Manual: BiciBa%dora Statement of Purpose: To create a marketable product with the objec4ve of promo4ng sustainable prac4ces.
Index: What is it?.......................2 Why should you care?...3‐5 Tools and Materials…....6‐7 In Every Blender………..…..8 ConstrucIon……………..9‐20 Cost Breakdown…………..21 How to make money…….22 MarkeIng Strategies & EducaIon…………………….23 Possible Improvements..24
BiciBaIdora: What is it? This innova4on is a way you can be sustainable, healthy, and possibly make money. There are many ways to make a biciba%dora but Ayal and I wanted to keep the bikes primary func4on of being able to ride the bike from place to place as well as adding the func4on of powering a blender.
The Basic Idea… Our idea is simple for the ease of replica4on: a rubber or nylon piece that transfers fric4on from the 4re, to the axel of a broken blender, to the blades in the pitcher. This u4lizes parts of a broken blender with the purpose of saving money and reusing old materials.
Why should you care?
Former CIEE‐SE student, Christopher Leiden brought aIen4on to how much energy common household appliances consume by illustra4ng the idea of how much physical energy each appliance requires to func4on. Sanchez et al. (1998) states that in 1996, blenders are on average used 293 4mes a year in each individual household at 300 waIs per hour. Each year, using a biciba%dora would save 1,465 waIs of electricity per household if the blender is used for about a minute every 4me.
Why should you care? Increasing FuncIonality Decreases Carbon Footprint On average the world produces enough carbon dioxide through various mechanisms such as electricity produc4on for day‐to‐day needs and the extrac4on and use of fossil fuels for transporta4on that the global carbon cycle has been sped up by over one hundred Imes (Roston, 2008).
Why should you care?
In La4n America, 70% of the roads are taken up by cars which are only used by 20% of the popula4on.
Tools & Materials • Hammer • Hand drill with different sized bits • Hand saw (metal and wood) • Angle Grinder • Phillips screwdriver • Flat‐head screwdriver • Pliers (Needle nose & normal) • Welding tools • Measuring Tape • Markers • Paint Brush • Set square
Approximate Size
Sturdy scrap wood
46 cm X 20 cm
Base for blender
Long pieces of straight rebar
2 x 1.10 m
Structure for base
Long pieces of angled metal
2 x 46 cm, 3 x 24.5 cm, 1 x 47 cm Bicycle stand
Flat metal pieces
12 cm 2 x 16 cm 2 x 5 cm 2 x 3 cm
Bicycle stand Connect to rebar pieces and provide support for stand Connect top part of rebar to bicycle Connect boIom part of rebar to bicycle
Cylindrical piece of Nylon
3.5 cm (wide) X 7 cm
Fric4on piece
2.5 cm (thick end), dependent on nut size that is found at end of axle
Transfer energy from fric4on piece
A broken blender
Includes nut to fit into socket
Base, axle, and axle support & screws
Paint & Sealant
Outdoor quality
Paint and seal the metal & wood
Various nuts & screws
2 longs screws (depends on thickness of wood) 2 buIerfly nuts
Connec4ng base to wood Connec4ng screws to connect base to wood
In Every Blender…
there are important pieces that can be used to construct a system for transferring energy from the bicycle 4re to the the blades. These include: Top part of blender The axle: base • This piece goes through the en4re system and turns the Base of blade. blender
The base of the blender:
The axle support:
• The support contains two bushings on both pieces which helps with movement. • The support also provides stability and support for the axle.
• The top of the blender’s base provides the right loca4on and support for the pitcher. • Keeping the top and the base together make it so that you don’t have to build another mechanism for aIaching the axle to the pitcher and stabilizing it.
Take apart the broken blender.
Keep the axle and it’s components, including the axle support.
Keep the base, the top, and the blender cup.
Keep all of the screws and washers.
Axle Components. Other half of axle support is excluded in this picture.
Electrical components that are unnecessary for construc4on.
ConstrucIon Where the base was cut.
Take the angle grinder and cut the base down as far as you can without interfering with any of the screw holes underneath. These are useful for the en4re system. Make sure the cut is level and sand the edges down.
To fasten the base onto the board, you can u4lize part of the blender base including these holes. We drilled through them to put a long enough screw to go through the wood and be 4ghtened with a nut.
ConstrucIon Set Square
Cut a piece of wood for the blender base to sit on. Cut out a circle in the center of the wood so that the axle can fit through the board. Drill holes for the screws that will be used to fasten the base to the board.
2‐inch drill bit
In order to make sure the axle support will be aIached in the right loca4on, place the intact base on the wood and mark where the two casing pieces connect. Drill a hole at these loca4ons and paint the board. Paint over it with a sealant.
Place the axle and the casing in the blender, excluding the boIom half of the axle support.
Where the wood will be.
This is what the system looks like without the board intact.
Fasten the base to the board. Make sure that the two sides of the axel support can be connected. Fasten the blender base to the board by 4ghtening the long screws down with washers nuts. It should look like this:
Take a low gauge piece of rebar and make a mold that connects right above the axel of the back 4re to the screws that keep the seat intact. From this mold, draw the shape onto a thick piece of wood and place rebar pins on the outsides of the drawings. This will look something like this: Bend the pieces to fit the mold for each side.
Take thin sheets of metal and weld them to the rebar ends. Drill holes in the metal sheets so that the pin that keeps the seat in place can fit through. This is how the top part of the rebar mold fit onto the bike.
Weld thin sheets of metal to the other ends of the rebar mold. Find a way to aIach this near the back 4re’s axle. We had to empty holes above the axle that we u4lized.
Weld in between the rebar pieces, a thin sheet of metal at the two loca4ons shown on the picture and drill a rectangular hole in the center of each. The rectangular hole will allow you to adjust whether or not the nylon will make contact with the 4re. It should resemble this picture:
ConstrucIon Find a nut that will screw onto the boIom of the axle and 4ghten it on. Buy a socket that fits the nut and epoxy the socket over the nut. Find or make a sturdy cylindrical piece made out of rubber or nylon. This needs to be thicker than the widest side of the socket. Measure the socket and drill a hole that size as center as possible into one side of the cylindrical piece. Drill only enough so that the socket can fit snug into the cylindrical piece, as displayed in the pictures.
Socket Nylon
ConstrucIon Drill through the base in the right loca4on so that the base can be moved to where the cylindrical piece is touching and not touching. Connect the base with the long screws and place these through the rectangles. Screw on the buIerfly nuts and fasten to the stand.
As you can see from the pictures, we constructed a stand by using angled metal and aIaching it to one side of the axle. In order to provide more stability we had to put another metal piece that connects to the bicycle frame.
So…How Much Does It Cost? For us *(in Colones)*: Tires and Tubes……………...8400 Pitcher…………………………...2900 Pitcher Top……………………….800 Blades…………………………….2900 Base of pitcher………….........800 Various nuts and screws……585 Socket………………………….…1234 Poxipal…………………………...1721 Welding Work………………...9000 Spray Paint…………………..…2200 Total……………………………..30540
Materials we either already owned, found, recycled, or repurposed that you might need to pay for: • Wood • Paint • Broken Blender • Rebar • Angled Metal • Thin Sheets of Metal • Tools
Now that you have made it… make some money on the side Our idea is that you could arrange with business such as hotels, farmers markets, or fes4vals to set up the biciba4dora. Due to the fact that you cannot haul around a bunch of fruit and juice, the loca4on will have to provide that either through the kitchen, a farmer, or another booth. They will take the cost of the smoothie and you will work based on 4ps. Speak to local businesses or farmers and see if you can work out a deal. Also, while you are working, don’t forget to adver4ze!
Possible businesses of interest in Monteverde, Costa Rica: Cer4fied CST Hotels: Other possible markets: • Hotel Belmar • La Ferria • Monteverde Country Lodge • Ecofest • Hotel Poco a Poco • Monteverde Cheese Farm • Hotel El Establo Examples Can be Found Online: • Fonda vela Hotel Green Campus Promo4on • Posada Claro de Luna Hotel Yoplait Promo4ng Health and Smoothies • Trapp Family Lodge
MarkeIng Strategies & EducaIon Brochures promo4ng the product and sustainability Business cards to promote your business Speak with local businesses about the incorpora4on of the product Let other people power the biciba%dora. This promotes healthiness and brings in a larger crowd to try it themselves. Print flyers about your business and put them around town. Create a website promo4ng your business including a mission statement. Emphasize doing it at home and making it yourself. Link this website!
Possible Improvements Adver4sing material in the bicycle stand. Cumng board in the middle of the frame. Satchels to the two sides of the wooden base. Use a mountain bike (Monteverde Specific) & a shorter bike to make it easier for people of many heights to mount. Make the stand as close to the ground as possible to prevent wobbling and increase stability. (A removable stand that is smaller could be an op4on. Ours was designed to stay connected to the bike for op4mum transport and set up rather than stability.)