www.ughclub.us | facebook.com/GermanHungarians | twitter.com/UnitedGHSoccer
A. MALOFIY, J. REITER, & B. WILKINSON ELECTED TO BOARD OF GOVERNORS STEVE PAUL RE-ELECTED AS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD On Sunday, March 1, 2015, the United German Hungarians of Philadelphia and Vicinity held the Annual General Meeting in the dining room of the club in Oakford, Pennsylvania. A moment of silence was held after the opening of the meeting. After the roll call and the reading and acceptance of the 2014 minutes, the President made her report. A number of items were touched on, however a few things stood out. While our finances do show a profit for the year 2014, the taxes are as of this printing not paid. The President informed the membership that a fundraising drive is being organized in order to deal with this matter. She urged all members to support this. It was also reported that the Executive
Board has been in the process of researching the feasibility of downsizing our current clubhouse and the grounds it rests on. This new and exciting development, we were reassured will take into account the needs of all of our members, and auxiliary groups. The nominating committee then presented the nominees for the expired terms of the Board of Governors. Alex Malofiy, John Reiter, and Bob Wilkinson were elected to fill those terms. They were unanimously elected. We wish them luck in the positions. As stated at the AGM, the president believes that, “Progress and change is essential for survival.” Here at the Monthly Progress we wholeheartedly agree!
Saturday, March 28 Cocktail Hour (cash bar) Hors d’oeuvres – 6:00pm |Dinner Served – 7:00pm Musical Entertainment by the
A Special Performance by The
$60.00 per person R E S E R VAT I O N S R E Q U I R E D : Contact: Cindy Proll | 267.566.7239 | clproll@verizon.net
MARCH 2015
—CULTURAL GROUP— First Performances – 1965 Next Performance – 2015
On Sunday, May 16, we held our first Folk Dance Festival, which was titled “MAY FESTIVAL.” There was a great turnout and one of the best parts of this affair was the various game booths, which were enjoyed by all the children. We also held a raffle. The prizes were a soccer ball and two Tyrolean dolls. Another interesting event was the climbing of the May Pole. Although many tried, only a few succeeded. At 5:30 our dance groups performed. Most of the girls were dressed in blue with a small white flower print and a yellow apron while others were in off-white with a rose print and a rose-colored apron. The boys were dressed alike in white shirts, green tie, and gray slacks. The maypole and the stage were decorated with beautiful flowers. The two groups performed four folk dances and the most beautiful part of all was the winding and unwinding of the ribbons during the May Pole Dance. It was beautifully executed and the children received hearty applause. All the mothers and fathers of the dancers helped make this event a success as well as those who worked in the booths; those who prepared and sold food both inside and outside the clubhouse; the various committees – entertainment, bar, sports, ladies; the musicians and all who helped in any way, however small. Last but not least, the wonderful children in the dance groups who worked diligently for three long months. We were very proud of them. Practice resumed after a two-month vacation. The kids were happy and eager to get back to work. We welcomed many new children and our two groups remained divided into 5 to 8 year olds and 9 to 13 year olds. We began practicing for the ‘JAHRMARKT-KIRCWEIHFEST” (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3)
MARCH 2015
—MONTHLY PROGRESS— Founded by TED KERECZMANN† in 1946 Published by the United German-Hungarians of Philadelphia and Vicinity
4666 E. Bristol Road | Oakford, Pennsylvania | 19053 215.357.9851 | www.ughclub.us |ugh.club@comcast.net
Editor: MICHAEL FRICKER 8 Sugar Maple Lane | Horsham, Pennsylvania | 19044 267.736.4390 | mfricker@ughclub.us
President: JANET MALOFIY 14 Sugar Maple Lane | Horsham, Pennsylvania | 19044 267.718.0059 | jfmalofiy711@hotmail.com
Closing Date for Next Month’s Issue:
MARCH 25, 2015
MONTHLY PROGRESS NOW ONLINE WITH ISSUU.COM While our membership is strong its demographics are changing. It is important that we grow and change with it. We are, as a club, growing younger every year in members as we grow older in experience. Even our elders are embracing technology and many have made the jump with this publication to the digital method of receiving it. This short article will introduce you to the next step in that process. Issuu is an online digital free publishing platform. What issuu offers is the ability to access the content of the uploaded publication on any device. Media outlets like “The New York Times” are partnered with issuu. As a whole, issuu has over 21 million publications. The German Hungarians Monthly Progress is the next one. In addition, issuu has unlimited storage space that will allow our members access to previous volumes, issues and articles of our great paper. With the 75th Anniversary just five years away, this can be a great tool to keep an archive of our “official organ.” Those members who receive the newspaper via email will still have access the same way. There will still be a monthly email from the editor with the link to the file. The only difference will be that that link will take you to our profile on issuu.com, in particular the most current issue. There you can read the paper in the issuu reader. As always the most current Month will still be available on our website at www.ughclub.us The members who have paid for the newspaper to be mailed through the US Postal Service will still receive the publication in that manner. The hope is that this tool can benefit us in keeping a public record and getting the most current social information to you as members through the Monthly Progress! Michael www.ughclub.us
Werner Fricker Jr. Elected to National Board of Directors of US Adult Soccer Assn. On February 13, in San Francisco, California elections took place for the at-large seat on the US Adult Soccer Association’s Board of Directors. Our vey own Werner Fricker Jr. won the election unanimously. Arthur Mattson, who held the seat previously was elected Vice President of the association in the same weekend. Mattson, of Florida, won the election over our friend Fritz Marth of New Jersey who is currently the Region I Director. Fricker is currently, in addition to holding the seat on the board, the National Cups Chairman. We wish him luck in both of his positions and are very proud of our own members and their exploits with our umbrella organizations!
EXECUTIVE BOARD Janet Fricker Malofiy, PRESIDENT Andrew J. Weyershaeuser, VICE PRESIDENT Nichole Blank Deely, GENERAL SECRETARY Michael Wagner, TREASURER BOARD OF GOVERNORS Steve Paul, CHAIRMAN Emily Fricker Lisa Fricker Werner Fricker Jr. Barry Harvey John Hubert Alex Malofiy Kathi Noel Renny Papendick Joseph S. Reiter John Reiter Bob Wilkinson COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN HOUSE, Werner Fricker III GROUNDS & FIELDS, Alex Blank BAR, Sasha Malofiy KITCHEN, Connie & John Reiter ENTERTAINMENT, Cindy Proll FINANCE, Werner Fricker Jr. MEMBERSHIP, Joseph S. Reiter (WEBSITE & TECH) PUBLICITY & EDITORIAL, Michael Fricker AUXILIARY GROUPS SOCCER, Andrew J. Weyershaeuser CULTURAL GROUP, Susi Hartmann WOMEN’S AUXILIARY, Marlene Fricker
—CATHY FORD HONORED— City All-Star Chapter of the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame On Tuesday April 7, Cathy Ford will be inducted into the City All-Star Chapter of the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame. The City All-Stars is an Eastern Regional Chapter and hosts it’s banquet at the Cannstatter Volksfest Verein. Doors open at 5:30pm and tickets are $50.00. You can contact Mike Polin at 215.601.7045 if you wish to make a reservation. The German Hungarians are very proud to have Cathy inducted into the Pennsylvania Hall Sports Hall of Fame. To this date only two hall of famers have been inducted for soccer. They are the well known Walter Bahr, and Ray Buss of Fleetwood Area High School. We want to congratulate Cathy on this honor and thank her for all her years of commitment to soccer at our club Keep on playing, coaching, and continuing traditions. .
—EPSA CELEBRATES 100— German Hungarians to participate in East Penn Soccer Association’s Centennial Banquet & Hall of Fame Induction On Saturday, March 21 at the Desmond Hotel in Malvern, Pennsylvania, the Eastern Pennsylvania Soccer Association will hold their 100th Anniversary. As part of the evening East Penn has elected to create a Hall of Fame to honor, those individuals that have helped build and develop soccer in our area. Amongst the honorees are our own, Werner Fricker, Walter McClinton and Walter Bahr. Tickets for the Banquet are $60.00. The banquet begins at 6:30pm with a cocktail reception and then will continue with dinner at 7:00pm. If you would like to attend, please contact Club General Secretary Nichole Deely to be included in our tables for the evening. She can be reached via email at nichsmalls@hotmail.com or telephone at 215.806.1998.
—EPSA IN REGION I CUPS— Both the State Champions for 2014-2015 are USLPA clubs. We would like to wish West Chester and Erzgebirge luck in the Region I rounds of the Werner Fricker Open Cup and US Amateur Cup respectively! On April 26, West Chester will take on the Maryland Champion and on April 19, Erzgebirge will take on the New Jersey Champion. More details about these matches will be printed in the upcoming issues of the Monthly Progress.
which was scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, September 18 and 19. The couples who participated were: Herbert Menhardt and Debbie Bradley Richard Michi and Heidi Menhardt Bobby Walter and Lorraine Walter Werner Fricker and Betty Ann Kempf Marty Wendel and Barbara Bradley Tommy Heck and Debbie Menhardt Stevie Blank and Renate Weissgerber Stevie Paul and Vicki Fischer Fred Weber and Betty Baranyos Anthony Wagner and Mary Weber Joe Weissgerber and Rosemarie Muller Paul Serwo and Patty Noel Herbert Michi and Julie Ann Wagner Michael Wagner and Ruth Kreutzer Stefan Muller and Linda Muller Otto Fischer and Kathy Wagner Florian Kempf and Marlene Fricker John Blank and Kathy Serwo This was the beginning! We continue this proud tradition with a special performance by our Cultural Group 50 years later at our 105th Gala Anniversary Banquet on March 28! (SEE PAGE 1 FOR DETAILS) ef
—JOIN OUR CULTURAL GROUP— The Cultural Group is 50 years old and is still a rich learning environment for the young people of our club. For most of our members, it is in the Cultural Group that they “earn their stripes,” in our organization. Taking part in the group is not only a way to learn a variety of dancing but also get to know the many young people that are our future! Come out and join them, you will not regret it! Practices are on Tuesday Nights at 7:30pm at the clubhouse! For more information on joining our group or arranging for a performance, please contact our Cultural Group Chairman, Susi Hartmann at seppnsusi@aol.com or Schuhplattler Group Vorplattler, Alex Blank at blank4488@aol.com.
—KINDERFEST & SUMMERFEST— Saturday, June 6 - Our club will be hosting the Mid-Atlantic Kinderfest this year! Our children in the cultural group are excited to entertain their old friends and make many new ones! All children in the club are encouraged to attend! The evening will include a Summerfest for our older dancers, members and friends. More Information will be available soon! We hope you and your children can attend! www.ughclub.us
MARCH 2015
Support Our Teams
Saturday, April 11 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Tickets: $30.00 Includes Beef, Beer & DJ Entertainment For Tickets or More Information Contact:
Cindy Proll 267.566.7239 | clproll@verizon.net ENTERTAINMENT REVIEW:
—FRIDAY FISH FRY— We have a tradition of saying, “A fun time was had by all” in this column. It is a unique phrase because not only is it assumed but also it does capture the feelings majority of us have when we take part in a club function. On Friday, February 20, we held a Fish Fry at our expansive clubhouse and it was a quaint little affair. John Reiter and Sasha Malofiy cooked us a fish dinner. Of course, they had help from numerous women and some of our young girls in prep work and selling dinners from our window. My brother Werner III and I took turns serving beer, wine and soda (a couple of aperitifs as well) from the satellite bar we set up in the dining room. The radio we played through the house speaker system and more so than the meal the guests enjoyed each other’s company. All in all, only a few families took part. They names of those families were: Blank (Alexander), Deely, Fricker (Emily included), Herbert, Malofiy, Paul, Proll, Reiter, and Walter. This is not a scolding of those that did not attend. This is merely a record of who did. All of those names and a handful of others support everything we do as a social organization. They should be recognized. We had a great social evening amongst those families and the friendship between them. The food was good, the drinks merry and the people warm. That said we were swimming in an ocean much too large than what is healthy. Maybe we need to be swimming in a fishbowl. Michael |
SANDWICHES FOR ALL! Active members already know that the Kitchen Committee, under Connie and John Reiter hold a weekly sandwich board on Tuesday nights. Sandwiches and other quick meals are served from 6:30pm in the clubhouse usually for around $5.00. Chips and a pickle are included. All members are encouraged to take advantage of this great service when coming to the club on Tuesday nights for dance or soccer practice, meetings of any sort or simply just to be a socially minded member of our club!
—ST. PATTY’S PARTY— Friday, March 13 6:30pm Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at the United German Hungarians
Sunday, April 19
—SCHNITZEL NIGHT— Every first Wednesday of the Month - 5:30pm to 7:30pm
A Delicious Schnitzel Dinner (Includes Two Side Dishes Plus a Salad, Bread & Butter and Coffee or Tea)
Wednesday, April 1 Wednesday, May 6
The Bayerischer Volksfest Verein has a colorful schedule of events coming up! Feel free to attend their affairs for some great music and dancing and maybe a cocktail to two!
Wednesday, May 13
Saturday, March 21
$10.00 for adults | $5.00 for children
(Dessert is Available for Purchase | Fully Stocked Cash Bar)
with music by the Jolly Bavarians
Have a great dinner with the Schnitzel-Boy at the UNITED GERMAN HUNGARIANS
Sunday, March 22 at 4 PM
Schnitzel! The Favorite Treat!
Set-Up: Wednesday Morning—10:00am
Women’s Social Gathering & Business Meeting
with music by Don Bitterlich Saturday, June 20
13 ANNIVERSARY DANCE All opinions expressed in this publication are that of the
with music by the Emil Schanta Band
author and are not endorsed, except where noted, by the
All dances 7:00pm to 11:00pm
Philadelphia and Vicinity.
RESERVATIONS are REQUIRED Call Emily Fricker at 267.470.4828 —WOMEN’S AUXILIARY—
Saturday, May 16
Monthly Progress or the United German Hungarians of
Tickets: $3.00 Includes Coffee & Cake
Saturday, April 18
Doors open 6:30pm Numbers called 8:00pm
SPRING DANCE with music by Don Bitterlich
For Little Boys & Girls to Eat!
MARCH 2015
Sunday, March 22 1:00pm April and May Dates to be announced! FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Marlene Fricker, Chairman | 215.275.4991
Please Note: Beginning April, the 2015 Membership list will take effect in regards to the Monthly Progress. Those members who did not re-subscribe to receive the newspaper via US Mail in 2015 will not receive the April Issue.