Monthly Progress | January 2014

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Volume 69 – No. 1

January 2014









As I get older, it amazes me how fast time February 8 —Winter Fest & Board of Governors Election A Family-Style Dinner-Dance seems to fly. We are now in the year 2014! It does not seem that long ago that we were be- February 22nd—Youth Soccer Banquet Sunday, March 2nd Celebrate our soccer teams ginning the year 2000 and it seemed amazing. 11:00am Much has happened in these 13 years in the March 2nd—Annual General Meeting OPEN TO ALL MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING world, in our own lives and in our club life. We Keep up to date with our organization! KEEP UP TO DATE ON THE all know what has occurred in the world and I March 16th—St. Patty’s Party WORKINGS OF OUR ORGANIZATION ask you all to reflect on your own personal life Gather your family & grab a few pints to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! and appreciate the good things. There are Food and beverage will be available for many! March 29th—104th Anniversary Banquet purchase following the meeting. But I am going to reflect on our club life. Celebrate our past & look to our future! As always the bar will be fully stocked for You will note as you read this article, that even May 14th—Spring Penny Party your convenience. though we have taken up the banner A chance to win many prizes, this event is sponsored by our Women’s Auxiliary! “CONTINUING A PROUD TRADITION,” over the years, for various reasons, some of our tradi—ST. PATTY’S PARTY— May 31st—A Night In Vienna* tions have changed or been abandoned. Take a trip to Austria for one night only. Sunday, March 16th Experience the flavor & atmosphere of To greet the year 2000, our Entertainment “The City of Dreams”! Committee under chairman, Kathi Noel, Gather your family & grab a few pints to th offered us a “Sailabration” cruising the Carib- June 15 —Soccerfest/Father’s Day Picnic celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! Celebrate with dad & play a beautiful game! bean, Germany and USA. We cruised aboard Good old St. Patrick gives us the reason to th the SS Millennium singing and dancing to the August 8 —Golf Outing celebrate with all the excitement of “Fore!” Enjoy a round of Golf with friends! music of the Heimatklänge Orchestra. It was a nd SunDay FunDay! wonderful evening to celebrate an ending and August 22 —Seafood Fest It’s O.K. to be “shellfish.” Indulge in some great a beginning with family and friends. The GerUNITED GERMAN HUNGARIANS seafood at this fest! man Hungarians continued celebrating New th th th Year’s Eve in our clubhouse until December 31, September 27-28 —136 Oktoberfest —104 ANNIVERSARY BANQUET— Ice cold beer! Bavarian food! Musik & 2011 which was the last time we did so. Perdancing! Soccer games & loads of fun! Saturday, March 29th haps in the future, we will once again celeSeptember 27th brate this event. th th Cocktail Hour (cash bar) 44 German-American Steuben Parade On March 25, 2000 we celebrated our 90 March Proudly! Hors d’oeuvres – 6:00pm Anniversary. Over the years at various anniversaries and celebrations, those interested in October 11th—Rocktoberfest* Dinner Served – 7:00pm Rock On! the written word have written accounts of our Musical Entertainment Provided by: past. In 1985 at our 75th Anniversary, we pubOctober 25th—Schocktoberfest A Halloween party won’t be too Schock-ing! lished a detailed account of our existence and five years later, in 1990 at our 80th AnniverNovember 1st—KIRCHWEIHFEST A Special Performance by the: sary, we concentrated on the last five years. It The most Important Traditional German Hungarian Event! GERMAN HUNGARIAN DANCERS was then decided to publish a book every five years in order to insure that the history of the November 19th—Fall Penny Party Ticket Price: $60.00 per person A chance to win many prizes, this event is sponsored UNITED GERMAN HUNGARIANS not be forby our Women’s Auxiliary! gotten. We have continued this throughout RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: the years and it is my wish that when we, old- December 12th—Club Christmas Party A special event of Christmas cheer featuring our timers, who made this decision are no longer Contact: Kathi Noel | 215.368.3221 Cultural Group, a special Nativity scene here, this traditions will be continued!!! _____________________________________________________________________________________________


Heimatklänge Orchestra

& a visit from Santa.


Note: The schedule of events is subject to change * These dates are tentative


January 2014

Monthly Progress

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What We Can Celebrate This Year! Another year is over. A new one is beginning. After 104 years it may feel like we have dragged on and repeated ourselves year in and year out. It would be easy to argue that our traditions have become commonplace or our events and social club livelihood is no longer lively. Striving for optimism I will not let a single one of you forget the many reasons we can celebrate in Two Thousand Fourteen!  104 Years as a club centered around our German-Hungarian background! Though we celebrate this accomplishment with a banquet in March, we can celebrate all year long!  92 Years as a Club at the forefront of Amateur Soccer in the USA! May our men and women move forward as elite examples of Soccer. (1922)  75 Years under the name of United German Hungarians of Philadelphia and Vicinity. Let’s explore our previous and current names and why they are important. (1939)  68 Years of the Monthly Progress. We hope you enjoy this 69th Volume! (1946)  68 Years at our current property. (1946)  49 Years of the Cultural Group. We can use the successes of the past to move the contemporary members forward both in skill, knowledge and dedication to their craft! (1965)  49 Years since the US National Amateur Cup Championship. (1965)  49 Years since the groundbreaking of our current clubhouse! (1965)  41 Years since the destructive fire of our Clubhouse. (1973)  38 Years of our Schuhplattler Group. (1976)  15 Years since USASA Open Cup Championship, and the First Place Schuhplattler Prize at the Gaufest in St. Paul. Lets bring together both teams from 1999 and celebrate the success and teamwork we are capable of!  7 Years since the first First Place Schuhplattler Prizes both Gruppen and Einzel, at the 2007 Gaufest in Hershey!  3 Years since the US National Donauschwaben Tournament Championship won at home in Oakford! (2011)

Congratulations are in order to Amy Heller, Katie McCoy, and Alyssa Antonelly and the Neshaminy Girls Soccer team for the 2013 PIAA State Championship! Amy, Katie and Alyssa are all players on the German Hungarian under 17 girls team. Great work boys! The Philadelphia Union Summer Select Program has selected Brendan Callahan, Luke Evans and Jimmy Sweeny, players on the GH boys under 11 team, and Brett Rajkowski and Justin Rod, players on the GH boys under 10 team. The training program will take place in the summer of 2014 in Downingtown, Philadelphia and Reading, PA.

The GH Cultural Group Moves Forward with Preparations for a Successful 2014! As many of you know, our dance group is a close knit unit of lifelong friends that enjoy working together. Lately we have been preparing a very special performance for the 104th Anniversary Banquet in March. I don’t want to say too much, but I can tell you that it is choreographed by Marlene Fricker and it is definitely different than anything we are used to. We are having an awesome time learning the dance, and we are so excited to share it with all of you!!! Also in March is the Jugend Einzel which is being held in Connecticut this year. We will be attending this competition with as many couples as we have, because it is a good experience to put yourself out there and to show how much you have improved over the past year. This is also a chance to spend a day with all of our Schuhplattler friends from all over the east coast. The Night in Vienna is coming up as well. This event is something that is looked forward to by not just the dancers, but by some of our older members, especially our grandparents. Three of my grandparents along with many other members, spent a portion of their lives living in Pasching, Linz, Peuerpach, Bischofshofen, and Vienna, Austria. The dancing that we will do on this night will portray the beautiful music and architecture of this scenic country. I believe that we, the German Hungarian Cultural Group, are lucky to be involved in so many different types of dancing and culture. We can do a traditional waltz like Strauss’ Morgenblätter, we can perform a Schuhplattler in front of hundreds of people at the Gaufest, and we can complete three fast polkas at the Landestreffen. All of us are so thankful for the people who help us to become well-rounded individuals. Looking back on the past year, I remember all the fun times we’ve had at the Oktoberfest, Kirchweih, Landestreffen, Schwaben Abend, German Day, Gaufest, many outside jobs, and other fests held by other clubs. I can’t wait for another year with the German Hungarians! Karina Fricker

—CONGRATULATIONS— On January 13, 2014, at the Hatboro Baptist Church Jeffrey Dieterly was honored with the highest Scouting award in the United States, the rank of Eagle Scout. Jeff has been a member of Hatboro Troop 3 since he was eleven. Congratulations Jeffrey!


German Information America is a online community organization that while located in Philadelphia aims at becoming a nation wide promoter and supporter of German-American culture. According to, “German Information America (GIA) was created as a grassroots, online organization to support businesses and organizations that promote Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein.” The website,, includes, a business directory, calendar of events and a business spotlight. There are also a main and sports blog included on the site. These various sections draw from the exciting information of clubs, organizations and business across the country to create a database of sorts that can promote the culture. While a few articles have been written by our Monthly Progress staff, the United German Hungarians have also been featured in the Business Spotlight. In November of last year your publicity and editorial committee submitted information for our club to be In 2014 let’s make even more memories included. You can find the write-up here. and reasons to celebrate! May we always be Find out more about GIA here: Continuing a Proud Tradition as German Hungarians! Michael

—THE CULTURAL GROUP— Come Out & Dance! | Arrange a Performance!

All Ages Welcome! Please Contact:

Susi Hartmann, Chairman

215-514-8536 |

January 2014

Monthly Progress

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—A LOOK TO THE PAST CONTINUED— In the year 2000 our Executive Board consisted of President Werner Fricker Jr. (who was also President of the Eastern Pennsylvania Soccer Assoc. 1990-2002), Vice President Andrew J. Weyershaeuser, Secretary William Galgon, and Treasurer Michael Wagner, who had been elected in 1998 and had been reelected in March of 2000 and 2002. Board of Governors consisted of Chairman Werner Fricker, Heinz Guckert, Jim Pack, Joseph S. Reiter, Marlene Blank, Claudio Tovaruela, Anna Ehling, Emily Fricker, Al Nothum, Andrew Weyershaeuser, Steve Brenner, Lou Fruehauf, Julius Menhardt, John Reiter, Dennis Wilfong and Honorary Life Board Member John Weber. Now in the year 2014 our Executive Board consists of President William Galgon (elected in 2004), Vice President Andrew J. Weyershaeuser, Secretary Janet Malofiy, and Treasurer Michael Wagner. Only four of those in 2000 remain on the Board of Governors. The Committee Chairmen have changed over the years although many remain chairmen of various committees or are now committee members. Our three Auxiliary Groups were as follows: Andrew J. Weyershaeuser, Soccer Director (still remains in this position now in 2014); Women’s Auxiliary Chairman Anna Ehling (retired from this position in 2007 and Connie Reiter was appointed and continues to today); and Janet Malofiy Chairman of Cultural Group until 2012 when Susan Hartmann took this position). Of those mentioned above John Weber, Werner Fricker and Julius Menhardt have passed away. At the 90th Anniversary Banquet on March 25, 2000 we celebrated the winning of First Prize Plattling of our Schuhplattler Team consisting of John Reiter and Karen David, John M. Blank and Janet Malofiy, Sasha Malofiy and Susan Hartmann, Rolf Stielow and Lisa Fricker, John Hubert and Connie Reiter with Bill Simon and Chris Tokarski as alternates; Marlene Blank as Coach; and Jack Mattes as Accordionist. This prize was won at the 17. Gaufest, July 1 to 4, 1999 in St. Paul Minnesota. At the 18. Gaufest in 2001, our prizeplattling team placed 4th. In 2003 as we hosted the 19. Gaufest in Philadelphia, and we placed 2nd and were invited to Ingolstadt, Germany to compete at the “Bayerische Loewe” and placed 5th. In 2005, always building toward the future, we added twenty three year old Michelle Galgon, seventeen year olds, Werner Fricker III and Alex Blank and sixteen year

old Dan Galgon to the Preisplattling team of seasoned veterans, John, Lisa, Rolf, Susi, Ed, Karen, Janet and Connie. Since 1993 we had placed in the top four. Now we placed seventh. In 2007 at the 21. Gaufest in Hershey, PA, our Prizeplattling team of John Reiter and Connie Reiter, Alex Blank and Janet Malofiy, Rolf Stielow and Susi Hartmann, Werner Fricker III and Lisa Fricker, with alternates Bill Simon and Karen David, Dan Galgon and Nichole Blank, Maria Antoniak as accompanist and Marlene Fricker as coach won First Prize. Janet and Sasha Malofiy won First Prize in the Einzelplattler. This group prepared for a trip to Germany in 2008 to again compete for the “Bayerische Loewe” where they placed sixth. In 2009 at the 22. Gaufest in Toledo, Ohio the team placed 5th and in 2011 in Orlando, Florida at the 23. Gaufest, they placed 8th. Since 2005, the group slowly changed from the original seasoned veterans to new young and talented dancers and in 2013 at the 24. Gaufest in Sandusky Ohio, the group of eight young dancers, all under age 25 competed and placed 6th. Werner Fricker III and Allysa Reiter placed third in their age group of einzelplattlers and won a bronze medal. Steve Paul placed third and Emma Walter placed third in the youth Einzel and both received pins. It was also announced that our club would place a bid to host the 26. Gaufest in 2017. This bid will be made in May 2014. Our understanding is that another club is also making this bid. In 2000, at the same banquet we also celebrated the winning of the USASA Open Cup Championship by our Major Soccer Team – Mike Curley assistant coach (now Head Coach), Kurt Schmidt, Bob Wilkinson (Coach), Pat McCallion, Alex Peev, Ed Woehicke, Harold Ivery, Pat Morris, Cesido Colasante, Robert Henes, Ray DeStephanis, Paul Centofanti (Captain), Joe Veneziale, Dave Steinbach, Terry Malone, Rich Million, Mark Eckert, Josh Viel, Chris Bohn, Andy Barrett, Dan Murtagh, and Dan Ryan. This occurred in St. Louis, Missouri on July 16, 17 and 18, 1999. In the year 2000 our Major Team won the Inter County League Championship and in 2001 they won the Amateur Cup Championship of Eastern PA while the Senior Women won the Region I Open Cup Championship and traveled to the National Finals in July. Our Women’s Soccer Team had been in existence for twenty five years. In the past five years they had made great strides winning fourteen consecutive state titles and numerous league championships under team coach John

Koschewitz with Andy J. Weyershaeuser as manager and Walt McClinton as advisor. The team won the Region I Amateur Title for 2002 and were runners up and Silver Medal winners of the US Amateur Soccer Association’s Amateur Cup losing to the St. Paul Blackhawks of Minnesota at the National Finals in 2002. We now had a Major A and a Major B team who were competing in the league and cup games. We had fifteen adult and youth soccer teams playing in league, indoor and cup competition. In 2004 our Senior Women traveled to Florida to compete in the US National Open Cup as a “Wild Card Team,” and lost to a strong California team. Over the years, our club has been the host to many soccer events. We have often hosted the Region I Soccer Cup Finals most recently in 2010 and the USASA National Soccer Cup Finals in 2000, 2002 and 2010. After returning to play in the United Soccer League, our Major Team won the Championship of the United Soccer League for the seventeenth time in 2010). The team also finished as finalist in the East Pa US Open Cup and as Semi-Finalist in the Region I Open Cup. Major Team Coach is Mike Curley and the manager is Werner Fricker III who also serves as General Secretary of the United Soccer League (elected in 2010). Major Captain was Jason Karasow. Team members were: Brian Blesi, Brian Bowers, Blair Carson, Dave Castellanos, Sanaldo Carvalho, Kevin Coleman, Jim Davis, Zak Fayer, Matt Hemberger, Jason Karasow, Ben Marucci, Andrew Meehan, Ptah Myers, Tim O’Neill, Jeremy Ortiz, Tony Rod, Kevin Sherry, Dave Straub, Ryan Tadley, Eric Talbot, Ryan Tarrant, Ken Tomczuk, Will Thornton, and Andrew Weyershaeuser. In addition to the Major Team, the club operated the Ultra Men’s Team, the Premier, Over 30, Under 23, Fury Major Women’s Team and Dragon Women’s Team. ef (TO BE CONTINUED) —MONTHLY PROGRESS— founded by Ted Kereczman† in 1946

Published by The United German Hungarians of Philadelphia and Vicinity 4666 Bristol Road, Oakford, PA 19053 Phone: 215-357-9851 Fax: 215-357-1560 Web Site: President: William Galgon 1641 Loretta Avenue, Feasterville, PA 19053 Publicity/Editorial: Emily Fricker, 654 Manor Drive, Horsham, PA 19044 267-470-4828,

January 2014

Monthly Progress

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U.S. Soccer Names Richard Groff 2014 Werner Fricker Builder Award Winner On Thursday January 9th, the United States Soccer Federation announced the recipient for the 2014 Werner Fricker Builder Award. This year the award, described as “U.S. Soccer Federation’s Highest Honor” will be presented to Richard Groff. A Pennsylvania native, Mr. Groff is currently President of the US Adult Soccer Association, a position he won in 2010. U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati told this, “Richard has worked tirelessly for well over 20 years to advance the sport of soccer at every level in the United States.” Groff said this about the award and its namesake, ““I am incredibly honored and humbled to join the previous outstanding recipients of the Werner Fricker Award. Werner was my first soccer hero, mentor, and most importantly a friend. I share this honor with all the passionate soccer volunteers that helped to promote the U.S. National Team matches, and expand the opportunities for players at youth, adult, and professional levels.” ( Read More

In the first issue of the Bavarian Club Newsletter, President Alexander Paraker wrote in his message, “Vielen Dank to you all. We would like to extend our thanks to the whole U.G.H. organization for making us feel at home.” In return a thank you is certainly in order to the Bayern Club for their support and friendship! As 2014 begins do not forget the exciting entertainment the club has planned.

Every first Wednesday of the Month - 5:30pm to 7:30pm

January 18th—Winter Wonderland Dance Dance music by Maria & John

February 5, 2014 March 5, 2014 Ash Wednesday—FISH FRY

$10.00 for adults | $5.00 for children —WINTERFEST— Saturday, February 8th Schnitzel Dinner 6:00pm Band/Dancing/Trivia 7:00pm Performance by the Cultural Group

Dance music by Tom Groeber

Adults: $25.00 Children (5-10): $17.00 RESERVATIONS are REQUIRED

March 15th—St. Patrick’s Day Dance

Call Kathi Noel at 215.368.3221

Dance music by Tom Groeber

Trachten Attire Preferred


February 15 —Maskenball/Valentines Dance


April 12 —Spring Dance Dance music by the Emil Schanta Orchestra

April 23rd—Penny Party Sponsored by the BVV Ladies Auxiliary Doors open at 6:30pm

May 17th—Member Appreciation Dance Dance music by the Heimatklänge

—SPRING PENNY PARTY— Wednesday, May 13th Doors open 6:30pm Numbers called 8:00pm Tickets: $3.00 Includes coffee and cake

June 21st—12th Anniversary Dance Dance music by the Emil Schanta Orchestra

ALL DANCES 7:00pm TO 11:00pm


RESERVATIONS are REQUIRED Call Emily Fricker at 267.470.4828

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