17-18Montauk Historical Society Craft Fair – Second House 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Join us at SECOND HOUSE for two fabulous days featuring one-of-a-kind crafts, music, food and good 18Montaukwww.montaukhistoricalsociety.orgtimes!FireDepartment–BigBucks!
Pisces (February 20 – March 20) — You tend to be happi est discovering new ideas and not getting tied down with personal commitments. You can provoke jealousy and pos sessiveness from your lover to respond to your need for freedom. When adventure calls, remember it's essential to stay on top of routine commitments. Try not to come off ar rogant; it will set a poor undertone. On the other hand, don't be scared to follow your convictions.
Virgo (August 24 – September 22) — Happy birthday, Virgo! Expect some restrictions in your plans this week, as far as travel is concerned. You may find it challenging to schedule a trip or make transportation arrangements. Watch your tendency to take on too much or move too fast. Using caution will help you keep potential mistakes small. Be conservative in regards to investment during this time. Advice from others on investment strategies may not be in your best interest. Above all, pay attention to your intuition and do your research.
1. Beach fires shall not be started or maintained less than 50 feet from any beach grass, vegetation, tent, fence, building or permanent structure, nor within 100 feet of any lifeguard stand. Should there not be enough beach to comply with the fifty-foot setback, the location of a beach fire may be reduced to 25 feet from any beach grass, vegetation, tent, fence, building, or permanent structure, but in no instance may a beach fire be located less than 25 feet from any beach grass, vegetation, tent, fence, building, or permanent structure.
Leo (July 23 – August 23) — You pose a very independent nature and need to feel appreciated. You also are creative, aggressive, and impatient. Keeping your wit about you keeps you level headed and in the driver's seat regarding business. A prospective mate is attracted to you by your drive and ambition. Do not settle in your current position; keep striving for bigger and better. Your humor helps you to be more persuasive in achieving your objectives.
9. A beach fire must be fully and completely extinguished with water. No burning, smoldering, smoking, hot embers or debris shall be left on the beach. No beach fire shall be buried or extinguished with sand.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) — You may be the center of attention over the next few weeks. Make your choices wisely since all eyes are upon you. Learn to save more money for rainy days. Save even when your promotion finally occurs. Be more sensitive to those around you. Love is right under your feet.
5. A Fire Marshal, Marine Patrol Officer, any person in the Division of Code Enforcement or police officer may require that a beach fire be extinguished when deemed to be dangerous due to wind condition, size or whenever atmospheric or other circumstances present an increased fire hazard that threatens public safety.
7. A two-gallon bucket of water must be kept within 10 feet of the beach fire at all times.
2. Beach fires shall only burn whole, natural wood. No chemically treated wood, or painted wood or wood containing nails, nor wood or plastic pallets shall be used.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) — Scheduling commitments may be overwhelming. Try to keep it light and make some decisions promptly. Try not to be inflexible in your choices. Varying your routine will help in matters of the heart. A secret liaison is exciting.
September 2022 September arrives, and all the planets tremble with emotions. Many people may take on a rebellious stage, while others will start to doubt and question everything. This is a beautiful time to change their life plans. Towards the end of September, the energy flow will sometimes be contradic tory. Emotions will start to be erratic, leading to a decrease in morale. However, with this shift, many will gain new out looks and have more clarity in personal endeavors. There will be a Mercury Retrograde From September 9 until October 2. September 9 to September 23, the retro grade will be in Libra, then from September 23 to October 2, it will be in Virgo.` Even though Mercury goes direct on October 2, we will still feel its effects until October 16. Mer cury is a planet of thought, trade, communications, con tracts, electrical devices, weather patterns, travel, and global disasters. Try not to end anything, start anything new, avoid contracts during this time, and be extra diligent in how you communicate with others. Mercury in retrograde requires constantly watching how we present to people in all com munication fields. There will be a Full Moon on September 10 in Pisces. This Full Moon is called the Harvest Moon and will make everyone emotionally wonky. The Harvest Moon's name came from farmers because the moonrise comes right after sunset, thus giving the farmers extra time to harvest their summer crops. The harvest moon is slightly different in color and timing, making this moon phase striking. This Full Moon will be very close to the Fall Equinox (September 22), giving everyone a new platform for becom ing spiritually aware and creating opportunities for new be ginnings. Use this time to ground yourself and your emotions. "During the harvest moon, it's best to slow down, wait, and see what happens in your life."
There will be a New Moon on September 25 in Libra. This is a significant period to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the movement of the Scales. It's a time to restructure our interpersonal world, learn to set boundaries, and set our intentions. Do not be afraid to let others know that "you would love to but cannot commit to a situation" if it does not serve you or you have other com mitments. This New Moon brings fresh and creative energy into our lives and, more specifically, our relationships. This New Moon can help us pace ourselves and keep us more grounded. Organs influenced by Libra New Moon: Kidneys, ureter, urinary bladder, veins, pancreas, insulin, glucagon. These organs are now more sensitive, so give them extra care. Avoid surgery during this time unless it's an emer gency during the New Moon.
BEACH FIRE REGULATIONS:The following regulations shall apply to all beach fires within the Town of East Hampton:
6. No beach fire shall be started, kindled or maintained if the prevailing wind velocity exceeds 20 miles per hour. However, the Fire Marshal, Marine Patrol Officer, any person in the Division of Code Enforcement or police officer may exercise discretion in requiring that a fire be extinguished when wind velocity exceeds 10 miles per hour.
8. No beach fire shall be set, started, kindled or maintained prior to 5:00 p.m. and must be fully extinguished prior to 12:00 midnight.
1,8,16,Montauk Farmers Market on the Green from 9am to 23 & 302pm. “Bake It, Catch It, Grow It”, includes some new vendors along with your old favorites. 13 & 27Montauk Food Pantry Distribution. St. Therese Parish Center. Hours – ALL VISITORS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR A MASK! The Montauk Food Pantry will distribute every 2 weeks. Walk-up and Drive-Thru visits are welcome from 3:30-6:00pm Every Other TUESDAY 4Gosman’s Summer Concert – Black Tie Brass Band 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Bring your blankets and chairs to enjoy live music at Gosman’s Main Stage. 6Tumbleweed Tuesday – Concert on the Green 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Free hot dogs, chips, water & soda for all or bring your own picnic! Sponsored by The Montauk Chamber of Commerce. Info: 631-668-2428
BEACH FIRE: An outdoor fire burning wood materials other than rubbish on a beach where the fuel being burned is not contained in an incinerator, outdoor fireplace, barbecue grill or barbecue pit and has a total fuel area of 30 inches or less in diameter and 24 inches or less in height from natural grade for pleasure, religious, ceremonial, cooking, warmth or similar purposes. All beach fires must comply with the regulations contained in § 14119. Any beach fire that exceeds the parameters herein or of § 14119 must comply with § 141-17.
Libra (September 23 – October 22) — You tend to be hap piest discovering new ideas and not getting tied down with personal commitments. You can provoke a possessive reac tion from your lover to respond to your need for freedom. When adventure calls, remember it's essential to stay on top of routine commitments.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 22) — You need freedom and space. Clingy people make you uncomfortable. This week, you may feel reclusive, especially if you dislike crowds and noise. Try not to think that you owe it to others to go to events you would rather avoid. Remember that if they are your friends, they owe you for giving you some space.
Please call Francine Tesler Psychic Medium Medical Intuitive for an appointment in her office: 220 King Street • Chappaqua, NY • (914) 469 6693 www.FrancineTesler.com
Aquarius (January 21 – February 19) — Your need to do your own thing may be upsetting to your mate. Take the extra time to reassure your mate that you need a little space. Just explain yourself. Rethink a business offer, and listen to financial advice.
10. All fire debris must be removed and disposed of properly and the site must be restored to its natural condition at the conclusion of a beach fire. 11. All beach fires must be fully contained within a metal container.
1:00-4:30 pm. Join us at the Montauk Fire Department for one of the most popular local events in Montauk! Purchase tickets at www.montaukfiredistrict.org to enter for a chance to win “Big Bucks” prizes from $500 to the $50,000 grand prize. Each ticket entitles 2 people to attend the drawing. Light refreshments, beer, wine and soda will be served as part of the ticket price. For more information, and more area happenings please visit: www.montaukchamber.com
Aries (March 21 – April 20) — Egotistical goals and spec ulations may cost you more than you can afford. But you can handle this situation if you choose. Serious talk clears the air. Don't be scared to initiate it.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22) — You will be very busy with career demands. You will handle your new responsibilities with ease. However, there are critical trends in terms of commitment. Single people around you are focused on mar riage. There seems to be a lot of emotional undertones be tween you and your partner. Try making more time for one another and resolving communication issues.
8 ~ September 2022 ~ The Montauk Sun
Taurus (April 21 – May 21) — Make time for hobbies and exercise regimes. This will help you to relax and feel less stressed. You are not alone. It would be best if you learned to depend on yourself. New love will bloom, and you will fi nally understand a key person in your life. At work, try a joint project, and you will be well appreciated and finan cially compensated for your efforts.
Gemini (May 22 – June 21) — A flexible work routine is best for you. Make room for delays and unexpected changes, and be open to new ideas. You may find yourself feeling frus trated at a current situation.
3. Metal, plastic or glass shall not be placed or thrown in the fire.
4. No beach fire shall be left unattended.

Hwy., Wainscott www.eastendnaturals.com Endz Salon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
697 Montauk Hwy., Montauk Sunset SurfShack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2495
Spanish Market Embassy & Euclid Sts., Montauk East End Naturals 604-5212 Montauk 668-6887 Etna, Montauk 668-8415
Star Island, Montauk
East Hampton, NY www.DWILawyerMontauk.com
240 Edgemere St., Montauk www.bodytechclub.com
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
The Plaza, Montauk ~Open All Year~ Winick Fine Jewelry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 238-5249
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hardy Plumbing, Heating & Air Condition .(631) 238-9333
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
Ray Serva Cesspool Service .(631) 668-1220
Inc. . .(631) 323-2525 / (860) 443-5281 Ditch Plains Taxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-5716 Hampton Jitney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 283-4600 800 936-0440 www.hamptonjitney.com Long Island Railroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .822-5477 MOKO Taxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-7070 Montauk Airport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-3738
Taxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-3838
Blue Point Brewing Company
www.montaukplumbing.net Montauk Sports 668-2511
Beach Chair and Umbrella Rental hamptonbeachservice.com
Airlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-800-243-2460
Key West Aloe of Montauk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-6000 Main St., Montauk Martell’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-1248 Main St., Montauk MOMTAUK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 461-3984 131 S. Emerson Ave., Unit 3, Montauk www.momtauk.com Montauk Bike Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-8975 Montauk Clothing Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-1281 Main St., Montauk ~Open All Year~ Montauk Corner Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-6081 Main St., Montauk Montauk Daisies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-6000 Main St., Montauk Montauk Sweatshirt Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-9503
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PARTY BOATS Easy Breeze Cruises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 644-1125 462 W. Lake Dr., Montauk www.easybreezecruises.com Ebb Tide (formerly Marlin V) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2818 Montauk Harbor Lazybones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-5671 474 West Lake Dr., Montauk Harbor Miss Montauk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-1545 www.missmontauk.com Viking Fishing Fleet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-5700 462 West Lake Dr., Montauk www.vikingfleet.com AUTOMOTIVE CARE Automotive Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2997 63 Navy Rd., Montauk B & B Auto Service . . .Night: (631) 668-2217 Day: (631) 668-1195 213 Edgemere St., Montauk, next to LIRR Station Marshall & Sons Exxon Station . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2990 / 2136 Montauk Hwy., Montauk BridgehamptonBANKS National Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-6400 #1 The Plaza, Montauk Chase Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-5771 Montauk Hwy., Montauk Suffolk County National Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-5300 On the Plaza, Montauk www.scrib.com COMMUNITY SERVICES Montauk Community Church (Protestant) . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2022 Montauk Hwy., Montauk St. Therese of Lisieux (Roman Catholic) . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2200 Essex St., Montauk Jewish Center of the Hamptons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 324-9858 Woods Lane, East Hampton East Hampton Urgent Care Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 329-5900 470 Pantigo Rd., East Hampton Montauk Chamber of Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2428 Montauk Historical Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-5340 Montauk Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-3377 Montauk Medical Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-3705 Main St., Montauk Montauk School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2474 Signs and Wonders Church of God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-3929 So. Emerson and So. Edgemere, Montauk U.S. Coast Guard - Montauk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2773 GROCERS / MARKETS / TAKE-OUT / WINE & LIQUOR Finest Kind Wines & Liquors . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-WINE (9463) 552 West Lake Dr., Montauk ~Free Delivery~ ~Open All Year~ Goldberg’s Famous Bagels, Flagels & Deli . . . . . . . .(631) 238-5976 28 S. Etna Ave., Montauk Gosman’s Fish Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2447 West Lake Dr., Montauk Hampton Coffee Company - Montauk . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-8206 732 Montauk Hwy., Montauk www.hamptoncoffeecompany.com Herb’s Montauk Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2335 ~Open All Year~ IGA Supermarket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-4929 Montauk Hwy., Montauk ~Open All Year~ Joni’s Kitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-3663 34 S. Etna Plaza #9, Montauk Left Hand Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-7007 83 S. Elmwood Ave., Montauk M&R Deli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-8600 728 Montauk Hwy., Montauk Montauk Beverage Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 626-8127 www.montaukbev.com Montauk General Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-0900 669 Montauk Hwy., Montauk Naturally Good Foods & Cafe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-9030 38 S. Etna Ave., Montauk Tony’s Meat Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 483-5040 541 W. Lake Dr., Montauk www.tonysmtk.com White’s Liquors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2426 Main St., Montauk ~Free Delivery~ ~Open All Year~ HARDWARE, LUMBER & HOME IMPROVEMENT Becker Home Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2368 775 Montauk Hwy., Montauk Bistrian Materials, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-7950 86 Industrial Rd., Montauk Riverhead Building Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-6800 94 Industrial Rd., Montauk NationwideINSURANCEInsurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 608-4240 DiamondMARINASCove Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-6592 364 West Lake Dr., Montauk Lighthouse Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 722-3400 229 Meetinghouse Crk. Rd., Aquebogue www.lighthousemarina.com
indy home montauk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lucas & Weiss HandyMen, Corp. 668-6665
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
South Edgemere St., Montauk Plaza Surf & Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-9300 Main St., Montauk ~Open All Year~ Star Island Yacht Club & Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-5052
18 S. Etna Ave., Montauk J&P Pools / Snow Removal .(631) 668-1083
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
435 East Lake Dr., Montauk Snug Harbor Resort & Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2860
161 River Avenue, Patchogue www.bluepointbrewing.com
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
. . . . . . . . . . .(631)
40 Bowden Square, Southampton ~Open All Year~ Sparkling Pointe 765-0200
Spa Services at Montauk Salt Cave 377-9312
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
467 East Lake Dr., Montauk www.montaukanglersclub.com Montauk Marine Basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-5900
290 Old Montauk Hwy., Montauk www.gurneysresorts.com/montauk
New England
552 West Lake Dr., Montauk The Seawater Spa at Gurney’s Montauk 668-2509
18 S. Etna Ave., Montauk White’s Drug & Dept. Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2994
www.mildewbusters.com East Hampton Fuel Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 324-2420
Duck Walk Vineyards 726-7555
6 South Etna Ave., Montauk Saunders & Associates . .(631) 668-2211
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
Main St., Montauk www.shopkailani.com Kathryn Nadeau Custom Framing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-6383 S. Etna Ave., Montauk kellyb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 238-5659
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In Home, In Hotel, In Salon Service Hampton Beach Service .(631) 668-8075
Air & Speed Surf Shop . 668-0356 Main St., Montauk The Embassy Market 668-2323
Star Island Rd., Montauk www.starislandyc.com Uihlein’s Marina & Boat Rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-3799 Montauk Harbor www.hamptonsweb.com/uihleins West Lake Fishing Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-5600
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
41 The Plaza, Montauk www.kellybmtk.com
Deborah Thompson Day Spa .(631) 668-4815
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
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3 Star Island Rd., Montauk Star Island Yacht Club and Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-5052
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
32 Star Island Rd., Montauk Offshore Sports Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2406
Serving Montauk www.hardyplumbing.com Henry’s Hair Design . .(631) 668-8955
Montauk Tent Kompany (MTK) .(631) 668-5988
John B. Ward, Jr. Plumbing & Heating 668-4399
Pink Tuna
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
EH Physical Therapy .(631) 668-7600
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DepotRECREATIONGallery . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-0897
Law Offices of Carl Andrew Irace .(631) 324-1233
. . . . . . . . . . .
EastSERVICESEndWaterproofing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 749-5900
SPAS / PAIN MANAGEMENT Body Tech 238-5311
. . . . . . . . . .(631)
76 South Elmwood, Montauk www.SunsetSurfShack.com
37645 NY-25, Peconic, NY www.pindar.net
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 475-6944
Gosman/Duryea Dock Area Nibi MTK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 371-3039 88 S. Euclid Ave., Montauk www.nibimtk.com
Douglas Elliman Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-6565 752 Montauk Hwy., Montauk Halstead Real Estate www.halstead.com Martha Greene Real Estate .(631) 668-2811
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viking Ferry 668-5700
. . . . .
408 West Lake Dr., Montauk Rick’s Crabby Cowboy Cafe & Marina . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-3200
Montauk Hwy., Watermill Greenport Harbor Brewing Company 477-681
39750 County Road 48, Southold www.sparklingpointe.com
22 Central Ave., East Hampton Elementary Tudor - Sue Giustino . .mtksue@gmail.com
118 Fairview Ave., Montauk Kevin Ryan Pool Service .(631) 668-1134
The 8th Drifter Corner of S. Edison and Main St., Montauk Vintage Pink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-8200
Montauk Angler’s Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-3232
764 Montauk Hwy. #4, Montauk www.saunders.com Town & Country Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-0500 Main St., Montauk
352 West Lake Dr., Montauk REAL CompassESTATERealEstate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2000 37 The Plaza B, Montauk www.compass.com
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
414 West Lake Dr., Montauk Montauk Yacht Club Resort Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-888-MYC-8668
St., Montauk
Edgemere & Flamingo Roads, in the old Montauk train station Hither Hills State Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2461 (Camping) Old Montauk Hwy. Montauk Downs State Park .(631) 668-5000 (Golf, Camping & Hiking) Montauk Downs State Park Tennis .(631) 238-5126 (court rentals, private lessons, clinics) tennisatthedowns@gmail.com Montauk Point Lighthouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2544 Montauk Hwy. Puff & Putt Family Fun Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-4473 Montauk Hwy., Montauk Theodore Roosevelt County Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 852-7879 (Camping, Hiking & Museum Information)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
Strawberry Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-MARY
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
6 So. Elmwood, Montauk www.easthamptonhysicaltherapy.com
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
787B Montauk Hwy., Montauk (Behind Montauk Clothing Co.) Wave Boutique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 238-5001
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
426 West Lake Dr., Montauk www.marinebasin.com Montauk Sportsmans Dock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-5348
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
Southampton Publick House 283-2800
MontaukTHEATRESPlayhouse/Community Center 668-1612 Edgemere
283 Flamingo Road, Montauk Montauk Laundromat 668-4349
Taxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-2468
Paulie’s Bait and Tackle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-5520
771 Montauk Hwy., Montauk
37 The Plaza, Montauk www.deborahthompsondayspa.com
234 Carpenter Street, Greenport www.harborbrewing.com
Montauk Brewing Company 668-8471 62 S. Erie Ave., Montauk www.montaukbrewingco.com
22 ~ September 2022 ~ The Montauk Sun
. . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Corcoran Group Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631) 899-0400
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
Pindar Winery .(631) 734-6200
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(631)
South Edison, Montauk HAIRTAUK . . . .(631) 461-3984
Endz Salon . . . . . . . . .(631) 668-5880
71 South Elmwood Ave. www.indyhomemontauk.com Kai-Kai Sandals 668-4499 Main St., Montauk kai lani 668-1518
729D Montauk Hwy., Montauk www.corcoran.com
So. Elmwood Ave., Montauk ~Open All Year~ Montauk Plumbing & Heating .(631) 668-8499

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Montauk Beach Tudor Estate & Pool Embrace Carl Fischer's original Montauk beach architectural vision from this very private and custom Tudor estate. This hidden Tudor offers four bedrooms, three and one-half baths, in-ground pool, custom Montauk stone patios/accents, detached 2 car garage all accessed by private flag lot driveway and is literal tucked into the naturally flowing meticulous landscape. A country kitchen, share the first floor with an open dining and a living room which integrate with the landscape via stone patios and a screened-in porch, perfect for those late summer, al fresco dinners. A self-contained guest suite and powder room are also located on this level. The upper floor is composed of a roomy master suite with its own balcony plus two guest rooms and their bath. The tudor country yet elegant decor is invitingly beach, the window seats are perfect for quiet reading and viewing the surrounding fields and even glimpses of the ocean, the central air conditioning keeps the perfect ambient, the pool is heated and well equipped with lounges and lighting - you'll just never want to leave.
John D’Agostino Licensed Real Estate Broker Phone: 516-885-6919 Price upon request. Montauk Leave the Ordinary - Welcome to the Extraordinary Delight in head-spinning views spanning from the ocean to the bay, capturing sunsets along the way. This 5 acre building site is elevated, private, wetland-free and supplied with utilities to the approved building envelope. There's none like it. Survey available for inspection and limited financing to qualified buyers. Exclusive $2,495,000 Martha Greene Real Estate Partner ,Owner & Exclusive Broker/Agent. John D’Agostino Licensed Real Estate Broker Phone: 516-885-6919
Montauk: Lakefront Open Canvas Enjoy crisp and expansive 180 degree Lake Montauk and sunrise views from this shy acre parcel with riparian rights and 110 feet of Water frontage. The original 1976 high ranch home offers 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, an open floor plan, waterside decking, nearly fully cleared property, beach access and unspoiled lake vistas. Employing careful modern planning the property offers a broad canvas for possible restoration or reconfiguration as it is a true diamond in the deep rough. Bring your paddle board, boat, kayak and more and enjoy all the lake has to offer from your own back yard. Offered for purchase "as is" cash offers considered with proof of funds. Details upon request. By appointment only. Exclusive $1,995,000 John D’Agostino Licensed Real Estate Broker M: 516-885-6919
Amagansett: Seclusion in the Bell Estate Historically, Amagansett was the backdrop for both the agricultural and maritime industries. Today, local farms are still displaying their crops at farm stands that dot the area while baymen still fish and provide shops with fresh bounty from the sea. The Bell Estate, lying just north of the village, is roughly 555 acres and this offering rests within its confines. This timeless, modern listing features three bedrooms and three baths designed within a 2,400 + sq. f.t layout. It was built in 1984 and, in 2001, an aerie-like office was added which affords unique privacy and inspiration. This house comes with all the presumed features such as a fireplace, central air conditioning, 20 X 40 pool with jacuzzi, outdoor shower, sprinkler system, decks, porches and all the expected privacy of a 1.6+ acre site poised at a cul-de-sac location. Easy access to the ocean, golf and the village. Exclusive $2,495,00. Carolann Sandoval Licensed Real Estate Sales Person M:516-779-4072
Montauk New Construction Coming 2021 Welcome to this flag lot private shy acre parcel within East End Estates where this new modern Montauk home will be built for 2020 occupancy. Welcome guest into 4480 grand sq.ft. of modern grandeur with vaulted grand foyer, deep 2 story living space, 2 fireplaces, master chef’s central island kitchen, event dining room, remote office, masters suite, graduates suite, juniors suite, and comfortable guest quarters. Invite all to enjoy expansive blue stone patios, shimmering gunite pool, outdoor kitchen, covered fresh air dining , four season fireplace, all set against the vibrant green landscape lit by the setting sun while wrapped in the modern Montauk vibe. Come pic your finishes, add in extras and your touches . Construction underway…Exclusive.
Co-Exclusive $2,400,000 John D’Agostino Licensed Real Estate Broker M: 516-885-6919
Montauk: Oceanfront Surfer The ocean its sights, sounds, surfing break, and more are all yours from the most coveted location in Montauk Shores known too few as Oceanfront site #1. Wake to the oceans rolling symphony then pear out to over all of Ditch Plains while miles of unspoiled Atlantic coastal views lay before you. The 2-bedroom, 1 bath accommodation offer open living with expansive deck, green space and shed all perched on this private corner of oceanfront at Ditch Plains with ocean access at your feet. First time offered for sale to the public come make it yours then live your own surf report with whale watching included. Exclusive $1,995,000 John D’Agostino Licensed Real Estate Broker M: 516-8856919
Contact: Richard Nessel Real Estate Sales Phone: 516-356-6002 Price: $1,250,000
CLASSIFIEDLISTINGS MARTHA GREENE REAL ESTATE: www.marthagreene.com631-668-2811 CORCORAN REAL ESTATE GROUP: www.corcoran.com Continued on Page 52 Do You Have a Job to Fill, a Car to Sell, an Apartment to Rent? Place a Classified in The Montauk Sun! Call: 631-668-5077 The Montauk Sun ~ September 2022 ~ 39
REAL ESTATE: Montauk: Crystalline Charisma Custom 4,200sf cedar-shingled offering 5 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, an elegant coffered-ceiling living room with fireplace and a fireside formal dining room. The kitchen tells its own narrative about the owner's enjoyment of culinary arts. It has 3 sinks, 2 dishwashers, a Viking 6 burner stove, granite counter tops and an expansive island providing ample entertainment space while bathed in the western sun. Enjoy evening cocktails on either of the double decks while watching the daily treat of the sunset over Gardiners Bay & Bock Island Sound. Then, at dusk, watch the lights of Orient Point Lighthouse appear and the evening stars as they shimmer until the dawn. There's a 20X40 heated gunite pool with a very generous1,180 sf mahogany deck and plenty of lawn for soccer, badminton, crocket, etc. The integrated stone hardscape leads to a 2-car garage, a dedicated laundry/sundry wing, ample dry surfboard storage,10' high basement and mechanical spaces. This offering is privately perched on an elevated, 1.49 acre parcel within the Culloden Point Subdivision on a quiet culde-sac adjacent to two Nature Preserves with Fort Pond Bay beach access moments away. Exclusive $3,895,000.
MONTAUK'S BEST BUY ON .70 ACRE HILLTOP Now priced to sell at $1.75M! Set stop .70 acre with room for pool, this sun drenched 4 season home with a total 2,700 sq ft living at 57 South Delrey Rd.is just a minute to town, ocean, while affording winter water views & sunset vistas. Upside down design features south facing beamed cathedral great room with fireplace, wide plank wood floors, kitchen, dining, guest room with half bath, and 3 large sliders to generous
VIEWS/POOL Newly priced at $5.395M this exquisite soh 1.2 acre property at 11 Fairview Road offers a totally updated sleek contemporary beach home that boasts 180* ocean views and a path down to OMH. Enjoy only a short path into the village plus a front row seat to Montauk's famous July 4th fireworks over the ocean. Embracing the ultimate in privacy, this fully renovated total of 3,840 sq. ft. residence offers 4 main level bedrooms, new 4.5 bathrooms, upper living area’s vast ocean viewing inground pool, a spacious patio, and a lush lawn landscape. Both levels enjoy wraparound decking/ plus an amazing rooftop deck with 360* vistas! The newly outfitted kitchen, dining, and bar/living decor capture a modern aesthetic, plus a fireplace for off-season pleasure. An 840 sq. ft. finished lower level den is the ideal spot for visiting guests, a double set laundry room, full guest bathroom, and doors to the yard and spacious garage; plus ample storage in the shed, wood room, and owners lockable closets. Amenities include 3 zone gas heat, central air, an outdoor shower, and a fabulous mature landscape to frame the entire property. Contact: Joan Hegner. Phone: 631-697-5730. Price: $5,395,000. Web ID# 883332
Land: Tuthill Pond Estates 5.3 Acre Estate Parcel, Sweeping 180 degree water, beach, & sunset views, expansive building envelope, private access, room for 5 horses, a must see. Exclusive. Contact: John D’Agostino Phone: 516-885-6919 Price: $2,495,000 Land: Ditch Plains Build your Ditch Plains beach house on this .17 acre (60X120) wetland free parcel located just minutes from ocean beach and authentic surf. There are utilities at the curb and plan to leave plenty of room for your board storage. Exclusive.
Opportunities Abound @ Hither Hills Deeded private ocean beach rights are included and literally moments away from this uncommonly large shy half acre double lot in Hither Hills. Offered for the first time in 40 years this 1960's 2100 sq.ft. split level encompasses 4-bedrooms 3 baths, open living space, glass-lined master suite, guest suite, eat-in kitchen, brick fireplace, propane stove, large rear deck, ocean view front patio lounge, central air, oil cast iron heat, private landscape and detached 2.5 car garage with storage. The shy half acre parcel allows for expansion or a rebuilding of the existing structures, view enhancements and room for a pool. If you fancy a total rethink the parcel can accommodate a 3100+ sq.f.t modern 2 story home with second floor ocean views, pool, patios, decks and accessory structures just moments from the Webster private ocean beach access 1000 feet away.. Come make it yours. Exclusive $2,400,000 John D’Agostino Licensed Real Estate Broker M: 516-885-6919

EXCLUSIVE - $4,999,500. Margaret A. Harvey 631.433.1382, Cynthia Ibrahim 631.375.2237.
TOWN & COUNTRY REAL ESTATE: www.townandcountryhamptons.com631-668-0500 Do You Have a Job to Fill, a Car to Sell, an Apartment to Rent? Place a Classified in The Montauk Sun! Call: 631-668-5077
Stunning Property to Find Peace and Quiet Such a delight to enjoy an elegant and beachy home in Montauk. Not only is the outdoor space of this property wonderful, the interior has been carefully and beautifully renovated. Upgrades to the kitchen, baths, and lowerlevel part of a gut renovation were all completed in 2020. Featuring four bedrooms and three and one half baths you can enjoy the esthetic charm and beauty this home offers. Accommodating quiet space on three levels, everyone can enjoy their perfect spot! By the pool, you will find solitude under a Sunbrella canopy or comfortably laying on a lounge around the pool. The pool heater was newly installed in 2020 and a new pool liner was done in 2021 ensuring years to enjoy a fantastic pool. The kitchen with new cabinetry in a delightful blue is outfitted with Fisher Paykel and Jenn Air appliances and honed CarrArra marble counters. With two handsome wet bar areas, a refreshment is never too far away. This home includes smart lighting inside and outside, irrigation, an outdoor shower, a whole home water filtration system, and on the upper sundeck, there is an automatic awning to protect you from the sun if you choose. This property is really one to consider if you are looking to enjoy the Montauk lifestyle!
RARIFIED EAST LAKE WATERFRONT One of only a handful of sandy beach lakefronts, this exceptionally rare 1 acre property spans 144' along Lake Montauk, with coveted ownership of acre underwater mooring rights. Last, but certainly not least, this wonderful residence borders a 4.3-acre East Hampton town preserve awarding its owners' unparalleled privacy. This 3,600 square foot contemporary shingled home has just completed a multi-year top to bottom renovation of extraordinary measures. Boasting six generous bedrooms, 4 new full bathrooms, beamed vaulted living areas offer floor-to-ceiling windows/skylights for incomparable views across the entire Lake and beyond Montauk's Inlet for awe-inspiring sunsets over Gardiners. This fabulous home offers 3 fireplaces in the great room, den, and office/slash guest bedroom. A detached 2 car garage boasts an upper 1,000 square foot studio/home office with heat and a/c. Renovations were completed to the highest specs of the new roof with an additional 6-inch insulation barrier, new white ash flooring, all new custom bathrooms, white & bright custom stainless kitchen, windows, sliders & skylights, electric, new wallboard, interior doors, complete basement overall with new cement flooring and structural fittings. All new mechanics of 3 zone OHA, Central Air, Alarm system with a multi-camera setup, new landscape, and driveway to accommodate numerous guests complete this fabulous package. Just a minute to Gin Beach, Montauk Lake Club, and Ditch Plains make this a must-see for the lakefront and sport fishing enthusiasts who can easily moor their motor or sailboat right out their backyard! Showings by appointment and masks required, please.
Vacant Lot Feet From Napeague Bay Approximately 500 feet from Napeague Bay this 90' by 160' vacant building lot is close to some of the best kiteboarding and wind surfing waters on the east coast. Contact: Peter Moore Phone: 516-313-0685 Price: $330,000 Web ID# 891624
Contact: Joan Hegner Phone: 631-697-5730 Price: $10,900,000 Web ID# 882270 BUILT BY MONTAUK'S OWN GOSMAN FAMILYStunning modern home situated, on a very private 1.12 acres is in the coveted Hither Hills area of the Hamptons. The approach to the property is secluded and feels like you're entering an unexpected parklike oasis. The spacious main level is built for entertaining and features an open floor plan with a great room centered around the kitchen with stainless steel appliances and counter bar. One end of the space is anchored by a living area with comfortable seating and a fireplace. At the other end, a glass enclosed dining room has sliders to the deck. The formal living room elements include double height ceilings, walls of glass, a fireplace, and sliders leading out to a large deck overlooking the free-form pool. Throughout the home, architectural statement walls constructed from redwood add visual interest. A first-floor bedroom and bath complete the level. Upstairs, the oversized primary suite is comprised of a generous sitting area, ensuite bathroom, plenty of closet space, and a private deck with views of the grounds. Three guest bedrooms and bath are nearby. The home is located blocks from the ocean and as part of Hither Hills enjoys private beach access.
WEB# 890361
OCEANFRONT ACRE IN MONTAU K'S SURFSIDE 42 Surfside Avenue: A rare find in one of the most desirable areas of Montauk, this one-acre oceanfront parcel offers a unique setting for a luxurious beach house with room for a pool. Close to all, but on quiet stretch of Montauk's most beautiful beach. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy life in this gorgeously serene ocean location. Contact: Helen Stubbmann Phone: 631-375-3778 Price: $9,995,000 Web ID# 582706
Hither Hills Classic Cottage Tranquil and serene, this cozy, quaint cottage, tucked into a quarter acre of wooded property, is the best of beach and woodlands. The main living area has vaulted ceilings, wood floors, wood burning fireplace and sliders out to a large deck. A galley kitchen, three bedrooms and one and a half baths, make this cottage the perfect Montauk getaway. The walk-out lower level just waiting to be finished for additional living space; all in coveted Hither Hills. Only 3 blocks from the ocean beaches, with MBPOA access to the seasonally private parking areas on Old Montauk Highway. Contact: Gabrielle Portella & Helen Stubbmann Phone: 917-327-7205 & 631-375-3778 Price: $1,575,000 Web ID# 890731 Buildable Lot on Quiet Block in Springs This is a nicely shaped rectangular buildable lot on 0.37 acres, and it is one house away from 41 acres owned by the Town of East Hampton and know for its bucolic walking paths and a fenced in dog run. This is an Urban Renewal lot, and as such will be assigned Road Improve Units which will need to be satisfied by the buyer. Contact: Peter Moore Phone: 516-313-0685 Price: $450,000 Web ID# 891877
52 ~ September 2022 ~ The Montauk Sun
BEAUTIFULLY SITED WITH WATER VIEWSUnique opportunity to grab a piece of Montauk earth. Build your perfect little beach cottage or renovate the existing structure. With Peconic Land Trust reserve abutting you, the feeling of open space is abounded. A short distance to Duryea's Lobster Deck & Seafood Market. Or stroll down the block to The Montauket to enjoy the best sunsets around. This area used to be the best kept secret but nothing this spectacular stays a secret forever. Check it out! Exclusively listed with Town & Country. EXCLUSIVE$895,000. Margaret A. Harvey 631.433.1382. Cynthia Ibrahim 631.375.2237. WEB# 892500
HITHER HILLS 2.01 ACRE SHOWSTOPPER Stunningly beautiful gated 2.1 acre south of highway oasis awaits its' new owner at 17 Hoover Court off Old Montauk Highway. This rarest of locales in coveted Hither Hills private beach association sits just 2 blocks to ocean yet feels other worldly. The circular drive leads to sensational custom shingled home where traditional and magnificent modern interior marry beyond perfection. Inviting foyer opens to soaring vaulted living room centered on 2 story stacked blue stone fireplace, sparkling countered kitchen, both breakfast nook, and formal dining. Sliders open to large decking, 20 x 40 heated gunite waterfall pool, and lawn areas all framed by parklike landscape amidst serene gardens in a world unto itself. First level primary en-suite affords peaceful privacy, while sun filled den completes the main living spaces. Upper level supports 3 guest bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, and loft area for lazy lounging. A finished lower level has gym/playroom, and guest area. A 2-car detached garage has plenty of space for all your water toys, and upper home office space. A truly extraordinarily unique and peaceful 4 season retreat that must be seen to be appreciated. Contact: Joan Hegner Phone: 631-697-5730 Price: $5,295,000 Web ID# 890524
Mid Century Modern on Old Montauk Highway This beautifully renovated midcentury modern sits along Old Montauk Highway and is convenient to all. With a very comfortable interior having a beachy yet elegant feeling and a living area anchored by a brick faced fireplace you will enjoy a dazzling western view through a wall of glass. The kitchen is well equipped with high end European fixtures and the two ensuite bedrooms on this main floor have exquisitely designed baths. Lounge on the expansive decking overlooking the most beautiful grounds completed with mature landscaping, a park like setting and a spectacular pool and spa. Contact: Helen Stubbmann Phone: 631-375-3778 Price: $4,800,000 Web ID# 879439
EXCLUSIVE - $735,000. Margaret A. Harvey 631.433.1382. Cynthia Ibrahim 631.375.2237.
A Short Drive to Tee Time at this centrally located Montauk home. Offering plenty of privacy tucked away in a quiet neighborhood yet close to everything Montauk has to offer. Cedar throughout with exposed beams in the living area and a cozy fireplace to enjoy this yearround getaway. Plenty of natural light with the large custom sliders and skylights. The upper level has an open floor plan with living, dining, kitchen, and master ensuite. The house lends itself to entertaining as the kitchen and living space flow out to the super spacious deck overlooking a pretty natural area of your shy acre property. The lower level has two guest bedrooms and an additional full bath. French doors open to a large den which can be used as an office or 4th bedroom, relax out on the lower-level deck just off the den. The 480 sq. ft garage has plenty of natural light and room for storage, a gym, and artwork. No worries about that electric bill as the solar system just about covers it. Spent the day at the beach? Rinse off in the outdoor shower. A little TLC is needed to make this home your own. Call to view. Contact: Mary Ann Peluso Phone: 631-668-3500 Price: $1,775,000 Web ID# 892515
COMMERCIAL EXCLUSIVE COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES LOCATED IN A PRIME SPOT - These two properties - 809 & 813 Montauk Highway, Montauk - are being sold together and are located in a prime spot on Montauk's Main Street. Offering an array of different uses, the properties can be used as storefront retail, residential, auto repair, bar, nightclub, or storefront office. One lot is a retail building with office space and a large backroom with possible expansion. The other lot doubles as a mixed use, full-service gas station. It has a 10,000 gallon storage tank, two garages, large office space, and a 3-bedroom apartment with excellent rental history. The apartment is 100% fully leased and occupied allowing the new owner to create their own business vision, use it as a rental property and retail business, or keep it for its own personal living quarters/staff housing. Included in the sale of this property is also a private backyard which
CLASSIFIEDS Continued from Page 39 CORCORAN REAL ESTATE GROUP: www.corcoran.com Continued on Next Page
WEB# 890807 BEACH PLUM - OCEANSIDE LIVING - Pack your bags, move right in and enjoy a slice of oceanside living and summer fun in this recently renovated, one bedroom, one bath oasis. Located in Montauk's Beach Plum Resort, this adorable semi-attached cottage features a newly renovated kitchen with granite counters, private deck off the living area and, best of all, is right across the street from the ocean! Enjoy a BBQ on the private front lawn after a swim in the onsite pool or cross the road to relax on a sugar sand beach or take a dip in the ocean waves. The Beach Plum Resort is located a short distance to town and all that Montauk has to offer. The complex is a Coop and is open to owners 3/23-11/15. The maintenance is $784. a month and there is an assessment of $78 a month that goes towards reserve fund and capital improvement fund. property doesn't allow pets.
wraparound mahogany decking. Entry level offers 3 bedrooms, (2 with covered porches), and 2 full bathrooms and laundry room. Generous lawn spaces offer mature landscape plus coveted outdoor shower. Amenities include 1 car garage, basement, and low taxes while enjoying a peaceful neighborhood vibe. Listed for the first time, this spacious retreat awaits its' new chapter! Contact: Joan Hegner. Phone: 631-697-5730. Price: $1,750,000. Web ID# 889215. Buildable Lot on Settlers Landing Lane Located in the residential community of Settlers Landing in Northwest Woods, this shy half acre is perfectly proportioned and flat for a good size home, pool and pool house. 114 feet wide and approx. 177 feet deep. Close to Gardiner's Bay, Three Mile Harbor and Sammy's Beach. No "lot inspection" required for wet lands. Contact: Peter Moore. Phone: 516-3130685. Price: $1,025,000. Web ID# 893350 Hither Hills Opportunity 23 McKinley Road in Montauk offers a South facing corner lot less than half a mile from the ocean. A perfect spot in Hither Hills, the existing 60s contemporary presents rebuilding possibilities with beautiful ocean views. Existing pool. Bring your architect, bring your builder, bring your surfboard, but don't miss 23 McKinley Road. Contact: Rori Finazzo & Kristen Smyth. Phone: 631-291-6381 & 917-502-1247. Price: $1,950,000. Web ID# 892563 New Traditional with Pool in Ditch Plains NEW in Ditch Plains! 4 blocks off of the famous surfing beach of Ditch Plains is the site of a soon to be 2200+/- new construction traditional home with 4 bedrooms, 3 full and 1 half bathrooms. Walk in the front door to the first level with 3 guest rooms (including 1 en-suite), 2 full bathrooms, a laundry room, and both basement and backyard access. Head up the stairs to the second story that boasts a spacious primary suite with a walk-in closet, double sink vanity, large shower, and soaking tub. Continue on into the main living area including an open kitchen, great room with wood-burning fireplace, half bath, pantry, and access to the 2nd story wrap around hardwood deck overlooking a brand new gunite swimming pool. A full height, a walk-out basement provides the ability to add more entertaining space in the future! Pre-construction buyers will be able to choose from a multitude of finish options. Be the first to call this amazing New Construction house your home! Contact: Helen Stubbmann & Jared Godsell Phone: 631-3753778 & 516-314-4847 Price: $3,495,000 Web ID# 889343
Contact: Helen Stubbmann Phone: 631-375-3778 Price: $2,850,000 Web ID# 891222

ELEGANT ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY HOME - New construction 2022-Set in the privacy of Hither Woods, this six bedroom, four and a half bathroom offers contemporary sophistication while staying true to the open and free and environmentally friendly spirit of Montauk. The 5,155 sq. ft. two story home has it all with its 28,000 watt roof mounted solar panels, and high efficiency HVAC. Each room has its own individually controlled zone thermostat for maxim comfort and the house has Low E Anderson windows with heat lock coatings for maximum energy performance whether enjoying this home in summer or winter. Walking through the contemporary styled entrance reveals an open expansive living room with high ceilings, a dining room with a long slate table that seats twelve directly adjacent to a large open, fully appointed, California style kitchen. The living room, dining room and kitchen all have views of the 15x30 pool, hot tub and large yard with excellent privacy. Along the east side of the first floor is a bedroom with an ensuite bathroom leading to the first-floor den and access to an extensive, ready to be finished, basement. The second floor features a primary bedroom with a modern roomy bathroom. This floor also features a large guest bedroom with its own full bathroom. Three remaining bedrooms and another bathroom also adorn the second floor, they all have good storage space, great privacy and views of the amazing area surrounding 19 Elm. Situated near trendy Old Montauk Highway, Gurneys Inn and Hither Hills State Park, 19 Elm captures the classic, open and free spirit of Montauk in a contemporary, modern home.
CO-EXCLUSIVE-Contact Susan Ceslow 631.335.0777 Price: $6,500,000 Web#367562
NEW CONSTRUCTION 2022 - ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY - Set in the privacy of Hither Woods, this six bedroom, five and a half bathroom offers contemporary sophistication while staying true to the open and free and environmentally friendly spirit of Montauk. Walking through the contemporary styled entrance reveals an open expansive living room with high ceilings and gourmet kitchen. The living room, dining room and kitchen all have views of the inground gunite pool, hot tub and large yard with excellent privacy. Situated near trendy Old Montauk Highway, Gurneys Inn and Hither Hills State Park, 23 Elm captures the classic, open and free spirit of Montauk in a contemporary, modern home. CO-EXCLUSIVE - Contact Susan Ceslow 631.335.0777 Price: $6,900,000 Web#367563
Although also dealing with family matters, After Her, is a thriller, mystery and love story that takes place in Marin County, California, during the summer, 1979. Young women start turning up dead on the mountain behind the home of Rachel and her eleven year old sister, Patty, and their detective father is put in charge of finding the "Sunset Strangler."Thisis a story that keeps you guessing, while also exploring the loss of innocence, and the bonds between sisters, and fathers and daughters. As the story unfolds, the killer isn’t caught, and the lives of the girls and their father are altered forever. Years later, Rachel constructs a new strategy to smoke out the Sunset Strangler and vindicate her father discovering more than she bargained for. In The Cloud Chamber, Nate Chance and his little sister, Junie are living with their parents on their farm when the unthinkable happens. Their father is shot and taken away to the hospital. They can’t see him or get answers from their mother or grandparents. The Cloud Chamber warms your heart and breaks it at the same time, as Nate works to discover why his father hasn’t come home, and how he can get to see him. His dad instilled in Nate a love of science, and the upcoming science fair may just be the answer to his problems. Nate has a plan, if he can just win first prize with his cloud chamber project, he'll get to go to the state finals a few towns away. Then, he’ll be able to see his dad at the hospital where he’s been locked away. With the help of his sister and friend Naomi, maybe the magic of the cloud chamber can bring the family together again. I also read her memoir, The Best of Us. Maynard wrote about her life with Jim; whom she met in her late 50’s and then married in 2011. She considered him her ‘true partner’, sharing special times together, but also continuing to live her life as an independent woman with her own schedule. Then, just after their one year wedding anniversary, Jim was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The nineteen months that followed, battling his illness together, was when she realized what she had. “Not until we learned of his illness, and we walked the path of that terrible struggle together, did I understand what it meant to be a couple to be a true partner and to have one. I learned the full meaning of marriage only as mine was drawing to a close. I discovered what love was as mine departed the world.”
Enjoying a carefree life on their New Hampshire farm, Eleanor and Cam along with their three children seem to have it all. A strong marriage, healthy children, and a beautiful home; surrounded by woods and just a short walk to a brook, waterfall and swimming hole. But, as in any marriage, there are always obstacles and bumps in the road. Yet until the day of the tragic event, their lives were pretty going relatively smoothly. As the story unfolds, we become involved in the lives of the children as well. Their reactions to life changing events, and their transformations as they grow into adulthood, discovering themselves and their roll in their fractured family. While reading this book, I made personal connections with some of the events evoking emotions, feelings, and self reflection. Of course, it’s a work of fiction, but Joyce’s writing style and knowledge of interpersonal family issues created a view into life that, I believe, many readers could relate to as I did. Heartwarming, compassionate and heartbreaking this book about holding on and letting go, was my Joycefavorite.Maynard is a fellow of the MacDowell Colony and Yaddo. Check her website, www.joycemaynard.com, for more information about her books and workshop ‘Write by the Lake’, a week long workshop on the art and craft of memoir, which is held every year since 2001 at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Currently, Joyce is working on a sequel to Count the Ways, which is tentatively scheduled for publication in 2024.
BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS... Continued from Page 44 The Montauk Sun ~ September 2022 ~ 53
HITHER HILLS - Rental Registry #21-452 - This charming home is located where everyone wants to be! Relax in this well maintained, comfortable beach house located just a few homes away from Montauk's private Hither Hills beach. There are two bedrooms, two full baths and a large deck for outdoor living. House sleeps 8 so enough room for everyone!
CLOSE TO TOWN & OCEAN WITH VIEWSNicely situated on shy half acre and close to town and ocean is this five bedroom, two bath home with sprawling yard and expansive decking for entertaining. Spacious and sun filled open living room with fireplace, dining, open kitchen with breakfast area. Upstairs primary bedroom has sitting area and doors that open to deck with awning where you can relax and take in the pond and ocean views. Outdoor shower and central air. Brand new upgraded septic system. EXCLUSIVE-Contact Susan Ceslow 631.335.0777 Price:$2,195,000 Web#367854
can be used for outside seating as well as having numerous private parking spots. EXCLUSIVE$4,900,000.
FIVE STAR RESORT LIVING - Rental Registration #21-864 - Newly renovated 5 Bedroom, 4.5 bath home complete with pool, hot tub, and park like vistas. The main floor flows seamlessly between the large living room, family room, eat in kitchen and dining area, opening onto a resort like backyard where you can nap by the pool or relax in the hot tub! The second floor boasts three ensuite, large bedrooms with balconies overlooking the backyard. Two additional bedrooms provide ample space for relatives and friends. A lower-level game room has a pool table and TV for additional entertainment. Close to all things Montauk - Beaches, Golf, Hiking and Fishing! EXCLUSIVE- SEPTEMBER $10,000, 0CTOBER $10,000, NOVEMBER $10,000, DECEMBER $10,000, JANUARY $7,000, FEBRUARY $7,000, MARCH $7,000. Karen Hogan 917.750.9492.
Elizabet Stahl 914.826.0266.
WEB# 59509 PERFECTLY LOCATED IN COVETED HITHER HILLS COMMUNITY - Rental Registration #21-816 Offers 3 bedrooms, a den with a futon and 2 full baths. Bright, windowed living room has sliders out to a generous, south facing deck that offers open views, comfortable seating and a BBQ. Close distance to the beach and comes with a private beach pass. EXCLUSIVE - NOVEMBER $3,000, DECEMBER $3,000, JANUARY $3,000, FEBRUARY $3,000, MARCH $3,000, APRIL $3,000, MAY $3,000. Karen Hogan 917.750.9492. WEB# 59490
MONTAUK CLOSE TO TOWN & OCEAN - New construction set on .46 acres in Country Club Estates, all underground utilities, approved for 18x36 inground pool. Large sprawling kitchen, dining and living room with crown moldings throughout & raised panel doors. Plenty of room for all consisting of four bedrooms, three full baths, family room/den and additional office which adjoins a full bath. Upstairs primary bedroom has walk in closet and beautifully appointed bath. Large rear deck and front porch, full sized attached garage, cable and data cabling in each room, beautiful white oak floors throughout, Quartzite countertops, stainless steel appliances, Central AC, full attic, and full basement with 8ft ceilings with egress stairs and windows. A true gem waiting for someone to call home. EXCLUSIVEContact Susan Ceslow 631.335.0777 Price: $2,995,000 Web#368239
NEAR THE HARBOR AND CLOSE TO TOWN – Rental Registration #22-195 - Located across the street and about 2 houses away from the bay and private beach. This house has 4 bedrooms and 2 baths and plenty of room for relaxing or entertaining. EXCLUSIVE- SEPT $15,000. Cynthia Ibrahim 631.375.2237. WEB# 877509 CLOSE EQUAL DISTANCE TO BOTH THE BAY AND OCEAN BEACHES, AND TOWN - This well maintained, spacious four bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home sits at a secluded end of the road with close equal distance to both the bay and ocean beaches, and town. There is a master on the second floor with the dining, living, and kitchen and three bedrooms and another living area downstairs. There is a wraparound deck on both floors with a BBQ grill and table and chairs off the kitchen on the second floor. An outdoor shower and lounge chairs round it out. Everything this house has to offer makes it the perfect house for a summer getaway. EXCLUSIVE - SEPT $20,000. Cynthia Ibrahim 631.375.2237. WEB# 887338 YOUR PERFECT ESCAPE IN MONTAUK - Rental Registration #20-494 - An impeccably appointed, four bedroom, two and half bath home, close to beaches and golf. A dreamy chef's kitchen anchors the living room and dining room, with large sliders opening onto a large outdoor back patio. Perfectly appointed for entertaining or relaxing, this home sits on almost half an acre of quiet space. Two bedrooms, a full bath and a half bath, are tucked away on the main floor and two additional bedrooms, another bath and a comfy, loft lounge are on the second floor. This is your perfect escape! EXCLUSIVESEPTEMBER $10,000, 0CTOBER $8,000, NOVEMBER $6,000. Karen Hogan 917.750.9492. WEB# 894174
DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE: 631.668.6565 www.elliman.com
Joyce writes this book from her heart full of fond memories, and yet broken with the sadness of her loss. A heart wrenching reflection of life, love, and a newly discovered self awareness. Her latest novel is Count the Ways, published by William Morrow in July, 2021. It’s a story that takes the reader on an intimate journey through the eyes of Eleanor; her marriage, children, trauma, bitterness, deception and divorce, love, and ultimately forgiveness.
CLUSIVE-Contact Susan Ceslow 631.335.0777
CULLODEN GEM - Rental Registration # 20-848Completely renovated, this two bedroom, one bath Culloden Shores gem is available for the Fall. This cozy home has an open kitchen and living area, a lovely front porch to relax on during warmer days and an inviting fireplace to gaze at on cooler nights. Bright, inviting and located on a quiet street in the private Culloden Shores community, this home has private beach access and is close to the marina, dock and restaurants. EXLUSIVE – Sept 7-Sept 30, 2022 - $7,500, October $5,000. Karen Hogan 917.750.9492. WEB# 51924 CULLODEN! Rental. Newly renovated! Enjoy summers and off season in this chic three bedroom, 1 bath beach home located in the private Culloden beach community. Beautiful new kitchen, dining area and great room appointed with two sets of sliders leading to the wrap around deck. Perfect for grilling and dining, or just relaxing with a morning coffee. Newly installed central air, outdoor shower, and access to private Culloden Beach, this is the perfect place to spend summer. Very close to restaurants, shops, markets and the beach. And a front row seat to the best sunsets around! September $10,000, October $3,500, November $3,500. Karen Hogan 917.750.9492. WEB# 874161
HITHER HILLS BEACH HOUSE WITH POOLHither Hills newly renovated home with pool, spa and all the modern conveniences. Large and light
filled open living, gourmet kitchen, floor to ceiling sliders opening up to the great outdoors. Four bedrooms, three full baths, central air conditioning and outdoor shower. Full finished basement. Hither Hills ocean beach rights complete this must-see home. Great investment with amazing rental history! EX-
Price: $3,950,000 Web#358895
EXCLUSIVE - October $4,000, November $4,000. Karen Hogan 917.750.9492. WEB# 65421
CLEARWATER BEACH - Rental Registration #22740 - This immaculate art and crafts style cottage features 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, granite-countered kitchen, stone fireplace, sun-soaked reading nooks and covered stone patio. The surrounding gardens are breathtaking and provide total privacy. The magical arboretum is filled with rare and gorgeous trees, quaint pathways, small ponds and peaceful seating areas. Easy, direct access to Gardiners Bay and Gerard Drive via a private pathway. Enjoy a peaceful home to spend the long days of summer. September $8,000, October $6,000. Karen Hogan 917.750.9492. WEB# 92451
DITCH PLAINS - LOCATION-LOCATION-LOCATION Located in the ever popular Ditch Plains of Montauk and close to ocean beach is this four bedroom, two bath home with additional den/sitting room. Open sun filled living room with hardwood floors, kitchen, dining with sliders out to ample decking with retractable awning, beautiful rear yard and outdoor shower. Full basement and attached garage for plenty of storage for your summer toys. Price: $2,495,000 Web# H365175 Susan Ceslow 631.335.0777