1 minute read

Kim: Migrations

“Our planet is home to incredible and wondrous life. I feel most excited, both visually and intellectually in nature. Combining that with my passion for art leaves me with unrefined excitement and sharing even a fraction of that with the rest of the world is the best gift that I know how to give.”

Constructing the Photograph:

Diane Pierce and Susan Hyde Greene

January 12 – April 16, 2023

Constructing the Photograph:

Diane Pierce and Susan Hyde Greene presents the work of two California photographers who employ different working methods – cutting, stitching, reassembling, re-photographing – to reimagine the photographic medium. Diane Pierce and Susan Hyde Greene both transform the permanence of photography to create works that explore temporal identity and the dimensionality of material.

Exhibiting together for the first time, Constructing the Photograph highlights the singularity of each artist’s imagery and the individuality of their respective processes.

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