Montini Catholic High School 16-17 Annual Report STEWARDSHIP, INVESTORS & SUPPORT
Commencement 2017
A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT Dear friends and benefactors, I am happy to report that our 51st year of was filled with achievements in the classroom, on the field and on the stage. is year our seniors received over $14 million in scholarships and academic grants and 23 students were named Illinois State Scholars. e Math Team finished 8 th at the ICTM State Finals and we had 22 Illinois State Scholars, 1 National Merit Finalist and 1 National Merit Commended Scholar as well as 57 IHSA Academic Achievement Honors. Our students continue to excel on the field and on the stage as well. Our combined Varsity Hockey Team and Division 2 Rugby Team each won their respective State Championships and our Figure Skating Team received a Gold Medal. Our Fine Arts Department provided us with 4 outstanding concerts and 3 sold out performances of “9 to 5.” e Campus Ministry office organized and sponsored an out of state Habitat for Humanity trip and participated in the March for Life Rally in Washington D.C. Students also experienced their third international community service learning experience this summer on their mission trip to the Garbage Dump in Nicaragua. While successes give us the opportunity to celebrate, the challenges provide us the opportunity to move forward by enhancing our academic programs, expanding our extra-curricular programs, increasing our service outreach programs and broadening our fine arts curriculum. Once again, my sincere appreciation to all of you for your continual support. Your generosity truly makes a difference in the college preparatory education experience that we provide each Montini Catholic student. ank you very much, and, “May Jesus Live In Our Hearts...Forever.” Sincerely,
James F. Segredo President MONTINI CATHOLIC Annual
Report 2016-2017
Our Mission
Montini Catholic High School is a family-centered, co-educational, college preparatory high school, rooted in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ as emulated by St. John Baptist de LaSalle and committed to the education of the whole person.
Our LaSallian tradition recognizes the sacredness of all persons and educates students of diverse abilities, cultures, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Each student is expected to participate in an educational setting that will emphasize the message of Christ, service, and responsibility to Church, family and community.
Montini has a religious purpose and an academic purpose. The religious is primary, as the religious nature of the school pervades the entire school community. Montini works to 2 MONTINI CATHOLIC Annual Report 2016-2017
create a Catholic educational community in which faith, culture and knowledge are integrated among teachers, students and parents in a spirit of cooperation. Montini's programs attempt to challenge and encourage the spiritual, intellectual, personal, cultural, social and physical development of each student. The Brothers of the Christian Schools sponsor and manage Montini Catholic in association with lay men and women, religious and clergy. In accordance with the Christian Brothers' presence, the following characteristic elements are given priority: • Attention to the individual • Special concern for the poor • Commitment to excellence • Creative education for a variety of ability levels • Religious instruction & service • Promotion of justice & peace • Faith-filled & zealous teachers working in association
BOARD of Directors
Montini Catholic High School has 100% support and participation from its Board of Directors.
Walter Weisenburger ‘75 Senior Vice President (retired) The Northern Trust Company Chicago, Illinois
Janis M. Orlowski, M.D. ‘74 Senior Director American Medical Colleges Washington, DC
Edward Mack Partner (retired) Accenture Darien, Illinois
David Rogers Entrepreneur/CPA Oak Brook, IL
Michael Bava Chief Financial Officer Diocese of Joliet Joliet, Illinois
Joseph Dailey Chief Financial Officer (retired) Perkins+Will Inc. Chicago, Illinois
Charles Erdman President/Owner Chemray Corporation Naperville, Illinois
Lauren Fitzgerald Alumni Parent Oak Brook, Illinois
Michael Gilmartin ‘86 Vice President-Claims Berkley Program Specialist Naperville, Illinois
Leigh-Anne Kazma President Kazma Family Foundation Chicago, Illinois
Dr. Scott Kier Superintendent of Lasallian Ed. Brothers of Christian Schools Burr Ridge, Illinois
Charles Kirk ‘78 President Kirk & Associates Downers Grove, Illinois
Michael Manna ‘70 President The Manna Consulting Group Trevor, Wisonsin
Dennis McNicholas Attorney at Law Lombard, Illinois
James Miller President QMI Itasca, Illinois
John Nania ‘79 President Nania Energy, Inc. Warrenville, Illinois
Charles Porcelli President A.S.G. Staffing, Inc. Bensenville, Illinois
Michael Santay Partner-Audit Services Grant Thornton Chicago, Illinois
Michael Schumacher ‘71 Entrepreneur Spring, Texas
Mark Sullivan Partner First Trust Portfolios Wheaton, Illinois
Barry Tharp ‘78 President/Owner Tharp Development Group Lombard, Illinois
Charles Thompson VP of Executive Sales (retired) Sun Chemical Corporation Northlake, Illinois
James Van De Velde ‘70 Chairman Emeritus Former President (retired) WLI Industries Villa Park, Illinois
Robert Wierema ‘03 Partner Lockton Companies, LLC Chicago, Illinois
Carol Winfrey Senior Director Employee Relations University of Chicago Booth School of Business Chicago, Illinois
James Nelson Business Manager Montini Catholic High School Lombard, Illinois
Maryann O’Neill Principal Montini Catholic High School Lombard, Illinois
James F. Segredo President Montini Catholic High School Lombard, Illinois
William Weigel President Selden, Fox & Associates, Ltd. Oak Brook, Illinois
School Attorney Michael Devine Attorney/Partner Deutsch, Levy & Engel Chicago, Illinois
Emeritus Ronald Mangelsdorf Alumni Parent
Janet McGivern Alumni Parent Westmont, Illinois
Annual Report 2016-2017
Student Highlights
ATHLETICS 291 Academic All Conference Athletes 57 All Conference Athletes 14 Teams Earned IHSA Academic Achievement Honors
#1 State Combined Varsity Hockey Champs #1 Varsity Division 2 Rugby Champs #1 Gold Medal in Team Figure Skating Broncettes finished 4th in State 27athletes signed letters of intent for college #3 Class 4A Finals - Girls Basketball #2 IHSA Class 3A Dual Meet - Wrestling 6 students earned Player
ACADEMICS 155 Lasallian Graduates 22 Illinois State Scholars. 5 Advanced Placement (AP) Scholars 3 AP Scholar with Honors 7 AP Scholar with Distinction. 1 National AP Scholar. 1 National Merit Finalist 1 National Merit Commended Scholar. 54 National Honor Society Members 57 IHSA Academic Achievement Honorees 68 Graduated with 3.5+ GPA Over $14 million in academic scholarships earned by Montini’s Class of 2017 4 MONTINI CATHOLIC Annual Report 2016-2017
of the Year Honors in their Sports/Divisions Mitch West received Tony Lawless Award/Track
“Go forth and learn. Learn from people. Learn from books. Learn from experience.” - Brandon Sakas ‘17, Valedictorian
The ARTS 4 Musical concert performances 2 Plays/ Musicals 1 Fine Arts Show 2 Musicians earned IMEA All District Honors Samantha Santay, selected to participate in Future Music Educators Seminar 2017
service 6 students traveled to Nicaragua to offer services to families in need 8 worked with Habitat for Humanity over their Spring Break 4 Students Earned Eagle Scout Ranking 25 Students attended the March for Life Rally in Washington,
145 sophomores participated in our annual Day of Service. Over 9,000
D.C. &
Service hours completed by Class of 2017 during their four years as Broncos!
Report 2016-2017
LIFETIME Giving Report
Quest Freshman Orientation 2016
Donations received from 1998 - 2017
Builders of Excellence ($1,000,000) Kazma Family Foundation Ed & Pam Mack
Legacy Society ($100,000 - $999,999) Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous 3d Exhibits, Inc. James Barron eresa & Joe Borsellino '78 Helen Brach Foundation John & Brenda Boudreau Catholic Education Foundation of e Diocese of Joliet Christian Brothers of e Midwest J. Robert Collins Anthony & Christine Costello Michael & Madeline Hughes Bill & Linda Mullins Joan & omas Mullins '82 Charles & Dagmar Porcelli David & Paula Rogers Mike '71 & Diane (Kosmach) '71 Schumacher Mary Jane & James Van De Velde '70
Robert & Diane Van De Velde Vibern Foundation
1966 Society ($10,000 - $99,999) 700 Club Montini Accelerated Rehabilitation Centers Accenture Active Glass Rocky & Kerry Aiyash Anonymous Richard & Beatrice Almassey Dorothy† & Joseph† Andriano Roberta Arquilla & Alan Farnell Archer Daniels Midland Corporation ASG Staffing John† & Helen† Ayres Mark & Barbara Baessler Michael & Valerie Bava Baxter International Foundation Edward & Ruth Beamish Jeffrey & Tina Bell Bibby Financial Services, Inc. Rich & Mary Binder omas Boeh '76 Lewis '75 & Julie (Savaiano) '76 Borsellino Robert & Cheryl Brach
6 MONTINI CATHOLIC Annual Report 2016-2017
Richard & Patricia Brash James & Lara Briggs Briggs Paving Mike & Kathy Brinati Jack & Beth Bruscianelli Buck Services BW Industries John & Kathryn (Mullins) Burke '85 Miles & Patricia Cahill Dan & Milea Callaghan Jack Capodice John & Jo Ann Cavanaugh Reeny Caveney Dennis & Connie Colleran Mike & Jean† Colletti Frankie's Deli Bishop R. Daniel Conlon Cooper Industries Michael & Jeanne Cronin Margaret & Edward† Crotty Joseph & Mary Sue Dailey Roger & Karen Daluga Robert & Laura Daly Diane (Boeh) Davies '74 Joe & Carolyn Defalco Peter & Diane Dellaportas
Quest Freshman Orientation 2016
Allison Dennis Deutsch, Levy & Engel Chartered Mike & Marge Dibenedetto Roberta & Larry Diedrick '82 Diocese of Joliet CCW Divine Mercy Polish Mission Raymond & Barbara Dowjotas Patricia & Louis† Duerinck e DuPage Community Foundation Enesco Corporation omas & Lauren Fitzgerald Flood Brothers Mike & Rita Florio Follett Books Fred Fosnacht '74 Toby & John† Fox Jerry & Mary Lou Frett Stanley & Susan Fronczak Tom & Tracey Gannon Ricardo & Bertha Garcia Giuseppe & Vincenza Giannola Laura Gicela Pete & Barbara Giebel Michael Gilmartin '86 Charles† & Genevieve† Gilmartin Jean Giustino Glenn Krisch Land Surveyors Tom & Cathy Glennon Paul & Susi Gordon Frederick Grane Eduardo Greco Guaranteed Rate, Inc. Br. omas Harding, FSC Tim '85 & Julie (arp) Hendricks '85 James & Margaret Hermesdorf Owen & Gail Hilding Tom & Laura Howard John & Ann Huber Ernest & Pamela Iannotta Siham & Samuel Ibrahim Bishop Emeritus Joseph Imesch† Iocom Technologies Irish Fellowship Education & Cultural Foundation Jo Jackson Kevin & Erin Jackson Steven & Mary Kay Jennrich James & Barbara Johannesen Gwen (Zeisel) Johnson '80 Judith Katz Kazarian Family Foundation Leigh-Anne Kazma William & Jean Keeley Keeley Construction Inc. Donald P. & Byrd M. Kelly Foundation Larry & Anne Kelly James & Kathleen Kersten Larry '75 & Marguerite (Rogers) Kolinski '76 Dr. Martin Kolinski '71 Michael Krisch '70 e Kro Foundation Paul & Jackie Krug Robert & Kathy Landi Marie Langdon '83 Andrew & Candice Langert Link Unlimited
Mark & Patricia (Bonnamy) Loftus '83 John & Judy (Mullins) '79 Lucas Susan & John Luka '81 Terrence Lynch Patrick & Jamie (Savaiano) Maloney '78 Michael Manna '70 Mark Morton Memorial Fund Mary Queen of Heaven Parish Karen & Michael† Martin Mc Cauley Mechanical Construction McDonald's Corporation omas & Janet McGivern e Medtronic Foundation Valentino Menis James & Mary Miller Mullins Food Products Montini Catholic Parent Club Michael & Marie Mourek Michael & Sharon Mullins Joan† & John† Mullins Edward & Patty Mullins John Murphy '77 James Murphy '82 Don & Julia (Whalen) Musil '77 Gary & Alice Myk National Truss Co. Inc. Rory & Roseann Neill Nikro Industries Inc. Annette Nitti John & Joan Noonan Norkol, Inc. James & Mary Norton Judith & Mark† Ogan Orange Crush Dr. Janis Orlowski '74 Ss. Peter & Paul Parish Dushan & Nancy Petrovich John & Nancy Phelan Edward & Maureen† Pionke David Pojman '77 Gary & Laura (Kirk) Pomykala '77 Prairie Materials Premium Concrete Prism Healthcare Management Q's Restaurant & Pizzeria QMI Quest Br. Michael Quirk, FSC R J Sanders Memorial Fund Richard Rafanelli '76 e Rafanelli Family A.B. Reeb Robert & Ellen (Kolinski) Rehm '77 Anne Resni Robert Morris University Robinette Demolition Dan Romano Richard & Susan Salerno Michael & Cynthia Santay Maureen & Nicholas Savaiano SBC Ron Scarlato Br. Larry Schatz, FSC Schoolbelles Alan & Pamela Schwed Selden Fox, Inc. Frank† & Marie† Serio
Helen & J. Wendell† Sherry Michael & Pamela Shuta Jennifer & Norman Sidler '87 Ron Skwarek Mary & Michael† Slattery Michael & Eva Smith Ryan Smith Foundation Brian & Shannon (Mullins) Smith '89 Joseph Stangarone '74 State of Illinois James & Paual (Fabbri) Stelter '78 Daniel & Dolina Stevenson Ethel Sullivan† John S. Swift Company Target Charles & Joan ompson Matthew ompson '76 Louis & Susan Tinucci William & Joan† Tribble Kevin '79 & Christine (Cribari) '80 Tribble Dr. Nicholas Trongale '74 Gerald Van Enkenvort Janet Viane Marianne & William Vivirito John & eresa Vlahos John Vosicky Wachovia Foundation Joseph & Kathleen Warzecha Dan & Laura Webb Rita & Walter Weisenburger '74 Wells Fargo Foundation Tom & Anne (Stangarone) Wenholz '73 Kim & Robert Westerkamp '83 Peggy (Murphy) Wier '79 Mary & Jay Williams '76 Scott & Karla Wills Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc Michael & Carol Winfrey
Annual Report 2016-2017
INVESTMENTS by Giving Club
2016-17 School Year
Signum Fidei Society ($50,000 - $99,000) Anonymous Catholic Education Foundation of e Diocese of Joliet Kazma Family Foundation
Founder Society ($49,999 - $25,000) Michael & Madeline Hughes Gerald Van Enkenvort
Christian Brothers Society ($10,000 $24,999) Anonymous Anonymous Bishop R. Daniel Conlon Joseph & Mary Sue Dailey Ed & Pam Mack Br. Larry Schatz, FSC Helen Sherry Norman & Jennifer Sidler '87 Ryan Smith Foundation Brian & Shannon (Mullins) '89 Smith Michael & Carol Winfrey
LaSallian Society ($5,000 - $9,999) Anonymous Anonymous Michael & Valerie Bava James & Lara Briggs John & Kathryn (Mullins) '85 Burke Diocese of Joliet CCW e DuPage Community Foundation Eugene Faut Frankie's Deli, Frank Conforti '86 Michael Gilmartin '86 Catherine & Brian Hoovel Janor Sport Kazarian Family Foundation Link Unlimited Jerrold & Sonya Mingo-Williams Bill & Linda Mullins Don & Julia (Whalen) '77 Musil Nikro Industries Inc. Janis Orlowski '74 Charles & Dagmar Porcelli R J Sanders Memorial Fund Charles & Joan ompson Matt & Carolyn Wind
San Miguel Society ($2,500 - $4,999) Anyways Inc ASG Staffing Jeffrey & Tina Bell Dupage Medical Group Hands On Technology Inc. HFS Chicago Scholars Irish Fellowship Education & Cultural Foundation Jo Jackson Jerry & Julie Kulhanek Michael Manna '70 James & Mary Miller John Nania '79 Oakley Steel John & Nancy Phelan QMI USA Q's Restaurant & Pizzeria Richard Rafanelli '76 Richard & Susan Salerno Michael & Cynthia Santay Luis & Kelly Sierra Dan & Laura Webb omas & Colleen White Wrestling Is Life Inc. Yorktown Center
President’s Council ($1,000 - $2,499) Air Comfort Corporation Denise (Ibrahim) Allegretti '89 Anonymous James & Erika Baka Chris & Jeannette (Workman) '85 Bartosz Edward & Ruth Beamish Rich & Mary Binder omas Boeh '76 Brooks & Julie Boyer Briggs Paving CPO Viking Football Scholarship Fund John & Jo Ann Cavanaugh Dennis & Connie Colleran Dr. Michael Colletti DDS Country Financial Services Allison Dennis Patricia Duerinck Joseph Dunn '86 omas & Lauren Fitzgerald Flood Brothers Disposal Co. Mark Francl '89 John Gavin '91 Ghirardelli Chocolate Co. Pete & Barbara Giebel Michael & Grace Gillian Michael Gillian
8 MONTINI CATHOLIC Annual Report 2015-2016
Tom & Cathy Glennon Global Marble and Granite GP Homestay Ed Hagerty Holy Cow Sports Huen Electric Buthaina Jabie Jack Phelan Chevrolet Michael & Pat Janko Gwen (Zeisel) Johnson '80 Jostens Leigh-Anne Kazma Martin Kolinski '71 John & Dina Kwit La Preferida Charles & Tracey Loverde John & Judy (Mullins) '79 Lucas John & Susan Luka '81 omas Mahoney '85 Ellen (Ogan) Martel '91 Philip & Nicolette May omas & Janet McGivern Stephen McPartlin Michael & Lara Muersch Mullins Food Products Nania Energy National Investment Services James & Mary Norton Orange Crush e Richard H. Driehaus Chartible Lead Trust James Parrilli '76 Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc Pernod-Rickard USA Dushan & Nancy Petrovich Al Puglessi '89 Joseph '86 & Vicki (Jaloszynski) '88 Ream David & Paula Rogers Mike '71 & Diane (Kosmach) '71 Schumacher Paul & Laura Severin Ron Skwarek Michael & Debbie Sliwoski David & Amy Steinbarth James Susic Steven & Lauren Taylor Matthew ompson '76 e ompson Family Top Driver James '72 & Sue (Hamilton) '72 Tumpane William '81 & Kathleen (Holler) '82 Tumpane Visitation Council of Catholic Women Joseph & Kathleen Warzecha James & Irene Watson Rita & Walter Weisenburger '75 West Suburban Bank John Wilson '78 omas Young '70
De La Salle Club ($500 - $999) Joseph Aiu '78 Anonymous Arbor Management Art Flo Screenprinting & Embroidery James Badali Mark & Patricia Bava
Annual Report 2016-2017 9
Kristen (Manzeske) Berryhill '88 Blueberry Hill Cafe Buck Services Buffalo Wild Wings Amy (Caveney) Canty '94 Tony & Sabrina Carollo Dennis & Janine Carter Arlene Chiaro Christ e King Parish Cienacares Deidre (Chase) Clingen '80 Richard & Barbara Conrath William & Karen Crotty '83 D & D Manufacturing William & Kimberly Dahlborn III Diane (Boeh) Davies '74 Jerry & Sandra Decicco Deutsch, Levy & Engel Chartered Donaly Roofing & Construction John & Randa Duncan Perry & Opella Ernest Follett Books Brian Forde '89 Lisa Furey '87 Maribel (Galiano) Goll '83
Eric & Karen Habercoss Illinois Lady Lightning Jim & Marilyn Kavanaugh Mary (Grimes) Kelly '77 Knights of Columbus Andrew Kocher '97 L. Neill Cartage Company, Inc Brian Lindstrom '84 Bobby & Amy Marciniak Frank Markett '88 Karen Martin Dennis & Karin McNicholas Stephen & Kathleen McShane Merlo Kanofsky Gregg & MachalinskiLtd. Pete Messina Mike's Market Montini Catholic Class of 1986 Montini Catholic Parent Club William & Emily Moran '82 Dan & Kris Morrill omas & Joan Mullins '82 Jim & Janice Nelson Old Town Pizza of Lombard Patek & Associates Robert Morris University
10 MONTINI CATHOLIC Annual Report 2016-2017
Tony & Linda Rossi Adrienne Segovia '79 Selden Fox Service Mechanical Industries Sam Sianis Robert & Pamela Signorella St. Mary's University Terrence & Maureen Taylor e Rafanelli Family Ben & Audrey Ulisano Jane & James Van De Velde '70 Verizon Foundation Marianne & William Vivirito Stephanie Walsh William & Diana Weigel Robert Wierema '03 Gregg '79 & Susan (Reedy) '78 Williams Patrick '74 & Janis (Goebel) '74 Williams Gary & Cathy Zabinski
Maroon & Gold Club ($250 - $499) Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Atomic Transmissions
Bank of America Benet Academy Matt & Kimberly Berberich Robert Brandt '83 John & Laurel Brill Bob Bronke Dr. Scott Kier Richard & Kathleen Burger Timothy & Linda Casey James & Maureen Chiappetta Christian Brothers College High School Christian Brothers High School Citizens For Dan Cronin James & Jillian Clausing Madelyn Cox Mark & Karen Cronin omas & Barbara Cummane William & Barbara Dawes David & Mary Kay Doll Mark Duerinck '75 State Representative Jim Durkin Christopher Dziewiatkowski '99 David & Cathie Eisenschmied Sven & Anne Flodstrom John Frendreis '71 Jerry & Mary Lou Frett Eileen Gavin Grant Park Packing Bridgitte & Steven Guertler '79 Alan & Carolyn Hanzlik Russell & Gianina Harbin Br. omas Harding, FSC Heitman Architects Incorporated Holy Trinity Parish Bob & Jayne Hoppenstedt Ernest & Pamela Iannotta Joan Treland and Associates Steve & Mary Junger Raymond & Christina Kingsfield Knollcrest Funeral Home Louis & Maria Koszewski Lewis University Lombard Lightning Baseball Andrew Mack '08 Joni Mallory Glenn & Gloria Mazade McDonald's Corporation Robert & Marianne McKeague Kathy (Schmitt) Miley '79 Jason '98 & Laura (Verstat) '98 Mottl Michael & Marie Mourek Eileen Mueller Kathleen (Happel) Naatz '78 Daniel & Karrie O'Connor '88 Andrew '96 & Jennifer (Carroll) '96 Ogan Our Lady of Mt Carmel Frank & Peggy Partipilo John & Maria Passanante PFB Inc. Physical Fusion Training Centers Llc John & Dawn Quinnert Sacred Heart Parish Scrip Anna (allemer) Sharp '91 Larry & Andrea Sheppard MONTINI CATHOLIC Annual
Report 2016-2017 11
Kevin Smith '72 St. Francis High School St. Isaac Jogues Parish St. James e Apostle Parish St. Joseph Parish St. Mary of Gostyn Parish St. Matthew Parish St. Patrick High School Daniel & Dolina Stevenson Frederick & Linda Stumbaugh Suburban Mailing Services James Susic '84 Joseph Susic '87 Paul & Mary Beth Tomich Uncle Bub's BBQ Inc. Vince's Black Tie, Inc. Visual Image Photography, Inc. Karl & Fran Weiger Bennett & Christine West Greg & Suzanne Wolf
Bronco Pride Club ($100 - $249) All Star Pediatrics Richard & Beatrice Almassey Jerry '86 & Katie (Burke) '86 Anderson Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Lindy Antonelli Athletico Management LLC Jay Auskalnis '92 Awards & More, Inc Robert Baker Joseph & Stephanie Batka James & Carol Bellandi James & Margaret Bickett Big Bash Wrestling Big Time Fantasy Sports Jon & Alison Black Patricia Blank Robert Bobber '92 Richard & Sheila Bodee Arnold & Danielle Bolisay Larry Brady '78 Jim & Carolyn Brett BSN Sports William Burke Bryan Bylica '02 Timothy Cahill '05 Mark Calandra '77 Mark Canty '94 Robert & Brenda Carlevato Carlisle Banquets Carolyn Bronke Wind DDS, PC e Chicago Community Trust Chicago Office Products Co. Beth Clynch '82 Dennis '90 & Cynthia (Krones) '90 Colleran Dr. Michael Colletti DDS Vincent Colletti '05 Frank & Linda Conforti '86 Michael Costantini '98 omas Costantini '01 Sr.Micheline Curtis, CHM Michael Decaluwe
Robert & Laura Detmers Mike & Marge DiBenedetto Diversified Printing Jon & Janet Dobosenski Tom & Michele Drennan Harold & Mary Duffy DuPage Credit Union Tim & Jane Egan Merrily Eggert Grant & Pat Ellington Armand '70 & Gwen (Tregler) '71 Esposito Dondi & Ofelia Estrada Exelon Corporation Mike & Kate Fahey John & Susan Fahey Michael & Susan Fisch Richard & Jacqueline Fleischer Christopher Frank '89 Friends of Dick Schroeder eodore & Laura Fuger Kathy Garfield Brian & Annie Gaughan Vince Gavin '88 Joseph Gavin Joseph Gearen '88 James Gearen '79 Bill '72 & Pat (McElroy) '72 Gerlesits John Gerlesits '70 Henry & Tonilyn Gianatasio William Gorman '81 Brad Gowgiel '87 Jerry & Vanessa Gramarossa Mark Gransee '75 Ray & Lynne Grigsby Kathleen Gulley Susan & Robert Haa Lawrence & Margaret Hackett omas & Mary Hanik Arnold & Barbara Hansmann Bryan Healy '96 Joseph & Melissa Hennessy '80 Catherine (Murphy) Henry '72 John Hillebrand '86 Joseph Howard '73 Mark Huang Hubeny Realty Karen (Aeschliman) Hurley '85 Dr. Sheffield & Susan Hyde Giancarlo Iannotta '07 Izzy Style Wrestling Jim Jelinek '83 Frank & Barbara Jenkover Steven & Mary Kay Jennrich omas & Maureen Kalas Sean Keeley '09 Larry & Anne Kelly James & Kathleen Kersten Susanne (Kenitzer) Kessler Key Carpet Gerald King '89 Barbara (Kopack) Kopack Hill '71 omas & Patricia Kramer Jeff Krause Joseph & Christine Krause omas & Susan Kucera
12 MONTINI CATHOLIC Annual Report 2016-2017
Joe & Cathy Langenderfer Lasalle Manor Retreat House Matthew & Margaret Leahy Patricia Licata '76 John & Anna Lillig Margaret Lindstrom '72 Jim & Lee Liston Chris Locascio Lombard Toyota Beverly Lopatka Michael & Colleen Lowery Richard & Erin Lugowski Michael & Mary Beth Lyons Jim Mackey Terry & Cheryl Martin Anthony Mateja '89 McCahill Painting Company Beth (Lillig) McInerney '86 Charles & Donna Meister John Mika Miller's Ale House Modell Funeral Home Charles Montgomery '09 Barbara Moran Janice (Baldasar) Morgando '70 Sean Moriarty '87 Trudi (Wright) Mueller '87 Edward & Patty Mullins Richard Munaretto '93 Grace Musil Dan & Colleen Neustadt Charles & Joanne Norgle Tom Novy '75 Timothy & Kimberly O'Connor '87 John & Carol L. Olechny Jack Olin '02 Joan O'Neill Carl & Shelia Orr Michael O'Toole '83 Our Lady of Peace Parish James & Lucille Parrilli Michael & Cynthia Perrino Cynthia & Michael Pestel '88 Christian Pfluger '03 Phoenix Inks and Coatings James & Jennifer Pickering Danilo & Loreta Quirit Kelly Ragonese '95 Marguerite Regan Scott Reid '85 Ronald Rench John Riggs '80 Riggs Brothers Carol Ripp Robert & Roseanne Ripper Robert F Girgis DDS Rockers Softball Josh Rogers '12 Joseph '02 & Emily (Emanuelson) '03 Rondinelli Sarah Rousseau Mark Rudins '79 Mark Salvo Jr '15 Br. Joseph Saurbier, FSC Peter Scheffler '85 Susan Schrader '71
Virginia Schrader Dick Schroeder '74 Fabio Segreti Service Pallet omas & Patricia Shanahan Keith Shannon '89 Sheila King Public Relations Shell Oil Company Foundation Steven Shimkus '84 Siemens Mary Slattery Gregory Smith '70 Al & Michele Sondej Gregory & Diane Sosnovich Anthony & Monica Spatafore Loretta Spingola Joseph & Mary Ellen Spokas Sports Brain St. Isidore Church St. Pius X Parish St. Raphael Parish Stadtler Heating Robert Starvel '89 State Farm Insurance Companies - Bob Goldin State Senator Tom Cullerton James & Betsy Stavropoulos Megan Steiner '10 Gregory & Lisa Suffield
John Susic '89 TNT Concrete Construction Co. Mary Ann Tumpane Visitation Parish Mike Vogl '70 Frank & Sandy Vosicky William & Susan Weisshaar Bill & Polly White Don & Betty Willig Allan & Mary Ann Wright York Center Firefighters Association York Center Park District Patricia Zapinski Richard & Catherine Zeisel Henry Zeisel '81 omas & Geri (Gilbert) '77 Zessemos
Friend of Montini Catholic ($1 - $99) Ronald Abramowicz Umberto Acanfora '85 Susan & Joseph Ahern omas & Eileen Alioto Allstate Amazon Smile Anonymous Anonymous
Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Glen & Diane Armstrong Dawn Balamut Randy & Beverly (Almassey) '78 Barger Ann (Ervin) Barrios '71 Sarah Birdsall '04 Pamela (Bicek) Borgeson '71 William Botel '73 Jean Boyd Sean Cahill '08 Anna Marie Canty Robert & Olivia Capparelli Antonino Carollo '16 Brian Casey '01 Patricia Castrogiovanni Mariadas & Vijaya Chinthagada Annette Clynch James & Mary Collins Lisa (Conaghan) Conaghan-Sun '84 James & Karen Cooney Timothy & Diana Curtis Joan Daluga '05 Mark & Pamela Davis William Dawes '13
Warren Dawes '16 Barbara Dawson Jack & Lori Disimone Richard Dolan '70 Geraldine Dulkoski Randy & Rosemary Dus Richard & Joan Dusek Fred & Noreen Eber James Erdman '89 Michael Even '01 Emily Fahey '10 Connor Fahey '13 Kathy & Leonard Farina Ellen (Jelinek) Ferro '81 Lisa (Ballarini) Festle '83 omas Finch '74 Adrian Finiak '05 Maria Finiak omas & Barbara Finn Dolores (Powers) Fisher '72 Jaime & Lizet Flores Diane Flynn Barbara (Velsor) Friedrich '70 John & Helen Garcia Laura (Doran) Gaughan '85 Jennifer (Doll) Gedraitis '94 Francis Gentile '05 Robert & Karen Geocaris Kathleen (Serio) Giblin '00
Report 2016-2017
Carol (Gardaphe) Goble '80 Vera Gojewycz Kathleen Golden Stephen Gryl '78 Julie Guardalabene Joseph & Anna Hajek Kevin & Linda Haynes Danielle Heilmann omas & Patricia Herold Lisa (Kicmal) Hichens '86 Jim '96 & Katie (Doll) '96 Hubeny Jean Izzo Kevin Jaeger '71 Edward & Diane Jandacek Patricia (Casey) Jung '82 Briana (Casey) Kaczmarek '06 Frederick & Jeanne Kaefer Bernard & Claire Keating Austin Kelly Daniel & Monica Keogh Donald & Judy Knox M.C. Kokkelenberg Dennis & Nancy Koziol Dirk & Elizabeth Krueger Richard & Bernadette Larimer James & Barbara Laskowski Dino & Mary Latronica John Lattner Mario & Anne Lipira Michael & Tina Long Francesca Loverde '13 James Lynch Jack & Eileen Maggiore Jr. Joseph & Rose Marie Martinet Jennifer (Willig) Mayerik '01 Timothy McCahill '03 John & Sylvia McIvor Bryan '86 & Bridget (Moriarty) '86 McNamara Zak & Niki Metry John & Presy Milas Charles Montgomery Roseann Montgomery '07 Dennis Morajda '88 Margaret Murphy Raymond Niccolai Jason Nichols Andrew & Sandra Nilson Jeanne Noble '80 Doris Norrish Joseph Norton '06 Edmund & Mary O'Brien Robert O'Connor Patrick '81 & Michelle (Ptak) '88 O'Connor Bianca Oddo '14 Michael O'Dea Angela Odle '95 Timothy O'Malley '73 Rafael & Denise Ortiz Paul & Lisa Palasek Chris & Monique Parrilli Robert & Barbara Pauley John & Roshune Pechacek Gregory & Beverly Peck Angelo & Joanne Pesavento Ronald Pudlo '74
Maureen Quinn Nancy & omas Reed Karen & John Regan '73 David & Pamela Repking Nicholas & Rosemary Riccio Dan & Kimberly (Caffarelli) '81 Richmond Jeff & Gina Riemma David Rigoni '72 Peter & Natividad Rigor Scott & Kristen Robertson Joann Rodi Robert Roller '71 Harry Rosenberg Amy & Brian Ruddy '88 Luigi & Renee Rugo Michael '97 & Ann Elizabeth (Cull) '97 Russo Chuck Sanders '72 Stephen Santay '07 Alphonse Sarno '07 Dale & Martina Schieman Kimberly (Shroka) Schiller '78 Jeannine Schonta '71 Bernard & Winifred Schorle Ann (Sullivan) Schwartz '79 William & Helen Scott Kristina Sessa George Sheffer '70 Daniel & Lu Ann Shields Emily Shuki Earl & Mary Signer Rory & Mary Smith Shannon (Herold) Spanos '99 Peter Squier '77 Andrew & Donna Stoltman James Sullivan '78 John Sullivan '87 Joan Temborius Jack & Laverne Terracciano Rebecca ompson Jennifer (Herold) ompson '89 Brian Tumpane '99 Jeffrey Tumpane '02 James & Deborah Urani Daniel & Darlene Vashinko Ruben & Laura Vazquez omas '81 & Sharon (Zeisel) '82 Venchus Geraldine (Dulkoski) Viau '87 Jim & Kay Vlahos John & Kathi Vosicky '89 Virginia Vosicky Glenn & Barbara Wagner William & Mary Ann Walsh Carol Walsh Paul & Linnea Warda omas Wasilowski II '05 Russell Wayne '70 Kevin Wegrzyn '85 Susan & Richard White Venessa & Jeffrey Wisniowicz Garth & Lisa Yore Michael Zaura James & Peggy Zirko
14 MONTINI CATHOLIC Annual Report 2016-2017
15 Report 2016-2017 15
Frank Conforti ‘86 with Coach Andriano
ALUMNI SUPPORT by Class July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017
Class of 1970
9% participation Richard Dolan Armand Esposito Barbara (Velsor) Friedrich John Gerlesits Michael Manna Janice (Baldasar) Morgando George Sheffer Gregory Smith James Van De Velde Mike Vogl Russell Wayne
Class of 1971 6% participation Ann (Ervin) Barrios Gwen (Tregler) Esposito John Frendreis Kevin Jaeger 16
Martin Kolinski Robert Roller Susan Schrader Diane (Kosmach) Schumacher Mike Schumacher
Class of 1972 6% participation Dolores (Powers) Fisher Catherine (Murphy) Henry Margaret Lindstrom Chuck Sanders Kevin Smith Sue (Hamilton) Tumpane James Tumpane
Class of 1973 5% participation William Botel Joseph Howard
Report 2016-2017
Timothy O'Malley John Regan
Class of 1974 6% participation Anonymous Diane (Boeh) Davies Janis Orlowski Ronald Pudlo Dick Schroeder Janis (Goebel) Williams Patrick Williams
Class of 1975 4% participation Mark Duerinck Mark Gransee Tom Novy Walter Weisenburger
Class of 1976
4% participation omas Boeh Patricia Licata James Parrilli Richard Rafanelli
Class of 1977 5% participation Mark Calandra Mary (Grimes) Kelly Julia (Whalen) Musil Peter Squier Geri (Gilbert) Zessemos
Class of 1978 6% participation Joseph Aiu Beverly (Almassey) Barger
Larry Brady Stephen Gryl Kathleen (Happel) Naatz Kimberly (Shroka) Schiller James Sullivan Susan (Reedy) Williams John Wilson
Class of 1979 5% participation James Gearen Steven Guertler Judy (Mullins) Lucas Kathy (Schmitt) Miley John Nania Mark Rudins Ann (Sullivan) Schwartz Gregg Williams
Class of 1980 7% participation Anonymous Deidre (Chase) Clingen Carol (Gardaphe) Goble Joseph Hennessy Gwen (Zeisel) Johnson Jeanne Noble John Riggs
Class of 1981 4% participation Ellen (Jelinek) Ferro William Gorman Patrick O'Connor William Tumpane omas Venchus Henry Zeisel
Class of 1982 4% participation Beth Clynch Patricia (Casey) Jung William Moran omas Mullins Kathleen (Holler) Tumpane Sharon (Zeisel) Venchus
Class of 1983 4% participation Anonymous Robert Brandt Lisa (Ballarini) Festle Maribel (Galiano) Goll Jim Jelinek Michael O'Toole
Class of 1985
Class of 1992
Class of 2004
4% participation Jeannette (Workman) Bartosz Laura (Doran) Gaughan Karen (Aeschliman) Hurley omas Mahoney Scott Reid Peter Scheffler
3% participation Jay Auskalnis Robert Bobber
1% participation Sarah Birdsall
Class of 1986 5% participation Katie (Burke) Anderson Jerry Anderson Joseph Dunn Michael Gilmartin Lisa (Kicmal) Hichens John Hillebrand Beth (Lillig) McInerney Bridget (Moriarty) McNamara Bryan McNamara
Class of 1987 5% participation Lisa Furey Brad Gowgiel Sean Moriarty Trudi (Wright) Mueller Timothy O'Connor Norman Sidler John Sullivan Joseph Susic Geraldine (Dulkoski) Viau
2% participation Anonymous Lisa (Conaghan) Conaghan-Sun Steven Shimkus James Susic
4% participation Timothy Cahill Vincent Colletti Joan Daluga Adrian Finiak Francis Gentile omas Wasilowski
3% participation Amy (Caveney) Canty Mark Canty Jennifer (Doll) Gedraitis
Class of 1995 3% participation Angela Odle Kelly Ragonese
Class of 2006 1% participation Briana (Casey) Kaczmarek Joseph Norton
Class of 1996 3% participation Bryan Healy Katie (Doll) Hubeny Jim Hubeny
Class of 2007 3% participation Giancarlo Iannotta Roseann Montgomery Stephen Santay Alphonse Sarno
Class of 1997 2% participation Ann Elizabeth (Cull) Russo Michael Russo
Class of 2008 2% participation Anonymous Sean Cahill Andrew Mack
Class of 1998 3% participation Michael Costantini Laura (Verstat) Mottl Jason Mottl
Class of 2009
Class of 1988 4% participation Kristen (Manzeske) Berryhill Vince Gavin Frank Markett Dennis Morajda Michelle (Ptak) O'Connor Daniel O'Connor Michael Pestel
Class of 1989 6% participation Denise (Ibrahim) Allegretti Brian Forde Gerald King Anthony Mateja Keith Shannon Shannon (Mullins) Smith John Susic Jennifer (Herold) ompson John Vosicky
Class of 1990 Class of 1984
Class of 2005 Class of 1994
2% participation Cynthia (Krones) Colleran Dennis Colleran
Class of 1991 3% participation John Gavin Anna (allemer) Sharp
1% participation Sean Keeley Charles Montgomery
Class of 1999 3% participation Christopher Dziewiatkowski Shannon (Herold) Spanos Brian Tumpane
Class of 2010
Class of 2000
1% participation Emily Fahey Megan Steiner
1% participation Kathleen (Serio) Giblin
Class of 2012
Class of 2001
1% participation Anonymous Josh Rogers
3% participation omas Costantini Michael Even Jennifer (Willig) Mayerik
Class of 2013 2% participation William Dawes Connor Fahey Francesca Loverde
Class of 2002 2% participation Bryan Bylica Jack Olin Joseph Rondinelli
Class of 2014 1% participation Bianca Oddo
Class of 2003 Class of 2016
3% participation Timothy McCahill Christian Pfluger Emily (Emanuelson) Rondinelli Robert Wierema
1% participation Antonino Carollo Warren Dawes * participation based on mailable addresses
Annual Report 2016-2017
TRIBUTE Gifts July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017
IN MEMORY OF . . . Gregory & Lisa Suffield in memory of Dorothy Andriano Robert Baker in memory of Natalie Baker Janice (Baldasar) Morgando ’70 in memory of e Baldasar Family Jason ’98 & Laura (Verstat) ’98 Mottl in memory of Mary Bliss omas Boeh ‘76 in memory of Debbie Boeh William Botel ‘73 in memory of William Botel Sr. Jean Boyd in memory of Arthur Boyd William Burke in memory of Br. Edmund Burke, FSC Dennis & Janine Carter in memory of June Bussa Dennis & Janine Carter in memory of omas Bussa Dennis & Janine Carter in memory of Ann & Sylvester Carter Annette Clynch in memory of James Clynch Vincent Colletti ’05 in memory of Jean Colletti Dr. Lisa Conaghan-Sun ’84 in memory of John Conaghan John & Anna Lillig in memory of James V. Connelly John Lillig in memory of James Connelly Richard & Joan Dusek in memory of Colleen Considine Grant & Pat Elington in memory of Colleen Considine Mark Duerinck ’75 in memory of Louis Duerinck Stephen McPartlin in memory of John Duffy Geraldine (Viau) Dulkoski ’87 in memory of Donald Dulkoski Vincent Colletti ’05 in memory of Jeffrey Farnell ‘05 Maria Finiak in memory of John Finiak James & Maureen Chiappetta in memory of Emmett Flood John Mika in memory of John Fox Susan & omas Ahern in memory of Vince Gavin James Badali in memory of Vince Gavin Driehaus Trust Company, Ltd. in memory of Vince Gavin John Gavin ‘91 in memory of Vince Gavin Joseph Gavin in memory of Vince Gavin Vince Gavin ’88 in memory of Vince Gavin Kathleen Golden in memory of Vince Gavin Lawrence & Margaret Hackett in memory of Vince Gavin Mark Huang in memory of Vince Gavin Dr. Sheffield & Shusan Hyde in memory of Vince Gavin Austin Kelly in memory of Vince Gavin Daniel & Monica Keogh in memory of Vince Gavin Richard & Bernadette Larimer in memory of Vince Gavin James Lynch in memory of Vince Gavin Michael O’Dea in memory of Vince Gavin Angelo & Joanne Pesavento in memory of Vince Gavin Maureen Quinn in memory of Vince Gavin Nancy & omas Reed in memory of Vince Gavin Harry Rosenberg in memory of Vince Gavin Sheila King Public Relations in memory of Vince Gavin Sam Sianis in memory of Vince Gavin Susan & Richard White in memory of Vince Gavin Maribel (Galiano) Goll ‘83 in memory of Eric Goll Ray & Lynne Grigsby in memory of Brian Grigsby Susanne Kessler in memory of Richard Grode Bridgitte & Steven Guertler ’79 in memory of Mary Guertler Terry & Cheryl Martin in memory of Robert Huntoon
18 MONTINI CATHOLIC Annual Report 2016-2017
David & Mary Kaye Doll in memory of Br. Christopher Kavanaugh, FSC Roseann Montgomery ’07 in memory of Br. Christopher Kavanaugh, FSC Dr. Marin Kolinski ’71 in memory of Mary Ellen Kolinski Charles & Tracey LoVerde in memory of Dawn Loverde Brancheau Barbara Moran in memory of Dan Moran Emily & William Moran ‘82 in memory of John Moran Emily & William Moran in ’82 memory of Lucille Moran Eileen Mueller in memory of William Mueller Margaret Murphy in memory of Paul Murphy Ellen (Ogan) Martel ‘91 in memory of Mark Ogan Steven Shimkus ’84 in memory of Winfred Ollada ‘84 Michael O’Toole ’83 in memory of James O’Toole Michael O’Toole ’83 in memory of Rita O’Toole Karen & John Regan ’73 in memory of Martin John Regan ’76 Marguerite Regan in memory of Martin John Regan ’76 William & Susan Weisshaar in memory of Delmar Sabor Frank & Kathy (Schmitt) Miley ’79 in memory of Leona Schmitt Brian Casey ‘01 in memory of John Segredo Barbara Dawson in memory of John Segredo Eileen Gavin in memory of John Segredo Montini Catholic Parent Club in memory of John Segredo Don & Julia (Musil) Whalen ‘77 in memory of John Segredo Jim & Janice Nelson in memory of John Segredo Jason Nichols in memory of John Segredo Patrick ’81 & Michelle (Ptak) ’88 O’Connor in memory of John Segredo Robert & Barbara Pauley in memory of John Segredo Nicholas & Rosemary Riccio in memory of John Segredo Dan & Kimberly (Caffarelli) Richmond ‘81 in memory of John Segredo Gregory Suffield in memory of John Segredo Rita & Walter Weisenburger ‘75 in memory of John Segredo Venessa & Jeffrey Wisniowicz in memory of John Segredo Helen Sherry in memory of J. Wendell Sherry Loretta Spingola in memory of Michael Spingola ’70 James Susic ’84 in memory of Adrienne Susic Joan Temborius in memory of John Temborius Anna (allemer) Sharp ’91 in memory of Michael allemer Armand ’70 & Gwen (Tregler) ’71 Esposito in memory of Michael Tregler ’75 James ’72 & Sue (Hamilton) ’72 Tumpane in memory of Bill Tumpane Sr. Jason ’98 & Laura (Verstat) ’98 Mottl in memory of Christine Verstat William & Mary Ann Walsh in memory of Timothy Walsh ‘87 Kathy Garfield in memory of Kristin M. Walters ‘00 Madelyn Cox in memory of Johnny Weiger David & Cathie Eisenschmied in memory of Johnny Weiger John & Maria Passanante in memory of Johnathan Weiger Viginia Vosicky in memory of Br. omas J. White Patricia Zapinski in memory of N.J. Zapinski
Bronco Jamboree Fall Sports Kick-off Mass
IN HONOR OF . . . William Dawes ‘13 in honor of Christopher Andriano Bryan Healy ’96 in honor of Christopher Andriano James & Margaret Bickett in honor of Robert Bickett ‘16 Bob & Jayne Hoppenstedt in honor of the Christian Brothers Adrian Finiak ’05 in honor of the Class of 2005 Timothy O’Malley ’73 in honor of James Izzo ‘71 Ellen (Jelinek) Ferro ‘81 in honor of the Jelinek Family Joseph Howard ’73 in honor of Br. Leo Jones Ellen (Jelinek) Ferro ‘81 in honor of the Kavanaugh Family Warren Dawes ‘16 in honor of Peter Lewek Don & Betty Willig in honor of Jennifer (Willig) Mayerik ‘01
Joann Rodi in honor of the Montini Catholic Faculty and Staff Allan & Mary Wright in honor of Trudi (Mueller) Wright ‘87 Robert O’Connor in honor of Aidan O’Connor ‘20 Robert O’Connor in honor of Rian O’Connor ‘18 Robert O’Connor in honor of Riley O’Connor ‘19 Warren Dawes ‘16 in honor of Andrew Samide Andrew Mack ’08 in honor of Jon Schuller Vera Gojewycz in honor of Ryan Starbeck ‘13 Charles ompson in honor of the ompson Family Glenn & Barbara Wagner in honor of Jill Wagner ‘16 Don & Betty Willig in honor of Julie Willig ‘04 Allan & Mary Wright in honor of Allison Wright ‘82 Allan & Mary Wright in honor of Andrew Wright ‘84 MONTINI CATHOLIC Annual
Report 2016-2017
Air Comfort Corporation Anyways's Inc Art Flo Screenprinting & Embroidery ASG Staffing Atomic Transmissions Awards & More, Inc Big Bash Wrestling, Joe DiGregorio ‘05 Big Time Fantasy Sports, Joe Ream ‘86 Briggs Paving BSN Sports Buck Services Mark Canty ‘94 Carlisle Banquets Chicago Office Products Co. Class of 1986 D & D Manufacturing, Larry Diedrick ‘82 Deutsch, Levy & Engel Chartered Diversified Printing Dr. Michael Colletti DDS DuPage Credit Union Frankie's Deli, Frank Conforti ‘86 Hands On Technology Inc. Holy Cow Sports, Mike Buhtanic ‘77 Hubeny Realty, Jim Hubeny ‘96 Illinois Lady Lightning Izzy Style Wrestling Jostens Kazma Family Foundation Key Carpet Knollcrest Funeral Home Jeff Krause L. Neill Cartage Company, Inc, Ryan ’01 & Tyler ’02 Neill Lombard Lightning Baseball Lombard Toyota e Philip & Nicolette May Family McCahill Painting Company Merlo Kanofsky Gregg & Machalinski Ltd. Mike's Market, Dave Casey ‘79 Miller's Ale House Mullins Food Products, , Judy (Mullins) Lucas ’79, Tom Mullins ’82, Jackie (Mullins) Stent ’83, Katie (Mullins) Burke ’85 & Shannon (Mullins) Smith ‘89 Patek & Associates Pernod-Ricard USA QMI Q's Restaurant & Pizzeria e Rafanelli Family, Rick Rafanelli ‘76 Riggs Brothers, John ’80 & Jim ’81 Riggs Rockers Softball Selden Fox Service Pallet, Dan Laughlin ‘86 Siemens Sports Brain, Frank Markett ‘88 e Susic Family, John ’84, Jackie (Susic) Koustrup ’85, Joe ’87 & Jim ’89 Susic e ompson Family, Jerry ’73, Matt ’76, Marty ’80 & Maggie ’81 ompson West Suburban Bank Tom Lentine ‘11
20 MONTINI CATHOLIC Annual Report 2016-2017
MAROON & GOLD GALA Annual Benefit Auction Sponsors Air Comfort Corporation All Star Pediatrics Anyways's Inc Arbor Management Art Flo Screenprinting & Embroidery ASG Staffing Briggs Paving Buck Services Mark Canty ‘94 Amy Canty '94 Tony & Sabrina Carollo Carolyn Bronke Wind DDS, PC Chapman & Cutler LLP Chicago White Sox Christ The King Parish Citizens For Dan Cronin Robert & Laura Detmers Mike Devine Donaly Roofing & Construction St. Representative Jim Durkin Ernest & Opella Perry Tom & Laurie Fitzgerald Frankie's Deli, Frank Conforti ‘86 Friends of Dick Schroeder, Dick Schroeder ‘74 Ghirardelli Chocolate Co. Henry & Tonilyn Gianatasio Michael & Grace Gillian Global Marble and Granite GP Homestay Grant Park Packing Eric & Karen Habercoss Hands On Technology Inc. Tom Healy Joe Hennessey ‘80 Holy Trinity Parish Huen Electric Dr. Buthaina Jabir Jack Phelan Chevrolet Joan Treland and Associates Leigh-Anne Kazma Kazma Family Foundation Keeley Construction King Car Wash Larry Kolinski ‘75 Knollcrest Funeral Home Kovitz Investment Group Jerry & Julie Kulhanek L. Neill Cartage Company, Inc, Ryan ’01 & Tyler ’02 Neill La Preferida Lasalle Manor Retreat House Dina & Dan Laughlin ‘86 Lewis University Jim & Lee Liston Kevin Lynch Bob & Amy Marciniak Marquette Bank Mike's Meat Market, David Casey '79
March 2017
Ed Libbey, Oakley Steel, & Guest
Modell Funeral Home Mullins Food Products, Judy (Mullins) Lucas ’79, Tom Mullins ’82, Jackie (Mullins) Stent ’83, Katie (Mullins) Burke ’85 & Shannon (Mullins) Smith ‘89 Don & Julia (Whalen) Musil ‘77 John Nania '79 Nania Energy Nikro Industries Inc. Joann Norgle Oakley Steel Orange Crush Our Lady of Mt Carmel Our Lady of Peace Parish Chris & Monique Parrilli PFB Inc. John & Nancy Phelan Phoenix Inks and Coatings James & Jennifer Pickering QMI Q's Restaurant & Pizzeria Richard Rafanelli '76 Vicki (Jalosynski) '88 & Joe Ream ‘86 Robert F Girgis DDS Robert Morris University Scott & Kristen Robertson Tony & Linda Rossi Amy & Brian Ruddy '88 Sacred Heart Parish Schoolbelles
Schroeder’s Ace Hardware Mike ’71 & Diane (Kosmach) ’71 Schumacher Selden Fox Service Mechanical Industries Bob Sheehey Jennifer & Norn Sidler '87 St. Isaac Jogues Parish St. Isidore Church St. James The Apostle Parish St. Joseph Parish St. Mary of Gostyn Parish St. Mary's University St. Pius X Parish Stadtler Heating State Farm Insurance Companies-Bob Goldin State Senator Tom Cullerton David Steinbarth Steve Harvey Productions Suburban Mailing Services Matt Thompson '76 TNT Concrete Construction Co. Top Driver Uncle Bub’s BBQ Visitation Parish Matt Wind Dan & Laura Webb West Suburban Bank Matt & Carolyn Wind York Center Firefighters Association York Furrier
Annual Report 2016-2017
July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017
GIFTS in Kind
Anonymous Anyways, Inc. Beppe’s Deli, Joe Martinello ‘86 Buffalo Wild Wings Flood Brothers Disposal Deutsch, Levy & Engel Frankie’s Deli, Frank Conforti ‘86 Kenwood Wine & Liquor, Larry ’90 & Tom ’97 Galateo Miller’s Ale House Q’s Pizzeria Robert & Diane Stadtler Ra Sushi Rita & Walter Weisenburger ‘75 Sultan Fox, LTD.
GIFT Companies
Allstate Bank of America e Chicago Community Trust Cienacares Exelon Corporation McDonald’s Corporation National Investment Services Shell Oil Company Foundation
Annual Report 2016-2017
2016 Kazma Scholarship Recipients
SCHOLARSHIPS &Memorial Funds
Joseph Andriano Memorial Fund Patricia Arlis Scholarship Fund James & Dorothy Bell Memorial Scholarship Fund Jean Diane Colletti Scholarship Fund Colleen Considine Memorial Fund Deborah Cummane ’89 Memorial Scholarship Fund Genevieve & Chuck Gilmartin Scholarship Fund Brian Grigsby Memorial Fund Leon & Edna Jacobs Memorial Scholarship Fund Dr. Richard Kane Memorial Scholarship Fund Br. Christopher Kavanaugh, FSC Memorial Scholarship Fund Kolinski Family Endowment Fund Gerald Marcoux Scholarship Fund Henry J. McDonald Memorial Fund William Mueller Memorial Scholarship Fund J. Peter & Kathleen Murphy Scholarship Fund Susan Musil Memorial Fund John Nania ’79 Scholarship Fund Ogan Family Scholarship Fund Martin Regan ’76 Scholarship Fund Bridget Reynolds ‘93 Scholarship Fund Mike ’71 & Diane (Kosmach) Schumacher ’71 Scholarship Fund Johnathan Weiger ’15 Scholarship Fund
Report 2016-2017
DEVELOPMENT Report This past spring, Montini Catholic hosted its 26th Annual Benefit Auction, renamed the Maroon & Gold Gala, at Abbington Distinctive Banquets in Glen Ellyn. This event brings together current parents, alumni parents, alumni and Montini Catholic community supporters to raise money for the mission of the school. Over 350 attendees participated in raffles, the silent auction, the live auction as well as our annual Fund-a-Need (This year’s Fund-a-Need was STEM based, focusing on overhead interactive projectors, digital microscopes, 3D printers and an auditorium projector). The evening concluded with the drawing of the Champions Club Raffle.
St. Andrews Golf Course hosted the 27th Annual Bronco Classic Golf Outing. Golfers filled both courses for a round of golf complete with golf challenges and games. The event also featured raffles and a silent auction which were held during the dinner.
This past year Montini Catholic held five major raffle drives: The Champions Club Raffle (winner pulled at our Maroon & Gold Gala); Houston Raffle; Cubs Raffles; Tuition Raffle and Super Bowl (Big Game LI) Raffle
24 MONTINI CATHOLIC Annual Report 2016-2017
In it’s third year, the Harvest Moon Howl entertained close to 250 guests with live music from R Gang. Additionally, guests participated in beer, wine and food tastings from local restaurants. A silent auction and raffles rounded out the evening for alumni, parents and friends.
Harvest Moon Howl
The Montini Catholic Fashion Show has been a tradition for mothers, daughters, grandmothers, aunts, cousins and friends for many years. The annual Fashion Show event features junior and senior students entertaining guests, while modeling the latest fashions from local business supporters. Current family and alumni members are also invited back to join in the holiday fun by modeling in the show.
Fashion Show
The Fashion show benefits the San Miguel Fund, which provides financial assistance to Montini Catholic families who find themselves experiencing hardships, such as serious illness, death or severe financial difficulties. The fund provides these students with an opportunity for a Catholic education that they may not otherwise be able to afford.
Corporate Giving/Grants 3%
Capital Improvements 1%
development activities by category
Activity breakdown Annual Fund (19%)
Scholarship & Financial Aid (24%)
Events (31%) Auction Golf Outing Fashion Show Maroon & Gold Open Harvest Moon Howl
$344,848.00 164962.00 72,365.00 65,732.00 19,000.00 22,789.00
Raffles (13%) Champion Club Houston Raffle Cubs Raffle Tuition Raffle Super Bowl Raffle
103,500.00 8,100.00 8,575.00 8,900.00 18,300.00
Corporate Giving & Grants (3%)
Capital Improvements (1%) Fund A Need Project
$14,875.00 14,875.00
Celebrate Our Future Pledge Payments (9%) $96,067.30 Total Donations Expenses Net Income
$1,115,386.74 $234,689.20 $880,697.50
Photos Top Left: Fashion Show 2016 Top: Michelle Ptak O’Connor ‘88 and Sanantha Richmond ‘10 at Harvest Moon Howl 2016 Middle: Michael Colletti and Vince Coletti ‘05 at Bronco Classic Golf Outing 2016 Bottom: Leigh-Anne Kazma, Board Member, at 2017 Maroon & Gold Gala
Annual Report 2016-2017
“Live, Jesus, in our hearts … forever.”
19W070 16th Street, Lombard, IL 60148 630-627-6930 •