The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) Energy Division State Energy Program (SEP) Guidelines & Application Forms for Energy Audit Grant January 4, 2021 – July 31, 2021
The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) Energy Division in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has authorized an incentive program to subsidize the cost to Alabama’s K-12 schools, local governments, eligible non-profit organizations and small business for completing an energy audit of their eligible facilities. The energy audit will be performed by Southface Institute who has been pre-qualified by the State Energy Program (SEP). Participants in the SEP Energy Audit Program (the Program) will be responsible for the cost of implementing specific energy improvements recommended in the energy audit. This funding covers Energy Audit cost only. The Program is restricted to buildings that are owned or under long-term lease (3 to 5 years and occupancy as stated above. Although open to small private sector businesses, preferential treatment will be given to municipal entities, schools, and nonprofits. All municipal and county governments, local and regional authorities, K-12 schools, Section 501(c) nonprofit agencies, and small businesses must be physically located in the State of Alabama to participate. This document is an all-inclusive package of program guidelines and application forms. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to funding availability. Please send all applications to:
The ADECA Energy Division, SEP c/o Southface Energy Institute, Inc. Attn: Hugh Magande, Technical Principal 241 Pine Street NE Atlanta, GA 30308
You may also email application forms and/or request for information to: with the subject heading, The ADECA Energy Division, SEP Application 2021
Introduction: The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) Energy Division manages the State Energy Program (SEP) for Alabama by the authority of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The SEP is a formula grant used to reduce energy consumption in Alabama. The Energy Division is accepting applications from qualified organizations to receive an energy audit (per ASHRAE 211) for facilities in Alabama, with a focus on K-12 schools, local governments, non-profit organizations, and small businesses. The applicant (if selected) will receive an ASHRAE level II energy audit of their respective facility; all audits will be covered by the ADACA SEP grant. The program is being managed by Southface (contact information as listed above). ADECA (the Administrator) reserves the right to extend, modify, or terminate this Program without notice. Modifications may include, but not be limited to, eligibility requirements or overall funding. Objective: This grant is utilized to plan and execute energy audits in Alabama and is a step towards achieve statewide energy goals such as lowering energy costs and consumption, decreasing reliance on imported energy, reducing impacts of energy production and use on the environment and to increase energy security and reliability. Funding will cover the audit but NOT the implementation of audit recommendations. Eligibility: In order to participate, the following criteria must be met: 1. Applicants must be an incorporated unit of local government (municipalities and counties), K-12 public school systems, a non-profit organization or a small business in Alabama. a. Specific to non-profit organization, for the purposes of this grant, a non-profit is one that uses its surplus revenues to further achieve its purpose or mission, rather than distributing its surplus income to the organization’s directors (or equivalents) as profit or dividends. b. Non-profit applicants must have the status of a 501(c) organization and be tax-exempt to apply. 2. Submission Information: a. All applications must be received no later than 12:00 p.m., June 18, 2021 via email at the following address: A confirmation of receipt will be emailed after submittal. b. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit electronic applications in advance of the deadline. Applications submitted after the deadline due to technical difficulties will not be considered. Overview: The Program will: 1. Eliminate the upfront cost of energy audit (ASHRAE Level II). 2. Provide guidance to selected entities on retrofit options and energy savings potential. 3. Provide training on the fundamentals of building Science to one individual (designated Green Champions) per facility.
Limitations: Auditees selection is based on a first-come, first-served, and case-by-case basis. If a selected entity has multiple cancelations for scheduled site visits, the Program reserves the right to discontinue the award of said audit. Extensions may be granted on a case-by-case basis.
Contact Information (Please complete the info below for the primary contact for this application.) Primary Contact Name:
Applying Entity:
Designated Representative (if applicable) Contact Name:
Contact email:
Contact Office #:
Contact Mobile #:
Organization Information: Organization Name:
Street Address:
Building Ownership Lease or Own:
If Leased, length of lease:
Improvements, Maintenance and Capacity Explain the organization’s most recent experience with building improvements:
List the organization's deferred maintenance items, if applicable:
NOTE: If interested in participating in the above-mentioned program, once the preapplication information (in the table above) is received, a full application form will be emailed to you under separate cover.