5 minute read
The Social Studies/Business Department prepares young adults to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow with courage, intelligence, character, and a respect for human values The Lasallian values we follow, the freedom we cherish, the material and spiritual comforts we enjoy, and the institutions that serve us are the products of great minds from many cultures To fully appreciate this heritage, and to further the progress our world has already attained, we must acquire an understanding of the civilizations and the environments that have produced this heritage The Social Studies/Business Department offers the following courses to achieve this understanding
Grade: 10
This course is designed to introduce students to major worldcultures Abasicintroductiontothepolitical, economic, geographical, social and historical aspects of various world societies will be examined Fundamentalstudyskillssuchasreading,notetakingandcriticalthinkingwillbeemphasized
Grade: 10
This course is designed to examine the historical roots of the world, and analyze the impact of various nations on the course of history Each unit will examine the political, economic, geographical, socialand historical aspects of world societies, achieving for the student a greater sense of cultural awareness Students will study the foundations of civilization from ancient times to the present, creating an interdisciplinary understanding of their surrounding world. Critical thinkingskills,notetakingandlibrary skillswillalsobestressed
Grade: 10
Prerequisite: TeacherRecommendation
This course is designed to critically examine the political, economic, geographical, social and historical aspects of world societies Students will be required toanalyzeworldcultures,theirleadersandthemajor historical events that have helped shape both the ancient and modern world. Students will compare and contrast cultures, and draw conclusions based upon their readings and research This course will utilize modern news stories to focus upon the impact of past events. Classdiscussionandtheabilitytoformulate justifiedopinionswillbeemphasized
Grade: 10
Prerequisite: ApprovalofDepartmentChair
This course is designed to offer sophomore students the opportunity to developagreaterunderstandingof the evolution of the global processes and contacts, in interaction with different types of human societies The course will cover theyears1200CEtothepresent.Skillsareadvancedthroughfactualknowledgeand analytical skills Thecoursehighlightsthenatureofinternationalchange,theircausesandconsequencesas well as comparisons among major societies. This course emphasizes critical thinking and writing in preparationfortheAdvancedPlacementExam
Grade: 11
United States History presents the historicalexperienceofvariousAmericangroupsinascopeandmanner that invites analysis and encourages appreciation This course flowsboththematicallyandchronologically as it presents events, personalities, and crises which have shaped our American heritage The design and selectionofsubjectmatterofthecourseshouldenablestudentstorelatewhattheyarestudyingtotheirown needs and abilitiestocontrolthefuture Successfulcompletionofthiscourse’sConstitutionUnitwillfulfill theSocialStudiesrequirementfortheStateofIllinois.
Grade: 11
Prerequisite: TeacherRecommendation
ThiscoursepresentstheexceptionalstudentwithavarietyofsourcesofUnitedStatesHistory Italsocalls on the students to be able to make complex judgments and independent evaluations of our past and its relation to the present, based on reading, discussions and presentations The development of an appreciation for our country’s history and the students’ abilities to make sense out of the American experience are also objectives of this course Eachstudentwillbeexpectedtoperformwellontestsandin discussion as well as in in-depth presentations to the class. All students will be required to complete a research project Successful completion of this course’s Constitution Unit will fulfill the Social Studies requirementfortheStateofIllinois.
1Credit Grade 11
Prerequisite: ApprovalofDepartmentChair
The Advanced Placement Program in United States History is designed to provide students with the analytic skills and factual knowledge necessary todealcriticallywithproblemsandissuesofUnitedStates History The programprovidesmotivatedstudentswiththeopportunitytoearncredit,advancedplacement or both, for college while they are still in high school. AP students will be required to read and interpret primary source documents and be able to assess their relevance, their reliability and their importance
Through the use of primary source material, textbook readings and lecture and discussion, students will develop the skills necessary to arrive at conclusions on the basis of an informed judgment and to present reasons and evidence clearly and persuasively in essay format. Students will be expected to enroll in Advanced PlacementPoliticalSciencetheirsenioryear Successfulcompletionofthiscourse’sConstitution UnitwillfulfilltheSocialStudiesrequirementfortheStateofIllinois.
Grade: 12
Contemporary United States History is a required course designed to provide the student withanin-depth look at American history from the World War I era to modern times This course will focus on 20th Century personalities, milestones and events that have shaped modern American society. Content will demonstrate theimpactofpasteventsoncurrentsituations,andwillrequirethestudenttocriticallyanalyze the connections between the past and present If a student does not follow Advanced Placement U.S. History (738) with Advanced Placement Political Science (748), he or she may not take this class. Such students must take another Social Studies elective for a semester. An Economics class will remainarequirement.
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: TeacherRecommendation
½ Credit
This courseisdesignedto criticallyexamine thepolitical, economicand socialaspectsofournation’s events ofthe lastcentury asthey haveshaped usinto whatwe arein the21st Century. Studentswill compare andcontrast theseeventsandutilizemodernnewsstoriesand circumstancestohelpformulate and justifyopinions asseenin thelight ofthepresent situations Ifastudentdoes notfollowtaking Advanced Placement U.S. History (738) with Advanced Placement Political Science (748),that student may nottake this class. Such students musttake anotherSocial Studieselective for a semester. AnEconomicsclasswillremainarequirement.
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: APU.S.History(738),ContemporaryU.S.History(744)orHonors ContemporaryU.S.History(746)andApprovalofDepartmentChair
AP Political Science and Economics is a course for those students proficient in the fundamentals of American Government and basic economic principles. Thiscoursewillexamineindepththecomplexities of the US political system and its relationship with our current economic system Topics will include: political parties, capitalism, interest groups, supply and demand, public opinion,policy-making,economic ideology and civil liberties This course fulfillstheSocialStudiesgraduationrequirement,andwillprepare studentsfortheAPExamination.
764 ECONOMICS (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 12
This course will help students see the role of economics in their daily lives It willgivestudentsasetof tools which will help them critically examine facts and issues related to the economics of the business world and aid them in evaluating the world in which they live It will also help to develop economic thinking skills. Students will learnthebasicprinciplesandpracticesinvolvedintheU.S.marketeconomy. Some of the topics covered willinclude:competitionandmarkets,businessdecisions,moneyandbanking, fiscalandmonetarypolicy,andtaxesanddebt.
766 HONORSECONOMICS (SemesterCourse) ½Credit
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: TeacherRecommendation
This course will help students withthe roleofeconomicsintheirdailylives. Studentswillstudythe basicconceptsandskillsusedtoevaluateissuesinthebusinessworldandtheworldingeneral Critical examinationof theprinciplesandpractices inmarketand commandeconomies andconceptsofmicro andmacroeconomicswillbeexplored Thiswillinclude,butnotbelimitedto,theideasofcompetition, markets,moneyandbanking,fiscalandmonetarypolicy,taxesanddebt.
785 CHICAGOHISTORY (SemesterCourse) ½Credit
Grade: 11,12
This course surveys Chicago history from early French exploration and settlementtothepresent Themes such as industrialization,immigration,labor,andeventsinChicago’shistoryconnectedtonationalpolitical developments, are analyzed. Through the use of a variety of primary and secondary sources, the course examinestheinteractionofsocial,economic,andpoliticalfactorsintheirimpactonChicago’sevolution
Grade: 11,12
Introduction to Psychology is designed as a course, which, in a straightforward manner, investigates behavior and mental processes Students will gain knowledgeoftheprimaryconcepts,theories,principles, and both the research and applied uses of general psychology, which will lay the foundation for further study in the field and help students recognize issues that could affect one’s overallhealth Topicsofstudy will include, but are not limited to, a review of contributing disciplines, the brain and its roleinbehavior, learningandcognition,personality,humandevelopment,andsocialpsychology.
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: 91averageorhigherin BiologyandApprovalofDepartmentChairorteacher; IntroductiontoPsychology(794)recommended
Advanced Placement Psychology is designed tointroducestudentstothesystematicandscientificstudyof behavior and mental processes primarily in human beings,butalsoinsomeanimals Studentsareexposed to the psychological facts,principlesandphenomenaassociatedwitheachofthemajorsubfieldswithinthe discipline They also explore the methods andethicspractitionersinthefieldemployintheirsciencefield of psychology and its associated professions. Students are expected to take the Advanced Placement ExaminationinMay
Grade: 11,12
This course is designed to teach students the fundamentals of accounting They will learn to maintain journals and ledgers, take trial balances, record adjusting and closing entries and prepare statements and reports reflecting business conditions of a single proprietorship Students will participate in a simulated office accounting experience The course prepares the students for further study of accounting and for entry-levelemployment
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: Accounting,77Average
This course involves an in-depthanalysisofcurrentaccountingprincipleswhichexistinvirtuallyallfacets of the business community. Areas to be covered include: depreciation and amortization cost accounting procedures,financialaccounting,andinventorycontrolmanagement
894 MARKETING (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 11,12
This project-based course introduces students to marketing and management techniques Marketingisthe processofdevelopinganddistributingproductsinordertosatisfycustomers'wantsandneeds. Emphasisis on how to manage, promote, andsellproductsandservices Topicsinclude: Promotion,Purchasing,Sales &Ethics,Pricing,MarketResearch,SocialMedia,andDistribution.