3 minute read
TCD is a joint effort of fourteen high school districts to provide elective career education programs which one district by itself could not afford to offer Any Junior or Senior student residing in a supporting district may enroll in one of the TCD programs The Technology Center of DuPage is one of the world's finest vocational training facilities
996 TCD Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: RecommendationofStaff
The Technology Center is a part of the high school curriculum just like Art, Foreign Language or Music TCD is considered to be an "elective subject” Eligible Juniors and Seniors choosing the TCD "elective" spend a part of each school day at both their "home" high school (Montini Catholic) and the Technology Center TCD attendance does not interfere with other classes or after-school activities The Technology Center offers 21 programs which provide the instruction and experiences necessary to prepare for employment in the field of the student's choice Training will be advanced over that which is available at the local schools, preparing students for the recommended post-secondary education required for specific careerpathways. Programsare offeredinareasof: Architecture/Construction/NaturalResources; Arts, A-V Technology & Communication; Business & Administration; Health Science/Public Safety; Hospitality/HumanServices;InformationTechnology/Engineering;andManufacturing/Transportation Through TCD, students may earn both high school and college credit aswell asavailableindustry certifications
StudentsinterestedinTCDmustcontacttheirlocalpublichighschool districtduringthe monthofMarchandreportbacktotheircounseloratMontiniCatholic
The aim of the Technology Education Department is two-fold Our courses are designed to teach fundamental STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) skills in a variety of modes and applications The Technology Education Department also attempts to instill students with a sense of the ethical, moral, legal, and Christian implications of the technology that they use and the ways they use technology to create, communicate, and work
Grade: 9
Prerequisite: EnrolledinAlgebraI(314)or InstructorApproval
ThisSTEM(ScienceTechnologyEngineeringandMathematics)coursewillprovideanintroductionto computercoding,computationalthinking,algorithms,electronicengineering,andsoftwaredesign. This courseisdesignedtogivestudentsabroadoverviewoftrends,techniques,andtools,aswellassomeofthe socialandethicalimplicationsofComputerScienceaspracticedtodayandenvisionedforthefuture. This isaproject-basedcoursewithanemphasisoncollaborationandinnovation Multipleprojectswillbe completedincoding,electronicengineering,robotics,andmore.
842 DIGITALMAKING:CreatingFunctional3DObjects&Systems (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: InstructorApproval
This is a hands-on STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) coursedesignedtoprovide students with an introduction tousingdigitaltoolstodesign,build,andtestfunctionalobjectsandsystems Students in this course will utilize all the tools and capabilities of our Kazma Family Innovation Center including 3D design software, our array of 3D printers, our collection ofpowertoolsandelectronicstools as well as testing andmeasuringequipment Studentswillexpresstheirideasanddesignsinvariousmedia including plastics, metals, electronic circuits,andmore Thisisaproject-basedcoursewithanemphasison collaboration and innovation Multiple projects will be completed in digital 3D design, 3D printing, electronic engineering, and other forms of building and making No previousexperienceisrequiredtobe successfulinthiscourse
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: DigitalMaking(842)orInstructor Approval
NOTE: This course will be offered in the 2024-2025 school year. Students will master advanced 3D designtoolsandtechniquesthatbuildonconceptslearnedinDigitalMaking. Therewillbeanemphasison real-world problem solving and the use of 3D printing to prototype and test student designs This course will include collaborative projects that may involve students from other courses in our department. Students will explore advanced concepts in ArchitectureandMechanicalEngineering Studentswillmake extensive use of multiple 3D designsoftwarepackages.Thisisaproject-basedcoursewithanemphasison collaborationandinnovation
852 ROBOTICS (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: SuccessfulcompletionofanotherTechnology courseorInstructorApproval
This hands-on project-based STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) course will provide students experience in designing, building, coding, and testing robots. Students will build using several microcontroller-based modular robotics systems and will learn to code using Microsoft Makecode aswell as C++. Each student will build and program several robots during the semester. Each robot will be designed to accomplish the specific tasks assigned for each challenge The course will include real-world problem-solving challenges, and challenge-based competitions. No previous programming or robotics experienceisrequired
Curriculum Guide 2023-24
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: SuccessfulcompletionofRobotics(850)andInstructorApproval
This advanced hands-on project-based independent study course is offered for those students who have demonstrated excellence in previous Robotics coursework and have shown the ability to pursue advanced topics in Robotics in a self-directed and flexible environment Students will undertake their own research and design and develop their own Robotics solutions to a series of real-world problems posed by the instructor Students will have access to all the tools andcapabilitiesofourInnovationCentertodevelopa portfolio of unique and originalsolutionsthatwilldemonstratetheRoboticsknowledgeandskillsthatthey haveacquired
854 PROGRAMMINGINJAVA(DualCredit) (SemesterCourse)
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: InstructorApproval
This course is an introductory programming course using the popular high level programming language Java In additiontoemphasizingbasiclogic,arraystructures,andsub-programs,studentsareintroducedto Java’s object oriented programming nature. In addition, students may apply to earn dual credit to receive collegecreditthroughLewisUniversity
Grade: 11,12
Prerequisite: SuccessfulcompletionofanotherTechnologycourseorInstructorApproval
AP Computer Science Principles offers a multidisciplinary approach to teaching the underlying principles of computation The course will introduce students to the creative aspects of programming, abstractions, algorithms, large data sets, the Internet, cybersecurity concerns, and computing impacts. This course introduces students to the foundations of computer science with a focus on how computing powers the world. Along with the fundamentals of computing, you will learn to analyze data, create technology that has a practical impact, and gain a broader understanding of how computer science impacts people and society