week, with my whole elementary school in attendance, a Montana Air National Guard Blackhawk helicopter landed on the football field. From then on I was hooked. I decided to go Navy because of the BDCP (Bachelor Degree Completion Program). This program differs from ROTC in the sense that it pays students to simply go to school. No uniforms, no drill, no anything until you graduate. All you have to do is keep your grades up, check in with your recruiter once a month, and complete two physical readiness tests per year." Ben adds, "It's kind of the same thing for me. I've always been interested in the service, and I've always wanted to fly. The Navy guaranteed a flight spot and an opportunity to do what I want to do." The students became interested in building a plane after taking the UAV class from Dick Johnson and Tom Moon. This 1-credit course provides an introduction to building small-scale UAVs. For the course, Travis and Ben built a plane with a 4-foot wingspan. For their Senior Design Project, they modified and scaled up the design. Design Travis and Ben decided to build a plane with a 12-foot wingspan when Montana Tech's UAV Club purchased a fully autonomous autopilot unit. This unit is smaller than an iPod nano and includes three gyrometers, three accelerometers, a barometer, and a GPS unit. "This device allows a destination to be programmed into the autopilot unit," explains Travis. "On the ground the plane is launched by a human operator, but once airborne, control is switched over to the autopilot. The autopilot will then



fly the plane to its destination. If a gust of wind blows the plane off course, the autopilot will detect this and react to place the plane back on course." Though the design consisted of much of their own innovation, the students credit faculty members Dick Johnson and Tom Moon for providing help and design tools, including an exhaustive list of aircraft guidelines. Much of the design consisted of known ratios and specifications. "All the components on the aircraft were sized based off of the wing surface area along with numerous ratios, each unique to its respective component. These guidelines helped to ensure the aircraft would be properly balanced as well as aesthetically pleasing," says Travis. Implementation The Navy and its specialized flight team, the Blue Angels, provided inspiration for the graphic design elements of the UAV. Montana Tech's faculty and UAV lab provided the tools. The plane is constructed mainly from balsa and plywood. "95% of the plane was pieced together from parts that were individually cut out with the UAV lab's laser cutter. Parts machined from the laser cutter are limited in size to be no larger than 12 x 24 inches," Ben says. "Because of this, a tabbing system was implemented into the design to make sure all the parts lined up correctly." The plane's wings are covered in polyester and adhesives to strengthen them. First, Ben and Travis built a frame for the wings. Second, they heated the frame and stretched 100% polyester over it. Then four layers of adhesive were applied, and the wings were ready for paint. Testing So far, the plane had been tested four times. The first test consisted of a slow taxi on pavement, to see how it maneuvered. The second test was in a controlled situation. This is referred to as static thrust testing: the plane was connected to a harness and scale and allowed to pull against the scale at half-throttle-the maximum for this testing configuration-to see how much thrust it has. It tested at 20 pounds of thrust at about 3500 rpm. The third test consisted of a fast taxi on grass. Though the test was encouraging, the landing gear bent. After repairing and reinforcing the landing gear, Travis and Ben tested the plane again, this time a fast taxi on grass with a short take-off. All testing sessions were recorded and may be viewed on Montana Tech's YouTube site: What's next? Ben and Travis will continue testing and fine-tuning their plane until they graduate in December 2010. Then they will begin Officer Training School and the plane may very well stay at Montana Tech. SUMMER 2010


Rah, Rah, Rah Tressa Johnson, an '05 business and information technology graduate, is pictured with her niece, Reese.

Aloha! The Meyer Family, Luke ('04), Brienne ('04 & '07), and Mischa, are pictured in Hawaii proudly displaying their Montana Tech colors!

S h oot Submit Share

So Cute Staci Kondelis, an '07 Health Care Informatics graduate, is pictured with her husband Paul and children Kaiden and Paige.



Say Diggers! Katie and Cole Klaumann are pictured proudly showing off their Digger attire. These cute munchkins' parents are Jason ('00) and Beth ('01) Klaumann.

Diggers Down Under Heather Lingle displays her Digger gear in Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia. Port Arthur was Australia's largest penal station in the 1800s. The church behind Heather was built by British and Irish convicts in the 19th century. Put Me In, Coach! Chase Powers, son of Pat ('03) and Brandy ('02) Powers, is geared up and ready for Coach Green to put him in the football game. Chase will be ready to call the plays as quarterback for the Diggers in a few years!

Lasting Impression The Noble Dave Beard, an oil rig named after Dave Beard, '70 petroleum engineering graduate, is pictured above. The rig, designed to work in up to 10,000 feet of water and drill 35,000-foot wells, is currently in Brazil working in about 6,700 feet of water. Total cost for the oil rig is approximately $700M, and it can house 200 people. The rig is capable of moving itself and is kept on location with thrusters and the latest state-of-the art equipment.

How 'Bout Them Diggers! Kiah, Noah, Sierra, and Isaiah love the Montana Tech Orediggers. These future Diggers are the children of Jason ('95) and Debbie Rasmussen. The kids are painted and ready to cheer the Diggers onto victory!

Diggers All In The Family Brad Funston, '78 Montana Tech graduate, is pictured in front of Montana Tech's newest building on campus, the Natural Resources Building, with his granddaughter Mischa, a future Montana Tech Oredigger!

Cutest Little Digger Kaleb Celli (2), son of Tammie Celli, '00 petroleum engineering graduate, looks perfect in his Digger gear.



By Peggy McCoy

In the early 1900s, imagining the combination of technology and medicine would have turned one's mind to Frankenstein. Back then, the ability to create or save life with the use of electricity or technology was fantasy. Many considered the classic novel a warning against the excesses of modern life in the industrial revolution. Times have changed. Two Montana Tech alumni, Daniel Cleary and Ben Wendell, are combining their engineering problem-solving skills and their technological savvy with a passion for medicine. Both graduated in 2004, Dan with a bachelor of science in computer science with minors in biology, chemistry, and math, and Ben with a bachelor of science in software engineering. But neither continued in the traditional computer science profession; each opted to use their knowledge of computer engineering and programming in the medical sciences field instead. Dan and Ben both had thoughts of biology and medicine in the back of their minds while at Montana Tech. "When it came to college," says Ben, "I pared my options down to Montana Tech's first class of software engineering students or going to the University of Montana to major in Wildlife Biology. I felt I had the aptitude and the interest to do software engineering so I elected for Montana Tech." Dan chose Montana Tech due to the school's strong reputation for engineering and mathematics. "I had a long-standing interest in medicine but was never interested in primary care. I switched to medicine when I learned more about combined research/medical careers." Ben first considered going into medicine after spending time working with Dr. John Amtmann, who at the time was the head of Applied Health Sciences at Montana Tech. "After working with Dr. Amtmann I began to feel like I might have been missing out on something." Ben's decision to go to medical school did not come until he spent a few years in industry at Lockheed Martin as a software engineer. At the time the field of computational biology was growing, so his original plan was to enter a graduate program in computational biology. He changed his mind. "I decided I didn't want to spend my entire career in a computer lab so I decided to go to medical school." Dan initially planned to study electrical engineering in college, but changed direction. Dan's interest in research began at Tech under 14


"As an undergraduate I used to have this recurring nightmare that I was enrolled in a biology class and I hadn't attended all semester. I would wake up and remind myself that biology was not a requirement for my major." Ben Wendell

"Choosing a career in neurological surgery is not a decision I made lightly, but looking back I find my path could have led to few other places." Dan Cleary

the guidance of Professor David Hobbs and Professor Rick Donovan in the computational lab, which focused on using computational methods to accelerate ongoing research. After graduation he joined a graduate program at the California Institute of Technology in computational neuroscience and rapidly developed a passion for studying the complexities of the brain using mathematics and computer models. A defining point in Dan's decision to become a physician happened while job-shadowing Dr. Michael Gallagher at Montana Orthopedics in Butte. "Twice a week I would follow Dr. Gallagher. I watched him interact with his patients, discuss their symptoms, and decide on a course of treatment," says Dan. "It really inspired me." So what does the future hold for two computer wizards pursuing careers in the medical sciences? Ben recently finished his first year at the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine. "I am currently working on software that uses artificial intelligence algorithms in order to try to find patterns in tumor genetics. The goal of my software is to look at the genetics of various cancers and what chemotherapy agents they respond to. The end result would be the ability of a physician to take a biopsy and run it through the software to determine which chemotherapy agent is likely to be more effective in the treatment of the patient's cancer." After receiving his master's degree in biology from Caltech, Dan was accepted at Oregon Health & Science University, where he is currently studying medicine and neuroscience. At 28, he has a scientific patent pending, has authored multiple research articles, and has co-authored a chapter in a neurosurgery textbook. With his extra time, this young scientist is continuing his research on the area of the brain stem that modulates pain and controls the body's responses to stress. "My work shows how this area of the brain can regulate the stress response independently of the pain response; that is, it can change your perception of pain (more or less) without affecting your stress response (changes in heart rate)." Both our Tech "mad" scientists attribute much of their success to the education they received at Montana Tech. "The engineering education provided me with problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and the small class sizes were good in forming relationships with some of my professors that I was able to rely on after graduation," says Ben. "I have no doubt that my education at Montana Tech puts me on par with my current classmates who attended Ivy League universities." SUMMER 2010


U.S. Senator Visits Tech Campus

Campus shorts Mon ta n a T e c h

C am pus Shorts 2010

In early May, United States Senator Jon FREE

their experiences at Tech. Tester stopped at

Mentor of the Year

Montana Tech while traveling to Dillon, where he was The University of Montana Western's commencement speaker.

Scholarly Success

Montana Tech chemistry student Cory Sonnemann was named the recipient of the 2010 Mentor of the Year Award. The award was presented to Cory on March 24, 2010 by Montana State Attorney General Steve Bullock. In addition to being an excellent student, Cory has worked as a chemistry tutor, participated in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, and performed science demonstrations at local schools and youth organizations. Cory graduated with the Class of 2010 and plans to continue his education in medical school.

On March 26, 2010, Montana held its largest Scholar's Day ever! Over 320 new student scholars and their families flooded Montana Tech's campus to accept their awards, meet new classmates, compete in a tower-building contest and register for classes. Advisors registered 102 students for the fall semester. Montana Tech has attracted some incredible students. Our

Tech Awards Highest Honor At Newmont Mining Corporation's headquarters in Denver, Colorado, Montana Tech Chancellor Frank Gilmore presented Richard O'Brien, President and Chief Executive Officer of Newmont, with Montana Tech's highest award, the Gold Medallion. This award recognizes the highest level of excellence by the recipient in his or her chosen field, profession, or industry as well as significant support of Montana Tech. SUMMER 2010

students at Montana Tech. Senator Tester talked informally with the students about

Tech Student Named 2010


Tester visited Dr. Curtis Link's Geophysical

Montana Tech has awarded the Gold Medallion annually for the past 25 years. In 1985, Montana Tech awarded the first Gold Medallion to Plato Malozemoff, former CEO of Newmont. In 2009, Montana Tech awarded Mr. Kevin McArthur, retired President & CEO of Goldcorp, Inc., with the Gold Medallion.

Mining & Mucking Down Under The Montana Tech mining team recently traveled to Australia to participate in the 32nd Annual International Mining Competition. The Montana Tech co-ed team finished 3rd in the Swede Saw and Surveying competitions, for an overall finish of 4th place out of 10 teams. The men's team placed 2nd in the Swede Saw competition for an overall 6th place finish out of 30 teams.

new scholars hail from 3 countries, 20 states and 145 different cities; represent 24 different majors; and have an average math ACT of 27 and an average ACT of 26. A total of 58% have a GPA of 3.75 or higher, 37% have a GPA between 3.9 and 4.0 and 50% are in the top 10% of their high school class.

Goldcorp Gift On Saturday, May 15, 2010, Goldcorp, Inc., one of the world's largest gold mining companies, presented Montana Tech with a check in the amount of $250,000, the third and final installment toward their leadership gift pledged in 2008. Dr. Dan Rovig, member of the Board of Directors of Goldcorp, presented Mike Johnson, Vice Chancellor at Montana Tech, with the donation prior to Montana Tech's 110th Commencement Ceremony. In May 2008, Goldcorp announced the leadership pledge in support of Montana Tech's campaign, Strengthening Foundations‌

Ensuring the Future. The gift totalled $1,050,000, creating The Goldcorp, Inc. Endowed Professorship. The professorship is used to supplement the salaries of faculty members within the departments of Mining Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering and Geological Engineering. Goldcorp's first installment, a $550,000 gift, was made in May 2008. The second gift, received in May 2009, was presented to Montana Tech by Kevin McArthur, retired President & CEO of Goldcorp, and Dr. Rovig.



By Mike Johnson

Winners To Champions C

oach Aaron Woliczko (vo-LITCH-ko) took the reins of Montana Tech's Men's Basketball program on June 1st. His infectious attitude and high-energy style are a perfect match for the First Choice Vision of our athletic programs. According to Athletic Director Joe McClafferty, "Aaron has the ability and desire to be a great college basketball coach. He has a blue-collar work ethic and an ability to relate to anyone. His knowledge of basketball is vast, and as a student-athlete he competed at a high level and was successful because of his competitive nature. Aaron understands what an outstanding academic institution Montana Tech is and he will recruit First Choice student-athletes that graduate, compete to win championships and qualify for the national tournament." Aaron has a clear and distinct plan for the future: create champions! The way Aaron sees it, the athletes that commit to the court, community, classroom and locker room are already winners. He intends to instill greater discipline, raise expectations, ensure students succeed in the classroom and hold himself and the program accountable. In the end, these winners will become champions. Coach Woliczko calls himself a "family man," reared by parents who valued the virtues of teaching and hard work. The occupation of coaching is a perfect marriage of education and physical exertion. Aaron speaks proudly of his own family, wife Erica and daughter McKenna (2). Erica believes so strongly in her husband that she agreed to make the move to Butte without ever seeing the campus or the com-

Photo by Matt Brown



Photo by Matt Brown

munity. Woliczko says, "We are leaving both of our families behind; however, we have their full support and backing. The deal was sealed when Dr. Rod James called and offered me the opportunity to stay at his home over the summer. My wife knew then that this community was a place we could call home. We intend to make Tech an extension of our family." Aaron's background includes more than just coaching. Aaron was a stand-out on the court and played professionally overseas for a brief time. He was in Belgium only long enough to get hurt, and then returned to California for rehabilitation and healing. He cites the many mentors and friends in his life for keeping him connected to basketball and offering opportunities for him to coach. Aaron left a successful program at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, California where he was an Assistant Men's Basketball Coach. Aaron credits the success at Pacific to the outstanding teamwork among the players and coaches. He is very proud of the championship rings they earned as a team. As he states, "A team's chemistry is critical to becoming champions." As Aaron looks to the future, he clearly recognizes the challenges that face him. Recruiting, program management, public relations, funding and athlete retention are among the opportunities that await. Aaron understands that "we are only as good as our ability to raise money and generate fan support." Woliczko continues, "I intend to be excellent at both!"

Caroline's Photography Coach Woliczko with his wife, Erica, and daughter, McKenna.

Photo by Matt Brown Coach Woliczko has recently taken the reins as the new Montana Tech men's basketball coach.



Lady Diggers Take on the Nation By Brianne McClafferty, Oredigger student-athlete


itting poolside on a pre-season team retreat at Fairmont Hot Springs, thirteen young ladies wrote down their goals for the season. It was unanimous: be the first Montana Tech women's basketball team to advance to the NAIA national tournament. Six months later, these same ladies were boarding a plane to Jackson, Tennessee on the way to their dream. Along the way to becoming the first Tech women's team to advance to the NAIA's big dance, the team accomplished feats that Montana Tech fans had not seen in quite some time. After beating Carroll College at home and Lewis–Clark State—in Butte and on the road—the team was overwhelmed by the congratulations and support they received from the community. They were proud to represent the amazing Mining City. If the hometown support was overwhelming, the support received from strangers in Tennessee was remarkable. After landing in the Nashville airport, the team was greeted by First Bank, their tournament sponsor, with snacks, beverages, and gifts. The sponsor's role was to look out for the players throughout the tournament, show them the good spots to eat, cheer them to victory, and make them feel at home. The employees of First Bank went above and beyond the call of duty. The players were treated like royalty during their time in Tennessee. Their rooms were filled with fruit baskets, great Southern lunches, and souvenirs; on game day, First Bank hosted them to a pasta lunch for the team and all the fans that were able to make the trip. Throughout their stay in Tennessee the team truly



The Montana Tech women's basketball team shortly after their arrival in Jackson, Tennessee. The team is the first Montana Tech women's basketball team to advance to the NAIA national tournament.

learned what is meant by the term "southern hospitality." On game day, the team slept until almost noon, as game time would go until after 10 pm. The players had permanent smiles all day, and a sense of overwhelming excitement: they were here, making history for Montana Tech. After shoot-around and lunch at the bank, the team entered game mode. IPods were turned on and adrenaline began to pump. Stepping onto the court of 5,600-seat Oman Arena for the first time was a special moment for each of the players. The team had been through so much together to get to where they were. Each player faced different obstacles throughout the year, but with the support of each other and friendship, all obstacles were overcome. The team competed against Azusa Pacific in a back-and-forth game that was tied at half time. Unfortunately Azusa came out on top at the end, and eventually took second in the tournament. The team was disappointed at the loss, and heartbroken that their season together was over. Yet after tears and long embraces in the locker room the team left Oman arena together, knowing they had accomplished something no one had accomplished before them. The thirteen girls, and their two coaches, set a goal of making the tournament, and that is exactly what they did.

Athletics OREDIGGER FOOTBALL 2010 Schedule

OREDIGGER WOMEN'S BASKETBALL 2010–2011 SCHEDULE October 23 Eastern Oregon University La Grande, OR 24 Walla Walla University Walla Walla, WA 28 MINOT STATE BUTTE, MT 29 DICKINSON STATE BUTTE, MT November 2 Montana State University# Bozeman, MT Carroll College Tournament: 5 Evergreen State Helena, MT 6 Concordia University Helena, MT 12 South Dakota Mines Rapid City, SD 13 Black Hills State University Spearfish, SD Carroll College Tournament: 19 Holy Names Helena, MT 20 TBA Helena, MT Peggy Sarsfield Basketball Weekend 27 DAVENPORT UNIVERSITY BUTTE, MT December 17 Dickinson State University Dickinson, ND 19 KING'S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE BUTTE, MT 20 Idaho State University# Pocatello, ID 22 CONCORDIA COLLEGE BUTTE, MT Carroll College Tournament: 29 Whitworth University Helena, MT 30 Whitman University Helena, MT January 6 Westminster College* Salt Lake City, UT 8 Lewis-Clark State* Lewiston, ID 14 MSU–NORTHERN* BUTTE, MT 15 UNIVERSITY OF GREAT FALLS* BUTTE, MT 21 UM-Western* Dillon, MT 27 Rocky Mountain College* Billings, MT 29 Carroll College* Helena, MT February 4 LEWIS-CLARK STATE* BUTTE, MT 5 WESTMINSTER COLLEGE* BUTTE, MT 11 University of Great Falls* Great Falls, MT 12 MSU–Northern* Havre, MT 19 UM-Western* BUTTE, MT 25 CARROLL COLLEGE* BUTTE, MT 26 ROCKY MOUNTAIN COLLEGE* BUTTE, MT March 3-5 Frontier Conference Playoffs 16-22 NAIA National Tournament Jackson, Tennessee

3:30pm 3:00pm 5:30pm 7:00pm TBA TBA TBA 4:30pm TBA TBA TBA

Aug. 28 South Dakota Mines Butte, MT 6:00 pm Sept. 4 Eastern Oregon University Butte, MT 1:00 pm Sept. 11 MSU-Northern Havre, MT 1:00 pm Sept. 18 Rocky Mountain College Butte, MT 6:00 pm Sept. 25 Carroll College Helena, MT 1:00 pm Oct. 2 UM-Western Butte, MT 1:00 pm (Homecoming) Oct. 9 OPEN Oct. 16 Eastern Oregon University La Grande, OR 1:00 pm Oct. 23 Montana State-Northern Butte, MT 1:00 pm Oct. 30 Rocky Mountain College Billings, MT 1:00 pm Nov. 6 Carroll College Butte, MT Noon (Senior Day) Nov. 13 UM–Western Dillon, MT Noon

7:00pm TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 5:30pm 7:00pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm

*Frontier Conference Games #Exhibition Game or Scrimmage The Oredigger Men's Basketball schedule was not complete at the time MNews was printed. Visit for all Montana Tech athletic schedules and information.


OREDIGGER Volleyball 2010 Schedule Aug. 20-21 Carroll College Tournament Helena, MT TBA Aug. 25 UM-Western Dillon, MT 7:00pm Aug. 27-28 Montana Tech Tournament Butte, MT TBA Aug. 27 Minot Butte, MT 11:00am Dickinson Butte, MT 3:00pm Aug. 28 Eastern Oregon Butte, MT 11:00am South Dakota Mines Butte, MT 3:00pm Sept. 3-4 Concordia Tournament Irvine, CA TBA Sept. 9 MSU-Northern * Butte, MT 7:00pm Sept. 10 University of Great Falls* Butte, MT 2:00pm Sept. 16 Lewis-Clark State* Lewiston, ID 7:00pm Sept. 18 Westminster College* Salt Lake City, UT 2:00pm Sept. 23 Carroll College* Butte, MT 7:00pm Sept. 25 Rocky Mountain College* Butte, MT 2:00pm Sept. 30 UM–Western Dillon, MT 7:00pm Oct. 15 MSU-Northern* Havre, MT 7:00pm Oct. 16 University of Great Falls* Great Falls, MT 2:00pm Oct. 22 Lewis-Clark State* Butte, MT 7:00pm Oct. 23 Westminster College* Butte, MT 5:00pm Oct. 27 Carroll College* Helena, MT 7:00pm Oct. 29 Rocky Mountain College* Billings, MT 700pm Nov. 4 UM-Western* Butte, MT 7:00pm Nov. 12-13 Frontier Conference Tournament Lewiston, ID TBA Nov. 19 or 20 National Tournament 1st Round TBA TBA Nov. 30–Dec. 4 National Tournament Sioux City, Iowa TBA

Bold denotes home match SUMMER 2010


By Amanda Badovinac

On To Life's Next Chapter "Pomp and Circumstance" filled the air as Montana Tech faculty, staff and the graduating Class of 2010 paraded into Alumni Coliseum on Saturday, May 15, 2010, ready to celebrate Montana Tech's 110th Commencement Ceremony. The sky was a beautiful bright blue, and smiles lit the faces of those in attendance. This day seemed so distant to these 411graduates when they began their journey and took their first steps onto the campus of Montana Tech. Now, as they took their final walk to receive their diplomas, each was embarking on the next chapter in their lives. Each was filled with excitement about what lies ahead, nervousness about the unknown, and elation over the completion of their education. The ceremony began with the University honoring graduates and reunion guests from the Montana School of Mines classes of 1950, 1960 and 1970. Attending this year's reunion were 5 alumni from 1950, 9 from 1960 and 14 from 1970. All enjoyed a weekend full of laughter, good food and stories with old friends. The 2010 graduates listened to John F. "Frank" Gardner, retired president of Montana Resources and Montana Tech alumnus, provide the keynote address at the ceremony. Mr. Gardner spoke to the graduates about his time at the Montana School of Mines (now Montana Tech) and his 49-year career in the mining industry. Prior to retirement, Mr. Gardner served as president of Montana Resources, owner of open pit copper-molybdenum mine in Butte, Montana (formerly owned by the Anaconda Minerals Company and ARCO). Mr. Gardner was instrumental in the revival of mining operations in Butte, in 1986 and again in 2003. He is an invaluable resource to the mining industry and to the community of Butte, the State of Montana, and beyond. In the past, the Montana Tech Foundation awarded Mr. Gardner with a Distinguished Leadership Award, and he has been recognized by Montana Tech as the recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award and the Uuno Sahinen Silver Medallion. At commencement, Montana Tech awarded 22


Mr. Gardner with an honorary doctor of science degree. During the commencement weekend, the Montana Tech Alumni Association honored three alumni with the 2010 Distinguished Alumni Awards. The 2010 recipients were Mr. Terry Holzwarth, B.S. Petroleum Engineering (1983); Mark Johnson, B.S. Mining Engineering (1981); and Tracy Miller, B.S. Mining Engineering (1986). The annual awards are presented to alumni of Montana Tech who have established a professional career of at least 20 years, of which five years have been in a responsible capacity, and who have either contributed in an outstanding manner to the furtherance of his or her profession and/or have been an outstanding contributor to Montana Tech. The Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology also honored Mr. Martin White as the recipient of the Uuno Sahinen Silver Medallion. The award is named after the late Uuno Sahinen, former MBMG Director, who is widely recognized for the MBMG's growth. The Uuno Sahinen Award acknowledges "outstanding contributions in understanding and development of energy, mineral, or groundwater resources in Montana" and is given to an outstanding geologist each year. Commencement week activities also included the Montana Tech Alumni Reunion Banquet, the Nursing Pinning Ceremony, the annual Alumni Association Banquet, and the Order of the Engineering Ring Ceremony. As these graduates enter the next chapter in their lives, Montana Tech wishes them much success and hopes they will fondly remember their alma mater. SUMMER 2010


2010 Outstanding Student Awards

Class of 2010 is out! Our fine University has sent another class of well-educated

The following Montana Tech students were given departmental awards at Montana Tech's 110th Commencement Ceremony. Students were chosen by their department faculty based on scholastic achievement, character and community service as the students who best represent each department.

graduates into the world to make their mark. After years of studying, a whole new batch of alumni have joined our Alumni Association and will enter our workplaces, bringing new energy and ideas

MONTANA TECH – NORTH CAMPUS Kelsey R. Manchester Biological Sciences Nate K. Lester Business & Information Technology Cory M. Sonnemann Chemistry & Geochemistry George D. Cox Computer Science Daniel Johnson Computer Science

Elizabeth L. Bates Health Care Informatics Cory D. Mus Network Technology Cindy A. Oliver Liberal Studies Tyler J. Salisbury Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Heather M. Dahlman Mining Engineering


to our way of doing things. I know I'm not old— just past new!

Jamie M. Costle Accounting Technology

will be new ideas and thoughts of how to accomplish the tasks

Megan M. Dennis Civil Engineering Technology

fast-changing pace of our fields and are trying to keep on top of

Alisa D. Renz Medical Assistants Program

are falling further behind every year.

Anyway, as this new class heads out among us, I am sure there

we all do without even thinking. We, as alumni, are seeing the

so many aspects of our jobs and lives that at times it feels like we

Coincidentally, graduates are turned out from our fine alma mater every year as well. If we all take a moment to encourage the hiring of new Montana Tech graduates within our companies, we are giving a little back to the institution that helped all of us get to the positions we are in today. In today's economy, many

Kyle A. Lewis Electrical Engineering Jennifer S. Black Environmental Engineering Anthony D. Laslovich General Engineering Lauren M. Gordon Geological Engineering Arin J. Peters Geophysical Engineering

Kayla E. Floreen B.S. Nursing

companies are hiring fewer employees, but we need to fight to try to get Tech grads hired into those few positions available.

Kellie A. Kolczak A.S. Nursing Ali J. Zauner Petroleum Engineering

Contact the University to find out what you can do to help put

Samantha M. Sheble Professional & Technical Communication Savanna M. Maldonado Safety, Health & Industrial Hygiene

age you to register on Tech's website,, which

more Tech grads in your companies. As the board of YOUR Alumni Association, we thank you for your past and continued support of YOUR University. We encour-

will keep us up-to-date with the events in your lives and will also help you stay in touch with classmates and campus happenings. The Bentley Family, Bob, Anna, Adria (15), Airika (14), and Jake (12) Nate Lester, Business & Information Technology graduate

Chester H. Steele Honor Award, which recognizes the outstanding senior in engineering with the highest scholastic achievement: Jack A. Stratton Mining Engineering Victor J. Forsman



General Engineering Baccalaureate Degree Valedictorian and Graduating Senior with the Highest Scholastic Achievement in the Arts & Sciences Nate K. Lester Business and Information Technology

Have a great summer!

College of Technology Associate of Applied Science Valedictorian Jamie Costle Accounting Technology

Robert E. Bentley (Bob) '94 Engineering Science



In Memory Donald Ray Beuerman (1928–2010) Donald Ray Beuerman of Boise, Idaho, died peacefully in his sleep early Friday morning, January 29, 2010. He was preceded in death by his wife of 57 years, Irma. Don was born March 16, 1928 in Standon, Nebraska to Adolph Augustiv Beuerman and Mabel Elizabeth Baumgartner. On August 18, 1950, Don married Irma Lehman in Paton, Iowa with his father, the Reverend Adolph Beuerman, officiating. Don and Irma started their careers together as educators in Persia, Iowa. Don was drafted into the military and served at Fort Riley, Kansas and Fort Lee, Virginia. Don and Irma then moved around, living in Virginia, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, and Iowa while working for Dow and Monsanto chemical companies and furthering his education. After receiving a bachelor of science degree from Westmar College, master of science from Kansas State University, and doctorate from Iowa State University, Don moved to Butte. Once in Butte, Don served as a professor of Chemistry at Montana Tech. He retired from Montana Tech in 1990 and began a second career as an independent business owner. After retiring for the second time in 1999 from his laboratory/consulting business, Don and Irma moved to Kingman, Arizona. They remained in Kingman until Irma's death in 2007. At that juncture, Don moved to Bonaventure Place, an assisted living facility in Boise, where he lived until his death. The family encourages anyone who wishes to share their memories to send them in care of the Beuerman Family, 9837 W. Pattie Drive, Boise, ID 83704.

retirement. He was also a 32nd degree Master Mason in Monitor Lodge No. 35, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. Luke belonged to the Bagdad Temple of the Shrine, Butte Sheriff's Posse, and was past president of the Butte Saddle Club. Luke had a great love of horses and shod horses for family and friends.

Luke Carelli (1922–2010) Luke Carelli passed away on Monday, February 1, 2010. Luke was born in Butte on April 19, 1922 to James and Rose (Campanella) Carelli. He attended local Butte schools. He loved the local community schools and was a friend and supporter of Montana Tech. Luke married Montana Lawrence in Boulder, Montana on February 25, 1949 and they remained married until her death in 2005. Luke worked for Hansen Packing and F&S Construction before starting his own business, Luke's Disposal, which he operated until his

John V. Fechter (1919–2010) John V. Fechter, 90, has left on another voyage of discovery. Before he left, he gave his wife and their six children the gift of infectious curiosity and personal confidence. The only idea he could not accept was that someone could give up and stop trying. The first words to his wife when she became his bride and to each one of his six children when they were old enough was, "I wonder where this road goes, be it a place, an idea, or a new thing to learn." This was his



Leonard Ernest "Lenny" Dalasera (1947–2010) Leonard Ernest "Lenny" Dalasera died Saturday afternoon on February 20, 2010 at a local hospital. He was born in Butte on Wednesday, April 2, 1947 to Eugene and Alice (Scott) Dalasera. Lenny graduated from Butte High School where he was on the football and wrestling teams. He attended college at Montana Tech and graduated from Western Montana College in Dillon, Montana. Lenny worked in the mines in Butte for a short time and then at Stauffer Chemical before going to work as an optician at American Optical. He made glasses there for more than 10 years before the company relocated their offices out of Butte. Lenny worked for Dr. Vanio in the optical field before moving to Las Vegas, Nevada for a short time. Lenny returned from Las Vegas to his beloved Butte. Lenny was active in the Aldersgate United Methodist Church and the Walk to Emmaus Program. He was a Silver "B" and an avid sports fan, especially for Butte High School and Montana Tech. He was a member of the booster club and worked many events for both Montana Tech and Butte High. He was also a member of the Digger Athletic Association.

motto. John was born in Bozeman, Montana on July 9, 1919. Throughout John's life he lived in Montana (Butte, Helena, Billings, Swayze Camp near Sunburst, and Rimini); Utah, Wyoming (Cody and Rock Springs); and Sequim, Washington on the Olympic Peninsula. During the Great Depression, John needed a job so he lied about his age in order to be able to work. This led him, at the age of 15, to work for the ACM. John then attended the Montana School of Mines (now Montana Tech) and earned a bachelor of science degree in Mining Engineering. He then used his degree with a new position at ACM. He was also a project lead with Bardahl Oil, exploring Rocky Mountain locations for oil during World War II. In later years, he became an insurance adjuster with State Farm and the Fireman's Fund. His territory covered all of Montana. He had tales of using sluice-box techniques to go through debris and recover jewels after a fire; having his car window shot out as he drove through a small Montana town where a shootout was happening; and helping farmers whose crops were beaten flat by a hailstorm. After retiring from engineering and then as an insurance adjuster, John became a consultant to the Montana Insurance Commissioner's office, where he helped establish important precedents for home, business and workman's compensation insurance. The third time was the charm and John finally permanently retired after the consulting position with the Montana Insurance Commission. John attended the Montana School of Mines (now Montana Tech), Billings Polytechnic, and Carroll College. He was a geology rock hound and a lifelong student. At the age of 90, evidence of his curiosity included: a new issue of Discover magazine by his bedside; the Wall Street Journal in his mailbox; a book about physical therapy and a guide to Microsoft Windows on his desk; and 79 unread emails on his computer. Ruth Elizabeth Lehwalder, from Butte, became John's wife on October 4, 1941. They had six children: Leona, Margaret, John, Arthur, Charity Ann and Lisbeth. He is also survived by 10 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, and 6 great-great-grandchildren. William (Bill) George Bruce Gant (1927–2010) William (Bill) George Bruce Gant, beloved husband of Louise (Redmond), passed away on Sunday, January 31, 2010 at the age of 82. Bill was born in Vancouver on October 20,

1927. He grew up in Medicine Hat and then moved to Butte. In Butte, Bill studied Geological Engineering at the Montana School of Mines (now Montana Tech). His career in oil and gas pipeline construction administration spanned nearly 30 years. He started as a timekeeper to the President of H.C. Price of Canada, LTD., during which time he became recognized as an international authority in winter construction techniques. Following a year in Alaska as the project manager of the Alyeska pipeline project, Bill left the pipeline construction industry. In 1975 he joined the Mannix Consortium, where he held a number of senior management positions. Bill became the manager of the Calgary Chamber of Commerce in 1984. Upon his retirement in 1988, he was named Honorary Life Member in recognition of his distinguished service to the Calgary Chamber of Commerce. Throughout his working life, Bill was an active industry promoter, as well as an ardent community volunteer. In appreciation of his contributions, the Pipeline Contractors' Association bestowed an Honorary Life Membership. His devotion to the interests of the Calgary Stampede culminated in 12 years as their director and being named Honorary Life Director for the organization. Bill was also the director of the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, the Calgary Economic Development Council, and the Calgary United Way. He also served as an Elder of St. Andrew's United Church. Additionally, Bill served the Rotary Club as president and international president's representative. Bill's Rotary service took him and his wife Louise to more than a dozen international conventions and meetings. Although Bill was extraordinarily active in industry and community affairs throughout his life, his first priority was always his family. He will be remembered as a man of high principles and integrity, with a witty sense of humor, who worked very hard, volunteered tirelessly, loved sports, enjoyed music and valued education.

William S. Harrington (1918–2010) William S. Harrington died peacefully in his Tucson, Arizona home on Wednesday, March 17, 2010. He was surrounded by family members in his final days and died just short of his 92nd birthday. He was buried in Butte, a town he loved deeply. Bill was born in Butte on March 27, 1918. Bill attended Immaculate Conception School, Butte High School, and Long Beach Junior College in California. He graduated from the Montana School of Mines (now Montana Tech). After graduation from the Montana School of Mines, Bill worked in the geology department of the Anaconda Company. Most of Bill's work

career consisted of owning several businesses in Butte. Over a 55-year period, Bill owned and operated Harrington's Ice Cream Stores, Harrington Restaurant, Merchandise Outlet and other businesses. While in high school and junior college, Bill competed in football and track. One of his distinct privileges and proudest achievements was to be one of the only five Butte High lettermen inducted into the Diamond B's. Bill was also the chairman of the Butte Exchange Club Committee that ran the grade school track and field events at Naranche Stadium. Bill's passion was boxing. He promoted professional fights in Butte and judged professional fights throughout the state of Montana. Politics and his Irish Heritage were also very important parts of Bill's life. He was a member and served as president of the Young Democrats and also served as president of the Silver Bow County Democrats. He was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1952. Bill had a keen Irish sense of humor, which he kept right up to his last days. How fitting it is that this loving Irish man went to heaven on St. Patrick's Day.

Walter R. Hibbard (1918–2010) Walter R. Hibbard, Jr., 92, of St. Augustine, Florida, died Feb. 24, 2010 at his home. He was born in Bridgeport, Conn. He was a member of St. Anastasia Catholic Church. He retired in 1988 as university distinguished professor of Engineering at Virginia Tech. He also served as director of the Virginia Center for Coal and Energy Research. He came to Virginia Tech in 1974. Over his entire career, he published over a hundred publications in metallurgy, education, research, composites, mining, ceramics, materials policy, energy, and other fields. Before Virginia Tech, he was the vice president of Technical Services for Owens Corning Fiberglass from 1968 to 1974. From 1965 to 1968, he served as director of the U.S. Bureau of Mines. He was appointed by President Lyndon Johnson and confirmed by the Senate. From 1951 to 1965, he was associated with the General Electric Research Lab in Schenectady, NY, serving as manager of Metallurgy and Ceramics Research from 1960 to 1965. He taught engineering at Yale University from 1945 to 1951, after serving in the Navy Bureau of Ships as an officer. Dr. Hibbard received a bachelor of science degree in Chemistry from Wesleyan University in 1939 and a doctor of engineering in Metallurgy degree from Yale University in 1942. He grew up in Bridgeport, Conn., Alton, Ill., and Waterbury, Conn. He did extensive consulting throughout his life, received many honors, and served on many advisory committees. He received honorary degrees from Michigan Tech and in 1968 from the Montana School of Mines (now Montana Tech).

Peter Joseph Hunt, Sr. (1930–2010) Peter Joseph Hunt, Sr., of Tiburon, California, passed away on April 3, 2010. Peter was the son of Joseph P. Hunt and Alice K. (Rafferty) Hunt. He was the eldest of three siblings, John Robert (Bob) Hunt and J. Patrick Hunt. Peter was raised in Butte, Montana, and attended the Immaculate Conception Grammar School and the Christian Brothers Boys High School. In his youth, he worked at various jobs, including as a diamond driller in Butte's copper mines. He attended college at the Montana School of Mines (now Montana Tech) and went on to graduate with a bachelor of science in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley. While still in college, Peter joined the U.S. Army and served 14 months overseas during the Korean War. He was discharged as a 1st Lieutenant in the 25th Infantry Division. Upon returning from the war, Peter received his MBA from Stanford University. While at Stanford, he wrote a report on the fiberglass and petrochemical industries that become the basis for the company he and his brother Patrick formed a few years later. After beginning his business career as a technical sales representative with Hexcel Products in 1957, Peter and his brother Patrick purchased a small fabricating company located in the heart of San Francisco. In 1963, the same year Mr. Hunt moved from San Francisco to Mill Valley, the company made a major breakthrough when it started manufacturing Styrofoam cups. It was then that Handi-Kup Company was born. It also coincided with a move of the business from San Francisco to Gate Five Road in Sausalito. By 1968 the Sausalito factory was overflowing, and a much larger facility was built in Corte Madera. That factory continues making Styrofoam cups to this day. Over the next 18 years, Handi-Kup experienced rapid growth while expanding into a national company through a series of key acquisitions. In 1970, the company extended its manufacturing capabilities with a major production facility in Chicago, IL, followed by plants located in Metuchen, NJ and Jacksonville, FL. By 1980, Handi-Kup Company was the third largest Styrofoam cup producer in the nation. In 1981, Peter moved to New York for 3 years to be closer to the New Jersey facility. That year, he met the love of his life, Dotty. Peter was also very active in the community. He served as the Director of the Marin Chamber of Commerce from 1973 to 1976 and again from 1989 to 1992. He was Chairman and Director of the Marin Coalition from 1978 to 1979, the Director of the Society of Plastics Industry from 1981 to 1983, and Chairman SUMMER 2010


of the Foam Cup & Container Division of SPI from 1981 to 1983. During his retirement, Peter and his wife split their time between Marin and Maui, Hawaii. They enjoyed playing golf and entertaining friends and family in both locations. Jacob Jovick (1920–2009) Jacob Jovick passed away on December 24, 2009. He was born in Butte on December 6, 1920. After high school he attended Montana School of Mines (now Montana Tech), where he earned a degree in Geological and Mining Engineering in 1943. After graduating, he joined the Navy where he supplied destroyers stationed at Pearl Harbor. While serving in the Navy Jacob met and married Navy nurse, June. They raised three "goofy" sons. After leaving the Navy, Jacob went to work for the U.S. Geological Survey measuring stream flows and eventually to the Anaconda Smelter to analyze samples as a chemist in the assay lab until retirement. After the passing of his wife in 2003, Jacob went to live with his son and daughter-in-law in Oregon until his passing. Ford Wesley Knight (1929–2010) Ford Wesley Knight went to be with our Lord Jesus Christ on Saturday, January 16, 2010. Ford was born September 18, 1929 in Butte, Montana to Jack and Blanche (Dickson) Knight. He was followed by brother Rutherford and sister Geraldine. He went to grade school in Bannack, Montana and graduated high school from Beaverhead High School in Dillon, Montana. He played football while in high school and was invited to play in the East–West Shrine football game. During the summer he spent time in the "Big Hole" haying on the Jardine Ranch. Ford went on to receive a bachelor of science in 1952 and in 1955 a master of science in Metallurgical Engineering from the Montana School of Mines (now Montana Tech). While working on his masters, Ford was awarded a graduate fellowship. Ford worked his way through college by working in several of the local Butte mines. Over his extensive career, which included international positions, Ford performed duties as Manager and Project Engineer for the Anaconda Copper Mining Co. in Anaconda, Montana; E.I. Dupont, Savannah River Plane, Aiden, South Carolina; Los Alamos Scientific Lab, K Division, Los Alamos, New Mexico; Atomic Power Development Association (Detroit Edison) and FERMI lab, Detroit, Michigan; United Kingdom 28


Atomic Energy authority, Dounreav Fast Reactor facility, Thurso, Scotland; Westinghouse Electric, France; General Electric in Richland, Washington, San Jose and Vallecitos, California and Tokyo, Japan; Westinghouse Nuclear Fuel Division, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Westinghouse Electric, Advanced Energy Systems/ Waste Management/Environmental Remediation Divisions, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington. Ford's professional affiliations included: Westinghouse Electric's representative on and charter member of committee on Nuclear Quality Assurance, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and an early and catalyzing member of the ASQC working group on ASQC E-4, Environmental Quality Assurance. Ford was published many times in major publications between 1960 and 1991. One of the publications titled, "Acubic Expansion of PU and PU-FE Eutectic Between Room Temperature and 700–800 degrees Celsius," was presented at the 2nd International Conference on Plutonium Metallurgy in Grenoble, France. While in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Ford met and married Nancy Fried Knight. They raised sons John and Matthew on a farm in Saxonburg, Pennsylvania. Ford was a well-respected farmer, raising corn and soybeans along with hogs and Black Angus cattle. He worked hard to ensure he taught his sons to have a good work ethic and led by example. Ford and his family returned to his beloved Montana in 1991. The whole family has enjoyed living in the Flathead Valley.

19 years in the Middle East, returning in the winter months to teach. His work on the Harvard Archaeological Expedition put him in war zones where he was nearly shot by teenage militia in Lebanon, rescued by British Commandos from a Cypriot war zone, and was brutally interrogated by Saddam Hussein's secret police for his cases of maps. He was part of the team that uncovered the famous "Golden Calf" that was published by National Geographic. He also worked on projects such as the earthquake-buried city of Kourian and the Roman tin mines in Cornwall and Iraq. After spending a winter in Wales, Frank became Professor of Geology at The College of Wooster. Frank retired with his wife of 60 years, Virginia; their dog, Bonnie; and his vegetable and flower gardens in Wooster. Frank's family would like to hear from any of Frank's students or friends who may have an interesting story to share. Please send stories to Lewis Albert Leake (1925–2010) Lewis Albert Leake passed away March 30, 2010 at his home in St. George, Utah. He was born May 20, 1925 in Denver, Colorado to Lewis Albert Leake, Sr. and Margery Angus Walker. The family moved to Salt Lake City, Utah in 1932. Lewis served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He spent his active duty time studying aeronautical engineering at the Montana School of Mines (now Montana Tech) and Purdue University, from which he earned his bachelor's and master's, respectively. It was while attending Purdue University that he met his wife, Sydney Anne Tuesburg. They married in Salt Lake City in 1945. Lewis worked for Boeing in Seattle, Washington; taught at the University of Utah; developed missiles at Point Mugu Naval Air Base near Oxnard, California; performed military operations research for RAC in McLean, Virginia, and then military operations research again for SAI, later SAIC in northern Virginia, and in Denver, Colorado. He retired from SAIC in 1987 and moved to Evanston, Wyoming to serve missions for the LDS church with his wife. They served six missions: Singapore; Las Palmas, Spain; Barcelona, Spain; Bilbao, Spain; Salt Lake Family History Center; and Lima, Peru. He served in the LDS church in many callings including bishop, high councilman, and patriarch. Lewis was a tireless worker who believed in striving for perfection in all his endeavors. He loved to solve problems, build furniture, and house projects. He was kind and loving and loved in turn by all who knew him.

Frank L. Koucky, Jr. (1927–2010) Frank L. Koucky, Jr. passed away at his home in front of the fireplace on Friday, January 29, 2010. He was born in Chicago on June 24, 1927 to Frank Louis and Ella (Harshman) Koucky. Frank's adventures started at a young age as an Eagle Scout and later when he served in the U.S. Army during World War II. These adventures took him to dozens of countries, made him an entry in "Who's Who in American Men of Science," and on many occasions placed him in danger zones. Frank earned his PhD from the University of Chicago and then began teaching at the Montana School of Mines (now Montana Tech). While teaching at the Montana School of Mines, Frank mapped uncharted mountain ranges for the U.S. Geological Survey by air and foot. After leaving the Montana School of Mines, Frank went on to teach at the University of Illinois Rose Roe Olsen (1913–2010) and the University of Cincinnati before being Rose Roe Olsen died on Friday, February selected as a staff geologist for the Harvard 5, 2010, in Butte, Montana. Rose was born in Archaeological Expedition. He then spent Carrickmacross, County Monaghan, Ireland, in

1913 to Rose and Joseph Roe. Her family immigrated to Butte when she was 3 years old. She attended Sacred Heart, St Mary's, and Girls Central High School, where she especially enjoyed theatrics. Rose attended the Montana School of Mines (now Montana Tech) for 1 year on scholarship. It was at the Montana School of Mines that she met her lifelong partner, Paul Olsen. They were married in 1935 and started their family in Butte. During World War II, Paul and Rose moved to Seattle where Rose worked at Boeing driving a forklift and jitney while Paul served in the Navy. After the war, they returned to Butte and moved into a house Paul built himself. Paul and Rose ran the Olsen Construction Company, where Rose did the bookkeeping and served as secretary. Rose and Paul were members of St. John the Evangelist parish. Paul built the new parish church, school addition, and convent. Rose had the challenge of raising three daughters and two sons, which she did with a

loving and firm hand. Rose and Paul also had six boys who died at birth. Rose enjoyed the outdoors. They acquired a cabin at Echo Lake in 1954 which they used almost every weekend in the summer and sometimes snowshoed to the cabin in the winter. Rose also loved bridge and played whenever she had a companion to join her in a game. She was active in the bowling league at Star Lanes, which Paul built. She had a natural gift for telling stories and writing. She had tales of Charlie Chipmunk that she created for her children to animated stories of the rebuilding of their retirement house in California to Paul's ongoing war with gophers in the garden. No matter what life threw at her, Rose retained a positive outlook and a warm and loving disposition. She was proud to be Irish. She carried that Irish pride and love of Butte everywhere she traveled. Rose and Paul lived in California for a time, but returned to Butte, the town where they met at college at the Montana School of Mines. They were happily married for 71 years at the time of Paul's passing. Rose was loved by all and will be missed.

Kenneth Gaylord Parrent (1925–2010) On Thursday February 25, 2010 at 1:45 a.m., Kenneth Gaylord Parrent passed from this life. Ken passed away while living with his daughter in Nashville, Tennessee. He had been at peace in his last days. Ken was born on December 3, 1925 in Lewistown, Montana to Richard Gaylord "Slim" Parrent and Anna Elise Jordan Parrent. Ken graduated from Sunburst High School in 1944. He enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps in June 1944. He served dutifully and honorably during World War II. After serving in the U.S. Army Air Corps, Ken attended college, graduating from the Montana School of Mines (now Montana Tech) with a bachelor of science in Petroleum Engineering. Ken spent the majority of his working career in oil field development and production in Libya, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana. Ken never lost his desire to learn and to contribute productively to society. He pursued his professional interests even in the last months of his life.

Tom was a stellar athlete, lettering 4 years in football and track, and 3 years in basketball. He was All State 2 years in football, basketball and track. His football teams and teammates played for the state championship for 4 straight years, winning one. His track team and his basketball team won one state championship each. He was a football All-American, receiving numerous scholarships, and with Ed Simonich's guidance selected Marquette University. Tom was an outdoorsman, downhill and crosscountry skier, and enjoyed camping and backpacking. He was an avid fisherman, where he did most of his philosophizing. Tom was a tenor and was usually found singing throughout the day. Tom's life was full of many accomplishments athletically, scholastically, professionally and personally. One of his finest achievements was humility. He never lived life in the past, dwelling on achievements, but always looked for what to do next. He had the ability to make others feel most important in their time of need, taking time to help and listen to others. People, organizations and institutions came to Tom to chart their paths forward. You could walk away mad after talking with Tom, but later you would come to your senses after thinking on his imparted wisdom: remembering, as Tom would say, "There are no big deals, only little ones to be treasured daily." Most importantly, Tom loved his family, providing laughter, wisdom and a listening ear. He particularly enjoyed his grandchildren, who will

dearly miss him. Tom's immediate family includes Betty Lester, wife of 52 years; daughter, Christine Foran (Mike); sons, Dennis (Johanna Muth), Mike (Kathy Stewart) and Steve (Tracy Fischer). Tom's grandchildren are Patrick (Christine and Mike); Monica, Nathaniel, Kayla, and Hillary (Dennis and Johanna), Alexander and Mikaela (Mike and Kathy); and Kelci, Jesse, Hunter, Kegan and Cooper (Steve and Tracy). Tom's brothers are William, Robert, James, and Charles; Tom's sisters are Kay, Laverne, Nancy and Susan. Tom has numerous nieces and nephews. During his career on our campus Tom touched and shaped many lives. His children and grandchildren attended Montana Tech. His grandson, Nate Lester, was Montana Tech's valedictorian at the 2010 Commencement Ceremony where he received his BIT degree with high honors (see page 24). The Lester family has established the Tom Lester Memorial Scholarship with the Montana Tech Foundation. Donations in Tom's memory can be made at the Foundation office, by calling 800-984-4683, or online at

Dr. Thomas Francis Lester Dr. Thomas Francis Lester died May 16, 2010. He has gone to be with our Lord after a courageous 2-year battle with cancer. Tom came into the world Aug. 7, 1937, the fifth of nine children of Marge and Joe Lester. Tom attended Immaculate Conception Grade School and Butte Central High, graduating in 1956. Tom married Elizabeth (Betty) Jensen, the love of his life, on Oct. 9, 1958. He graduated from Marquette University with a bachelor of arts degree, from Western Montana College with a master's degree, and the University of Montana with a doctorate in education. Tom had a tremendous professional career across athletic and academic fields. Tom coached numerous sports at Medicine Lake, Butte High School and Montana Tech, where he was the football, basketball, track and golf coach. He also served as the athletic director at Montana Tech; his focus was always on the student. Tom set up the Montana Tech athletic scholarship program and was instrumental in funding and building the Alumni Coliseum. Tom coached with numerous Butte coaching legends, including Ed Simonich, Sam Jankovich, Sonny Lubick and Mick Delaney. Tom's coaching advice was much sought after. His academic career was exemplary. He was a teacher, full professor, department head, dean, and professor emeritus; Tom received the Teaching Instructor of the Year numerous times while at Montana Tech.



Ken married Laura Lou Ormson of Cut Bank in August 1948 and they divorced in 1967. Ken is survived by their two children, Gayle Levee of Nashville and Ross Edward Parrent of Denver, and three grandchildren. The family invites the sharing of memories of Ken at the following online memorial blog: George Donald Paul (1954–2010) A great man left his mark in this world and will be missed by many. George Donald Paul died on January 12, 2010. A Butte Rat through and through, George was born on February 18, 1954 to John Frank and Patricia (O'Boyle) Paul. He graduated a proud Bulldog from Butte High School in 1972, where he bled purple and white, lettering in football and basketball. He attended school in Butte and graduated from Butte High in 1972. George later went on to attend Montana Tech, where he played football and then transferred to the University of Montana to complete a bachelor of arts in Business Administration, then a master's in Business Administration. Upon graduating, George returned to his roots and brought hard work, respect, integrity, and loyalty to the Butte community. He started his career with Butte–Silver Bow from 1978 to 1980 and then worked in the Labor Relations Department with the Montana Power Company until 1988. He also taught business classes at Montana Tech from 1978 to 1986. He was involved with the start-up of Intermountain Digital Network (IDN), which later became Touch America. George held several executive positions at Touch America, including but not limited to executive director/general manager, vice president of customer service and vice president of human resources. Starting in 2004 until his passing, George served as the general manager of the Port of Montana. On April 4, 1981, George married his soulmate, a Butte girl, Vicki Kolger. They raised three children, Megan, Krista, and Matt. Throughout his life, George was very active in the Butte community. He took pride in the educational and athletic development of Butte youths. He was involved with Butte High, Butte Central and Montana Tech's booster clubs among numerous other clubs, groups and associations in Butte. Harris Rand "Randy" Rafish (1951–2010) Randy died Thursday, February 18, 2010 in Portland, Oregon after a lengthy illness. Randy was born in Butte, Montana on February 28, 1951 to Fay and Melvin Rafish. He had the opportunity to spend the majority of this life here in Butte and loved it. He attended both Butte High School and Montana 30


Lt. Colonel Harry Dukehart Sultzer (1928–2009) Lt. Colonel Harry Dukehart Sultzer, U.S.A.F. Retired, passed away on December 18, 2009 following a stroke. Duke was born in Butte on June 11, 1928. His father's job with the Department of Reclamation took their family from Fort Peck Dam to Oklahoma, Michigan, and Buffalo, NY, where Duke graduated from high school. Duke returned to Butte to attend the Montana School of Mines (now Montana Tech). He graduated with a degree in Mining Engineering. While attended college, Duke courted Linforth Murray. They eloped in 1952. As a teenager, Duke worked to pay for flying lessons and completed his first solo flight by age 15. His love of flying led him to make the Air Force a career that spanned 32 years, with combat service in Korea and Vietnam. After tours across the world, Duke was happy to retire to Bigfork, MT with his wife Lin. In 2008, at the age of 80, Duke was inducted into the Montana Skeet Shooting Edwin Ruckdaschel (1932–2010) Association Hall of Fame. He was active in Edwin Ruckdaschel, friend to Montana the community and started a Wife Saver Old Tech, passed away on January 7, 2010. He Boys Lunch Bunch where the "Old Boys" was born March 3, 1932 and had been resid- would meet for lunch at the area restaurants. ing in the Whitehall area. He will be remembered for his smile and the twinkle of his eye. Charles Francis Stack (1919–2010) Charles Francis Stack passed away at the James W. Vernon, PhD (1922–2009) age of 90 on February 16, 2010, at Providence James W. Vernon, PhD and Lieutenant ComBenedictine Nursing Center in mander (retired), passed peaceMount Angel, Oregon. He was fully from this life on March 27, born in Shelton, Nebraska on 2009 at Pleasant Valley Hospital, July 22, 1919 to Anna (Lane) and Camarillo. Jim's life was unusuCharles Leo Stack. The Stack ally full, rich, and interesting. Jim family moved to Circle, Montana in 1923. Charlie began his studies in geology at the Montana graduated from Circle High School in 1936 and School of Mines during the years 1940-1942. then went on to the Montana School of Mines His studies were interrupted by service in World (now Montana Tech). After college Charlie man- War II. He flew an F6F Hellcat from an aircraft aged two Farmers Union service stations until carrier in the South Pacific. After the war, Jim he was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1940. He finished his degree at UC Berkeley where served in the Army Signal Corps for 53 months he also received a master's degree. He was and most of that time was spent in the South awarded his PhD from USC. Pacific. Charlie married Nadine Baker in Seattle Jim again served his country in the Korean on June 3, 1946. They moved to Alaska where War as a photo-intelligence officer in WashCharlie worked as an air traffic controller for ington D.C. After the war, he resumed his the Civil Aviation Authority, the predecessor career as a geologist. Jim was a pioneer in to the Federal Aviation Administration. While undersea exploration with scuba and miniin Alaska, Charlie and Nadine lived in several submarine. He experienced many adventures towns including Annette Island, Cape Yakataga, as he worked world-wide. In his later years, he Nome, and Fairbanks. After retiring from FAA in wrote a trilogy memoir. One of these books, Fairbanks in 1976, Charlie worked for Alaska Deep-Six My Heart, is available at the MonInternational Air and was the treasurer for the tana Tech Library. Another book, Hostile Sky, Catholic Church of Northern Alaska. In 1978 was published by the Naval Institute Press. Charlie and Nadine moved to Lyons, Oregon Jim leaves behind Doris, his wife of 58 and built their home on McCulley Mountain. years, his children James, John (deceased), They lived there until 2003 when they moved Jan Harris, and granddaughter, Alisa Harris. to Sublimity, Oregon and then in 2008 to Mount Jim Vernon was a true Renaissance man and Angel, Oregon where Nadine still resides. will be deeply missed. Tech. Randy was a dedicated employee of the Butte Chamber of Commerce and worked diligently to make Butte a better place to live. Most people are not aware of the fact that Randy was responsible for working closely with Pam Haxby-Cote to secure funding for the new Butte Trolley. Randy was also very instrumental in the initial organization and planning of the Berkeley Pit Viewing Stand Project. He worked with his family for many years at Newman's Bootery and previously owned Shamrock Travel. At the time of his death, Randy was employed at CCCS. Randy was an avid traveler and an ardent reader. He enjoyed planning parties and always looked for an opportunity to cook for family or friends. Randy was a person who did not like the limelight or to be the center of attention. In Randy's eyes, life was not about him, but about everyone else. Randy loved his family more than anything. Randy's unwavering support and dedication for Butte will not go unnoticed because Butte is truly a better place today because of Randy.

Class Notes 1965 John and Gaye Evans are the proud grandparents of baby Jack Andrew Dyrdahl. Baby Jack arrived to parents Tracy and Link Dyrdahl on November 14, 2009 weighing 6 lbs., 2 oz. Grandpa John is a 1965 graduate of Montana Tech with a bachelor of science degree in Petroleum Engineering. John is currently a professor in the Petroleum Engineering Department at Montana Tech. 1971 Leigh Freeman has been appointed Chief Executive Officer and Director of the Company for Lagasco Corporation. For 35 years, Leigh has been working in the minerals industry as an engineer and geologist/geophysicist. He worked in technical, managerial and executive positions. Leigh completed a bachelor of science in Geological Engineering from Montana Tech in 1971. He was a co-founder and President of Orvana Minerals Corporation. Leigh is currently the General Manager and Principal of Downing Teal Inc. and is a co-founder of Bitterroot Group, LLC. He was previously Manager of Project Development at Congdon and Carey (CoCA Mines) and was with Placer Dome of Vancouver, BC. Leigh currently sits on the board of directors of Icon Resources, Ltd., is a trustee of the Society of Economic Geology and serves on industry advisory boards for the University of Arizona, Montana Tech, Queens University and South Dakota School of Mines. 1980 A revision in the organizational structure of Kiewit Corporation has led to a new position for Chris Murphy. Chris will now serve as Group President for both the Building and Min-

ing Groups for Kiewit. Kiewit Building Group, Continental Fire Sprinkler, Aero Automatic and Jet Pipe, and Kiewit Mining Group will all report to Chris. Chris is a 1980 graduate from Montana Tech with a bachelor of science in Mining Engineering. Chris and his wife Teri currently reside in Elkhorn, Nevada. 1982 John Mehlhoff has been named the Bureau of Land Management Colorado Associate State Director. John grew up on his family's homestead in North Dakota. He earned a bachelor of science in Mining Engineering from Montana Tech in 1982. John has been with the BLM for more than 26 years. His past positions have included Legislative Assistant to a U.S. Senator under the Congressional Fellowship program, Staff Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Land and Minerals, Program Lead to BLM's Assistant Director of Energy and Minerals in Washington D.C. and Field Manager for a three-state region including Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas. John, his wife Suzanne and their two children will be moving to Colorado where they will continue to enjoy hunting, fishing and the outdoors. 1990 On September 5, 2009 Koket Marcella Fowler and Jason Robert Troglis were married at the United Methodist Church in Whitefish, Montana. The couple honeymooned in the Bahamas. The bride is the daughter of Boyce and Margie Fowler of Helena, Montana. Koket graduated from Capital High School in 1983 and Montana State University in 1988 with a business/fashion merchandising degree. She is currently employed

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as a project manager for TeamBuilder JLS in Bellevue, Washington. The groom is the son of JoAnn Troglia of Yuma, Arizona and Jim Troglia of Shelton, Washington. Jason graduated from Helena High School in 1985, Montana Tech in 1990 with a degree in accounting, and Seattle University with his M.B.A. in 1995. Jason is currently employed as a controller for Food Services of America in Kent, Washington. 1993 Shawna Rose has been promoted to Senior Manager of Regulatory Affairs. Shawna earned a bachelor of science degree in Society and Technology from Montana Tech in 1993 and earned the Regulatory Affairs Certification, United States, from the Regulatory Affairs Professional Society in June 2009. She joined Biogen Idec in September 2007 from Alkermes, Inc., in Ohio, where she was the regulatory representative assigned to Alkermes's manufacturing site. During her tenure in RA CMC, Shawna successfully represented the RA CMC Compliance function, providing substantial support and advice in change control and health authority inspections. Shawna and her husband, Brian, currently reside in Lunenburg, Massachusetts.

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The newest addition to the Coe Tech Family, Connor Tully, is pictured on Christmas Day wearing his 1st Christmas present, a Montana Tech stocking cap, from his grandpa Dr. Doug Coe, Dean of the College of Letters, Sciences, and Professional Studies. Connor is being cradled by his big sister MacKenzie Rose, a two-time graduate of Montana Tech's Kid's College. Clockwise from Connor and MacKenzie is Cari Coe, a Tech student while in high school, who is now Assistant Professor of International Relations at Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon. Continuing clockwise are the proud parents: Stephen, a Montana Tech Environmental Engineering graduate and now the Regional Airshed Manager for the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, and his wife Janet Coe, a registered Nurse at Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center in Boise, Idaho, who also attended Montana Tech. To the right of Connor is Anna Coe, a Montana Tech Chemistry graduate, who now works for the Montana Tech Foundation as the Stewardship and Data Development Coordinator. To the right of Anna is the proud grandpa, Doug. According to Doug, "You can take the kids out of Butte, but you can't take Butte out of the kids. Note the copper etching of the headframe in the picture on the wall behind Stephen."

To make a gift in someone's honor or memory or to start a discussion on building a legacy at Montana Tech through a planned gift, please contact the


Foundation at 406-496-4278. 32


1997 Sophia Christine Okrusch was born on January 27, 2010 at St. James Healthcare in Butte, Montana. She weighed 4 lbs., 4 oz. and was 17½ inches in length. She joins siblings Kaitlyn and Karly. Her parents are Chad and Margi Okrusch. Margi is a 2001 graduate of Montana Tech with an associate's degree in Nursing. Chad graduated in 1997 with a bachelor of science in Society and Technology and earned his master's degree in Professional and Technical Communications in 2000. Chad is currently a professor in the Professional and Technical Communications Department at Montana Tech. Kathy Fasso has been named the new general manager of the Port of Montana. Kathy most recently worked in the mortgage industry, but before that she oversaw the Butte Tax Increment Financing Industrial District (TIFID). Kathy grew up in Butte and graduated from Butte High School in 1990. She then earned a bachelor of science degree in Technology and Business Development from Montana Tech. She completed her MBA at the University of Montana. Kathy started her position at the Port of Montana on March 31, 2010.

and 20 inches in length. She joins brothers Nick, Luke, and Mitch. Jake and Shauna Verlanic of Anaconda are the proud parents. Jake graduated from Montana Tech in 1999 with a bachelor of science in Business and Information Technology. He currently is employed with the Anaconda School District. On February 22, 2010 at St. James Healthcare, Kadin Robert Liva was born to Jennifer and David Liva of Butte, Montana. Kadin weighed 7 lbs., 12 oz and was 19½ inches in length. He joins siblings Konnor and Kaicee. David is a 1999 graduate of Montana Tech with a bachelor of science in Computer Science. Erin and David Dobrinen are the parents of Evan Michael, born March 21, 2010 at Community Hospital in Anaconda. Evan weighed 6 lbs., 14 oz. and was 19 inches in length. He joins sibling Dean. Erin is a graduate of Montana Tech. She holds an associate of science in Math from 1999, a bachelor of science in Biological Sciences from 2001, and a master's degree in Industrial Hygiene from 2003. David graduated from Montana Tech in 2003 with an associate of science degree and in 2005 with a bachelor of science in Mechanical Engineering.

2000 Duane and Jackie Kuchtyn are the proud parents of a baby boy named Lincoln Laramie Kutchtyn. Lincoln was born on 1999 January 29, 2010 at St. James Healthcare Alyssa Jean Verlanic made her debut on in Butte, Montana. He weighed 9 lbs., 3 January 7, 2010, weighing in at 6 lbs. 11 oz. oz. and was 22 inches in length. Duane


Second Annual Digger Bulldog Scramble Help bring the traveling trophy home to Montana Tech!

Saturday, July 31, 2010 Beaverhead Golf Course in Dillon, MT Shotgun Start at 8:30 am Cost: $80/person (4-person teams) Visit for information or contact Peggy McCoy at 406-496-4402 or

is a 2000 Montana Tech graduate with a became the newest addition to Ben and Teri bachelor of science in Mining Engineering. Krakowka's family. Amelia was born at St. James Healthcare in Butte, Montana. She Tammie Jo Celli and weighed 6 lbs., 12½ oz. and was 20 inches Damon S. Wrampe were long. Teri Krakowka graduated in 2001 with a married at St. Lawrence bachelor of science degree in Business and O'Toole Church on April Information Technology. 10, 2010. The couple's parents are John and Jeff Ashbaker of ProDeb Celli of Butte, Monfessional Consultants tana and Dee Anna Culver of Gillette, Wyo- Incorporated in Missoula ming. Tammie Jo graduated in 2000 from has received his Montana Montana Tech with a bachelor of science Professional Engineer's in Petroleum Engineering. She is currently license. Jeff graduated working as a Production Engineer for Cita- from Montana Tech in 2001 with a bachelor of tion Oil and Gas. science degree in General Engineering. Gene Ehli, a 2000 Montana Tech graduate, has joined the National Information Solutions Cooperative as a software specialist. Gene earned a bachelor of science in Computer Science and will be utilizing that degree while working in the enterprise solutions division of NISC. Gene resides in Mandan, North Dakota. Paul and Rachel Pederson are the proud parents of baby Bridger Paul Pederson, born on February 26, 2010. Bridger was born at St. Margaret's Hospital in Spring Valley, Illnois. He weighed 7 lbs., 12 oz. and was 20 inches in length. Bridger joins sibling Ryer. Paul is a 2000 graduate of Montana Tech with dual bachelor of science degrees in Mining and Welding Engineering. 2001 On March 22, 2010 Amelia Jane Krakowka

deBarathy of Butte, and Craig and Marmie Bankhead of Syracuse, Utah. A graduate of Clearfield High School in 1998, Cody graduated from Weber State University in 2006. Wendy graduated from Butte High School in 1997. She went on to graduate in 2001 from Montana Tech with a bachelor of science in Business and Information Technology.

2002 Kodee Kathleen Ann Badovinac was born on January 22, 2010 at St. James Healthcare in Butte, Montana. Milee Marie Stillwagon Kodee weighed in at 6 lbs., 14 oz. and was debuted on January 19¾ inches in length. Kodee joins siblings 15, 2010 at St. James Drew and Brooke. Her proud parents are Healthcare in Butte, Brett and Amanda Badovinac. Brett is a 1995 Montana. She weighed in graduate of Montana Tech in Engineering at 7 lbs., 7 oz. and was Science. He currently works for Northwestern 20¾ inches in length. Her Energy. Amanda graduated with her master's proud and loving parents degree in Technical Communications in 2002. both attended Montana Tech. Her father David "Moose" graduated Amanda is the Director of Public Relations from Montana Tech in 2001 with a degree in and Marketing for Montana Tech. Business Information Technology. Moose is currently working for 360 Networks. Milee's Krista Frederikson and mother, Angela, attended Montana Tech and Cody Lechleitner were completed her bachelor of science in Busi- married July 25, 2009 by ness Administration at the University of Mon- Father Gary Reller in Mistana – Missoula. Angela is currently employed soula. Their parents are at Montana Tech's Career Services office as John and Micki Frederikson and Jim and Diane the Internship Coordinator. Lechleitner, all of Missoula. Krista, a graduate Wendy deBarathy and Cody Bankhead joined of the University of Montana, is the develhands in marriage on March 13, 2010 in Las opment director for the Helena Education Vegas, Nevada. Their parents are Sid and Pauline Foundation. Cody graduated from Montana

11th Annual Montana Tech Career Fair September 9, 2010 Visit for registration information. SUMMER 2010


Tech with a B.S. in Civil Engineering in 2002 and is currently working at CDM. Following a honeymoon in Jackson Hole, WY, the couple returned home to Helena, MT. On December 23, 2009, Chase Sholey Powers was born to proud parents Patrick and Brandy (Sholey) Powers. Chase was born at St. James Healthcare in Butte, Montana, weighing 7 lbs., 2 oz. and was 20½ inches in length. Brandy is a 2002 Montana Tech graduate with a bachelor of science in Professional and Technical Communication and is currently employed with Northwestern Energy in the Corporate Communications Department. Patrick graduated in 2003 with a bachelor of science in Engineering Science and Control Systems. Patrick is also employed at Northwestern Energy as a P.E. 2003 Michael and Tiffany Ott of Butte are the proud parents of Rylin Sabana Ott. Rylin was born at St. James Healthcare in Butte, Montana on March 8, 2010. She weighed 5 lbs., 8.5 oz. and was 18½ inches long. She joins siblings Riley, Jeremy, and Andy. Tiffany graduated from Montana Tech in 2003 with a bachelor's in Occupational Safety and Health and in 2006 with a master's degree in Industrial Hygiene. She currently works for Safety and Health Services in Butte, Montana. Denise Kaye Moe Stevens, a 2003 graduate in Professional and Technical Communication, wed Shawn Adam Smith in a quiet, intimate ceremony on June 5, 2010. The

ceremony took place at Smitty's Barn in Anaconda with the bride's brother, Brian Moe, officiating. Shawn is a graduate of the Montana Law Enforcement Academy and is currently a brand inspector for the State of Montana. Denise owns TLC Photography. The couple will reside in Telegraph Gulch.

graduated from Montana Tech in 2005 with a bachelor of science degree in Petroleum Engineering. He is currently employed with Cabot Oil and Gas in Texas. Caleb and Lilly Nelson are the proud parents of a baby boy. Colton Casey Nelson was born on February 17, 2010 at Community Hospital in Missoula, Montana. Baby Colton weighed 7 lbs., 11 oz. and was 21 inches in length. Caleb is a 2006 graduate of Montana Tech with a bachelor of science in Mechanical Engineering.

On January 30, 2010 at St. James Healthcare in Butte, Montana, Ava Coceil White was born. Ava weighed in at 6½ lbs. and was 20 inches in length. Her parents are William "Scott" and Traci White of Butte. Scott is a 2003 graduate of Montana Tech with an AAS in Civil Engineering Technology. 2007 Jamie Renz and Jeremy 2004 LeProwse were married on St. Ann's Church was May 22, 2010. The bride is the scene for the June 5, the daughter of Lori Renz 2010 wedding of Lindsay of Butte and the late Tom Thatcher and Jay LePRenz. The groom is the son rowse. The bride is the of John and Wendy LePdaughter of Mike and Debrowse of Butte, Montana. bie Thatcher of Butte. Her Jamie earned her degree in Radiologic Technolfiancé is the son of Jim LeProwse and Judy ogy from Montana Tech in 2007. She is currently LeProwse, both of Butte. Lindsay is a 2002 employed at St. James Healthcare in Butte. graduate of Butte Central High School and a 2006 graduate with a bachelor of science 2008 in Nursing from Montana Tech. Jay is a 1998 On June 5, 2010 in Billings, graduate of Butte High School and a 2004 Montana, Sara Morrison graduate of Montana Tech in Occupational and Cory Janson were Health and Safety. married. Their parents are Rick and Cindy Morrison of 2005 Billings and Len and Lynn On February 18, Janson of Kenai, Alaska. In 2010, Knox McKyl 2004, Sara graduated from Balcer was born at Billings Skyview High School and went on to Memorial Hermann earn a bachelor of science degree in Geological Katy Hospital in Engineering from Montana Tech. Sara received Texas. He weighed 7 her master's degree in Geotechnical Engineering lbs., 8 oz. and was 18½ inches in length. He from the University of California-Berkeley in 2009. joins sibling Russell Jameson. Baby Knox's In 2003, Cory graduated from Kenai Central parents are Kylah and Bobby Balcer. Bobby High School and went on to earn a bachelor of

science in Electrical Engineering from Montana Kathleen Woodhead of OldTech in 2008. ham, Manchester, United Kingdom. The bride-to-be Plans for a June 2010 wedding graduated from Great are being made by Kelsey Falls High School, Boston Manchester and Casey Kelly. University, and in 2008 Parents of the couple are Ken earned a bachelor of science in Environmenand Janet Manchester, and Ed tal Engineering from Montana Tech. Anna and Shauna Kelly, all of Butte. is a project engineer for the Department of Casey graduated from Montana Tech in 2008 Energy in Idaho Falls, Idaho. The groom-towith a degree in General Engineering. He is be graduated from The Blue Coat School in currently employed with REC Silicon. Kelsey Oldham, the University of Salford, UMIST, graduated from Montana Tech in 2010 with a and the University of Lancaster in the United degree in Biology. She is continuing her educa- Kingdom. He is the director of operations at tion in the nursing program at Montana Tech. S.A. Robotics in Cumbria, United Kingdom. Derek Hanson took Dawny McElderry as his bride on April 18, 2010. The ceremony took place at the Canyon Ferry Mansion Church in Townsend, Montana. Dawny is the daughter of Fred McElderry of Cheyenne, Wyoming, Tony Rogers of Pahoa, Hawaii, and the late Sheila Duncan of Deer Lodge, Montana. She is a graduate of Montana Tech's College of Technology with a degree in Accounting and Human Resources. Dawny currently works for the State of Montana as a financial specialist in Helena. Derek is the son of Dene Hanson of Butte and the late Kenneth Hanson of Standford/Whitehall. He is a graduate of Helena College of Technology with a degree in Welding, and is working for Sparrow Enterprises as an equipment operator in Helena. Anna Ceceil Carter and Christopher Luke Woodhead have chosen August 21, 2010 as the date of their wedding. Parents of the bride are Jim and Katie Carter of Great Falls, Montana; the groom's parents are Malcolm and

Nicholas Schmalzried was born on February 8, 2010 at St. James Healthcare to Richard and Chelsea Schmalzried of Butte, Montana. Nicholas weighed 5 lbs., 6.5 oz. and was 18 inches in length. He joins sibling Sean. Chelsea is a 2008 graduate of Montana Tech with an associate of science degree.




CE N A H C T S A L The National Folk Festival, one of the nation's largest and most prestigious celebrations of the arts, has taken up residence in Butte, Montana until 2010. The National Folk Festival is a largescale three-day outdoor event presented free to the public that celebrates the roots, richness, and variety of American culture.

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St. Timothy's Chapel at Georgetown Lake was the scene for the July 18, 2009 wedding of Laura Carmel and Bill Battaiola. Pastor Terry Reiff officiated the wedding. Following the ceremony, a poolside reception was held at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort. Later in the evening, a dinner and dance was held at the historic Finlen Hotel in Butte, Montana. The newlyweds spent their honeymoon deep sea fishing and snorkeling in the Bahamas. Laura graduated from Grandview High School in Aurora, Colorado and the University of Montana - Missoula with a degree in Health and Human Performance. Laura graduated from Montana Tech in May of 2010 with a degree in Nursing. Bill graduated from Whitehall High School and earned a secondary education degree from the University of Montana - Western. He currently teaches at Whitehall High School.

A June 5, 2010 wedding is planned for Charmaine Weyer and Dustin Lewis. The ceremony and reception will take place in the home of Charmaine's parents, Wayne and Barbara Weyer of Whitehall. Both Charmaine and Dustin graduated from Montana Tech. Charmaine earned a degree Friends in geochemistry in 2009. Dustin completed a Rigby Lee Bauer was born degree in Mining Engineering in 2008. to Mike and Stacey (Lee) Bauer on January 8, 2010 2010 at St. James Healthcare in Kendra Kamerzel will wed Alex Waddell on Butte, Montana. Baby Rigby June 12, 2010 on the Kleffner Ranch in East weighed in at 8 lbs. and was Helena, Montana. Alex is a pending journey- 21½ inches in length. Mike is a former men's man fire suppression pipe fitter for Simplex basketball coach for Montana Tech.

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Grinnell Fire Protection and will earn his state license in June 2010. Kendra graduated on May 15, 2010 with a bachelor of science in Nursing. She is currently employed by St. Peter's Hospital as a Registered Nurse.

July 9, 10, and 11, 2010 SUMMER 2010


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