Montgomery County News, February 12, 2025

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With the of ‘Great Expectations,’

wipe that thought

With the title of ‘Great Expectations,’ you would expect Charles Dickens would be involved but wipe that thought from your mind The great American composers of the 20th Century Aaron Copl

Bernstein and George G

s w h

n , w

e powerhousesthatstartedto fuel theAmerican musical psycheintheearly1920’s; writing with the same vim and vigor as Our Nation’s Founders, with all parties d e c l a r i n g t h

i r independencefromtheOld Mastersofacrossthepond. Andit’squiteevidentthatit takesawhileforanationto cut its musical tooth, after all; when Baroque music wasstartingonsceneinthe 1600’s, the explorers that sailed to Our New World, like La Salle, didn’t even didn’ have a chance to draw up plans for a French bakery in Navasota. The Conroe Symphony Orchestra (CSO) provided a great reasonforgatheringattheir third concert of the 20242025 Season, and as always, we demand ‘Great E

om ConductorGaryLiebstand his West Side Gang, and they delivered. The New World music of Copland, Bernstein, and Gershwin; all American born, and a generation removed from the Old World, were

pl d, on r w h n , w r powerhouses started American early writing with same and as Nation’s with e l h i from pond. takes for nation cut musical when music on in New La to for a French in provided 2025 as pec ti ns ’ f GaryLiebst Side Gang, all removed from the

destined to make music that reflected Our Great Land, with its manifest destiny and beauty, creating incredible sounds that are representative of our vast open spaces, our b

Americanswhoinhabitour terra from sea to shining sea.

destined to make music that Great Land, with manifest d ny d b ty, creating sounds that are of our open spaces, our b g ti s he Americanswhoinhabitour terra sea shining sea.


Orchestra invited soloist a beautiful lady with an incredible that entertained a jaw-dropped audience heartfelt passion. Ryboltplays m

TheConroeSymphony Orchestra also invited soloist Renée Rybolt, a beautiful lady with an incredible voice that entertained a jaw-dropped audience with a heartfelt passion. Ms.Ryboltplays many mus

oles, including being a certified

s, including certified

teacher She her family in region

University, several solo piano p

conductor,sopranosoloist, choral singer, and private voice teacher She resides with her family in the Houston area, and has played numerous venues throughout the region Tingting Yao, the staff pianist at Sam Houston Houston StateUniversity,wasasked to play several solo piano portions of George Gershwin’swork. Shehas played in venues across The World, and on more continents than most of us have been too. Tingting has been the pianist for numerousCSOconcerts.

ConductorGaryLiebst, as in normal practice

startedtheconcertoffwith our national anthem, ‘The Star Spangled Banner,’ which always gets the blood pumping with great expectations for a wonderful concert. It was incredible to hear the standout voices of the chorally trained audience members as they rendered the product of their beautifulvocals.

started concertoffwith our national anthem, ‘The Star Spangled Banner,’ which the blood pumping with great expe t t ons f r a wonderful was incredible the standout the chorally members as rendered the ro t th ir beautifulvocals.

The great American Composer EmeritusAaron Copland, was first out of the block. Liebst, which means ‘Love’ in German,

American Composer EmeritusAaron Copland, first out of the block. Liebst, which means in German, normal

By: James M. Rankin, Sportswriter Montgomery CountyNews


Lake Creek hand. depend their to as

In Mother Nature's world where only the most cunning survive, the mastersofdisguiseholdthe winning hand. Insects and animals alike depend on their ability to remain unseen to ensure their continued existence. Take frogs and toads as an example.Theirskinisoften mottled with browns,

that grows to almost 7 inches long making it the longestinsectintheUnited States.Everythingisbigger inTexas,right?

n blend the environment.

camouflage in leaves or nearwater Owlsblendinto treebarkorfoliage.Thefur of rabbits and hares often matches the surrounding environment.

The walking stick is an exampleofaninsectthatis nearly impossible to spot. As the name implies, it lookslikeastick.Thebody is divided into three parts: the head, thorax, and abdomen They are wingless have long slender legs and long thread-like antennae

One particular species of the walking stick insect, the two striped species, emits a milky, toxic spray todefenditselfagainstants, birds, possums, cats, even people Aiming for the eyes, they can spray up to 15 inches with astonishing accuracy The spray can causeseriousinjurytoeyes with cases ranging from conjunctivitis to corneal ulceration If you get sprayed, it is advisable to seekmedicalattention.

The opossum isn't the only thing in nature that plays dead. The walking stick has been known to purposely f

om wherever it's perched and lay completely still on the grounduntilthedangerhas passed Another defense mechanism is swaying back and forth mimicking the movement of branches inthebreeze.

Normally they grow to about 4 inches long but there is one Texas species

Whatarewalkingsticks goodfor?Believeitornot, they play a very important ecological role especially

in dense forested areas. Because they eat leaves, they create light gaps These gaps allow sunlight to reach the ground. This helps new plants to grow Consumptionofleavesalso encouragesnewgrowth.


from page 1

What I find most interesting about these insects is that people actually keep them as pets. Apparentlytheyareeasyto care for They don't smell, they're quiet require minimal space and they're fascinating to watch. Not forme!

Camouflage is one of manywaysanimalshaveto

What walkingsticks good it a dense areas. Because they eat leaves, they helps Consumptionofleavesalso The isn't nature that u p s l a f perched completely on grounduntil is forth movement branches inthebreeze. The walking an insect As it Thebody divided into thorax, and en he long grow to inches long Texas grows to intheUnited Everythingis in particular walking striped a milky, toxic todefenditselfagainst possums, cats, even can up with advisable seekmedicalattention.

find these that actually keep Apparently care they're minimal space and fascinating for many

Do let score you, Chiefs not on scoreboarduntil with a put up (16) in

Donotletthescorefool you, the Chiefs did not get onthescoreboarduntilthe third quarter with a field goal and they put up sixteen (16) in the fourth quarter

from page 1



movements from his Rodeo ballet. ‘Buckaroo Holiday,’ the Allegro con spirito intro begins like a network's election or presidential debate night

movements from his Rodeo ballet. ‘Buckaroo Holiday,’ the Allegro con spirito intro begins like a network's election or presidential debate night

theme of the past, presenting itself clean and crisp The cymbals crashing mean business, anditgivesyouthefeeling ofcowboystryingtochase downsomewildmustangs, with the variations on the theme introducing new elements that enhance the strength of the piece causing more excitement bythemoment. TheMeno

theme of the past, presenting itself clean and crisp The cymbals crashing mean business, anditgivesyouthefeeling ofcowboystryingtochase downsomewildmustangs, with the variations on the theme introducing new elements that enhance the strength of the piece causing more excitement bythemoment. TheMeno

mosso cuts back on instrumentation and pacing, like a deer peering at you unalarmed while feedingoffagroveoftrees. It has a rhythmical swing indicative of a rest after a hard day of chasing mustangs. The Poco più mosso picks up the pace. Restisover,it'stimetohit the trail There is an Allegro with an increasing

mosso cuts back on instrumentation and pacing, like a deer peering at you unalarmed while feedingoffagroveoftrees. It has a rhythmical swing indicative of a rest after a hard day of chasing mustangs. The Poco più mosso picks up the pace. Restisover,it'stimetohit the trail There is an Allegro with an increasing

cheery intensity Anticipation A cymbal here, a woodblock there, then bam! It hits you, feeling like your hurriedly herding cattle in a John Wayne film. It gives way to a reprise of the intro, remember the election music, with continued

cheery intensity Anticipation A cymbal here, a woodblock there, then bam! It hits you, feeling like your hurriedly herding cattle in a John Wayne film. It gives way to a reprise of the intro, remember the election music, with continued

variations on the theme this time more elaborate andentertaining. Withthe French Horns and Bassoons at the same tempo, it sounds like frogs chirping, and by design at that The humorous trombone with the first of those famous pauses hits, which if you're not used to it; could cause an eyebrow to raise, or kid to take attention away from their cell phone; probably not. But it’s neat No one wouldexpectashortperky clarinet solo, but it's there, anditworks. Thenanother variation on theme, this timewiththehumor trumpets Pause The bassoon motif is precious. Then it continues

intensity which is spectacular Then it backs down to a Meno

reprise Copland is brilliant in introducing a new m lody before returningtothetheme,then hints of ‘Hoe Down’ crop up making it even more fun. trulytheworkofa master A man, even though he is big city born, is still able to embrace the American West and truly bringittolife.

variations on the theme, this time more elaborate andentertaining. Withthe French Horns and Bassoons at the same tempo, it sounds like frogs chirping, and by design at that The humorous trombone with the first of those famous pauses hits, which if you're not used to it; could cause an eyebrow to raise, or a kid to take attention away from their cell phone; probably not. But it’s neat No one wouldexpectashortperky clarinet solo, but it's there, anditworks. Thenanother variation on theme, this timewiththehumorridden trumpets Pause The bassoon motif is precious. Then it continues in intensity which is spectacular Then it backs down to a Meno mosso reprise Copland is brilliant in introducing a new melody before returningtothetheme,then hints of ‘Hoe Down’ crop up making it even more fun. It’strulytheworkofa master A man, even though he is big city born, is still able to embrace the American West and truly bringittolife.

Aaron opland s

Aaron Copland s

‘Fanfare for the Common Man,’ of all the fanfares writtenfor rulingkings, queens, etc., this piece is more majestic than all of them combined. And let’s not forget the women who

‘Fanfare for the Common Man,’ of all the fanfares writtenfortherulingkings, queens, etc., this piece is more majestic than all of them combined. And let’s not forget the women who

playedanincrediblepartin defeating the enemies of World War II on the homefront. The timpanist and bas

m have importantjobsinthepiece, in setting the tone. The g

playedanincrediblepartin defeating the enemies of World II the homefront. The timpanist and bass drum have important inthepiece, in setting the The g

a n d e u r o f i s presentation. Forthe i

presentation. FortheCSO

was n n r

dibl moment I

y represents America’s triumph over adversity presented at the time. It’s definitely goosebump-ish music, and the dynamism offered is breathtaking And it really has special meaning if you lived through the period, and supported the men and women who served Our Nationarmedforcesatthat troublingtime.

all represents America’s triumph over adversity presented at the time. definitely music, and dynamism offered is breathtaking And it really has meaning if you through the period, supported the men and women who served Our Nationarmedforcesat troubling


LeonardBernsteinenabled him to compose, conduct, play and teach. There are tons of videos out there of

teaching a Masterclass at Harvard (The Unanswered

LeonardBernsteinenabled him to compose, conduct, play and teach. There are tons of videos out there him l cturing even teaching Masterclass at Harvard Unanswered

y professional and it s incredible how he engages with other disciplines to find true meaning music. The series of six lectures is dedicated to his philosophy professor David Prall, and he into‘musicalman,’andhis entrance to the 20th Century

professional and it s incredible how he engages with other disciplines to find the true meaning of music. The series of six lectures is dedicated to his philosophy professor David Prall, and he delves into‘musicalman,’andhis entrance to the 20th Century

Bernstein lived in a

Bernstein lived in a

Manyfansweregetting agitated by having to see Pop Star Taylor Swift doingahighfivewhenthe Chiefs would score along with the controversial favorable referee's calls throughouttheseason,and the arrogance of some of the players on the team. Nottobeoverdramatic,but i t i s w r i t t e n i n Proverbs16:18, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”

Many weregetting to Star Taylor Swift doingahighfivewhen would throughout and the arrogance of the players on the tobe t s w i t n n goes before haughty

The bottom line is that Nick Sirianni, the head coach of the Philadelphia Eagle, took over in 2021 and brought discipline and a system that lifted this team to new heights Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts was a force throughout the game

over in 2021 heights urt as a forc

time the internet or cell phones people yearned for entertainment. There was the wireless (radio),films,localtheater, and bands/orchestras of all types. Anddon’tforgetthe library where you could escape reality a book. The films at the picture show, with its fancy onditioned-air, was a especially during summermonths. Bernstein’s for Israel was evident even itbecameanofficial state, theIsrael Philharmonic Orchestra In the 1950’s Leonard’s works on the Broadway began the real greatnessofhiswork,with the success productions of ‘Wonderful Town,’ 1953, ‘Candide,’ 1956, with West Side Story,’ 1957, an update of Romeo and Juliet,’seton Upper WestSide. The of WSSledtothe film in1961, itsre-makein

time before the internet or cell phones, and people yearned for entertainment. There was the wireless (radio),films,localtheater, and bands/orchestras of all types. Anddon’tforgetthe library where you could escape reality via a book. The films at the picture show, with its fancy conditioned-air, was always a treat, especially duringthesummermonths. Bernstein’s support for Israel was evident even beforeitbecameanofficial state,conductingtheIsrael Philharmonic Orchestra In the 1950’s Leonard’s works on the Broadway stage began the real greatnessofhiswork,with the success productions of Wonderful Town 1953 and ‘Candide,’ 1956, culminating with West Side Story,’ 1957, an update of Romeo and Romeo Juliet,’setonNYC’sUpper WestSide. Thesuccessof WSSledtothefamousfilm in1961,anditsre-makein 2021.

The Conroe Symphony Orchestra played four

Bernstein s works ‘Overture to On The Town;’ know the song ‘New York, New York,’ famously sung by Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly, and JulesMunshin. Selections fromWestSideStory,such as‘IFeelPretty,’‘Tonight,’ and ‘America ’ Then ‘Mambo,’ was awesome, andevenConductorLibest prompted the audience to yellit. MAMBO!! Itwas fun. itwas‘ChaCha,’

the ut short little chamberpiecethatbrought TonyandMariatogetherat the gym dance, where everything is done so

The Conroe Symphony Orchestra played four Bernstein s works ‘Overture to On The Town;’you know the song ‘New York, New York,’ famously sung by Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly, and JulesMunshin. Selections fromWestSideStory,such as‘IFeelPretty,’‘Tonight,’ and ‘America ’ Then ‘Mambo,’ was awesome, andevenConductorLibest prompted the audience to yellit. MAMBO!! Itwas fun. Butitwas‘ChaCha,’ the cute short little chamberpiecethatbrought TonyandMariatogetherat the gym dance, where everything is done so

throwing for seventeen (17) for twentytwo completions for two and twentyone with two (2) and (1) interception He added a new dimension his running ability for seventy-two (72) on eleven (11) attempts and a rushing was clearly Most Valuable Player game, he received The Eagles newest running back Barkleymade known contributed ninety-seven purpose rushing and receiving Smith had receptions including a to fora rt six y r The

had a between i tha shifted in when Eagles'

throwing for seventeen (17) attempts for twentytwo (22) completions for two hundred and twentyone (221) yards with two (2)touchdownsandone(1) interception He added a new dimension with his running ability rushing for seventy-two (72) yards on eleven (11) attempts and a rushing score He was clearly the Most Valuable Player in the game, and he received the honor The Eagles newest addition, running back Saquon Barkleymadehispresence known as he contributed ninety-seven (97) all purposeyardswithrushing andreceptions.TheEagles' receiving duo of DeVonta SmithandA.J.Brownboth had beautiful touchdown receptions including a perfectstriketoSmithfora forty-six (46) yard touchdown. The pair had seven (7) receptions and had a hundred and eleven (111) yards between the pair The play that completely shifted the momentum in the Eagles' favor was when Eagles' rookie defensive back



delicately The violin and piano pi zicato is representative of the steps taken, with just touch of tambourine, and a dash of Maracas. Everything just cli k d in that head spinningmoment,allsteps necessary to entrancing each other, because all couples have to an initial meeting Bravo CSO,Bravo!

delicately The violin and piano pizzicato is representative of the steps taken, with just a touch of tambourine, and a dash of Maracas. Everything just clicked in that head spinningmoment,allsteps necessary to entrancing each other, because all couples have to have an initial meeting Bravo CSO,Bravo!

Soloist Rybolt sang pieces from the ‘Gershwin Medley,’ arranged by Bill Holcombe,whichincluded such favorites as, ‘I Got Rhythm,’ ‘Someone to Watch Over Me,’ and 'Strike Up the Band!’ Rybolt’s aria rendition of ‘Summertime,’fromPorgy and Bess, (which in 1935 failed commercially but was revived by the Houston Grand Opera in 1976, and is now legend) was stunning her As werereflectiveofhergreat talent,andshowedhowshe can be pulled in numerous directionsatthesametime, and still be totally professional in her performance. The CSO’s play in this portion of the programwasexcellent,and their hard work is much appreciated Renee’s p e r f o r m a n c e w a s memorable. Conroe bows toyou,Madame.

Soloist Rybolt sang pieces from the Medley,’ arranged by Holcombe,whichincluded such favorites as, ‘I Rhythm,’ ‘Someone to Watch Over Me,’ and 'Strike Up the Band!’ Rybolt’s aria rendition ‘Summertime,’fromPorgy and Bess, (which in 1935 failed commercially, but was revived by th Houston Grand Opera in 1976, and is now legend) was stunning her As werereflectiveofhergreat talent,andshowed she can be pulled in numerous directionsatthesame and still be totally professional in her performance. The CSO’s play in this portion of the programwasexcellent,and their hard work is much appreciated p r f o r m n c e w a s memorable. Conroe toyou,Madame.

The final Gershwin

The final Gershwin piece, ‘Rhapsody in Blue,’ arranged by Jerry Brubaker, was amazing

It’shardtobelievethatit’s over 100 years old yet still draws on the imagination. Somemayretortthatitputs the “Sin In Syncopation.”

Coverthoseears? Noway Theclarinetannouncesthe piece's sensuality, and doesn’tletitgo. Thework

Cooper De Jean made an in

om Mahomesandtookittothe house for a twenty-seven (27) yard touchdown It was the best birthday gift he could have ever received in his lifetime JoshSweatputpressureon Kansas City with two and half(2.5)sacks.Interesting f


Jean made n t r and ittothe for (27) touchdown best e c l received his Sweatputpressure City with and sacks. ac ev ry gle got

defensive player got a tackle.


finished t w y - n e ( 2 ) (257) butthe interceptions difference.It the game he this Ex-Texans receiverDeAndre two

Patrick Mahomes finished the day with t w e n t y - o n e ( 2 1 ) completions on thirty-two (32) attempts for two hundred and fifty-seven fifty-seven (257)yards,butthetwo(2) interceptions were the difference.Itwastheworst game that he played this season Ex-Texans wide receiverDeAndreHopkins hadtwo(2)receptionsand got his first Super bowl touchdown.

Congratulations to everyonethatmadeittothe biggameandtothevictors. Therearealwayslessonsto be learned, wisdom to internalize and skills to be refined See you next season!

everyonethatmadeittothe to victors. always to

See season! Patrick

shows Gershwin's party boy attitude and if he hadn’t died young, his body of work could have been labeled much differently Thankfully, Gary Liebst returned several piano solos to the piece usually avoided. He wanted to showcase the talent of the great SHSU staff pianist Tingting Yao, who thoughtfully gives of her time and talent for the enjoyment of playing beautiful music for the audience's enjoyment Yao’s performance and command of the piano and the performance of the CSO make’s one feel like they are in Carnegie Hall. Bravo!

The Conroe Symphony Orchestra is supported in part byTexas Commission on the Arts National Endowment for the Arts, the Cullen Trust for the for Performing Arts, the SpikesGroup,andtheCity ofConroe,ChairSponsors, and Individual donors

The Symphony Orchestra is in part Texas on Arts Endowment for the Arts, the Cullen Trust the Performing Arts, the Spikes ofConroe,Chair and donors

The CSO was founded in 1997, and was created to contribute to the cultural enrichment of Conroe and the county as a whole, assuring a better quality of life for everyone in the area.

The CSO was founded in 1997, and was created to contribute to cultural enrichment of Conroe and the county as whole, assuring a better quality life for in area.

concert is ‘TheBestofBroadway,’to be performed April 26th.

The next concert is ‘TheBestofBroadway,’to be performed on April 26th.



Despite uncertainty surrounding inflation, interest rates, the political landscape and a new disruptor in the artificial intelligence (AI) race, domestic equities ended the first month of 2025 broadlypositive,reflecting a continuing optimism for the U S economy. AIthemedstockswereshaken by a new entrant into the space, China's DeepSeek, which claims to be more efficient in various ways, especially power con-

to be more efficient in various ways, especially power cons

y competitor OpenAI's ChatGPT

sumption than key competitor OpenAI's ChatGPT

“With mega-cap tech valuations stretched, those companies were vulnerable to a pullback said Raymond James Chief Investment Officer Larry

Adam “While the NASDAQtookmostofthe

“With mega-cap tech valuations stretched, those companies were vulnerable to a pullback said Raymond James Chief Investment Officer Larry Adam “While the NASDAQtookmostofthe

hit, the performance the equal-weight S&P 500 versus the capitalization weighted index shows s

hit, the performance of the equal-weight S&P 500 versus the capitalization weighted index shows s

broadening beyond tech that we hope will continue.”

t broadening beyond tech that we hope will continue.”

Amidthemanychanges that greeted the new year, including the inauguration

Amidthemanychanges that greeted the new year, including the inauguration

Reserve held interest rates constant, as expected, as the Federal Open Market

Reserve held interest rates constant, as expected, as the Federal Open Market




MC) awaits clear signs that inflation will continue to slide toward target levels andinsightintothefederal government's trade and fiscalpriorities.

The year started off strong, but time will tell whether that trend will hold. Uncertainty remains a familiar theme moving

(FOMC) awaits clear signs that inflation will continue to slide toward target levels andinsightintothefederal government's trade and fiscalpriorities. year started off strong, time will tell whether that trend will hold. Uncertainty remains a familiar theme moving


remains sticky and the policy decisions of a new administration begin to

remains sticky and the policy decisions of a new administration begin to

volatility and emotional reactions in the markets in the coming months but with a positive overall trend theyear

volatility and emotional reactions in the markets in the coming months but with a positive overall trendthroughouttheyear


Pendle Hill Advisors is proud to contribute to the M

Pendle Hill Advisors is proud to contribute to the

y News with our weekly

y News with our weekly


tion to our clients and community, Bob Boyles has ann


a no n d i

1) Illuminate walkways. Would-be buyers are sure to do a nighttime drive-by (trust me, they will) Ambient outdoor lighting will have them oohing and ahhing.(Quicktip:Solar lightsmakethisacinch.)

quality experience we strive to provide for every client. While our name is changing,ourdedicationto serving you with integrity, expertise,andpersonalized careremainsthesame.

After years of dedica-

d his retirement. We are deeply grateful for his leadership and the impact he has made. With this transition, I am honored to carry forward our legacy under a new brokerage name that represents our vision for our the future Southern Luxury Realty This new name embodies our deeprooted commitment to excellence and the high-

Gentle reminder today that curb appeal makes all the difference whensellingyourhome.

2) Update porch lights.Replacecrooked, outdated,

As we move forward, I

As move forward, l o exci t Cain will be a Montgomery known her knowledge, leadership the personalized you’ve

announce that Melissa Cain will be our new Broker of Record With over a decade of experience in Montgomery Countyrealestate,Melissa isknownforherexpertise, market knowledge, and exceptional client service. Her leadership will only enhance the personalized approach you’ve come to expectfromus.

Southern Realty

You know the curb appeal trifecta: mulch, seasonal color, and a pressure-sprayed driveway But you're going to need to add thesethreeifyouwantto level up your outdoor

here to provide the same boutique service, market expertise, and unwavering commitment to your real estategoals.

is mo just a name Whether you're buying selling,or here to provide boutique service, market expertise, commitment to real estategoals.


Founder & Thank you for your ti ued u support. excited this new and can’t continue underour clients and Boyles

Founder & Broker, SouthernLuxuryRealty Thank you for your

support. We’re excited for this new chapter and can’t wait to continue serving youunderournewname!

We for leadership and he has made. transition, I honored carry new name represents our vision Realty This our deepthe provide is ourdedication expertise, thesame.

MelissaCain BrokerofRecord

Melissa Broker Record



Ihaven’tseenthismuch fun in politics since The Soviet Union imploded in 1991, giving The World a great Christmas present that year Donald Trump is giving marching orders to MakeAmericaGreatAgain,

Jr, Columnist/ Opinion Writer

Ruben’s Montgomery Musings

Trump is Really Draining The Swamp

and we are quickly finding

the Democrat Party isashollowastheKGB,the Sovietsecretpolice,thatwas feared by Russian citizens from the borders of Poland thePacificOcean. Forthe Democrats the sky is

and we are quickly finding out that the Democrat Party isashollowastheKGB,the Sovietsecretpolice,thatwas feared by Russian citizens from the borders of Poland tothePacificOcean. Forthe Democrats, the sky is

Weather for the Lake Conroe area


A50percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms,mainlybefore11am.Patchyfog before11am.Otherwise,cloudythroughmid morning,thengradualclearing,withahigh near76.Southwestwind5to10mphbecoming northwestintheafternoon.Windscouldgustas highas20mph.Newprecipitationamounts betweenaquarterandhalfofaninchpossible.


Mostlyclear,withalowaround40.Northwind 5to10mph,withgustsashighas25mph.


Mostlysunny,withahighnear51.Northwind around10mph,withgustsashighas25mph.





falling, they are on defense. Finally!! TheTrumanShow of their reality via the USAID slush fund, fake Taylor Swift fandom, and conspiracies the Pentagon, Treasury, and the entire bureaucracy is collapsing. Their swamp is being drained, the door to their rats nest has been kicked open letting in the light,andthepestcontroller with a big stick is going about his business

Democrat threats that were ever so effective in a PreElon media era now fall on deaf ears CNN and MSNBC, are cracked shells of their former shelves Democrats try to hold insurrections at the various government agencies that Elon is auditing, and their actions are so pitiful, that they'rehilarious.

falling, they are on defense. Finally!! TheTrumanShow of their reality, via the USAID slush fund, fake Taylor Swift fandom, and conspiracies from the Pentagon, Treasury, and the entire bureaucracy is collapsing. Their swamp is collapsing. being drained, the door to their rats nest has been kicked open letting in the light,andthepestcontroller with a big stick is going about his business Democrat threats that were ever so effective in a PreElon media era now fall on deaf ears CNN and MSNBC, are cracked shells of their former shelves Democrats try to hold insurrections at the various government agencies that Elon is auditing, and their actions are so pitiful, that they'rehilarious.

the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), andhejustgotauthorization to hire 45 more agents. Musk to me is like Special Agent Eliot Ness, going around bashing in doors searching for illegal liquor inAl Chicago. He doesn’t care if you are offendedbyhimorhisteam. Muskpersonallyrespondsto the idiot Dems who try to complain on X. Can you imagine him as President? We might need to get an exemption to The Constitution so he can run. Maybe Democrats might start respecting the all-important documentafterthat.

the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), andhejustgotauthorization to hire 45 more agents. Musk to me is like Special Agent Eliot Ness, going around bashing in doors searching for illegal liquor inAlCapone’sChicago. He doesn’t care if you are offendedbyhimorhisteam. Muskpersonallyrespondsto the idiot Dems who try to complain on X. Can you imagine him as President? We might need to get an exemption to The Constitution so he can run. Maybe Democrats might start respecting the all-important documentafterthat.

Achanceofshowersandthunderstorms,then showerslikelyandpossiblyathunderstorm afternoon.Mostlycloudy,withahighnear73. Chanceofprecipitationis60%.


Mostlyclear,withalowaround35. Sunny,withahighnear53. Cloudy,withalowaround55.

FridayNight Saturday Sunday SundayNight




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How do you know when you are doing an effective job? When your critics go into hissyfits as you enter their house and start searching for of their fraud, and their dirty underwear MaxineWaters, the Democrat congresswoman from the worst state in The Union, California, who in years past, told her constituents to get in Republicans' faces. Well, now, when a security guard at the Department of Education in an attempted insurrection, lookslikeacompletefoolin leading the crowd. The guard might as well have beenaTexasRanger,seeing asyouonlyneedonetostop Democrats trying to destroy records at a government agency

How do you know when you are doing an effective job? When your critics go into hissyfits as you enter their house and start searching for evidence of their fraud, and their dirty underwear MaxineWaters, the Democrat congresswoman from the worst state in The Union, California, who in years past, told her constituents to get in Republicans' faces. Well, now, when confronting a security guard at the Department of Education in an attempted insurrection, lookslikeacompletefoolin leading the crowd. The guard might as well have beenaTexasRanger,seeing asyouonlyneedonetostop Democrats trying to destroy records at a government agency

The Washington Post recently wrote, ‘Trump’s second is all about curtailing government’s power and reach,” writing with the intention 47’s efforts curbgovernmentis a bad thing. And that’s Socialistthinkingforyou. I mean,howmanytimeshave IwrittenthatSocialiststhink not on the consequences of theiractions(orthoughts)in thiscase. Itmorethanlikely goes along with the theory that Comrade Stalin Chairman Mao never thought themselves in the wrong, so why should any Democrat, Socialist or otherwise? Well, Socialist Democratsarewrongallthe time. Virtually, in everything. That’swhythey’reso predictable.

The Washington Post recently wrote ‘Trump’s second term is all about curtailing government’s power and reach,” writing with the intention 47’s effortstocurbgovernmentis a bad thing. And that’s Socialistthinkingforyou. I mean,howmanytimeshave IwrittenthatSocialiststhink not on the consequences of theiractions(orthoughts)in thiscase. Itmorethanlikely goes along with the theory that Comrade Stalin and Chairman Mao never thought themselves in the wrong, so why should any Democrat, Socialist or or otherwise? Well, Socialist Democratsarewrongallthe time. Virtually in everything. That’swhythey’reso predictable.

FEMA is now under audit, and just last week, Elon announced $59MIL went to New York to house illegal immigrants in luxury hotels. UhOh! Someone’s goingtobefired,then on that one. And it goes to show that bureaucratic Democratsareunthinkingin their actions, and free from accountability Not anymore. Muskhassomeof the smartest young kids on theplanetworkingforhim

FEMA is now under audit, and just last week, Elon announced $59MIL went to New York to house illegal immigrants in luxury hotels. UhOh! Someone’s goingtobefired,thenjailed on that one. And it goes to show you that bureaucratic Democratsareunthinkingin their actions, and free from accountability Not anymore. Muskhassomeof the smartest young kids on theplanetworkingforhimat


from page 1

Joan h a t i T their o Family one. held Posthuwithin 2721 Chapter Officer

USAirForceRetired. TheChapterandFamily:

Trump’s Light-Speed Administration in fighting against fraud, waste, and abuse, shining the light of truth on the problem, at its source, in computer and file rooms, no one ever thought would ever see the doors opened, much less be audited That’s what happens when a nonpolitician becomes a President, thinking with his business mind. It’s called due diligence. USAID is gone,whichIapplaud. CBS still isn’t getting the picture when it comes to reporting on Trump. USAID wasn’t even reporting to the State Department anymore, thinking it independent of the government. CBS aired an interview with a fired USAID employee, some ‘Karen’ who has no access to her safe space at the building, Elon violated (he or rights. She threw all the usual talking points to the CBS interviewer, and is afraid that her, or his information, will be used for nefarious purposes. Yeahright. Show me an Adams Apple, and that will tell the tale SheorHe, claimed that Elon was auditing on his own authority but President Trump has given Musk authority there are some going on with the aid program. Secretary of State Marco Rubio knows of the good programs that should remain, and has vowed that they will continue, but will now be run under the umbrellaofaccountability

Trump’s Light-Speed Administration in fighting against fraud, waste, and abuse, shining the light of truth on the problem, at its source, in computer and file rooms, that no one ever thought would ever see the doors opened, much less be audited That s what happens when a nonpolitician becomes a President, thinking with his business mind. It’s called due diligence. USAID is gone,whichIapplaud. CBS still isn’t getting the picture when it comes to reporting on Trump. USAID wasn’t even reporting to the State Department anymore, thinking it was independent of the government. CBS aired an interview with a fired USAID employee, some ‘Karen’ who has no access to her safe space at the building, claiming Elon violated (he or her’s) rights. She threw all the usual talking points to the CBS interviewer and is afraid that her or his information, will be used for nefarious purposes. Yeahright. Show me an Adams Apple, and that will tell the tale SheorHe, claimed that Elon was auditing on his own authority, but President Trump has given Musk authority And still, there are some good things going on with the aid program. Secretary of State Marco Rubio knows of the good programs that should remain, and has vowed that they will continue, but will now be run under the umbrellaofaccountability

And we need the I’m thinking that the wasteful spending tab could add up to be $10trillion acrossall departments. The biggest move so associated with Bill Gates his ‘GAVI Alliance Vaccine Promoter,’ which apped AID f $4 8TRIL during the pandemic. Ilhan Omar,

And we need the audits. I m thinking that the wasteful spending tab could add up to be $10 - 15$ trilliondollars,acrossallthe departments. The biggest money move so far is associated with Bill Gates and his ‘GAVI Alliance Vaccine Promoter,’ which

tapped USAID for $4 8TRIL during the pandemic. Ilhan Omar, the congresswoman from Michigan who married her own Somali brother for immigration reasons is calling the audits a ‘Constitutional Crisis.’ What an idiotsheis. Sheneedstobe deported. Trump is well

ongres woman from Michigan who married her own Somali brother for reasons, is calling the audits a tutional Crisis.’ What idiot is. She to deported. Trump is well


Carl Hammit Hudson was born on July 21. 1932, in Pine Grove, Louisiana. Carl and his family moved around and he never finished High School, but enlisted in the Army on April 30, 1948. He specialized in weapons training with rifles carbines machine guns, rifle grenades and hand held grenades. He excelled as a sharpshooter

PFC Hudson arrived in Pusan,SouthKoreaonJuly 32,1950asamemberofone of the first troops to depart the US for duty in Korea, Carl was lost at some point during the desperate fighting on August 31, and September1,1950.

withinhis takethese actions. A serious look at the books, which from the 1990’s has never been attended in tough Elonstance action. But it was Barack Obama, after the disaster and embarrassment of his Obamacare website, he created the ‘US Digital Service,’ which has since been renamed DOGE, whichhasfinancialaccessto all I say Elon,‘auditaway.’

withinhisrighttotakethese actions. A serious look at the books, which from the 1990’s has never been attended to in tough Elonstance action. But it was Barack Obama, after the disaster and embarrassment of his Obamacare website, he created the ‘US Digital Service,’ which has since been renamed DOGE whichhasfinancialaccessto all departments, so I say Elon,‘auditaway.’

And I thought I would never this, but: “Thanks Democrats for cheating Joe Biden in for 2020. Thank God for the hubris of Democrats.”

And I thought I would I never say this, but: “Thanks Democrats for cheating Joe Biden in for 2020. Thank God for the hubris of Democrats.”

WithoutJoeandhisteam, as well as their drastic oversteps in government, media and bureaucracy plus their thinking that they maintained a perpetual rule without they have ruined themselves Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never voted for a Democrat in life. ButIlookatitas the, let’s say; how about the creation of the Earth itself? Our planet is unique. And outofalltheotherworldsin our solar systems (and our galaxy and the universe), where the conditions for creating thinking and productive lif are extremelylow;wesomehow thrive. The recipe that createdourlittlepieceofour galaxy is long, a literal comedy of errors that includes begin struck by a minor planet to make our moon and influence on our tides, etc.; perhaps trillions of asteroid and comet from here from the late heavy bombardment to give us water, as well as volcano’s exploding. Onceterrafirma wasformed,asmallamount ofasteroidstrikescausenear extinction events;then you have earthquakes, also more volcanoes, ice ages, wars, etc., causing havoc, yet away; bring us to the modern age, you havethecanceroftheBiden Administration and its downfall. I feel an oppressed East German, after the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Free. Mineeyeshave seenthegloryofthecoming of ‘The Trump,’ and it is good. Don’tgetmewrong,I lovetheLord

WithoutJoeandhisteam, as well as their drastic oversteps in government, media, and bureaucracy, plus their thinking that they maintained a perpetual rule without consequence, they have ruined themselves Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never voted for a Democrat inmylife. ButIlookatitas the, let’s say; how about the creation of the Earth itself? Our planet is unique. And outofalltheotherworldsin our solar systems (and our galaxy and the universe), where the conditions for creating thinking and productive life are extremelylow;wesomehow thrive. The recipe that createdourlittlepieceofour galaxy is long, and a literal comedy of errors that includes begin struck by a minor planet to make our moon and influence on our tides, etc.; billions, perhaps trillions of asteroid and comet strikes from here from the late heavy bombardment to give us water, as well as volcano’s exploding. Onceterrafirma wasformed,asmallamount ofasteroidstrikescausenear extinctionlevelevents;then you have earthquakes, also more volcanoes, ice ages, wars, etc., causing havoc, yetlifefindsaway;tobring us to the modern age, you havethecanceroftheBiden Administration and its downfall. I feel like an oppressed East German, after the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Free. Mineeyeshave seenthegloryofthecoming of ‘The Trump,’ and it is good. Don’tgetmewrong,I lovetheLordtoo.

Thereisstillalotofwork to I’mpredictingthat the government is and forever changed. There is nodoubtthatA-Itechnology will be be a logical work partner in a much reduced government that worksefficiently levels

Thereisstillalotofwork todo,andI’mpredictingthat the government is now and forever changed. There is nodoubtthatA-Itechnology will be able to be a logical work partner in a much reduced government that worksefficientlyatalllevels

with its human partners. Innovation no longer comes fromCalifornia. Innovation now emanates from Texas, andwhateverRedStatethat wants to work with companiestoMakeAmerica Great Again, and even blue states in time will have to change their tune just to compete, so their own populations won’t leave as those people with resources already have. Once that happensandthingsevenout. Once those blues states turn Red, then perhaps some of thoseformerresidentsmight return. Taking pressure off housing markets, and other influences on the economy and infrastructure. It could takeanumberofyears,who knows. President Ronald Reagan gave his Berlin Wall speech in June 1987, and by November 1989 it was history, and the Soviet Union died on, well, you alreadyknow I've been talking about the Federal Government so much,andonceElon’saudit of all the departments is complete, I think I might find out about Texas. I confess, I never really got interested in state politics, andIapologize. Look,ifour state senators and representatives, the county government and cities and their departments are not up to par We will find out. If they go squealing once the light of truth is shined on them. It’s gonna be fun. I think Texas needs a DOGE, orTXDOGE.

USAirForceRetired. TheChapterandFamily: Jim Stevens & Eric Bostwick were present for

PFC Carl Hammit Hudsonismemorializedon theTablesoftheMissingat

Remember, I’ve seen hardcore communism (and their Democrat supporters) andIhaveahealthyloathing for Socialist Democrats and Republicans In Name Only (RINOs) as well. If you have any information, (or intelligence) please email it tome,orbetteryet,dropitor mail it to the newspaper offices. We can also try Cold War dead drops at the Historic Montgomery town wellnexttotheGoat. Place itinthewaterpale. Noone everlooksthere.

Remember, I’ve seen hardcore communism (and their supporters) andIhavea loathing for Socialist Democrats and Republicans In Name Only (RINOs) as well. If you have any information, (or please email it me,orbetteryet, or mail it the newspaper offices. We can also try Cold War dead at the Historic Montgomery town wellnext theGoat. Place itinthewaterpale. Noone everlooksthere.

Address Ruben “DOGE” Musk ℅ MCN, 14375Liberty (P.O.Box 1),Montgomery,TX77356

Address it to: Ruben “DOGE” Musk ℅ MCN,

with its human partners. Innovation no longer comes fromCalifornia. Innovation now from Texas, whateverRedStatethat ants to k with toMakeAmerica Great and even blue in time will have to change their just to compete so their own populations won’t leave as those with resources have. Once that happensandthingsevenout. Once those blues states turn perhaps some of thoseformer might Taking pressure off markets, and other influences on the economy It could a who knows. President Ronald Reagan, his Berlin in June 1987, by November 1989 it was history and the Soviet died on, well, you know been talking about Government so much,andonceElon’saudit of all the is I think I might Texas. I confess, I really got state politics, andI Look,ifour and representhe county governand cities and their departments are not up to par We will find out. If they go squealing once the light of truth is shined on It’s gonna I think Texas needs a DOGE, Be and the evidenceasbestaspossible. Communists are well steam opening

Be sure and tape the evidenceasbestaspossible. Communists are well practiced in steam opening letters.


Rubencanbereachedat: ruben@montgomerycounty

The Texas Division UDC Officer of Military Service Awards, SANDRA GIARRUSSO, traveled to the Rebel Joan Of Arc C h a p t e r i n T h e Woodlands,Texas, for their Formal Ceremony of B e s t o w a l t o t h e l Thorne/Stevens Family for their MIA Loved one. The Ceremony was held and commemorated Posthumously within the Rebel Joan Of Arc 2721 Chapter by RJOA Officer Of Military Service Awards, CYNTHIACONNORS: RJOA and Family Cousin:ANITASTEVENS reflected:

theCeremony Hudson was 1932, in Grove, Louisiana. Carl moved around never finished High but enlisted on April 30, specialized training with rifles machine rifle grenades and held grenades. as a sharpshooter Hudson in Pusan,SouthKoreaonJuly 32,1950asamemberofone of depart the for Korea, Carl was at point during desperate fighting on 31, and September1,1950. Carl Hammit Hudsonismemorializedon theTablesoftheMissingat National in and at Monument in Washington

the National Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu, Hawaii and at the Korean Monument in Washington DC.

LefttoRt:TexasDivisionOfficerofMilitaryService Awards:SandraGiarrusso, RJOAHistorian&Veterans Committee:AnitaStevens,andRJOAOfficerofMilitary ServiceAwards:CynthiaConnors.

With immigration a current hot-button issue, StagesinHoustonhasmadea boldchoicewithitspresentation of ‘The Heart Sellers,’a play about two immigrant wiveswhosedoctorhusbands are in training in their unknown mid-size city Don’tworry nooneisgonna be deported, these ladies did it the right way legally; but withtheirhubbiesgonemost of the time, and with their acquaintance anew underlyingissuesthataffecttheheart cropup. Issuesthatawife,or wives,don’tnecessarilywant to worry their spouses with, who are already under enough pressure with their jobs. The play happens to take place on Thanksgiving Day,1973,andtheladiesfind thatmovingtoaforeignland, and understanding national holidaysmaystillbeabridge toofar,butthere'sstillhopein abuddingfriendship.

‘The Heart Sellers’ is an incredible tribute to the pioneeringAsian and Pacific Islanderimmigrantsfromthe mid-1960’s to the early 1970’s,followingthepassage of The Hart-Celler Act of 1965; which allowed a preference system based on skills and family ties to immigrate to America. The play is filled with touching episodes of laughter and isolation, with the beginning of hope through the strength of friendship. It’s a one-act affair about new families coming to America with a simple message, of working hardtocreateabetterlife,and buildingstrengthofcharacter to charge-on and succeed despitethedistanceseparated byfamiliesbackhome.

“The Heart Sellers looks at a pivotal moment in time, when the conditions were created for much of what we re currently grappling with a nation around our collective history, said playwrightLloydSuh.“It’sa playofgivingthanks,making new friends, and finding homeinanewplace.”

The show centers around Luna (Mai Lê), a young Filipina housewife, who meetsJane(AlexandraSzetoJoe),aSouthKoreanwoman, at a supermarket on T-Day

The two are celebrating turkeydaytogetherseeingas their husbands are doctors, residents at a local hospital, having been tasked to work on the national holiday The two ladies burst into Luna’s apartment grocery bags in hand with the Filipina talkingatahundredmilesper hour all excited to have someonetofinallychatwith, whohappenstohaveashared experience of coming from a far away land. Poor Jane is stunned because her English stilllacksthelevelofhernew amigo, plus she is still at the shystageoftheacquaintance; stilltryingtoadjusttothenew surroundings while being bombarded with tales of KMart,futurewishestodrive,a non-understanding of Halloween,whilebeingbeset with offers of Cheetos, Ritz crackers,andeasycheese.

Thenewfriendshipbegins to bloom as the day wanes and the wine flows along with the consumption of the apps of the aforementioned snacks. Thepairopensupto each other about their lonely home life with the work patterns of their husbands Emotionallyofthetwo,Jane, whose real name is Hong Ja Ha, decided to call herself ‘Jane’ after that Fonda girl. Sheisthestrongerofthetwo, havingsufferedthepassingof herparents,aswellasseeing the destruction of the war between the Koreas The strength that Jane possesses will be of great comfort to Luna emotionally as the relationship between the friendsdevelops.

The rhetoric between the ladies is one of regret and yearning for themes that bring happiness to the soul. Luna’sstruggletoremaintied to her native land amid her American isolation, sees her weeping several times in the

The Korean isn't talkative atfirst,butmentionsherlove of Julia Childs and watching popular television shows of the early 1970’s like ‘The Price is Right,’and ‘Sanford andSon.’whichupuntilthen, were her only friends Admissions from both sides tell the tale of missed family members in their respective homelands. Jane still has a brother, but her parents have passed away Luna reminiscesaboutherlargefamily, but her heart hardens when noting Philippines' dictator Ferdinand Marcos who beganrulingherhomeislands under the iron fist of martial law the year before To counter the doldrum, Luna offers wine, which Jane refuses initially, as they unwrap the turkey The Filipinaproclaimsclaimsshe has no idea how to cook thanksgiving fowl, then the Hangug-in sugnyeo’s humor beginstoriseinproclamation of her turkey cooking knowledge; despite the bird not having been defrosted It’s a lovely icebreaker as theybegintocook,smashing Jane’s tension, and bringing out her sense of humor allowing her to be more expressive.


ASSEMBLYOFGOD CornerstoneChristian AssemblyofGodofConroe, locatedat100MosswoodDr Conroe,TexasinfrontofRiver Plantation.936-273-1755

NewLifeAssemblyofGod RabonChapelRoad,Montgomery,936-588-3399


ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation), 1501NorthFrazier(McKenzie's BBQ), Conroe,Texas,Phone: 936-494-5775, www.churchofthegoodsoldier.or

g. Worship:Sundayat 10:30am,SundaySchool:9:30 am

HeritageBaptistChurch 19087LakeMt.PleasantRd, Montgomery77356


GaryChapelBaptist Church POBox125,Montgomery, Texas77356,5525Spring BranchRoad,Montgomery


Class10:00am,Worship Serviceat11:00am.

Meetsat464McCalebRd. FaithBaptistChurch


Study9:30a.m.Worship Service10:45a.m.

DacusBaptist,Dacus, 936-449-0845,


Hwy105W.,Montgomery 936-597-4230



production, only to bounce back with humor almost immediately For the Filipina, crossing the border into America meant giving up her Phillipine soul, and a completeseparationfromher far away family It’s a reference to the Act of Congress (Hart-Celler) whichgivesrisetotheplay's title that allowed her and millions more like her to emigrate to America. She goes to the uni atheneum to read the Manilian newspapers, but still longs for the smell of the rain, dust, and other characteristics of her country

The two prattle on of adventures real and imagined. Jane,initiallystaggered at the process, is a quick learner and counters Luna’s melancholy, enabling her to lift her spirits from the cellar of despair Jane worries aboutherfuturelifeasawife and mother Yes, the family will have means, but she is tornbecauseofthepossibility that her role as a mother will be different in how her motherraisedher;withtender love, mercy, and Filipino tradition.

New York City based director Miranda Cornell, painted a masterpiece, drawing on two wonderfully talented actresses, Mai Lê and Alexandra Szeto-Joe; ladies with amazing resumes that were more than capable oftakingupthetask. Lêand Szeto-Joe's performance totally put the audience at ease The two were the metals that created gold, as they guided the theatergoers through the roller coaster of emotionsthatwerepresented onstage.

“It’shardtobelievethata littleoversixweeksago,Ihad never been here, said Cornell. “But I’m confident youwilllovewhatwehavein storeforyouthisevening.”

None of this could have happenedwithoutthehandof

ge Washington and apple pie


His ability to decipher and relay to a contemporary audience the initial struggles that theAsian-PI immigrants were subject to, that lead the waytotheladiesfriendships, and eventual acceptance, belonging, and successes It’s a testament on how to createanicheinAmerica,for allimmigrants.

The scenic designer Zhuosi “Joyce” He, had an amazing creative vision that brought about a believable flat that was appropriate for the times while properties designerJodiBodrovskywas a beautiful farmer harvesting the proper period appliances and items, noting the small details that enabled a small apartment of the time to spring to life Christina Giannelli, the lighting designer, bathed the set in warm and proper brightness, while the sound designers Chris Bakos and Anthony

Barilla, teamed up to perfection with proper reverbs emitting from their designed locations, like the television And costume designer, Gissel Rubio, did a wonderful job, especially with the ‘home clothes,’ whichwereaspecialtouch.

Lastly,kudosgoouttothe Artistic Director, Derek Charles Livingston, and Managing Director, Gwen Watkins. Bravo to you guys for still believing in Kenn McLaughlin’s vision in bringing ‘The Heart Sellers’ to Houston. And we look forward to Mr Livingston’s first full season as AD for 2025-26; and thank you both for the amazing product that continues to hail from the soapboxatStages.

‘The Heart Sellers,’ is a beautiful interpretation of LunaandJane’sadventureto The New World The audience is privy to the peeling back of the onion which represents the initial strugglesof immigrationto a new land, and its stages, but as is seen in the production, friendship, and its healing grace, can be so helpful in

surviving the challenges it presents.

On a personal note: This playwasveryeye-openingto theaudience,butitwasareal gut punch for me The mentionsofcommunismand a frightened Filipina in a foreign land was




Stagesproductionof‘The Heart Sellers’ runs through February23rd.

For more information and t i c k e t s , v i s i t : or 713527-0123fortickets.

Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycountyn

ScottRidgeandFM1097, Montgomery

SundayEveningWorship 6:00p.m. St.BeulahBaptistChurch locatedinDobbin,P.O.Box 112,Montgomery,77356 BenuiBaptistChurch, AntiochBaptist, Dobbin,936-597-5560

ChinaGroveBaptist Church Willis,936-767-4744

PastorDavidR.Bailes. Montgomery,TX

AbundantLifeMinistriesCornerofFM149& FM1097W.MontgomeryTX 77356Prayer/SundaySchool 9:30amSundayService11:30 amWednesdayPray/Bible Study6:30pm

ChurchatMontgomery (GlobalMethodist)



20350FM2854 Montgomery,TX77316

BethelRoad,Montgomery, 936-597-4668

UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards,Texas

About11miNofMontgomery onFM149 JonesChapelBaptist, OldHwy105,936-588-2330 Mt.SinaiBaptist, CATHOLIC FM2854,936-756-2505

SacredHeartCatholic, FM2854,Montgomery

SundaySchoolallages9:45 am,ChurchService11:00am, WednesdayBibleStudyand YouthGroup6pm

109N.Frazier,Conroe, 936-756-8186


936-894-2223 FM1774,Plantersville,



Mt.CalvaryBaptist CR213,Stoneham, 936-894-2223


CongregationBeth Shalom,5125Shadowbend Place,TheWoodlands,


GraceLutheran(ELCA), METHODIST

RichardsUnitedMethodist Church 19190KeenanCutoffRd.

22548Highway105West Phone: 936-597-6162

MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch Montgomery TX 77356

10AMWorshipService 8:45SundaySchool



SundaySchool10AM PorterChapelA.M.E. 1308S.Hwy1486,Dobbin,



Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944

LivingSaviorLutheran Church-LCMS309PondSt. Montgomery77356Church phone:936-597-8013Web:


LighthouseFellowship Church, Montgomery,936-582-7700 Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-3400

LivingBranchChurch, NewBeginningBible Church, 19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-597-8921 CarbonChurch, TransformationChurch Montgomery Sun:10:30am Admin@TCMontgomery.or g AprilSoundChurch 67½AprilWindS.,

TheGraceChristian OutreachCenter FM149N.,Montgomery, 936-449-6807



Meetsat18961FreeportDr Montgomery 936.582.7722

936-597-5331or936-4495983 LivingWayChurch, Thursday7:30pm HopeTabernacle


SundayWorshipat6:00pm CommunityAndInterdenominational

LoneStarCowboyChurch ZionChurch, montgomery 281-362-1100

21627EvaSt.Montgomery TX77356(936)597-5742


ServiceTimes:Sundays@8 AM,9:30AM&11AM Mondays@7PMLivestream: WatchusliveSundays@9:30 AM&11AM@lonestar.tvand

1011W.Lewis,Conroe, (936)597-3949 Montgomery,936-582-1977 Services9:30and11a.m. LakesideBibleChurch, retreatandwildlifecenter, 936-756-7792 18940FreeportDrive 2615St.BeulahChapelRd., Montgomery,936-597-5757 CornerstoneChurch, FellowshipofMontgomery WaldenCommunity Church, RiverofLifeChurch, Highway105W,Lake Conroe,936-588-4660

12400WaldenRd,Walden, 936-582-6696


17156FM1097,Montgomery,936-449-4414 12681FM149 Montgomery TX77356 EPISCOPAL




Cause Number: 24-08-13091

ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService

P OBox2985

ByvirtueofaWritofExecutionissuedoutoftheCountyCourtatLaw#6ofMontgomery County, Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 26th day of September, 2024, in the case of Maria AliciaLopezAbad,Plaintiffvs.LeticiaVelezRamirez,Defendant,CauseNo.24-04-06556insaid court,judgmentbeinginfavorofMariaAliciaLopezAbad,PlaintiffasagainstDefendant,Ididonthe 18th day of November 2024 at 8: 10 o'clock a.m. levy upon the following-described property of Defendant:


DATEDat130N.Main,Conroe,Texas,thisthe28thdayofJanuary 2025 NOTICEOFEXECUTIONSALE andonthe4thdayofMarch,2025,betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m.and4:00o'clockp.m.,at 301NMainSt,Conroe,TX77301ofMontgomeryCounty,Conroe,Texas,Iwillofferforsaleand willsellatpublicauctionforcash,alltherights,titleandinterestof,LeticiaVelezRamirez,Defendant inandtosaidproperty

By:/s/ PaulHubbard






Minimumbidof$63,000.00,whichincludestheconstablecommission,constablefee,andincurred cost. PublishedDates:February12,19,26,2025



By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable 457th JUDICIALDISTRICT

MelisaMiller ChristopherJ.Archambault Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77057



NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."

You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petitionatorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafter the date of issuance of this citation the same being Monday the 10th day of March, 2025 beforethe457thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty TexasattheCourthouseof saidCountyinConroe,Texas.SaidPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthis the 26th day of August, 2024, in this case, numbered 24-08-13091 on the docket of said court.


To:PaulinaMartinezViloria ArtaviaNorthVillageHomeownersAssociation,Inc.arePlaintiffs and MiguelLopez;FitzgeraldChibamu;PaulinaMartinezViloriaareDefendants

Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit:Youareherebynotifiedthata suithasbeenbroughtforbreachofcontract,damages,andattorneyfeesbyPlaintiff,Artavia North Village Homeowner'sAssociation, Inc., by and through its attorney of records, Chris Archambault, of Porter Law Firm, 2603 Augusta Dr Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77057, against Defendants Miguel Lopez and Paulina Martinez Viloria and any other person claiming any right, title, or interest in 15005 La Strada Dr Conroe, TX 77302 and legally describedtowit:LOTTHIRTY-SIX(36),INBLOCKTWO(2),OFARTAVIA,SECTION10,A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLATTHEREOF RECORDEDINCABINETZ,SHEET7577OFTHEMAPRECORDSOF MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXASasismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionon fileinthissuit.

The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law,andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects.


Andonthe4thdayofMarch,2025,at10:00o'clocka.m.;whichisthefirstTuesdayofsaid month, on the Courthouse Steps located at 301 N Main Street, Conroe, Texas 77301 of said MONTGOMERYCounty, Texas in the City of CONROE; I will proceed to sell at the time of the public auction for cash, all the rights, title and interest of against Leonard Courtright, Pamela R Courtright, Grace R. Courtright and James L. Courtright,, Defendant in and to said property, representinginterestandcostsofsuit,togetherwithlegalfeesandcommissionsthroughthedateof judgment,plusallcostsofcourt,costsofsale,andpostjudgmentpenaltiesandinterestrecoverableby lawinfavorofCloverCreekRecreationalAssociation,Inc.


GIVENUNDERmyhandonthe28thdayofJanuary 2025,

DATEDthis29thdayofJanuary 2025;at19100UnityParkDrive,Magnolia,Texas.

COURTofMONTGOMERYCounty Texas;Cause#220201572inaJudgmentrenderedonthe7th dayofJune,2022,whereasinCloverCreekRecreationalAssociation,Inc.PlaintiffagainstLeonard Courtright,PamelaRCourtright,GraceR.CourtrightandJamesL.Courtright,Defendant(s).Idid levyonthe28thdayofJanuary,2025at12:37o'clockp.m.uponthefollowingdescribed"property" ofDefendant: InvestigatorAshtonHedrick-#8510

By:/s/ChrisJones ConstableChrisJones-Pct.5 19100UnityParkDrive





IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe21stdayofJanuary 2025.



PublishedDates:January29,February5,12,19,2025 MontgomeryCounty Texas PatriciaIvey 1/21/20244:08:30PM


Cause Number: 24-08-13091

ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService



Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77057


NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."


You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petitionatorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafter the date of issuance of this citation the same being Monday the 10th day of March, 2025 beforethe457thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty TexasattheCourthouseof saidCountyinConroe,Texas.SaidPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthis the 26th day of August, 2024, in this case, numbered 24-08-13091 on the docket of said court.


By virtue of a Order Of Sale issued out of the Honorable 284TH Judicial District Court, th MontgomeryCounty Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe17 dayofOctober2024,inthecaseof Imperial Oaks Park property OwnersAssociation, Inc, Plaintiff, VS. Jessica P Brown Defendant, Cause No. 24-04-05883 in said court, judgment being in favor of Imperial Oaks Park property OwnersAssociation, Plaintiff as against Defendant, I did on the 30th day of January 2025, at 1:15 o'clockp.m.,levyuponthefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant:

LOT 23, BLOCK 2, IMPERIAL OAKS PARK, SEC. 9, A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY TEXAS ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN CABINETW,SHEET(S)144,MAPRECORDSOFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS,MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS 31702 ROYAL WOODS CT CONROE, TEXAS 77385 (THE PROPERTY) and on 4th day of March, 2025, between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clockp.m.,attheMontgomeryCountyCourthouselocatedat301NMainSt.,Conroe,Texas77301, Iwillofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofJessicaP BrownDefendantinandtosaidproperty

th DATEDat1520LakeFrontCircleSuite900,TheWoodlands,Texas,thisthe30 dayofJanuary2025.




COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § 1520LakeFrontCircle,Suite900





NOTICEOFSALEPropertywillbesoldtosatisfyalandlord'slienperChapter59Selfservice Storage Facility Liens. Sale on Thursday the 20th day of February, 2025 at Paymentandpickupatfacility Storage Rentals of America, 1964 Northpark Dr Ste J, Kingwood, TX, 77339 ROSS, TARYN. Hubbard,Piara. Daniel,Sean. brown,Cynthia. PerryJame,Darrell. Perry Jame,Darrell. Stout,Anita



Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows: ArtaviaNorthVillageHomeownersAssociation,Inc.arePlaintiffs

P OBox2985 2603AugustaDrSuite900 and MiguelLopez;FitzgeraldChibamu;PaulinaMartinezViloriaareDefendants

Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit:Youareherebynotifiedthata suithasbeenbroughtforbreachofcontract,damages,andattorneyfeesbyPlaintiff,Artavia North Village Homeowner'sAssociation, Inc., by and through its attorney of records, Chris Archambault, of Porter Law Firm, 2603 Augusta Dr., Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77057, against Defendants Miguel Lopez and Paulina Martinez Viloria and any other person claiming any right, title, or interest in 15005 La Strada Dr., Conroe, TX 77302 and legally describedtowit:LOTTHIRTY-SIX(36),INBLOCKTWO(2),OFARTAVIA,SECTION10,A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLATTHEREOF RECORDEDINCABINETZ,SHEET7577OFTHEMAPRECORDSOF MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXASasismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionon fileinthissuit.

The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law,andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects.

IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe21stdayofJanuary 2025.


By:/s/PatriciaIvey 1/21/20254:08:06PM

MontgomeryCounty Texas PatriciaIvey



NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE of property to satisfy landlord's lien. Sale is 10:00 am on 2/18/2025. Property will be sold to highest bidder at the time of auction. Cleanup and removaldepositmayberequired. Sellerreservesrighttowithdrawpropertyfromsaleornot accept any bidder Property will be sold in entire contents of each individual storage unit. Propertyincludescontentsofspacesoffollowingtenants:MatTom,JerryMetcalf,&Hailey Osborne.Propertybeingsoldincludesthefollowing:Householditems,andboxesContact LockawayStorage-105,6421Hwy105W SteA,ConroeTx77304,281-560-4331. PublishedDates:February5,12,2025

All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw c/o: GinaA.Price,AttorneyatLaw,101Simonton,Conroe,TX 77301. th DATEDthe4 dayofFebruary 2025. /s/

StateBarNo.: 16287350

NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersofIndependentAdministrationfortheEstateof StuartAlanWatson,Deceased,wereissuedonJanuary30,2025,inCauseNo.24-46810-P pendingin theProbateCourtNo:1,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to: CathyLynnMyersWatson. 101Simonton

AttorneyforCathyLynnMyersWatson GinaA.Price Conroe,TX 77301 Telephone: (936)756-5511 Facsimile: (936)441-5745 Email:



NoticeisherebygiventhatStorageKingUSAat18318U.S.59NewCaney TX77357(281) 968-2102willsellthecontentsofthestorageunitslistedbelowatapublicauctiontosatisfya lienplacedonthecontents(pursuanttoTitle5,LiensChapter59Sec.59.044).Thesalewill take place at the website on 02/20/2025 at 9:00am The sale willbeconductedon undertheguidanceofChristopherRosa (16850)onbehalfofthefacility'smanagement.Unitswillbeavailablefor





POBOX959 3707CypressCreekPKWY,Ste400,


Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary of the Estate of JAMES E. th COLLUMSwereissuedonthe29 dayofJanuary,2025,inCauseNo.24-47709-P,pendinginthe ProbateCourtNo.1,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to: AmandaRobinCollums The residence of such Executor is Harris County Texas. The post office address for presentmentofclaimsis: EstateofJAMESE.COLLUMS

c/oKevinM.Kneisley,Attorney 211RiggsStreet

TO:TheunknownheirsoftheESTATEOF:CLAYTONGOLDENROBINSON,Deceased; TheEstateofClaytonGoldenRobinson

You are commanded to appear and answer to the APPLICATION TO DETERMINE HEIRSHIPAND FOR LETTERS OFADMINISTRATION - INTESTATE filed by Rebecca Robinson, at or before 10 O'clockA.M. of the first Monday after the expiration ofTen (10) daysfromthedateofPublicationofthisCitation,beforetheHonorableProbateCourt#1of Montgomery County at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. Said application was filed on November1,2024.




Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.

GivenundermyhandandsealofsaidCourtinConroe,Texasonthisthe3rddayofFebruary 2025.

(SEAL,ProbateCourt#1) L.BrandonSteinmann,CountyClerk


By:/s/BrandiDuron 11/4/2024



Conroe,Texas77301 All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered, are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw

th DATEDthe7 dayofFebruary,A.D.,2025.

KEVINM.KNEISLEY By:/s/KevinM.Kneisley

211RiggsStreet Conroe,Texas77301




th DATEDthe10 dayofFebruary,2025.






ProbateCourtNo.1,MontgomeryCounty Texas,to:


c/oMollieCohnLambertPLLC CAUSENO.24-47670-P


StateBarNo.: 16287350 101Simonton All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw c/o: GinaA.Price,AttorneyatLaw 101Simonton,Conroe,TX 77301.

Conroe,TX 77301

Telephone: (936)756-5511 Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Bonnie Thibodeaux,Deceased,wereissuedonFebruary6,2025,inCauseNo.25-47738-P,pendinginthe ProbateCourtNo:1,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to: AubreyThibodeaux.

Facsimile: (936)441-5745






Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of BILLY K. MORGAN,Deceased,wereissuedonFebruary6,2025,inCauseNo.24-47670-P,pendinginCounty




TO:TheunknownheirsoftheESTATEOF:VICKEYLYNNDEMPSEYBURNS,Deceased 24-47040-P

All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law All persons having claimsshouldaddressthemincareoftherepresentativeattheaddressstatedabove.

th DATEDthe6 dayofFebruary,2025.






Facsimile:281-592-5244 Cleveland,Texas,77328











YouarecommandedtoappearandanswertotheApplicationtoDetermineHeirshipfiled byEricB.Krolcyzk.,atorbefore10O'clockA.M.ofthefirstMondayaftertheexpirationof Ten (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable Probate Court#1ofMontgomeryCounty attheCourthouseinConroe,Texas.Saidapplicationwas filedonFebruary04,2025.

Thefilenumberofsaidmatterbeing:25-47860-P POBOX959 101SIMONTON


Thenatureofsaidproceedingbeingsubstantiallyasfollows,towit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.

GivenundermyhandandsealofsaidCourtinConroe,Texasonthisthe6thdayofFebruary 2025.

(SEAL,ProbateCourt#1) L.BrandonSteinmann,CountyClerk


By:/s/BrandiDuron 2/6/20251L34L09PM BrandiDuron,DeputyClerk


You are commanded to appear and answer to the Amended Application to Declare Heirship filed by Burns, Christopher L., at or before 10 O'clockA.M. of the first Monday aftertheexpirationofTen(10)daysfromthedateofPublicationofthisCitation,beforethe Honorable Probate Court #1 of Montgomery County at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. SaidapplicationwasfiledonFebruary05,2025.




Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.

(SEAL,ProbateCourtNo.1) L.BrandonSteinmann,CountyClerk

MontgomeryCounty Texas

GREETING: By:/s/EloisaSalinas 2/6/20253:05:35PM

GivenundermyhandandsealofsaidCourtinConroe,Texasonthisthe6thdayofFebruary, 2025. EloisaSalinas,DeputyClerk



Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Paul Lewis Gugenheim,Deceased,wereissuedonJanuary30,2025,inCauseNo.24-47574-P pendinginthe CountyCourt-At-LawProbateCourtNo:One,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to:SherryeGugenheim. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw c/o:JASOND.MEREDITH AttorneyatLaw 4325WindsorCentreTrailSuite400 PublishedDate:February12,2025 FlowerMound,TX75028


posted deployed trained Camp Carolina, times was at Naval spent boys, cells. Haiti as Guard after the tours Iraq

‘Billy’ in the Corp Miller was andin

This week’s Veteran is William ‘Billy’ Miller IV who served in the U.S. Marine Corp from 20012022 Miller was an Infantrymanandinhisover 20 years of service was posted domestically and was deployed overseas HetrainedatParrisIsland, South Carolina, and was stationedatCampLejeune, North Carolina, where he rotated multiple times throughout his career He was also stationed at the Naval Station in Bangor, Maine, where he had his

fair share of lobster rolls. Billy also spent time at Guantanamo Bay Cuba with Osama bin Laden’s boys, making sure they stayedintheircells. Miller deployed to Haiti in 2021 as part of the Marine Security Guard Security Augmentation Unit to the Port-au-Prince embassy after the assassination of the Haitian president William also served multiple tours to Iraq and Afghanistan, seeing things that people should never see, He retired as a First Sergeant. Following his service, Miller became a

Junior Reserve Training Instructor Montgomery High making a lives. the Foreign 12223) keeping Veterans for and

Junior Reserve Officer Officer Training Course (JROTC) Instructor at Montgomery High School, now making adifferenceinhisstudents’ lives. Billyisamemberof the local Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW 12223) in Montgomery, keeping busy promoting Veterans issues, for men and women who deserve a heartfelt thankyou for heartfelt serving Our Country Good Luck William, and Congratulations on being MCNs ‘Veteran of the Week’.



Jamestown Rediscov-

ered was the Ro

re a h o er Woodson XVII the FebruaryJamestown, goingon for 140 acres on project Jamestown Redis-

rt WoodsonChapterColonial Dames XVII Century subject for the FebruaryValentinechaptermeeting. ExcavationsatJamestown, thefirstpermanentEnglish settlement in the New World,havebeengoingon for 140 years In 1994

Preservation Virginia which acquired 22.5 acres on Jamestown Island in 1893, launched a project called Jamestown Rediscovery Archaeologists,

scientists, curators and volunteers have been uncovering artifacts since then Today, Historic Jamestowne is a public/privatepartnershipwith the National Park Service.

Member Coyla Holmes presented a fascinating program which included

CDXVIIC members who haveJamestownancestors.

Valentinesweregiven totheCarriageInnfortheir resident veterans The

welcome ceremony for

Womack, a memorial service for longtime memberEugeniaLetbetter, and election of 2025-2027 c

CDXVIIC is a lineage societyforwomen18years and older who can prove lineal descent from an ancestor who lived and servedpriorto1701inone oftheOriginalColoniesin thegeographicalareaofthe present United States of America For more

RJOABarton&HallTravel toVisitTexasHistoricalMarker

County Citizens, CHRISSY

Historical Commission

Read about this wonderful history of those early years after the War Between the States, and all the efforts that were made for remembrance and respect by its important citizens of that time.

If you are ever traveling totheWacoarea,searchout this significant marker, and learn about our Texas History in that area. You

onallyourcartripstowards yourdestinations.

Submitted by RJOA PublicRelationsChairman: TheRebelJoanOfArcUnited Daughters of the ConfederacyMembers,and

2003totheactualsiteby the Limestone County

education if you search out Texas Historical Markers

Photo by: RJOA Kelly Hall
Pictured:FR-ShirleySlawson,patSheridan,CecilyKelly,KayeStone,Laura Womack;2ndR-PamelaNew,PeggyDuncan,SueHereford,JenniferWhite,Ginne' Liles,JudyWeidner;3rdR-JenniferMcStravick,LauraDahlberg,KathySterne, CoylaHolmes,MelissaBelcher-Robinson,JanisHoag.

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