3 minute read
The Fine Arts Department offers a basic background in the visual arts The goal is the development of fluency in the fundamental language of art - the elements and principles of design - and the development of technical ability in various media and art forms The results are broadened perception; a sharpening of critical awareness and appreciation; enhancement of expressive ability; and creative problem-solving skills. The student gains insight into himself or herself via his or her experiences in expression
960 ARTI (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 9
Art I is a course designed to introduce the beginning art student to the principles and elements of art through various projects A general overview of the history of artwillbecovered Eachlesson discussed will correspond with a project that stresses thisinformationinconnectiontotheprinciplesandelementsof art The focus of the lessons will be on value, contrast, color, depth, form, placement, and balance The students will learn about two-dimensional art The focus will be on drawing and an introduction to painting
970 ARTII (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 9,10
Art II familiarizes the student with theelementsandprinciplesofdesignwithafocuson3Dart Successis measured by proficiency displayed in application of the elements and principles of design. Students will have the ability to create various types of art forms including sculpture and painting Students willbegin with a focus on painting and will branch into the study of 3D art. The students will develop skills in creating sculptures with air dry clay and will end with an introduction to pottery Thecourseissuggested for students interested in further art study. This course will allow students to further develop skills they learnedinArtI
983 AdvancedPainting (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 10,11,12
This is a painting class designed to continue building skills that have been acquired in Art I and Art II Prior art experience is required. In this course, students will first learnthefundamentalsofmixingcolor. They will create a series of value scales that will help them understand color and value within painting Next, the students will create one large canvas painting of their choice. The students will learn the focus needed to create a large scale painting Lastly, students will work together as a group todesignandpaint one mural The mural will either be on a wall or on multiple large panels As an additional part of the course, students will study the history of murals, streetart,basicacrylicpaintingtechniques,andvisualart conceptsincludingscale,perspective,andcolortheory
Grade: 9,10,11,12
Digital Design and Photography will encourage the students to use computer art as a means of personal expression. It will provide students with an introduction to communication throughtheuseoftechnology and Adobe programs Students will learn basic techniques in the areas of graphic manipulation and photography. The course focuses on design and photocomposition,understandinglight,manualshooting, and graphic design In this class, the students will use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Fresco to explore digital design and photography. It is not required that the student has a digital camera but heorshemust have some device to take photos outside of the classroom You are required to have astylusfortheipad The controls for the programs are small and closetogethersoitwillberequiredtouseastylusinorderfor theprogramtoworkcorrectlyonyouripad
983 MULTI-LEVELART (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 10,11,12
Multi-Level art is a unique course that allows students to follow their passion and interests inexploringa particular chosen artistic field of study Students of various disciplines and levels of expertise will work within the same class This will foster the growth of a vibrant artistic community Studentswillbeableto share their diverse approaches to their own particular medium, and process Artistic cross pollination will blossomfromdailywork,dialogueandformalcritiques Thisisaclassthatwillalsobenefitthosewhoseek artistic careers. It will provide the opportunity to create a unified body of artwork, and will help to strategize art portfolios for admission tocollegeartprograms Theclassisopentostudentswithaninterest in the following fields of study: Painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, video, illustration, ceramics, pottery, fashion design, and graphic/commercial design The students will be guided bytheinstructorbut the students are responsible for the creation of project ideas and approaches to completing them. Prerequisites for a focus in drawing and/orpaintingwillbeArtI. Forotherdisciplines,studentsare expected to have some exposure to that practice. Students may take this course more than once. Students may petition Ms. Kuecker for admission by submitting5piecesofworkiftheydonothave theprerequisitesnecessary.
990 POTTERYI (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 11,12
Basic processes in the construction of ceramic objects are studied Studentsareinstructedintheartofcoil building, slip and score, slab building, pinch potting, and creating ceramicsculptures.Theywillalsolearn to use glazes anddecorativetechniquestoenhancethesurfaceofceramicforms Studentswilllearnhowto make a bowl on the wheel. Students will learn about mixing glazes and will use underglazes for surface decoration
The Drama Department offers each student the opportunity of realizing the importance and impact of drama and the theater in our present world, and the rich heritage it has fostered on a social and cultural level throughout history The classes offered teach the performance skills necessary to perform in the theater in a variety of genres and using a variety of methodologies The classes also develop skills that will help each student develop the self-confidence, self-direction and knowledge involved in the creative processes which make dramatic theater
994 ACTINGI (SemesterCourse) ½Credit
Grade: 9,10,11,12
This course in Acting is designed to introduce and develop an understanding of the basic principles of theatrical performance as demonstrated through the development of stage characters. Students will learn thebasicskillsofactorperformancewhichincludeusingthebodyandvoicetools;overcomingstagefright; working cooperatively and efficiently with others; learning the language of the theater; and creating characters in a communication situation that can be seen, heard, understood and believed by an audience Through this course, students will experience improvisation, pantomime, audition techniques, body and vocal expression, as well as scripted dramatic scenes and monologues Students will gain self-awareness andself-confidenceastheydeveloptheirskillsandperformforanaudience