Montgomery County News, February 5, 2025

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On January 1839, Charles Stewartslid across the his drawing hoped to be as flag. Seated himwas Lamar of ofTexas. Lamar it as Stewart just outside Montgomery he accepted Lamar’s to lead a committee

On January 25, 1839, Dr.CharlesB.Stewartslid across the table, his proposed drawing he hoped to be adopted as the Texas flag. Seated across fromhimwasMirabeauB. Lamar President of the RepublicofTexas. Lamar then signed the drawing, designating it as the “OfficialFlag,Republicof Texas.” Dr Stewart lived just outside Montgomery when he accepted Lamar’s assignment to lead a committee to design an officialflagforTexas.

Lamar longingfor flagto byall Texas, was successful he have dreamt Lone Star Flag recognized the overandcanbe flying m o nt i s Countless

President Lamar’s longingforoneflagtobea bannerrecognizedbyallas representing Texas, was more successful than he could have ever dreamt The Texas Lone Star Flag is recognized the world overandcanbeseenflying in many countries Countless Texans have

moved their beloved state, taking flag as they part their h

moved from their beloved state, taking their flag as they leave part of their



proudly flying the Lone Star Flag at their new residenceand/orbusiness.

n, proudly flying the Lone Star at new residenceand/orbusiness.


Th ont om ry


Historic is hosting a birthday party this favorite of the City and County on Saturday, February8,2025,11:00ato 1:00p. Everyone invited to in the celebration, have some learn more about Stewart’s accomplishments, such as the Secretary State of

mery Historic Society is hosting a birthday party for this favorite patriot of the City and County on Saturday, February8,2025,11:00ato 1:00p. Everyoneisinvited to join in the celebration, have some cake, and learn more about Dr Stewart’s accomplishments, such as the first Secretary of State ofTexas!

Event Details mark your calendar, bring children,invitefriends:

Event Details mark your calendar, bring children,invitefriends:

Date: S

e: Sat ay, February 8, 11:00am –1:00pm; Location: N Davis 14263

y, February 8, 11:00am –1:00pm; Location: N H Davis Museum, 14263


L i e r S n Montgomery; Historian

n Montgomery; Historian JackShepherdwillportray Dr Stewart, detailing

Montgomery and Texas histories.


CONROE, TX – The planned protest on Immigration and Customs

Enforcement (ICE) deportations in downtown Conroe did materialize around 2 pm Saturday, running into dusk n Initially, the protesters, mostly young Hispanic males and females, lined the streets at the intersection on W Phillips St and W Davis St in Conroe, holding their country of origin flags signs as cars passed the area. One U.S. and Texas flag were seen. Multiple law enforcement agencies wereon-sceneasitappears

a fight broke out and protesters were impeding traffic. Saturday’s protest is the result of a local television station report at Conroe High School of an incident between a teacher

VideooutofHuntsvillehas been seen Saturday evening, with the mostly mostly young, peaceful protesting atonemajorintersectionin thatcity

Wh Tex s of was signed March 1836, was the the59 to n

“Unanimous Declaration of Independence was signed on March 2, 1836, “C. B. Stewart” was the firstofthe59delegatesto sig

Jack willportray Dr Stewart, detailing St w ’ if nd n t i b i o n t o Montgomery and Texas

document Four days later the Alamo fell after well over 1,600 Mexican soldiers attacked, scaling the walls of the Alamo under Gen Santa Anna overwhelming the roughly 200 brave Texans led by William B Travis and volunteers such as James Bowi

y” Crockett. Any survivors w


Afewweekslater,with the Texans’

he 1 -pa e days the after 1,600 Mexican scaling Santa Anna overwhelming the roughly by James w an v Any survivors b i v t b A t e x ’ e of

the Texans, led by Gen Sam Houston defeated Santa Anna. This battle w

Mexico, which became official on April 21, 1836, with the signing of the TreatyofVelasco.

The Montg

s of “Remember Goliad R e m e m b e r t h e Alamo!”…Dr Stewartwas among the greatlyoutnumbered volunteers at theBattleattheSanJacinto River near Houston, when

Th ontgom ry Historical everyone jointhefirstof what is planned to be a yearly birthday party celebrating Stewart’s birthonSaturday,February 8, in M ntg m y, celebrating 219 years ago on February 6, 1806.

“Remember e r t Alamo!”…Dr ong g tly volunteers at near Houston, Texans, Houston battle o n x a s i nc f o on 21, with the of the Velasco.

Historical Society invites everyonetojointhefirstof what is planned to be a yearly birthday party celebrating Dr Stewart’s birthonSaturday,February 8, in Montgomery, celebrating his birth 219 years ago on February 6, 1806.

The potential for an ICE raid on schools is a possibility as President Donald Trump’s Border Czar, Tom Homan is sayingthatheisnotpulling a n y p u n c h e s o n immigration raids to appreh

gal immigrants When the

‘Title 8 United States Code 1324 (iii), ’ is constantly referenced by Homan, which gives him the authority of his office, andheisveryseriousabout his job, noting it's a felony if anyone knowingly harbors or conceals an illegal alien from immigrationauthorities,or impedes a federal law enforcement officer, in theirlineofduty

borderczarwasaskedbya reporterwhatcriminalsare hidinginschools? Homan noted that there are numerousMS-13members aged 14 to 17 in schools, andthathewillexpandICE to eventually to focus on anyone in the U S illegally o nd pm th

younger protesters began to traffic, as b n e s w r e complaining all their parking spaces were being takenby protestersand th

conduct proper

younger protesters began to impede traffic, as b u s i n e s s e s w e r e complaining all their parking spaces were being takenbytheprotestersand they were unable to conduct proper business

Asnearbypolice in on the scene the crowd star d to re agitated.

“O fem le w s arrested a water bottle and a Conroe Officer the head,” Scott of M

Asnearbypolicemovedin on the scene the crowd started to get more agitated. “One female was arrested after throwing a water bottle and hitting a Conroe Officer in the head,” said Scott Engle of M

“Protesters carrying signs began walking in the roadway Conroe Police

“Protesters signs began walking in the roadway Police Photo credit 8 United States od 1 24 (i i , constantly referenced by which him authority

Photo credit Scott Engle


MontgomeryCountyMemorialLibrary SystemExecutiveDirectorFired

Just day after being appointed to oversee the County Memorial system on January 28th by the Commissioners Court their executive County Judge

rk e u h has library director Rhea from her Young had replaced previous director Williams retirement At the Young had confidence and mandatedbythe to evaluate categorize deemed

Just a day after being appointed to oversee the Montgomery County Memorial Library system on January 28th by the Commissioners Court following their executive session, County Judge Mark Keough has terminated library director Rhea Young, from her position Young had replaced the previous director Jerrilyn Williams followingherretirementin 2022. At the time, Young had the confidence of the Commissioners, and was latermandatedbythecourt to evaluate and categorize books deemed unsuitable for children, those involving topics on LGBTQ issues, gender


to judge the of books offered to The the policy included ccept disputes only from county residents with cards, theappointment of of members the

to judge the suitability of books offered to children. The change to the policy included accepting disputes only from county residents with library cards,andtheappointment of a committee of five members to superintend thereviewprocess.

is trying to for us in the county, aid Lis Matthews, speaking support Citizen

“She is trying to do a job for all of us in the county,” said Lisa Matthews, speaking in support of Young, during the Citizen Comments portionoftheJanuary28th Commissioners Court regularsession.

“Ms.Youngshowedno interest addressing the lack of accountability,” said Knuckles. “None of the damaged popular to more conservative families have been replaced despite fees collected for this purpose andtheirpopularity."

“Ms.Youngshowedno interest in addressing the lack of accountability,” said Knuckles. “None of the lost or damaged popular books to more conservative families have been replaced despite fees collected for this purpose andtheirpopularity."

we library director who the values of the ofthiscounty.”

we find a library director who shares the values of thepeopleofthiscounty.”

MCM S ublic Relations Officer Anne Neidinger, said her office has no comment at this time.

MCMLS Public Relations Officer Anne Neidinger, said her office has no comment at this time.

Several citizens spoke on B , ‘Consider, employment, evaluation, discipline, dismissal Library Director (Section

The issue stems from Young’s refusal to followthrough with the summer 2023 mandate of the commissioners to remove any children’s books including the topics to an appropriate adult section. This is not the first case in Texas, one such episode happenedinLlanoCounty located in the Texas Hill Country where a terminatedlibrarianfileda lawsuit, because the commissionerscourtnever voted to have the books removed. Although the county library director ordered dozens of books containing nudity and gender affirming care removed,theheadlibrarian at a county branch refused andwasthenterminated.

The issue stems from Young’s refusal followthrough with the summer 2023 mandate of the commissioners to remove any books including topics to an appropriate adult section. This is first case in Texas, one such episode happenedin located in Texas Hill C u try w ere a terminatedlibrarian a lawsuit, because the commissioners never voted to have the books removed. Although the county library director ordered of books containing nudity and gender care removed,theheadlibrarian at a county branch refused andwas

Montgomery County Commissioners again revisited the issue last fall

ch ldren, those on issues, ffi min car n ideology Montgomery County Commissioners the issue fall n th ounty

when the county streamlined the guidelines


from page 1

Several Montgomery County citizens spoke on agenda item, 16 B , ‘Consider, discuss, and deliberatetheappointment, employment evaluation reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of Library Director (Section 551.074).’

Ms. Young’s said Michelle to th om i si ner “Librarians reported that for books p o u l r i t homeschoolers are dismissed.”

“I’m concerned about Ms. Young’s leadership,” said Michelle Knuckles to the commissioners “Librarians have reported that requests for books p o p u l a r w i t h homeschoolers are being dismissed.”

Ms. Knuckles and her familyarefrequentvisitors to the county's libraries, and is deeply concerned that more children’s books targeting radical gender ideology ar

being included in the library’s childrensection. Sincethe commissioners court mandate removing mature themed books from the children’s section, no actionhasbeentakentothe satisfaction of the court. One library employee disclosed to Knuckles that the purchasing manager refused to buy books free fromthegendertopic.

Ms. familyare the deeply concerned more children’s ideology re being included in library’s children Sincethe court removing books the children’s section, hasbeentakentothe the court. One to purchasing manager to buy books free fromthe topic.

One book in question thatwasnotbeingreplaced was Kirk Cameron’s book ‘As You Grow,’ which is supposed to have seven books on the shelves, but only four remain. Books noting‘bottomsurgery,’or sex reassignment surgery, an irreversible procedure that forever changes a child’s body in states that allow the surgery, are not beingproperlythoughtout. In adulthood, patients who have undergone the surgery are unable to a c h i e v e s e x u a l gratification, much less be the natural parent of a child.

One book in question thatwas beingreplaced was Kirk Cameron’s book ‘As You which is supposed to seven books on the shelves, but only four remain. Books noting‘bottomsurgery,’or sex reassignment surgery, an irreversible procedure that forever changes a child’s body in states that allow the surgery, not being thoughtout. In adulthood, who ha e und rgone t e surgery are unable to a h e v e s e x u l gratification, much be the natural of a child.


On anonymou thingscontinueasthey h re w n t be any and library have written

s s librarian confided If thingscontinueastheyare, there won

e any conservative librarians left,”andthoselibrarystaff thathaveraisedconcernsto Young have been written up.

County Judge Mark Keough’sofficeconfirmed via a press release that library Executive Director R h e a Y

w a s terminated from her positionasofJanuary29th. Noting that a search will begin to find a library director that will not defy t

County Judge Mark Keough’sofficeconfirmed via a press release that library Executive Director R h a Yo u n g w a s terminated from her positionasofJanuary29th. Noting that a search will begin to find a library director that will defy th requ sts of the commissionerscourts.


“I met with the library director and to terminate her employment with Montgomery County,” Keough “And it is vital that

“I met with the library director and decided to terminate her employment with Montgomery County,” said Keough said “And it is vital to me that

Despite the Executive Director issue, the Montgomery County Memorial Library System has made great strides in the past year, seeing the growth that the county’s growing population has had on the library system, and the library is r

e challenge. The library welcomed over 25,000 new users to the system,whichhas increaseddemand for resources and programs offered at the county s eight locations

Despite the Director is ue, th Montgomery Library has made great strides in past year, seeing the growth that population on the library system, library is res ond ng to th The library welcomed over users the whichhas demand for resources and offered at county s eight ibrary st

80,000 items to their circulation l a s t y e a r , increasing their extensive collection. The digital portion of library has seenanincreasing

80,000 items to their circulation l a s t y e a r , increasing their already extensive collection. The digital portion of the library has seenanincreasing

videos, a

streaming videos,

downloads of p

magazines, and n

s Approximately digital 32,000

d i g i t a l downloads of p o u l a r and new pap rs Approximately 32,000

downloaded last

downloaded last

numbersexpected in2025.



Agencies assisting Conroe PD were the DPS Troopers,theMontgomery C

Agencies assisting

o u n y S h e r ff p a r t e n n d o t o ry o y Constables Precinct1 Sheriff to point protester breaking arrested,

y ConstablesfromPrecinct1 and 2. Sheriff Doolittle was quick to point out that any protester breaking the law would immediately be arrested, and Brett Ligon, M

Mayor Coon, protest, our job Our

o t o ry o y Attorneypassed that protesters officers the law, beprosecutedto them they be which wasignoreduntilone was toget thestreet.” on to th t he e n destruction in and that times came to standstill in As law enforcement startedtowane as the sun dipped rizon, r towards interstate, street to around. The crowd break up at

y DistrictAttorneypassedon that protesters assaulting any officers of the law, wouldbeprosecutedtothe standardsofTexaslaw advised them they needed tobeonthesidewalkwhich wasignoreduntiloneadult femalewasabletogetmost ofthecrowdoffthestreet.” Engle went on to say that there was no destruction of property in today’s event, and that at times traffic came to a standstill in the downtown area. As law enforcement started closing roads the eveningstartedtowanefor the protesters, and as the sun dipped below the horizon, the crowd migratedtowardsW Davis and the interstate, where thestreethadbeenblocked bypoliceforcingdriversto turn around. The crowd started to break up at that point.

Conroe Mayor Duke Coon, released a short statementontheprotest,“I want our citizens to know that our officers did an outstanding job managing this situation. Our city is

safe. To those individuals planning to come to our communitytocausechaos, attack our officers, and break our laws, your

tolerated, and you will be arrested.”

safe. To individuals planning to come to our community chaos, attack our and break laws, your ac ions wi t e tolerated, be arrested.”

“Mayor Coon says he and the City of Conroe's departments including Conroe PD will work to keep the peace,” said Monte Harris Lane, in a Facebook post. “Conroe will work with ICE to enforceanylawsPresident Trump enacts to keep America safe and protected.”

“Mayor he and Conroe's including to peace,” said in a “Conroe anylaws

me i a s f n

So far, no new plans have been announced about any further protests. A total of four individuals were arrested during the

So far, no plans have been announced about further protests. A individuals were arrested the p o es f r i nt

offenses, Ruby Elizabeth Meza, 19, from Conroe;
Hatchett,24,fromConroe; ZainAbedienNaboulsiJr., 55, from Conroe;
Richardson Jr, 26, from Cleveland. One juvenile was also taken into police

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BRYAN-COL EGE Cushing’s y n d o m e o r hypercortisolism, is a

· You may sign up for and contribute to an HAS as long as you have not y

Distributions that are used for other purposes beyond qualified medical expenses are subject to tax and a 20% penalty if you areunderage65.Ifyouare 65 or older you can use your HSA much like a 401(k)andwithdrawfunds for any purpose but will have to pay income taxes on withdrawals made for nonmedicalpurposes.

Medicare beyond age 65, when you do eventually enroll, Medicare will automatically give you six months of retroactive benefits.Thismeansifyou decidetodelayenrollment, you'llneedtostopcontributingtoanHSAsixmonths before you do decide to enroll in Medicare. If you do delay enrollment, this mayalsoimpacthowmuch you can contribute in that final year depending on when in the year you eventuallyenroll.

· You sign up for and contribute to an HAS as long not yet en olled in PartAor

our retirement plan with a health savings for the things Medicare doesn't cover to delay maydepend the

Thinkingahead If you or your spouse have creditable health insurance from a group employer, then you could consider delaying c Medicare enrollment and continuing to contribute to your HSA, even once you turn 65 Something to consider is that if you decidetodelayenrollingin

Your decision to delay maydependonthebenefits

STATION Cushing’s s y n d r o m e o r hypercortisolism, is a condition caused by overproduction of cortisol —ahormonethatregulates stress, metabolism, and immune response While cortisol is vital for normal body function, too much can lead to serious health issues.

ond tion caused by of cortisol ahormonethatregulates stress, metabolism, and While is vital for normal body function, much lead serious health

Two Texas A&M

wo Te as A&M College of Biomedical clinicians Andrew Bugbee, a clinical associate professor internal medicine, and an associate insight this veterinarians diagnose in andcats. The Behind Cushing’s syndrome is commonlycausedbya b

College of Veterinary Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences clinicians — Dr Andrew Bugbee, a clinical associate professor of professor of internal medicine, and Dr Daisuke Ito, an associate professor of neurology provide insight into this condition and how veterinarians diagnose it in dogs andcats. The Science Behind Cushing’s Cushing’s syndrome is mostcommonlycausedbya benign tumor on the en pituitary gland a small, pea-shaped structure located at the base of the brain This form of the

condition, known

s pituitary-dependent hypercortisolism, accounts for85%ofcases.

Often called

Often called the “master gland,”thepituitaryplaysa centralroleinregulatingthe body’shormoneproduction by signaling other glands, including the adrenal

expenses HSA accounts are unique in that they are triple tax advantaged Contributions to an HSA aretaxdeductible,earnings are tax free, and distributions from HSA accounts are tax and penalty free if the funds are used to pay for or reimburse yourself for qualified medical expenses. Pendle Hill Advisors is proud to contribute to the

The annual amount you can contribute to an HSA depends on whether you have single or family health coverage, if you have continual coverage throughout the year, and if you are eligible to make a

UnmaskingCushing’s: Cushing’ UnderstandingThe ConditionAndIts Diagnosis

employer, plan costs or yourcurrenttaxpictureand thetaxadvantagesyougain bycontributingtoanHSA. Notwoindividualsfacethe same situation when it comes to their healthcare benefits Depending on your personal circumstances, goals and budget, an HSA may help you to maximizeyourbenefits.

taxadvantagesyou toan twoindividualsfacethe when to healthcare Depending your personal circumstances, and budget, an HSA may help to yourbenefits. The annual amount you can contribute an HSA on whether have single or family coverage, if you continual throughout year, and are eligible to make a catch-up (for age 55 and older) For 2025, HSA contribution limits are $4,300 for an individual $8,550 for a family Individuals and older can an additional$1,000 catch-up contribution for a total of $5,300 year

RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz

● Increased urinationfrequencyandvolume

● Increased urinationfrequencyandvolume

● Hair loss, often along the chest, flank, and tail

● loss, often the chest, flank, and tail

● Panting, even whenatrest

● Panting, even atrest

● Thin legs a distendedabdomen

● Dark,discolored, or thinned skin on the abdomen

● Dark,discolored, or thinned skin on the abdomen

● Blackheads on theirbelly

● Blackheads on theirbelly

glands, to release hormones.The adrenal glands, locatednext to the kidneys, are responsible for producing hormones that regulate metabolism blood sugar immune responses, and stresslevels.

glands, to release hormones. adrenal glands, locatednext to the kidneys, are responsible for ing that regulate metabolism blood sugar responses, and stresslevels.

“Thepituitaryglandacts like the conductor of an orchestra, signaling the adrenal glands to release adrenal cortisol,” Bugbee said “Whenatumordevelopson the pituitary it sends too many signals to the adrenal glands,causinganoverproductionofcortisol.”

pituitaryglandacts like the conductor of an signaling glands to cortisol,” said “Whenatumordevelopson the pituitary, it sends too many to the glands,causinganoverproductionofcortisol.”

ess commonly Cushing’s results from a tumorononeofthe glands themselves,

as adrenal-dependent hypercortisolism In case, the tumor causes the affected adrenal gland to produce excess cortisol independently of the pituitarygland’scontrol.

Less commonly, Cushing’s results from a tumorononeoftheadrenal glands themselves, known as adrenal-dependent hypercortisolism In this case, the tumor causes the affected adrenal gland to produce excess cortisol independently of the pituitarygland’scontrol.

While larger dogs are more prone to adrenalbasedCushing’s,patientsof any size can develop either formofthiscondition.Both result in similar symptoms but may require different require treatmentapproaches.

While larger dogs are more prone to adrenalbasedCushing’s, of any size can either ofthiscondition.Both result in similar symptoms but may different treatmentapproaches.


Recognizing Signs

Owners should be watchful for the following signs of Cushing’s in their pets:

Owners should be watchful for the following signs of Cushing’s in their pets:

● Increased thirst andappetite

● Increased thirst andappetite

“These symptoms arise because cortisol affects nearly every system the body,” Bugbee said. “Ifleft Cushing’s lead to serious complisuch as recurrent

“These symptoms arise because cortisol affects nearly every organ system in the body,” Bugbee said. “Ifleftuntreated,Cushing’s can lead to serious complications, such as recurrent

pressure, kidney disease, blood clots, or to

pressure, kidney disease, blood clots, or damage to vitalorgans.”

“Abnormalities such as diluted urine, protein in the urine, elevated liver enzymes, changes in white blood cells or high fat levelsinthebloodcanraise suspicion of Cushing’s syndrome,”Bugbeesaid.

“Abnormalities such as diluted urine, protein the urine elevat d liver enzymes, in white blood cells high fat levelsinthebloodcanraise suspicion Cushing’s syndrome,”Bugbeesaid.

● Thin legs with a distendedabdomen Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M Texas University Stories can be viewed on the web at vetmed tamu edu/news/pet -talk.Suggestionsforfuture topics may be directed to

In some cases, large pituitarygland also lead neurologisymptoms.

In some cases, large tumorsinthepituitarygland can also lead to neurologicalsymptoms.

“When pituitary tumor grows large enough, it can press on brain, leading to seizures, vision problems or chang

in Ito said. “This compressioncanalsoaffect animal’s ability to coordinate walking.”

“When a pituitary tumor grows large enough, it can press on the brain, leading to seizures, vision problems, or changes in behavior,” Ito said. “This compressioncanalsoaffect the animal’s consciousness and ability to coordinate walking.”

With its wide-ranging symptoms and potential for severe complications, early recognition and intervention are key to managing Cushing’s syndrome and improvingapet’squalityof life.

With and potential complications, early are to managing Cushing’s syndrome and improvingapet’squalityof life.



Ifinitialtestspointtothe possibility of Cushing's, veterinarians proceed with more specialized tests to examinehowthepet’sbody ismanagingcortisol.

If testspointtothe possibility of Cushing's, veterinarians with more specialized tests to examinehowthepet’sbody is cortisol.

“These tests can yield

“These tests can yield

false positive results, especially if the pet is sick orstressedforotherreasons or the tests aren’t done correctly Bugbee said “That’s why it’s important for veterinarians to carefully evaluate a pet s symptoms and health history before deciding to runthesetests.”

false positive results, especially if the is or forother or the tests correctly Bugbee said “That’s it’s important fo veterin i ns to carefully evaluate a symptoms health history deciding runthese

Cushing’s B


condition early, veterinarians can provide targeted improving a

Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University Stories be viewed on the at vetmed tamu edu/news/pet -talk.Suggestionsforfuture topics may directed to

condition early, veterinarians can provide targeted treatments improving a pet’s quality of life and

Diagnosing Cushing’s requires a careful and methodical approach, as normal aging or other Veterinarians withroutine work to evaluate pet’s organ function bloodcell

Diagnosing Cushing’s requires a careful and methodical approach, as its symptoms often overlap with normal aging or other conditions Veterinarians typicallybeginwithroutine lab work to evaluate the pet’s organ function and bloodcellcounts.

Kent Pendleton, AAMS®


Montgomery Musings

Recently I was reminded of something from my as a kid stationed in West Germany My friends loved the World Wrestling Federation, or WWF; and the (young then) Wrestlemania videos were put on back in the 1980’s, that we watched I remember Wrestlemania IV, when

Recently I was reminded of something from my time as a kid stationed in West Germany My German friends loved the World Wrestling Federation, or WWF; and the old (young then) Wrestlemania videos then) that were put on video back in the 1980’s that we watched I remember ‘Wrestlemania IV,’ when

Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Venta were calling a battle between Ricky ‘The Dragon Steamboat and Greg T

mmer Valentine; where The Hammer pulled Steamboat off the ropes high into the air andhadTheDragonfall flat onto the ring. Gorilla Monsoon announced that Ricky fell right onto his

Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Venta were calling a battle betw en Ri ky T e Dragon’ Steamboat and Greg ‘The Hammer’ Valentine; The Hammer pulled Steamboat off the ropes high into the air and TheDragonfall flat onto the Gorilla Monsoon announced that Ricky fell right his

Weather for the Lake Conroe area


Areasoffogbefore11am.Otherwise, cloudythroughmidmorning,thengradual clearing,withahighnear79.Southwind 5to10mph,withgustsashighas20mph.


Patchyfogafter4am.Otherwise, increasingclouds,withalowaround65. Southwindaround5mph.

Patchyfogbefore9am.Otherwise,mostly cloudy,thengraduallybecomingsunny, withahighnear80.Southwind5to10 mph,withgustsashighas20mph.







Friday ThursdayNight Thursday FridayNight Saturday Sunday

A30percentchanceofshowers.Partly sunny,withahighnear74.

SundayNight Monday


A30percentchanceofshowers.Mostly cloudy,withahighnear63.


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AccountExecutive: M.RyanWest

Photography:MonteWest,RyanJohnson Montgomery Page4,Wednesday,February5,2025,MontgomeryCountyNews

Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Eva Raines, Kim West, Megan WestStultzStudentsandStaffofMISD, and friendsofMontgomeryCountyNews. ©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery,Texas2017-2023

MontgomeryCountyNewsisaweekly locallyownedand operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County Newsat14375LibertySt.POBox1,Montgomery TX77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395.

The Discombobulated Left

‘externaloccipital back the head). “That'll knock you into the of week," said Monsoon was doubtthat Dragon had suffered massive discombobulation. And it made me think for a second That’s what s to Democrats. They are very confused, disconcerted, and overreact to every sentence. Their world, worldview has been upended, and they’re around; like withtheirheads off.

‘externaloccipitalprotuberance’ (or, the back of the head). “That'll knock you out into the middle of next week " said Monsoon TherewasnodoubtthatThe Dragon had suffered a massive discombobulation. And it made me think for a second That’s exactly what’s happening to the Democrats. They are very confused, disconcerted, and overreact to every Trump sentence. Their personal world, or worldview has been upended, and they’re running around; like running chickenswiththeirheadscut off.

The Democrats demand that they set the media narrative in getting their socalled ‘truth’ out to the people, and were at the height of their power being during the covid pandemic, until Elon Musk bought X. Andnow,astheGOPhasthe W

The Democrats demand that they set the media narrative in getting their socalled ‘truth’ out to the people, and were at the height of their power being during the covid pandemic, until Elon Musk bought X. Andnow astheGOPhasthe

Secretary Karoline Leavitt has totally rearranged the media landscape with the addition of ‘new media,’ meaning all those media influencers that I’ve been writing about during the campaign. The new media are those who did not go through the elite schools of

Secretary Karoline Leavitt has totally rearranged the media landscape with the addition of ‘new media,’ meaning all those media influencers that I’ve been writing about during the campaign. The new media are those who did not go through the elite schools of

establishedmedia,orlegacy media, the guys who took themselves too seriously, in knowingly misleading a public with misinformation, they lost their as$es. Now even at the Pentagon, the once permanent desks of legacy media outlets are

establishedmedia,orlegacy media, the guys who took themselves too seriously, in knowingly misleading a public with misinformation, they lost their as$es. Now, even at the Pentagon, the once permanent desks of legacy media outlets are

temporary spots that rotate inwiththenewmedia. The legacy, or Democrat media, orwhateveryouwanttocall it, in their aim for power over the American mind, went to school to be taught the‘FiveW’sandH;’Who? What? When? Where? Why?andHow? Theywere supposed to be instructed to befairinthepracticeoftheir craft. The invention of the fax machine made it all too easyforjournaliststojustsit around and just wait for the news to come to them Emailmadeitevenworse.

temporary spots that rotate inwiththenewmedia. The legacy or Democrat media, orwhateveryouwanttocall it, in their aim for power over the American mind, went to school to be taught the‘FiveW’sandH;’Who? What? When? Where? Why?andHow? Theywere supposed to be instructed to befairinthepracticeoftheir craft. The invention of the fax machine made it all too easyforjournaliststojustsit around and just wait for the news to come to them Emailmadeitevenworse.

funnier when you hear Democratssay,‘Well,who's going to pick our crops, wash our dishes, cars, mow ouryards,cleanourhouses.’ Does that sound racist? Why yes. It just seems that Democrats want a cheap workforcewhowillvotefor them.

funnier when you hear Democratssay,‘Well,who's going to pick our crops, wash our dishes, cars, mow ouryards,cleanourhouses.’ Does that sound racist? Why yes. It just seems that Democrats want a cheap workforcewhowillvotefor them.

Allofthiswashappening while the Democrats were doubling down on DEI and wokeness with the recent elections their party hierarchy DavidHogg,24, the kid from one of those high school shootings in Florida years back, is now the Vice Chair of the Democrat National Committee(DNC). Hewas complaining of the 20 point swingofyoungpeople the GOP during the 2024 election. All of which was lost under an administration thatmade sohardforMom and Dad’s unable to afford the newest cell phones for theirkids. Hoggthinksheis upforthetaskin the kidsback,butthelandscape has changed. And massivelyatthat. Hoggisnota Pied Piper thinking he can steal back the to the Democrats. What does he havetooffer? Definitelynot cell phones. And anyone would be hard pressed to findoutifHogghasactually workedanhonestdayinhis life. At least President Trump worked at McDonald’sandcandriveagarbage truck.

Allofthiswashappening while the Democrats were doubling down on DEI and wokeness with the recent elections of their party hierarchy DavidHogg,24, the kid from one of those high school shootings in Florida years back, is now the Vice Chair of the Democrat National Committee(DNC). Hewas complaining of the 20 point swingofyoungpeopletothe GOP during the 2024 election. All of which was lost under an administration thatmadeitsohardforMom and Dad’s unable to afford the newest cell phones for theirkids. Hoggthinksheis upforthetaskingettingthe kidsback,butthelandscape has changed. And massivelyatthat. Hoggisnota Pied Piper thinking he can steal back the kids to the Democrats. What does he havetooffer? Definitelynot cell phones. And anyone would be hard pressed to findoutifHogghasactually workedanhonestdayinhis life. At least President Trump worked at McDonald’sandcandriveagarbage truck.

powers previouslyhadnot possessedunderBiden.

powersitpreviouslyhadnot possessedunderBiden.

Trump continues with something new everyday, and since the federal government is big enough, there's always gonna be somethingnewtohighlight. Trump and Elon just announced the Department f Government Efficiency or DOGE, has shutdown the USAID slush fund, which stopped stupid spending $1.5MIL to advance DEI in Serbian workplaces, $70K for the productionofaDEImusical in Ireland, $47K for a transgender opera in Columbia, and $32K for a transgender comic book in Peru. The once all is finally added up against all spectrums of the government, is going to be massive, and with Musk an expert on business efficiency making the U S Government as efficient as one of his companies, it’s gonna be incredible Democratpoliticsisallabig scam,andit’sfinallycoming toahead. ThankGod.

Trump continues with continues something new everyday and since the federal government is big enough, there's always gonna be somethingnewtohighlight. Trump and Elon just announced that the Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE, has shutdown the USAID slush fund, which stopped stupid spending like $1.5MIL to advance DEI in Serbian workplaces, $70K for the productionofaDEImusical in Ireland, $47K for a transgender opera in Columbia, and $32K for a transgender comic book in Peru. The savings, once all is finally added up against all spectrums of the spectrums government, is going to be massive, and with Musk an expert on business efficiency, making the U S Government as efficient as one of his companies, it’s gonna be incredible Democratpoliticsisallabig scam,andit’sfinallycoming toahead. ThankGod.

the end of the day, looked discombobulated, with some of his friends (longtime retired educators) chiming in with nonsense just as equal. I wrote a seemingly innocent response subtle but effective. “Just a word of advice It’s best not to immediately overreact to what he (Trump) says. Very many with above average intelligence (falsely giving them hope) wind up with eggontheirface,whentheir thinking processes become commandeered with animal impulses smelling blood; onlytobebaitandswitched by the end of the day I'd advise you to wait to comment, until you know what he has actually done.” In effect I was saying, I saying, ‘Trumpgotyouagain.’

the of the day, looked discombobulated with some of his friends (longtime retired educators) chiming in with nonsense just as equal. I wrote ee ingly innocent response, subtle, but “Just a of advice It s best to immediately to what he (Trump) says. Very many with above average giving them hope) wind up with eggon whentheir processes become with animal impulses smelling blood; onlytobebaitandswitched by the end of the day I'd advise you to to until you know what he has actually done.” In effect was saying, gotyouagain.’

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President Trump is moving so fast, that the legacymediahasnotimeto start countering his moves with planned media attacks, like they used to do with MediaMattersofAmerica’s daily narratives. And now, tariffs are announced on Mexico and Canada, while intellectuals bubble over butaftertwophonecalls,the tariffs are postponed Trumpisincontroloftheall important narratives, and anythingcanshiftonadime. Recently on Newsmax, an anchor was eating tacos onair, while listening to a tape of a woman ranting about deported Mexicans not preparing our tacos and enchiladas. Anditgetseven

President Donald Trump is moving so fast, that the legacymediahasnotimeto start countering his moves with planned media attacks, like they used to do with MediaMattersofAmerica’s daily narratives. And now, tariffs are announced on Mexico and Canada, while intellectuals bubble over, butaftertwophonecalls,the tariffs are postponed Trumpisincontroloftheall important narratives, and anythingcanshiftonadime. Recently on Newsmax, an anchor was eating tacos onair, while listening to a tape of a woman ranting about deported Mexicans not preparing our tacos and enchiladas. Anditgetseven

Trump’smilitarizationof the border has the Democrats running crazy Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth noted the shift of border operations from those conducted in the past. He said, The Defense Departmentwillsupportthe defense of the territorial integrityoftheUnitedStates at the Southern Border.” Democrats have always had the confidence that the regular military could never approach the border But since Trump s declaring of a national emergency at the Southern Border,thePentagonisnow involved, and has federally deputized the Texas Army National Guard with arrest

Trump’smilitarizationof the border has the Democrats running crazy Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth noted the shift of border operations from those conducted in the past. He said, “The Defense Departmentwillsupportthe defense of the territorial integrityoftheUnitedStates at the Southern Border.” Democrats have always had the confidence that the regular military could never approach the border But since President Trump’s declaring of a national emergency at the Southern Border thePentagonisnow involved, and has federally deputized the Texas Army National Guard with arrest

AndthisweekWHPress Secretary Karoline Leavitt tore into Senate minority leader,ChuckSchumer,who is so out of touch with the Americanpeople. Schumer, who has the charisma of a dried-up corn cob, spoke on Monday complaining of the tariffs but his speech had little significance, and no one was listening. He held up a pint of Mexican beer, whining about its increased costs, but that was before Trump’s deal with the Mexican president, making Schumer look a fool. Of course, Schumer cares not for the lives that are being saved by preventing dangerous crossings by illegal immigrants much less forAmericans that will be saved by not having illegals kill or injure legal citizensonourstreets.

AndthisweekWHPress Secretary Karoline Leavitt tore into Senate minority leader ChuckSchumer who is so out of touch with the Americanpeople. Schumer, who has the charisma of a dried-up corn cob, spoke on Monday complaining of the tariffs but his speech had little significance, no one was listening. He held up a pint of Mexican beer whining about its increased costs, but that was before Trump’s deal with the Mexican president, making Schumer look a fool. Of course, Schumer cares not for the are being saved by preventing dangerous crossings by illegal immigrants, much less forAmericans will be saved by not having illegals kill or injure legal citizensonourstreets.

I continue to laugh at friends, you know, those who have multiple degrees, who automatically think theyaresmarterthanyouor me. OnewentoffonTrump with his move on Mexican andCanadiantariffs,andby

I continue to laugh at friends, know, those who have multiple degrees, who automatically think theyare or me. OnewentoffonTrump with his move on Mexican andCanadiantariffs,andby

It’samazinghowyousee these incredibly smart doctors, lawyers, teachers, architects, musicians,allprofessionals, Theyarepeople whohavetobe intheir professions all the time, or they failure. Thereisnothingwrongwith being right all the time in your job. The is, when opinions run outside their little universes ofgroupthink(ofwhichthey were not trained), that’s they get into trouble. A Democrat influenced professional will automatically transfer their thought patterns of right in to their amateurish opinions of a discipline in they havenorealcommandofthe Hence, they make absolute fools of themselves with their thoughts.

It’samazinghowyousee these incredibly smart people: doctors lawyers teachers, architects, musicians,allprofessionals, actors,etc. Theyarepeople whohavetoberightintheir professions all the time, or they risk outright failure. Thereisnothingwrongwith being right all the time in your job. The problem is, when their opinions run outside their little universes ofgroupthink(ofwhichthey were not trained) that s when they get into trouble. A Democrat influenced professional will automatically transfer their thought patterns of being right in their profession, to their amateurish opinions of a discipline in which they discipline havenorealcommandofthe atmosphere. Hence, they make absolute fools of themselves with their thoughts.

Wow IthinkIjust solved the formula on how t explai Dem c at professionals. The ones with degrees, and political mind of a first grader lacking sense.

Wow IthinkIjust solved the formula on how to explain Democrat n professionals. The ones with multiple degrees, and the political mind of a first grader All lacking commonsense.

Rubencanbereachedat: ruben@montgomerycounty

Rubencanbereachedat: ruben@montgomerycounty


Austin,Texas– Senator Paul Bettencourt (RHouston) proudly joins Chairman B

ndon Creighton, author of SB2 and fellow Republican members of the Senate Education Committee in supportingSenateBill2,the Texas Education Freedom Act,markingahistoricstep forward in providing universal school choice to allTexasfamilies.

"An old saying is iron sharpens iron, so shall school choice sharpen the entire Texas education system," said Senator Bettencourt. "Senate Bill 2 empowers parents and prioritizes students success with providing comprehensive educational savings accounts (ESAs) to allow Texas families the freedom to choose the educational environment that best suits theirchildren."Headded.

Key Features of Senate Bill2:

• Universal Access: All Texas students whether entering school for the first time, currently enrolled in public school, private school,orhomeschool—are eligibletoapply

• Prioritization: If applications exceed the 100,000-student cap, 80% of available spots will be allocated to students from low-incomehouseholdsand thosewithdisabilities.

• Funding Allocation: Each participating student will receive at least $2,000 annuallyinanESA.

Students attending accredited private schools will receive $10,000 annually with $11 500 allocated for students with disabilities.

• Accountability and Safeguards: The legislation includes stringent anti-

fraud measures, mandatory background checks for vendors, and robust data protections to ensure transparencyandproperuse offunds.

"By offering ESAs with anti-fraud provisions, we are not only providing choices but also fostering a competitive environment that can lead to improvements across the entire education system” said Sen

"Senate Bill 2 aligns with a growing national movement toward educational choice, that I've seen in 32 other states that have successfully implemented similar programs " He added.

Senate Bill 2 represents years of dedicated effort by the Texas Senate to pass meaningful school choice legislation Previous sessions have seen various

iterations of school choice proposals pass the Senate, but ultimately stall in the Texas House However, with the continued leadership of Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick and the strong support of Governor GregAbbott, this session presents a unique opportunity to finally deliveronthispriority

"On a historical note, I pa

a tax credit scholarshipoutoftheTexas Senate in 2019, so the Education Committee has been promoting versions of school choice for 6 years. I expect the Texas Education FreedomActtomovetothe flooroftheTexasSenatefor debate following todays hearing under Senator Creighton's leadership." He concluded.

If you are looking for a littlebedroomactiononthe weekends until February 9th, I know of a place in Montgomery County, where you can get some. Waitasecond!! Thatcame outwrong. Butthereisone placeinConroe,whereyou can see some bedroom action,thatwillmakeyour cheeks sore before you leave the place. What the heck is wrong with this opening?!! Yeah,that’snot gonnaflyeither Let’sjust tellyou,beforeanyonegets into trouble that The Players Theatre Company in Conroe has a wonderful production of ‘Bedroom Farce,’ which involves three bedrooms and four couples. Hmm, yeah, you can guess what's gonna happen;buttrulythere'sno realhanky-pankygoingon. Well maybe a kiss, and a wife in a towel after a shower. But that’s it Really Phew! The play was written by British p l a y w r i g h t A l a n Ayckbourn in the mid1970’s, so you will hear references to ‘tea,’ eating fish in bed, as well as see real rotary dial phones ringing that have actual lines to the wall. Oh, and we meant the ‘cheeks’ on either side of your nose, and not the other You know lol.

If you love to laugh, which is exercise by the way, you are gonna love Bedroom Farce Bedrooms are generally private, thank goodness; and contain things like beds,bedbugs,andpeople. Scratch the second one for


this review s sake and don’t forget phones, dialogue and some nice costumes. Yougottohave something funny said to laugh, and the cast loves laughter, since it lets them know they are doing an excellentjob. Somecallit instant gratification Whichisgoodforthegood folksonstage,tryingnotto laugh themselves You know,unlessthedeliveryis absolutelyperfect.

Three bedrooms make up the set with imaginary walls, the same color as WonderWoman'sinvisible jet, which looks breathtakinghangingintheSmithsonian. Theactorstakegreat care not to hit the walls, because with the furniture placement like in Ernest (MarkWilson)andDelia’s (Peggy Sampson) bedroom,well,itcangetalittle tight. EandD’sroomison the right by the way, and theycanbeclassifiedasthe m


e celebrating an anniversary night. In the middle you have Nick (Shawn Havranek) and Jan (Erin Wright) with Nick confinedtobedwithaback injury Poorguy,doesthat hurt? They are a younger couple, but haven't been together all that long. On the left, you also have a younger couple, Malcolm (Jeff Merriman) and Kate (Cindy Sipple), who are readying to throw a party, in a room that needs some attention.You ought to see theinvisiblewalls,thereis alotofworkneeded. They kidaroundwitheachother, which is lovable The fourth couple in this tale, Trevor (Jamie Ballard),

and Susannah (Mandy Hall), we’ll see them in a fewseconds. Hangon.

TheplaystartsasErnest and Delia prepare for their anniversary dinner night out, but Ernest is concernedwithalltherain,and the state of his gutters and moisture gathering in the house. Thereissomesmall talkoftheirsonTrevorand his wife. When the action shifts to the left bedroom, Malcolm and Kate, who are in the midst of preparingfortheirhousewarming party,realizethattheyhave both invited the infamous fourth couple, which causesastir,becauseofthe constant disruptions that TrevorandSusannahcause atparties. RightafterKate finishes her shower, and is in nothing but a towel, Trevor pops into the bedroom to start venting, forcingKatetoseekshelter underthecoverofthebed. In the meantime, Trevor,




CornerstoneChristian AssemblyofGodofConroe, locatedat100MosswoodDr., Conroe,Texasinfrontof RiverPlantation.936-2731755 NewLifeAssemblyof God,RabonChapelRoad, Montgomery,936-588-3399


unaware of her predicament, jumps onto the coversrightbesideher All wecansayis,beprepared. We then move to the middle bedroom, where Nickhashurthisback,and is bedridden unable to move His wife Jan is Trevor s ex-girlfriend which makes it even more interesting She arrives and readies herself for Malcolm and Kate’s party, planning for a short stay Jan leaves Nick a book to read as, but it falls to the floor, and eventually results in his painful drop to the floor that makes the situationevenworse. And those Old English hardwoods make a distinct noise when a human thuds onto it It’s a wonder Nick’s not paralyzed Nappy time, bro. Back at MacolmandKate’swefind Susannah in bed with covered Kate, with Sus panickingaboutgettingold

Sundays@9:30AM&11 AM@lonestar.tvandclick onWatchnow


and unattractive. Really?

Switching back to Ernest and Delia’s side, they’ve arrived back from dinner, deeply disappointed with complaints galore. They finallysettleon‘Sardineon Toast in Bed in bed?

Yuck. And there is talk of s-e-x, but I’ll leave that to you to get the joke. Plus there is so much more that willhaveyourolling.

B e d r o o m F a r c e guarantees you ll have a great time, and you might actually want to do some preparatorystretching. Be sure and exercise your neck,jaw andcheeks,you know; the ones to the left andrightofyournose. The actionandlaughpointsare constant, so be ready at all times. You’ll be amazed who winds up in bed with who,andwhathappensina particular bed. Here’s an idea, make a bet amongst your party, about who winds up in Ernest and Delia’s bed. You’ll find out who is a clutz in assembling things, and which couple contorts themselves, and so much more. It’scleanandhonest fun, and it will give you a great frame of reference to use, should you ever wind up in a situation just as what happens on stage Hopefully you have no troubled couples in your family

Director Jean Ciampi did a wonderful job with heractors,andbroughtout the best in them The vision she had for her players delivered some powerful unique characters, with comic abilities that pleased the audience with boisterous laughter,


ery Montgomery TX77356

allfortheobjectofcreating fun, and, with just a little hintofpain. Ow! Ciampi is an accomplished writer herself, and it would be nice to see a production of her work someday at The Owen. The set was nicely done, and The Players Theater continues to impress in that arena. The bedroom walls that are not invisible represent the houses that are maintained by the individual households. Malcolm and Kate areinafixer-upper,sotheir bedroom wall has some wallpaper that is falling down,andwallsthatneeda coatofpaint. KudostoSet DesignersRogerOrmiston and Jeff M

iman, Costume Designer Amy Bogan for some awesome eveningandnightwear,and to Props MistressAmanda Louchart for actually finding some rotary phones. Goodjoball! The Players Theatre Company production of BedroomFarcewillsetyou up for a pleasant night's sleep. It’s another home run for The Players 20242025 Season and MCN highly recommends you take in a show So, if you are looking for a little bedroom action on the weekends. Oh, don’t get started with that again! Bedroom Farce runs until February9th.

For more information and tickets, visit: playerstheatrecompanyco m or 936-539-4090 for tickets.

Ruben can be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount


HeritageBaptistChurch 19087LakeMt.PleasantRd, Montgomery77356

Phone:PastorBear936 448-4027

GaryChapelBaptist Church POBox125,Montgomery, Texas77356,5525Spring BranchRoad,Montgomery

713-478-1256,SundayBible Class10:00am,Worship Serviceat11:00am.



Study9:30a.m.Worship Service10:45a.m.

SundayEveningWorship 6:00p.m.

St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedinDobbin, P.O.Box112,Montgomery, 77356 936-449-0845 BenuiBaptistChurch,

ScottRidgeandFM1097, Montgomery AntiochBaptist, ChinaGroveBaptist Church Willis,936-767-4744

Hwy105W.,Montgomery, 936-597-4230 BethelRoad,Montgomery 936-597-4668

ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation), 1501NorthFrazier (McKenzie'sBBQ), Conroe, Texas,Phone:936-494-5775, www.churchofthegoodsoldier org. Worship:Sundayat 10:30am,SundaySchool:9:30 am,

ChurchatMontgomery (GlobalMethodist) OakHillsJrHigh 19190KeenanCutoffRd.

HoneaBaptistChurch, FM2854,Montgomery 936-588-1260 JonesChapelBaptist FM2854,936-756-2505

MinistriesCornerofFM149 &FM1097W.Montgomery TX77356Prayer/Sunday School9:30amSunday Service11:30amWednesday Pray/BibleStudy6:30pm

thewoodlandsmethodist.or g/montgomery


Mt.CalvaryBaptist, FaithBaptistChurch


About11miNof Montgomery onFM149

CATHOLIC UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards,Texas SacredHeartCatholic

109N.Frazier,Conroe, 936-756-8186

Dobbin,936-597-5560 FirstBaptistChurch

OldHwy105,936-5882330 936-894-2223

CR213,Stoneham, Mt.SinaiBaptist,

St.Mary’s Catholic FM1774,Plantersville, SundaySchoolallages 9:45am,ChurchService 11:00am,WednesdayBible StudyandYouthGroup6pm 936-894-2223 7:45Service St.Joseph’sCatholic,


CongregationBeth Shalom,5125Shadowbend Place,TheWoodlands, LUTHERAN



Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944

LivingSaviorLutheran Church-LCMS309PondSt. Montgomery77356Church phone:936-597-8013Web:

Montgomery TX 77356

MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch 22548Highway105West Phone: 936-597-6162


RichardsUnited MethodistChurch





ZionChurch, SundayServices10:30am

1308S.Hwy1486, Dobbin, Montgomery,TX


LivingWayChurch, SundayWorshipat6:00pm


67½AprilWindS., 20350FM2854

Montgomery TX77316

LivingBranchChurch, Admin@TCMontgomery.o rg

AprilSoundChurch Montgomery,936-5827700

Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-3400

NewBeginningBible Church, AprilSound,936-5882832

LighthouseFellowship Church, 19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-597-8921 CarbonChurch,

TransformationChurch Montgomery 6639FM1696Richards 2080LongmireRd, Conroe

Highway105W,Lake Conroe,936-588-4660

WaldenCommunity Church,


Meetsat18961Freeport DrMontgomery


HopeTabernacle Thursday7:30pm


CommunityAnd Interdenominational

LoneStarCowboy Church

21627EvaSt.Montgomery TX77356(936)597-5742


WeaverServiceTimes: Sundays@8AM,9:30AM& 11AMMondays@7PM


12400WaldenRd,Walden, 936-582-6696

Services9:30and11a.m. RiverofLifeChurch




LakesideBibleChurch, Montgomery,936-5821977 ChurchofSt.John, 18940FreeportDrive

retreatandwildlifecenter, CornerstoneChurch, (936)597-3949

SeniorPastorDaleTalbert WatchusliveSundays @fellowshipofmontgomery.on line.churchorfollowuson Facebook@thefmchurch! EPISCOPAL

1803HighlandHollow Conroe,936-756-8831 St.JamestheApostle Episcopal, ServiceTimes:Sundaysat 9:30am&11am/Wednesdays at6:30pmforChildren& StudentMinistries 2615St.BeulahChapel Rd.,Montgomery,936-5975757 936-689-3141 TheGraceChristian OutreachCenter




to take place on Payment and pickup at facility Storage Rentals of

1964 Northpark Dr Ste J, Kingwood, TX, 77339 ROSS, TARYN. Hubbard, Piara.

brown,Cynthia. PerryJame,Darrell. PerryJame,Darrell. Stout,Anita


NoticeisherebygiventhatLettersTestamentaryfortheEstateofBRENDALEEBASS,Deceased, wereissuedonJanuary16,2025inCauseNo.24-47203-PpendinginProbateCourtNo.1,MontgomeryCounty TexastotheApplicant:WhitneyKindrick.

All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them within the time and manner prescribed by lawWhitney Kindrick, Representative of the Estate of BrendaLeeBassc/oTheWoodlandsLawFirm,2219SawdustRd.,Suite803TheWoodlands,Texas77380.


/s/GwendolynSimpson,AttorneyforRepresentative PublishedDate:February5,2025


NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE of property to satisfy landlord's lien. Sale is 10:00 am on 2/18/2025. Property will be sold to highest bidder at the time of auction. Cleanup

Household items, and boxes Contact Lockaway Storage - 105, 6421 Hwy 105 W Ste A, Conroe Tx 77304,281-560-4331.



Public Notice: Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, New Caney Self

Storagelocatedat22020SouthparkSt.,NewCaney TX77357willholdapublicauctionto satisfyalandlord'slien.ThesalewillbeheldonlineFebruary15th,2025at10:00amCSTat,31,51,70,74,82,and 122willbeaccepteduntil2/27/202504:00PM(CST).Propertybeingsoldincludescontents in spaces of following tenants: Unit 15- Aubrey Baker - Household items; Unit 36- Maria Alamanza-Household items;Units51,70,74-SamanthaPaszkowski-Household items; Unit42-JenniferGraedel-Householditems


Notice of Public Sale

Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, TJO 10 X 10 Management, Ltd Managingpropertieslistedbelowwillholdapublicauctionofpropertybeingsoldtosatisfya landlord's lien The sale will begin on or about the time indicated at

goods/misc items in spacesforthefollowingtenants:

WednesdayFebruary19,2025at12:00pm ValleyRanchSelfStorage@21910ValleyRanchCrossingDr.,Porter,TX,77365



NoticeisherebygiventhatStorageKingUSAat18318U.S.59NewCaney,TX77357(281)968-2102 willsellthecontentsofthestorageunitslistedbelowatapublicauctiontosatisfyalienplacedonthe contents (pursuant to Title 5, Liens Chapter 59 Sec. 59.044). The sale will take place at the website www.StorageTreasures com on 02/20/2025 at 9:00am The sale will be conducted on www.StorageTreasures.comundertheguidanceofChristopherRosa(16850)onbehalfofthefacility's management. Units will be available for viewing prior to the sale on

Contentswillbesoldforcashonlytothehighestbidder A10-15%buyer'spremiumwillbechargedand a$100cleaningdepositperunit.Allsalesarefinal.Sellerreservestherighttowithdrawthepropertyat any time before the sale or to refuse any bids. The property to be sold is described as "general household items" unless otherwise noted. Alvin Stephenson- boxes, DeAndree Degree- boxes, Michelle Barker- boxes, furn, Sheila Vargas- furn, boxes, Angelica Jimenez- boxes, Sharon Warren-furn,StaciaHolmes-boxes,CurtisStiles-boxes PUBLIC NOTICE OFAUCTION



NOTICEOFPUBLICSALEofpropertytosatisfylandlord'slien. Saleis10AMon2/18/25. Propertywill

besoldtohighestbidderatthetimeofauction. Cleanupandremovaldepositmayberequired. Seller reserves right to withdraw property from sale or not accept any bidder Property will be sold in entire contents of each individual storage unit. Property includes contents of spaces of following tenants: LacyMSturek. Propertybeingsoldincludesthefollowing:Couchandheadboard.ContactLockaway StorageLittleEgypt,11219LittleEgyptRd.Conroe,Texas77304,(281)658-7655

PublishedDates:January29andFebruary5,2025 CITATION BYPUBLICATION – CIVIL

Cause Number: 24-08-13091

ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService

MelisaMiller ChristopherJ.Archambault

P OBox2985

Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77057



NOTICETODEFENDANT:"Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Ifyouoryourattorney doesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.ontheMondaynext followingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuanceofthiscitationandpetition,adefault judgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."


YouareherebycommandedtoappearbyfilingawrittenanswertothePlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionator before10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuanceof thiscitationthesamebeingMonday the10thdayofMarch,2025beforethe457thJudicialDistrictCourt of Montgomery County Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's OriginalPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe26thdayofAugust,2024,inthiscase,numbered2408-13091onthedocketofsaidcourt.




Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Barbara A. Slaughter Deceased, were issued on January 30, 2025, in Cause No. 24-47698-P pending in the ProbateCourtNo:1,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to: MaryL.Norred.

All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw c/o: GinaA.Price,AttorneyatLaw 101Simonton,Conroe,TX 77301.

thDATEDthe20 dayofJanuary,2025.




StateBarNo.: 16287350


Conroe,TX 77301

Telephone: (936)756-5511

Facsimile: (936)441-5745






NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersTestamentaryfortheEstateofJUNELLVERN MORGAN,Deceased,wereissuedonJanuary29,2025,inCauseNo.24-47669-P pendinginCounty Court,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to:


Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit:Youareherebynotifiedthatasuithasbeen brought for breach of contract, damages, and attorney fees by Plaintiff, Artavia North Village Homeowner'sAssociation,Inc.,byandthroughitsattorneyofrecords,ChrisArchambault,ofPorterLaw Firm, 2603 Augusta Dr Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77057, against Defendants Miguel Lopez and PaulinaMartinezViloriaandanyotherpersonclaiminganyright,title,orinterestin15005LaStradaDr Conroe, TX 77302 and legally described to wit: LOT THIRTY-SIX (36), IN BLOCK TWO (2), OF ARTAVIA, SECTION 10, A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THEMAPORPLATTHEREOF RECORDEDINCABINETZ,SHEET7577OFTHEMAPRECORDS OFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXASasismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitiononfileinthis suit.

Theofficerexecutingthiswritshallpromptlyservethesameaccordingtorequirementsoflaw andthe mandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects.

IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thisonthisthe 21stdayofJanuary 2025.

MelisaMiller DistrictClerk

MontgomeryCounty Texas and

PatriciaIvey 1/21/20244:08:30PM


Cause Number: 24-08-13091 CITATION BYPUBLICATION – CIVIL



thDATEDthe29 dayofJanuary2025.

Cleveland,Texas77328 ANGELAFAYEMORGAN







All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law All persons having claims should address them in care of the representative at the address them in care of the representativeattheaddressstatedabove.





MelisaMiller ChristopherJ.Archambault

P OBox2985

2603AugustaDrSuite900 Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77057


NOTICETODEFENDANT:"Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Ifyouoryourattorney doesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.ontheMondaynext followingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuanceofthiscitationandpetition,adefault judgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."

To:MiguelLopez ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService

YouareherebycommandedtoappearbyfilingawrittenanswertothePlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionator before10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuanceof thiscitationthesamebeingMonday the10thdayofMarch,2025beforethe457thJudicialDistrictCourt of Montgomery County, Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's OriginalPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe26thdayofAugust,2024,inthiscase,numbered2408-13091onthedocketofsaidcourt.


ArtaviaNorthVillageHomeownersAssociation,Inc.arePlaintiffs and


Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit:Youareherebynotifiedthatasuithasbeen broughtforbreachofcontract,damages,andattorneyfeesbyPlaintiff,Artavia

The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects. North Village Homeowner'sAssociation, Inc., by and through its attorney of records, Chris Archambault, of Porter Law Firm, 2603 Augusta Dr Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77057, against Defendants Miguel Lopez and Paulina Martinez Viloria and any other person claiming any right, title, or interest in 15005 La Strada Dr Conroe, TX 77302 and legally describedtowit:LOTTHIRTY-SIX(36),INBLOCKTWO(2),OFARTAVIA,SECTION10,A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLATTHEREOF RECORDEDINCABINETZ,SHEET7577OFTHEMAPRECORDSOF MONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXASasismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionon fileinthissuit.

IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe




TO: The unknown heirs of the ESTATE OF: TERRANCE MARTIN GOODPASTURE, Deceased;TheEstateofMartinOlenGoodpasture

GREETING: You are commanded to appear and answer to the Second Amended Application for Determination of Heirship and for Letters of Independent Administration filed by NancyGoodpasture,atorbefore10O'clockA.M.ofthefirstMondayaftertheexpirationof Ten (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable Probate Court#1ofMontgomeryCounty attheCourthouseinConroe,Texas.Saidapplicationwas filedonFebruary03,2025.



Thenatureofsaidproceedingbeingsubstantiallyasfollows,towit: 24-47558-P

Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.

GivenundermyhandandsealofsaidCourtinConroe,Texasonthisthe3rddayofFebruary, 2025.

(SEAL,ProbateCourt#1) L.BrandonSteinmann,CountyClerk

MontgomeryCounty Texas

By:/s/BrandiDuron 2/3/202511:27:23AM

PublishedDate:February5,2025 BrandiDuron,DeputyClerk

RJOALynHowardWinsEndowment DollAuctionatTXUDCForum!


Submitted by RJOA C

man of Pu

Ch rman of P b ic Relations: Elaine Collings,

ic Relations: Elaine Collings,


HOWARDissurroundedby her Chapter and is holding

the “Prize Winning”

Endowment Doll, that was gifted toTexas Division for

the Annual Auction by the Rebel Joan OfArc Chapter LYN was highest bidder at the recent Texas Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy Forum, in Waco, Texas LYN HOWARD is Charter Chaplin, and also held officeas2ndVPofScholarships for her Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapter LYN is the recipient of the Judah P


on several RJOAPinprojects.

Benjamin Award from The UDC Nationally. MRS HOWARD also serves as Co-Chairman on several RJOAPinprojects.

HOWARD serves on the Doll Committee, with KAREN DeBERRY, and TX of the Endowment Doll: ELAINE COLLINGS.

LYN HOWARD serves on the Endowment Doll Committee, along with KAREN DeBERRY, and TX Div Chairman of the Endowment Doll: ELAINE COLLINGS.

Seventy Plus Chapters

Seventy Plus Chapters


Thisweekwehaveacute sister duo, Savannah 4, and Everly3,whowererecently with their parents at Whataburger in Montgomery recently Savannah demonstrated her ABCs to MCN and received a warm applause,plussheisableto count to 15 before skipping 17, but she put in a worthy effort Savannah enjoys

duo, Savannah received a worthy effort start and a good and claims

beingabigsister Everlyis gonna start on her ABCs soon, and knows a few numbers in Spanish Savannah’sfavoritecoloris pink, while Everly loves pinkandpurple. Blaineand Belle are good friends of both sisters Savannah loves ‘Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir a cartoon series, and Everly loves ‘Frozen.’ Savannah loves to fish, and claims to

have a thaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttt

It’s pretty doesn’t into water, fished Everly a named Yorkie and MCNs‘KidsoftheWeek’.

have caught a fish thaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttt big. It’s pretty big Everly doesn’t fish, but does fall into the water having to be fished out. Savannah and Everly have a small dog named Lucius who is a Yorkie Good Luck Savannah and Everly, and Congratulations on being MCNs‘KidsoftheWeek’.

TX Division UDC orum nd ve th to win Award Winning Year towards Chapter History and Educapurposes. The andherChapterhaveabrass added on the Glass Display Doll Case of each year Thus, a “Honor History” of is

attend TX Division UDC Forum and have the opportunity to win this Award Winning Doll for a Year towards their Chapter use for History and Education purposes. The Winner andherChapterhaveabrass plaque added on the Glass Display Doll Case of each year Thus, a fine “Honor Roll History” ofWinners is permanentlyrecorded.

All proceeds to Texas Of for their

All proceeds go to the TexasDivisionChildrenOf The Confederacy for their needs.

Joan Of Arc h pt r s un e th Leadership of LEHR, who TX. Div of for Forum President LEHR was also iv n i pi a io a to all at Business Session Rebel Joan Arc the Highest attendance of present. The spirit devotion of these can seen and wherever

The Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapter is under the d Leadership of President JENNY LEHR, who also served as TX. Div Chairman of Registration for Forum RJOA President LEHR was also asked to give an inspirational message to all Chapters at the Business Session

Again, The Rebel Joan Of Arc Members were the Highest attendance of any Chapter present. The spirit and devotion of these elegantRebelBellescanbe seen and felt wherever they go.

Chairn C N H A CONNERS, spearheaded 276pairsof

RJOA Veterans Chairm a n , C Y N T H I A CONNERS, spearheaded gathering276pairsofSocks

for “Warm Feet for Warriors”thatweredeliveredto Forum from the RJOA Chapter HerCommitteeare AN


for Feet riors”that deliveredto Forum from HerCommitteeare AN TA EN ELAINE COLLINGS, You CYNTHIA!


Chairman KELLY the Piggie the Contest and collecchapterfundsforthe TX Of and upcoming Convention nee s $ 3 47 w collectedanddonatedbythe

Chairman KELLY HALL decorated the Piggie Bank for the Contest and collectionofchapterfundsforthe TX Division Children Of The Confederacy, and their upcoming Convention needs $137 47 was collectedanddonatedbythe RJOA Chapter in “RJOA MISS DIXIE MAE PIGGIE”.

She was a rare beauty as Swine would have it…and glamorizedtothehiltintrue RJOA Style! THANK YOUKELLY!


LYN HOWARD also gave all her sisters a single Red Rose, and displayed a Pair of Heart Shaped Glasses representing ELAINE COLLINGS, who

Candy gifted by CHARLOTTE BELIN and LYN HOWARD Door P i by O N SUMMERS & DIANNE K D UX i h winners being KAREN DeBERRY, JENNYLEHR, and BELIN. LYN also gave all her a single Red Rose, and displayed Pair of Heart Shaped Glasses representing ELAINE COLLINGS, who couldn’t

wished been with Everyone contributes to the festivi-


Leaving town several RJOA stopped Texas Historical Markers along the KELLY the Confederate History Treasure!

Rebel “private Slumber Parties” high-light theirtrips. Most were out their RED PJ’s and Slippers, see what surprise them Heart of





RJOA Searching, Learning,

The Rebel Joan Of Arc “private Slumber Parties” are always a high-light on theirtrips. MostBellesweredecked out in their RED PJ’s and matching Slippers, anxious to see what “gifties” their sisters would surprise them with.HeartshapedBoxesof Candy were gifted by CHARLOTTE

LefttoRt:CynthiaConnors,DonnaSummers,DarlaSharer,MaryLeeMalek, JennyLehr,DianneKebodeaux,KarenDeBerry,“Belle,EndowmentDoll”,Lyn Howard,EvelynMiller,DaneanMyers,KellyHall,ChrissyBarton,andCharlotte Belin.

This week’s Veteran is Matthew Setchell who servedintheU.S.Marines Corps from 2009–2016 2009–2016 Matthew s job was an AssaultVehicle Mechanic, which is important, because you have to have vehiclesintopconditionto be able meet the tough conditionsthattrainingand the combat zone demand. Matthew graduated from The Woodlands High Schoolin2005,anddidhis basic training in an honor p

served have to to training combat demand.

Pendleton California making him a West Coast Marine Setchell was stationed with the 2nd Marine Division, 2nd

him Setchell the 2nd mp

s Bravo

Battalion, Bravo Com-

Platoon. He completed a machine gunners course, and trained hard. He was

p LeJeune, North Carolina, in the same job, and same division, since the 2nd MarineDivisionmaintains battalions on both the east and west coasts. Setchell was in pre-deployment

e trained was a p in same and maintains east was training at Californian is area simulating and been during service L t a

training at 29 Palms in the Californian desert, which is a very realistic training area in simulating combat conditions Over the conditions decades, many dozens of Marines and Soldiers have been killed during training exercises. Since leaving the service Matthew has worked as a part-time commercial driver, and private security for General Motors. Good Luck Matthew, and Congratulations on being MCNs ‘Veteran of the Week’.

Picturedltor–CurrentChapterPresidentDavidHamaker,NolanRayMaxieand Hamaker wifeBobbieJeanMaxie,ChapterTreasureDonHayesandVice-PresidentEd Sellards

TheFreedomChapterof the Sons of the American Revolution held their monthly chapter meeting onJanuary28,2025.There wasagreatturnoutforthis meeting.Among the many awardsandtheinductionof our new members, we had the distinct honor to recognizeoneofourown.

Patriot that served or contributed to the American Revolution era This chapterstartedoutsmallas do most organizations. We have grown quite a bit since the chapter started to being the second fastest growing chapter in the nation.

Patriot or contributed American Revolution This chapterstartedoutsmallas do most We have grown bit since to being fastest growing in the nation.

TheFreedomChapterof the Sons the held to Thepurposeofthe of American Revolution preserve our Revolutionary War Patriot promoting serving our educatand inspiring future generations the founding of our Country In our heritage,weare-

§ Remembering Our Past…. By honoring those who served or assisted the colonies assisted during the Revolutionary War

Our By those served his to Nolan Ray of Jean chartered the Sons 1 the Revolution a history back

§ Promoting Core Values By protecting our Constitution and perpetuating American idealsandtraditions.

Nolan Ray Maxie received his 45-year service pin and certificate to our great organization. Nolan Ray Maxie along with the help of his wife, Bobbie Jean Maxie, chartered the Sons of the American - Freedom Chapter March 1 1986 The Sons of the American Revolution is a lineage organization to trace our family history back to a

Thepurposeofthe Sons of the American Revolution is to preserve history and honor our Revolutionary War Patriot Ancestors by promoting patriotism, serving our communities and educating and inspiring future generations about the founding principles of our Country In promoting our heritage,weare-

Free Trees, 500 bare root trees bagged and 50 + potted trees Pecans, Bald Cypress, Black Cherry, Bur Oak, Eastern Redbud, and Buttonbush Plant care instructions provided by MontgomeryCounty 936-5397824

Place: Founder s Park, CornerofMainStand205 Metcalf St, Conroe, TX 77304 Thepost2025February 22, Conroe Arbor Day appeared first on Mont- first gomery County Master Gardeners. provided MontgomeryCounty Day

§ Shaping Young Minds….Byeducatingour youth about the Constitution and those who developed the American idealsandtraditions.

service to Young Constituthose

Wewishtocongratulate Nolan Ray Maxie on his many years of service to this great organization and lookforwardtomanymore yearsofhisservice!

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