Build A Solar Space Heater: Instruction Manual

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How to Build a Solar Powered Space Heater

PIPING: MATERIALS • Aluminum cans • Black paint • Paint brush • 2” PVC piping and elbows • PVC cement • Tools: – Caulk gun – Measuring tape – Drill – Saw – Sandpaper

PIPING: ASSEMBLY 1. Clean/rinse out cans 2. Use the drill to drill four holes in the bottom of each can 3. Connect the cans using caulk: • Apply a thick layer of caulk to the inside circumference of the can that is receiving the attachment After attaching the cans, let sit for several hours so caulk can dry/solidify

NOTE: The amount of cans you use and the number of rows you make depends on the size of the system you wish to create. We made 2 layers of piping with 4 rows of 3 cans each


4. Cut six 1.5”-long pieces of 2” piping using a hack saw

5. Using sandpaper: •Smooth the edges of the piping • Sand the inside of each elbow tube about one inch •Sand the outside circumference of each 1.5” piece of 2” piping

6. Apply layer of PVC cement to the inside circumference of one of the elbow tubes and the outside circumference of one of the 1.5”-long 2” piping

7. Insert one of the 1.5” pieces of 2” piping into the inside of the elbow tube and attach second elbow tube (Be sure to align elbow tubes so as to ensure a 180˚ turn)


Attach rows of cans to elbow tubes

8. Apply a thick layer of caulk to the inside circumference of the piping and to the outside circumference of the can you wish to attach to the elbows

9. Repeat until all rows of cans are attached to the elbow tubes, forming a snake-like figure. Let caulk dry over night

10. Paint piping black

BOX FRAME: MATERIALS • Wood (for sides and bottom) – Suggested wood for bottom: plywood, chip board, or floorboards

• Black paint • Paint brush • Tools: – Measuring tape – Screwdriver & screws – Saw – Sandpaper – Set square

BOX FRAME: ASSEMBLY 1. Measure wood plank for siding • Sides should be long enough to fit around the piping (you may leave a little wiggle room) • Sides should be high enough so that box can fit ~1” of insulation, 1” of zinc plating, and the piping 2. Attach sides with screws using screwdriver • Be sure sides meet at a 90˚ angle • Use 2-3 screws per corner to increase security 3. Create a base for the frame using wood 4. Use sandpaper to smooth surfaces 5. Paint interior of box black

INSULATION & REFLECTOR PLATE: MATERIALS • Insulation – Suggested insulation: cardboard, newspaper, packing peanuts, Styrofoam, etc.

• Zinc plating • Black paint • Paint brush • Tools: – Metal cutter

INSULATION & REFLECTOR PLATE: ASSEMBLY 1. Place insulation in bottom of box so that it is about 1” thick 2. Cut zinc plating to fit into inside of box 3. Paint zinc black 4. Place zinc sheet into box on top of insulation 5. Place piping on top of zinc

TOP: MATERIALS • Wood for frame • Support for glass – Suggested support: wood, plastic tubing

• Glass – Suggestion: glass should be textured on one side (the inside) so as to prevent light from escaping

• Tools: – Measuring tape – Saw – Nails or screws – Hammer or screwdriver – Caulk gun

TOP: ASSEMBLY 1. Create a top for the system by creating a wooden frame with dimensions slightly larger than the dimensions of the box 2. Nail or screw the support item (wood, plastic tubing, etc.) onto interior of frame so that glass fits into cover 3. Cut glass so that it fits onto frame of cover – Glass should be cut professionally

4. Secure glass onto frame using caulk

ASSEMBLY OF SYSTEM 1. Cut circular holes in box where piping ends 2. Attach 2” PVC tubes to ends of piping and put these through the holes to create an entrance and exit for the air

*If desired, you may create two layers of piping. Make sure sides of box frame are tall enough to fit another layer


3. At each exit point, connect the tubes to one another using elbow tubes, 2” piping, and a

4. Paint system if desired

FAN: MATERIALS • Two 4” PVC Caps • 4” PVC piping (about 8 inches) • Motor • Wires • Switch • Plug • Tools: – Screwdriver & screws – drill

FAN: ASSEMBLY 1. Drill holes into the perimeter of a 4” PVC cap to allow for air flow 2. Drill hole in center of cap big enough so motor can fit into cap 3. Place motor in the hole you drilled in the cap 4. Secure the motor onto cap using screws 5. Attach the wires of the fan to a switch to the system so that the fan can be turned on and off. Connect the wires to a plug. 6. Place the cap onto about 8 inches of 4” PVC piping 7. Drill a hole in the other cap that is big enough so that 2” PVC piping can fit into it

DRYING SPACE: MATERIALS • ½” PVC Piping (about 29 meters) • ½” PVC elbows • ½” PVC ‘T’ connectors • Black plastic • Electrical tape • Connectors – Suggested connectors: tip ties

• Tools: – Meter stick – Saw – Measuring tape

DRYING SPACE: ASSEMBLY 1. Cut 29 pieces of ½-inch PVC piping of equal length – One meter pieces will make a 2 meter x 1 meter x 1 meter space

=elbows =‘T’ connectors

2. Attach the piping using ½-inch PVC elbows – 2 squares – 3 rectangles with a center piece for support (2 sides and a top)


DRYING SPACE: ASSEMBLY 3. In order to attach a bar for clothes to hang: – Attach a ‘T’ to the center of one of the sides of each square – Attach a few inches of PVC piping to the ‘T’ so that it hangs down – At the base of the ‘T’ attach a PVC elbow facing

4. Wrap each side with plastic to create walls 5. Connect the sides using connectors to create a houselike structure – Suggested connectors: zip ties

CONNECT HEATER & SPACE 1. Cut a hole in one of the sides of the space and tape a 2” PVC connector in the hole 2. Connect the space heater with the space using 2” piping

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